Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Jan 31, 2001


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.

DISCLAIMER THINGY: If you are underaged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguements as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction.

Author's Words: I want to thank all those who have written in and given me advice and so on. It's all greatly appreciated. I wish to also note those who have complained about the sex scenes I have written. They aren't long or in-depth I know. Please remember that JC and Tony have only just started having sex and are taking their time with this. Please bear this in mind when you write in and bitch to me about it because I will tell you the exact same thing in the reply that I have just told you now.

Author's Thanks: Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To our fav Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web-site. Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one. Also, my fav guy, Alex, thanks for everything... you're cool man.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Grand Central High -- (boy bands) Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears and Pink and every other musical great at the moment, are all in high school and basically all the same age. Sound good? It is.

Alpha Male -- (college) I am enjoying reading this story hugely. It puts forwards some different ideas on different topics. An interesting read at times to say the least.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) My other series at the moment. Rest assured those who read this series, I am working on the next part, I just need to take a break because it's kinda hitting too close to home. No comment on how. I hope that you can bear with me while I take my time.

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com Can all e-mail feed back please be sent to my yahoo address. Thanks.

Well, I've taken enough of your time, let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

This series is dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-08-2000. Eternal rest granted I pray. I miss you Boo.

JC Dreams 14 by Sun Child

The next few weeks consisted of Tony and JC spending time together, in rehearsals, doing photo shoots for both Tony's career and the tour then shooting the video for Tony's single (that would be 'To Show I Care' for those who can't remember). The day of the video, Tony felt a little unsure. He had explained what he had wanted and the producer of the video had worked with Nsync before and had been recommended by JC. Filiming had been long and tedious. It wasn't a hard video to shoot, but the producer would accept nothing below five hundred percent. Fifteen hours later the video was complete. In the video, Tony starts in a bedroom sitting on the side of the bed, playing his guitar, a photo in-front of him. Next shot is JC in the lounge room, a photo of a pretty young woman in his hands. The scene then moves to Tony on the balcony, minus the guitar, singing. JC is then brought into the picture by walking out onto his balcony singing his part. The shot is then from an angle, capturing Tony on his balcony and JC on his. Below are the women which are the objects of Tony and JC's (supposed) desire. Tony then walks back into the flat, only to reappear with a single red rose which he drops down to her. Picking it up, she smells delicately at it then looks up and smiles. JC drops down to his fantasy woman, a single white rose. She in turn picks it up and smells it. After that, the next shot are the two boys walking beside their ladies and into a mist covered street. The closing shot is now Tony, again sitting on his bed with the guitar playing the closing cords.

Getting home the collapsed into a heap on the couch.

"I am so glad that's over." Tony groaned.

"Welcome to show business." JC laughed and kissed him lightly on the lips. They lay there for a while just holding each other.

"Tone?" JC asked after a while.

"Yes Josh?"

"Could you sing for me?"

"Josh, we've been singing all day." JC twisted in Tony's eyes and looked up at Tony with his crystal blue eyes.

"Don't do that Josh."


"Alright, what do you want?" JC jumped off the couch and went to their room, reappearing a few moments later with some sheet music.

"This one." JC told him.

"Josh... couldn't it at least be one I wrote and don't have to read the music." JC put the hurt puppy dog eyes on again and Tony turned away slightly.

"Pass it here." Tony conceded. JC happily passed over the music and Tony reached for his guitar. Playing a few cords he worked out where it all was and then started to play the song.

I want to move in time with you

I want to breathe in ryhme with you

I want to feel the deepest kiss

And I want to know you feel like this

But this one time, one time

Let my body do what it feels

But this one time one time

Let this fantasy become real

Because I am not afraid to let you see

This side of me

I want to feel your hand in mine

I want to feel that rush my spine

I want to wear the scent of you

And do all the thing you want me to

But this one time, one time

Let my body do what it feels

But this one time one time

Let this fantasy become real

Because I am not afraid to let you see

This side of me

I feel the danger, it's seperation

I want to take up your invitation

Seperation it's all around me

I need this side of me

Side of me

This side of me

I want to move in time with you

I want to breathe in ryhme with you

I want to shed your clothes and sin

In the dark, I want to find that feeling gold again

But this one time, one time

Let my body do what it feels

But this one time one time

Let this fantasy become real

Because I am not afraid to let you see

This side of me

No I am not fraid to let you see

This side of me.

When Tony finished playing out the song he looked at JC, who had fallen asleep and stared snoring lightly on the couch beside him.

'Typical.' Thought Tony. 'Get me to do your will then fall asleep.' Smiling, Tony shook his head and placed his guitar to the side. Standing up, he turned and picked up the sleeping JC and carried him to their room where he could sleep.

A week or so later, Tony's single was released and his video premiered on MTV. The VJ was speaking when he announced

"The following video is from a new artist who is spporting Nsync on their new tour which starts in two weeks. It will be interesting to see if the support act can live up to Nsync's reputation or whether they will fail." With that, the VJ went off air and the group huddled around to see the video. At the end, Tony was sitting there, a worried look on his face and the rest of the group applauding and praising him. Justin looked at Tony.

"Tone, what's up?"

"What the VJ said... what if I don't live up to you guys? What if I ruin your tour?" Chris came up and put his hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Tony, we are a band that has a different style of music to you. Hell, we can't even write full songs on our own, we have to get people to help. All the songs on your album are your own work."

"Not all Chris." Tony told him.

"Really what ones aren't?"

"Well, I did a cover. I'm not tell which one before you ask, you'll just have to buy it to find out." Tony told him outright. The phone started to ring and Tony looked at JC, taking it as a hint, JC grabbed the phone.

"Hello?... Hi Lynn... yes we just saw it... I don't know... He's worried about what the VJ said before airing it... no he'll be right... yes Justin's here... okay I'll tell him... okay, bye." JC hung up the phone.

"Lynn said well done and Justin, Steve called and wants you to call him." On hearing the name Steve, Tony gave a slight involuntary shiver. It wasn't noticed by anyone but Chris, who still had his hand on Tony's shoulder. Looking down he spoke up.

"Tony, I want to see you out on your balcony for a few minutes and that's not a request." Looking up Tony saw he meant business and went out there, Chris following close behind.

"Okay what is your deal with this Steve guy?"

"It's nothing. We have a bit of a past."

"A past that makes you shiver at his name? Okay, we are all family, we love and treat you like a member of the family. Now spill." Taking a deep breath, Tony sat down and relayed his story to Chris, who at the end leant forwards and hugged Tony.

"We are all here for you no matter what Tony. Does Justin know what happened?" Tony nodded a little.

"Josh told him. I don't know what decisions he's made. If they are to stay, I only hope Steve treats him better than he treated me." Walking back inside after a few moments, Tony was greeted by a sight that surprised him. Butterscotch was curled up on JC's lap, asleep. Raising an eyebrow at JC, JC just shrugged and shook his head. Chris looked at Justin.

"Okay Justin, what's the deal with Steve. Are you goin' out with him or not?"

"What business is it of yours?" Justin started to get defensive.

"Because he hurts and scares... don't even say it... he hurts and scares Tony, which gets JC upset. I'm not saying stop seeing him, but remember, you have to think of the entire group here."

"Well, I don't know... I saw him the other night and he was pushing to come on tour and that's kinda scaring me. Like he's a nice guy, but he's being overbearing with the tour thing."

"Tell him no straight out." JC suggested to him.

"I tried that but he persisted even more then." Justin said despairingly.

"Then leave him." Suggested Lance with a hint of something in his voice that more or less said DUH! Tony stood up.

"Let Justin decide on his own. It's not up to us, it's up to him. If he wants to see Stever then let him, don't interfere. Justin, I hope all goes well if you do stay with him. I won't ever hold anything against you, my little brother. If we are family as Chris told me outside, we support not destroy. I have seen enough of that amongst the students I used to teach. Now if you will excuse me, I think I need to go for a drive. I've got my tape recorder and guitar in the car so I might do a few more songs." With that, Tony walked down the hall, grabbing his cell phone, wallet and car keys.

As he walked out the front door, Britney walked out of the elevator.

"Tony hi."

"Hey Brit, what's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if JC was here?"

"He's in there along with the rest of them."

"Rest as in, the entire band's in there."

"Yeah, they're destroying Justin over the whole Steve thing and I don't want a part of it. So I'm going for a drive." Tony told her. Britney nodded and let him go.

"Well, just be careful."

As Tony climbed into the car he turned the key in the ignition when a car pulled up behind him, blocking his exit. The driver opened the door and made his way up to the driver's door.

"Hello again Tony."

"Oh fuck off Steve."

"Justin called me to come and get him."

"So get him but get your car out of my way first." Tony told him hitting a small button in his pocket.

"It just kills you that I'm going out with him doesn't it Tony. Just eats you up inside."

"So basically you're going out with Justin to hurt me?"

"Could I be so petty?"

"Do I answer that one honestly."

"Well you don't think I'm going out with him because I love him do you? The fact he's rich and famous doesn't hurt, but not much else apart from that keeps me there. That and it really annoys you." Steve sneered.

"Really, well, it doesn't annoy me anymore. Justin is old enough to make up his own mind don't you think. It's none of my business. Rest assured though, if you hurt him I will track you down and hurt you."

"Are you threatening me Tony?"

"No threat, just a promise. Now move your car, I have nothing left to say to you." Steve just sneered at Tony again and walked away. Steve climbed into his own car and moved it closer to the door. Puling out his cell, he called the apartment.

"Hello?" JC answered.

"Steve is on his way up, hold him there." Tony told JC.

"Tony, why?"

"Don't ask, just do. I have something Justin needs to hear." With that Tony hung up before JC could ask anymore questions. Waiting about 10 minutes, Tony pulled the tape recorded from his pocket. Rewinding the tape, he listened, making sure he had Steve on tape. He then rewound the tape to the point he wanted and climbed out of the car. Tony then took the fire escape up to his room where he walked in and set up the tape so it would play over the speakers in the lounge room.

In the lounge room, the tension was thick enough that a chainsaw would have had trouble cutting it. The group sat divided. JC and Justin along with Steve sat in one area, all the others sitting in another. When Steve's voice came out of the speakers they almost died but listened intently.

"It just kills you that I'm going out with him doesn't it Tony. Just eats you up inside."

"So basically you're going out with Justin to hurt me?"

"Could I be so petty?"

"Do I answer that one honestly."

"Well you don't think I'm going out with him because I love him do you? The fact he's rich and famous doesn't hurt, but not much else apart from that keeps me there. That and it really annoys you." Steve sneered.

"Really, well, it doesn't annoy me anymore. Justin is old enough to make up his own mind don't you think. It's none of my business. Rest assured though, if you hurt him I will track you down and hurt you."

"Are you threatening me Tony?"

"No threat, just a promise. Now move your car, I have nothing left to say to you."

Steve paled as he recognised the conversation that he and Tony had just had. The pale passed rapidly and anger replaced it. He spun and grabbed Justin.

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?"

"Tony where the fuck is he?" Steve screamed at him.

"How should I know. I'll check my crystal ball for you shall I." Justin shot back just as icily. Steve threw him down and started to stalk around the room. The entire group on their feet.

"I suggest you leave now Steve." JC told him.

"I suggest you shut the fuck up."

"Get out of my house." JC told him again, a little more icily.

"Yeah, who's gonna make me."

"I am." Came Tony's voice from behind him. Steve turned and took a swing at him. Tony took a step back and as the swing came by, grabbed Steve's arm and used his own momentum against him and threw him against the nearest wall. Steve slammed into it and slid down a little before regaining his balance. By this time, Tony had him by the collar and was dragging him to the door. Steve twisted and grabbed Tony by the leg. Tony let go of the colar, lent down and hit him hard in the kidneys. Steve gasped in pain and let go. Tony picked him up again and carried him the rest of the way to the door, which he opened and hurled Steve through. Closing the door, Tony deadbolted it and walked back to the rest of them.

Justin was sitting on the floor, tears streaming down his face.

"He was using me? Why? Why would he do that?"

"To get at me Juz. Nothing more, nothing less. I wouldn't worry though. He won't worry you again." Justin nodded unhappily and Tony leant down and picked him up, carrying him to the spare room, where he lay Justin down on the bed and sat down beside him.

"I'll call your mom and let her know that you are staying here tonight." Justin nodded absent mindedly. Tony leant down and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

"I'm sorry Juz, but you had to know. I'm really sorry." Justin just nodded and lay there. Hurting. Walking out of the room, the group was waiting outside.

"Let him be, though Britney, why don't you go and wait with him." Britney looked at Tony then nodded and walked inside. The group then moved away from the door, letting Justin and Britney have their peace. As the started to walk away, they heard Britney's voice through the door.

When I'm lost in the rain

In your eyes I know

I'll find the light to light my way

When I'm scared, losing ground

When my world is going crazy

You can it all around And when I'm down you're there

Pushingme to the top

You're always there giving me all you got

For a shield from the storm

For a friend

For a love to keep me safe and warm

I turn to you

For the strength I will be strong

For the will to carry on

For everything you do

For everything that's true

I turn to you

I turn to you

When I lose the will to win

I just reach for you

And I can reach the sky again

I can do anything

'Coz your love is so amazing

'Coz your love inspires me

And when I need a friend

You're always on my side

Giving me faith, taking me through the night

For a shield from the storm

For a friend

For a love to keep me safe and warm

I turn to you

For the strength I will be strong

For the will to carry on

For everything you do

For everything that's true

I turn to you

For the arms to be my shelter

Through all the rain

For truth that will never cahnge

For some one to lean on

For a heart I can rely on through anything

For the one who I can run to

For a shield from the storm

For a friend

For a love to keep me safe and warm

I turn to you

For the strength I will be strong

For the will to carry on

For everything you do

For everything that's true

I turn to you

I turn to you

"I love you Justin." "I know Brit. Can you just hold me." Came Justin's voice through the door.

--- So do ya think Justin and Britney will get back together? Who knows. There ya go Casey, Butterscotch made a brief appearance in this one.

  1. This Side Of Me - Savage Garden. 2) I Turn To You - Christina Aguilera Well, that's all from me. I'll catch ya all later when I put up the next part. SC.

Next: Chapter 16

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