Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Mar 18, 2001


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.


If you are underaged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguements as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story.

Author's Words:

I want to thank all those who have written in and given me advice and so on. It's all greatly appreciated. I wish to also note those who have complained about the sex scenes I have written. They aren't long or in-depth I know. Please remember that JC and Tony have only just started having sex and are taking their time with this. Please bear this in mind when you write in and bitch to me about it because I will tell you the exact same thing in the reply that I have just told you now.

Author's Thanks:

Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To our fav Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web-site. Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one. Also, my fav guy, Alex, thanks for everything... you're cool man. Also, how could I forget me mate Casey. Thanks for your help and support throughout the entire series. You're a legend.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Alpha Male -- (college) I am enjoying reading this story hugely. It puts forwards some different ideas on different topics. An interesting read at times to say the least.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just finding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me.

Starting Over - (boy bands) An incredible Justin story. I LOVE IT! More Jordan MORE!

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com or heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time, let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

JC Dreams 18 by Sun Child.

Tony looked at JC and Bobby and grimaced slightly. Mark noticed the flinch and pulled Tony aside.

"So what's the deal with you and JC?"

"He's an ex by the look of things at the moment." Tony said sadly.

"You broke up with him?" Mark pushed.

"It's a long story."

"I've got time."

"Well..." Tony began when Fatima called out.

"TONY! You've had snog time now get up here! Next set practise." Tony groaned and hugged Mark.

"Okay, I'll see you later." With that Tony walked up onto stage and picked up his guitar. Fatima walked over close.

"I'm sorry Tony, but I had to get you away from down there. Bobby can be cruel when she thinks JC is going out with someone other than her and I don't want you to get attacked." Stepping back, Fatima spoke more loudly.

"Let's do 'Show Me Heaven'." With that Tony put his guitar down and got into position. It was the first of two covers he would be doing that night (the other one is the one they learnt in the previous chapter which you still don't know about). The drums started to filter through as a faster version of the song was played.

There you go

Flashing fever from your eyes

Hey baby come over here

And shurt them tight

I'm not denying

We're flying above it all

Hold my hand don't let me fall

You've such amazing grace

I've never felt this way before

Oh - show me heaven

Cover me

Leave me breathless

Oh show me heaven please

Here I go

I'm shaking just like the breeze

hey baby

I need you hand to hold me steady

I'm frightened as much as you

Though I'm barely touching you

I've shivers down my spine

And it feels divine

Oh - show me heaven

Cover me

Leave me breathless

Oh show me heaven please

If you know what it's like to dream a dream

Baby hold me tight and let this be oh

Oh - show me heaven

Cover me

Leave me breathless

Oh show me heaven please

The entire way through the song and dance, Tony's eyes never left JC. The others all noticed, Bobby included who half-way through the number started to stare daggers at Tony for the rest of the song. The death stares weren't missed by the group or Fatima. When the number finished, the others, including JC and Bobby came up on stage.

"That was good Tone. Haven't seen you do it that well before." Justin told him.

"Thanks Juz." Tony said putting an arm over his shoulder. He looked out and saw Mark still sitting there and waved him up. He then looked over at Lonnie.

"Can you get a backstage pass for Mark for me?" Lonnie nodded.

"I'll see what I can do for ya."

"Thanks man." With that Lonnie wandered off. With that Tony, Justin, Mark, Chris and Joey started to talk, excluding JC and Bobby. Tony felt a little guilty about the way he was treating JC, but it seemed the group had decided. JC would offer a comment every now and then and no one would respond to it. As the conversation went on without JC he grew more and more quiet, his hurt becoming obvious. Eventually it was Mark that spoke.

"JC, can I talk to you in private." JC nodded and he turned to walk away with Mark, Bobby started to follow.

"Excuse me ma'am, but this is private, meaning you're not welcome. Why don't you just wait here like you're supposed to huh." He said it smiling the entire time which just added insult to injury for Bobby. When JC and Mark were away from the others JC looked at Mark.

"I can tell you and Tony are brothers. You both lop of heads but sterilise first." Mark grinned and nodded.

"Family trait... you should have met my father."

"One day I will."

"I don't think so, he's dead and has been for a few years now."

"I'm sorry I didn't know, Tony never told me that."

"He and dad never got along real well, then when he came out, well, they didn't even speak. Tony attended the funeral then left. I don't think Tony even cares anymore."

"Oh." JC said. "So, what did you want to speak to me about?"

"Well, I wanted to know where you and Tony stand."

"I still love him if that's what you want to know. I didn't sleep well last night without him. I miss our us, but I don't know if there is one anymore."

"Well, JC..."

"Call me Josh."

"Okay, Josh... here's a secret, he still cares alot about you and he misses you as well. Bobby appearing... well I don't think that really helped."

"Why? He doesn't even know her." JC felt his anger rising.

"Josh, I've heard about your very public arguements with her. She didn't treat you real well, and I tend to think that Tony has heard the same. Not to mention the fact she was death staring him the entire way though Heaven."

"She was?" JC asked surprised.

"She was, I saw it as did Chris, Joey, Lance and Justin. None of them are happy with her. Because you are with her, or at least associated with her, that's why they aren't talking to you." Mark told him. JC was quiet for a moment then spoke.

"So basically, if I want Tony, I have to get rid of Bobby. I have to decide between him and her."

"No. You just have to let her know that you aren't with her anymore, and Tony know that you want to be with him is what I'm saying."

"But I love them both."

"Are you in love with Bobby?"


"Are you in love with Tony?"

"With the very core of my soul."

"Then go with your heart. Don't ditch Bobby as a friend, just let her know that you want to be with Tony."

"Will that work?"

"Only one way to find out." JC nodded.

While this was happening, the group continued talking until Bobby cut in and pushed her way up to Tony.

"Listen here fag boy, you stay away from my JC. "

"Ma'am, please go away." Tony said politely and looked back at Justin and continued their conversation. Bobby shook her head and grabbed Tony by the arm.

"No you listen to me, nothing is coming between me and JC." She told him heatedly.

"Ma'am, you are starting to annoy me, I have no qualms with you, Josh and I have things between us okay, so why don't you just go back to wherever you came from and stay there and out of my personal life."

"Because JC is mine, not yours."

"Uh huh, that's why you broke up how long ago?"

"That was just a facade to shut this lot up."

"So why did he tell me he was gay and that he loved me?"

"You tricked him."

"You treated him like shit."

"You seduced him."

"You abused his feelings."

"You made him queer." With that Tony hit boiling point and Justin and the others could see it and took a few steps back. Tony rose to his full height.

"Listen here you arrogant bitch, why don't you just go and pull your head out of your oversized ass and take a look at the situation for what it is. You treated him poorly, he was struggling with his sexuality at the time and if anything pushed him to men, it was you with your total lack of regard for his feelings. Wake up and smell the coffee sister, you ain't the all that you make out you are, you are so very much less." Tony told her cuttingly. Bobby reached up and slapped his face. Tony's demeanour went from angry to nasty.

"Is that the best you can do? God, I've had worse from my students. My father was better. You can't even try to hurt me because you are so pitiful that you think you can get him back. Well guess what, I love him more than you ever did. You loved him sure, but you didn't treat it well, you fucked it up, that's why you are so bitter. Move on Bobby, he has. I may not be with him anymore, I might want to be, but I'm not. He's going to move on as well, just like I will. So why don't you just shove off and get a freakin' clue as to what emotions are and how to treat people. Maybe then you will have friends, and not just people who tolerate you out of pity for being such a twisted and bitter lady who doesn't know love from hate and friendship from pity. Wake up to yourself." Tony glared at her. Bobby took a step back then stepped up again. She was not going to be shown up by a queer. She reached up and slapped him again, or at least tried to. Tony grabbed her hand.

"Don't try it bitch." He spat. "I've already been beaten by an ex and I'll be damned if I'm going to let some upstart bitch who is so full of her own self-importance get the better of me. You hit me once, you lost all chances of friendship with me. To try and hit me again, well, you're just lucky you're a lady. Anyone who hits me, loses all my respect for them and loses all chances with me. So why don't you just shove of lady and run to whatever vain grasp of reality and importance you may have." He looked at her nastily. He then threw her hand away and turned around and she hit him hard in the kidney with the heel of her boot. Tony crumpled to the ground in pain then stood back up. He turned to face her again, grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the backstage door, opened it and threw her out.

"Don't come near me again." With that he turned and slammed the door shut. He then went to the dressing room and slammed it's door shut as well. He sat down heavily in a chair for a moment, then wandered over to the coffee machine and got himself a coffee.

On stage the others all looked at each other.

"She got off lightly." Justin said looking at the others. "Had that been one of us, we would have been on the ground by now." The others all nodded. JC walked in on as Justin was saying that.

"What do you mean?" The others all looked at JC and fell quiet. Justin spoke eventually.

"Tony just threw Bobby out."

"HE DID WHAT!" Exploded JC.

"Yeah well, she hit him first." Lance said in Tony's defense.

"Yeah, I was surprised he didn't hit her back. I've never seen Tony so pissed off... or as scathing... I didn't even see him this angry with the entire Jason incident. She accused him of turning you gay, he told her to go away, she did it again and he started to tear her to shreds. She then slapped him and he jsut went from angry to pure nasty and tore her to shreds more than ever. She then kicked him in the back and he took her and threw her out." Joey finished. JC looked a little shocked.

"I think I should go find Tony." Justin said quietly. JC looked at Justin.

"Do you mind if I come with you?" Justin shrugged.

"If you think it's worth it." With that, Justin turned and walked off to find Tony. JC trailed a little behind.

Walking into the dressing room, Justin found Tony sitting there, his coffee mug in pieces and a coffee stain on the wall, Tony sitting on the floor, head in his hands crying. Justin went straight to him and knelt down beside him.

"Tony, are you okay?" Looking up with puffy red eyes and tears streaking his face.

"I have lost my boyfriend, I've thrown his friend out of here and I didn't even enjoy my coffee. What do you think?" Tony then looked back down at the floor. Justin felt his heart break and wrapped his arms around Tony.

"I'm so sorry Tony."

"What do you have to be sorry for? You're my best friend and you've helped me through it all." JC stood in the background, watching and saying nothing.

"What are best buds for?" Smiled Justin sadly, he couldn't help but feel liking crying for his friend, sitting there, alone, hurt and vunerable. Tony wrapped his arms around Justin, buried his head into Justin's shoulder and cried. When Tony's tears had subsided, Justin spoke.

"Tony, there's someone else here you should speak to." Tony looked up and then past Justin. He saw JC and kind of drew back.

"Yeah I guess." He said resignedly. Justin stood and motioned for JC to move over to Tony and sit with him. As JC sat down, Justin turned to leave.

"Justin please stay." Asked Tony timidly. Justin turned and looked at JC, who nodded, hurt that Tony wanted Justin to stay, almost as though Tony didn't trust him anymore. Justin sat down, away from the pair, though close enough that he could get to Tony in a hurry if he needed to.

Tony looked at JC and felt pain and sadness from the memories and happiness for the fact that JC was actually there. Tony was torn between which emotions were stronger. JC and Tony sat there, watching each other, neither speaking. Finally, JC spoke.

"Tony, I know the whole Jason thing was fucked up and you are hurt that I didn't let you help me, but I needed to deal with it in my own way."

"JC, if you want a relationship, you've got to let me in and help." Again JC winced at the fact Tony didn't use his real name. Tony noticed the flinch and felt a quiet triumph that he had hurt JC, the same as JC had hurt him.

"Tony, I know you're hurt, but please... I love you. It's killing me not having you to hold. I barely slept last night without you there beside me."

"How do you think I felt? I tried to help and support you and you turned me away. I slept with Butterscotch last night, but that was far from holding someone who I love and want to spend forever with." JC looked Tony dead in the eyes.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Have a lied to you?" JC, leant forwards and kissed Tony lightly on the lips. Tony let him for a moment then pulled back. JC sat there, confused as to what he had done.

"Josh, how do I know that if I let you back in, something won't happen again and I'll just end up hurting like this again. I've been through enough pain to last me a life time. I don't need this pain."

"I know you don't Tone. I never want to hurt you. I love you and it's tearing me apart that I've even hurt you at all. I love you Tony." Tony looked in his eyes, trying to find some trace of a lie. Finally, Tony gave way to his heart and leant forwards and held JC close and kissed him on the lips. Justin stood and quietly walked out of the room. Opening the door and stepping outside, he found all the others there and raised a finger to his lips to keep them quiet. He then gently closed the door and they all made their way to the stage where they could talk.

As soon as they were on the stage, Lance turned to Justin.

"So what's happened?"

"I think they're gonna work it out." Justin told them. The other three cheered.

"I'm glad, Tony can stay on tour now." Lance commented. The others nodded. A silence fell on the group.

"I think, even if they hadn't gotten together and Tony stayed on tour, as much as I love JC, I would have stood by Tony." Justin finally admitted. The others looked at Justin in surprise.

"Really?" Asked Chris surprised. Justin nodded.

"I don't know why, but yeah. I would have stood by Tony, he's been there for me with the whole Steve thing and he's been a great friend." Justin finished. The group nodded.

"Y'know, I think I would have taken Tony's side to." Joey said thoughtfully.

"I think we all would have." Chris said. The other tree all nodded in agreement.

Back in the dressing room, Tony and JC were talking, Tony lying on his back, leaning into JC's chest while JC had his arms around Tony's chest.

"I love you Josh." Tony finally admitted, to both himself and JC. "I don't ever want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you either Tony. I love you too." JC replied quietly and kissed Tony's head. As JC finished his sentence, Bobby walked back in and saw the scene infront of her and walked over and grabbed JC and dragged him away from Tony.

"Get away from my JC you flithy faggot."

"BOBBY SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW!" JC bellowed at her. Both Tony and Bobby looked at JC in shock.

"You say one more thing like that to Tony EVER and I swear, it will be the last thing you ever say."

"Is that a threat JC?" Asked Bobby.

"No threat Bobby, you know I don't make threats, I make promises."

"There's no way you would JC, you're too spineless." Tony grabbed Bobby by the arm and spun her around.

"Why don't you try treating people with a bit of respect you self centered bitch?"

"Oh go away you disgusting old man." With that Tony lifted her up off the ground and started to shake her.

"Why the fuck don't you just grow up and get the fuck away from people who you treat like shit. Get over Josh, you fucked up now move the hell on. You screwed it now live with it. Stop trying to destroy Josh's relationship with everyone because you're jealous you pathetic excuse for a woman. There's nothing lady like about you. You are nothing. You are trash. You don't even exist." With that he dropped her onto the floor. She sat there and looked up at Tony, tears of rage streaming down her face. Standing up she looked at him,

"Big and tough Tony. Picks up a woman and shakes her. So manly of you."

"Just like hitting people when their backs are turned Bobby." He threw back. She looked down and turned away, her hands infront of her. Suddenly she spun back around, a knife in her hand.

"Well if I can't have Josh, no one can." With that she lept at JC and tried to stab at him. Tony stood infront of Josh as the knife came crashing down. Tony screamed in pain as the knife connected with his side. In a moment, the other four members of Nsync were in the room. Justin took one look at Tony and started towards Bobby. She backed up until she hit or corner.

"You wouldn't hit a woman would you Justin?" She asked timidly.

"Of course not." Justin said as he turned away. Bobby breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly his spun back around, his fist connecting with her chin.

"Then again, you never were much of a woman." With that he stalked off. Bobby sank to the floor, totally out of it. He came back over to Tony and JC where JC was holding Tony tight and crying.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry." JC cried. Tony smiled up at JC.

"It's okay, you're not to blame." With that he leant up and kissed Josh. Then sank back in pain. Joey came running back into the room.

"Paramedics are on their way." He told them. Tony smiled as his pain soaked world sank to a black oblivion.

Waking a time later, he looked around the room and saw Josh sitting beside his bed, head on the bed his arm draped across Tony. Tony smiled and reached out and started to stroke JC's hair. JC stirred and woke. He looked at Tony and smiled then leant up and kissed Tony. Tony's hospital room was a mass of flowers and balloons. Tony looked at JC quizzically.

"Fans sent them." He told Tony who smiled then closed his eyes. JC kissed him again.

"Got news for you babe. Bobby's in jail for assault and attempted murder. She's also been declared mentally unstable."

"Good riddance." Tony muttered. JC nodded.

"But that's not all... there's other really good news as well."


"Your song is number one." Tony's eyes flew open.

"WHAT?" JC grinned estatically.

"Yup. You're top of the charts." Tony smiled as well then hugged Josh then lay back wincing in pain.

"The tours been delayed until you are recovered. They wanted to get another support act but the guys said they wouldn't tour unless you were support so we've delayed tour and refunded money and officially we're back in the studio recording our new album. I'm still to do my vocals for all the tracks." Tony smiled and motioned for JC to lie on the bed beside him. JC smiled and got on the bed and hugged Tony and kissed him lightly. There was a knock at the door which caused JC to jump off, he walked over and opened the door to find Justin and the others standing there.

"How is he?" Asked Justin.

"Come in and see for yourself." JC said. The others walked in and Tony waved at them weakly. The others all cheered and Justin piped up.

"GROUP HUG!" Tony laughed as they all crowded around and hugged him. Tony kissed each of them on the cheek.

"Thanks for being here for me guys." When it came to Justin's turn Tony hugged him especially hard and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you for being my best bud." He whispered in Justin's ear. Justin squeezed him back.

"No problem." The group them went back to idle chatter.

Soon there was a knock at the door and the group turned to see Lynne standing beside the door. Tony smiled and waved her in. When she got near, he gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"What are you doing here?"

"Had to come and see my other son now didn't I." She smiled. Tony looked at her confused.

"Once you joined Nsync, you joined my family." She explained. Tony nodded and smiled.

"I've been talking to the doctor. You'll be right to get out in a day or so then in a few weeks we can go back on tour." She told the group who all cheered.

A month and a bit later, the group was all back in the stadium where all the trouble had started. Tony looked around.

"I wish I could dance a bit more, but I think doc would kill me." The others all laughed and nodded.

"Well, it's time for us to go backstage before performing." Justin said as they all headed back to the dressing rooms. Sitting down, there two sets of flowers to Tony sitting on the coffee table. Picking up the card, Tony read.

Tone, Good luck for your first concert. See you after. Love

Caleb and Sarah.

Tony looked up.

"How did Caleb and Sarah get here?" Justin and JC looked at each other. Tony grabbed them both and hugged them.

"You two are the best."

"Who are the others from?" Asked Lance.

Tony, All the best for tonite. I'm glad I have you. Love for our eternity,


Tony kissed JC on the lips and held him close. The others started to 'aaaaaaaaw' and make soppy noises which stopped them. They laughed. In a short time, they had all changed when the stage manager came and knocked on the door.

"Tony, you're set is about to start." Tony looked at the group.

"GROUP HUG!" He called. The others all joined in and smiled.

"Let's go party." Tony smiled. With that he exited the dressing room and got into his position for his entry. The stage fell dark and several lights began to flash on the stage and a sheer black screen rose up from infront of Tony while a dark blue light lit him from behind, making only his shadow visible. They crowd screamed seeing the figure on stage. The music started and Tony made his way down the ramp to the stage.

Dare you to dream your dreams

Dream of what no-one else knows

Dream of your delighted screams

Dream of what only you can know

Don't be afraid to dream

Dreams are what keeps us sane

It's like hope and nightmares on the silver screen

It's what says you are the one who remains

Dare you to dream your dreams

Dream of what no-one else knows

Dream of your delighted screams

Dream of what only you can know

Unleash your soul and dreams

Don't be afraid of what is inside

Only you can be brave to face what it means

Because only you know the tears you've cried

Dare you to dream your dreams

Dream of what no-one else knows

Dream of your delighted screams

Dream of what only you can know

Dare you to dream your dreams

Dream of what no-one else knows

Dream of your delighted screams

Dream of what only you can know

As the last bars finished Tony looked at the crowd and spoke into his mic.

"How are we?" The crowd screamed back.

"I can't hear you." Again the crowd screamed.

"Before I do my next song I wanted to thank you all for your support during my stay in hospital. I'm sure many of you will know this next song. It's a special song to me because I've come back and survived 'Against All Odds'." Tony smiled and the band started.

How can I just let you walk away

Just let you leave without a trace

When I stand here taking every breath with you

You're the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away me

When all I can do is watch you leave

Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain

And even shared the tears

You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now

'Cos there's just an empty space

And there's nothing left here to remind me

Just the memory of your face

Take a look at me now

'Cos there's just an empty space

And you're coming back to me is against all odds

And that's what I've got to face

I wish I could just make you turn around

Turn around and see me cry

There's so much I need to say to you

So many reasons why

You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now

'Cos there's just an empty space

And there's nothing left here to remind me

Just the memory of your face

Take a look at me now

'Cos there's just an empty space

And you're coming back to me is against all odds

And that's what I've got to face

Take a good look at me now

Cos I'll still be standing here

And you coming back to me is against all odds

And that's the chance I've got to take

Just take a look at me now

The song finished and the crowd went wild. Tony floated through his next few songs and left stage and heard the guys start their performance. Tony did two more sets and then finished the night with 'This I Promise You' and finally his duet with JC 'To Show I Care'. Getting into the dressing room after curtain call he fell into JC's arms and kissed him tenderly. Next thing he knew, the entire group was surrounding them and they were all in a group hug, him and JC caught in the middle. The tour had begun.

--- Well there ya go. They're together again.

  1. Show Me Heaven - Jessica Andrews 2) Dreams - mine 3) Against All Odds - Phil Collins.

So what did you all think? Did I suck or not? I need to know, I'm gettin' no feedback... is it because I can't write good no more? TELL ME!

Feedback: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com ICQ#: 104300787 (Sun Child)

Love, SC.

Next: Chapter 20

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