Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on May 30, 2001


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.

DISCLAIMER THINGY: If you are under aged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguments as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story. Also, there is a new talent out there that goes by the name of Tony Lee Scott, and the Tony Scott mentioned in here is so totally not him. Tony is a figment of my imagination.

Author's Words: I want to thank all those who have written in and given me advice and so on. It's all greatly appreciated. In this chapter, this is a more graphic sex scene so you have been warned and you can't bitch at me. To all my regular readers, thanks, and to those who write to me reguarly (look below), you all have a special place in my heart. Squiges, Jordan, Carsten, Jill Gase, Serge and Matthew Prim... you all have a very special place in my heart. You are what makes me want to write with all your support. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart.

Author's Thanks: Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To our fav Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web site. Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one. Also, my fav guy, Alex, thanks for everything... you're cool man. Jordan, words can't express my gratitude for the friendship you have offered me. All the best in everything you do my friend. I know you will do well. You have so much wisdom beyond your age and the heart to go with it. You, my friend, are one in a million. Carsten... well what can I say that you don't know... you are a brilliant support to me and JC Dreams. You always seem to offer the right advise to me in what to do with the story. Your words have a touch to them that is very grounding while still being supportive. I think I'll stop now before I give you that big head ;o) Keep cool my friend. How was your head the next day anyways? Thanks to all the readers for just reading, even if you don't write. Cavell, words don't know the way to my mouth when wanting to say the things to you I feel. You are special, unique and of course, Precious. Best of luck to you Cav where ever your life does lead, where ever your journey ends.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Alpha Male -- (college) I am enjoying reading this story hugely. It puts forwards some different ideas on different topics. An interesting read at times to say the least.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just finding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me. Note I say starting.

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com or heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time; let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

This series, as always remains dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-August-2000. To his memory, we have a series born. Thank you for you love, Boo. I'll see you again one day. Eternal rest grant unto him Lord.

JC Dreams 22 by Sun Child

Tony lay there in the room wondering how JC and Justin were going. He hadn't heard any screaming or gun shots so he assumed things were okay. His mind began to wander to other things when the door opened then slammed shut. Tony sat up and looked at JC.


"What?" Snapped JC.

"Are you okay?"

"Truth or what you want to hear?"

"Truth." Tony said.

"The truth is that I want to wring Justin's neck. It took him five minutes or so to say anything. Even when he did start to talk, it felt like he was keeping something back from me. It was so strained. When I told him to relax and talk to me like he used to, he clammed up even more."

"Josh, I told you, he was terrified of talking to you. He was scared you hated him, that you never wanted to see or speak to him again."

"At the moment, those sound like good things." JC sighed. Tony got up off the bed and walked over to JC.

"Things are really that bad?" He asked. JC nodded sadly.

"I wish they were better, but they aren't. I don't want to lose my best friend, but it feels like I am and it stings and hurts and pains and I don't want to lose him, but I am." JC admitted and felt tears trickling down his face. Tony wrapped his arms around JC and pulled him close. JC put his head on Tony's shoulder and cried for all he was worth. Tony's heart broke as he felt the wetness on his shoulder. It pained him to his core to see and feel JC that way.

"Do you have any nicotine?" Asked JC. Tony sighed.

"I had been hoping you'd quit, but yes I do." With that, Tony walked over to his bags and pulled out a pack of smokes.

"Josh, you're going to destroy your voice."

"Can't be any worse then a destroyed friendship." He countered and walked out on the balcony and sat down.

Sitting there, Tony just watched JC who looked out over the city. Eventually JC spoke up.

"What do you want from me Tony? I can't offer you what you want with me and Justin."

"I want two things from you Josh."

"Name them."

"I want you to love me and I want you to be honest about what you really feel about Justin." Tony told him. JC twisted in his seat and looked at Tony.

"Tone, you know I love you to death. Nothing will change that." Tony nodded.

"I know, but I was just being honest with you about it. I know you love me Josh, I know because I love you."

"As for Justin. Well I guess I still feel betrayed. Justin fell in love with my boyfriend. I'm hurt that you fought so hard for him. I'm hurt by Justin that he caused us to fight to the point where you left." JC admitted. Tony sat quietly for a moment then moved his chair over to JC's.

"Josh, you know that our fight wasn't Justin's fault. It has been simmering since the whole Bobby thing. It's us, not Justin. We don't talk out our problems like we should. Justin just brought it to a point where we had an excuse to argue and let it all out. I fought so hard for Justin because he didn't deserve the blame and I fought for him like I would have fought for you, Lance, Chris or Joey should it ever happen. I fought for him because he is my best friend." JC looked at Tony, tears streaking his cheeks again.

"I'm sorry Tony. I guess you're right, you stood by your friend and I shouldn't have judged on that. I was looking for a scape goat I guess. I didn't want to admit the fault lay with us. I want it to lie somewhere else. I wanted it to be someone else's fault for once."

"I know you did, it's human nature. There's no real need to be sorry. You followed you instinct, you followed what felt clear. You followed what was in your nature." JC nodded and leant over and hugged Tony. Tony hugged JC back and brought his lips around to face JC's and kissed him.

Half an hour later, JC and Tony lay on the bed, undressing each other at a rapid rate. JC licked Tony's exposed chest and sucked his nipples up to hard buds then flicked them causing Tony to moan in a wild mix of pleasure and erotic enclosure. JC's hands wandered over Tony's bare skin gently grazing it and sending shivers through Tony's body. JC then brought his mouth back up to Tony's and kissed him passionately on the lips. Tony then rolled them both over so he was on top and gently kissed JC on the lips then let his lips make their way down over JC's neck where he sucked softly and then kept moving down when he was sure there would be a mark in the morning. As his lips found JC's chest he licked it then blew softly over the skin adorning JC's body. JC shivered sensually under Tony and moaned softly. Tony then let his mouth wander down further. His lips arrived at the waist band of JC's boxer briefs. He gently bit into the elastic and pulled them down. As more and more of JC's skin was revealed Tony's efforts doubled. When JC's hardened member fell free from it's cloth prison Tony gently took it in his mouth and sucked lightly on it. His hands pushed JC's underwear off and onto the floor. He then brought his mouth off JC's cock and licked it with his tongue then blew lightly on it causing JC to groan again. He then went back to sucking lightly on it. JC soon lifted Tony's mouth off and pulled Tony up to his lips and rolled them over, so he was once more in the dominant position. He then let his mouth wander straight down to Tony's groin where he pulled off Tony's boxers. He then lifted Tony's member to his mouth and sucked lightly on the purple head forcing Tony to moan in delight. JC then inhaled the rest of Tony's pole and began to bob up and down on it, applying a light suction. He then lifted his mouth and and took one of Tony's balls into his mouth. After moving it around in his mouth he let it out and gently took the other into his mouth and repeated the experience. The whole time Tony was moaning lightly. Soon JC brought his lips up to Tony's mouth and started to slip in between Tony's legs. Tony reached over and opened the draw beside the bed and pulled out lubricant and a condom. Ripping open the packet with his mouth, he let his lips leave the package and went back to kissing JC. He then reached down and slid the rubber over JC's manhood. He then applied the lubricant over JC's hardness and then applied some to his own hole. He soon felt JC place the head of his cock at his entry. Tony relaxed as much as he could and let him slip in. Tony's face twisted into pain then into pleasure as he got used to the intrusion of JC's member. JC's hand slipped down and grasped Tony's cock and slowly started to pump it up and down in time with his own steady in and out movement of Tony. Their sensual eternity and union continued and soon both men felt close to climax. JC stopped pumping Tony's cock and began to concentrate solely on his movement. Finally with one slow push he released his load into the rubber. When his orgasm subsided he pulled out of Tony who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Asked JC.

"You're done but I'm only half way there now." Tony told him dryly. JC grinned.

"We'll have to do something about that now won't we." With that JC let his mouth wander down over Tony's body until he reached Tony's groin yet again. Soon his head was busy bobbing up and down on Tony's cock and Tony was moaning in pleasure. Soon Tony felt his climax just about to peak.

"Josh... I ... I ... I'm nearly there." Tony gasped. JC increased his sucking and Tony's load flowed forth and JC swallowed taking every drop. JC soon lifted his mouth off Tony and looked up at Tony, a drop of Tony's load sitting on the corner of his mouth. Tony reached down and wiped it away. JC crawled back up to Tony and kissed him softly, but not devoid of passion. Tony wrapped his arms around JC's neck and kissed him back. They lay there, skin to skin for an hour then Tony spoke.

"Shower time my darling."

"Only if you shower with me." JC told him

"I think that can be arranged." Smiled Tony.

The next morning, JC's eyes drifted open and he looked beside him. Tony was lying there, the morning sun catching his hair and gleaming off his skin. It gave Tony a slightly heavenly, almost angelic appearance. It warmed JC's heart to know that Tony was there with him again. That they had repaired most of the damage done. It gave him a hope that the new day would bring new joys to his life. That it would bring a joy to his life now that Tony had come back to him. He lay his head down on Tony's shoulder and smiled. He could hear Tony's strong heart beat under his ear. In his mind he relived the night before and a song that had played the night of their first concert together.

I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life

Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life

The lyrics played in his mind in ways that Dido could never have imagined as she wrote the song. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep again, knowing his life was okay for the moment, that he was with the man of his life.

Tony awoke a time later. He looked down and saw JC's head resting on his chest. He looked peaceful and Tony felt filled with a sense of tranquillity within from JC's steady presence. He then felt a distinct burning as a result from the night before. Sighing with hapiness and minor discomfort he rested his head back on the pillow and thought to the situation between JC and Justin. He hoped that it would heal on it's own. It pained Tony to know that two best friends were drifting away from each other. He wanted for them to be friends and it destroyed him to know that his boyfriend and best friend were so distant. He felt pulled between loyalty to JC and his friendship to Justin. He gently drifted back to sleep, his thoughts troubled but not unclear.

The phone awoke both JC and Tony. Tony looked at the clock then picked up the phone.

"Yes Lance."

"I'm not going to ask how you knew it was me. You and lover boy need to get up and get ready... we have half an hour for breakfast from now then an hour from now to get to the lobby and onto the bus." Lance reported to him.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do Lance." Tony told him. With that he hung up the phone and looked at JC.

"We have now been summoned to the breakfast table." JC smiled and nodded. Tony smiled back and leant over to kiss JC who met him, the tenderness of the night before had not escaped the pair as they started to relive the night of love they had shared. When the phone rang again, Tony groaned and broke the kiss and leant over and answered it.


"Stop making out and hurry up. We have rehearsals you know." Came Joey's voice over the phone.

"Morning Joey and love you too. Be there soon." With that he hung up.

"That lot know us too well." He commented. JC laughed and got out of bed. Wandering over to his suitcase he looked at it.

"Now, what to wear." Tony looked over and JC's naked form.

"What you're wearing now is fine."

"For you, I think the others would have more to say and to the contrary." Laughed JC. Tony shurgged and climbed out of bed and walked up behind JC and wrapped his arms around JC's waist and kissed him lightly on the neck. JC leant back into Tony then stopped it.

"Don't start what we can't finish. They've already called us twice. We have to keep moving." JC reasoned. Tony started to pout.

"Kill joy." Groused Tony playfully. JC pulled out some clothes and Tony sighed anbd headed over to his own suitcase and picked out some clothes. Soon, they were both dressed and walked out the door, grabbing the key on the way out.

Arriving in Lance's room Tony felt the others eyes on them. Soon he realised why, JC was walking a little differently. Chris couldn't resist.

"So JC, what's up or at least was up your ass for you to be walking like that?" The other four all burst out laughing and Tony tried hard not to laugh, but couldn't help but grin at it all. JC looked at Chris.

"Oh Chris baby, don't tell me that you didn't enjoy last night. I thought it meant so much to you." Chris paled.

"What do you mean? Huh? You don't mean to say..." Spluttered Chris in embaressment. JC laughed and the others all joined him. Chris sat there with a red face not sure what to do or say. He looked up and spoke quietly.

"What's say we have breakfast now." Tony grinned at Chris who still didn't know what to do or say.

Breakfast was rapidly devoured, and soon all were heading back to their rooms for rehearsals. In their room Tony and JC looked at each other.

"Think it'll go okay today?" Asked Tony.

"How could it not. We will be there together and nothing can harm us." JC smiled at him. Tony grinned back and leant over to kiss JC.

"I love you." He told JC.

"I love you too." JC told Tony.

Arriving at the stadium, the six looked around and soon her the familiar call of Fatima.

"Can you lot take any longer? Get your asses up here and starting warming up, we've got a long day. That and we've got someone new to meet." The group moaned and trudged up on stage. Tony stayed back from the group a little. Fatima spoke

"We have a new choreographer to assist me, his name is Wade and if you give him any trouble look out, I won't be happy." Tony circled around backstage and appeared behind Fatima who was still talking to the group.

"JC, for once try and lift your performance, I know Tony isn't here, but that's no excuse..." With that Tony grabbed Fatima and lifted her off the ground.

"I'm not? Well that just sucks don't it." Tony laughed. Fatima screamed and when he put her down, spun on her heel and punched him in the arm and then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.

"What are you doing here? It's good to see you again my friend." She smiled. Tony looked at her.

"I'm here for rehearsals, Jive let me back on tour with the guys so you're stuck with me again." Fatima smiled again.

"Well, you don't have to worry about me doing the Wade speel with you, he looks after this lot, I get to work with you." She informed Tony.

"We aren't all rehearsing together?" Asked JC disappointment clouding his voice.

"Not until Tony is back into the groove of things." Fatima reasoned. The group nodded and Tony was dragged away from the others by Fatima who led him to another section to start his dance routines. He looked over his shoulder, his face a mask of mock horror and fright and waved timidly and the other five just laughed.

Tony's music blared out a portable CD player as he went through the steps with Fatima. After three hours of non-stop dancing, Tony collapsed back into a seat and Fatima looked at him.

"Not bad for someone who's been off tour for three months." Tony shrugged.

"You think I didn't practise a little while I was at home. Needed something to do between album signings and radio visits."

"Well then, I guess we can go see your boy then." Tony grinned.

"You make it sound like a chore."

"You didn't have to deal with him over the last three months. Honestly, mess doesn't begin to describe JC. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so hurt. I know you were hurt as well, but I didn't see you, I saw him and if you were even a shadow of what he was, I know you were hurting." Fatima told him. Tony looked her in the eye.

"To be honest, I was worse. I even got to the point of where I thought I saw him in empty hallways. I was ready to put my, our appartment on the market and moving out of Orlando. I was looking at moving right out of the city, to me California sounded good, hell even Australia sounded good with the way I was feeling. Then I heard the rumours on MTV and it kinda shook me up. I was on the first flight to meet this lot." Fatima put a hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad you're back and I tend to think that I know someone else who will be too."

"So glad that he won't be dancing well today either." Tony giggled. Fatima looked at Tony and raised an eyebrow.

"Do I want to know?"

"Let me assure you that you don't want to know." Tony giggled again. Fatima nodded and started to walk with Tony to the others asking questions about the events of his life during his absence from tour.

The guys were going through the paces of 'Digital Get Down' with Wade when Tony and Fatima arrived. Wade was barking at them.

"JUSTIN, RIGHT FOOT LEAD, JC MOVE LIKE YOU DON'T HAVE A STICK UP YOUR ASS AND LANCE TRY TO KEEP IN TIME!" Hearing the comment on JC's dance the other four in the group snickered slightly and Tony laughed quietly on the side of the stage. Fatima leaned over and whispered to Tony

"Now I'm sure I don't want to know." With that Tony laughed louder.

JOEY ATTENTION TO THE FRONT AND CHRIS DON'T TRIP THIS GO THROUGH!" Called Wade again. The guys went through their routine again and when the song finished, walked over to where Tony was standing with Fatima. JC leant forwards to Tony and collapsed on top of him forcing them both to fall over.

"Get off me you giant oaf." Groaned Tony under JC.

"You love him there." Jeered Lance smiling.

"I love him, but not that much." Laughed Tony, only to be poked in the side from JC.

"Loving boyfriend you are." JC groused. Justin walked over and spoke to Fatima.

"Shit girl, we thought you were the demon bitch from hell... you have nothing on Wade. Please, can we send him back?" He asked. Fatima shook his head.

"I lost the return to sender address." She laughed. Justin groaned and sat down heavily on the stage. Wade walked over.

"Okay ladies, break's over, get off your asses and get going."

"We only just stopped two seconds ago and you told us ten minutes." Moaned Joey.

"Did I? Oops, seems I can't count. Move it." Wade told Joey harshly. Joey took a step back from Wade but didn't argue.

"Do I have to?" Moaned JC in Tony's ear.

"It would be an idea, you want Wanker Wade after you?" Tony replied.

"I heard that Tony." Called Wade from the other side of the stage. "Let your boyfriend go and get your own ass to your rehearsals."

"How about you get fucked?" Tony called back, deciding he didn't like Wade's attitude.

"What did you say?" Asked Wade taking long strides to get to Tony. JC moved rapidly out of the war path as did all the others in the band, Fatima looked on in a daze as the group scattered and then decided to move.

"I told you to get fucked."

"And who are you to tell me that?"

"Someone who don't like your attitude. Notice that the guys don't like you? Try teating them like humans, respect them and they might respect you."

"I'm a trained dancer and choreographer. Who are you to tell me what to do?" He asked.

"A teacher by trade, also a singer, song writer, musician. A fully trained chef, dance and choreographer. I been around a lot longer and done a lot more than you buddy so back off."

"Done a lot more because you are old."

"I'm 24... who old are you?"

"I'm 21."

"Oh wow, three years younger than me... how can I deal?" Asked Tony sarcastically.

"Typical bloody musician. Full of your own self importance."

"Typical bloody delinquent, knowing it all yet been around for shit. How about you act 21 and not 12. Some of the students I used to teach act more mature than you do."

"Oh please, don't insult me. Like any school would hire a fag like you." That was breaking point for Tony, as Wade found out as he sank to the floor. Justin appeared beside Tony.

"Oh man is he gonna have a shiner in the morning."

"Don't ever try that with me again. I am not some fag thank you. I am Tony Scott, and I am a person. You want to try that bullshit, I suggest you try it somewhere else and on someone else." Wade looked up at Tony in surprise.

"You hit me?" Surprise drenching his voice.

"And your point is?"

"No one has ever dared do that."

"I'm surprised, it was about time someone did."

"No one's even tried standing up to me." Tony sat on his haunches and looked at Wade.

"Well, that's because they pity you and your arrogance and how absorbed you are in yourself and feel that if they keep quiet they'll be doing you a favour and keep on feeling important to yourself. I'm not that kind of person. You annoy me, I tell you. Say anything like you did just then again and I'll give you two black eyes. I am not impressed with the way you spoke to me or the guys. Lift your act or lift your bags outta the hotel and find a new job. If you start to look at yourself and work with the guys, not against them, we'll get along fine." Tony smiled, patted Wade on the head and looked at Fatima.

"Ready to do some more work?"

Later that night the six were all in Tony and JC's room talking.

"I can't believe you decked him." Lance laughed.

"He had it coming." Said Tony shrugging.

"I always wanted a gladiator for a boyfriend." JC chimed in. Tony arched an eyebrow at JC who rested his head back in Tony's lap and closed his eyes. Tony smiled and gently ran his fingers through JC's hair. There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Called out Tony.

"It's... uh... it's Wade." Came the voice through the door.

"It's open." JC called out. Wade slowly opened the door and walked in the room.

"Hi... um... I'm glad I found you all. I kinda wanted to apologise for the way I behaved today. I was rude and I guess, self absorbed as Tony said. I didn't mean to be an asshole to you. I guess my black eye was the wake up call I needed." Tony nodded.

"Well, keep what I said in mind and I'm sure you'll be a valueable member of the Nsync team." Wade nodded.

"Do you lot mind if I like hang with you for a while? It's kinda boring on my own." The group all looked at each other and JC spoke.

"We don't mind, just no comments on fags okay." Wade nodded and sat down with the group.

The seven talked for a few hours and over the period of time, Wade opened up a lot and shared his childhood and his dance competition triumphs and failures. Tony also noticed as time wore on, he started to move closer to Justin who was doing the same until they were basically sitting in each other's laps. Tony smiled to himself.

'Maybe this will be good for both of them.' He thought to himself.

--- Well there goes number 22. New love intrest for Justin? Haven't decided yet... deal. Josh and Justin ... do I make them friends again? You let me know. I haven't decided yet. 1) Thank You - Dido I seem to use that song a lot don't I. Oh well. How did the story go? Let me know. -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =- -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =- Either of those addresses will reach me. Thanks all. Hugs kisses and cookies, Sun Child.

Next: Chapter 24

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