Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Jul 24, 2001


JC Dreams returns!!!

DISCLAIMER: If you are under 18 (or 21 depending on place of residence) please do not continue on here. If you are underaged, I accept no responsiblity of your actions. Your mama walk in on you chocking the chicken it's all you and not me. If you are offended by m/m concepts, please leave now as they are here! I claim no inside knowledge to Nsync, their sexuality and private lives. I have no affiliation with Jive or Zomba records. All songs used in this story belong to respective artists and they will be acknowledged at the bottom.

FEEDBACK: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messenger available.


Garden of Song - (boy bands) my second series - Daniel Jones from Savage Garden with a non-celeb Dan. Touching at times, at other times in your face. I love writing it and I hope you like reading it.

Yesterdays Child - (high school) my third series - Jesse and Nick are two high school boys in love. It offers a stark look at life and how cruel it can be. I suggest this is read if you enjoy sad stories and love stories.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) my fourth series- Justin and JC from Nsync. It's taken me time to like writing it but I'm there and I will be putting up parts soon.

AUTHOR'S THANKS: I must thank everyone who wrote in and supported me during my abscence from posting on Nifty due to my personal problems. I didn't realise who many people read my work until all the mail came in. I still have a few things to sort out, but I am back on-line and happy to be back at working on the stories. Large thanks must got to Tim (Squiges), Jordan, Jill Gase, and the others who have been helping me with things and being friends to me. Without you all I would have sunk during this time away. I'm glad to know I have you all to talk to. Carsten, as much as I was away, it didn't stop you from writing and telling me how to improve the series. Somethings will never change. Always my editor who only gets his way when I'm too lazy to argue the point out. Hope the head is better my friend. Jordan, my friend you have wisdom beyond your years. I love ya for it and the support you give me. Tim, I hope that things improve for you my friend. It drives me to distraction that I can't help you more. You are in my thoughts. Jill, you bitch you're going to Nsync and not taking me!!! How rude!!! Cav, I don't know words to say my heart, mind or soul in relation to you. You are you... something I wouldn't change for the world. Thanks.

Well, that's enough of your time taken. Thank you all.

This series is dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10 - January - 1980 to 21 - August - 2000. Eternal rest grant until him O'Lord, may he rest in peace. The series is born out of my love for him and his fascination with Nsync and JC.

JC Dreams 25 by Sun Child

The concert had been a blast. With Britney and Christina appearing on-stage, there had been more response from the audience. They had paid to see two big names and instead got four. The crowd gave the group energy and they gave it back. As a result, the group was tired and looking forwards to going home to bed. They sat in the common room, Tony lying against JC with his eyes closed, Justin sitting at JC's feet leaning back against him asleep. JC head back and half asleep. Britney reached quietly into her bag and pulled out a camera and quickly snapped a photo of it all. Smiling at her victory she put the camera away and made her way out to her transport. Lance moved over to the sleeping trio and woke them gently.

"Bus is here to get us back to the hotel." He told them gently in his soft southern drawl. The only one who didn't wake was Justin. Lance stooped down and gently lifted the sleeping form and carried him out. Tony looked at JC.

"Lance so wants to get with him."

"You think?" Asked JC still half asleep.

"I do and let's get you out to the bus before you fall asleep again." Tony told JC, pulling him to his feet. JC leant against Tony as they walked towards the bus. When they reached the open door, JC stopped leaning ang got ready to run out. Both of them jogged out and started to run faster when they heard the screaming of mad teenage girls who had spotted them. They got onto the bus and the door closed shut behind them. Climbing into their seats the bus started to pull away from the venue. Tony looked back one last time at the venue where he performed like he never had before.

Pulling up outside the hotel, there was a horde of screaming girls waiting for them. The group got ready and started to run into the midst and inside the doors. When they made it up to their rooms, JC and Tony collapsed into onto their bed. JC rolled over and nuzzled into the crook of Tony's neck who gently caressed JC's hair. JC licked Tony's neck who squirmed slightly. JC then moved his lips upto Tony's lips. Soon they were both kissing passionatly, JC's hands wandering down over Tony's body. With their tongues entangled and waging war their clothes were basically torn from their bodies. JC was lying ontop of Tony and his hands wandering down over Tony's smooth chest. Tony's hands wandered down over JC's back and moved down towards JC's ass where they rested and occasionally squeezed. Their hard-ons pushed against each other and their hips ground sending out sexual waves of eagerness and pleasure through their bodies. JC's lips left Tony's and gradually moved down over his body. Wandering over his chest and down to his navel, JC's lips danced until they found Tony's manhood. Gently, JC took it into his mouth and started to suck gently on the head and then inhaled the entire shaft. Slowly JC licked the underside of Tony's shaft and applied a gently suction to it. JC's head began to bob up and down on Tony who moaned lowly with pleasure coarsing through his body. JC pulled off Tony and lets his lips wander back up to Tony's who rolled JC over and kissed JC's neck , shoulders, chest and stomach then gently kissed the head of JC's cock. After suckling gently on it, Tony moved off it and then down to JC's balls where he gently took each one into his mouth and applied a slight pressure to them. JC groaned as sexual ecstasy acrched through his body. Tony then came back to sucking on JC's manhood. JC felt a familiar stirring starting to lace up through the length of his cock.

"Tony, I'm gonna cum!" JC cried out. Tony applied greater suction and pressure to the head of JC's cock and was soon greated by a warm rush of JC's cum. JC shot several times more and eventually subsided. Tony came back up to kiss JC who laughed and Tony looked at him confused. JC leant up and wiped a small drop of cum which was sitting at the corner of Tony's lip. JC looked Tony dead in the eye.

"You need to finish." He told Tony.

"Josh, we need to sleep."

"You aren't there yet."

"You are, that's enough for me." With that Tony leant down and kissed JC and lay down next to him. JC pulled close to Tony and rested his head on Tony's chest. Tony smiled and kissed the top of JC's head and drifted off to sleep.

The pair were awoken the next morning by a banging on their door. Tony groaned as JC disentangled himself from Tony, pulled on some pants, pulled the sheet up over Tony and went to answer the door. Lance stood there looking upset and JC was instantly concerened.

"Lance what's wrong?"

"I need to talk to you guys."

"Can you give us a minute to get dressed?" JC asked and Lance nodded. Pushing the door closed a little JC turned around and shrugged at Tony who got out of bed and pulled some clothes on. Soon the pair of them were outside their room, wallets, cell phones and keys in hand. The trio set off down the hall and into the lobby. Walking outside Tony flagged down a cab and all three climbed in.

Sitting down at the coffee shop where Justin and Tony had sat a day previous, Lance looked at them. JC leant forwards on the table.

"Lance, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I was lying in bed last night and Justin was in the next bed to me and all through the night he was talking in his sleep. He was going on about Britney and stuff and I got up the guts to ask him what he thought about me. I'm not saying I'm gay or anything, but I kinda like Justin and, well I'm not used to it." Tony nodded.

"That's normal for any man though Lance. There's nothing wrong with that." Lance nodded.

"Anyways, I asked him what he thought of me and his response was 'Lance is like the big brother that I couldn't be without'. I asked him if would ever think about going out with me. He replied 'one day, but at the moment, I'm still getting over Tony'. I can't do this. I can't be gay and in love with Justin." Lance said, almost breaking down into tears.

--- Short, nothing really happening, just a fill-in for you all while I try to get some stuff at college sorted! Keep cool y'all! Love and sloppy kisses, SC.

Next: Chapter 28

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