Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Aug 14, 2023


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.

DISCLAIMER THINGY: If you are under aged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguments as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story. No goldfish were harmed in the making of this story!

Author's Words: Again... I return after a delay on my part... of which I offer my condolences. I am actually writing this while I am sitting in a hospital bed, I never thought that this could be so theraputic. Did I just spell that right? I am trying hard to figure out what will make this story sound good and I have all these suggestions from readers and I don't know what one to use... there are so many and I love all the ideas so I'm going to try and blend them all into one idea... this could end up being a long chapter!!! If your idea doesn't seem to appear in this chapter, it's not because I didn't love it, I just couldn't fit it in. Maybe in the next chapter or so. Also, please people, if I get one more email asking me is Tony is the artist Tony Lee Scott, I am going to scream... NO IT ISN'T!!! Sheesh, how many time do I have to tell you people LOL.

Author's Thanks: Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To the Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web site. You, my friend, are a true legend! Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one... are you ever gonna write to me again dude? Also, my fav guy, Tim, I don't know how to say thank you for some one who is so special and supportive to me. You seem to have it hard at times, believe me dude, it can get better. After all, you have me as a friend LOL.

Love ya man! Jordan, I don't know what to say to you. You have been a constant source of fun and friendship to me for ages now. You are special to my heart and your support is unreal! You have so much to offer the world, when I make it big, I'll say 'the little people' and mean you! KIDDING! You maybe short on height but HUGE on heart! Your wisdom is something more than anyone else I know your age poses. Carsten... your support, humour and advice are a great source of light in my life. As with all the others, you are in my heart and I have a lot of time for you. You are more special then you realise to both me and JC Dreams. You words touch me right on the heart. Love ya! Jillybeans, girl you rock!!! I love you so much, you have always been a friendly ear to me and I thank you so much for it. If I'm feeling down, I can rely on you to make me smile! God knows what I did to deserve your friendship, but I feel truly blessed for it... someone above must have been smiling my way when they first let me start talking to you! Love ya girl! Thanks to all the readers for just reading, even if you don't write.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just nding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me. Note I say starting.

My New Life -- (boy bands) A total kick-ass story which involves Lance from Nsync and a non-celeb called Marc. It's superbly written and I love reading it... dude... MORE MORE MORE!

Brandis Redemption -- (celebrity) I love this story so much... it's just a shame it doesn't get updated more often hint hint hint

Search and Rescue -- (boy bands) The best JC series to hit Nifty! I am in awe of the writers style and honesty. I you feel like a truely gripping story, go check out this series... it is so excellent, and I could keep raving but I'm not going to... just do yourself a favour... read it!

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com or heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time; let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

This series, as always remains dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-August-2000. To his memory, we have a series born. Thank you for your love Boo. I'll see you again one day. Eternal rest grant unto him Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. Amen.

JC Dreams 27 by Sun Child

The performance had rocked the house. It was a spectacle to behold... the energy pumped through the guys while they were on stage. Tony had led in with 'Dreams' which he announced to be his new single. Nsync appeared out of seemingly no where and erupted with 'Pop' which sent the fans crazy. The group then blasted with several more songs and Tony reappeared to do his set and 'Promise You' along with 'Angels' with JC. The guys then started their next set. Tony reappeared one last time with JC to do 'Show I Care' and when the song finished, JC disappeared and Tony did his last song of the night. When Tony finished, the first few bars of 'Bye Bye Bye' floated out and the guys were lowered on hoists down towards the stage. As the song started, JC felt his harness start to give way and went very still. Justin noticed out of the corner of his eye as did Tony who was on the side of the stage. Tony shoved the guy next to him,

"There's something wrong with Josh's harness... go get help." The guy scurried away while Tony watched them on stage, not game to breathe. JC's part came up and he very carefully lifted his mic up and sang, being careful not to move too much for fear of upsetting his harness. Dangling ten feet above the stage, it probably wouldn't kill him but could still break his leg, neck or back. As the song was heading into the last chorus, JC's harness gave way and he plummeted to the stage. The audience screamed and the music came to a dead stop. Tony and several backstage hands raced out onto stage. JC was lying on the stage very still and Tony's heart was in his throat. Tony knelt beside JC who looked at him

"Settle the crowd before theyriot." Tony nodded and grabbed JC's mic. He walked to the edge of the stage.

"People, please settle down. Can people please stop screaming, I need you to listen." From behind Tony a whistle blasted out which caught the audience's attention. Tony glanced back as he heard Justin speak

"Please, Tony was trying to talk to you. Can we please settle and listen to him." Justin begged the audience.

"Thanks Justin, okay people, JC is okay. He's a bit winded but he seems to be okay. Can we settle down please. Have you all had a good night?" The audience called back yes.

"Well, let's keep it a good night and not get too upset over this accident." The audience settled down a bit on hearing JC was okay.

"Thanks for coming everyone, now please, can we start to leave now, just to give yourselves some fresh air and calming time. Thanks for coming and we'll see you next time." Tony said to the crowd waving. He then turned and jogged back to JC. He turned off the mic and lay it down.

"You okay Josh?"

"My legs hurts."

"Well, you've probably broken it. You did land on it after falling ten feet." Tony told him. JC groaned.

"Great, tour gets delayed again."

"Well, it's better to have six healthy singers then five healthy and one who can't walk." JC nodded his head. and closed his eyes.

A few hours later, Tony, Justin and Lance were all sitting in the hospital waiting room. Tony looked around,

"We seem to be using these hosptials pretty well." Justin looked at Tony.

"Where do you think th hospitals get all their money. They live off us by the seems of it. You've been in them twice since tour started, now it's JC's turn." Tony laughed at what Justin was saying and fully agreed, only Lance sat there quietly, watching the pair out of the corner of his eyes. Tony stood up

"I'm going for coffee, anyone want?" Justin shook his head and Lance stood up

"I'll go with you." With that the pair wandered down to the coffee machine.

As they were walking Tony spoke

"Okay Lance, what's wrong?"

"I've got the feeling Justin didn't take what I said to him too well."

"It's not that he didn't take it well, he was shocked, there was no sign before this that you really liked him. In that way anyhow. But give him time, he might not feel that way for you at the moment. Why not give him some time and things might improve." Tony suggested. Lance nodded and collected his coffee from the machine. Tony and he started to walk back to Justin in the waiting room.

When they reached Justin, they had only been sitting a few minutes when an doctor appeared.

"Mr Scott, Mr Chasez is asking for you. He's broken his leg but we've plated it, and set the bone back into place and he's in a cast. This means no dancing for a while though. Try to keep him off his feet as much as possible. Now if you will follow me, all three of you can go see him." With that the doctor led them to JC's room. Walking in, they were greeted with the sight of JC lying there, his leg in a cast and drugged out. Tony sat down beside him and JC looked at him.

"Hey Tone."

"Hey Sweetie, how are ya doin'?"

"Feels like I'm floating. That and I can't feel my leg at all now."

"Well you are probably drugged outta your head and the leg will now doubt have a local anaesthetic to stop it hurting."

"Whatever they've got me on, I want some more." Josh mused. Tony looked at Justin and Lance,

"Trust my boyfriend to get high on happy gas and want some more." He groused playfully rolling his eyes. The four friends sat there talking.

After a late night, Tony, Justin and Lance returned to the hospital early the next morning where JC looked up and grinned at them. They were talking when all of a sudden two people burst into the room. Tony looked up,

"Sorry, I think you have the wrong room." JC shook his head.

"No they don't Tone, I'd like you to meet my mother Karen and father Rob." Tony nodded and turned to meet them properly.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Chasez." Rob extended his hand to shake Tony's.

"Please Tony, Rob and Karen. From what Josh has told us, you're part of the family. If you are part of the Nsync family, you're part of ours." Tony smiled and thanked them. Tony stood up and moved so Karen could sit next to her son.

"How are you Rob?" Asked Justin.

"Not bad thanks Justin and you?"

"One of those days." Justin said half heartedly and smiled. Tony saw Lance's face fall and nodded to the door.

"Come on Lance, let's go outside for some fresh air. I hate the inside of hospitals." JC started to stress.

"Why are you going?"

"We're only going for fresh air. We'll be back." Tony reassured him. Rob looked suspiciously at Tony but didn't say anything. Lance and Tony then made a hasty exit.

Walking out into the fresh air Tony spoke.

"You're hurting more with Justin then you're telling me aren't you." It was more of a statement then a question. Lance looked sideways at Tony.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because when Justin said it's been 'one of those days', you're face totally fell apart. Lance looked down, not sure of what to say.

"Lance, you can't help how you feel. Emotions control us, not the other way around. If Justin doesn't feel the same way, don't give up. Feelings can change, don't give up on it. Especially, don't give up on your friendship. That's what relationships are based on after all." Lance looked at Tony.

"When did you get so wise?" He asked.

"Practice." Laughed Tony. The pair sat outside talking for a little longer then headed back inside.

Walking back into JC's hospital room, Karen was sitting there in tears, Justin sat in the corner, head bowed and Rob stood looking out the window. JC lay there staring at the ceiling. As they entered JC looked over at them then back at the ceiling. Lance grabbed Tony

"Get out of here fast." Rob turned and looked at Tony.

"Yes, get out of here you filthy faggot." Tony stood there stunned.

"You heard me, get out. You pervert." He fumed. All this did was cause Karen to cry harder. Tony stood rooted to the spot, not comprehending all of what was going on.

"Are you stupid as well as queer? Fuck off! Get out of my son's room." Rob threw at him. Justin stood and went to get Tony out of the room.

"Don't touch him Justin, he'll make you queer as well." Rob spat at him. Justin glared at Rob.

"Don't you dare say that about my friends Rob. Not now or ever." With that he turned back and led Tony gently out of the room and out of the hospital.

The three sat in a cab back to the hospital, Tony still in a daze. Pulling up around the back of the hotel, Justin paid the driver and the three climbed out. On the way up to the rooms, they met up with Joey and Chris. Chris spotted something was wrong but didn't say anything. When the elevator arrived at their floor, Tony walked out and down to his room without saying anything. He opened his door, walked into his room and closed it. Chris looked at Justin and Lance,

"What happened?" He asked.

"Rob and Karen appeared." Justin told them.

"Okay, the problem with that lies where?"

"JC came out to them and told them that he was seeing Tony. Rob and Karen didn't take it well. Then when Tony came back Rob kinda abused him and he's been like that ever since." Joey, by this time was starting to look pissed off.

"Abused?" Asked Lance incredulously. "He told Tony he was pervert and queer and told him to fuck off." Joey had a look to kill on his face when Lance said this.

"He said what?!?!" Exploded Joey. "God help him if he comes here. He won't be a happy boy." Chris looked at Joey.

"This isn't between us. It's between JC, Tony, Rob and Karen."

"How can you say that? You saw how Tony was."

"Yes I did, and my heart goes out to him, but us getting involved won't help any. This has to be between them if they want to resolve it." The elevator doors opened again and a young man's voice came out.

"Too right it's between JC, Tony and my parents." Justin turned and saw Tyler and Heather walking out of the elevator. Justin ran up and scooped Tyler into a big hug. Letting him go, he gave Heather a huge hug as well.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Like we wouldn't come seeing as our brother isn't in hospital." Heather told Justin with her voice intoning a big DUH! Justin grinned sheepishly.

"Oh yeah, well that makes sense." Tyler grabbed Justin by the arm and they moved away from the group a little more.

"Okay, is this Tony and JC happy?" He asked seriously.

"Like you wouldn't believe. JC absoloutely glows when Tony's around." Justin told Tyler. Tyler nodded.

"That's good enough for me. Now where is he?"

"In his and JC's room, I don't know if it's wise to go see him though."

"Well, he better make it wise." Tyler told him determinedly. Sighing Justin led Tyler up to Tony and JC's room. Knocking lightly, Justin called out.

"Tony, are you awake?" A few moments later the door opened.

"Yes Juz?" He asked.

"There's someone here to see you." Justin said stepping out of the way and let Tyler move into the line of sight and both their jaws dropped open.


"Tone?" Justin looked at the confused.

"You two know each other." Tyler sprang at Tony giving him a big hug. Tony smiled and closed his eyes as he hugged Tyler. When the two let go, Tony looked at Justin.

"This one used to go out with Tash." He explained. "I never realised you were Josh's brother."

"I never realised you were the two-bit muso that was touring with my brother." Threw back Tyler. Tyler made a motion like he was licking his fist and stamped it on Tony. Tony laughed and nodded. Justin stood there looked very befuddled.

"What on Earth?"

"I just got his stamp of approval." Laughed Tony. Justin just nodded his head, not wanting any more of an explanation. Tyler looked at Tony.

"I hear things didn't go well with mom and dad." Tony shook his head.

"To put it mildly... no." Tyler shook his head.

"That sucks man. You're a good guy. Just treat my brother well, otherwise I'll be hunting you down." Tony nodded.

"If I hurt him, I don't know what I'd do."

--- What a place to end it huh. Oh well, you get that. Hope you enojyed the chapter because I enjoyed writing it. Very theraputic. Take care all. ~hugs kisses and jellybeans~ Sun Child

Next: Chapter 30

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