Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Nov 7, 2023



This series is entirely fiction. It is by no means an inference into who Nsync is and any of the band members sexuality. If you are under the legal age to read this I now request you leave. If you are offended by M/M topics, I would ask that you remove yourself from reading this story as well. I am by no means affiliated with JIVE/ZOMBA Records.


I want to send out my most heartfelt sympathy to those who have been devastated by the events of the terrorism in the US. My heart goes out to you and I pray that those who have died are in a better place. I offer my condolences to those who have been affected by loss of a loved one with this horror.


I want to thank so many people now but I don't know where to start. Well to start, I should thank the Nifty Archivist who has allowed me to post this series on his site and has continued to let me. Next I would like to thank my most devout reader, Jordan. My young friend, you are amazing. You have a sense of knowledge and street smarts that belies your age. Welcome to my family. Carsten, my friend, your support to this series and to me with all that has happened, words cannot say thank you enough. You are one in a million. Your way with words always manage to make me smile and make me realise when I've fucked up in the story some where. Without you, JC Dreams would be totally and utterly rooted at times. Tim, the net is a big place and it can also be a dangerous place. Keep in mind the lessons I have taught. Things can go wrong, but it is up to you to make them right. To anyone who has read and written in... thanks, your words of support are a blessing to me in disguise. You may not realise the impact but they are all amazing. To those who have read and not written in, thanks for just reading.




This series is dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10 - January - 1980 to 20 - August - 2000. From his memory and support, a story born. Eternal rest grant unto him O'Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen

JC Dreams 31 by Sun Child

JC looked at Tony with a haunted look in his eyes. The idea that Tony might be about to walk out of their room to receive word he had terminal illness and was to die frightened him more than life.

"I'll be okay Josh." Promised Tony. "I'm not about to let this fucker beat me. I've got too much to live for." JC nodded lightly.

"Could I come with you Tony?" He asked. Tony quickly crossed the floor to where JC was standing.

"I wouldn't have it any other way baby." Tony told him, gently kissing his forehead. JC swallowed hard and wrapped his arms around Tony. Drawing from the calm of JC, Tony let go and stepped back and smiled.

"Let's go get told I was worrying over nothing." JC smiled back hopefully as the pair walked out of the room together and headed for the elevator.

After sitting in the waiting room for nearly an hour, a doctor came out and called for Tony who stood to go with him. JC also rose and Tony looked at him.

"Just wait here Josh. If I need you, I'll get someone to come for you baby. I won't be long." He said in a subdued tone. JC nodded and sat back down. As Tony and the doctor walked into the examination room, the doctor looked at Tony.

"Well Mr Scott, it's good to see you. I take it you've come for your test results?"

"Yes please doc. I've got a show tonight, and rehearsals soon so can we hurry this up a little please."

"All in good time Mr Scott. There's two parts to what I've got to tell you. Good and Bad news as the phrase would go... which would you like first?"

"Well how about starting on a good note?" Asked Tony.

"Okay, you don't have cancer. That's the good news."

"Well what's the bad news then? I mean come on... what can bring me down after that."

"You have a cyst Mr Scott. It can be left or it can be removed. If it is removed, as it is in your testicles, there is a reduced chance you will ever have children." Tony nodded.

"Well, when it comes to that, what would happen should I leave it?"

"It could come to the fact that if you leave it, it could turn cancerous."

"How soon?"

"Not for a good while yet Mr Scott."

"So I could complete tour then have it removed?" Asked Tony. The doctor nodded his head. Tony sighed in relief and the doctor patted him on the back. Tony wandered back out to JC in the waiting area where JC was sitting. As soon as JC saw him, he leapt to his feet. Tony just motioned to go outside and get a cab. JC looked at Tony but decided not to ask.

When they arrived back at the hotel, Tony and JC went to their room in silence. As soon as the door was closed Tony turned to JC and kissed him deeply. JC was caught off guard but succumbed to the kiss and began to run his hand up and down Tony's back. Tony started to undo JC's shirt and pushed it down over his shoulders. Soon JC's shirt was on the floor closely followed by Tony's. JC picked up Tony and carried him to the bed. JC gently nipped and licked at Tony's ear who moaned softly and invitingly. He arched his back as JC licked at his collarbone. The feelings of erotic pleasure ran throughout Tony's body. He pulled JC's face up to his own and kissed his lips. Tony's hands ran down over JC's muscular body. Soon his hands reached JC's button and fly which he undid while still locked in a passionate kiss with JC. JC's own hands wandered down to Tony's button and fly. As they came away in his hand Tony kissed him long and hard on the lips. Rolling JC onto his back, Tony let his lips wander down over JC's body. Soon his lips met with the waist band of JC's boxer-briefs and with his mouth, pulled down the elastic only to have JC's manhood fall against his face. Turning his mouth slightly, he caught it in his mouth and started to suck on it lightly. Soon his head was bobbing up and down, inhaling all of JC into his mouth. JC groaned lightly in erotic ecstasy. Tony masterfully worked his mouth over JC's hot pole dragging him closer to orgasm every time. The whole time, JC never was quiet. Moaning as he drew closer to orgasm. As he was about to release his seed he muttered warning to Tony who felt JC tense. Tony applied more suction and JC arched his back as he seed flew forth in thick ropes into Tony's waiting mouth. Soon, Tony had swallowed all of JC. He came up and kissed JC passionately on his lips, sharing the taste of JC with him. JC kissed him back and let his hands sneak down to Tony's own engorged member. Stroking it lightly, he felt it become harder in his hand. After a few more strokes Tony's own seed burst forth over JC's abdomen and fist. Tony rolled on top of JC and kissed him lightly.

"I love you Josh."

"You're not dying are you." JC said more of a statement than a question.

"No I'm not. It's a testicular cyst that could go cancerous if it isn't treated. If I do have it treated, I'm going to have a reduced chance of having children." He told JC.

"When it comes to that, we just have to look at adoption." Tony nodded to JC.

"Eactly what I said. I love you so much Josh... forever baby." JC was about to respond when there was a knock at the door.

"Time to go to the venue you two fuck bunnies." Came Justin's voice through the door. Tony and JC groaned but got off the bed.

"And I love you for our eternity." Said JC kissing Tony lightly and cuddling him at the same time. "Now let's haul ass, we gotta clean up and go perform."

"Funny, I thought we just did." Grinned Tony who bounded out the door."

--- Okay okay okay, so it took me a long time to write this. Love to my man who is reading the first part of the series as I write this chapter. Take care everyone. ~Hugs kisses and cookies~ SunChild

Next: Chapter 34

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