Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Dec 9, 2023



This series is entirely fiction. It is by no means an inference into who Nsync is and any of the band members sexuality. If you are under the legal age to read this I now request you leave. If you are offended by M/M topics, I would ask that you remove yourself from reading this story as well. I am by no means affiliated with JIVE/ZOMBA Records.


I want to let people know that I am deeply sorry about the delays that this series is receiving. I have been having a few fuck ups in life at the moment. Recently I got an email from someone who I will not name, but he appreciated this series for it's reality and was using it to draw strength from to come out. The few words he used in his email meant so much to me that I cannot begin to explain it to you. To the reader, you know who you are, I hope that all goes well with you my friend... things are always hard and I pray that life will treat you well as you endeavour to work it out. I wish to thank everyone who reads the series... without you, it would never have made as far as it has... all 32 chapters of it. Thank you, my love and gratitude to it all.


I want to thank so many people now but I don't know where to start. Well to start, I should thank the Nifty Archivist who has allowed me to post this series on his site and has continued to let me. Next I would like to thank my most devout reader, Jordan. My young friend, you are amazing. You have a sense of knowledge and street smarts that belies your age. Welcome to my family. Carsten, my friend, your support to this series and to me with all that has happened, words cannot say thank you enough. You are one in a million. Your way with words always manage to make me smile and make me realise when I've fucked up in the story some where. Without you, JC Dreams would be totally and utterly rooted at times. At times, when I feel I'm slipping within me, I know that I can write and just talk to you Carsten, you will never know what that means to me. You are one in a million and I can't think of what to say now to try and explain what's inside... some author huh. Tim, the net is a big place and it can also be a dangerous place. Keep in mind the lessons I have taught. Things can go wrong, but it is up to you to make them right. To anyone who has read and written in... thanks, your words of support are a blessing to me in disguise. You may not realise the impact but they are all amazing. Paul, my angel, my friend and my heart. I cannot begin to tell you all that I hide in my heart and all that I know eternally within. There is so much potential in all that I see with you. I can see the movie director, I can see the young man, I can see the caring lover. I now challenge you Paul, see what I do. Even if you don't become big and famous, you still make me proud of you for being you. I love you for it, and I miss you baby. To those who have read and not written in, thanks for just reading.


Jamie's Romance - (Boy Bands) - Staring Justin (Nsync) and Jamie (non-celeb) in a fantastic read. Well done to Jim in the unbelievable ways you write your story. I want to be able to write like you one day, as an author, you are a huge role model to me.

Just Together - (Celebrity) - Michael (From Dawson's Creek) and Jonnah (tech crew) are written into an amazing story which pulls at all the heart strings. Without this series, I would be lost.

Search and Rescue - (Boy Bands) - Nsync story with JC (duh) and Matt (non-celeb)... and the author's a slack bastard!! He's worse than I am at updating. LOL... now that says somnething. Leave us hanging why don't ya... write more.


jellybeanking@hotmail.com -- this email has a messenger attatched to it. I know this is a new email address, I have been added to a spam list by some delightful person... if I find out who, look out (joke).


This series is dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10 - January - 1980 to 20 - August - 2000. From his memory and support, a story born. Eternal rest grant unto him O'Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen

JC Dreams 32 by Sun Child

As Tony and JC bounded down into the lobby, they found Justin, Lance and Chris waiting for them.

"Where's Joey?" Asked Tony looking around. Justin shrugged,

"Don't know, none of us have seen him at all today. He's disappeared on us... prick." Tony nodded and sat down and looked around at the people and saw a familiar face walk through the crowd and towards them. Touching Justin lightly on the arm he nodded out the window.

"Don't look now but your mate is around." Justin looked confused then towards the direction Tony had motioned. His face grew pale, then tight. JC noticed and looked in the direction motioned.

"Oh fuck, what does he want?"

"Bad groupie?" Guessed Chris who had spied the figure as well. As the uninvited guest arrived at the four he spoke.

"Hey guys, fancy seeing you here. I thought only Tony the Wonder Geek was here."

"Fuck off Steve." Said Justin dangerously.

"Why? What are ya going to do?" Dared Steve. "Try and explain why boy wonder, super pop-icon hit a fan to the press. They'd have a field day." Justin looked away. Joey appeared beside Steve, his hand on the two pressure points the back of Steve's neck.

"You have five seconds from when I let go of your neck to disappear, otherwise we won't be held responsible for any harm inflicted on you." Lonnie appeared on the other side.

"Don't you hate it when people attack the band you are bodyguarding. You kinda have to break their nose in several places and inflict great pain on them." Steve snarled lightly.

"Try it and I'll sue."

"Go for it, Lonnie was only doing his job defending us." Justin threw. Joey let go of Steve and started to count. Steve looked at the group in disgust.

"This ain't over... not by a long shot." With that he stalked off, a storm cloud dangling over his head. The group looked at each other, shrugged and prepared to leave.

At the stadium, the guys looked around and prepared for rehearsals and sound check. Tony was up first and blasted his way through the first set and was then replaced by the guys. Getting back stage, Tony looked out over the stage watching the guys do their thing. Soon he returned to the stage and bounded through his set, his duets with Justin and JC, then onto the stage came the other three and they went through the new version of 'Pop' with Tony in rap mode. Tony then left the stage as the guys launched into several other pieces. Soon it was time for wind-up and the guys and Tony sat on the stools for "This I Promise You" and sang away. Fatima came up to them and selected a few songs and did a run through of the routines with the guys that she felt needed sharpening. When all was done and complete the group all headed back to the dressing rooms to prepare.

Sitting down in a couch provided Tony soon found JC sitting on his lap.

"And Santa, for Christmas I want..." He laughed. Tony rolled his eyes and put his head against JC who kissed the top of his head. They sat there feeling comfort in each other's presence.

"What am I going to do with you?" Moaned Tony.

"Nothing that I can say infront of this lot." He grinned and Joey blanched at the thought. Tony caught the movement in the corner of his eyes and grinned.

"Oh don't be like that Joey. You know you enjoyed it last night when we let you join in with us. You were moaning and groaning. Normally I don't like the "more more more" people, but you did it so well and all." Tony said poking his tongue at Joey who just blushed. Giggling, the group headed in for make up and costumes.

Standing backstage waiting for cues to go on stage the group could hear the crowd chanting outside, calling their names, screaming for the excitement of just being there. Tony got cued to go on and the band started playing. The crowd roared in response to the pick-up in music. Chad, who was playing guitar called out,

"Alright, time to come on Tony!" Into his mic. He looked around.

"Tony? Tony Scott where are you?" His voice was stern and the crowd fell silent.

"I'm here." Came Tony's voice from one side of the stage.

"Actually, I'm here." Came his voice from the other. Suddenly, a bright stream of light streamed down into the centre of the stage.

"No, I'm here." The band blasted out it's tune and Tony looked at the crowd.

When you look to your side

Do you still see an empty space?

Or am I there for the ride?

At your side is my place

You can't see all that I hold

All the special things you make me feel

You still treat me with shoulders cold

How do you know what I feel isn't real?

You look and run

You don't see me where you are

You refuse to look at me in the sun

Together, we will go so so far

Look inside your heart for the truth

It stares you right in the face

It says that I can love you with no other truth

It makes an easier life's race

Can you tell me you don't know me?

Can you say that you don't know

Can you tell me you don't love me?

Can you say that you don't love

You look and run

You don't see me where you are

You refuse to look at me in the sun

Together, we will go so so far

I love you to the end of days

I love you within my heart

I love you totally always

I love you even when we're apart

When you look to your side

Do you still see an empty space?

Or am I there for the ride?

At your side is my place

You look and run

You don't see me where you are

You refuse to look at me in the sun

Together, we will go so so far

"How are we people?" Called Tony into his mic. The crowd screamed back at him and he waved.

"You know, I think that we're going to have fun tonight... what about you?" He asked and the crowd screamed again.

"Well, now I'd like to share with you a new song from my new album 'DueTwo', I hope you like it." Tony picked up his guitar and started to play.

So long away from you, my love

Wanting so much to hold you

In the places under the covers

Why? because I love you

I want to be right by your side

I want to be there every day

I want to be on your life's ride

I want to be there in any way

At night I dream only of you

When I awake you're the first thing

When I sleep you're the last thing, my thoughts are with you

And of wondering how you're feeling

I want to be right by your side

I want to be there every day

I want to be on your life's ride

I want to be there in any way

So many miles are we apart

So much closer do I want to be

The love for you has no end and no start

Because IO always want you with me

I want to be right by your side

I want to be there every day

I want to be on your life's ride

I want to be there in any way

I can only wait eternity

Because forever isn't long

I hope we are blessed by the deity

And our seperation isn't too long.

The audience was momentarily speechless with the breath taking beauty of the song and then roared their appreciation to Tony who smiled back. Blasting through several more song, Nsync soon ran out to replace Tony who waved and went off stage. Getting backstage he ran straight into Britney who was being escorted by Lonnie.

"Brit, what are you doin' here?" He asked.

"Makin' sure you guys do tonight right." She grinned winking.

"Am I thinkin' that there is going to be guest appearances?" He asked. She nodded.

"Space Cowboy, the two of us are to do Left Eye's rap. The guys just don't know it yet. The band's in, Nsync aren't." She giggled. Tony nodded.

"Well we have three songs to get ready in then." She nodded and they ran to costume and prepared.

Standing waiting just out of sight, JC and the guys launched into Space Cowboy and the other two prepared.

Riprock, AG

Come in, over

Yo, turn it up

I wanna be heard

See, I'm talkin' about the future, y'all

And the future looks bright

'specially when we rip it in half

Here it comes, millenium

And everybodyt's talkin' 'bout Jerusalem

Is this the beginning, or beginning of the end

Well, I've got other thoughts my friend

See I've got my eyes on the skies

The heavenly bodies up high

And if you're in the mood to take a ride

Then strap on a suit and get inside

If you wanna fly, come and take a ride

Take a space ride with the cowboy, baby

If you wanna fly, come and take a ride

Take a space ride with the cowboy, baby



We don't need all these prophecies

Tellin' us what's a sign, what's a sign

'Cause paranoia ain't the way to live your life from day to day

So leave your doubts and your fears behind

Don't be afraid at all

'Cause up in outer space there's no gravity to fall

POut your mind to the test

'Cause up in outer space it's like the wild wild west

If you wanna fly, come and take a ride

Take a space ride with the cowboy, baby

If you wanna fly, come and take a ride

Take a space ride with the cowboy, baby



"STOP" Called Britney into her mic and silence hit the stadium. Nsync, the band and the crowd. It all halted. Then both Britney and Tony bounced out in full music mode and started to rap along.

Boom and never let you try to stop me

Born to fly sky high, up to the top see me

Nothing to fear no doubts and no tears

Millenium sound to motivate the future years

And you can either be scare or get prepared

To make these move and take flight like me

To come through for the world prophecy

Space connect to overthrow you interception

Ready or not, make it hot

There ain't no question

Get Britney and put your head to the sky

Keep the faith

One love from Tone-eye

If you wanna fly, come and take a ride

Take a space ride with the cowboy, baby

If you wanna fly, come and take a ride

Take a space ride with the cowboy, baby



The guys for over their shock and looked straight at Tony and Britney in dis-belief, Tony shrugged and bounced into his next set letting the others get off stage. Soon the guys returned and Tony took his leave. As the guys rocketed through their set Tony sat down in the couches in the green room and calmed down from the hype of the concert. While he was, his cell phone rang.

"Hello?... hey Caleb... what's up...when?... I've got to finish this show then I'll see what I can do... leave your cell on and I'll call you back... I know Caleb... I know... Love you too Caleb... yeah bye." With that Tony hung up and looked at the door as Britney walked in.

"Tony, you're up on sta... what's wrong?"

"Tell you after, we've got to get this show done." With that he hurried out to the stage and went on and went through the remaining songs. The band started on 'This I Promise You' and Tony fought not to cry. He started to sing with JC joining him.

When the visions around you

Bring tears to your eyes

And all that surrounds you

Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength

I'll give you hope

Keeping your faith when it's gone

The one you should call

Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here when you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

I've loved you forever

In lifetimes before

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word

I give you my heart

This is a battle we've won

And with this vow

Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And know this feeling won't go away

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Over and over I fall

When I hear you call

Without you in my life, baby

I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right here where you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you, baby

Just close your eyes

Each lovin' day

And knwo that this feeling won't go away

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

Every word I say is true

This I promise you

I promise you

As they finished, the crowd cheered and Tony stood first and waved then went off stage as the guys did their curtain call they came back stage. Britney walked in with JC and Justin to find Tony sitting with his head in his hands, tears slipping down over his cheeks.

"What's wrong Tone?" Asked JC.

"I got a call from Caleb before Josh." As more tears fell JC arched his eyebrows.

"Caleb called me to tell me Sarah's died. She was killed in a car crash." Tony told him dissolving into tears. JC stood rooted to the spot, not knowing what to say. Justin slipped into a chair and shook his head in disbelief. Britney looked at the three men and quietly asked.

"Who was Sarah?" Tony's tears fell faster and he couldn't speak. JC spoke up.

"Sarah is the one who introduced me and Tony. She was one helluva woman."

"You mean the Sarah that was sorting out Tony and his shit when I went and got him from his flat and hauled his ass back to tour?" Britney said with recognition in her voice.

"The one and only." Tony finally spoke up. Slowly she sank down beside Tony and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm sorry Tone, she seemed really cool."

"She was the best." Tony said feeling emotionally drained. Justin stood up and left the room. Tony stood to go after him when JC stood.

"You stay there, I'll go find him."

"Josh, please stay." Tony asked desperately. JC looked at Tony. The sound of desperation in Tony's voice came as a shock to him. It was the first time since they had known each other that Tony had begged like that. Britney looked at them then spoke,

"I... er... I'll go look for Justin." Tony nodded as JC walked over to him. As Britney closed the door, JC put his hands on Tony's upper arms.

"Tone?" Tony pulled himself into JC's arms and wept. They stood like that for what felt to JC hours, but was only about five minutes. When Tony finally settled and stopped crying that sat down on the couch.

"I can't believe she's gone Josh, it feels like one of my arms or legs has been torn from my body. Sarah and Caleb were basically family to me. Now Sarah's gone, it feels like I'm missing something, a big part of me has been stripped away. I can see and hear her voice, but she's not there, she's not with it. She's gone. One of the most important people in my life are gone." Tony said, his admittance broke not only his heart, but also JC's.

"You want to head back to Caleb in LA to be with him?"

"There's no way I can't Josh. I've got to go to him." JC nodded undestanding.

"Well, let's get back to the hotel and get you packed and ready." JC suggested standing and waiting as Tony finally found the strength.

"Can you come with me Josh?" Tony asked looking into JC's eyes with a pleading in them. JC shook his head.

"I don't know Tone. I doubt it. I'll try, but I don't know." JC told Tony quietly. Tony nodded and put his arm around Josh's waist and headed for the door.

When they got back to the hotel and up into the room, Tony fell back onto the bed and JC sat down next to him.

"You want me to make the bookings and stuff?" He asked. Tony nodded.

"If you don't mind hun." JC nodded and picked up the phone and began dialling. Soon JC had worked out all the details and was about to speak to Tony when there was a knock at the door. He sighed and went to answer it. Justinw as standing there, his face tched with concern.

"How's Tony doing?" He asked. JC sighed again and shook his head.

"He's pretty scattered. He hasn't moved on the bed for the last half an hour while I was on the phone. I think he's in shock of it all. I'm going to have to take time off tour and go with him to the funeral and stuff. What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Not sure, I think we're just travelling. No shows until next week sometime, rehearsals and in-stores though."

"I'll just have to pass it. I need to be with him."

"You can sort that one with the company, I'm not." Justin said.

"Can you send Lance down, maybe he can help me." JC asked. Justin nodded.

"Okay, I'll do that now, take care of Tone for us JC. We all love him." With that he wandered down the hall and knocked on Lance's door. Lance opened the door and spoke to Justin then closed his door againk, only to open it again and walk down to JC and Tony's room. JC came out of the room and Lance explained how he could take time off tour to go with Tony. JC took it all in and nodded. When they had sorted it out, JC thanked Lance and went into the room and called management and sent them to deal with the record company. He then called the airline and booked his ticket and started to pack. The entire time Tony didn't move on the bed. He lay there, still and motionless, just staring at the ceiling.

A time later, Tony and JC left the hotel and climbed into a cab and drove to the airport. Tony sat next to the window and just looked out as the sights went past. So close next to him sat JC, though Tony felt as though they were worlds apart. JC could feel the seperation between them widening as he reached out his hand to take Tony's and Tony resisted for a moment. Once they were on the plane, JC called Caleb to tell them when they would be arriving. JC then settled back into the seat and looked at Tony who was sitting next to them. He put his hand on Tony's arm.

"Are you okay? Can I get you something?" He asked.

"Yeah, get me to Sarah." Tony said, devoid of feeling, his face expressionless. JC rubbed Tony's arm and sat back wondering what to do.

--- Well here's the newest part for you. Bit of a teary one... so sue me! :-P Don't bother.

  1. Your Side - mine... with dedication to Paul 2) Want Only You - mine... with dedication to Paul. 3) Space Cowboy - Nsync... on 'No Strings Attatched' 4) This I Promise You - Nsync... on 'No Strings Attatched' Hope you all enjoyed it. Remember... email is now -= jellybeanking@hotmail.com =- Love yas, SC.

Next: Chapter 35

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