Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Jan 25, 2023



This series is entirely fiction. It is by no means an inference into who Nsync is and any of the band members sexuality. If you are under the legal age to read this I now request you leave. If you are offended by M/M topics, I would ask that you remove yourself from reading this story as well because this has things you won't normally see on the Disney Channel. I am by no means affiliated with JIVE/ZOMBA Records.


Hi All. Betcha all thought I was done with JC and the gang didn't ya... not likely, I love them to bits. Let's have a look at all this. Though I will warn you now, this is the very last chapter in JC Dreams. SC.


My final thinka for this series... NIFTY... thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have supported JC Dreams from day one and I am very very thankful for it. CARSTEN, you always know where I should take JC Dreams, and can always give me the right advise. Thank you and I love you. JORDAN, my friend, you are wise beyond years... all the best my friend. JAMES, the fact you are a fan and friend means more than anything I can ever put in words to tell you. DANNY... my twin, friend and soul mate. I truly believe you are one of my soul mates, there is such a strong connection between us, it's freaky. JARED, my little boy, I'm proud of you and I love you. PAUL, my friend, confidant and all round nice guy. JILL GASE, I love you girl... JC Dreams is over, our friendship ain't. KAV, good luck with life, 23 years of not being you is hard I imagine, I'm yet to get there, but hey, try and take each day as it comes. To those who have read and written in... your support is the only reason that I have been able to write this much. To those who have just read... thank you again.

Brendon, to who this entire series is dedicated... I hate you for dying on me you bastard, I hate you for not being here with me. Though I still love you and think of you every single bloody day. I look forwards to the day we are back together. It shall happen one day my love and what a glorious day it shall be.


Jamie's Romance - (Boy Bands) - Staring Justin (Nsync) and Jamie (non-celeb) in a fantastic read. Well done to Jim in the unbelievable ways you write your story. I want to be able to write like you one day, as an author, you are a huge role model to me.

Just Together - (Celebrity) - Michael (From Dawson's Creek) and Jonnah (tech crew) are written into an amazing story which pulls at all the heart strings. Without this series, I would be lost.

Search and Rescue - (Boy Bands) - Nsync story with JC (duh) and Matt (non-celeb)... and the author's a slack bastard!! He's worse than I am at updating. LOL... now that says somnething. Leave us hanging why don't ya... write more. Still this is by far the best of all the JC series that get posted here on Nifty.

Ryan's Love - (Celebrity) - Ryan Phillipe and Seth Barnes... fiction character who writes for 'Felicity' ... it's an older series that was finished like two years ago, but still a fucking good read. Go find it! It's also started to be updated again with all the characters growing and being expanded on.

Josh and Curly - (Boy Bands) - at last another Nsync story by another Australian... YEEEHAR!

JC's Hitch-hiker - (Boy Bands) - very well written, into it's 'third' season and is updated more than JC Dreams, so if you want a filler... go for it!


jellybeanking@hotmail.com -- this email has a messenger attatched to it.


This series is dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10 - January - 1980 to 20 - August - 2000. From his memory and support, a story born. Eternal rest grant unto him O'Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen

JC Dreams - Epilogue


Sun Child

'How do I, get through one night without you If I had to live without you, What kind of life would that be'

  • Trisha Yearwood

'How Do I Live'

Throughout the night, JC could only hear Tony's voice. Tony saying he loved JC, Tony saying that the dream was over, Tony laughing. All JC could hear was Tony. When he awoke the next morning, he half expected to find Tony sitting there. Looking at the bed beside him, he felt heartbroken to find that it was empty. Wandering out of the bedroom he saw the envelope Tony had given him sitting on the table. He picked it up and remembered he had promised Tony that he would give it to the others. Getting dressed he walked down to the others rooms and knocked and they all agreed to meet in Chris and Joey's room. JC wandered back down to his room and went in and got properly dressed. When he was done he walked back down to Chris and Joey's room. As he walked in Justin looked at him.

"Are you and Tony back together? I saw you go into his room." He asked hopefully.

"That's part of why you are all here. I've got some news, which I don't... I don't... I..." JC tried and broke down into tears. Joey came and put his arm around JC's shoulders.

"JC?" Joey tried to comfort the sobbing JC.

"He's dead." JC finally choked out. The others all looked at him in disbelief.

"We fully ended it yesterday and he... he got on board flight ORL335." JC admitted starting to sob harder. The others fell silent and looked at each other, thinking that JC must be playing some kind of joke on them. Justin finally spoke up,

"No, he can't be, he's still alive. I know he's alive."

"No survivors Justin." Lance said repeating what he'd seen on the news the night before.

"No, he's alive." Justin grabbed his cell phone and dialled Tony's number and waited impatiently for him to answer. When there was no answer Justin screamed and threw the phone against the wall then fell to his knees, tears wetting his cheeks.

"No, no no no no." Was all he seemed to be capable of saying. Joey looked down at JC again and saw the envelope in his hand.

"JC, what's in the envelope?"

"I don't know, he asked me to give it to you guys." He passed it to Joey who tore it open and read.

Hey gang

well I guess you know by now that JC and I

have split up for good this time. This time there

is no turning back. I am done with my music career

I am going to return to teaching. I was happy doing


Justin, you are an amazing young man, you have

some facts of life yet to learn. I guess these are

things that none of the guys can help you with and

you have to learn them on your own. I wish I could

have helped and shown you more.

Lance, I'm sorry for betraying your trust the

way I did all those months ago. Take your time and learn

who you are and what you really want. Someone special will

be waiting there for you.

Chris, thank you for all the help and laughter

you have given me over this rollercoaster ride to the

top. I also want to say thank you for supporting Josh

through all of the shit. The same goes for you

Joey. I was never really close to either of you, but you

both always have a special place in my heart that will

never end.

To all of you, please take care of yourselves, and

each other. Please watch over Josh for me. I don't think

he'll ever really know how much I love him. It's an easy

word to say, but hard emotion to share. Thank you all

for the fun, tears and laughter. I'll remember you all.

Love always


As Joey put the letter down he had tears in his eyes.

"Amen to a great soul." There was a solemn agreement amongst the group.

"I never said goodbye." Justin mourned quietly. They were disturbed by a knocking at the door.

"Come in." Chris called out. Mark walked in.

"I went to see Tony... hey who died." JC broke down into tears once more and left for the bathroom. Justin stood and went after JC. Chris walked over and motioned that Mark should come inside.

"I think you better sit down."

MTV was swamped with calls that night after airing the news bulletin released by Nsync's press agents.

"We regret to inform the public, that after the crash of flight ORL335, and the death of close friend TONY SCOTT, we are finishing our tour early and taking time to recover and mourn the loss of our friend. It is true, of rumours circulating, that Tony was killed when flight ORL335 went down and we ask that people remember him in the fondest of memories. His memory will live forever in our hearts. We will return after taking a break and recording our new album some time in the near future. Thank you."

JC was walking out of the hotel with his bags when he was besieged by media.

"JC... what comments do you have at this time."

"I have nothing more to say then, Tony was a dear friend who I loved dearly and that I guess some souls are just too beautiful to keep from Heaven." JC's eyes filled with tears and he quickly replaced his sunglasses and climbed into the taxi waiting for him.

--- That's it, this time there's no mistake... here in lies the end of JC Dreams. Thank you everyone, I've loved being able to write for you. I've started writing a new series already... Intentions of Life ... found in celebrity. Talk to you all soon. Love SC. xxxxxxx

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