Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Aug 30, 2000


Warning: Okay, this is the obligatory part for me to say that if you aren't 18 (or 21 in some places) GO AWAY!!! I accept no responsibility at all should your mother walk in on you choking the chicken to this, this all you not me. So if you are under the ages I said before or are offended by M/M concepts (why are you on this site if you are?) then please leave.

This story in no way represents any of the true sexuality of any celebrity mentioned, or at least, to the best of my knowledge. Now what else, oh yeah the butt kissing when saying read the folllowing really cool stories, well I ain't done it in past chapters (yeah I know there's only been two) but I'm gonna do it this time:

Justin's Dark Angel - what can I say, a supernatural fanfiction type thingy, but it still goes off.

Affirmation - Savage Garden - gotta love it.

Brandis Redemption - Haven't heard from Jonothan Brandis on the big or small screen in ages but hey, it makes for a good read.

Jamie's Secret Romance - another Justin story (where is JC?) that totally goes off.

My Suprise Romance - Lance (again where is the JC story? That's right ... I'm writing it) and it is one of the best stories that I have read.

Also, all songs featured in this story belong to respective artists. Any poetry included without acknowledging another author is mine ... you touch you die. If it's a character writing the poem ... it's mine ... if it isn't look at the bottom of the story, it will be there

And before you criticise my spelling and writing, I am Australian so any slips I don't mean, I try to write to the American spelling and terms but at times it will be hard, sorry. Yes, I'm almost done, bear with me.

Okay, you want to ask me questions or just write to me -- here is the address to write to: heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com now one last thing

To my man... I LOVE YOU!!!!! Now I will start don't worry, unless of course you want me to talk more next time, in which case let me know and I will.

Here we go:

JC Dreams 4 by Sun Child

Sitting there in the parking space at Tony's flat, just holding each other, neither wanting to let go after the last haunting lines to the song (if ya can't remember the song go look in the previous chapter). After a time they pulled apart. Tony looked straight at JC.

"Please tell me you are gonna sing that. That poor guy deserves to hear that out on the radio or whatever. Please let it become a dream for him." Tony looked at JC almost begging.

"I was going to anyways." JC told Tony. "I think I'm even more determined now." JC held Tony tightly, only to be disturbed as JC's tummy rumbled, demanding food. Tony half laughed and JC groaned.

"Trust me to ruin a sweet moment."

"Never mind Josh, let's go get you fed." JC snapped his head up.

"What did you just call me?"

"Ummm... Josh. Why don't you want me to call you that?" asked Tony.

"No it's fine. You've just always called me JC or babe or something like that. I think I like you calling me by my name." JC grinned and kissed Tony lightly on the lips.

"Do you think we can go eat now?" JC asked smiling as the kiss ended. Tony just smiled and nodded, then opened the door and climbed out.

Standing in the lift, Tony leant back against JC.

"What about the video cameras?" aksed JC nervously.

"Don't worry. I was lying." grinned Tony. JC's face fell.

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Because at the time you still had morning breath... that and I was still half asleep." JC shook his head, face still showing hurt. Tony realised he was going to have to talk fast to get himself out of this mess.

"It was nothing personal Josh. I mean, I was still half asleep and I just wasn't in the mood for kissing. It was still too early in the morning. I'm sorry Josh, I really am. I didn't mean to hurt you." JC looked up and smiled faintly.

"You're okay. I guess I can't believe that you lied to me."

"Well, why don't I make it up to you by taking you out for dinner." JC looked at Tony.

"I thought we were having a night in."

"We can do that too. What did you want in the way of food?" asked Tony.

"How about just something like pizza?" asked JC.

"Cool, I'm gonna check on Butterscotch then I'm gonna have a quick shower." Tony told JC. "Phone's by the fridge." With that Tony disappeared to his room.

Once inside his room, Tony leaned back against the door.

'Great, I've known him for all of a night and a day and I'm falling for him. This is gonna hurt when he leaves, I can tell now.' Tony thought to himself. Pulling himself away from the door he walked over to the wardrobe and selected clothes that would floor JC. Looking at the them Tony smiled.

'This boy ain't gonna know what to do with me.' With that Tony headed for the shower.

After emerging from the shower, Tony walked out to the lounge room where he could hear JC flicking through channels. Walking out, Tony leaned over the back of the couch and wrapped his arms around JC's neck.

"Watcha doin'?" asked Tony. JC looked up about to make a dry comment about stating the obvious, which Tony saw and quickly headed off.

"When should the pizza be here?" Tony asked. As if in answer there was a loud knock at the door. Tony groaned and let go of JC. Walking down the hall he collected his wallet and went to the door. Opening it, Tony was shocked to see Sarah standing there in tears.

"Sarah, what's wrong?" he asked, worried. "Where's Caleb?" Sarah looked up at Tony, tears streaking her face.

"Caleb's in New York. Brendon died." Sarah told him. Tony opened his arms and surrounded her in a warm hug. Brendon had been a long standing friend of Tony's, Caleb's and Sarah's.

"Sarah, when? How?" Tony asked her not comprehending.

"Yesterday, he died as he was walking away from a club, some drunk driver hit him. He was so young, so so young." Sarah said, crying into Tony's chest.

"Sarah? Honey what's wrong?" asked JC who had come up behind them after hearing the crying. Sarah looked up startled.

"Josh? What are you doing here? Are you two?" She asked, voice shakey. Tony just nodded and told her gently.

"Yeah we are. Why don't you come inside sit down and talk to me." Lightly he guided Sarah into the house.

Sitting her down in the lounge, Tony clicked off the television. Looking up at JC, Tony asked quietly.

"Can you go and put the kettle on please." JC nodded and left the room. Turning to Sarah he gently probed.

"Are you okay?" Sarah shook her head.

"Tony, how could we be okay? We've known Brendon for too long." Tony nodded.

"I'm sorry, that was the wrong question. How did you find out that he was gone?"

"I... I got a call. They called me and said that Brendon was gone." Tony eyed Sarah suspiciously.

"Who called?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes it does, who called Sarah." Quietly choking back tears, Sarah looked up, her voice uneven and ready to break.

"Matthew called me and told me." Tony stood up and walked around.

"Why did he call? What business was it of his?" Snapped Tony.

"He called because he ... he had just started to see Brendon."

"WHAT!" Bellowed Tony.

"He and Brendon have been seeing each other for about three months now."

"Fucking asshole. Never could leave him alone could he." Tony stated, seething. "FUCK IT!" Tony yelled turning around punching the wall. Hearing the yelling JC emerged from the kitchen. Seeing Tony hit the wall, JC went over to him and pulled him into an embrace.

"Tony, settle down." Cooed JC trying to calm Tony's temper. Giving way to the pain of losing Brendon, Tony broke down into tears and sobbed into JC's shoulder. Guiding him to the couch, he sat Tony down and just held him. As Tony's tears quieted, JC looked at him.

"Now calmly tell me, who is Matthew?"

--- Don't ya just love it when I leave ya hanging. Who is Matthew and why is Tony so angry? Wait and find out. Well done to those who found the mistake in previous parts and thanks to those who have written telling me that the story rocks ... I know it does but I still like hearing it. Well, if ya like this part, let me know and if not ...well, let me know anyways because I like getting mail. Keep safe ya all. SC.

Next: Chapter 5

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