Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Oct 17, 2000


hi Guys, new part for you to have a look over, hope you all enjoy it.

WARNING: well, if you don't know this drill by now there is no hope. If you are under aged go away, I won't get my ass fried for your mama walking in on you chocking the chicken to this. I don't know Nsync in any way shape or form and I don't know their sexuality either (we can but live in hope though can't we). Songs belong to respective artists, poems and songs are mine unless otherwise indicated. Look at the bottom of the story for authors and titles. I number them in the order that they appear in the story. Also, I am Australian trying to write for an American reading base... apologies if a few of my terms and spelling is wrong for you, I'm doing my best.

Okay, feedback... well I love it. There is a new address though to write to. -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =- that was previously at eudoramail.com but I have had to shift the account. Sorry to those who are incovenienced by it.

Stories Recommended:

Yesterday's Child - (High school) I'm shamelessly self-promoting my story. Garden of Song - (boy bands) Again I'm self promoting. Jamie's Romance - (Boy bands) brilliant story line. I'm loving it. Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) Well written, good plot, hot hot hot main character. Search and Rescue - (boy bands) JC story that is older, you will need to look for it. Tell the author to write more.

here we go:

JC Dreams 09 by Sun Child

Returning home not long after the announcement of Tony joining the new tour, JC and Tony crashed on the couch, JC leaning over and putting his head in Tony's lap. Tony started to absent mindedly started to stroke JC's hair. They were interupted a short time later by JC's cell phone ringing.

"Hello?... hey Curly... ummm, yeah... you want to come around?" JC asked looking up at Tony who just nodded okay. JC gave Justin the directions and hung up. Tony looked down at JC.

"You do realise you just fulfilled Jasmine and Alanna's dream of having you and Justin out shopping with them don't you." Tony told JC. JC closed his eyes and groaned.

"Oh man, I totally forgot that we had to go shopping." Tony patted JC on the head soothingly.

"Well Josh, you're gonna have to now aren't ya." Tony grinned. Then he leant over and kissed JC on the forehead.

"Don't worry, if you don't want to go I won't make you. The girls will understand as well."

"It's cool. Justin will want to go shopping anyways. I don't mind it either.

"As long as you're sure." Tony said. JC just smiled and they sat there together happily.

A time later Tony was snapped back to reality by a knocking at the door. JC had obviously heard it to as he was now sitting up. Tony got up and walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey Juz, come in." Tony smiled as he saw Justin standing there. He stepped aside and let Justin into the room then headed into the louge room to where JC was waiting. They were no sooner in the lounge room though when there was another knock at the door. Tony looked at Justin and JC.

"Brace yourselves." He then went to bring the girls in.

Half an hour later found all four piling into JC's car and taking off towards the mall. Before they got out of the car, both Justin and JC grabbed a pair of sunglasses and caps and put them on. JC then leaned over to kiss Tony when he turned around.

"So where do you girls want to go this afternoon?" He asked.

"Oh where ever Tony. We've got a few things that we want to buy." Jasmine said, smiling sweetly at Justin. Alanna sat there watching and smiling just as sweetly at JC.

'If only you knew.' Tony thought as he caught Alanna watching. Realising she had been caught, Alanna started to turn a lovely shade of red. Tony lauged quietly and JC looked from Tony to Alanna, saw Alanna's face and joined in the laughter.

After donning JC and Justin had donned their disguises of caps and sun glasses, the group headed out into the jungle of shops that lay in wait for their cash. The girls dragged Tony into a trendy clothing store and showed him several outfits of which Tony helped put together and the girls ended up buying. As they were leaving, JC and Justin walked in. They met the other three at the counter and as they were walking out the door, Tony looked up and spotted a part of his past that he wanted to stay within his past. Instead of cringing, Tony motioned for the others to stay while he walked up to his past.

"Hello Matthew."

"Afternoon Tony, strange, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Funny that."

"How have you been?"

"The bruises are gone and the broken bones have healed."

"Still so bitter about the past aren't you. Maybe you should give up on what you can't have and move on."

"And what would it be that I would want and can't have Matthew?" Tony asked, his voice empty of emotion.

"What you've always wanted Tony... me."

"Well Matthew, for your information, I've realised that I didn't deserve the beatings, I've realised that I'm more than the trailer trash you made out I was. I have moved on, and me, along with my boyfriend are all very happy."

"Oh, new boyfriend? Which one is he? The dark haired one? The blond one? Maybe it's one of the two with skirts on." Sneered Matthew.

"None, they're couples there... friends of mine."

"You? Friends? Since when?"

"Oh I have friends... unlike you who only has people who tolerate you because they know you are so pathetic to have friends." Tony threw the comment into Matthew's face making him wince slightly.

"I do have friends..." Started Matthew.

"Hands and the love you make with them doesn't count." Tony threw in, again making Matthew wince as the comment hit home. Matthew drew his hand back and made a fist. Tony knew it was coming and as the punch came, stepped to the side causing the fist to miss and sending Matthew of balance and onto the floor. Looking down at Matthew Tony shook his head.

"Look at that, down where you used to have me. On the floor in shame. How things change." With that Tony motioned to the others who all filed out of the store. As Jasmine was leaving the store, Matthew grabbed at her and she brought the heel of her boot down hard on his hand.

"Get a clue asshole and don't mess with chicks who are male then you are." She spat at him and walked out after the others.

Tony and JC walked slightly ahead of the others.

"How are you feeling Tone?" Asked JC.

"I don't know Josh. He was a shadow of the past that I hoped would melt away and never appear again. Guess I was wrong."

"Don't worry about it Tony, he was an asshole and you just shone beyond him."

"Yeah well, I don't know... I just feel so weak when he's around me."

"Well babe, you aren't, you just shine strong... there's nothing to worry about. You are the strong one now. Which reminds me, I gotta go grab something for Justin, he'll hate me for it but I'm gonna get it anyways." JC grinned and went into a nearby record shop. He returned a short time later holding a bag.

"What did you get him?" Tony asked.

"You'll just have to wait until we get home. I got you something as well. I think it'll be quite apt after today." Tony grimaced.

"Why am I suddenly worried."

Justin and the girls soon joined up with Tony and JC. Justin was ladden down with bags of shopping of which the girls had bought. Tony looked and raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, whose credit card have you just maxed out?"

"I spent my own money thank you very much Mr Tony." Defended Alanna.

"My daddy's." Grinned Jasmine. "No, I spent my own money. I've been like saving for months for a shopping spree and I'm on it now so why not?" GIggled Jasmine. Justin sighed and shook his head.

"Well I'm feeling hungry, want to go eat?" Asked Tony.

"Man, you sound like Chris, always wanting to eat." JC told Tony with a huge shit-eatting grin on his face. Tony poked out his tongue and relieved Justin of a few bags, handing them to JC then grabbing a few to carry himself. Soon they were all in the eating area sitting around a table.

"Well, I'm going to get some food, what do you all want?" Asked Tony.

"Tony, you can't pay for this, you just lost your job." Alanna said astounded.

"Well, I've kinda got a new job already." Admitted Tony.

"Really? What are you doing?"

"Touring with Nsync as their opening act and recording my own album." Tony admitted smiling. Alanna and Jasmine looked at eachother.

"He's paying." They both said in unison.

"Can I have a diet coke please?" asked Jasmine.

"OJ thanks." Offered Alanna.

"Do you both want something to eat?" Tony offered. Both girls shook their heads. Tony shrugged and looked at JC and Justin.

"What do you two want?"

"JC's already got my order. I think he's going up with you." Justin said to Tony. Tony looked at JC who just nodded. Standing together, they both headed off towards a shop to collect the orders.

Standing at the counter, Tony turned to JC.

"So what DID you get Justin?"

"I'm, not telling you."



"Fine Josh. I don't care then. I just won't let you know what your surprise is until tonight then either." Tony grinned.

"You have a surprise for me?" JC asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes I do. You'll just have to wait now won't you." With that, Tony collected the tray of food from infront of him and headed back towards the table.

Sitting at the table Jasmine looked at Tony.

"You know, I think it sucks how you got fired for being gay and how it sucks even more that you and JC have to hide your relationship."

"What makes you think that Josh and I have a relationship Jas?"

"Oh Tony please, I've noticed the way you two look at eachother, it isn't half obvious. You are both bum over boob in love. I think that you should be happy, this having to hide it is going to kill you." Tony nodded. He hadn't really thought about it like that.

"I don't know Jas. Josh and I haven't really looked at it all like that yet. It'll all work out in the end I guess." Jasmine nodded her head and went back to her drink. Alanna and Justin were so deeply involved in their own conversation, Tony doubted they had even heard it. JC soon returned with his own tray of food. With all the food laid out infront of them, the group devoured it all, Tony taking his drink and a few chips. JC looked at Tony and what he ate paying careful attention, making a mental note to talk to Tony about it later.

After dropping the girls back off at their respective home, the other three all headed back to Tony's flat. When they were all inside and seated, JC brought out his little bag that he had gotten from the record store. He pulled out the first CD and handed it to Justin who took a playful swipe at JC then turned it around for Tony to see. In his hands sat Britney's 'Oops' album. Tony laughed, like most he had heard the rumours about romance between Justin and Britney. Then JC again put his hand into bag and pulled out another CD and handed it to Tony. Tony looked at it and smiled then turned it around to show Justin. In his hands sat the 'Stronger' single by Britney. JC leaned over and kissed Tony.

"Just let it remind you that you are stronger than Matthew and day of the week." Tony smiled and kissed JC back then got up and walked over to the stereo and put the new CD on.

Oh hey, yeah

Hush, just stop

There's nothing you can do or say, baby

I've had enough

I'm not you're property as from today, baby

You might think that I won't make it on my own

But now I'm...

Stronger than yesterday

Now it's nothing but my way

My loneliness ain't killing me no more

I'm stronger

Then I ever that I could be, baby

I used to fo with the flow

Didn't really care 'bout me

You might think that I can't take it, but you're wrong

'Cause now I'm...

Stronger than yesterday

Now it's nothing but my way

My loneliness ain't killing me no more

I'm stronger

Come on, now

Oh yeah

Here I go, on my own

I don't need nobody, better off alone

Here I go, on my own now

I don't need nobody, not anybody

Here I go, alright, here I go

Stronger than yesterday

Now it's nothing but my way

My loneliness ain't killing me no more

I'm stronger

Hearing noises, Butterscotch wandered out into the lounge room, past the chair in which Justin was sitting. JC noted the cat and warned Justin.

"Look out that's psycho kitty, it don't like men." Justin shook his head and leaned down and stroked Butterscotch lightly on the head.

"Yeah right JC. He seems pretty placid to me." With that Justin leant down and scooped up the cat and gave it a little cuddle. Butterscotch warmed into the cuddle and Tony gave the cat a sour look. JC stood up and headed for the kitchen to make coffee. As he walked past, Butterscotch leapt out of Justin's arms and onto the floor, ready to pounce on JC. JC turned suddenly and swiped at the cat with a rolled up magazine.

"Don't try it Butterscotch." He warned. Tony stood up and walked over and picked up the cat and put it outside. He then walked up to Tony and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Thanks for not hurting my kitty. I know you don't like him but I love him, he's the one who's always there for me." Tony told him.

"I could be the one who always here for you as well. Which reminds me, you said you had a surprise for me when we got home." JC threw in hopefully.

"Well, I do, but I can't give it to you here, I think it might embaress Justin." Tony smiled, his arms around JCs neck and looking at Justin.

"You can get it tonight when we go to bed." Tony whispered in JC's ear. JC smiled at the thought and looked Tony.

"Only if you're sure." Tony just nodded and kissed JC again.

--- Hmmm... Tony's surprise is what? You know me... not what you expect. Well, thanks for putting up with the wait, I am really sorry about taking so long to get all the stories up. 1)Strong - Britney Spears... tired and true teeny-bopper stuff, but hey, I like it. Also, I am sorry this is so short. If you want to send me feedback, can you send it to the new address of -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com=- Thanks for that guys, SC.

Next: Chapter 10

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