Jeremy and Nate

By Joseph Nathaniel

Published on Jan 12, 2007


This story involves sex between two men and homosexual themes. If you are offended or restricted by law from reading this material, please press the back button now.

January 11, 2006

Jeremy & Nate, Part 4

The next two weeks passed faster than Jeremy imagined. He was swamped with a full work load in classes, two jobs, and what has fast become his favorite part of the day, rowing.

After their first week in the water the novice coach started mixing up the seating arrangements in the two boats. He shifted seats and boats almost daily for several practices until he finally started settling people into what would become their regular seats. Jeremy finally ended up in the fifth seat more often than not. "Don't get too comfortable, though," the coach cautioned, "I like to mix things up. Stay sharp all of you."

Two practices away from their first competition the coach sat them down to stretch after putting the boat away. "Saturday we have our first match. You'll all be rowing the seats you sat today in a 2000 meter race against the varsity team.

"They have been in the water longer, worked together longer, and are confident that they will be teaching you a lesson on Saturday. Last year my novices won this race. Most of them are on the varsity team this year and don't intend to let it happen again.

"So that being said, are you going to let'em win?"

Jeremy raised his voice in an enthusiastic cheer with his teammates as they wrapped up their end of practice stretches and went into the locker room.

Tiny, in his usual loud fashion, was telling a group of guys that he heard Coach Stephen and Coach Richards had a pretty hefty side bet riding on the match. One of his listeners piped in with, "Yeah, but do you think Steve is betting on us or against us?"

He was quickly pelted with towels and good natured banter. Jeremy stepped into the stream of his shower head smiling. He was surprised at how fast the team had improved in the water. He hadn't had the chance to see the varsity team in action, but he thought they might just have a chance to win this first one. He couldn't help but smile at the side bet he and Nate made.

Nate was sitting, naked, astride Jeremy's back giving him a half-hearted massage. "So, you think you newbies have a chance against us this Saturday?"

"We might, we're getting pretty good you know..."

"What, nobody fell into the water today?"

"That only happened twice, and we weren't even in the boat at the time."

They both chuckled a little as they thought back to Tiny, loaded down with three guys, at the start of practice, trying to get him over the edge of the dock and into the water. Tiny sent two of them tumbling into the water before the coach broke up their fun and sent the two shivering guys up to the boat house to dry off, and set the four of them to run the entire practice for fooling around near the boats.

Jeremy rolled over onto his back under Nate's legs. Looking up at him he said, "So what, you trying to milk me for information on the team that's going to beat you?"

Nate laughed, "At swimming maybe, certainly not at rowing."

"You think so huh?"

Nate grappled with him in a playful wrestle until he had Jeremy's arms pinned above his head on the bed. "You want to make it interesting?"

"More interesting that naked wrestling with you? Please, tell me more."

"Varsity wins, we screw every night for a week."

Smiling, Jeremy replied, "And if Novice wins, we screw every night for a week."

Laughing, Nate released his hold, "Fine, we shake on it. You're going down bub."

"I certainly hope so!"

Coming back from his memory he heard his name being called. "What do you think Jeremy?"

"Um, Think of what?"

"A group of us are going to invite the varsity team out for pizza after the race tomorrow as a show of good sportsmanship. Are you in?" The speaker was a guy named Grant. Jeremy and he had become friends over the past two weeks during practice.

"Yeah, sure, I'll be there." Jeremy eyed Grant, he was very attractive, about six-two, and piercing blue eyes, and seemed like a very nice guy. Jeremy was excited to hang out with him. A plan was hatching, he grinned at the thought of trying to hook up Grant and Jen.

Saturday morning, race morning, came in a flash. Jen and Nate spent the ride to the boat house razing Jeremy about the race. They arrived early with the team to help set up for the day. The early part of the day was filled with community team events and two and four-person races.

Jeremy cheered on the shore, caught up in the energy and enthusiasm of the day. A couple of hours before their race Grant jogged up to him and said everyone was gathering at the boat house to start warming up and prepping for the race.

Grant and Jeremy arrived at the boat house as the coach was calling for attention. "Alright guys, listen up," he started, "I want you all to know that I am proud of the work you have put in over the past couple of weeks. You are off to a great start. Today is all about having fun, but keep up the intensity out there, you have the makings of a fine rowing team, and it is time you showed the varsity team just what you are made of!"

The coach continued his "Go Team" speech and ended by producing a box. He opened the box and said, "I expect you all to be rowers, so you may as well look like rowers." He called each name and tossed the team member an appropriately sized team uniform. Jeremy held his up in front of him and eyed the skimpy looking one-piece lycra uniform skeptically. He had seen wrestlers in high school wear similar uniforms. They looked hot, but he wasn't sure he was confident enough to wear such a revealing outfit in public.

Looking around Jeremy realized that his teammates were all excited and showed none of his hesitation at their new uniforms. The coach instructed them to suit up and muster for a directed warm up and light pre-race jog. Jeremy filed into the locker room with the team and began undressing.

He pulled on his jock strap, and then, for good measure, pulled on a pair of boxer briefs also. He figured the more layers of fabric between his crotch and the world, the better. He finished dressing and took in the sight of the rest of his team in their uniforms. They were hot, and the material only accentuated lines and musculature to even better advantage. Jeremy averted his eyes, if he wasn't careful he would be rowing this race with a hard on.

The team worked their way through a slow, but thorough warm up and with about thirty minutes to the start of the race they collected the boat and walked it down to the water. Once the boat was placed, everyone kicked off their shoes and took their places in the boat.

Jeremy was more nervous than he expected. As they rowed easy to the head of the course his breath was coming in shorter and faster. He took a deep draught of air, and let it out slowly. Friendly shouts, and mock jeers were exchanged between boats. Jeremy made eye contact with Nate who smiled broadly and waved.

The coxswain was giving a brief pep-talk and reminding everyone of the strategy outlined by the coach. The boats lined up at the start and the bows, adorned with flags, came into line. Before Jeremy knew it a pistol shot sounded, and the boats all lurched forward. It seemed to Jeremy as if the start took forever before he settled into rhythm with the rest of the team.

Jeremy knew only what was going on right in front of him. He distantly heard the speakers bellowing encouragement and counting power strokes, and his mind kept repeating, "Legs, back, arms, recover. Legs, back, arms, recover..." He kept his eyes focused on Grant's back, who was sitting sixth seat in the boat. He pulled through each stroke and it seemed they were moving in perfect unison.

On the side lines fans shouted and cheered them on. The first boats from the varsity and novice teams were neck and neck. The rowers were pulling through the race for all they were worth, and in the final moments of the race the varsity boat pulled ahead by a mere fraction of a boat length.

The novice boat rowers shot through the finish line a close second. Slumped in exhaustion and disappointment, they continued to row easy to bring the boat into the dock.

Jeremy was surprised to see the crowed had migrated to the extraction point to wish all of the racers well. They safely racked the boat and turned to meet the excited crowd. Everyone was thrilled at the great showing, and even though they had lost to the varsity team, everyone had expected that outcome, the close race showed that the novices had a great deal of potential to develop.

The excitement of the day lasted well into the evening. The men's and women's teams all gathered and started drinking at a pizza parlor around five in the evening. Nate, Jeremy learned, was a bit of a light-weight, and after the party had moved to a team-member's house, it wasn't long before he was poured into one of the beds upstairs by two of his boat-mates.

Jeremy wasn't there at the time because he had spent the evening working on hooking up Grant and Jen. Grant had been at his side all night, this was the first time they had hung out outside of practice.

Jeremy thought he was being clever, and discrete, in his match-making scheme until Jen pulled him to the side and said, "Laying it on a bit thick don't you think?"

Jeremy sputtered, "I, um, I didn't mean..."

"Don't worry, I think Grant is totally cute. I'm glad you introduced us."

The evening progressed and it seemed as if Grant liked Jen too, but every time Jeremy tried to excuse himself Grant would follow, and then Jen. It became a foolish sort of parade around the party. Around midnight Jen said, "Well boys, It has been fun, but I'm about to turn into a pumpkin. Grant, do you need a ride home?"

Jeremy piped in, "Yeah Grant, Jen is sober, she can get you home if you like."

Oblivious to the hopeful looks from both parties Grant said, "Naw, I'll just hang out here for a while longer."

Jen rolled her eyes, and in a sarcastic and exasperated tone said, "Alright. Well, see ya."

Jeremy mouthed, "sorry" after her, and turned back to Grant. He noticed Grant's crystal-blue eyes were a bit slow to focus. He said, "So what's up stud? Why didn't you go with Jen?"

"I, ah, I was having a good time hanging out with you." He turned to the sliding door into the back yard. "Follow me."

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders and headed into the backyard with Grant. Everyone was inside at this point, and Grant was standing in the drizzling rain that had developed through the evening. Jeremy stepped out into the rain with him. "What a day."

Grant nodded and threw his arm over Jeremy's shoulder. "What a day," he agreed, then leaned in and kissed Jeremy on the cheek.

Jeremy immediately stepped away, "What was that?" The words came out more harshly than he intended, he was completely surprised.

Grant stared back at him, "Dude, I'm sorry I just thought that, well, I wanted to, um. I thought you should know that I like you. I mean, you spent all night trying to hook me up with Jen, but I just wanted to hang out with you."

Jeremy, took a breath, "No, it is all right. I didn't mean to jump, I was just surprised, that's all. What made you think that I was gay?"

Grant smiled, "Just a feeling. I took a chance. Are you gay?"

Jeremy swallowed hard, "Um, yeah..." He was cut off by Grant lunging forward for another kiss.

As quickly as their lips touched, Jeremy backed up another step. Grant looked crestfallen, "Then what's wrong?" His voice was almost a plea. Jeremy's heart went out to him.

"I'm seeing someone right now."

"A guy? Who?"

"Yeah, a guy. Nate."

"Oh." Grant's shoulder's slumped and he turned his back. Jeremy stepped forward and put his hand on Grant's shoulder.

Grant shook it off, "Just leave me, um, I'm going to go now."

"I'll walk you out."

"No, please don't, I just need to be alone."

Jeremy watched him stumble out of the yard, and around the house. A tear streaked down his cheek, which he wiped away with the back of his hand. He knew how hard life could be. He knew how hard it was to find not only the right guy, but to also find the right gay guy. Jeremy sank down into the grass and let the drizzle soak through his t-shirt as he wished to himself that he could make things better for Grant. Eventually he got to his feet and headed back into the house.

The party was winding down, and Jeremy asked after Nate. He went up to the bedroom they had put Nate into and closed the door behind him. He peeled off his wet shirt and shorts and climbed into bed. He snuggled up against Nate's back and drifted off to sleep. He no longer cared if the team knew he and Nate were together. It seemed that keeping it a secret had only caused more trouble than it was worth.

Jeremy opened his eyes to a dull light streaming through the window. He knew it was early, but realizing he was in a strange bed made it impossible for him to go back to sleep. He looked at Nate, snoring with his mouth open, and slipped out of bed. He felt two points of urgent pressure. One between his eyes as the alcohol from the previous night sought its revenge, and the other on his bladder. He tip-toed out into the hall in search of a bathroom.

He found one at the end of the hall, closed the door behind him and stepped up to the toilet. In mid-stream he heard a groan behind the shower curtain. A face appeared around the shower curtain. It was Mike, one of the novice team rowers. He scrunched up his nose as Jeremy whispered his apologies, and pulled the curtain back in place. Jeremy was so embarrassed he skipped washing his hands as he beat a hasty retreat from the bathroom and back down the hall.

As he pulled on his, now dry, shorts and t-shirt, he wondered whose room they had hijacked. Then shrugged his shoulders, it hardly mattered now. Jeremy shook Nate's shoulder to wake him, "Hey, you want to try and rally. I'll feed you some top-quality dorm breakfast, and a hand-full of pain relievers, and then we can go back to bed for the rest of the day."

Nate glared at him through hung-over eyes that seemed to say. "Make yourself useful, get a gun, and put me out of my misery. Nate grunted at him. The promise of asprin caught his interest more than anything. Jeremy helped him dress and tied his shoes as he sat, grasping his head.

They made their way back to campus, and into the sparsely attended cafeteria. The clock read 7:15, and the two hung over boys sat at a table alone eating eggs and bacon, and guzzling orange-juice and water. Twenty minutes later they went up to Nate's room, feeling somewhat more alive. Nate plopped down onto his bed and immediately laid down, "Remind me not to do that again soon!"

Jeremy smiled at him. "You know, last night you forfeited your winnings in our side bet on the race. I'm so disappointed I have half a mind to call the entire week forfeit as a result." As he spoke Jeremy pulled his own shirt off and tossed it on the floor.

This got Nate's attention, "Hey, hey, hey, let's not be hasty. I'm sure I can make it up to you."

"But I thought your head was hurting," Jeremy said as his shorts and underwear soon joined the pile of clothes on the floor.

"Suddenly, I'm feeling much better Nurse," Nate said as he gripped his bulging crotch. "I just may need a little help with my clothes is all."

With that Jeremy stepped forward and seductively stripped Nate as he helpfully raised his arms and kicked off his shoes. They giggled and kissed until they were both naked and laying in bed.

Jeremy, the slightly more energetic of the two proceeded to kiss and lick his way down Nate's body. He flicked his tongue over each nipple and traced a line with his fingers that he quickly followed with his tongue down to his hips.

Nate arched his hips up in anticipation of where Jeremy would kiss next but Jeremy skipped past, and pinned his hands behind each of Nate's knees raising them up, in turn and kissing and licking his way up Nate's inner thighs.

He then pushed Nates bent knees up until they were almost touching his chest. Jeremy had never tried rimming before, but was eager to see what it was like. Nate held his legs up as Jeremy licked and kissed his way closer to his exposed rear. Jeremy wasn't sure what to do, but the moans of appreciation and ecstasy seemed to indicate he was doing a good job.

While they had had a lot of sex in the past two weeks, Jeremy had yet to broach this territory with Nate. He wasn't sure how Nate would feel about being penetrated, but any hesitation he had was squelched when Nate said, "fuck me, please."

He didn't have to ask Jeremy twice. Jeremy reached under the bed to find lube and condoms at the ready, and he soon had Nate's hole lubed up. He thought for a moment, then, almost roughly pulled Nate up, and motioned for him to roll over on his stomach. Jeremy laid down on top of him and glided his dick up and down Nate's crack as he kissed his neck and massaged his shoulders. Soon Nate was arching his back and thrusting his ass up to meet each thrust of Jeremy's penis between his cheeks.

Nate moaned, "Now, please."

Jeremy pulled back, and positioned himself. Then he pushed forward gently. Nate gasped, and Jeremy stopped moving for a moment. He was terrified of hurting Nate. Then Nate let out a long slow breath and push himself back onto Jeremy's rigid cock in one fluid motion.

Jeremy trembled with pleasure as he felt his pubes come flush with Nate's smooth ass. He stayed completely in for a few more moments relishing the feeling before pulling back slightly. Nate said, "Oh, yeah..." which Jeremy took as encouragement. He tried different paces. Pulling almost all the way out in one slow motion then moving very quickly back in. He moved quickly and drew Nate up onto all-fours, then gently caressed his nipples and stomach with one hand as he glided smoothly and gently in and out.

With each change in pace Nate's cock swelled with pleasure. When he could no longer stand it, he braced himself on one arm, and worked his own shaft with the other. Jeremy pulled his hand away and took over for him. Jerking his cock in time with his own thrusts. Nate leaned forward, bracing himself on his knees and elbows as Jeremy fucked him and jerked him in unison. His breath came in pants, and he thrust his hips back wanting to feel his lover filling him. Finally he half screamed, half moaned as he erupted across the sheets. The intensity of the moment sent Jeremy over the edge and he frantically gripped Nates hips as he unloaded himself, sweat dripping from his chest and forehead.

He slowly relaxed his grip on Nate and slid himself out before he collapsed onto the bed. They lay, side by side, shoulders touching, and listened to their own heavy breathing. Nate said, "Holy shit."

Jeremy replied, "No doubt."

"I think I need a shower after that. How about you?"

"Definitely, I'll run up to my room and grab my kit. Meet me up stairs?"

"Sure thing."

The boys each showered on their own floors and Nate met Jeremy a few minutes later in his room. Jeremy hadn't bothered to dress after his shower, and had drawn the curtains to block out as much day-light as possible. Nate came in, quickly undressed and climbed into bed.

"Nate, I need to talk to you about something."

Nate rolled over to look at Jeremy, "Sure, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, well, it is about last night."

Nate looked a little confused, "Did I do something I don't remember?"

Jeremy smiled, "No, no, it isn't about you. You know Grant, right? I was trying to hook him and Jen up last night, and it sort of back-fired..."

"How so?"

"Well, Grant didn't go for Jen, he went for me."

Nate giggled, "Really? That's so sweet. You old heart breaker you." Nate trailed off when he saw the serious look on Jeremy's face. "What, what's wrong?"

Jeremy's eyes were welling again. The emotion of the moment last night was coming back, and he said, "I just felt like I handled it so badly. He was so hurt, and he ran away. I told him I was seeing you, and he literally looked heart-broken. I feel like I could have tried to make him be alright if I would have thought faster."

"Shhhh, you and he were both drunk. These things happen sometimes. Grant will learn and grow from the experience just like you. No sense in recriminating at this point."

"Nate, not everyone has as easy a time being fluid in their sexuality as you. For me it has been an up-hill battle the entire way. I just wish I could make it easier on Grant, that's all."

Nate didn't say anything more. He just cradled his boyfriend in his arms and held him as the both drifted off into much needed recovery sleep.

Nate woke to the sound of keyboard clicking. He looked up to see Jeremy sitting at his desk, still naked, typing. He laid there a while, just watching the scene before Jeremy noticed he was awake.

Jeremy looked over, "Good afternoon sleepy head. Sorry if I woke you, I have to get this paper finished for class tomorrow."

"Well, if you go to class dressed like that you are sure to get an A on the paper."

"Or arrested, as mothers shield their children's eyes, and such."

Laughing, Nate replied, "Naw, they would be too transfixed by your stunning beauty to remember to shield little Molly's eyes. Speaking of which, why don't you wiggle that beautiful ass on back over here. I believe we are due for another tumble in the sack according to my calculations. This morning was a make-up session for last night."

"Right, and suppose I say last night was forfeit and you already used up your quota for today?"

"I would say who are you and what have you done with my sex-crazed boyfriend. Now hop to, or I'm going to come over there and bend your right over the desk."

Jeremy laughed, "Wait, is that a threat? Because it sounds more like a promise."

With that Nate lunged out of bed at Jeremy and pulled him up into a passionate kiss. He swung him bodily toward the bed and pushed him backward onto the mattress.

Jeremy sat down and spread his legs as Nate dropped to his knees and plunged his mouth around Jeremy's already hard cock. He maintained his sucking as he worked his hands up and down Jeremy's chest and back. He finally rested his hands on the small of Jeremy's back and coaxed his butt closer to the edge of the bed. Jeremy leaned back and spread his legs a little further then pulled Nate's face up to his own for another kiss.

Nate said, "It was so hot this morning, with you fucking me. Do you want me to do that to you now? Or would you like another go at my ass?"

The dirty, husky tone in Nate's voice drove him wild. "I want you to fuck me until morning."

Nate stood and Jeremy watched as he slid on a condom and lubed up his pulsating dick. Nate put Jeremy's ankles on each of his shoulders and carefully guided himself in.

Jeremy gasped and reached his hands down to pull Nate's hips closer, filling him more and more. Jeremy relished the feeling of Nate inside of him. He felt completed, and safe. Nate began thrusting his hips in and out, and Jeremy dropped his legs down to wrap them around Nates back as he worked.

Jeremy listened to the smacking sound of Nate's hips against his skin, and Moaned his approval as goose bumps prickled across his skin. Nate reached down to take Jeremy's cock in hand but Jeremy pleaded, "No, not yet, please. I want this to last."

Nate nodded and continued to pound away. He gripped Jeremy's hips, and tweaked his nipples, and leaned in for a deep kiss before saying, "I'm close." Jeremy nodded and Nate started stroking his boyfriend, as he continued to slide in and out.

In moments both boys were gasping for breath and spewing forth their loads as they stared into each other's eyes. Nate pulled out and droped himself bodily on top of Jeremy, "Ugh, you big oaf, you weigh a ton."

Nate giggled, "I do not, I'm light as a feather on the breeze."

Jeremy reached down and started tickling him, "A feather huh? I'll show you what I would use a feather for mister." They were wrestling around and giggling when then heard a knock at the door.

They both fell silent. "Who is it?" Jeremy called.

"Hey, Jeremy, it's Grant."

Jeremy and Nate exchanged a meaningful glance, then Jeremy responded, "Just a second, I'll be right there."

Jeremy took in the sight, and smell, of their post orgasmic wrestling session and grabbed a towel. He cleaned himself up as best he could, tossed the towel to Nate and pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt.

Jeremy opened the door a crack as Nate fumbled around looking for his on shorts and said, "Hey Grant, what's up?"

"Hey, is this a bad time?" His eyes looked up over Jeremy's head as he heard Nate collide with the desk and mutter, "Shit."

"No, no, it's fine. Give me a second and we can go chat, alright?"


Jeremy closed the door and slid on his sandals. "I'll be back in a little bit, I'll look for you here or your room alright?"

Nate walked up to him and kissed him. "Call me if you need anything. Otherwise I'll see you later."

Jeremy stepped into the hall and said, "All set. Want to get some ice cream or something?"

Grant replied, "Yeah, that sounds nice."

The two guys headed out of the dorm together, preparing for a long chat.

To be continued...

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