
By A becker

Published on Oct 25, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 16 < or My Bangkok Days 16 >

I called John gave him the cell number, "Fay can you met someone today? Say in an hour?"

"Yes as long as it's not too far."

John told me how to get this building that had shops on it's exterior apartments above and a courtyard there were more shops and a restaurant, "That's where you go the owner is an old friend ask for him tell him who you are he will set you up in a safe place to meet the contact."

I took a cab to go the two miles I went in at the north side like John said I saw that there were three other ways in and out good spy stuff arrive separately leave the same way.

I entered the restaurant asked for the owner by name he bowed, "This way please."

I was seated in an alcove surrounded by bamboo planters the padded bench comfortable a cute waitress came in through the bamboo, "Campari with soda twist of lemon."

She brought the drink quickly a tall dark man slender handsome followed her he looked me over extended his hand, "Hello Fay I am Ton."

The waitress deposited a scotch he smiled lifting the drink we touched glasses, "Luck!"

"In case you may be interested in why I needed no introduction you were described to me "she's slender five foot eight one hundred forty pounds brown hair gold highlights hazel eyes slight olive complexion straight nose cute full lips kissable strong chin not too big small breasts nice lean legs delicate feet red toes superb blowjob very special pussy" what do you think?"

"I'd say you talked to John."

Laughing, "Yes he is impressed me too! Can you tell me more about this starting I mean what set you off?"

I gave him the bits about my laptop files access dates newer than they should have been, "It began with my feelings which led to questions which created more then the conversations with co-workers."

He concentrated throughout my speaking, "I believed it all but wanted to hear you to test my own senses regarding you I do not have doubt now."

He explained that he had to hear how I got suspicious from my mouth, "Just a last check hope I did not offend you."

"No I have wondered whether I was paranoid there were too many things and people."

Ton told me that his department was going forward with a major investigation that they consider Fung to be dangerous so there will be agents around, "I have to leave please go out a different way than you entered."

He kissed my hand slipped through the bamboo I finished my drink left some money I checked out the shops tourist up-scale stuff.

I walked several blocks away called Hiro, "Can you talk yet?"

"No another two hours OK?"

I looked for a cab doing my best James Bond I rode halfway walked a block backwards and over one grabbed another cab for the rest of the way.

Kulap had a laptop for herself printers tea supplies office stuff a big smile, "Kamol helped me we are on the network the telephones are here."

I hugged her kissed her cheek called London asked for my boss,

"Reg it's Fa ... PHIL in Bangkok," my voice spiked up don't be stupid now.

"Phil you ok?"

"Yes just choked on some tea in the wrong pipe thanks."

"The old man has been rampaging about the project among other things what news?"

"Sorry I emailed you earlier today we got it all the way they are being great I have office space help and almost carte-blanche."

"Fabulous the internet mail server has been down for a little while it will all catch up. The parts for the rail yard pilot project will ship ASAP."

"Thanks for all the good junk data."

"Our pleasure you know how much I hate this kind of thieving bastard anything else you need?"

"Just make a bit more for perhaps two or three installments to keep them on the hook."

He agreed.

"Reg you how the security people have been going behind the old man's back telling us reminding us about possible penetrations ... well that made me aware enough to catch this tell them OK? also give them a well done too!"

"Right-o the old man is a bit out of it there."

"That's not all!"

"Anybody around at your end?"

"No what's up?"

"Just the board of directors is restless especially the one from the Midlands ... you know... he's been asking me things can't put him off... maybe... well he might make some changes happen the Old Man doesn't have the votes."

"It would be good keep me in the loop right!"

We said the goodbyes I sat for a while if the board in London got a whiff of this they will make some changes security is too important nowadays to ignore.

Kulap stuck her head in, "Fay you want some tea?"

My strong affirmative got me a smile, "How?"

"Just sugar."

Back at the computer I was absorbed when I heard steps expecting tea I turned Mr. Thoi stood there he smiled, "Fay how are you?"

I got up, "Mr. Thoi I am well good to see you again please sit down would you like some tea?"

Kulap took care of us he looked over his cup he checked to see that the door was closed, "Fay I have heard that you have been in contact with the security services and that you may be involved with some criminal activity?"

"Mr. Thoi I'm not involved the crime was being committed against me that's how I became caught up in the ... case."

"I am sorry I certainly phrased that badly I know some of what is happening and for you to know ONLY I was a senior member of the security police in the past so I get information passed to me if it considered to be relevant to my businesses."

"Good well do you want to know the whole story?"

We sat on the sofa with our tea he listened asked a few questions as I once again told the story when I finished he was looking at the ceiling, "Fay you are aware that some of these individuals may be dangerous?"

"Yes several people have reminded me but so far they don't know anything and to be plain they like my body."

"Yes Fay that could be their downfall."

"Mr. Thoi now that my company is going ahead with the project I will need to clarify my position with them you mentioned helping can I ask you for that assistance when I need it?"

"Of course I was very serious."

He put his cup down turning toward me, "Something more though when this project is completed what will you do and if the persons involved in the technology theft are jailed where will you go?"

I was quiet then the emotions long held in swept over me I cried Mr. Thoi gave me his handkerchief he sat silently I pulled myself back from the ragged edge.

"Sorry my problem is I don't know anything about my future."

I calmed down, "Thanks for thinking about me I have lots to work out."

Mr. Thoi took his time replying, "I want you to come and see me when this has played out I believe that I can help then OK?"

I nodded, "Thanks."

Kulap stuck her head in, "Mr. Thoi your driver is downstairs."

He kissed my hand smiled patted my cheek like an uncle Kulap held my hand, "Should we go home now?"

"Gawd it's after seven go home get on out of here don't let me keep you late like this."

She hugged me I sat ready to call John as Kulap left, "I'm going to meet our South African friend at the club the party I met this afternoon was interesting."

"Yes he can be he was impressed with you see you later I am working on the get together for Thursday Bye."

I was going for a cab, "Excuse me miss are you Miss Martin?"

I stared at this man blocking me, "Yes I'm Fay Martin."

I was looking into green eyes in a dark brown face handsome slender a ill-fitting dark suit, "Excuse me I am Lek your driver," his arm extended toward a blue sedan.

"Where can I take you?"

I gave him the address of the cab stand opposite the club he held the rear door open helped me in off we went I sat back surveyed the car nice clean comfortable lots of room.

"Miss Martin Mr. Udorn told me to take good care of you," I saw his smile in the mirror.

I thanked him I assured him I was positive he would do well I needed to go to the rail yard in the morning, "Lek can you pick me up at eight o'clock where you drop me tonight?"

"Yes miss."

I walked to the apartment building Jian was nearly ready to go I washed quickly got my hair and face set took my pills put on the dress I got at Noi's that looked like a light blue sculptured man's shirt wrapped the navy blue belt around my hips navy blue heels off we went Jian was so sexy white halter top black straight leg slacks black heels.

The two drunk Germans wanted more beer Jian rolled her eyes Lawan took them more Singha Beer one put his hand between her legs groping hard I gripped his arm pushing down, "That's enough she's a lot smaller than you."

Telling him in German got his attention he backed off Lawan gave me a hug at the end of the bar, "Good Fay thanks!"

Things were quieter then Fung came in he was alone he went right by all of us upstairs, "Ang's up there," Lawan told me.

"I need to make a call ok?"

Lawan nodded I went off to the back bathroom Hiro answered quickly, "Fay how are you?"

We talked for a while giving each other news and some very clear feelings, "I may be back in four weeks or less."

Good news and Hiro had spoken to his brother about me since the brother knew Hiro was unhappy at home the said he should consider breaking away.

I didn't want Hiro to regret anything counseling him to be sure, "Go slow you know I want you so don't worry about that part!"

We ended with some verbal love I felt much better I wandered out to the bar Jian poked me in the ribs, "First booth someone for you."

Lek sitting there a slight smile, "What are you doing here?"

He asked me to sit a pencil thin flashlight lit up a billfold government credentials he was a security policeman, "I am also to loosely bodyguard you."

He was armed he felt different stronger in control, "You have changed why?"

"I wanted you to think of me as a driver only now you need to know more I was just informed Fung has a job setup for tonight likely break-in at a local office of an American tech company."

Lek said Fung was armed had several cronies ready to go, "We have been bugging him AND we have a link in his group."

He stiffened, "Move closer like we are doing something!"

I nuzzled his neck kissing he rubbed my back a hand on my thigh, "He's gone it was Ang."

"You know him?"

"Ah yes he is deep in all this we have them watched to some degree."

Lek held my chin, "Do not look for me except where you expect your driver to be do not tell your friends."

One short kiss on my cheek he slipped away I was back at the bar Ang came up from behind hands on my hips, "Fay go upstairs."

Fung was at the table in the half darkness, "Blow me!"

"Wait strip all the way!"

I knelt naked his cock hard right away leaking pre-cum I got to work hard work it was I tried to enjoy every prick but Fung was too nasty for that. He roughed up my mouth taking over from me ramming his cock down my throat pleasuring himself bouncing his balls of my chin he eventually stood up pushing that dick straight down.

Fung gripped my head riding my face laughing saying that I was a slut easy to use and abuse he held off cumming turned me over spit on my pussy drove into me holding me at the waist and shoulder he rampaged my poor pussy burned with his grinding jabbing fuck.

His frenzied attack ended with a roar splashes of cum on my back he lifted my face to his cock slapping me for a few minutes he sniggered with delight, "Cunt just so much meat to fuck all you kathoey are cheap sluts!"

He shoved me over I fell on my side he closed his pants a shoe was pushed against my pussy, "Maybe next time I foot fuck you."

He was still laughing as he descended to the bar I lay there trying to recover slowly I got up wiped myself with paper napkins I walked to the rear bathroom. I was using a cold washcloth to soothe myself Jian came in she checked me out, "The skin is red but not broken."

I cleaned up fixed my face and hair repaired I gave Jian a kiss at the bar things were slow I sat gingerly Lawan leaned over, "Look at that!"

A slender blonde tanned hair down over his shoulders white open necked shirt TIGHT jeans loafers looking great I patted Lawan's pussycheeks, "Go get his order."

She gave me a megawatt smile the man's face turned to her very handsome regular features fine nose full lips not to big, "Cuba Libre lots of lime."

Lawan's eyes rolled when she came back, "Oh he is good to look at."

"Take him home with you," I winked at Jian.

"He has a big bulge in those jeans."

While Lawan toyed with the newcomer I checked out the whole bar the dancers were doing great business at the other end the music blaring drunken men a usual night the bartenders at that side were men. I wandered down towards the dancing behind the bar a man called out for another beer I grabbed him one the bartender there was rushed he gave me a thumbs up when I gave him the money.

The customers mostly foreigners the girls were locals slender good looking bills sticking out of their underwear hips moving Ang was there he came over, "You want dance?"

I shook my head, "Its not me I don't have the moves."

"You do in bed," he gave my pussycheeks a squeeze he hooked my belt with two fingers pulling up the stairs in the back corner Ang undressed me I stood as he ran his hands over my body.

"You are very beautiful your face and shape," he tugged at my nipples, "cream did good do you feel tender?"

"Yes not the nipples the whole area."

"It is the hormones you will have many changes to come," he bent me over the table fingers inside zipper noise spit on his cock sliding in hard deep thrust grunting as he hit bottom.

Ang's balls slapped against me fingers digging in at my waist, "Good you feel good Fay, " he kept up a fast pace I held onto the table it began to rock.

Ang's cock buried itself at each stroke he pulled out rubbed up my crack down between my thighs, "You are hot Fung said he enjoys you he will be back later for more."

That didn't make me feel very good Ang wasn't giving anytime to think about it my pussy was burning from his fierce attack harder harder thrusts changing angles rubbing my hole the noise of his fuck seems to drown out the club sounds.

"Ah Fay now drink my cum," he pulled out turned my hips I knelt opened wide cock slid in as he started to shoot splashing cum to the back of my mouth across my tongue some right down the throat. Ang held me hard to his belly cock softening gentle spasms as it lay on my tongue his legs shaking he backed up to a chair dragging me along forcing my head into his lap.

We remained like that Ang's hands gripping me soft cock I could breathe, "Fay you are the best of all I am going to make you famous your pussy and mouth will bring in much money lots of visitors ... aahh yes very fine."

He let me up I leaned back on my heels his fingers plucked at my titties, "You will start to grow here soon you will have nice ones I am sure."

He tweaked me some more then drew my mouth back to his cock I kissed it licked the shaft running my tongue around his balls one hand holding that prick on the side of my face.

Nuzzling into his crotch I knew the draw of the sex his sex still had for me despite what I found out about his business I wanted cock his cock Heng's cock Fung's cock I needed the hard prick in me I needed these men to use me the way they wanted.

I also knew I would help stop their stealing even if meant no more of their cocks.

Ang caressed my hair, "Fay take me in," Warm soft it was slurped in, "drink!"

And gave me some pee not much it was doing it that mattered to him my eyes closed my forehead touching his sex mound he ran his fingers through my hair down along my cheeks.

"Fay sit up."

He held my right hand on the prick, "Stroke slowly."

I did it was wet from my mouth, "Fay what is going on at the railroad?"

I explained it all leaving out a few things that the contract was set I needed to work for six weeks or so lying my way forward I told him that it could go further depending on each successful stage.

Ang seemed to consider it all, "I will agree to your working if you take in more visitors at night many would pay for all night Yes?"

"Will I have some nights off?"

His cock was hardening in my hand big smile, "Yes some you will be with me."

"What about some I want to stay with me like Yai or Hiro if he comes back?"

"We will talk about them when it comes up."

"Yai wants me tonight."

"That is fine go back to work now."

I wiped myself once more with paper napkins scooted to the back bathroom to clean up Lawan came in, "Fay there is someone here for you."

"I'll be there in a few minutes OK?"

She squeezed my hand I did my wash up how many times was I to do this at the bar was Toby he was throwing back scotches he patted my ass, "Nice to see you baby!"

Under his breath, "Let's talk."

I got him another drink we walked to a back booth he put his arm around me, "Fay things are moving Fung is in custody he entered a business in downtown we were watching him caught him red-handed he tried to escape was shot a slight wound he's at security police headquarters being interrogated."

I hugged Toby, "Who shot him?"

Toby laughed, "Me!"

He recounted the trailing of Fung from here to a meeting then to the business an American tech company Toby smiled big telling me when he and the security police crashed in on Fung and his accomplices. They scattered but had no way out Fung drew a gun fired at the police turned toward Toby aimed but was hit in his gun hand by Toby's shot.

"Just like in the TV shows I fired at his hand he dropped the gun he bled a good deal the police surgeon patched him up."

"Who knows about it Ang expects him back here tonight?"

"That's the great part NO ONE we have the lid on it we got the whole team of thieves they will probably squeal even Fung the security police have his fingerprints from another crime scene."

He was laughing out loud, "They disappeared to a secret location no tattletales in the regular police will help them."

"What now? What about Yai? And Heng? Ang?"

"They will sweat tell all they know then we wipe up the lot bit by bit. Yai wasn't in on this I don't know where he is he is part of the problem and will be part of the solution. The brothers will be last the security police want to clean them out all businesses to be taken you know the whole lot that will take time."

Toby kissed me, "I have to go I wanted to tell you about it be on guard there isn't anything to connect you but be careful."

I watched him go he pretended to be drunk weaving his way out Jian slipped her arm around my waist, "What is happening Toby didn't stay long?"

I kissed her cheek, "I will tell you later it is good news."

I worked making drinks serving at the tables it was somewhat busy after midnight Yai showed up, "Fay have you seen Fung?"

"He was here before eight I think we were upstairs when he left he said he would return Ang said the same to me earlier."

Yai looked concerned, "How about a drink?"

He nodded I got him a scotch took it upstairs he followed we sat on the bench seat at the back, "Fay you look great!"

He toasted me drank off the whole scotch pulled me close, "Are you coming to be with me tonight?"

"I have to see Fung first," he smiled a I caressed his prick through the cloth of his pants, "you want to do something now?"

I stood up did a striptease for him he kept reaching out I danced away tantalizing him nude I stepped up to him he kissed my belly licking me, "Fay you have wonderful skin."

His hands moved over me touching every part he opened his shirt I helped get the shoes pants shorts off his nice hard-on bobbed up grinning I engulfed it, "aaahhh yes suck me Fay suck me much."

Number one blowjob sucking the shaft sliding my wet fingers up and down in time with my lips I stroked his balls moving them like marbles in my hand.

"Yes yes soooo nice more..."

I wet a finger ran it around Yai's anus he sucked in a breath more saliva I entered him my mouth pistoning on the cock the same for his ass his hips were lifting off the seat he bounced on my hand.

Yai gripped my head I was sucking fast hard short strokes driving him to orgasm quickly two fingers up his chute moans louder he almost screamed out his passion as the cum spurted into me.

I slurped the dick keeping up the suction he thrashed about on the bench groaning in ecstasy pain pleasure I didn't let him come down continuing my assault of his ass too.

He collapsed on his side he pushed my head away I went back for more he tried to keep me off his cock, "Fay stop stop!"

I knelt in front of him as he lay there fingers still in his bottom I wiggled them popped them out he stared at me I licked them, "You want more? I know what you need."

He jerked off his shirt threw it down pressed his ass to my face I responded by licking his crack top to bottom, "Eat me!"

I stuck my tongue up inside him HOT TIGHT I moved in as far as possible he reached back held my head forcing my face in his crack he held me there laughing.

Nothing ever prepared me for what had been done the last two weeks never imagined any of this now I was in it up to my neck I loved the cocks Wanted the cocks now I had been reduced past all that to complete slut I ate ass loving it.

Yai took my neck in one hand moved behind slipped into me so easy.

Yai fucked away at me his cock was rigid like he hadn't cum in a week he pushed my head to the floor straddled me drove straight down romping my pussy his balls bouncing off me reaching max depth every time.

"Aahh that is very nice good pussy," He pulled me to the bench, "turn over put your back to the seat."

Yai tugged my legs back over my body laughing he sat on the bench slid forward rested the cock on my upside down pussy one easy stroke he climbed aboard me. He drove down slapping his body on mine he gripped the backs of my thighs using me like a trampoline bounding up and down plunging into me I realized what a pile-driver was.

Yai pleasured himself hard fucking no hurry he liked me under him subservient yielding I surrendered took the cock I wanted it he gave it to me good and proper.

The second orgasm was a long time arriving he withdrew blasting it on my titties face hair he slid down my legs slapped my face the wet sex leaving more globs splashing in his cum.

He sank into a chair leaving me like a pretzel he nudged me with a foot, "Fay get up find something to clean me wait ... suck me!"

I did lick him clean cock thighs balls fingers getting all the cum I dried him with some napkins, "That is enough."

I wiped my body with napkins again down the stairs in the bathroom I looked at myself dismal I took a shower this time fixed up the hair and face dressed I went back to the bar.

I thought I could use Yai big mistake I was too much the slut I better stick to what I know being this stupid might too dangerous, "Jian did Yai go out?"

She nodded going by with a tray of drinks I took two orders got them on the bar she grabbed the drinks I got some snacks in baskets out for her we worked fairly steady it was after one o'clock.

Ang came in with a big dark man he looked Eurasian lots of muscles they sat at the end of the bar Ang pulled over close said something to the man pushed me to him taking Jian around her waist.

The big man ran his hands over me talking to Ang Lawan setup drinks fingers under my dress panties down he smiled as he explored my crotch a finger worked its way beneath my clitstick hooked me tugged me hard to his chest earthy smell not bad hard kisses large tongue roaming in my mouth.

Ang made some suggestion I was towed half way up the stairs the big guy sat down I was eased to my knees I opened his pants no underwear more of that musky earthy aroma large cock seven inches still not fully hard Jian's mouth filled with Ang.

Side by side we sucked cock buttons undone nipple play they kept up a chat while we blew them twisted nipples some hard tugs he tilted my head back I looked into his eyes nothing there for me.

"You girls strip off," Ang's plan was to fuck us on the steps.

I knelt nude pussy spit wet the big dick working in spreading me I was sore too bad for me he didn't know or care fucking my pussy began hard strokes deep each time this big guy pounded in slapping remorselessly against me.

No prisoners he took my nipples as hand holds pulling me onto that fat cock grinding it around my pussy ring stretching expanding my hole.

Ang's voice cut through my fuck fog the big man withdrew Ang stuck his cock into me Jian took the big one the switch completed Ang slammed my pussy for the second time that night.

They started to switch every five minutes or so laughing fucking us at will Jian gave me sad tired look I wanted to say something Ang who was fucking me slapped my head when I opened my mouth, "Maybe you need suck more."

He turned me around stuck the cock in hard face-fucking me no let up for many minutes he seemed pleased by my gagging once more back in my pussy then another switch, "He wants to shoot in your mouth," Ang laughed, "me too get ready!"

I was pushed where the big man wanted me the prick warm from Jian's pussy swelled in my mouth he gagged me some then began to cum four five big loads then some dribbles he held me tight sitting down he kept me on the cock.

Ang slid into me front behind he fucked me hard briefly then crammed his cock in my throat shot off two heavy loads he face slapped me sperm splattering me from ear to ear, "Aaaahhhh yes good fuck," more in Thai I guess celebrating with the big guy.

Ang smacked Jian's ass, "Go back to the bar!"

"Fay clean yourself."

Ang came to the back bathroom, "Fay go on home OK?"

Lawan was all over the slender blonde guy in the first booth I could see her rising and falling her naked back shiny in the low light.

I said goodbye to Jian she kissed me, "See you in a small while."

I slowly walked up the street about halfway Lek came abreast of me, "Yai was picked up thirty minutes ago see you at eight."

He moved off into the darkness.

I changed into my black white lace nightie I was sipping some juice when Jian came in she looked great halter-top nightie in yellow we chatted I told her the news about Fung et al she clapped her hands I yawned, "Since we are alone let's sleep," she got my vote for that light out we snuggled.

"Jian I love being here with you!"

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 17

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