
By A becker

Published on Nov 30, 2014


From Yai's view I sort of exploded into the room, he jumped up, backing away, "You?"

I stood still looking into his eyes, "Yai, I need your help."

He licked his lips, eyes down now.

"You have plenty of troubles and I can't do a thing about those but you can. Saul hired an assassin to kill me, he tried last night. He failed."

I paused, "I want you to help me put an end to Saul. If you do it you could save some of your life."

He slumped into the chair, staring down at the table top, "Fay I would never be a party to hurting you, please believe me."

"Then help protect me now!"

He rubbed his face, sitting back, "Are they listening?"

"Of course what do you think?"

He shuddered; I sensed it was time to give him a push.

I opened the door, "Officer we need someone to take down some information directly."

He called out, leaving the door open but filling the space with his large bulk.

I could see Mr. Keren leaning by a doorway down the hall as two officers entered the room.

"Yai, go on now."

He kept his head down, muttering.

I stepped in strongly, "Yai!"

His head jerked up, "Don't fool around with this. Speak clearly and loudly! After last night I don't feel like playing about!"

He slumped down but his voice was clear.

He gave a list of places in Bangkok that Saul might go and three names of possible contacts.

When he was done I stood across the table offering my hand, "Thank you Yai! I do appreciate your helping me."

He was crying, "Fay, I am ashamed for my part in the robberies and other things. I let Fung pull me along."

I squeezed his hand, "Yai, if this information helps I will speak on your behalf to any court."

He sat his head in his hands as I left.

Mr. Keren was smiling as I joined him, "Not bad, good tactics. Maybe you should be working for us."

I demurred, "He has been alone since I was abducted?" I got a nod.

Solitary was working on his mind more than me.

Lek took me back to the Railroad building, "I'll be ready to leave in about an hour. Then to Mongkut! Shopping!!


I followed up on new updates for our software with Kavnu, he was stoked for the meeting next week, "We will wow the yard managers!"

"Is Tarek ready to do some travelling around Bangkok? He's quite capable; I want to use him as a teacher/leader."

I could hear Kavnu's smile in his voice, "He is ready, you really made him energetic. I thought he was going to be an old man in my yard, content but not now!"

I decided not to explain my more intimate connection to Tarek and let Kavnu put it down to my personality. Whew! I do seem to have lit a few fires: Kavnu, Tarek, and Udorn. What's a ladyboy to do... Yay!

Lek dropped Jian and I at Mongkut's front door where a businessman going in nearly fell over trying to open the doors for us. Cute! Jian giggled about that. I thanked the man and picked up a book he dropped. Neuromancer! Amazing.

"Have you read it?"

He nodded shyly, "I have come to find more by the author."

I held the book out to him, "Don't miss his first short stories, they are quite good! `Burning Chrome'"

Jian Clumped up the stairs.

I got a huge thank you and smile. He was a handsome guy, looked well built under his clothes. Jian giggled some more as we went in, "Sexpot Fay!"

I playfully swatted her hand on the crutch, "If guys can admire girls why can't we do the same?"

She solemnly nodded, "Yes we free and equal!"

I asked at the info desk if I could speak to Mr. Rak. I gave them my name, hey were a bit wide-eyed; I suppose one doesn't ask for the owner.

They handed me the phone, "My dear Fay! Please what can I do for you?"

We talked about his offer of shopping assistance and how he would meet us in Ladies shoes with someone shortly. I thanked the pretty woman at Info, her eyes were still bulging!

We paused briefly in Perfumes; I could smell I needed to take some time there.

Rak was so nice, he introduced Malee to us. A delicate beauty with brilliant eyes, "I will be proud to help. Is there some department you would like to begin in?"

Jian's had a sweet face considering.

I gave Rak a kiss on his cheek and thanked him. He squeezed my hand, "Just come to my office any time. If you tire we can rustle up some of that sherry."

I laughed, "I may take you up on that. But for now I feel strong."

Jian wanted to stay in shoes; Malee marshalled several ladies over to us. I chose several pairs to try; Jian managed four large piles of boxes very quickly. She was going to try on every right shoe and hope her broken left went along!

Bare-footed between tryouts, I sat with Malee, I could see she wanted to ask questions but was holding back, curiosity is such a fabulous thing we all share.

I patted her hand, "Rak is an old friend to my boyfriend." I let her have that tidbit. Such a gorgeous smile on a gorgeous face.

Black stilettos with a slender strap AND a spiral metal heel. Oh Yes! AND a pair of gold heels that had wide band across the instep, open toe, narrow ankle strap and the heel was a thunderbolt!

Brown ankle boots with narrow zippers and tall heel, my pussyass cheeks were gonna be tight!

Jian was being taken care of supremely so Malee and I wandered over to hosiery, I wanted more thigh highs, garter belts and long stockings. Several shades..., oh yes Red thigh highs and blue and white. Malee got a lady to gather my choices.

She seemed to be enjoying doing this with me, "Do you have many customers each day?"

"Oh, this is special for me; I'm a ladies clothes buyer."

She gave me another big smile, "Mr. Rak asked me to help you as a favor to him," seeing my face, "Oh please I am delighted, not to worry!"

I couldn't have known but it seemed unfair but Malee was obviously enjoying helping me. "I'm fine. What have you bought for the store that I might like?"

We went over to dresses where Malee showed me some beautiful light models, semi-sheer and sheer tops over full skirts. A very nice white halter dress with gold piping, short hem gathered up on the left to a subtle gold flower and a nice thigh revealing slit. No back at all! Sold! A few minor alterations, it would be delivered to Cho's house in 1 hour.

Malee was ecstatic that her choice for the store would grab me. I chose a sleeveless number with a scoop bodice, pleated mid-thigh skirt all in a light summer blue that looked great with my pale olive complexion.

Some easy wearing tops and new shorts, Malee liked me in them, quite short, showing off my stems! Back to shoes where Jian had finally made her decisions, I got some cute deck shoes in blue and white.

We set off for other parts of Mongkut's while all our purchases' were sent to the porters. I really liked a woody spicy scent from a local perfumery and bought a small vial. Ah yes, some Him' by Hanae Mori for Cho, warm, woody scented after shave balm. The scarves held me for a while; nice silk ones, black with small golden birds and a lovely fine checked one in dark blue and white.

The store's porters got all our many things into Lek's big Mercedes as we all went up to Rak's office. He offered sherry, we accepted. I told him how much Malee was appreciated and hoped he might lend us her services again.

"Fay any time she is available!" Well that covered us some!

On the balcony I called Cho, "Dear One, what are we doing tonight? Dancing, Yes?"

"Yes ballroom tonight, extended hours."

"I spent some of your money today."

"Then a fashion show later?" I agreed.

We enjoyed Rak's sherry and downstairs we hugged Malee at the doors and piled into the Merc.

I was so happy, I just couldn't let the Saul's of the world ruin my day.

At the office, Eve was working on duplicating data sheets for the Tuesday yard managers meeting. She was setup across the reception from Ku. They could talk and admire each other. Lovely! I told them about my talk with Yai, Eve asked about Cho's security.

"They will be escorting to and from work and will be as much as possible in the background. But Saul threat should be taken seriously."

Agreement from all. Eve kissed me, "Thank you and the same for Cho."

"I'll be glad to kiss him for you!"

She laughed, "You need an excuse?"

Lek dropped Jian and I at home. I liked that... at home! Cho texted, "Ting and I are going to be there in an hour or so. Please get Amporn to lay out something for all of us to eat that won't be a fuss to eat so we can do it and get dressed. Love!"

I sent a huge "LOVE!" back.

Jian asked Amporn who replied that she'd be ready. I hugged her and said thanks. I was complimented on my accent as I tried it in Thai.

In my room Jian watched as I tried on the white dress that had been delivered.

"Oh Fay, it is so good. And your legs look tremendous!"

The big mirror told me the same, SMASHING! I was going to make Cho proud!

We both sat down on the terrace to call all the other girls and let them know more about last night and my talk with Yai this afternoon. We asked them all to come on the river cruise on Saturday. 100% attendance! We're going to have fun, swim and lie around with full tummies!

Mr. Thoi called, "Fay can we meet tomorrow? Your office is fine. It is information for you, not earth shaking."

I could hear a smile in his voice, "I should be at the Railroad building by 11. Will that be good?"

We set it.

Hhhmmm What was the old fox up to?

Jian joined me in the shower her cast in a plastic bag taped up, we splashed a lot, kissing and caressing each other. Nice to pet with her again. The fun lasted until the guys arrived, we were invaded. I managed to grab Cho around his slippery wet waist and mash him against me.


I could hear Ting grappling with a slippery eel-like Jian who couldn't get away, "No, please stop and hold me!"

My request was answered with a flurry of kisses which ended in one very passionate one, my body pasted on to Cho's.

Faint sound in my ear, "I love you!"

Funny, I started to cry but Cho knew, "I am so happy also Fay!"

Jian and Ting surrounded us, smiling faces, Jian almost yelling, "We are all happy!"

At my vanity, Cho gently rubbed my shoulders, "When do I get my fashion show?"

"What's on for tomorrow night?"

"Nothing but the four of us here!!!! Then in the morning we get everyone together and go up river."

"Ok, then you get the show. Jian and I will do it for you both! I'm going shopping again tomorrow to get another fuel canister for Kure's lantern and a new dress for Tani's doll. Do the boys need anything? New football net? Or?" At that Cho said get two nets! "Now you go dress and wait for my entrance!"

The new white/gold slit dress, white thigh high stockings and the new gold shoes. It felt right! Comfortable and splashy! Little white clasp purse.

I needed to eat and take pills.

I checked on Jian, she had on a cute black dress with ruffled bodice, A-line skirt and white cast. "Since I am not dancing..." her hand motioning to the skirt.

Jian got Amporn to have Ting and Cho to cover their eyes until we got onto the terrace. When Jian stopped clumping, "OK open!"

We posed for them with arms out-stretched, "Voila!"

Many ooohhh's and aaahhh's later we got hugs. They both were wearing white jackets, tight on their splendid torsos, shiny black pants and sparkling bright black shoes.

Amporn laid out a wonderful buffet for us. I got a BIG napkin tucked on to prevent my hunger from doing damage. I dug into the crispy fish which I had come to love; Amporn's version was spicy without burning. She got her cheek kissed and a thank you for her effort in my halting Thai.

I was stuffed but knew I would work it off on the dance floor soon!

We all sat on the terrace as the light dimmed; holding hands, chatting about Jian's and my shopping. Her fun with one foot, Rak's sherry, the sweet Malee. Cho loved my dress, "Fay you are so sexy and delicious to look at."

We were all black and white with my gold bits and the men's cufflinks and cummerbunds being gold too. Smashing.

Amporn came out to gather things, "You all are so good to look at!" I got the translation, Amporn a hug.

Cho's Merc was waiting like a chariot, we were whisked off.

The Ballroom was humming, dancers in many colors spinning across the floor. A kaleidoscopic effect, beautiful.

Our table was ready; wine cooler waiting for the Tattinger's. I dropped my bag as Cho swept me up into his arms. Waltzing with Cho, I couldn't have imagined this just a few days ago. I was ready to cry again, "Cho..."

All I heard, "Be happy we are together, be happy!"

I didn't even remember the next few dances, it was a blur. Then, Cho maneuvered us so at end end of a waltz we were at our table, Ting handed us champagne, Cho smiling, "To Happiness!"

We toasted with verve!

Rak came by with his glacial girlfriend, beautiful slender woman. I decided to be bad and good, I took her hand, "Anong please help me with Jian to the Ladies."

She seemed reluctant but I didn't let go. We clumped along with Jian who gave me a `what's up" look. In the ladies we did business, parked Jian in a stall and stood side by side at the mirror, I took a small towel from the attendant.

"Anong you are very lovely! I see Rak enjoys your company but may I say something that might not be welcome?"

Those dark eyes bored into mine via the mirror, she slowly turned towards me, "Do you intend to hurt me?"

I put out my hand, "No, I have no wish to do that."

She rested her hand on my extended one, "I have watched you dance with Rak, he is a good dancer, so are you but..."

Her eyes narrowed, "But..."

I plunged on, "You need more emotion, the music is wonderful, let yourself go with it, flow with it. Let it take you away!"

Her face opened finding it wasn't a slap, "I don't do that well. I..."

I drew her close, "I haven't a clue about you or your life but here you can release some emotion. It's painless and if you need to protect yourself, raise the barrier when you leave but flow while you're here. Spin, float in freedom, dance with Rak like it's the last time."

I squeezed her warm hand, "He appears to like you very much. If it's more than dancing, is it more?"

Anong's eyes closed, "I can not let go, flow as you say easily. So much..."

I hugged this slender beauty, "Anong here feel free to do it. Dance with me when we go back?"

I had seen many women dancing as pairs, mostly older yes but...

Anong looked into my eyes, nothing but goodwill stared back, "Yes, I will dance with you. You will release me?"

"I think we should try!"

Jian came out unsteady, we parted to help her, "I hate this thing!"

Laughing we got her to the sink. After last minute fixings we left. I gave the attendant a nice tip as I had before, she was nice, her help with Jian was gentle and appreciated.

A polka was starting as we got back to the table; I put out my hand to Anong. She looked at me smiling, we danced off she accepting my lead. I bounced her around; asking for her to respond which she did with flair. We spun about avoiding collisions sweeping across the floor; she had a delightful look on her face.

"Fay you are right! It is fun in your arms!"

As a second polka began, I detoured her towards the bandstand. We paused, I asked the bandleader for a third polka. He smiled and nodded.

I spun Anong around moving towards our table where Rak had remained watching us, I handed Anong over to him as the third polka started, ending my dances with a cheek kiss.

"Champagne, please!"

I was instantly rewarded by Cho; we stood arms about each other's waist, "What are you up to Fay?"

I pointed towards Rak and Anong; they were flying around the floor, bouncing like they never had before.

"That is it;" pointing with my glass, "See how they are now!"

Jian clambered up from her chair, "Look at her face."

Indeed Anong had a big smile and you could see how she was moving freely in Rak's arms.

"So what is this? Matchmaking? But they were already going out together." Cho hadn't grasped it yet.

"Yes but they weren't really a couple. Anong hadn't felt she could let go! I just showed her she could do it here. Enjoy this place!"

I felt Jian's arm slide around me as Cho kissed me, openly showing how he felt about me.

He saw I was going to tear up, "Fay remember we are happy!"

Jian squashed my waist, "Yes Happy!"

Ting arm around her shoulders, the four of us stood there. My chin on Cho's shoulder I could see some folks looking at us, one older lady who I had talked to last time had a big grin on her face. She knew we were a couple and happy.

Rak and Anong returned after several dances, eyes shining, "It was wonderful!" We could see Anong meant it; she was gently flushed, glowing. They accepted champagne as we all toasted them, Jian in my ear, "Still being a good matchmaker!"

I got a terrific hug. Anong took my hand, eyes sparkling, "Thank you Fay! I see that I can be free on the dance floor and wait to see about other places."

"It's in your power. By the way, I think Rak is very nice, handsome too!"

I could feel the pressure on my hand from Anong as she looked at Rak talking to Cho and Ting. Whatever it was that tied her up inside she had serious feelings for Rak.

It was well past mid-night by then and the crowd had thinned, the older couple came by to say good night. The lady of the pair took my arm and I walked her to the door, "Dear you bring joy to Cho. I have never seen him so exuberant. I knew his parents; they were a great loss to him, much sadness. They raised a fine son though. Enjoy yourselves."

I got both cheeks kissed, her husband also, in my ear, "Take good care of him; he's such a fine fellow!"

The tuxedoed manager was at the door, some couples waiting even at this hour. "Please let them in. Everyone is having a good time. They should too."

He knew who I was for sure and opened the gate for all the waiting dancers. The first few who had overheard my request to the manager took my hand and a few cheeks were kissed. The manager could see he'd done the right thing AND made me happy.

I walked through the lobby; it was still buzzing, shining cheerful faces, chattering voices almost lyrical. I nearly teared up again. I went up to Ting, "Dear I've been teary all night. Is it my hormones?"

He grasped my hand, "Yes, it does have different affects but you're an emotional person to begin with, some stress may give it greater influence. Do not worry it does even out after a while. Also the medicine may be generic so indifferent manufacturing could cause uneven affects."

"Dance?" I swung onto the floor with Ting leading me in a Viennese waltz.

I was quite recovered when he passed me to Cho. Another lively waltz followed by a nice foxtrot tune. At the table Rak and Anong arrived with us both with bright shining faces.

Jian sitting there swiveling her hips to the music, I gripped her hand pulling her up, we danced together her in one place me moving around. Laughing the others joined until Ting lifted Jian into his arms and spun her about, their arms around each other. Ting danced close so Jian wouldn't batter anyone with that hard white thing.

A younger couple came over, the girl quite pretty with an orange dress of many shades, the boy in an electric blue tuxedo, "Miss, we heard you are the one who asked the manager to let us in, thank you!"

"Do you also like to disco?"

They smiled, together, "YES!"

I wanted to get their names; I took them to the front where I had the manager write the names and phone numbers.

"I want you to be my guest at the "Ice Rink" next week when there'll be a contest. Do you have email addresses to share?"

They were excited.

I slowly walked back; if I go on like this I'll become a lump of sugar...maybe that'll be good for Cho. I'll have to ask!

I told my beloved; boy did I get a kiss, "Fay, you make me so pleased when you share like this! I have never been able to act out my desires, now you will help me be more generous!"

Rak and Anong were leaving, it took longer now, we were connected! "Fay, may I please keep in touch? You are so good!"

We exchanged digits, Anong loved the phrase.

The four of us piled into the Merc, I could see lugging the cast around so much had wiped out Jian. Her head on my arm, Ting supporting with his arm. At the house he scooped her up, I followed with the crutches. Cho checked the security with his men as the soldiers were gone. Tight, surrounded, we could sleep without worry.

As I undressed, Cho sat on the edge of the bed watching, "Fay I love to see when you dress or better undress." He extended his hands, I stepped between those hard thighs, he kissed my belly, Mmmmmm!"

Naked we lay together, just cuddling "Cho I'm glad there's a lot going so I don't have to think about the old stuff."

He kissed me, holding me tighter! I had my answer, he would be there holding me through everything.

I didn't remember falling asleep but the wakeup was classic, Cho leaning over me his cock on my lips just chubbing. I opened for the treasure, sucking, gripping his firm ass pulling him in!

My nose in the soft hair was perfect. I started to give my man the best blowjob. I everything I had learned, forced or not, was used on that fabulous cock. The wet foreskin peeled back, I eased it down with my tongue the cockhead so hot! I worked my my tongue down the shaft getting it sopping wet, hand became the cylinder again over his prick piston as my mouth closed on the right testicle. MMMMMMMM love these balls, soft with the hard center, smooth and tasty. I bathed them both before popping each in and out with cute little slurp/pop sounds.

Cho's body was rigid as my first finger slid around his little ribbed hole, ooohhh he likes that! Now wet it went back to work, he was close I returned to the cock sucking up and down, fast with max suction on the up, plenty of tongue action along the way.

The end of my finger inside him was the topper, he orgasmed hard. Three four loads on my tongue, his penis against my cheek as I swallowed looking into his eyes. He collapsed beside me, pulling me close, "Fay you always..."

I kissed him at that point, then whispered, "You taste so good! More!"

"No, wash, work then evening fashion show."

He dashed to the shower, me close behind. Under the stream, kissing took place before washing. I scrubbed his ass after a few LOUD smooches. We managed to get clean finally, I sat on the bench as he dried my hair, "Fay, we will never get tired of this will we?"

I circled his waist my face against his warm skin, "No we will be like this when we're in wheel chairs!"

In a big fluffy robe, Amporn's coffee in hand I sat on the terrace in the morning sun. A text message from Reg, `new boss on his way out to you via Ankara/Singapore expect in 5 days, more in email'

Oh well, I had until Wednesday. Mr. Thoi this morning so I should begin with him. Cho had made it plain I didn't need to work but I enjoyed it. It'd be a shame to have to quit.

A mouthful of salapao when Ting and Jian arrived. "Feed me!," from the other hollow legged person. Ting acted as Gunga Din until he begged off to go to the hospital. Jian was going to stay home today, "Bikini time!"

Well I wouldn't mind that but I could wait until tomorrow. I reminded her to pack a few things for the boat trip.

Lek was waiting as I emerged from the house, light blue backless sundress, dark blue heels, matching bag, pink lipstick the same as my nails.

At the rail yard, I met with Kavnu and Tarek, the old foreman was pleased I wanted him to teach others how to build and maintain the network. He was gun-ho! I was delighted!

We walked through the yard reviewing how the cable could be laid, protecting it using the shape of the slopes, etc... Tarek really got it. Kavnu was visibly pleased too. Back his office we paused, he took my hand, "Fay, Ni and I are very happy! But more, my wife is wanting to go to her family in Kanchanaburi, about 100km from here. Two hours on the highway. She knows I'm unhappy, so is she, we have talked. The boys will go with her but will be with me all times out of school. Not perfect but we can start like this."

I clasped his hand, "Good, you both know there has to be change. I'm happy for you."

Lek driving one of Cho's Merc's was waiting to take me downtown. He held the door, "Fay it is a pleasure to drive you." A big grin!

I made it to the Railroad building with a few minutes to spare before 11AM. Quick pee, check my face, order tea and Mr. Thoi came in.

His face inscrutable as always, "Fay, you look lovely."

Good start! He accepted tea which meant he wasn't in a hurry.

"Is next Wednesday in the morning good for you and the others for our little ceremony?"

"Speaking for me yes but I will check with the others today and let you know. I don't think it will be a problem."

He leaned back in the chair, "Fay, it will involve a general thank you to all of you for uncovering the nefarious activities and the suffering you went through afterwards. Secondly, there will be medal awards given to you all. Thirdly, as you know, we will honor you with full citizenship to our Kingdom."

He tented his fingers, lightly touching them to his lips, "There is a discussion on what if any publicity there is to be allowed. You need to ask everyone about that also. You, of course, have a great deal at stake in that. There would be questions asked that might be uncomfortable and journalists are difficult to stop when they get going."

I smiled over the edge of my tea cup, "I don't think, for my part, the newspaper or TV would be of much value. There are court cases coming that will probably expose me more. AND what I do doesn't need publicity! I will ask the others at the same time I inquire about the date. I'm certain they will have the same feeling as I do. We are grateful for your thanks and support; it's always nice to be appreciated. We do want to move on and a splash of news publicity isn't going to help. Good jobs with a future is even better."

Mr. Thoi had a hint of a smile, "Fay you are your friends' best advocate. Ever try law? No, well I will await your talking to them for my answer. I do see you have done some hiring."

I smiled now, more broadly, "Eve is smart, a quick thinker, so she's valuable helping with the rail yard project. After the project goes live? Also, Jian, Ni and Lawan all had responsible jobs at one point so if we are to help them publicity is the wrong way to go."

"And you Fay? What will you do when as you say the project goes live?"

"I'm very lucky, I've found love! Cho doesn't care if I work; he knows I'd have to do something I'm not the idle type. Yes, I have a financial cushion and that's what I want for the others too."

After a sip, "My future may play out soon. My new boss is touring sites around the world and most likely will be here Thursday, next week. He of course hasn't a clue about me."

I explained his new role in the company that he actually knows me and why he was coming. Whether he'd accept me was totally up in the air, "So I might be unemployed next week."

Mr. Thoi rose, I followed, he took my hand, "Fay, remember I told you we would make an effort for you and we will. The railroad would like you to stay with us if the worst occurs. You are... what is the saying... ah... Yes, you are `too sharp a cookie' to let go!"

He chuckled a bit at dredging up the old saying and we laughed, "Fay, we will wait. Is there anything you need for the project?"

"No, some hardware updates and equipment should arrive today. I have good people!"

I kissed his cheek, "Be careful, do what security wants. OK?"

I reassured him I wasn't going to cause trouble.

Ku escorted him out as Eve came in with a FedEx box. New bits. "Eve please call Kavnu and let him know these have arrived and that I will have them sent over right away. I need to go up to Udorn's office briefly."

"Shouldn't I just send out now?"

"I want to have a look first as soon as I'm back."

Udorn was on the phone but waved to me after Kamol stuck her head in his door. She looked very sweet in a floral short sleeve dress and low heels, "I am not yet steady in higher heels."

I hugged her, "It does take practice. Keep at it."

"Fay come in," Udorn called out. He gathered my hand in his, "What can I do for you?"

I gave him an update on the yards, new hardware and software, Tarek and the ceremony next week. We chatted some about my boss' arrival. He said I had his backing to stay with the project and he would advocate it strongly.

I went through the FedEx box, I put aside for Kavnu the hardware parts and software updates. I installed the newer control software on my laptop. There was a second disk that said Mac version. I was surprised we'd always been a Windows shop.

Eve packaged the rest for delivery, she had gotten it lined up and the courier had arrived. Yes!

Ku called in to me about more tea, I yelled back for three with mountains of assorted biscuits! I got giggles and an ok!

"Fay please come out." Eve wasn't distressed but obviously wanted my attendance.

There was a large DHL box on her desk addressed to me as personal. Ku got her box opener and we all fussed around it. An Apple Mac Air laptop and an iPhone. The documents said they were from the company for me to use as replacements. I used my now superseded phone to call Reg.

He was still at his desk at 7PM, "AH, you got the second box didn't you?"

I laughed, "So is this an Eric thing?"

"You bet, he's thinking ahead on hardware. The new controller software for the Mac is even better. You just need to get a local SIM & number for the phone. We will have an APP ready in a week or so for beta testing. I want you to do that on an iPad which I'll send when it's all ready."

"Shit Reg it's like an avalanche! So will Eric contact me about his arrival or you?"

"I know he's got a ticket for arrival on Thursday but that's all I know."

"I can put him up at home if he doesn't have a hotel yet or get him a reservation."

"Get the iPhone going all the company numbers, etc... are in it. Call him, find out & email me if you think I should know anything."

"OK, thanks! Go home to your wife!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm nearly gone. Take care, Phil."

I looked up Apple, no Apple Store but good local reseller, iStudio. Closest was on Phaholyothin Road, in the La Villa Mall.

Eve, Ku and I sat down to tea and a for real mountain of cakes! Ku had outdone herself. I was a piggy for a few minutes. Not that either of them were shy about food. We happily munched and chatted about all sorts.

Lek picked me up at the back entrance. A nice young man, who was non-plussed by my arrival, at the iStudio Store got me a SIM and carrier right away. I got a clear case so the gold and white colors could be seen.

I iMessaged Reg with the new number and hoped he was home reading it. Bingo he replied, `no sarcasm please, sipping a Newcastle Brown with the wife on the terrace, thank you very much!"

"Cheers 2 U both."

I looked around the rest of the store, Bin the sales guy followed me about, cute, looked to be near 20, slender, great wedge haircut, tight black slacks, nifty bulge!

OH, case for Mac Air! He led me over there. Another clear plastic shell that let the gorgeous metal show through.

"Can you move my contacts from this phone to the iPhone?"

He looked at it, "Yes can you wait for 15 minutes?"

I said yes and I'd wander into the mall and return. First stop was a travel store, got an English language tour book of the city and whole country. No shit, they had the Economist. I grabbed the only copy.

I got a tea and I sat at a small table to read the Economist. Lost in the `Tech Quarterly' section when Bin approached me, "Miss it is ready now."

I was happy to see my friends and Cho and Mr. Keren all slickly displayed, loved the scrolling!!

Bin hadn't said what the charge was but no fee for transfer was listed. He said no charge but I wanted to pay him.

"No Miss no pay for that service." He seemed embarrassed so I dropped it. Maybe he liked my cute little butt! I gave his hand a squeeze before leaving.

Lek whisked me back to the Railroad Building. The Mac Air case fit perfectly, golden tone shown through. I loved the iPhone, simple but cool and nifty.

I called Kavnu about the new stuff, he said hardware was being installed right now and software would follow.

"I'll be there Monday morning and we'll test the new controller software with all the new bits," laughing I told him about my new company toys, "I'll bring the Mac and the older laptop we can use them both."

No doubt Kavnu was stoked about it all and for tomorrow's trip up river.

"See you at the house in the morning."

I call Eric Brotherton, my new boss' boss, he spoke about my kidnapping and the theft of the data, real and fake, and software. He said Thursday around noon was his arrival on Singapore Airlines # 987. Could I pick him up? I told him I would be there. Where was he staying? The Siam. I waved Ku in and held the hotel name with ? mark. She scribbled: about 1.5km north of Cho's house.

"Your hotel isn't far from where I'm living. Will you need some break time after arriving?"

He said he'd enjoy a sauna and massage and then visit the office. Should I contact the hotel and arrange? Please do!

I told him Tuesday was a meeting with all the yard managers to do a demo of the new software and hardware and make plans for the roll out to them. I'd have the results of that for him to review.

We rang off. He had been considerate and pleasant but who knows after noon on Thursday.

I called Jian, "I'm baking on the terrace. It feels so good to be in the sun!"

I was ready too. The boat trip was going to be good.

Lek hauled me over to Mongkut. I had called ahead and Malee met me at the door, "Mr. Rak sends his regards but has a sales meeting."

Ah no sherry today, "Malee, I want a dangerous bikini and a few other things."

She laughed, we found what I wanted, a thong string bikini with a skimpy pushup top. All white, very soft, "Fay it will be nearly transparent when wet but will dry quickly."


The football nets and an extra ball were easy. The clothes for Tani's dolls left me with too many choices. I decided on two dresses that were alike except for color, gold and blue and the other red and gold. I hope she will like them. The fuel for Kure's lantern was easy, heavy; a porter took charge of it for me.

I was standing by cosmetics when I was surprised by Mr. Keren taking my hand, "Quiet, come with me!"

He took me to an interior hallway full of soldiers, "We had a tip that Saul or a man of his was watching the store. I hope we have them surrounded outside. You must stay here under guard but not for long." He patted my shoulder and left.

I couldn't see or hear anything. The soldiers had me in the middle of a ring, they faced out. I checked the time on my iPhone. It was nearly 20 minutes later when one responded to his radio, then "Miss we can take you out now. The General is at the front door."

Mr. Keren led me aside, "well some bad and good. It isn't Saul! We have the fellow and I'm sure he will tell us everything he knows. He can't be too far removed from Saul. You can go now but there will be extra cars going with you."

I was holding his arm, "So you're a general?" I was smiling, "I had no idea," batting my eye lashes.

His face broke into a wide smile, "Fay that is what I like about you, aplomb. Maybe you should work for me; I like people under stress who remain calm."

"How serious was this? Was he armed? Or..."

"Yes, an automatic with a silencer. That alone will put him jail for many years. Yes, I do think he wanted to kill you. I want Lek with you much closer. Please allow him to accompany you where you go and be outside the door of any room or office. At home I'm sure you will be protected."

Sobering but I wasn't going to wobble, "Where does Saul find people to try this with so much risk?"

Mr. Keren shook his head, "As I said this one is close to him and will yield good information. You go on now with Lt. Tak."

He waved to a young officer, "Fay this is Lt. Tak, he will escort you. Tell him where you are going but please do as he says. Yes?"

Out of protocol I'm sure but I kissed his cheek and clasped his hand, "Yes, no problem. Please call me though if you find out anything important?" He nodded, "We`re going up river tomorrow, all of us to Aao Khamoht. OH! My big boss is coming in Thursday mid-day for a few days. Just so you know."

"Enjoy yourselves but I may divert a patrol boat just to be safe. Do not worry they will not disturb your fun. I will see you Wednesday."

He got a second kiss as Lt. Tak helped me into the Merc. Lek was in `on guard' mode so I didn't bother him.

Ku and Eve were more worried than me but I tried to tell them just to go with the security arrangements. They looked over at Lek as he sat down by the outer door and raised their eyebrows together.

I emailed Reg about my call with Eric. Bang he was right back to me in a txt `He's ok & got many good ideas'

I just sent a thanks and good night.

I called Thang to let him know about my `encounter' he was more worried than I but at least he knew Saul was still at it.

I sat out on the balcony, I made another call, I saved Cho for last. He was livid! I calmed him down but he remained simmering. I told him I could see Lek. AND I would be careful. "You can't wrap me in a cocoon, I have to breathe."

"Fay, no one is more important to me than you. There's never been anyone aside from my parents who have all my love as you do! Precious One!"

I started to cry, Cho talked me down as I had him. We rang off with sweet words.

I forced myself to work. Looking over the contours from each of the rail yards with overlays of current track and comm lines. In some places the squeeze for space would require a lot of extra work by install crews and be difficult.

Aaahhh, must call Kavnu, we could go under the track that's on berms if they have equipment. "Kavnu does the company have any kind of boring or tunneling equipment? I'm thinking about going through a berm under track. Fine, I'll wait for you to call but I'm going to ask Udorn too."

I dashed out to go up but Lek stopped me, "Fay please!"

No fuss from me, he went with me up the stairs. We had a cute little race on the last two flights of stairs ending with smiles.

Udorn was just returning from a meeting, "Fay please..."

We sat and I asked about the equipment. He said they did but didn't know where it was. "Kamol please call Rokson for me. He is our construction manager, you should have met him before but your `problem' swept that away. To roll it out the other yards he will essential."

I gave a brief bit about my shopping trip, he looked grave. I got up to take his hand, "Please I'm being good, Lek is outside now so I'm protected closer.' His eyes didn't seem appeased.

"Rokson the boring equipment... Yes, good, you do that," he covered the receiver, "Fay which yard and when?"

I told him and he passed it Rokson, "Rokson can you come in today? I want you to meet Fay. Good, thank you."

`He is over at the yard near Suvarnabhumi Airport and can be here in less than an hour. Will you be available?"

We set the meeting. He smiled as I put in it my iPhone calendar. Damn this is so easy! Zero learning curve! I'm going to love this!

I told Udorn about Eric Brotherton's arrival and how it could play out if he was displeased with me. Udorn banged his fist into an open palm, "He should be sensible! We need you; you are the right person for us!"

Ooohhh Ok! I had a firm ally here. I let him know I wouldn't give in. Which got me a kiss and thank you.

I got Ku to order tea and cakes for us all, "Remember Lek too!"

I wiped some chocolate crème from my lips, smiling at my crew!

Cho called, "Honey...I do like horses...OK...I didn't know you had any...Lovely...OK!"

I told everyone I'd be going to the race track on Sunday. Something new!

Rokson was a drop dead handsome man, slender, muscled, strong face with nice smile when we were introduced, "Miss Martin it is quite nice to meet you. There has been much talk about you in the yard manager's meetings."

"I hope it was good! And I'm just Fay, please." My reward was another fine smile.

We sat down in Udorn's meeting room with Udorn; Kavnu arrived in a rush, `Sorry to be late."

Udorn laughed, which he did a lot of now-a-days, "We just sat."

Everyone ignored Lek although Rokson had a look. I had the contours and overlays, pointing how we could by-pass choke points in several yards by going through the berms, "The tunnel only needs to be large enough for some 20mm PVC conduit."

Rokson said it would not be a problem the borer they had could do it easily. It was only 8km away to the north, "I will have it on a truck today. Is BangBamru where it needs to be?"

We went over the details, supplies and personnel. Rokson knew Tarek so that was easy and Kavnu would be on-site. Udorn and I would be there at the start and Kavnu and I would do the testing. Kavnu would tell Tarek about the borer.

Rokson had the operator available, "He is our best. I am going to have his 2 assistants there so they can watch the job. We have a second borer up north that I can get here in a weeks' time so we will be able to have multiple projects going."

Udorn and Kavnu huddled about a temp for Tarek, Rokson and I were on the balcony, "Fay many things said about you and then you disappeared. Mystery!"

I gave him a précis of my travails and today's fun and Lek and the coming yard managers meeting which I hoped he could attend. I got a yes on that. He complimented me on the boring idea, "Some of our city yards are very tangled and tight but there quite a few tracks on berms for the rainy season."

After that I called it a day. Lek escorted me out; we found two of Cho's security cars waiting. Mr. Thet stepped out of one, "Miss Fay, we will be along with you."

I thanked him and slipped into the big Merc. We made a small procession up the road to home.

Jian welcomed me in a tiny bikini as my purchases were unloaded. In our bedroom I modelled the new swimsuit for her, "Oh Fay very naughty."

I took it off, standing there naked looking at her, a slow smile, she stripped off hers and we climbed onto the bed. Kissing mashed together, "Jian I want you!"

We caressed each other I tugged on her guiche put in by the Brothers after she was kidnapped, "Are you leaving this?"

"Yes, I want Ting to hang his name there!"

I slid down to her small, lovely cock; I smothered it with smooches with Jian giggling. I went to work sucking again on my first cock. So nice and Jian was loving it, arching her back to push the penis up to my plunging mouth. I rubbed my nose on her bare pubic mound, tongue swirling over her balls, small and tight to her body. My fingers explored the tight ribbed hole which made her gasp, "OH Fay sooo goooood!"

I loved doing this for her, those soft smooth thighs against my cheeks as I worked my magic on that stubby prick. Wet and wild that's me on Jian's cock. I had two fingers in that delightful bum now, moving in and out matching my mouth on her boy clit.

Jian was grabbing handfuls of duvet, squirming, close but I didn't let up I wanted her cum.

I kept up my fast pace, slurping her, making big wet sounds as I devoured her dick. Her face was great to watch as it changed from passion to squinting in sex pain to ecstasy.

She bounced as a yell exploded from her, "Fay cumming!"

4 warm tasty loads splashed onto my tongue, one after another. Delicious stuff this Jian cum!

I kept working her cock which made her squirm even more, "Fay too much please stop!"

I did but not right away. She was sweaty as I licked my way to her nipples which got some attention before Jian grabbed me into a kiss.

"Fay you are so bad! I love your being bad!"

We cuddled, hot and happy. "Jian, we will always do this. Just you and Cho for me." She hugged me tight.

After a nice doze we showered, little miss plastic wrap splashing around. We fixed our faces and got clothes ready for our fashion show for the men.

Dinner for us four on the terrace was a fun food fest. Amporn made several dishes we could all share with lovely appetizers especially my fav crispy fish! We laughed and were full of high spirits sweeping away any gloom about Saul.

Our men sat with brandies as Jian and I did our show. After three outfits Jian was wearing out going back and forth on her crutch so we moved indoors. Ting and Cho sat in the office which was close to Jian and Ting's room. I was in with Jian, "Should I preview my new white bikini for them?"

She nodded vigorously but wait until I can go in to watch, she slowly clumped off. I heard welcomes and Ting, "Sit on my lap."

I slipped into the bikini with black spiral heeled pumps, what tight pussy cheeks!

The guys went crazy over my look; Cho jumped up and scooped me up into his arms, big kiss!

I spread my arms and legs laughing, "Cho, I guess you like it?"

"Time for bed!" from him which made us all break out in giggles. I changed into shorts and top with bare feet. Cho swept me back into his arms, "Come!" As if I had a choice?

We settled down on the terrace again, Ting giving Jian ride like mine.

I explained to Cho about the possible patrol boat, he waved his hand, "It is what will happen, Keren is a cautious and through man."

Cho was looking quite satisfied about something, so I began to tickle him which caused me to be dumped on my pussy cheeks in the grass.

"Out with it Cho!" I was covering my mouth to limit my laughter.

He picked me up like a small bag over his shoulder and walked towards the dock with Ting hoisting Jian.

Shit, it was big! "This is one of my other boats; I had it brought up for our trip. More cabins!"

I stood there dwarfed by it, Cho was behind me wrapped around, "Cho it's huge!"

He squeezed me, "It is twice as large, actually the Captain likes it more, he says it steers better even in the river. We have enough room for everyone!"

We wandered around, the Captain had a big smile, showing me the larger everything. Jian loved the cabin she'd share with Ting; mine with Cho was gorgeous, all in shades of green. Much bigger bathroom!

Up on the bow Cho held me close, whispering, "There's another reason, we can carry more security." He kissed me, I held on tight.

"All the gifts you bought are onboard; everything is ready for tomorrow morning. Time for some fun with friends."

Lying under Cho later, his kissing so welcome, we spoke about lighter things and drifted to sleep together.

Next: Chapter 31

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