
By A becker

Published on Aug 21, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 4 < or My Bangkok Days 4 >

I sat there looking straight at the cock that had pleasured me. Golden soft inviting. I leaned forward and tongued the head running my lips up the soft slick cock. Mr. Kang pulled me onto my knees and fed me the object of my desire.

MMMmmm this is great warm from my pussy my taste and his. He tilted my head back looked into my eyes. His words were a caress I knew what he meant.

He said something and drew back reaching for his clothes. I stopped him sucking his cock again pointing to the sink. He nodded and stood still as I licked and sucked him clean.

I helped him dress kissing the cock before closing his trousers over it.

"When will be you back?"

He didn't understand. His hands stroked me.

At the door he stopped his hand went to his pocket leaving some money on the small table next to the lamp.

He smiled and turned left out the door.

I stood there in my nightie feeling strange. My pussy burned I ran my hands over my hips and spread my legs stroking my wet sex. OOHH I was sore I was fucked good and proper. My fingers explored my pussy gently testing no real hurt.

Ang came to the door, "Come with me!" He saw Mr. Kang's money. He opened the drawer in the tabletop and swept the money in.

"Put your money in here, OK."

Ang led me to the bathroom at the back of the building. Tiled showers and open toilets on the right. Ang turned on one showerhead. He undid the ribbon of the nightie slipping it off me.

"Kneel here," he stripped off his boxers. I looked up he took my chin in his left hand, "Open your mouth and extend the tongue."

"I'm going to pee into you. I want you to do exacting as I tell you! Understand?"

I nodded my tongue sticking out for him to lay his cock on.

"Close your throat and hold my pee in your mouth."

He released a stream warm almost hot pungent. He filled my mouth smiling down at me.

"Hold it!"

"Good now swallow." "Now again."

He peed more not much this time.

"Gargle!" I did after he lifted his cock. Little pee bits hitting my lips and the end of my nose.

"Very good, swallow."

"Now for the last," Ang's penis head against my lips as he told me to drink. When his bladder was empty he caressed my face with his cock. Rubbing it all over.

"You please me; I want you to continue to do so. Let's wash and then we talk."

He helped me up kissed my cheek and nudged me under the shower spray. He soaped and washed me and I returned the favor. As Ang dried me he mentioned what a good impression I had made with Mr. Kang.

"Will Mr. Kang be back?

Ang laughed, "Oh yes he enjoyed you. Your attention to his cock was greatly appreciated."

Ang wrapped a towel around my body and another for my hair. He patted my ass.

"Let's go to my office."

I followed him; he picked up the phone and spoke for a minute or so before hanging up.

"I am having food brought to us. We will use your room."

I setup a small folding table next to the bed. There were enough cushions for us both to lean on.

"Get ready for bed; wear the black nightie that one is for us. We will eat and talk about you," Ang's hand caressed my neck turning me toward him we kissed. He released our towels pressing us close as our lips and tongues worked.

He squeezed my ass cheeks, "ok?" I must have had some smile on my face Ang laughed, "You like kissing me?"

All could do was smile more and kiss him again.

We ate for sometime in silence, "Tell me about your life."

I sipped some juice and began the tale of me.

Unmarried, not much family and none I cared for Parents dead for 6 years Dad got cancer and it consumed him in months Mom died the year after of a broken heart she just wasted away they left me some money and the land and a worry about ever getting that close to anyone for fear of my ending the way they did.

I loved electronics as a kid always tearing things apart to see what was what and how it did what it did. Computers followed and then how to connect them. I became a network engineer for a large company that sent me to Thailand. I was to supervise the creation of a test site for the railroad that incorporated barcodes on every piece of rolling stock and readers in the switching yards and on the tracks between centres. The plan to modernize their system allowing managers to know where all the cars were and what was on board. I was to go Monday to a suburban switchyard to survey it and get to know the manager there. Afterwards sending a report to a railroad VP and going again to the site in days following to train the workers who would do the installation.

I got in some food between bits of my bio and Ang watched my face throughout intently. "You like this job, yes?"

I nodded with a mouth full of shrimp. I liked the travel and the money was good.

"There's a challenge in building networks that keeps me interested."

Ang leaned back against the cushions and drew me toward him. My head in his lap I looked up at him. He kissed me for a few minutes running his hands over me.

"What I have to talk to you about will require you to make a big choice. I want you to stay here with me and Heng. Work for us and live in Bangkok. And more important we want you to have surgery, we desire to have your testicles removed."

I knew Ang would ask but I felt in my belly a tightness my old life would die.

My eyes were closed there were sparkles in the dark of my eyes. Yes I wanted Ang so much I liked this new life. I... shit there were never any clear-cut choices.

"Yes I want to stay but I have always completed what I start."

"You want to do railroad job?"

"Yes I need to. It would be a long time before my company could replace me. If I am changed will they still want me?"

I had met with the railroad VP on Friday he was nice well educated a lot of western living had made alterations to his world and cultural outlook. I didn't know any of the other officials I would need to work with over the life of the project.

Ang stroked by belly caressing me. I wanted to stay I had been shot off like a rocket in 24 hours was there a parachute or a crash?

I opened my eyes looking up at Ang, "I want to stay. I think I should go out to the railroad site Monday and speak to the manager."

Since only my sex was changing my mind would still be a network engineer's.

MMMmmm I had made a life choice in seconds there has to be another shoe to drop or a twist in road.

"We can do the change this week. The doctor is very good and has several new methods so you will not have to wait to be a new person. It is quick and simple."

OH HO quick and simple. There was going to be some pain somewhere.

Ang cupped my crotch in his hand, "I have two visitors for you before you can sleep. Clean up here. Put on the other nightie and be ready."

Ang left and I cleared away dinner straightened up the bed changed my nightie and sat in the chair.

Jian poked her head into the doorway with a huge smile on her beautiful face.

"You are staying? Yes?"

I nodded my throat was choked up she dashed over and threw her arms around me we kissed and squeezed each other.

"I am happy." So was I now I knew I had made the right choice.

"I have to go to the club and will be back late. We go to That's tomorrow OK?"

"Yes Ang said in the morning." Jian kissed me again and ran off waving as she disappeared.

Jian she was like bottled sunlight for me.

Ang stopped at my door, "Someone to see you."

I stood up a short thick man entered as Ang left.

He was dark and his belly broad he wasted no time undressing and I closed the door.

He turned to me his cock was only 4" or so but quite thick. I knelt sucking the cock head moving the foreskin back exposing the shiny head. Like Ang he was musky but clean tasting I worked up and down licking the shaft. I nose dived into his balls sucking slurping two nice sized ones. His hands were on the side of my head lightly holding me I was enjoying this cock just like the others.

He motioned me to the bed lifting me up he had strong arms to go with his tree trunk thighs. He maneuvered my ass onto the mattress holding my legs up with his erection bouncing before him.

Oh my I am going to be opened up now. He said something but it didn't seem important as he entered me. His big legs part way under me his prick slid in with a bit of resistance nothing his thrusts couldn't overcome. Gawd he was IN! He was excited but began to fuck me very deliberately very firm strokes his pace was rapid.

The sweat built up quickly I was pulling his nipples one hand reaching down to stroke his balls. I couldn't resist playing with his tight ring he grunted as my finger worked around his hole.

Man he could really keep up the pace my pussy was getting another workout but mostly just straight on in this time. He put his hands on my shoulders my knees near my ears drove his prick down into me I gripped his thighs as hard as I could his orgasm was on the way. He drew out and plunged completely into me his balls bounced off me his cock spasm I felt my pussy twitch as it was opened further his cock swelled.

My visitor's face was pained and ecstatic his body rigid above me. He turned me into a pretzel his penis made my back channel wide enough for a truck. What a power fuck!

He gradually lowered me down and withdrew that cock. I was wiped out but motioned him to let me suck him.

He shook his head no and got to the sink washing himself as I tried to stretch out. Clean enough he was dressing before I could get up. I was bent over a bit but pointed to his cock.

He smiled as I knelt in front of him I kissed and licked his cock rubbing it on my cheeks.

He wanted to go so he put his fat prick away and headed to the door. He paused I stood up and bowed he smiled again leaving me a little something on the light table.

I was sore and stiff washing eased the soreness.

I remembered my pills and took the dose on the lid. I straightened the room and lay on the bed.

Jolted out of sleep by Ang he leaned over me, "Fix your face you have another visitor."

I got up did my face straightened my nightie and a tall man appeared in the doorway. I bowed to him.

"Please come over to me." I was shocked his English although stilted was clear. I moved over to him standing two feet away. He looked me over, "Would you please turn around all the way."

Twirled slowly and made a mock curtsey when I faced him again. He smiled reached out for my neck to untie the ribbon on the nightie. It floated off me after his hands slid it from my shoulders.

"You have a beautiful body." I couldn't look him in the eye but smiled. He caressed my belly, which I found very erotic. His fingers were long and slender very sensitive. He held my chin in his left hand lifted it up stroked my cheek with his right.

"I am Mr. Annut. Ang called me about you." I couldn't help but be flattered.

"Help me undress please." I knelt in front of Mr. Annut slipping off his sandals. I stroked each foot slightly and reached for his waistband as he removed the shirt. His pants came off easily he wore boxers, short ones, his cock was soft inside. The boxers also were quickly removed and I got to see his sex. It was 4" soft without any firming at all or pre-cum.

Holding it was nice warm my lips rested against the shaft. Mr. Annut lifted his cock nudged it forward I opened made a wet tunnel for him. Slow strokes in my mouth brought stiffness to the sex and the first taste of his juice.

It was more than a quarter hour of his hips moving his cock into me before he made any further move.

"I want to sit on the chair and you suck me for a while." My head dropped into his lap as soon as he sat.

"No hands."

Fine with me just my mouth and his cock. Mr. Annut seemed very pleased with me my jaw was tired when he said, "Please lie on your belly on the bed."

I did he climbed over me right away pressing his penis to my pussy quickly and sliding into my now well-used channel. He started with pushups on me slowly entering and withdrawing no hurry. After some time at that he straddled my ass cheeks his hands on the small of my back and picked up the pace considerably. Rapid thrusts rotated hips changing angles like Mr. Kang he was getting the most out of my pussy.

I enjoyed it all his speed and pressure on my anal ring built up excitement in me I tried to keep my pussy tight for him.

Mr. Annut lifted off me held my left leg up slid between my thighs reentered me and scissored me at high speed thrust after thrust pounded my ass. He was headed for his orgasm as I held onto the side of the bed to keep from being driven over the edge by his power.

I felt his buildup and short shoves beginning I squeezed my pussy on him as the explosion of his cum sprayed my insides. He kept up the thrusts finally pressing his cock into me and laying on my side. He was sweating a great deal I stroked his face lifted his left hand to my lips and kissed it. He gave me a weak smile from his creased face.

He had been so quiet during the sex now he almost dozed but roused himself to sit up on the side of the bed.

I got onto my knees beside him leaned over to take his cock in my mouth.

MMMmmm warm salty musky I slurped it resting my head on his thigh.

Mr. Annut stroked me down my body caressing my ass and legs his left hand on the top of my head. Our breathing slowed to normal my cock holder was happy to suck him gently.

"I would like to see you again soon. Would you?"

"Yeath, yeath," I managed around the cock. He patted my ass.

"I need to leave now."

I took my mouth off him, "Can I wash your cock for you?"

"Yes please."

We went to the sink I bathed that lovely penis first with my mouth then in cool water and last with soap and rinsed him well. I knelt down to dry him. He touched my nipples.


"Yes this morning." Only this morning like a century ago.

Mr. Annut dressed ready to go held open his arms I stepped into the embrace he held tight kissed my cheek and headed for the door. He like the others left something on the table and went out.

I washed and got into bed wearing the black nightie. Shortly afterwards Ang came in and closed the door. Leaning over the bed Ang kissed my cheek and slipped off his boxers. I held the sheet up he slid against me.

We kissed for a while before, "You know we want you to stay and go through the change. Since you believe that it is necessary to do your railroad job also I will drive you to the site myself."

I kissed him and wrapped my body tightly around him.

"If they do not want to use you then you will be here with us."

It was a wonderful arrangement for me I wondered where it could go wrong I had never been this lucky before.

We snuggled together spoon style my back to Ang. I was asleep soon slept deeply dreaming about Jian and I at the beach in bikinis.

Ang woke me with a hard-on and we made love in the dark passion building sticky fluids were passed to me. I slept again with my face against his cock warm and safe.

The sun was up Ang's cock was on my chin I licked it capturing the head lightly sucking. He chuckled, "Suck me slowly."

And pulled the ribbon holding my nightie on he ran his hands over my chest his cock stiff. We lay together connected by mouth, "Let us get up and eat."

I reluctantly let go of that delicious cock.

"I will be back for you in a half hour," he left me alone. Washed dressed in tight white shorts and a blue and yellow halter-top I waited for him. My hair was cooperating the curve hung just over my left eye.

Ang at the door held out his hand and we went down to the street and turned left. At the high street we crossed over to the club and went upstairs to a roof top terrace surrounded by trees. There were half dozen little round tables with padded benches built into the terrace railing and small chairs.

Heng was reading a newspaper at the furthest table. He looked up and patted the cushion next to him. I sat down with Ang beside me. A slender cute waitress came over Heng barked out something and she scooted off.

"Coffee? Eggs?"

I answered yes quickly. Heng smiled put his paper down his eyes sweeping he up and down.

"You are very beautiful this morning. You are a blossom that is just opening."

He put his arm around my waist leaning over to kiss me. I liked it he had full lips his tongue darted past my teeth to slip around my mine.

The coffee arrived Heng broke the kiss.

"Cream or sugar?" It seemed like some domestic dream.

"I like it black. Eggs? How would they be cooked?"

"How about an omelet with onions?"

I voted for that right away and the waitress was off again.

Ang was gone when I turned to him. Heng said he was going to a meeting.

After eating Heng held me around my waist pulling my back against his chest. His arms encircling me nuzzling my neck kissing with little short pecks Heng was warming me up. I reached behind resting my left hand on his cock it was rising in his khakis.

"Suck me."

Kneeling I opened his fly and lifted out the treasure kissing the head sliding the foreskin back I went to work.

more to come soon.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 5

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