
By A becker

Published on Dec 24, 2017



The meeting went much the same as twitter. Of course they each didn't know about the other meeting from me. The facebook folk tried pushing back more but I knew we had the bigger pulpit no matter how many users they had. They knew it too!

I didn't leave with any doubts about our doing the research on the bots, the money and the source of it. They had the choices. As with twitter it was all very dignified and civil... No threats just a frank discussion.

They'd watched the Fox facebook pages change. Not so much on Sports or Entertainment but the News...WOW! They also seen how our ad sales had jumped enormously as had our Nielsen ratings!!

A lot of unstated power. I let it remain as a backdrop. A cordial ending. In the car there wasn't the same laughter but more a sense of how I played it... understated, almost coiled.

Gil got it, "They realize that the new Fox has strong claws."

I nodded at that!

Laughing I turned to Tara, "Maybe I should get a cobra or fox tattoo!"

Then a another run on 101 back to SFO. The Gulfstream was ready, warmed up. We were in the taxi queue right away. It wasn't long before Paulette said `we're next' over the loudspeaker. The turn and rushing down the tarmac! Seattle! Cho would be there the day after next!


I sat with Gil going over the meetings making sure we had a good report for Cho and the Board of Directors. Tara setup the printer and tested it from her iPad. Good to go!

We all talked. Tai and Tara appreciated how I'd brought them in like I'd done with PJ on other trips. They were getting a new sense of how really important they were to me in more than one way!!!!!!

Wheels down at Boeing Field. We taxied to the helicopter company's flight line. We were going to use this as our Seattle base from now on. The 767 could be handled with no problem. Paulette opened the door to let down the steps. We stepped down to the tarmac. I thanked her for the good trips, the 767 would be here with Cho for the rest of our journey.

She looked great in black half-boots, the silver gray slacks of our uniform and a crisp white short sleeved shirt with wings above the left pocket. We chatted for a minute when a fellow came out, "You can't park here it's for this company." Waving his arms.

Tai stopped him from coming closer, he didn't like that. PJ moved up and Tara was behind me.

"We do have permission from the owners to park here," from Paulette.

Paulette looked at me like `what's his problem.'

The man wanted to continue forward to make his point... PJ flatly said for him to stand still! Very clear command... it got him a `fuck you pal!' and a shove which was not a good decision.

The man found himself face down on the concrete arms pinned to his back.

Derry, the co-pilot, had climbed out now standing with Paulette looking ready for something. I asked him to go inside to get someone responsible.

PJ squatted beside the jerk who had Tai half-kneeling on him.

"Can you calm down? If so you will be let up."

The man nodded. PJ told him to lie still as Tai released him then he should slowly stand up and be still.

We got that done, the fellow rubbing an arm looking surly and foolish at the same time. Derry came back with another man. He said he was sorry this happened.

"I'm Fay Martin." He jerked his head, "please take this fellow inside to an office. My assistant Tara ..." I motioned to her, "will escort him. He is to remain there until I come in."

The second man said `yes ma'am' and led them inside. I did a fist bump with Tai! She was smiling.

I asked Paulette what she needed... She said Kavat had done the work. Fuel, etc... would be provided here when she called the vendor. Good.

Inside at the front desk was a blonde woman looking a bit odd with so much makeup on in the daytime. She said Matthew had gone into a conference room down the hall.

The surly jerk was sitting, Tara behind him and the second man `Matthew' was standing near the door. I intro'd myself again then turned to the jerk.

"Why did it matter so much to you that we parked out there?"

He didn't look like I'd get much response... Matthew raised his hand a bit, "Miss Martin, we've had a few problems with aircraft parking there blocking our flight line..." he ran out of gas knowing it wasn't enough.

"What does he do?"

Mechanic on the Robinson helicopters. Well I didn't want anyone so easily provoked working on our aircraft.

"Give him three months' pay and an extra five hundred dollars. He will remain here until you've done that then escorted off the premises."

Turning to the surly man, "You can't be part of what we are doing here. Anyone asking will be given your employment dates only as a reference. Got it?"

He looked a mess but nodded. I asked Matthew to get on with it. He said he need a co-signer for the check because of its amount. My who? Got me another name.

"Where is he?" Got me a `I don't know but I will call him.'

I was looking a Gil, she got it and went with Matthew. My expediter! I whispered `Amarha' to her. Tara and Tai stayed in the conference room.

PJ and I wandered. There were some folks looking at us but no one approached I guess the scuffle on the tarmac was wasn't news now! One woman, slender, in jeans did come up to us.

"Miss Martin, can I speak to you please? I'm GiGi."

The name tag confirmed that.

I said yes. "Buddy is basically a nice man, his wife just left him for another man..."

"Tell me."

She gave me Buddy's last few months, he'd been steady before it fell apart at home... he'd been with the company for five years.

I turned to go back to the office saying to her to follow. Matthew was having no luck getting the manager on the phone. He was just starting to work on adding up the three months' pay as I asked.

"Please stop that and tell me about Buddy."

He did. I was more PO'd now at him for not speaking up for Buddy rather than the lame `blocking our flight line' business.

I asked everyone to wait for me. Gil was doing her thing. PJ with me. In the conference room I sat opposite to Buddy. Only PJ was there. I asked Buddy to tell me what had happened to him.

He did so haltingly, a sad story.

"Have you been drinking or... whatever to get by?"

He was adamant that he hadn't, fiercely so. I believed him.

"Can you control yourself? Are you willing to go to re-training for the new equipment and work HARD?"

The last spoken fiercely by me!

Buddy sat upright, "Yes Miss! I love working on engines! I always do my best!"

I stood up, "Buddy you've a chance to prove that .. Okay?"

We shook on it. His eyes were moist but he had a good grip.

"I want you to realize how foolish it was to do what you did on the tarmac. Yes?... "

He was nodding, "I want you to take a break and get your head together. But first what's with aircraft parking out there?"

He gave me the story. I thanked him. I called Francis in Bangkok.

I gave him the name of the aircraft repair place next door who were the culprits, "Find out who owns the property and or the lease and the owner of the repair company. If they're aren't the same make an offer to buy the property or lease after you've done a valuation and please tell Cho what I'm up to."

The last got a good laugh!

PJ was smiling, "Fay... It is a long way from the balcony at the Railroad!""

Fist bumps!! A hug!

Back in Matthew's office, Gil a thumbs up and `On the way.' Matthew finally got the manager, he was coming right away! Okay a full house soon.

The cars from our service were here. Tai told them there would be a delay so they could chill.

Paulette and Derry had their things going! Good! Kavat always doing it right.

I wandered through the building taking GiGi with me. She did intro's and some explaining. Her job was checking in people who were taking flights so she faced the public all the time. I liked her.

I had a word, coffee?' She said there was some in the employee lounge or a coffee shop but that was off the airport grounds. We stopped in the lounge but the coffee was only good for removing paint not drinking. We'd fix that! I said come on.'

In the Gulfstream I fired up the DeLonghi and made coffee for the three of us. She, I could see was wondering about PJ, I pointed to my bare left arm below the short sleeve. Eyes widened.

We sat in the cabin for a few minutes. I asked questions, GiGi answered after I told her that this was between us so I needed the real story. I got info, a bit of gossip and her story.

I asked about the front desk woman... "That's Patty, she's good at the desk, I call it her `just in case face'."

GiGi smiled, "Patty was divorced a few years back and thinks looking made-up like that might help her in finding a new partner, you know... younger appearing, so she does it every day `just in case.'

Me looking quizzical, "But it isn't her face."

GiGi said yes but...

Well it floats Patty's boat.

GiGi went back inside and I sat for a few moments more. I jumped the gun with Buddy and I was PO'd at me! Thanks to GiGi that was fixed but it did have another side result that was good. The staff could see we'd act and we weren't afraid to find ourselves to be wrong and FIX IT!.

Inside again I came upon an office where a woman was watching a youtube video, it was the news conference at Fox where I challenged Joseph about his question. Lightbulb!

I gathered everyone in the conference room, snug but they all could see the big monitor. Gil got that video up and running.

I let it go to the end where the applause had reached its crescendo. Gil stopped it.

They were expectant... "The reporter... " I was sure they were thinking he was incinerated... "Now works for Fox News and has done since the day after that video was made."

I saw the looks between themselves and heard the noises, I cleared my throat and their eyes were back on me. GiGi had a smile. Smart girl!

"I was angered by my reception out on the tarmac today, I acted in haste but the situation is resolved... " Nodding to Buddy. A smile. "We have a lot to learn about each other... "

A slender woman, my height, short dark hair and dark complexion, had come to the door when the video started I hadn't acknowledged her presence but it was our new manager Amarha. Looking like her photo!

I needed to go on, "There other changes which could open doors for some in the maintenance department especially. We are going to use this as our Seattle aircraft base from now on. So you will see a 767 out on the flight line in two days. The Gulfstream and it will need to be serviced so some new folks will be hired and some of you could go to school to learn those aircraft. We have our main base in Bangkok, we are using Santa Monica Airport, Stewart International in New York and at Chalgrove in England. We recently bought a company similar to yours in New York City. There are lots helicopters, four Gulfstreams and two 767's in the fleet now."

I paused, "We are willing to have people move between locations if they have the skills and training appropriate for the jobs that become open. AND not just mechanics, we have flight line folks, offices, etc... where the right people could work."

I could see several guys in overalls looking interested and the other staffers nodding too!!

"You have a new boss other than me who is in the same position. Being new to the job! It's tough, she will need your help... " I was looking at GiGi at that moment, "Amarha, please come up here."

She worked her way forward, we shook hands and hugged, I got a `WOW' in my ear!

I gave them a précis of Amarha's credentials and gave her the floor. She spoke about knowing the business and she'd want input from them and that they had hard work coming to make the transition to new aircraft. Pilots, ground crew and customer staff all included. New aircraft is a big challenge but very interesting!!

She asked them to return to work, she'd be around to speak to them all. As they filed out I watched them, they seemed upbeat. Very upbeat!

I intro'd myself properly which got a laugh from Amarha, "Fay, you don't need much introducing!"

I laughed at that. I said come out to the airplane for coffee, "Apparently these folks are tough because the lounge coffee smells like heated rusty iron filings."

She liked the Gulfstream and the coffee! We talked for a while, Gil on the job being in her good recording in her head mode. Tara texted to me the manager' had finally arrived. He knew he would probably be out' but to shirk the job... leaving the business and the employees adrift. That was shit!

I texted her to ask him to stay in his office to wait for me. Done!

I told Amarha I would give him his walking papers, what was good was Francis' audit showed no financial hoo-ha. So we wouldn't have that to worry about.

The manager understood and went quietly. I gave him several months' salary as a cushion. He was on direct deposit so Matthew had it easier this time. I sat down in Matthew's office. I said I didn't know what might happen with him. Amarha would be making that call after she does her own evaluation.

When I told him I was disappointed by his not supporting Buddy his head was down, "So it's a lesson. Give Amarha your best work and she'll be able to make a reasoned decision on the future."

The head came, we shook hands, he was visibly better.

I gave Amarha the gist of that. She grinned, "Okay, Boss!"

We both laughed. I said I was off now, a house at the north end of Magnolia. Come up to dinner? She was in! Gil gave her the address and her iPhone number.

We ended up in rush hour traffic, bumper to bumper but it was over eventually. I made calls whist sitting on my butt!

Martha was pleased to see us. Gil had kept her informed of our arrival and the delay at Boeing Field. No problem about another for dinner.

Amarha enjoyed dinner with Gil and I. She was laughing and talking. No war stories though they weren't her stock in trade. I said not to worry, "My parents never talked about work whenever I saw them. British Army and MI6."

Big eyes, she got it. She was glad to have served in the United States Army, great flight training and the shooting of high powered weapons has a certain cathartic guilty pleasure thing to it. `Flying in combat is gut wrenching until you let your skills and training work for you.'

After dinner I got to see Lloyd's little add-on for the DeLonghi espresso machine! It worked beautifully!! He was making `kits' for our other machines!! Toasted with little espresso cups!

Amarha and I walking on the lawn. She understood where we coming from regarding managing. She was laughing as I said we like to make money but... "I think tour flights are fine and can be fun, safety is paramount. Flying low and fast over heavily populated areas doesn't pass the smell test! So we want you to get that through. The pilots have been allowed too much freedom, curtailing it may make them feel closed in and grumpy. Possibly they might push the envelope... No, they'll have to get their kicks elsewhere!"

She'd been there and understood the psychology. She would be on guard for it. Smiling, "I will watch over Matthew. He might just be the pencil-pusher we need. I see why you were upset with him about the Buddy thing. He could have made that simpler."

"I think he got that from me so..."

Amarha pointed out that morale with the pilots might take a dip but the new aircraft and training would take up that slack. A good task to deal with every day keeps folks interested.

I waved goodbye from the grass as she drove away. I missed Jaidee romping on the grass! He'd be coming with Cho!!

In bed later Cho called!!! So nice to hear his voice and I could `hear' the smile as we talked about my day. He said Francis was hard at work on the Boeing Field thing!

Our babies were great! Doing all the right baby activities, eating, pooping, sleeping and a decent amount of gurgling with bubbles!

He was going to the investment bank tomorrow they had an a new idea, he wanted to get in deep before coming to Seattle.

He'd been watching the republican convention coverage. He was laughing, "Our folks really called them out over their lies. It's fabulous to watch them squirm!!!"

I hadn't a chance to see any, I'd watch the news later. The other networks had followed our lead reducing air-time which had some of the politicians foaming at the mouth because they weren't on live! Good it was over!

I did look at the news in the morning. The Republicans looked scary to me! A few clips of speeches had men yelling at the microphones like ravening beasts! What was that about? What was this obsession with lying? Even I knew some of things they said were wrong! I hope the Democrats put on a better show... of course it would easy to be better than this!

I called Bill early and asked about the other networks coverage of the convention, was it like ours? He said they'd scaled back too. He was glad we hadn't shown some of the more profoundly nasty speeches.

"They are Un-American! They're from some parallel universe."

Kent was laughing when I repeated that to him, "I think Bill's onto to something there. The screaming bigots and misogynists are really too far out."

He was very happy no one would see them on our network!

I got on to Reginé about how the reaction was. She said there was some unpleasant negatives from the politicians but not much from the general public. There was a certain amazement over how they'd been apparently lying. That was in lots of places. Our reporting was raising the level of noise about the lies, we were being believed over the ranting politicians!

"Your Fox News folks had the facts and spread them on thick! It was a joy to watch!"

I gave her a rundown on my twitter/facebook meetings. "Well they can't say you didn't warn them when the stories hit. Cheers for that!"

I talked with Bill again. He'd spoken to Reginé also. "Fay, we hit them with mountains of info, so much they haven't a clue! We getting even more now from sources inside the Republican Party who hate the rightwing nuts. They know a lot and they are sharing!!"

I loved that. Finally some sensible conservatives are seeing Fox News fight against the rabid dogs of the far right as their fight too and they are willing to help. I'm sure the far rightwingers would call them traitors but I was thinking more on the line of patriotic citizens wanting the best for America! We'll see!

I took Gil and Tara for a walk to the stables. Andy smiling as he opened the paper bag I was carrying, a strawberry scone! He burst out laughing!

I got a knee-up onto Chess. Gil on Artis and Tara on Guy we headed out. Across the road we picked up the pace, a good trot through the playfield aiming down Montana Circle to the parade field. Once there the others knew and we asked our boys for speed. Chess striding out was glorious. His muscles playing under my legs!! We covered the ground very quickly, I wanted more and did a u-turn. Gil and Tara followed closely, we another run down field and back then up the slope to the little chapel.

We paused to take in the sunny view. Blue skies, blue water, dark mountains across the Puget Sound topped by snow!! Scattered white sails skimming the water and a large gray ship with a sharp prow looking very deadly sliding along quietly in the center of the passage.

We asked our friends again in crossing the grassy field we eased them at the asphalt road to a light trot, emerging from the trees onto grass again I led us in gallop towards the stables. Not many people in the big field so we could make a fast run!

Andy greeted our return, I told what we did. Smiling, "They need it! Most of our riders aren't sure enough for that!"

Fist bumps and a hug! We walked back! A days' exercise I'd been missing! Grins from my companions!

Washed and changed in a car heading to Ballard. Black skinny jeans, red long sleeved crop top and black ankle boots. Silver jewelry! `Joy' A black hoodie in case.

Antoine and his team were on-site reviewing the traffic sensor locations. They were pleased with the data. They had built up a good picture of the traffic, now it was watching the data grow and refining the analysis.

On to Ballard Nautical Yard, Jud's smile HUGE! I got to meet Tricia, his wife, a lovely lady. She was thrilled with our doing the deal with Jud.

"He thought he might have sell to a large shipyard company and it would lose its local connections and become a cog. You've made him look forward to retiring like he wasn't before! Thanks so much."

Hugs! I did tell her we like to make money also! She laughed at that! I was asked to dinner with them, I countered asking them to our house in two days when Cho was here. She was good with that and laughed at my `no dressing up.'

Gil texted Martha. No worries came back! Gil gave Tricia our address.

I toured the new boat letting Jud know we wouldn't be in town long but ride out in the Puget Sound close in would be great. He'd pilot it himself! I turned to Tricia `come along.' She had a thumbs up! I set a date three days on, the day before we needed to leave.

I called Kay, did she and Greg and Artie want to go for a boat ride, not very long just a trial run for us? She'd ask Greg but Artie would love it.

In the study with Gil, we worked. Gil had emails from a bunch of folks.

The PR law firm was fielding offers from a huge assortment of companies that wanted our endorsements? Why I could never understand. No celebrity hawking a can of something would ever get me to buy it. They weren't giving us advice to agree to any of them! Good! Unlikely we would.

There were two interested party's we did go forward with: a horse sanctuary and a general animal rescue group. Glaa would be part of their campaigns to raise money. We weren't looking to be money-making with anything Glaa was part of but he had a cache goodwill we'd use. I asked them to see if we could do a benefit of some kind at Emerald Downs Race Track up here in Washington south of Seattle.

Petra emailed her report on the Fox takeover. She was quite complimentary to our teams. They had done a great job managing the flow of people in and out of the building. The takeover day her special teams were outstanding when dealing with the old management and celebrity staff. Few issues, dealt with quickly. They'd worked well with the NYPD Mid-Town North Precinct on the crowds outside, no issues.

The company we used for packing the offices and taking it all to storage had done a wonderful job. No reports of any damage to personal effects.

The only complaints had come from some folks in the News Corp. but as tenants in our building' we could understand their pique' at the changed circumstances. Petra had let up on control of the elevators and they'd been quiet since.

We had teams throughout the building twenty-four seven and at the elevators and around common areas.

The staff had been appreciative of the use of the hotel suite as a break location. It had been heavily used and Mita did a great job running it! Cheers to her!

We now had a similar setup in the building. Food and quiet areas.

Duncan was hard at work all over the American southeast replacing sensors throughout the whole STS Railroad system. His team moving ahead to finish by mid-summer if possible. I got that!

The team in New York working on the State Canal job were going along fine. The Canal people were well prepared and very helpful!! Kudos! Janine was there taking on most of the work! Yes!

Alex was in South America, Brazil at the moment with Nell, following up the opportunities opening as a result of our little bit of action earlier in the year! Argentina and Chile next on this trip. He had several deals signed in Brazil!! Cheers!

Pietro had him and Nell over for dinner! Muti and Pietro got them in the kitchen too!

Michael sent email from Johannesburg. He was meeting with government ministers from the national railway tomorrow. `Knock'em dead!' He sent back smiley's.

Eric said Malee was great! They were moving into the new house in two days!! Totally thrilled!! His old bachelor townhouse had sold in a heartbeat giving him a large profit too! He sent a snap of Malee with a wicked grin and the caption `I'll find a way to spend it!'

They still didn't know whether it was a girl or boy! All good!

Eric was going out to Buenos Aires to meet Alex and Nell for that part of their South American travel. He was going to Houston afterwards to talk with the wireless communications company that employed Conrad, the microwave expert for the Vietnam project. He would explore The Company buying them and their technology to integrate with ours. They had been receptive, he might be able to close a deal! That was very good! He got lots of thumbs up from me!

The latest pic of MFA was too much! She was in a darling dress, pale blue with chubby legs out under the hem! A gorgeous smile as she stood holding a chair!! Reg sending smileys `she did a pratfall right after that!' MFA and Rona had made a few trips out to Harcourt House, Rona was enjoying riding. Ellie happily watched MFA.

Reg was behind the move to buy the Houston microwave networking and communications company. He and I had done a bunch of talking and emailing about it, their knowledge and experience in tough terrain would be invaluable to us.

Carter knew we'd be by after the political convention and New York stop. Dennis had the boat ready so we could do a river cruise! Yea!

Everything at the House was good! The inventory was winding down the counting and labeling portion with the input part going full blast and nearly caught up. Donatella, the resident database person that Francis hired, was showing Carter, Carla, Dennis, Archie, Prasert, Audra and Gregory how to use the data. They could access the database from their Mac's, lookup any item, find out where it was and how much we had or if a painting was out on loan or being cleaned.

The library was integrated into the database. An iMac installed there let folks sign out for books or movies or whatever, it showed up in an account for each user. So far the biggest user was Mr. Hardy!

Cho would be here tomorrow late morning!!!!!!!

After lunch I grabbed Gil and Tara for a ride. We walked up, Andy was ready. I took us down to the lighthouse so Gil could see the stunning view. We had a good gallop on the beach from the point to the sign at the end of the riding area and back. The empty sand was great, the boys had fun running!

On the sloping road going up we met one of the big double trucks from the waste disposal plant. The lights were flashing on the warning signs and the driver was going slow. We waved and called out a thanks' which got us a no problem.'

Another good run took us across the grass up to the chapel. The sun made the blue Puget Sound sparkle, so cool to see such a great panoramic view with the water below us!!

There was a group of teenage girls, four high school friends, having a picnic. We talked, they were interested, I gave them the stables story. They petted our boys noses after asking which was good.

We urged our horses down the slope and off at speed. I really loved see the grass flash by! At the stables, I hooked Andy's arm, "So how was Audra's visit?"

"We had fun, I got to take some time off to see the city. We did movies, eating out and wandering around downtown. Lots of interesting things there!"

I smiled, "So are you two getting serious? Not prying or anything!"

Me with a big grin.

Andy laughed, "Well... we are! We get along well, like a bunch things the same. I'm going with her to Gloucester on my break to meet her family."

I squeezed him , "Good! Now business!"

More laughter! "Please keep looking for someone who might be able to take over here in a year or so. It would be fine to place an advertisement at Emerald Downs Race track. There had to be folks there who'd like a nice steady job like this. We're thinking of bringing Glaa up here for a visit to promote two animal charities... So...it might be a good time..."

Andy was in for that. I said we'd pay a good salary for someone who had promise to be his number two and then replacement.

Gil and Tara had visited the other horses while I was with Andy. We walked home. Tomorrow Pam would come over when Cho and Ken went off to play golf. They'd be at the house for dinner with Jud and Tricia.

I went down to the Security office near Greg's building on the waterfront. Amarha with me to meet Nicolas and discuss security at the new buildings and the flight areas. Amarha got it as Nicolas described what would be installed and how it would affect the staff and their part in it.

Nicolas was busy! He had hired more folks, many still in training. Antoine had lent him some staff to do the Security installs at the Ballard Nautical Yard. Reg was sending over a few more people to help with the new acquisitions. Thet had five Security officers enroute from Bangkok. Sumate would be here in a few days. We'd catch up quickly.

I'd put pressure on Nicolas' team, he was good. I spoke to one woman, Noreen, she was really stoked about doing the work! She'd been a cop but hadn't been happy with many of her colleagues more confrontational styles. Too much drama especially over trivial things.

I could get that! She was excited which is always good!

Francis was excited too... The `Aviation Support' company owned the two big hangers beside our helicopter base, they'd agreed to a deal. The owners would be at our Queen Anne lawyers office this afternoon to sign the papers and get a check for the whole shebang! I loved it. He said Cho talked with the owners, they were very happy!

He was emailing me a lot of info and names.

It was financially sound with lots of support contracts for a variety of aircraft, many long term clients. There was little staff turnover and they were fully certified for the work they did.

I'd go over tomorrow to pick up Cho and do a walk through beforehand and take possession. Amarha would join me, we'd meet the general manager Cassidy. The owners knew we might find some issues but they'd be happy to explain or mitigate anything we had a problem with.

Kavat had already arranged for everything we needed to support the 767's on site by tomorrow morning. The Gulfstream was still here, Paulette and Derry getting a few days off.

I was standing on the end of the dock looking at the boat easing against it. I was shocked to see the name on the stern `Fay" as it backed in. I hadn't even thought about a name... Cho had pre-empted that!

A young man jumped onto the dock to tie up the stern and ran forward to do the bow. The ship eased on the dock with the fenders taking the strain. Jud waved from the pilot house. He came down to the deck, laughter, "He didn't tell you did he?"

I shook my head no... still dazed to see my name in big letters, `Seattle' underneath. Jud smiling at me, "Be happy! Not everyone gets a ship named for them, usually you have to be dead!"

That made me laugh, "You're right! I'm very pleased, just amazed."

I called up to Gil for all the folks to come down to see this beauty. We wandered around, tried the beds and seating. Jud gave me a rundown on the pilot house electronics. Nautical stuff wasn't my area but I got it mostly. We could see in the dark, in the air and under the water... with limits. The iMac was secured to the desk with the printer on a sliding drawer below and the Apple Time Capsule mounted on the bulkhead above the iMac.

As Jud said the boat would sink before those things came loose! Okay!

Jud and Tricia would be over day after tomorrow for a short sail about. Jud and his helper had towed a smaller boat behind and used it to go back to the dockyard with my many thanks!

I was sitting in the captain's chair looking out, Gil leaning on a bulkhead... Hands on the wheel I went vrooooommmmmm which broke her up... we laughed a lot!

The day was to be warm, an Alice&Oliva Coley crew neck A-line dress in bright yellow, a bit above mid-thigh, navy heels and bag, The dozen gold rings on my left, Cho's tripe braided Twisted gold bands on the right. Pale red nails and lips! `Joy'

I stepped through the door of `Aviation Support' with Gil, PJ, Tara and Amarha. The woman at the front desk had big eyes wide open! I said I had a meeting with Cassidy, "I'm Fay Martin."

She jumped and started pushing buttons on her phone, intercom brought Cassidy's voice, "All right Emma...chill."

Gil gave me a so don't use her in a crisis' look! Amarha was looking out the window in a studied' fashion then glancing at me.

Cassidy came out extending his hand, "Miss Martin, it's great to have you here! Please come back."

Slender, dark hair, tanned, blue eyes, he was a good looking man. We ended a slightly cluttered office, different boxes with parts and manuals around the walls.

He saw me take it in, "Honestly Miss Martin there is organization to it."

I laughed, "Cassidy, I'm sure don't worry about it."

I intro'd my companions, I said he'd need to work with Amarha on sharing the flight lines space with the helicopter side.

We talked about their supporting our aircraft. He got the types, "One of the 767's will be here... " I lifted my phone to see the time, "... in forty five minutes."

He seemed off guard, "But you will have equipment for it delivered shortly. Our operations manager in Bangkok has arranged it. He has two of his maintenance men on our 767 who will need some space inside to work and we are putting up a shed to store the flight line gear in."

I asked for a tour. The offices were easy, out in the hangers there lots of work going on it seemed to me to be laid out well but I didn't have this sort of experience. I leaned close to Amarha, she said the workers appeared to be organized, a good deal of equipment was to hand and the space was clean.

Several aircraft in the second hanger had multiple workers around them. Cassidy said they were in final stages of different projects. One was an engine upgrade, the other was new flight controls for the wings. He said they quite typical jobs for them.

At the door to the outside I turned to try to take in the whole space, "Cassidy, have you ever had big jets in here?"

"No but most of a 767 could get in just not the tail section."

Outside I could see two delivery trucks moving away from the runway side of the hanger. There were several new items on the tarmac, a rolling stair, devices for electrical power, hydraulics, multiple miscellaneous bits servicing equipment for oil, nitrogen and even the lavatory draining devices!

Two men were erecting the prefabricated shelter for all the pieces. Big popping sounds as restraining bolts were put into the concrete. Boy that Kavat knew his business!! Bonus time for him!

Gil got my attention, "Fay, on approach. They are landing north to south." Her arm making a motion to show me.

I turned north and slipped on my shades. I found the dot in the blue sky. It got bigger quickly. The big white bird with the hibiscus on its tail touched down and went on by slowing down.

In a few minutes we could hear the engine whine as the 767 came onto the tarmac outside the south hanger. Me, Gil, Amarha and Tara pushed the stairs to the aft port side door. It was opened by Ban and Cho stepped out to look down where the four of us had our arms around each other waists standing like a reception committee our right arms extended..

Cho started to laugh as we did! He came down quickly into my arms. Big kiss!

Francis followed with Jaidee! Hug for my little man.

I intro'd Amarha and Cassidy. Cho smiling but not letting go of me, shook hands.

Two men came down the stairs behind us.

"They're Kavat's men for the aircraft."

I said hello and welcome! They smiled at me. They went to check the equipment Kavat had delivered and take more from the hold of our 767.

Folks from the two companies came out to the 767 on the flight line when we asked them all to come meet us. There was a big crowd around us, I was still holding Cho's left hand. We moved to the first step of the stairs so he could see everyone.

I intro'd him. He said he was glad they were part of our businesses and hoped we'd all continue to thrive together. With his there will changes' and we hope a good deal of progress for the companies and yourselves' comments I could see on their faces they were eager for it!

We did stay for a while to talk to many of the employees. Out front I kissed Cho as he got into a car with Rande. He and Ken were playing golf then dinner at ours.

I had him then he was gone... Oh well he'll be back for dinner. Ha!

I went back through Aviation Support to where Kavat's men were working. I checked to be sure they were taken care of... a place to stay, etc... As I expected Kavat had done it all for them. I asked about transportation. They said they were fine, they'd get a rental car. Okay!

I asked Cassidy about anyone who had the knowledge to work on 767 or similar big jet. He had two names who had some experience, he's send them out to me.

I went to the helicopter side to ask Amarha to make a few queries of the maintenance staff. In twenty minutes I had four men talking with our two fellows from Bangkok. Our Thai technicians' English was excellent so no communications issues. They would show the Seattle guys some of the tasks.

Nicolas' staff was around now evaluating the layout of the two businesses, protecting two was no harder than one. Noreen was lead of the Security team, she gave me a big smile! Fist bumps!

They'd take over guarding the 767. The Gulfstream would depart for Los Angeles soon. They were flying down a young girl with a spinal problem and her parents to a hospital there for treatment as part of the Angels Flight program!

I went into the helicopter company and met Buddy in the hallway. He had a smile, he asked me if he could say something... Okay

"Miss Martin, I know you were hard on Matthew about the thing with me... He's a nice guy and he does try hard... He just doesn't do well in tough spots... This change here has put him in a bit of spin..." He paused at that point.

"Buddy, just to let you know he'll be okay. Amarha will give him a chance to show what he can do. She's knows what happened. It's good of you to say it."

I squeezed his hand. The smile came back!

I asked Amarha to dinner again mentioning and Jud and Tricia would be there. She was in!

A call... Kent, "Fay we've had a bit of a development you and Cho need to know about. Joseph working on the mafia concrete business piece has found someone who has documents... Lots of documents about deals between a developer and the mobsters."

He was a bit excited so the stuff must be HOT! I motioned to PJ as I turned away from everyone walking towards an open space. He followed at a distance.

"The docs... I've seen a few... are a detailed accounting from one source of what concrete went where and when AND how it was paid for... the amounts would seem to be far over the ordinary price per yard of that type of material... We checked on the prices for the years in question with other sources... Yes... payoffs but we need to find out more before can do anything with this... What did the developer get in return... Right... I would think maybe no labor troubles or `accidents'... We will... Joseph is being careful... the person with the docs is giving him copies for now... they meet only when necessary and they are wary... the person's bonafides appear genuine but we are checking further on that... What we have so far is only one source of concrete often a developer will use several... Joseph is running it down..."

Kent paused, "The docs we have are all about one developer...YES! Trump! Yes... but Bill thought you should know... I would say we are weeks out from being able to to put something on the air... If it isn't a bullseye... Right!"

I thanked Kent for the call. He would keep us in the loop but do it verbally only for now. Got it!

Out front we piled into cars. Jaidee had a walk around here and some snooping with Gil and Francis. He was good. Straight to Magnolia!

Pam came over to ride. We four walked to the stables. Andy had us mounted right away. Chess was ready! We headed out down the playfield to the west through the trails to Discovery Park Boulevard. Then down the hill, the signs lighting up!!

Pam had never been down here so we had a look see. She did identify several places for us across the water. I turned Chess loose down the beach. Our little herd galloped on the sand to the end of the riding area and went back to the lighthouse! A lovely run!

We were all laughing, happy to be doing this! Up the hill to the parade field we ran across that to the chapel and then down to the north heading to the stables. We were chattering about horses as we walked back to the house. On the driveway Tara stopped me, "Fay, I really love doing this! Thanks for including me!"

"Tara, you'll love being at Harcourt House."

Bikini's! Pam borrowed one again. We sat on the bed holding hands before changing, a cute grin, "I have something new to show you."

Pam stood to disrobe, I loved seeing her body appear. Ah Ha... A new tattoo! Initials... these were Ken's!

"You told Cho about our love-making?"

I nodded, "I always tell Cho about my lady friends. He wants me to enjoy!"

"Well I told Ken! I'd never had anything tell him before. I gave him a good rundown... as I was doing it he began to undress then he undressed me... It was the best sex we've ever had!! We both came multiple times... "

A huge smile, "Afterwards as it seemed to be a break from the past for us both I asked him to put his initials on me... voila!"

Pam sat against me, "Fay, we talked about a baby... I'm forty this year...Oh Yes I have strong ovulation so... "

I hugged her tight wishing her success at it! She had a frown, "I'm sorry I forgot... "

I kissed her, "Don't worry about that! I've never entertained the thought! I've enough trouble being me that would be a step too far! My choice was made before I met Cho... so `fait accompli'! We have the most beautiful babies."

We walked down to the sand terrace holding hands. The sun was warm, it felt good to lie out!

A call from Bill, I walked down to the dock and the ship. It was locked and had several cameras aimed around it. I didn't need to go on I just wanted the space!

"Fay on the concrete business... I know you both want us to take the decisions but I think this is going to be big and I want you kept up to date. There may be appoint where I might feel you need to be involved. Are you two good with that?"

Smiling to myself, "Bill, I understand. Cho and I will talk about later but whatever you folks are going to be the ones with the best view of the information so we'll end relying on your expertise."

Bill laughed, "Kent is a sharpie... He said you'd say something like that. Okay so we'll keep you in the know and see where it goes."

We rang off with well-wishes and hellos all around.

I was thinking about it as I walked back up. Pam gave me a grin, "For a minute I thought you might jump in again!"

I tossed the iPhone on the lounge and turned to run back... there was woof from Jaidee... Pam and Gil were on my heels as Ansara kept Jaidee as I yelled out. We made a single file set of runners, I had a good lead... the end of the dock came and went!

SPLASH! Then as I surfaced the others jumped in. Our faces were big grins! Pam, Gil, Tara, Tai and Ro! I looked up to see Francis... he paused then did a rather nice dive! When he came up we all applauded!!

Up the ladder we were all laughing but rubbing with towels right away. Damn the water was cold!

I was drying hair a bit when a text message buzzed in... it was all stars and fireworks!! Cho! My guy did it again. He certainly was HOT!

I dashed up to Martha's domain, she had plenty of that wonderful vanilla ice cream and fruit she could cut and sweeten to top it! Also caramel candy she could melt! Cheers!

Pam and I did a quick shower together. Hugs and kisses, a little bit of petting thrown in! I had a cut-off T-shirt and short shorts for Pam, looking sexy! She gave me a big hug for that!

We had Newcastle's warmed up in the on-deck circle (I was learning more American colloquialisms) for the guys! They came through the front door like gangbusters! HUGS and KISSES by Pam and I! Ken gave me a hug too and quiet thanks! Pam and Cho laughing as they hugged!

We toasted them! Ken had a great round playing par which thrilled him no end!

"I was trying to keep up with Arnold Palmer here!"

Cho's eyes were literally shining! A 65! Seven under par! He was burning it up!

They were laughing, the caddies almost had to run to keep up. Ken said he liked to walk, it was the way the game was meant to be played! No golf carts! The caddies didn't mind in the end as he and Cho gave them nice tips. They actually were very good, quiet and right where you wanted them.

"I told the caddy master! He was pleased we had great rounds and that we said the caddies were part of it."

I decided to tell Cho about the concrete calls before dinner. I took Cho's hand, we walked out onto the lawn. I told him the gist of both calls. I was thinking even with caveat of it all having to be double' triple' checked it had the potential for changing the political landscape! The Democratic Convention would begin tonight... the party would nominate the first woman for President ever! I knew we had to do whatever we could that was fair and ethical to help!

We had a fun and happy dinner. Jud and Tricia loved our house! Amarha and I talked `tech.' She really was interested in The Company's technology and how we were using sensors. I gave her a précis of our Security uses and how they had been effective at Harcourt House.

We exchanged a few bits about each other's background. Amarha's father was a career US Army officer, a pilot who met her mother in Mogadishu, Somalia when he was stationed at the US Embassy. Her family approved of him and they were married. She had a younger brother who was also a pilot, flying for a cargo company right now.

The flying thing is deep in the family, her mother is a pilot, trained by Amarha's dad, fixed wing and rotor!

As an Army Brat she'd lived around the world. Her mom and dad retired in Los Angeles and they have a Beechcraft twin engine and a WWII era radial engine fighter at Santa Monica airport. I told her we used the airport with the 767's. She was amazed but I told her our plane might be quieter on approach and take-off than her dad's radial engined aircraft. Grinning, she'd call him tomorrow.

We talked boats and helicopters, planes and trains. Cho and I intro'd Gil and Francis as co-workers on our model trains in Bangkok, I tried to provide a sense of the layout, full praise for The Railroad Model Train Club fellows!

I grabbed my iPad to show them a few videos we'd done of the layout in the dark. It looked like a real town with the lights twinkling as the train passed by. Cute!

Tomorrow everybody plus Kay, Greg and Artie would go on board the Fay' for a short cruise! Martha was making the eats' so it would be good! She and Lloyd were coming too!

Our morning exercise was a long walk with Jaidee around the neighborhood. We met a few early risers and a black cockapoo named Marauder?

His `dad' said it was because when he was rescued from a storm damaged house the only cloth available to wrap up the puppy was a torn Jolly Roger flag. Laughs! Marauder was a nice fellow!

It was a warm and sunny day, everyone in shorts. We trooped down to the dock. Jud had us all as a crew which might not have been the best idea but it worked. Cho knew boats pretty well. Artie wanted to help!

I moved out of the way into the saloon, parked my butt on a soft cushioned seat! Amarha was upstairs with Jud watching him con the boat! Pam and Kay joined me and Gil. Martha in the kitchen grinning across the counter, "Fay, this is nice! I could cook here!"

That was a testimonial! Maybe we could get her a gig in a commercial? Martha was waving her hands and saying `no No NO!' We were laughing at that point!

When the guys' got us moving went up to see us go out into Puget Sound. I don't know if Jaidee had helped' but he did have a few opinions about it all.

I watched Jud use the controls, they seemed straight forward but the electronics, screens and panels, were out of my league right now.

Artie was beside Jud taking it all in with a cute face of concentration. I nudged Greg, he nodded, whispering, "He loves anything electronic!"

We moved around and between sailboats, they had the right-of-way if under sail. Jud handled the boat easily. Once we were out further he let Artie stand in front of him holding the wheel. Nice.

I stopped to grab some mini carrots from Martha and a towel. Jaidee came with me. Up on the foredeck after shucking my shorts and crop-top I sat in the sun. As the ladies came out their swimsuits like mine appeared. Amarha showed off a toned physique in a golden bikini that looked marvelous against her skin! She grinned at mine, a classic black string one that was `small!'

Tai's bikini wouldn't hide a credit card much less a Glock!

She and Ro were with us, PJ had the rest at a paintball club in South Seattle. They were shooting at each other in red pink blue yellow green paint! Some sort of a team game. I wasn't raised with the whole `team' thing, too solitary. I did hope they had fun!

Tricia next to me, we gabbed about lots of things, she was interested in the Fox takeover. I gave her the highlights. I saw her face when I told her how it got started.

"Fay, Cho takes you very seriously doesn't he?"

I smiled my hand stroking Jaidee's sun-warmed back, "Seems so! It's good it worked out or a whole lot of money would have been tied up!"

I hadn't ever thought of failure but as we succeeded so spectacularly I could with equanimity. It was still a warm feeling to have thrown out those bums!

I did get my iPad so Tricia could see the latest snaps of the twins! She laughed when I told her Cho had been holding the iPad to their ears when I talked so they'd hear my voice! Tha said she'd keep doing that!

In the saloon were had a lovely spread of snack foods! I grazed deeply and parked upstairs in the seating area above the saloon. Cho sat with me sharing his Newcastle and my food. We could see into the pilot house, Jud was still sharing duties with Artie!

I could see the back of Francis, he was in the seating area behind the captain's chair looking around at all the gorgeous scenery!! He waved, a big smile!!

I leaned back against Cho taking in the beautiful day! Blue water and sky! The sky was all blue not a cloud to be seen. We'd gone south at first the whole of Elliott Bay open to us. Downtown against the incredibly blue sky, Alki Point to our port where Seattle's first settlement began.

Going north we passed between the ferries, Artie got to make the turn north with Jud's help! Huge smiles for him! We motored on during the afternoon before turning back for our dock. Jaidee sitting on the bow watching all go by!

I took over from Artie! He got to eat and I conned the boat the last bit to the dock, Jud said to turn it around and back in against the dock. Okay?

I did a 180 with Cho smiling over my shoulder and eased it over to the dock. Jud watched me, Cho went down to put the fenders over the side.

"Fay you're doing fine! That's it... now let it drift in."

We did a gentle bounce, Cho nimbly jumped onto the dock to tie us up. He waved all done. Jud gave me a thumbs up!

We all helped to clean up and close up. Jud said he'd have `Fay' moved back the dockyard while we were away.

We had a loud greeting from the paintballers! They'd had fun. It would be repeated!!

We gave Martha the night off from cooking and had the Tandoori Hut in Belltown deliver Indian food. Dal, Aloo Gobi, several paneer choices, naan, pakoras, rice, fish from the tandoor oven, samosas, an eggplant dish and a veggie korma! It covered the sideboards.

Martha laughing as she filled a plate, "Fay this is something I don't have much experience in making."

I smiled, "Do some testing on Lloyd while we're gone!"

Lloyd gave me a look to say it would be Okay with him!

Newcastles came in handy and Artie put out a fire in his mouth with a Coke!

Lots of hugs on the driveway as folks went home. We'd had a great time! The `Fay' was terrific! I could see plenty of fun to be had aboard her!!

I sat down with email for an hour! Mostly good stuff. Lots of plans for the next six months coming together!!

Snuggled with my boys! Quite a good day!! There was some kissing... some petting of me and Jaidee! A extra special way to close the day!!

We had breakfast and packing then off to Boeing Field. Kavat's fellows had the 767 ready to go. Mira had us rolling quickly. Not much activity we were roaring down the runway right away! Big climbing turn to starboard. Philadelphia International Airport next stop.

Work and coffee! Gil and I did quite a lot, staying on it for hours. Then I dragged a willing Cho in to our cabin for a nap! We managed some sleep after I stopped his attempts to undress me.

The 767 rolled to a halt at a hanger in the northeast section of the Philadelphia airport. We'd stay aboard rather than bother with a hotel. Soka and Ban were prepared!

Dressing for a political convention... a new thing for me! Dorothy had answered my texted query from the site that the air-conditioning was working VERY WELL! Long sleeves or a jacket.

I choose a long sleeved navy blue dress, a round collar with buttons from the waist upward, narrow belt and the hem at mid-thigh. Matching stockings and shoes. Navy leather bag. Gold jewelry all around with my helper putting on the `Joy'

Cho in navy too! A gorgeous suit, light blue shirt with my rayed star cufflinks and a pale red tie! I applied the Hermes `Terre' Cute!

The car hired by Fox News had us going out of the airport onto Enterprise Drive right up onto the Delaware Expressway, the very first off-ramp we zipped down under the highway to the Wells Fargo Centre entrance. That was quick!!

Around the side to the press tents. Our Security detail were front and back as we were led inside by a Fox staffer. PJ, Tara, Rande and Ansara all with us..

Kent was there smiling, "Everything is going great! Natalie will take you upstairs to the booth, there's room for you at the back off camera."

We all were given credentials made for us. PJ looking a badge which said he was Fox News, a grin.

Dorothy met us at the door. She took my hand firmly. We greeted the folks up front. Joe Biden was speaking at the podium so it was down time for them but not the assistants who were making notes on the speech.

Chris W*********** waved us forward to get a look.

"Cho, Fay, the Vice-President will be going for a little while and we have the text of his speech so..."

We sat by the railing to look down at the podium and the crowd. There was movement in the people but by and large they were listening to Biden. We could see C-Span to our left and CBS close to the right around the ring of seats that the news media had put in their broadcast booths in, they were ordinarily special box seats. There was ABC then NBC and MSNBC with CNN beyond them. Dorothy handed us a schedule of speakers for the rest of the night.

We had a few big hitters to come. I'd gotten an email from Mike to watch his speech. He didn't know we were in the building. After him Tim Kaine would do his acceptance speech then the big guy, Barak Obama! We'd have a good seat for that.

We retreated to the back to sit when Biden was winding up. Dorothy and Chris went to work.

Mike was on the stage. He gave an excellent speech clearly showing his disdain for Trump.

Tim Kaine was very good. I didn't know much about him but this was a good intro!

Cho had texted Mike after his speech telling him it was great to watch and that we were up in the Fox News booth. He said he'd send someone up to bring us backstage to do some meet and greet. Cho looked at me, I shrugged. Cho texted back... Okay.

The President came on to a thunderous ovation! The crowd loved him. He was quite something to see speak. Powerful! A very fine speech, well delivered covering all the bases about the party's candidate! He was laudatory and it seemed to me that he actually liked Hillary!

The crowd went a bit crazy at the end and more so when Mrs. Clinton came out to thank Obama on stage! Quite the show!

Dorothy said the President was the last speaker. He and Hillary were still on the stage as Mike's PA showed up. We followed her downstairs, picked up an event security man and we walked around to the back of the stage. In the back halls it was crowded but Mike's PA led us right to him.

Hugs and handshakes. In the noise we leaned together, "Your twins are pretty cute!"

Smiles from us. Mike led us along the corridor. We ran into Joe Biden and were intro'd by Mike. Biden said he had a few questions for us but at a later time if we could. I got Gil forward to speak to his assistant on contact info.

We met some other Democratic bigwigs before we entered a room that had lots of security folk outside. Mike had access and brought us in. PJ and Rande came in with us. Tara and Ansara had stayed at the Fox News booth with Francis.

The room was empting out the other door. Mike said Obama was going out that way. He waved his hand towards the door to the stage. A woman came over, Mike spoke to her and motioned towards us. She looked at us... big eyes! She moved away but returned in a few minutes with Hillary.

We were introduced. She said it was very nice to watch Fox News now! We chatted about speeches then I looked at Cho, a wink...

"Mrs. Clinton, we are going to do a CEO's on-air editorial comment in a week or so. It will be billed as our personal opinion... We will be endorsing you for President."

She was amazed, "That's unusual for TV!"

I told her we felt since the old Fox News had been so partisan... so obviously in the Republican party's camp we needed to show some clear statement of change. BUT that Fox News would remain above all `Fair and Balanced!'

She was quiet... "Fay and Cho, it will be a great pleasure to have your endorsement!"

We hugged. Her husband came in at that point. We were intro'd and he heard our news from Hillary. He was beaming, "That's a huge thing, a very novel event for American television. Thanks to you both!"

Hands shaken! We were asked where we were staying... on our aircraft just down the road got us a thumbs up from Bill Clinton. We said they should go and rest, Hillary had a big night tomorrow!

We walked together down the corridor to where we would part. Hillary leaned in close, "The video of you at your news conference was terrific. You were very poised."

I said a quick anecdote? She nodded, "I hired that reporter the next day and he brought a story to us that's so HOT! A bit of dark New York real estate history. I best leave it there for now."

She gave me an appraising look... I nodded vigorously... She `got it' for sure! We kissed cheeks before going different ways.

We rounded up all our folks and headed to the plane! That was an experience! Politics! I'd never done anything besides vote my whole life!

Lying on top of Cho later, the bedclothes keeping us warm in the air-conditioning I nuzzled some brown neck!! Some licking and kissing!! Very tasty this Cho neck, I'd recommend it but I don't want to share!!!

My body felt tingly from lovemaking! Cho knew how to give me pleasure... pleasure.. all of me!! I was such a lucky girl!! Cho desired me as much as I did him! The cock! So beautiful, warm, so delightful either soft or hard! It was soft and damp against my skin as I pressed down on him!

I had done a thorough clean up on the cock! Post-coitus sucking was so scrumptious! I was like the proverbial `kid in a candy store!' Now I was just enjoying the warmth we had together.

I volunteered to get water. In a robe I got a bottle to share and some Jaidee treats! He was pleased! Sleep came soon.

We decided to go over to the convention in the early evening after looking at the schedule. Neither of us wanted to watch a bunch of speeches. Until then we worked.

Cho and Francis doing their thing about something to do with the London investment bank. We had come to the conclusion that I would deal with the tech side of things and Cho the banks, he knew it inside out! We'd share so much else!

Gil was doing prep on the trips I wanted and I had reports from around the world to review. So much good stuff happening!

The water projects were going great guns! Alex and Michael had done tremendous work! Duncan doing the scanner upgrade at STS driving forward. He was going with Alex to Dallas to talk with GWNW Railroad about a system-wide upgrade!! We'd be bidding against several others!

It would be a huge multi-year project as they stretched from Texas to Seattle to Los Angeles to Minneapolis and everywhere in-between!

We planned to offer them the whole package of servers, sensors, data move and support. If we got it there would be a need for a new computer centre in North America. Something we had on our agenda when we got The Company folks together at Harcourt House in ten days!

Eric would be back from Houston, Alex and Nell done in South America, Michael finished up on his African trip and all the Deputy MD's from London. We would have a load at Harcourt House!!

We sat down to a Soka and Ban dinner! Red curry soup, stir-fry with many veggies and shrimp, roti and some very creamy strawberry sherbet bits of lime! Espresso!

Tonight I was going in a more daring outfit that fit my mood. It was mostly my clothes when we went to Adam DeClare's barge. A backless long sleeved black dress above mid-thigh, stockings with a wide band of tanned skin showing below the hem, black ankle boots, my short black leather jacket! Silver jewelry on everywhere from ears down to tummy, Karla and Michael's torque, silver bracelet with the chains going across my hand to a ring and the heavy silver necklace from my man! Red nails and lips! RED this time!

Cho in black to go with mine. Lovely black suit, black shirt, no tie. I put on the Hermes Terre' and he did my Joy'

Walking into the Wells Fargo Centre was interesting! We got some stares!! Upstairs Dorothy eyes lit up, "Fay! Love it! I wish I could do that!"

Laughing I said that it wouldn't do anything for our on-air decorum! She giggled, we hugged. Chris sketched a bow, "I do think Dorothy ought to try it!"

We went up front for a quick look, a TALL man was speaking. Chris said it was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar the NBA legend! I didn't know basketball but I'd heard of him!

We moved back but as the next speaker got going we edged close. Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala moved me! The loss of their son in combat in Iraq, a brave man and a leader, was so sad but it spoke volumes about immigration. Like I'd said at Fox News weeks back it is the essence of America! To deny that opportunity to others was to turn your back on the history of the United States!

Cho's arm around my waist tightened as a few tears rolled down my cheeks, a white bit of cloth was offered. Cho-Fay handkerchief! It caused a few more tears! I put it to use as the Khan's moved off-stage to an emotional applause!

Cho held me close for a kiss. I clung to him for a minute.

I took Tai with me to the Ladies for a fix up. Just my eyes since other than lipstick I hadn't any other makeup. Done, ready to go when a young woman came in, I could see immediately she knew who I was.

She smiled, "I'm Chloë, I think you look smashing. I'm a journalism student at Columbia. The news conference at Fox was terrific! You knew what to do!"

I thanked her and asked why was she here? She was here with her dad who was producer for CBS. We talked for a few minutes outside the booths, she would be going back to Columbia for her final year in a month or so. I stuck my head inside to get Gil. She gave Chloë contact info if she wanted to do some work during her school time at Fox News.. Chloë was enthusiastic about the idea!

She brought her dad out. He was quite surprised, we shook hands.

"Miss Martin, I do congratulate you on the changes at Fox. It's a benefit to us all!"

I thanked him, we chatted a bit about the convention before parting Chloë told him about my offer. He was pleased!

A call from Alex, he'd closed a deal with the Brazilian government water resources folks for a big project on several tributaries of the Amazon River. It was for water conservation and flood control! Yes!

Alex was really happy! "Fay, we did a great job in presenting! The Brazilians were very complimentary! Nell was terrific! She had info ready whenever we needed it and spoke wonderfully in her somewhat rusty Portuguese! They were charmed by her effort."

Excellent! I said I was looking forward to seeing him at Harcourt House! A pause, "Bring Nell with you. Something new for her and a bit of reward."

Alex said he'd tell her!

I asked Gil to email Carter to add Nell to our guest list! Thumbs up!

Back inside Cho grinning as I whispered to him what I'd been up to.

Katy Perry was singing on the stage. Dorothy mentioned Chelsea Clinton was up next then her mom.

I settled in with Cho's arm on my shoulders. Chelsea Clinton spoke movingly about her mother, the emotions genuine but hard for me to relate to since I hadn't had that. It was what I'd want Chani to be able to say about me so I was prematurely jealous of Hillary Clinton. An odd feeling!

Cho kissed me when I told him. Arms around me in the half-dark, "Chani has a wonderful mother who is a shining beacon for many people!"

A squeeze, "Don't you think of crying because it is true!!"

I didn't but my eyes were wet. I held on!

Hillary was up. She was poised, speaking clearly with firmness about things she truly believed in! The crowd was with her! Dorothy looked back to us with a thumbs up! I could see why!

Although Hillary wasn't a natural speech giver, I saw her as being more of a small group person, she was becoming almost lyrical. It was an impressive job!

She was great to be the first woman nominated by a major American political party for president!

We decided to leave when she was done. We worked our way out to the cars and off the Wells Fargo Centre grounds. The quick trip on the Delaware Expressway and we were going up the stairs into the big bird.

A Gulfstream 650er was waiting beside the 767. Francis on his way to London for some banking business, a talk with SKY UK folks and OFCOM regulators with us. We wanted 21st Century Fox to acquire the remainder of SKY giving us complete control. We offered more attractive and ethical management than the former ownership of the corporation which had been denied permission. Francis would help lay out our case. We'll see.

Mira got us going soon after we boarded. I changed to G-Star blue skinny low waist jeans, so deliciously tight! A purple cut-off short-sleeved shirt and brown ankle boots. A hoodie in case of a chill!

We were airborne to Albany, a big day on Saturday in Saratoga! Hansa's first race, the Sanford Stakes. Last year Glaa started his campaign in America there.

Monaco had emailed she was ready. He was there with Jackson. Tomas had come over from Harcourt House a fortnight ago to work with Hansa. They did well together!

Albany International Airport was new to us but no problem. We taxied to a spot south of the main terminal building to park. Terrance was waiting! His smiling face! A car and a Suburban for some Security folks and miscellaneous stuff! The drive to Thayer's place in Saratoga wasn't long, it was nice to have our `professional' at the wheel!

Jaidee on the seat beside me his face at the window watching it all go by.

Sondra and Thayer at their door. Thayer was losing his hair but he had more colour in his face. Chemo and radiation therapy one after the other is so hard on the body. Thayer was still a happy man which was so wonderful!

We were in the main house this time with the guest house given over to our Security folks! Ro and Tai had drawn the short straws and were on 767 guard duty.

It was late so we were in bed soon. Snuggled up against my man!

Sondra and I rode for an hour around their place, visiting horses and all her workers. It was good to see her so at ease, being a leader with a warm style. She was young but I could see if this was what she wanted it would be good!

Their cook remembered me and served up a bountiful breakfast! Eggs, potatoes, very nice homemade bread, fruit and coffee!! Yes Sir!

Terrance grinning as we loaded up for the barns. Hansa looking fabulous was walking with Reggie her groom! We got to pet her and talk. A few mints were passed along! Monaco smiling, "This young lady is eager!"

Tomas came out of the office with Jackson, fist bumps! He'd been with Hansa for nearly a fortnight, they got on, she was a handful, so keen! He was stoked about her chances!

We already knew how Jackson felt, she was aces with him! Rande and PJ kidding with Jackson, they said they were going for coffees. Tara and Ansara grinning with us.

Ringgold walked through the barn door smiling, "So we start over at the same place?"

Lots of laughs! Lots of hugs! It was different this time. This was Hansa's maiden race. Glaa had raced in Thailand before the Sanford Stakes last year.

Thayer wasn't up to giving a dinner party like last year so we had a quiet time, relaxed. Sondra was doing fine, dealing with everything. Making sure Thayer did his medications and doctor visits, worrying over him lightly so he wouldn't feel too much like `the sick old man' as she said.

I was standing outside with Thayer, "When you feel like it... this winter come to Bangkok, get some warm sun for a bit."

He slid his arm through mine, "Thank you! I may do that! Sitting in the sun sounds like something good to after all this mess."

I kissed his cheek. "Good, we have plenty of room."

Sondra and I rode again in the morning, some fog and cool temperatures. In the shower with the Octopus! It would have gone on to be more than tentacles groping except for the clock.

Terrance drove us over to Ballston Spa to the Good Morning Café for our pre-race breakfast.

Veggie hash, dill potatoes, rye toast and coffee!!! Fabulous as always!! Terrance smiling over the rim of his coffee cup, "Fay, this is nice, better than having an old pair of sweaty socks!"

He could see we didn't get it.

"Like a good luck thing you do before every game or wear something each time for luck!"

Ah! Terrance was right this was better than smelly socks!

Time to go to the track. A pale blue dress, oval collar, sleeveless, a few inches above the knee, a navy jacket cut at the waist, navy stockings and heels and bag. White wide brim hat with pale blue ribbon around the crown and over the back. White gloves. `Joy' I was set.

Cho in a lovely tan linen suit, dark blue shirt with a mottled brown tie that had tan, dark blue mixed in. Brown shoes, a warm medium brown!

We had our Harcourt Racing pins and me with the Uffington Horse. I was feeling quite happy when I kissed Thayer goodbye as we left for the track. His best wishes rode with us!

We gave Hansa a pre-race visit. She seemed relaxed. Although it was her first race she'd been put through many mock races in Pleasant Valley to test her. She was ready for her maiden race going out against the boys.

She was caressed and hugged. We laughed with Jackson about his baby going out for the first time. Reggie her groom with a huge smile.

Up in the stands with Sondra. Sam and Beverly arrived! I'd spoken with Sidney, he was going to put money on Hansa.

"Fay, I'm a lot of money ahead this year with Glaa and IrishRainbow!! So I have some room to play."

I said hello to Sylvia, she was good. They were giving consideration to her moving in with Sidney. Seemed like they wanted to be close! A good thing!

Beverly and I wandered a bit before the Sanford, talking about all sorts. We heard the bell for the race before ours so we headed to the box, no hurry. We got seated as the winners circle emptied from the ceremony for the last race.

I was amazingly relaxed, it wasn't the same as last year, less tension in me. I guess more confidence in everyone involved!

Ringgold grinning, "Is it easier this time around?"

I said yes because I knew what was going on.

The Collingwood's came over big smiles. Jack and Ellice... hugs! Joanna looking very cool in dark yellow! Big hug! They'd met Sam and Beverly last year, I intro'd Gil.

The bell and then the post-parade. Monaco and Jackson joined us in the box. I was holding onto one of Cho's hands tightly. He squeezed back!

All done and the loading began. Our girl the only filly in the number three slot, she moved in smoothly. The pause...

CLANG... they were off! Hansa broke cleanly going straight down the track. Her stride was easy going along with the others. Four of them were abreast Hansa in the second path in. They stayed like that as the back straight was in front of them and Tomas was quiet her back but in the glasses I could see his hands move.

Hansa accelerated! Down the straight she gained two then three... four lengths on the others. At the turn she was five lengths clear and striding beautifully. At the top of the straight Tomas asked her for a bit more, Hansa delivered. Hansa shifted from the left lead going around the turn to the right... That was all it took... Hansa's liquid-like shift gave her a boost. Like her older brother there was a powerful engine inside her.

You could see her pick up the pace widening to eight lengths easily then maintaining it right through the finish line! 1:10.8 Blazing! Only a second off her brother's time which had tied the stakes record.

We did some jumping up and down. Hansa had done us proud!!! She's a winner now!

We calmed down to go down to the winner's circle. Cho's smile was sweet as he leaned over to kiss me, we linked arms going down. Monaco on my right. Hansa came up with Tomas' wide smile. Gil behind me said she was getting snaps!

The NYRA and Saratoga folks were all smiles too! We got our second Sanford trophy!

At the barn the news folks were deeper than last year, Cho and Monaco doing their thing. I was standing back with Sam and Beverly, Gil beside me with PJ and Tara.

Gil grinning, "Fay I've got a lot of snaps!"

Odd that I love my iPhone so much but rarely take pics. Gil was my eyes too!

Ringgold holding my hand, "Fay, your sire and dam are wizards!"

We hugged, laughing!

The Collingwood's joined us! They were enthusiastic about Hansa! She did look pretty damned good!

We got to talk a bit. They were watching Fox News now! Okay!! Before it sickened them, unwatchable! I `shared' some pics of the Twins! Ellice laughing, "I splashed Joanna's pictures around so much when she was a baby! I entered her in a beautiful baby contest which I'm proud to say she won!"

We were laughing when Joanna noted it wasn't a bare baby bottom on a bearskin rug! They would come over to England for a Christmas visit again this year!

Jack said he'd been by to see Thayer nearing every day at first until Thayer made the point that it was overkill. Grinning, "So I call every few days. He seems to be doing okay the way you'd expect."

"Jack, he was so full of life in Baltimore but we knew he'd have to have the operation. Cho and I kept in touch but loosely. I can see you'd be more likely to come around as he's just down the road. Sondra has been our pipeline about his health."

I saw Elinor looking my way then motioning towards her microphone. I waved her over, Jack gave me a hug before going. I asked Ringgold to stay.

Her cameraman got set.

"Miss Martin, what impressed you the most with Hansa's maiden win?"

Ah... A good start at least.

"Hansa looked good all the way but watching her respond to Tomas' directions was very exciting. She's so young... she runs with a lot of poise."

I was watching Elinor's face as I spoke to her ignoring the camera, she was focused on me! Good! She saw I wanted to go on so didn't interfere...

"Her sire and dam are both very self-possessed horses, calm but demonstrative when they sense affinity."

Elinor seemed amazed with what I'd said but followed up well enough, "Then we can expect Hansa to run well in challenging circumstances?"

"Yes, although she's young she's unlikely to lose her concentration."

We went off air. "Thank you Miss Martin, that was wonderful. Insightful!"

We shook hands! One of those strange moments, Elinor was over thirty, nice looking in an athletic way, good smile, everything needed for a camera. I wished her well. Since I was her boss I wanted her to do her job to the max!

We worked our way off the track grounds after talking with Monaco and Jackson. Hansa came through with no issues so back to Pleasant Valley to train until the Saratoga Special Stakes in August. Monaco was going to meet us at Harcourt House in a few days so we'd go over the plans for all the horses then!

Big hug for Ringgold!

Terrance had us on the road to Albany. Cho and I looking at an email from Francis. He'd had his meeting with the investment bank about some new products we were going to sell, green investing. Make money when companies are good stewards of the environment.

He would go to Sky HQ in Isleworth tomorrow and meet the OFCOM folks the day after with us.

Hugs for Terrance and we were off to Dulles. It was a short flight. We'd stay the night in Upperville, eat in Georgetown at Le Champignon D'Or then fly to Chalgrove! Busy!

A few days at Harcourt House for meeting with all the top folks from The Company and a roundtable talk with our Fox Board aka MTR investors. Riding!!!! For me anyway and golf for Cho.

We unloaded on the Dulles tarmac and straight into cars. We got to see Virginia countryside in full summer mode. Leafy trees along the highway heading northwest, farm land looking lush, as we approached Upperville there were horses running in open paddocks. All very 19th century in appearance.

Charles was happy to see us! Hugs! Jaidee got a good rubbing before being let off his lead to run about. It was quite warm so I quickly made the transition to a bikini and into the pool!

Flora had a dinner prep going so we stayed out of her way after getting drinks. Rylee and Shondra were hot from doing some work' for Daniel and their dad, Mykal. I called out to them to get wet' it was music to their ears. Gil was between them shortly holding hands as they jumped in!

Charles had to dodge the splash without spilling his drink!

Cho beside me drying his hair, grinning, "You do make these transitions easily! From winning horse owner to Playboy bunny in the sun!"

He got a mock punch on his bicep, "I'm not a Playboy model!"

He wasn't contrite, "You could be!!!"

That and a kiss made it all better!

Dinner outside under the trees was great! Flo had lovely cool salads paired with grilled fish cakes peeking out from under a delicious sweet citrus sauce! Soft rolls and herb butter. Vanilla ice cream with a homemade sweet mixed berry topping! Yea!

Cho and I walked out to the barns with Daniel after dinner. Mr. Sugar and Ash remembered me and we visited with the mares in foal. They were together in one paddock, a collection of `sisters' happy being together.

We wandered a bit seeing several yearlings and a stallion who'd been in Kentucky when we were here last. Tall Timber' was his name, was over sixteen hands so his name fit. He was the sire for two of our pregnant ladies. He loved him some Mentos!' We obliged!

Cho got Jaidee running with a tennis ball, chewing up some yardage before bed time!

We got to `talk' to Chani and Charlie! I loved doing that every day, it helped me get over not seeing them. It was like texting or emailing or calling Jian. It sort of filled a space I kept reserved for them. We did it in a chair in the living room me in Cho's lap.

Cho was doing his teeth, I was naked on top of the bed whispering to Jaidee in his round bed. The tail thumping as I told him how handsome and smart he was. Cho sat beside me a warm hand on my little butt, a gentle massage to the cheeks!

We crawled into bed, ducked down for some spelunking!! Delicious Cho cock on my menu! He being the nice fellow opened his legs to aid my quest! CAPTURED!

I wetted it, slurping with abandon up and down the lovely thing! He firmed up and I slid his foreskin back slowly with my lips. Cockhead! Warm and slick, tasty! I indulged in my treat.

Sucking cock was so nice. I enjoyed the warmth of it, the delightful smooth balls underneath. They popped in and out of my mouth with louds slurps! One hand stroking the shaft of the penis I was wedded to as the ball attack continued! I kissed, licked, sucked the balls! Such fun!

Back to serious cocksucking! I worked Cho's knob with gusto. Up and down, a hand giving it a caress as the mouth kept it sloppy wet! The pissslit probed by my willing tongue. I adored sliding my tongue over the slick hot surface of the cockhead. So damned hot!

Cho was doing some marvelous moaning giving me positive reinforcement. A hand slid over his muscular belly to seize a nipple! That hit a buzzer! His back arched upward I slid down to get whole thing in my mouth. It tickled my throat! I stayed down as long as I could my muscles contracting around the cock as I gagged.

I released him briefly before going down again. A hand in my hair held me there then at my pressure I was let go to rise for air. Back again many times over until Cho moaned out how close he was... I glommed down and sucked with all my might.

The nipple was pulled and twisted a bit which didn't diminish Cho's orgasm at all!!!

Slurping...slurping... Cho's hips bucking then the first spurt of cum... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

I didn't let up on the cock my reward came soon three more exquisite clumps jetted onto my tongue and found their way to my belly!!! Still I didn't give up the cock! I sucked more gently savouring the penis as it slowly softened! I really liked it like this not that the hard shaft in my mouth was a bad thing!

I got a slow head massage, very welcome to have strong fingers rub my scalp. After a time I licked my way north to those wondrous lips! I was kissed and caressed by warm hands!! Very nice!

We cuddled for a bit then a wash up for me and Cho went for some water. Under the bedclothes I kissed Cho's chest for a while before lights out.

Gil and I went out Early for a ride. It was warm already so no jackets and ties! Short sleeved shirts! Ash was ready! Mr. Sugar was nickering as the saddle went on! We headed out to the north past the pastures we worked our way along the edges of growing hay fields. The turkey buzzards weren't around this time so we could look in on all the land. Then around to the east to the property boundary which was the road, down it to nearly the highway before turning back to the barn.

Both horses enjoyed the mixture of walking, trotting and galloping! It was a nice ride, we were both wet with perspiration so BIKINIs was called by me. We had a swim and then breakfast. Cho and Charles had theirs so Gil and I stoked up. We'd have a light lunch. Then Georgetown tonight.

Work! Damn I was getting loads of reports, copies of contracts, proposals and all sorts from The Company and now Fox. Most from Bill was advisory to the CEO's but some was on projects from Kent. He was keeping the Joseph concrete research out of it. We were still doing verbal only on that!

Head down plowing through with breaks for coffee and lunch. After an hour or so then bikini time. A swim and I sat under an umbrella with new reports from Vietnam and Papua New Guinea. The Dalat project had been out for bid and we had ours in and it was accepted. We were below the others costs because of the Houston Company which Eric's report had us buying it right away!

The microwave networking did it! So my trip there with Alex would be to sign off on the deal and intro him in his new role as a Deputy MD to Mr. Tran the under-minister in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development who was heading the project.

The Papua New Guinea south shore development was looking good. The work was ahead of schedule! The north shore scheme was appearing to be more viable with the government going forward with road building we felt was necessary. Without the roads we could move everything by helicopter but the costs would skyrocket to the point of the ridiculous.

The infrastructure improvements would be a benefit to other projects and growth for the north shore. We would take a look but I had my doubts since the terrain and weather were an evil combination there. It would be at least a year, if all things went well, more likely two.

Tonight dinner with Gerald and Antonio!! Black! The black toreador pants from St. Laurent, a short vest in black with big tuxedo lapels from Noi, Jimmy Choo orange Romy 100 pumps! A lighter shade of orange for my nails and lips. Black DG bag. My hair perfect with the curl under my chin!!!

I was showing my tummy, arms and ankles, each had gold around them! Bracelets, a black ribbon choker with a gold ankh, drop chain earrings, a heavy chain on my hips and a slender one around my right ankle!


Looking in the mirror with Cho's chin on my shoulder, those arms slid around me, a kiss on my neck! Cho approved of my look!

He was in one his dark dark black suits with a dove gray shirt, the rayed star cufflinks and a slender gold tie!! `Terre'

Gil in a little black dress that molded to her slender bod!! Long sleeved and very soft! Black spike heeled ankle boots with gold chains!!

We were ready! The car drove us with PJ and Rande northeast to the I-66 then into Arlington onto the Frances Scott Key Bridge over the Potomac River. Through Georgetown to Le Champignon D'Or.

At the Maître D's desk was a handsome Gerald. His eyes lit up, huge smile, open arms... "Miss Martin...!!!"

He took my hand and twirled me... "Oooooohhhhhh Miss Martin, this is wonderful!"

Laughing we hugged! He hugged Cho too! Antonio Came up, his face split by a smile, "Miss Martin!!!"

More hugs!! Gil was intro'd, her hand was kissed twice!!

The diners got a show! I could see a few recognized us and were whispering as we walked to the big booth at the back. PJ and Rande at the table next to us.

My arm around Cho as we moved to the booth, I slid in to the rounded back. Cho on my right, Gil on my left. Antonio had his back to us... I heard the POP... Tatinger's! We toasted each other! Antonio at the table end smiling.

Dark red caviar, little lightly crisped bread triangles, minced green onion and hard-boiled egg! A fine start! The caviar bursting with flavour at each bite! Gerald beside Gil grinning at my face as I showed my enjoyment.

Gerald lifted his glass to me! Now I was grinning!

Gerald and Antonio were doing very well, the restaurant booked each night! I admired the yellow they had gone with in their yearly clean up and change. It was more golden than the previous but equally as warm and pleasant! The big mushroom's gilding reflecting the room's lights!

Gerald planned the dinner! A vichyssoise, so creamy like silk! Small warm crusty loaves with softened butter. Sole with a light white sauce with a touch of Calvados. Asparagus tips grilled in lemon butter with sesame seeds. A mild nutty flavour added! Little new potatoes roasted with thyme and rosemary. Fragrant!

The wine was exquisite! The aroma had me thinking butterscotch and orange and vanilla! Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Montrachet! A magnificent white from Burgundy!!!

Gerald watching my face, a smile, "It is good isn't it?"

There was no choice but to agree. He promised to email the name and info to Carter.

We all enjoyed the food and conversation. Gerald wanted to know about the whole Fox thing. Cho and I gave him the history with caveat that while it wasn't secret but rather sensitive. The drama of the takeover day... the pleasure firing the oafish talking heads my highlight. He'd seen the news conference video, laughing, "Do you know it's been watched over two million times on youtube?"

I looked at Gil her eyes were big, "Fay I hadn't thought to look there recently myself! I'll get on to Reginé tomorrow for an update."

Gerald smiling "You are famous. Did you see the people out front? They know who you are!"

I said I had seen them... Cho nudged me, I looked into smiling eyes... We both laughed! Oh well!

I told Gerald we had all broken out in laughter when we were all working on our home model train layout, making little houses and such a few days after the big corporate coup! He laughed with us.

We gave him our view of the Democratic Convention, meeting the Vice-president and Hillary and Bill Clinton. He was impressed. I was giggling about hugging Hillary.

Afters were served!!! I had my espresso and we all shared in one of the white chocolate tear drops!! Gil's look of ecstasy as a piece melted on her tongue!

Antonio joined us. Cho and I had switched places when I went to the bathroom. I had one of Antonio's hands, "You look very good... " Big smile, "I like the new yellow!"

"Well... I chose it, Gerald was skeptical until it was done... then he hugged me giving me full marks for it! I think because it is lighter than our... " He motioned towards the bar, "Champignon it works!"

I was standing with a hand on PJ's shoulder, he and Rande had enjoyed their dinner. All smiles! We hugged with Gerald and Antonio out front before climbing into the car. They would consider coming over to Harcourt House at Christmas! Good!

On the road to Dulles. I got to snuggle with Cho!! Onboard we got going immediately. Mira had us airborne heading east. Chalgrove next stop!

I was ready for bed! Cho was playing with Jaidee so I was solo but not for long. Soon both guys were on top of me only my patented `tickle defense' saved me! Laughing and kissing my guys. We settled down to sleep!

Sun shining through the cabin windows as Ban delivered breakfast. Eggs, veggie sausage, a pile of toast honey AND coffee!! Cooking smells brought a whole lot of folks!

Jaidee had finished his food and was getting a tummy rub from Cho, he looked at me offering the same, I demurred... for now. Gil came out and our Security team all sat down to eat. We had about an hour according to Mira as she passed through to the espresso machine.

Some packing and emails before strapping in for landing. The big bird glided over the approach, smooth arrival in England. A Gulfstream 650ER parked at our hanger.

Prasert on the tarmac waiting. Hugs and handshakes and we were off to Harcourt House. Rolling in over gravel was a sound I loved! The crunch told me where I was, music to my ears!

Carter with a big smile, fist bumps!! Audra gave me a wink... clothes laid out. I yelled to Gil as my feet carried me up the stairs. Dressed, ready, in a flash!

Cho and Carter still talking in the hall... I got a kiss from Cho and a fist bump from Carter pulling Gil along. I called out to Tara to head over to Go Outdoors! Get some clothes, put it on the account!

Through the kitchen to say hi then down the grassy lane to the stables. Thames gave me and Jaidee a big WOOF! He wiggled as I rubbed. Once noses had been applied to each other's butts those two dashed off for bow-wow time. I hoped Thames wasn't leading Jaidee astray!

Gregory standing in the office doorway laughing, a hug and fist bump! He motioned with his thumb over his shoulder, Sebastian and Tess in the chair! He said Tess was pregnant, confirmed by Dr. Crawford.

I crept up on Pamela's stall, "Pamela... " A LOUD nicker... her gorgeous head emerged!!

I kissed her nose! Cormac behind me went to saddling her right away. Ethan and Anthony were doing Con for Gil.

A leg up and we walked down the lane to the flats where Sunny was at work. She was on Prince in one of the dressage arenas. They were working on a routine so I waved to Charlotte and turned us towards the track where Freddie had several youngsters out with Diana.

He was very proud of Tomas' success in Saratoga. I said watching Hansa there'd be more! He'd seen the youtube video, "It was some show!"

I gave him my insight on the race. He was nodding, "If she's that responsive at her age then everybody ought to look out!"

I told him to watch the video of SakChai in Bangkok, "There's lots the same about him and Glaa!"

Gil followed me up the slope toward the Sci Ctr, we had a fast start and an even faster run to the railroad crossing. Pamela stepping proudly over the wooden boards then responding to my urging to run like the wind all the way to the lock!

The lock fellow waved a hello as we walked over to islet. Roy was packing up his gear. He had three nice size trout, he'd put back two others as too young. Angie was well as was he. I wished him a good day!

Gil leading we crossed the weir then the small bridge. Back up we rode quickly along the west side of the Thames, over the tracks we wound our way through the trees and around the two houses.

On Harcourt House land we asked our horses, speed! The wind flowing past felt so good!

I looked over to Gil, she had a wonderful smile! We didn't see anyone at Archie and Margy's, we kept going strong. Dennis waved and called the boat was at the pier! I thanked him as we swept by.

I slowed us as the Industrial Estate appeared between the trees. The new building for the automotive repair company was going up nicely. Not far away the foundation for the recording studio looked finished.

Samuel waved from the auto repair office which I returned. We headed to the lock, walking over to pass the pub which had a nice crowd for lunch! We stopped at Mr. Hardy's. He popped out looking quite good, a bit more weight loss!! He was happy to come up for dinner! No need to send a car, "I'll walk up but a ride home would be grand."


We left Church Road to the grass, Pamela knew! We were off!! She was high stepping, flinging grass clumps out!! A wave to Tom Radley and another to Dan Junior then around to the training track. Freddie and Diana were leading their youngsters up the lane. We stopped on the flats. Sunny and Charlotte were ready to quit for lunch.

Hugs and kisses! Sunny holding my hand, "Fay, I've watched your press conference several times! You were smashing!"

Another hug! I gave her the news that Artie had piloted the `Fay,' she was laughing.

Sitting to eat in the Breakfast Room, I asked Sunny what did she like about the press conference. First thing was the confrontation with Joseph.

"Fay, you really put it to him!"

Then with Gil smiling, I told Sunny what happened with Joseph after that. She was dumbfounded, "You really did that? That's so amazing!"

She jumped up to hug me! Cho came in at that moment, he got a hug too. He laughed, "Well I can't take any credit because it was Fay all the way!"

I grinned about the contraction, Cho smiled back. I finished my vegetable soup and walked down to thank Carla! She gave me a hug, "I know it's your favorite!"

She knew we'd asked a few of our neighbors for tonight, "Do you want the menu or..."

I said surprise me! Fist bumps!

I walked with Cho's arm over my shoulders to the stables. We had three new horses, one was a maybe for Sunny, the others were for general riding. Our maybe was called Desireé, a beautiful eight year old gray, she was friendly. A black gelding named Max, six years old handsome, good hind quarters. Another gray mare, Lucretia, she was five. She was neutered when she had a difficult birth, the baby was lost.

I liked `Lu's' high spirits and a loud nicker! I got Cormac to saddle her. Cho gave me a knee-up and Lu and I took a short ride down the lane and up the slope and back. She moved well with good acceleration!

Cho did the same for Max. He said he could feel he was going to be about speed. He seemed pleased to run!

I'd asked Gregory when we bought these three to hire another exercise rider, at least part-time. We were intro'd by Gregory to Yvonne. She was French doing some post-graduate work up the road at Oxford. She was full-time this summer, we'd see about her schedule when autumn came. Dark hair cut in a pixie, slender, beautiful skin, excellent English. I did start in French as did Cho. She was smiling, "Miss you have an excellent accent!"

"I got that from my parents who were polyglots!"

Yvonne loved to ride... I told her she'd be busy! Smiles.

I wanted Diana to spend more time with Freddie to train horses for the track.

I had Anthony get Rebel ready. Tara in her her new tack, Okay! We got her up on Rascal. She followed me down the lane. Sunny and Charlotte with Diana were leading several horses down to the jumps to some work and a trial for Desireé.

I took Tara north. Waves to Fraser's and Radley's as we rode along the Thames. She'd never been in England before and seeing we lived beside one of the world's most famous rivers was amazing. Tara liked Rascal, he was a big guy but easy to handle. We stopped in front of the rectory.

Dr. Lone with a big smile and a spade out doing gardening.

"Miss Martin, it's very nice to see you again!"

I intro'd Tara. His missus came out. We talked for a few minutes, they'd be up for dinner later.

I turned back down the lane... Rebel knew! I let Tara in on the secret. At the beginning of the track I released the rebel in Rebel! Whoosh... we were running!

I could hear Tara and Rascal behind us, not close. Rebel striding out, in full flight we went down the berm then burst through the trees onto the wide grassy space at the Radley's north end. Lovely!!!!

Rebel poured on the speed through the flat turf... a quick look showed Tara forty yards astern! I asked Rebel... he gave me his best! It was as if we were flying! The ground flashed by... The Radley's and Fraser's a blur... I didn't ease him until we crossed onto Harcourt House land then only so we wouldn't spook any trainees on the track.

Tara caught up with a gigantic smile, "Oh Fay that was awesome!!! Rebel can really run!"

"Looks like Rascal can to!"

I stroked his neck, he was perspiring but not lathered neither was Rebel! They loved to run!

We sat on our mounts watching Sunny take Desireé over the jumps! Wow! The horse was great! She was bouncy with good foot work. Eager!

Charlotte edged over on DD. We talked about Desireé and the other horses. She was so pleased, `You've gotten some really good ones! See Sunny is in charge, guiding Desireé so easily!"

Sunny switched to Prince. He was terrific. Lots of power though Sunny had control with him too. Prince did what she wanted. I observed Sunny for a while then got Charlotte to walk with me away from the jumps.

Standing in the grass looking south up the slope Charlotte knew what I wanted, "Sunny is doing very well! She has wonderful confidence not that she hasn't had a tumble or two or three but she gets up and climbs back on right away. Only a bruise so far."

I liked hearing that from Charlotte. My eyes on hers, "In the arena?"

Smiling, "She concentrates... focuses and learns! Beverly left her with a few pages of notes about her experiences which thought was splendid when I read them. Not just dry words but you could sense Beverly's feelings about it and her love of horses! I think it really helped Sunny!"

We hugged. Walking back Diana had walked over from the track with the black yearling. He was still a bit awkward but a handsome devil. She was grinning, "Fay this little man is so cute but right now he runs like a rhino."

"No he runs like a yearling colt who doesn't yet know how to get his legs in sync. You'll be amazed in a few weeks, he'll get it then he'll be fun!"

Tara and I headed up the lane. Ethan took our friends with a smile. Anthony said he was great, really loving being with horses.!

I got coffee without snooping in on Carla's dinner. The kitchen folks laughing at me holding my hand over eyes passing through.

We'd have a house full tonight! Carter's arm supporting me as we walked to the office. I was giggling as he ushered me in with Cho laughing, "Carter where did you find this?"

I managed not to spill my coffee in the ensuing hug! Fist bump with Carter! Always a grin from him!

`Francis is staying overnight at Basuto Road again, no point in making the drive. I talked with him. The banking business thing is good. The Sky management knows how we feel about things and gave Francis good docs for tomorrow's OFCOM meeting."

I parked in a lap, kissing!!! Cho loved my news about Sunny. "You should call Kay."

I said I would shortly. I asked if he had seen the email from Amarha? He had and was happy with her progress. Two Agusta models we were buying had been delivered as test units. Amarha had all the pilots up with her for their first rides, they'd been in classes until now. They'd be on the controls in a few days.

The turbine engines for teaching had arrived too. The Agusta trained mechanics had started teaching our local folks. The lead was a woman named Naomi, Amarha was impressed. She knew the engines inside out and she was a good teacher.

Amarha let us know that Buddy was as good as his word, working hard, asking good questions in training on the new engines. Turbines were a big step up for him and the others!

Cho squeezing me, "You did something good there. You were hasty BUT being willing to repair made you a lot of friends! The hasty part is easy to understand since you had the tarmac incident."

We talked for a while about other business things then went up to dress for dinner. Informal! I told Dan Junior to eschew a tie! Cho laughing at me.

Black skinny jeans for us both, me in a short-sleeved white shirt and silver jewelry all over! "Joy' Cho wore a white shirt too, I bought him from St. Laurent! Cute!!!

We greeted our friends as Carter sent them on through to the terrace where Stanton was being `bartender.' We had drinks, talked about crops with the two Dan's, Archie and Mr. Radley and Tom. Anne and Sunny gabbing with Teddy. Dr. Lone and Mr. Hardy talking history of the local Norman churches.

Margy trying to convince me to learn to knit and or crochet! She wasn't serious... I don't think! She did enjoy talking flowers and knitting with Deanna and Mrs. Lone.

No baby because Tom's wife was visiting her family in Wootton. The grandparents delighted to have them! Tom was missing them. I `shared' some snaps of the Twins!

Carter shepherded us to the table. Carla!! A savory potato leek soup, creamy! Poached fish with Béchamel sauce, a sweet rice concoction with bits of fruit. Everyone got a small vegetable pie of creamy veggies in a ceramic dish with a Sue pastry as a lid on top!! Little dark loaves for each.

Carter, at Cho's request, had Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Montrachet ready for us! That delightful white we'd been introduced to by Gerald! So good!

We had a wonderful dinner, smiles, laughter all around. Sunny sitting beside me got a glass of wine with eighty percent water. Feeling very `adult.'

Northampton raspberry tarts with vanilla ice cream! Just delicious! Several sherries were offered to the adults. Espresso and other afters in Great Room. A few men joined Cho for cigars outside off the terrace.

Mr. Hardy and I spoke about a rematch on the wargame table. Nothing definite. Maybe an American Civil War game, another one of SPI's Quad games so it wouldn't be too long. I told him to get with Greg so they could have a game or two at Christmas time. Smile!

A nice evening! It was pleasant to have our neighbors to dinner. They were a lovely group, to the outsider unsophisticated but with the internet they knew what was going on. We'd fielded many questions about the 21st Century Fox takeover!

As a group they didn't like M***********, he was considered an overbearing jackanapes. None read his newspapers! I reminded them that Sky had been part of the acquisition and tomorrow we'd make our pitch for buying the whole company.

At the door the goodnights were happy, hugs and kisses!!

I got lots of those from Cho beside our bed. I was deposited under the covers. Cho went to the bathroom and I called Jaidee up from his bed. Snuggles!

Cho joined in before lights out.

Pamela carried me south for a shortened ride. She was happy to be galloping across the grassy fields! We were a team! It was early, the sun barely up we rode around the Sci Ctr not seeing anyone but a security guard near the fence, we waved!

Anthony grinning, "I watched you two coming back! Pamela was really striding out for you! Beautiful!"

Fist bumps for him a hug and kiss for Pamela!

Coffee for me! Upstairs dressing. A white linen short-sleeved dress, a wide black belt and all my accessories black too. Cho's onyx gifts adorned me! `Joy'

Cho was smashing in black!

Prasert was ready! We drove to town no hurry. A stop at The Company's offices. Angela smiling, hugs. She was doing fine. She'd been helping Francis with the OFCOM presentation.

Downstairs I got a bear hug from Reg! Eric was in the air returning from Houston. He closed the deal for the microwave company so we'd celebrate tomorrow evening at Harcourt House.

We drove over to Southwark. Lunch at the Swan Restaurant attached to the Globe Theatre. Artichoke salad, the roast cod with herb potatoes followed by a cheese plate to share with Cho! I filled up before the meeting!

We walked around the block to the OFCOM offices on Southwark Bridge Road. We met with their group in a modern conference room. We spoke about the past attempts by 21st Century Fox to get approval for acquiring the balance of SKY and why it didn't happen. We laid out our plans for SKY and presented our bonafides based on our ownership changes.

We made the case the MTR Corporation was radically different from the previous owners and we would be responsive and accountable. They listened, asked questions, the tenor of which seemed to me to be very positive! At the end we were thanked and told any decision wouldn't be rushed but not delayed either. What we had to say and our brief track record in America spoke well for us.

Good! At least we'd made it plain what we wanted and how we would act!

Late afternoon! I wanted to go to Hyde Park Stables for some gear. I had finally convinced Francis to try riding so... clothes and boots!

Prasert would drop us with PJ and Tara then send another car for us. Done. I kissed Cho in the car!! His eyes bright with happiness over what we'd just done and he liked me! Ha!

We were dropped on Westbourne Street. We turned into Bathurst Street and there was a shock... Not for us but for Francis' ex-girlfriend. She was coming out of the hair salon where she worked to see Francis looking spectacular in a gorgeous black suit, pale gray shirt and red tie.

He was looking so good these days, trim and well... great! Full of confidence! It showed!

She was non-plussed especially since she recognized me. The face was frozen... Francis was a gentleman... Saying hello to her. I smiled and said `Hi' then turned into the mews saying I'd go ahead.

PJ stayed with me, Tara waited at the mews entrance keeping Francis in sight.

Inside I asked for some black gloves in my size and said I had someone coming who needed the `whole thing!' That got a grin from the young woman sales person!

Tara came in smiling before Francis. He had an interesting face. I left off asking to get the clothing business started.

We got him some good quality things, not a lot of anything until we knew if he'd enjoy himself. Good ankle height boots though. `Never skimp on the shoes,' a saying from my dad!

We had it done and wrapped up. Tara said the car was out on Bathurst Street. Francis and I carrying his new duds, PJ leading, Tara behind. Out at the car we could see faces at the window of the hair salon staring out. Things in the boot.

Francis did raise his hand towards the salon after I saw a fluttering gesture inside. Tom, the driver, looked over his shoulder asking with a look if we needed to wait. I shook my head, he pulled away. Francis leaned back into the seat.

I squeezed his hand, "Okay?"

A big smile, "Yes actually. It was quite strange though. She was very shocked and amazed at my appearance! AND you!"

I laughed, "Is that good?"


He didn't look contrite about a bit of gloating. I told him he'd was with us through merit so...

"Fay, I'm fine! I can't help but consider the difference between when she last saw me and now. The gap is very wide!"

He looked at my face, "It added a nice bit that she saw me with you."

I laughed and patted his shoulder, "I'm glad I could help."

We both laughed out loud over that! I got the `interesting face' from earlier now!

At Basuto Road we went inside briefly. Graham, our Security fellow, said Cho had gone over to Jian-Andrea-Ting's place! A laugh at that mouthful!

I got an armload of Jian!!! Then Ting and Andrea standing there with Caroline in her arms! It was so good see them all!! I grabbed Jian for more! Cho and Ting smiling at me arms over each other's shoulders!

We went up to the sitting area on the roof! Very nice with a covered space for Caroline. She was nearly three months old, looking like a good mix of Jian and Andrea. That chin was unmistakably Andrea!

It was all talk about babies. They giggling as told them about our doing a conference call every day to see the Twins and talk to them. Tha's iPad was going to be worn out by the time were done!

They were coming out to Harcourt House for the meeting. Ting was going to play golf with Cho and the others but laid down the rule of No Betting. He didn't want to have to bet against Cho's game!

Gil, Francis and our Security folks joined us with a huge takeaway from my friendly Indian restaurant!! We covered the counter tops with it, gobbled food and cracked open Newcastle's!! A grand party!!

Walking back across the road, a nice night, a detour to the commons. Past the tennis courts we strolled out on the open grass. We could look up to see the stars, lots of them. Ro, Ansara and Tai close by but silent.

Cho behind me as we gave the heavens a good look before heading to bed. I missed seeing Jaidee's face. I was sure he was Okay but a bit lonely too. I found out the next day Carter had been smart, Jaidee spent the night in the stable office with Thames, Sebastian and Tess! Great thought! Safe too as there's always someone around during the night watching over the stable.

Warm and cozy with Cho, I told him about Francis' day. He was actually pleased for Francis, "It isn't..." a nudge from me and a pinch back.. Ouch! "nasty just a bit schadenfreude, well deserved for him!"

I lay back Cho rolled me against him face to face... kissing commenced! It was slow, languorous and delightful! "Miss Martin, if there is any time I fail to tell you how much I love you will you please be so kind as to tell me so I can repair the damage!"

Oh shit... I asked if he'd been invaded by the ghost of Shakespeare after such a short visit? I was giggling so the kisses to shut me up were just fine!

Nibbling a warm roll in the morning sun, the birds were our companions as they'd been last summer! We talked about the somewhat frenetic schedule of racing events we wanted to see. Glaa in two races , Hansa in two, IrishRainbow had two also and SakChai had three! Then they'd all be in Santa Anita for the Breeders' Cup races. We would have to miss some. We weren't going to any of the races here in England. We just didn't have the time this year.

We rescheduled this visit until we'd done our bit at OFCOM. Prasert bang on time as always and we headed to Isleworth! SKY headquarters on Grant Way was just off the M4 in an industrial estate sort of place with warehouse stores and a Tesco. We gathered all the employees into a big conference room. Cho and I told them what we'd done at OFCOM yesterday. Their faces showing they thought it great!

We stayed for a short time just chatting, it came over strongly that our taking control was very good. Nice! They seemed quite happy being part of our group of companies.

Back on the road it was an easy drive. Jian, Ting and Andrea with Caroline would come in a later car. All The Company folks would be down for dinner tonight.

Carter at the door greeted us with Thomas. We had a visitor last night, an unwelcome one who had been handed over to the Thames valley Police in the wee hours. A Sun reporter gave our Security a bit of sport and a nice test of the new drones.

Yone had piloted one over him using the FLIR camera giving our people plenty of information and time to scoop him up near the east woods south of the flats. Thomas was pleased with the work. The reporter had been detected as he passed the outer ring of sensors allowing Yone plenty of time to get airborne and get him in camera range.

The Sun was contacted by the police this morning and told they could bail him this afternoon. He would have to answer to the trespassing charge AND that he took a punch at one of our Security folks who promptly knocked him flat and cuffed him.

Carter has spoken to our solicitor in Oxford who would ask the court for a restraining order for the reporter and the Sun Newspaper. We may not qualify but asking wouldn't go over well I'm sure!

Audra had laid out my riding clothes! Dressed with Tara I was greeted by my little man at the stable office! Jaidee giving me rubs and hugs. I found out his sleeping arrangements which got Gregory a fist bump but he said it was Carter.

Pamela saddled and nickering. Rascal looking bouncy! Down the lane to where Sunny was working with Charlotte. They were talking beside the south arena. We waved going by.

Up the long slope to the Sci Ctr was a trot to a gallop for our horses. Over the tracks and around the BMX track we greeted the lock man and walked over the top. Roy was fishing, one caught! I intro'd Tara. I wished him well!

We turned into Abbey Meadow. There were some children out with parents in the play area, the swimming pool looked like it was getting cleaned by two women in sleek tank suits.

We met Elaine and Whisper, her dog, another intro, she was doing quite well, business was good. I told her the stationary we purchased from her was very good. I'd let several people know where I bought it... A big smile and a thank you!

I reversed us to go over the small bridge. We had walked through the meadow so we didn't dig up the grass but once over the bridge I asked for speed! We galloped down the grass south of the big business office park where Sophos had their HQ between several ponds and down the paths to the railroad track crossing.

Over that, around the two houses and onto Harcourt House farm land. I gave Tara some commentary as we rode so she'd have the lay of the land. Going north I waved to Terry, Archie and Margy's nephew, he was with the cows. They were producing all the milk we needed. We let our staff have it free.

We crossed the stream westward on to Hall Street trotting past Jerrold's house, he stepped out to wave and call a greeting. I slowed to walk over. He had visited Mr. Hardy a few months ago. He was so pleased his former teacher was doing so well now after his `event.' He thanked me for saving Mr. Hardy's life. All I could say was I did what anyone would have done.

I added that our lives intersected now which was a huge gain for me. Jerrold liked that.

Through Lower Radley onto the verge of a field of crops going to a gallop again! We went over to the grass along the railroad tracks heading north towards the industrial Estate.

A nice run all the way to the dirt road that carried us to Samuel's automotive repair yard. We walked onto the asphalt to pause at the construction, busy spot.

A worker looked at us like we were in the way then the fellow positively stared!

I had to laugh, Tara did too but with a more professional interest in his looking. He didn't care for her returning his look which just `devastated' Tara! Ha!

He was trying his best to be a yob so we rode on. Tara laughing, "If he only knew."

Over the lock and through the town, no grandmother's house. We reached grass and Pamela wanted to run! I gave my girl her head... She was striding out! I loved it! Tara had to run parallel to avoid the dirt Pamela's hooves threw up. Rascal couldn't keep up with my fleet-footed lady!

We slowed at the bottom of the hill to a trot passing the training track where Freddie was working. Smile and wave to him we approached the flats. Sunny on Zephyr and Charlotte on DD side by side. They were conferring then Sunny went around to the small arena entry.

She waved to us then straightened up and moved Zephyr forward. She went to a slow trot around the inside parameter of the arena. After several circuits Sunny turned Zephyr to go down the center end to end, then she went into a corner and turned to cross diagonally, crossing and turning from the four corners.

I watched Zephyr's motions, she was responsive to Sunny's light touch. I looked at Charlotte, a smile, "You see how easy it is for Sunny! Her seat is excellent, she uses her legs well and keeps it light on the reins."

Two riders I didn't know came down the lane, they were Charlotte's other pupils. They were in their late teens, we were intro'd.

Sunny exited the arena so one of the newcomers could go in. We leaned together for a hug, "Fay, it feels good!"

We talked about that and Zephyr and how she was doing until Charlotte went to work the others.

Sunny went for a run with Zephyr up the slope, relaxation for both! I went up the lane.

Before lunch Cho and I sat with Thomas about our unwelcome visitor. He was pleased with the actions of his team, early detection even in the wee hours, Yone's skills and the police response. All good! I asked about our cameras and sensors, where they collecting data off our property?

No, Thomas said, the first line of sensors were not right on the property boundary, the second set and the most of the small cameras were further inside. We did not collect CCTV outside Harcourt House grounds.

"The Thames Valley Police had come asking about a traffic accident on the Oxford Road hoping we might have some video but we couldn't help them. The system is meant to be defense in depth not for outside the property."

Thomas said the police wouldn't bail the Sun reporter because of the `attempted' assault, a magistrate would set the bail. The amount wasn't the issue but that the police thought it serious enough. A local reporter had called about it but was referred to the Oxford solicitor we had on retainer for local activities.

Francis and I sat with Donatella. She was managing the Harcourt House database project. The collection of data was down to some farm equipment everything else was counted and entered. She was a wiz at doing complicated searches!

She was laughing, "When I went over to the Industrial Estate, Jeffery wondered if he was to be included. I let him know just the office contents." We all laughed at that and she said he was cute.

After lunch the Jian-Ting-Andrea group arrived! Little Caroline on her first trip so cute in pink cap with a bird on the top! We intro'd Ellice to the nurse, she would help with Caroline's care. Ellice took them up to the nursery on the third floor to settle in.

My pals got the suite with the big bed! Laughs and hugs!

Eric and Malee drove up with Reg and Rona and MFA! More hugs and kisses! I'll never run short of those!

MFA was whisked upstairs to see Ellice who she really liked!!

Cho was taking Ting, Reg and Eric to play golf! I was taking Francis out to ride!! Cho kidding him about broken bones and a pillow for his bum later! Francis smiling saying the risks had been explained!

I had some time with Jian, Andrea, Rona and Malee! We gabbed and sipped tea on the terrace. A bit of catching-up done with laughter and many questions about the Twins, Glaa and our corporate takeover. They'd seen the videos and read some things that weren't complimentary in the English press, at least in the M********** owned parts!

Meeting Hillary Clinton was big! I was rubbing shoulders with the famous! Rona stopped it, "Wait! Fay and Cho are famous now! We're rubbing shoulders with them!"

I almost cried with laughter over that!

I rounded up Francis for riding, he looked the part in his new clothes. I got Scout out for him. We walked to the big paddock. We walked around Scout as gave some basics about how to control a horse. We went over the equipment, names and purposes. I knew he had a tremendous memory so I didn't worry about telling him all this. I helped him mount up. An adjustment on saddle for him and he had the reins. I had him ask Scout who was easy so no problem.

As they walked around I could see Francis was comfortable. I put a lead on Scout and mounted Rebel. I set a slow walk then a mild trot Scout doing fine. Francis' smile let me know he was good so far. After a while of riding about with me I undid the lead.

Francis was trotting around the parameter of the paddock just fine! I had him do some maneuvering, stopping and starting. Then we rode side by side at faster pace. He was good in the saddle, moving quite naturally. The smile stayed on his face!

"Let's walk down the hill."

Okay! We exited the paddock going slowly. At the flats we paused as Sunny was in the small arena again. On Prince this time she doing a trot around the inside. Prince stepped very nicely. A good high leg, very easy rhythm! What a good boy.

Francis and I turned to go west towards the track. Freddie and Diana working, we had a two year old and a three year old going out to race next week! He was getting them ready. I got a thumbs up!

I lead Francis up the slope at a walk then a soft trot. No problems. That smile was still there.

"Fay I like this!"

Good! "So now when you're around us or alone and there are horses remember you are welcome to ride!"

Fist Bumps! My caveat was to be careful to have someone around at first or at least nearby! He got that!

We toured around the grassy fields. We met Kate on Dragon, she was heading over to the flats to see Sunny. I stroked Dragon's face, he nudged against my hand. He remembered the shared experience.

I told Francis the story as we moved further up the slope. I pointed to the path down to the river. I included my warning about the edges of fresh water. He got it.

I asked Francis to pardon my going off briefly to give Rebel a good run. He said he'd head for the stables going easy. Okay!

I asked my big guy! We were the wind heading south around the Sci Ctr over the second set of tracks before I asked him for more speed to the barn! The feel of this was awesome!

The play of his muscles against my legs, his head bobbing, his powerful neck as I leaned down. We were a unit, a lightning bolt! No easing until the flats then high stepping up the lane!

Francis had gone into the paddock again to work some more. The smile was even bigger, "Fay, Scout is so much fun! I think he was really having fun!"

My hand on Rebel's neck caressing, "Scout is a good boy, an excellent riding horse."

I gave Rebel to Cormac after a hug!! Cormac smiling over his shoulder as they went down the stable walkway. He called out for Ethan to come help.

I had Tess in my arms when Francis came up and dismounted. "Fay, this was wonderful!"

His hand on Scout's neck moving gently. Scout nickered which was sweet and made Francis feel even better!

I gently rubbed Tess' pregnant tummy. Loads of purrs!

Walking up the lane to the house I said to Francis he'd used muscles that probably been a bit dormant so... I told him there was good liniment available and it might be wise to put some on before sleeping.

He grinned, "Got it!"

The golfers returned! Cho had convinced them all... his scores weren't a fluke at all. He'd shot a 65 today again not a single bogey! He nearly got a hole-in-one on a par three, the ball stopped five inches short!

On the terrace with drinks I got Ting to laugh when I told him Dad's and Thoi's response to Cho rampaging over the Army course in north Bangkok.

Our management team guests arrived in time for drinks. Prasert texted Gil he was on the way back from Chalgrove with Monaco, Alex and Nell. Paulette had picked up Alex and Nell in a Gulfstream 650ER when arrived back in the US from South America and Monaco in New York.

At the front door as Kendal opened the car door for them. Nell standing there awe struck by the house!

"Hey girl come over here!"

Hug and kiss for her cheek! "Don't think anything of it just a little place in the country for weekends!"

That made her laugh, "Fay I've never done the `weekend in the country' thing before!"

More laughs.

Monaco smiling, "It's good to be back!"

Arm in arm with Monaco and Nell I led them to the drinks. Alex right behind.

I had a Campari and soda with Nell slowly going through the close-in garden. Lovely scents and colours! Phillips was the Man! Teddy came down a walk smiling. I intro'd he and Nell.

Nell was enjoying herself. She'd been on several jobs and done a some herself. The trip with Alex had been great. She'd learned a lot more about how The Company worked, she could appreciate the whole system more!

Good. We were still growing so...

She loved living in Los Angeles! The sun and beach! Deadly!! Not that she'd been there that much. I laughed at that one.

Nell smiled, "I know you're on the move even more probably. I'm loving the job! I travel well and rarely have jet lag. Oh thanks for the special flight over, the bed onboard was great!"

Fist bump!

"Your riding clothes are hot!"

Dinner! We were moderately informal.

The Guess Gibson Ribbed dress, horizontal blue and white stripes, zipper from hem to neck that was body hugging and above mid-thigh! YES! Matched with Celine red ankle boots with stretchy uppers and high heel, zipper at the back! They looked sexy on my feet or so said Cho! The way I got kissed I tended to believe him!!!!

Cho in skinny black jeans and one of the Greiner's Men's Clothing shirts I had made to his measurements. It was a gorgeous shiny gray!!! Black ankle boots! My Man!

Everybody looked great. Andrea in a nice blue dress that hugged her figure. She was getting it back.

Rona in red! Looked fabulous, sleeveless, snug torso and flared shirt. Black spike heels!

Malee in purple, her tummy well out now! Nell was in a purple too. A nice cotton frock, short sleeves, mid-thigh with black heels!

All the guys were without ties as they had been banned by my personal edict laughingly delivered on the terrace over drinks!

It was an Indian and Pakistani feast done as a buffet! Dal soup, pakoras, samosas, two kinds of biryani rice, aloo gobi, Madras lentils, potatoes in a Bombay sauce, a wonderful mango paneer, naan, curried beans.

To follow a sweet rice pudding and fruit salad to soothe tongues! Also lots of beer, Kingfisher and Newcastle!

We did a sit wherever. I was next to Malee and Alex, Nell and Monaco across. We talked babies, horses, golf, South America, Brazil!! The dinner at Pietro and Muti's! Teaching, model trains...

Cho offered a toast to our Mom's and to-be one! Surprising me Alex stood with his beer, "I have a toast which is a thank you... To Cho and Fay for rescuing America from the old Fox News and giving us the New real honest Fox News!"

Cho looked to me to respond, "... Well we like to make money so... " a `it wasn't just that' from Alex, "... We meaning all ten of us knew someone should try and we brought our resources together! To success!"

Acclaim! We cheered! Eric said maybe it would put a dent into the horrid newspapers over here. That was toasted too.

We ended up out on the terrace with the odd sweater or Mac on for coffee and afters. Good dinner with good friends! Jaidee sitting on Cho's foot pinning him down so I could play with his hair and kiss his neck! Extra treats for Jaidee!!

I had the little man against my tummy, I was under the bed covers he wasn't. Cho got in behind me MMMMMMMMMM warm skin!! A nice cuddle before sleep. Jaidee eyes from his bed glowing before he closed them for sleep. Such a guy!

Up early as always! Dressed going down the stairs with Jaidee. Nan came in as we did. Smiling she said go to the garden, she'd start on our things!! Jaidee snuffled around some but the business was done in his box!

I had coffee and scones ready he was still eating. Nan said she'd send him down with one of the others. Okay!

Anthony was looking cheery, happy to have a warm scone in the chill air. Pamela ready! We were off. I made a big circle with my arm... Anthony waved, he got it.

Down the lane, a bit of breeze lowering the temperature. As we trotted up the slope I called Anthony to tell him I would changing and going around the Sci Ctr and towards Clifton Hampden. There was a property that might be for sale next year...

Past the Sci Ctr I aimed west by a bit south around a herd of sheep who paid us no mind. We crossed Thame Lane staying on the verge of a growing field. I stopped about a football field length away from Dunham School to look. I stayed on the edge of Thame lane as it bent around the school grounds, near the Abingdon Road there was a sports field and an open gate. I steered Pamela in there. All quiet at this hour.

We followed the inside boundary as it ran parallel to the Abingdon Road which was getting some traffic now. We came up to a car park, around that heading east now. There was a turn-in from the Abingdon Road, a few cars went in. I was stared at by both drivers! Past a treed area was an asphalt play space. We rounded it on the grassy edges.

I know I was intruding some but it was early, no students about. I was looking at the front of one of the original building from the mid-nineteenth century. A man walked out towards me, slender, glasses, mildly wild hair, gray. I'd seen his face at a window.

Pamela and I were still as he approached. He said hello and can I help? Always a safe start to conversation.

I told him who I was and that I was passing and looked in for the first time. I removed a glove, he shook my extended hand. He was Mr. Richards, an under-head master.

"Miss Martin, you are well known! Did you want to see more or..."

I said not today for a tour but maybe when I was back in a few weeks. I had no experience with the sort of school I understood they had.

He said it would a privilege to show me. I thanked him and said good day. Some students were about now and got hellos from me in response to theirs. More than a few stared like I was from Mars!!

I headed out towards the Abingdon Road.

I asked Pamela for a trot as we ran beside the now busy road. We used Station Road to cross the railroad tracks then past the Sci Ctr's southeastern side back onto Harcourt House land. Aiming for home Pamela took off with little urging from me. My girl loved running!

The wind against my cheeks, Pamela's mane flowing back over my hands! We rode hard together. The stables were properly awake now. Hug and kiss for Pamela and I was up the grassy lane. `Morning's' for the kitchen ladies! Coffee!

Up in the Breakfast Room there a few folk, some with blurry eyes! I wondered how late they stayed up. Turns out there'd been a some poker played late!! Monaco looked rested, he wasn't into poker. Cho wasn't in on it, he was keeping me company!!!!

After a nice shower I Joined Cho in the office. I looked `cute' greeted me! Black pleated mini-skirt, white short sleeved shirt, black espadrilles and some very nice silver baubles! He got a kiss!

I told Cho about my riding around Dunham School grounds, he was grinning.

"So you did a recon? What's it like?"

He pointed a finger at me, I knew why... that contraction! I just giggled a bit and gave him the skinny' on what I saw. I wasn't sure if it would be of use except as a school, as we had mused about a tech' oriented academy of a sort and it could be the place. For a later date, a note to Gil about it.

Monaco was going down to see Gregory and Freddie!

The Company folks gathered in the library. Cho and I, Eric, Andrea, Arthur, Jared, Douglas, Reg, Alex and Michael. I asked Nell to sit in too.

We started by thanking everyone for their hard work and expertise! Then each department head gave us a rundown on their projects and activities.

Michael had a nice long list of possible jobs in train, contracts out and a full travel schedule for the next six months. The latest out for bid was a railroad sensor update in South Africa, a big job across the whole system! He felt confident about it.

Alex's adventures in South America were very profitable. Contracts signed for water projects in Brazil's northeast and Amazon basin. I gave a short account to all about the little `problem' Alex had encountered and how we dealt with it. A few laughs about my part.

Alex was working on a monster deal in the U.S. with GWNW Railroad which covers most of the western half of America. It would a complete move to our equipment from track-side to server room! It might take an entire year to complete it. A lot of resources involved!!

That segued us to consider a new data center in North America somewhere. If the GWNW deal came off it would be imperative. We could fold our existing STS Railroad services into the new center. I was going to do the research on locations using Angela, Gil and Francis.

Jared had a new version of the Mac OS X Server software near to being beta. All that work hadn't slowed the updates and fixes for the current version.

The Windows last full new version had shipped. From now on only updates and fixes for Windows. All our present users had been informed that we would continue to support them as long as they needed for up to ten years. At that point we would reassess their needs.

Douglas' app teams were hot! A new version of the iPad app been released! Everyone using it loved it! It was more powerful and worked smoothly. The GUI simpler, clearer and the whole app was faster!

We decided not to pursue the app being Windows friendly or create a Windows version. Most Windows remote access programs were quite good for the same tasks. Microsoft Remote Desktop on a Mac worked beautifully to operate our Windows Server software version.

Arthur gave us a full look at our supply train and warehouse contents. The buildings we owned and vehicles, etcetera. What was happening with contracts and the solicitors. How the cafeteria was doing... right down to cost of insurance and paperclips... Well maybe not that far down.

Andrea followed with an overview of our staffing then onto specific groups. Network engineers, coders, hydrology folks, drivers, support staff, cafeteria workers and management and much more.

Where we were good, where more folks were needed and for some we were going to retrain so they could move into areas where we were growing!

Reg was last! He had loads of technology news. The third iteration of the transit vehicle video system was out! MAN and several other bus or large lorry manufacturers wanted it. A taxi company in Berlin had inquired about using it in all their cabs. He said after his bit we'd talk about that.

The video was very Hi-Res and the audio clear. It streamed with our algorithm very quickly, excellent results in every test!!

The `Fay' scanners were doing a great job saving time and money on installs at track side. He was running a test at a lorry firm at their entrances and exits scanning barcodes on the lorries.

The Seattle riding stable was proving to be a great testbed for another form of the `Fay' device. Those had different sensors added on. Reg asked me to give an overview.

I did chapter and verse but quickly on all the devices and their function. How they were managed, installed and used. Reg and I went over the how we might reduce the number of devices but get the same coverage with upgraded sensors.

The traffic tests were awesome! The London one had gathered enough data and the city allowed us to take control of several miles of road. We managed the signals and it WORKS well. The before and after evaluations showed our control moved more vehicles!!

The Seattle test had good data and about ninety days of good weather to go before the rainy season. So in two weeks we would go live to regulate the signals on 15th Avenue West and Northwest and side roads. We'd see if our systems could do the job with the drawbridge traffic flow!

Reg went on about several other projects in his shop using lasers and microwaves. There was a new motherboard design in the works for the `Fay' poles. I was no longer wincing at that name.

The last brought Eric up with the news on our acquiring the Houston microwave company. We expected to make first use of their talents in Vietnam since we had been awarded that contract!!

We might be using it in Papua New Guinea on the south shore job and if the north shore project materialized certainly there. Michael had a water venture in the Congo where the microwave technology would be important.

Food! That was me! Laughter! AND agreement!

Carla had the Breakfast Room sideboard filled with goodies. Cheeses, several types of bread, fruit, cut veggies with two dips, sweet pastries and cakes! Coffee, tea, soda and water. Everyone moved in!

I was was holding a warm Cho hand, squeezing, batting my eyelashes, cute smile... what more of a come on did he need... Cho pulled me close for a kiss! I whispered if he did that for while I could forget about the food... I got back `nice but not filling enough' in my ear. I tried punching his bicep but he intercepted it and squeezed me tight with a huge smile. I did get another kiss, a quite nice one too!

I went for food! A plate of cheese, veggies with the dips on top! It didn't take long for a return trip for more cheese with fruit and some dark rye bread and butter! I had a fork working on a bill slice of chocolate cake Carter's head appeared. He caught my eye... out in the hall was Thomas.

"Miss, we have another visitor, he's coming in from the river. He came up the Thames in a kayak. Marshall has a drone over the river behind him. He's trying work up the hill using cover like a soldier and he's carrying a rifle. So..."

Carter had brought out Cho to get Thomas' news.

Thomas said he had a gun team in the garden ready to move up as the man approached. Cho's face was firm, "Thomas, send another gun pair out to assist. Reinforce the stables and put them on lockdown. A man on every exterior door armed. A man to the nursery, armed. He's to keep everyone there away from windows."

Thomas' `Yes sir!' crisp, he turned to talk into his iPhone mic. Cho told Carter to tell the house staff, everyone to the staff lounge. We went back into the Breakfast Room to let everyone know. A man in dark gray camo dress appeared outside the door with a sidearm.

We waited! Maybe fifteen minutes. All quiet.

Yone came in, he was listening to his headset, a pause, "Mr. Cho, Miss Martin, the lone man has been captured. He tried to fire at our team, no one was hurt. He had a rifle with a scope. The man has a broken arm, Carl jumped him and broke it in the struggle. We have no injuries."

Cho still looking hard, "Yone, we want to talk to the man before any police are called."

He nodded and called Thomas. In a short while Thomas escorted us downstairs. The man was blindfolded, his broken arm had a plastic splint and was in a sling. His good hand was cuffed to the chair.

We conferred in the hall. Thomas said a scan showed there was no one else anywhere in our security zone. The drone showed no other river traffic nearby.

Cho quietly told Thomas to do what he had scribbled down. We stood outside to watch.

Thomas pulled up a chair. He asked the man his name... No answer... Thomas looked over his shoulder then back...

"You are in our custody, we will not hand you over to the police, you will remain here... a prisoner... incommunicado! Lost to the world! Until you give us what we want."

Thomas stood up and moved the chair loudly, stepping away...

"You can't do that I have rights..."


"My family... "


"You won't let me tell my wife and daughter..."


"Shit it isn't worth it! I won't sacrifice my family for them..."


"Please... I mean it!" His voice was on edge now... breaking...

Thomas very quietly, "You will have to tell us everything and provide some sort proof..."

The blindfolded man nodded, "I have a recording of the man who hired me... it's a video on a phone I've hidden."

"Where is it?"

The fellow told Thomas where to look, a plastic bag buried under rocks at the far southeast corner of the All Saint's Churchyard, Sutton Courtenay. Four flat rocks under three then under two.

I looked at Cho, whispering, "We've been there!"

He stared, "Near Orwell?"

I nodded!

Thomas had two men on their way!!! It was only a few miles.

Thomas had the man given a drink, then setup a recorder. It took little prompting now to get the story. He was hired to scare us not to hurt anyone. He was to spray the house with aimed automatic rifle fire, hit the building, make a lot of noise.

Cho was angry but controlled himself. We entered the room. Recorder off.

"Did you know who lives here?"

"No sir. I was just paid to do what I said."

"And your video?"

"I didn't like the fellow so I thought I needed some backup, I went ahead because the money was too good."

Cho got Thomas to go on. The fellow gave us chapter and verse. Thomas had two pairs of our Security going out to check on the man's family and his car where he put the kayak in the water downstream at Appleford. His car keys went with that team.

We were down the hall talking. Once we had the video we could trackback on the man who hired our shooter. Cho's arm around me, "It could get ugly!"

I nodded, I whispered a name... Cho agreed. We'd keep it ourselves for now. I asked about what Cho had suggested as a way to get to the man. He pointed to his own wedding ring. Ah! Smart guy my Cho!

The kayak was an ordinary one according to Carl. All of the man's gear was simple to obtain, nothing fancy.

Carl said the man struck him as being an ex-squaddie! Cho's eye snapping to Carl, "Sir, I'm ex-Army so it's just a feeling but strongly so."

"Would such a fellow be easy to find?"

Carl said yes if you had a few connections in the MOD. They wouldn't have to be high rank at all even better if they weren't.

Thomas joined us. "I feel the middle man was ex-Army the way our friend in there is describing him."

We repeated Carl's thoughts. Thomas kneaded his chin, "I'll be right back."

Yone joined us, "The men are in the churchyard now. The team at the river have the car and will drive it here."

Cho smiled. "Fay go up and set everyone free. Apologize and we will go back to work shortly."

A kiss. I did my task. Our guests and staff relieved as we were!

When I re-joined Cho there was still a smile, he lead me aside.

"If it's who think... If we bury it, no news, no police, nothing at all, it will cause them good deal of consternation!"

I had a hand, "AND if we protect his family... move them out of sight..."

Cho kissed me, "Perfect!"

Back with Thomas. "The package in the churchyard is on its way. The car too. The team at his home is waiting and watching. The family, a woman and a girl about six or so are there."

We told him what we wanted done. I suggested to start we use two from our personal protection team to guard them at the house in Froyle. When we were sure about ... " my hand motioning towards the room where our new friend was, "... then he could join them watched over by some of your team."

Thomas was good with that. I called PJ. Tara and Ro would ready in a flash with bags packed and into a car heading to pick up the family.

Cho asked why those two. I said both had been in the military and Tara had been in combat in Afghanistan. He got it.

Thomas called the team at the family home. "Go to the door, explain that the husband had been on a job and had a broken arm, not serious. When you are inside call and we will put the man on the line to explain."

In the room the blindfold was removed from Will, his eyes recovering from the dark. We told him that we wanted him to `disappear' for a short time with his family.

When he was able to focus on us and was shocked, "I know who you are... My god what have I done!!!!!"

He had been uncuffed. He brought his good hand to his face, wide eyed!

Cho put his hand on the man's shoulder, "No harm done. We are well protected."

We all sat down. The fellow was still emotional...

Cho's voice reassuring, "We have some men at your house talking to your wife. We want to move you all to a safe place. We will put you on the phone with your wife so you can comfort her and get them to pack a few things. You aren't going very far just over in Hampshire."

He looked up at us, "Thank you though I don't know why you would do this."

Cho told we wanted to get to the bottom of the scheme and if he and his family were out of sight it would worry those who hired him.

He was all for that, "They asked me to this..."

Cho stopped him , "They?"

`The man said he was acting for others... I wasn't told who or why but I was to put fear into someone. He said I didn't need to know who just they were posh."

We asked Thomas about the broken arm, he thought a simple break, could be set any time. They'd stop at a doctor's surgery I knew in Basingstoke. It was on the way and not far from a Tesco's for buying food.

We put him on with his wife, she was Okay! She'd pack some clothes for all three. Cho told him to say they be together by early evening.

I told the driver Tom where to stop to do some shopping and about the carriage house apartment. He'd be staying for a few days.

Gil called Mrs. Pelletier. She would go over to open the house.

"Will, you are going to a house near Alton. It's a family home, quiet and out of the way. We will be in touch via our Security people. Just spend time with your wife and daughter."

Will was still shaking his head over what we had done. He thanked us before going off with several of Thomas's staff. He'll get his arm fixed and have time with his family.

We had his video and whatever is valuable in his car. We'll store the car until he was ready to use it.

His weapon supplied by the man who hired him may prove to be a great deal of help. We could backtrack it's origin and maybe put it in someone's hands! Thomas said it was an L85A2 which is the standard infantry weapon in British Army units. It had what he called a ACOG telescopic sight. The serial number had not been adulterated.

Thomas said he'd call some old friends, one who works at the MOD, another in the police. The MOD fellow could do some checking for us, nothing illegal, to could see if Will's records had been looked at recently.

Cho and I spoke to the House staff. We told them what happened and what we wanted to do about Will. If we were to find out who paid we needed them to keep it close.

The Company folks reconvened in the library. We went back to work after Cho gave them also a confidential briefing about our visitor.

One of the items to discuss was the video devices. I didn't want The Company to try to defend the hardware because in the current iteration it was too generic but the software was copyrighted.

Reg's team was working on a proprietary device that would have a specially designed motherboard which we would patent. It was to have many devices built-in into it and have very low power needs.

They had a new design for photo-electric panels to top the `Fay' stakes with an attached battery that would be more efficient and work better with limited sunlight. They would also be patented if possible.

We reviewed The Company's strategic direction. We would continue our growth. Cho, Eric and I had gone over this a good deal we felt our changes were well in hand.

Buying the company that did some of the water projects was working beautifully. It had been an easy integration. The staff were very professional.

The recent buy of the Houston microwave company would likely be the same. Many of the current managers we happy to sign on with us. The old owner would do consulting for a year at least. It had a stable work force! They a good schedule of work on their books and we would add to that!

Reg came in then. He had talked with their technology manager about doing some microwave repeaters like our `Fay' devices to boost the signal in special locations.

We ended in time for an afternoon tea. Lots of nice food things!! I was naughty at the cookie end of the table briefly. I ran upstairs to change.

Going down the lane to the stables. A nice sunny day I wanted more of it.

Rebel made it plain he was ready!! I was up!

Monaco walking down the barn path smiling. He was pleased with the work Freddie had done. We would have five horses racing here this summer. Two this weekend.

Down on the flat I called out to Sunny and Charlotte I'd be back! I turned north around the hill. No one on the track today. Freddie had left for nearby race course for tomorrow's races with the two horses.

We crossed the Fraser's and Radley's at speed, zooming along the berm right out to Church Road. We crossed west of the Vicarage going parallel to a fence towards the river then north. A nice boat dock beside a hotel. A few folks were outside but we went up to a small stream that fed the Thames before turning back to Church Road. We walked through Sanford past the pub to Mr. Hardy's. He wasn't home, out walking in the lovely day probably. At the grass Rebel was asked! We flew south re-crossing the way we'd come. A shout-out from Dan Senior, I waved. I eased my speeding man by the tracks to a walk by the flats.

Sunny was in the small arena doing a slow trot with Prince. I stopped beside Charlotte who was on DD. A big smile, "They are good together. He's easy to control and calm. Sunny can focus very well. Once in the arena she's all business!"

I watched, Charlotte was right Sunny kept to the routine she was learning. I loved seeing her. I pulled out my iPhone and took some snaps and sent them off to Kay and Greg!

When she was done we hugged, I praised her. She had more to do. I saw Kate coming down the slope, I waved as I turned for the barns. I knew Sunny and she would do some galloping. A good breather for Sunny and stretch Prince's legs some.

Upstairs for a wash up, my timing perfect! Cho and I in the shower!!! We took a while to get clean but we had FUN!!!

I had to laugh as Jaidee lay on his side watching us through the glass doors. He got a big kiss from me!

Dinner was with all the folks before we headed to Chalgrove. Monaco with us. We'd be in New York for a brief time to do our owners' endorsement of Hillary Clinton then to Monmouth Park for Glaa. He was running for the first time since the Belmont. The Haskell Stakes had a purse of Two Million Dollars because he was in!

Our guests would stay over tonight then back up to London or elsewhere. A Gulfstream would take Alex and Nell to Los Angeles.

Prasert out front. Carter's fist bump! Hugs from my friends and colleagues. Sunny a big squeeze!!

Captain Kor had us moving right away. We expected strong head winds to Newburgh. Gil and Francis grinning as we made a big turn to port after takeoff! Gil and I did some work before sleep.

Monaco and Cho sat to talk horses.

Jaidee and I side by side on the lounge deck keeping an eye on Cho. He got our telepathic waves, looking up... a huge smile! He joined us, petting us both!!

I was ready for sleep it had been one interesting day. A text from Tara... the family re-united' All Okay'

It was still dark when we landed. A chill wind so I was glad about the cardigan! Navy short sleeved dress with matching shoes, stockings and bag. The cardigan was a creamy white with navy trim!

We lifted off heading to the Manhattan heliport. Monaco was going to Monmouth in this helicopter after we were dropped off.

Terrance was smiling even though it was still dark. `Early' he said wasn't a problem!!!

At Fox News we sat with Kent and a camera team. We reviewed what we wanted to say. We used a set then was like a living room where we could sit side by side and be comfortable, giving a relaxed look.

It recorded at ten minutes like we planned. We did it in one take! I was amazed how easy it was to use a teleprompter. No wonder so many politicians looked halfway good.

The crew and Kent said it was very good. We came across smoothly but with feeling when we needed to!! We watched it! Cho smiling, "You look wonderful!"

He looked pretty damned wonderful too. One of his great black suits, white shirt and a cardinal red tie!!!!

It was done, in the can, now to plan on its release. A talk with Bill shortly should have that decision made.

Bill's office with a cup of coffee! Bill watched the piece. A smile creeping onto his face at the zinger to Trump. His honesty was an easy target!

Bill wanted to run it tonight as part of the Six O'clock news. We said it was done, now up to him. Bill was thinking of running several times a week always with the beginning referring to us as CEO's and that it was Our opinion. Ha!

The other good news of the day from Kent regarding the concrete story. Joseph had a connection who might get a mafia guy to talk off-the-record about his dealings with Trump. Kent said if they could get him on camera even with the whole `no face, voice disguised' thing it would be powerful.

All of the connects on this were with cut-outs on both ends but a voice saying things out loud...

The papers Joseph had would need the fellow to go on camera to authenticate. We weren't there yet. It did look good though. Kent had a producer he trusted working with Joseph!

Back to the heliport. The manager was there now. He said business was up. Good! Make money! He laughed and said Okay!

Due south almost a straight line to Oceanport Heliport! Terrance had cars waiting for the short drive to Monmouth Park. Right to the barn. Monaco smiling, "The boy has had some great work, he's ready!"

James had been here with Glaa nodding his head and smiling!

Eddie was sitting outside Glaa's stall working some leather, smile and thumbs up! Glaa gave us a greeting! He got hugs and a kiss!

The weather was good so we walked over to the Grandstand. New Jersey Gaming folks and Monmouth Park people met us. I got coffee as the day had been a bit weird so I, at least, needed to perk up some.

We were escorted to a Grandstand box above where the Winners' Circle and finish line were on the edge of the track. Our neighbors gave us a bit of applause! Very nice! We thanked them all! Two races to go off before the Haskell Stakes so we relaxed in the sun.

I was fully awake when the Haskell post parade began. Our boy got big applause when he appeared. No bettors wasted their money against 1-15 odds. They all went to the place and show slots. We weren't bothering to bet anymore.

I felt some tension but thinking about it I was only concerned about the safety of the horse and jockey! This is a shorter race than any of the Triple Crown races at a mile and an eighth. The start was down the far end of the front straight in the chute area.

We watched the horses work their way way down to the left. They began the loading, I watched in my glasses. Glaa was his usual quiet self, going along in a business-like manner.

All loaded... CLANG! Glaa burst from the number five slot like a rocket!! He was running in full stride very quickly. They came down the track like a spear point with Glaa at the apex! Damn, the boy wasn't having any to do with the others.

As they passed us above the finish line for the first time Glaa was three lengths clear reaching out with each stride!! He closed to the rail on the turn whipping around tightly. As he shifted leads there was a five length gap. He kept up the pace all down the back straight no letting up. Almost a sprint but watching him there was no strain, it was a beautiful thing to see!

As the turn approached the lead was eight and Glaa was not easing at all. Mike on his back was as usual like a stone, his hands hadn't moved once. He was guiding our boy in an ever increasing lead.

They spun around the last turn and onto the home stretch Glaa striding out like the opening of the race. He came down the straight like the proverbial locomotive on full!! The crowd was cheering and clapping as Glaa had an eleven length spread powering over the finish line.

Mike stood in the irons but Glaa hardly cared still running!!

We were all jumping, dancing and hugging!!! Lots of cheering continued for our boy!

We looked at the clock 1:45.6!! WOW!! Glaa blew away the Haskell record of 1:47:00 and the track record of 1:46.8 for a mile and an eighth!!!! Eleven lengths was a new widest victory margin in the Haskell!! What a show!!

Mike and the outrider stopped Glaa halfway down the back straight! They turned back to the Winners' Circle. Race officials collected us after we calmed down.

I had Monaco and Cho on either side as we worked our way down to the track. Outside the Winners' Circle we met a lot more people, we shook plenty of hands!

Glaa came up, Mike's big grin! I stroked Glaa's neck, he was sweating, as usual he never got lathered. Mike joined us for the trophy presentation. Lots of pictures! The big mahogany circle base with the ornate gold and silver arches on top and the little pennants.

Mike and Monaco holding it together for photographers! Smiles!!!

Mike went for weighing! We walked back to the barn as Eddie had taken Glaa to the testing shack.

We sent some emails and texts around the world. Thayer had watched on TV, his congratulations were the first! He was doing as well as could be expected with all the treatment but staying positive!

Mike and Glaa coming back! Everyone Okay! Monaco would do a close look over Glaa but he'd never been in traffic today. Glaa gave me a nudge when I hugged him and Cho's hand holding a pair of mints was nosed out!

Fist bumps with Eddie and James, a hug for Monaco, we'd see him again at the end of the month in Saratoga for the Travers Stakes.

Out onto Oceanport Avenue up to the heliport. We did a reverse trip to the Manhattan Heliport. Then over to Minetta Street for the night. We made it back in time for the Fox Six O'clock news by a whisker!

Drinks together with Gil and Francis. We watched Megan Ames!! She was so good! A smooth intro to our piece... there we were looking so cool and collected. Funny, we had been that way through the taping!

Roslyn and Mita came in as it started. The room was quiet. Cho holding me! When it was over Roslyn piped up right away, "I'm sold!"

We all laughed, Cho thanked her for the vote of confidence!

She served a lovely pair of plump crab cakes, grilled potato cakes and steamed broccoli hidden under Hollandaise! A nice white Burgundy followed by one of Mita's cakes!! Angel food with green and yellow stripes around the sides and blocks on the top with a golden horse in the center! We hated to cut it... I did it! Gil took snaps.

We were in bed early, a long day! We would be off to Bangkok in the morning!

A hug and fist bump for Terrance at the heliport and a FAST trip to Newburgh. Kor was ready, we were wheels up in minutes. He put the pedal down for Bangkok!!

I was looking forward to holding the Twins! Seeing them on an iPad two or times a day was great but...

Work and coffee. Soka had cupcakes from Molly's!! They'd been snuck onboard. Lovely! I dove in! Gil joined me and... then work!

A funny email from Carter. They were on the last lap of the inventory. He was now calling it the Harcourt Domesday Book!

Duncan doing the STS sensor upgrade emailed about the `Fay' stakes. His team loved them! They were so easy to set up. Once the device acquired the 4G signal you stuck it in the ground and did the angle to track calibration test and you were good. They all were programmed in the shop with the server info before going out to the locations. Even that was simple via USB.

He had a gaggle of STS folks with him watching and learning how to set up the scanners. They would be responsible from now on. The simplicity made that easy!

Angela emailed she had arranged, as we asked, for new papers to be done for the Basuto Group. One by Shelia and Miki on the slowdown in Chinese raw material consumption and the effect on capital projects in Pacific Rim countries.

The second from two French economists on the failing effort of the United Kingdom to come to grips with the stupidity of Brexit. The long-term disaster it was to become! AND the likelihood of the European Union not bowing to any pressure over an exit treaty or subsequent new trade agreements. The United Kingdom could end up being royally screwed!

Call from Thomas to Cho. He got me close to join in on speaker. Will and his family were relaxing. Tara who combat experience in Afghanistan was sitting with him to talk about anything else on his mind. Will had two tours in Helmand Province. The second one cut short by a leg wound. So maybe some PSTD or... something else was bothering him!

Whatever he could remember would help. Tara and Ro would also do a general de-briefing, why he chose to do the job, was it really just the money and if so why was he so hard up for money.

Thomas had a contact in the Northern Ireland Office dealing with police matters. The serial number of the weapon was being traced.

A thought struck me! Bonk! I dialed the number of my friend the Colonel. He got it right off. The Colonel said he'd make a few calls using the `old boy' network and get some info.

News from friends, work, kids!!!!! Always a nice mix.

I got an email from Hillary Clinton. She thanked us for the endorsement and for being so public about it! Our rationale for doing it on air in trying to redress in imbalance of the old Fox News was great! She also thanked us for the donation to her campaign and several PAC's supporting her.

I replied we would likely do more as the election approached but we would be doing things on our own. AND in case anyone was concerned, I told her I was a registered voter in Greenwich Village born in Washington, D.C.

After food we ran up and down with Jaidee. He had so much fun with his toys! Espresso for us, chew treat for him!

Sleep! Cho gathered me in his arms in our cabin. I was kissed! A lovely one too! My face in his chest, our arms wrapping each other!

I ducked under the bed covers Cho laughing. A warm soft penis! I kissed those delightful smooth balls for a few minutes the engulfed the cock. It was at that soft slightly firm-ish state that was so good to hold in your mouth!

Cho's fingers in my hair doing a very nice scalp massage! Tingly goose-bumps when he went down my neck!! We did this mutual caressing for a while!! Cho didn't get hard which I kind of really liked. I got enjoy gently sucking and holding him inside me!

Cho did pull me up finally. A huge hug! Snuggled in tight! I was out quickly.

I didn't set the alarum... Cho woke me with a kiss and a warm hand on my belly. "Good morning!"

He laughed, "This is a rare thing!"

I got some kissing in! Cho had gotten up earlier and let me snooze. Jaidee was fed and Ban and Soka were working on breakfast! Magic word!

I did a wash up and dress quickly. Red skinny jeans and a white cut off T-shirt. Black jumper over that and black wooly slippers in the air-conditioning.

Omelet, potatoes, toast, fruit!!! Coffee!! Yes!! Sitting back looking around at us. Cho grinning, Gil and Francis looking at me then Cho then me... I laughed.

"Well kids, in September I'm going to be in and out of London being the `big cheese' at The Company whenever Malee does her thing! We have races in Saratoga at the beginning of the month then nothing until October. Then the Breeders Cup the first week of November!"

I nudged Cho, "The Twins won't travel until Christmas so going back home is going to be a must! I expect to see the insides of our planes a lot."

We got the message from Kor we were an hour out. Packing in progress but going slowly as Cho's fingers kept pulling on my bits! At last it was done.

The tarmac was wet from a recent downpour but the rain had backed off. We avoided the puddles enroute to the helicopter! Up and spun around, climbing. We headed southwest towards the river then followed it home!

First thing was the nursery! Chani and Charlie were awake! I picked up Chani, Cho got Charlie! They were bigger not so much. Chani's eyes could focus on my face which I liked. I got a gurgle! Side by side we cuddled our little ones.

Ku was at work, Eve was napping. We exchanged them after a while then I did a diaper change for both! I can say they were capable of making some good smells! AND I could change a diaper!

Sitting in one of the nursery rocking chairs with Chani and a bottle. Her hands on the bottle but eyes on mine! She was so cute! Those green eyes!!

Looking over at Tha with Charlie rocking like us. The Twins were so sweet! Tha said they were both very good babies! I believed it given their father!

Cho was playing golf with Rak, Thoi and Dad. They went to the Army course in the north of Bangkok. I waved as the helicopter lifted off from the dock.

I'd gotten hugs and kisses from all the men before that!! Phailin, Anong and Kanda would be over later for dinner with the golfers and visits with the Twins!

Gil and Francis had worked and now were shopping. Hitting some malls and shops.

I sat to talk with Tara on the conference App. Tara had spent more time with Will, Ro had taken his wife and daughter for a drive around the countryside and a stop in Chawton Gil had arranged. A guided tour of Jane Austen's home!

"Fay, Will does have some PTSD like symptoms and he's never really seen anyone about them. He did see combat. We connected quite well."

She said they had similar memories. He should see someone to help him deal with the issues which are keeping him from staying on any job more than a few months. Financially they are eking out a living but it was fragile.

I gave her Dr. Terry's number in West London. Maybe she could help find someone good between Oxford and London. I said to get Angela to help.

Tara and Ro would coming here in two days. A Gulfstream 650er was at Chalgrove for them...

"Wait! Tara, talk to Will and his wife. Ask if they'd come out here. They'd be safe and a local psychologist, Dr. Vanatonu would be able to help Will find an appropriate person to talk with him here. I'll put Angela on Dr. Terry for back there."

"I'll ask Will now and when his wife is back they can decide."

I went to Facetime to Angela. She got it and would start in right away.

Tara said Will would speak to his wife. He liked the idea. Okay.

I called our Property Manager. He said there was a three bedroom unit in the close-in building that was ready. He would hold it now.

The ladies arrived! It was beginning to rain, not heavy. We were in the playroom. Amporn made a light tea so we had sweet cakes and cookies. A big pot of tea. A new English tea service I'd sent along from an Oxford store. Cream coloured with very nice delicate red roses inside and out. A debut!

Ku came in, a big hug with Eve!! Me too!

I sat at the train layout construction desk. Gil joined me as did Francis. They'd spent some money on clothes and shoes and other bits.

Francis queued up our endorsement of Clinton for our Bangkok folks to see before jumping in to work on a resort hotel for the mountain side. The location was pre-wired by our Club friends for lights and a kid's Merry-go-Round!

Phailin came over to put her arms around my neck, a kiss on top of my head.

Quietly in my ear, "You are growing up my daughter! That was a very mature and intelligent statement from you both!"

Hug! She sat beside me, "Watching that I know you and Cho were meant for each other. You are in sync! It is quite wonderful to see!"

Another hug as my eyes filled up and overflowed. Phailin held me tight.

Francis handed me his handkerchief! I dabbed my eyes, it was a reminder to get on to Ellice about making some more for me.

A text, Cho! It was rain drops and explosions! I had to smile showing it to Phailin with Gil and Francis grinning! The golfers were in the air on the way! No time for anything fancy!

My iPhone rang with Tara calling. Will and family would be on the Gulfstream with her and Ro. Departing in thirty minutes. Okay. We'd be ready. "Fay there are a few things to tell you. I've already told Thomas."

Amporn had appetizers ready and Kiet with Achara got glasses for Newcastles' out.

I was on the terrace as the helicopter fluttered in. Cho grinning coming across the wet grass. HUG! Kiss!

Cho shot a 69 in the wind and rain. They had to stop play for an hour. He was very pleased, "I didn't know if my `new game' would do well in adverse conditions but I was in control! This round makes me feel more secure in how I am playing!"

Squeeze and another kiss!

I got to hug Rak, Thoi and Dad. It was only the second time out to play for Dad since our adventure outside his office in the Spring.

"I played quite well in the conditions and it was a pleasure to watch your husband. His stroke is sweet. So smooth!"

In the playroom with food and glasses of English beer we toasted Cho's efforts! Dad laughing, "Well we got to see their `Leaderboard' Cho's name is on the top!"

Cho was going to play in a Pro-Am tourney at Winged Foot on the Wednesday before the Travers Stakes in Saratoga. I'd agreed to go to the golf tourney but stay in the background.

We had a fun dinner, lots laughter. After when I was walking Jaidee with Thoi, my hand on his arm, the Old Fox, "I watched your endorsement of Hillary Clinton. Very sophisticated, it was intellectual without seeming to be. You two have mastered the art of communicating clearly without diluting your ideas or language."

I was smiling, how different yet the same between Phailin and Thoi's critiques. I gave him a hug and a thank you.

Cho was behind me as we waved goodbye to our guests his arms slipping around me. I leaned back into him. Lips on my neck!

Walking in holding hands, swinging our arms! One last look in at the Twins. They were sound asleep. Tha was closing up for the night. Her smile very big!

I'd had fun with them today. Laying on the floor reading to them. Chani liked being on her tummy, Charlie not as much. I held him while I did the reading. I was on my side next to Chani, she held some of my hair for a bit. Little tugs!

I was up early! It was sunny so a lot of laps in the pool! Gil beside me. Cho joined us towards the end for me, he kept going. Coffee, salapaos and fruit! Okay!

Big smiles from Amporn. She was making rice, veggies and roti for tonight. The Cho `kebabs' were the main course. He was training Achara! The Crew would be here.

I gave Ku a goodbye kiss, slightly sticky, as she headed to the Railroad. Eve was using the office for a conference on her iPad with The Company folks in London and Tono downtown.

I dressed for the meeting at Ni's office, blue 3301 G-Star low waisted skinny jeans, yellow top cut off at my waist short sleeves, yellow heels and a blue bag.

A sunny conference room, lots of plants! Ni had a green thumb! Any old root or leaf she could get to grow!

In Ni's office beforehand a tight hug! We were close, few days passed without our talking. She and Kavnu were an amazing couple. Kavnu's boys loved her! It was a special relationship!

We covered a lot of ground with her senior staff. The Apple Enterprise Network was working beautifully for all our iOS devices. Each of our business groups had their own `network' and the managers could now cross over to their peers in other groups more easily.

Email was secure, same for texting. Sharing documents, pictures and more all protected. We were a closed shop!

Our proprietary Apps working together was so cool. You could start a Conference App connection with a press on the screen! All encrypted!

The stingray' defense App was updated all the time with known' locations which we kept to ourselves. Police forces wouldn't be happy with us but that wasn't a consideration. We wanted secure communications. The App would be rolled out to more of our staff across all the companies as needed.

Duncan had it because he was working in the United States south where the devices were more common especially in Florida. His moving about had added quite a few locations to our database. His principal deputies, being `tech' folk, loved playing with the App. They had forced the shutdown of several devices in Florida. Duncan did let them know it wasn't a game though.

Duncan told me, "They like me and most tech' folk don't like to see technology used to oppress innocent people when they try to scan every phone that connects to a stingray' without a search warrant!"

We agreed on that.

Ni's team that had done the video for the Papua New Guinea presentation with the overlays and then did the smashing animation of the remote control of the water devices had new things coming. They were doing an animation for Alex and Duncan's presentation to GWNW Railroad. It looked cool so far! It would have wowed the STS folks even more than my magical show with Reg. Ha!

Ni's troops were working a new App for our growing accounting team. The main accounting software would reside on a server, individuals in the field would be able to upload data to a holding area.

The field folks would be able to scan a receipt or invoice or whatever right into a specific holding area from their iPhone or iPad or even laptop. In London staff would review and put it into the system.

The accounting team was on the top floor of The Company building on the opposite side from where we had the office Angela was managing. She was overseeing their division for now with input from Francis. They had a fiber optic internet connection to a bank of Apple OS X Servers. Redundant systems, backup systems, power management and the VPN link for the App. All the traffic was encrypted end to end.

When Andrea went back to work we would hire a manager for accounting with her help!

Ni was working on an App for Cho and I with Gil, Sanjara and Francis to give us access to the Harcourt Domesday Book! I guess I'd have to resist changing the number of sheets in the third floor airing cupboard! Ha!

I went over to Dad's office. Siri, my inside agent, let me know he'd be there. I was at the main door waiting for her to escort me in when Lieutenant Tak came by. He got me in and I found out he was a captain now. I congratulated him!

Sargent Siri came to attention beside us.

Tak grinning, "She would never do that unless you were here!"

Siri laughing and nodding.

I was in Dad's office doorway, he had his back to me on his cellphone. I cleared my throat in the most lady-like manner I could. He whirled around bursting into a smile and opened his arms. I slid against him. He got off the call with `it's my daughter' excuse!

We laughed, "A nice thing to see you."

"You saw me last night!"

"There can never be enough of seeing you look so good and happy!"

"I was just driving out of my way on purpose!"

Dad laughing, "They say confession is good for the soul..."

Another hug and I said I'd be off just a quick drop-in. I was welcome any time!

Siri held up her fingers close together as I walked out. Good, I liked to think she had a lot in common with Lek besides work!

I made the Newcastle run on the way home! Stocked up! Cho was already working on the sauce and kebabs with Achara when we got home. I nudged Gil, "Bikinis!"

A big yes! The sky was clear so we got to swim for a while, good to do laps!

Cleaned up I sat with the Twins. They were in carrier basinets as I sat in front of them to read so they could see me. I was close, reaching over to touch them often. They were looking at me the whole time. Little beauties!

Cho had had them out on the terrace while I was downtown, they a tiny bit of sun, the breeze off the river and lots of attention!

Down the big hall I found Francis working on his resort hotel! The merry-go-round was in place over the wiring and went around slowly. Nifty!

I placed the just finished post office over the fiber-optic cable and turned on the power. Yea! Lights on! Open for business!

The Crew arriving! I greeted my friends with mass hugs! Kavnu and Ni's boys ran off with Jaidee! Reyna looking wonderful, a hand in Thet's. Lawan and Thang! Hugs!!

Everyone got a few minutes with the Twins! Our babies were on their best smiling, gurgling behavior!

We sat around the terrace gabbing, eating Amporn's lovely food, watching Cho teach Achara about kebabs. We ate and drank, toasted and had a blast! Kebabs are number one!

I was beside Eve, an arm around her. She leaned her head on my shoulder. It was quiet enough for me to tell her about the possible need for a new computer centre in North America and ...

Her eyes on mine, I nodded. "Fay... "

"Well why not you? You know your stuff! We control both companies so going back and forth won't be a problem. It wouldn't be forever unless you both wanted it, we could put an end date if that suited you two. The point is why not?"

Eve grinned, "Why NOT! We'll talk about it but if there's no starting date..."

"Don't put off talking because you know how fast I move! I'm researching locations right now!"

Eve gave me a kiss after a mock `punch on the arm' for emphasis. Eve went over to Ku and slipped her off towards the dock. I parked my cute bum in Cho's lap.

He and Kavnu were talking some shop but my wiggles stopped that. Kavnu grinning, he called to Ni. She happily mirrored me with a gigantic smile! We did high fives!

Niran made his mango sherbet for dessert! Just awesome stuff. Kavnu's boys and Eve had kept him busy making lassi's too!

Espresso and afters!

Ku and Eve came into our suite after everyone else had gone home. Smiling Eve said they'd talked it over and if I wanted her to help open a new data centre they'd happy to go for a few years.

"I guess it would a matter of whether we liked wherever we were or ... "

They each got kissed. I was pleased with their choice! Cho also when he came in with Jaidee.

My little guy bouncing onto the bed, I dove in to get him! Waves of bedclothes flying! Cho following! We wrestled around Jaidee in my arms Cho holding me!! Laughing big time!

We calmed down eventually. Jaidee against my back, Cho my front! Kissing!! Cho had no objections to continuing for a bit!!

We did get in the bed finally, Jaidee in his, were aligned for sleep. Cho caressed me lightly, soothing soft pets! Sleep...

Up at my usual early hour. Gil grinning as she ran across the lawn from her place. We dove into the pool. Laps for twenty minutes before we sat for breakfast on the terrace. The sun was gracing us with her presence after heavy rain last night.

Eve joined us before going to nurse the Twins. I went in with Eve so we could be together. Our little ones were good nursers so the process was an easy one for Eve.

This was a day off for Tha, so Ba, our wet nurse, would stay longer today and I would be around all day.

On the terrace I spoke with Alex and Duncan on the Conference App. We reviewed the presentation for GWNW Railroad. I told them about the things Ni's folks were doing! They were enthused! They'd have tomorrow to review.

After lunch and several diaper changes! I did Facetime with Angela. She'd contacted Dr. Terry. There was a group of psychologists in London who had worked with the MOD and returning soldiers. She was forwarding a list of those she felt were the best.

When Will and family were back in England we'd hook him up. Dr. Vanatonu said she would interview Will when he was ready and recommend a local person to get him started.

They they were due here in an hour or so.

On the terrace as the helicopter landed on the dock. I welcomed Will and Eliza and their daughter Beth. I got them to sit for a few minutes. Achara brought out coconut lassi's! I took Tara and Ro aside asking them to relax but come back later so we could talk.

I intro'd Penny from our Security to the family. "Penny will be your guide for your stay."

She sat down with Eliza to talk about things to do and see. I asked Will to come with me. Jaidee by my side we walked around the garden and lawns.

"We said we wanted to find out who and why, you remember?"

He nodded, a bit closed but I smiled. "Thomas is working on that and we will share as much as you want to know. Okay?"

Will thanked me for everything, he waved the plastic cast, "Even for this. It meant I couldn't anything worse than I'd already done."

"What we want for your family is you back to one hundred percent and for you all to be safe."

We talked about his meeting Dr. Vanatonu. I told Will she was on the Board of Directors of a healthcare foundation I chaired. I liked her and trusted her. Will said he be glad to sit and speak with her. Done.

Gil would get it arranged.

I had a foundation Board meeting in a few days. Not formal, just a short get together and update on clinic openings now that the odd paint thing had been overcome. I'd see Dr. Vanatonu there. Gil knew.

Thet's folks took Will and his family over to the apartment. Penny would show them around the complex and where they could shop without knowing Thai and where there were restaurants and theatres. They'd have the pool and lots of TV and excreta's.

I walked with Eliza to the car. She had shy smile, "Thank you Miss Martin for doing this. I would have talked Will out of this silly thing if I'd known. We aren't doing that well but this... "

I said we'd see about jobs when they were back in England, something they would like to do. Hug! I had one for Beth who had spent time with Jaidee. Her hand on his back stroking the soft brown hair by the car door.

"Don't worry you'll see Jaidee again."

Big smile.

I had the Twins outside on the terrace for some time in their bassinets under an umbrella. I read stories and talked with them. Toes got played with a lot!

Cho joined us. Thomas had called and sent some files over email. The weapon Will had carried had been part of a lot sent to Northern Ireland for the Royal Irish Regiment. There it went `missing' with a dozen others and a large amount of ammunition. Several of the rifles were recovered by Royal Ulster Constabulary in a raid on a Protestation para-military group in East Belfast in 2000.

At some point it went `missing' again some time after 2002 from an evidence holding area. The Police Service of Northern Ireland, formerly the RUC, now had no information about the weapon.

Thomas' friend didn't know for sure we had the weapon but had to guess so. He didn't care, he trusted Thomas.

On Will's MOD record, the Colonel's friend said a middle-level clerk had accessed it two months ago along four others. They all were ex-soldiers with combat experience. They were similar many respects. Thomas had the names and asked what we wanted to do.

Cho and I looked at each other. I wasn't unhappy for us to have the names but if they could be put into play against us or do an injury to themselves or loved ones we should do something. We asked Thomas to co-ordinate with the Colonel and to do research on each and make a plan to speak with them. If they were chosen because of some shared post- Army issues we wanted to know.

Thomas was on it!

Cho took over being with the Twins so I could make calls before Tara and Ro came back. I did some conference App calls and regular calling.

Amarha was doing fine. The pilots were quite enthusiastic about the new aircraft. She was laughing, "The Agusta's handle so well, easy to fly with much more power than the piston older models. These guys feel on top of the world. Don't worry that they'll go a bit crazy, I'm on that."

The entire staff gave off good vibes. The new coffee system had ended the rush out to the coffee shop for a decent brew. A general air of things are looking up!

The flight line issue was over. She and Cassidy had discussed it and a clear delineation was done. At her request we switched to Facetime.

"Fay, I don't want to do this but I think Cassidy is having a hard time running the company by himself. I think the old owners were more hands on then you were led to believe."

She could see my nodding, "I suppose it was to give Cassidy a boost. To make the sale go forward like they wanted out. Maybe had enough because it is a sound company? Is there anything you can do? Or more to the point what if we asked you to be the General Manger of all operations at Boeing Field?"

Amarha paused, "I can do it. The tour company is smaller and well enough organized. Matthew pushes paper like an Army sergeant! Everything done right, I's' dotted, T's' crossed."

"Okay then I will call Cassidy right now. If he's out of his depth hopefully he realizes it. I'll be back to you as soon as I finish."

I talked to Cho about `Aviation Support' as Tara and Ro came up the drive. I let them know I'd with as soon as.

Cho was with me on changing Amarha's role!

Cassidy came on the line. I asked some questions based on information from Amarha without letting on it came from her. Some specific, some general. Then I asked about how the company worked with the previous owners, chain of command, etcetera. Cassidy was honest about it and confessed to being a bit lost in some areas. He was the mechanical type.

I gave him our thoughts and to his credit he was relieved to being put under Amarha's wing. I told him it would be effective immediately and he needed to brief Amarha on everything going on on his side.

Amarha was good with it and my suggested increase in her salary. She grinned on Facetime! We were good!

Cho was pleased with me. Kisses! I held him tight, more kisses. The Twins just watched.

"You are quite the businessperson! You lead, make decisions... Yes, I remember the `Buddy thing' but you owned that right away so it hardly counts. You think ahead! All excellent qualities you will need when I quit the businesses to be a golf pro."

The last got a yelp from me, I jumped onto him, "No... No... No...!"

We laughed and hugged. I insisted on some kissing! Cho's smile a thing of beauty considering my request! He gave in!

Tara and Ro talked with me about Will and family. Ro said the wife was upset with Will trying to make money doing something so dangerous to people. He had apologized to her but £5,000 was a terrific lure. He had been unhappy since leaving the Army unable to be stable enough for a good job.

Their daughter Beth had been insulated from all of it. Not now.

Tara had already gotten me going on Will's issues so no repeats of that behavior. Tara also felt that the man had been an officer the way Will spoke of him. They'd met five times, get him interested via the money and how it would be easy, rich toffs and all.

I asked if he used that word `toffs' Tara said yes. Looking them both, "Does that sound like something a British Army officer would say? Unless he came up through the ranks somehow."

We talked more but that word stuck with me. I called Thomas. Could his and the Colonel friends do a look see at officers in MOD personnel files who might fit the mold for age, physical characteristics and were no longer on active service. Yes. Their contact was discreet and careful.

I thought anyone rummaging around in MOD files ought to be!

We had a cookout with Niran and Achara being the chefs. All our Security folks were invited. They were by and large a reserved bunch but when a football was produced they loosened up a bit.

I sat on the terrace watching them in a circle kick the ball back and forth, bounce on their thighs, head it across the the circle, having a grand time. Cho was out there using his talented feet!

Tara parked herself next to me, "Fay, does `toffs' really mean so much?"

I gave the English person's view the word and its use. She got it.

"Now we wait to see if our contacts come up aces or not. They have screen shots from Will's little video. A few quite clear."

The next few days were alike, riding with Gil and Tara at our north Bangkok stables. Roy ready to run each time.

The Twins got to have me feed them, change their diapers, cuddle, read to them and watch them nap during the day!

Work and friends. Jian arrived from London! I gave her a monster hug on the terrace. She thanked us for the Gulfstream, a nice treat!

Then the big event of the first Chanthira Foundation clinic opening!

Jian and Anong had worked hard to get it going and prepare a nice but simple opening ceremony. We had Bangkok city dignitaries, a few from the government and locally important people. Our staffs and doctors. All the neighborhood people were invited.

Local newspapers and TV were there to cover this.

The Twins came as their first outing at six weeks. Very cute! Chani in a pale yellow dress and cap, Charlie in a blue onesie and a nifty knit hat. Tha had them in a pram with a big hood. They were made over by everyone.

Dad and Phailin, Thoi and Kanda and to our honour the Prince came for this the first clinic celebration! He was very gracious to all and thanked me for inviting him.

"This is a wonderful idea. So many neighborhoods don't have any sort of medical infrastructure close by. A long trip when you are sick or have a sick child is so distressing."

As our official opener, he was at the front door using our motto `Our doors are open to all, always' as he cut the ribbon and pushed open the door.

The clinic in North Bangkok looked wonderful! The Boxes modules were great, their CEO Kam looking proud! Kotro's design had been implemented perfectly. We'd be able to add-on modules at each clinic within the property limitations.

Samhu from RDS Construction who did the work on the property, plumbing and electrical, was looking rather pleased too. His company had done stellar work!

Kotro with Cho. We had given him a bonus so he knew we appreciated the work.

Cho holding my hand leaned for a kiss and a whisper, "I am pleased with all this having my mother's name on it. She would be proud too."

I was glad Chani and Charlie could be here so they would know later how much it meant to us and how their grandmother would be honoured! I held up Chani for a few pictures beside Cho and Charlie.

We went in to the welcome desk. The manager with a huge smile! The Prince had said to her how very nice it was. He got a short tour, examination rooms, treatment rooms, x-ray, showers, an isolation area in case of something communicable, staff areas, storage, the lot!

The colours were light, easy on the eye. It was so shiny new!

When we got back to the front there was a boy and his mom signing in for a visit. The boy had an infected toe. It wasn't too bad but he was taken in to see the doctor straightaway.

The Prince was really pleased we were part of the 30 baht scheme and much more care would be provided at little or no cost. He stayed for a short while having tea with us and the manager. He got to hold Chani and Charlie, smiling, "They look like you two!"

I hugged Jian and Anong, they'd done superbly. More clinics would open in the coming months.

At the house I sat on Jian and Ting's bed watching my buddy undress, she wiggled her bum making us both giggle up a storm. Lying on my back with a naked Jian on top, kissing, holding tight. I missed doing this but what we were doing was important for us. Jian with her family in London for now.

She joined in the bikini rush to the pool!

Jian stayed for a few days before flying back to Chalgrove.

Will and his family were doing well. Enjoying the city. Will had spoken to Dr. Vanatonu a half dozen times. We didn't know what was said but she did say he had opened up and was dealing with some things quite well.

We had them up to the house several times. Cho had talked with Will about how he was doing and what he wanted for his family's future. Eliza was a calm person, she had been rattled by Will's indiscretion but was now doing so much better, feeling safe helped.

She had been a checker at a store after leaving school at sixteen. She met Will at a dance, they clicked. His being a squaddie had put her off on going too far in a relationship. His deployment to Afghanistan had interrupted her getting to know him more. When he returned he was different, he was more serious and she decided to give it a go. Beth had come along and they were married. Her parents were skeptical, his folks were nice to her during Will's second trip to the war zone.

His wound and experiences made that service period turn things dark. He was so good with Beth and loving to her but disturbed. His demeanor, sleep, everything had changed.

She had met Dr. Vanatonu and liked her. Will's tension had eased off as he seemed to be ready to accept help.

I told her of our going away for a few week or so. They could stay here as long as they wanted. We would soon know more about the people behind what Will had taken part in and be able to advise them.

Hugs and thanks. We sat on the terrace watching Will and Beth play with Jaidee. Peaceful and very nice in the sun.

We were ready for the trip. Off to Los Angeles. Captain Mira had us airborne quickly. SakChai would make his American debut in the Best Pal Stakes at Del Mar tomorrow. He had one race under his belt, a nice win at the Royal Bangkok Club. Now he'll be tested against the best in California.

Cho and I had spent time earlier with Thomas on the Conference App. After takeoff we connected again. He had enough information to say the weapon came from Army stocks, given to or stolen by paramilitaries in Belfast, recovered and then lost again. Then through test firing at a private ballistics company, the shell casings were matched to a shooting in London by gangsters.

We now knew through a source in Scotland Yard, the son of a colleague of the Colonel, the gangsters were a sort of `men for hire' operation. You pay for dirty deeds to be done.

Looks like they had moved into selling weapons! The Scotland Yard fellow very much wanted them put out of action!

We decided to turn the weapon over to Scotland Yard with the caveat that the person who had had it last not be charged. They were good with that. We also gave them a copy of Will's video. I asked beforehand and he said he had given it to us so we should choose what to do with it. Good!

We'd check in with Thomas tomorrow unless something came up.

Eat and sleep! They were my schedule items. We all did those right away! Tan and Lis served up good vittles made by Amporn and sent aboard!!

The sleep part was easy. My last minutes out of bed were with Jaidee and a ball! After that it was quiet and holes being bored through the clouds.

We were on approach to Santa Monica gliding smoothly down to a soft landing. A quick turn and we were off the runway heading to our hanger.

Leslie waiting with cars.

There was a tall blonde fellow near him we didn't know. Looking very upright and proper, I bet it's Amarha's dad, the pilot.

Leslie intro'd Randall to us after we came down to the tarmac. He said Amarha had spoken VERY highly of us and had sort of challenged him about the noise levels between our aircraft. Our 767 and his radial engined World War II fighter not the Beechcraft twin.

Randall stroked his chin, "My daughter told me to get my butt over this AM to meet you. Please tell her I completed my mission!"

Laughing Cho said, "Will do!"

Randall, shaking his head, "Well you were pretty damn quiet. I can see her point."

He and Amarha's mother lived in Marina Del Ray, just down the road from us in Venice. Cho let him know we here overnight to see a race at Del Mar then on to Saratoga for another.

We talked a bit more before loading up on a helicopter for Del Mar.

Kavat always the man who get things done from a long way away, had a landing area on a disused asphalt space west of the track. The Del Mar racetrack folks were kind to have some electric carts for us to use.

We aimed for the barn where James had SakChai. It was nice and clean, good sized stalls and a smiling Carlita. She was SakChai's groom. James had hired her when SakChai was planned to come to the Los Angeles area. The two got along great.

James showed us some workout times, very nice! SakChai was ready. He was lolling about in the stall he came right to Cho. We petted him, that beautiful silvery white coat!

It was short stay as with his half-brother and sister we didn't want to disturb his day.

The carts took us around the track on the west side to the back of the grandstand. We entered by the saddling paddock where a track official welcomed us and escorted us to the Clubhouse.

More racetrack folks to meet and then we had an attendant to our seats in Clubhouse level 1. We had row 101 and the seats behind in row 201 for our security folks. We were in the sun which compared to Bangkok seemed mild and drier.

My sleeveless pale yellow dress was light and perfect, mid-thigh and with a small bit of flounce. I had blue accessories and shoes. Skipping the hat was good. We settled in. Francis got the drinks arranged. I was doing club soda, I didn't want alcohol in the sun today.

A race was finishing when we sat down. Then the next race went off before the Best Pal Stakes which was a G2 rated race. The post parade come out the tunnel to our left. SakChai looked brilliant in the sun. Our green and yellow silks shining.

SakChai was walking calmly like his siblings. Emanuel, the jockey, was described by James as very calm and balanced. We'll see.

The Best Pal Stakes was 6.5 furlongs on dirt. I was glad Del Mar had changed back to dirt from the artificial Polytrack surface. It was sometimes hard for horses to go back and forth between surfaces.

The horses had reached the starting gate out in the back straight chute area. I watched through my glasses as they loaded. It was easy to spot SakChai's white going into number eight.

Off! It was a good start SakChai moving easily on the outside shoulder of a bay. Racing down the back straight four horses were level across with our boy on the edge of those outside. It started to break up with two horses moving out. SakChai moved with them still on the outside shoulder of the one in front of him. I could see him going with a good stride no straining. As they reached the turn the far inside horse made his move for the lead. One beside SakChai was fading some so Emanuel moved our horse up.

He was a half-length outside the leader through the turn. At the top of the stretch Emanuel asked him for speed and SakChai responded like Glaa. The jets went to after-burner!! SakChai blew past the chestnut to open a three length lead at the one eighth pole. He cruised to finish five lengths clear!

1:15:06! Oh my! Our boy owned the track! A new Best Pal Stakes record!

We did some celebrating! Our neighbors congratulated us. A track official collected us and guided our group down to the Winners' Circle. SakChai came up. Carlita was there to put on the lead so Cho could take him in.

We got a nice trophy and many thanks for running SakChai at Del Mar. I told them we'd back!

At the barn we got to talk to Emanuel for the first time. He is Costa Rican with a strong accent but his English was very good. He was happy to ride our boy and thought good things were coming.

We told him about the half-sister and her maiden win. He was shaking his head, "Well I hope we can race against her soon!"

I did a fist bump for that! We stayed to talk with James. He was very high on our white star. "He runs with the same smoothness as his siblings and has the engine. He showed some today but you may have seen Emanuel wasn't letting go entirely. Plenty in reserve."

We had a cart ride out to the helicopter and a fast flight back to Santa Monica. Leslie had cars for the short trip to Venice Beach. Earlier our bags and Jaidee had come out of the 767, Ro and Ansara too. They were already at the beach.

Dolores was in the entry way, huge smile. "It is so good to see you again!"

Hug and promise of a good dinner to come. Alex and Nell were in town and came up for drinks and eats.

Leaning on the terrace balustrade after dinner with espresso and Amaretto looking at the city lights. Nell said she was happy working for The Company. Learning new things, using her skills, meeting new people and seeing places! Her life had been transformed. She thanked me.

"Nell we hired you based on your known skills and work history. So... " She looked at me... "You got here on your own hoof not fairy dust."

She laughed, "Okay point taken but still... "

I allowed no `buts' "Don't believe we have any altruistic motives. We like to make money as we have often had to say so just see that you do!"

We both laughed and I got a mock salute.

Nell joined Cho and I with Tara and Ro for a Jaidee walk down the beach. A warm night, short shorts, crisp white cotton, a black cut off t-shirt with a stylized horse on my boobies and black and white checkerboard Vans on my feet.

We went south. Lots of folks out in the evening air. Jaidee did some digging and rolling around. Some business too! Sitting at the tide line with Cho's arm over my shoulders, Jaidee's head on my thigh! NICE!

Nell's fingers massaging Jaidee's back, he was almost purring. I was a pleasant moment.

We were up EARLY going up the rolling stairs to the 767 in the dark. Captain Mira let us know it would be a quick take-off. Strapped in. Jaidee in Cho's arms looking like a happy puppy.

"He'll have to have a chair of his own soon."

Cho smiling, "We are good for a little while longer."

Mira had the throttle on full to Newburgh! Hansa was racing this late afternoon.

Gil with me working, keeping the strands of projects, plans, people together.

Cho sat with me for a look at our babies. Tha laughing as Charlie did a poop in his diaper as we started. We didn't stay on long so she could deal with that.

We connected with Thomas. Two men from Scotland Yard had come down to Harcourt House to talk face to face. They were taking it very seriously. I'd told Dad what had happened apparently he did some back channel talking to his counterpart at MI-5 who in turn spoke to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner.

Our new position in the world caught their attention. We had not shared our joint thoughts on who might be behind it. Letting it go along on an investigatory path by the police and our own private inquiries was our plan for now.

We did tell Thomas that Will could be interviewed using the Conference App if necessary but we preferred he and family stay in Bangkok. Thomas would past that on.

The Colonel's contacts were deep the MOD and police so we would probably get a lot of information from them. MI6 alumni and friends!

When we were on the ground in Newburgh, it was quick transfer to a helicopter and a lift-off to Thayer's house in Saratoga. Jaidee stayed on board with Tai and Ansara. We'd be back in a few hours.

Time for the Saratoga Special Stakes! Hansa was to go off again against the boys!

A white dress, scoop neckline with small red polka dots, red belt, stocking and red heels. `Joy' and no hat.

We stepped out on Thayer's drive like before. He and Sondra at the door. Hugs! Thayer looked about the same but he insisted he was feeling better. I kissed his cheek, "Please do what you are supposed to! We want you around for a long time yet."

A big hug, he promised.

We borrowed their car for the short drive to the racetrack, straight to the barn.

Hansa looked so marvelous. She was glowing with good health. Monaco and Jackson greeted us. I gave Hansa a big squeeze and kiss. A low nicker, a shaken head and some hoof scraping. She was indeed ready!

Sam and Beverly were up in the box. Grins and kisses, hugs and shaken hands. Francis and Gil behind us, Monaco beside me and Jackson, Sam and Beverly next to Cho.

The race was a G-2 with the purse at two hundred thousand dollars it was the same level and purse as yesterday's Best Pal Stakes. Hansa had drawn the five slot in the center of nine horses.

The bell for the post parade! We watched the horses come out and go down the track. Hansa moving so gracefully even when she was merely walking.

They all went to the back straight chute for the start of the 6.5 furlongs. My glasses zoomed in on her, just like her brothers so calm. All in...

Clang! A good start for Hansa she popped out front striding beautifully right off. Tomas kept her straight down the track, she had a two length margin by two thirds down the straight. She kept it there as they neared the turn, I was carefully watching her now... an easy shift to the left lead, so silky!

Hansa opened an extra three lengths in the turn as she stayed close to the rail, Tomas keeping her tight. As they came to the head of the home stretch Tomas asked her for a little bit more.

OH yes she had plenty! It was fabulous to see Hansa pick up the pace, she was widening at each stride at the eighth pole she was nine lengths clear. Tomas held her tight as she flew past the finish line.

Damn the whole thing was over so quickly!

1:15:6 a sensational time! .03 of a second from the record time by Corfu in 2013! Our little girl!!

We did some hugging and kissing in the box! Two winners in twenty four hours on different coasts!

Down to the winners' circle. We were getting comfortable in here! Hansa came up with Tomas' huge smile. Reggie, Hansa's groom, put the lead on for Cho. We entered for the trophy presentation.

Tomas was truly enjoying riding Hansa. He looked happy in our green and yellow silks!

"Miss, she's a dream ride. So smooth, responsive, always doing her best."

We split up. Tomas to weighing, Hansa for her testing and us to the barn to wait. I was arm in arm with Jackson and Monaco. They were in high spirits! We led the way.

Tomas came first, a hug! He said he'd heard about SakChai's race. He knew Emanuel, "Miss, he's a good jock! Very cool in the irons."

Monaco had gone over SakChai's race with James last night. They were back at Santa Anita now. SakChai was doing quite well!

He expected to be to say the same about Hansa. She looked good. The Hopeful Stakes was next for her. We'd around this racetrack a lot at the end of August, the beginning of September. Three races for three different horses.

Glaa in the Travers Stakes. American Pharoah had been beaten in that after winning the Triple Crown. IrishRainbow would run in the Woodward Stakes and Hansa. SakChai the same weekend was running again at Del Mar but we couldn't make that one.

Two Saratoga officials came to the barn. They knew about the end of the month entries and thanked us for bringing our horses here. Cho smiling saying we liked Saratoga a lot and they'd see us here every year since it was competitive and welcoming. A good way to end the day!

We said goodbye to Thayer and Sondra. Sam and Beverly were staying for dinner with them. We hopped aboard the helicopter for a fast trip back to Newburgh. Tom had command for this leg, he had us moving and off immediately. Full speed ahead for Chalgrove!

Cho with me watching the Twins sleep! The iPad bouncing slightly as Tha giggled, she loved doing this! The little ones so far up on the cute scale! They had Wowed the crowd at the Chanthira Clinic opening.

Sleep time after a terrific romp with our other baby whose birthday was coming up! Jaidee had proven to be a wonderful boy who traveled like a champ, took training especially well! Smart and loving, full of fun! I almost squeezed him flat! He just licked... licked my face!

Cho laughing at my having arm loads of puppy with a big tongue! To bed! Snuggled in deep with Cho! Always my favorite way to end a day!

A sunny morning arrival at Chalgrove. Prasert on the tarmac waiting! A smile and hug! We piled into the cars for the drive to The Company offices.. It was after rush hour so it was an easy run up to town.

First stop at The Company we had a company-wide meeting and video stream. I stood with Cho beside me to tell everyone that we were going on camera to tell the world I was a transgendered woman. They needed to know this was happening. If they had any issues come up, they were to refer any comments or whatever to Eric's office.

When we ended the meeting folks came up to hug and kiss, cheering us on!

It was a short drive to Basuto Road. Graham greeted us at the house. We went over to the Jian-Andrea-Ting home.

I got my arms around my buddy! She had tears! I kissed them away. Andrea holding Caroline. Such a sweetie in a little peach dress and cap. Ting was grinning. Hugs all around!

He certainly had the best of world's! A very loving family, cozy home! It looked great! They really worked on furnishing it and decorating.

Upstairs with food and drink in the sun. Caroline in a cute porta-bassinet with sun shield. We had a good time talking about all manner of things. Gil showed her snaps from the two days of racing! She had gotten some really good ones.

At the balustrade of the roof looking towards the `Common' with Andrea. She was doing a lot of work from home, she let me know the process to hire someone for our accounting position had begun. She had the position advertised, they would go through the CV's that came in and whittle those down to a manageable interview group. Fist bump!

She smiled, "Everything that has happened in the last year and a half is... well...amazing! You shaking up The Company, your partnership with Cho and the business, Jian and Ting... Caroline... it's all together in my head. What a whopper of a year!"

A big hug! More news! "Catherine is coming to live with us as our live-in cook, cleaner, baby minder, jack-of-all-trades! Jian and Ting really like her, she fits in with our eclectic family! Whenever they are in Bangkok I'll have her help here so they won't have to worry about us."

I thought it a terrific idea. I hadn't met Andrea's sister but Ting and Jian liked her so...

"She came for a visit on a day our nurse was off and pitched right in. I tried to stop her but no go! She is a natural and we've always gotten along even at home with my parents sharing a small room."

I told her about Tha and how she loves the Twins. I was worried... in a few years when they needed a different type of person to help them grow, what then would it be like for Tha not to be around.

Andrea tilted her head, smiling, "You would be the one to do that. Not many would worry about that so early."

I got a hug, "Since you are thinking of it I imagine you will find a way to make it work."

I was glad she was confident I could work it out. I guess I needed to because it was going to worry me in the background.

We spent hours up there enjoying being close to one another. I took a walk with Jian through the whole place. I loved what had done. Comfy, smart looking and suited them.

I suggested we do the Indian takeaway again! Easy on everyone and we could order enough so our personal Security folks could join in. SOLD!

The food arrived. We plowed in! Smiling, laughing as we ate it up. Ting had a good stock of Newcastles' though we depleted it!

We walked over the road stuffed and happy. Jaidee's tail going a mile minute as walked on the Commons. A silver-haired lady came by in red pantsuit with two Chihuahuas in red t-shirts. She said hello and kept going. I maintained a straight face until we had some space between us then burst out laughing, the others joined in!

Cho rolled his eyes, "I don't want to know!"

On that rather odd note the evening's entertainment ended! Prasert had cars ready and we whizzed out to Harcourt House. No traffic at all. Our bags had preceded us directly from Chalgrove. We went in before ten o'clock so easy was the trip.

Bed time! Kisses and hugs and I was under the covers holding Jaidee, waiting for Cho. Warm man! Sleep.

Up with the birds, dressed to ride. My man Jaidee alongside going down the big staircase. Coffee, scones, Jaidee food. I turned him out into the garden to do his business as I did our things.

Nan came in with him, she was smiling, "He greeted me at the gate. I'll bring him down after he eats."

Okay. I headed down the grassy lane. Anthony was getting Pamela ready. She nickered at my voice. A hug then a leg up. We were off.

We started with a stop at Harcourt Close. The foundations were in! I closed my eyes visualizing the neat brick houses surrounded by trees and many rose bushes.

Down the drive to the Oxford Road. No traffic so crossing was easy at Baldon Lane going east. We stayed on the grassy verge until almost in Marsh Baldon then a left aiming north. We followed the stream side near the trees as it headed towards the road to Toot Baldon.

We crossed several fields with various cows wandering about passing under the power lines a number of times. Then we made a big curve to the northwest going up a slight rise. I could see a football ground to the direct north about a mile away.

Our curve brought us close to the Oxford Road again I turned Pamela south we ran parallel to it. I could see St. Thomas School ahead. We went straight on then. I tied Pamela up out front.

Mr. Thorn showed me the completed new classroom and storage. All ready for school to start. Ms. Jones would have her Third Form in here. Computers shiny new, colour printer/scanner. Ms. Jones came in with an arm load of colour paper. She was starting to decorate for opening day!

It all looked wonderful for the children to begin a new school term.

Pamela and I continued our ride across the Oxford Road and south to Harcourt House Drive. Then a gallop around the house to the lane between the paddocks and back to the stable entrance. Ethan was there to take Pamela, hug and kiss for her.

I dashed upstairs for a cleanup! We had a meeting with the department heads then all the staff this morning. That was the reason for coming to Harcourt House this time.

Black skirt, white shirt, a black vest and ankle boots. Silver bits on my body and `Joy'

Cho in gray slacks and a black shirt, looking so goooood!

We sat with coffee in the library with Carter, Thomas, Carla, Gregory, Archie, Phillips, Audra, Dennis and Prasert. I stood up, "I... we need you to know something which in a few days will be public. It will be public because we are putting it out there."

I smiled, "I am a transgendered woman... I have completely transitioned to be a woman."

What was funny was the lack of reaction. Archie the one who I might have felt would be perturbed as a more conservative man spoke first, "Miss, It would be quite impossible to think of you being anything other than what you are right now, pardon me... a beautiful young woman."

I thanked him. It was a simple and warm thing to say.

For Carter and Thomas this wasn't news, nor for Prasert and Gregory but the vibe from the others was `it didn't matter' I was Miss Martin and that was all there was to it.

Phillips gave me a hug, "Miss, I was worried that something serious had happened."

"Well, I will tell the whole staff shortly but you all needed to hear it first from me.. We are going to do a TV interview to get it out there before some nosy newspaper or website figures it out. If we `own' it we stay ahead on it."

I got a kiss from Cho before we went out to the terrace where all the staff was gathering. Looking at their faces in the sun, anticipation seemed palpable.

After a greeting I told them in same way I had just done for their department chiefs. There was silence then Anthony spoke out, "Good on you! Cheers!"

Everyone seemed to agree! I got cheered which was amazing and I teared up. Cho came to my rescue with a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

Carter stood beside us, "Mr. Cho Miss Martin, we... " his arm extending to our staff... "want you to know how much we appreciate you and what you have done to make this House your home."

His words were cheered.

My eyes dried, I stood in front of Cho, "For those of you who remember how wonderful the last Christmas Season was here... Well this year our babies will have their first Christmas here with us and all of you! You are our English family."

I could see their faces were pleased and happy.

I felt Cho's hands on my shoulders squeezing! He moved beside me, holding my waist. "We are grateful for your efforts to make this House a home for us and yourselves. We are building something very good here! Something for the future!"

Clapping and a few hoorays. Carter smiling like he won the lottery! I felt the same. Our staff was aces!

Francis and Gil grinning behind us as we went down the terrace steps to hug and kiss our English Family.

We had a cookout planned for everyone tonight. The department heads would share the grilling this time.

Carla had a veggie burger and green salad lunch for us with a big platter of cut fruit!

I called each investor with Cho to remind them that we would be doing the interview in New York soon for release on the Thursday before the American Labour Day long weekend.! They all understood our rationale and endorsed our action.

Walking down the lane to the stables, dressed to ride with Gil and Tara. Sunny had gone back to work with Charlotte after they had lunch with us. I had already told Charlotte, Sunny knew some time back.

Rebel was ready, Con and Rascal too.

The three of us up going south, we paused to watch Sunny doing the jumps with Prince. He had a lot of power in his hindquarters. He brought his forelegs up easily and pushed up and over. There was a lot of space between his hooves and the top bar!

We waved and set off. Building up some speed going up the long slope, through the slender tree lines turning west to cross the tracks then easing away from the river around the BMX course on our right the opposite of my usual path. We rode east south of Thame Lane and along it to the Dunham School.

We walked through to the administration building to dismount. Not many students in the summer term we did say hello to quite a few. Mr. Richards greeted us at the door. Gil intro'd herself since she'd made the appointment for me.

I slipped my hat down my back as we followed him around. We saw classrooms, labs, meeting rooms, the sports facilities, offices, the refectory, nurses' rooms and the boarding houses for the out-of-town students. We walked part of the grounds before going back to the Admin Offices. I thanked Mr. Richards for the tour.

Mounted we turned for home. At my encouragement we had an exhilarating ride with only the pause for walking over the tracks we rode hard until near the flats. We slowed to watch Sunny in the big arena working the edges with Zephyr.

They looked terrific together! Charlotte was smiling, pumping her fist!

I dismounted and let the others take Rebel up to the stable. Charlotte and I talked. She kept her eyes on Sunny as did I.

"Fay, Sunny has amazed me with her concentration. There's a laser sharp focus when she needs it. She can be funny, engaging, up to cute tricks but in the arena or at the jumps she's ALL business."

This was good to hear! We would have to have the `stay at Harcourt House' talk with her and her parents.

The folks who did our arenas were working on the cross-country course, jumps and obstacles. So Sunny would be able to go over the course in a week or two. It would be a go slow until she had more experience though.

I got Cho to help me with my washing up! He did the washing of me I did the fondling of him then I washed him and got fondled back! Lovely arrangement although it did add some time to the task!

Clean and dressed for a warm evening in black short shorts and a short-sleeved red silk crop top, black ankle boots!

Carla and the department head as cooks had it all covered so I could wander around talking with everyone. It was such a nice day, being outside totally at ease with our people! I couldn't remember when I had been this relaxed in recent months.

I munched fish and salads, lost track of two Newcastles and had a great time! The staff knew we were leaving tonight to home to Bangkok to be with our babies.

Prasert dropped us at Chalgrove. A big hug! Captain Mira and crew were ready! We were all aboard and strapped in! Jaidee still sharing with Cho! Very funny to see that. Down the runway and up! A turn to port and we aimed over the pole to Thailand!

We had a nice snack after some work time.

I was sitting on my butt on the deck with Jaidee. We'd been playing for a while. He was revved up and I needed to get him chilled out before sleeping so I was gently rubbing his tummy. It gradually worked, a tongue lolling out, eyes closed. Damn the little guy was cute.

Cho helped me up into a hug! A kiss! Then I was scooped up! I waved to Gil and Francis as I was carted to bed. Holding a naked Cho was such easy work! Warm and tender caresses and kisses. He lifted me again to lay me out on the bed, he slid the bedclothes over. He made a quick trip to the bathroom before joining me.

I wiggled my tush back against him. Cho wrapped me up tight so I couldn't wiggle showering kisses on my neck and shoulders. We settled down and I was out very quickly.

`Alice walked down the lawn on her father's arm the sun shining on them. An exquisite beauty! The white gown covered in lace like that over her head partially hiding her face. The guests deep on each side of the walkway silently watching their progress.

My friend, the King's Equerry, stood beside me as my Best Man. Alice's mother smiling over at me from Bride's side of the guests. They liked me which augured well for the future of our relationship.

Three of Alice's friends behind them as her `Ladies' in pale yellow gowns similar to her white.

Mr. B**********'s placed Alice's hand in mine, a very big smile from him. We turned to face the priest.

As the wedding service moved along I was thinking of many things. Our life together, my old life and the role I now had from the King. I did not slip away entirely and did my part at each step of the ceremony.

Alice's hand was cool as I took it to place the ring on her finger. Soft and smooth, I did not want to let go. The priest moved a bit to remind me there was more to go. I felt those cool fingers as Alice slid the ring on my finger... she also paused a bit to hold my hand.

When the time came to end the ceremony I lifted the veil of lace to look into those blue eyes... shiny with moisture. I drew her close for a kiss. We both held tight!

We turned to her father and mother... we stepped to them. My hand shaken firmly but his eyes were wet too. My new Mother kissed me hard, squeezing my arms.

The Equerry clasped my hand and shoulder, offering his heartiest congratulations and the King's best wishes. I had a letter in my pocket delivered by my friend from His Majesty with those wishes for a good life and many happy, healthy children.

Alice's hand on my arm we retraced her path back to the house. Inside I drew her close for another kiss. She pressed her body firmly to mine, her hands on my neck holding for a long kiss!

In the large parlour our health was drunk to many times! I was careful about the amount I drank we were going to my home tonight. The cake we cut together and shared the first piece. Tasty and very sweet.

The gathering was continuing as were went up to change. Alice's best friend took charge of her dress, it was to be stored away.

I changed to riding clothes. May, Alice's closest friend, came to the door. She had Alice's right shoe. May curtsied and offered it to me. I tilted the so the coin would slide out to my palm, a silver sixpence. A token from her father under her toes. May smiling as I put the coin in a vest pocket and returned the shoe.

Downstairs I thanked her father for the coin as a start for our family.

We said our goodbyes. Many shaken hands and cheeks kissed. Finally in the carriage I had the reins and we slowly pulled away. Cheering and calls for good luck. Flowers tossed over us and the horses.

A final hug and kiss from Alice's mother with a whispered `she's loves you so much' in my ear. I looked over at Alice sitting beside me, leaned over to kiss her cheek but she turned head and drew me to her lips.

As we passed the Sheriff's barracks the men came out to cheer us! It was heartening to see how their morale had risen with the change of command. Colonel Packenham's adjutant had a squadron of mounted troopers to salute us their sabers flashing in the sun as they were swept out. I returned the salute and thanked the captain for the honour.

We rode on through the town and out into the countryside. The shallow valleys and gentle rises came and went until I could see the gate of my drive. A groom was waiting, he stood up to open the gate, bowing. I thanked him, he had a large smile.

My housekeeper and her staff came to the front door. She had a wonderful smile, her words of welcome to Alice were warm and from her heart. Alice had already heard a good deal about her but I knew she wasn't dreading the meeting.

Alice was so self-possessed, she would would be my wife and friend, doing so she would make a friend of my dear old housekeeper. They clasped hands in greeting.

Upstairs in our bedroom I drew Alice close, she took my hand to her right breast, "I am ready to be your friend and helpmate and your courtesan!"

At the last she pressed my hand firmly to her breast! A twinkling in her eyes told me it was to be an eventful night.'

Oh yes! I remembered my own wedding night right here in this bed enroute to England. Love! My man sleeping quietly behind me... there was a low thumping sound... Jaidee knew I was awake. I slipped out to hug him. A wash up and dressing.

Jaidee went to his box, me to coffee! We both took care of business. Jaidee sat calmly watching me put his food together. I put it down his eyes glued to me, I gave him permission. A quiet woof and he went to work on his breakfast.

I found a box of scones! Strawberry! Heated with butter on the side, coffee. I was sitting looking at the news stream from Fox. The Congressional republicans in America were caricatures, fakes, trying so hard pretending they had a clue how to govern. Cheating was their sole skill.

The rest of the world hardly any better. The Tory Party acting in the most disreputable manner over Brexit. Couldn't one of them stand up to say the whole thing was a bad idea, we apologize and now we forget it! No, I guess that would be the statesman like gesture, we were short of those these days.

Gil joined me and Francis soon after. I saw Jaidee lift up from his chewing or rather destroying a toy... Cho was up. The very one came out to hold me tight. Shining eyes! Huge kiss.

We got omelets, fruit and toast from Lis and Tan. More COFFEE!

Mira gave us a one hour out warning. Gil and I packed up everything I'd pulled out to work on. Cho and Francis doing the same. When the wheels touched down we were ready!

Ku and Eve on the terrace! Hugs and welcome! We went straight to the nursery!

Chani in my arms, Charlie staring at his Dad up close. Our little ones!

Tha smiling, "They are very good babies. They are learning when to sleep and eat."

Eve's arm around me looking at Chani. A soft kiss on my cheek. One for Cho. Ku did the same. Cho and I exchanged babies for a short while before nap time. Charlie's brown eyes so like his father's! I held him close kissing those cute cheeks, he grabbed some hair. We held each other.

Tha took Charlie for nap time. Cho deposited Chani in her bassinet. His arms around me looking at the little ones.

In bed later some kissing went on, I told Cho about my dream. He kissed my nose, "Well you seem to be running a bit behind the time now."

We laughed when I said Alice didn't appear to be a damsel in distress.

"Perhaps your subconscious has some reverse ideation going on?"

I hugged my naked husband, "I have to let it play it as it wants."

The morning was sunny with clouds building up, by noon it was close and we anticipated heavy rain. No disappointment. It was a downpour for hours!

Gil and Francis coming and going to their house got wet several times even with umbrellas.

We hosted a meeting with Thet, Sumate, Savve, Kora and the newly arrived Petra at the new Security Headquarters. They had recently moved into a new building on across the river near the Somdet Phra Pinklao Bridge. They had a pier for boats and a helicopter landing grid on the roof. A major internet pipe and a huge room full of Apple OS X Servers in the basement.

We took the smaller boat down the river, under two bridges, easing up to the dock. We walked right up into the building where Thet was waiting with a big smile. Hug and handshake. He said Reyna was doing very well in answer to my question.

Gil and Francis were with us. We were all sitting together to talk Security. It was the fastest growing company in our group.

Personnel and job re-alignment was top of the agenda. Petra was to become the manager for North America. Nicolas in Seattle, Leslie in Los Angeles and Gary in New York would all report to her. Gary was now in charge of all our assets in the city.

Stella was promoted to be the Eastern U.S. area manager which included our properties in the area outside New York city. She had Pleasant Valley and Upperville for now and she reported to Petra also.

They knew The Company had under consideration a new computer centre for North America so protecting that would depend on its site.

My idea from the beginning was to put the new centre in the 1211 Sixth Avenue building. We had space, a massive direct link to the internet and we owned it. Sharing with 21st Century Fox Corp. would be easy and a natural. Done!

Petra would setup there also. She loved the city, although a native of Minnesota, she was a New Yorker now!

Once we finished with that the Conference App was used to bring in Stella, Gary, Nicolas and Leslie. They got all the news, Petra was cheered, we went over each one's properties.

Leslie had the apartment building in Venice, the new hanger at Santa Monica and the barns at Santa Anita Park. Lori was contracting with us to cover house in Malibu and several buildings she owned in Los Angeles so Leslie had those. Pedro was considering our Security for his properties.

Gary had the two buildings on Minetta Street, Sam and Sadie's house two blocks over. The parking structure with the car service office there. The garage on Leroy Street, the heliport on the river in mid-town, the hotel in mid-town and the 1211 Sixth Avenue building.

Nicolas' properties had grown quickly. Our house on Magnolia, the Ballard Nautical yard, the offices for Greg's company, our house on Queen Anne with Kay and Greg's house nearby. Then the two companies at Boeing Field, they were one for our purposes.

Stella had a big space. The Pleasant Valley property was Sam and Beverly's and the addition we bought. Also Thayer's property was now included. The farm in Upperville and a hangar at Newburgh we took a long term lease on recently.

The Newburgh location would support our fixed wing and rotary aircraft. A landing grid was now in place at Pleasant Valley near the Stone House away from the horse barns.

Everyone knew we would likely be adding more property.

Thomas came in on the Conference App. He was now in charge of Europe which was only England right now. Harcourt House was the biggest piece. The multiple properties in London including The Company offices and Basuto Road houses and Favart Road. The hangar at Chalgrove and the house in Froyle and a new property north of Southwold on the North Sea coast.

The Southwold house was an large old gray stone estate of many bedrooms, a large kitchen with a fireplace, YEA! and a huge parlour that opened onto a stone terrace with a spectacular view over the water. Right on the beach and surrounded fifteen acres of open grass land and trees. Not so easy to get to since no major motorways went deep into the Suffolk countryside but a helicopter doing a big circle over the water to approach from the east wouldn't disturb anyone.

Everyone outside of Thailand got to meet Savve who was our man here and Kora, she was his deputy. They had all the Thailand locations. Our house here, and all the properties in Bangkok. Plus the house in Phuket and the facilities at Don Mueang Airport. The Forest Palace and all the land around it including the Forest Preserve. The horse ranch in the Northwest near Rabam that Chek managed and a few other places in Thailand.

The Railroad had their own security force which Thet and Sumate had ultimate authority over but was run as a separate entity.

Security came in many forms, armed and unarmed, electronic and human, our close personal team and uniformed ones. To keep the skills up we setup a training area for weapons and tactics in a forested area south of Sara Buri, eighty miles out Highway 1 north northeast of Bangkok. It had a firing range, housing for overnight trips and safe storage and was guarded.

We were spending a lot of money on this division. It was necessary, absolutely necessary. Will's foolishness was proof of how necessary and how effective it had become.

We were gaining some clients like Lori, The Company and others so a bit of money was coming back. We were going to market it to selected people like we had the car service in New York.

We toured the whole building after the meetings. Lots of light from many windows and skylights. The exterior wall offices all had floor to ceiling glass that was multiplane with an inert gas mixture inside that makes it impossible to see inside after darkness fell even with the lights on.

The computer room was amazing! All the rows of racks filled with Apple OS X Servers humming away. Kora was the mastermind of this! We did fist bumps! She loved it!

Going back upriver I was with Cho on the bridge. We stood looking around at the activity on the water. Boats, large and small, zooming around. Some laden with goods, a ferry going by, a police boat and a wooden boat like a big cutter piled high with rolls of cloth.

So many colours on the water and shore. I enjoyed seeing it all. We eased alongside our dock. I stepped off into Cho's arms. HUG! KISS!

We went to the nursery right off. The babies were awake, ready to feed. We got bottles and sat with the Twins. We talked to them and each other giving them both the sound of our voices. We did it through the Conference App but now we could touch, caress them, they could feel our warmth.

Chani happy to suck on the bottle those eyes on my face! We had a great time! Two good feeders were ready for some play time then sleep. Chani liked having her tummy rubbed, it was great fun!

Tha put them down as they got drowsy so they could learn to go to sleep in their bassinets. She working to train their little selves.

We ordered our week around their schedule so they'd see a lot of us. Work and play! Cho went out to play several times with Rak on different courses. He kept up his string of under par games! Our next trip would be to New York where he'd play in a Pro-Am tourney. He felt his game was up to it!

We did a run up to Aao Khamoht with Gil and Francis. It was their first time. They got to swim in the phosphorescent waters after dark. It was still a magical thing to me.

We swam to shore afterwards with Tara and Ro in the skiff with some gifts. As we walked towards Tani's house Cho was surrounded by the footballers wanting him to play. I wished him luck. Cho took the new ball with him. Loud clamoring!

Tani and her mother Kure were sitting together, Tani learning some sewing. My gifts for them were much the same as before. A new dress for each of Tani's two dolls, shimmering gold and silver ones. A dark blue set of clothes for the brother doll. A box of assorted spools of thread for Kure. Many colours and thread thickness. Some special gold and silver thread included.

Ban was at his parent's home about thirty kilometers away doing some repairs for them, he'd be back in two days. They were all doing very well. The job at the fishing net business Cho setup was very good for Ban. He made a good living and was home each day for dinner.

I loved being able to sit and talk with them. Kure commented my Thai so nearly like a native. A great compliment!

We wandered down to the beach football pitch. It had lights courtesy of Cho. Cho was dribbling down the right getting around a defender and hooked a cross in front of the goal. A boy in light blue shorts stuck it in goal!

Big celebration! Cho bowed out of the game at that point. We returned in any easy swim to the yacht. On the fantail drying my hair with Gil and Tara when the steward brought out champagne.

Okay! I gave one to Tara and my blessing. We gave a salute to the men above and sipped our wine!

I parked on the padded bench. The night changing could be felt as rain was building up to west. We had a bit of time then it started. We retreated to the saloon to finish the wine then to bed for us.

I missed my little puppy. Cho promised we'd bring Jaidee next time.

Naked in Cho's arms beside the bed, kissing, petting... I giggled thinking about the first trip with Jian and Ting. We made love beside each other right here on this bed. I told Cho what I was thinking...

He lifted me onto the bed after sweeping the bedclothes down. On my back with open thighs Cho lowered himself onto me. I enclosed him with my limbs... ooooohhhhh warm and happy, we kissed.

Cho's kiss to my neck caused me to yawn... I giggled... Cho leaned back, "Am I boring you?" A HUGE grin!

We laughed out loud together! Tight hug! Cho turned me around pressing his body against my back, pulling up the covers over us.

A kiss on the back of my neck, "Sleep, little one!"

In the dark we docked, Cho called the others to come with us. He got us in the kitchen, a finger aimed at me, "Cut some fruit for us!"

His finger moved to point at Gil, "Coffee! Utensils!"

He swung last to Francis, "Toast with butter and preserves on the side."

He grabbed the eggs and a big bowl, I heard the cracking of the shells as I gathered rose apples, a pineapple, guavas and oranges to cut up. I went to work making a big platter of fruit in a cute design like a crazed star.

Francis leaned over my shoulder, "Eat or look at?"

I gave him an elbow, "EAT!"

The kitchen filled up up with the various smells, warm coffee scent, the butter cooking under the egg batter. Warm bread smells too!

Francis took plates to Cho and Gil and I toted things out to the terrace, lit the lamps and heaters. We brought the coffee carafe and fixings out to the side table and parked ourselves awaiting the omelets!

It wasn't long before Chef Cho came out with a tray of four plates piled high with luscious looking eggs! I could smell onions and the melted cheese!

Eat! We did! Not much talking at first then as the food gradually disappeared we talked about the phosphorescence in the small bay, the small settlement. I told them about Cho bringing the fishing net business there because the men couldn't make a decent living by fishing alone. Now they did both part-time and it was good. Cho smiling said it was my idea to bring something there to help them.

Eve came out as we finished, she was going in for the first feeding of day. I went with her to be with our babies. Eve did them one at a time with me holding, kissing, playing with them. A diaper change. A onesie's on for Dad to cuddle before going to play golf. Practice round!

Cho and I sat on the terrace in the sun, our Twins in their bassinets with the sun cover over them. We talked to them and Gil and Francis came over to join in. We kissed and hugged Ku on her way to The Railroad.

Cho left to get Rak, Thoi and Dad for golf. Big goodbye kiss and a `break a leg' shouted out. I know that's for theatre folk but who cares!

Gil and I worked on the terrace until the clouds moved in and some thunder gave us a warning. In the playroom we laid out some timelines on the covered billiard table. I'd been ignoring it. Tonight after dinner boys versus the girls! Gil and Francis were up for it!

There was a long funny Conference App time with the Jian-Andrea-Ting team! It was sunny in London, they were in the roof garden. Little Caroline looking sweet in pink with a tiny pair of wayfarer sunglasses! Cool girl!

Text from Cho... a golfer emoji then a long run of stars! Okay I got it! I sent back a gold medal.

Kanda, Phailin and Anong joined us before the `golfers' came home. The rain had gone and we had drinks on the terrace. Amporn doing dinner but managed some very nice snacks for us. Kiet and Achara taking care of us when the men arrived. Hugs and kisses all around.

Cho had shot a 67 on the Army course. They'd been interrupted several times by rain but no lightning. Cho was very pleased with his round, "It was messy in spots, I am swinging very well."

He'd have his big chance in a few days at Winged Foot. Dad was feeling very good about his 81, "Fay, my leg does not bother me, it is strong!"

Hug. I was so glad there was nothing but a scar coming from that day in February.

Dinner was fun as it always was with this crowd. We went down to the playroom afterwards. Cho and Francis against Gil and I at `eight ball.' Dad flipped a coin, girls won. It was to be the best of three.

I broke! Two high numbered balls rolled in. Cho shaking his head, I giggled. I got on with running the table. One after another I sank each of the balls until the eight was sitting so lonely on the cushion halfway down between a corner and side pocket. I slipped around the table, leaning over for a quick look, lining it up... Bang! It rolled in sweetly. Applause from the crowd sitting on the banquette!

Cho's smile and shaking head. The balls were racked. I bowed to him, extending my arm. Cho took the hand to his mouth, a kiss after he pretended to bite!

Cho broke... nothing fell. Gil was up. She looked at me, my gaze over the table... I said `low' to her. Gil sank two before missing. Francis up. He admitted to playing a fair amount in his teens but rarely since.

Francis put three away before getting stymied. I took over. Cho had his eyes closed as I began. The two was a cross table carom into the side, six was crunched into the same pocket and then I ran the four, five and seven down the table. The last left the cue ball coming back to me with a line up on the eight in the side. It dropped.

Cho's head was shaking, I went over to hold that gorgeous head still. Kiss!

I ceded my cue to Dad. He and Gil played the last game together. Cho finally got to shoot some. He rolled in the last four for his side and popped the eight down! Good!

We kissed everyone goodbye at their cars. They knew we'd be gone the day after tomorrow.

Walking the lawn with Jaidee, my hand held tight. It was getting close again, no moon or stars, a distant rumble then some much closer. We headed back as the first drops began falling. We watched it come down heavily from under the roof at the terrace edge.

Jaidee against my leg, the rain was no big deal, he wasn't fond of the rumbling noises. No running, he was leaning hard against me. I knelt wrapping my arms around him. Cho on the other side stroking Jaidee's ears. We were Okay.

With the sun in the morning I got in thirty minutes of laps in the pool with Gil. Cho had gone out earlier with Francis to one of the banks. Coffee, patongos with cream and fruit! Amporn grinning, "Fay, I will make them more often. You enjoy them so."

I was up for that! She would make a box for the trip! Yes!

Gil did a bunch of things for me while I did diaper changing and playing with the Twins. Charlie still wasn't sold on being on his tummy but Chani loved it. We had fun on the nursery floor and I did some reading to them. They got a feeding and then sleep time.

Once the Twins were down I went to the train layout. I finished a few buildings that were works in progress. Several of The Railroad Model Club fellows came to do more wiring and put on the overlay for the lighting control panel.

I made the factories chimneys smoke! Great! The water wheels at the mills went round and round. I put together a freight train of twenty cars and sent it off. Fun to see it disappear into the tunnel then go down to the far end of the table. I sent it around again but flipped a switch so when it popped out of the tunnel this time it headed to the town. Once there I backed it up into a siding near the factories!

Cheers! From Gil, "Fay, can we get those American train engineer hats? You know like in the movies, a big crown and bill and stripes."

Laughing, I said fine, look them up and order some for all of us. A thumbs up from her!

Gil grinning as we added another train of just Pullman cars and a cute little caboose to the goods train. We ran them both around the tracks going and out of the town! Terrific fun!

Tha brought the Twins down to the playroom when they woke up. I held Charlie so he could see although I knew he really couldn't see much. Gil drove a train by us several times while Charlie was close up. I did the same for Chani then we sat out on the little terrace that was to be their play area.

Under an umbrella I talked with them, Tha brought out a child's book on trains which I read to them. My fingers stroking each, little kisses and the odd gurgle!

Cho came out to us. Me a big hug and kiss, he sat beside Charlie to kiss and hold for a few minutes. Chani had one hand up opening and closing as her Dad lifted her up to his face. Sweet kids.

Time for some feeding. Tha brought out bottles to us. We cuddled them, they nursed very nicely. Eve standing by the big folding doors smiling. She had done her feeding sessions, now us then Ba would take over. Tha took the Twins in for a diaper check and then nap time.

The six of us had a quiet dinner then packing. We boarded the helicopter on the dock after midnight.

At Don Mueang we walked up the stairs into the lounge, the engines already warmed up. The door was closed and we were rolling immediately. Stephanie's voice over the tannoy letting us know we'd be airborne right away. Strapped in, Jaidee in a new cushioned dog holder that was belted in a seat. The roar of the engines as we rolled to the head of the runway in a big turn and no stopping just the power rush down the asphalt. Up with a slight turn to starboard. Over the pole for us.

We did a few things but everyone headed to bed fairly soon. Tara had run Jaidee up and down a bit, Cho scooped him up to carry him into bed. The little guy's chin on the edge of his bed watching us undress. I bent over him to kiss that chocolate head.

I bed with a warm Cho! We kissed for a while... a hand snaked around my hip to rest on my sex... a small squeeze as the lovely lips pressed onto my neck. I covered his hand with mine... pressing down. A few more kisses then lights out.

Comments are welcome to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 50

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