
By A becker

Published on Mar 27, 2022



When we were out Cho and I discussed it. I believed they would want to have some sort of check done on Yevgeny. How had they homed in on Minetta Street?

I checked the time in Washington and emailed Theodore. To make links easier we'd given Theodore an email account on one of our systems so all connection was encrypted by us.

He got back to me quickly. His email said his last contact with his Russian `mules' was three days ago... he would reconnect tomorrow morning. And he'd check with the FBI on anything the Russians might have going in New York City.

I thanked him.

He replied he hoped our `homeless ones' had fun! ;-)

I replied it seemed so. ;-)

Cho smiling, "Well... it would be prudent of the Russians to want to know where Yevgeny was... he certainly should be considered a risk by them even if they completely believed the `cover' story."

I was nodding, "Gary's last email said they were adding assets to Minetta Street for undercover work. I guess some of ours will have a bit of entertainment."

Cho's chuckle made me vibrate. Kissing!!

The Twins puzzle was done... it was Jaidee on the Rêve quarterdeck grinning with a bit of tongue sticking out. What a darling boy! Chani and Charlie loved it!!!

Charles had taken the snap!


Gil took a call from one of the two Labour fellows I met at Westminster. He wanted to thank me even before any voting for all my efforts. Gil handed me her phone. We talked briefly.

I gave it back. Turning to Cho, "He's excited... the last polls show Labour ahead nationally... translating that to individual ridings was the thing. They are optimistic but not going crazy."

We would go to the village tomorrow to vote taking the Twins along. Their first brush with electoral politics!

Jasmine and I talked. She had six possibles for two teaching positions at Denham School. She was coming back to use the flat under Carter's house to do final interviews.

I told her it was great... get Security on the same page as you and Carter2 to setup some refreshments.

It was bright clear morning, chilly, lovely. Roland had given me a terrific ride, his last run from Sandford a tour de force by him. POWER! My Protectors caught up on the Flats... we exchanged fist bumps.

That made Freddie smile as he came down with a couple of horses to the tracks.

"Fay, it's always great to see a rider enjoying their run!"

A fist bump with him.

Breakfast over... time to clean up and go vote.

Skinny red jeans, white shirt, blue jumper. Gold bits, `Joy' and black ankle boots. The navy blue Coach coat, Hermes French flag scarf and navy leather gloves.

The Twins in blue, white and red! Cho also! Fun! Lots of clapping by the Twins.

A chilly wind but we were all prepared!

We decided to walk, carry and walk with the Twins. Gil, Francis coming to vote also, Angie had moved her registration here too, Tara and Ansara along.

A nice family stroll down the drive, seeing the shrubs and trees budding.

We went in... at the polling station... a short wait then we were done. Outside we did hellos with quite a few villagers. The Twins met some of the children they'd seen at Christmas.

We went by way of the Nuneham Arms... Cho had a pint, I did fizzy water and the Twins got small colas. In a booth... neighbours coming by saying `hi' and marvelling at the Twins sitting up with their drinks.

Cho and Charlie went to the games room... Chani stayed put.

The B&B lady said `Hi', "Your airplane folks keep me busy."

"Is that good?"

"Oh Yes! They are easy and very nice. I see many over and over."

She leaned closer, "I am putting away a tidy amount too... in my savings account... so it's all good!"

I said I was glad we were helping, a big smile from her.

Cho and Charlie came back with big grins... "Mama I played pinball with Popa!"

He slid into the booth against me.

"It was the best fun."

I was smiling... inside worrying about having one of those bell ringing things in the house.

Cho beside me walking home... the Twins were up ahead with Angie.

He nudged me... "Don't worry I won't make a habit of it."

A squeeze. A kiss.

I took Gil and Ali into the Library after lunch for work time. Hours and a lot of coffee later... we had it done.

Jasmine had been in to say `Hi' before starting with her applicants.

"Both Phillips and Archie have been a big help with evaluating the possibles skills. Me... I can kill any plant."

Laughing I said I didn't have a green thumb either.

Walking across the Great Room to watch the Twins and Jaidee on the Rêve! Great stuff!

I stepped out to the Terrace... bbbrrr a chill wind. The Babies were catching a prize! Jaidee going for'ard to join Charlie in boarding the enemy!

Delphine with me as I approached the `dread pirates' ship.

Chani leaned over the rail to fist bump.

Tha was calling `time' on this raiding voyage. We helped the crew to descend the steps. We went hand in hand to Popa on the Terrace.

Cho knelt down to ask the results of their voyage. Lots of ships captured!! Fist bumps for them!

Jasmine came back up... She was done... now to make the decisions. She was to meet with Phillips and Archie in the flat. Fist bump!

I went to ride. Cho took the Twins to the pool! We came back together in the Great Room we were all cleaned-up... big smiles.

Jasmine sat with us... she had made her choices and let all the applicants know her decisions. The two chosen were Oxfordshire people, a man for the farming and a woman for the gardening. Married with families, rooted... Ha! in the community. My feeble joke did draw smiles.

Quade, a farmer who has two sons working the family farm who learned the business from him. His wife had seen the listing for the Denham position and suggested he give it a go. They live near Marcham so a short drive for him.

Ivy would likely get a few jokes about her name was forty five, married with two children now out of the house and a husband working for the MOD at RAF Benson. They had a house in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell with a garden she'd worked for fifteen years. It was just she and the husband so lighter work at home. She had been a teacher of science before stopping after her second child was born.

The summer term would have both teaching! I was pleased.

I asked Jasmine to research the possibility of having some sort of mechanics classes... like engines or maybe basic automobile maintenance. She should talk with Prasert and Gerry. A thumbs up.

After dinner we moved to the Game Room where the TV was tuned to the BBC or Sky UK News! Back and forth before settling on Sky UK.

The election results started to come in... tories holding a few seats... then results in part of the tory blue belt where I had worked started to come in... right away four tories were turned out by Labour another by a Lib-Dem. I had visited all of those!

Gwendolyn won by a good margin. Flipping the seat back to Labour!!!

It became an onslaught on tories as Labour was blowing them away. Sitting tories falling all over. Tories losing big time in Scotland mostly to SNP!

In the southwest where I had gone to several ridings went Labour or Lib-Dem. Around London, Liverpool, Manchester... all the cities were being swept by Labour. The tory in my old Fulham riding was tossed out by a Lib-Dem!

Here in southern Oxfordshire Clark held his seat easily. He called to say thank you my visiting! I told him it didn't look good for his party... I was surprised by his response...

"Your Ladyship, we don't deserve to hold the government... at least not until we can earn the people's trust again."

Cho did raised eyebrows hearing that.

Sunny said her friends would be surprised by the voting around the country... a lot of tories here.

It was looking like a very dominating Labour win! Sky UK News was predicting over three hundred and sixty seats for Labour! Wow!

It was easy to sleep tonight! The country had rejected the tories in a huge way!!

I was up in the dark, Jaidee got a kiss. Changed and going down... Marigold just arriving.

"Your Ladyship, what an election win for Labour." She said she'd heard they had three hundred and seventy seats!!"

Fist Bump!!

It was pleasing to hear. Jaidee munching as I did the scones and coffee. Walking down the lane contemplating Labour's possible changes.

They had run on probity in government, for properly funding the armed forces and against brexit. I wondered how the pundits would explain the vote.

Andy, "Congratulations M'Lady! You worked hard for this election result."

Fist bump and a huge smile!

Tessa and Penny ready to ride.

Down the grassy lane to the Flats... across... up the slope warming us up! The gallop past the railroad was fabulous. The lock man waved a good morning as did Roy who was setting up.

Over the water we rode hard up to Lower Radley... Jerrold came out waving...

"Your Ladyship, you've done some very good work!"

I demurred that it wasn't me as much as the tories shooting themselves in the foot.

"That may be but you had an impact. The BBC is laudatory to your efforts."

I waved my thanks to him. We pushed on. At the Sandford Lock we waved to lock fellow at the northern part. Mr. Hardy was out... Roland got his wish... we soared!

What a pleasure this was. Having a wonderful guy like Roland... loving the run as much as me! In a few months I'd be able to ride Pamela again... Roland would be our steady morning pal with another rider.

No one on the Flats so I carried on up and around some of Sunny's things before slowing down back on the level ground.

Andy handed Roland to Monty as Pat walked up.

"M'Lady, you should come over to see Diana's decorating... she's brilliant!"

I said I would... let her know. He said he do it now pulling out his iPhone.

Cho had Conrad put a small TV in the Breakfast Room... election results!

The new Parliament was VERY different! The Lib-Dems at thirty one, the SNP up to fifty... quite good showings by those two! Plaid only one seat. The DUP fell to five. Sinn Fein was up to a new high of eleven. A reversal in Northern Ireland... doesn't bode well for the Stormont party structure.

The tories knocked back below two hundred at one hundred and eighty two.

Labour had a commanding three hundred and seventy MPs! They gained many more than one hundred seats! A huge win!

Gil came in waving her iPhone... "Keir Starmer"

I took the call... The Labour leader was very complimentary and giving fulsome praise for my work.

"This result is down to you... you may say not but it doesn't matter... we have the opportunities to make changes... meaningful change thanks to your hard work and your ability to get attention to candidates in some places we wouldn't have stood a much chance without.

Too bad you're not Labour or we'd bring you into the government!"

I thanked him for the kind words. I did say I wanted to see brexit dead immediately!

"Your Ladyship..." "Keir... I'm Fay." "Thank you! Fay, we will end brexit the after Her Majesty and I speak and I'm asked to form a government!"

"GOOD! On the QT... you should speak with Hillary Clinton... she has some interesting things to impart which I hope you will find worthy."

He said he would. He wanted to meet us... My when' got me a as soon as convenient.'

I said we could come up later today if you felt it necessary. I said we could meet at Cowley House if that was good. Okay... I added... `lunch?'

He was in! I said twelve thirty? He said it was good. We did goodbyes.

Cho with that cute grin... "Let's see... presidents, foreign secretaries, prime ministers ..."

We hugged, kissing which the staff loved.

Gil's phone going off... emails and calls. My iPhone going all `Sci-Fi' the tone for Hillary.

"Congratulations on the Labour victory... our embassy folks say you played a big part."

I tried my best to say it wasn't so... "Fay, no more poo-hooing... take the credit!"

We were laughing. I told I was getting ready to go up to London to meet Keir Starmer. She asked for a direct line to call him which I gave her. She got that I had suggested they talk SOON.

She and Bill were getting ready for the puppy... I'd sent them snaps of first litters followed with second group. They preferred a girl... Okay.

We did goodbyes!

Cho smiling pointing a finger at me. I grabbed it pulling to my mouth for a bite then a kiss.

Gil, Tara and I walked to Diana and Pat's house on the close. They weren't married yet but sharing. She had good taste in furniture... simple, comfortable, nice colours. The money we gave them was well spent. She said some of her neighbour ladies helped her.

She and Pat had looked through the store rooms at the house for some art to hang. Several outdoor scenes and three nice horse ones. A nice wood framed mirror over the hearth, lovely scroll work on that.

The kitchen gleamed. Their bedroom upstairs was done in navy and cream... it was very nice looking. Diana and I standing at the window looking at the garden...

"Fay... we made love on that bed... our first... it was very very good... just like I'd hoped."

A big hug, "You two seem well matched. I do like Pat for his simple pleasant ways."

"Fay, he thinks you and Cho are the very best... he is so grateful for the chance you gave him. We laugh about his first breakfast here... in bed... you remember?"

"Indeed I do... me squatted down with tea and scones! He under a pile of horse blankets on a bed of straw."

Laughing as we went down.

We loaded up for London. Kellen smiling as we stepped into the AW139. Her grin behind the helmet microphone under her flying glasses. We did a glove to glove fist bump through her window.

Up and away for Wandsworth. Three helicopters in a group flying southeast. We came in over the river... two landed then the last one after the second one lifted out. Kellen staying.

Cars to Cowley House. Clough at the door with a smile. A bow for me... fist bumps for the Twins. Big smiles!

The Twins went up to the Nursery, Cho to talk wine with Clough, I headed to the kitchen. Mrs. Travers in the middle of giving instructions. I had her hand to thank her for the short notice luncheon. She said it was a pleasure to cook for the new Prime Minister.

Starmer's office had answered Gil's call with the number four so Mrs. Travers was able to make plans.

Gil had a printout of the ridings where I had gone and election results... every one of those I visited had won the seat! A big grin on Gil's face.

"Fay, you really did something special."

A hug!

I was amazed at what Americans would call my `batting average!' One hundred percent!

It was also a testament to those Labour Party folks who made suggestions on what ridings to visit. I couldn't get to everyone... All of the candidates were thrilled when Gil asked them about my visiting.

We were at the Entry when Keir Starmer arrived. We shook hands. He and Cho big handshake. Keir introduced his companions. First... Cedric had been the `shadow' foreign minister. Keir said he was going to take that ministry. Another was Edmond, who was tipped for the Education Ministry. And an aide.

In the North Drawing Room we did sherry or whiskey. Keir on a settee with me... Hillary had called, they spoke for half an hour and were planning a meeting. Terrific.

Keir leaned back looking at me, "Fay... Hillary mentioned the Tridents saying you had made a suggestion at Christmas... your speech the other day at the Armed Forces Society takes on a new meaning. Cedric pointed out you have made references to being non-nuclear...

Can I assume this was a coded reference to the possible Trident changes?"

I nodded. I said Labour had long discussed being without nuclear weapons... A smile on Keir's face...

"We should be... your point about only one sub working at a time made an impression on me and others. We all knew but the open reference seemed to make it sound differently."

He had an appraising face, "Would you serve on a commission of Parliamentary members, MOD folks and others to speak with the Americans on an agreement?"

"I would but so you know I am an American citizen also. I voted for Hillary. So I could be viewed as having divided loyalties."

"Ah... I see... How about being an advisor to both sides?"

"I feel that is better. I'd be glad to do it."

Cedric had been close while we talked. He said to Keir, "You see she is a sharpie for sure."

I thanked Cedric saying it also saves me a lot of grief. They laughed.

The Twins came down! They were introduced to all the new folks.

Charlie floored them when he stuck out his fist to Keir Starmer with... "Hi Prime Minister!"

Keir was nonplussed but recovered quickly to `bump' with our son. Chani smiling did a fist bump too.

Keir was smiling as the Twins sat on a settee with Tha and Delphine. Cho said luncheon was soon. Charlie clapping.

Keir leaned over, "I've heard they are very advanced... this... well. They are how old?"

Chani held up two fingers on her right hand and one on her left. That really blew our guests minds!

I motioned to Tha... she got it... the guests needed a bit of time to recover. She took the Twins into the Dining Room to get them settled.

I put my hand on Keir's shoulder, I motioned to the others, "They are indeed twenty one months by age but five or more years in mental ability. They can read and write in three languages, they have exceptional drawings skills... and they are also adorable."

The last came out as I started to laugh. Keir and his folks laughing with us.

Cho sipped his whiskey, "We have Delphine to help Tha maximize their education. They are so precocious it surprise us sometimes."

Clough came to the doorway... We all moved to the Dining Room. My hand on Keir's arm...

"Fay, I do not want to annoy by belabouring the point but your tireless and selfless actions helped turn the tide. I think we had a great number of quality candidates standing but they needed exposure and encouragement which you provided. Even though you didn't to go every riding folks across the nation knew who you supported and how many places you went.

The national news were all over you from the beginning... every night on the news and on the front of newspapers across the Kingdom. I can't remember any one person having the same impact as you have had."

I thanked him for the compliments... I leaned close, "Now go out there and kick some ass... Okay?"

A mega-watt smile! Fist Bump! He held my chair for me.

Lunch started with a creamy potato leek soup with small bread triangles covered in melted brie. Grilled salmon with a smooth caper sauce, roasted new potatoes with thyme and rosemary, asparagus blanched with slivered almonds under a béarnaise sauce. Lovely cross buns, butter from our cows at Harcourt House. Sicilian olives.

Clough had bottles of Bouchard Pere et Fils Chevalier Montrachet la Cabotte Grand Cru for us. Smooth and delicious.

I could see our guests were enjoying.

Keir beside me, "There had been rumours in the Commons about your luncheons... Ashover said he'd been here twice. I can see why he wanted to return."

I laughed, "Several of my colleagues have spilled the beans it seems."

Laughter around the table.

Cedric wondered aloud if members of the Commons were ever allowed.

I did a considering face... "I'm open minded... I don't see why not."

He did a `whew' wipe of his forehead to more laughter.

I told them our first guest was Terrance, Baron Bayeux. A real Tory!

"I would be happy have you all back sometime for lunch."

I was starting to say... Gil raised her phone, it was on vibrate... she mouthed `Harry'

I finished, saying I was looking forward to walk into the Lords in robe' for the Opening.'

I took Gil's phone and walked down the passage.

"Fay, I had to call to tell you how really wonderful you are... few people have done what you have. The whole nation owes you a debt of gratitude!"

I thanked him, "The results have paid me back in full."

"I knew you'd be self-effacing about it. Not to be crass... How many millions of £'s did you spend flying around... You and Cho are remarkable.

I spoke with grandmother... She is even more impressed with you two... you've validated her awards for you. For her that is very important! You have a big fan at the Palace!

I'm not sure she'll be happy with a Labour government... considering the alternative she will be Okay."

Laughing, "I can't say it was all fun, clearly a Labour government will be better for the Kingdom."

I mentioned we had Keir Starmer to lunch right now.

"Planning some new event?"

I said I still had a few cards to play before I'm done. That brought HUGE laughter!

"Damn... I'm positive of that!"

I told Harry we should talk in person soon, there was something I didn't want to risk being widely known. But I thought he should know.

"I think some people will eventually figure it out."

He said when?

I considered... "We are having friends who are business colleagues and some family... would you like to join a small group for dinner?"

Harry was briefly quiet, "Actually that sounds quite nice... Are you sure I won't disrupt things?"

"They are level-headed smart people... Oh something else... their children are coming as they are best buddies with the Twins. So can you handle some toddlers?"

"I would be delighted. Can I bring Meg? It would work so well... " Another pause... "If we have an outside invitation it gets us out of another dinner..."

"Ah... we are to be the beard? I'm game!"

Laughing he got the time to come.

"Do you remember how you left last time?"

He did.

"Come to that door... one of our Security will be there to let you in."


I said you and Meg have our best wishes for your marriage. "She's a very good catch."

Harry said he thought so too. "Despite the whinging from some people she has everything I want in the woman I need to have in my life."

I gave Harry my private number.

"Oh by the way... the dress code for dinner is jeans."

Harry laughed saying he'd hoped it would be. A `see you shortly' from Harry as he rang off.

Back to lunch. I gave Gil her phone back saying he had my number now. A thumbs up.

I leaned over Charlie's shoulder to sneak in a kiss which had him giggling.

Keir smiling, "Speaking with the Royal family?"

"Harry calling to thank us for the election work. We're friendly, Harry and Meg have stayed over with us in the country. William and Kate with their children have been out there too. We hosted the Queen at Christmas as you know."

Keir laughed, "I remember seeing the headline sign in a news agents display... something like... `a whopping Xmas gift' referring to your new title."

"Really? That's funny. We have an American friend who said we were `promoted' to describe it."

He laughed.

This was a good `get to know' lunch. Not complicated or formal.

The dessert made smiling faces all around! A Bakewell Tart with vanilla ice cream or clotted cream.

The Twins had had it before... they were clapping.

Espresso or Coffee afterwards was a great finale.

We were back in the North Drawing Room. Talk about families, schools... the fellow named Edmond wanted to hear more about Denham School as he was to become the Education Minister. I gave the reasons for starting and how we hoped it would evolve. The new classes for gardening and farming were applauded.

"We may add something on engine mechanical bits.. Possibly some interest there."

"So what help have you received from the government?"

"None... " He jerked back... "We started it with the intention of going to the miscellaneous government bodies and some education trusts... and we have done. We certainly have filled in plenty of forms... nothing on that as of now.

We do have someone actively working... there just hasn't been anything coming to us yet. Although several trusts have said there would be money for the autumn term."

He seemed a bit steamed... He asked some questions... "Let me have Gil get you in contact with Jasmine. She is doing the work, she'll have answers..." I turned to Gil, "... Please include Richard."

I told the new Education Minister Richard was the headmaster at Denham School. He got contact details from Gil.

"The now former under secretary of State for Apprenticeships and Skills did visit the day we opened and seemed quite intent on helping. I got the feeling from further contact the people above her weren't all that interested. No reasons given. So it petered out. Jasmine will know more."

Our guests needed to go... a government to take over. Keir had an appointment with The Queen at Buckingham Palace tomorrow morning.

I gave Keir a hug at the door... he had contact information from Gil. We were very well thanked for the lunch. Keir said he'd stop thanking us for the election help after one last time. A cryptic remark.

Francis grinning in the entryway holding his iPhone up...

"It's sold out! SolarToGo... the shares are all gone... trading has already driven the value to Seventy Six £'s... double the offering price!"

He and Cho did high fives... I got a hug.

"You are going to have some money to use!"

Tha and Delphine were readying the Twins for a trip to the Victoria Tower gardens. Okay. We'd go with Jaidee. We'd stop at Millbank House to check with Sage.

Jeans, a jumper and a big hoodie, baseball cap, gloves and boots. Putting that on with Cho listening to the additional dinner guests and Harry's concern about they maybe being too much for our friends.

Cho shaking his head, "They aren't republicans you know..." We laughed, "... They will be fine especially as Harry and Meg are down to earth types.

We all trooped out the door and around the corner. Ken had brought all of Cho's Protection Team over for ID's on our last trip... so the building security had a good laugh at all of us.

Sage was overwhelmed by the crowd. She had huge piles of messages segregated by importance... I took the pile of most important.

Back down and we crossed the road to the park. Cho had Jaidee, the Twins with Tha and Delphine, our Protectors all around for some it was the first time in this park.

I moved away a bit to make a few calls from Sage's notes. It was a mixed bag of `well done' greetings and the like which I did call the most significant.

Then to Royce in reply to an email that said he had big news... "Fay we passed the New York Times today. We are the best-selling newspaper in the world's most important city!!!"

I congratulated him and all his people. I said I'd send broadcast an email to the whole Daily News staff.

"Fay, that would be great! They are so pumped up! Did you think we could do this?"

"Yes but you and your folks did it far faster than we thought."

I typed an email message using my NewsGroup CEO email to all Daily News employees thanking them for their hard work towards making the Daily News the best and the top-selling newspaper in New York! I said Cho and I were extraordinarily proud of them. We were looking forward to the new heights they would achieve!

An email from Burton... he authorized the hiring of five new reporters for local, business and national coverage. His email said Donovan almost fainted.

I called him.

"Fay, I walked through the newsroom... smiles everywhere... a new attitude. They loved all things your taking over the corporation did for them personally but now to see that the money is going to flow for the whole company it's different... it means a great deal psychologically.

It's kind of a big thrill for me too!"

"So this publisher thing is Okay?"

"Yes... I can't say don't look for one but... so far it is rewarding."

I was smiling, "I'll go slow on looking. Oh by the way... something to tell everybody to encourage them... Royce and the Daily News passed the New York Times today. They are the biggest newspaper in the city."

He did a `whoop' quite loud.

"I will tell them all right now."

We ended laughing.

I motioned to Cho... he came close with Jaidee. I rubbed the brown boy as I told of my two newspaper calls. His eyes bright... the New York Times taken down!!

We yelled to Francis... a big fist pump when he heard the news!

More from him... the SolarToGo was up another ten £'s!!!

Chani was calling for Jaidee... Cho sent him over. Charlie wound up and tossed a tennis ball... a good throw. Jaidee running it down... all waggy tail bringing it back.

Gil pointed... some news folks arriving... Okay we'd been spotted. Cho moved to the Twins with his Protection Team. They'd ease away down the gardens.

I moved towards the newsies. I wouldn't run away from them but had my limits.

A semi-circle in front of me... I said I'd speak to them for a few minutes... smiles when I said I'd rather be with my kids.

As usual I asked a name and organisation first...

"Drummond, The Telegraph... You are receiving considerable credit for the Labour victory how do you see it?"

"I see Labour had a better programme and certainly better candidates, they worked harder in all the local areas and got out the voters. My part was to go places to say what I thought and if it helped... Good."

"Biba Anderson, The Sun... You don't represent a party... but will you go into the new government if asked?"

"No. I doubt I will be asked... it isn't my role. I want to be an independent voice for those elements of our local, national and international life I am interested in. I do not wish to be narrowed into a small channel.

Besides my husband and I have so many businesses we'd spend so much time trying to avoid conflicts of interest."

That brought smiles and many knowing looks.

"Parameter, The Daily Mail... All your news media was quite detached from the election back and forth... why?"

"I'm confused... didn't you see the Times say the tories had lost their way and needed to be shown the door? The Sun on the editorial page and the front page saying to boot the tories? Sky UK saying, in an on-air editorial, the tories failed to govern for the whole country... just for their friends?

Oh... if you mean they all reported the news completely and accurately without colouring their stories... I thought that was what the press should be doing."

Someone in the crowd said `OUCH' quite loudly!

I had to laugh.

A dark-haired woman in a nice short red coat...

"Elise Page, The Scotsman... How you see the relationship between Edinburgh and London now that the SNP has strengthened its position at Westminster?"

"We have to acknowledge the Scots have some grievances with the outgoing government... I don't see those continuing with a Labour majority. Labour isn't likely to govern with its head buried in the sand over Scotland."

"Reilly, The Belfast Telegraph... How do you see the election results from Northern Ireland affecting the policies of Westminster toward the Stormont government?"

"I think Stormont will have its own changes to worry about if the turnaround in voting there is carried to their own elections. The DUP has no voice in the new Parliament, Sinn Fein hasn't much either. The numbers are too small... They are going have to deal with their own problems."

I let it go for about thirty minutes before calling time.

"Everyone... thanks for coming around but I want to have some time with my children."

Thank yous from the crowd.

I waved and moved away. The news folks were good... no one tried to follow. My Protectors were a screen behind me.

I got to the bottom of the park... Charlie came running over...

"Mama those people asking questions about the election?"

"Yes they all think I have answers... it's sort of a game... they ask... I say what I think and they write it down."

"So are you answering really?"

I laughed, "In some ways I am and not!"

The `not' was loud, I scooped up Charlie to giggles, we joined Chani, Popa and Jaidee.

Cho's grin got him a kiss.

We played a bit more then back to Cowley House for hot chocolate and cookies! Yea's from the Twins and all our staff.

Watching two small mouths devour big molasses and walnut cookies... Big smiles! PJ down the breakfast table smiling too. His cookie had a big dent!

Cho to his Study... Me to my Lady's Room... we did calls and emails. Francis stuck his head in just after four o'clock.

"Fay, SolarToGo has topped one hundred £'s." His grin was pretty big. I blew him a kiss!

Gil and Ali laughing.

I went up to see the Twins. Charlie was writing something with the calligraphy pens... "Mama don't come over... Okay?"

I said fine. Chani was colouring a drawing of the Buxton Memorial Fountain. It was clear what it was although she didn't try to be picture perfect.

"Mama I like the fountain... Why would anyone want to own a person?"

"They do it for money and because inside they also think those who they want to make slaves are less human than themselves."

Chani stopped to look at me, "Less? How can a person be less human?"

"They can't... some people think that nonetheless... it's because of their skin colour or how they dress or live. Those are lies they tell themselves to justify `owning' others."

A considering face on my daughter... "Did any of our family do that?"

"Not that I know of... In ancient times it happened often, owning slaves is in the bible and many writings throughout history... it was common for war captives to be slaves.

Some people made their money buying and selling humans."

Chani shook her head, "And now?"

"It still exists in some places... illegal but it is there. Not in a large way anywhere."

Charlie had been listening. "So it was evil?"

I smiled, "Yes! Very evil! Thinking someone is less than you because they are different is the cause of many wicked things. Always evaluate people by what you actually know about them... even then beware... judging can be a form of evil."

Cho came in to a big greeting from us all. Charlie warned him off too. Cho said to finish he needed a hug. Charlie laughing. He did pause at least to hug us both.

Uncle Ting and Aunt Andrea were coming for dinner. Catherine and Caroline too. Some clapping. Uncle Eric and Aunt Malee with Anne! Uncle Reg and Aunt Rona with MFA!

"And two people you met at Harcourt House... Harry and Meghan."

They did big Yea's for the dinner crowd.

We were all at the Entryway to greet our guests. Hugs and kisses applied in big batches. In the North Drawing Room we toasted to SolarToGo's success. It closed at one hundred three £'s and thirteen pence per share. Two and three quarters times the asking price. It sold out in two hours... trading went a bit `cray-cray' until the close of the market.

What a start! Money to further our expansion!!

The company had a valuation of over ten billion £'s.

Eric and Reg both had stock in the company via their shares of The Company... so money for them!

We told everybody of the added guests which got big eyes!

Clough escorted Harry and Meg in. Smiles.

We did handshakes and kisses. Then the introductions... All our friends were pleased to meet the Prince but not overawed... Just like we thought! Meg squatted to meet each child... Hugs for Charlie and Chani.

We did drinks for a bit... we mixed pretty good. Harry did ask about the SolarToGo stock issue which got him in a group with Francis, Reg and Eric. Meg was talking with Rona, who she had met before about being a patron for the foundation, they were engrossed with Catherine, Andrea and Malee.

Cho was having fun in a word game with all the children.

I had Ting next to me. He said Catherine and Caroline were going to his folks in Korat for a week or so. Then Bangkok for a week with Jian!!

Cho-Fay Air was carrying them.

Clough at the doorway...

Our dinner was great! Everybody enjoying. All the little ones feeding themselves! I watched Anne munching on a sugar-glazed carrot piece... she was grinning!


I watched her finish chewing and swallow, "Yes Aunt Fay... sweet... tasty."

Malee smiling at her little miss.

Harry nudged Meg motioning the Charlie who was buttering bread quite skilfully. They looked over to me... grins!

Afters for the grown-ups... the babies went up to the Nursery for play time.

Reg next to me. I nudged him...

"You ready to come along to Tehran... Hanoi and Bangkok... see the world?"

We laughed.

He was... "I think it would be good to see a few sites where my work is going."

I said I needed his and Stephan's skill doing presentations. The Iranian Interior Ministry then the Vietnamese Defence Ministry and the army in Thailand. Also it will be nice for them both to hear what the Vietnamese will say about the current projects.

I mentioned a caveat... I needed to do a few meetings outside of business.

We hadn't been in the SolarToGo plant in Thailand so a first for us both. Okay... it was planned for the free day.

Rona asked about the dates? I said in two weeks... She needed to go to Berlin for the Foundation.

"Send MFA out to Harcourt House to stay unless the grandparents want her. Or send the grandparents out with her?"

Rona grinning, "I'll ask... would both sets be too much?"

"No... it's a big house. Do the men play golf? If so they could go out with Cho."

"Actually both granddads do. Wowie... a treat!"

"Remind them no betting unless they just want to give away money."


I was at the fire toasting my jean covered butt. Harry beside me doing the same after my invitation.

"Fay, you really went all out on the election... A special reason?"

"Yes... I will say but do not repeat it to anyone..." I squeezed his arm, Harry looked my eyes... he got it "... brexit! The Defence Bill business while important was a ruse for getting to an election which the tories would never have done otherwise if it was about brexit."

Harry looked at me... his face registering amazement, "You mean you deliberately manoeuvred the tories into it?"

I smiled, "A good trick... huh? No one knows... I haven't told anyone. Cho and our staff were all in it with me. No one else has tumbled to it yet."

"Damn, I'm in awe..." Harry leaned nearer to me, close, quietly, "... Is there anything you can't do?"

I laughed. "Millions of things but a few things I can do with help from Cho... the money is a real advantage. You asked me... how much money we spent on the helicopter flights...

Actually I haven't a clue... but it doesn't matter. The end was everything. The tories are out... in a BIG way... now brexit will end. That was the worthwhile goal!"

Harry squeezed my shoulder, "Stick around a long while being you... doing these things... which we will all benefit from."

I said that was the plan.

"Can I tell my father and brother?"

"Yes... swear them to secrecy! It isn't that anything improper was done but we prefer not to have the publicity or the notoriety. Or have our tactics known."

Harry grinning, "I get it! I think Wills and father are safe. My father already believes you two to be quite clever."

I grinned, "He's right you know!"

We both laughed loudly.

Masses of hugs and kisses as our guests departed. Rona said she'd be on to the grandparents. Fist bump. Special hugs for the three little ladies from us and the Twins.

A quick look showed no news folks out front... so Harry's car came to the front door. Hugs and kisses for them.

We took the Twins up. Bedtime rituals completed! Last kisses.

In the passage I got a kiss too. Hugs for Tha and Delphine. We went to our suite... Cho said, "Harry seemed tight with you?"

"I told him what we did to cause the election... he loved it."

A kiss.

I was putting some pyjamas on for lounging... Marita called.

"Fay were are less than one hundred thousand copies from the Los Angeles Times."

A whoop! Congratulations to her and the staff. I did another broadcast email via the NewsGroup email telling them all we are proud and happy. I added in the New York Daily News has DONE it. They overtook the New York Times this morning. So they're next!

A hug from Cho. "Who said print was dead? It was Bill Gates?"

"I think you are right... about a century ago! Forget him... kiss me more!"

On a lounge with Cho on top... kissing...

I looked over the side of the bed at my cast off pyjamas. Cho had wanted more than just kissing... I was good with that. A warm hand drew me back, "You don't need them now."

Kissing... stroking... I slid up onto his chest... bedclothes pulled up around us.

Looking down into brown eyes... I leaned to kiss that cute nose... lips... cheeks... eyes... forehead... I worked my way around that gorgeous head. I lay my head on his shoulder. We went quiet...

After a while Cho moved me beside him... I slipped a leg over him. I gently cradled in a palm Cho's delicious sex organ... sex organ... I guess I'm a musician now... I know how to play the organ!

That really tickled Cho! His laughter bouncing us.

"Fay... maybe that Midas joke in Florida was wrong..."

A kiss, "Maybe but it certainly worked that day."

Smile, "A nice touch... right off the top of your head."

Cho tapped my head lightly, "Good equipment in there..."

I did the same and said the same.

Sleep needed, I rolled over... Cho slid against me. I was out in seconds.

Jaidee was ready to go out... waiting on Gil. Angie and Rafe smiling as Gil came down the stairs in a rush. Out the door... News folks. Ha!

I told them I'd give them some time on my way back but Jaidee needed to go to the park. Okay.

A wave to the `bobby' watching the news people from across the road. A smile and a nod.

We crossed to Victoria Tower Gardens... Jaidee did a tree... pooped, I cleaned up. He did another tree. Wow! He did need the park.

We worked way through the newsies to the front door. On our stoop I spoke to the press. They had a variety of questions. I answered for about fifteen minutes not giving them much... too bad they needed to ask different questions.

I excused myself.

Clough with raised eyebrows... "M'Lady this arrived after you left."

An envelope... Clarence House. I opened it at the breakfast table so Cho could look too.

Prince Charles wrote of his admiration of my skills on the stump, in the lords and in business. He thought the Iranian solar deal was going to slam the door on the naysayers about Iran.

He had seen the SolarToGo stock issue performance, he cheered us on.

He said he would like to speak about the Defence Bill and the effects from that vote.

`Your work during the election was splendid. Your going to so many ridings... saying what you thought in the great tradition of democracy had captured the voters' attention. They paid you the complement of listening and acting.'

Charles thanked us for our efforts. He added he was pleased we would be coming to the `Business in the Community' get-together.

Cho took the note and fanned my face. Lots of laughter over that move.

About the Defence Bill vote... Okay... I wonder what he wants to know? I nudged Cho pointing to that line...

Cho, "Maybe he has indeed figured it out or one of his people... the trick is to play it by ear and not give away anything or even play `dumb' but with you that's impossible."

That got him an arm punch. That amused the Twins... I immediately said I should not have done it even in fun. Hitting was wrong... you could hurt. Nods across the table.

Chani and Charlie brought out a piece of pale grey paper... in beautiful black calligraphy... `We love Mama & Popa!'

That's what they'd been working on!

Cho and I smiling at their skills. They got lots of hugs and kisses for the nice note. I asked if I could put it up in my Lady's Room... they nodded.

Chani said they would make another for Cho's Study. More kisses!!!

I held Cho close before he went to the Study. Our eyes met... a kiss.

The Twins went up to the Nursery, me to my Lady's Room. Gil and Ali, Chelle came in with a few bits and one whopper... our lawsuit against an online company over posts put up by users was victorious!!

A big ruling by a U.S. Federal judge in the Eastern District of New York. She ruled section 230 was unconstitutional and that the website was indeed responsible for users postings since they were making money by allowing unchecked speech. Revenue making at another's expense alters the website's legal position and undermines the law.

She stated that their version of moderation' of the site failed every test of control or even vague knowledge of what was being posted. Their unsuccessful attempts to stop demonstrably false posting showed their lack of interest in their own terms of Service.'

The judge did not grant immediate injunctive relief because we didn't ask for it... it would have been too messy plus it would be a separate legal track from the lawsuit... just a distraction. What was interesting Chelle said the judge did write into her opinion that she would have issued such an injunction because we would likely prevail on the merits of the case.

Good, a nice start. The lawsuit moves forward to the next level because the website was sure to appeal with loads of similar companies, like the biggies... facebook and twitter, trying to add their voices seeing they were all now at risk. They'll be a flood of `amicus' briefs.

I suppose the one billion dollars we were asking for caught some people's attention. It was meant to do just that!

I asked Chelle to query the lawyers if they have any timeline for the appeal and their appraisal of the appeals court possible ruling. Also ask if the lawyers sensed any interest in the website wanting to `settle' the lawsuit because we were not interested! It would be a sign of a lack of resolve on their part. A thumbs up.

This particular company wasn't the biggest... it was chosen deliberately... there was a long way to go yet!

Cho and maybe me to go Miami for the Florida Derby. Toes Tapping running, a big race. Political things had me now so it was a maybe.

Working until lunch.

Keir Starmer called, "I've had my visit with the Queen. I've been asked to form a government. She was very congratulatory about our victory. She didn't say but I sensed brexit hung on her lips.

I'm going to No. 10 now for a press meeting outside the doorway. I am going to tell the world brexit is over. I've called the heads of the three major sections of the EU... they know what I'm going to say and are VERY supportive. I will say to the press we will tell the EU to please stop everything and we will be glad to remain in the EU as a full member.

We are trying to plan for the State Opening of Parliament on April second. We will do a `dress down' version to save time in preparation. The first legislation to reverse the plan will be tabled by the end of the day."

I thanked him for the news adding it was very welcome. We said we'd stay in touch.

I stuck my head in Cho's domain... Francis on a settee opposite my guy...

"Keir Starmer called... it's done... he's in. He's going to No. 10 now to tell everybody brexit is over."

Fist pumps! Francis smiling said he wanted to take devious lessons from me.

Me standing there pointing fingers at myself as I mouthed `devious' to laughter from those two. Cho got that he'd probably not have to go to Florida alone since there was time for me to get back for the opening of Parliament.

Cho was glad I could see Toes Tapping run.

"You're still going onto the Augusta afterwards..." Cho nodded, "In a few days."

Back in my space Gil setup her MacBook to stream Sky UK News coverage of the new Prime Minister's first meeting the press. The guys joined us. I had Cho's hand...

Keir Starmer at the No. 10 Downing Street `black door' where so many momentous events had occurred...

Keir, "Thank you for coming... I have one announcement today... No questions at this time.

I have informed the relevant branches of the EU that we are ending brexit as of this day and wish to remain in the EU as a full member. I can say they were very pleased with our decision.

Appropriate legislation to stop brexit will be introduced the day Parliament opens.

Thank you."

He turned to go in the door to the working offices of the Prime Minister.

It was simple and direct. Common sense has prevailed over xenophobia, greed and stupidity.

There will be howls by the brexiteers. Animals braying in the wilderness.

Our campaign to undermine and then terminate brexit was done! I got an awesome kiss.

We were talking in my Lady's Room for a bit about miscellaneous things...

Clough at the door, "Sir, Ma'am...there are news people out front..."

I grinned at Cho... he smiled and nodded. We walked out to our front stoop...

Loads of questions flung at us... we remained quiet until they got the point.

Cho, "Our usual rules are you identify yourself by name and news organisation when we choose you."

Cho pointed to a woman in the front right...

"Mary Wells, The BBC.. You both and your news media have pushed for the end of brexit from the first day you owned them... what does it feel like to be vindicated?"

Cho nudged me, I laughed, "We knew from the start the brexit referendum was a sham, massive fraud by the leave side... we did not consider it a valid vote. Getting rid of it was a common sense decision so the United Kingdom was not damaged politically or economically.

The tories never told the truth about any of it. The costs that would reach down to every village never revealed and the asinine premise of making the UK strong again was nothing more than a cover for xenophobia, bigotry and crass money-grubbing."

A pause, a smile, "The short answer... we love it."


I picked the next... A fellow with blonde hair...

"Sigmund, Die Welt... Mr. Starmer said the UK was welcomed to stay in the EU... do you know anything more about that?"

Cho said we didn't. "You should ask Mr. Starmer at the next opportunity. We would like to know also."

Smiles from some of the reporters.

"Alice, The Times... You are our owners and the front page of the Times and The Sun the morning following your takeover said we would work to end brexit... It has been a year in the making did you ever see the end coming like this?"

I smiled, "Yes... we thought from the beginning the tories would have to go. Many of their members were part of the corrupt deals to get the referendum to a vote then they allied with criminal groups like Cambridge-Analytica which provided false data and probed into personal records for black propaganda purposes and don't forget the Russians who covertly financed much of the work which got a bare majority to vote for brexit.

NO tories... NO brexit! It's as simple as that as you can see."

Cho picked a woman in a bright blue coat in the middle...

"Teresa Wright, The New York Daily News... " A HUGE smile on her face, she was proud to say that... "Do you know what the reaction has been in Washington... President Clinton has not been shy to say brexit was... as she said last week was `a bit of idiocy.' Have you spoken?"

I got nudged again to smiles and more laughter, "We have spoken to Hillary... she was obviously pleased with the election result. I think her own words speak plainly enough as to what she thought.

I would imagine our two leaders will meet soon and get along well."

I added a welcome to London for Teresa, "The Daily News is branching out a bit which are pleased to see." A mega-watt smile on her face!

We did about twenty more minutes before excusing ourselves. I asked Angie in the entryway to bring Teresa in to meet us.

We greeted her, I asked her to sit for a moment. Temple took her coat and gloves. In the North Drawing Room we sat by the fire. I asked Clough for tea.

"So how are finding London? Is this your first time here?"

Teresa said she'd been at Oxford while a Rhodes Scholar and thoroughly enjoyed England.

"Royce brought me into the Daily News late last year on the International Desk. Zachary set me to cover brexit and the EU. Six weeks ago Royce called me in... offering me this new role in London... I jumped at the chance."

She laughed, "Now your efforts have cut away a portion of my job assignment just as I arrive."

Cho and I smiled at that. I said she'd find something write about if only the death throes of brexit or maybe how it got started.

"I am also to report on you both ... in business, political areas, sport and fashion.

Actually I have a bit of a story I've started on which I hope won't bother you... I met a friend from Oxford... He's the son of an Earl and really into horses. His family raises equestrian horses... He told me about the equestrian scene here. He knows I did a lot of riding in my teens... I love horses... He told me your niece was going to shock a lot of people next month at Badminton."

"Indeed she might. Sunny is very talented with a good head on her shoulders. She is on a run of victories in America and here."

Teresa said, "My friend told me as a frame of reference about Sunny's win in Gloucestershire a few weeks ago. That event isn't as big as Badminton but very important. He says she served notice of her skills... Sunny is being talked about in equestrian circles around the world."

"The U.S. Equestrian Team wants her to compete with them this summer."

Teresa did a `Wow!' "As a fourteen year old that is off the charts. Will she?"

Cho held up his hand... "We support her but don't direct anything to do with her competition. That is Sunny, Charlotte, her coach and her parents."

"She lives with you at Harcourt House?"

"Yes and goes to school nearby. We want her to have a normal as possible life. Her family comes over to visit, they were in Gloucestershire and will be at Badminton."

I did tell her she needn't worry about whether we would be bothered or not on what she might write about. "If what you write is accurate and honest which we demand from all our news organisations... then do it and we'll be happy. We never interfere with content."

Teresa smiled, "Royce said so but I hadn't met you or been involved with anyone at your level before."

I laughed, "Fear not! We are pretty normal... as much as we can be anyway."

We finished our tea... we said we had to go, Teresa said she needed to file her piece. We shook hands, Gil gave her contact information. Temple helped Teresa into the bright blue coat. We waved her down the street.

I asked Gil to email Sunny and tell her what we now knew.

Gil and I again looked at the calendar with the new information that came from the new Prime Minister's office... I texted Cho... his head appeared in the doorway...

"I can go to Florida for sure... Parliament will opening on April second... it is a done deal."

He rubbed his hands... "All hands on deck for Florida!" Thumbs up from me!

We got a belated lunch... the Twins had already eaten. Back to work... some calls and emails about the election from friends and colleagues.

We had two parties to go to... The Thai Embassy one on the thirteenth for Songkran and the Prince Charles' on the twentieth.

In a car heading to New Bond Street, Gil smiling at me, "Are we going to Ralph Lauren's after?"

"I want to but we can't stay too long."

It was a chilly rainy breezy day. Wool! A black full skirt in wool to my lower-calf, a smooth wool grey rolled-neck jumper tucked in with a wide black leather belt, black stockings and red St. Laurent heels. Gold jewellery and `Joy'

The big collared Mirabelle coat, a Harcourt Racing Hermès scarf and black gloves.

I stepped out in front of our new store... The Mirabelle sign in place, the smooth flowing script name in blue neon, not bright but noticeable. Hailey at the door. She is the manager and oddly enough from Alness by way Manchester!

She had applied via the website, Coral, Raphaela and I had interviewed her via an online video link. She has a soft Scot's accent, she was well read and quite good looking, peaches and cream skin, pale red hair, lovely green eyes.

Hailey encouraged a friend to apply which is how we got Pia for Fulham. Garnett in Notting Hill was a recommendation by Marina from Ralph Lauren's.

This location was very near completion... all the stock for the three stores in a city warehouse waiting with more coming all the time.

"Your Ladyship,... " "I'm Fay."

A nice smile, "Fay, the builder says the day after tomorrow they will be done. We saved a good deal of time by the adaptation of some existing interior bits by Jemina. A good deal of money too. So we could open May first.

I have staff hired, all the computer hardware is in the warehouse, the internet is in and working so we could have the systems up for training as we stock the store. I spoke to Reginé and Margeaux... they both said they could ramp up the publicity any time."

I shook Hailey's hand, "Good work! Okay... do it! I'll do my best to be here... tell Reginé and Margeaux that too."

I turned to Gil, "Let's arrange a Gulfstream for San Antonio to here then onto Kentucky. You, me and some Protectors."

I got an Okay and a grin.

I had a good look around and talk with the builder's foreman. He explained a bit more about how Jemina had saved us time and money... common-sense applied to the problem! Terrific!

PJ leading we walked across the street to Ralph Lauren's. At the door a fellow coming out saw me... he looked like I was some sort of demon... I figured he was a rabid brexit tory... He said something I couldn't hear...

PJ standing between us heard it... he spoke softly to the man... "Do not open your mouth again!"

The man stepped back whacking himself on the door... his look of shock at being challenged... PJ stayed near him not allowing him any closer but without touching the man.

I walked in... Tara behind me, Gaby had moved to take the lead. I looked back to see PJ say something then waved the man away.

A store security man moved to the door... PJ came in and spoke to him then joined us in the lift. I gave PJ a `look.'

He grinned... "I said something about not wanting to soil my knuckles on pond scum like him."

We all were laughing as the lift doors opened. PJ leaned close , "I told the store security fellow the man insulted you and I returned the favour. He smiled and said `good!' So that's that."

One of the sales women came up... "Your Ladyship, welcome. Is there anything you are looking for?"

I thanked her and said I was going to browse a bit and I would call if I needed help. I got her name `Giselle.' She took my coat and gloves.

Giselle, "Your Ladyship, your clothes are a brilliant look!"

I thanked her.

Before I wandered, I told PJ he could go shop or get a coffee whilst I was on the ladies clothing floor. He laughed, `coffee.'

Giselle let Marina know I was in the store, she came out to say hello. I told her about the status of our shop across the way. She had seen lots of things going on.

"I will look in when you open."

I said I'll tell Hailey to give her a discount... she laughed and thanked me. We shook hands.

I found some things... stockings and a few camisoles. A black leather micro-mini-skirt with big pleats. I tried it... showing a lot of leg! Okay!

Giselle held those for me as I went down to Kids. AH! A navy blue pleated skirt for Chani! A knitted pink short-sleeved frock with blue edging at the hem. Some Polo crew socks for Chani!

For Charlie a delicious green Polo shirt and a salmon pink one. A navy and yellow Rugby shirt and a pair of skinny black stretch jeans.

The sales assistant was told I was collecting things in Ladies. Gil was still upstairs shopping for Chelle.

PJ re-joined us.

Now in Men's... Polo Oxford shirts in a very nice olive green, indigo blue and pale grey. Two Polo shirts... lime green with a red horseman and pale yellow with a blue rider.

A salesman carried it all up to Ladies where Giselle was toting it up. The store GM came to say hello and asked about the little `event' at the door. PJ told him what had happened very quietly repeating the disparaging comment by the man.

The GM shaking his head, "Why should anyone think it is right to do something like that? Obviously too cowardly to say it clearly. He's not a gentleman."

He thanked PJ for confronting the fellow without any further action. They shook hands. The GM got several fellows to help carry my purchases to the boot of the car.

He was pleased we came back and he would look in at our shop. We shook hands at the door.

Okay now to Notting Hill. Allyn's face in the rear view mirror... smiling. I looked a question... "M'Lady, I like driving you... you just want to get where you are going without a fuss. No backseat driving."

I laughed, "Right! You're the driver!"

Down to Piccadilly... west around Old Wellington's Arch to Park Lane then up to the Marble Arch and west on Bayswater all the way to Notting Hill. Allyn dropped us in front of Boots, we walked across the street and back east half a block.

The location had several things in the last dozen years, beauty salon, music store, pet shop... we bought the building which included two flats upstairs. The top flat had been empty... we needed more storage so we made a deal with the tenant in the first floor flat to move up and cut her rent in half. She was happy... a little less space but she got a sunny deck and wider views for her cat.

So the store had a good sized sales floor with changing rooms and sale counter. The first floor was storage, the office and bathrooms. It worked out quite well.

Garnett was a happy camper! The location was good, lots of foot traffic and easy to find. With the first floor flat she had plenty of space. She is hiring staff who would start here in three weeks when the inside was completed and the computer systems were in. The warehouse could feed her stock as soon as the racks were up.

Garnett and I got to sit upstairs to talk. I told her I'd just seen Marina at Ralph Lauren's.

She'd known Marina for years, they had worked together, now good friends.

"Your..." I held up my hand... "Here and informally I'm Fay."

A big smile, "Fay... we are going to be set to open earlier... the end of May is a good according to the builder's fellow. The builder's folks are hard workers and good too. You saw how they did the wall repair and painting... like there was ever an issue.

The roof is also fully repaired... so no further problems there."

I was pleased that the locations were readying faster than anticipated. The front sign wasn't to be neon... it would be rather a `Mirabelle' in our blue script with a very soft backlighting.

We walked out front... Garnett looked at Tara as she came with us. I introduced them and explained. Garnett with an `Oh.'

The front was old, the builders had cleaned it up and made a few changes that gave it a fresher look. I turned around to see the other shops and restaurants. Nothing wild or crazy... we'd fit in fine.

People walking by... quite good traffic, pedestrian and vehicle... a woman stopped to ask about the store seeing us looking at it... Garnett said women's clothing, nice clean lines, sewn to last and reasonably priced. She also mentioned many terrific types of suits.

I leaned in... "Look at `Mirabellestores.com' to get a peek."

I was thanked. The woman seemed like she might be in our target market. Garnett grinning.

Allyn brought the car to the kerb... Off to my old neighbourhood... Fulham. On the New King's Road. The shop was on a corner about seven blocks from our Basuto Road house. Down the block from a Co-Op store with lots of restaurants and shops all about, a great variety.

Excellent pedestrian traffic... not much parking though.

We bought this building also. Six flats upstairs and a roof sitting area. We left the tenants alone because the shop had good storage.

Pia met me at the door... "Your Ladyship... Welcome!"

I hooked an arm with mine, "Around here I'm Just Fay... Okay?"

Pia smiling nodded. I got the tour... it was coming along nicely. There had been a big issue with the floor, most of it had been removed, several new large cross-beams were put in. Pia said it slowed things down but the builder said he'd get back to the schedule in ten days or so. Good.

Pia was doing interviews using a small office on the ground floor of our Security Service building a few blocks north of here on Heathman's Road. She was pleased with her first interviews.

Having done a Conference App talk several weeks ago... it was decided to allow the stores to exchange staff if needed or even permit transfers. The stock and systems were the same so sharing should be seamless.

Perhaps some customer difference between the New Bond Street and the others... not enough to worry about.

I took my crowd for a walkabout in my old neighbourhood. Shops I used to go to, restaurants I'd eaten in, greengrocers, tea shops, chemists, it was a lively area.

I led us into Fulham Greens, they always had the best mushrooms. It wasn't busy so I wandered all the way to the back. One of the owners asked if he could help. I said I was looking... I used to shop here but I haven't lived close for three or four years.

"You still have the best looking mushrooms."

A smile... It hit him... "Oh my... you're Lady Harcourt."

I said yes. "We have a house about six blocks from here... We're not often around these days."

"Really... you shopped with us?"

Smiling, "In the `old days' as it were. We use the house in Westminster now."

I shook his hand. I needed to go on. Good luck.

Out on the sidewalk... Allyn was there. We headed home via Basuto Road. Graham's office had moved to the new Heathman's Road building so he didn't pop out the next door house. Gil knocked and asked someone to let us in.

That second house was still being used to monitor our place next door and the house across the way on Parthenia Street and the block of flats owned by Jian, Ting and Andrea plus it was as dorm for Security officers. Inside my old house I grabbed a few books and a picked up the little cat with a sweet face and round belly left to me by the old Chinese fellow in Taipei.

It was all neat and tidy... Mrs. Blatchly doing her thing every week! I needed to call her.

Home. Cho grinning seeing the little cat... I put it on a shelf in my Lady's Room where I could have it in sight. I gave the biography of Cornel Woolrich to Gil to send to Flix.

I sat to write Flix a few words about it.

The Twins calligraphy love note was attached to a bookshelf. Sweet!

I was home in time for drinks. In the North Drawing Room we had an invasion of little people! Hugs and time to chat about they had been up to.

We told them after dinner we were going to Florida with a quick stop at Harcourt House. Smiles when they heard it was for a horse race.

The AW139's lifted off from Wandsworth, a fast trip to the Harcourt House landing grid.

Everything was ready, most of the baggage was already on the 767. Goodbyes and we were off.

At Chalgrove Mira said they were warmed up. Strapped in immediately... we were moving, engines winding up then the power surge as we turned onto the runway... roaring down and up into the inky black. A big port turn. An early morning arrival so we'd get a bit extra shut-eye.

The Twins had some fun with Jaidee and Ro ball tossing. They were a bit worn down... off to bed. Leaning over my daughter... kiss and hug.

"Goodnight sweetie."

"Night Mama."

Charlie held my hand smiling with sleepy eyes. I kissed his forehead, "Goodnight handsome."

A squeeze.

Cho and I snuggled on a settee. I told him about the greengrocer.

"My old self is very dead." A kiss on my cheek.

Sleep came easy in Cho's arms.

The light coming up behind us at Opa-Locka Airport. I got Jaidee's lead for a walk. Down the steps to the tarmac... the wind a bit chilly. The sun wasn't up long enough to warm things up.

Jaidee did some business and we strolled a bit. Rafe with me. He knew we were going to San Antonio to meet his family... His `we really didn't need to do that' didn't get much of a hearing. He was laughing though.

Folks were coming out as my breakfast was being finished off. Yobi and Lil got them all to sit... their food would come soon... our cabin staff had their usual detection help... Jaidee's tail signalled stirrings in the cabins.

Work for me with my Girls then we'd `suit' up for racing.

A funny story from Royce... the publisher of the New York Times was asked by a reporter for a TV station what he thought about losing the city to the Daily News... Royce said it was unprintable and couldn't be aired. The Daily News paraphrased it for the readers.

The full text of it caused considerable mirth in the Daily News offices.

Yellow! Chani in a yellow frock from Ralph Lauren, cute little short-sleeved thing with a belt. A white cardigan, white socks in navy blue Mary Jane's. Me in a sleeveless lemon yellow mid-thigh silk dress, snug bodice and A-line skirt. Navy stockings and heels. A navy cardigan and a navy bag.

Charlie and Cho in navy suits with yellow ties. Cute guys!

We entered the barn area from Gulfstream Way. I saw Frederica talking to Monaco. We stepped out to a big welcome. Ring! A huge hug for him after Monaco.

Chani and I went first to visit Toes Tapping. Our beautiful grey lady nickering softly as she was stroked. I held Chani up to caress the strong grey neck.

Outside Monaco smiling, "Fay she's going to destroy this field."

Fist bump! Chani too!

Around to the entrance of the clubhouse, Terri welcomed us again. She was our guide up to the White Room. Terri wished us good luck.

We settled to wait for our race. Ring and I on a settee with Charlie. We sipped drinks... Ring grinning. He had been working on our list of horses to enter into races around the world... helping Cho and Monaco make decisions.

"Fay, you have the finest stables I ever seen or even dreamed about. One awesome runner after another. In the last three years the only time you didn't have every horse a winner was when two were in the same race.

Never losing is an amazing racing strategy."

I laughed. I said we give horses to Monaco... "He does his magic and they all win."

Ring said he didn't know if it was possible to be in the Racing Hall of Fame more than once but Monaco is a good bet to the first.

That fellow had just arrived... hearing his name he came over... a big laugh about Ring's comment and my pronouncement on his skill..

"I always say the opposite... I tell everyone you give me the finest horses and I just tell them to go out and win."

We were all laughing at our version of a `Catch-22' conundrum.

The post parade for the premier race of the day... the Florida Derby, a G1 race with a million dollar purse. One hundred points for entry to the Kentucky Derby... the winner was `IN.'

Toes Tapping got good applause when she was introduced. Marnie was cheered! The only woman to ever win the Triple Crown!

They walked off to the left to the gate.

A half dozen Kentucky Derby hopefuls in the field. Toes Tapping the only filly just as last year when Hansa ran wild here crushing the colts.

They loaded easily... pause... CLANG! Toes Tapping came out of the four slot straight down the track... she was the early leader. They passed below us there was a two length gap back to three other horses.

In the turn she was closed to the rail by Marnie. A Triple Crown winning jockey, Marnie had become a poster girl for horse racing. A good-looking young woman, successful in her craft and riding a lot of winners for other trainers. Small wonder she'd received a big collection of awards last year!

She was so calm and steady. I watched her on Toes Tapping's back dead still... guiding the horse onto the back straight four lengths in the lead.

Down the back straight our grey beauty was widening... Chani in my lap tried my glasses to watch her. I could see Marnie take a look back at the field now seven lengths away as she reached the second turn.

In the turn Toes Tapping continued to roll on. I had my glasses at my eyes now I saw Marnie ask her at the top of the home stretch... Toes Tapping opened her jets. The fractions were very fast. She had a twelve length margin as she approached the finish. She roared over that looking awesome!

We all cheered our girl. Toes Tapping wowed the crowd. 1:44. 85!!! Monaco said it was a world record time!! She destroyed Gen. Duke's Florida Derby record from 1957 of 1:46.80 for this race.

The announcer said Toes Tapping had set the record for the world's fastest mile and an eighth for a filly. That set off huge cheers and clapping.

Terri came in smiling, she was our escort to the Winner's Circle.

"Your Ladyship, Sir Cho, Toes Tapping is a real beauty!"

Cho thanked her.

We walked out of the tunnel into a bright sun and immense cheering noise. We waved to the crowd. Cho motioned to me and Chani. She and I walked into the circle to be greeted by the track officials and the Florida Derby folks.

Monaco walked Toes Tapping in, Gus beside the horse. Chani and I received the trophy, pictures taken. I passed it to Monaco then he, Marnie and Gus held it up for pictures.

A microphone came towards me... I stopped it coming too close. I said Harcourt Racing was proud of Toes Tapping, she always ran with verve and power. I added you can all see her in the Triple Crown races this spring. Applause.

I hugged Marnie, hooking her arm I turned us onto the track dirt, close to her ear, "So do you want to win back to back Triple Crowns?"

She smiled, "I wouldn't mind! And be the first to do it and being a woman? Sounds a good way to make a point."

"Indeed. So you go and do it Okay!"

Another hug. She went to change in the jockey's room.

We got golf carts to the barn for our goodbyes. Toes Tapping was still a bit wound up... obviously happy.

Monaco and Ring hugged.

I put my arm over Gus' shoulders, "Thank you for caring for this beauty. She could make a lot of history this year."

High fives! "I do hope so... she's such a sweetie off the track, easy to care for and funny."

A hug for him.

We took the carts one more time to the helicopter. At Hawthorne Aviation we got to say hello to the cousins. They were pleased that Buddy and Patty would be joining them from Seattle. Buddy being the lead turbine mechanic and a trainer was a real boost for the location. They had a whole new service to offer to customers.

Mira had us airborne in short order. Off to Chalgrove, a morning arrival.

A call to Antoine in Seattle... he'd emailed a progress report.

"Fay, we are roaring along! The wiring in is more than fifty five percent done. The sensor and camera install teams were only five days behind the wiring folks.

In the Command Centre we love watching more and more of the city come online each day. We are thoroughly testing everything. We've found very few sensor and camera issues... it was in individual units so when they are replaced all is well.

I've sent the non-performing items to Reg's office to find the source of the problem."

I got Kevin, our tunnel guru, to join our Conference App call... He and Antoine are working together to get the tunnel wired as it went forward. The tunnel boring machine was nearly complete in Sweden... the ship to bring it to Seattle was ready... so the first week of June for delivery was on-time.

BNSF Railroad land clearance and prep was finished, the entrance for the tunnel borer was done. The industrial property south of the entrance had been cleared so all of the sections for the tunnel would be lined up ready to move in as the borer advanced.

The teams from Ralls and Wayne's wiring companies would be along for the ride. They'd put in the base cable and a redundant one then as the interior was finished' they would add sensors and cameras the length of the tunnel. Cellphone antennas were part of the package. It would be live' as soon as it was completed.

I let them know we were very pleased.

Cho and I sat after the Twins had gone to sleep going over a variety of projects around the globe. We were involved in seventy countries in one way or another. Busy and gaining a lot of interest in what we were doing. Eric was fielding interested contacts from a lot of folks inquiring about our products.

I was eating my breakfast looking at the steel grey sea as we approached the Irish coast. Jaidee was working on a chew treat quite industriously. The crowd coming out so Yobi and Lil had plenty of work. I got kisses and hugs from everybody.

Their food came so I went for more coffee. The Twins giggling over something... Chelle leaning against Gil's shoulder... Ali made eye contact, a smile and a thumbs up with her hand on the growing tummy!

Cho and I discussed the next few weeks with everyone sipping coffee...

First thing for me was the State Opening of Parliament tomorrow.

I would go to two horse races, Cho would go to Richmond to visit the Fox TV station there, onto the Masters Tournament and then Santa Anita. The whole family would meet at Oaklawn for the Arkansas Derby and the unveiling of SakChai's portrait in their Triple Crown Room.

I would call Candace to see if she wanted to join me at any of the races.

The day after Oaklawn was Songkran so we had a party to go to here in London.

I knew there would be a National Defence Strategic committee meeting and other Lords business to keep me in London for a bit after that.

We had Charles' thing at Clarence House!

Chalgrove out the window... we were down and taxiing. Prasert, Tom, Ron and others waiting.

Carter at the door... a big smile when the Twins were released from their seats... they charged him! Such happy greetings... they always acted like they'd been away for a year!

Carter doing a fist bump... "M'Lady, Chani and Charlie are so exuberant in their hellos."

We laughed, "They just love seeing people... And being on their own feet is part too!"

"Well it is so much fun."

I walked down to the Stables... Andy smiling, "We're ready!"

Roland standing there, Max and Con beyond him. Penny and Gaby smiling as they got legs up then me. Down the lane to the Flats... we did the warm-up to the track crossing... then a gallop to the lock.

Smashing run! Our friends waving their greeting. We three called out hellos as we crossed over the river. We rode to Barton Lane. Iman Khan, his senior group and Mrs. Khan all waiting. Penny took my reins as I slid down.

We all shook hands.

We all walked the area we had planned to donate for their masjid. I pointed out the space further to the east we thought good for a car park.

"Ah... Your Ladyship... we did have that on our notes to ask you about."

"So we will have this land surveyed and prepare a proposal for you. Your lawyers can review the offer and then we'll sign off. That shouldn't take very much time. You should be able to plan to break ground this summer.

I will try get it done as soon as possible."

We were all smiles. They had an architect who had done other mosques working on theirs. Handshakes and a hug with Laria.

She and her husband with me... they were very happy... Fazli was enjoying his work, earning a salary, having responsibilities. He looked forward to each day.

I squeezed Laria's hand and shook the Iman's hand with my other.

"Fazli is occupied with good work... He will have some time to decide now," so his father was pleased.

We parted, I waved from Roland's back heading east. We turned north to pass Archie and Margie's then through Lower Radley. A fast ride up to the little bridge to the lock. The lock man close to the south end, smiling.

"Your Ladyship, better hurry home... a fellow further up river says heavy rain is coming!"

I thanked him as we walked over. Mr. Hardy heard us, he stuck his head out... We said hello, he was coming to dinner.

Roland ready... I let him GO! He was running right away... I steered us towards the river's edge path. Roland's speed gobbled up the Radley's and Fraser's land very quickly. Up onto the Flats a lower speed then down to a trot and a walk.

Up the lane... Monty waiting. He took Roland for more walking. Gregory put his head out over the Dutch door of the office...

"Fay... " a hand motion, "... one of the cat exchange ladies is pregnant by Sebastian."

A sweet looking brown tabby girl curled up on the big chair. Gregory had long given up hope of sitting in that chair. It was a cat chair.

She had come from a farm on the other side of the Oxford Road... she was two years old now. I stroked her head... very soft!

The promised rain arrived as I was going up the lane. I got in before it really let go.

There was a fair number of folks in the Breakfast Room... coffee and a few bits to fill in corners. I got coffee and a scone!

Gil beside me, "All your things for tomorrow are ready at Cowley House."

I squeezed her hand.

"So how is having Chelle around all the time working?"

Gil smiling looking across the table to Chelle writing something on her iPad. I had her face in profile... a soft look... "It is good. She really likes my little suite upstairs... the bed is cuddle-sized."

We laughed.

"A thought... when Ali gets close to her time we should consider Chelle as her stand-in... by that time she'll have been around us for a while and have our rhythm... And far better than to have you take the work."

"That is a great idea! There's no replacing Francis but I suppose he could still do his things from one place?"

"We'll find a way for his things."

We had our neighbours in for dinner. Jocelyn with a huge smile... the Harcourt House Day-care was doing exceptionally well.

"The babies love being together... so much socialising happening, some parents have said they have seen changes in their little ones... more talking, improved motor skills... the babies are happy."

A hug. Mr. Torn beside his wife smiling, St. Thomas School was humming right along.

Mr. Hardy still cranking out pages, "M'Lady I can see the light at the end of the tunnel on this. There's so much more though... I have to write another."

I said he should do so! Montaigan sent me email on how impressed he was with Mr. Hardy's account that he hoped he would cover more of the Napoleonic period.

The Lone's smiling, they were both well and enjoying the ministry and the neighbourhood. Radley's and Fraser's families... all of them. Melonie growing up quite cute... looking like her mum. Tom smiling when I said that... he said "Thankfully!' Actually Tom was a good-looking fellow.

Melonie got hugs from the Twins.

We had a fun and a bit loud dinner with the Twins and Melonie. Good food and nice people!

After dinner I loaded up for Cowley House. Cho and the Twins would be here then Cho would be off. If I needed to stay in London... Charlie and Chani could come up.

A big goodbye from Cho... it will be a week before I see him again.

Kellen landed on the Wandsworth grid. She introduced me to Min, the second seater, who was new to us. On this flight Min had been on the controls.

Minerva was thirty, a long-time helicopter pilot from Wales, former Army, who had joined us and was flying with Kellen in her role as training pilot.

We shook hands, I welcomed her to Cho-Fay Air. Slender, short brown hair and green eyes, a great smile.

Rae and Allyn waiting... we were dropped at Cowley House. I took PJ for a quick visit to my office. Sage said she was still working but leaving soon. She handed me a few messages.

"Fay, there are quite a few requests for you to do things... speeches, gatherings and the sort..."

"For now politely say my time is engaged to those unless you feel I should see some. I'm not going to do a lot of things... too much else happening."

"Many are very easy to refuse... I'll be picky."

Fist bump as we laughed.

Upstairs in bed Cho and I talked for a bit. Just voices no Conference App. There was laughter about the Fox News piece on the Daily News overtaking the New York Times. Megan had followed the story by congratulating her newspaper colleagues on their success.

We enjoyed her little on-air dig at the New York Times!

Mrs. Travers smiling, "We are ready!" It was her answer to my bringing guests to luncheon. Clough had said the same.

Today I would be memorable... the RED Mirabelle suit, black stockings and heels, gold jewellery. `Joy'

The big Mirabelle coat, the Hermès French flag scarf and black gloves.

I walked to the Palace of Westminster with Gil and Chelle, they had my robe in a clothes bag. PJ, Tessa and Angie with us.

I shared an office to put on my robe with Mac and Alfred. Mac had greeted me with a monster hug.

"Fay! What a show you put on!"

I Thanked Mac, "In an odd way it was fun."

He laughed, "I know all those new MP's are glad you dropped in."

Alfred had my hand, "Fay, you have my unqualified admiration for your campaign."

I thanked these nice men. We walked out into the Peers Lobby arm in arm. Lots of greetings, admiring comments.

Todd, Baron Ducovney, came up.

"Fay, are we on for the solar talk? Most of the Commons members appear to be back. More have asked to attend. I have arranged the main hall at St. John's Smith since the numbers are larger.

We have it for the fourteenth?"

I didn't have my iPhone... no pockets in this get-up or my suit.

"If that was day planned then it's in my calendar but I will have Gil double-check... " my hand motioning around, "... When this is over."

We shook hands. Then it was like a light bulb' or solar panel' illuminated for Todd.

"You just did a stock issue for your solar company?"

"Yes... we did a secondary non-voting level issue. The company on paper as of this morning is valued at over ten billion two hundred million £'s. So we have some extra capital to work with. Plus the Iranian deal which we will share the financing for the plants to be built in Iran."

"So you really are making good money... It might draw more members interest."

We were being asked to go in... Terrance. A hug and my cheek kissed.

"You my dear are the belle of this ball notwithstanding Her Majesty. What a thing you did rousing voters across the country.

My party put up a poor showing..." He leaned close as we walked, "... we didn't really earn half of the seats we did get. So many voters voting for no better reason than `I voted tory last time' which isn't a true measure of the party."

I squeezed his arm as we separated.

Cecil and Alexander standing in the Spiritual Aisle by the Cross-Bench seats... Mac shook their hands and offered them seats... there was some noise from the tories. I got to shake their hands before they sat down.

It was crowded. The tories had to move across to the Temporal side to share with the Lib-Dem's, the Labour peers on the Spiritual side. The smaller parties beside them.

Mac and I sat at the Clerk's Bench since they weren't here today. A few other cross-benchers joined us.

All the robes... the red, white and gold! The Black Rod and other officers in their black outfits looking quite old fashioned but dignified.

We waited a short while... the Queen behind the house officers entered from the Spiritual side... coming in from the Prince's Chamber... We stood up... She was in a pale blue dress and hat... she give us all a short bow then went up the steps. We returned the bow. Prince Charles was her escort. The Queen sat down on the throne, Charles on the Chair of State to her left.

The Queen gave her permission for us to sit.

The Black Rod left after the Lord Chamberlain's raised his staff to summon the Commons members to the house. It took a while... you could hear them crossing the Peers Lobby, making lots of noise was part of the tradition to show they weren't in fear of the Lords. They clustered at the back behind the Bar of the House.

I looked back to see Keir Starmer at the bar in the centre.

The Lord Chancellor approached the sovereign with the speech in a pouch with bended knee he offered the speech to Her Majesty. The Queen remained sitting to read the speech.

The contents are the government's plan for this session of Parliament. The ending of brexit comes right up front followed by new funding for the NHS and education. Reform of the judicial system to make trial and sentencing more fair, new more restrictive rules for police operations and require deeper background checks and psychological testing mandatory for all police, new banking laws, environment rules and regulations to be enhanced and penalties stiffened, so much more.

A totally new look for Defence bills, three bills completely separate. The regular armed forces, the Trident nuclear fleet and the nuclear submarine decommissioning.

It had been put together by Keir Starmer's new government very quickly.

With the large Labour majority all of this will come to pass.

The Queen read it through... the Lord Chancellor went back to receive it.

That done the Lord Chamberlain set in motion Her Majesty's departure. He lifted the Imperial State Crown on its cushion, we all stood... as did Her Majesty... the other officers preceded the Lord Chamberlain then the Queen descended the steps on Prince Charles' arm following the Lord Chamberlain to exit through the Temporal side to the Prince's Chamber through to the Royal gallery onto the Robing Room and then out to her car.

We all could talk and move about. The Commons members departed back to their chamber.

I got to speak to quite a few members. Many hands shaken!

I received many congratulations for the work I'd put in during the election. Labour peers I didn't know coming up to thank me. I might have asked what they had done but I was good. Ha!

Baroness Culver approached... she was looking VERY tentative...

"Lady Harcourt... I would like to apologise for my comment here in the previous month. I appreciate now you were wearing your family's tartan and your clothes were appropriate for the House of Lords."

I said I accepted her apology and thanked her for offering it. She moved away looking like she was glad to have survived a `close encounter' with some sort of monster.

Ashover had been behind me during that...

"Fay, her home district went Labour... One of those you helped by going to visit... Gwendolyn."

I had to smile at that... I hadn't known... Gil did say she was from around Peterborough but I didn't link it.

"I have other news... I'm to be the Leader of the House."

I congratulated David. He said it meant a good deal more work here and in the Cabinet. It was a great honour and he was pleased.

"Someone else is moving up, Argyle is to be the new speaker."

I looked around, David said he didn't see him.

David was on my list for lunch... as was Argyle... it was fifteen members.

We did have work to do here... There was a motion for `an Humble Address' in reply to the Queen's Speech... it was moved and seconded by Labour peers in the backbenches. The debate was adjourned. We'd cover the contents of the speech in the next few days.

My lunch crowd... all smiling, without their red robes joined me in the Peers Lobby. My red suit brought out admiring looks and comments by many. I covered it up with my coat and we were off.

Mac on one side... Terrance on the other. We made quite the procession to Cowley House.

Clough and our staff were ready... coats collected and in the North Drawing Room glasses of sherry or whiskey. I had Cecil beside me...

"Any negative comments from your erstwhile colleagues?"

"No. There was surprise from a few... many already knew we both were piqued with the way the government was acting... your bit about defence spending really was a topper."

I let him know that Black Star was entered in the English `Triple Crown' races.

"Oh so you guys want to have it all? Well he's a good runner so it's possible."

My across the pond comment about Toes Tapping got his attention.

"Do you think so? That would quite the trick! Your rider Marnie can handle it. She rode SakChai beautifully all last year."

"She started with a bang on him at the Pegasus World Cup... what a pot of gold that was. We sent our tax attorney to visit with SakChai's groom she made so much money."

We were laughing. He could hardly believe the young woman earned three quarters of a million dollars in one lump. I said we were more generous with the shares for our staff, even the hot walkers received more than one hundred thousand dollars.

Smiling, "It surely makes for happy workers."

Cecil nodding, "Your stables are so good now..."

Laughing I told Cecil our version of the `catch-22' conundrum.

A smile, "See that is what I mean... so many runners of quality with the probably the world's finest training staff... " He paused, "... I read something in the trade publications about your stables... you had been investigated by several American states because you have won so many times... they all came away saying basically the same... your operation was completely above board and wholly open to scrutiny like they never seen before."

"We told them to come around whenever they wanted... no limits except for our Security wanting to know who was doing what... when... but not interfering with their work. California, Kentucky, New York and Florida all did in-depth looks... they are the cream of the crop in America."

I had Argyle's arm, "Now I want you to look my way all the time so I can be recognized... " We both laughed.

"Fay, you be obvious enough especially if you wear this suit!"

"You like?" I slipped into a patois, "Well matey... you should have the missus come by the shop to squeeze into one... they're going cheap!"

We were laughing hard.

"Fay, I can see the Lords won't ever be dull with you in attendance."

Clough at the door interrupted everything... Food!

Mrs. Travers started with a savoury course, wonderful little egg and cheese pastries then a rich tomato bisque with bread squares coated with Asiago. Grilled salmon with a dill cream sauce, Italian green beans tossed with Romano, whipped potatoes. Cross buns and our Oxfordshire butter. Relish trays all around.

Clough served an Emmanuel Houillon - Pierre Overnoy Arbois-Pupillin Vin Jaune, a bit unusual but quite nice from Jura district of France.

I could see it was appreciated around the table. Terrance smiled and raised his glass. I motioned to Clough who bowed with the praise.

Talk was mostly the Labour plans, the election and horses. Maresfield told us his son-in-law had held his seat with a reduced majority.

"Fay, you did a lot of damage in traditional tory areas."

He raised his glass to me.

I raised my glass in return.

Terrance gave them the story of my speech at the Armed Forces Society dinner. Several said they'd heard about it. I was asked about the somewhat vague Trident business in the speech.

"Gentlemen, I am not at liberty to say more except that Mr. Starmer knows and has spoken to Hillary Clinton about it."

Somebody did a `woo ooo' sound which had the table laughing.

Dessert were custard tarts with cream sauce. The sauce was thick and sweet!

Everybody dug in! Coffee or espresso served at the same time.

There was a lot of quiet which had me laugh... inside!

We moved back to the North Drawing Room... afters if desired. I sat on a settee with Terrance... he gave me a look...

"So this Trident thing... you're serious about getting rid of them?"

I shrugged, "I don't see they play anything more than a minor role... we certainly could use the money in better ways. What could a properly run MOD do with two or three billion extra £'s per year?"

Terrance shook his head, "With as you say `proper' leadership a great deal could be done. There is more to this isn't there?"

I nodded... "Ah... but you can't go there?"

"I made promises... I think it will be public in a matter of weeks... I will say it was an idea I broached to Hillary in January... she followed up on it and decided it could work... so the ball is in play between her and Starmer."

Terrance was grinning, "Have they asked you to enter the government for real?"

"I was asked to take an active part in the Trident thing' as you called it... I told them I was impossible for several reasons... I am a citizen of both countries... The appearances of my conflicts was too dicey to imagine. I'm to be an advisor' to the process."

"Damn Fay you are a good dancer..."

"Terrance you have no idea what a great dancer I am... It was on a dance floor where my love for Cho was sealed! I can do it all."

He was laughing! He loved to waltz and did a mean polka in his younger years. Fist bump which drew more laughs.

"Sometime you and Melody should come over... we'll roll up some carpet and `boogie' for a while."

I did a shimmy with my arms up. A good trick when you're sitting.

Terrance put out his hand, "You're on! Give us some notice so I make sure we have a lot liniment at home."

I laughed out loud as we shook on it.

I stood beside Alexander at the fire, "Are you good with your decision?"

His `Yes' came quickly. "Fay, there are buffoons at the top of the Conservative Party! They know absolutely nothing about the country and people they claim to love and want to lead.

Not to be melodramatic... they have the stink of death about them. Dead from the neck up and morally... ethically corrupt in all the rest of them."

I was facing Alexander... he shook his head, "I've really been down about this for a while... Cecil too.. he handles it better. Both of our family histories is one conservative member after another and, son following father."

I had his hand, "I'm proud to be your colleague! I've been asked why I'm not Labour... it's easy I don't agree with all of their ideas but I am a person of the left... probably that shouldn't be a capital `L' I suppose. I want the freedom to choose..."

"Me too! Something more... My son wants to go to Sandhurst as I did... he wants to serve... I couldn't go on supporting the clods running the military. I intend to be more active on defence issues!"

Fist bump which he loved.

We had to break up this little party. I helped men into their coats with Temple, Miles and Lorenzo.

Mac had my arm, "I will say you look deadly in that suit. Cho shouldn't be going to watch horses..."

I laughed, "He's going to watch golfers first. The Masters in Augusta."

"OH! Tom Angleten."

"Yes and others. Cho played the Augusta National six weeks back with Tom. Tom tied the course record score, a 63."

Mac was staring, "Wow! Cho?"

My smile was gigantic, "My guy shot a 52! The newest low score!"

Mac grinning squeezing my arm, "Cho is flat amazing!"

"Cho said the course was beautiful, he liked it."

"I shouldn't wonder after he shot a 52!"

We laughed.

"Get him to tell you sometime... he said he was close to being three shots lower."

Mac at the door shaking his head, A hug. I waved the last of my guests down the street.

Inside I thanked Clough for a really fine luncheon. The staff had been wonderful. I went into the kitchen to thank Mrs. Travers and her staff.

"Everything was delicious, the salmon perfect but the custard tarts really blew them away."

Smiles from all the kitchen folks.

In my Lady's Room with email.

One from Cheryl, our New York architect, forwarded by Gil reporting that the redo of 725 Fifth Tower atrium and retail spaces had begun. The building managers reported no issues with the retail people, they were `rolling with the punches' so far. The construction folks were being extra careful in this first stage which is the marble removal.

She was working with Kotro on the redesign into a verdant landscape. Tons of various woods and bamboo were being stockpiled. As much from used' sources as possible. It wasn't meant to be a pristine' interior but to look like it had been there for a while.

I could see Kotro and Cheryl winning all sorts of awards for this project! I certainly hoped so!!

An update from Tini, Jian's assistant, who was now doing most of the work on the golf tournament. The Hedges Golf Club people had all their local suppliers on schedule, food, drink, crowd control equipment, etc... The club had two companies for clean-up and maintenance of tournament equipment; they were experts and widely praised. The club was using the same security company that had worked for them during the car maker's tournament, no problems with them.

I emailed her to make a note for Jian to thank the Hedges people now for their preparedness. With the club being so accomplished we had a hope to make money for the Foundation in this first year!

The video Winnie's team created was up in many places... it was terrific! It showed the Hedges Club and brief bits of interviews with the top golfers coming to play. It also showcased the Chanthira Foundation's work around the world in healthcare and supporting LGBTQ teens in many countries.

Winnie's folks were very skilled, good eyes for how things look in video and sensitive about the values we espouse.

Cassandra... she was managing with Carter the weddings at Harcourt House for Pat and Diana and Andy and Teddie plus Penn and Kavat and Des and Roseanna later. All the usual things that could be done... were!

Teddie's family were doing their part. Diana and Pat didn't have much family just Fran and Fidel. Fran's baby was well along now. All the Stables staff would want to be there.

Penn's parents were great, they were so pleased the House was available for their daughter's wedding this summer.

Roseanna's family were very involved and had made a trip to Harcourt House to see the location. Cassandra showed them snaps of our wedding so they could see how the Garden looked in summer.

Cassandra added she and her boyfriend might tie the `knot' in the late summer. I sent my hopeful congratulations to her.

Candace said she'd love to go with us but there was too much to do. She had a local management company signed up to lease her house, moving company possibles coming in to interview.

Did we have a cleaning service to recommend in New York... I hate to clean' was her comment. Gil sent her the name of our approved' cleaners.

She was preparing her lectures for the fall in a completely new environment... new colleagues and students.

She was writing an end of employment piece to give to MIT when she gave them her resignation letter. She was planning to send it to the university's student newspaper also. She doubted the MIT management would be happy about it.

Theodore... He was jazzed! The Russians made an serious error... they exposed a previously unknown agent in the FBI to get information on Yevgeny. The fellow had to look in files that were `watched' by others in the FBI Counter-Intelligence apparatus.

Theodore said they must be rattled... possibly by some of the other things happening the National Security Advisor had mentioned.

The FBI was now watching the newly exposed fellow, he is in their counter-intelligence section. No... he wasn't the one on the `list' from last year.

Theodore said the FBI wanted to thank us for the assistance and sent a congrats to our Security.

I replied with a big check and... why did they think the it was so important for the Russians to know where Yevgeny was?

Theodore replied right away... It was probably linked to the NSA work... they were checking on other agents around the world which was quite helpful to western governments counter-intelligence services. Exposing a nest in France the DGSI didn't know about but was now investigating. The RCMP was onto three Russians they hadn't suspected before this. And more!

I emailed Cho with all that.

Gil and Ali very politely added some work for me. `No dessert' for them tonight which was greeted with Bronx cheers!

I decided to go back to Harcourt House... I wanted to hold my family. Cho and Carter at the door. So nice to have a warm Cho in my arms. Inside two very lively youngsters squeezing me.

The Twins were doing a puzzle after dinner, Cho and I talked by the fire with Gil and Chelle. Jaidee was sitting watching Chani and Charlie... he seemed unusually interested. Cho said he didn't know what the puzzle was.

We discussed Theodore's news. Cho shaking his head, "You can bet the Russians must be somehow panicked if they asked a mole in the FBI to help. I know Theodore didn't tell you what happened to the fellow on the list but he must have been moved from counter-intelligence if they had to ask another one."

"Hillary's National Security Advisor did say they were going run some games on the Russians so maybe the panic is part of that... I doubt we get to know. I do like the idea of Russians in a freak out state!"

We laughed. Nina's folks were watching carefully all around Minetta Street. Yevgeny knew what happened... Nina said he had a good laugh about what our Security had done to the watcher. Mara knew too and was Okay with a few changes for her.

Ah... we understood Jaidee's interest... the puzzle was a snap of a big pile of brown puppies! His babies! Very cute too. He got lots of petting from us all and a soft chew reward... well... for being himself!

My morning ride was marvellous. Roland happy at the end for the run. We had crossed the Oxford Road south of Baldon Lane and turned south skirting our fields around Little Baldon. Further south to the edge of Berinsfield. We had to wait a few minutes to get across the A4074. We followed the Abingdon Road to Clifton Hampden then over the Oxford Road again going north to the Garden Centre.

I slid down at the works office for the Harcourt Racing Museum. Gillespie was waiting with Mervyn to talk. Gillespie was the manager for the project.

"M'Lady, the local roads people will start in two days on the widening and re-surfacing. We as you see have already begun grading and prepping the site.

There is no reason to suspect any buried objects of historical interest but we are watching carefully. The Oxford University archaeology people and the Oxfordshire county ones have been by to talk. Everyone has been briefed on what to look for in the soil."

I thanked him.

Mervyn said the county road people estimated they'd be done by the first week of June. That was good for us. The general contractor had things in the pipeline. Steel would coming after concrete...

The main subcontractor's company was experienced with big glass projects so they fit right in.

We went back south to near Katie's house then took off over the fields towards the Stables. Roland galloping at a speedy pace... I let him romp! On the flats he was still excited, several whinny's as I stroked his neck. Angie and Tara smiling as we walked our horses up the lane.

Breakfast! The Twins were just coming in with Tha. Today was a sleep in day for Delphine. We did plates for the babies. Mine was full when I parked beside a very engrossed Cho... he dipped the Financial Times long enough for a kiss. I peeked over the top... just my eyes showing... I got a smile!

I flew into Wandsworth before lunch to attend an afternoon debate on the Queen's Speech.

I walked over from Cowley House after a stop to see Sage. Tara and Gaby along.

The Labour speakers did Okay, they needed to be stronger... I put it down to a lack of time.

The tories were downright laughable. The two chosen did not speak well and lost their way several times. A serious error! It is impossible to take the tories seriously.

I saw Terrance in the tory seats wince once at something one of the fools said. I leaned to Mac, "Do they actually think about who they pushed out to do this? Either that or they don't care anymore."

Mac shrugged, "They don't seem to have the heart for it. A pretty poor showing."

The SNP and Lib-Dems had their chances as did the Cross-benchers. Mac chose two good ones! They did some picking at pieces but in the main they were supportive of the Labour programme.

A deadly dull few hours! I decided to fly home.

Cho and the Twins were happy. I got to hold my guy before his departure.

"I got an email reply from Sydney. We're going to have dinner before I fly on to Augusta. And not at the Jefferson Hotel... one of the places they like that is a family run place."

My morning ride was wonderful. I could see the bits of spring happening all around. Roland was awesome as always showing me he loved the run. I did a tour of the Stables seeing all the horses.

After breakfast it was goodbye time for Cho. Hugs and kisses applied by us three. I said to say hi to Tom and Rox, Sidney and Sylvia for me. Thumbs up. We waved him away to Chalgrove.

I went back to the Lords the next two days. Each portion of the Queen's Speech was debated... I didn't fall asleep but my concentration was on other things.

A kiss on Mac's cheeks in the Peers Lobby... he knew I was off to the States.

I left at six o'clock... Mira said it was a nine o'clock landing at Newburgh.

Gil and Ali worked with me, Chelle said she had two cases that were new about pictures being used without consent under copyright laws. Some celebrity site with two dozen snaps of me... many from our newspapers. The lawyers sent letters...

I went into our cabin for a nap. I turned off my mind and got ninety minutes of sleep. Lil had drinks, she and Yobi served dinner. At eight twenty Mira gave us a thirty minute warning.

On the tarmac a stiff cold breeze as we headed to the AW139's.

Terence and Pell at the heliport for us. Roslyn at the lift door. Smiles and a hug.

Cho called he had a terrific dinner with Sydney and Sylvia. A Southern cooking place with excellent food. Great tastes in a relaxed atmosphere. Some fine jazz by a four piece group made it even better.

He'd email me some thoughts on the Fox TV station.

He'd be in Augusta in a few minutes. I got a very goodnight from Cho and he from me.

No Jaidee to walk so I took some of my Protectors out. We did a couple of miles looking around the neighbourhood. They did have me in a hat and big dark sunglasses in case a Russian might lurking about.

Roslyn fed us a delicious lunch before we flew out to Aqueduct Racetrack. Mara came with me like last year. She was stoked!

The track folks had the far southeast corner reserved for a landing space again.

Carts to go into the barn area. Demetria, Stellar Black's trainer with Lucie, his Security team leader, at the barn door. Handshakes and hugs. Everyone said our boy was ready to go!

Owen in Stellar Black's stall... our young colt was a bit keyed up in a quiet way. A bit of stroking him.

Owen smiling, "He's thinking about it. Miss, he's ready!"

We left them to do their work. The carts carried us under the portico at the south end of the grandstand. A track official was waiting for me. He said they were pleased to have us race here.

We had a box in the open air section several tiers above the saddling area and the Winner's Circle just under the roof.

Drinks... I asked for coffee. The young woman attending to us smiling as she handed me my cup... she must have recognized me... she almost spilled it. I took it.

She was apologising... I said no need nothing happened. A shy smile.

Chelle said she could understand... "I'm still amazed to be around you all the time."

"Well... chill. Don't I act like other people?"

"Yes... but... well you're different than most."

I looked... "Fay I don't mean you have green ears or six legs... nothing silly... you do happen to be one of the most famous people on the planet right now."

I tapped Gil's shoulder, "Give her more work until she gets over it."

Everybody laughing... I poked Chelle's arm... she was laughing too.

The post parade for the Wood Memorial was announced. Owen the groom, texted Demetria was on her way up. I watched Stellar Black walk out of the saddling enclosure... Dom up in our green and yellow silks.

They moved off to the left towards the gate. This is a mile and an eighth G2 race with a Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand dollar purse. Several excellent Kentucky Derby hopefuls besides our boy.

Stellar Black was in the fourth slot... they went in easy... pause... CLANG! They had a good start coming down the track towards us.

Stellar Black was in a group of five... more or less even as they went under us heading for the first turn. The horse on his left faded somewhat giving Stellar Black room to go to the rail. They spun around the turn... lead changes giving our colt some more space... he was ahead by two going onto the back straight.

Dom had him moving along smoothly, good strides, looking relaxed in my glasses. He was holding a four length lead as they approached the second turn. Dom took a quick look as Stellar Black went around the turn... he kept our boy going as he had...

At the top of the stretch Dom asked... Stellar Black responded with a surge of power... he came down the dirt rocking along! The lead was eight as Stellar Black gobbled up the track to the finish line... he blew by it in full stride!

1:46.45! Five hundreds short of SakChai's time last year which was a stakes and track record.

We celebrated. Mara bouncing on her toes holding my hand. Chelle and Gil hugging.

A track fellow came to escort me down. PJ and Tara behind me. We came out into the sun... a very nice crowd greeting. I walked into the Winner's Circle with Demetria leading our colt in. Dom smiling on his back. Owen right there.

I accepted the trophy from the stakes people, they seemed to be very pleased. Our second win in a row at the Wood Memorial. Last year SakChai went on to win the Triple Crown. Stellar Black looked just as good!

The race folks were very happy we liked running in their stakes race. I told them we'd likely be here every year. Thanks from them.

Some carts for us to go to the barns. I stepped off the cart as Stellar Black was being walked in. He was excited... nickering as he was stroked. Owen took him for more walking to cooldown.

I asked if anyone knew where Ben Willard's barn was. I was directed three rows over. My crowd stayed at our barn except PJ and Tara.

I asked at the barn for Ben Willard. He came out...

"Miss Martin, it's very good of you to come by. I saw your Stellar Black blew away the field. Congratulations."

I thanked him. I said Toes Tapping was going up against Stellar Black in the Triple Crown.

He was amazed and glad. "I knew she was good but Monaco really has the touch. He gets all there is from a horse."

"He does to our benefit. Our horses thrive under his care."

We talked about his season so far... he was doing well, several wins and a lot of in the money finishes. I congratulated him in return. I asked after his family... they were all doing quite well. A son in the Naval Academy was to graduate in a month.

His son wanted to be an aviator... "He loves planes, he's been a licensed pilot for five years now.

"Wow! I hope he gets what he wants... jets I guess?"

"Indeed! He wants to go fast!"

"Well... remind him to enjoy the trip and not to fly by interesting things."

Ben laughed, "He's always going. I think the Navy will slow him down some... the training is intense. The responsibility immense."

We shook hands with big smiles.

We were `carted' back to the AW139 and away. At Minetta Street we dropped Mara... picked up a few things and a couple of Protectors then back to the heliport and on to Newburgh.

Mira said a bit over an hour in flight as we taxied for take-off. In the air it was indeed a fast trip to Lexington.

The big jet turned on final approach I could see the race track. We landed on Blue Grass Airport's runway four and taxied back to park south of the terminal. The usual assortment of vehicles drove up. I went down the stairs to a big dark car with Gil, Ali and Chelle. PJ, Tara and Tessa.

As we headed to Sasha and Roundell's PJ said Kara will be here tomorrow. She's flying in from California. Okay. A new member of the Protection Team. He added Cal would join Cho in Augusta.

More people meant some of our folks could more easily go to training and vacations.

We rolled up to the door... Roundell and Sasha waiting... hugs and kisses!!! I'd missed them!

They couldn't come to Harcourt House for Christmas and not to Phuket! BUT... Riley... what an adorable boy. I got to hold him in his nursery.

"Hey... you folks do good work!"

Looking down at him, "Riley, you are a lucky guy!"

I could see their faces... love for this cute bundle. His nurse took Riley with a smile.

In the solarium with a Campari and soda with a twist of lemon!! Grinning at Sasha... she wanted one too but she was nursing the beautiful boy. Roundell sat opposite... he looked trimmer like Wally.

"Cho's words had an effect. I'd like to stop the clock but that ain't gonna happen!"

He had spoken to Wally when Walter the Fourth was born. They laughed about losing weight.

I handed them my iPhone with photos taken yesterday of the Twins on the Rêve. They stared then looked up at me.

"Yes, they are both at the top end of the growth scale... blowing through clothes and shoes likes nobodies' business. I did find out Chani likes to clothes shop!"

They were laughing, Sasha especially so!

"Fay, they are so cute on the boat."

"When their friends come to the house they get Ellie and Lorraine to do outfits for them. Do you see Jaidee... he has a skull and cross bones pullover."

I told them about Chani `holding court' at Cowley House in a crowd of members of the House of Lords. It had been quite the scene!

I said Cho had been in Richmond and now Augusta for the Masters.

Roundell looking up... big eyes, "He's not playing is he?"

"No... just there to watch and support Tom Angleten. He and Tom played the course six weeks ago... you do not want to know how they did..." A big cheesy grin!

Roundell smiling waving me on... "Tom tied the course record with a 63 and Cho set an entirely new record with a 52!"

Roundell shaking his head, "That man can really play the game like no one ever. I'm sure the Pros are glad he's just watching!"

"Cho said Tom looks very sharp. Tom is going to play in our Chanthira Foundation tournament in September in New Jersey. It is a real boost for us."

I added Roxanne is due in August right about time the British Open is played.

An Oh! From Sasha. Big eyes on Roundell.

We were going into dinner... Roundell stopped us... a smile and a bow... He waved his arm, "Your Ladyship...please."


Dinner was great, we enjoyed talking. I told them the whole story of Her Majesty's visit. Roundell saying she was right about Asda, "He's near perfect... what a stud!!"


My entering the Lords, last season's racing successes... all the way through to the attempt to kill us.

My saying we expected to hear of Ti's death... Cho especially so... that did surprise them.

"It's not like we wanted anything other than to see him in a court's prisoner dock... we just thought the Chinese government would do something. We don't know that they haven't except for Ambassador Ping's fervent statement that President Xi would never have allowed it."

Roundell rubbing his chin, "You know I did practise law for some years before stopping to run the farm..." I nodded, "... I found that people's earnest desires are often thwarted by others without their knowledge and agreement. The further distance the greater the likelihood."

"As I said we don't know... the autopsy that was published didn't clear up all the doubts."

Roundell shrugged, "You'll just have to wait... even places like China... secrets have a way of coming out."

They loved hearing about the Twins bits of fun. The puzzles... Roundell said he'd had lots when he was young, "My dad would keep a piece or two aside every now and then just to confound me... make me work harder he'd always say."

We laughed. I told them Tha had done that once... it hadn't mattered.

"When Riley is ready send me some snaps you'd like to have as puzzles... we started with big pieces and have made them progressively smaller and smaller. It doesn't matter the Twins plough through them anyway!"

They laughed.

I explained we owned the company in London that makes the puzzles.

"The ones Twins have `used up' that aren't family snaps we have sent to the Harcourt House Day-care or other nursery schools."

"So how long do they last?"

"Usually twice... they do it with the picture as an example then do it again without... often the second is much faster."

"So they feel no further challenge?"

I nodded, "They are quite sharp. You should have seen the faces of the French news people at our Paris Mirabelle store opening... We were speaking to them, answering questions. One of the crowd asked, in English to Chani what see liked... she said seeing all the pretty colours of the clothes in French... their faces were a delight to see... totally shocked hearing that. All on her own."

Sasha smiling, "So we better watch out for them!"

I laughed out loud, "Yes.. we ALL better!"

Sasha lightly sipped some of my Amaretto. Roundell had a whiskey... "Do you want to ride in the morning?"

I said Yes!

"Okay. I tell Bradley to get Roscommon out... he's fiery Irish colt... just your speed."

"And another for Tara?"

"You bet!"

Sasha and I peeked in at Riley... sleeping sweetly.

In my room we held each other close... a kiss.

"You were missed at Phuket but Riley is quite the boy."

"He is definitely worth missing one trip but next year... Yea!"

A few more kisses.

I came into their breakfast room with a big smile, "Roundell that is a fine horse. Roscommon loves speed like me."

He grinned, "I was sure you two would be good together."

"Would you sell him to me?"

"Surely... he needs to be ridden hard... it's his metier!"

We shook hands on it.

I said Aneka is staying at Harcourt Farm until her next race at Keeneland then one at Churchill Downs Derby week. "I'll have Roscommon moved to the farm with her... Okay?"

Roundell smiling saying it was good for him.

Sasha came in with Riley. I got to sit holding him. Taking me back a year and a half. I had handed my iPad to Sasha to watch a couple of kid videos. The Twins on the Rêve and with Jaidee in the Garden.

It hit me... "Would you two like a puppy from one of Jaidee's litters?"

I told Sasha to go into the pictures to see them. Once they saw the snaps... They were up for it. Okay! A boy for them! Done!

"Just so you know the breeder in England is deliberately very careful to not allow any closely related dogs mate. Jaidee wasn't anything nearer than second cousin from the one of the ladies he covered.

You will get all the documents but to be safe I'm sure the breeder will send along what he knows about any related dogs over here if you want him to breed."

They'd get the dog while Riley is so young so they can grow up together... terrific!

I did `borrow' their dining room for some work before we needed to go to the racetrack. Gil and Ali doing things... I sat at the end of the table with coffee and Chelle.

The lawyers had responded... they told her that the trial judge was well-known as a careful and intellectual jurist. She has never been overruled by the appellate court. The appeals court`s history is to affirm her original court rulings. Meaning it would likely go on to the Supreme Court!

"Fay... I'm certainly NOT a court watcher but our lawyers seem to believe the Supreme Court would not overturn this decision. They are saying the judge laid down a strong case for her decision."

Fist bump!

Chelle grinning, "The lawyers said the actual and obvious abuse was too powerful to ignore. And the judge made the case that websites do not need to be protected by such overarching law. That is what I think is the strongest part... the internet doesn't need to be babied to encourage growth any further.

Moreover the judge was at pains to point out the technology is now available to scan uploads and comments to stop the abuse."

Okay... we wait for the appeal.

Race time! I dressed upstairs with some help from Sasha's maid. She was a cutie I'd met before now with sassy short bouncy dreadlocks.

A cotton short-sleeved frock, green and yellow vertical stripes, a green belt, pale stockings and green heels. A green cardigan with the top button done up. Gold jewellery and `Joy' and green gloves... all the bits were Harcourt Racing colours.

Sasha's maid liked the `Joy' so I said dab a bit. She did and thanked me. I did tell her it was expensive even the spray was about one hundred dollars for a tiny vial... big eyes... I said this small bottle was about sixteen hundred dollars.

"Oh Miss!! I guess I can't ask my boyfriend for some as a gift."

I texted Gil... if we had a spray bottle on the plane... her reply was a yes.

I turned to the maid... "I'll have our driver bring it here to you."

"Please that is too much trouble and money..."

I squeezed her hand, "It isn't... it will be fine."

She thanked me.

She packed my things. She had done it once before... I liked how careful she was.

Down to say goodbye to Sasha and Riley. HUGS!

Roundell was already at the track with a horse in a race three before Aneka.

To the car.

At the barn McKenzie grinning. Aneka was ready to roll.

"Fay, her run at Santa Anita was awesome. Aneka had a really good winter it shows. This short race will tune her up for more... then the tougher ones."

I stroked her mane talking to her. A hug and kiss for this magnificent lady.

Corky gave me a thumbs up! A huge grin on her face!

A cart to the grandstand. Roundell kept a box which we went up to as a group. We had two races to wait through. Gil and Ali went for drinks with Angie.

I looked at the programme... A lot of quality fillies running today. The Madison Stakes, Aneka's race, is a G1 race of seven furlongs on dirt. A three hundred thousand dollar purse. Four years old and up fillies.

Behind my blue reflective round sunglasses this crowd didn't know me. A Plus I thought until a teenaged girl came over to ask for my autograph... I said I would if she didn't tell everybody I was here. I got a big `OKAY' from her.

I sipped my club soda and lime and nibbled from a big basket of chips/fries that Gil `thought' might be welcome. We laughed.

Roundell came up... His horse took the `place' in her earlier race. He seemed pleased.

"She had some muscle issues with one leg, this is part of her comeback to racing after treatment. So she did well."

Fist bump.

We chatted about our spring racing... how Harcourt Racing was rolling along!! Roundell brought up Harcourt Farm's security.

"Fay, there are rumours about your folks catching some bank robbers..." His eyebrows raised.

Laughing I leaned closer, "Now don't tell Okay."

Roundell lifted a hand palm out smiling then crossed his heart. We both laughed.

I leaned closer, "Our people did catch three bank robbers who had killed a man and wounded two in Frankfort. They were driving on a road that is inside our farm but a public road.

We have new advanced drones... our security setup an ambush, stopped them, captured all three and handed them to the Franklin County sheriffs."

I showed him a snap on my iPhone of a wing. He looked then his eyes came to mine...

"Yes... they are really superb fliers, it has a small turbine engine and it manoeuvres using the exhaust directed by venturis so it's very agile. They also can be armed, the robber's car was disabled by one drone shooting out its rear tyres. With some further encouragement they surrendered."

Roundell's head cocked... "Encouragement?"

"Well one was knocked out by a bean bag fired by one of the drones and the car front end was shot up to `encourage' the others to give up."

I squeezed his shoulder, "We make the drones in Bangkok but soon in Seattle. We have them around our properties and are looking at a U.S. Government contract."

A shaking head, "You two find so many ways to make money. I read a report on your solar company stock issue on the London Stock Exchange. It went big!"

I agreed adding it was for non-voting but participating shares.

"We have a deal with the Iranian government to sell them solar panels and build manufacturing plants. They want to reassure everybody about their nuclear plans and have cheaper energy for their people. We announced it a week before the stock sale so it would be out in the open beforehand."

There were more questions but our race was up.

The horses were saddled behind us, now the post parade was coming out of the tunnel. The horses being introduced... Aneka's name got the crowd's attention... she was applauded. Leonie too as the only jockey to win the Super Triple Tiara!

This was a one turn race... Aneka hadn't done one of these for quite a while. All her races this season were shorter. She would go to Harcourt Farm or Oxfordshire after this year... time for babies.

McKenzie arrived in the box, I had a seat next to me for him. A smile and a thumbs up!

The horses moved out to the chute on the back straight... they seemed quiet walking over. Aneka was in the number one slot. All loaded fine...

The pause then they were released... CLANG! Our girl with Leonie aboard came out like a rocket roaring down the straight leaving the field right away. Halfway down the straight she was clear by four pouring on the power.

The turn came up quickly... Leonie held her close to the rail spinning around the big curve. In my glasses I watched Leonie she was sitting still as Aneka maintained her speed pulling away by seven lengths.

At the top of the home stretch Leonie asked Aneka... our girl had plenty... I squeezed Roundell's arm as she surged forward. There were audible sounds as the crowd watched Aneka accelerate. A big surge!

By the eighth pole the lead was eleven and widening. Leonie was hand riding the whole trip... Aneka was running because she loved it.

She blew past the finish in full stride. Her time was a new record for the stakes at 1:20.20 erasing the eight year old time of 1.21:32 by Dr. Zic. She won by fourteen lengths!

She certainly had lost nothing from her amazing last season winning everything in sight for three year old fillies. The Breeder's Cup races at Churchill Downs were going to be very interesting.

The box celebrated. Roundell shook my hand... grinning ear to ear. A hug for McKenzie. We walked down to the Winner's Circle.

As I walked in the announcer said... `Aneka's owner Lady Harcourt is on hand to accept the trophy.' The stakes and track folks were smiling.

Pictures taken. McKenzie beside me, he shared holding the prize with Leonie. I got to hug Leonie and thank her for the fabulous ride. Corky took Aneka back to the barn... She had a gigantic grin! We all moved that way.

I said my goodbyes to all. A big thank you for McKenzie.

Out by the car I hugged Roundell.

"Fay, it's always fun and interesting being with you and Cho."

I said we'll look forward to seeing you all at Churchill Downs. Fist bump on that!

We loaded into the car, in ten minutes I was going up the stairs at the 767.

I asked Gil to get the `Joy' spray bottle and take it to the driver for Sasha's maid. Done!

Mira said on the tannoy we permission to taxi. So we sat to strap-in and wait briefly for the take-off.

Mira turned us onto number 22 runway and powered down the concrete. We were light very quickly. I laughingly said we always took-off faster without Cho's golf clubs. Everybody laughed.

Once close to level flight I got to say hello to Kara.

"I'm changing... we can talk shortly."

Jeans, woolly slippers and a jumper. I parked myself with a Campari and soda on a settee. Kara opposite with Tara, PJ next to me.

"So what was it like working for my Dad?"

A smile, "He can be tough but he is always fair. We trained hard to meet his exacting standards. The Swat Team while I was there had a busy time... we were used for a variety of jobs which fell within our sphere of activity. Some difficult... some not... always instructive."

"Did you have to use your weapons training?"

"Yes... I shot a man who was threatening his wife with a knife to her throat."

I waved her on...

"I had him in my sights... he turned exposing the side of his body... I had been given the `Go' for when there might be an opening... I hit him on his hip, he went down and his wife escaped unhurt."


"He went to hospital then jail then court then prison for a ten year term."

I had been doing this all in Thai... I switched to French...

"How you feel about the shooting"

Her French was good, "He had to be stopped... I was glad he gave me the opening to wound him though."

"And if he hadn't?"

"I would have taken the best shot I was offered."

To English... "With us our protection is determined on your ability to sum up a situation very quickly. We don't hide ourselves. We are in public a lot... me more now than ever being in the House of Lords."

I squeezed PJ's shoulder. A smile. PJ leaned forward and told Kara about the man in the Apple Store.

"From the time he approached to moving him to the room the Apple folks opened was about a minute and half."

I put in that most of the customers never knew anything happened.

I could see Kara's eyes widen then a smile.

PJ continued, "What else happened is important too. When I moved Tara replaced me in front of Fay and Angie came up to Fay's back then in front of Fay when Tara and I moved the man. Ansara on Fay's back. That little ballet is what you need to get right away. The bigger the crowd the faster you have to work."

I nudged PJ again, he laughed. "Then there the less dangerous moments... " He told Kara about the man at Ralph Lauren's front door. She was shaking her head... PJ made his point... "Because I was dealing with the man Gaby who was number two that day moved forward to lead, Tara stayed behind Fay.

Kara said she had the training and now needed to fit in.

"Fay, I'm looking forward to it."


I didn't play with the not carrying things business since it was obvious Thet had it covered.

I did some work then went to bed to read for a bit. I had a slim book... Martin Broszat's `Hitler and the Collapse of Weimar Germany.' I was in the part about the nazis push in the rural areas. How they captured political position using committed local people to bring the agrarian voters to them.

A short but lovely call with Cho. He was good, the golf interesting. He was enjoying seeing the tournament this way. Tom was leading, playing marvellously!

I woke... empty bed... Too often lately. Breakfast and some work before our arrival.

We crossed the landing threshold at Chalgrove to smoothly settle on the runway. Prasert smiling by the car. Fist bump as we climbed in.

Carter, Carter2 and Audra! I felt like a queen with this wonderful welcoming party. I fist bumped and hugged my way through. Smiling faces!

I had Kara come over to be introduced. Hands shaken. Carter said if she needed anything... please ask Carter2 which had us all laughing. Kara said she'd find Carter2. They shook hands again.

I ran upstairs to the Nursery! Babies! Loud "Mama!" We hugged and kissed. I told them their Popa would be home tomorrow. Smiles.

Gil had work so it was Gaby and Angie to go riding with me. Roland's nickering was loud as I came around the side of the Stables Office...

We warmed-up the horses... I lead us east of the Sci Ctr bypassing part of Clifton Hampden to reach the Abingdon Road over that we walked around some fields, between houses to get to the Thames River to cross on the Clifton Hampden Bridge. I liked this bridge, handsome and old, I found out it was a Grade II listed structure.

We rode parallel to the High Street going towards Long Wittenham then went around it to the east. We used dirt roads to avoid Little Wittenham to reach the Wittenham Clumps.

Up on the main hill we stopped to look out. It was a fairly clear morning so we had a good view. My ladies were smiling. I told them that Bronze Age people had lived here followed by others right up through the Celts and Romans. A Roman home was unearthed lower down on this... my finger pointing down slope... Round Hill.

Downhill to the west we could see the last of the Dicot Power Station's cooling towers about six miles away, they're going to be knocked down soon.

We walked our horses on the path to Castle Hill... they heard an Iron Age fort had been discovered here.

Down to the road that went around the southern and west edge of the Clumps following northwest we turned a bit west to arrive at the farm of Fred who had been a bit of a problem last year. His missus saw us at their gate... as I read the new sign... `Horse riders: Please when crossing through walk your horses on the edges of the fields so you do not damage the crops. Thank you.'

A smile, "Your Ladyship, you see Fred did as you suggested. It works... we've no problems since."

"That is wonderful. Does Fred feel Okay with this?"

"Oh yes... he had several made... they are on the fences at the gates..." her hand motioning, "... around the farm."

"Good. We're going through now. It is nice to see you again."

I was thanked, she said it was a pleasure to see me around the neighbourhood.

We walked past the sheds and barns to the fields beyond turning to skirt the ploughed area. No Fred so we went on.

Over a small bridge that spanned the Thames northwest of Long Wittenham then a gallop on dirt roads to the Abingdon Road once more. Back on Harcourt House land we galloped home.

It was a long but fun ride. Gaby and Angie enjoyed themselves. Roland nickers seem to speak clearly for him.

I got coffee and some toast to fill-in a space at the breakfast table... all alone. The others had come and gone.

I had my crowd in the Library! We did lots of different bits of business. The amount of it had really increased in the last year... too bad Fay.

Rosa from Tag had information about the April date for a meeting. Everyone would attend, the Pentagon and NASA people were coming.

Okay. It would be later the same day as the `medal' ceremony so the whole two birds... one stone thing.

The plan was to have Somsak, Tona and Suki to dinner at Gerald's restaurant. He and Antonio were to be back from Thailand by then.

So a full day. Even more because Hillary said to bring the Twins... Cho and Bill could have some fun while I was in the TAG meeting. Somehow it sounded too good to be true... Cho was willing... so was Bill. Damn... let's bring Jaidee too. Head shaking!

Andi's report was a ray of sunshine! We had our workers going places, doing things, seeing marvellous sights and enjoying themselves. The `Cottage' at Windermere was proving popular with our outdoorsy people. Walking in the woods, hiking the mountains nearby, day trips to some of England's most picturesque countryside, boating on Windermere.

Paris was doing well as was Bangkok, big city attractions. New York was the most visited city! Andi had advanced summer reservations for the Normandy beach cottages to the point there were few open days left. The summer bookings for Beachy Head House were also huge. Sun and fun!

Seattle's secret... that summers are very good had leaked out... our two places there were well booked. The Old Pioneer House surprising so... Andi said it was suggested in the software as appropriate for family groups so bathroom sharing wasn't such a thing.

The software from Ni was awesome, easy to use and powerful. Ni's folks had updated it several times to do fixes and improvements. Andi had been given input for changes so things were working more smoothly for her.

Andi herself was doing well, loving the work and enjoying the comfy flat. Thrilled with the number of people using the service!

I sent her an email to consider hiring an assistant so she could get time off too. She could call Clare for help in that task.

We did a lot, I was pleased. After lunch we went back and finished the job. High fives all around.

I rode with Gil, Ken and Penny northward. Rebel running happily. We rode toward the church then walked our horses slowly across the field to the Talking Shop. We slipped down. I was looking for liquorice. They had bite-size pieces and strings. I bought some of both.

The shop lady asked about the boy who tried to steal my horse... I messed with her mind when I told her he works for us. She hadn't been very nice so it seemed somehow good she was shaking her head in disbelief.

The Twins got a couple of pieces of the liquorice... they liked it. I said it was candy so there were limits... they were smiling chewing away. Me too!

Dinner was fun with word games based around the food. Delphine was learning Thai... the Twins testing her which was so cute. Delphine's light-hearted laugh ringing out!

More games in the Great Room before bedtime. I went up with them... it was a joint effort changing clothes and settling them down. Last kisses! `Nites' from the babies.

In bed with a book... Cho called... Tom won the Masters! He shot a 265, twenty three under-par! A new record low score for the tournament. He won by twelve shots.

"His last round today was a 63... the same as when we played. His play simply was marvellous. People amazed by his shot-making. Not a single bogey throughout the tournament.

Roxanne is great! She cried as Tom held after it was over.

It was interesting to spend these days wandering around the golf course. Some people actually recognized me... they were so polite and greatly admired my play.

One fellow had been in Los Angeles last year... he's a golf nut... he watched the last day at the Bel-Air Club. He was in the crowd at number Ten... He said he'd never seen or heard of two back to back hole-in-ones.

We all had a laugh yesterday... Ansara was asked out to dinner by one of the players. She said no... she was working. That flummoxed the fellow until I told him she was one of my bodyguards... he was floored further by that bit of information.

Tom was behind him laughing.

The good part I got from Tom is the fellow is not married... also nice-looking and not pushy... just bowled over by Ansara. I told her she could if she wanted to go. She grinned and said no.

So that's a first!"

We laughed. I did remind him that Janice was very WOW'd by Rande at Saratoga Springs. He remembered and that I had teased her a bit when we learned about her new fellow... Wyatt. Right!

Cho said goodnight... he'd be home in the morning. Yes! He couldn't stay long... Poo!

Roland and I had a great ride in the chilly morning. Tara and Penny doing fist bumps on the Flats. A rousing start to the day.

Cho was coming home soon! The babies knew Popa would be here this morning.

Breakfast done.

Text from Rande... Cho's plane was on the ground! Yea! I texted Tha so the Twins could come down.

We all got together in the Great Room. I told the Twins I would bring Popa in so they should hide to surprise him. Tha grinning. The idea was great with them.

They chose places to hide.

I was out front with Carter. He knew about the babies plan... a bit of a smile.

Cho! Hug and kiss! Handshake with Carter. I led him into the Great Room looking around... Tha on a settee she said the Twins had gone off somewhere... Cho turned to look at me when the little ones burst out with loud "Popa" yells!

Cho knelt down to scoop them against him. Small arms grasping Cho... laughter! Jaidee got in a woof greeting! Cho rubbed his back.

We all sat by the fire. A catch-up period. Jaidee being all `chill' as he warmed himself by the fire. Chani and Charlie on settees with us, some tickling and hugging and kissing. Charlie completely unsuccessful in stopping being kissed by me and Chani.

Cho nudged him to watch as Chani and I kissed Popa... lots. Cho loved it. So when I sat by Charlie to kiss his cheek he grinned and took it. Laughter.

We would have Popa for two days then Cho be off to Santa Anita when those races were done he'd meet us in Arkansas for more racing.

I got an email from Anna W******. She sent along some of the snaps and the text of the cover story. It was good. Well written, Galetea had asked good questions... I was pleased the answers from me hadn't been hacked off to sound bites.

Galetea's writing style was crisp and to the point. She `got' that I was different from other subjects and I was portrayed as myself... a unique individual. What Cho and I were doing around the world mentioned without going into great detail... the reader could easily see we had our own distinctive take on how to be good world citizens. Sharing our good fortune in our idiosyncratic manner.

I replied to ask if she did this preview' for everyone? Her reply was No' and I wasn't `everyone.'

I sent her some smiley faces with Please do what you always do... I'm just the subject. I reminded her I did say I never interfere' which got me a thank you and she hoped the issue pleased me. It would be the June issue. On the shelves in May. Okay.

Cho reading over my shoulder... a squeeze. He said Anna W****** wanted to please me... My answer was the same as my email. A kiss on my cheek.

Cho laughed about the idea he would take MFA's granddads to play golf but I had warned Rona about betting.

"How am I going to earn any extra cash if you constantly tell everybody that?"

Such loud laughing!

Cho holding me from behind at the Terrace doors... the `Dread Pirates' were sailing! There was some thick mist now... Jaidee ever the smart boy was in the little cabin. Tha let them play for a bit... they were warmly dressed and didn't melt in the rain.

Cho's warm breath on my ear, "They are so cute... you've watched them... there is organisation... deliberation... but still fun! They are quite a pair together and even alone... together especially so! Chani maybe more so."

I nodded, "She is fearless meeting new people!"

A squeeze!

Tha and Delphine started to end the raiding voyage! Jaidee came straight in... I got his pullover off, a rubdown and he headed to the fireplace! The Twins came in finally to our welcome. Rosy cheeks and big smiles! Upstairs to change then hot chocolate and cookies.

I told Chani and Charlie they should reward Jaidee when they got their treats. Smiles... fist bumps!

Cho and I joined the intrepid swashbucklers in the Breakfast Room. A couple of cookies went down quite well with hot chocolate! Jaidee got a soft chew from the Twins.

I asked Cho to ride... he said he'd had enough fresh air for now... four days on a golf course. At least the weather had been good, no rain, mild temperatures.

Rebel and I had a great run from the church to the Flats. He been ready to go when we turned south on the dirt road opposite the church letting out a big whinny! A blazing run during which I found out Rebel can jump! A tree had fallen over the path by the river... Rebel soared over it landing perfectly. He kept running. My protectors hurdled it after me.

On the Flats I rubbed his neck with a thank you! My companions caught up. Their horses jumped it without trouble... not like Rebel... Gaby said Rebel must have been four feet above the tree trunk.

Rebel had raced but on flat tracks... no steeplechase.

I asked Andy to watch Rebel to see there was effects from his leap. He would.

I changed for dinner. Drinks with Cho and our folks. Everybody smiling... for now things were moving along nicely. Lots of work but it getting done.

Sunny was happy with her training... getting ready for Badminton!

I had a few things from Sage so I went to the library briefly. Kendall stuck his head in, "M'Lady... Carter has announced dinner."

I thanked him and headed to the Dining Room. The family all ready to go! I sat beside my son... big open arms for a hug which he got!

The dinner was delicious!! Everybody enjoying! Afters were tasty too. Amaretto, espresso and some white chocolate. Sunny smiling as she munched a big piece. The Twins also got some but much smaller bits. They were happy.

After my ride in the morning... we had to say goodbye to Popa. Cho was off to California for Harcourt Racing. Chani and Charlie delivered huge hugs for Popa and he got an envelope from them. I was in his arms by the car door...

"Fay, I miss you!"

We laughed... eyes locked!

"Me too!"

Another kiss and he was gone.

I dressed for the Lords... Min landed the AW139 on the house grid and whisked me away. She was in the `First Seat' with Kellen beside her. Smiles from them partially blocked by their headset microphones.

Rae at Wandsworth to carry us to Westminster. I stepped out on St. Margaret Street and crossed to the Peers Entrance. In the Peers Lobby Mac appeared to be having serious talk with several members so I sat for a moment to check email before going into the House.

Tara took Kara to Millbank House to get an identification badge.

PJ smiling standing there beside me Ken made a hand signal, he turned fully to face the person approaching... Ducovney.

"Fay we have closed the guest list for the solar talk... the hall is full... St. John's Smith won't allow any overflow."

I told him we were going to record it so it can be posted to a location where MP's and Lords can access. That brought a smile.

"Wonderful... maybe we should charge?"

We laughed.

"Well... then they'd want tea service with sandwiches..."

"Or popcorn?"

More laughing.

"Todd, our Security Service is going to be there... so please remind members to have their Parliamentary ID handy... To paraphrase an old saying... No ID... No watch."

He burst out loud with laughter, "I will add it to the email that we will send a few days prior to the event."

The House was convening... I sat next to Mac with Cecil on my right. He was well.

"I have had some further commentary from former colleagues... they don't like my remarks about the top folks being corrupt. They say it has been like that for a long time so `why now' is the basic thrust. I tell them I don't have any excuse except that the conservative party has hit a nadir from which there is no return until they sweep out the real scoundrels."

I squeezed his hand, "My parents were conservatives back when it stood for something... They would never vote for a yob like bojo Johnson or vacuous nothings like Cameron or May."

We were called to order... further debate about the parts of the Queen's Speech. A tory was speaking about the defence portion of Labour's plan. He saw there was a drop in funding for the Trident programme... he started to whinge about our defences being weakened... the danger of Russians missiles landing in the UK...

I stood, "I assume the honourable member is confused... the Trident submarines are killing devices... they serve no defence purpose besides their terror aspects... they stop no missiles hitting targets in the United Kingdom."

He was further assailed by a Labour peer who asked him why he didn't complain about RAF aircraft that crash because parts failed through old age?

Ha! It was Rothbury from Northumberland. He saw my fist pump for him... giving me a smile.

The tory fellow was in disarray. A few more truly asinine comments were received in the same manner. He finally finished and sat mopping his brow. I shouldn't wonder... what a shit shower!

I could see Cecil's head shaking in my peripheral vision... I squeezed his hand again... a smile.

When we broke Terrance stepped close... he gallantly gave me his arm.

"Fay, it is becoming quite embarrassing... I don't know how these nimrods are chosen."

"Why don't you speak?"

"The leaders choose who is to present the party line..."

He laughed when I said I'd keep a seat warm for him...

A smile and a handshake.

Mac came up, they shook hands. I told them I was off to try to win some money in Hot Springs Arkansas. Their nearly simultaneous `where is that' was funny... I said you go to New Orleans then turn north. We laughed.

"I'll be back in a two days." A hug for Mac.

PJ leading, Ken behind we walked to Cowley House with a stop to see Sage in Millbank House. She handed me a few pages of notes.

Clough smiling at my question, "Your Ladyship... Gil is in your Lady's Room."

I thanked him.

Gil grinning at the desk, "Sage said she some bits for you..."

I waved the pages. I sat on a settee to look. Clough responded with a smile to my `tea?'

Sage had a dozen possible speaking engagements... I had given the pages to Gil. She gave it a quick read.

"Sage says the first page are possibles... the second are ones to avoid."

I shrugged. No matter... I was not going to speak to some mob named the `Defence League.'

I turned to Gil, "Who are these people?"

Gil was typing on her MacBook... "Some sort of grouping manufacturers of defence equipment. I think you have the pages reversed."

I shook my head, "I do... they're on the NO list."

Okay... the RSPCA, the British LGBT Awards... this is more like it... STEP, a group of LGBTQ employees at AIG! Another employee LGBTQ group this one inside Vodafone.

I asked Gil to tell Sage to respond to... I dictated some of the possibles... they were mostly in later summer.

We all mounted up for Wandsworth.

Home with the Twins. All cuddly warm by the fire Chani and Charlie giving Jaidee a workout. He melted down to a puddle of brown fur.

Okay our turn to leave! Going up the steps of the 767 behind Charlie and Chani who had Tha and Delphine's hands. They were doing quite well. Not fast but doing it on their own.

Stephanie at the controls said we were rolling as soon as we buckled up. Jaidee jumped into his carrier at my motion, I locked his harness. The Twins in theirs... Lil gave the Okay to the cockpit. We moved right away... a smooth roll as the engines revved up then the surge... we powered down the runway to a woof and a `WooHoo!' And laughter!

Yobi and Lil fed us very well after we got to level flight. The Twins watched a mixture of old cartoons... Bugs Bunny, Popeye the Sailor, Felix the Cat... I was on our bed reading but could hear their laughter.

I got a happy visit... giggling, kisses and hugs. Chani and Charlie climbing all over me. I was rescued by Tha and Delphine who were also laughing.

We landed at ten o'clock that night in Hot Springs, Arkansas. We taxied to stop next to a Cho-Fay Air horse carrier. They would take Hansa to Harcourt Farm and Samir to Santa Anita after racing tomorrow.

Our plane was quiet... the Twins didn't wake up on landing.

Cho called... "Fay, Kaao blew everybody's mind today! He easily won the Californian Stakes by fifteen lengths. You would have done a double take... he ran a 1:43 flat. He wiped Heatseeker's 1:47.06 from the record book. And he now holds the world record for nine furlongs!

This fellow who hadn't race before this season was knocking off records every time he runs. He took two seconds off the world record. He was seen as immature at two but that changed over the winter!!"

Sasithorn won also... going away.

"She runs as silky smooth as Hansa. A third win for her... the one after this start to really count... the Kentucky Oaks will bring a lot more competition and notice. I see her continuing to roll!"

Cho was pleased. We talked of other things for a bit then...

"The babies made a card... that was the envelope they gave me... it said they missed me... They had small drawings of them hugging me. Very sweet!"

He'd have it for me tomorrow.

Cho sent me to sleep with the wonderful thought of me getting up in the morning to his aircraft beside ours.

His prediction was right. I was feeding Jaidee when the 767 rolled into view. I went down the stairs with Kara.

Cho descended his stairs to come into my arms. Kiss!!!

Cho was introduced to Kara... he did me to Cal.

We could see three white 767's with yellow hibiscus' on their tails! It looked like a convention. Three big aircraft sitting like they were ready to spring into the air!

One of the local ground crew had pointed to the boundary fence... there was a crowd of `planespotters' looking and taking photos.

Going up the stairs we waved to the folks by the fence.

The Twins weren't up yet. Jaidee got a hug. We sat to eat then the explosion... Charlie and Chani came out with "Popa and Mama" yells. They loved giving hugs!

Breakfast got a bit loud. They settled down afterwards... schooling in their cabin.

My folks at the table, Cho and Francis on settees. We worked until lunch.

After that we got ready to go to the track. Yellow and navy blue!

A sunny Yellow dress with lots of navy polka dots, a short navy blue blazer over that bordered in the same yellow. Navy stocking and heels. Gold bits. `Joy'

Chani in a navy frock with a yellow cardigan, navy tights and ballet shoes.

Our ladies in the same colours.

All the guys in navy suits with yellow ties.

Off to Oaklawn... we had two races and one ceremony.

We first stopped at the barn. Jackson's big hands holding Rande's then PJ. Hugs. Jackson said Hansa was wired. Great! Nathaniel thought Samir very keyed up, "He's not very demonstrative... he's chill! You can still feel his excitement!"

They were both ready to run according to their grooms.

Hansa's golden body... she was nickering as Chani stroked her mane. Reggie grinning, "Miss she's been scraping at floor... wanting to go out." Fist bump... Chani too!

Samir was quiet but acting pleased. Marti stroking him. "Miss Martin, this boy was born ready to run!"

Carts to the clubhouse. A delegation of Oaklawn folks greeted us. Upstairs to the Triple Crown Room... across that green marble floor again!

An arc of press... all types. Cameras and cellphones aimed. Frank and Elinor smiling. We said hello to them all.

The Twins got to see the painting of Glaa... they clapped.

Chani, "Mama, he is so handsome."

"Indeed he is."

We moved to the curtained spot on the wall next to Glaa. Our hosts thanked us for coming and racing here.

Cho pulled the cord this time to expose the newest portrait... the glowing white of SakChai in our livery with Marnie aboard.

Lots of aaahhh's and clapping! We shook hands with all the local folks and thanked them for a terrific the painting of our horse.

We spoke to the press with the Oaklawn dignitaries. They gave a brief history of the room.

One of the Oaklawn folks made everyone laugh when he said the `way you are going we'll need a bigger room' which had everybody laughing.

We answered some questions... Cho said some should be reserved for Jackson and Nathaniel after the day's racing.

We did sit with our Fox TV people. Frank and Elinor and the Little Rock station crowd.

The Twins laughing and talking to the news folks.

I was beside Elinor, a nudge, "So how is Tom? We haven't seen him yet this season."

A big smile, "Fay, he is good. His colt `Everytime' has won several and is on the Derby trail... hunting for the points."

My `and?' made her laugh, "We are still seeing one another, as frequently as we can manage.

I was at the wedding of the younger son. He married a very cute local Maryland girl... they'd dated in high school then separated for college. There was a re-ignition of their `romance' which they decided to make official. A nice wedding."

"Good... Weddings are good. I enjoyed my two!"

Elinor looked puzzled, "Yes... two... one Buddhist at our house in a Thai forest and one at Harcourt House."

Cho leaned in, "We need to go."

A hug for Elinor, handshake with Frank. Goodbyes to the Little Rock team.

We were escorted through the clubhouse to our box, the same as last year... above the finish line.

We settled in, a woman attendant got drinks for us. The Twins with small colas. I did club soda and lime.

Our first race was the Apple Blossom Handicap, a G1 race of eight and a half furlongs with a seven hundred thousand dollar purse. Some fine fillies including a few who'd lost to Hansa last year.

The post parade began... we looked to see Hansa walk out... our radiant chestnut lady!

The horses walked to the left to the gate on this one mile oval. Tomas up... moving our girl easily to the second slot. They loaded without trouble... pause... CLANG!!

A clean start... Hansa came out going to the front immediately. I so loved Monaco's training... they run hard because they are always in-shape, ready to compete!! Trained to anticipate each race day.

Hansa leaving the pack as they came beneath us. On the rail into the turn Tomas kept her tight. Easy lead switches... right to left... then on the back straight she returned to the right lead. Her stride so smooth through those changes.

Five lengths back to the nearest horse going down the straight Hansa striding beautifully. Tomas not bothering to look back as they entered the second turn... the lead was now eight. Through the turn she was striding smoothly not letting up a bit!

At the top of the home stretch Tomas asked for more... like her father, older brother... Hansa had plenty more... her surge was plainly visible. Chani in my lap waving her hand towards the golden beauty roaring down the straight...

"Mama Hansa going faster!"

"Yes... she wants to get it done!"

Hansa was at least fourteen lengths in the lead as she crossed the finish. We celebrated as the crowd cheered and clapped.

Hansa's time was 1:39.80 a new record erasing the 1:40.29 posted by Heatherten in 1984. Jackson smiling as we shook hands.

"Fay, she's the best!"

Me thinking about the Breeder's Cup again... I was ambivalent about Hansa switching to the turf halfway through this racing year... she wouldn't be running against Aneka or Toes Tapping at the Breeder's Cup. Hansa was very competitive it would be an outstanding race.

We got an escort down to the Winner's Circle. We crossed the track to the horseshoe shaped grassy space. Tomas in the saddle was walked in by Jackson, Reggie behind them.

Chani and I received the trophy. Loads of press. I handed the prize to Jackson then he brought in Tomas and after that Reggie.

We stayed a bit then took the Twins back up to the box. Tha got out a snack for them. Aunt Dee's shortbread!! Big smiles!

One race then the Arkansas Derby. It had many Kentucky Derby hopefuls... like last year our horse wasn't aimed at the Kentucky Derby though we hadn't said it.

Gil got a text from Marti... >saddling done Nathaniel on the way<

Nathaniel sat next to me and Chani. He was excited. This was Samir's biggest moment to date.

Mike walking Samir out. A triple Crown winning jockey attracted attention. The crowd applauded Mike's introduction.

The Arkansas Derby was a mile and an eighth, a G1 race, this year the purse is one million dollars.

The horses moved to the left another sixteenth of a mile further over. The loading was slowed by a spirited brown horse... they got him in... he was five slots from Samir who was the number one position.

A... p a u s e then CLANG!! The horses came out clean... no issues. Samir on the rail came out running hard... Nathaniel had Mike go hard to keep from being boxed in... he was on the lead with the rest of the field angling away to the right.

They came towards us... Samir ahead by two lengths already... passing us Mike had him in control. The turn came up... Samir by three. He spun around at speed onto the back straight.

He changed leads like a synchronized gearbox. The back straight opened in front of him with a commanding seven length lead. Mike didn't look back... he aimed Samir ahead down the dirt keeping him at a gallop... big strides.

The fractions were fast! Cho leaned close so Nathaniel could hear, "He's close to Kaao's new world record time."

Nathaniel's smile... he was happy seeing his horse rolling along!

Samir into the turn... Mike was stone still on his back. At the top of the straight you could see Mike make a move to ask Samir... the horse responded with a rush of power. The ten length lead widened visibly as Samir came down the dirt towards the finish.

The lead was fifteen or more as Samir dashed across the finish. The clock stopped at 1:43.08!!! Samir was eight hundredths of a second from Kaao's new world record. Chani bouncing and clapping. I got Nathaniel's hand for a squeeze.

The crowd loved it, lots of noise!

Again we went down to cross the track. The Arkansas Derby people were very pleased. We'd won again, two years running. Our horses always created excitement which was good for them.

Cho and Charlie got the trophy. Nathaniel right with them, Mike on Samir for snaps then down with the others, Marti's face very happy. She would get a nice chunk of change for this.

We got carts to go to the barn for goodbyes. Hansa nickering as she was petted by the Twins. We hugged our racing staff. Jackson and Rande handshake and shoulder hug.

Everybody was pleased with this racing day.

At the airport... Cho's 767 had departed, his things in with us. We taxied out immediately and took-off for Chalgrove. Ah... they'll be breakfast in the sky!

We had dinner then the Twins went into sleep. The rest of us stayed up for a bit talking... then a bit of fun in our cabin! We got quite heated with some rather wonderful climaxes!!!

I got a warm Cho on my back! A soft kiss on my neck. Quiet words of love murmured in my ear!

After breakfast Jaidee with me getting petted then the giveaway... the tail started going... I let Yobi know... she started food and I did coffee. I got the kisses, Jaidee the rubs. Cho delivering smiles.

More stirrings in the cabins...

Francis and Ali coming out had to dodge to avoid being trampled by the Twins who came running to us. Cho got them to chill.' Tha had opened the door before Delphine could take their hands... they were excited to be back at home.'

Once our exuberant duo was upstairs at Harcourt House Cho and I sat by the fire with Jaidee.

He was grinning, "Charlie and Chani seem to identify this house as `home' more than any other."

"True but they are at `home' everywhere. They do all their usual things... we don't have a Rêve at each house... there things which make each location unique.

I think they really connect with the staff here more... partly because they have been here more than any other house. People and places they instantly recognize."

I slipped onto Cho's lap... "How about we have them spend a day a week at the Day-care or half days if that works better. More interaction with kids close to their age."

Cho liked that. He asked Conrad to see if Tha could join us.

I moved beside Cho.

Tha had considered it as something to try... She hadn't raised it because we were travelling a lot and didn't want to add it to the Twins activities.

I asked about then doing on occasion as a novelty, an interest piquing thing.

"Fay, I think that is better rather than a `set' thing."

Okay then the Twins would go when it worked for their schedule. Tha would contact Jocelyn about it.

The Oxford solicitors had a land transfer agreement for the Barton Lane property finished. They would send it along to the Mosque's attorney with the surveyors report. They would talk over any issues then we could sign off on it.

Cho and I flew to Wandsworth. PJ and Kara with me, Rande and Sorya for Cho. We changed at Cowley House.

We had a party to go to. Cho asked we not stay too long... he wasn't all that interested. He liked Tanawat and Phitsamai, I should meet them but not much else mattered. I was fine with that.

I was in a white off-one-shoulder dress that hung straight to my instep with a small train. My bare right shoulder was covered by the blue ribbon of the Order of the Crown of Thailand, the rayed star on my left breast. Cho wearing black-tie had his star and ribbon on giving a big splash of colour.

I think we should wear the stars' had been how Cho prefaced this extra jewellery I had on. It wasn't a problem but... well I just don't like this sort of display. Walking into the House of Lords in my robe' felt different... maybe because there were others dressed the same way.

Allyn stopped the car at the doorway to the Tiger Tiger London club in Haymarket. PJ and Rande leading we walked to the doorway... the security fellow took one look at us approaching and jumped to open the door.

Inside an aide to Ambassador Tanawat greeted us with a bow. He escorted us forward to where Tanawat and his wife Phitsamai waited.

The aide announced... "The Countess Harcourt and Sir Cho ..."

They bowed and curtsied, we shook hands.

Tanawat, "Lady Harcourt it is an honour to meet you... And see the woman who captured Cho's heart."

I thanked the Ambassador. Cho and I thanked him and Phitsamai for inviting us and wished them a happy Songkran and a good year to come.

Phitsamai smiling liked my dress... she wore a rose pink off-the-shoulder cocktail dress to mid-calf. She was slender and petite, a very sweet face. She reminded me of Lawan... A petite stunner!

There were members of the embassy staff we were introduced to before Phitsamai and I walked a bit... she did introductions to others as we encountered them. The men bowed and women curtsied.

We stopped at one of the many bars... such a large space, they had booked the whole club for this. Games, dancing, drinking... all happening. I got a fizzy water and lime.

PJ and Kara with us... Staying behind, PJ was close to me. Kara behind Phitsamai.

A fellow came up to Phitsamai... looking a bit drunk saying he greatly admired her. He might be handsome but the drink...

When he tried to get closer to her I gave Kara a hand gesture... she moved the man back to the table he came from and sat him down. A club security fellow appeared to take over managing the drunk.

We did a one-eighty degree turn... Phitsamai kept her smile.

"Happen often?"

She looked down... I said I could understand the attraction. Eyes came to mine, "Your Ladyship... "

"I am Fay."

"Fay, it is embarrassing... "

"If something had happened perhaps but you look quite beautiful... you deserve the praise too bad it wasn't delivered in a more pleasurable manner."

A big smile.

We sat in a big horseshoe booth, all of us. Phitsamai and I at the back.

I found out she was Tanawat's second wife, his first died more than twelve years back.

"We met at a party my family gave in Bangkok. My father is on the staff at the Foreign Ministry. He's an under-secretary to Narong now. Tanawat was working at the ministry before going to Egypt as ambassador, his first ambassadorship.

We liked each other right away... he is older but very youthful... full of fun. We had a few weeks before he left... we talked and emailed a good deal. We met whenever he was home.

He asked me to marry... I was twenty four, he was forty three... my parents were worried about the nineteen years... "

My hand on hers... "Cho is seventeen years older... "

Phitsamai smiled, "I will mention that to my parents! They were in the end happy because I was... it has been a good marriage, we have two sons and a daughter. We still have fun all the time. It makes me laugh to know how he is at home compared to his work."

Smiling I congratulated her. I got my iPhone from PJ to show Phitsamai pictures of the Twins. They were with Jaidee on the Rêve... she loved that. I said it was inspired by Peter Pan which the babies had enjoyed.

She looked at me... "They are how old?"

My twenty one months had her look at me like `it can't be true.'

"They are quite advanced for their age, physically and mentally. It is rather marvellous to see them doing things."

We got up to move some more... in and around the club a bit seeing all the activities happening before going back towards the front. Meeting some more people. The partying going on around us hardly mattered.

Cho smiling... I knew he wanted to go.

We thanked Phitsamai and Tanawat for inviting us. We would get together again soon. Cho said he wanted to take some money off Tanawat on the golf course.

Tanawat shaking his head, "You have become way too good for me. I am forewarned."

My `No Betting' was received with a smile. Handshakes and a hug for Phitsamai.

Allyn right there waiting, off to Cowley House.

Upstairs in our suite Cho had a wry grin. "I hope we can get off as easily at Prince Charles' thing."

"Me too!"

I did an espresso and cookies platter in our pantry. We sat in bed, talking, reading. Cho checked his email... good news!!

The Peabody Awards were announced! We scored!!!

Fox Sports was honoured for story on Aneka as the first SUPER Triple Tiara winner. How she and her staff had held it together over the many months of racing!

Fox news won for the investigation of Trump Tower's construction fraud and the Polish workers part of the project. It was a great story for sure, cheating, lying, abusing all the normal traits of trump!

Fox News won a second for the coverage of the southern Thailand insurgency and peace talks. They especially mentioned the in-depth analysis of the two sides and how they could move forward.

Our new child... The Day in Seattle was honoured for their series on republicans in Washington State and beyond. It had started a huge series in our media on the corrupt... diseased republicans and how they had done many criminal acts to try to gain power.

The New York Daily News series on the New York police Department's large scale violence against minorities won them a Peabody!! The NYPD was excoriated by Royce's reporters and columnists for their brutal racist behaviour. It made them few friends in the police force!

We were very proud of our media! They had truly earned each award! We did broadcast emails to every employee of our news media, newspapers and TV. Cho and I thanked them for their hard work and how pleased we were for those being rewarded for it.

It was very satisfying to see people we had working for us doing so well. We had invested a good deal of money but it was the humans doing their work which was making the difference.

At lights out we kissed... holding tight.

Clough smiling handing Cho the post in the Breakfast room. I had my walk... no news folks out front. Cho laughing at that saying we've gone off on us... for now.

Me upstairs to change for the solar talk to members of Parliament. The red slender suit from Mirabelle, black accessories `Joy' by the Cho!

Cho laughing that I was going to stand out in the video with my suit!

The black Coach coat, Harcourt Racing scarf and black leather gloves.

Protectors with us as we walked to the St. John's Smith building's north entrance. Graham had our people at the doors. I went around to the backstage space, Cho upstairs to the back of the balcony.

Todd was waiting.

"Fay, they've done all the testing for sound system and your computer, the members are mostly sitting so we can start when you are ready."

He went out onto the stage. I was in the wings to stage right. PJ behind me, Tara across the stage in the wings.

Todd, Baron Ducovney, did the introduction and gave the genesis of this meeting. He pointed to the two screens for pictures and diagrams. Graham's folks had connected a laptop to the system. I had a little clicker in my hand to work it.

He said a video of this and the text would be made available in the next few days on an internal Parliamentary webpage.

I came out to a large ovation. I thanked my colleagues when they finally got quiet.

I did a thorough but not too detailed talk on how solar cells captured the sun's energy, transformed it and how it was stored. I also covered briefly how the panels are laid out schematically.

Then to production of the panels and associated equipment... not too much. I covered battery equipment in a limited way... I did say we weren't making batteries but rather testing many manufacturers models.

A good deal on the economics of the technology from a macro level down to the ordinary home owner. They got to see snaps of the installs at the farm in Pleasant Valley where each house had them now plus on the rooves of the barns and stables.

The panels in place in New Mexico... I said a geo-thermal plant there carried the entire electric load for the ranch but we were testing panels at that site. The multi-acre solar array did get some comments in the crowd.

I told them we were hosting battery manufacturers in New Mexico to test their products for themselves and us.

Snaps of Harcourt Ranch in California where we had acres of panels, up on roof tops throughout the stable buildings. The houses built for staff with families had them on the rooves. More crowd noise seeing the many installs.

Harcourt Ranch was currently well past self-sufficiency which I pointed out was our goal in our high tech environment of that desert location.

I told them we had solar panels at our homes, businesses, stables... worldwide... wherever practicable.

Then on to the Iranian deal. They got we had a multi-level deal, sales and manufacturing.

"SolarToGo has signed contracts with the Iranian government for sales of panels to them until the local manufacturing plants are working. Then we will sell parts to them for their building the panels."

I added that we would hope there would soon be plants in Iran making all the parts for the local plants to use for domestic consumption and we expected for export throughout the region.

I was surprised by some applause for that.

I said I wanted to emphasize that for the home owner this is a large investment so the government needs to subsidize the purchases in some manner...

"Whether it is tax relief or credits or whatever scheme some clever folks can think up... it needs to be done."

The government absolutely needs to lead on this was the point I emphasized.

"Something similar for manufacturers would be nice but if the public begins to buy... I don't think that would be necessary except perhaps for some assistance in plant construction.

My husband and I mandated our properties and businesses to be as close as possible to carbon neutral either through economy or technology or off-sets.

We are well ahead of the goal right now."

Noises! Approving noises! Applause!

I did a sum up and thanked them for their attention.

I got a surprise... they rose to applaud... standing in the many rows their hands synchronized... mesmerizing! It went on for some minutes. Todd joined me at the podium smiling with a shrug for the audience's response.

"You were spectacular... it's earned."

My Parliamentary colleagues finally came quiet with some shouted out `thank yous.'

I waved to them all.

Todd reminded them the text and video would be up for them and their staffs. And for them to tell those who could not attend.

Backstage Cho smiling, a big hug, "You were masterful... a real school lecture-like atmosphere."

We walked back to Cowley House. Clough smiling... he handed Cho an envelope. From the Chinese Embassy?

Lunch was soon. A sherry and the note. It was from Ping... he said it had been an honour to meet us. He was being moved... to Washington as ambassador. The effective date was immediate. He hoped we might meet again in better circumstances.

Okay that is interesting.

Cho smiling... "It means Ping is a valuable man. China's most tangled relationship is with America. They screwed up giving the post to Ti... this is actually a tacit admission of that."

I agreed since by accounts Ping had been quite successful here. We asked Gil to write a reply, a pleasant congratulatory note, we would be glad to meet again kind of thing. A grin!

After lunch we flew back to Oxfordshire.

I went for a ride... misty with a chill but we warmed up quickly. Rebel striding out on the return from Sandford. I took my companions on a Stables walk through... after loading up their pockets with treats.

Little Secret Royal standing on the paddock grass beside the beautiful Secret Sea. Such a cutie.

My hand on Penelope's back stroking her... Mama Pamela nuzzling me. She enjoyed a half apple.

Notre Noir and Aroon coming up from the track, a workout... not hard but for schooling. As yearlings they were handsome boys, growing nicely. They liked being stroked... the small peppermints were good too!

I was rubbing Asda's back... we had news... four mares he'd covered were in foal. He had three ladies coming from The Queen's stables in a few days... a big deal for him.

He was nickering when I said to do his best work.

I went to everybody before I finished.

I walked up as Sunny was coming down.

"Charlotte's just gone down."

A big grin and a passing fist bump!

The Twins were outside playing with Jaidee. Watching from the Terrace doors they were romping with their brown dog... little Wellies on, fuzzy hats and macs. Terrific to see these guys have fun!

Delphine was just outside the doors she stepped in...

"This is break time."

Fist bump!

They saw us... they ran to the Terrace steps where we hugged them. Tha had towels to dry off parts... one for Jaidee! We helped in that chore.

Everyone gathered by the Great Room fireplace... a warm up and drinks. Hot chocolate for the Twins, Campari and soda for me. A chew thing for Jaidee.

After dinner there was `The Little Tramp' the first of Charlie Chaplin's movies with that character. It was short... twenty six minutes but a lot happens.

`The Tramp gets cheated in a deal... he ends up with a brick...

A young girl is attacked... he uses the hitherto useless brick to bash some scoundrels, they go away only to come back so he uses the brick again. The girl's boyfriend arrives to close out the attackers but Charlie's crush on the girl is over seeing the boyfriend. He leaves to go on the road again.'

Chani and Charlie loved it!! Their desire for more was taken care of by Delphine. She had several dozen of the old silent films with the Tramp. So many more movie nights.

I was sitting in bed with Chani... her book about horses... so gave up my book to share. Excellent pictures, good clear explanations about the history of each type. The Twins had met Rosie and Boxer so she loved seeing the page about `Shires.'

Charlie leaned around the corner... Chani waved him to join us. We three shared the book. Chestnut horses being compared to ours. Chani flipped back to the shires... Charlie liked them.

We had fun until Tha's face appeared in the doorway. Goodnights, kisses and hugs. It was so cute how they both opened their arms as wide possible for me.

Cho came... I heard his saying goodnight to Charlie and Chani in the passage. A big grin!

He handed me his iPad... an email from Fox TV News... Pulitzer Prize Nominations announcements. That smile told me a lot.

Fox News for Public Service... a biggie! They were doing things the public needed to know... huge!

Then Fox News for Investigative Reporting for the Polish workers at Trump Tower series!

Fox Sports rewarded again for the Aneka story. It had been a wonderful piece. Brilliant photography of a glorious horse running!

The Day in Seattle nominated for Local Reporting for their series on the republican party in Washington State and other states. They'd already won a Peabody like Fox News... this was real acclaim!

The New York Daily News for Local Reporting, coverage of the city. Royce would be very pleased at he and the Daily News staff doing precisely what we wanted!

For Biography... Yi nominated for her Hemingway book!!!! For a new young woman author... this was a very big thing!

I skipped going to sleep to type out emails. To everybody at Fox News and Sports thanking them for their hard work and professionalism. I wrote separately to Frank who had been the lead on the Aneka story.

To the staff of The Day... Cho and I said their prizes were well earned as they had come from solid reporting and good writing! I made the point strongly they had done the kind of work that was fully deserving of praise and they had our gratitude. We congratulated them for helping to build readership for a new newspaper.

To everybody at the Daily News... thanking them for taking up our challenge to be the best in New York. They deserved the recognition!

One to Yi... it started with a big collection of applause emoji's then a heartfelt congratulations for her personal triumph! I said we hoped she'd get to go up town to her alma mater Columbia to get her prize.

We'd know if they all can win in the middle of June.

Jaidee and I walking down to the Stables... My feeling that he didn't seem quite as worried about each blade of grass any more... or so I told myself when he abruptly stopped to sniff something... I almost fell over him again.

"Jaidee... Damn... don't beak my neck here!"

He didn't care... there was a smell.

Roland was... ready! Angie and Gaby ready too. Off we went south to pass through a corner of Clifton Hampden to go over the Thames. We rode around fields heading east then south to cross the Thames a second time at the Little Wittenham Lock.

Going east on dirt roads surrounding fields we waded a stream and turned north go around the east side of Dorchester for a good gallop on paths to get to Manor Farm Road. Down to Queen Street and short way to St. Birinus Church of England Primary School.

The headteacher saw us and walked out.

"Your Ladyship... " she smiled, "... it isn't Christmas."

We laughed.

"No but you had no students when I was here last... all shut for the holiday. You might remember I said I'd be back."

"Indeed you did. Thank you for returning. Please walk with me... see our school."

I saw classrooms of children in various mixtures of grey, red, white uniform parts. Active, smiling and laughing or occupied on something... their heads over work on the tables.

I looked in at the computer lab. The teacher was going over `e-safety' as the class was starting.

I turned to the `Head' "May I go in?

She nodded, everyone looked up... they stood up... "Please sit."

I shook hands with the teacher.

I turned to the children, "Please pay attention to your teacher about this. Always be careful going online... there are unfortunately many people who would like to steal your information and use it improperly. Many adults haven't properly learned that lesson.

In our companies, employees are given courses to keep them up-to-date about the ways criminals try gain information they shouldn't have."

I smiled, "Also computers can be such fun! Enjoy!"

Many thank yous, I waved to them.

The `Head' in the passage was smiling.

She laughed, "It's good to remind them adults can be foolish."

"It is good... so they think learning never ends."

I thanked her for the tour.

"Your Ladyship... Please return any time. We all like that you are taking an interest in the schools in the neighbourhood."

We shook hands.

Outside I looked at my phone... it had been humming in my jacket pocket. Emails. Many from those who had gotten mine overnight.

Yi thanked me for all our help which had made it possible for her to be a published and honoured author. I replied she would have succeeded no matter what because she had undeniable talent.

I asked for status report on Woolrich.

We went back out on Manor farm Road to cross the A4074 going east to Warborough. We reached Green Lane... a straight arrow to St. Laurence School. We tied our horses outside to a convenient tree.

In the office a woman saw us... She stood up.

"Your Ladyship."

I said hello and asked for the headteacher. She was teaching... the deputy came in. We shook hands introducing ourselves.

I said I came by at Christmas after the students were on holiday.

"I told the `Head' I'd be back for a tour."

She smiled, a short laugh. "Sorry... my son was watching the Terminator movie last night... well... Schwarzenegger says that `I'll be back' to some people."

I laughed too. "Well I'm not likely to destroy the school in case you might be worrying."

More laughter. She asked the desk lady to get Trina and Beth.

Two students came up... navy blue tops and skirts with a nice green jumpers on over. The deputy introduced me... they did curtsies. Trina and Beth would be my guides with the deputy following.

I did introductions for Gaby and Angie.

I got to see classrooms, the canteen, library, computer room and we walked outside to the play areas.

We were going back around to the front... Beth said, "Your Ladyship... your clothes are smashing.'

I thanked her, "It is a comfortable outfit for horse riding."

We stopped where there were some benches. We sat facing each other, my ladies on either side of me.

Trina asked Angie what she did... A look to me which wasn't lost on the deputy head and my nod.

"Gaby and I with others... we protect Lady Harcourt, her children, her husband and staff. We stay close so they are safe."

Beth and Trina looked at each other...

I filled in... "Some people have tried to hurt me and my family so we have very well trained people like these two women to guard us. They are professional and skilled."

I put my hands on their shoulders, "They are excellent at what they do!"

I thanked the girls for the tour. We shook hands. The deputy sent them inside.

She looked at her watch, "The head will in class for another fifteen minutes."

"Please say thank you to her and sorry I missed her. It was nice to meet you."

At the horses Gaby and Angie mounted... I had a sensed the deputy wanted to say something.

She leaned closer, "Are they armed?"

I nodded, "Always!"

"I'm glad we couldn't tell."

"They are discreet. Did they look like anything other than my riding companions?'

She shook her head `no.'

"Did you hear about a recent attempt to kill my family in Bangkok?"

Huge eyes as her head shook `No!'

"Other members of our Security Service, colleagues of these women, stopped them from doing any harm. They are expert and tough... I trust them with my children's lives as well as mine and husband's."

"Your Ladyship... I wasn't... "

I stopped her, "It's Okay I understand your concern. Please tell the `Head' Okay? No secrets... if she wants to say something about it... tell her to call Harcourt House. Alright?"

The deputy nodded.

I shook her hand smiling, "Thank you again for Beth and Trina."

A big smile.

I mounted. We crossed Thame Road to go back on Green lane to re-cross the A4074 then fairly straight to the Little Wittenham lock. We re-traced our ride from there. Once on Harcourt House land I asked Roland who was ready to RUN! We blazed a trail north to the Stables.

Monty at the top of the grassy lane by the Stables Office...

"M'Lady, no one rides like you. I could bet I'd recognize you anywhere."

Fist bump as he took Roland. My more walking got a huge smile!

Gaby and Angie had been told about the deputy's question to which they shrugged.

In the Breakfast Room... We were alone. Cho shrugged too.

"I suppose with your explanation it won't be a problem?"

"I shouldn't think so. The deputy hadn't a clue until Trina asked the question."

I got on with my day. My ladies in the Library with me. Chelle had a follow up for the section 230 case.

"Fay, our attorneys asked some outside colleagues their take on it. As one said about website owners `they better grab their socks and pull up hard because change is coming!' So you can guess what that will mean."

Good. Time for the internet to grow up. The websites like twitter, facebook and the like have been riding `high, wide and handsome' for years, time to come back down to earth and be responsible.

Fist bump!

Ali had a BUNCH of newspaper bits from our American companies... oh shit. I asked Kendall for coffee extra strong... which got a laugh. We went at it for hours. A few hundred thousand employees can create a lot of work!!! Many kinds of work!!!

Cho came to lead us to lunch, "Come... feed yourselves."

It was great to hear from the Twins what they had been doing... so far removed from my agenda. I was looking at my children thinking at some point I hoped they were both part of our businesses, horses and charity work... not too soon though.

We had two days of being together... we had fun with games, movies and they clapped as I stuffed Cho at the billiard table game after game.

A new big hit... we played `Go Fish.' Charlie it turned was a natural at cards. He and his dad were great at this! Our staff joined in as willing participants, Ali was also very good and happy to play. I kidded her saying she needed the practise since she'd have a little one to entertain soon enough. She smiled!

We all travelled up to Cowley House. Clough grinning as he did fist bumps when the Twins walked in.

I walked to Millbank House. Sage, Casteen and Linc looking across the desk. I had congratulated and thanked them for their hard work. They knew what they had done contributed to the fall of the tory government.

I wanted them to continue delving into MOD monies using their parliamentary credentials to winkle out information.

The Metropolitan Police had been on to me about what my people had found. They wanted to investigate whether criminal acts had been done. I told them that wasn't my interest but they could review what we had... none of it was `secret.'

My three heard that they could show what had been collected to a police investigation with proper advance notice but they were not to disclose they had sources. My reasoning was that since none of them had actually given us anything only pointed my folks to where to look in general they were just background. No need to expose their existence.

"If the police have anything further to ask on that have them contact me via my solicitors. You can give the City solicitors name and number as the place to start. I will double check with them."

I called Jeremy. "Fay, what you said to your staff is fine. The sources didn't hand anything over so they are legally outside. If the police contact me I will tell them nothing except your people dug up the information. I doubt it'll rise to formal interviews... if so we will attend."

"So what's happening with you and Charlyne?"

"We are going ahead but have put it back to late summer as we both have a series of projects to complete."

I said to remind her of my offer of a venue. He laughed and that he would.

I stepped into the outer office, "Our solicitor confirms we don't need to mention the sources. So you know now for sure."

A family lunch! The Twins had been painting... they looked pretty clean. Tha and Delphine smiling... smocks' gloves' were the reason. I looked towards them... Tha with a "Us too!" Laughter.

Also the big sink in the Nursery was great for clean-up!

I walked to the Lords for the afternoon session. Debate on the `Humble Response' was over, the first legislation to officially end brexit were tabled. There was debate which was entirely lopsided. The tories arguments were specious, shallow and self-serving. Questions from Labour members demolished them.

I could lean back now that Labour was invigorated. They suffered nothing foolish from the tories.

In the Royal Gallery I received many thank yous and commendations for the solar talk. Those that hadn't been able to get in knew the video and text was available so the information was out there.

Argyle came over... "Your solar talk was amazing! You didn't use notes?"

"No. It's a stored in here..." A head tap.

"Everybody was astounded with what you said and what you and Cho are doing. You have properties in Scotland... do they have solar panels? Can they get enough sun?"

"Oh yes! The house in Fortrose is a listed building so we had to do the solar array in a nearby field. In Alness it is a mix... some on the roof of Castle Munro out of sight and an array in a field to the east. The stables there are part of the listed building so the roof was out of bounds."

"The Chanthira Foundation shelters will all have panels on their rooves In Scotland. That was my point when I spoke up in the House... new technology in panels means the sun like in Florida isn't necessary."

He thanked me again.

I met with Mac and other Cross-Bench Lords, we sat in a corner sitting area to discuss who might speak to the several defence bills Labour would present. As a group they wanted me and Alfred. We would decide who was the primary on the expected three bills. Fist bump!

I asked how much lead time would there be? When would we get the text of the bills? We could expect two weeks' notice but things do change.

I did a big shoulder shrug which brought laughs.

Tara and Kara walked me home. I asked Kara if she'd been able to see any of the building.

"Some... it's quite a famous place. I would like to see more."

"Maybe I'll bring everyone over one day... Let's ask Gil to arrange it."


Okay... cocktails with Prince Charles!

It was Black-Tie for the men and cocktail frocks for ladies.

I chose the Ralph Lauren dress I'd bought. A black knitted off-the-shoulder dress to lower-calf, paired with a wide black belt, a big gold buckle. Short cap-sleeves I positioned just below the shoulders, it was sleek, close to my shape. As it was knitted there was a soft lining making it completely opaque.

Gold jewellery, black stockings, heels and Cho did the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes.

A white wool coat down to my ankle tops, a big collar and lapels with a tie closing of the same wool, a white Hermès scarf and white leather gloves.

Cho in his Black-Tie and a golden yellow cummerbund... very dashing and handsome! A black wool overcoat and black gloves.

PJ and Rande in their Black-Tie, very good-looking, quite sleek.

Allyn behind the wheel we headed to Clarence House. We went by Buckingham Palace and the sitting Victoria to the Mall, a left into Stable Yard Road. We turned in under the porte cochere, the car door was opened I stepped out, Cho's door opened for him, he came to my side. PJ and Rande behind us.

An aide escorted us inside, our outer clothes taken. Our Protectors would be hosted with other security folks in a nearby part of the house.

A second man guided us down the entrance hall to the Blue Room. It, the Library and Dining Room were being used.

Prince Charles greeted us, he introduced his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. We bowed and curtsied. Camilla said she had been wanting to meet us.

Camilla had my hand, "Charles speaks very approvingly of you in the Lords. You two as a couple are quite remarkable. You are often in the news."

I thanked her. "We do have many interests... business, horse racing and charity which get us noticed. We hope to do it all in a manner that is upright and decent, we also seem to make money too!"

A smile from Camilla

I added, "The press is always interested in a mostly personal manner."

A smile, "Yes... well... we understand how that is."

"Fortunately our own media isn't like that. I suppose we could try to own all the press?"

We laughed. Camilla said she might bring that up with Charles. Charles leaned over with Cho to inquire hearing his name... A big smile when Camilla told him.

"We probably can't manage that... you two are giving it a try."

Cho smiling, "A few gave us quite a good bit of help in the acquisitions."

Charles nodding, "The others have backed away from you?"

Cho said that was true so far... "I am sure they will work up to trouble again."

New guests... We turned to move around, Camilla came with us.

"Charles gets to be the host... I can go about."

We got some white wine and many introductions by Camilla. I did get a brief look in passing through at the Library shelves to see what was there.

The Dining Room was filling up... Charles got everyone's attention... he said this was a meet and greet with a purpose.

"Of all the many large to small scale businesses there are some which have as their core ethos a solid base of ethical standards they demand all their employees meet. They never compromise and have at their head individuals who are the sort of leaders we need.

When we see it in a huge banking company, world famous news media and multitude of other prominent business ventures it is remarkable.

I am speaking in this case of Sir Cho and Lady Harcourt. They are one of today's most visible examples. They live ethical lives and transfer that to their people. It is seen in their public utterances and actions. Their businesses are models for the whole world.

Today Business in the Community' wants to give a special Responsible Business Award' to them. It is to represent our organisation's recognition of a pair of business owners who are singularly leading the world towards a better future.

Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho... "

An aide handed a sizable etched crystal vase to Charles... Cho and I exchanged looks... we moved together to accept this `ambush' gift.

Charles handed it to Cho with a handshake, Charles and I shook hands as the crowd applauded...someone called loudly `CHEERS!'

Some photographers were present taking snaps for the non-profit... they did a lot of pictures of us receiving the `award.'

Camilla beside me as Cho held the vase for me to see. It was quite beautiful, etched roses and stems weaved around it. Very delicate. Camilla said it was a handsome vase... it was!

An aide took the vase to put on a table to be seen by all. Charles said they'd get it ready to go with us in a bit.

Charles and I together with fresh drinks.

"You made quite the splash about the Defence Bill... You've not served in the Armed Forces but your family on both sides certainly has. One of my people did a look... many family members back over a thousand years have been in the forces. I was intrigued by your mother and father working together."

"I don't know much about their work as you can imagine being that it was the SIS... they were away a great deal... They both died while I was at university."

"Sudden death always leaves a difficult to close opening in one's life. I understand they did leave you with a remarkable gift... " I looked the question, "... your language skills."

Smiling, "I am grateful for that. I shall put them to use in the next week on trips to Iran, Vietnam and Bangkok."

"Oh... the Iranian solar panel deal?"

"Yes, we are to sign some paperwork. I have meetings with several high Iranian officials... some work and some social."


"Because the Iranian political scene can be fluid I met with General Soleimani, the senior general in the Quds Force which is part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, to ask for his help to keep our workers from cross-government agency rivalries. He was gracious and we got along. I am to visit The Iranian Gardens in Tehran to see the spring flower displays with him."

"That is wonderful and interesting. The General has a somewhat fiercesome reputation."

"Yes... he is a true patriot devoted to his country... I have counted on that during our discussions."

Charles eyeing me, "You are much more than most people will ever realise... The Defence Bill you scuppered was flawed... your advocacy turned it into a political cudgel for Labour. I'm afraid the tory leadership failed to take you into account and shot themselves in the foot."

I was smiling, "Sir, don't you think they have good aim?"

Charles loved that, he laughed quite loudly. "Fay, I hope the Labour folks appreciate your talents and keep them in mind. You aren't changing your seating in the Lords for them?"

"No... I wish to maintain my freedom of action."

"Are you sure you haven't been in the Army?" Said with a smile.

"Only as a child playing games with my horse in the Hampshire countryside."

"Ah... Well what you lack in practical experience you've made up for in other ways."

I thanked him for the compliment.

Several others came up to Charles... smiling I slipped away. I exchanged my wine for a fizzy water and lime. The woman behind the bar smiled.

I found Cho talking to several men about golf... I squeezed his arm and kept moving.

In the Library I slid into a corner to peruse the shelves... running a finger along the book spines... a very old copy of Clausewitz's `On War'.' I pulled it out. It was inscribed to the Duke of Connaught from a German Army colonel in 1901.

1901... Ah... The Duke was Prince Arthur... the younger brother of Edward VII, a son of Queen Victoria.

A tall slender fellow who had to be military... in mufti... approached. He saw the book spine...

"Lady Harcourt, that is not light reading."

"True... I was stopped by the inscription..." I held it out towards him.

His eyes up to mine, "A small treasure you have winkled out."

I said the Duke had moved in here about that time... "If memory serves he lived here until sometime during World War II when he died."

The fellow bowed, "M'Lady, you are an historian! Please allow me to introduce myself... I am Robert, Viscount Flintshire."

I said hello, we shook hands.

"You are in the Army, on active service... Yes?"

"Indeed I am. I'm Colonel Robert Powell of Holywell, Wales and currently at the MOD."

"Are you a reader of Clausewitz?"

A smile, "In the past... not recently."

"So is war an instrument of policy subject to reason?"

Another smile... much bigger, "Reason seems to have been lost from the dialectic in many modern politician's minds."

"I think there was always more emotion than reason but philosophers like Clausewitz didn't want to face the reality of it. Also in Clausewitz's case... his wife's serious mien may have kept him from straying over into the emotional aspects of war."

We sat in two close arm chairs, I put out my hand, "Fay."

Robert smiling still, "Fay, you do surprise even though I have read that you are of an intellectual cast."

"Hhhmmm, I'm not often labelled `intellectual' unless it is a synonym for thinking which I do... do!

So could that be a form of the `friction' Clausewitz speaks of so fervently?"

The Viscount laughed, "I would say there is little friction about you."

"Robert, how many of your Army colleagues could you have this conversation with?"

His head shaking, "Not many. There some very sharp fellows... too many have moved themselves into narrow channels where numerous things are not seen for the height of the walls."

I laughed, "There many more of that type in business... the pursuit of profit eclipses all else. A company's future hostage to the current quarter results. Very damaging.

Does all this translate to Army actions in places like Northern Ireland? Where the Provisional IRA in real terms `defeated' the British state?"

Robert leaned forward, "It does! The Army was very heavy-handed at the behest of the politicians seeking better headlines. Dead IRA volunteers were good for UK politicians... the tories especially. In an urban guerrilla war you have to undermine the enemy... take away the sanctuary of the people... if you don't all you end up doing is killing needlessly. The Army suffered because of that corruption just as the American Army did over Vietnam.

Now as you recently highlighted... the Forces are damaged by budget cuts."

"What about salaries? Ours are more than twenty five percent lower than equivalent U.S. Army ones but cost of living doesn't have the same disparity."

"As the old saying goes about the Americans... `over paid and over here.' We have had that wage gap forever but it is meaningless as we don't compete for labour."

"But the cost of living here means our pay scales do hurt. There's definitely not a twenty five percent difference in the price of bread. So if the Forces had a billion £'s extra for salaries and new positions we could presumably attract better candidates?"

"Yes if the number of positions were larger and there was more training... many potential recruits don't want to be just be forever squaddies... they want preparation for the future."

"So do we need the Tridents?"

A head shake by Robert, "Ah... I see I have been manoeuvred... ` He paused, "... From a global strategic standpoint they are marginal at best. As I believe you punished a tory peer in the Lords with there not being used during the Falkland's campaign... we have no possible enemy to use them on except either Russia or China.

The American panoply of nuclear weapons could destroy the world several times over and we have indeed been protected by that umbrella since 1945."

We might have gone on but for Cho. His smiling face... I stood to get a cheek kiss. I introduced Robert to Cho, handshake.

Robert with a wry grin, "Fay, has had me confess... " his hand to his chest, "... that our Tridents aren't of much value."

I told Cho... Robert was a colonel in the MOD.

Cho said he hoped no blood had been spilt?

Robert laughed it had been a learning experience, "Fay is even `more' than her reputation had suggested."

Cho's arm squeezing my waist, "Robert, if you have learned that without blood count yourself among the few."

We shook hands saying goodnight.

Cho moved us towards Charles who was talking with several men. He pardoned himself to come to us.

We shook hands... Cho thanked him for the award saying we were surprised but grateful to be honoured for being as we are. Charles said it wasn't enough but something to show our commitment had value.

He motioned to an aide to escort us.

Camilla sensed we were leaving and joined Charles. Goodnights. Camilla said she might write so we could meet... "To Cowley House?"

I said yes... please do.

PJ and Rande at the door. I was helped into my coat as was Cho by Clarence House people. The aide smiling holding the car door.

At Cowley House Cho handed over the boxed vase to Temple.

"Clough, please find a place for this in the South Drawing Room."

"Yes... M'Lady. The Twins' have finished dinner and are upstairs in the Nursery. Your staff ate with them and are in the Study and your Lady's Room."

I thanked Clough. Cho and I went up to see the babies. They paused their Charlie Chaplin movie for hugs and kisses. We said to finish... we'll be eating dinner.

We changed to jeans and jumpers... We had Clough serve in the Breakfast Room. Lorenzo at our request told our folks we'd be in after eating.

Lying on my side under the bedclothes, my arms wrapped around Cho... his eyes on mine..

"To discuss further... why is the some part of the MOD trying to get cosy with me... us? Should I call my Colonel in the morning?"

"Second first... Call the Colonel but remember he's in the system."

I said Okay.

"On the first... They may not know any more about the Iranians and someone like Soleimani than the CIA did which according to Hillary wasn't very much."

"Possibly... I do think Hillary is plenty smart enough to make the decision as to whether to accept my opinions over the CIA's. If she likes mine there's thought behind it."

Cho stroked my face, "Seems as if Harry hasn't spoken to his father about our election gambit... "

I nodded. Cho continued, "And why would an Army colonel be part of an ethical business grouping?"

"I suppose parachuting someone into such gathering was possible without Charles knowing... a backhanded approach to one of the group's officials. That sort of thing happens here far too often. Especially when the security services are involved."

We shrugged simultaneously... grinning! Hug!

I was standing with Jaidee and Kara and Penny in the Victoria Tower Gardens... the sun was up.

"Fay, I do know Robert, he's a good officer and intelligent... it does sound odd. He does a lot with the SIS. Asking won't be easy..."

"Don't ask. I'm going to do my things... if they have an interest I would expect to see him or them again."

"From the obverse... you ought to be attracting lots of attention... helping to turn out a government... winning international prizes... giving away hundreds of millions of £'s... "

I was laughing almost too loud to hear the now... Sir Alan aka the Colonel.

"You two are living the sort of lives that biographers will chronicle."

"Please don't say that... think of the clods pretending to be writers out there. The ninety second quickie bios for the mass market publishers."

He laughed, "Well my dear it's too late. They are probably already being printed."

I thanked him for the wonderful thought but we both laughed after I said we wouldn't change anything!

Walking home... Kara asked if she could ask a question... We had crossed Millbank Street going into Smith Square.

I looked at Kara and said yes.

"Fay, when did you first have a bodyguard... was PJ the first?"

"I had a temporary bodyguard before PJ... You'll meet him, you may already know him, he's a serving senior sergeant of the Security Police. PJ has been with me for three years."

Kara thanked me. I squeezed her arm.

We went to Harcourt House. I was leaving tonight on my trip. Prasert was delivering Reg and his number two Stephan quite soon. Tom was picking up MFA and the two sets of grandparents. Rona was off to Berlin for a few days.

I was packed and ready. My goodbyes said, hugs and kisses liberally applied.

We went up the steps of the 767. Reg, Stephen and I sat to talk on the settees after we got to level flight. I gave them the plan for Tehran which included Soleimani. They were to speak the Iranian Interior Ministry people, while I was with the General, about The Company's offerings. Hanoi was more straightforward. Bangkok's meeting was with the Army General Staff and the Security Police about the northern border areas and our technologies.

I did a Conference App call with Cho and the Twins. The babies had a fun day. Tomorrow their first visit to the Harcourt House day-care. I was going to get a report from them tomorrow night.

It was quite cute the way they said it. `Very serious.'

We landed in the dark... I felt it... sleep.

Up in the morning on the ground at Mehrabad Airport. A light breakfast... anticipating! PJ and Tara with me, Reg and Stephan would have Ken with them today until we were back together.

Overnight email from Cho... Asda had covered the Queen's three mares for the first time... there'd be another session today. Cho said our guy was looking awesome.

We hope he was successful... another link to English racing.

A dark grey pant suit, tailored close with a white long sleeved cotton shirt and black ankle boots. A black scarf around my head as I had been wearing for these visits.

Tara's face looked quite beautiful framed by her scarf. She smiled when I said, a hand squeeze.

Ali and Chelle would stay aboard.

A car arrived to take us to the military side of the airport. A helicopter waiting... the same route as before to land at the Energy Ministry space.

Maisil waiting, he was smiling, "It is good to see you again Your Ladyship."

We shook hands... he shook Gil's hand with a smile knowing they did similar work... a car to take us to the Iranian Gardens. Reg and Stephan would go up into the Ministry to speak with several members of the Interior Ministry about our technologies. Maisil said they had prepared a conference room for them.

We'd be back to together to meet with Taj and the other ministers.

The Mercedes smoothly moved through the roads to the same garden entrance. PJ, Tara with Gil and I walked down the pathway. The General's aide stepped out he had before. He came to attention like last time except there was a smile...

I was ushered through to the open terrace. I did wave to the owners wife, she gave me a smile and a little wave back.

The General stood up to greet me. Today it was a mostly black outfit, he still looked like a college professor. We shook hands.

"Miss Martin, I am pleased you could come to see the gardens... refreshment first?"

"If the refreshment is the same as last time it would be welcome."

A smile on his face.

The tea house owner delivered a large tray telling Soleimani the tea was ready. A thank you.

The General poured. Some lump sugar in my mouth to sweeten the saffron tea. A lovely platter of cookies. There was a smile on Soleimani's face as I transferred some to my plate. He did too.

We discussed the water project... he had spoken at length with Taj.

"Taj is very pleased with the work done... he praised your people for their skills and hard work. You are ahead of schedule!"

He smiled after my `our folks are energetic.'

I said Taj's people have been training hard with the software over the winter and they seem to be quite proficient making the start-up much easier and faster.

"They'll be in complete control immediately, getting the full measure of value from all the work done."

"Your company was given an excellent write-up in a local business magazine did you see it?"

"No... I would like to read it."

"I will have a copy sent to you."

I thanked him.

"Just a short part... the article said you now had water projects in twenty countries in various stage of work and that you were able to do all at the same time at a very high level of quality. They especially commended your people."

Smiling, "They are our strength! They were why I asked for your assistance. When we hire the search is for the very best qualified and hardest-working people we can find. We pay very well with extra benefits then we train them thoroughly. No other company has as many different backgrounds in their employees as we do.

They each bring different outlooks from many cultures... sometimes it is quite interesting to see the canteen at our headquarters in London. Black, white, yellow, brown people, turbans, prayer caps, long hair, bald, young, middle age, older with grey hair, men, women, khakis and button-down shirts, jeans and business suits. It can be dizzying.

Everyone is hand-picked; brilliant technicians, creative software coders, expert writers of software and hardware manuals, managers. We promote on merit. They all know exactly how we manage and evaluate them, no secrets.

The Company is a unique ensemble of skills and talents."

Soleimani had a serious face, "They are also lucky to have you as their advocate. You are passionate about your work... I admire that. Work is something we must do but I hope it can enrich our lives too."

We had both eaten quite a few cookies and laughed about that. The walk was proposed. Our people behind us... a smile of remembrance from Soleimani.

The flowers... I had seen some but the deeper we went the more beautiful they were as part of the garden's arrangement. Tulips in so many shades! Like gorgeous blankets for the earth! Great swaths of beauty. The delightful running fountain burbling in its channel... a lovely place.

Soleimani could see I was enjoying myself.

"I walk here often but the springtime is a so wondrous."

We went a good distance before turning back... the same reverse of our walking arrangement as last time... our people letting us pass... Soleimani raising his eyebrows. I had to grin!

We talked about solar panels on the way back to the tea house. He thought such an advance for Iran was a significant matter to allay the fears of the Western Powers and by inference Israel.

"Looking objectively nuclear reactors are too expensive... we have no desire for a Chernobyl here so they will have to be built to stringent safety specifications. We have the uranium and we have oil... what we need to do is process oil into petrol and use the vast spaces of our country for solar energy installations."

Smiling I said, "Taj speaks of a mixture so Iran can control its needs and potential. Non-carbon producing energy has to come... the planet can no longer sustain the damage... that damage will only accelerate."

I stopped, "How about we do a test... I will send several solar panel kits to you to install... " My hand pointing to the roof of the tea house. "Providing the owners agree of course."

I went on, "They likely won't be visible to ruin the look of the house."

Soleimani smiling, "So these kits can be installed easily?"

I told him about our test last year with the New York horse trainer's family and our mechanical man Mateo in New Mexico. And how all the houses in Pleasant Valley had them now.

His grin was wider, "I have some good technical people... a good... maybe entertaining challenge."

I smiled, "The kits have well laid-out instructions in English, French, Spanish and German right now... I could get them translated into Farsi."

"No need... my people are fluent in English and French."

"There also telephone numbers and website addresses for help or just questions. The new kits come with heavier bracing... we found out it was needed for locations that got heavy snow. They are also adjustable to get the most advantageous angle to the sun."

"Miss Martin, I doubt there is anyone who is more capable. You have an array of skills... besides cookie consumption..." We laughed loudly, "... that I can envy. You are so self-possessed... can that be taught?"

"I think mine comes knowing what I am talking about and as the Americans say there is `no bullshit' about me."

He laughed. We shook hands with smiles.

"I feel confident about myself... it comes from having a strongly supportive husband, a man who is unique and the quality people we have around us.

My PA Gil is quite amazing with what she can accomplish... she is one of many."

Back at the tea house we sat again for a few minutes.

"Do you ever travel? We had Taj to our home in the English countryside, he got to meet some of our horses... he rather enjoyed that... You would be welcome visit us... meet Cho and the Twins. If you do I must warn you they amazingly curious and smart."

"Miss Martin... " I lightly touched a few fingers on his sleeve, "Please... if you are comfortable... call me Fay."

"Fay... Qasem..." A smile, "I do not travel outside our region often... too many governments are prickly about me and my portion of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. Some call us terrorists and worse, some people might try to kill me..."

He looked at me sadness in his eyes, "Pardon me... you have recently experienced that possibility... I did not mean to bring up a bad event."

"No need to apologise! It was an aberration. We are as well protected as is possible. We trust our Protection Team with the lives of our children... I can't say any greater praise."

I leaned a bit forward... "We would provide you an aircraft... ours have protections... as sophisticated as the American President's Air Force One."

Soleimani said it was maybe possible... he did have many threads to keep track of...

"We would need a bit of time to prepare... You would be very welcome to visit any of our homes."

We left it at he would see when, where and how. For the where... Gil would forward a list to him.

We knew we'd overstayed... it was difficult to stop. Soleimani walked me to the car this time. We shook hands again, warm goodbyes.

The car pulled away slowly. Gil gave me a look... she leaned close, quietly, "Another good meeting?"

I laughed, "He's a very serious fellow... with a lighter side... we do connect."

At the Energy Ministry, Maisil greeted us again and we rose up in the lift. Taj, Vajadi and Montasser there to greet us. Handshakes.

I was introduced to representatives from the Economic Affairs and Finance, Foreign Affairs, and Industry, Mine and Trade ministries. They had already met Reg and Stephan.

We sat at an oval table, Taj and I side by side. We spoke various aspects of the several deals that were part of the package. There were smiles from the new people to the process... their governmental departments would benefit without having to do much to get it to this point. They had had time for their input with Taj and were totally on-board.

Taj pointed to a pen set, "Let us do it!"

We signed the agreements and passed them along with Maisil and another aide keeping track of who signed what. When Maisil was satisfied we did a round of handshakes.

Tea was served... we did a toast! We had a general chat time... I got to put names to faces much better. They all marvelled at my skill with their language.

A young man refreshed my tea from a tray... I got another piece of rock sugar... He watched me... I smiled and said thank you... `I was enjoying the tea very much' he had a bit of trouble with his tray when I said it in Farsi. Maisil came over... He told the young fellow to put it down so there was no spill.

He was nice about it... no fuss. The young fellow was Okay... just shocked, he picked it up and moved on. Maisil turned to me, "Miss Martin, I doubt he has ever seen a Western woman much less one who speaks perfect Tehran style Farsi."

We laughed. "If I were him I'd be surprised too. You were nice with him."

A broad smile, "He is my sister's youngest... new here... doing the basic things to learn. He hasn't ever seen a woman from outside of Iran except in pictures."

We smiled, "Well teach him good." He nodded... We did a fist bump which had him laugh.

Taj and I moved to the big window. He asked how it went with Soleimani.

"Taj, the flowers are lovely, such colours. It was a nice walk and lovely to listen to the fountain talk. Soleimani seems very pleased about your reports on the water project. I filled him in on some of the solar business.

I made him an offer of several solar panels kits to put on the tea house roof as a test scheme. He liked the idea... So I will send them to him. He thought of it as a challenge for some of his people. Also we ate a lot of cookies!"

"Fay, you amaze. It is a good idea to bring him in closer. He is a smart fellow with a big influence far beyond his immediate command."

"I told him he would be welcome to visit us sometime... I added a warning about Chani and Charlie."

We laughed.

"Well... it is proper of you to do that because they are capable of shocking many people."

We stood there looking out over Mellat Park off into the distance where Mount Damavand stood guard.

"Cho and I did separate trips each with a Twin, Chani with me. She had her first shopping spree... a big hit!"

Taj laughing, "She IS growing up!"

Me laughing too, "I was hosting more than a dozen fellow members of the House of Lords to luncheon... we were together in a drawing room when Chani came in...

Taj, you should have seen her... she was like a princess taking those important men into her hand... it was marvellous!"

We were laughing. Taj said he could see it.

"Well it was like a coming out party... they all shook `Lady Chani's' hand as they departed. One of our closest friends was laughing... He has seen the Twins grow up."

"Children can amaze you any time... mine have."

He rubbed his hands, "So do you have any hunger left? Oh... I'm sure you do!"

"I do! Especially for Afrin and Esfir's food!"

Okay! We re-joined the other government folks... I thanked them for joining in the project and we will be in touch. Adding I hoped we work together as well as we have with the Energy Ministry.

Handshakes and thank yous. They were a group of very pleased fellows. This was a high profile project for them and Iran.

My folks waited with me until the others had left... then down the lift with Taj, Maisil and the other aide.

Going in the door at the Doosti Restaurant was loud when Afrin saw us. Big handshakes. Esfir came out from the back, we kissed cheeks. They were pleased I would return. I said it was because of Taj and their food!


We slid into the same big sitting area. The other diners looked our way. They seemed amazed at our welcome... I smiled towards the closest groups.

I could see the samovar arrive steaming. Good!

Afrin said the dishes will be much the same... Taj said he would assist me and Gil again plus Reg and Stephan! Maisil gave his help to my Protectors choices. Sipping tea and the first food started to come.

Taj and I talked horses, family, books... His face had intense interest as I told him about Toes Tapping.

"A woman jockey and a filly... are going to make history?"

"Marnie definitely wants to... she is very good... already a Triple Crown winner so it sounds good except that Stellar Black is a very fine colt with speed, endurance and he is quite competitive. His jockey is tremendous... very experienced and talented. So it all waits..."

All the while we talked I kept scooping up wonderful tastes with my lavash. A nabbed a pickled carrot piece... everything was delicious.

The stews and rice that followed... YUM. Eggplant and egg so good! I was a champion eater which Esfir applauded.

"Miss Martin, you are slim but you have a good appetite." A huge smile.

"It is easy eating your wonderful dishes."

Esfir smiling as she did twirl. Afrin going by with food grinning at his wife.

Afrin and others cleared away... more tea, a dish of rock candy to sweeten it now. Dessert! Fereni rice pudding. A tray of Baslogh, almond and grape pastries! Yes!

I was full of wonderful food... I could see my folks were stuffed.

A teenage girl came over to us from a neighbouring sitting area...

"Please pardon me... " Her almost no accent English perfectly spoken, "... Are you Fay Martin?"

I could see she was shy but extending herself... I stood up and put out my hand saying I am. Gil smiling moved to her left making a space.

The girl slipped in to take my hand, I had her next to me.

Her name was Allysiah, she was with her mother and father and uncle.

"I have read on the internet about you... it is unbelievable you should here in this restaurant... in Tehran... I thought it was impossible... I had to be wrong when I heard your name."

She brought her hand up to her face... "My mother said if I was so sure the lady wouldn't mind even if I was in error... so I tried... "

"I am glad you did."

A squeeze of her hand.

"You are seen as a strong woman... as I would like to be."

Allysiah said she was fifteen. I told her being strong came in all sorts of ways... strong for your family, strong for believing in some purpose you think is good and honourable, strong in your beliefs and strong for your future."

I lightly squeezed her hand again for emphasis, "It means hard work and sometimes people may stand in your way then being strong means convincing them about your purpose."

I motioned to her family, "Your family will believe in you if you are strong and have a valid argument to explain your plans. Education is very important, learn all you can. I have never stopped learning."

Afrin being a nice clever fellow brought out a piece of pure white paper and a pen. I wrote a note saying to Allysiah to go after her dreams and best wishes from Fay. I wrote it twice in English and Farsi. I signed it.

I could see her face... like a sunburst on a cloudy day when she saw what I written.

"You know Farsi?"

"Yes, many other languages... I keep learning more."

I asked Gil for one of her cards. I told Allysiah that Gil was my closest helper and friend, she could contact me through Gil. Gil squeezed Allysiah's hand.

I escorted her back to her family.

I stood in the sitting area opening as Allysiah slid in...

In Farsi, "Hello... it was very nice to meet Allysiah and have a short talk. She seems like a sweet and smart girl. You should be proud of her."

I bowed to them.

Her father stood up and reached out his hand to thank me for my kindness to Allysiah.

I said my daughter is almost two... she loves to meet new people... I hope she is a risk-taker like Allysiah when she is older.

The family was smiling. Allysiah waved to me as I turned... I waved to them all.

I returned to my group... Taj's face was a big grin... "Fay, you gave her good advice with due caution. We need educated women in government and business so they can remind men we have to take into account all the citizens of Iran."

Fist bump!

Back the Energy Ministry we took our leave. I told Taj I would like Cho to see this superb view sometime. He said we would welcome anytime.

Handshakes and kiss for Taj's cheek. A big smiling face on him as we entered the lift.

The helicopter flew us away to Mehrabad. Stephanie said we could taxi immediately. Okay strap in! We were airborne right away.

We turned east by south. We had a six hour or so flight to Hanoi. We'd sleep aboard and have the day for our visits before flying on to Bangkok with a day in hand.

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Next: Chapter 74

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