
By A becker

Published on May 21, 2022



Back the Energy Ministry we took our leave. I told Taj I would like Cho to see this superb view sometime. He said we would welcome anytime.

Handshakes and kiss for Taj's cheek. A big smiling face on him as we entered the lift.

The helicopter flew us away to Mehrabad. Stephanie said we could taxi immediately. Okay strap in! We were airborne right away.

We turned east by south. We had a six hour or so flight to Hanoi. We'd sleep aboard and have the day for our visits before flying on to Bangkok with a day in hand.


Reg and Stephan gave the tale of their meeting with the Interior Ministry people.

"Fay, they want to have a good look at our scanning and sensor technologies. It appears they want to secure multiple installations and certain boundaries.

We do recognize they have issues with minority groups inside Iran... Our systems are passive by design and our software is compiled in our proprietary way it can't be undone to change it to do other functions.

So we gave them a good briefing and recommended they send some people to do a hands on visit.

Where is a big question... Do you think the Americans would object to a visit to either Lordsburg or Harcourt Ranch where the systems are fully functioning in a way we could do demos. Maybe Kentucky?"

"I can talk with Hillary... Lordsburg or Harcourt Ranch would be best... more isolated. We could fly them close then helio-lift them the rest of the way.

Harcourt Farm in Kentucky's lush summer might be too much.

How did you leave it?"

Reg, "They would ask at their end and we'd do the same."

"Okay. I will ask Hillary on who to approach in the U.S. government. They were that interested?"

"Oh yes! Very interested. What we are doing in Vietnam isn't a deep secret... I think they heard enough about it to ask us in to talk. So we have... they are chomping at the bit."

A big grin!

Fist bump!

I sent an email to Hillary. She'd see it the morning there. Iranians visiting was an issue I thought she should know about from the `get-go' not hearing about from an assistant.

Eating an a cheese omelette in the early light. Light rain that Louis, the other pilot, said was to end in an hour or so with possibly more later in the afternoon. The temperature would be around twenty two degrees. I thanked him.

Email from Hillary... she had an aide working on the Iranian visit. The New Mexico and California locations she thought would be the best. The State Department and the FBI would be involved. The aide was given Gil's contact information to keep in touch.

Gil smiling with a thumbs up!

A white cotton sleeve-less mid-calf circle skirt frock with black accessories, gold jewellery and a black cardigan over my shoulders. `Joy'

We went down the stairs to the tarmac, our 767 was parked east of the main domestic terminal. The sensor net surrounding it.

Several electric carts waited... they took us about five hundred metres to a PAVN helicopter. We were lifted to the roof of the Ministry of National Defence in downtown Hanoi.

Colonel Ba was waiting. We shook hands. Inside I introduced Reg and Stephan. He was very welcoming.

We descended to an a large conference room. There was a group of officers waiting there. And a civilian... Conrad! A big smile! We shook hands.

Ba did the introductions. The Defence Minister himself with us.

I was welcomed and thanked for coming. I said I was glad to return to Vietnam and meet them all and speak about our work. I said it in Vietnamese which shocked them all including Colonel Ba.

Smiling... I explained that my knowledge of their language wasn't good enough yet but that I was working on it. I did add if we could use French I was fluent.

They were all smiles. The Minister said he appreciated my interest and willingness to learn their language. French was good with them.

First, Colonel Ba's immediate superior General Diep wanted to commend our company for the excellent work. We were ahead schedule on every project in Vietnam. I pointed to Conrad who smiling said the help they were getting from the PAVN was making a huge difference.

The generals liked him saying that because it was true and showed we appreciated their assistance.

Their microwave communications upgrade was more seventy percent complete. The people from the Ministry of National Defence were on-site and able to make things happen when needed cutting through any issues.

Diep motioning to Reg and Stephan, he had been briefed about them, he asked if they had time to go into the field. They looked to me... Conrad nodding. I could see Reg's head bobbing at the corner of my vision.

"If you want to stay a day it can work... " I turned to Gil... she was already typing a text to Penn for an aircraft to come up and pick up the guys. I smiled at her.

She nodded when I said to tell Lis and Yobi to pack their bags.

Reg and Stephan's coming suddenly enhanced. They'd get dirty!

"General, I will need them back the day after tomorrow in the morning in Bangkok."

He smiled and promised. "You have all come a long way... It is a good thing."

Reg grinning said they wanted to very much. Done!

We discussed the projects... the first part of the border `wall' was being installed. We were using a satellite link they provided. I'd spoken to Conrad before this meeting. The linkage was working fine.

"As I have informed the Ministry that system will need to be upgraded for it accommodate the entire network but for the our purposes now it is fine. It will prove the workability of the design."

It was a good discussion, the generals had a firm grasp of what was being done in all projects. I could see Colonel Ba watching his bosses... it looked like he had done a lot of work keeping them knowledgeable.

Ni had created a video with animation of the sequences of actions that would come from a hit' on the border wall. How a sensor acquired a target' and passed the information on right up to where an officer would make a judgement on what action to take.

The Vietnamese were buying our wings to patrol the border and to investigate any `hits' by the system. They had a selection process going forward to choose soldiers to go for training. They would be trained at Sari Buri then mentored in Vietnam by some of our pilots.

Stephan had connected his MacBook to a screen. The Vietnamese watched as the system `performed' its tasks right up to the human decision-making point. They were pleased. They didn't miss anything because Lawan had done the narration in Vietnamese.

Stephan handed a USB memory stick to Colonel Ba saying the demo was on it with the App needed to run it.

Ba had a big smile. And a thank you.

We broke for some tea. General Diep standing with me, "Miss Martin, that video was excellent."

"It was made by a company in Bangkok that does terrific work. It is run by Ni who is a personal friend of my husband and I. She does lots of work for The Company doing demos and animations on our other products."

I smiled, "May I ask if you have any further contact with the Chinese about the border sensor net?"

He shook his head, "The Foreign Ministry has stopped for now. The Chinese have been a blank wall. The Foreign Minister himself spoke with us two weeks ago.

We have offered to share data but not how it is acquired... they it seems want to be `in' on everything. That is not going to happen."

I shook my head. The General did say the Chinese were the classic pain in the backside.

I couldn't agree more but for my own reasons! I put it on my internal list to speak to Ping after he was settled in Washington!

The PAVN provided us a car to go across town to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It was a short drive. Mr. Tran met us the front entrance. Smiles and handshakes.

Inside we were guided to a conference room. I got to meet the Minister. He, like the Generals, was very complimentary about our work. The water project was in its last stages. More than eighty five percent of the dams and remote controls were functioning. Several more to go online in a week then two months for the final portion.

They were seeing benefits already in managed water flows and the local people were happy. So this was a good project. Work in a some less than hospitable locations, using new technologies for us. It was good growth mission for The Company and our employees.

The Minister and Mr. Tran liked meeting Reg and Stephan who had so much to do with the creation of our devices. Reg pointing to me saying `it is all her fault... they are her ideas' which had us all laughing. Our Vietnamese hosts smiling at the banter.

The Minister, "You are a good team... Yes?"

Reg said, "Fay is essential to The Company's success... brains and beauty combined with common sense."

The Minister looking over to me... I shrugged... "I can't help it."

Much more laughter after the Minister said I shouldn't resist it... it was destiny.

Mr. Tran wondered if we like to eat lunch?

"It is a bit late... not uncommon for us."

I said yes after getting nods from my folks.

"There is a very good place on the lake about five minutes from here. It is called Nha Hang Bo Ho."

The Minister and Mr. Tran went in their car, we used the Army car... at the restaurant I asked for the Army driver to have a table and I would pay for his food. The Minister's driver came in also at my urging.

I said to them I would be glad to pay for both... it was arranged by the restaurant maître d'. I said they could have whatever they wanted.

We had a table on the terrace overlooking a lovely lake. Mr. Tran told me what I was seeing across Tay Lake from our table. A very nice view.

"On the north shore are quite a few hotels, many restaurants and night-life locations. It is mostly residential. It has grown a good deal... adding needed amenities to Hanoi."

Stephan asked how the city had changed since the end of the wars.

Mr. Tran, a more serious look, "Our people here in the north have always been strivers... wanting to improve their lives for the benefit of their children... we have thrown off the shackles of external pressure to build our own society. In our mixed economy people can explore entrepreneurship which has brought tourism, industry and commerce to Hanoi.

New businesses and a rise in population has created a boom period which we are trying to manage so it does not runaway with itself. In contrast to Ho Chi Minh City... we had a long way to go."

The Minister told us the restaurant owners here were a good example... they are from the Haiphong area, they opened this restaurant to take advantage of the new activity in the city. The restaurant was well-known for its seafood because of the family's links to coastal regions. I grinned and rubbed my hands at that!

Mr. Tran laughed, saying to the Minister he'd seen me eat before so my attitude was genuine.

I was able to choose from the menu, my Vietnamese language skills were good enough. The Minister said my picks were very good... `I would have many fine tastes.'

My people got help from our hosts and me to choose. Anticipation!

We talked some about the project and more about travel and families. The Minister had three sons and two daughters. I congratulated him on having a large family.

He was smiling, "Yes... Thank you. You might want to congratulate me over having none of them at home any longer."

He waved his hands up in a birds flying off motion. He laughed. He said he and his wife were enjoying the quiet and doing things for themselves.

We were all laughing.

I showed them some snaps of Chani and Charlie, a few with Jaidee on the Rêve. They liked that. I said they had delighted in the Peter Pan story. Mr. Tran nodded his head.

"You know it?"

"Yes. One of my children had a copy of the story in French as part of a school assignment. I thought it a charmingly simple story for young ones."

Mr. Tran had my iPhone looking at snaps... he paused and turn the phone towards me...

"Who wrote this for them? The script is very well done."

"Ah... Charlie and Chani did that. They shared doing it... Charlie did the upper half... Chani the lower."

Mr. Tran staring... "They are you said twenty two months?"

He handed the iPhone to the Minister to see the snap.

"Yes. They can read and write... in a limited way... in English, French and Thai... the calligraphy is something relatively recent... the last four weeks I think. They draw very well which is why the calligraphy is so good."

I opened Chani's blackbird on the iPhone. Mr. Tran and the minister looked and their eyes came up to mine.

The Minister had a shocked face. "Miss Martin... they are prodigies."

"Yes... they are very smart with exceptional motor skills. They are a joy for us."

I showed them a picture of Delphine. I explained she was a child psychologist educated at the Sorbonne who is a governess to the Twins. She was helping to expand their skills.

They were both amazed.

Food! I started with Banh Da Cua, red rice noodles in a tomato and crab broth!! Yes!! Also Cha Muc fish cakes!

My main was Cha ca La Vong, which is grilled marinated catfish, an unusually large type of catfish, making good sized pieces! I chose Xoi Xeo as a side dish, turmeric sticky rice with mung bean paste and crispy fried shallots over the top.

Everything was delicious. Mr. Tran kept a discreet eye on me... he was rewarded by my obvious pleasure! Everybody was enjoying the food.

Reg had a kind of Pho that looked very tasty. His smile said it was.

I managed in my imperfect Vietnamese to ask our server if I could speak to the owner or chef. One of the owners was the head chef! He came out to our table. Chef Thanh. I told him as best I could in Vietnamese his food was very good... the presentation delicate... the tastes were exceptional.

He was very pleased. Mr. Tran told him we were from several countries. I asked if he spoke French... `Bien sur.'

I asked if I could have a menu to take with me so I could get some of his dishes done at our home in Bangkok. He was delighted but had a better solution... He hurried away... Mr. Tran smiling shrugged his shoulders.

The Minister seemed to know might be happening... he said it was good.

In a minute the chef was back with a slim book of recipes he had written.

"Madame, s'il vous plait accepter ce livre comme un cadeau."

I said I would be honoured to have his book. Thanking him.

He said he would sign it for me... he hurried away again... Smiles all around the table.

Chef Thanh returned with a fountain pen, holding the book open he laid it on the table asking my name so he could do an inscription.

"My name is Fay Martin."

He wrote it in Vietnamese and signed. Then it hit him I may not be able to read it or the book.

I reassured him I was learning Vietnamese and I preferred it this way. We shook hands. He was happy to have his food praised by a foreign guest.

I said I live in Bangkok, London, New York, Los Angeles and Seattle... At the last he was wide-eyed...

"I have family in Seattle... they have a restaurant there."

I got the name and motioned to Gil... "I got it."

I told Mr. Thanh that the next time I was in Seattle we would go to the restaurant. More handshakes.

The Minister smiling, "Miss Martin you have made a friend in Hanoi."

I was glad.

"His food is terrific."

Back at the Ministry we parted. Everyone was happy. The water projects were a success which was good for us and Vietnam. Mr. Tran said the success hadn't hurt his reputation. We laughed and shook hands.

In the car I asked the driver if would be possible to stop to see the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. He pulled to the side of the road... He said we were very close... he made a call... I didn't catch all of the conversation... he handed his phone to me... Colonel Ba.

"Miss Martin, your driver knows where to go. I will contact the security at the mausoleum to get you passed inside. To make things easier for the people there I suggest you leave all your personal electronic items in the care of the driver."

I thanked him. I turned to my people and explained.

The driver made several turns to stop on a tree shaded street. He said to walk straight to where that man in a white uniform was standing. We approached the fellow.

He asked in French if `I was Mademoiselle Martin?'


"Please follow me."

As we walked he did tell us the rules for entry and behaviour. I told him we had left all our electronics with the driver. He smiled thanking me.

We entered a door to the dim interior. There was small number of people walking slowly by the bier. Our guide asked us to be a new column of visitors. We walked around the glass coffin.

Ho Chi Minh... He had been so many different personas in his life but the last was his greatest.

His biggest failure was to underestimate the depths of the French leaders pig-headed egotism! Their refusal to grant independence to Vietnam in 1946 before the bloody awful decades of warfare doomed millions of ordinary people to horrible suffering.

Ho did try to avoid the horror... millions of Vietnamese dead, tens of thousands of French... over fifty thousand Americans... all for NOTHING!

Ho was a revolutionary and Vietnamese patriot, he not afraid to use violence as a means to free his country... unlike mass aerial bombings the Viet Minh terror had a defined point.

Much more spun through my head as I had my last look back at his bier.

Ahead of our group was an old woman... tears on her cheeks... bent over with long life... her hand in a teenage girl's... they moved slowly so we were able to look longer. Outside beyond the doorway the girl embraced her grand-mere.

In my limited Vietnamese I asked... the old woman said it was a dream to see Ho's face. Her family in a village north of Thai Nguyen had supported him from the beginning... as a girl her great granddaughter's age she had carried messages and parcels for the local Viet Minh commanders...

I gently squeezed her hand and thanked her for speaking with me. A smile now.

I thanked the young soldier. We shook hands, smiles.

There were small souvenir booths in the plaza. I bought several photo books of the shrine. Reg, Stephan and the others also purchased a few.

At the car I thanked our driver. Smiling he said he greatly appreciated his lunch and it was an honour to drive for me.

Reg and the others thanked me for thinking of Ho's mausoleum.

At the Defence Ministry Colonel Ba was pleased he was able to help us enter the shrine.

Smiling as I thanked him for arranging our visit. He heard about the old woman... A look of happiness on his face... "Miss Martin, many old `fighters' make the pilgrimage to the shrine to see Ho. They had only seen pictures in their day. It is often quite emotional."

I was glad to have seen her fulfil a dream. We shook hands, smiles.

We said our goodbyes. Ba said he'd have Reg and Stephan at the airport for their flight ready to go. We laughed. I said my goodbyes to Reg and Stephan saying they `need to be good.'

That got laughs. Colonel Ba said he'd keep an eye on them... to more laughter.

We were escorted up to the helipad and we lifted off for the airport.

Stephanie said she had contacted the tower... we can taxi. We rolled over to runway 29R... the engines wound up and we cruised down the concrete to rise up quickly. We went straight ahead for a bit then a big turn to port.

Louis' voice said it was an hour and five minutes to Don Mueang.

From Gil... Penn had an aircraft ready to go to Hanoi tomorrow. Good!

I worked with my three ladies. They fed me things from their individual remit's for the whole flight. We were on final approach when I dropped into a chair to strap-up.

Penn on the tarmac... a hug. She was wonderful. Kavat deep in a meeting with several of Ni's programmers on new software.

"I'm going to join them. I wanted to see you and thank you for my parents who are ever so excited about the marriage and being about to do it at Harcourt House."

Another hug. I told her we would be there. A big smile.

The AW139 deposited us on the dock landing grid. Amporn and Niran smiling on the terrace. Walking in my arm around Amporn's waist... we'd be here two days.

I sat for a Conference App call with all the publishers and editors of our newspapers and the heads our electronic news media. They knew about the lawsuit against the website and the first victory.

"What I want is to get ahead on it... Please cease allowing comments on our sites. No exceptions. While we do somewhat monitor what is posted it will be better not to have it at all until all public comment on stories is fully vetted.

We are having Ni's software company in Bangkok devise a special plug-in for your websites that will check for content, language, etc... It will link to a server farm in Seattle where a database will do the checks and crosschecks necessary.

We hope it will be usable for all of your existing systems.

I can say there's an end to instant gratification for users... they'll just have to adjust to waiting five... ten... or more minutes to see their posts. I have no sympathy for any user who can't understand what is currently happening is grossly unfair and damaging to democracy and personal lives.

So you understand... our attorneys are fairly confident the ruling by Judge White in New York is going to be upheld... right up through the Supreme Court.

It will mean a sea change for social media. When they have to bear the responsibility for what is posted it's a whole new world.

It make a big fuss to start but it will be fairer and more honest than permitting lies to be seen as truth."

As a group they had no problem with the decision... as several said... comments on their webpages aren't often useful. They sometimes caused controversy where none had existed.

Abbey wondered if only allowing logged in users to comment was one way to go. I thanked her and asked everyone to consider that as a possibility... "Please get back to me with your thoughts.

`Will do' from them all.

I signed out thanking everyone around the world for being on with me.

A swim before dinner... legs dangling in the water... Gil's head on my shoulder...

"Fay what were you thinking in the mausoleum today? I could see your face..."

"Ho was dead before I was born... the war in Vietnam over... so there's a disconnect... Ho had an interesting life, he met many people from the high born to the peasant in the rice paddy... most liked him... some feared him! He didn't live to see final victory which is sad. He had known he and his close allies had created the path."

I laid my arm over Gil's shoulder... "Thinking about that war or any... is like looking into insanity. All the great egos... they cause suffering for untold millions with little cost to themselves. Even when empires are overthrown usually the corrupt leaders escape...

There have been a few hard men and women who have stayed their course towards change... not always getting what they anticipated. Ho wanted a peaceful nation whose people would work to a common good. On the whole that has happened... not too bad for a legacy."

I sighed, "Compare that to a power-crazed dirt-bag like Nixon... tossed out in a contemptable sleazy scandal caused by his own deeply insecure ego and stupid sycophants. He made his legacy more of a garbage dump by using a war criminal and murderer like Kissinger to do his dirty work."

Chelle on Gil's other side leaned forward... "Fay, you love history... you always have some books around."

Nodding, "I believe Santayana was right... remember and learn or repeat the mistakes. It is as simple as it gets. I try to keep learning!"

Ali's hands on my shoulders, a soft rub. "Boss, you are amazing."

I leaned my head back to look up at her, the `tummy' in the way until she leaned forward... a huge grin, "Let's not forget I've made my share of errors. Rick in Chicago to name a recent example."

I got Gil's elbow gently in my ribs. "That was an honest attempt to see someone change and grow... it was his failure."

"Yes... but I shouldn't have put him that position... there was too much evidence to the contrary."

Ali's fingers squeezed, "True up to a point... he didn't have to fail... Terrill was in the same culture... he isn't failing... quite the opposite he has embraced change and your leadership."

Gil's face close... cute... "Rick had one of those flawed egos you mentioned."

Fist bump!

Alone in our usually shared bed I called Cho. He'd just come back from Oxford East, a good round with MFA's granddads. Also a checkup with the Club Secretary on the business... excellent. The number of players was up over last year and the restaurant just had its best month ever!

Charlie and Chani doing all their `things' with MFA. Cho called Chani and Charlie to come together so I could hear their first trip to the Harcourt House Day-care.

They had helped some others do painting... they liked that. Being `teachers' of a sort!

They were happy babies... I was pleased they had stepped into the role of `helping quite on their own' as Cho heard from Jocelyn. Tha and Delphine had brought them over then left so Chani and Charlie would free to be themselves. Which it turned out was pretty terrific!

Cho called me back afterwards... we made love over the ether...

"Fay, it is wonderful you got to visit Ho's shrine. He is a significant hero to Asians by standing up for his people and country against the modern war machines of industrial western powers. You are making many friends across the world..." I interposed `a few enemies too...' Cho replied, "Those are inevitable... success always breeds them."

Our love softly spoken... deeply felt.

No horses... swimming. Gil, Ali and Chelle all with me... we did laps then sat in the morning sun with coffee and big piles of patongos with cream sauce and salapaos!!

Dressed in skinny pale blue jeans and a white cotton lace-edged cut-off sleeveless top, gold sandals, gold jewellery and `Joy' I stepped out of Tu's car in front of Dr. Sanporam's clinic. Inside the waiting area had a few people... at the desk... Polly was there. We held hands.

"It is wonderful to see you again. Sanporam is this way."

I walked the passageway remembering my time here... At a doorway the Doctor was smiling.

"Fay, you look unbelievable!"

I thanked him as we shook hands. I walked in with Kara and Tara.

In the conference room were thirty or so folks in various stages of trying to become themselves. Women seeking physical changes from many cultures and countries. Several men which was amazingly good!

The Doctor introduced me to some considerable surprise!

"Hello... To start... I am me now!" My arms open wide... Smiles and lots clapping.

"I am because of the skill and kindness of Dr. Sanporam and his staff plus the support of friends and family."

I looked over their faces... "You can all have the first... Not all have the advantage of the two latter groups... If you lack that please tell the doctor... he will reach out to others like me to help you! When you go home he can try to link you up with others."

I looked to Sanporam... a big smile and a nod.

"We have friends close by who are also like me `graduates' of the Doctor's programme. They volunteer to assist and are available at most times.

I can say the process is not free of pain or discomfort... that is physical... it pales in comparison to some of your life experiences getting to this point."

Many in the group nodding.

I continued with how it went for me and what I knew about my sisters' experiences. I tried to give them a boost to help them feel good about their results from this important decision.

After twenty minutes I asked for questions... Several asked about things I could answer... some I drew Dr. Sanporam in. When there were no further questions I went into the group shaking hands and giving hugs. Lots of smiles.

As they moved out of the room I took Sanporam's arm... We talked money... Several of these prospective clients were marginal about the financial side...

"Fay, you have placed no limits of your generosity so they will be helped regardless. Each will be spoken to individually."

A hug, a cheek kiss. I said one other word `Polly?'

"She and I are to marry soon. She is my assistant and the public relations person for the clinic."

He got another hug for that! She is gorgeous... a perfect face to the public for the clinic.

Okay time for a checkup for me and new prescriptions. Sanporam pleased with all of me! He got that Cho and I enjoyed an active, pleasurable sex life with no issues for me.

Arm in arm we walked towards the front. Polly there waiting.

Her face said she knew Sanporam had told me, a kiss and hug!

I said congratulations. Polly took Sanporam's hand, "It is amazing and joyous!"

A kiss for each.

Walking up the Railroad's front steps was full of memories too. The security guards saluted me. Smiling towards them with a thank you.

In Udorn's outer office I got his receptionist not to let Kamol know I was here... giggling she nodded... I got Kara to open the door... I jumped in to the shock of Kamol!

"FAY!" She rushed to hug me. Kiss! She was so loud Udorn stuck his head out of his office... Another loud `Fay!' We hugged.

"Kamol call Kavnu!" Udorn led me into his office. We talked family, health... Little Mali Fay was running like a gazelle!!!

"She rushes around so it is hard to keep track of her. She runs Ubon crazy some days... you should see Ubon... so happy!"

I had my iPhone out showing him snaps when Kavnu came... big hugs and kisses.

They looked over my shoulders to see a video of the dread pirates on the Rêve! The Twins and Jaidee bouncing around yelling or woofing and gesturing. It was a Charles video, in editing he added titles and a low background musical soundtrack!

They loved it!

They and their families were coming to dinner tonight with the Crew members.

Kamol said Sarge was in town from Sari Buri so we'd be at full strength! Gil called Amporn to let her know. A big `OKAY' from her!

With Reg and Stephan in Hanoi until tomorrow Gil had arranged an AW139 to pick me up here. On the Railroad landing grid we boarded... next stop Ban Wat Bang Fai. We lifted up turning to the river then downstream. At the big river bend we cut across to flare for landing on the big `H' on the asphalt paved space.

Tara leading we walked to the office wing of the SolarToGo plant. A security lady came to attention as we approached... I squeezed her hand with a smile.

Inside Chaloem was waiting... we shook hands. I was introduced to his staff. We did a tour... I got to see the process from the IN' loading ramp right on through to the OUT' loading dock. We walked to the river quay... freighters could tie-up , load and unload. Two huge lifting cranes towered over the quay.

Freighters with materials for the panel plant and the the solar cell plant next door both used this quay.

We headed to the addition... Lamai the physical facilities manager was at the works office.

She had a small dark smear on her cheek... Chaloem motioned to her as we shook hands. Someone handed over a cloth to wipe her cheek...

Laughing, "I see you get right in there with your work."

Lamai laughed too. "I guess I leaned in pretty close... We are rolling right along... ahead of schedule!"

High fives!!

I got a look from a discreet distance as bits and pieces were moved about... in the works office Lamai showed us where they were at and how the new structure would fit to the existing building.

The flow of the process would begin as usual then part of it would make a turn into this new section... through this area then bending back into the old where it would re-join the existing route to completion.

It allows for multiple new production lines... and higher speed... nearly trebling the output.

All the manufacturing that could be automated would be, quality control was partly computer and partly human, assembly was also half and half, packaging too. Sensors would scan the pieces comparing what it saw with the design schematic. Truck trailer containers waiting at the `OUT' dock would receive the pallet loaded panels... off they go.

At the "OUT' loading area I got to see a new device... it put boxed panels on a pallet then shrink-wrapped the whole pallet and pushed it towards the container area. A new pallet is automatically placed to start anew. Forklift drivers scoop up a full pallet and straight in a parked container trailer, when full a truck driver moves it away... another container is placed. It will be quick. Nifty!

In Chaloem's office we sat for a bit talking... he was pleased with the new process...

"We will lose at most five production days to make the switch over to the new path... likely less. We will have everything we need staged so we disconnect it... roll in the links... connect and move on to the other end of the new building where the disconnect team will have been doing their part again.

A third team will be upgrading the production lines in the old section which they will connect to where the new section's lines come in while the other teams do their part."

I kidded Lamai that she must have been a ballerina in a past life. She laughed making arm motions like a dancer.

Chaloem, "Lamai has done an excellent job managing the addition plus preparing the old side."

Smiling, I nudged Lamai's arm, "Chaloem, it looks like Lamai is going to make you look good."

He laughed, "Yes! Then I lose her to El Segundo to do them... My question is will Lamai come back?"

I shook my head, Lamai smiling doing a shrug, "Lamai has raised her value to the company. It is too early for that decision. We will see what other fun we can find for her."

Lamai grinning, "Fun? Okay I am always looking for fun times."

I walked out with Lamai. She liked the work and said Chaloem was a good boss.

"He knows my skills so he lets me get on. That is very pleasing... he trusts my judgement."

Fist bump! Grins!

The plant making parts for the panels was adjacent. It had many `clean' rooms I could only see into through plexiglass walls. Workers in white with hoods, masks and gloves on doing their jobs was fascinating to watch from a close but removed distance.

Rochana the manager gave me a sightsee trip through the many sections. All the working parts of the solar panels came from here.

Rochana said they were in position to ramp up production for the expanded panel plant.

"We will match their output... whenever they require. We could double that again with very little modification."

A fist bump which delighted her.

"My sons do that! You are first adult I have done it with."

"Cho and I do it with the Twins all the time... they love it. They are `training' others."

I thanked Rochana for showing me around. Another fist bump!

We lifted off going home. At the end of the dock landing grid I turned left to walk down the river's edge to our boats. I spoke to our boat captain. He was happy taking our visiting employees out onto the river. It is a busy colourful show for them. They were keeping him busy... also he was getting lots of time to train his number two who was new to us but an experienced boatman.

"He will be ready to command in a few months."

All good for us.

Black short shorts with a cuff, a red silk sleeveless top and black sandals, gold jewellery and `Joy' my outfit for eating outside.

I was at the door greeting my friends! Hugs and kisses spread around liberally!

Lawan and Thang looking so good together. Ni and Kavnu, the boys sorry their buddy Jaidee was in England. They were getting to be young men! Kavnu smiling when I said that.

Ubon with Udorn, Mali Fay... a cutie. She didn't know me very well... not too shy. I kept her with me doing greetings. She was smiling.

Sarge and Kamol. Sarge said he was having a terrific time training our Security Service recruits.

"Fay, your HR staff spend so much time picking them... they are committed and proud, hard workers." A hug!

Sarge and Kamol were going on a vacation to Los Angeles. A family visit. Sarge said he was already put down by his mother to do a BBQ at her house.

Sarge was meeting Markus at Harcourt Ranch to get a tour and talk training regimes and the different skills taught at their locations. He and Kamol would fly up in one of the Security Service AW139's, it was all set.

I asked Lek and Siri to come. They hadn't chosen a date to marry. They were busy, Dad had them doing lots of things.

I had asked my Protectors to dinner. I got Kara to come over to me... I introduced Lek and Siri. Turned out she knew Siri... they hugged. Siri congratulated her on joining my Protectors.

"Hey... it is a tough crowd."

PJ got a grip on Lek to lift him up as they laughed.

Achara did the kebabs beautifully... Amporn had all the rice, vegetables, roti and more to go with the kebabs.

A delicious dinner with a good gathering.

After dinner we spread out over the terrace for drinks and chat. An email binged in from Reg... they were on the way now... ETA one hour and a quarter. He said it had been a great day!

Our guests worked their way out to many thank yous for coming. Hugs and kisses. Mali Fay... I was kneeling with her. I said when are back she needed to meet Chani and Charlie and Jaidee now that she was older. A big smile... she wanted to!

Us girls sipped drinks and talked. Ali was doing fine, a bit of nausea... nothing too much. Feeling Okay.

There was a loud and fun Conference App call with Cho and the Twins and MFA with all of us. Chani and Charlie were talking so much it was hard to keep track of them. Seemed like everybody was speaking the same time... Cho to end it he said would call me later. Okay and we did our goodnights.

The helicopter floated in from the river to drop Reg and Stephan. They joined us on the terrace. We listened to their day as a few beers disappeared.

Colonel Ba flew them out to a border install site... they watched as devices were setup and then linked to the satellite. Conrad's folks were Pros! The PAVN technicians were right alongside following every step... they did some installs themselves.

Reg finished his second beer... Nat placed another... I said please finish first so I if have to roll you into bed again... I got a Bronx cheer aimed my way. A second when I said maybe I'd steal his nickers this time. I told the assembled crowd what had happened... Reg with a cheesy grin to all the laughter.

"Fay, the satellite works fine, they know about the capacity issue so I'm sure it will be solved before Conrad's folks complete the Chinese border portion. Colonel Ba is sharp and has the Defence Ministry leadership on-board."

"Where were you?"

"Up in the far northwest corner near Cao Bang... pretty rugged country, limestone crags, dense forest, cold and a lot of rain. Doing any work is tough... I can't imagine waging war up there but the French did for years. The Viet Minh out in the countryside controlling the roads and passes choking the French communications."

I shook my head... `not me!'

I thanked them for going but they were jazzed so it was fun for them!

Later Cho and I talked about Reg's day and mine. He wanted to see the Bangkok plants soon.

"What about Lamai... why wouldn't she go back to the plant?"

"I think Chaloem is worried she will get her eyes opened by the trip to Los Angeles and not want to return. I don't know enough about Lamai to tell if that could happen. She has gained enormous personal value for herself and business significance for us."

"I can see his point... he'll have to roll with whatever happens."

That was my feeling too.

Cho signed the land transfer deal for the Abingdon Mosque on Barton Lane. The city of Abingdon was happy with the idea, planning approval for their design had been granted... so it was a `Go!' A community enhanced.

The Twins were having just the best time writing... they were bringing him notes several times each day in print, cursive and calligraphy in English, French and Thai. Delphine has lit a fire under them.

It was what we wanted so... full speed ahead!

Much love exchanged!

Wet from the pool, drying myself on the terrace as Achara delivered coffee and a big pile of salapaos and patongos!!!

Work early this morning then a meeting at the Defence Ministry. The top generals and the Prince were to be there with Dad. Reg and Stephan on point again!

A pale blue sleeve-less frock A-line skirt at knee length, an oval neckline. Gold Jewellery, navy stockings and heels. `Joy' I grabbed a navy cardigan in case.

Reg and Stephan in black suits, white shirts and striped ties, looking quite `presentable' which got a laugh. Gil with PJ and Tessa in the car. Tu up front smiling as he drove us. We stepped out at the Ministry of Defence, a young officer there as our escort.

Up inside to a conference room... generals... lots! Some colonels too!

Dad! A hug and kiss. He did the introductions... I was given a good look over. General Somchair I had met before, he smiling as we shook hands.

"Miss Martin, I must say a congratulations for your work in the south. You and Cho did a wondrous thing."

I thanked him... "General A-Wut was a huge part of the success."

Smiling Somchair nodded. He said the Prince had to be somewhere else on short notice and wanted him to apologise to me for him. I thanked him... saying I was sad not to see the Prince.

We sat around a table with a big screen on the wall. Stephan with a soldier's help plugged into it.

I did a brief introduction then Reg took over. I was pleased with his preparation and non-technical jargon. After he done a good warm-up period Stephan ran the video... The generals watched intently.

This version tailored for this audience was very good. At the end Reg took over again.

He went through several areas... a younger looking general asked a question about the satellite link... Reg had the answer for him. I kept my eyes on that general's face he seemed pleased.

At several points Reg used Stephan's MacBook to show diagrams and drawings with a clicker. It was clear the military men thought our shit didn't stink!

When Reg was done he asked for any questions... there were a few... one about costs for the sensors. I took that one.

I told our audience since we were advancing the technology so rapidly and adding clients that the numbers Reg had quoted would be falling for most all of the items. That was something the Vietnamese were very pleased to hear the other day.

"The installation costs will depend on locations... We are getting a lot of experience in northern Vietnam right now..." I brought in Reg and Stephan give their views on working in difficult terrain.

I gave a look to Dad... a smile.

At the end I said we would look forward to their consideration and they could ask any further questions directly to Reg or Stephan via the email addresses on the literature in front of them.

Stephan held up a USB memory stick telling the Army folks the video and diagrams were on it. One colonel said would he please give to the soldier.

We took a break. Dad hugged me, in my ear, "Terrific. They'll want it."

Stephan was talking to the soldier... I saw them shake hands.

Tea was served. I got a cup... Somchair beside me.

"Miss Martin, this is a very sophisticated system. How long does it take to train the operators?"

"Actually not very much time if they are regular computer users. The software does a lot of prompting as you saw... serious decisions are left to the human element which will mean having a qualified ranking officer available to make those choices.

A decision on committing a drone or troops is an evaluation of the data and possible outcomes... humans are best for that although the software helps.

There is no way around that on purpose... we like computers but they can't ever have too much power."

Somchair was nodding.

"Your equipment... you make it yourselves?"

"Not all of it... the sensor devices we do, they are designed and manufactured by a subsidiary company. The computers and screens we buy and customise, the software is all written in house. We have a team dedicated to it now in London."

At Somchair's urging he and I walked out onto the balcony with our tea... I was seeing an appraising expression on his face... Somchair made a decision...

"You and Cho are working behind the scenes to make more change aren't you? To move the Army out of the government?"

I looked him right in the eyes... "Yes! It is time to give democracy the chance it deserves."

I moved slightly closer, "General, the people of Thailand are educated and aware of the world around them. I know the Army sees the street demonstrations as unruly, disruptive and dangerous... giving the people a voice often is. Taking it away make things worse.

Democracy is a flawed system in most countries but even so it is also an engine of progress in every field of human endeavour you can name. Repression costs a lot more... especially in invisible ways... people doubt the government's resolve... they see the military only wants to lead by force... meaning they may no longer give it their support and possibly work to make an end to it.

Every country that has a democratic system has ups and downs... it is part of the dynamic that makes a democratic state so viable. Change comes... no group of people is ever static... they change the government needs to change with them."

Somchair's eyes on mine... "You are dangerous... you are eloquent... "

I smiled, "That is fair... I'm not alone... Cho and I plus many business and professional people are with us."

Smiling... I said given the state of the world... armies are something we will need... "I wouldn't want to live without them because total disarmament is a fool's errand."

"So you are saying a democratic government would want us? We shouldn't fear it?"

I was nodding.

"I am sure I can trust you but... " His arm motioning out over the city.

My hand out... "There is a leap of faith... Well... I would be an advocate for the Army in a fully democratic country."

Somchair took my hand, "You would be a powerful ally... I can say there will discussion... No promises made but several of the younger generals and many officers below are wanting us to move... "

He smiled, "A-Wut gave me an earful about it. He was thrilled with the voting in the south! He believes you are right."


Inside the Army men were all pleased with what we told them... there would be several high level groups to review and dig into the information we provided. They would focus on areas in the north where smuggling was rife. Common routes and much jungle could be covered. They would do a fresh assessment of the border regions in light of knowing about our systems.

Reg said question were always welcome! Smiles!!!

Dad next to me, I had his hand. "Phailin said to say hello." We hugged! A kiss!

Things were breaking up... Handshakes all around.

Our escort guided us down out of the building. Tu waiting... straight home.

I told everybody we'd be leaving... so change!

The AW139 fluttered to the dock... we loaded up. I watched the house disappear... Amporn and Niran waving.

Stephanie at the controls said on the tannoy we'd move as soon as she got the Okay from Lil. Done!

We rolled out and were gone! We would be on the ground at Chalgrove by ten at night.

We sat around the lounge to discuss the trip. Reg and Stephan were pumped up! They'd done a superb job presenting both times I was in. They also thought the Iranian Interior Ministry folks were sold but had some questions. Their mooted visit would probably close the deal.

I turned to Gil... the U.S. State Department was Okay with an Iranian delegation to come to either of the locations. They wanted advance notice and a list of the Iranians... they'd prefer the New Mexico ranch because they could more easily have immigration officers to check passports at El Paso Airport.

I asked Gil to contact the Iranian Interior Ministry fellow and let him know. Thumbs up!

I also asked that either or both Reg and Stephan be available as the friendly face and knowledgeable person. They gave their Okay to that.

"Fay, I would love to see Lordsburg... " He motioned to Stephan who was nodding. Okay!

I said coordinate with Gil and Penn for a flight when we have the it arranged. Thumbs up.

Gil said she'd already asked Jerome, the Dartford SolarToGo plant manager to get two of the panels sent to General Soleimani's preferred address. He was on it! They shipped today.

This had been an excellent trip! Everybody was pleased! Taittinger's broken out... toasts to us!

Lots of miscellaneous chat. I went in for a nap. A quick call to Cho about my talk with Somchair. Cho was elated.

"Damn you did good! Somchair didn't say where he heard it?"

"Not specifically but I think it was A-Wut. He may have judged the moment... they have known each other for thirty years."

"Either way Somchair was willing enough to bring it up to you... You zinged him that eye to eye `yes! He respected you!"

"I think he and I can talk openly... for now we should let him do what he thinks is correct... He wants to make the move... getting the speed up to break the inertia of other generals is a task only he can achieve."

"You are the right woman for me... no doubt!"

We laughed when I said that was past-tense. Love...

I slept for ninety minutes coming out feeling good.

Yobi and Lil served a great dinner. We relaxed over afters... MFA is writing in two languages! She had done a note to her Mum for when Rona showed up at Harcourt House! Terrific news!

Reg had spoken to Rona who was now at Harcourt House.

"Fay, it's like a thing I have a hard time getting my head around... writing! A simple act for me... a huge step for MFA!"

Fist bump!

Eric's email was a WOW! Both the Madagascar and Indonesian jobs had begun... in the planning and terrain assessment stages but moving!

Louis said we had thirty minutes. We all put things away and packed up. We turned on final approach... the runway lights burning... we dropped down to the old aerodrome... the G-force of breaking such a familiar feeling.

Prasert and Tom waiting. fist bumps!

Cho and Carter at the door... big hug!! Rona there to hug her guy. We headed to the Great Room. The babies were all asleep. We collected on the settees by the fireplace. Jaidee did a few woofs of greeting. Hug and kiss for him!

I sat on the carpet to rub Jaidee as he toasted himself. Warm puppy!

I got Reg and Stephan to give Cho their impressions of their part of the trip. Cho looked to me... he got they were excited. The Cao Bang trip was a great thing. Serendipity!

A lot of new business for The Company and SolarToGo!! Cho laughing at my sending panels to Soleimani. I thought it was a simple thing to gain his attention to the new relationship with his country.

We welcomed Francis in from New York. Ali smiling... a very nice kiss! He said all his projects were completed successfully. A big hug and handshake!

Later I told Cho I needed to speak with Cedric the new Foreign Minister about Iran. I was sure he'd want to and it might short-circuit the SIS/MI6 business which we sure was behind Viscount Flintshire's approach at Prince Charles' thing.

I got a kiss from Cho for that.

Jaidee trooping down the stairs with me. I opened the kitchen door... out he went. Marigold was right there so I held the door open. Big smiles.

Coffee working, scones too. Marigold handed me the butter.

All my goodies in hand going down the lane.

Andy and Monty smiling holding horses. They got scones. I finished mine. Tessa and Angie came out. A knee up and we were off.

After the Flats were picked up the pace on the slope... a real romp to the Abingdon Lock after crossing the tracks. The lock man grinning as he waved. Roy just about to do his first cast, greetings and he said all was well.

Over the river we turned east to the underpass then towards the Wellans. We reached their road as Scott was driving out... he stopped the car to walk over his hand out...

"Your Ladyship... I just wanted to say congratulations for... all your successes we keep reading about."

I laughed, "Can that cover a few messes too?"

Scott laughed, he was good with that. I gave him a `Have a good morning' to go! His wife, Sandra waved from their back steps.

We turned north to pass by Archie and Margy's. They were elsewhere so we rolled on. Roland happy to pick up the pace... we galloped up through the trees to the Industrial Estate. A slow walk around the buildings... just a look about. I knew Jeffery was a good manager so I was never bothered.

The Sandford lock man at the south wall... a handshake as we walked our horses over. He was always a happy fellow... it was good we both got to know each other a bit more.

Mr. Hardy was out so Roland was nickering knowing what was going to come... He leapt forward... striding out quickly... we had a brilliant run to the Flats!!! Tessa caught up first... huge grin! Fist bump Angie shaking her head as Max slowed to a walk.

"Fay, I always get to see your backend."

We laughed.

"Cho likes the view... "

"The object to view is very cute... it's that I'm always in the same position."


More laughter.

Pat was there to take the horses with Monty. A big grin with a `counting the days' which I was happy to hear.

The Breakfast Room full of babies and parents. Reg, Rona and MFA going up to town shortly with Stephan. Reg and Stephan were working on their report for Eric.

Rona sat with me as I ate. She had two locations in Berlin for a shelter, one in Kreuzberg and another just off the Nollendorfplatz in Schoneberg. They were roughly the same size... able to accommodate forty guests thereabouts. There was were rooms for the manager, dining, meetings, a quiet space and library, a computer room and a games room.

"What is your feeling about the city? It has a long history of being open to LGBTQ community... what about both locations?"

"Fay, I'd like to get both... does the budget stretch to that?"

"I'm not sure but Jian would know."

I was grinning... "What?"

"Actually there is no budget... we just spend money since there is so much of it. The endowment is growing at a fifteen percent rate even though we have been spending a lot.

Get both... Put Francis on the money and do it. I haven't been in Berlin in a long time... I'd like to go see these new shelters."

Rona laughed and saluted!!

Reg and Stephan had been typing notes about the Cao Bang installations, etc... They would have something for Eric this afternoon.

We all walked them out to the car. Hugs. Waves. The Twins waving. Going in they said it was fun to have MFA around. They went up to the Nursery.

We had some business folks coming this morning. Carter said the Library was set and Kendal would bring in a coffee service whenever we asked.

First it was Francis with us. A big grin... "Several of the people involved were stunned by my request... several others were screaming at me... one of the weasel's sons included... which I kind of enjoyed knowing we had out-foxed them. They were impotent!

World-Wide Golf Corporation now owns five new golf courses. Turnberry in Scotland, Doonbeg in the Republic of Ireland, Bedminster, New Jersey, Palos Verde in Los Angeles and in Lowes Island in Northern Virginia.

Buying the mortgages was easy... the banks were glad to see the back of trump. The trump Organisation executives in New York were the screamers. Sam's law firm really did great work... our demand letters were a bomb going off in the new sort of shabby trump offices downtown. A total shock!

Of course they couldn't raise the money... they went into default last night... our people moved in the early hours in Scotland and Ireland. Thomas called me laughing at the surprise on the faces of trump's staff at Turnberry. The New York people never told them the property was at risk!

In Doonbeg our people were welcomed with open arms. The manager said he knew sane and reasonable leadership would come.

Bedminster's manager tried to dispute with Stella's people even after the paperwork was shoved under his nose... they called me... They passed a phone to him... I told him he was fired and to get off the property immediately or we'd have him arrested for trespassing. He beat feet quickly. I guessed he didn't want to go to jail for trump."

We all laughed.

Francis grinning... "Camilla said the manager at Palos Verde said he wasn't surprised... he had his budget cut back... and back. His calls not returned in a timely manner.

Gilbert called to say the fake Civil War `thing' at the Virginia club had been bulldozed and removed! A groundskeeper was happy to use their equipment to do the deed! He wanted to plough down the sign at the club entry but Gilbert asked him to use a tarpaulin to cover it instead."

Francis' head shaking, "For most no love was lost on trump and some of his management people. In Ireland, California and Virginia the staff want to stay... they were told to go ahead working as normal and they would be paid and taken care of.

The number two fellow in New Jersey is fine to run the club for now... I told him we would give him a chance to show what he can do. I got a big thank you and a promise he wouldn't let me down for that!

The deputy at Turnberry said he wanted the opportunity to run the place. I had information on all these people... I gave him the same as the Bedminster guy so we have management in place everywhere."

Fist bumps!!!

"All our people made the point at each location... trump's name was not to be used in any way at any time.

The name will be erased in the coming days at all locations, contractors have been hired. Temporary signs will go up... so you need to decide what names to use for the signage and on the webpages, etc..."

I squeezed Cho's arm smiling, "Tough work?"


Cho said Ireland, Scotland were easy... their old names would be used. Francis writing...

"Bedminster would be the name there, for Virginia use Potomac River Golf Club, in Los Angeles let's use Peninsula Golf Club. See not too tough!"

A kiss from me sealed the deal!

Francis gave a thumbs up! He got up to use the Office to make calls to Sam, other lawyers and the course managers.

Oxford East was part of World-Wide Golf Corporation too. So the corporation went from one course to six overnight!

Francis' group of researchers had done a lot of work getting the information together for the golf course deals. They were in a Fox Tower suite, three of them, two women and one man... they took the name... `The Sharks' for their trolling abilities! We had a good laugh. Francis was quite pleased.

Cho said to look for more Sharks!' A big Yes' from Francis.

Andi, Donatella and Clare arrived together in a Prasert car. We greeted them. Outerwear taken we headed to the Library. I drew Chelle along, I wanted her to see more of our `things.'

We sat to go over each's particular remit. I thought everybody together would be good so they would know about other parts of our business and how they fit in.

Andi's report was full of happiness. Our employees were taking advantage of the opportunities to use the houses and hotels. Cho-Fay Air was delivering them around the globe. The Luton Airport base was great! Folks could get there from London on a train then a short shuttle to our temporary flight centre. Trains on the way up to London... then change trains to other locations around the country.

There were had been few issues and the managers at the various locations all reporting well-mannered folks and a willingness to help out. Some `assistant' cooks had volunteered.

She said the software was to go through a major update giving her even more control and a bigger view at each property! Ni's folks would do the upgrade all she had to do was login to gain all the new features!

The hiring of a deputy idea was a work in progress between herself and Clare.

Donatella's information was more focused on us but it gave the others a glimpse at our holdings. Every home we owned in the Harcourt House Domesday Book, each of the properties that Andi had spoken about included now in a separate database from the Domesday edition called the CF Book.

She was smiling, motioning to Andi, "I've had an all-expenses paid tour of the world!"

She did an exaggerated wipe of her brow to laughter.

"Well... it's done! We have a baseline for it all."

I clapped... everyone joined in. Donatella held her hands together over her head. Laughter.

Clare said she didn't have anything as fun as all that. She did have full staffs at every location! Cho and I cheered that news.

"It helps that your pay scales are above the normal and the benefits much higher! Working with the Security Service has gotten easier with a dedicated person in Fulham. Being able to make decisions faster is terrific. We can tailor the background checks depending the work required."

She had a lot of statistics about hiring and retention.

"One thing about the hiring process is candidates are screened and considered to `feel their fit' before we make an offer. The turnover rate is less than one half of one percent which is a fancy way to say everybody wants to stay!"

Cho and I did a fist bump! A big thank you to Clare.

Some hugs and kisses when we broke for lunch. The Twins were waiting with Jaidee in the Great Room. They did fist bumps or hugs with everybody.

Carla did a wonderful lunch... empty plates all around. Sue did a four layer cake that was chocolate inside and out. Vanilla ice cream too... if you weren't watching your waist line.

We sat for general chat and coffee afterwards. Donatella beside me, "Fay. All the housekeepers were somewhat leery of the database... thinking it going to eat up a lot of their time... they found it was easy and made to keep it simple. They're on-board."

Good news. Donatella added that with all the travel she found some places she really wanted to spend some at. A good side benefit.

We did goodbyes as the London ladies drove off.

The Twins were going `sailing.' Me riding... Cho swimming... when the Twins heard they changed their minds! Okay Cho was to have companions. He was up for it.

I walked to the Stables with Gil and Chelle. Gil was going to do visits... introducing Chelle and giving away treats.

Tara and Penny waiting for me. We went east out Baldon Lane then going north through Marsh Baldon towards Toot Baldon. The return was west to the Oxford road... a really good gallop in between fields. We walked the west side of the Oxford Road south into Nuneham Courtenay saying hellos to our neighbours.

Up the drive to turn left into Harcourt Close... a slow walk around. A few folks came out to say hello. Carl's daughter Dorrie came out with her mother this time... we said hello. Carl's wife held Dorrie up to touch Rebel's nose. Dorrie liked that. A big smile.

Mervyn came out from his house to say the county folks were working hard on the road... looking good. Fist bump.

At the Stables Andy got that we'd done a lot of walking after the running.

I went up to change. Drinks. Cho smiling over the edge of his scotch glass. He and the Twins had a great time... lots of baby tossing... always a big hit.

Chelle had news... the webpage we sued was appealing... they filed their brief at the Second Circuit of the U.S. Appeals Court in New York. The court put the case on its `expedited docket!'

Our lawyers had thirty five days to reply then a few possible exchanges before getting to the end.

Chelle added our people expected dozens of amicus curiae briefs to be filed. All those would slow down the judges review.

I told Cho... Somsak, Tona and Suki were in their house in Washington. He was welcomed at the embassy as the new number two. He knows a lot of the staff. He and the Ambassador got on well!

A new series of experiences for them!

He was to present his credentials tomorrow at the State Department.

Francis had one more piece of news... Just finalized. The sale closed on the 21 Club!

Francis said he sat with the manager, Bryan, yesterday... "He was thrilled to hear the news. He likes you two... he said... Wait for it... you two were the `real' thing!"

We laughed.

"I know you like him... so the club goes on... no visible changes and no public announcement as you asked.

The employees will be told at a meeting today. They will get what immediate changes are coming for them... the pay rise, health care coverage, the education benefits and the ability to use the R&R facilities around the world.

Bryan will tell them now that they know... your owning the club isn't considered a secret although they were asked not to talk to the news people. Bryan wasn't to make a big deal out of that. He gets it."

Good! The corporation owning `21' had been waffling about keeping it open. We had a plan to change how the club was perceived by the public. We'd maintain the high quality of service and food... It wouldn't ever be a cheap eats place but market it as a place to should have on your bucket list... then you become a regular when you find out how really good it is.

Francis smiling, "I would guess you will get some more media attention for this one."

We said at this point we weren't planning any announcement so the knowledge we owned it would seep out slowly.

Francis added Bryan was happy about not allowing any booking for trump or his cronies.

Okay... we own two restaurants now... a trend? Cho squeezing my hand saying a business opportunity is just that. `21' was well worth saving from closure. I guess we can always have the same tables! Laughing.

This was another item `The Sharks' had picked up on... doing exactly what were wanted when we asked Francis to setup the unit.

Tomorrow a day at the races in France. Two runners at Longchamp. The new redone from the ground up Longchamp!

An early dinner so we could get in a Charlie Chaplin movie. Charlie and Chani were hardcore fans! Rumours from the Nursery were we should expect another `show' with a Chaplin theme. Okay!

I got in my ride at dawn with Roland and Tara.

A clean-up. A red frock, cotton and wool, long sleeves, oval neck, down to mid-thigh close to my body. Gold bits, black heels, `Joy' A white leather Bolero jacket cut above my waist, red leather gloves.

Chani in her red frock with white trim, white tights and black shoes.

The guys in black with Harcourt Racing ties.

Our folks similar, black suits on the Protectors.

Two AW139's on the landing grid... we rose going south. In an hour they fluttered down to the Paris Heliport.

Cars waiting... it was a short drive to Longchamp. We drove past the buildings to the north end. Our cars were motioned by their security into a small car park surrounded by trees.

We all walked towards stairs up to the terrace... the Twins in our arms. Two Protectors leading... the terrace had a fairly large crowd, a security team from Longchamp waiting. They would be in front opening the crowd. We let the Twins walk some holding their hands. At the northern rear of the Tribune Building we entered a lift.

PJ and Rande in front stopped just outside the lift as a Longchamp race course official was there. He greeted us and led our crowd to a private suite. We were on the fifth level with spectacular view of the entire race course. A nice terrace space too.

We skipped the barn visit... it was too hectic with the close quarters here.

Several senior France-Galop folks came to visit. Up to this point we personally hadn't seen much of them, they run horse racing in France. We got to meet the group which had several of the top managers of France-Galop. They were glad to have a meeting with us.

Some of their group had been to visit our horse farm at Montataire. Jonny had invited them at our request so they could see what we were doing towards supporting our racing in France. Jonny said they had been very complimentary.

We told them about our new property at Moulin de Deauville. One fellow knew it and asked if we would also train equestrians there. Cho said we would indeed and we hoped to host a multi-day event next year. Smiles for that. They got that we were committed to racing and eventing in France.

The track managers accompanying them knew we had taken this VIP space for the season. Our interest in this race course made plain with the many horses we had entered into races. Smiles!

The Longchamp people did ask if there was any connection between me and the family the next race was named for... the Prix d'Harcourt.

I said no... "My title is a place rather than a family name... " Smiling I did say my name `Martin' was an old name from Normandy. I said some of my family had served Duke William of Normandy in the Eleventh Century.

A woman smiling nodding her head, I guess she seeing me look felt she should say why... Her family members had also done the same... crossed the Channel with William but had returned to Normandy after service in England.

Our visitors departed feeling good about us... our connections to France strong.

Satirical was up in this race, the Prix d'Harcourt, a G2 race of 2000 metres, very nearly ten furlongs, six hundred thousand Euros as the purse. We watched the horses walk out to the start on the other side of the course. They all seemed calm moving over.

The loading was easy... Pause... they were off. Satirical moving with others in a group of four. Down the straight I watched our guy in my glasses... he was striding well, relaxed. Into the turn Satirical was beside the leader only a neck away.

When they came out of the turn Rene made a move... Satirical surged ahead! He kept upping the pace as they entered the home stretch... Satirical was pulling away the fractions fast!

No challengers as our colt roared down the turf to past the finish! 1 :58.10 very fast eight hundreds of a second short of the record.

The crowd was giving him a loud ovation. He had been one of the favourites so I'm sure some money was made on his victory.

Cho and I went down to the track to meet the horse and Jonny. On the turf we were announced to a very warm welcome. Rene brought Satirical back up the track. Handshakes with Jonny and Rene. Big smiles on them.

The Prix d'Harcourt people were pleased with my name association and Satirical's very classy win.

We were announced... the `Comtesse Harcourt' coming over the tannoy caused a big rise in the crowd noise.

Cho and I received the trophy... lots of pictures with us and Jonny and Rene together with Satirical.

Going back into the Tribune we received applause and some cheers.

The Twins were sitting with Gil, Chelle, Tha and Delphine sipping fruit drinks. We all relaxed for a bit. Amira was running soon.

Gil took a call from the State Department... She was smiling on returning.

"They have agreed completely to the Iranian team flying in on a Cho-Fay Air aircraft to El Paso, they will have an immigration official at the Flight Corporation building. All we need now is a date."

One side is fixed. We wait for the Iranians.

Amira is up. Francine is her jockey for the Prix Vicomtesse de La Tour, this is a G1 race, 1800 metres for fillies. They walked out to the far side of the track... no issues with loading... CLANG... they burst out! A clean start!

The horses close together rushed down the straight... as the group neared the turn separation started to happen... Amira and two others pulling away. Our filly was on the rail... Francine sitting still on her back keeping Amira close.

The turn is tight and shallow Amira running easily... as the turn began to flatten out she moved ahead. On the home stretch Francine asked her... in my glasses I saw the surge start... immediately she opened three lengths before the others could respond.

Amira on the lead came running down the turf... Francine was doing a hand ride the whole way. Amira had six lengths on her pursuers... no slack in her. The power on full as she came towards us... Chani clapping in my lap...

"Mama she is good!"

Indeed! Amira was very good. She blew past the finish in a blur! 1:44.65! A new record for the distance at Longchamp for fillies and a new stakes record time.

The crowd was noisily applauded her efforts. Cheering. As she had also been among the favourites there was money to be made so the punters must be feeling Okay.

Chani and I hugged. Cho leaned over for a kiss. Charlie and Chani hugged. Our crowd celebrated.

We collected ourselves to go down. This time we took the Twins with us onto the track. A bigger welcome from the crowd. Francine walked Amira back to Jonny.

We all shook hands and cheeks kissed. We all went to receive the trophy. Lots of press. Francine dropped down to hold the trophy with us and Jonny. More snaps of them together.

We walked north down the turf towards the cars. A sunny day, green grass, the Twins running ahead with Gaby... Tha and Delphine in pursuit.

Longchamp security people going along with the Twins... I saw smiles.

The cars waiting... We arrived quickly at the heliport. The manager came out to say hello. We spoke for a few minutes before boarding.

Kellen's smile through the window as we loaded. I waved to Min who was in command of the second helicopter. Up and away turning a bit west then north. The Twins got a look at the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe off to starboard. We told them we would be back so they could see them up close.

The two AW139's were bullets to Oxfordshire. We landed at Harcourt House. Charlie put on his feet was... OFF... running to Carter... Chani right after him. Cho and I following in their wake towards greetings with our staff.


One day of home things! We had fun with the Twins in the Stables, in the Garden, watching movies, they wanted to play `Go Fish' which was cute, Cho was willing as was Ali. Okay.

Gil smiling across the coffee tray holding up her iPad pointing to an email. We had confirmation of the Iranian team coming over. Names and dates which Gil would forward to her State Department contact.

Penn had the aircraft arranged for the Tehran leg as well as another from Chalgrove for Reg, Stephan and some staffers.

We would visit Lordsburg before them.

We had a full trip of events coming in America then back for the last day of Badminton to watch Sunny. She had a busy May coming up. Badminton then she would soon see her first GCSE's results.

She'd go to Upperville in late June for the trials there then Seattle. The Winterset Trials to follow for Sunny, she would stay at Harcourt Ranch to train.

Kay, Greg and the boys would come to Upperville and they would all see some of Washington, D.C. before the whole family went home.

Today a new race for us! The 2,000 Guinea's at Newmarket! A chilly May day with some wind under a cloudy sky.

I wasn't going to be cute in clothes... a black wool cowl neck frock to mid-thigh, a narrow black belt, it was snug to all my parts! Black stockings and red St. Laurent heels. Gold jewellery and `Joy'

The black Coach coat, Harcourt Racing Hermès scarf and black leather gloves.

Chani in a black pinafore with a white turtleneck top. Black tights and black shoes. A black coat and gloves for her with a Harcourt Racing scarf. She was grinning.

The guys in black suits, white shirts and Harcourt Racing ties. Black coats and gloves.

Our protectors dressed like Cho and Charlie.

Min picked us up on the Harcourt House landing grid for a twenty five minute flight to West Suffolk. Our pre-arranged landing spot on the grass to the north across Rowley Mile Stand Road from the race course. It was a short walk to the road carrying the Twins then down a walkway to the Owners entrance.

The staff had an escort for us... she welcomed our crowd and helped us with our owners' badges. She also said should we win a race the Twins couldn't go into the Winner's Circle... it was a health and safety' rule. We shrugged... no point in arguing over a foolish rule.

We all crossed a plaza to some stairs... we carried the babies up to the `Owners and Trainers' bar. We went out to the balcony. We had a short wait for the 2000 Guineas Stakes. It's a G1 race of one mile or eight furlongs on the Rowley Mile which is a straight mile of grass track. A somewhat unique race course.

Black Star on the odds board was nine to one. Cho shaking his head... our colt was unbeaten and the winner of the Breeder's Cup Juvenile Turf Race. No fainting-flower... a hard runner. We found it funny many of our horses don't get much credit here until it is so obvious it hurts!

All the saddling and doing the post parade around the enclosure behind the stands was the trainer's domain... today it was Freddie! We never went there. Visiting our runners before the race was harder in Europe... the preparatory stables were smaller and crowded.

We had a good view down the long grass track, we were above the finish. The noises changed... the first horses coming out onto the grass... They turned to the right to walk down the track to the start.

Black Star moving quietly... Renaldo on his back in our green and yellow blocks and stripes. All the horses were walking easily down the long track.

In my glasses I could see the loading... Cho with his more powerful glasses said they were in Okay. I watched with Chani on my lap.

They've off!! We could see them charging down the turf strung out across the track. Black Star out of the fourth slot seemed to be be moving ahead... Cho said he was leading.

The field was spreading out now Black Star clearly ahead... the announcer said three lengths. It was hard to see much from the nearly head-on angle... Black Star appeared to be striding well.

The lead was widening... he was pulling away as he came past the halfway mark at sixty eight seconds... Fast!

Watching Renaldo at about two thirds the way asking the horse... Black Star raised his game... now roaring across the grass at an increasing pace.

The crowd saw it... noises... his name being called out! Into The Dip... down the slope then at the bottom he raced the last furlong... a blazing pace. There at least nine lengths in his lead.

Renaldo hand riding the whole way... his whip tucked away unneeded!!

Black Star blew past the finish like a rocket!!

1:33.75!! More than a second below the previous best time of 1:35.08 from 1994 by Mister Baileys!!

What a show!! We did hugs and kisses all around. PJ, Rande and Angie smiling.

Okay now... I told the Twins they had to go with Angie because children younger than twelve were not allowed in the Winner's Circle here. They were Okay... a bit saddened but accepting. They would go to the helicopter because we weren't staying for any ceremonies past the getting the trophy.

We walked down to the ground level in the Plaza with the Twins... a kiss for each then they headed off with Angie. We headed for the Winner's Enclosure out from the plaza.

We could see Black Star being led by Freddie with Renaldo aboard towards the parade ring from the track. As we came to the edge of the parade ring a guard stopped us... `you can't go in there' from him.

Cho tried to say we were owners but a big hand came up towards him... inches from his chest... PJ moved... the guard was face down on the pavement with PJ's knee on his lower back and the arm up behind his back.

Several people came up... fellow in a guard's uniform with stripes on his arm.

Rande watching around us... Cho said the man made a threatening gesture towards him trying to block our going into the Winner's Enclosure.

The sergeant asked PJ to release the man saying we could go ahead. PJ stood up... he stepped back in front of us.

The sergeant told another fellow to take away the one who PJ pinned. The sergeant then escorted us to the enclosure. He apologised for the man's actions. Cho thanked him for helping end the incident.

We walked in. A Newmarket official asked what had happened... Cho told him. Huge eyes on him... he said he'd be sure to take care of that fellow... he'd be let go.

Cho said the man needed some awareness training not being let go from his job. That stopped the Newmarket man like a wall.

We got on with the trophy ceremony... a bit stilted... events weren't following their protocol. Cho received the prize I stayed back... he thanked them for hosting this great race. Freddie and Renaldo received their awards.

We stepped down and said our goodbyes to our people and to the Newmarket folks. We headed for the plaza and the gate. The Newmarket folks were upset with us.

A woman said there was a gathering in the Royal Box for the winners... We knew there were no `Royals' here today... unusual but true nonetheless. Cho said between someone trying to shove me and our children being refused access to the Winner's Enclosure... we'd seen quite enough of this race course for today.

She said she was sorry they had disappointed... "Lady Harcourt... Sir Cho... we do hope you will give us another chance to show our hospitality and good manners."

Cho, "This was today... another day will happen."

He thanked them again for hosting this race.

We walked back across the road, Minerva got Rande's text and was winding up the engine. The Twins were inside with Angie. At the helicopter entry Cho shook PJ's hand and thanked him. PJ got a hug from me.

We told Angie there'd been a small episode... leaving it at that while the Twins where around.

Min made the AW139 a bullet to Harcourt House. Charlie and Chani ran to hug Carter by the doors. We all went up to change. We had another flight!

We walked up the 767 stairs at Chalgrove. Everybody strapped in and Kor said we were off. Our "WooHoo" and "Woof" boys did it again.

We sat to work, the Twins `schooling' and then dinner.

Our staff got the story off our `adventure' at Newmarket. Cho shaking his head over the official's idea of taking care of the issue was to fire someone.

Cho's little owners' badge had come off which we supposed caused the guard's attempt to bar us from the Enclosure... mine was on in plain sight. No excuse for trying to touch. PJ made the point with the Team that they were not to wait until we had actually been touched' to act.

We landed at Dulles at seven o'clock and flew to Upperville. Flo had a snack for the Twins then off to bed.

Us adults had drinks and nibbles before bed.

A glorious ride... A lovely spring morning... I walked Ash to the groom... she was a happy horse, a good run! Tara handed over Mr. Sugar. We were welcomed in the big kitchen... Flo saying our omelettes were on the fire.

I looked at the news from the UK... zooming in on the sports sections... there were some huffy' comments by the Daily Mail and Telegram about our leaving Newmarket abruptly. They thought we had dissed' the track, other owners and the officials.

Our newspapers, the BBC and Sky UK plus the Guardian and others reported the guard's attempt to shove Cho and the archaic rule about the age of children in the Winner's Enclosure. The BBC said we had been made unwelcome by Newmarket... they needed to reassess their protocols and be more hospitable.

The Guardian pointed out being unhospitable was never acceptable adding a simple fact they should take into account... Harcourt Racing was in the top rank of racing teams around the world.

That was true... racing in England is not nearly as easy, exciting or rewarding as elsewhere on the globe. We ran fewer horses here than anywhere... in France we would have three times as many runners!

Of course we were only interested in flat race events... which reduced the number of choices... NO steeplechase ever! Much too dangerous for horses.

We had to do a show today. A warm spring day in Washington. I decided on a rich yellow dress, short sleeves, oval neck, snug to my waist with a matching narrow belt, the hem at mid-thigh. Bright blue accessories and shoes to match the Lapus Lazuli jewellery and `Joy'

Cho in one of his terrific suits, navy with a yellow tie. Charlie like his Popa.

Chani in a white frock, short sleeves, a black belt and white socks, Mary Janes!

What a nice family scene we'd project!

The AW139 crossed the Potomac near the Kennedy Centre... a slow approach to the South Lawn of the White House.

Several Secret Service folks and aides were there to help us. We entered via the Diplomatic Reception Room to the Centre Hall out to the West Colonnade by way of the Palm Room. We turned into the Rose Garden on a narrow walkway to come out on the grass. An aide escorted us to seats on the left of the podium.

Opposite us were the press behind a barrier. Their cameras up and going.

Hillary came out from the Oval Office behind the podium, smiling, looking relaxed. In yellow!

Hillary said this was one of the `good jobs' she got to do as president.

"Rewarding great people doing wonderful things... we need to do this more often."

Laughter and applause.

She got things started with a National Humanities Medal and a National Medal of the Arts. A fireman from California received the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valour for rescuing an entire family from a burning home in Chatsworth, a San Fernando Valley neighbourhood. He was injured but recovered.

Three Presidential Medal of Freedom awards to a world famous pianist, an American landscape artist and an actor. All deserving, they were creative, talented people giving us the gift of their skills. Another two to doctors for lifesaving advances in breast and colon cancer research.

Then Hillary went on... She said the last two awards are the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, an award which is not often given. In this case the medals are for promoting world peace and leading business toward the highest possible level of ethical conduct.

"Lady Harcourt, Fay Martin and Sir Cho started then encouraged the negotiations which resulted in the Narathiwat Peace Protocols which ended years of civil unrest and guerrilla warfare in the southern provinces of Thailand. They helped both sides see their only way to end the fighting was to talk, each side courageously made concessions to get the process started.

Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho provided a safe place for negotiations and have supported the process all the way through. Even today they are providing logistical support for the Irish and Canadian teams who are on the ground monitoring weapons dumps and helping to negotiate arms destruction agreements.

It is more than fair to say without the work of our two award recipients this would not have happened.

On the business side where they are involved in many companies with world-wide interests, they are leaders of two huge corporations which were at some point seen as devious, unethical and possibly criminal until they took them over. Now they are models of the highest ethical standards and as an interesting aside... they are also profitable.

The Cho Family Banks are near the top of the largest banks in the world where to be an employee is to take and pass tests of ethics and aptitude. Every employee has as a model their owners probity and unparalleled ethical conduct.

It quite an honour for me to award these medals... earned and deserved."

Hillary smiling motioned us forward... "Lady Harcourt... Sir Cho..."

We stepped up on the platform to the podium... Hillary put the blue ribbon over our heads to lay on our shoulders. The big star hung down on our chests. We shook hands... a twinkle in her eyes!!

Hillary stepped to the side clapping. The crowd did also. I had Cho's hand squeezing. Cho turned to kiss me... a few cheers and louder applause.

Chani and Charlie came running up to the front of the podium... an Army officer aide moved forward to lift each one to us. We held their hands. The press having a field day with their cameras.

The ceremony was over... we walked back to the seating... we shook hands with other recipients, exchanging greetings. I reached out to the California fireman. He, his wife and son... I said hello and I was very glad he had recovered.

"Lady Harcourt... Thank you! I wasn't fun for me or my family."

His wife, Crystal, a big smile, said he was mostly back to `one hundred percent.'

I could see her slender shape had a bit of a bulge... "And..." I motioned... her smile went to megawatt, nodding, "Yes, a girl."

I congratulated them. The son was also looking happy, he was ten and ready to have a little sister.

They lived in the San Fernando Valley, he was a Los Angeles County fireman. I shook his hand saying I hoped he'd never had to come to our place. He asked where... I said we had a ranch off old Topanga Road about a half mile from where Route 27 turns off to the north.

"Is it called Old Topanga Ranch?"

"Yes. A big ranch house plus horse stabling and staff housing."

"I know it... we did a fire check-up out that way. Your fire security setup was unbelievable... lines of sensors to detect heat, cameras, cleared areas... we all were so impressed! My team knew that must have cost a good deal. Your neighbours ought to help you since they will all benefit."

I had his hand, "It's even better now...' His eyes widened, "... We have drones patrolling when there is fire danger and foam dispensing trucks. We think our place will be a barrier to a fire's advance to the east or south."

I leaned closer, "Some of the local people have been there many decades... not a lot of money. We have told them about what we have done. They were given our Security office telephone numbers in case of trouble and their calling us will improve our response time."

His head was shaking... I smiled, "We add protection for ourselves by helping those around us."

I turned to Gil asking for one of her cards... I handed it to Russ...

"When we are in Los Angeles we should have you up to the house... a bit of visit and you can bring some colleagues to see the new equipment. We saw a demo... it's amazing what the foam trucks can do."

We shook hands, his son too and a hug for Crystal.

Chani appeared Delphine behind her, she was introduced. Our little `lady' said hello. To Russ... Chani said his medal was very nice looking. "You saved people?"

Russ said he saved a family from a burning house.

She put out her fist... Russ' face... he bumped with a monster smile.

We said our goodbyes... Chani waving.

Cho grinning... he'd seen Chani's fist go out... Chani said he deserved one for saving a family.

We joined Hillary in the Oval Office. Smiling... her aide gave us two shiny dark wooden boxes for our awards. A lapel pin, a smaller version of the star in a vertical blue ribbon with a pin and a big ribbon like the Order of the Crown of Thailand for special occasions to use with the big medal.

`A nice haul' from me got a lot of laughs.

This certainly is our year for shiny gifts!

We walked upstairs into the Residence. In the Centre Hall we met Chelsea Clinton and her children. Charlotte was four, Aidan two. The Twins grinning, hugs.

Lunch in the second floor dining room. It was a big hit for the Twins!! Veggie burgers and fries.' Bill laughing at their loving the menu. Charlotte was into burgers' she said. Aidan like Charlie was a `fries' kind of guy.

It was a fun lunch with the children. They went to the Yellow Oval Room afterwards to be with Popa, Chelsea and Bill. Tha and Delphine right there. I went down to the West Wing with Hillary. I walked into the Roosevelt Room. Eduardo and Rosa waiting. We shook hands.

Rosa said the others were here, she would have them escorted in. The Pentagon and Nasa folks were also waiting.

There was a lot of hand shaking by the TAG members. Candace smiling, leaning close, "I still haven't told MIT."

I was glad she said. I wouldn't want to `out' her by an accident of my mouth.

Edgar had a huge smile, "Well... there's been a lot of change since this little group was created. You a Countess... it is extraordinary."

I laughed, "It has been a busy time. Many people think we need giving presents when we already have a lot."

"They want to encourage you..."

"What is funny is we are exactly the type that doesn't need that sort of encouragement. We're self-starters."

Edgar smiled, "It doesn't work like that."

"Yes... so we've found out."

He grinned.

I worked my way around to them all. Then called us to order. Some TAG business bits, Rosa and Eduardo had some of their own items for the members.

The NASA folks were brought in... They did a presentation on communication satellites, new protocols and encryption of data to and from...

Edgar asked several penetrating questions... he was sharp. The NASA folks had answers for the most part. On one issue they said they would get back to us.

I asked about weather satellites and airliners dealing with Fifth Generation wireless networks. The NASA people said plainly... it will be a problem. The department's position was the weather data is more important than incrementally expanding wireless communications.

One of the other TAG members inquired about co-existence? We were told specifically about one group of frequencies the FCC wanted to auction were too close to a low-power band used for data on water vapour reports which could render the information unreliable and so near useless. It was a major source of weather data!

They were adamant those frequency auctions were dangerous to ALL nations weather data collection not just America.

It was at least unequivocal.

They also added that airlines had issues with their communications being disrupted by the same frequencies... note to Rosa to inquire on that with airlines.

They were thanked for coming to speak to us.

The Pentagon group had several `secret or sensitive' items.

A ray-projection device to be used in combat to destabilized an opponent's military people on the ground. They would disturb them physically and emotionally for a period of time but not permanently injure them.

A combination of microwave devices aimed in both narrow and wide band modes which would alter the body's temperature which would weaken the mental processes rendering them unfit for duty.

When the devices are switched off there would be a period of time needed to recover... a few hours.

One of the scientist TAG members immediately asked about testing. The answer was it had been tested on volunteering subjects with considerable success.

Another TAG member who I knew was biologist and noted for being outspoken on personal freedom... asked if these devices had been used on the public without their knowledge. The Pentagon folks said no.

That seemed to me as our two TAG members had just `setup' the military folks.

We moved on... to a kind of chemical light for use by troops that merged certain elements to create a glow effect that could be controlled in intensity so as to extend its life to days or even weeks. The light beam could channelled from soft to light a room to narrow like a searchlight with considerable intensity.

The `lights' had some dangerous chemicals so the case would have to sealed tightly and at this point the users would have to be warned about the danger of releasing those chemicals.

Someone asked if the `lights' would get some shielding. The main pentagon fellow on this said there was a secondary clear case involved but in combat or other dangerous situations you couldn't rule out it being crushed.

If crushed in an enclosed space it could be deadly...

I asked what was the effect in the open... The answer was that that would reduce the effects of the chemicals considerably but they would still be dangerous. To someone else's question... death wasn't an immediate issue but rather a type of chemical burn that if water was applied it would have a deleterious effect. So troops would have be thoroughly warned about treatments.

Another TAG member asked was the light worth the danger? The Pentagon folks said they were studying the trade-offs.

A few more gadgets but nothing like the first two. They were thanked for coming.

I suggested coffee or tea... everybody was in favour of that! I had mine leaning on the table at my seat... Edgar close.

"Fay, will the FCC go ahead?"

"I don't know but if we recommend a `no' to Hillary probably not... at least not in those nearby frequencies. They shouldn't go ahead until the airlines have been heard from."

We sat again... there was unanimous feeling about the Fifth Generation cellular auction of the most detrimental frequencies should not go forward. Okay!

The NASA communication items should be encouraged. The Pentagon ones... well we weren't in agreement. One member Richardson, the biologist, said he had heard rumours a `disruption' device had been used on participants in some very boisterous demonstrations in California against university boards of governors meetings that were making certain contentious academic decisions.

"The effects at the time we were given sound like what was told to us today. I have no way of corroborating the information at this point... I do think we need to recommend to the President we get more information about these `weapons' from the military and the contractors doing the work."

That was also something we all did agree on.

I thanked the members for their contributions and there would be another meeting in the autumn. We broke at that point.

I got more coffee...an aide came up to me... would I meet Hillary in her study. I said yes once a few goodbyes were done... a smile. I did them with a big hug for Candace.

I was going to take my coffee... the aide said there was coffee. Okay.

I followed her. Hillary smiling. "Seems like the kids are having fun upstairs."

We sat... I did get more coffee... I briefly told what we had been given and what we thought. She called out to her secretary to get the chairman of the FCC on the line.

She was upset with the possibly someone had used an untried much less unauthorized device on ordinary unknowing citizens.

"Even a rumour of such action is horrible."

She told the FCC person not to include the disputed frequencies in the auction. He wasn't happy but her point that they could auctioned at any time was clear. And yes the money would be nice but until the weather data issue was solved and the airlines were heard from it would have to be a `no!'

Okay one more item.

"The biologist fellow... do you think he would speak to the FBI... we need to assess the rumour."

I said ask him to come in here. Hillary sent her folks out to find if he was gone or not.

He was outside the North Portico chatting with another TAG member.

Richardson, the biologist, said he only had rumours but telling the FBI was... his hand motioning back and forth.

Hillary said she understood... but if the devices had been used once then it would happen again. Richardson nodding... he paused... "I will speak to them but can someone be in with me who I trust?"

Hillary said absolutely. Her secretary was asked to call the FBI director.

I said to Richardson I got that it was a tough choice... "Corporate responsibility had to be assigned if true. No company should ever think this was a good course of action! Such a company needs to pay some sort of penalty and anyone who `authorised' such a test be dealt with severely even if there are no long term issues for the affected."

Hillary in the background asking the director to come over soon. I looked to her... a smile... "Yes, thank you."

"He is coming over within the hour. Professor, would you wait to meet him or I should... "

Richardson put up his hand, "Please Mrs. Clinton, I want to wait if it isn't a problem. If I'm going to do this I want to make it clear some of people the FBI might meet are to say the least... sceptical of government authority figures. I think that is a starting point I must state."

A smile on her face, "We will find a place for this preliminary meeting... why not go back to the Roosevelt Room. You can use it to meet him."

I stood up to shake Richardson's hand as did Hillary. He would make arrangements with the FBI and with his chosen accompanying person.

"I will send you both a minute about what was said afterwards."

We thanked him for doing this.

I turned to her after he was escorted across the hall... "It may go nowhere but it unfortunately sounds plausible."

Her head nodding, "This speaks to why I gave you and Cho the medals... ethics needs to be emphasized... corporations must be held to account for all their dealings. Anyone in a campus police force also. No exceptions."

We shook hands. A hug.

I was escorted back into the Residence, upstairs the kids were playing hide and seek up on third floor with Chelsea, Tha and Delphine. Bill and Cho were in the Living Room talking.

I went up... apparently Delphine was It' as she was counting... with her hands over her eyes. There was some scurrying sounds. I descended to join the men. Bill smiling at my description with sometimes hide and seek can be a dangerous game... It's best to stay clear.' We laughed.

We did talk about the Chinese. Bill got the news about the Vietnamese efforts to bring them in that failed. I asked what he thought... "What if I personally talked with Ping?"

"The British liked him... you met him... I'd ask your contacts in the Vietnamese government... they may say don't try... seems to me Ping may now be in a good spot to ask the government at home. The Chinese spend a lot of time hurting themselves. Ping being here is a good move."

Cho looked to me, "Why not contact Colonel Ba or General Diep?"

I moved into the Yellow Oval Room... I emailed Ba. It was early... he responded... He would ask the general immediately and be back as soon as possible.

Back with Bill and Cho.

"Ba seemed to like the idea but has to bump it up."

Shrugs from them. They were having a beer... I was asked... I said coffee.

We talked a lot about various things... an email pinged in... Ba.

He said the Defence Minister had said yes to my meeting but only to ask the Chinese to re-consider what had been offered. He was sending a file for me to read. It arrived in my inbox.

Bill took me to a small office off the dining room where there was a printer. I printed the file then unplugged the printer to power-cycle it with Bill grinning.

He said you can never be too careful. Fist bump.

I sat in the Yellow Oval Room again to read. It was in French, it laid out what the Vietnamese would provide and how. It was a `no bullshit' document.

I was escorted down to Hillary. She had her secretary call the Chinese Embassy. I was beside her when she said it was a call from the White House. She got someone... "Her Ladyship, the Countess Harcourt would like to speak with Mr. Ping in person."

A pause... "Yes, she is here."

She handed me the phone receiver...

"Ambassador Ping... Hello... Yes I suppose you didn't expect to hear from me so soon... Can we meet for a short bit of time today? I am acting as an intermediary... Yes if possible. I can drive to you... Thank you."

Hillary at the her study doorway... a big smile. She asked her secretary to get a car for me and a Secret Service car to go along.

The secretary said it would be at the North Portico in five minutes.

I went up to the Residence to tell Cho and Bill.

Cho's cute grin, "Okay but don't be late for dinner."

We all laughed.

Driving to meet Ping... Gil and PJ with me. The Secret Service was leading as we went north on Connecticut Avenue until Van Ness. The driver said this was an embassy row, nine or ten close by.

At the gate to the Chinese Embassy the Secret Service spoke to the guards who opened up. We eased into the compound slowly. The embassy complex looked like a prison. Unfortunate!

In the courtyard under the portico a fellow greeted me, smiling he said the Ambassador was expecting me. Inside the high ceiling and geometric design was interesting but cold. We climbed a handsome stairway with a large multi-paned window. No view though.

At the entrance to the ambassador's suite we were handed off to a sleek woman of middle years, lovely face.

I gave PJ a hand signal, he would wait here.

Mr. Ping came around his desk... this time his hand was extended. We shook.

"Welcome your Ladyship."

I introduced Gil as my PA.

Ping shook her hand saying he remembered her from London.

I was offered a chair in a seating group, Ping sat opposite.

"I have to make a request... you shall be the judge of it and decide how far to go since you know what Beijing might feel."

I paused... he was looking slightly bemused but intrigued.

"The Company, a London based firm that Cho and I control, is constructing an electronic border wall on the boundaries of Vietnam... " Ping's face seemed a bit tighter.

"The wall is quite sophisticated with a mixture of cameras, sensors and drones to patrol it. Vietnam has agreements with Laos and Cambodia to share the information gathered to their mutual benefit. The Vietnamese government has offered to share the information collected with your government... there has been some back and forth but no agreement.

As an officer of The Company I wanted you to know some information about the `wall' so you might advise the members of your government on it."

Ping's face had relaxed a bit... he got I wasn't going to make demands.

I gave him a briefing of what the wall would do emphasizing its passive nature. I went as far as I might without getting too technical.

"The Vietnamese have the wherewithal to build the wall where Laos and Myanmar do not. I can say that The Company has spoken to the Thai government about the same sort of installation... I cannot speak to anything further about that.

The possibility of the Thai and Vietnamese governments aiding those two less able adjoining nations is real as they all suffer from the effects of the various smugglers operating in the area. My understanding is the military rulers in Myanmar are quite upset at the flow of Illicit products across their northern border."

Ping was looking a bit less happy.

"Your Ladyship, I am not the holder of intimate knowledge of the border issues but I can understand the inviolability of a nation's sovereignty. I can ask questions of the individuals in Beijing who are concerned with the matter.

Is there a specific request you want to make?"

I smiled, "Only that the possible co-operation between your government and that of Vietnam might be re-considered. My understanding is the Vietnamese would like an agreement in place so the information is shared and could be acted on by both countries to their mutual advantage. They have made a proposal... it has not been accepted.

I can have a more complete briefing on the the `wall' prepared for you or another representative but there are proprietary information limits which would not be crossed."

Ping had tented his fingers... a slight smile.

"Your Ladyship... you may have missed your calling... you are a careful but direct speaker. I will speak to the Foreign Minister... I relay your words to him and the offer of a briefing. Could that take place in Beijing?"

"The Company could send a team to Beijing. They will not be Chinese fluent but capable of several languages."

"I am sure English will be fine."

He had a considering face now... "You have chosen to do this... It cannot be just for your business... the border wall is already being built... yes?"

"Yes the construction is underway. I want your country and its neighbours to have good relations... There's long history... I know not always amicable but it's there nonetheless... I do not like drug smugglers ruining people's lives... in anyone's country."

Ping motioned to his aide, "Ask Liang to join us." He turned back to me, "He is my number two."

In a few minutes Mr. Liang came in... We were introduced.

"It is an honour to meet you Lady Harcourt."

Smiling... I said it was nice to meet Mr. Ping's number two... I looked at Ping... it was his play.

"Liang knows something of the background issue that you have politely referred to... southern border drug smuggling."

Liang turned to me, "Your Ladyship, I was raised in southern Yunnan province... poppies were commonly grown in back country areas... it was `known' by the authorities.

The unwritten rule was If the poppy crossed the border to the south it was fine.

If any of the crop was found harvested... it was taken and people arrested but no one properly looked. Probably because there was so much cross-border trading in other goods giving considerable income to the area.

My family members weren't involved, my parents were teachers originally from further north in Kunming.

Today is no different. The police are bribed... when there are crackdowns... the police say when they are to come... they do their `work' and then go. Things go back to where they had been."

He shrugged.

A neutral face on Liang, "So the government won't be serious... they have reason to fear a border that is tighter. My limited experience tells me once people have had `riches' they do not willingly change."

I leaned back... I looked to Ping, "So you think it is pointless to ask Beijing to co-operate with the Vietnamese?"

A slight nod.

I stood up... they did too. I shook hands with them. I thanked Liang for his information.

"Mr. Ping... thank you for seeing me. I know you will write a minute for the record about this... if your assessment..." I motioned to Liang, "... is correct do not go further... no point in starting your tenure here with this. If you think the technology briefing I offered would help please let me know so I can arrange it."

There sadness on Ping's face... he bowed... "Lady Harcourt I will do some back channel messaging..."

I thanked them again. Outside his suite Ping stayed at the door as we walked down the passage to the stairs... a last wave.

We re-traced our drive back to the White House.

Cho gave me a hug and kiss. Bill had my hand, "You tried which is more than many."

Hillary came up. She shook her head hearing my news. "It is a common ploy of autocratic governments at whatever level, they tolerate corrupt practises if it assuages the hardships they visit on their people.

Damn... it would have been nice to see them make an effort."

"Ping did say he'd try back channels..."

Hillary gave me a hug, "That will only work if the ones at the other end are of like mind. If you hear from Ping please keep me in the loop."

I said I would.

We had a dinner date in Georgetown with Somsak, Tona and Suki. No going to Upperville first to change now.

"You can have cars to go the restaurant... come back here to leave." Hillary smiling holding her husband's hand.

We thanked her.

With some time to spare now we sat for a while... it might have been quiet except for THE TWINS and Chelsea's TWO coming roaring in full of energy!

Ah... they had a rest time in the Solarium with a snack! Little batteries do re-charge quickly!

I heard about all the rooms they got to look in! Some fun people and things to see.

Chelsea said some staff had helped them wander about.

When it was time we walked down to the North Portico to the cars. It wasn't a long ride...

Our Protectors out first... we were behind two couples... Gerald had seen us... He was tanned!

Some people came up behind us... Ken and Penny were the behind us.

Gerald standing there smiling his arms open... hugs and handshakes. A kiss for Chani's hand... giggles.

A loud voice behind saying `What's the hold-up?'

Ken's quiet voice, "Please be patient."


"They are friends... greeting each other."

There was something else from the loud voice... then Ken's voice in a different pitch, "Be calm... you will not move forward."

PJ moved us in... shortening the greetings... we went right back to the booth.

Gil, "Somsak texted they were on the way."

PJ said he'd stay... he told Rande to go to the door to help. Rande came back right away... "The man tried to shove past Ken... it did not go the way he wanted. Gerald told the man Ken had crushed against the door case he no longer had a booking and not to call again.

He and his wife walked away. He was yelling about he was a congressman from Indiana."

Rande looked to me, "Fay, where is Indiana?"

I motioned westward adding in the `sticks.' I had to explain that term which brought a smile from Rande.

A big grin on his handsome face, "His dinner jacket was rumpled in the front..." A very cupid like look. We had to laugh.

Antonio came up... he had gone up front to check then told questioning diners an unpleasant fellow was rejected. That was very politely said. He started with our food and drink.

Ken at the booth end, he said what happened and the result. Cho with a grin asked if there any injuries...

Deadpan delivery, "Sir, there is a wounded ego in need of care."

We all laughed LOUDLY!

Somsak's face... I slipped out to hug my brother, Tona and Suki. The Twins waving. Antonio had the third child seat and we all got to sit.

They were great! Settling in the new house, a good pre-school for Suki and the ambassador was a good man. A friend. It all sounded very promising!

AH... Taittinger's and caviar! Charlie told Suki `it pops in your mouth' which got her interest. We had a tasty start to dinner. Everyone enjoyed this. The babies had Shirley Temples which they all loved. Tona drinking fizzy water.

Gerald did a breaded grilled sole with white asparagus under a Béchamel Sauce, little potatoes roasted with caramelised fennel, Charlie approved the little buns and butter.

A classic white Bordeaux, lovely hints of pears, apples and berries. Excellent!

We talked all sorts. My recent trip, the Songkran party in London. Somsak knew the ambassador there, `He is very smart and subtle... perhaps too much for the tories' was an interesting thought.

Cho said he knew Tanawat, a good golfer and intelligent.

Somsak said he'd do well with Cedric at the Foreign Office. Somsak said he'd met Cedric in Singapore.

Cho and Somsak did some golf bits. Tona's little baby boy was doing well in her large tummy. Suki was thrilled there'd be a boy around the house. They had a well-regarded local doctor who Tona liked. All good.

I asked about names but Tona waved saying `Do not go there.' Somsak grinning. They said the name was undecided... which we all interpreted as contentious.

Gerald with some help from Antonio told us about their trip to Thailand. Fun in the sun at Phuket and tourist doings in Bangkok.

They all heard we were off on a trip west to New Mexico and Texas then to Kentucky for the Derby. We gave them the outlook for our racing team and who'd done what so far. Two excellent horses in the Derby had Somsak smiling, "So you guys want to win every year?"

"Cho laughed, "We send horses to Monaco, he trains them, they race... if they win all the better but we will race regardless of wins."

Afters... a white chocolate `tear!' Chani and Charlie had theirs telling with Suki how good it was. I watched Suki's face as the piece melted on her tongue... such a sweetie... she loved it. At the end the three small pieces left were given to the babies. A treat!

We did goodnights at the front door. Hugs and kisses. Tona smiling with a quiet word in my ear... her feet were warm! We laughed! The car for Somsak, Tona and Suki... we waved goodbye.

A big hug from Gerald thanking us for the use of our homes in Thailand. It had been wonderful. Gil had the envelope for the staff to give to Antonio... a smile.

As we stepped out at the North Portico Gil said the helicopters were in-bound... We were escorted through the the White House and out to the South Lawn. We had agreed not to meet again with Hillary so the `First Family' could have a quiet dinner.

The AW139's lifted up, turning to go west gaining altitude. We were on our lawn in fifteen minutes. Charles and Agatha waiting with Jaidee. They were all well. We'd be here overnight then El Paso.

Ash did a whinny as we slowed on the edge of the jumping arena... Daniel had already begun getting things spruced up for the summer. The eventing group doing the Upperville Trials informed us there was a significant increase in entrants so they were likely to create a tier structure the specifics of which were not prepared yet... a work in progress.

The cross country course was being changed... several jumps being moved, one deleted and a new one in the woods.

Daniel with a big smile told me by the stables his folks were ready. He hoped the event managing group would give him some numbers soon so the trailers could be leased.

"Otherwise... we could almost go ahead right now! The booths are repainted, the information signs done, the porta-potties ordered, the portable kitchens too. Flo has hired folks from the community ready to come up to cook and bake."

I loved hearing how prepared he was, "Have Ni's folks done the software upgrades?"

"Yes. We had all the iPads out... checked and upgraded last week. She said there may be updates but nothing significant before the end of June."

Fist bump! And a big thank you.

Breakfast happening! We needed to get on... Packed and in helicopters to Dulles. Gilbert was there with the Rossen brothers. We had taken over the hangar and buildings from the troublesome neighbouring company that Dulles had thrown out. Those fellows were looking at fence changes and other adjustments. We said hellos and went up into the 767.

Mira on the controls said we had a taxi slot so... we things put away and strapped in. It was a fairly quick taxi then off. If I ever dozed off on a take-off Charlie and Jaidee's noises would get me awake.

Work in flight... got a good deal done before Mira gave us a thirty minute warning. On the ground we taxied to the Flight Corporation hangars on the east side of the airport. Bob and Rocky there to meet us.

Everything rolling along here. With the addition maintenance folks they had increased the business which was further raised by the helicopter and turbine mechanics on-site.

Three AW139's on the flight line...

We had changed to desert clothes on the way and were off immediately. The helicopters lifting all of us. West around the U.S. Army base then northwest away from the immediate border area. Thirty minutes had us descending over the ranch.

The Twins in jeans, me khaki shorts, Cho in khaki trousers. It should be in the middle twenties warm not hot.

We landed on the grid, Simon and Yoani waiting outside behind the net fence.

They got to meet the Twins! A bit of a surprise!

We rode carts to the administration building. The main area was much different... now it looked like a small town! Offices, work rooms, class rooms... a laboratory building, dormitories, canteen, recreation hall and exercise areas.

More housing for permanent staff. Stables with horses for back country travel, guest quarters and more. The day-care was a cute red building with a white fence all around the playground.

It looked quite settled. Proper roads, fencing, drought tolerant shrubbery...

It was great to see the solar panels on every roof!

Simon's family in one of the brick ranch style houses, Yoani, Mateo and kids in another. The third was Preston, Simon's number three, and his family. Paula, his wife, was a certified pre-school teacher we happily hired to work at our Day-care.

There is a pool for everybody with a big deck surrounding it. Umbrellas to shield the tender skin of babies around the wading pool.

We used the Recreation Hall for a big gathering. We got meet everybody! Everyone was astonished seeing Chani and Charlie. Our babies wandered about with Tha and Delphine saying hello and doing handshakes and fist bumps. They did hugs with other little ones.

Cho holding my hand... squeezing and we were both grinning at the babies doing their thing! They didn't lower the astonishment level of the staff being so gregarious and voluble.

All the greetings took a bit but we got to the meeting. They got we were proud of their work getting the ranch `build-up' so far along. More to come!

We let them know a delegation from the Iranian Interior Ministry was coming shortly to see the sensor net at work and they would get a look-see at the winged drones.

We were selling the drones to Vietnam from Bangkok for the border sensor net project. We did not yet have an export license from the U.S. for the wings.

Yoani had Selena and Enrique stand up. They were the two senior resident drone pilots and trainers, they would do any demos for the Iranians.

They got that they could show how things worked in detail without going into details.

Reg and Stephan would be here to escort the Iranians and give them a briefing on the equipment with the staff here but the ranch personnel would operate the systems.

They were to expect several battery companies to be here in the next two months with test equipment to be hooked to solar panels in the laboratory test array.

Cho did make the point those and others who came here were guests but under the authority of our ranch command staff. We wanted them to make it clear even though it was in all the contract language negotiated with each company and guest.

Cho made it plain no one coming here had more authority than the command staff of the Security Service.

I leaned over to say with a grin... "Except us!" Laughter!

The canteen had a lunch prepared... the canteen staff found some flat boxes that were a good size for the Twins to sit on in a chair. They were great!

They got rice and beans, a taco and split a burrito, green salad and fruit juice! The food was good! My rice and beans was just visible under the shredded Queso Fresco!

I said to Yoani I liked the tent... outdoor eating.

"We do that sometimes still... here everyone can be inside together... the tent fly was too small. We could buy more? Or a bigger one?" A thumbs up from me.

Standing back... I was watching a team open one set of the geo-thermal turbine devices... an interesting mechanism. They gave me a tour of the bits pointing the salient features and the history of its use here.

To this point there had been no downtime and the power generated consistent. The geo-thermal fellow from Las Cruces had replaced a half dozen printed circuit boards on several units last year after the takeover... no issues since.

I was pleased with this setup. Our costs were only in maintaining the hardware. Between the geo-thermal and the solar panels we were carbon negative in a massive way which was great!

The Twins went to the day-care for a visit.

Cho and I holding hands as we stood beside the drone landing grid. Eight drones parked in a neat row... the only markings on their grey skin were their aircraft ID numbers.

These all had the new skin' which was much more radar wave absorbent and all the pods' were coated with a new radar wave absorptive paint. Their radar signature went from a tiny bird to a bumble bee size.

Even up close they were nearly invisible. Underneath they were a pale grey-blue making them harder for the human eye to see from below.

Inside the drone command centre there was the master plot desk which had a huge screen so the shift commander could see all the drone feeds at once, twelve drone pilot stations. They could fly the small propeller models or the wings at each station.

We talked with Selena and Enrique and the rest of the pilots about their work. Since they were all licensed pilots we had a twin engined Beechcraft at Lordsburg Airport for them to use to maintain their licenses and training. They really appreciated that perk. We were doing that at all the locations where we had permanently stationed drone pilots.

A few of the trainees here now were from other places. Two from Kentucky knew about the incident there... we had lifted the ban on speaking about that event so all our pilots world-wide knew of it.

All of these folks had flown the wings and used the various `pods' that were available. The extra fuel tank had been extensively tested here and worked perfectly.

Our pilots had recently helped the Hidalgo County sheriffs in searching for some horses and mules who had gotten loose from a corral south of Animas. Our wings found the animals... they were mostly together in a arroyo, they directed recovery people to them. Two wings were flown low making noise and dust to keep the horses from escaping from the narrow defile before they could recaptured.

The extra fuel tanks made a big difference on that mission.

We rode carts with our Protectors to the `Labyrinth' combat testing site. Some of the existing buildings had been modified for interiors, homes and offices, etc... The new course was under construction, streets, buildings of many sorts, multi-level and dense. It was about a square city block in size.

PJ gave Rande an elbow as they stood looking at the new thing. It was going to be a while before it was ready... putting up the buildings was just a start. All the wiring, traps, surprises, targets, etc... to come!

I was beside Simon... he was smiling, "It will be quite the `test' when it opens. The design is such that we will be able to re-arrange some of the walls to change it around to keep the layout fresh. And... " a bit louder so our Protectors could hear, "... not let anyone be able to count on the way it looked the last time they went through."

I could see our folks relished the challenge... grins, laughter amongst them. They knew we were planning a competition like they had gone through at Hendon in London. Anticipation was high!

We got to see all the people and everything else we needed so we rounded up the Twins to fly back to El Paso. Cho said as we flew east he'd gotten to look in at Mateo's space... the big barn like vehicle maintenance building had a motor grader inside. It had been used to level some dirt roadways in the eastern portion of the ranch. Mateo was doing a check-up on it.

Mateo was a wizard at mechanical repairs, he'd also done most of the grading behind the wheel of the big grader. Multi-talented.

We left El Paso soon after landing heading to Love Field in Dallas. It was just an hour when we parked at an aviation support company east of the main terminal. We'd stay overnight to go to GWNW Railroad in the morning, in the late morning to San Antonio to meet Rafe's family.

I'd go to London for the first Mirabelle opening on New Bond Street then to Kentucky. Cho and the Twins to Frankfort and Harcourt Farm where we'd meet.

After a rousing breakfast... Chani and Charlie having fun... Cho and I with Gil and four Protectors drove into downtown Dallas to the Elm Street address of the GWNW. Up in the lift to the main corporate floor. The corporate chairman of the board and the CEO met us at the lift door.

We were greeted very grandly and escorted to the big conference room I'd been in before. Their entire Board of Directors and an array of vice-presidents were waiting. They all stood up as we entered... Cho and I shook hands around the big conference table.

We had a small cluster of our folks. Alex, our north American DMD, Duncan who was in charge of the project, Anthony here to oversee the training for the railroad staff, Janine and Nell who were on Duncan's staff for this work.

Hugs and kisses for our folks! My arms around Janine and Nell, smiling faces I hadn't seen for a while. Alex's grin... He and Duncan shaking hands with Cho. They all looked very good. They were enjoying the challenge of this huge project!

We all sat to a status briefing from our people... on schedule for complete switch-over in thirty days. All their operations would be on a super array of Mac OS X servers here in Dallas and duplicated in Seattle. Eve's Fox Tower office in New York had a third working copy of their entire database. It was also in a cloud holding server.

Over ninety seven percent of the trackside work installing new sensors was finished... that was where most of the work was being done now. The installers were ahead of their schedule by a week! So GWNW was close!

The briefing ended with the Chairman of their board standing to applaud our people. They all stood!

Duncan smiling said they appreciated it and that their GWNW staffs had been extremely helpful in all stages of the work. He clapped with our people thanking the GWNW folks.

After the love-fest there a discussion about ongoing work and updates. Alex explained the sensors we had installed throughout their system... they were different than what we had proposed... better models with more built-in capabilities than would be used immediately. Coming upgrades to the software would make use of the extended features. All at the same price we quoted.

The GWNW folks were pleased to hear that especially as it didn't raise their costs.

Cho and I did our goodbyes... we were `showing the flag' today. The GWNW management thanked us for being here. We shook a lot of hands again.

We re-traced our route back to Love Field and once on-board the 767 we got going. It was a thirty minute flight to San Antonio. It was six miles to Rafe's mother's home in the northern San Antonio Monte Vista neighbourhood.

Rafe shaking his head in the car as we neared the house. He was out first... his mom and dad came out with his two sisters and their families. Quite a crowd on the front lawn. Rafe was kissed and hugged, fussed over!

We shook hands around, the Twins introduced. Inside and through to the terrace. A nice spot lots of sun and shade.

Drinks for us all. The barbeque was running with a big load. They had veggie choices in burgers and hotdogs for us.

The Twins got juice, a hot dog and a half a burger! Chips/fries came out in a big metal tray. There were seats for all the babies... five! I was inside asking if I could help. One of Rafe's sisters said... "No... please we couldn't ask you to do anything."

"I've two hands..."

She laughed giving me a pile of red paper napkins. I distributed them around the tables.

It was a pleasant spring day so eating outdoors was terrific! Charlie and Chani chattering away with the other kids. I was between the sister who thought I shouldn't do anything and `Lindy,' Rafe's mom. We talked families, Rafe's growing up, the divorce which had been good for them... they did it before any real animosity built up in their relationship.

"We are the best of friends because of it. The whole family has benefitted."

They got some of our things. The sister beside me asked if she could be a groupie for a moment...

I said yes.

"What is like meeting the Queen?"

I smiled, "We first met Her Majesty at Ascot when one of our horses had won a race... she gave us the trophy. She was very nice. We had met Prince William and Kate and their children before... they'd been out to our Oxfordshire home.

We met the Queen again at Ascot for another trophy ceremony... she decided to come to Oxfordshire at the beginning of December with Prince Charles to see our horses especially Asda the sire of many of our winning horses.

Prince William and his wife Kate and their two children came. Prince Harry was along too. Harry and his soon to be wife, Meghan, visited us a few weeks later.

Okay... they are very nice folks, different because they do live in a more controlled, contracted world... away from most people unless it is at some ceremony or event or other. Then it is usually scripted.

Getting a chance to know' the Queen is near zero. Her grandsons from Diana and Charles on the other hand... we've drawn closer, they have both stayed at some of our houses to get away from it all' a few times.

We're pretty big on privacy ourselves so they appreciated the isolation of the houses."

Lindy leaned closer, "So what do you call the Queen?"

"After the initial greeting of Your Majesty' she is Ma'am and Prince Charles is "His Royal Highness' then Sir but the grandsons are Will' and `Harry.' They're our age."

I laughed, "Both Harry and Will have played golf with Cho... Cho is completely egalitarian on the golf course... he beats everybody!"

Cho heard because I raised my voice a bit... He laughed when I gave him the whole thing.

"Cho loves to play... He and Tom Angleten are golf buddies."

Lindy it turned liked to play golf... there we many courses around, municipal and private... she was a club member in two.

"Ah so Tom Angleten's name means something?"

"Yes! He did an amazing thing last year... never before done... many have tried... not even Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods have done it. Now this year he set a new lowest score at the Masters... he's just running away from the others."

"Cho went to part of three of the tournaments last year to see and support Tom. He and his wife Roxanne have been to Oxfordshire... we were together at the end of February in Thailand. Tom and Cho like to play together. They played at Augusta six weeks before the Masters... Tom tied the course record 63 that day... Cho set a new record score for eighteen holes at 52."

Lindy's eyes bulged out... "Seriously?"

I was nodding pointing to Cho... he looked over... I said Augusta National lowest score... Cho grinned and held up his hands together waving them a bit.

Lindy was laughing, "So what is it like to have a round like that?"

Cho, "I go out to play thinking about what I need to do hole by hole, focusing on each shot... I never think about par or the whole round... each shot! What other folks do doesn't matter to me... my game is different."

"A 52 at Augusta is different... for sure," Lindy shaking her head.

Lindy asked about the Concord Tournament... "You two did back to back hole-in-ones?"

I laughed, "I was there... number ten is right outside the clubhouse... I was inside at a window above them... they didn't know... it was amazing to watch Cho's ball land above the hole and roll back to drop in! The crowd went CRAZY! Then after the crowd got quiet Tom did the exact same shot. The crowd really lost it!"

Lindy loved that.

Rafe's sister beside me told me some about their growing up... Rafe was the youngest but was the `man' of the house after the divorce.

"He has always been level-headed... steady."

I told them about the Riverfront Club incident... Lindy looked at her son across the terrace...

"That's Rafe... he absorbs training and uses it."

I told them about the training area in Lordsburg... it was making our Protector's mouths water.

"We hope it will be a terrific location for them... It will be a training ground where other members of the Security Service will go every year for teaching and to test themselves."

In the kitchen after I carried in some plates which seemed to scandalize the one sister... I stopped helping and chatted with Lindy.

She was using the App Ni made for Jane Austen's books. Amazed at our paying for all her novels to be translated into Thai.

"So you really came here just to meet us... it seems like a lot of trouble."

Smiling, I said we've done this several times... "We think it is good to go beyond the dossier when possible. We were close... it was easy to do and you all have made it very pleasant."

A big smile, "Well you are certainly beyond my daily round of people. Would you mind if I... we... spoke about this visit to friends now that it is done?"

"No. We won't mind. We do appreciate your not saying anything beforehand."

Lindy, "We decided to just say Rafe was coming home for a visit... that made it easy."

"Part of what makes us more secure besides our protection staff is that we don't often let people know where we will be... most only find out after we've been and gone."

It was a fun time meeting the family and very tasty lunch. We thanked them for their hospitality and delicious food. Handshakes and hugs.

Out on the front lawn... I did say to Lindy... who was holding her son... we have to take Rafe with us which made her laugh. Rafe's eyes rolling!

At the airport... my ride was here. Derry and Joy finishing the pre-flight check on the Gulfstream. Gil, PJ, Tara, and Angie with me. Kisses for the Twins and Cho.

We took off immediately. Joy said we'd be on the ground at Chalgrove close to six o'clock. Okay... a ride, breakfast and off to London.

Lis was on board with us. She had coffee!! Gil and I did some work as we flew towards darkness.

A light supper was warming as she setup us up to eat.

Email from Cho... IrishRainbow won the Man o' War Stakes at the Belmont. He wired the field to win by six... never challenged. That boy loves him some grass!! A Seven Hundred Thousand dollar purse for a G1 race. IrishRainbow was a marvellous colt. He is running wild this year!

Email from Coral and Raphaela saying good luck with the opening! Also the black frock and coat from my sketches were ready for a try on whenever I was in town. Okay!

I was up moving through the Gulfstream cabin towards the DeLonghi machine the sun up at thirty five thousand feet. There were stirrings behind the curtained sleeping spots. Lis was up, she had some big cookies and fruit to snack on. We were all awake...Lis put away the sleeping things.

I sat to look at the news on my iPad. All the usual... death, destruction, crime and jackasses acting like jackasses.

Joy's voice... "Thirty minutes to Chalgrove."

It was dark on the ground as we landed. The sun beginning to peek out as Prasert dropped us at Harcourt House. Carter at the door with a smile.

I changed to riding clothes and went down to the Stables. Tara with me. Roland ready... we headed off. Across the Flats to the slope... warming up. The Abingdon Lock man waving a good morning, Roy was just arriving on the islet. A handshake. He and Angie were good.

We rode up through a mostly sleeping Lower Radley to the Industrial Estate... Tab at the Recording Studio door waving. She'd been the night person ready to go home to bed as soon as one of her assistants arrived to relieve her. Fist bump.

The relief lock man in Stanford waved with a smile. We called out hellos to him. Mr. Hardy was going out... fist bumps!

Roland whinnying... Okay I asked for speed... I got it! Roland was pumping as we rapidly crossed the Radley's and Fraser's farms by the river path.

Walking on the Flats... it was quiet down here but the Stables were wide awake. Pat took Roland, smiling.

In the Breakfast Room Gil had some post... the magazine from Soleimani! In my bag for the flight to Kentucky.

Okay time to go. We all walked out to the AW139, Kellen lifted us up and around... aimed at Wandsworth.

I stepped out of the car on New Bond Street... there were paparazzi people outside the Mirabelle shop. I was photographed as I walked in. One fellow got pretty close... he got his lens smudged by Tara's thumb pushing him away.

Hailey at the door smiling. A hug. They were READY! I met the staff... smiles, nicely dressed in Mirabelle clothes. I did a spin to show-off my red suit!

We had an hour... real reporters would be here soon... they'd get a tour.

I used the office to make a few calls...

Hailey said the news people were here.

I met them in the main room... Print and TV... I gave them the Mirabelle story... The questions were good... no BS... which was a change. They were fashion writers... so focused! I answered them all with help from Hailey. Hailey gave them a tour of the shop and let them see the clothes up close.

I could see outside... ladies were queueing up. I motioned towards them for the news folks.

Reginé and Margeaux's work right out there; social media, Tube stations, our newspapers, etc... I looked to Hailey... she nodded... Okay... doors open early. I stood by the door welcoming ladies pointing towards the shop assistants.

The shop filled up pretty quick with more women waiting outside... we had to keep track of the occupancy numbers... I went to speak to the queue... I shook hands telling them about our limit.

A paparazzi tried to get between me and the door, very close to me with the camera... He was lifted by the back of his belt... out of my way by PJ... he was deposited twenty feet away with a warning in his ear.

He made an attempt to get attention for his `rough' handling... the ladies in line laughed at him... Ooooohhhh that hurt!

Two Bobbies walked up... they talked with the paparazzo... one came to the door, the other moved to the queue. I spoke to the one at the door...

"Your Ladyship, I'm making sure you are Okay and the photographer hasn't done anything too far."

"He tried to get very close... my bodyguard did move him away... that was it."

He smiled, "We can't take that seriously... paparazzi reap what they sow."

I smiled at that. I shook his hand.

"Good luck with your new store. I spoke with Hailey the other day... so we know all about it... she was excited."

I thanked him for his consideration.

One of the ladies outside was able to come in... she was smiling, "We all told the constable the paparazzo was too close to you and he got mad when we laughed at him."

I shook her hand and welcomed her to Mirabelle.

I saw Marina on the sidewalk... the Ralph Lauren General Manager was with her. I went to speak to them. We shook hands... I said it was a bit full right now.

Smiles, Marina said they'd come back on another day so they could get a look.

I gave them the store number, "Call Hailey to get a tour before opening."

That was good with them. I got `Good Luck' from them.

Marina asked if my suit was Mirabelle? I said it was, in this fire engine red, pale grey and jet black. I did a turn... Marina smiling, "Your Ladyship, it's a killer look!"

I thanked them for coming over. We shook hands again.

Back inside I could see the sales desk had a big line. I motioned to Hailey... in her office...

"We need to get you an iPad and a credit card scanner... your people could checkout someone anywhere in the store. I should have thought of this before..."

I called Ni... she said they could have their module ready for tomorrow morning on our corporate Apple Enterprise Network. It would link by WiFi to the sales system. She had credit card scanners they had been testing... she would overnight three with instructions.

I turned to Gil, "Go the Apple store in Regent Street near Oxford Circus, get three eleven inch iPads without cellular."

She was off... PJ told Angie to go with her.

"Simple cases too!"

Gil waved her hand.

In the middle of all this... a thought that had been percolating went to boil... I called Thet. He and Reyna were doing just fine with little Krai. His surrogate was nursing him very well.

"Thet, would you two want one of Jaidee's puppies for Krai?"

Quiet... "Fay, that is a wonderful thought... thank you."

"We'd love to see your boy and a brown dog romping on the grass at your house."

"Can you wait so I can get Reyna?"

I said yes. He wasn't gone long...

"Fay... it is a big YES from us! Thank you again."

I told them it would be about three to four months. I asked about a boy or a girl... Thet speaking with Reyna... He came back with "Can we have a boy?"

I said yes! I could hear Reyna clapping in the background.

"We will be in touch."

More thank yous as we rang off.

Kora called... "Fay, we have an item you might be interested in... the complete autopsy of Ti from the Guoanbu files."

"No shit! Have you read it?"

"I have, pictures included. He had a stroke no doubt. It says he'd been having mini-stokes which can impair normal functions without any obvious symptoms. The Chinese conclude his actions towards you and Cho were the result of those tiny strokes altering his brain functions.

But they would try to mitigate his actions in any way they could don't you think?"

"I do believe the Chinese want to get the monkey off their back! I have heard of the mini-stroke thing... it is real."

Kora said the autopsy says... "Since there are no overt symptoms... such body activity usually goes undetected until a major event."

"So where was this?"

Kora said it is a file area reserved to the very highest echelons of the Guoanbu where her folks have been harvesting files for several days. I asked her to put a copy in a file area where Cho and I could get to it but it was safely away from others.

"Anything else?"

Kora said she'd email it...

"Fay, you will get it in a minute... I've been composing it already before I called."

I thanked her.

The encrypted email binged in quickly. I opened it... Kora had the warplans for the Chinese military, old ones and the newest dated only two months ago. They covered a global nuclear exchange as well as attacks on Taiwan or Japan or Vietnam. Plans to expand their presence in the South China Sea for undersea mining and oil drilling... building more military bases from the scattered atolls to support and defend the initiative.

I emailed her back to query about it being a plant?

Kora replied she felt them to be genuine... they were in a folder that very limited access and was deliberately hidden.

I asked how many of our people knew this information?

Three was her reply... Her, Duane and Mee. I went back with `keep it that way!'

I called Hillary to tell her I was sending an encrypted email. I told her it was of the very highest sensitivity.

I sent it off. Hillary's reply was back very soon...

`Fay are your people sure about the provenance?'

I replied `Yes but is for your folks to evaluate the data.'

I dialled her number... Hillary picked up immediately...

"Hillary, I want to get these documents in your hands."

"Fay, this means your people are inside where?"

"Inside Ti's old stomping ground. They tried to break into our systems and failed but we traced them back to their own systems. We have been inside for several weeks.

Our plan was to hand it over to the NSA but Ti's stunt had us delay in the hope of finding documentation on who, what and how he used his old agency against us.

I can say we have ironclad proof of the complicity of members of the Chinese security apparatus. Names and faces. All their actions. Most knew what Ti was doing and said nothing. Emails they exchanged talking about it.

We have very quietly informed several major players in the anti-hacker community like CISA in America, Microsoft security and others because we have also penetrated APT 40 and through them some Chinese cyber-criminal gangs. Those groups are going to take down hundreds of ransomware and spyware servers all at once.

We have exfiltrated the unlock codes for the ransomware for victims to use and passed them on to the appropriate people to share. They are co-ordinating their actions for a big hit!

BellingCat is being given some information to support their investigations of Chinese and North Korean cyber-criminals.

All the sharing is being done through cut-outs so we do not appear anywhere.

We have penetrated the North Koreans who also tried to get in at our Bangkok computer centre. And a huge number of other cyber-criminals allied to China and North Korea whose links we found in the servers controlled by the two countries.

There is much more... I'm in London but flying to Kentucky in a few hours. Can someone meet me in Kentucky? I will put them in the picture and they can talk to our people in Bangkok."

Hillary was silent... "Fay, what about Theodore? You two know each other... he certainly knows what it means and how to get the most from it all."

I was fine with that. I said I might have gone to him but I thought this new stuff was above his level for decision-making.

"Tell him they'll be an aircraft at Rossen's Dulles location..." I texted Penn... She said a Gulfstream was there, ready to go in three hours... "... They'll fly him to Frankfort Airport where we will have a car to bring him Harcourt Farm. I'll be there this evening.

We'll have a room for him... we'll feed him too." I laughed at Hillary's chuckling.

"It's a horse farm so casual clothes are best to fit in better."

We laughed some more when Hillary said I was sounding like a tour director.

We rang off after a few family things.

I went back out front... it was still very crowded. Gil came through the door with an Apple bag and a smile. Angie alongside. We stepped behind the sales desk...

"All done. I talked with Ni on the way over... she said the scanners were easy and to get them online with the Cho Bank in the City. I called the bank on the way back... they told me how to program the software on the iPads. The Cho Bank lady is sending me a link for that and her contact details.

I'm going to brief Hailey and get the iPads ready for the download from Ni's shop."

A hug and kiss for my `Miss Fix-it!'

I went back to PR mode... speaking to shoppers, showing off my suit and going out to say hellos to the ladies in the queue. The paparazzi had left since I wasn't giving them anything to snap.

I walked over the road to the Ralph Lauren street coffee and tea vendor...

"Would you run a tab for Mirabelle's customers?"

I handed him fifty £'s as a down payment.

He said he'd mark on his pad... he pointed to it... "When you want me to stop I'll tote it up."

I was good with that.

I went back to the queue... "Ladies, the Ralph Lauren coffee fellow is open for you to go over and get a free coffee or tea of your choice. To make it easy about the queue maybe every other person could go to get a drink for themselves and the lady in front of them."

They all looked at each other... smiles! They started to talk, several went over right away. PJ with me grinning.

Hailey was wide-eyed.

"Fay, that is awesome. Thank you for thinking of it."

"I'm sorry I didn't think of it earlier. Gil will leave you some cash to take care of the tab. And leave a tip for the man. Anything left over use for you and your staff to get drinks. Please get a receipt and send it to Gil. Okay?"

Big smile, a hug.

I checked on Gil... she had the three iPads talking over the WiFi to Apple getting setup data.

I told her about the coffee and tea thing... a grin. She handed me her bag to get more cash.

"These iPads will ready to go in a few minutes. Could you ask Hailey to come in so I can brief her on what the next steps are."

Hailey got the money and sat beside Gil. Me back out front.

A constable was out front... he was the one from earlier. We spoke... I offered him a free coffee or tea if he was allowed. He said he'd just had a break but thanked me.

"You seem to have some very interested customers..."

I gave him my Mirabelle spiel... Including the other locations. He laughed, "I'll pass it on to my wife. We live in East Acton... Notting Hill is easy to get to."

I shook his hand.

Inside Petra called. I parked beside Gil in the office.

"Fay, the Tribune offices, the newspaper and the printing plant have been surveyed. There is a lot to do... their existing security is lamentable. The printing plant is more straightforward. We can have it fully protected very quickly.

The folks at the downtown Chicago building will have to get used to some serious changes to their act."

"Have you spoken to Terrill?"

"Yes, he knows there are considerable changes coming. He also got from you that he'll have to live with it so his attitude is `tell me what it is so I can inform everybody' rather than seeking to mitigate or delay anything. You must have really told them!"

I was laughing, "I told them your people would be around and changes would come... I did add when your people took control they'd have to take a back seat in any security action."

"Well it was emphatic enough! Their hired security couldn't do much if some event happened. We have someone you met I think to take over Chicago... Oleanna from Los Angeles."

"Yes, we did meet with others in Venice."

"She has very good instincts, strong skills and is a sharp cookie. She'll need those in the new job. She is excited. She will be in Chicago in tomorrow with a team of people made up from Los Angeles, Seattle, Bangkok and Lordsburg. We will have her staff built as soon as possible.

Sumate is sending his top HR folks to get local candidates developed and screened. Several folks from Camilla's HR crew are going too. There are three people set aside to do background work on any candidates.

A specialist team from Bangkok is heading there in two days to do the hardware installations. The hardware for them will be there today."

"I will call Terrill today. Did you speak to Burton?"

Petra laughed, "Did I! He's something... a hardnosed fellow who thinks you are awesome!"

"Damn... that brainwashing program has really kicked in!"

We laughed out loud.

"He's on the Board of Directors... we kept him because he has excellent instincts. He's sharp plus a good sense of humour. I'm going slow looking for a publisher for Chicago because he likes the position."

"My guess is he'll want to stay... his enthusiasm high is giving everyone around him a lift."

"Thanks... that is good to hear. I thought I'd done something good there... it's nice to know I have."

"Fay, you do good all around. The Security Service is a whole company of enthusiastic hard workers because of you and Cho. It is amazing to see what they do.

Something just happened you might not know since it is really isn't a risk for us... a little boy, Julio, wandered away from his home in the northern part of Los Olivos last night. His home is near a winery where his dad works... there was an amber alert issued.

Claude at Harcourt Ranch got the three operational wings ready and contacted the Santa Barbara County sheriffs who gave her the general co-ordinates they believed the boy might have been able to go on foot.

Claude setup a grid search pattern and sent in the wings. FLIR and infrared searches were done... they found the boy about one AM this morning sitting on the side of dirt road almost five miles from his home.

I got to see the video as the wing moved close to the boy... it turned on its spotlight and asked him to stay where he was because the sheriffs were coming to take him home. The sheriffs got there in fifteen minutes... the little fellow was cold, barely moving and tending to fall asleep.

The drone pilot, Donde, kept him talking... got him to move his arms around... and stretch. When the sheriffs arrived Donde's wing was there... he was talking to the boy. He was taken to the hospital for a check-up... his family met him there. My last word from Claude was he was Okay."

"Terrific! You know about the awards... " I got a YES! "... so dish out a few!"

Petra laughed, "Glad to! Claude had it organized in fifteen minutes once she knew where to look."

"I will give Claude a call. I liked her... I told her about the wings before anyone in America knew on a visit to the ranch. I told her because the ranch would get the wings soon plus she and our people her age are the future of the Security Service."

We rang off with happy laughter.

I leaned back in the chair... Gil was looking at me... she'd heard my side. I gave her the Harcourt Ranch story.

"Fay, I really liked Claude... very smart!"

"She proved that! How are you doing?"

"Hailey took notes and we downloaded the bank lady's instructions... I showed Hailey how to do it. The scanners are coming DHL so they will be here on time."

The door opened... Pia and Garnett. Hugs for them.

"Fay, it is a controlled mob scene out there.," Pia doing an exaggerated wipe of her forehead.

"Well to help both of you when the mob descends upon your store... we hope... " I gestured towards the iPads. I got Gil to give them the story as I went out front.

Hailey grinning as she talked with a very handsome young woman. The customer had picked out two suits, a navy one and a black suit like my red.

Hailey, "Here's what it will look like..." Her hand motioning towards me... I opened my arms with a bit of hip twisting. They laughed.

"I hope you like those. I wear them as you can see."

"Your Ladyship, I can only hope I will look as good."

"You have the right figure for the black one... my only advice is not to do much with accessories. I'm wearing this onyx set only."

"I see the idea... let the clothes have their say!"

I squeezed her arm, "Exactly! You've got it!"

I asked her name, Sylvie, "I just started at the BBC. I'm looking for good clothes that won't bust my budget."

Sylvie had dark hair, gorgeous pale skin, vivid blue eyes, her face had a terrific shape. I could see why TV would like her.

I drew Sylvie aside asking about her work. She was doing presenting and news reading right now on BBC One South and BBC News and BBC one on the weekends.

I told her I hadn't seen her but since we don't watch much TV so that doesn't surprise.

"You own one of our competitors so..."

I laughed, "We don't watch them either."

She was looking at me... "I'd rather read or ride a horse or play with my children... just sitting watching the `box' has never been a habit with me. I didn't grow up with TV... too rural."

Gil was beside me, I introduced her to Sylvie. I had Gil give one of her cards to Sylvie. Giving her my usual... Gil is a way to contact me.

I enquired about Sylvie's background. Her father had been a serving soldier, a lieutenant colonel, until his retirement a few years ago, her mother is a teacher of French at a girl's school. They live in Richmond near the Thames. She had gone to the school where her mother teaches then University College London aiming for a teaching certification in languages.

"My photograph at a school gathering caught the eye of a fashion writer at British Vogue. She got me some modelling assignments for British Vogue... others asked for me via my agent who Vogue helped me to get.

A BBC person saw me do a presenting thing at a college show and got me talking to the BBC... then I was hired. I still have a few modelling gigs.

So I haven't finished my degree... making money for now."

I asked a few more questions... she is twenty one, unattached, sharing a flat in Shepard's Bush with a friend. It was not far from the BBC studios.

I pointed to Gil's card, "Stay in touch."

Sylvie's eyes on mine... I nodded. I reached out to Hailey...

"Please give Sylvie the shop assistant's discount on her choices."

Hailey grinning said "You bet!"

She told Sylvie about the discount amount...

Sylvie thanked me... she could get another suit with that. I squeezed her hand.

Gil said Pia and Garnett each had one of the new iPads but would come back here tomorrow when the scanners arrived. The three of them would do the download of the app and setup the credit card scanners together. Gil wrote down Ni's telephone number and added the Cho Bank lady's for any help.

"They'll be fine. They know how to get on the WiFi at their locations so it'll be easy. There's lots of folks to help."

A hug for her work.

Gil and I did some snaps of the store and customers for Cho and Coral. Outside taking pictures... the ladies in the queue all thanking me for their coffees. Hailey or another Mirabelle staff member had been out to speak to them every ten minutes repeating the offer.

I collected my folks, did my goodbyes. Sylvie going out... I waved to her as I stepped into the car. Straight to Wandsworth then to Chalgrove. Joy said they were ready. We were airborne in two minutes.

Lis had dinner for us whenever... I wanted to nap. I curled up in one of the big chairs with a nice warm blanket. I managed a bit over sixty minutes which was perfect! Most everybody dozed off when I suggested it.

Email when I awoke... Kora said the spyware and ransomware servers were down... all at once. The buzz on the dark net was it was the FBI... In part it was but not all by any means! The FBI was improving its computer skills, making big contributions but this was Kora's people feeding the NSA and the others!

We had shared the methods used by the ransomware and spyware scum with several law enforcement groups... they were talking to network device makers trying to get them to fix their issues with their equipment security and harden them from further attack.

Since we and the NSA had an inside tunnel to those scumbags... we'd watch to see them rebuild their criminal networks... then take them down again.

Dinner! Afterward I pulled out the Iranian business magazine General Soleimani sent to me. It was a three month old edition. The writer liked us because we prepare thoroughly, we were the types to rapidly get on with things and used the combined skills of our employees to do superb work. He had spoken to Taj, Vajadi and Montasser, he had interviewed Achmed on-site in December.

Achmed hadn't said anything to anyone about the interview or I hadn't heard. Not that it mattered, he was quoted once saying The Company was the best employer... he was treated like a valued person all the time. We were the best he'd ever had for pay and benefits.' He also said it was a challenging job with many different types of assignments. Always new things to learn.' That didn't do us any harm!

I needed to get this translated and circulate it through The Company.

I made some calls.

Benny was the Georgia-Pacific vice president working with us on the compostable newspaper sleeves. He was at their corporate headquarters in Atlanta. We spoke for twenty minutes about the location and what would be the steps forward now that we had a signed deal.

He was very up-beat and happy we were moving ahead. The land chosen would be cleared, it was mostly loblolly pine which was at the proper age to be cut. They had everything we needed in materials on-site in Lumberton.

Benny had a soft southern drawl... he knew his stuff!!

Terrill sounded very happy! "Fay, Burton is having a blast! He's doing the job just like you wanted him to do... being a leader with good ideas and drive. I'm not going to have to spend any time on the Tribune!"

I was glad... the other newspapers would need Terrill's attention. We discussed them from the Baltimore Sun down to weekly newspapers and the various printing plants.

He understood Jeff in Baltimore would need support to take on the role as publisher.

"Fay, I've spoken to him... he gets that there is help here."

It was good to hear Terrill had a firm grasp on what was needed and where. He was authorising publishers request for more personnel and equipment.

"You haven't made the budget hard and fast... I get we have to invest to save these various parts.

I have a report from the Security Service about the Annapolis Capital Gazette... They recommend new safekeeping systems and more people on duty. There have been threats in the past to that location... Petra is going ahead. She said they will start immediately with new guards on duty."

I remembered the offices... isolated... Good to upgrade them.

I asked about finding a new location in Annapolis... closer to the Maryland state offices. Terrill said he would get onto the real estate people later today. Okay!

We covered a good deal then Terrill said there had come to him in a back-handed way that Rick was thinking of suing about his being fired.

I laughed... "Any reputable lawyer reading his contract will tell him to forget it. If he goes ahead I will ask our attorneys to seek all legal fees from him."

Terrill laughed in turn, "Fay, likely he won't... but a bruised ego sometimes seeks redress in all the wrong places."

We laughed more as we ended the call.

Claude... I thanked her for the rapid response to the Amber Alert and inquired about the boy.

"Fay, he is fine. He was cold, tired, hungry and frightened... those were taken care of immediately. His parents drove out here to thank us. The father said his son told him about the flying thing that lit up the night and talked to him.

We gave them a look at the wings... the technology is more than a bit outside their knowledge. They got to meet Donde and he explained how the wings work. He pointed to me saying `she was the one to got it all going.' I got a big hug from the boy's mother.

I said they had a curious son, he wanted to see some of his neighbourhood... they could bring him out to meet Donde and see the wing in the daylight. They said they would.

So we have fans in Los Olivos and around the region. The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department thanked us. We have them coming out here in a few days to see the wings. Donde and Leti will give them a demo."

I let her know my niece, Sunny, would be at the ranch this summer to prepare for the Winterset Trials. She said they would love to have her around.

"Fay, I used to be a rider so I have a lot of fondness for horses."

"Good... they'll be a few riding horses coming there. You can ride whenever you want."

That sent her into thank yous.

I complimented Claude again for her response and success.

We got a thirty minute warning from Derry.

We taxied to our hangar at Frankfort's Capital City Airport... Two 767's on the tarmac, one was a horse carrier. Another Gulfstream had arrived just before us. I stepped down to see Theodore climbing out. A car waiting for him.

I motioned him our way. He had a bag... I called to him... "Fly over with us."

We shook hands on the tarmac then boarded the AW139. It was a short flight to the farm, ten minutes.

We had a cart to carry us to the house we reserved for ourselves and guests use. Cho and the babies. Hugs and kisses. Introductions for Theodore.

Tha was there because it was past the Twins bedtime... they'd been given a special dispensation to wait for me since I was on my way. Looking cute in robes and slippers. Cho and I helped put them down. Kisses and `Nites!

A cognac for Theodore and Cho, Amaretto for me... we walked out to the grassy space behind the house. Hillary had sent him without telling him anything so I gave him a précis of the known facts.

The light was dim but I could see Theodore's head shaking. Cho knew everything from our calls... His cute grin at Theodore's amazement was visible.

We sat on some garden chairs.

"Fay, your people don't like being probed do they?"

"No... it seems they take particular umbrage at attempts from certain types of people. They identified the Chinese pretty quickly... they were helped by the Chinese persistent trying to get through the `honey pot's thick sludge system defences.

The Chinese were literally hung up... waiting for things to open while seeing progress bars on their screens."

We laughed.

There was a move to sleep, in the morning we'd have a meeting and get Theodore linked with Kora.

The sun was barely up when I turned Roscommon out of the stables. I was alone... I wasn't going to leave the farm property. I toured around the stables then worked my way outward to see the farming areas. Hay, vegetables, fruit trees, some oats and a few fields of specialised grasses we were testing.

I got to meet farm people as they went out to work. Shaking hands all around.

Roscommon was spirited but easy to control. We had some galloping and trotting, walking in between. I went by the Security office... Tilly came out. I slid down... we shook hands and kissed cheeks. My black riding clothes were admired.

She and her family were all fine. The kids going to Farm School... a look at her watch... `soon' she said. Clayton got them off then went to his job site of the day. They were in one of the houses we had purchased in building the farm from pieces.

"Fay, it's an older home but well taken care of. Clayton and some others have spruced up some parts and done some additions. We are comfortable. I do want to say the air-conditioning was welcome in the summer so thanks for that."

Fist bump!

I told her about the wings finding the boy in Los Olivos. We were outside by the drone base.

A smile on her face, "These are awesome birds. The FLIR and infrared means we have remarkable twenty four hour capabilities and longer range now too. Even big city police don't have our operational ability."

I got to meet Kathryn one of the drone pilots who captured the bank robbers. Joli was off-duty. She was thanked for the excellent work. A huge smile!

I said she was the second person to fire the micro-gun in an action... She was surprised. They all thought they were the first. I told the two of them about the event at Lordsburg and how spectacularly Benjamin had done.

She knew Benjamin and wasn't surprised at all... she laughed, "He never mentioned the event... all through our training! He knows how to keep a secret."

I smiled and raised my eyebrows. Tilly had a knowing look... it dawned on Kathryn...

A huge grin, "Me too!"

We laughed!

I pointed out the wings had made it possible for a resolution both times before our people on the ground had to use their weapons... an outcome which pleased us and validated the wings!

They could see it also.

Kathryn looking... "Can I ask a question?"


"You designed the wing? I mean the idea is yours and you worked with Soam to make them?"

Smiling, "Yes. I had the idea... I didn't tell Cho until we had a working model to test. We all went to Sari Buri... Soam and Samorn had everything set... the prototype worked perfectly... amazing even me. Cho and the others were blown away... "

Smiling I said, "I gave it to Cho as a belated birthday gift which caused laughter and his comment that not every man gets a jet powered drone as a birthday gift."

They laughed with me.

"Of course nothing would have happened with my ideas if it weren't for Soam. He's a marvellously creative engineer. He took each idea... like the turbine on a piece of paper I handed to him... then the wing drawings and the modules... it became what you have here..." I motioned to the drones on the landing grid.

"Ni added her part with some very slick coding! The satellite link makes them more than a toy... they are now a true tool... the long arm of our Security Service."

I put my arm over Kathryn's shoulders... "We have the approval of the British CAA for flights across the United Kingdom... if you ever want to see the world... "

Tilly grabbed Kathryn's arm... "You can't have her!" We were laughing... then I said the same to Tilly... Kathryn's turn to tug and laugh.

Hugs for both! Then the kicker... "You can sit at your console here and operate a wing flying over England soon! The software will be upgraded so our pilots can take command of a wing at any location when it has been released to them by the local controller. The satellite links are in place... we are waiting on a final test regime."

I got open-mouthed looks...

"Fay... you're serious?"

Nodding, "Yes! It was a natural outgrowth of having satellite control in a local area... we just needed to have the software and contract for the satellite links."

I laughed, "Of course there has to be a purpose for such flights... no joyriding around."

They loved that. I drew them close to show a snap on my iPhone... a new wing... bigger with a much longer flight time and lifting power. So more fuel inside and it had the same hard-points to connect `pods' of different types.

Heads shaking. I told them to keep it under their hats. The bigger wing was being tested at Sari Buri right now.

Hugs for them. They were amazed as I remounted Roscommon. I waved.

I resumed my ride. I went down to the school. I walked inside after tying up Roscommon. Brianna was teaching but I stuck my head in. She recognized me once I shoved my hat onto my back.

She introduced me to her students. They knew who I was although none had seen me before since this was our first visit since the farm opened. Bright eyed kids.

In the youngest ones classroom, Kelly their teacher was setting up for painting, smocks, hats, gloves for protection laid out.

A cart pulled up with the Twins, Tha and Delphine for a visit. Hugs and kisses. They were out early to do this.

I took Chani and Charlie to meet Roscommon. He was quiet and happy to be stroked.

The farm's littlest youngsters were arriving... The Twins and I greeted them... Kelly rounded everybody up... time to paint.

I made a stop at Dickie and Victoria's home. It was also Dickie's office right now until the administration building was finished. He was doing fine.

"We've had a lot of visitors from around us at our invitation including folks like police and fire departments to see what we do.

A county school person... she is nominally overseeing the school. Boy was she impressed.

Brianna and her team are great! The state school people were here two weeks ago... they really liked our setup and staff. Our little school is quite the showcase."

Fist bump!

"Some folks from the state government in downtown Frankfort, merchants we buy from... Others who want to sell to us, local families... also state racing folks have come by... Costello gave them the tour. They liked meeting Glaa!

It has been busy."

I thanked Dickie for his hard work. They as a couple were enjoying life on the Farm. Good people and their house was marvellous. They were thinking about children... I said we love kids!

A huge grin from Dickie.

I headed back to the stables. Victoria joined me in a walk around to another stables building to visit Glaa. The Stud Barn!

Willie, his groom, was there... Glaa nickered LOUDLY and came right to me... Willie was very surprised at Glaa's greeting...

I hugged and stroked our Champion! He looked terrific! Glowing with good health, his chestnut colour bright and glossy!!

Willie smiling, "Well Miss he knows you for sure! I've not seen him act like that."

"We've been seeing each other for three years... on race days and others. My husband and I never missed a race of Glaa's. I got to ride Glaa at Santa Anita. We've watched his half-brothers and sisters run in pursuit of his records... never getting there. Only one horse is better... Secretariat. Not by much."

I gave our Big Fast Man some love... Victoria and I walked out into his paddock with him... a nice grassy space that rose up some at the back. He went running along the north fence... I could hear a whinny over that way. At the fence... Rodrigo! He and Glaa were buddies... running along the fence together, talking.

They were whinnying... Rodrigo's groom came to see what was up to find me with an arm over Glaa's back as the two stallions nickered across the fence.

"Your Ladyship... I'm amazed to see you."

I detected a Yorkshire accent, he was Tobias from Thirsk by way of New York where he'd originally been working after being hired by Monaco.

I asked... Tobias loved animals from a young lad... being around them... caring for them... enjoying their company. He liked the less pressure atmosphere here rather than work in an actively training race barn.

"I get close to the horses, find out their quirks and what makes them happy."

He sounded like Pat.

Back in the stud barn I got to meet four other stallions. We didn't own them... they were standing stud here with Rodrigo and Glaa. The cache of Glaa's name brought a lot of attention to the farm.

IrishRainbow would come here with SakChai at the end of this racing year. A barn full of talented and we hoped in demand studs!

Victoria was working with all the horses. The group from Rabam would be here in a few days. She'd have fun with them... schooling!

Our two ladies, Grace of My Heart and Twilight Maiden, were in a paddock with their foals. Victoria was already doing training with the babies... never too early... she had a lovely way with the young ones.

I walked into the kitchen as most folks had finished their food. I got an omelette, fried potatoes and toast. A jar of locally made gooseberry preserves!! Tasty on toast!

Cho and I with Theodore talking outside on the lawn.

Theodore got more detail and why we held off handing these juicy fruits to the NSA.

"I'm glad you got what you wanted from the Chinese but what are you going to do with it?"

"We can give it to one of our media companies to expose them... We've already discussed the possible impact on the Chinese computer penetrations... We think it could be `framed' as a disgruntled person leaking it. Now we know they'd tear apart several government ministries trying to find that person but it is unlikely they would find the actual source... their own security failures."

Theodore wasn't looking too pleased...

Cho and I held hands... smiles, "Actually... We decided to hold the information for now... at some point we will meet with Ambassador Ping and let him know what we know without telling him how. He'll know we haven't done anything with the information... since there'd been nothing in our press or other media...

Him knowing that we won't do anything with our knowledge will help build our relationship.

He certainly wasn't a fan of Ti or the Guoanbu's methods."

Theodore's face was a smile now, "You two are dangerous... I like it!"

We all laughed.

We put Theodore in the `study' with an iPad linked to Kora on the Conference App. Theodore was told it was completely encrypted both ways by us. He and Kora would go over everything and make arrangements to transfer control to the NSA.

He got from us it was a large number of penetrations that had expanded as we dug in deeper... I suggested he could do it in stages... Kora's people keeping their hands on the links until the NSA was ready.

Theodore knew we would provide an aircraft for a team of his to go to Bangkok.

Cho smiling at my morning visits. We had others this afternoon... at the Franklin County Sheriff's office. Three of our Security team were being given awards for their work in capturing the bank robbers. The Sheriff had pushed for some formal recognition for our people.

They didn't know Cho and I were going to attend... sneaky!! Ha!!

First a visit to Claiborne Farm.

Colonel Kraisee called... We did a speakerphone while we sat in the lawn chairs. He started with 'Lady Harcourt' Cho said we are `Cho and Fay' to you. We were thanked.

"Fay, Cho... the fellows who attacked your home are in court tomorrow... they will plead guilty and make statements for the record of all their activities including the people who helped them get it going... those are the staff members of the Guoanbu.

We have some names from your Security Service and cross-checked with the sworn statements already made... the names we have match up with your list."

Yes! More proof the stuff were are getting from the Guoanbu's systems is as good as the what we hoped. The attackers confessions being validated.

"They will name them tomorrow and of course Ti. The cellphone data will be entered into the record along with all the bits from the safe house we have chosen to disclose.

So that is a tight package... sentencing will be at a later date. The government is discussing what to ask for in the way of prison terms. We know you want leniency and reuniting the families... the local fellow has earned such a consideration...

On the other matters about him... Fay, your old friend Saul reappeared... Our local communist fellow did indeed help Saul as part of the Chinese industrial spying. We said if he helped us we will tell the Prosecution Service to downgrade their sentence request to probation.

His assistance included telling us about a safe house we never found. Because the fellow thought it too dangerous to go back there after the big round-up it hasn't been touched since. Three years of it sitting as our local man paid the rent for fear it might be discovered and whatever was there might point to him... not that it is much rent for that rat hole.

It's a flat in an old part of the city... in a beat-up elderly building... we entered a week ago... a gold mine of interesting things. We have contact lists from Saul linking him to people we never suspected were involved with in crimes with him. So they all will be investigated for wrong doings they might have thought they got away with."

Cho and I were laughing.

Kraisee went on... "There are piles of documents the Chinese would have loved to have received... Saul's capture stopped that happening. Several boxes of cash that totalled over thirty million Bahts and a pile of laptops we think are stolen, we are working through them now. The entire place is a time capsule of Saul."

Kraisee laughed, "Your father is quite pleased we got the fellow to give up everything for a deal. So his whole life is open to us... it isn't good for his family as his colleagues will cut them off from support since he did these acts behind their backs. We have promised to arrange things for them.

Everything he ever sent to China either via an embassy person or by way of Saul and others... he archived copies in another safe house... he's got eleven flats around the city. He was doing some serious covering of his ass! So we have been busy."

It was a fascinating phone call... Kraisee sounding very pleased as well he should be. The Security Police have quite the coup.

For China there's a huge downside... Our government knows even more about the industrial spying than ever. It isn't going to help bi-lateral relations.

We said goodbye... Kraisee said he would let General Keren know we talked.

A pack of news! Saul... the first person who wanted to kill me... so much has changed... new life roles, Cho as my husband, The Twins...

Thirty million Bahts... almost six hundred and seventy thousand £'s!! I smiled towards Cho... "Saul's working capital?"

We laughed. I was wondering what else did Saul have squirreled away in that flat???

Cho nudged me breaking my reverie... A kiss! We leaned against each other... a quiet moment...

"Mama!! Popa!!" The Twins came running across the grass... big grins... open arms... we scooped them up. Hugs and kisses!

They had a great time... "We were teachers again!"

Tha and Delphine coming close. Chani and Charlie helped other children do painting... Kelly a new amazed person watching the Twins helping children older than themselves.

"Fay, they went right to it... the farm children were great... they all had fun," Delphine smiling holding Chani's hand.

Lunch then two trips. Cho and I made some calls!

A bunch of yellow roses cut from several bushes in the side yard. The farm gardeners were keeping up all the flowers and shrubs around the farm houses from the previous owners!! In a nice bouquet for us.

Chani and I in white frocks and black accessories, the guys in matching grey slacks and black sport shirts. We were grinning at our little fun with clothes.

We loaded up in an AW139, us four, PJ, Rande and Gaby. It was a ten minute flight to Claiborne Farm southeast of Paris, Kentucky. The pilot, Winston, said we were descending to a field west of the farm headquarters.

Cho and I carried the Twins to the nearby road. A tall slender man came out to meet us. Seth Hancock! A horse racing legend!

Handshakes, he bent way down to greet Chani and Charlie.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all! It is nice to put your faces to voices. Cho said why you wanted to come, we are happy to have you."

Cho smiling, "We don't want to take any of your time."

Seth smiling, "No problem! We are almost on top of it."

Seventy five feet away the farm cemetery... We all walked over...

I stood holding Chani's hand looking at Secretariat's grave. I couldn't move... a flood of heat rising inside me... a horse I heard about as a boy... we were living in Washington, D.C. when he died.

The news spotlighted him as he'd been foaled an hour's drive south of Washington.

A horse who's stellar career is the basis of every new born racing foal owner's dreams... now I was standing over him... I had been to the foaling shed where he was born... today his end... It was hard to hold back...

Chani's hand squeezed mine... she broke the spell. We went forward to lay the roses on the grass by Secretariat's tombstone. Stepping back... Cho's hand on my shoulder... it tightened. Chani smiling up at me.

"Mama, you are remembering?"

"Sort of... I was young when Secretariat died."

I saw Seth Hancock watching me. We smiled.

We moved around looking at the names on the stones... some of the greatest horses of the Twentieth Century. I pointed out a few... Bold Ruler, Secretariat's sire; Nasrullah as well as Princequillo, they were Secretariat's grandsires, Blenheim, Secretariat's great great grandsire

Riva Ridge, the Meadow Stables first top flight winner who won two of the three Triple Crown races the year before Secretariat; Gallant Fox, another Triple Crown winner like Secretariat. Buckpasser, a terrific horse, a great competitor; Swale, War Cloud, Mr. Prospector, Nijinsky II and more.

I said they were all great Champions. Seth Hancock still watching. He moved close.

"Fay, you are an historian of horse racing?"

"I'm an enthusiastic rider and watcher of races who knows a bit but not deeply schooled in the history. Your farm is a huge part of the history of the sport."

Seth escorted us to the barn where so many of the Champions lived. Nameplates on the stalls... the first one... the Number ONE stall... Bold Ruler... right above his name was his son Secretariat... three more above their's.

Holding Chani's hand... I was still emotional but Okay. Cho's hand in mine with Charlie next to him. We all walked back to the farm office building.

Cho thanked Seth for giving us his time. A big smile, "You all are welcome whenever you like."

Cho gave him an invitation to Harcourt Farm, "Come meet Glaa... he's living the life of an honoured patriarch."

We all laughed. Seth said thank you he would come over. Handshakes and Cho thanked Seth for the loan of the landing spot.

We waved from the step of the AW139. We lifted up and away turning west for the next visit.

We flew over Harcourt Farm en route to the Franklin County Sherriff's office. A good look at the farm from five thousand feet. It looked more filled in than before but still had a countryside appearance.

Winston landed the helicopter on a grassy spot east of the office next to another one of our AW139's. Tilly, Kathryn and I guessed Joli in our black, silver-grey and white uniforms waiting.

We got to meet Joli... she, Kathryn and Tilly were to get awards from the county for catching the bank robbers. They loved meeting Cho and the Twins!

We all walked across the road to a grassy spot where there was some news folks and the Sheriff's people. We did surprise them... the media went a bit bat shit crazy to get snaps and video!

We said the Sheriff needed to get on... They backed off.

We did greetings...

The Sheriff remembered us... a big smile and handshakes for us and the Twins. Tilly introduced her two... the Sheriff was pleased to meet them. He introduced two county commissioners and the mayor of Frankfort, several Kentucky state officials and the commander of the State Police.

The Sheriff got the little ceremony going... nice wooden plaques with brass plates thanking our three for capturing the criminals.

Smiling the Sheriff said the county and his force was grateful for the assistance of such professionals! He praised them for stopping the event without any further bloodshed.

They all posed for the press... ours with their awards. Smiles and handshakes for our Security Service trio!

We stayed back with the Twins... it was our people's day to shine.

A TV person approached us... they were from the Fox TV station in Louisville. Cho said we were just watchers today and had nothing to say.

Cho said we hoped they were doing well. He told them we'd be Louisville tomorrow.

The Sheriff came over to thank us for setting up such amazing capabilities at the farm... "You help stretch our reach in an usually under-served area... We do appreciate it!"

Cho expressed our willingness to help but the primary aim was to protect millions of dollars' worth of the finest horses.

"They are the reason the farm exists and its core... Call Tilly to come over to see the wings and meet Glaa... he's amazing too."

The Sheriff said he would... more handshakes.

An Oh by the way... the three bank robbers have pled guilty to intentional manslaughter, felony bank robbery and multiple other charges... they've accepted life... no parole' as the sentence.'

So it is over from that side. The family of their victim have to live with their loss for life too!

We mounted up in Win's AW139 to return to the farm.

Theodore was sitting in sun behind the house. He was worn down from a marathon talk with Kora and her people then making arrangements for his folks to go to Bangkok. We'd left him with Penn's phone number... she setup the flights. All done!

"What Kora's people have done is quite remarkable! Penetrating a tough adversary so completely! The North Koreans aren't nearly as formidable as the Chinese. If we can maintain these connections we will have details that even the top leaders in both countries won't likely know."

He was flying back shortly... meeting his boss at NSA Counter Intelligence with Hillary and the NSC team at the White House. He would brief them all.

"Kora showed the screen of one of her operators digging into files at the Chinses security ministry... she walked right in with administrator privileges... some show!"

Theodore was jazzed. He was packed... we said goodbyes on the front porch. A cart took him to the helicopter landing pad for a lift to the airport and a Gulfstream. We waved him away.

We were smiling about Theodore and his new shiny toys.

We had our workers in for a cookout which much to our stomach's satisfaction included strawberry ice cream by Clayton! He had multiple churns working with a series of volunteers using their arm muscles.

More making bubbles on the grass for the kids... Chani and Charlie enjoyed themselves with the staff children, games and lots of fun. Jaidee enjoyed the bubbles!

Roscommon and I had another wonderful morning ride. He was an excellent saddle horse, happy to be out running... willing to walk, trot and GALLOP! I stroked his face after handing his reins to a groom.

Costello smiling. He got that Roscommon needed a good rider for exercise... someone who had the skills to give Roscommon the run he loved. Fist bump!

Our crowd loaded into AW139's for the trip to Louisville. It was twenty minutes to landing at the South First Street house pad. We walked through the gate opened by our Security.

Although The Twins had been here last year... it was another place where they would build all new memories. They saw the pool... cheers. We told them they could go in for a bit but there was a gathering this afternoon. The caterers were already at work setting up the tents and barbeques.

There was a friends all together with Harcourt Racing staff cookout tomorrow.

Some staff and guests already here! Monaco, James, Jackson, MacKenzie and Demetria staying here... now at the track with their horses.

Robbie and Sal! Hugs for them. They had two horses in undercard races this year.

I was in a skimpy white bikini beside the pool with my iPhone and iPad. Business doings made lighter by watching Chani and Charlie enjoy the pool with Jaidee, Tha and Delphine. Chelle and Gil with me and Ali. I said they could swim if they wanted.

Sal joined me, she was looking very sleek in a silver bikini. A huge smile to my compliment!

"Fay, thanks... I'm working at it... Robbie approves."

Fist bump to my `You're making it easy for him' remark!

The Twins went in for a clean-up and lunch. They'd likely be inside for the rest of the day.

Cho and I welcomed Roundell and Sasha plus Riley!!

Cho holding the little man... The Roundell's looking like they'd won the prize! Indeed they have! Riley was a cutie.

This afternoon was our `press gathering' which was now in its third edition. Our guests would be inside the house while we and our trainers talked to the news folk for a few hours in the back with food and drink.

Robbie and Roundell knew they could join us if they wanted. I suggested they do... a bit of PR for their farms would be good. Fist bumps!

Me in a sleeveless mid-thigh cotton frock, vertical green and yellow Harcourt Racing colours. Bare legs and new green sandals. A new pair of sunglasses... yellow lens with a shiny gold reflective coating.

Cho in golf clothes, sea-blue Polo shirt, white trousers... looking quite yummy!

Chani in a yellow dress from Ralph Lauren, white socks and green trainers. Charlie like his Popa... sea-blue Polo shirt and white shorts.

Cho grinning in our suite with the Twins... we laughed and did fist bumps!

Tha and Delphine would be with the babies along with Angie and Penny. When the Twins wanted to play they'd go inside.

Monaco and his trainers were here... all cleaned up looking nice. They laughed at that.

The doors were open... little name badges for everybody's chests.

I stayed close to the Twins to start...

New faces as well as regulars. Frank! He was doing well this year. He was delighted to meet Chani and Charlie... he had grandkids their age.

Elinor. A hug. She said Tom was coming soon. Good!

I saw Robbie and Roundell both speaking the press folks. I moved around some after Chani and Charlie asked to go in to play. A big OKAY from me. Kisses for them.

A Louisville Courier-Journal reporter asked me about two horses in the Derby... `Every year?'

I said maybe, "It will depend on the horses... we might do three one year and really mess with some folks minds."

He laughed, "Kaao and Samir both have enough points to get in now..."

"True but we think the best two have been chosen."

He inquired about Black Star's success... saying he'd seen video...'He looks terrific.'

Smiling I agreed, "He is awesome. He's also underrated in England so the other day at Newmarket he made a statement. No question about his ability. He's healthy so he will run all summer over there."

I thanked him and moved on. I got a club soda and lime... I turned towards the front... Megan and Tai came out the house back door into the crowd. Hugs and kisses.

They attracted attention from the news people... Megan said to the newsies around her... "I'm here as a guest of Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho to watch the races... this is vacation time for me."

I left them to it. They were going to her parent's house for dinner.

Tom! A big hug for this tall fellow. He was looking good! `Everytime' had qualified for the Derby so I welcomed his competition.

"Fay, I'm sure he isn't as good as your pair but he'll run hard."

"That's what matters... he'll be a competitor. You never know..."

Tom smiling, "Well I can dream."

We laughed.

We walked to the bar to get drinks. Mine I had put down... Lost it... Tom got a couple of inches of Old Forester from a bottle we had put in a special guest section under the bar.

Tom sipped, "So is SakChai going to earn you guys some of this on Saturday?"

"You bet! He's ready to go."

"First thing I saw coming in was ten or so news people around Monaco and Cho... " Tom shaking his head, "Your stables are so hot... three years of it. Glaa really woke up the media and the public. Horse racing is a rising thing now!"

"I visited him the other day... He's looking so healthy and is having a good season with the ladies who come for a go! Lots of babies on the way!!"

"Ah... the life of a stud stallion! Many a human male has wished for that... it would bore me... I'd surely enjoy the get togethers but they never last."

We laughed out loud. I told him about Glaa being buddies with Rodrigo next door... so maybe he wasn't too bored. More laughing.

An ESPN person came up... Tom and I spoke to him on camera for a few minutes about the `Derby' then I slipped away.

Cho had several people with him so I detoured inside. The Twins were in the front room playing with Jaidee. I went up to change shoes... these sandals were new and pinching. I put on some green trainers.

In the kitchen some of the caterers were loading trays... shrimp and chicken satays for the grill. They stopped working when I came in... Laughing, "Please don't stop for me. Go on."

Smiles and laughs... off they all went.

A Daily Racing Forum fellow asked me for a few minutes. He had a plate of satays and a beer... we sat at a table towards the back. Tara parked beside me. He looked at her... me... I smiled... he decided to get on.

He asked about Black Star... I told him we'd been thrilled with his win in the 2000 Guineas, he looked strong... even though he set new records for the race he wasn't lathered and his breathing returned to normal quite quickly.

"In a month he'll run at Epsom in the Derby... then maybe not until St Leger Stakes in September. Given that gap we were looking for a race for him to fill the space."

He inquired about what horses we were shipping from Thailand.

I gave him six names... "Decha, Prichit and Sakda, they are two year old colts. Karnchana, Phawta and Phueng two year old fillies all from Asda's work in Rabam. Decha will start in England then ship to Saratoga.

Six talented youngsters with splendid pedigrees. We'll keep them busy racing. There are four more yearlings in Rabam who will ship to either Harcourt House or Harcourt Farm to begin training."

The Daily Racing Form fellow was looking like... WOW! He should! It was quite the line-up of young ponies.

"So is Asda staying at Harcourt House?"

"The plan is for him to do more a few more English ladies then go to Rabam for some time there and on to Harcourt Farm to stand there with his sons."

"The centre of breeding will shift to the west some in Kentucky when that happens."

"We are looking at Asda, Glaa, SakChai, Rodrigo and IrishRainbow all there for a period of time. Then several will move to Oxfordshire... with an occasional trip to Rabam... we want to keep them touring every few years. At some point... not yet determined Rando will retire to Harcourt Farm."

He thanked me for my time and all the information. We shook hands.

Tara was with me. She whispered PJ sent her... several reporter fellows had plenty of the free liquor. Okay!

I saw Nipsey of our New York Daily News. A big grin on his face. I put out my hand... a big shake!

"Fay, your stables are changing how folks wager. A whole lot more play in Show' and Place' betting. The bettors know they can't make any serious money directly on your horses. For those who relish the challenge it's a good thing."

We laughed together.

I told him our inside joke' about the Catch-22' conundrum between Monaco and the horses we give him. Nipsey loved that.

He got the same rundown on our up and coming crowd I'd given to the Daily Racing Forum fellow. He was impressed.

We got fresh drinks... sitting at the far back table... Tara with me.

"We have a new-born at Harcourt House... his sire is Asda, his dam is Secret Sea..."

Eyebrows raised hearing that. Nipsey knew how good Secret Sea was as a racer and her pedigree.

The name `Secret Royal' made him smile... "Fay, it's perfect! A pedigree like his... Wow!"

I showed him a snap on my iPhone... he looked then his head rose up... eye contact...

"Has he come back to life?"

"We hope so... you know you can't tell until they're on a track."

"Well for looks he's there already! A beauty!"

"We have our fingers crossed."

"Can you send me a snap I can use?"

I did right away. A grin... Nipsey mouthed a `scoop!'

We hadn't told anyone before on purpose. Nipsey was a terrific reporter and a nice fellow so doing this was a WIN for us both. A little something special for Derby Week. A little something for the Daily News! We did a big handshake!

I moved around a bit not settling in any one place. I went in to see the Twins... they were doing a word game with Tha, Delphine and Megan. Megan was earning Thai so the Twins were being `cute' testing Delphine and Megan.

Tai watching, she came over to me.

"Fay, it doesn't seem possible they could be so advanced..."

I squeezed her waist, "We only hope it carries on throughout their lives."

Okay... back to it. The Louisville Fox TV station had two people... Marion we knew and Dove who was new.

"Miss ... should I call you Your Ladyship or...?"

"Lady Harcourt or Ma'am is correct or Miss Martin... I'm not picky." A big grin on my face.

Smiles from them. Then we all laughed.

We did a stand-up thing with the house and folks moving around as a background. Their questions were a mix of horses and social... I answered the easy horse ones referring them to Cho and Monaco for the rest. The social questions weren't intrusive which was appreciated.

The new woman stayed after we were done... She was `Dove' a cute grin saying that... Her parents were big bird watchers. All her sister's had bird names too.

"Ma'am... you are branching out into other businesses... Could we do an interview sometime about your clothing line and stores?"

Cute! Pushy but not too much... a bit hungry which was perfect!!

I agreed to do it NOW as long as it was short. We went into the house to the small sitting room in our suite. A big window facing the street, lace curtains and drapes surrounding it. Comfortable chairs and a settee, a sideboard and a small writing desk. Pleasant shades of yellow with periwinkle trim.

Her cameraman made a few suggestions about light and angles, he shifted a chair and setup a camera aimed at the chair where Dove would sit. He set himself facing me.

We started... I suggested general questions which would enable me to give background and where I came in on Mirabelle's timeline. What my contributions had been... where it was going.

Dove got the all about the London stores... then where we were doing openings on the west coast soon, a shop on Rodeo Drive and another in downtown Seattle. A big manufacturing site in East Los Angeles. Two woman were hired to run the new facility, Antonella as the boss and her deputy, Luisa.

Coral and I decided to offer them some ownership points to encourage their efforts. So both had a stake in the products turned out being well-made and timely.

Glam had done great work finding these ladies. She was helping them hire staff as the build-up of the facility was moving along. Chips, our construction supervisor in Los Angeles, said all the equipment was in the building and was being installed.

Modern programmable cutting machines, top quality sewing machines, devices to route materials quickly through the facility, packaging equipment and everything else we could think of to make the workers more efficient.

This west coast centre was to be called Mirabelle West. It was in a good sized building we bought south of East Olympic Boulevard in the south end of East Los Angeles. It was near the junction of the 710' and the 5' freeways with easy access to both. A major rail yard to the south quite close!

There is a large loading area and a sizable car park included.

Adonna, our Los Angeles real estate attorney, got the Okay for a helicopter landing grid to be in a corner of the car park marked with a gigantic `H,' it was fenced off from the cars. It will have a directional beacon, windsock and lights.

Office space, locker rooms for men and women with showers, a canteen was coming, a health clinic and day-care. We wanted our workers to have things they needed to make their work place safe, healthy and accommodating.

It had room for us to grow into! It was to be the main western U.S. source of our clothes as we developed more activity in the west. Other stores in Los Angeles area, up the coast to San Francisco, Portland and Seattle where we had a store being worked on right now in the downtown at Fifth Avenue and Pine Street across from Nordstrom's. Maybe Hawaii.

Now I didn't tell Dove all of this but it was all fresh in my mind. Coral was thrilled with our expansion. The stores in Paris were booming, sales were way ahead of our projections and NOT cooling off at all. The New Bond Street sales were at the same level as the Champs Elysees shop which is larger. They were in similar retail areas catering to generally higher spending customers.

So for Mirabelle all the news was brilliant.

Dove thanked me profusely for my time... it could be a nice piece for our New York Fox News so I called Kent while Dove was still with me. They talked... he told her to call Chloë so they could coordinate when the story was ready.

Afterwards Dove was shaking her head... "Ma'am you've just raised my profile a lot doing that."

More thanks. I said you work for us... "It's natural to use your talents for Fox News benefit. If you gain it is only proper for you to do so."

I shook her hand, "You were quite good to be able to do this off-the-cuff. Be pleased with yourself!"

Dove left a very happy lady!

Tara had been in the room... a huge smile... fist bump!

Back outside things were slowly winding down. The caterers were working on our dinner now as another crew were doing clean-up.

Tom had some good talk with several news people, serious questions which pleased him while I was inside. A hug for him. He, Elinor and Frank were staying for dinner.

It was a nice swimsuit and food from the grill party. Sal and Robbie, Sasha, Roundell and Riley. All our Protectors. Ali and Francis, Gil and Chelle. Jaidee was good to go with a bowl of his favourite crunchies.

Monaco, Demetria, MacKenzie, James and Jackson joined us.

What a mob!

The caterers were busy, the smells good. I got a Manhattan... quite good. I thanked the bartender. A big smile from him!

Sal, Sasha and I in bikinis doing some foot-dangling in the pool. The Twins in with Popa and Delphine swimming about.

My companions were both doing quite well. Sal had a new riding horse... she was a palomino and a very happy filly.

"We have fun going around the farm and visiting down the road."

Fist bump.

Sasha wanted to start riding... her doctors said he would tell her when it was Okay.

I told Sal about Roscommon... I liked that boy!

Sasha, "Roundell bought him to possibly breed but he has a very low sperm motility."

I smiled, "He's a riding horse for me! Roscommon really goes... Because of your advice we intend to periodically test his sperm... if it improves... we'll try for some good riding horse babies from him. He's only four... our Oxfordshire vet said he's young things can change. If it comes to pass... we'll send you guys one."

Sasha did a thumbs up.

Oh boy... baby tossing was happening... Charlie splashing down... coming up with a big grin! Chani went flying... They loved Popa tossing them! Jaidee joined in but no tossing for him.

On a lounge beside Roundell smiling at his sales news... Kentucky Heat was up nineteen percent over last year. The year before had been their best ever so the new rise was awesome!

Sales were very strong in the United Kingdom via `Go Outdoors!' It was a good partnership. A thumbs up aimed at me. He was thinking of France and the Low Countries as a next European move. He was looking at partners.

"Our sponsorship deal with Harcourt Racing raised our profile here in the U.S. and Europe. We have name recognition beyond horse racing now... equestrian customers, a lot of winter sports types like snowboarders and cross-country skiers who like lightweight clothes. We got a great write-up in several winter sport magazines... one saying our clothes were `indispensable' for winter activity."

I leaned over for a fist bump!

"Our farm manager is an excellent fellow so giving him more of my work was easy... I gave him a big pay raise to compensate... it's coming in handy as his son is off to collage..."

We laughed.

I asked if he was saving for Riley's education yet? A grin... and `We have redone our financial arrangements and wills.'

Viscount Munro climbed on me... wet... giggling! He shook hands with Roundell. I could see in the new father's face he was ready for that sort of interaction with Riley!

Robbie and I strolling a bit. He was having a terrific year! Six G2 and G3 wins! Finishing in the money in many races.

"Fay, it is fun to watch our ponies go out and run. I don't miss the pressure of the Triple Crown. Or the expenses... running in the occasional G1 and the rest G2 and G3 races is right for us."

I told him what our plans were for IrishRainbow's future. All turf this year since he really seemed to prefer that surface.

"He'll ship to Harcourt House in late May for a race at Ascot then to New York and on to the Breeder's Cup Turf Classic here in November. All his races are G1's this season.

He will retire to Harcourt Farm to join Glaa. He and SakChai will take a road trip east to the farm after the Breeder's Cup races."

"He's living the life! You've raised his name recognition so his stud fee should be good."

"We hope so. IrishRainbow has an excellent racing history to match a quality pedigree with lots of positives to attract owners for stud. He and Rodrigo are excellent for those owners who can't go for the higher fees for our other boys. It keeps a good balance at the farm."

Sal joined us, a big smile.

"I've just learned all about how to sail a pirate ship from your daughter."

We all laughed.

I squeezed Sal's hand, "By summer they will probably be the most experienced pirates you know... if you know any that is."

More laughter.

Robbie said he didn't think they knew any decent pirates...

"Our two are `dread pirates' so beware coming to Harcourt House in the future."

Nodding smiles.

Our party wound down... we went in to help put down the Twins then back by the pool for a bit. Hugs and kisses all around to close out the night.

No horse to ride so Jaidee and I went for an early morning walk. Kara and Gaby... a surprise... Tai joined us. We laughed at my asking if she wanted to see the scene of her `action' again.

We did turn into the alleyway at the beginning. Tai gave an account of what happened. She was pleased that the fellow Brock was doing well. The local medical people sent us reports periodically.

We went south for five blocks on South Second Street then did a U-turn over to South First Street for the return. Peaceful. It was warming up with rising humidity...

News from Badminton... The First Horse Inspection over... Sunny was pleased with the impression she and Prince made... Dressage today... we were hoping! Fingers crossed! Sunny a bit nervous... she said that would fade.

We gathered ourselves for the first day of racing. I chose a Harcourt Racing green sleeveless dress, cotton, soft and close to me to mid-thigh. Matching green heels, gold jewellery and `Joy' applied by Cho.

Chani got a dab. Grin!

She was in yellow and white. The guys in navy suits and Harcourt Racing green ties.

First stop was the barn. Monaco greeted us smiling, "We're ready to go racing!"

Our first visit was with Hansa. She was looking gorgeous! Soft nickers as Chani stroked her neck. Her race was the La Trioenne Stakes. A G1 race for older fillies.

Then to Saisithorn... she would go off in a few hours in the first of the Triple Tiara races...

Today we visited all five horses, we wouldn't be here tomorrow. They were happy to have us around, their grooms smiling... all saying their charges were ready to roll.

We drove around to the front entrance at Churchill Downs. Several track officials greeted us. They were happy we were racing here. We've won the Derby two times running so... they liked our flashy runners... bold and powerful.

In the owners seating we said hellos and hugs to many. We were gradually meeting quite a few owners. Tom here! He had a three year old filly in an early race... she'd won! He was pleased.

"She's a young three year old up against mostly more mature runners. A real test for her... she came on at the end to take the lead in the last furlong."

A big hug for him. Cho said the finish boded well. Tom was pleased.

Elinor had been here but was working now.

We settled in. The La Trioenne was up in thirty minutes. I had a look around with my glasses... Chani in my lap took over. She wasn't able to adjust them but got a thrill from seeing better through them this time.

Cho with Charlie doing the same. Charlie `got' you could change the spacing of the eye lenses... he showed Chani... brilliant! They kept the glasses for a bit!

Monaco on his way with Jackson as the post parade for Hansa's race began. Tomas on board as they walked to the left. This is a G1 race of eight and half furlongs for four year old and up fillies.

The horses walked to the gate and loaded without issue. A longish pause then CLANG... they had a good start! Hansa running with three others to the front. They came past the grandstand four across the track with the rest of field behind.

Into the turn they stayed level... Hansa edged ahead with her smoother lead changes... coming out onto the back straight a length and a half ahead. Tomas was holding her close. Down the open track they galloped along at a good pace.

As the second turn came up Hansa had a two length lead. Tomas had a quick look as Hansa moved into the turn... he was waiting. Our girl was running comfortably... well within herself.

At the top of the stretch Tomas asked her... the two and half length lead opened wider immediately. Hansa's burst of power had her roaring down the dirt widening with each stride. By the eighth pole she had seven and a half lengths... she wasn't letting up!

Over the finish line it was nearly ten lengths of space. She set a new speed record for the stakes at 1:41.68 winning by an official ten lengths. She wiped away Authenticity's 2013 run of 1:42.09 and the widest previous margin of seven and three quarters by You in 2003.

Hansa's golden body darkened in her effort was deep reddish gold now. We joined her at the Winner's Circle. Tomas with a huge grin. Reggie handing Hansa's lead to Jackson to bring her in.

Chani and I doing the honours. The La Trioenne Stakes folks were pleased our champion had run in their race. Us girls held the trophy for snaps. We brought Jackson and Tomas in to have their chance with the trophy. Reggie too.

Fun! Chani enjoyed doing this. Charlie and Cho clapping from the side.

We made our way back to the boxes section to wait for the main race of the day... Sasithorn was up!

We got some lunch from the track caterers... salads, fruit, cheese and bread. The hot food was meat so we skipped that. We did fine... we had another cookout at the house tonight so they'd be plenty to eat. Our guests this evening were our racing staff... trainers, grooms, exercise riders, hot walkers, etc... They'd have a few hours away from the barns then back to work.

Federica and Lucie's Security Service folks were watching over our barn twenty fours a day so there were no worries about that. So far there had been no incidents at any of our races this year... fingers crossed it stayed that way.

A call from Kay... Sunny had done very well in Dressage! She had 26 penalties and finished fourth!!! An excellent place for her up against the finest riders and horses in the world. Prince continued to show improvement in the strict discipline of Dressage. Cross country tomorrow.

Sunny texted me... She was elated with her position. Her start time for the cross country was about ten o'clock in the morning.

I called her... The Badminton people had been surprised with Sunny's clothes but decided they were appropriate. Her helmet hat was acceptable since it passed all international standards including the very rigorous EU ones.

I'd been worried about the clothing... she rode daily in more traditional dress so she could if she had to do it. Sunny was pleased with the Badminton decision.

The Kentucky Oaks was up. The first of the Triple Tiara races in the southern section if you wanted to make a distinction between the early fillies G1 races and the ones in New York State. Aneka won them all last year... the first time it had been done.

Earlier today Porto, Sasithorn's groom, had been smiling... `Miss, she's going to run them under... she's so wired.'

James her trainer laughed and pointed to Porto. Her team thought our girl prepared... so she must be!

The Kentucky Oaks is a G1 race of nine furlongs on dirt. There are eighteen entrants this year... Sasithorn was in the number six slot... towards the middle.

They all loaded fine... pause... CLANG. They came out... Sasithorn hesitated... she came out late with a swerve to her right. She didn't touch the next horse who had a step on her.

Radha held her tight and got Sasithorn moving... she was several lengths behind. The field moved down the straight... Sasithorn running Okay but with ground to make up.

The field going along... no issues... our girl running behind the them as they entered the turn. Sasithorn was striding well about three paths out from the rail. In the turn her lead changes gained her ground on the last horse.

They came out onto the back straight rolling along in a good gallop. Sasithorn in my glasses was asked for a bit by Radha. I could see her surge... she gobbled up the last two in the group ahead and kept moving.

I focused on her stride... it as long and even... no strain. By the start of the second turn there eight horses to her front... she was close off the shoulder of the back of the group. Her skilled lead changes in the curve gave her a further advantage... Radha took her past the last of that group to be on the shoulder of the two leaders.

At the top of the home stretch I zoomed in on Radha... she chirped to Sasithorn... our glossy black girl exploded... her rush of power obvious to everyone! She roared past the leaders like they were idling to take a four length lead by the eighth pole.

Radha hand riding the whole way guided our girl down the dirt to the finish line... Sasithorn crossing it in full flight... no let up at all.

We had a noisy celebration! We hugged and kissed around the box.

Our neighbouring owners calling out congratulations to us. We waved and thanked them. Tom grinning, "You guys are just too good!"

We walked across to the Winner's Circle. We had a big welcome from the Kentucky Oaks people... two years running for us winning this important race. Up on the old wood stand Chani and I got the trophy! She was giggling at all the attention from the news folks and the fans in the stands were quite loud.

Radha beside James holding the trophy! A big win for her. Her biggest! A share of a million dollar purse and a Triple Tiara race win!

I was watching Radha enjoying the moment. She was young, good-looking, athletic and a damn good jockey. A fine combination for her future! She and Marnie were brilliant advertisements for women in horse racing!

Cho walking beside me as I gave him my thoughts. A smile.

"She has a great future with us! We'll keep giving her good horses to ride. Monaco likes her aplomb."

Not getting ruffled by things certainly was in evidence today. Cho and Monaco got the story on Sasithorn's poor start from a track official. Her starter in the slot made some noise as the gate opened which startled Sasithorn and made her pause slightly and jerk right. Radha was strong holding Sasithorn to her task and getting her running ahead.

The official apologised to us.

He told Cho he was very relieved Sasithorn won... because it would have been `his ass' metaphorically.

Cho squeezing my arm, "The starter is an old hand who coughed. The fellow was broken up by it. He knew Sasithorn was one of the favourites. I said to the track fellow to let the starter know we understood and he shouldn't feel bad about it."

I squeezed him back saying it was nice of him.

"You did a good thing... one cough... shit happens. Sasithorn showed she can run off the pace and have the power to carry on through. Radha made the difference with her cool and strength."

"Indeed! A huge win completely different from her other victories. It should give pause to the other owners."

Fist bump which the Twins beside us got in on. We motored back to the house for our evening of guests.

We told Monaco that the staff could swim if they wanted. We had a volley ball net up and some space for miscellaneous `ball' sports for entertainment.

Kegs of beer the caterers would serve from along with a lot of food.

We greeted everybody at the gate. There were lots of smiles. Hugs for Radha and Tomas... our winners today. Dom, Leonie and Marnie up tomorrow.

The Twins in the pool with Cho, Delphine and Tha. Splashing happening.

I was on a lounge with food and drink. Jaidee beside me. Megan on the next lounge.

She and Tai were doing quite nicely. They'd had a great evening with her parents.

"Mom and Dad really like Tai... my being gay doesn't seem to bother them now."

Fist bump!

"And in New York?"

"We have a good group of friends in the city we can go out with... a bit of partying... some weekend trips around the area... my schedule makes for short evenings. Tai is going in with me every morning so our days are aligned."

"So how's your social media life? Still a hottie?"

A laugh, "A few million folks following my twitter and instagram... I put up things each day... not a lot... pics around the Fox Newsroom... the city... from trips. Nothing private or very revealing of me or where I go regularly.

You really don't care about social media do you?"

"We do but not the way you use it... we use it to promote things like Mirabelle or our news media and entertainment through Reginé."

Tai joined us lying beside Megan. Megan hooked her thumb to Tai...

"At my security advisor's suggestion... " we laughed. "I have been careful about what I post... I don't need groupies hanging around."

They laughed at PJ's lifting up the intrusive paparazzi in London and the constable's reaction.

Tai asked about the incident at Newmarket... rumours within our Security Service...

"A track security guard was putting his hand on Cho... PJ took him down. It was so unnecessary. Cho's `owners' badge had fallen off is all. One of the Newmarket people wanted to discharge the offending guard... Cho told him it was a training issue which pushed it back on the track.

We got the trophy and left."

Megan's eyes wide, "Did that bend them out of shape?"

"Well... they had some sort of get-together for the winners... Cho told them after the incident and their not allowing the Twins into the winner's circle... as he said we `seen enough' of them for a day."

Megan doing a face hand wave to `cool off.'

"Cho speaks his mind. We haven't said anything to anybody about it... The news media in England reported it but without any comment from us. We want to race there again... no burned bridges." My pointing to lips... they got it.

I walked around... the volleyball players asked if they could could swim afterwards... I said they just needed to stop at the pool rising shower before jumping in. They were good with that. Seems most had worn their swim costumes under their clothes.

I pointed them to changing tents setup towards the east side.

I asked one of the local staff to get out more towels. Thumbs up.

Cho and I spoke with Lamarr, the head of the Louisville security company who supplemented our Security Service during our stays and monitored the site the rest of the year. He was invited for a purpose.

He knew the Breeder's Cup was at Churchill Downs this year so we'd be back in November.

We liked him and his people were very professional... Cho asked if he'd like to bring his company into ours... He looked interested. Cho said we would buy it outright and keep him on as the manager for as long as he wanted. The continuity of management would be good for us.

Lamarr could get tax advice from our attorney's and have a nice sized pay-out.

Cho got Francis to join us... we talked about getting a valuation, etc... although Lamarr's pay rates were near the top of the scale for Kentucky companies in the field... we could pay more and give much better benefits to him and all the employees.

We left it as a work in progress... a very strong conditional `Yes' from Lamarr... details to follow. We shook hands on it. Lamarr seemed very pleased. He laughed when I said he'd still have the same headaches... he liked the thought of a lot of help behind him to deal with them.

A bit business mixed in the fun. Cho grinning. He was happy about a deal with Lamarr.

Our Harcourt Racing folks were well fed and had some relaxation. We said goodnights and waved them onto the shuttle bus back to Churchill Downs.

Cho and I sitting outside after things settled down... sharing a lounge. I was missing Ring... he was standing in for us at three races in France tomorrow. All at Longchamp. Thaksin opening his third year season and two unraced others... a colt named Chaiya and a filly... Normandie Fille.

It should be a great day!

We had a good gathering here. The Twins had fun until they needed to go in. Jaidee was well petted with some ball chasing too!

We got to talk informally with our workers learning some things about them. Several had had huge pay-outs this last year... even the hot walkers had a good bundle of money handed to them. Much more than if they worked for another stable.

We arranged for them to have financial advice at no charge so they'd not get burned when it came time to pay income tax.

My morning walk was lovely... quiet on the streets. We did a big loop around the neighbourhood. Eggs over easy, veggie sausages, toast went down well.

I was in the little sitting room off our suite working. Gil, Ali and Chelle all in with me. We went at it for hours. I was mostly caught up. I planned to do some work tonight on the flight to Chalgrove.

Lunch outside with everybody. The Twins enjoyed their bacon (veggie), lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Tortilla crisps and guacamole, colas and a molasses cookie.

Tha said she had shortbread in her bag for a snack. Big smiles for that from Charlie and Chani!

Sunny called... "Fay... " She was so excited that was all I got...

"Slow down and breathe."

"Fay, I finished first in cross country only four tenths of a point in penalties. Right on time!!! Prince is awesome... he's so solid and trusting. I walked the course again early this morning... it looked tough... We were a bit nervous... we got into a groove right away... it was smashing!!!"

I congratulated her... thinking fourth in Dressage now this... Sunny had an outside chance to win!

Kay came on... "Fay, I amazed at my child being so poised and strong. She is getting a lot of praise and making new friends. Sunny was awesome in the press conference, funny, cute and serious almost all at the same time."

They were all being treated wonderfully at the Dalrymple's. Lynnette and the other Security people were around but unobtrusive. They knew we'd be there tomorrow.

Kay congratulated us on our wins so far and `Good Luck' for the Derby.

We dressed for a long day at the track, three races today!

A yellow silk frock, short sleeves, the hem above mid-thigh... lots of leg! Pale stockings and green heels. Gold bits and `Joy' A green Hermès Kelly bag and the yellow reflective round sunglasses.

I really wasn't into the whole `hat' thing at races. I did it a few times... it wasn't me. I had enjoyed throwing my hat at the Belmont and signing for the nice man who brought back. That was enough for me.

Chani in a short sleeved yellow frock from Ralph Lauren, white lace-topped socks in black Mary Janes. Charlie in a black suit, white shirt and Harcourt Racing tie... he was grinning...

"I'm Popa today!"

Cho laughed and picked up our son. They looked exactly alike!

We motored to the track... getting out at the main door... Churchill Downs folks there to greet us again... we did hellos and a few introductions... they seemed a bit starstruck to be introduced to Megan... She handled it well.

On through to the owners boxes.

Greetings for other owners. Lots of hand shaking. Tom was there to watch today until the Derby where he had `Everytime' entered.

Our first race was the Humana Distaff. When Aneka was announced there was VERY Loud applause and a few cheers for our `Super' Triple Tiara winner. Leonie's name brought more loud crowd noise.

Aneka with Leonie aboard walked regally out to the chute for the start. This is a G1 race of seven furlongs.

Aneka in the number three slot... all loaded... They're off! Aneka blasting out of her gate straight down the track leaving the others behind immediately. What a start!

She was used to longer races so these seven furlong ones were a full on sprint for the whole distance for her. Aneka was rolling halfway down the straight she had a four length lead. The turn came up Leonie did a quick look back as she moved Aneka to the rail.

Aneka changed leads twice and came to the top of the stretch seven lengths clear of all opponents. Leonie was hand riding the whole way... she did some mild urging now... Aneka lifted her game... pouring on the power in the final eighth to win by eleven which was a record winning margin.

Her time of 1:19.40 was a new record for the race erasing the old record of 1:20:44.

Lots of cheers, hugs, kisses and fist bumps for us! We settled down to walk to the Winner's Circle across the track. Up the onto the deck...

Chani and I did the honours.

The Humana folks happy to hand over a nice trophy to us. They shook hands with Chani who was grinning. MacKenzie beside me, Leonie climbed down to get with us as Corky held Aneka's lead.

Lots of snaps. Aneka was the dominate filly in American horse racing! I gave a kiss to Aneka calling her the `Queen.'

The sports writers picked up on that... it was used in their reporting. It was true!

There were some snacks in the owners area... we nibbled waiting for our next race. The current race was of interest because Marnie was riding for another trainer. She had three races in a row. Monaco wasn't happy but the other trainer lost his jockey for this race in an accident an hour ago.

We watched as the horses loaded... easy... no problems. They were released. The field down the straight and around the turn... four crowded together... Marnie on one of those. The group stayed tight down the back stretch... the turn had one drop back... at the top of the stretch the three were abreast coming down the straight on the dirt... Marnie asking her mount... he began to ease ahead in the last eighth. At the wire he won by a half-length.

A good hard ride, Marnie showing her skills!

Okay the Old Forester Turf Classic was up! SakChai on grass. The post parade had our colt getting a big welcome and Marnie some very deserved LOUD cheers and applause. They moved to the inner grass track and to the left for the start of this nine furlong G1 race.

The silvery white of SakChai shimmered in the sunlight. Marnie up in our green and yellow silks. These horses were old pros moving easily to the gate and into their slots.

Quiet... CLANG! They rushed from the gate, a clean start! SakChai on the lead immediately. He was following Glaa's playbook... see my tail the whole way.

The field came down the grass straight to pass us... SakChai had three lengths on everyone. In the turn SakChai lengthen his lead coming out on the back straight ahead by six. Marnie had him running easy, relaxed with big strides. He ate up the turf to the second turn quickly.

Marnie had him on the rail at the top of the stretch... SakChai was surging now... you could see him pick up the pace. Marnie stone still on his back as the White Streak flowed down the green grass to finish twelve lengths clear in a time three hundredths of a second short of Glaa's record from last year.

Celebrations in our box. We'd won this race two years in a row with Triple Crown winners! The Old Forester people were all smiles in the Winner's Circle. Cho and Charlie taking the honours. Lots of handshakes and posing for snaps.

SakChai was calm, takin it all the praise in his polite manner. I hugged Marnie! Two wins back to back and now another race for us coming up.

In her ear... "Go for it!"

She knew... a megawatt smile.

Ring called from Paris. Racing had finished there... we had an excellent day. Thaksin opened his season with a breath-taking victory in the Poule d'Essai des Poulains at Longchamp. He ran away with the win by fifteen lengths setting a new race speed record.

The French were blown away by his power and stamina... a wire to wire win! He simply ran away from them all.

This race is the start of the Triple Crown of France series. Thaksin being touted to win all three after this show-stopping performance!

Chaiya, an unraced three year colt, broke his maiden in the Prix de Soleil, a G1 sixteen hundred metre race. He won by three. On the lead throughout.

Normandie Fille, another unraced three year old, a filly, won the Poule d'Essai des Pouliches. It was a G1 sixteen hundred metre race for fillies. She came from off the pace to rundown two others in the last one hundred metres for her maiden win. It was the first race in the French Triple Crown for fillies.

Ring said all three came out of their races just fine. He passed on that Jonny was very pleased with the newbies!

We thanked him for being there for us. He got that we were doing very well here and the Derby was on next. Ring was staying in France for more racing... He was loving getting all the trophies for us!! The staff at Quai de Bethune was taking very good care of him!

We had a bit longer wait for the next race... preparation for the Fastest Two Minutes in sports or as Secretariat pronounced it in 1973... the fastest one minute fifty nine and two fifths seconds.

Gil got a text from Owen... saddling done... Monaco and Demetria on their way. Okay! The post parade was to begin... we still didn't know the words to `My Old Kentucky Home.'

Cho's grin... as the people sang out. It was a tradition that was lost on me.

Twenty horses walking down the track to the big gate at the top of the stretch. Dom on Stellar Black heading into slot one and Marnie on Toes Tapping into number eight. Toes Tapping was the only filly like Hansa had been last year.

All quiet... pause... CLANG! They launched themselves into history.

Stellar Black roaring down the rail trying not to be trapped as the field closed towards him. Marnie had Toes Tapping going straight down the dirt... they were among seven horses on the lead as the field came abreast of us.

Stellar Black taking the lead into the turn as the field thinned out at the front. Toes Tapping in a group two lengths off the lead. Around the turn Stellar Black was held close to the rail by Dom saving running room and gaining another length in his lead.

Down the back straight Toes Tapping moved up slowly but steadily... she was third into the turn. Stellar Black running easily had opened a five length space. They came to the top of the lane in the same order... Dom asked Stellar Black for more to put away his pursuers.

Marnie asked Toes Tapping... our grey girl opened her jets! It was immediately obvious... she went by the number two horse like he was standing still roaring off in pursuit of her stablemate.

Down the stretch Toes Tapping was gaining... Stellar Black running hard... at the eighth pole Toes Tapping was at his shoulder... her rush carried Toes Tapping into the lead as they crossed the finish!!

Toes Tapping won! WOW! Stellar Black and Dom ran a great race, controlled with a lot of pace. Toes Tapping had too much drive at the end.

It was fast with both horses driving hard in the stretch. 1:59.85! A sub-two minute race! The third fastest after Secretariat and Glaa!!!

Dom leaned over from Stellar Black to hug Marnie down the track after they had slowed their horses. Coming up the track the crowd gave our pair a huge ovation! Cheers cascading down to them.

We did a big celebration in our box. Owners around us calling out congratulations. Tom got a hug and handshake. His Everytime' had finished fourth... he missed the place' by a head, an excellent showing for his stable. Everytime had run a long road to get here.

We walked across the track again... carrying the babies this time. Cho had us all on old stand receiving of the trophy. Monaco smiling... he'd trained three consecutive Derby winners... an amazing performance! He was now in uncharted territory as a trainer.

The rose blanket for Toes Tapping! She looked terrific! Red and grey!!

Marnie joining a very select group of two-time Kentucky Derby winners and a much smaller group of back to back winners. Isaac Murphy in the Nineteenth Century, Jimmy Winkfield at the start of the Twentieth Century, Secretariat's jockey Ron Turcotte would won the year before on Riva Ridge. Eddie Delahoussaye, Calvin Borel and Victor Espinoza.

Loads of pictures and video done. Cho and I with the Twins holding the trophy. Monaco had his go as did Marnie. They brought in Gus.

We moved back across the track after Cho did some live TV... He was smiling and gracious... also no microphones were pushed in his face.

Our crowd entered the garden area beside the Churchill Downs Museum. A section was reserved for us to wait for the gathering inside. Tha had water and Aunt Dee's shortbread for the Twins. It was quite funny to see Charlie sitting in a chair munching his snack looking so much like his Popa.

I nudged the very one who gave me a smile at my head nod towards our little man. The Twins had been very good during the long stay at the track... I was ready to go now but...

Gil leaned close to my ear, "Fay, everything is ready to depart immediately. The cars are outside and the Louisville Police are out there ready to get us on our way, all the baggage at South First Street is on the 767 at Frankfort. Jaidee's aboard with Ro and tennis balls."

We laughed... I hugged her with a thank you.

Beside Cho... I leaned on his shoulder... I pointed out that Toes Tapping had gotten our attention at Aqueduct finishing just like today.. lots of drive and guts. Cho kissed me.

We went inside... The Twins with Tha and Delphine would find a quiet space. Gaby and Ansara were to be along.

Cho and I mingled with the other owners who had placed in their races in the last few days, the track people, all the race sponsors and Kentucky dignitaries.

Monaco getting many congratulations for being the first trainer to win three consecutive Derby's. Some owners wanted him to take their horses on... he was saying he had an exclusive deal with us. He knew we left it up to him but he was too busy with our crowd.

He was responsible for twenty six horses racing in top flight races and another twenty four in training.

We did the ceremony bits... doing many thank yous to Churchill Downs for their wonderful event. Cho said nice things about the track, facilities and their people in thanking them further.

Cho took one of the Derby people aside saying we needed to leave to make an event in England tomorrow. They shook hands and we made our way out saying goodbyes.

The Louisville Police got the heavy traffic parted so our cars could exit the track grounds. North on South Second Street to the house and our helicopters. We lifted off quickly... a fast trip to Frankfort. Jaidee waiting for us all waggy tail happy to see us. We were airborne right away with the usual auditory comments by the boys!

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