
By A becker

Published on Mar 27, 2024



Out front their crew was done loading the equipment after eating. The technical director came over to thank me on behalf of the crew for the lunch.

I told him they were very welcome.

I did goodbyes with Len Copley and his producer after their many thanks. They said I would informed of the exact showing time Sunday.

I waved them down the drive.

Carter behind me, "M'Lady, was it what you wanted?"

I laughed, "I did not want it at all... I have a feeling it was not what they expected. Fortunately no silly questions or attempts for celebrity gossip bits. I think my attitude precluded those."

Carter laughed, "M'Lady, you could herd cats."



Cho and the golfers came up the drive.

I got my guy in my arms. They had fun... chilly but they were prepared.

Cho grinning, "Did you have fun?"

My tongue stuck out... we laughed, "Yes... in a way."

A kiss on his ear, a whisper "More later."

Me in skinny blue jeans, a cable knit rust cardigan over a royal blue silk T-shirt and orange hi-top Converse All-Stars. Bits of gold jewellery.

Gil had gotten an email from Lisa at the Redlight store in Seattle. They had more of the knitted jackets I liked in my size. Black, navy, white and red... all had the little flowers in contrasting colours beside the zipper. I had Gil buy all they had in my size and send them to the Seattle house and here.

So I will have one of each colour here and Seattle. A set in the 767 cabin bureau.

The golfers changed, in the Great Room starting on drinks as the ladies returned. We joined the men.

Lots of questions about the BBC thing. I gave my tale of the interview shrugging my shoulders.

The Twins came rushing in... Tha and Delphine had the young men. Riley's arms open for his dad. Wally4 giggling as Wally senior tickled a bit of tummy.

I sat beside Dolly. Quietly, "Fay we are working on our second." A cute grin. I squeezed her.

Cho only' shot a 60 today? I asked if he is slipping to laughter. Robbie said Not a chance.'

Some golf talk...

I stood up... "Okay drinks are over... its dress up time!"

A cheer and laughter. We arranged a `red, white and black' theme in advance. Also they could as far out as they wanted.

Cho and I had done the greetings at the entryway for Cecil and Gee; Alexander and Shawn; Barry and Valerie. Young Barry at his grandparents. Sir Harry and Beth.

They were happy to be here. Hugs and kisses.

Their bags upstairs so they could dress right away.

Cho came into my Dressing Room to put on the `Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes' he had a dressing gown over his undershirt and trousers.

I chose the black and white dress from Edith Head, the full wide skirt to mid-calf, the black top close to my torso, a bit of décolletage in a `V' and short sleeves. Black stockings in red St. Laurent heels. Red lips and nails. The white chiffon wrap around my shoulders over my arms.

I skipped the gloves. A solitaire diamond laying in my décolletage, the double row diamond bracelet Cho gave me on my right and the silver `Cho' band on my left wrist.

Cho back... white tie! His body made for it. Shoes like mirrors. Chani in a red... RED ankle length frock from Ralph's, white socks and Mary Janes.

Charlie a echo of his Popa!!

Damn the guys look close to perfect in their White Tie. A fist bump with Chani for her agreement!!

Arm-in-arm going down the stairs. Conrad and Laurel at the Great Room doors.

I introduced Cho and Laurel.

She looked good in our evening dress for the footmen... Silver gray trousers, white shirt, Silver tie and a black jacket. Black shoes.

Cho, "Laurel, we hope you are happy in this house."

"Sir Cho, I think I will be. Thank you."

Chani stuck out her fist... bump! Charlie too! A big smile on Laurel's face!

They opened the doors... our friends looking beautiful. They cheered as we walked in. We were clapping for them.

Hugs and kisses. Exclamations about all their outfits, gorgeous tuxedos, svelte cocktail frocks... lovely shades of red, black and white and marvellous shapes. We looked terrific.

Taittinger's for a toast to us all!

We chatted about many things... there is interest in the BBC thing, the Twins artwork, Glaa and IrishRainbow in our stables... Our English horse folks were thrilled with the chance to meet them.

Carter at the doors...

The yellow theme is replaced with red and white flowers and a black tablecloth and napkins. The candelabras with white, red and black candles. Our friends were quite surprised.

Charlie and Chani grinning... seems like had a sneak look earlier... Carter2 swore them to secrecy... `cross your hearts' and all.

A wonderful dinner followed by a show of puzzle virtuosity by the babies. Eighteen and half minutes to do the twilight New York skyline taken from an AW139 on approach to the heliport. Folks watching never bothered the Twins... they were grinning then they bowed holding hands to the applause and cheers.

I opened the Orpington Chicken for them. Yea!

Cecil and Alexander with me speaking to my new status... they were grinning.

Cecil, "It was a surprise... and it wasn't. At this point anything you do is close to amazing."

My hands up, "I didn't do anything. You must speak to Her Majesty."

They were laughing.

I told them about the Seventh... knowing smiles.

Alexander, "See Argyle likes and respects you. It is a general feeling except for those... now few reprobate tories."

Cecil, "You are likely to have a full house since there is debate on several bills to follow."

A shrug. I said Argyle was `slotting' me in before the nuclear debate recommences.

We laughed.

They heard I spent several hours with Len Copley. I said I knew his reputation but that he'd been mild.

Cecil looking, "What choice did he have? You are now a singular personality... hobnobbing with the Queen, the President of the United States, assorted other princes and kings."

We all laughed. Shawn came up beside me... "Shop talk? Please no."

Alexander took her hand, "Not really just some gossip."

She grinned with a `come on' gesture.

On a settee with Barry. Little Barry loved his grandparent's house. "One of those huge Late Victorian mansions with lots of attics and cellars to play in. A couple of `spooky' outbuildings."

I said it sounds like fun for him. Barry grinning.

The big smile stayed on his face, "You know I will have to bow to you at ceremonies and public things..." A bigger smile, "... it will be a pleasure."

We shook hands.

"Your cook is amazing. A delicious dinner. The trifle..."

Barry shaking his head hearing what we served to Her Majesty.

"Scottish Morning Rolls. I love those. So a success?"

"Our Royal visitors left feeling good. The Queen got to meet our young fellow Secret Royal... We can't wait until we find out what he's like on a track."

I was with Beverly and Sylvia at the tree... everyone had their named ornaments up. Beverly pointed to the one... the Queen's.

"It is unworldly thinking she was right here."

"Last year she stood at the paddock looking at Asda... she said he had near perfect conformation... I told her Sam had said the same and he'd been Secretariat's groom."

Beverly laughed, "You told her?"

"Yes. She knows Sam's name."

Heads shaking, I called Sam over. My arm through his I repeated the what I said.

He smiled squeezing my arm, "Obviously you are a woman of sense to quote me."

We laughed.

Cho and I with Tha and Delphine went up with the Twins... tucked in. Good nights. Kisses.

Roundell, Robbie and Thayer beside me warming our tushes. I had to watch out for my dress. Smiling when they heard Glaa and IrishRainbow would stand stud here for a few months.

Robbie said IrishRainbow ought to attract attention after the year he had on turf.

"You two were right to switch him to grass... what a year!"

The Queen's desire to send mares to IrishRainbow had them shaking their heads.

Robbie nudged me... I knew what he meant... we smiled.

Laughter for my description of how I imagined the Queen's stable folks were keeping the three Asda had in foal.

In-between Sir Harry and Beth on a sofa. A fresh espresso. I asked after their niece... Alberta. Beth said she is training and competing although nothing like Sunny.

"Fay, Sunny at Badminton... was astonishing! She went up against the best in the world and ran past them. All those trophies."

"She has them in her flat... shelves full of all her trophies. She's got a gaggle of friends over for the night. Sodas, candy, popcorn and pizza all the essential teenage food groups... they'll be up until late."

They laughed. Sir Harry asked about the `flat?'

"It's a daylight cellar flat in our butler's house. Two bedrooms, a small kitchen. Lots of light. Opposite and up a bit from the Stable entry. Sort of a reward for her success. Sunny eats with us... her mother despairs of her cooking."

They laughed, Beth, "I drove mine crazy trying to avoid anything to do with food. Now I enjoy cooking to my mother's complete disbelief."

Harry grinning, "Beth can cook! She does all the cooking when we are at the beach house. No inside staff there."

"Please ask Alberta if she would be interested in coming here for a few weeks of advanced training in the summer. Our two coaches will be having classes for young riders in the area... no fees and we will put them up for free."

Beth, "That's marvellous!! I'm sure Alberta will be attracted to the idea! I'm not sure what other summer plans she has so..." A shrug.

Harry and Beth are doing quite well. Their horses in demand by equestrians here in Great Britain and on the continent.

Harry, "We have sold eight this autumn... more in the pipeline."

"You should talk to Cho... it might be good to consider our stallions in the mix."

Harry rubbing his chin, "That's an idea. It could be good. Yours are powerful runners."

"Smart too. Glaa's jockey, Mike, always said Glaa ran his own race he just kept him on the track."

They laughed.

"At Santa Anita in Glaa's next to last race he ran away from the field. It was a mile and five eighths on dirt. Glaa took the lead from the start sprinting into the turn then kept up a fast pace never having been asked by Mike. Only in the final turn did Mike start to urge him. Glaa had already pressed his own accelerator and roared off to win by thirty lengths and setting a new record for the distance.

He erased the oldest record in horse racing set by Swaps in 1956. Glaa even wiped away the turf record for the distance."

"Your jockey asked him but the acceleration had begun?"

I nodded.

"Mike said he was along for the ride."

Harry would talk with Cho... maybe a couple of his mares would come over.

Sipping my last espresso with Sydney. He and Sylvia still `honeymooning' was a laugh.

"We both lost our first loves to find another is so wonderful we want to enjoy ourselves."

"You should. Taken a flyer on horse this year?"

"One or two which turned out well. I've made a bit over ten thousand dollars after taxes. A good bit to spend on the grandkids."

Yea! "I bet they love that. How?"

"First half goes to a college fund then trips, movies, concerts... nothing tangible... experiences for them. My sons and their wives heartily approve. The wives' parents tend to buy toys and such which the kids really don't need."

"I like your way more. Work?"

"The same... a few days a week. The people who own the Jefferson Hotel restaurant now have other locations in Richmond. They are rotating the wait staff through so I can train them."

"Ah! They like and trust you... not bad."

I squeezed his arm.

I asked about Sylvia. "She still works the same days as me... more to be at the bar when I come in for my Wild Turkey than the money."

We laughed.

Sam joined us. The brothers! Sam and Beverly are very good on keeping Gil informed on doings at the farm.

"Fay, the houses you built are... they are a game–changer for our people and us. There is no bunkhouse needed. We save money on maintaining it and making meals... our workers eat with their families. The families have more money without the expense of travel and importantly the time wasted.

The local schools are better than where most had been living. They know, like you two, education is a gateway. The day care can be so funny... Beverly goes there regularly... she comes home with snaps and laughs on how the kids have fun.

The houses cost almost nothing for electricity since the solar panels were in place. It was a bit crazy for a few days when the panels went up on our barns and stables rooves... construction guys and their equipment around... our electric bill is about thirty five percent of what it had been,

Pleasant Valley is even more so."

A hug. Fist bump!

Me, "Money well spent... You save money and there's more bounce the worker's steps..."

Sam, "Very much so. Smiles are the order of the day."

We three fist bumped.

Sydney, "We would never have thought in a million years when we were kids our lives could include..." He pointed to Sam, "... a groom for Secretariat or being in England at the palatial home of one of the most famous and admired women on the planet."

Laughing as I said, "Its all due to spoonbread."

We laughed out loud. Fist Bumps.

Our noise attracted Beverly and Sylvia. Smiles hearing the reason.

Sydney holding Sylvia's hand, "Sylvia makes wonderful spoonbread. As you are a fan we need to get you to try it sometime."

I was good with that.

"We will be in Richmond in the spring."


The ladies were up for a swim before luncheon tomorrow. Valerie forgot her swim costume... "I'll take you by our `spares' closet."

Robbie smiling, "It will be good to see IrishRainbow again. His record on turf ought bring the mares out."

"Cho thinks it will. Our Stables manager started last month making owners known of his presence here. Glaa... we had bookings for him setup from the summer for his time here."

"When will Glaa's first babies roll out?"

"Next month... then a large group through the spring. Forty one!"

Robbie smiling, "I see Cho is sticking to his plan to limit the number of mares brought to him."

"Yes! Glaa has five of our mares at Rabam in foal. They all had several babies from Asda."

A loud laugh, "As if Asda wasn't enough now Glaa! You guys are going to have another wave of quality runners coming."

He asked about Queen Elizabeth...

"Our photographer Charles got snaps of the Queen meeting Secret Royal... very special."

Robbie, "Nothing like having horses as a link to her!"

"The Queen has a fine stable... she's raced many winners... Her great grandfather was big in horse racing. Asda's pedigree will up her to a new level.

Her Majesty is sending mares to IrishRainbow and Glaa. All her best mares will be in foal to our horses! We will get a baby from Asda's crop as his stud fee. Probably the same for Glaa and IrishRainbow!"

Fist bump!

Good nights on the landing by the ladies, the men played poker for an hour or so.

Cho coming in... I had Jaidee with me and a pile of reports from the Lords staff... mostly muck. Cho moved Jaidee.... I moved the muck.

Cho laughing under the bed clothes rubbing my butt when I gave him the `no zinger maybe a squib' line. He almost choked when I described Len Copley's Adams-apple bounce when my legs did the silky swoosh sound.

"I put him off his game for a bit. He recovered but I had the upper hand."

Strong arms surrounding me, "Very clever and naughty."

I'd finally gotten around to telling Cho my last dream... each night since he said in my ear... No Gwen dreams.' I guess we've had enough promotions.' We laughed, a kiss... sleep.

A scone for a horse... my usual morning tariff. A grinning Andy. Seeing our breath... very thick clouds. The sun hasn't shown its face... snow flurries earlier.

Gaby on Roland, Tessa on Gough alongside going down the lane. Across the Flats and up the slope trotting. Kentucky Heat bits underneath, a black cashmere scarf, Ariat gloves.

My ladies similarly bundled up... smiles too!

Deeper cold and heavy frost... the grass a bit crunchy.

At the railroad tracks the light was good so we could walk over mounted.

Warmed up we had a good gallop to the lock... The lock man laughing when I asked if he was lonely without Roy fishing.

"Your Ladyship, I've plenty of company on the water."

He motioned to two narrow boats approaching from upriver.

We rode close to the Masjid site. These folks are working hard on this. A few workers drove up, a wave returned to them. We pushed on towards Lower Radley.

The cows were out but no Terry. Jerrold's wife Lea waved from their front door. She'd seen Jerrold off, his taillights disappearing around the turn.

A good run through woods to the first bridge... over the lock waving to the lock man at the far end.

Mr. Hardy, "We've made a start, it is all setup for the historic campaign game."

"Good luck as a German this time. My personal opinion..." He nodded with a smile, "... keep the pressure on. The Russians do not have unlimited resources."

A thumbs up. He waved as we turned for the south gate.

All three horses ready to roll... making noises. Gough is clued in now!

Okay OFF! A fast trot... When asked our horses burst into a gallop... roaring over the grass. We aimed for the river path. We followed the Thames curve a bit easterly... the sun showing a bit through the clouds ahead of us.

A wonderful gallop to the Flats... loud whinnies! Fist bumps for us!

The Breakfast Room had only Sasha and Dolly up to do feedings. Riley and Wally on the banquette with their moms. Both boys were good crawlers and liked their solid food. Chatterboxes of baby talk, grins... happy babies.

Others came in... they were treated to the Twins usual entrance... loud. Laughter.

Sal, Ellice and Elinor. Good mornings. Sylvia, Sydney and Wally. Beverly and Cho.

Golfers going out soon to be back for luncheon here then they'd go up to London.

Monaco making trip to look at horses local Oxfordshire only. Our Tom driving him about then to Cowley House.

The Crew would be back in the afternoon for dinner then they fly away.

Our bankers were in-bound from various locations.

Gil beside me, "Fay, lots of snaps and happy emails from the Crew!"

A squeeze for her. I'd seen more than few selfies at historical places in the city.

Chelle met me in the Great Room with her iPad... Huge headlines!!! The Chicago Tribune piece on the Cook County Sheriff corruption!! We read it quickly. Donovan and Edison's folks did a marvellous job. It is crisp, clear and loaded with documentation. Damning documentation!

Large scale fraud which could placed at the door of three officials who owed their job to the Sheriff. The piece did say they found nothing to link the Sheriff or his top two deputies with the criminal activity.

Chelle said Tai is monitoring other Chicago news media on the fallout. Fist Bump!

A wash and change to the Munro Modern Tartan mini-skirt, white cotton long sleeve shirt, black wool waistcoat and the black jacket over. Silver jewellery to match my waistcoat and jacket buttons. Black tights and block heel ankle boots from Time and Tide. `Joy' professionally applied with a kiss! Red lips and nails.

I waved to the departing golfers off to Oxford East.

In the Library with Gil and Chelle for a few hours while our lady guests spent some time in the Stables. A text from Chani <swim?> a big thumbs up back to her.

We changed, the ladies ready. Robes and fuzzy slippers. Valerie in a navy tank suit like mine. Sal in her silver bikini showing off her Florida tan. We were appropriately envious.

The warm pool room delighted the crowd. We splashed, swam and played with Charlie and Chani. Jaidee made his contribution.

Laying on a lounge with our daughter's back against my tummy... Charlie smiling on the next lounge sharing with Tha holding his sister's hand.

Time for food! Everybody in favour of that.

The golfers back! They wanted FOOD!

Everybody cleaned up... lunch in the Dining Room... Carla's excellent garlic white bean soup, homemade toasted croutons to float if desired. Grilled vegetable sandwiches, eggplant, onions, peppers and shredded carrots with cheese and mustard. Crisps! Plain and BBQ! The Twins dove into those right off.

Christmas cookies and the first of the Collin Street Bakery fruitcake on the sideboard!!

Our horse friends are packed up, the Americans going to Cowley house. We waved them down the drive. The English group were hugged and kissed before they to drove off to their homes.

Gil said the first of the bankers near to Chalgrove.

She has received more thank you letters from NHS trusts around the country.

"A few yesterday... I`m keeping a log to chart which have thanked you. At this point ninety one percent have sent letters."

I gave Gil a hug.

Email from Raphaela on Mirabelle East... The building is secure, monitored around the clock. The exterior painted white also signs posted for graffiti artists about what is acceptable. It is completely clean inside and most of the interior painting is done... only the loading dock area remains. The new cloth roll racks are installed, new cloth cutting machines are in place, brand new sewing machines and office furniture in. The canteen cooking equipment is in, refrigerators and freezers, cooking surfaces, ovens. Pot and pans, etc... A big dishwasher!

The daycare is almost done... just furniture to be put in place is left.

Training on all the equipment is happening. The cloth roll lifting machine is assembled in the loading dock area, training to begin immediately with the manufacturers representative there.

Eighteen new employees, sixteen seamstresses and two men in the sewing room.

More employees to come but the new general manager will do those hires.

There is a Christmas party planned to inaugurate the canteen! It has a full staff.

Two wives of workers are running the day care, one is a certified primary teacher.

We are weeks from the first output!!! A go for right after New Years.

Back in my Munro Modern Tartan mini-skirt outfit with Cho at the front to welcome Florent and his wife Angelica from Paris.

Florent shaking his head at the house... Cho had his hand, "Its just a little place in the countryside."

Florent laughed. He introduced Angelica, cheeks kissed. She had a wonderful face, slender with black hair and green eyes.

They thanked us for the speedy flight from Paris... twenty five minutes to Chalgrove!

Kendall took their outer garments. His smile had me wonder then a head motion to the Great Room doors... Conrad and Laurel. I grinned to him.

Cho saw her, we squeezed hands. Cho did say we hoped our celebration of the holiday season was not too much too soon for her. A big smile and a head shake.

Doors open... Angelica... "Oh... amazing!"

Florent shaking his head again... Cho patted his shoulder.

The Twins called out "Joyeux Noël."

The babies were introduced. They said "Noël est une grande chose ici." (Christmas is a big thing here.) Their French impeccable!

Angelica and Florent were told the babies were primary English speakers with excellent French and Thai... they were delighted Charlie and Chani spoke so well.

Tha and Delphine, Gil and Chelle introduced. They all said their greetings in French which surprised and pleased Florent and Angelica.

Carter at the doors... the next guests close... Erich and Bianka, Ludwig and Edda.

Hugs on the Forecourt. We moved inside from the chill... the wind rising.

I am introduced to Bianka, Cho had met her several times.

Cheeks kissed.

At the doors... open! They were shocked and amazed. Greetings by our crowd plus Florent and Angelica.

Our German friends amazed by the Twins... they had learned to say Willkommen' and Frohe Weihnachten.'

More hugs, cheeks kissed and hands shaken.

Angelica and the German ladies knew each other from banking functions in the past.

Edda's arm through mine, "Fay, they are beautiful. They are looking more like you two all the time."

"We are lucky in that."

Her other hand motioning, "This is a gorgeous room. Your tree seems impossible... so grand!"

"Christmas is big here."

"Yes, I see."

We giggled.

More company! On the Forecourt we greeted Kuva and her husband Aran. They were in the coats we had put on the Gulfstream for them. Hugs and cheek kisses.

They were blown away when Conrad and Laurel opened the doors.

Kuva, "Fay, its tremendous. A Christmas wonderland."

We laughed.

Kuva knew our banking men guests, Cho did introductions for Aran and Kuva to the others.

Gil by my shoulder, "Chalgrove Tower says the New York flight in ten minutes, the Los Angeles is seventeen minutes."

I thanked her.

I told Cho, he said to the others we'd get on with the festivities shortly when we are all together.

Lucas and Fin to open the car doors, The big size of Brodie climbed out... he reached back to help Tina out. That repeated at the second car, Callendar and Jean.

Hugs and handshakes. Inside right away. Kendall waiting. Laurel and her uncle Conrad did the honours at the doors... there were some gasps this time. I had Tina's hand, hers was one big gasp.

They came to an ever larger welcome. The Twins front and centre... welcoming them to Christmas at Harcourt House.

For all these guests the Twins were a new thing. We let them mix so Cho and I could do the last guests.

Dayton stepped out to wave and help Dari out, Mari opened the far door and popped into view. Waving. Hugs and kisses.

George and Gina from the other car. Everyone inside. Cheeks kissed and we moved them to the Great Room doors... open! These folks were veterans... it still amazed them.

Chani and Charlie knew them so it was fist bump time!

A few introduction were quickly done... Jaidee got to show off his beautiful red bow as he was introduced to those who hadn't met him.

The Crew arriving from London. Mass hugs! Inside the two groups are introduced. The Culham Manor crowd came in to a big welcome.

We had a full room! Happy sounds.

All sorts of folk meeting each other!

Carter had Taittinger's ready, the babies, Caroline and Mari had Shirley Temples.

Cho got Chani and Charlie with me, "We are very glad you are here to help us celebrate! A Happy Christmas season to you all from us. Enjoy!"


Some Canapés from Carla on sideboards. Champagne and noshes.

Caroline and the Twins got to work on `poor' Jaidee's body. Little fingers moving through his hair... digging deep into his underneath fur. Jaidee is so stoic... such pain he must be receiving!

Lawan's arm slipped around my waist as I watched the torment of Jaidee, "Fay, I'm glad Thang and I went to Chawton. The museum ladies were very pleased to show off my translated books on their shelves. Many thanks for doing the work.

I did make the point you and Cho were paying me to do it. They knew but wanted me to know how much it is appreciated.

Beryl told me their attendance numbers have been rising... they seem a very happy group.

They like Ni's website... me too! So neat and simple to use."

I squeezed her, "I'm glad you enjoyed going. Thang was Okay with it?"

"Oh yes. He was terrific with the ladies. The director gave us a guided tour with some special titbits... at Cassandra's portrait of Jane he heard the original is in the National Portrait Gallery. We went to it one day in London."

Wonderful! A kiss.

We mixed nibbling and sipping.

Sunny came in... a charcoal gray frock to upper thigh, black accessories, silver jewellery.

She and Mari a big hug. We did introductions with Mari's help.

I saw Sunny take Mari to Chani's landscape... I looked for a reaction... her hand came to her mouth then she called her parents... suddenly there was a crowd new arrivals over there. I leaned against Cho, we were smiling holding our babies hands.

The Crew smiling as their own astonishment is reflected in the new arrivals.

Chani explained about her painting, where and how. Charlie named the birds and he'd seen them in Seattle in the summer.

Cho said it was picnic in Discovery Park, an open natural space that had been a military base decades ago. I added we have a stable there for the public to ride horses.

Dayton said the chickadees were in their garden in Los Angeles.

Sitting with Gina and Edda, both asked about the babies education. They got how Tha and Delphine worked together. Their doing equations brought surprised faces.

I nodded to Chani sitting with Tina and Angelica on the next settee. They were speaking French... both ladies smiling talking with our daughter.

I told Edda and Gina it would be quite a while before we considered putting them in a classroom. We may add another teacher to the mix prior to a classroom.

Edda leaning back looking to me, "A Marquise! What is next?"

Smiling, "It is already way past anything we ever considered. It is amazing... I sat on my horse in the English countryside at twelve playing pretend games... this is very real.

We are so different from the usual type of people who have rank like us... strange."

Gina, "Well it all seems not to weigh on you."

"Lots of changes though... some hard to accept... my name is disappearing."

Gina, "Ah... I see that... Your Ladyship now."

I nodded pointing to her.

Dinner was near... a bit of time... so we got each family to put up their glass ornaments. The tree was filling in... lots more to come, the lower branches had been somewhat bare.

I got some champagne from Fin, Ludwig beside me.

"Fay, Cho told us you had purchased a country house..." His arm motioning around the room, "... this is a lot more than that."

Grinning, "Well actually it is a home in the countryside... the Twins seem to like this home the most."

The light had faded so tomorrow for everybody to see the Rêve. I told Ludwig about their pirate ship.

"They loved Peter Pan."

"So they read... books?"

I nodded, "Chani just started the "Secret of the Old Clock' a Nancy Drew young adult mystery story. Charlie has begun Animal Farm."

Ludwig amazed... as he should be... we are amazed too!

Cho and I are getting used to the Twins being amazing every day.

Mari beside us getting another Shirley Temple, "I read that years ago. It is old-fashioned but fun."

Ludwig asked old she had been?

"I was I think ten or eleven. Chani is reading it?"

"Yes, she likes it so far. We try to sit and read to them... it can't be every day but often. The first book was Pride and Prejudice."

I laughed, "Chani took a strong dislike of Miss Bingley from the start."

Mari laughed, "Me too. What a snotty person."

Ludwig laughed, "For me Wickham was a rotter at first meeting... something about his character which bothered me immediately."

Smiling, "We all pick Jane Austen characters... in Pride and Prejudice Collins rates very high on my list of reprobates."

They agreed.

I got to sit with Bianka before Carter came in... We chatted in German. Edda rode horses, Bianka did tennis and golf.

"Did you bring your golf clubs?"

"Yes when your invitation suggested it, Erich too."

"Cho will want to take you to Oxford East for a few rounds."

I did stand up to tell them all that we need to go up to London in the morning.

"I have to go to the House of Lords for a ceremony. Since my status has changed I have to be re-introduced to the House of Lords. It will not take long. We plan to be back for lunch.

Please wander around... go down to the stables... see our horses... we can arrange a trip into Oxford... Please ask Carter if you want to do that."

My `status' change brought up the new titles, the red box on a sideboard was open for view.

Brodie sitting talking with Charlie... Football.

Cho behind me... arms snaking around my body... lips on my ear... "Hey good-looking... What's cooking?"

We laughed, my hands over his... "It is such a treat to see the babies talk to adults."

"Yes, Chani was talking brushstrokes with Bianka."

We laughed more vibrating ourselves.


We collected ourselves for dinner.

Carla's wonderful creamy mushroom soup, grilled plaice with lemon butter, small glazed carrot pastries, Parmesan risotto and little bowls of Sicilian olives.

Carter had for us a French white Bordeaux, crisp and dry. A new wine from an old established vineyard northeast of Bordeaux.

Our guests got to watch Chani and Charlie eat... their skills on display.

Gina next to me, "Fay, our boys weren't that good at eating until fifteen or sixteen."

We laughed.

"Ours do like being independent."

Afters in the Great Room... I had an espresso in the Game Room with Brodie. He liked billiards. The rack was full... I tightened it for him. A good strong break... the two fell. Brodie smiling as he knocked in the four, three and seven then was stymied.

Brodie watched me screw together my stick... big eyes!

I ran the high balls and whacked in the eight.

A wry grin on Brodie's face, "Looks I was lucky there was no wager on this."

He racked the balls, I broke three balls fell all high ones. I shocked him by choosing the low balls which I cleared off the table right up to the eight which disappeared into a corner pocket.

"Okay... I'm convinced you have an excellent stick. Is the result of a wayward youth?"

I bowed grinning. I said it was a young adult thing. He laughed.

I told him about my uncle sandbagging his friends in Fortrose.

"He gave them their money back."


I asked about their children... at Grannie's which they loved. A big house and lots of open space to play in the snow. A terrific slope for sledding.

We plopped down on a settee, "Fay, you a marchioness! It is believable because we personally know some about you. I saw some of the local Toronto media coverage... they went whole hog! You know us being Commonwealth and all."

Laughing, "We looked at some... the only TV we usually watch is about events like election results and the like. Newspapers we do read, a bunch of local ones over here... including ours. French and German too.

We did watch the U.S. Army depart Belarus. What a show!"

"It was indeed! The Russians imploded over that."

Leaning back, "It is very nice to be praised but we'd rather they spent more of the time on issues that affect the lives of their readers."

"BUT..." His hand gesturing to me, "... your life does have an effect. Folks do look up to you for leadership. You and Cho lead exemplary lives... decent and ethical, caring about others, treating your employees very well. Consumers of your media aren't bombarded by crass or deceptive advertising. It is recognised more widely than you may know."

"Well there is no conscious attempt to be a role models... just doing what we think is correct and proper."

"You make my point... you are living a life to be admired."

"It is also very easy when there is so much money. Those employees you mention are doing us proud."

Fist bump!

Ludwig and Florent came in... Aaahhh... a billiard table.

Brodie winked, he issued a challenge... them against us. Okay. Brodie said twenty £'s? Agreed.

Brodie racked the balls. Ludwig and Florent being gentlemanly offered me the break... Brodie's grin huge.

I dropped two, one of each. I picked the low balls... I moved around the table knocking them down one after another... the eight hiding behind two balls and the nine on the rail I banked the cue into the nine... the eight was kissed... rolled nicely into the corner pocket.

Our opponents heads shaking... Brodie laughing, "Fay just finished whipping me I needed to get my money back."

Huge laughter. Brodie said he was only kidding about the money not the whipping!

More laughter.

Ludwig and Florent grinning as I told them about my Uncle Craig's Fortrose gag.

Florent, "Fay, I see you have many talents... keeping a poker face among them."

Smiling, "I'm fairly good... if you sit to play poker tonight with Cho... I can only say I am just a pale shadow of him."

The other men did come into the Game Room with Cho, Florent smiling towards me, a thumbs up. The men sat to play `a la Cho.'

The ladies and I sat talking before we went up.

Tina smiling, "Ours are loving the snowy spaces at Grannie's. They are over there usually twice a month... other teenagers around to share the slope with. They are sledding fanatics."

"Ours haven't had a lot of snow so far. They'll probably enjoy it... not me!"

"Oh that's right you don't like it."

My head shaking. "My winter sport is fireplaces, hot coffee and a warm puppy to rub."

I motioned towards Jaidee.

We laughed.

"The BBC interview... you looked marvellous. What a wicked outfit. Your skirt probably got a few males excited."

I leaned close to tell her what I did to Len Copley. Tina laughed.


"Cho thought me naughty and clever."

"He's right! I guess you backed the interviewer up a bit."

Fist bump.

Kendall brought me a fresh espresso by the fireplace. Jean too.

Smiling Jean said our children were very special.

"Chani told me she and Charlie had done a show for you. Charlie Chaplin?"

"Yes. We'll run the video tomorrow. They have twice done shows... the first was a short piece from Mary Poppins. They have fun with writing the `play,' costumes, set designs... drawing in their teachers and staff.

The latest is much more elaborate. A Charlie Chaplin theme."

"Very creative babies... if they can still be called that."

"No matter how 'grown-up' they appear we make sure they get lots of kid time. Tha and Delphine are very good with them... balancing their day."

I asked where their two are?

"They are upstate in Ulster County near New Paltz at my sister's. They are snow bunnies... skiing, sledding... whatever you can do with the white stuff."

There was something in her voice...

"Ah.. you aren't a fan of snow?"

"No... I saw too much growing up. Winter after winter of it piling up around the house where they are now. The family house is where my sister has parked her crowd. Her husband is a writer and he likes snow. So its just right for them."

"Snow looks pretty enough from a distance... close encounters do not thrill me."

We laughed at our mutual antipathy to the cold stuff.

"I go out riding if its not too deep. Fortunately my horses do not mind it."

"You ride around giving away money? Not quite a Robin Hood..."

"No... no waylaying of rich folks on forest trails... I go to primary schools for the most part. A couple of non-profits this year.

I get to enjoy riding around the county... they get money to spend on whatever. Tomorrow the whole family is making some stops in Wallingford then Dorchester. The first visits for the Twins.

In Dorchester we are giving St. Birinus School the use of an acre of land for nature study and fun."

Jean's face very bright, "Marvellous. Do they know?"

I put on a cute face... "They know we are coming is all. A little surprise."

She laughed, "No harm in a bit of fun for you in the process."

"I see it that way."

Sunny and Mari came to say goodnight... Mari sleeping `over' at Sunny's flat.

"Have fun' from me.

Bianka and Edda had been in the Library,`

Bianka, "Fay your Library is quite the treasure trove. I found a few books I loved as a teenager."

"It has been updated by our librarian Stanislaus with the Twins in mind.

We bought an old property in Paris for having friends over. The house was completely empty so all new furnishings... if the 1920's is new..." They laughed, "... and books. Stanislaus worked with a Parisien bookstore owner, a very nice older fellow, Monsieur Verlaine. That collaboration is working out very well. They also did the library at the Twin Ponds estate in Wiltshire.

That is another big library space... they probably bought over twenty thousand books in less than half a year. The Rue Jacob shelves are full, Twin Ponds over ninety five percent filled."

Dari looking over, "Wiltshire?"

"The estate is about a mile and half from Stonehenge."

Aaahhh's! All around.

"It is open to our employees via the R&R Scheme. There are many ancient sites within hiking distance from the time of Stonehenge plus many others are a short drive. We have horses there for the guests to use.

The Twins and Jaidee like the estate, it is in two parts on both banks of the River Avon, lovely countryside. Its an Elizabethan era house, Grade II listed. A big rambling place."

Gina, "Your R&R thing is wonderful. Your employees are very lucky to have you two as bosses."

"It goes both ways. We are adding more places... the existing one in Paris is not too far from yours..." I motioned to Angelica. "... on Rue des Frances-bourgeois."

She knew where it is.

To Edda and Bianka, "There are five in Berlin... all smaller sized hotels we bought around the central part of the city.

Do you know about the old Goebbels place on the Bogensee?"

Edda knew, not Bianka. The other ladies hadn't a clue either.

"We bought the entire property... hundreds of hectares, buildings and forested land with a large lake frontage. It will be both an R&R location and a training institute for several of our businesses.

The old nazi connection is going to be explained upfront. The main house is in surprisingly good shape, lots of bedrooms and a nursery. Many of the decrepit GDR era buildings are being taken down right now."

Edda grinning, "You two are smart and creative no wonder your Babies are so so good."

I said we pay Edda to be a PR person... laughter.

Upstairs we hugged and kissed.

The babies sound asleep when I looked in.

My cheeks are very cold! Gaby's like ripe cherries, Tara too. I'm sure mine are the same! Huge smiles! We stroked the necks of three marvellous horses as we walked a bit to come down from a thunderous run from Sandford.

Delicious. Hugs for the horses and my companions at the Stables Office.

Fist bump for Andy. I got a Liam report... he is tops!!

Breakfast Room empty... not for long... Cho and the Twins came in. Earlier than usual because we had to go to London.

In a soft black wool frock, a small cowl neck, long sleeves, the hem a few inches above the knee. Pearls around my neck above the collar, the gold Cho' band and his golden braided torque. Black stockings and the red Louboutin heels. Joy'

Chani in black too, mid-calf wool dress with white knee socks and red Mary Janes.

Our men in black suits and Harcourt Racing yellow ties. Spiffy!

The black Mirabelle wool coat, a white Hermès scarf and black gloves. Cho in his black Vicuna coat and gloves.

Charlie in a black camels hair coat, scarf and gloves.

Chani in a cute black wool coat with sleeve cuffs and a belt, a black and white check wool scarf and gloves.

We looked great!

We said goodbye to our guests.

Kellen smiling around her microphone... a fist bump. She lifted us up. A quick trip to Wandsworth and cars ready. At Cowley House some of the horse crowd on their way out to see sights. Hugs and kisses.

Gil and Chelle picked up the Thistle flat box and my robe in a bag from Temple. PJ and Rande leading. Angie and Ken plus Ro and Roche around we made quite the mob walking to the Palace of Westminster. Charlie and Chani in our arms until the Peers Entrance.

We split up... Gil and Chelle with PJ accompanying me. The porters had a room for us three Peers to `robe' up.

Mac! A huge hug and a kiss. Lord Denmead. I shook his hand thanking for assisting me.

"Lady Harcourt, I have admired your presence in the House. I don't agree with all your positions but I know the `real thing' when I see it. It is an honour to be your second."

I thanked him again. "Please I am Fay." My hand out once more, "Gerald."


Gil had carried the velvet flat box. She helped me put the Order of the Thistle golden `collar' over my shoulders and set it so the St. Andrew Cross is centred.

Carter2 setup the video recorder at Harcourt House... this is what we watched later...

The BBC morning show...

"We are back on Morning Live, I am Clermont Bridewill. Now we will go live to the House of Lords for a member Introduction. Martin Winsall is there now...

"Hello Clermont... I am in the Press Gallery in the House of Lords.

Today there is a ceremonial Introduction of a peer to the House of Lords. This is an ordinary House of Lords procedure but today's peer is very distinct from the normal... First this introduction is because the peer has been further elevated in the aristocracy which very very rare. I've not seen this in my life-time. The second... it is the re-introduction of Fay Martin now as the Marchioness Harcourt.

She was raised to a new level of nobility by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth a few days ago.

Sir Cho, the Marchioness' husband and their children, Lord Harcourt and the Most Honourable Lady Chanthira are sitting in the family area outside the Bar.

Marchioness Harcourt will present her new Writ of Summons and her new Letters Patent will be read aloud. The first is a call to serve in the House of Lords, the second from the Queen gives her the new peerage titles.

The peers taking part will be wearing their Parliamentary Robes which the style denotes their rank.

The other individuals taking part are also dressed in their ceremonial garments.

You can see the House of Lords is full, there are some sitting on the gangway steps, the area behind the Bar is crowded. I cannot remember ever seeing this number of members in the House before. The Press Gallery around me is completely full.

Ah... The Lady Usher of the Black Rod is at the door... She leads the procession in...

The Black Rod is Ms. Sarah Clarke, the first woman Black Rod.

The Garter Principal King of Arms, Paul Adamson, is behind her...

Then the Marchioness' junior supporter the Marquess of Denmead...

The Marchioness Harcourt in her robe with the wide three bars plus one half to show she's a Marchioness... She is wearing the Order of the Thistle Collar.

Behind her is her senior supporter, the Marquess Rannoch. Both her supporters are of the same rank as required. These three are the only House of Lords members of that rank.

They are stopping at the Bar of the House, each bows in turn to the Cloth of Estate behind the Throne. Now in order they enter the House on the temporal side and proceed towards the Table of the House.

Black Rod turns to pass in front of the Cross Benches, she goes behind the Clerks' seats and stands on the spiritual side which is to the right hand of the Throne.

The Garter hands the peer's Letters Patent to the Reading Clerk who has taken up position by the first gangway on the temporal side.

The Garter is moving behind the Clerks' seats to stand beside the Black Rod.

The junior supporter has moved down the temporal side to a position beyond the Table of the House by the second gangway.

The Reading Clerk, the Marchioness and the Marquess Rannoch step in the same direction as the Marquess Denmead.

They are at the Table of the House... the Reading Clerk is opposite the Despatch Box, the procession has halted... they turn towards the Table.

The Marchioness is handing her Writ of Summons to the Reading Clerk.

The Reading Clerk will read The Marchioness' Letters Patent aloud.

"The Third of December, 2018. The QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, dated the second of December, 2018, to confer the dignities of a Viscounty and an Earldom and a Marquisate of the United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Fay Osborne Martin, and all her heirs, by the names, styles and titles of VISCOUNTESS Nuneham Courtenay and Countess Munro of the Black Isle and Marchioness Harcourt."

The Clerk will now administer the oath of allegiance to the Marchioness ... She does swear the oath... the bible in her left hand, the right raised. The Marchioness now signs the Test Roll upon the Table.

Next she is signing the undertaking to abide by the House of Lords Code of Conduct.

The Clerk bows to Marchioness Harcourt.

The Marchioness and her supporters are moving in reverse order to stand in front of the Cross Bench seating... they are turning to face the Woolsack.

The Black Rod and Garter are facing the three peers from the Spiritual side.

Together, the Marchioness and her supporters are bowing to the Cloth of Estate behind the throne.

They are in order moving up the spiritual side of the House towards the Woolsack, with the Black Rod leading, followed by the Garter then the three peers.

The Marchioness has reached the Woolsack... the Lord Balloch, the Speaker, sitting... The Marchioness shakes his hand. He is saying something... smiles from both. Lady Harcourt leans closer to say something. They are shaking hands quite warmly.

The procession turns to depart as loud `Hear... Hears...' rise from the full chamber. It is quite loud. The members appear to be genuinely pleased with this.

They are now passing into the Prince's Chamber through the door on the spiritual side of the House beside the Throne as the noises of approval continue.

In a short while, the three peers will return to the Chamber after removing their robes.

When she returns, the Marchioness will sit as a Cross-Bench member where she has been since her first entry to the House of Lords in January of this year.

Yes... they are coming back. Marchioness Harcourt walks down the Spiritual side toward the Cross-Bench seating beside Marquess Rannoch.

Marquess Denmead behind Lady Harcourt... she turns to shake his hand... smiles on their faces as they exchange a few words. Lord Denmead returns to his place in the conservative seats.

Many smiles around as members stand to shake her hand... The two peers sit side-by-side after some further handshaking.

The House of Lords will resume normal functions now. There was debate about an official declaration of becoming a non-nuclear nation. Which would mean the ending of our operation of any nuclear weapons.

The debate is re-opened. It has been somewhat spirited.

We will be returning to the studio shortly...

The Speaker has turned to the Cross-Bench seats to acknowledge a member... OH! Again Fay Martin seeks to speak immediately after her Introduction!

The Speaker has recognised her.

"My lords, I thank your lordships for permitting me to make my maiden speech again so early in my time in a debate of such seriousness.

I would like to say that declaring our status change is in a direct line from the transfer of the Trident Submarines to the control of the United States of America. We are beginning a transition away from nuclear weapons... we should act as a leader for the whole world to follow away from the threat of nuclear Armageddon.

Someone has to make a start... we live in a world of lower rivalry and fear between the great powers... we need to gather the will to decide the weapons have no useful purpose AND communicate that to the large and small nation nuclear weapon holders.

This nation has a long history of warfare... we know its high costs learned on hard roads... we should tell the planet we do not want to indulge in more killing and destruction on any scale.

This is a process which will be long... fraught with problems known and unknown... let us not turn aside... We need to go forward down the path to a safer world. A world we owe our children for all the mistakes and horrors of the past.

Thank you."

Loud `Hear... Hears' sounding through the House.

"Martin Winsall back with you... Hear...Hear's cascading from the Cross-Bench members near the Marchioness... the Labour benches are quite loud in agreeing! The Tories... some members joining the acclaim.

I would say the Marchioness Harcourt is continuing her public forthright taking of positions... No one who has paid attention the House of Lords the past year can doubt her willingness to speak out and work hard toward her goals.

This is the end of this special broadcast from the House of Lords. Thank you for watching. Back to Clermont Bridewill in the BBC studios."

"Thank you Martin Winsall. Clermont Bridewill here with Caroline Ackersley in the BBC studios. The Marchioness Harcourt has once again stepped out into the light immediately. Caroline..."

"Clermont, Lady Harcourt has in the last year been involved in many high profile projects in a number of fields, she has become a United States Presidential Medal of Freedom honouree and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate...

The Marchioness as member of Parliament has been a change agent in the House of Lords. She helped to bring down the tory government ushering in a powerful Labour government that has galvanized the nation.

Her rise in the Queen's favour is remarkable... reflecting her accomplishments around the world and it would seem has re-energized the role of aristocracy in the public life of the country. The new aristocrats Her Majesty has recently elevated are young, talented, plainspoken and possessing considerable vigour. They are much like the Marchioness Harcourt.

"Caroline, she stood immediately to speak on an important topic showing the House she would remain a confident, out-spoken voice."

"Clermont, the Marchioness has raised our attention level on the work of the House of Lords... the body some in the Labour Party want to do away with appears to have new life as an important cog of government."

Clermont Bridewell, "We will break now and when we return we have a report on the work of the constituent assembly to revise the constitution in Belarus."

Mac's shoulder pressing mine, "You ought to be chuffed... new rank and it seems many tories are leaning your way."

I laughed, "I am not sanguine about any tory conversions unless I have their hand in mine and they can look me in the eye. Like Baroness Culver."

Mac laughed.

I told him I am on my way back to Oxfordshire. He stood let me out... we shook hands.

I walked up the Spiritual side to the Bar. Many members saying hello quietly and waving as the debate continued behind me.

A bit strange to have acclaim from my equals... some of them tories!

Cho and the babies waiting. I had little hands in mine as Cho kissed me. PJ's smile said a lot.

We went out to the Peers Lobby then worked our way to the entrance picking up Gil and Chelle with my robe and collar. Our coats and gloves on... cold still, at least it was sunny.

Going out a WPC did a discreet wave. I did the same back with a smile.

We met the cars at Cowley House... a brief stop... Arlette had some things for me. Back to Wandsworth and away.

Carter at the front with Carter2 and Audra... the Twins led the way as usual. By the time we get to Carter smiles are on all their faces.

Good timing... Luncheon!

Everyone got our morning's fun. Gil said a video was up on youtube already. I had to laugh.

Post luncheon golf for Cho and most of the men plus Bianka! I lent her a warm cashmere scarf. A cheek kiss to thank me.

Angelica, Jean and Aran went into Oxford with Gil.

Dari, Mari, Gina, Tina, Edda joined me with Tara and Tessa for a ride and some gift giving. They were intrigued by the latter.

South into Abingdon, the lockman waving as we crossed... He said we looked like a posse. Much laughter.

We crossed the small bridge going north to Audlett Drive which we followed to Radley Road. Over that to go the rear car park at Our Lady's Abingdon School. We wound around to the junior school door on the northeast end. Some students were outside... staring at us... they waved... We waved back and said hellos to them.

I told our guests we helped deal with a cladding issue on a junior school building early in the year. It was completed successfully.

At the door a woman came to ask what we wanted. I gave my name and I wished for five minutes of the Head Teacher's time. She was taken aback by my name... I still don't get that I am just a human.

Well... I don't suppose they have a Marchioness ride a horse up to their doors often. Sort of like Lady Godiva?

She said she would get the Head Teacher.

The Head came to the door quickly... he opened it and immediately knew who I am. He bowed.

"Your Ladyship, Please come in. Welcome! Sorry you were out in the cold. "

"We are fine. Do you have five minutes?"

"Yes... my office is right here."

A decent size, not huge, office. My crowd came in. I did introductions... he was amazed... Americans, a Canadian, and a German.

"Our house guests. My Protectors... Tara and Tessa."

Smiling he nodded to them.

Sitting around a table I slid a cheque across to him... "You have two students in the Junior School whose parents work for us... This is a gift for the school from those two families and our family."

He smiled, "M'Lady, a wonderful and unexpected gift. Five thousand £'s is... Thank you very much."

"There are no limits on how it used except we prefer it is spent on the Junior School... we ask you send us a letter listing how it is spent but no detail, just a note... something like you bought computer paper or a new printer or a set of chairs is quite fine."

I slid the letter of credit to him.

"This needs no accounting the Oxford Computer Store maintains a list for us."

He is nodding.

"Our family tries to support younger students so they get a good start on their education. Our children love to learn so we want to encourage others."

"Your Ladyship, we will gladly do as you ask. Our youngsters are bright and motivated... the staff is very good."

Smiling, "Wonderful! We do wish you every success."

I asked for a brief tour... maybe their Year Fives?

He smiled they are just down the passage.

We walked that way, he looked in... they were diagramming sentences.

Their teacher came to the door... the Head introduced us. I got a wide-eyed look and a smile. I asked if I could say hello... She nodded.

First I asked about the diagramming... "We do not put a lot of emphasis on it, it is a tool to help them write better, asking them to think about their sentence structure."

I thanked her.

Stepping in... the students stood up. Smiling I asked them to sit.

"I wanted to say hello."

One of our housekeepers' son is in this class... I said a separate hello to Bobby.

He had a big smile... the girl beside him squeezed his arm.

A girl down front said she liked my clothes. I thanked her... very comfortable for riding.

A look at the blackboard... I did a mock secret' with my hand on one side of my face... "Watch out for adverbs they are tricky. Here's a hint about adverbs. Always think of two things: how' and `where' like always or quickly or underneath or down. They are adverbs."

They laughed, the teacher grinning.

I waved and thanked them for allowing me to stick my head in.

They waved back saying goodbyes and Happy Christmas which I returned. I said they were getting close... laughs and smiles for that.

The Head and I shook hands. He walked us to the door... amazed I would ride to see them.

"I have two other similar stops in town."

Mounted I waved and called out a Happy Christmas to him... he said the same.

We went the short way to St. John's Road, down to Radley Road and across to the playfields of St. Edmund's Catholic Primary School. We approached the front door from the south, a woman inside saw us, she stepped to the door.

After I introduced myself and asked... a smile, "Your Ladyship, Please come in. I will get the Headteacher."

The Headteacher came around a corner... she remembered me from last year. She did a curtsey... I reached my hand out, we shook. She invited us to her study.

I did introductions again. She is smiling and nodding as I did everyone.

"Since you are a veteran I'll get to it. My husband and I have changed the way we are doing gifts this year. You have two boys from one family... we are giving this gift in their name and ours."

I slid the five thousand £ cheque to her. A big smile.

"Your Ladyship, this is magnificent, we are grateful for your support."

"Our request as last time, just a simple list in general of how you spend it."

"Was our letter satisfactory?"

"Yes, excellent... just what is needed. Here is the Letter of Credit for you. No accounting on this, the store does it all."

"We got a computer and several new monitors... they are a great help."

"Good, then you are using it as we hoped."

"Your Ladyship, we are all so very happy for you and Sir Cho. The Queen is quite right to honour you."

I thanked her. "We were surprised... it seemed last year was enough."

Smiling, "You keep doing more... I think maybe Her Majesty is trying keep up?"

We all laughed.

We said our goodbyes at the front. Happy Christmases exchanged.

We slowly rode the horses beside the road...

Gina beside me, "Fay, she's right... you do keep doing more things that are positive and worthwhile."

Edda and Dari joining Gina. Mari with a cute smile when I said we'd stop... "Fay, its too late for that... you are committed to be on the leading edge."

I smiled for that.

Tina asked about the money we gave to the Natural History Museum, "Well technically that was us only because the Twins don't have a bank account of their own. It was entirely their idea."


Dari asked how much... the amount astonished those who didn't know.

"It was the Twins... they love that museum... the dinosaurs and the early man exhibits the most."

A half mile up Radley Road... the entrance to Kingfisher School. The porter is the same as last year... he grinned and opened the gate.

He bowed, "Your Ladyship, you are back at Christmas... giving out gifts again?"

I laughed, "Indeed I am."

Inside the Headteacher came right up. He bowed.

"Your Ladyship, welcome. Can I show you the play area you helped us re-build?"

"Please... I would like that."

We walked through... a few children in the passage... I shook a boy's hand, he had a huge smile... thick glasses, his eyes must be quite poorly.

The play space looked great. The grass was green and lush, the see-saws, slides, jungle gyms, parallel bars, the sandpit had a big roof, all painted bright cheery colours. A comfortable appearing sitting area around a gazebo, some new trees along the perimeter.


"M'Lady, this down to you and Sir Cho's generosity. We are grateful to have you living near us."

I thanked him.

He said they had readings outside when the weather is fine.

"M'Lady, We bought a small loud speaker system with some your letter of credit last year so everybody sitting around the gazebo can hear."

That is a terrific idea!!

Inside we sat in his office, he got who my companions were... smiling, nodding to them... saying hellos. I gave him the five thousand £ cheque and the Letter of Credit. More thanks.

"You did say we needn't do anything to thank you in a more obvious way... I am pleased you come over so you can see how your largesse helped us."

We shook hands once more.

We did goodbyes. Holiday greetings exchanged.

We walked our horses around to the back, exiting through the hedge gap to Reade Avenue onto Audlett Drive going west to make a left at an office building... a path that led us to the far west corner of Harcourt House land.

We are at the small bridge leading to Abbey Woods and the weir to the lock. Our usual lock man going off duty waving. The next fellow smiled and waved also. We don't see him often.

We rode up the hill to the railroad tracks over those I said Rebel needed to RUN... Tara gave me a thumbs up. I asked Rebel... he soared off... SPEED! Tara and Tessa would guide my companions home.

Rebel moving like the wind! We rapidly flowed over the several miles I slowed us to a walk on the slope... a walk down to stop beside Charlotte on DD. My left hand rubbing Rebel's neck.

Sunny in the jumping arena on Zephyr... her white lady moving as the pro she is. Not even a touch to a bar. Sunny exited then rode to us. Fist bump!

Zephyr is deceptive... she has great power in that very beautiful white body.

My riders closed up to us, laughing about watching Rebel and I disappear.

Introductions for Charlotte. Sunny and Charlotte asked me for a few minutes... Okay. The others did goodbyes and walked their horses up to the Stables.

Charlotte and Sunny said Plotline had plateaued working in dressage, they couldn't move him forward. The control needed for the demanding event seemed beyond him.

"Fay, he's a mature horse... there's little chance for improvement. Sunny has worked with him, I have too. He has so much strength... too much power for him to hold back for dressage.

Partly it is down to his exuberant personality.

Tara has been riding him on the cross country course... he excels there... he never refuses a jump, soars over them, has good foot work on landing to move to the next jump."

Sunny smiling, "I want him to get the exercise he needs so I'd like to have the Stables staff ride him along with Tara."

"Ladies, you have worked with him... you know him the best. Tell Gregory to co-ordinate with you so Plotline gets the time he needs."

My hand on Zephyr's neck, "Sunny, I'm sure Tara is happy to ride him more while we are here."

Fist bumps.

Gil and her crowd home from Oxford in the Great Room. Cho and the golfers arrived. We all were going up to clean up when I said to wait... we had the BIG dinner planned, it is to be dress up... so we had drinks in our sport clothes.

Aran, Jean and Angelica very happy to have seen Oxford, parts of the colleges and the city. Lots of snaps.

The golfers had one shell-shocked member... Bianka had no idea how good Cho's game is. Playing with him as he shot a 57... one of those unique experiences. A new low score for Oxford East!!

So much for facetious comments about Cho losing his edge!

Dayton smiling, "We told Bianka about the Concord Classic over a pint."

They all liked the course and the pub in the clubhouse.

George, "It looks like a dream pub that is stuff of novels."

We laughed.

"I think the paradigm is the `Moon Under Water' pub from an Orwell essay in the Evening Standard newspaper February 1946. I'll send it you so you can compare."

Ludwig smiling, "Please... we..." His hand out Edda, "... we like English pubs."

Cho, "If you want to come over to do some pub crawling let us know. You can stay at one of our places any time."

Ludwig stood up to bow which had us all laughing.

Callendar added his and Jean's name to that. He and Ludwig shook hands.

Me to Callendar, "You can bring the kids... there's fun things to do over here that does not include quaffing pints."

Everyone laughed.

Jean getting the last of that said she is up for some fun away from New York. Fist bump!

I was between Edda and Ludwig... Ludwig still amazed by Cho's round.

"Fay, I have seen on TV some of the world's very best golfers... none stroke the ball like Cho. He sees the ground so well."

"My cousin Graeme is a major in the Parachute Regiment... he says Cho has a eye for terrain like a soldier... each piece is brought into his mind as part of a complete picture."

Erich across from us, "That sounds right! Today he hit several shots which would not have been what anyone else might do... he saw more fully how the ball would go... using the ground as another part of his shot."

Ludwig's hand motioning to Erich, "An apt description! Each shot is a design... Cho executes the plan perfectly."

Nice to hear these compliments for Cho.

Erich asked if I had ever tried golf.

Grinning I gave my standard response... "I am ball and stick adverse."


I pointed toward Gina, "Gina and I agree that throwing a ball for one's dog doesn't count."

More laughter as Gina stuck her fist in the air.

My iPhone buzzing... Francis calling. I pardoned myself.

I moved to the Library. Surprise... our daughter sitting in one of the comfy chairs reading. A light on which I was happy to see.

She got a kiss. I moved on to the Game Room. I parked on a settee. I thanked Francis for holding. I explained about the guests and drinks then the Library was occupied .

"Fay, she is just stilling there reading?"

"Yes looking quite cute as a matter of fact. We knew she started on the Nancy Drew book."

He marvelled Chani would just go off to read at two and a half.

I laughed saying they are marvels.

"Fay, I know I sent you an email but you being a Marchioness is astounding... and unheard of!!"

I thanked him.

"The tents?"

I laughed, "Got you!"

"Indeed you did. Ali sitting here looking at them as I opened each one. Who ever did them is a craftsman. The watch is beautiful... the design is unique. Thank you very much.

The card with the Tolkien quote blew away Ali... me too. You've done that one on me twice. Your gifts are always creative, fun and very welcome."

"Good I hate to be predictable."

"Yes I've noticed."

I asked about the `Auditors' our auditing company.

Francis, "They are doing very well, Mary is doing excellent work finding people. We have one hundred and seventy on staff now in America. I've asked Magenta in Los Angeles and Violet in Seattle to do recruiting, their candidates to be passed on to Mary and Aimee here.

Aimee is good at making presentations... potential clients are always impressed. I am holding her back to some degree so we do not outrun our ability to service clients.

We have contracts with three large companies here on Manhattan besides 21st Century Fox, TrueRating, the News Group and your real estate management company, some more in the pipeline... Los Angeles and Seattle, Richmond... looking for more as I said in a measured way.

Philippa in London is doing well signing new clients... she has eighty one on staff. They have a full schedule of work. Thank you for the loan of Clare, she is doing a lot of recruiting for Philippa.

Prija's Bangkok folks are at forty three staff with The Railroad, the Chanthira Foundation and others to work on... they are busy. She has Daunphen doing hiring... looks like she is a natural at it."

"See you being in New York has lots of side benefits! Keep growing... the contracts are good money-makers."

Francis, "Another item... the new bank of Mac OS X servers for TrueRating are online humming along taking the additional load.

The growth has slowed... still fairly high. Cho said he thought the rump of the old `Big Three' is likely to survive. It isn't much completion now.

Even with whatever could be salvaged from Moody's the remaining two are at about ten to twelve percent of their past client list. They are changing to meet the TrueRating format.

"I guess we can wave from the stern of the TrueRating boat as it pulls away further."

Francis laughing, "That works for me."

The Wesley news! He's great, he nurses like a champ, poops tremendously and sleeps for ever longer periods.

"I told the Queen you two were indulging in yourselves with parenthood."

"Did you?"

"Yes, everyone laughed. She thought it wonderful."

I told Francis about my Jacob Marley thought which had made Cho laugh out loud.

"It is odd but I get it. The titles aren't a burden for you are they?"

"No, it seems over the top somehow but it isn't my choice."

"I don't know how much American press you saw but many went `over the top' it seemed more than last year."

"There was plenty here. What I cannot understand is they all like to say I've earned it...which I think is true of our marvellous workers around the world... also they never mention I'm only thirty one."

"Yes you're right I haven't seen your age as a point to take in. It ought to be stated... why not?"

"Maybe its that old thing... not wanting to ask a woman's age?"

Francis laughed, "I haven't noticed the news media being particularly discreet when yammering on about you and Cho. I hardly think they'd consider that."

"My age is one of those little things I think about."

"That's why you are you which I may say you are very good at."

Laughter as we said goodbye. He promised hugs and kisses for his family from us... I reciprocated.

Emails had binged in during the call.

A report from Wade on Harcourt Ranch construction, the House is `finished' that includes the staff quarters. He will do a walk through and then go over the punch list. We will have some idea about timing after that.

The stables are finished, the dormitories are also. Aguirre has done the punch list... the very few items he had issue with are being done.

I replied with our thanks.

I sent a note to Magenta at LAhires on staff hiring. She had some hired on salary working at the ranch already. I asked to her concentrate in Los Olivos, Solvang, Buellton and Santa Ynez to keep some of the employees local. Also Gaviota on the coast, its only twenty five minutes away.

Magenta already received from us what we wanted in the way of staff so we didn't need to worry.

Now to get some good riding horses there. Viv in Topanga and Shelia's family in Rialto are looking. Our Kentucky friends doing the same.

We have the company who did the eventing layouts for Winterset, they are to go out after Christmas... Claude has our instructions for what we want so she can give it to them and see they get access.

Gil and Chelle had already gotten the furnishing started... Malachi and Tonelle were doing the house themselves. The staff quarters were being done by two of their assistants who had been involved with the dormitories.

Like Old Topanga Ranch and the Venice Beach flat it is to be California Mission Style. We are happy with the way it looks, nice clean lines and its comfort.

The Library was in Stanislaus and Monsieur Verlaine's hands! 20 Rue Jacob is done as is Twin Ponds so they will link up with Arnold at Arnold's Book Emporium in Los Angeles. Three of them will buy books... Arnold will setup the Library with Stanislaus' in person direction.

Stanislaus was definitely interested in a trip to America... work and play. He's never been!

Chelle had a reply from Al at The Day in Seattle on the piece he had been working on about me and Cho. It is dormant... he's had too much work as The Day has ramped up. And he got bumped up to managing editor when Aston took over the Western Newspapers. The Day is continuing to see a rise in circulation, areas they cover and stories to be worked... he doesn't know when he might be able to put any effort into it. He did agreed to giving The Day first refusal. Okay!

Soam on the flash/stun pods for new drones... they are worked perfectly! Accuracy is excellent and the discharge radius is a two metres with an nine to ten million candelas brightness, one hundred and eighty to two hundred decibels explosive sound... as had been projected. Yes!

A new non-lethal weapon for our winged drones. Units will ship overnight to Harcourt House and other high profile locations.

Back in the Great Room I sat beside Cho... he got my news. He laughed hearing Francis' reaction to his gift. Fist bump.

Charlie came in from the Garden... FUN! Ball tossing, the slides and the merry-go-`round!!!

We rounded up our Nancy Drew reader.

Our crowd emptied the Great Room in short order. The big dinner night.

Upstairs for all to dress!

Cho is wearing a black tie tuxedo with a yellow cummerbund. Charlie the same. He looks so cute in his tuxedo!

Chani and I in red.

She in a red velvet frock to her ankles, white socks and Mary Janes. A silver chain with five pearls, one large in the centre, two smaller on each side.

After I washed Cho put on the `Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes.' Tonight the Victoria Beckham red dress with the sleeves modified by Ellie. I tried to like the big floppy long ends but I couldn't. Ellie removed them and finished the sleeve ends.

The frock is very red, fairly deep décolletage, a flirty skirt that was loose and flowing around my knees. Pale stockings and silver heels. Silver jewellery and red lips and nails.

Chani sitting on my writing desk chair, legs swinging, "Mama, can I have polish on my nails?"

"We can do that... it wears off so you will need to maintain it or remove it. There's some fuss but it looks nice."

She is good with that.

Us four gathered in my Dressing Room... we would `make an entrance' again. The babies liked doing that.

Down at the Great Room doors, Kendall and Conrad smiling... Open! We walked in to yells and cheers. We moved into the crowd of `staid old bankers' who were looking very hot!

The ladies like me showing some very beautiful décolletage and leg. Very black tuxedos, many colours of cummerbunds!

A very lively hugging and kissing crowd.

Carter with Taittinger's ready... Fin did Shirley Temples. Mari got a half glass of champagne after her parents did the Okay.

Cho, "To you all... our welcome guests and friends... the best holiday you have ever had! Thank you for sharing with us!"


Mari thanked me for being her advocate for a glass of Taittinger's.

"A bit won't hurt. Always be careful with alcohol... it can be dangerous!"

Mari nodding, "That's what dad says."

I joined Angelica, a smile, "Fay, thank you for the trip to Oxford. The colleges are iconic."

I said I am pleased it was interesting. I asked about their children... they are with her parents in Rouen. I made a point of asking about their calico cats... a surprise for Angelica and a big laugh when I told her what Florent had said in Paris.

"Thay are part of the family so it is proper."

I motioned to Jaidee saying he was one of my Christmas gifts for Cho three years ago.

"You know we are Jewish so I do not have a great experience with Christmas. I am enjoying this room."

Laughing, "As they say nothing succeeds like excess."

She laughed.

"You have succeeded... it is marvellous."

"We aren't religious... notice no crèche. We enjoy sharing with friends and family."

"We are not particularly observant... rarely going to the temple. It remains part of us."

"We are a lapsed Church of England..." A finger pointing at me, "... who appreciates Buddhism, a Buddhist who does not practise and two children who learned nothing about religion from us."

I did tell her about the tour of Église St-Louis en l'Isle and the discussion by the Twins with Father Bertrand.

Angelica's eyes dancing, "Fay, that is funny. The Father was up to the challenge."

"Father Bertrand was amazed but he enjoyed it."

Sunny came in.. very well cleaned up!! A white silk frock, long sleeves close to her slender frame to mid-thigh, white stockings and red heels. Her ruby bits on, very light make-up and pale red lips.

Her entrance is great! Everybody turned to look at a pretty girl!

She is introduced to those she hadn't met and received many compliments on her `look.'

Sunny got a half glass of Taittinger's. She and Mari toasted.

Angelica sat back with me saying Sunny is a heart-breaker.

"Yes... she's also very smart... going up to Brasenose College, Oxford in the autumn. Did you see that college?"

"Yes, we got a short look. It looks quite imposing."

Angelica quite impressed to find Sunny is also a world-class equestrienne.

"Fay, she has so much going for her!"

"A lot of hard work has been done too."

Angelica nodding for that.

"Your babies... Oh my they have learned how to paint. Chani's landscape is quite unbelievable."

"They have come by it naturally... I draw well... I have never tried to do anything with it... I think they may have the talent to do quite a lot."

I got Gil's iPad to show Angelica Chani's Doric temple.

"Fay, I know this... it is in... Saint-Germain?"

"Yes, it is on a property we own. Chani saw on a short trip with me. Its on Rue Jacob."

"Aha! Natalie Barney used to live there... Yes?"

"Correct... for about sixty years. We fixed up the pavilion for a little place to meet friends in the city away from our primary residence."

"This is quite lovely. She has these skills at two and a half... you and Cho are very lucky to have these babies. Your whole family seems amazingly talented."

I showed Angelica how to fist bump... she laughed. Chani saw us... she came to get a bump.

Angelica asked her about the little temple. I left them to it. Leaving Gil's iPad open at the temple.

Kuva smiling when I asked how the Cho Family banks were doing.

"I am sure Cho has told you of our continuing rise in value of deposits, the loan business... Sud's investment team is going forward... rising the number clients all the time..." a thumbs up!

"The Chinese... how bad is it getting?"

Her head shaking, "Their top five banks would be bankrupt in a free market economy. Hundreds of billions dollars worth of under or non-performing loans, a pile of write-offs equal the value of many western banks.

The level of fraud and governmental interference is staggering. We do no business with them, we advise our clients to steer clear of China and its banks.

So many stressors in their economy... bad banks, real estate overbuilding... more correctly pointless building due to corruption which sought enormous loans to build housing for which there is no buyers... those loans were for under the table payoffs. Deep corruption is systemic and unyielding to any efforts made by the government to date.

Add in the labour trouble... natural aspirations of workers for better pay and working conditions creating tension, wildcat strikes and a good deal of animosity.

An economy in decline."

"I have seen articles on the ghost cities. For me the whole country is a Potemkin Village."

Kuva laughed, "I like that. I will use it and cite you."

"I can claim no credit."

We laughed and hugged.

Aran sat with us. He said he and Charlie discussed ancient man. "Your son knows quite a lot."

I told them the palaeontologist story, their heads shaking.

"The museum director had a laugh hearing the story."

Florent looking up from the iPad... an amazed face seeing more of Charlie and Chani's work.

"Fay, they are accomplished artists now... some training..." His arms up, "... who knows."

"We provide the materials, some of the stimulation... like Charlie's birds... he saw them on a picnic with his Popa then drew them when we came here. We are in and out of this house a good deal more these days, Chani has seen the view more than once but she didn't try to sit and sketch it. Just their memories put to use."

More head shaking.

I asked about the golf, "Fay, Cho plays like no one I have ever seen. Such control..." Making a swing motion, "... he hits the ball properly every time."

Florent said he been playing for twenty five years... he's shot near par a few times... "Cho would destroy any golf course."

"We own a few now... I think he holds the lowest score mark at all he's played."

"That does not surprise me at all."

Carter at the doors...

We walked in to a silver and gold Dining Room... a glittering table!

Smiling faces all around as they found their seats... the menu cards admired as always. Ellie is very talented.

Carla's salmon is spectacular. Everything delicious. The end is a Figgy Pudding aflame with rum, of course the babies had almost no rum, it burned away. A rich, dense pudding, fruit, nuts, honey... Sue's version had butter instead of suet. There is clotted cream on the side.

Watching our friends trying a very English dessert. It is so rich! The Twins digging in completely enjoying a new taste treat.

Afters in the Great Room. Dayton smiling as he sat, "The Rêve is terrific. Where did she come from?"

"That gives you away as a sailor... `she.'

He laughed, "I used to sail as a younger fellow... golf is so much easier to manage these days."

"The Rêve... Our Outside Staff built it. I got some plans, they modified it so much it isn't like I what first envisioned. The babies love it. They are our `Dread Pirates!' They have costumes... all their friends are initiated into the crew, we store their outfits."

I laughed, "Since they are growing kids we'll be making more all the time."

Chani was by the fire rubbing Jaidee close to us.

"Jaidee is a crew member with his own skull and cross bones jumper."

Laughing, Tina sat on my other side... "Chani said she and Charlie did a show for you?"

I motioned to Gil... I asked... she grinned... fist bump!!

We moved ourselves to the Game Room. Carter2 had the TV ready, the HDMI cable plugged into Gil's iPad. Chani with me, Charlie on the floor in front of us. Mari and Dari on a Settee with Dayton. Edda and Bianka on a settee with Cho. Chelle and Gil in a chair beside us.

Everybody sitting around us.

The `Voyage to the New World' on the screen... I loved seeing it again... the Twins so animated, funny, cute, talented!!

When it was over loud applause. The babies stood up to bow... they drew Sunny, Chelle, Tha and Delphine up to share the limelight.

They did a group hug!

Time for the babies to go up. Goodnights from everybody before we carried them up the stairs. Tucked in, well kissed, we said our goodnights.

Our guests got that I needed to go to the Lords tomorrow for part of the day. Just me, Some going to play golf then Cho is going to give them a tour of the Stables and part of the estate. After luncheon they would go up to London. I would meet them at Cowley House.

The horse crowd coming back here before departure. We'd feed'em and send them off.

The next group was the golfers. Cho said later under the covers... the weather would be fine and chilly, not deeply cold. Good for riding too!

I felt tingling after I slowed Pamela on the Flats... the cold mornings never bothered us. Gaby's cheeks bright red, a huge grin in-between, Tessa the same.

After breakfast I was dressed to go. Pale gray wool suit, black silk shirt, skirt to mid-thigh, black stockings and heels, black Jewellery, `Joy' and a Cho kiss. The babies gave me kisses too!

Coat, scarf and gloves.

Quarrie and Almira flying us to Wandsworth. Rae with the car to the House of Lords.

In the Royal Gallery Mac smiling, "Ah... somethings get you out of Oxfordshire."

"Yes... of course I'd come to see you."

A laugh, "I'm glad to at least be considered."

A cheek kiss.

I spoke to many in the Gallery before we were called to the House. This is to be a short session.

Argyle got things going. The Labour floor manager for the MI5 bill called to vote on it. I am pleased it received overwhelming support. I'd spoken to it for the Cross Bench group, even the tories spoke for it.

Gail, Lady Culver, smiling as she voted for it. We shook hands.

Okay to Cowley House.

In the door... Lorenzo, "M'Lady, Miss Elinor asked to speak to you. She's in the Breakfast Room."

I thanked him would he bring her to my Lady's Room.

I signed some things for Arlette. On a settee looking across to Elinor and Tom holding hands. They seemed a bit tight... wound up?

"Fay... would you and Cho come to our wedding in Maryland in the late spring?"

Smiling, "Congratulations on deciding to do it soon!! Of course we will. It will be great to meet your families."

I got up to kiss cheeks.

"So what got you off the dime?"

Tom grinned, "It was my oldest... he said we were dithering for no reason. He is right... there are no reasons why we shouldn't."

"Well if you don't like each other that would be a good reason."

They laughed.

Elinor, "That at least isn't a problem."

"Now what about the golf issue... Tom can you go on being whupped by your spouse?"

Loud laughter!

Tom, "I'll keep trying to get better. I'm more concerned about her jumpshot."

We all laughed. Hugs for them.

I had to get on... PJ leading us walking to the St. John's Smith Square... in the west entrance. The Prime Minister's aide doing this greeted me, a bow.

"Your ladyship, there is a full house!"

Smiling I thanked him.

Back stage I got to meet Rodney Brooks.

I stepped to him my hand out, "Hello... I am pleased to meet you. I read the various essays you have written over the years."

"Your Ladyship, you are very kind. It's a boost to know you appreciate my work. I hope your Parliamentary colleagues will also."

"Well they are interested... you have a full house!"

A smile.

"I'll go out to introduce you once the Prime Minister's fellow does the beginning."

In the wings with Rodney, the Prime Minister's aide went to the podium...

"Good morning and welcome.

The Prime Minister helped arrange this lecture with Lady Harcourt. The topic is quite current and is hoped you will be assisted in your work knowing this information about an unusual topic.

A note for you... a full video of this event will be up on the Parliamentary website later today. Printed copies will be available on request."

He took a quick look my way... I nodded.

"To get us started... The Most Honourable Fay Martin, the Marchioness Harcourt..."

I stepped out... there was applause... then they were standing which took me aback...

The PM's aide smiling broadly as he moved to a seat behind.

At the podium I thanked my colleagues when they quieted down sufficiently to be able to hear me.

"In today's world technology charges ahead often in an unfettered way which is fraught with danger for government and the public.

A now classic historic example is uber... they just started their car hailing business without any review... unchecked by regulation or supervision. They should have been reined in at the start but that did not often happen. The damage they did to cities and cab drivers around the world is plain and hasn't seen a proper fix in most cases.

The new problem child is Artificial Intelligence. Software which some claim it can learn... Its advocates promise an amazing new world of perfection like so many others before them... delivery is always the open question.

Today you will get a chance to hear from one of the foremost thinkers and doers in Robotics which is symbiotically allied to AI. He has been working in the field since its inception, his mind is behind many of the core principles underpinning robotics and AI as we know it...

Without my giving away anything Mr. Brooks knows the limits of computation science in creating action by machines. AI touted as the future with robot technology is just one more failure to see the whole in favour of a part.

He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, the Panasonic Professor of Robotics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and past director of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

He is a founder of iRobot[3] and co-Founder and Chairman of Rethink Robotics and co-founder of Robust.AI.

His long experience grounds him in the common sense use of technology as part of our world.

Please welcome Dr. Rodney Brooks."

I started to applaud... the hall was loud with the clapping of the over four hundred members of Parliament.

Rodney came to shake my hand and step to the microphone.

I was thanked for a fulsome introduction... "I hope I can live up to it."


For the next forty minutes he gave a thorough critique of the current state of AI as a technology pointing the strengths and weaknesses. It was a masterful exhibition from a fellow who knows his field better than nearly all others.

I was very interested in his description of how AI was being fraudulently portrayed in academia, entertainment and the news media. I do not think the word `fraud' is nearly strong enough.

He repeatedly made the point through example that AI is `programmed' by humans... every human failure is included despite the denials. Using facial recognition as an egregious example he showed it fails for the very reason it is almost entirely created by white men between twenty five and forty years of age. People of colour and women are significantly misinterpreted by such software because they are vastly under-represented in the creators.

Facial recognition software is essentially racist and misogynistic by design... a fatal design failure.

Such failures with AI lead to results which are improper, misleading and dangerous. To be singled out as a suspect in a crime because a piece of software decided you are the criminal is disgraceful, harmful to individual rights and presumption of innocence.

Self-driving cars are dangerous simply because of the lie of omniscience that is at the root of the promotion of the technology. Additionally creators push to make money quickly by employing poor quality parts and not fully equipping the cars with needed all-around sensor devices. He pointed out several electric car companies that tout their automated drive capabilities are especially guilty of this.

He got a huge laugh describing watching a self-driving car trying back up on a busy street. Two accidents, fender-benders, occurred which the driverless car company blamed entirely on the human drivers. A review showed the awkward robot car making fundamental non-human driving errors... errors even the most incompetent driver would not do.

Much bigger laughs when when Rodney said such vehicles cannot wave their arm out the window to gesture their intentions or call out an explanation... to say nothing of making a rude hand gesture. The last causing some laughter!

Rodney was terrific! Speaking clearly, not in a rush, using his clicker to show diagrams and photos and above all his talk was tailored for his audience!! In our emails I tried to give him a complete sense of the members he'd be addressing... he got it!!

At the end he thanked the members for their kind attention. I stood up to shake his hand. The applause was loud and sustained... they did stand. Earned and deserved.

I stepped to the microphone to remind the members it would on the website and thanking them for coming. I would be sending each via email a report on AI in Great Britain.

More applause.

Back stage Rodney smiling, "Your Ladyship, I saw a lot of intent faces."

"You were exactly what they needed. A clear statement about what could and should be expected from AI... plus the negative side which is too often neglected. Thank you again for coming."

He laughed, "You made it easy with cars and planes."

"I didn't want you to refuse. We will unwind it back to America for you."

Handshake... then I did a fist bump which got laughter.

The Prime Minister's fellow thanked Dr. Brooks. He is certain the prime minister would be very pleased.

"Sir, you had hold of their attention throughout."

They shook hands.

We walked to Cowley House for luncheon before he departed to Chalgrove and home.

In the north Drawing Room some sherry.

He had a look around, "Your Ladyship..." "I'm Fay." He smiled, "A beautiful house. It seems to suit you."

I thanked him.

"I know a bit about you and the technologies your companies employ. Your companies are on the edge of the bleeding edge in many fields... I read a story from a Washington, D.C. fellow's webpage... a large wing-shaped drone was spotted over the capital... it hovered beside a Congressional office building then flew away towards the Potomac River at high speed. The webpage did some investigating because the page is a science oriented site loved by what might be colloquially called `propeller-heads.'

They deduced it was a drone from your security company..."

I turned to Gil for her iPad...

"I was visiting a Congressman's office... I wanted him to see the drone."

Rodney smiling as he flipped through the snaps... he stopped at a drawing... he turned the iPad towards me with a questioning face.

"It is a new wing drone were are making. Bigger, faster... much better' than the first. Cho and I were at a demo six weeks ago in Thailand. This model is more amazing than our current one that is a wing' design."

"Fay, the webpage I mentioned said it was created by your company supposedly from a design of yours... true?"

Smiling, I nodded. "I'm not sure how they got there but yes. We have a huge advantage in the security business because we has so many creative, intelligent people working for us. I did a design with ideas for making a prototype and gave them to our top technologist. He made a prototype... it flew right-out-of-the-box.

We started making them on a rudimentary production line in Bangkok. We are months away from two manufacturing facilities opening, one in Bangkok, the other in Seattle. They will make the drone we have in operation now and that one..." My finger pointing the drawing on the iPad.

"Are you selling these drones?"

"Selling... No! We have a leasing scheme... there is a so much technology crammed into these devices we have decided not to trust anyone completely. The possibility of abuse is... well you can guess.

Our terms are they are to be used by the lessee in a manner consistent with the contract they sign. Each lessee will receive a contract tailored to their specific needs as the hardware we include is also.

They cannot be transferred to another party... if we detect the original lessee is not using them appropriately or trying to alter or add devices or some other user is operating the drone we will brick' them and inform the lessee they are to return them. Depending on conditions we could take control and fly it home' because we know where they are at all times but fuel and distance make that problematical.

Every lessee will have to make a significant deposit for each drone."

I smiled, "It will not be small. Should they damage or do something to make us request the unit back we will take the deposit.

To date they are only being operated by the Vietnamese government as the patrol portion of an electronic border wall The Company installed between China and Vietnam. They are operated by fully certified PAVN pilots via a satellite link. They can be armed with a variety of `pods' to be capable of interaction with humans."

"Interaction? A euphemism for?"

"They can have offensive weapons. Over a year ago we had a `live action' event on how they can be employed to control situations on the ground. In southern New Mexico we have a ranch we use as a test site for a variety of technologies... solar power being one... another is the drones... it is also a training base for our Security Service.

Because we hired many people from the local population the American immigration people became interested. A team of ICE agents came to the ranch and tried to bully their way in to do `checks' of immigration documents of our workers. They had no warrants... They were refused.

It was a fishing expedition as all the relevant paperwork for each worker was on file at Immigration in Washington. They couldn't be bothered to do their job. They wanted to flex their muscle which is unfortunately the only action they know how to do.

They came back several months later trying to do an end run around some of our defences... it was a serious error. They were stopped by a traps and the drone in the air above them fired its minigun shredding the tyres of several trucks. Our security captured them all, they were sent off leaving behind three damaged trucks which we then airlifted to the county sheriff's office to be retrieved by ICE."

Rodney is laughing, "Sounds like your folks know their business."

"Hillary Clinton will visit us in Oxfordshire next month...the third year in row, her chief of the Secret Service details says she can relax because Harcourt House is as well protected as the White House."

A serious look on Rodney's face, "That's praise for sure."

"One of our drones is in the air all the time, there is a pair of aerial defence units that watches... they can spot a drone, capture it electronically and trace the signal to where the operator is and despatch officers to seize the person. It has been done several times. The estate is surrounded by a web of cameras and sensors we make. Our security team is skilled and clever."

His head shaking.

Arlette came in... "M'Lady, you wanted to know when I sent out the AI report to to Parliament members... just now."

I thanked Arlette.

Gil grinning, "Fay, tell the story of our visit to Metal Specialities."

Clough at the door... We walked through to the dining room arm-in-arm.

At the table I gave Rodney the story of Donde flying a drone into the Virginia warehouse shocking the workers. I did mention Donde was at Harcourt Ranch north of Santa Barbara flying the wing via the satellite connection.

I told Rodney about Julio... Rodney smiling, "That is a good outcome from technology."

"I did another one of those peeking in the window visits like the Congressman's for the head of MI5..." I motioned towards Thames House a few blocks away. "... He is interested enough to have sent a team to Lordsburg to see a demo and fly a drone.

We won't be leasing them to all and sundry... via the leasing concept we maintain ownership. We will do extensive background checks on anyone interested the drones. We can evaluate how the drone is being used during its operations and respond appropriately."

He was nodding, "Unfortunately when we advance technology it will be misused. I hope I made that clear to your colleagues?"

"I believe you did... naturally it isn't a sure thing. The positive part is legislation is usually ground down as it moves through the Parliamentary process. For my part I can speak out with some authority thanks to Her Majesty having given me a higher profile."

A smile, "Not to speak of hundreds of newspapers and TV... Yes?"

"Quite true." A big smile for that!

I could see Rodney was enjoying Mrs. Travers luncheon. The sole delicious, the asparagus tender, the little new potatoes in a rosemary and thyme butter sauce and the cross buns all very tasty.

Clough had Domaine Leroy d'Auvenay Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru out, a very nice dry wine, fruity notes with flint and honey tastes underneath. I raised my glass to Clough. Rodney watching did the same.

"Fay, your people know how to do a luncheon."

Smiling, "It is one of my other ways of convincing my Parliamentary colleagues."

He laughed, "I wouldn't doubt they see your side after eating like this."

"We are fortunate in our cooks, they and their staffs delight us constantly."

We talked more on AI... he laughed at my `four way stop' scenario. Another idea... a few pedestrians could tie up an intersection...

"It is entirely plausible for two pedestrians could stop traffic for hours until... heaven forbid... another human intervened."

"In a House of Lords scientific committee, which was the genesis of your visit, I sent each member a link to your `Seven Deadly Sins' of AI predictions piece. They came back to me with thanks and interest in more. So you were invited to come.

The committee staff brought in some things about AI use and machine learning but when I asked questions about the supposed successes one fellow would not agree to ride in a driverless car on ordinary city streets. He knew they needed to be `programmed' nothing went into their systems that was not vetted and controlled."

"Well the scaremongering bothers me when aimed at people's jobs or individual lives. If you know the `Seven Deadly Sins' piece... do you recall the Market Watch story I referenced?"

"Yes that nonsense about ninety percent of gardening and maintenance workers being displaced?"

"Yes. The Market Watch folks never backed up on that even after it was directly challenged and debunked."

"That doesn't surprise... all too often people working in news media never look over their shoulder about past work. Our newspaper The Day in Seattle made it a point to do follow ups and so gained readers because of that."

Espresso in the North Drawing Room.

"I could be crass for a moment and ask about money?"

"Oh you know us upper class English hate to talk about money."

He was laughing as I did a plummy accent.

"Yes but?"

"Who paid your honorarium? Cho and I. Parliament paid for the hall. We just thought you should be heard... commonsense always wins with us. BS loses."

"It has been an experience... especially meeting you. I'm sure my family and friends will be clamouring for everything about you.

Also I haven't done an event for individuals like your colleagues for some time... it is good to put my thoughts into a talk for such an audience."

I pardoned myself for a short while after getting a high sign from Gil.

I was at the door to greet the bankers! Hugs and kisses for them. The bags went up their rooms and they would get a house tour shortly. First in the South Drawing Room for a few minutes with Arlette. She handed out the Tube cards, the passes to tourist sites and a card of numbers to call... for cars or if there was any difficulty.

I said I'd see them in Oxfordshire in a few days.

Rodney and I in one of Prasert's cars to Wandsworth... when we got out Rodney is looking at the white bird.

"Oh this is different. A helicopter pad in the middle of London."

He liked the ride, short but a great view. Some sightseeing for him. We landed at Harcourt House. He met Cho and the Twins and had a view of the Great Room.

"I see Christmas is a favourite time of the year hereabouts."

The Twins got him to do fist bumps for that!

Hand shaken and a kiss for his cheek. We did a selfie... Harcourt House is the backdrop. He climbed into a car I waved to him as it drove away.

Cho had worked most of the morning now he and the babies were headed to the pool. Cho came up to change, I needed to work. A kiss for Chani and Charlie as Popa, Tha and Delphine went out the north door with them. Jaidee decided he is comfortable by the fireplace.

Carter said a package had been delivered and was in the Wargame Room. Good.

I worked with Gil and Chelle for several hours. The horse crowd to be back here in an hour.

I went downstairs... first stop the Staff Lounge. Ellie sewing by the fire... I sat beside her with a cheque... her bonus for a year of fabulous work... sewing, gift wrapping, dining table extravaganzas, the Great Room... so much more.

Ellie looked at the cheque... tears... "M'Lady you are so good to us."

A kiss for her cheek and my heartfelt thanks for her work.

The gamers hovering over the map board. They stood up to say hello.

They were all smiles.

Mr. Hardy, "We are playing a few moves before starting for real to get into the flow of the movement."

Greg and Jerrold smiling from the far side of the table.

I asked if someone had a pocket knife. I slit the packing tape and lifted out two copies of War in the West' an old SPI mega-game... the mate to War in the East' a gift for the gamers...

One a mint copy. Very rare!

They wondered why two copies? The `mint' one for my collection and one that was in almost new condition for them to play.

They were shocked and delighted. Jerrold looking around at the others spoke up.

"Your Ladyship, you are amazing. We thank you!"

"I expect you will have many hours of game time with this. I do suggest you not marry it to the War in the East because you all be tottering old men by the time a single game is completed."

Laughing they did more thank yous.

Mr. Hardy shaking his head.

"Its another bruiser of a game in size... we do have the advantage that the movement and combat mechanics are the same as War in the East, not too complicated."

Leaning over the contents of the box, "I suggest as in our War in the East scenario last year whenever its played... use the historical production schedules unless one person on each side could designated as armaments production chief. Too intricate and time consuming."

They planned to begin `real' play of Streets of Stalingrad shortly.

Several players thanked me for their lunches and dinners. Some wives were thinking this is worse than golf.

I asked if they needed cots?

Much laughter for that. No was the answer... some still had `Day jobs' to go to.

Wonderful to see all the horse crowd come down from London. They were very happy... enjoying the big city! We fed them and waved them off to Chalgrove. The cars came back to the house with freshly arrived golfers!!

Tom took TJ from Rox... hugs applied. Cho scooped up TJ... as always!

They were good!

Thomas Simmons and Audrey, his girlfriend. Cho Gave up TJ to greet Simmons and Audrey. Hands shaken. We did the last car... Alex Cummings and his girlfriend Marshay. Cho right there to shake hands.

These four staring at the house... I said, "It's cosier than it looks. Come in."

We moved inside. I had the girlfriend's hands to put them at their ease.

Gil at the door, Millie and Chou on the ground. Yea! Argyle, Nori and Max en route... off the M40... twenty minutes or less. Harry and Meg at Wandsworth. Oh boy all together.

A cluster at the Great Room doors. Uncle Conrad and Laurel did the opening.

Aaaaaahhhhhh's! Ooooohhhhh's! Rox slipped her arm with mine. Tom had surrendered TJ to Cho again. We walked in to the Twins calling out `Happy Christmas!'

The golfers all had met the Twins. Tha and Delphine, Gil and Chelle introduced. Thomas and Alex introduced their companions.

That done Cho and I went out front.

Chou... big hug! Millie released by Cho came into my arms!

Cho, `We have some more golf talent for you to play with this year. Tom is back with two other pros."

High fives by them.

Millie grinning.

"Harry and Meg will be here soon... no riding for Meg she's four months pregnant.

We have a few new horses for you to try."

A kiss!

They got their third Great Room reveal... they are not blasé about it. Millie loves it.

Introductions to the newcomers. Tom and Rox got hugs. TJ presented!! Millie holding him... a big smile.

Out front. Argyle's car up the drive as the AW139 flared for landing.

Cho went to greet Harry and Meg, me to Argyle.

Hands shaken, a hug for Nori. Max smiling my hand out, pulled him into a hug. He thanked me for the use of Cowley House Library.

"It made my report so much better."

Fist bump.

At the door Meg in my arms, cheeks kissed. Harry a handshake, big grin.

In the Entryway Argyle and Nori shaking hands with Harry and Meg. I introduced Max to Harry, my arm on Max's shoulders. Harry got it! A big handshake for Max. Meg saw it, she put out her hand to Max. A big smile.

They are at the doors to the Magic Room... I raised my eyebrows to Conrad... OPEN!

Meg had my hand, Max got the other. Lots of of Aaaahhhh's and Oooohhhh's.

The Twins coming up, "Happy Christmas!"

Meg hugged them, Fist bumps for Harry. Smiles!!

Max and Charlie did fist bumps while Chani greeted Argyle and Nori.

Taittinger's and Fin's Shirley Temples!! Cho raising his glass... "Welcome to you all to our Christmas fun! Thank you for being part of our Christmas! Enjoy yourselves!"


I said tonight's dinner is casual. Tomorrow fancy dress!

Things to eat appeared on sideboards. We nibbled, sipped and talked.

Harry beside me on a settee. A huge grin, "Grandmother got you again!"

We laughed, "Indeed! She got me good. Camilla told me in late summer something was coming, your father asked her to warn me."

Harry's grin still there, "Father thought you had enough surprises."

"Well when I received the Thistle I thought that was it. Then another red box appeared."

"Grandmother has run out of surprises I think."


"You've done so much for the country and people... No pair in the last hundred years has done as much."

"Something else Cho and I talk about... nobody else has... I'm only thirty one."

A considering face, "True you are young by some standards, that sort of thing hasn't ever bothered Royals. I've seen some whinging in the press about your elevation but they'd do that no matter what."

"We have seen some... our own newspapers and TV have done no commentary just straight reporting. We don't do many interviews."

Harry smiling, "Well you did a whopper with the BBC! That fellow Copley did not appear to know how to deal with you."

Laughing, "I did put him on his back foot... he had to scramble to keep up."

A head shaking, "You looked awesome which I'm sure did not help his mental state!"

We laughed.

"So you're going to be a dad! Nice. A boy?"

"Yes, the name isn't decided but he'll end up being lumbered with three or four."

"Names? When the time comes... Do you think your father will be Charles III? Or is Charles historically a problematic choice?"

"He likes his name. I know its family tradition to choose another but I think he will go with Charles. In this modern age most folks don't have a clue about the Royal Family name choices."

"So your grandmother's adding to the aristocracy with a Labour PM's help?"

Eyebrows arched.

A smile on Harry's face, "The Lords cannot go away. It needs to be there. Making it more relevant is the path chosen, limiting some peers from sitting seems reasonable to me. From what I have seen from the outside the life peers don't contribute as they should plus there's a long history of buying the title of baron through political gift-giving... back scratching. It is especially true of the tories. They have `sold' the peerages nearly wholesale. They have debased the honour."

Me, "From the inside... I've seen the hereditary peers be more active in committees, in leadership roles and on the floor, than most life peers. I've met some very good life peers but they appear to be the exception.

I've been thinking about possible reforms... I will pass on my ideas to Keir Starmer after the Lords reconvenes in January."

Chani climbed up in-between us. She asked Harry if he would take a short walk... a small finger pointing. He was up for it. Holding hands Chani led him to Charlie's birds. Harry looking my way with a big smile. Chani turned him... his head jerked around to me.

Smiling I waved. His head shaking, he called Meg over. Fin refilled my champagne glass as I watched Meg do a double take. Chani standing by them clapping.

She motioned to Charlie... Harry and Meg talking to the babies. Tom and Rox moved their way. Then all new arrivals went that direction.

Cho next to me holding TJ, we were doing Cheshire cat grins as the babies were congratulated.

Marshay beside me on a settee by the fireplace. Jaidee lifted his head when we sat... then back to snoozing. She is thrilled for the Twins being so talented at their age. Gil handed me her iPad... I showed Marshay Chani's Doric Temple.

"Fay, doing this at two and half is off the scale."

"Actually Chani was two and two months. She did it at the New York Children's Art Museum. The museum gives kids from difficult circumstances a safe place to do and enjoy art.

The artists there who work with kids watched it happen... from bare paper to this... in less than two hours... they were blown away. It is on display in the museum's gallery.

Chani told one artist it was at the back of a house we own in Paris... he thought she was fantasising as kids do to avoid real life horrors. The Twins weren't introduced... so the staff didn't know them. Although two companions and two bodyguards ought to have clued them in."

I flipped snaps to Charlie's pot and then his bonsai and to the one in the Japanese Embassy in Paris.

I pointed towards the windows... she could see it.

She asked what we were doing for their education I said it is Tha and Delphine.

We walked to the bonsai... she squatted down to see it up close.

"Fay, are they geniuses?"

"They have been tested several times. They score at the top end of the scale which one child psychologist said he never seen or heard of before for someone their age. The first pair of child psychologists ended up using the Stanford-Binet Test for a more thorough appraisal."

Her head shaking. "How old were they?"

"A year and half."

I asked why the interest?

Marshay said she is an early childhood education researcher at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Paediatrics.

"A professional interest? They are quite special. Charlie is reading Animal Farm. Last year I bought an excellent used copy of the first edition of the first Nancy Drew book the Secret of the Old Clock for Chani when she was older. She picked up the book and is reading it now."

Marshay fanned her face with her hands, "Fay, did you say the top of scale... more like beyond the scale's limits."

"You want to know a bit more?"

She nodded, "Chani asked me why the book was unkind to some people because they weren't white."

More head shaking, "Empathy...Awareness!! Whatever you are doing keep doing it!!"

"That's the plan for now. We have ruled out any classrooms for the near future. It is tantalising to imagine what they would do in a classroom. They are leaders when their friends are here.

Because we have Tha and Delphine the Twins travel with us a lot. They have been around the world a few times already."

"Amazing! I can't believe I'm sitting here with you. When told Alex me about your invitation I was dumbfounded. He had already shown me the selfie you two did in the summer at Winged Foot... I thought that was incredible... I often eat lunch with friends we talk about all sorts but you frequently come up. All the things you and Cho do... you are the true POWER COUPLE above all other power couples."

I laughed, "I said in response to something similar... that and four £'s gets me a latte at Starbucks."

I laughed again, "Now I'm on the Board of Directors of Starbucks."

Marshay laughed out loud, "Well that fits."

Alex joined us, "Fay, I'm sure you've heard plenty about how talented your children are... Their art work astounds! I expect when they grow up to hear about them just as we now hear about you and Cho."

Smiling, "So far Charlie has show no real interest in golf... except to be with his Popa. Perhaps that will change..."

He laughed, "That's just as well... one Cho is quite enough."

His head shaking, "I assume he'll wipe the floor with us at the course here."

"Cho likes the Oxford East course...he says it doesn't punish a player. Tom did very well there last year."

"Fay, Tom does very well everywhere."

We three laughed.

I asked them if they knew Tom the horse owner and former NBA basketball player from Maryland?

Alex said he knew one of his sons.

"Tom and his fiancée Elinor flew out earlier today from Chalgrove. They were here for a few days then stayed at our London home for some sightseeing as you will."

Alex, "He and his sons are awesome basketball players... all were NBA players which says a lot."

"In your sport... Tom isn't too bad, low to mid-eighties regularly. Elinor beats him all the time!"

That made Alex and Marshay laugh.

"The whole family plays basketball together... Tom has the height and a good shot, Elinor the speed and we are told a terrific jumpshot. She played in the WNBA for a few years until a serious knee injury ended that."

"She must be good to play with those guys."

"Well to the point that Tom does not mind coming second at golf... he worries more about her jumpshot."


Fin had an open Taittinger's bottle... I moved to get a bit more. Fin poured. Audrey, Thomas Simmons' girlfriend, came up for more too.

"Fay, I like this."

I smiled, "We think its the best. We get a lot for free because we have a sponsorship arrangement with them."

"Free? That's a deal."

"They are one of the sponsors for our racing team. When you go down to the Stables to meet a few horses some will be wearing blankets with their logo."

"I'd like to do that. I haven't been around many full size horses mostly ponies."

"Are you a golfer?"

"Thomas has tried... it doesn't fit with me. I can see me throwing clubs in frustration. You?"

"Oh no! I'm stick and ball adverse."

Audrey laughed, she did basketball in high school and was all-state, no sports in college.

"I'm a STUDENT. The Women's basketball coach at Virginia heard I was a freshman, she tried to recruit me... I'm past that now."

Fist bump.

"Stand your ground. What year are you now?"

"I'm halfway through my junior year like Thomas."


A laugh, "English literature which father says is a dead end."

I saw the look... "Not you obviously. I read history at Exeter which is an old style British university. And also considered a dead end by many including my father. Your parents?"

"Dad is a dentist..." She did a big toothy grin... perfect teeth. "... my brothers and I took considerable grief about our teeth over the years as you might imagine."

"Mine completely different. Dad was in the Army then in the intelligence service with my mother. They were both overseas a lot while I stayed at our house in Hampshire going to school."

"Your mother was in..."

"They worked for MI6. Do you know that acronym?"

"Yes. She was an agent?"

"Yes, they worked as a team... odd but apparently effective."

"You speak in the past."

"They died quite close together my first year at university. I was alone. There is little other family... we had become estranged. Fortunately that has been repaired. They'll be here for Christmas. My family from Bangkok will be here too. My father and mother adopted me a few years ago... somewhat complicated but we are close. They have known Cho for decades."

"You have had an interesting life."

"The last four years have been exceptional. Cho and I are..." I interlaced my fingers. "... we think alike. He's so smart... as a pair I don't see a ceiling for us."

"Well there's no glass ceiling for you. What you do in business... I've read some amazing things about you."

I smiled, "We have resources to do some strokes no one else could. Billions of £'s speak for themselves... loudly!"

She laughed, "What you did to trump excited a lot of my New York friends. He's a scumbag."

"Are you from New York?"

"No, New Jersey, Trenton... down state. I have family in the city... lots of time spent there."

"What I can't understand is the newspapers and TV in New York knew for twenty five or more years trump is a louse... cheating, stealing, abusing everybody he could... they never properly reported it. He should have been in jail but no one acted.

The reason we got together with friends to buy out 21st Century Fox was because of their blatant lies and support for that useless lump. Once we had control we told the truth. Nothing kills a bully's chances more than the truth."

"All that is why I find it difficult to believe I'm here."

"Do you want me to pinch you?"

"No thank you. My brothers used to do that."

"You are Okay with your family?"

"Yes, being grown up has changed my brothers... family and work settled them right down. They both have happy families. Our mom is awesome. Solid, a superb cook and does a lot of charity work. Her family was poor, a lot of hard work for her to move ahead. She's a role model."

Fist bump.

Thomas came over looking like he should support Audrey.

I waved to Fin... refill!

Thomas... I could see is wary... this is all new for him but pleased Audrey and I are doing great.

Thomas is pre-law... he's interested in environmental causes so...

"I get it. You should look at two cases in New Jersey, Bergen County. Polluters caught, being prosecuted and sued. Our newspapers there did the investigation and printed damning stories which got the ball rolling. Dioxin... nasty stuff. Times Beach and all that."

"I know about dioxin and Times Beach. What kind of companies?"

"A chemical plant which didn't do the required cleaning of its effluent, dioxin and other horrible chemicals in a river. The other is a medical waste burning company... dioxin and other vile stuff coming out of their smokestack."

"I will look it up. That is what I'd like to fight."

"And golf?"

"I enjoy playing. There's stress in a tournament... I can handle it. If I can maintain a certain level of play... maybe some good money."

"You had a very good tournament in New Jersey. Don't lose the enjoyment. Cho loves to play... he never worries about his score... if he feels good about his game then its fine."

"Fay, I watched the last two days of his play at Bel-Air in the Concord Cup on TV... I had never seen shotmaking like that."

"Cho can focus... when he does his body is under total control. Those shots come because all his energy at that moment is concentrated on the one task.

Tom Angleten shows he can do the same. I kid him about Cho rubbing off on him... he freely admits it.

I was in the clubhouse at Bel-Air for the last eighteen holes, my viewing spot overlooked the tenth tee..."

Thomas bounced, "You watched Cho and Tom hit those hole-in-ones?"

"Yes the crowd went gaga over Cho's shot... they really lost it seeing Tom do the same thing."

"I was sitting at home... I lost it!! There is no doubt Tom has become the most accomplished professional golfer ever. Winning the grand slam... the first to ever do it... after so many marvellous golfers tried. The British Open would have been his second..."

"Look at TJ. Tom made the right choice."

Audrey squeezed my hand.

Sunny came in... slender legs in close cut black trousers, a long sleeved white silk top and heels... looking sleek and sophisticated! Rox had TJ.. a semi-hug with Sunny. She and Millie did a big hug as Sunny was congratulated for her successes.

I did the introductions...

Audrey asked... "Sunny is an equestrienne... very good at it. She has won several of the world's most prestigious events this year."

Sunny grinning, "Like everything..." Motioning to Thomas, "... there's lots of hard work to get to feeling you are doing it right."

Fist bump with Thomas.

Millie asked about Badminton... Sunny a glorious smile, "I had three terrific days, I came fourth in Dressage and I won the Cross-Country and the Show Jumping. It was quite special to stand beside Princess Anne as I got so many awards. No one had ever done a sweep like that."

She giggled and pulled on `pretend' braces to much laughter.

"I am doing the London International Horse in two days... just show jumping... I'm concentrating on school right now."

Sunny explained she had a place in Brasenose College at Oxford for the autumn term. Thomas knew the name. Smiling when Sunny said she was interested in law, civil liberties or environmental. She wasn't sure.

Audrey inquired about her age... They were astounded. Sunny said her parents are very smart and Aunt Fay and Uncle Cho encouraged her to find a level in life she wanted.

Millie's arm around me squeezed.

Tom claimed TJ. Those two and Cho... their butts to the fire sharing it with Jaidee and the Twins who were abusing our puppy... rubbing a puppy is a sport in this family.

Argyle... arm through his we walked towards the windows... he got to see Charlie's pot and bonsai.

"So which university are they entering the autumn term at?

"They are both going to Brasenose with Sunny in the autumn."

We laughed.

"Not too soon either. Going to read law afterwards?"

"Yes, corporate so they can takeover all my work."


Argyle, "Sunny is a marvel too. Up to Oxford at sixteen. That used to be fairly normal when everyone's life span was twenty years shorter."

Carter at the doors...

We entered the Dining Room.

The silver and gold layout impressed them. What I liked it was a buffet of Asian food!! Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai... the aromas!!!

Cho said to them the foods all had cards explaining what is in it and how spicy.

I said it is sit anywhere tonight, "So load up a plate and feel free to go back as much as you want. Drinks on the right."

A big grin, "For the daring there are chopsticks!"

Tha and Delphine with me as I got the Twins choices on their plates. They were set.

A padded high chair for TJ, I helped Rox get some food as she had the bottle for TJ.

Meg on my right, Sunny my left, Millie, Audrey and Harry across the table.

I said to Harry it's a much tougher golf group this year. He shrugged with a grin.

I asked Meg how the baby carrying is going.

"So far no real problems. Some morning sickness... mild according to some friends."

She leaned close to thank us for going after the newspapers which tried to bully her over supposed transgressions of protocol.

"Its like I'm not to be allowed to learn about British and Royal customs... I should know everything like..." A snap of her fingers.

"Our people know how we think so we got your back."

A big thank you fist bump.

A radiant Meg smile, "At the rate you are moving you'll be a princess in a few years."

We laughed.

She had been to all the London Chanthira Foundation shelters, "I like your people and the kids were great! They feel your support as if it were a warm blanket on a cold night."

"So many are in education programmes, music is big, they do charity work... they do amaze... despite how horrible their lives had been they bounce back to rise up."

"You two should be proud... your work is succeeding."

She looked at Chani eating. The little miss using her chopsticks like she born with them. It tickled Meg to see how dexterous they are.

Grinning Meg said she still ate like an American.

"They have such an independent spirit... Tha and Delphine sometimes realise they have to get out of the way."

Fist bump.

Meg, "Chani said she is reading a Nancy Drew mystery? I read those."

"Yes, the Secret of the Old Clock. She told me today she didn't understand why the author had some characters be mean to others because they weren't white. I told her that is the way some people are... it is wrong... it shows how ignorant they are. I got a fist bump for that."

Meg's head shaking, "Are you sure they are two and half?"

Grinning, "Yes, I was in the room when they were born."

I brought up I mentioned to Camilla Cho and I do occasionally think of Midwich Cuckoos.

A big smile, "Fay, you guys are funny and clever."

Sunny asked about the Introduction ceremony, "At School several classes watched it as part of their current events period... some of my friends wanted to know things... I don't have a clue."

"Simply... to become a member of the Lords after receiving your Writ of Summons you have go through the Introduction ceremony with supporters of the same rank, in a Parliamentary gown showing your rank... the process is short... we walk in... I swore an oath to the Crown and sign a declaration of that then we walk out. More to it but that's the gist of it."

"They said you spoke for a few minutes afterwards."

"Several things going on there... there was an ongoing debate on Great Britain declaring itself a non-nuclear weapon nation which I wanted to speak to and a new member has to give a `maiden' speech to take part fully in the Lords debates. I got both done at the same time."

Fist bump. Charlie saw that... he did an `air' fist bump with me to giggles.

Meg liked the Cha Muc fish cakes!

"Our cook, Carla, made them from a recipe book given to me in Hanoi by a restaurant owner. I later met some of his family in Seattle where they have a restaurant. I did have to translate it for Carla, seems I got it right."

Sunny, "Fay, you speak Vietnamese now?"

"Yes... some... I'm not fluent yet... I'm working on it. I did surprise some folks in Hanoi."

Harry asked about Hanoi. "It is a mix of old and new like Ho Chi Minh City which had a head start with its more western orientation. More old in Hanoi which is changing a great deal... many new buildings.

The Company has several projects going in Vietnam... a large water scheme to stop flooding and capture water as Vietnam like so many tropical countries is challenged by global warming.

We upgraded the microwave communications for the PAVN, the Vietnamese military.

The Company has built an electronic border wall between Vietnam and China.

Stopping illegal border crossing by smugglers and the like was the aim. Adjacent countries are working on creating an arrangement to extend the border wall with outside help from the industrialised nations. Except for designated crossing points China could be `walled off' from her neighbours. Enormous quantities of illicit drugs cross to the south damaging China's neighbours to which China is indifferent."

Harry doing a thumbs up to me.

I went back for more fish cakes and crab rice. Max getting the sticky rice with mango at my suggestion and fruit salad... a big smile.

"Are you ready for some short trips?"

"Orwell, M'Lady?"


His hands full so the big smile the only thing he could. Plenty enough.

Afters... Max and the Twins doing a puzzle. Nori, Millie and Rox with me... talking horses. Meg joined us. The three ladies started talking babies when Harry motioned to me.

"The border wall?

We sat on a settee by the fire... Harry reaching down to rub Jaidee's warm brown hair.

I outlined the how and why's for him.

"The Vietnamese PAVN has pilots we trained to fly the drones to patrol above the border. They are leasing what is to become our mid-sized model. I'm positive they will want the new more capable model.

Longer loitering time and heavier lifting capabilities."

"They are armed?"

"Yes. We have several weapon pods for them which have had action experience."

I told him about the New Mexico ICE affair and the Kentucky bank robbery.

Head shaking, "You two do amaze! No one can ever be complaisant around you."

I did a big smile... Harry laughed.

"Could I try flying a drone?"

I got Gil's attention. A grin as she texted Yone.

Yone came up to sit with Harry to arrange a test flight for him. Harry's an attack helicopter pilot seeing combat action in Afghanistan... so he knows what to do.

Chou looking at me, "Fay, no joking... you are getting more beautiful each time I see you."

I did a mock blush hiding face with my hands thing which got a laugh.

"I think being an English aristocrat agrees with you."

"Maybe I've decided to agree with it."

He laughed... more when I said he looked younger... Millie was awesome.

"We are holding up well. I'm going to retire in less than three years so we are getting the house ready for that. The boys had left a good deal of their things in the cellar... Millie gave them an ultimatum on its removal... which freed a lot of space.

I moved the train layout down there... three times the space and the noise stays in the room. I have expanded it by much more than twice its size. Some friends from my model railroading club are helping to add terrain. That is one of the fun parts of the hobby... joining with others to share skills. I do electrical work... some people create buildings and others do terrain."

"We need you two to come to Bangkok. Chani and Charlie love our layout. They are learning how to operate the trains and switches. They love the trains. In their blood!"

Chou laughed, "Our boys didn't get any of that. They are so into computers!" A shrug!

We took our babies up for the night. Rox came with. Preparations done, kisses and hugs.

TJ was sound asleep in a crib which had been Charlie's. Tha had his formula ready to warm. She was grinning saying it had been almost two years. Hug. A big thank you from Rox.

Cho inquired about `poker?' For those uninitiated he explained his methodology. The men were in.

Okay... us ladies went into the Library where Carter2 had setup a TV so they could see the C&C Productions. They loved them!

Loads of compliments about the Twins creativity.

Gil ran the Lords Introduction video... Sunny lobbied for it. I didn't get to say no. Our lady guests watched the short choreographed show. I gave them details afterwards.

Carter2 came in at my request... he said the men appeared to be settled into their game. Fine to bed for me.

A kiss for Sunny and a shower of goodnights.

We all walked up, good nights and reminder about how breakfast was done here. Millie smiling agreed to join me for an early ride. Hugs for everyone.

I had Rox's hand drawing her into my Dressing Room. A passionate kiss. Tightly clasping each other. She couldn't ride yet doctor's orders.

More kissing... she nipped along to their room.

Cho came in after I was asleep... I awoke... was kissed. A warm firm body sent me back to slumberland.

Millie and I downstairs in the kitchen, coffees and scones. Marigold smiling... she and another cook getting started on breakfast food.

Jaidee's morning meal over he walked down to the Stables with us. A chilly wind... searching for openings in our clothes. Millie thanking me for the loan of a cashmere scarf and her gift of Ariat gloves from last Christmas.

Gaby on Roland, Tara on Gough. Lu for Millie. They were a good pair.

Down the grassy lane across the Flats working up to a good trot up the slope. A wonderful energetic gallop to the lock. The lock man waving and pointing. Roy back from the nephews. We shook hands.

"Your Ladyship, things have changed. The Queen must like you. Do you see her often?"

Smiling, "We see her at Ascot several times each season, we also meet other members of the Royal Family throughout the year."

"Angie got me when she saw the news, she said no one better to get such honours."

"Thank her for me."

I wished him good fishing.

We rode parallel to the river on the Thames Path. Cold weather for boating... a few narrow boats tied up the bank. No one around. We passed the railroad tracks again... this time underneath.

When we were opposite Lock Wood Island I told Millie about its past. We may make use of it.

The Carmichael's was quiet. We kept on reaching the Boatyard... it too was silent. On the path circumnavigating it then north again.

We galloped all the way to the first bridge before the lock. Our lock man waving from the far side we led our horses over. I shook hands with him... he said he is doing well, they waiting for their daughter to come home for the holidays. I said enjoy her visit and Happy Christmas to all.

Mr. Hardy stuck his head out the door... he was going up to the Wargame Room very shortly... "M'Lady, things have started to hum!"

I laughed, "See you later."

At the gate the horses knew... off we went. Pamela and Roland side-by-side, Gough and Lu close. I dialled it back today so Millie could stay with us and get a fun ride.

On the Flats we slowed to walk up to the Stables. Andy and Monty smiling. I told them it hadn't been a real hard ride at the end. Okay.

Millie and I holding hands going up. The Breakfast Room had golfers! We squeezed in beside our guys.

At the front we said goodbye to Tom, Elinor, Alex, Thomas, Argyle and Max, Chou, Harry and Cho. Rande, Rafe. Sorya, and Cal all going. Four Land Rovers filled up! I made sure there were lots of hand warmer packets. Our Protectors and a few guests had Kentucky Heat bits on under their clothes.

The ladies had their breakfast and changed to jeans and mac's, wellies we provided. Down to the stables.

A surprise for them... the horse trailer sitting in the parking area... Gregory grinning as Willie brought out Glaa. He looked magnificent!!! I caressed his regal head... he made happy noises. A hug.

Introduced our Champion to the ladies. They got to stroke his silky golden skin.

I welcomed Willie to England... a big smile.

Tobias' head sticking out of the trailer... I laughed. He hitched a ride on the 767 horse transport. He was going north to Yorkshire to visit family. We got him a car to Oxford train station. Our best wishes sent along to his family.

Darryl led IrishRainbow out of the trailer... our handsome glossy brown fellow. The ladies got meet him. I thanked Darryl for coming along.

He grinned, "Miss Martin, I wouldn't have missed this trip. Every time we have come over this big fellow does amazing things."

I shook his hand.

The pair walked down the Stables main way towards their stalls, they'd get time in a paddock to loosen their legs.

I told my crowd the Queen's stable is sending some of her mares to be mated with those two guys. Big eyes. They got Asda had three of Her Majesty's mares in foal now.

"She's seen them both race at Ascot multiple times. IrishRainbow was the first. The Queen has spoken of him to us... admiring his power.

Glaa's last race at Ascot he ran away from the field to win thirty lengths setting new records."

Millie's grin, "Fay, all yours do that."

Laughing I did admit to the fact we haven't lost a race in four years. Noises... "We are pretty good at racing."


We did a tour making sure some pockets were full of treats.

Gil had her iPad when I introduced Secret Sea and Secret Royal.

Gil showed the snap of Secretariat at the same age. A few didn't know Secretariat... so my telling them he is the only horse to win the Triple Crown establishing a record time in each race was a mild shock. I added none of his records have broken... in fact not even approached in forty five years except by Glaa.

Heads shaking.

"Secret Sea has the blood of Secretariat on both sides of her pedigree giving us something possibly amazing inside this little man. His sire is Asda, who you will meet shortly, he is Glaa's sire. Hathai, Glaa's dam, is here too."

I did point out not every amazing bloodline birth results in a champion... "We do have a good chance. His pedigree makes him a uniquely bred horse."

Mahogany is next. Rebel in the next stall.

Pamela and Penelope with Roland.

Our ladies loved seeing our families. The treats disappearing was something new for some of them. Mints, apples or carrots whichever they each liked were passed out.

Asda and Hathai in their adjoining paddocks. Laughter as Asda searched me for mints. He slurped one quickly from my hand.

Meg gave Hathai a mint... our wonderful mom chewed enjoying the taste. My crowd all laughing Asda wanted another one... he got it. Meg did Hathai too.

Notre Noir and Aroon coming up from the track... handsome boys growing up big. They were introduced.

I climbed the paddock fence where our new arrivals were walking about... both boys came over right away. Glaa got a mint, IrishRainbow too.

I turned to Audrey asking if she wanted to ride. Her eyes on mine... a nod..."Remember I don't have much experience."

Diana beside me, I nudged her... a laugh from her. "We can do some in a paddock whenever you want... we have helmets and gloves."

I asked Gil to take Audrey to Go Outdoors for boots and jodhpurs. A Thumbs up.

Gil smiling took Audrey's hand to lead her to the garage. Audrey looking vaguely uneasy about the fuss until I said "No harm in giving it a try."

A smile.

Our guests got to meet our other horses and staff. Crawford2 checking out a mom cat... an abdominal exam... four... probably five babies inside. She is healthy.

I enlisted Gregory to do a précis of his cat breeding arrangements. Smiles and laughs.

Millie and I changed.

Audrey and Gil back... jodhpurs and boots!

Lunch! In the Breakfast Room, soup, sandwich makings, fruit and loads of Christmas cookies and fruitcake! I watched our daughter munch Father Christmas' head. No mercy!

I pardoned myself to do some work... to the Library. Gil and Chelle had many things...

A snailmail from the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Gil walks it to the fireplace... poof! Gone.

Chelle grinning, "Not even opening it?"

Gil, "Its contents don't matter. It is Bullshit."

I laughed, "Please don't insult bulls like that their shit is more valuable than Davos."

Chelle asked... Gil answered, "It's a bunch of people who want their egos stroked... trying to sound like they know something but they don't... they yammer for a few days then go home and the whole world forgets about it all. Next year... repeat! Nothing they do matters!"

Gil kissed Chelle, "Fay and Cho asked me two years ago to take a look because they'd received invitations... you have gotten what I found out."

Back to work.

The men came home... we gathered in the Great Room.

Audrey dressed to ride surprised Thomas... he looked liked he was in favour of it! A hug for her. I walked down with Audrey to get her together with Diana. Scout was saddled for her. I left them to it.

A small bag with my driving license... Tessa smiling as Argyle and Max climbed in the Land Rover, me at the wheel. In the second Harry and Meg with Cho driving and Penny.

Down the drive to the Oxford Road, right going south. Another right... the Abingdon Road to Culham, south over the two Thames bridges into Sutton Courtenay. We parked at the front of All Saints Church.

Max excited! Around to the right through the gate to the cemetery. My arm on Max's shoulders to the Yew trees. Eric Arthur Blair. Harry, a slight smile, had Meg's hand, the other on my shoulder. Cho squeezing my left. We were quiet.

I moved Max so he could see the back. His head jerked up... a smile breaking out.

"Your ladyship, its amazing!!"

The others took a look. Heads shaking.

Dr. Ryles came out. He bowed to Harry and Meg when I did the introduction. Max grinning shook his hand.

Harry's smile a bit bigger, "So this small shrine has attracted some attention?"

Dr. Ryles, "Yes Sir. Not widely known... just admirers."

Meg asked about the sign.

"Your Grace, it appeared last year when a few stones had accumulated. When Lady Harcourt received her first titles the sign was changed almost immediately. As you see once again it is new to reflect Lady Harcourt's new rank. I have no idea who is responsible although her Ladyship does. She asked him to do the sign for the Orwell Rose in the Garden at Harcourt House."

Harry looking at me.... a question?

"I'll show you."

Max and Argyle said they'd seen it. Fine workmanship.

A stop at Culham Manor... Ting, Andrea, Catherine and Caroline got to meet Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. All the others had already been introduced.

We kept it short.

Back at the house for an abbreviated drinks time... dress up tonight.

Harry and Meg with the Twins walked out to the Orwell Rose with Max, Cho and I. They smiled seeing how the small bush was protected from frost and snow by Phillips' folks.

They got its provenance... brought by hand from Wallington.

They liked the sign.

Fist bump from Harry. The Twins too!

`Bright and Shiny' was the theme for tonight.

In my Dressing Room with me... Sunny borrowed the emerald green bandeau pairing it with a shiny silver skater skirt showing off her gorgeous stems!! Silver thigh highs! Silver heels! Silver jewellery and her favourite Ralph Lauren perfume.

Chani in bright red knee length frock, white knee socks and shiny black Mary Jane's. A shimmering white satin band around her tummy. She's wearing her ruby necklace.

Cho and Charlie in black tuxedos, shiny satin lapels and mirror like shoes. Harcourt Racing Yellow cummerbunds.

Me... Noi's new Black satin Bolero jacket, two of three buttons open, small upright collar and narrow lapels. The top cupped' under my breasts leaving six inches of bare tummy. A shiny silver white tube skirt at my waist to my ankles with a slit at the rear for walking, silver stockings and silver strap sandals. Silver loop earrings, several silver chains of different weights around my neck down in the open collar, the Cho' band on my right wrist a dozen slender silver bands around my left wrist. Light gloss on my lips and silver nails. `Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes'

Doors opened we five walked into the Great Room holding hands. Loud greetings. Everyone looked good... bright colours and shiny bits. A set of sexy folks!

Meg in a shiny red dress, long sleeves, close to her body to her ankle tops, silver heels. It was soft, moulded over her tummy! Harry in the short mess jacket of the Blues and Royals, his regiment, scarlet red and black with gold facings, deep black trousers and a red stripe. Very handsome look.

Nori in a sleek silver frock to her ankles, long sleeves and a nice bit of décolletage! Argyle in a shiny lapel tuxedo, red cummerbund. Max in a tuxedo looking very sharp.. a big smile too!

Tom in a trim tuxedo fitting his athletic shape, a silver cummerbund and Rox in a silver and black vertical striped spaghetti strap dress showing off her nice cleavage. TJ in a bright red and black striped jumper and black trousers.

Chou's tuxedo lapels... WOW! They were gleaming. Millie beside him in a shiny gold pants suit, gorgeous!

Audrey in a silver sleeveless mini-dress, nice legs showing in silver stockings and Thomas in a shiny white tuxedo jacket and black trousers.

Marshay showing off her splendid shape in a snug shiny green dress with her flat tummy bare like Sunny and me. Alex in a tuxedo, bright red cummerbund.

We are a delicious looking crowd.

Taittinger's and Shirley Temples in hand... Cho, the Twins and me raised our glasses "To friendship and our friends being here with us to celebrate... Happy Christmas!!"

Cheers... we drank.

Harry, standing there looking resplendent, lifted his glass, "To our hosts among the very best in the world to be generous in mind and fortune! Cho, Fay, Charlie and Chani!"

Cheers, quite loud. We drank!

Us ladies admired each other's clothes... they loved my look. Audrey and I hip bumped in our silver!

She thanked me for the riding. I reminded her about the liniment.

"I'm Okay. I went up the slope with Diana... she was great. We went around that science thing and back. Enjoyable and possibly addictive."

I laughed, "Well it is for both for me. I miss it when I cannot ride."

I nudged Audrey, "If you want to ride you can drive to Upperville... its probably less than two hours. You can stay overnight. Lots of space to ride, good horses, excellent staff... Flo is a terrific cook. Her hush puppies are a Twins favourite!"

Audrey looking at me with an `are you serious look.' I was nodding.

"Drive up, stay over, ride for however many hours and drive back... a weekend or less."

"Fay, that is a wonderful offer... I'm not sure I could impose upon your hospitality..."

"Of course you can... all you have to do is call to find out if something is happening before you plan a visit. The house has lots of bedrooms... there's a pool... the farm is well protected and the countryside is nice."

A squeeze for her hand, "We host the Upperville Trials each July for three days..." I laughed, "You would be in good company... Hillary and Bill have been out for a weekend."

Wide eyes.

"Talk it over with Thomas. Gil will get the contacts details for you."

Head shaking... "Fay, you really don't know me or Thomas..."

I shrugged, "Let's say I think I am a good judge of character."

Fist bump.

By the fire with Harry, "That uniform is amazing. I can remember my father in his mess jacket, Royal Artillery."

"I don't often wear it these days. William is also a member of the Blues and Royals."

"So was golf good?"

"I did my usual upper eighties. I can't complain... no practise or often getting a chance to play. I had to laugh watching Cho hit one marvellous shot after another. For a man born in the tropics Cho is indifferent to the cold."

"He says it is part of the environment like the course itself which must be overcome."

Harry laughed at that, "Well he overcame the course today... a 58 which seems other worldly."

I smiled, "I think that is the course record he held already. There's a club not far east from Ipswich called Woodbridge where Cho posted a 47 last year... almost bringing the local pro to tears."

A big grin on me!

Harry shaking his head, "I can't be surprised after watching Cho several time up close."

Standing next to Chou I told him to look in my Lady's Room at Cowley House he night see something interesting. A smile as he squeezed my hand and an `Okay!'

"Will you be Okay retiring? You have been doing the railroad your whole working life."

"It is time for us to separate. I will miss the people I work with... they have been hard workers, loyal and intelligent."

"Who will likely replace you? Huang?"

Smiling, a nod, "He is an excellent manager... he knows the railroad like me."

"That should make your going easier for you."

"It will and not," He grinned.

"Cho will keep you busy going to our golf courses and homes for Millie to go riding."

We laughed and hugged.

Audrey talking with Sunny... horses. Thomas and Cho who had TJ with Charlie.

Millie beside me... we were watching Chani and Marshay having a conversation. Fun to see Chani so engaged... not a shy bone in her body. Millie laughing at my saying that.

Tom and Chou with Harry.

Rox leaning against me, my arm around her... Millie liked the sleek dress Rox is wearing. We both thought the gold `look' was marvellous for Millie.

Jaidee ignoring us... getting on with his sleeping by the fire.

Carter at the doors...

We paired up to go in... I had Cho and Max.

From their reactions I think our guests expected it to be the silver and gold from last night... gasps and sounds of delight.

The room was shiny! The centrepiece in several sections is bright flowers... blue, yellow and red with large shiny greens... big leaves! The tall candles were silver. The cloth white with bursts of flowers in the same colours as those in the centrepiece. The napkins alternated those flower colours around the table beside the glistening silver place settings.

A shiny red menu card at each place in silver ink. Ellie's script beautiful and so readable.

A savouries course followed by creamy potato leek soup then baked wild caught Alaskan Salmon on a bed of herb couscous surrounded by grilled vegetables. A small dish of pickled baby carrots at each place.

Carter served the superb Pinot Noir, Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Romanee-Conti Grand Cru with the fish. I really like this wine, rich and smooth perfect with salmon.

All around the table we could see our guests enjoying the dinner. Chou motioning with his glass to Cho, a smiling return. Carter was thanked. The Prince saluted Carter with his glass.

Chani and Charlie enjoying themselves... their plates being cleaned.

Dessert... something new and interesting! Pandan Cake from Sue and Maxine. In the same family of Victoria Sponge cake, it has a toasted brown surface but is green and soft inside. Everyone got a slice with creamy green sweet Matcha tea ice cream half over it.

Green dessert captured the Twins whimsical fantasy! Lots of comments about the colours... then they tasted it... WOW! This is going over very nicely!

The cake recipe is from Chef Thanh's cookbook!

No need to explain... the sweet and tasty goodness spoke for itself.

Afters... for me espresso and Amaretto. Marshay and Audrey followed me to their delight for new flavours.

They got from Sunny the same taste came in an almond latte... good to know and safe for work or study.

We had started reading `Sense and Sensibility' to the Twins... Meg and Harry sat with them in the Library. Chani and Charlie wondered if they would like to read for them... I said ask... they did so...

Cho nudged me with a grin, "Nicely done."

Rox came down from TJ's feeding. He's tucked in bed. Tha sitting with him.

"Fay, this house is very big but you are right it has a cosy feel. The colours are terrific, warm."

I told Rox about my choosing the colours and the painter being pleased with my rapid decisions as we walked about.

"I said we can always re-paint which had him chuckle."

More espresso... Harry and Meg did thirty minutes of reading for the babies. Charlie and Chani came running out all happy. I pointed them towards Jaidee... YES! Small fingers working our boy over.

I thanked Meg and Harry... "Good practise!"


Meg leaned over, "They do not like John and Fanny Dashwood,."

I laughed, "They have good company."

Fist bump.

The guys going to play poker again. We ladies talked around the fire... Delphine came in for the Twins. They said their goodnights. Kissed! I said I'd be up in few minutes.

Millie, "Fay there times when they are quite normal babies."

"True... every now and then."


The ladies talked about many things before we went up for the night. Hugs and kisses shared.

Rox pressing against me in my Dressing Room... soft lips.

"Fay, this is so lovely... all of this." Her hand` motioning in a circle.

Laughing, "So you want to come next year?"

"No... its like an overload..." she laughed, "... I lied... YES!"

She leaned in for another kiss. I squeezed her firm cute tush pressing her hard against me! A pat on it before she bee-bopped down the passage.

I sat to read some reports before turning the light off. A few more those things written by bureaucrats seemingly to obscure how they reached their point. Fortunately none was sensitive or such... recycle.

Jaidee in his bed giving me the `eye.' I smoothed the duvet... he is alert now...i called him... ZOOM! Such a sweetie... on his side relaxing with my rubs. His red bow against the warm brown hair quite nice.

I fell asleep with Jaidee... Cho woke me moving Jaidee to his bed. I felt my husband touching me from feet to head... I slept.

Jaidee's tail thumping as I sat up. A kiss for a muscled shoulder, I covered it. The brown dog watched me dress. A soft woof as we walked downstairs. Millie joined us.

Jaidee ate breakfast while Millie and I made scones and coffee. Marigold smiling as she worked... We waved to her going out the door.

Down the lane Jaidee running ahead for a change. Pamela nodding as I came around the corner. Jaidee gave me away!

Gaby on Roland, Tara on Gough, Geo saddled for Millie.

Jaidee did a very fake looking bite towards Thames who responded in kind. They ran off.

Andy waved when he heard where we going. Down to the Flats then up the slope staying to the left. We rode around Katie's family home to cross the Oxford Road. On the edges of fields we followed the arc of the Thames to Burcot to the Abingdon Road, south beside it. Two lakes to our left... past them a turn south at Bishops Court Farm a left to reach Dorchester's High Street. Down past the war memorial to the lane going east to Queen Street.

St. Birinus Church of England Primary School. We tied up to tree near the doors. At the front the Head Teacher waiting.

"Your Ladyship welcome."

We shook hands.

"M'Lady, so you know I'm not psychic... you were seen coming out on Queen Street."

Smiling, "I'm not trying to be invisible."

A big smile on her face.

In her study I introduced Millie.

"My you have come a long way."

Millie smiling, "My husband and I cannot miss Christmas with Fay and Cho."

I told the Head Teacher we had changed how we applied our gifts.

"You have some new students whose parents work in our businesses. Here is a cheque for ten thousand £'s."

Her face lit up, "Oh my! Your Ladyship this is indeed a wonderful Christmas gift."

"We hope you enjoy spending it. We only ask as we did last year... you send us a letter outlining how you used the money... remember no long details."

"We will be glad to repay you with a letter. M'Lady, you and Sir Cho amaze us all with your generosity."

"We know it can be hard to have enough money to enrich your students... that is what we hope the gift will be. Primary education is so important."

She is nodding.

I handed her the Letter of Credit... she nodding when I said no worry about any note for this.

"Can I have a short tour?"

"Oh yes."

"Maybe go in an older student class?"

"Let's go and see."

Another well kept school, they were making the effort to keep spirits up and encourage the children. Displays of art all around.

I got a look around then a stop in their Year five class. The students knew me right off... standing. I thanked them and motioned them to sit. Geography!

Today it is east Asia. I raised my eyebrows to their teacher who grinned and nodded.

"What is the capital Myanmar?"

Two hands shot up... I asked the boy furthest from me. "Bangkok."

I said no... "That is Thailand next door which is my husband's home country,. We live part time in Bangkok."

The girl near to me smiled when I looked her way, "Yangon."

"Okay what was that nation's name until recently?" A different girl... I pointed, "Burma."

"Very good... anything special about Burma?

The first girl... "It was a colony of ours until right after World War II."

Fist bump! The whole class laughed, the teacher and the Head behind me joined in.

"I was in Yangon in September to help my mother in a court case."

I turned to the teacher, "Can you spare five minutes?"

"Yes, M'Lady."

I sat on the edge of the teacher's desk. I pushed my hat onto my back.

"My adoptive mother is a barrister in Bangkok, she was asked to help a woman in Yangon who killed her husband after years of brutal physical abuse. They charged her with murder... my mother couldn't get the charge reduced to a lesser level.

I contacted the Myanmar Justice Minister with help from the Thai Justice Minister, we met at the local courthouse.

I told him the woman had loved the man at some point and she was sad and sincerely sorry. They had children, if the woman went to prison the children would be alone. I said it wasn't right to tear apart a family.

I told him I had been in danger and acted to stop it. I said the woman had the same rights as a man to defend herself.

Fortunately the Justice Minister was a man interested in justice so he dismissed the charge ending the woman's pain. She was reunited with her children and got some compensation from the government for failings of the police to stop the abuse she suffered.

On the side I made friend in the Myanmar Justice Minister. He helped us to get a programme started to stop illegal drugs coming into Myanmar and Laos next door."

I stood up, "A very short stay... Sometimes good things come from unexpected sources."

The smart girl at the front asked how long was I there?

Smiling, "Less than two hours. I flew from Seattle, the return flight took me to Victoria, British Columbia... in far western Canada to meet my family in the middle of a sailing trip."

A boy asked why I would go so far for two hours?

"Justice! A person was being unjustly charged and she was at risk for a very long custodial prison sentence for doing what anyone would do... defend themselves!"

A girl in the middle of class asked if it cost very much for the airplane tickets?

"I used our airplanes and helicopters. I don't know how much it cost... it didn't matter... the woman was saved. If my mother wasn't involved I wouldn't have heard about it and the woman might have been sent to prison."

The teacher over my shoulder, "A selfless act, M'Lady."

"Well... we have the resources... My husband and I feel we have obligations to others so we do things to help. Great wealth should bring it out in all who are like us."

Smiling I said I needed to get on and... "You need find out where Angkor Wat is."

Quizzical faces. The teacher grinning, we shook hands. I waved to the kids calling out a Happy Christmas to them. Loud replies came back for our Happy Christmas.

The Head Teacher walking out to the front with us thanked me for the `gift' and the Letter of Credit. I said she and the school were welcome. I also thanked her for the tour.

"Your Ladyship, you and Sir Cho are a unique pair... we greatly appreciate your being our friend."

We shook hands.

Mounted we went back a bit then up Manor Farm Road a short way... a plot of land... an acre grass and trees just across the road from the school. I sat on Pamela calling Mason our estate agent in London. I asked him to inquire about this land. I gave him the GPS location.

A path between hedges to the north side of Dorchester Abbey. We turned right to the Rectory. The Rector and the leading minister were there. Gil had called them.

The Rector bowed, the minister did a curtsey as I slid down to shake hands.

They hold an annual celebration called Anglo-Saxon Days... The Abbey had been an important religious centre in that era. Schools brought their students to see the displays of food, clothing, tools, dwellings and culture including music and art.

I gave them twenty five thousand £'s to help with the arrangements.

The Rector smiling, "Your Ladyship, you do amaze. We are pleased you are willing to help. We see so many young people each year... we try to make a link to their historical past be a bit more alive than just a book or film."

I said we were glad to help. "I read history at Exeter so I've a link of my own. I hope we will be able to attend in the coming year. I would like our children to see your event."

More hand shaking.

Remounted we exited the Abbey grounds going east, through a tree line to cross the Oxford Road. On a dirt road that bounded fields, a turn left going straight towards Warborough's Green Lane to cross Thame Road. We tied our horses outside the front door of St. Laurence Church of England Primary.

The Head Teacher at their door with a smile. We shook hands. In her study I passed over the cheque and the Letter of Credit.

She was astonished by the ten thousand £ amount.

"You have a second child of a family whose parents both work for us. In our new gift scheme that moves you up. We do have the same request for you about sending us a letter."

"This is very generous of you and Sir Cho. Last year's money helped to pay for classroom painting and repairs."

"Excellent! If you have a specific issue with your buildings let me know through my PA Gil. Her email is there..." My finger pointing to the Letter of Credit.

"We would help with any repair project."

"Thank you, M'Lady! Repairs do seem to be costing much more each year. For now we are in good shape."

"Keep it in mind. On to another topic... when I came last year and did a tour your Deputy Head was concerned about my Protectors being armed. They always are."

"She did mention it to me, M'Lady. As there was nothing obvious I wasn't worried. I can understand your need to be protected. You are a widely known person... I am sure that creates risks. I wouldn't use the term celebrity to describe you... that implies to me an attention seeking person... you don't seem like that."

I thanked her for the non-celebrity status. She grinned.

"Yes there is some risk." I reached to squeeze Tara's shoulder, "... Our Security people are highly trained and very skilled. We feel assured giving them our trust."

We did a short tour. Year Six was a stop. I got the class to sit. I saw Trina and Beth my tour guides last year. I said hello to them.. thanking them again for my tour last year...

Their teacher said they had seen my Introduction to the House of Lords ceremony as part of their current events.

Trina's hand shot up... the teacher smiling motioned her on.

"Your Ladyship, you ride around giving money to schools near us... did you go to school in Oxfordshire?"

"No. I was born in America's capital Washington, D.C. while my parents were stationed at our embassy. When we came home I lived for the most part in Hampshire near Froyle. I was a day student at a public school a mile or so away.

My husband and I moved to Harcourt House four years ago so we could have space to build our racing stables. Oxfordshire reminds me of where I had lived, riding my horse every day as I did growing up.

We know schools can always use some extra money for a variety of things so we help."

I said goodbyes... they all called goodbyes to me.

In the passage the Head smiling. "You have an easy way with children. Yours?"

I smiled, "Chani and Charlie are unusual two and half year olds. Mentally and physically advanced which means we have to adapt to their rapid changes."

"Advanced, M'Lady?"

"They are reading, writing and doing maths in English, French and Thai to approximately year seven or eight."

Big eyes! "Your Ladyship, as two year olds?"

"Yes, very advanced."

Millie suggested I show their paintings.

The Head mesmerised by the babies artwork. She asked what we were doing for their education?

I told her about Tha and Delphine who would continue for the near future.

"We don't think a classroom setting is appropriate at this time."

She said the only function a classroom could have for them is socialisation but that would be difficult because they would be so much younger than students at the same skill level.

"That is our feeling so we aren't going there now."

I thanked her for the tour. We shook hands at the door.

Mounted going home. Back up Green Lane to cross the harvested fields, around Dorchester heading north then retracing our out-bound route. Once over the Oxford Road above Clifton Hampden we asked our horses!! Pamela rushing over the grass... Roland and Gough close... Geo rushing forward to be close to Pamela a length back.

A wonderful gallop! We slowed on the slope walking down to the busy Flats. Horses on the tracks and exercise rides.

At the Stables office I asked Tara about Plotline.

"Fay, he really goes through the Cross-Country course. So much strength. I can see why he might not do well in Dressage... not that he's clumsy but he loves to run... such power."

"Did Sunny talk to you about him?"

"Yes, I said I'd ride him whenever it was possible. Gregory knows he'll have to have an energetic exercise rider for him. Is it Okay to take him out for our morning rides?"

"It would be good for him... sort of cross country without the jumps."

Fist bump. Grins.

We'd been out for a while... the Breakfast Room thinly occupied. Millie and I sat to eat and talk. She had been doing some riding in Taipei but not cross country. I pointed out she could come here or one of our U.S. houses to ride in the open spaces.

"Drag Chou along. I'm sure Cho could wangle some golf for him. You know we don't have to be here or anywhere else ourselves although that would be lovely."

She'd talk to him. A hug.

I cleaned up into my Munro Ancient Tartan mini-skirt, white shirt, a royal blue wool waistcoat and blue jacket over. Blue tights and brown brogues. Gold jewellery and red lips and nails. `Joy'

Meg said she wasn't feeling up to being out bouncing right now. Okay. The Twins were around... she could see what they were up to. A smile when I said she could round them up for some reading.

Millie, Rox, Nori, Audrey and Marshay coming with me to visit some more schools via cars.

Prasert and Tom driving, Angie and Alba along, We went south over to Culham then south into Sutton Courtenay. A first stop at All Saints Church. I led the ladies around to the back... Orwell's grave.

Nori knew I was bringing her husband and Max over later for a second visit.

Dr. Ryles joined us at the grave, smiling as he was introduced. Audrey asked the `why is Orwell buried here' question?

Dr. Ryles told of his friendship with David Astor who had connections to the village. He arranged the plot when Orwell died in a London hospital.

Mr. Astor knew of Orwell's love of English countryside and although there were no links to Oxfordshire... Sutton Courtenay is a quiet semi-rural village which would have appealed to Orwell.

The stones at the back did explain themselves... I got a few looks.

On the road again questions...

"I started reading Orwell when I was seven or so... No I didn't get it all but I re-read his work over many times as I grew up. At the house in Froyle the housekeeper was always rattling about doing things so I would ride my horse to a favoured spot under a tree beside a stream. I sat to read for hours skipping meals sometimes.

He has a remarkable way with words. Straight forward commentary, insightful and incisive essays which are some of his best work."

We stopped in front of Sutton Courtenay Church of England Primary. The Head Teacher inside with a smile. Introductions. She said it was very nice to see Roxanne again.

"As I surmised my meeting you made my husband quite jealous."

We laughed. Rox made a point of shaking her hand while the Head's secretary took a snap.

She was surprised and pleased to receive the ten thousand £ cheque. The Letter of Credit the icing.

"Your Ladyship, we did as you advised... we had fun spending your money from last year. A few items on our wishful thinking list were purchased."

"Excellent! Just as we hoped. Now time for more wishes."

We shook hands.

Waves from the car doors.

We went down into northern Dicot to Ladygrove Park Primary School. A striking modern building. The Head Teacher came to the front office when I asked after him.

He bowed, "Your Ladyship, welcome. We are pleased you would visit."

Smiling I said I had a few gifts for them.

I did introductions. Roxanne's last name made him pause.

"Ms. Angleten... is your husband a golfer?"

Smiling Roxanne said he was.

"I admire his play. What he does with a golf club is amazing."

Rox thanked him, a big grin, "Sir Cho is even better."

He looked like `What?'

Rox smiling, "Whenever Tom and Sir Cho play... they are right now... Tom always comes second."

Me smiling, "To see how good my husband is... look up the 2017 Concord Classic played at the Bel-Air Country Club in Los Angeles."

He said he would.

In his study I told him Cho and I supported primary education to build a solid basis for future learning in all children.

"Educated adults make good citizens. If children don't get quality schooling in their early years most never catch up."

Nodding, "Yes M'Lady, that is unfortunately the way it goes."

I slid the five thousand £ cheque across his desktop... He jumped a bit then a grin.

"M'Lady, this is indeed a lot of help. All our students will see the benefit of your generosity."

"What do ask of you is to send us a letter... not detailed... of what you spend it on. Like a new table or some desks, etc... not an accounting just a simple list."

The Letter of Credit was also very welcome. They always had computer needs, new mice or monitors and the like.

"For this you do not to do any accounting the store does it all."

He nodded.

"Your Ladyship, I am surprised by your... schools have tight budgets... your gifts will mean a great deal to us. Thank you!"

We shook hands.

We headed south under the railroad tracks at Didcot Station... over to Mereland Road. A right into Willowcraft Community School grounds. Parking near the front doors.

A woman Head Teacher looking younger than her years, smiling as I introduced myself.

"Your Ladyship, Welcome to Willowcraft School."

I thanked her. A bright and Cheery entrance, student art on display.

In her office we sat after introductions.

I said their school motto, `Tomorrow's success starts today.' She nodded her head.

"That is what my husband and I believe! We are ardent supporters of primary education..."

I laid the five thousand £ cheque on her green baize desktop.

"You have the son of one of our staff enrolled here."

Her hands to her face, red cheeks. She looked to me... I nodded. I slipped the Letter of Credit beside the cheque.

"This money...." My hand pointing to the cheque, "... is for you to spend however you need. We only ask you send us a letter listing what you used the money for. Like a room repainted, new chairs, etc... no details needed."

I tapped the Letter of Credit. "The Oxford Computer Store does the accounting on their side."

The redness lightened on her face, "Your Ladyship, it is overwhelming you would want to give us money. You don't live or have family attending here?"

"No... just the one child of our employee... your school is one of two dozen primary schools I will visit before Christmas. Council schools, academies, Church of England and Catholic schools alike.

Actually we have been doing this for three years. This is my first visit to you."

Thank yous for thinking of them.

I got a quick look around, it looked like the others... staff trying very hard to keep things nice!

I did goodbyes.

One more stop. Prasert took us back up to Broadway then west to Slade Road then Freeman Road to Stephan Freeman Primary School.

Two girls in skirts and nice blue tops went whizzing by as we walked in. One jammed her brakes...

"Who are you looking for?"

I laughed, "The Head Teacher."

She pointed, "Right in there."

I thanked her. Tara opened the door... inside several desks were in front of an open space with more desks. Women sitting at them working. A woman at the closest desk looked up..

"Hello... How can we help?"

"Hello... my name is Lady Harcourt, I wanted to speak to the Head Teacher please."

The name always gets attention... poor Fay Martin she's been shelved... I've contributed to it myself.

The woman stood up... I raised my eyebrows... "Oh yes... you are."

A curtsey... You can't stop people.

Later Cho said, "You have gotten better about all that... now you are a much rarer bird... let folks do what they think is right one time around."

She picked up her phone... she spoke quickly.

"The Head is coming."

I thanked her.

A slender woman with brown hair curling on her shoulders around the edges of her glasses. She slipped between desks... the others were looking up. Some action... A fellow came in from the side doorway... stopped dead... a stare... a bow! He stepped back.

The Head Teacher, "Your Ladyship, welcome to Stephan Freeman Primary."

Smiling we shook hands. I said I wanted a few minutes of her time.

"Please this way."

We headed to an office at rear of the room. The staff was standing up... I smiled and said hellos and shook a few hands as I moved forward.

Her office door... a paper flower attached, quite a nice daffodil.

Sitting after introductions for my companions. She is amazed by our American guests.

I told her I am making stops at schools in South Oxfordshire in the weeks before Christmas.

"My husband and I try to support primary education... you have two students whose parents work for us. I have a gift for the school from those families and ours..."

I handed her the cheque for five thousand £'s. She smiled, her finger tips squeezing the paper went white...

"M'Lady, this is something very fine. No one has ever walked in our door to give us money. For the students and staff I want to thank you and your family."

I said the school was very welcome.

"We do ask you send a letter to us with a simple list of what you spend it. Such as computer paper or blankets for nap time or a new set of chairs. No detail needed."

I added the Letter of Credit... another nice smile.

"For this the store keeps track of your activity so you need not do any reporting."

She asked to be pardoned for a moment... eyes wet. She stepped out...

Millie squeezed my hand. Smiles on my ladies' faces.

The Head is back with her deputy... introductions. She curtseyed. I shook her hand.

The Head showed her the `gifts' which almost brought tears to her also. The deputy is the finance person so she knew how valuable the money is.

I asked to meet their Year Six students. Yes they'd be glad to do that.

At the front of one classroom filled with kids from the two Year Six classes. Youngsters standing around the walls... My companions behind me.

`To start I won't hold you up from your lunch..."


"I want to encourage to make the best of your last terms here... As you move up... any upper school is a challenge socially and educationally... big changes so prepare.

I loved the academic side of my school... sport not so much... you need to find a balance but please try to concentrate on your studies. Sport, clubs, music, drama groups can be fun and educational but science, maths, history, English are the things you can build on for your future.

Going to university can be marvellous... I enjoyed Exeter very much. If that is a goal keep your academics strong.

Whatever you choose to do later please make it something that excites you... challenges you... rewards you... mentally and spiritually and hopefully financially!

Thank you for having me."

They applauded.

I wished them all `Happy Christmas.'

The Head as we walked outside to the cars, "That was very nice... simple and direct. We appreciate what you have given us and we will spend it carefully."

"Should you have a project of importance... a repair or the like... We can help. Contact Gil...her details are on the letter.

I was thanked again.

Okay lunch for us. Gil texted she, the Twins, Chelle and Meg were on the way to Culham. Good. I am glad Meg feels better.

Prasert has us crossing the Thames fairly soon... a turn onto the Culham High Street... down to the end and the Culham Manor forecourt.

Jian at the door a HUG and KISS. Inside the drawing room hugs and kisses with introductions.

Jian and Meg a big hug. Meg has been visiting Chanthira Shelters as she and Harry are Patrons.

Caroline hugging Chani and Charlie.

Catherine's tummy quite big now, a smile.

"I'm doing fine, another month to go."

Today a ladies lunch including Charlie.

We had a fun time... a tour for everyone then food. Caroline showed off her room... very nice, comfy for her. A lot of pink in there!

The cook Meredith did a very nice soup and quiche.

Their baker Ras made very good Christmas cookies. They were `approved' by the Twins.

Sitting by the fire in the Inglenook with Meg.

"I was a bit queasy but it passed. I haven't had much trouble."

She liked the manor house... `Olde England' we laughed. I said it dated to the reign of Henry VI in the 1420's.

"We bought it to preserve it and for some friends who might have a big rackety family... not decided on who at the time but Cho and I quickly offered it to our close friends of long-standing. Andrea and Ting have a longer commute... they are happy with it."

When we arrived home the men were there. So I got Max and Argyle in a car to go Sutton Courtenay again... Max had asked if we could.

I parked the Land Rover in front of All Saints Church... I am leading as we walked to the grave Tessa at the rear.

Max's hand on the tombstone... eyes closed. A slight smile on Argyle's face. A quiet moment.

I dug into my coat pocket... pulling out a small smooth flat glossy black stone... I handed it to Max. I said to turn it over... `Max' etched very neatly.

A huge smile! "Thank you, M'Lady."

He placed it close up to my original stone. Argyle squeezed my shoulder.

Dr. Ryle joined us. He shook Tessa's hand with a smile. He remembered Max and Argyle.

Max learned about David Astor and had the `why here' question answered.

On the way back Max leaned forward from the back seat and thanked me again for being kind enough to have a stone for him.

"I thought you might like to do that."

At the house Argyle thanked Cho and I for being generous to Max.

Cho, "He's a fine young fellow, the Twins like him, he loves to play golf... what's not to like."

We laughed.

In the Great Room everyone knew we would depart for Oslo tonight. They were going home or up to Cowley House shortly. The banker group would cross them coming out to us before leaving from Chalgrove.

In the Entryway saying goodbyes. Meg and Harry a AW139 waiting to go Wandsworth, a car there for them. They thanked us for a relaxing few days.

Harry, "The drone is amazing. I loved flying it. Shelby and Benjamin are terrific teachers. They are going to send me a video of my flight."

We could see Harry is pumped up about it.

Cho, "Call Yone and come out again to fly one. We do have a small gunnery range to test the weapons... you could also fly one based at Lordsburg where all weapons are fired."

Harry thanked us for the experience, he might come back.

Meg, "Your people are so nice please thank them for us."

A kiss, "I will."

Harry got a hug, "Fay.. Cho... Is there a chance we could use your Southwold house again? In Early February? A last outing before the boy comes out."

Meg grinning holding Harry's hand.

Cho said surely. "It will be stormy...that has its own attractions."

I said there's lots of fireplaces with hearth rugs to curl up on, woolly bits to wear.

Another hug with Meg. They'll be in touch about Southwold.

We waved them away as Avril lifted them up.

Hugs and kisses for our golfers and their ladies. Rox holding me tight. I got to kiss TJ goodbye after he stuck his arms out. Tom laughing saying I am an approved hugger.

Hugs and grins!

Audrey and Marshay thanked us for inviting them.

My arms around them.

"We are glad you could come over. At Cowley House there will be Tube cards and passes to attractions for you all. The house is about six hundred feet from the Houses of Parliament... lots to see and some fun shopping. Go to Harrods even if you don't buy anything just to see it all. They do have a very nice tea room at the top. You have to see Fortnum and Mason for sure. Lots of delightful tasty things to see and taste plus many of their things make excellent gifts.

Cars are available all you have to do is ask Clough, our butler, for that."

Big hugs and kisses. Hands shaken all around.

The Twins had done a quick change then in the Garden with Jaidee. We put on macs to walk out... Charlie saw us from the quarterdeck of the Rêve, he waved. Chani in the cabin with Jaidee. They were in their `Dread Pirate' outfits with macs and gloves. Tha grinning around the bow of their ship.

We helped them down... Jaidee first.

Chani and Charlie ran to the merry-go-`round... I sent the babies whizzing around... Jaidee watching his head rolling to follow Charlie and Chani. I slowed it to stop... the babies waved to him... Jaidee hopped on. The babies held on with one hand the other holding Jaidee. I started slow... Jaidee sitting up... a grin, tongue out. I picked the speed up. Jaidee is Okay with it. Tha and Cho watching out.

We slowed to stop... Jaidee jumped off woofing... very happy bouncing about. The Twins jumped off to hug the brown dog in the skull and crossbones jumper!

Inside the outer clothes off... to the Breakfast Room... hot chocolate and a walnut molasses cookie, one. A chew thing for Jaidee. Pirates need to eat.

A call from Mason... the land in Dorchester is owned by an adjacent property owner... he would sell if we weren't going to build on it. Mason had passed on what we wanted it for... He readily agreed... we will own it in a few days! Excellent!

My thanks to Mason. His thanks for Willow... she's doing great! Happy Christmas!

The bankers back! Hugs and kisses applied. They got to meet Tom, Alex and Thomas at Cowley House! They loved that. Not every day you get to meet the best golfer in the world and a couple other very good pros.

They ate dinner with us then to Chalgrove for their flights home. Many thanks for having them! London is a terrific place to wander about. Our hospitality greatly appreciated.

We will be seeing them during the coming year. Big goodbyes!

Chani and Charlie knew we would be away for two days. They had their schedule of things they like to do so they'd be busy. Caroline would come over for fun, riding Iris and the pool.

The 767 lifted off for Oslo, an hour and a quarter flight. PJ, Rande, Tara and Ansara sitting with us. PJ giving us a rundown on how they would work in this ceremonial environment.

Gil and Chelle in a chair together smiling at PJ being so careful. We are glad... this is a very public and widely publicised event where we have no control.

On the ground we parked at commercial aircraft support company. A busy day tomorrow... In bed Cho holding me, `So you know... you are my prize I don't need another."

I kissed my handsome prince holding me.

Snuggled we watched my BBC interview... Cho grinning or laughing out loud at some of my answers. I am not a fan of doing those things... this one was well edited. My answers weren't truncated!!

I think I made my points. Len Copley's editor did a fine job.

Gil and Chelle at our door they'd watched in the Lounge.

Chelle, "Fay, you looked like a million bucks sitting there... cool and collected firing off answers right and left!"

I thanked her.

I asked Gil to pick out the editor's name and send him a well-done note. One for Len Copley.

Gil fist bump. A wink!

Email... Gil with a big smile, "Fay... Cho... they have started to put the wood up in the 725 Fifth building!"

Great!! All that tacky marble, glass and fake gold crap is gone! The big running water wall will be covered with plants and the water will cascade over them to the basin in the floor.

Gil, "The marble has been sold! A company doing a remodel in Philadelphia bought it all! Our general contractor said it will pay for nearly all the wood!"

Yea!!! Thousands of tons of crap... they're welcome to it. Cho squeezing me.

A short morning walk around the wind-swept concrete parking apron... warmly dressed but the strong breeze found a few openings. Hot coffee! Breakfast!

Overnight comments on my interview... they are universally full of praise! From my forthright answers to how I looked to my demeanour and my clothes! Oh gee... maybe I ought to be on TV!

The UK newspapers generally thought it was one of the BBC's best.

A report about online comments from Reginé...Her people did some tweets and posts around the interview... links to the BBC's webpage. Bits and Pieces grabbed and tweeted... enormous likes and retweets... now running into the hundred thousands.

Reginé sent an email, `Fay, there have been thousands of tweets and posts mentioning you looking like Grace Kelly. I think you will hear more on that.'

My reply, `Reginé it has come up before... not in the thousands though. Thanks.'

Funny I couldn't care less about what is said on social media. I've no interest in participating in all that. I am glad Reginé's people are very good at their work.

A bit of work for us.

I handed Cho a government report on the proposed tunnel near Stonehenge. Even in a modified form it is going to damage the land around the monument which has so much archaeological potential. I got the road is a problem for drivers but Stonehenge is a one-of-a-kind place.

I kept on with my things... an eye out for Cho's reaction. When finished he looked to me, "Are you thinking what I am?"

"Yes... let's build a borer for a deep tunnel like Seattle's double-decker tunnel."

Cho leaned over for a kiss. He turned to Gil, "Please call Kevin when the time is appropriate for the west coast... ask him to take a look. Have him contact the company that is supposed to do the work at Stonehenge.

Tell him our Stockholm company would build a borer."

A thumbs up.

I will call Morgan to get the Sharks on researching it... an email to the CEO of the Stockholm borer company to expect calls from Kevin and Morgan. They would need an estimate of possible costs and not to be concerned about it being an exact number.

I emailed Keir Starmer... could he and Secretary of State for Transport meet with us in January to discuss a radical idea about the Stonehenge Tunnel project. We'll see.

We sat for lunch. Yobi and Lil served Carla's mushroom soup and veggie hamburgers. Cho grinning about us eating one of the Twins fav's.

A wool navy Mirabelle suit, single breasted jacket with white silk long sleeve shirt, a small collar, a group of gold chains of different weights around my neck in a loop in the open collar. The skirt is ankle length slightly gathered at the waist hanging loosely. Navy stockings and heels. The Gold Cho' band on my right wrist, the gold horse head torque on my left. Small gold hoops at my ears. Joy' Red nails and lips, a medium red.

The Coach navy camel's hair coat with navy leather gloves and a white Hermès scarf.

Cho in a navy suit too! Blindingly white shirt and Harcourt Racing yellow tie. A navy wool coat, scarf and black gloves.

Gil and Chelle in navy Mirabelle suits with trousers. They were both wearing Harcourt Racing Hermès scarves around their necks. Warm coats and gloves.

Our Protectors Tara and Ansara were with us to start in navy also... looking very smart! PJ and Rande following.

We were blue in hue!

Cars from the airport down the E6 motorway right into or rather under Oslo's city centre. A complicated set of tunnels brought us up to the surface at Dronning Mauds Gate. Police managing traffic so we could exit the cars.

The third car with bags went to the Grand Hotel.

The Radhusplassen in front of us... a brilliant clear day, cold. We crossed a hundred feet of the plaza to the front door of the Nobel Peace Centre.

Opposite is a huge projection screen beside a covered stage, everything for a big outdoor show.

A group of Centre staff waiting for us inside. The men bowed and the ladies curtseyed.

We shook their hands, smiles and welcomes. Gil and Chelle introduced.

Our outer clothes taken. We were escorted to a meeting room where the whole Nobel Peace Prize Committee waited.

Our escort stopped at the doors... "The Most Honourable Fay Martin, The Markise Harcourt and the Right Honourable Sir Cho..."

The Committee bowed and curtseyed. Introductions and handshakes all around. They were very happy to welcome us to Oslo and the Nobel events.

This is a casual meeting before the press conference. We mixed chatting lightly. The Chairwoman of the committee with me.

"Your Ladyship, seems the Queen got her honours in first."

We laughed.

"Her Majesty has taken us somewhat by surprise which I think she likes. As with your award it is very satisfying to be recognised. It is something to last a lifetime."

A big smile on her face.

I said, "Our actions would be no different even without awards."

My hand out as she seemed to hesitate, "Fay."

A big smile in return, "Thank you. I believe several of the past laureates have said something similar. In your case I definitely believe it."

We squeezed hands.

"You have experience with the press so the news conference we hope will not prove a burden."

"Cho and I have done a fair number meetings with the press in some unusual locations."

"It was noticed you did not hold any media events when Narathiwat Peace Protocols were announced."

"We did host some press at the front door of our Oxfordshire home... impromptu. A bit chilly."

I laughed telling her about Carter's line about serving hot drinks and cookies to the press. A big laugh from her.

"Sounds like your butler is as phlegmatic as fiction tells us English butlers are."

"Indeed he is. Our house runs like a clock."

More chatting with Committee members, several were funny, they all seemed nice.

One a former Norwegian cabinet minister, he had been in the army serving overseas in peacekeeping efforts.

He asked about the Irish and Canadians in south Thailand. I told him they worked hard and gained the trust of both sides.

"They use locations we setup for them and our helicopters to get about so they are not dependent on the Thai Army."

A smile, "You and Sir Cho's willingness to go that far was important to us. The Thai government was quite persuasive in arguing your contacts on both sides was both the start and cement holding the participants together."

"We had the advantage of knowing many individuals in government and having a unique ability to have people on the ground in the south."

Another fellow had joined us... he was listening to the last part.

"Lady Harcourt, something else... you both stuck to it and they knew you would! You and Sir Cho gained their complete confidence. Your willingness to go far to support the efforts we felt gave further impetus to the negotiators."

"It was from a distance... we did not go to the compound more than twice. We felt our presence might take away from the work. All knew how much we wanted them to succeed."

The news conference! The committee with us answered the press' questions along with us. Nothing too tough or dramatic.

Our Fox News correspondent asked if we considered this prize a capstone or launch pad. Cho looked to me... smiling I told the press there won't any capstones until there is a stone over us permanently.

Some shaking heads for that.

The Fox News fellow did a thumbs up! I did fist up for him.

I am asked a couple of questions about the BBC interview... its timing was one.

I told them it had been scheduled several months back.

The Aftenposten correspondent is a woman... she said I looked very `cool' during the interview were any of Mr. Copley's questions uncomfortable?

Smiling, "I do not mind any question because I know my answers."

That had them looking at each other.

Several did ask about some of the mechanisms of the contacts we used to connect with the southerners which we declined to reply to.

One fellow persisted on that until Cho smiling said there would be no change to our decision.

"Move on!"

Like other meetings with the press we said what we wanted to say nothing more.

A hour... not bad but I did wonder why it is part of the programme. So much of it all is well-known... certainly no `revelations.'

We toured the Nobel Peace Prize centre... I wondered what we had in common with past laurates... they tried to do the `right thing' as we did.

Looking at Dag Hammarskjold... he was trying very hard to help the Congo become a nation on its own legs without outside interference. A very complicated environment... east and west competition, Europeans lusting over natural resources, the tribal rivalries.

The Belgium government and two kings disgraced themselves with their conniving and possible involvement in Hammarskjold's death in a airplane crash.

His Nobel Prize came to late to save his life.

So many famous faces here... Many made people uncomfortable... Carl von Ossietzky! His prize is not a shining moment for the Norwegian monarchy... the king, Haakon VII, stayed away from the ceremony to appease hilter's Germany.

Some American presidents whose awards always bemused me.

Cho's hand in mine, warm, reassuring.

Our guide was quite nice. We thanked her.

The Committee hosted us for a dinner... what is known as the `Little Dinner.' As opposed to the banquet tomorrow night.

The food was very good as was the wine. Cho approved of the wine!

Afterwards we moved ourselves to the Nobel Suite at the Grand Hotel a half dozen blocks away.

A large suite, comfortable enough... a bit starkly furnished. Accommodations across the passage for our people.

We sat in the drawing room to talk about tomorrow. PJ and Rande will split the work with Tara and Ansara.

Gil and Chelle said goodnight... then we headed to bed. A Protector will rotate in every two hours.

The bed is good to snuggle with Cho. Warm and cosy!

The last Protector on duty is Tara because she is willing to go for a cold walk. Kentucky Heat under my walking clothes, scarves, knit hat and gloves, sunglasses. We looked much the same except for the Glock under Tara's jacket.

Down the stairs skipping the lift. Still dark! We went out the front doors across the street into Eidsvolls Park. It is dressed for Christmas, vendors, amusement rides, an ice skating area. We walked the perimeter of the park twice... few people in the park... some walkers like us... back to the hotel.

A staff fellow inside the door bowed. I guess not incognito enough!

Today is the show! December 10th. One hundred and twenty two years from the death of Alfred Nobel.

Cho in a deep black suit, pale gray shirt and shimmering silver tie. A kiss too!

Me in an ankle length black wool frock, long sleeves, a round collar a wide black leather belt. Three strands of large pearls around my neck just above the collar, under those laying on my bosom inches below the pearls a silver locket with Charlie and Chani inside. Silver drop pearl earrings. The Cho' band in silver on my right and the silver torque the small globes on the ends from Karla and Michael on my left wrist. Black stockings and heels. Joy' dabbed on.

The black wool Mirabelle asymmetric coat and black gloves, a black cloche hat with the brim rolled up on the left sloping away to the right, a round top with a` bow on the black band with a red poppy in the centre and a black Hermès scarf.

Cho in a black vicuna coat, black gloves, a black fedora.

Gil and Chelle plus Tara and Ansara all in black. Dressed warmly!

Going out the front door to the cars. The short drive to the Nobel Peace Centre on the Radhusplassen. The `Save the Children' party spread out into the plaza. A quite a few thousands of people... a young crowd.

Several young people welcomed us, hands shaken... guided us to a viewing space in front of the stage where some of the Committee members were standing. We shook their hands.

A girl came out on stage right up to a microphone to introduce the show... she said the essence of the Peace Prize this year is communication. How we as the laureates convinced the two sides in Thailand to speak to one another. A meaningful dialogue commenced leading to both understanding the other, sharing their thoughts on the issues, debating those issues brought agreement and Peace.

The show started with several songs sung by a group with two solo parts about communicating. They departed stage left.

From the right two youngsters came on to do a short dialogue talking about talking.

On the the empty stage two dozen children came on from the wings, to cover the stage, who were clearly divided and paired off, blue shirts and red... also by not agreeing on why something should happen. It was abstracted as a catalysis for discussion... no real words spoken... gestures and facial expressions. In pairs they spoke back and forth developing their thoughts... all non-verbally... a pair finding common ground they took off their blue and red shirts to a white shirt... they held hands. As the others talked more followed the first white shirts. They worked it out so they were all white and holding hands.

Loud applause for each portion. Cho leaning on me to say the babies could do this. A kiss.

The whole cast onstage to sing about coming together... they were very good, some strong voices in the mix. The students were from many ethnicities and ages. Their singing brought them all into one group.

Cho and I clapping loudly, a cheer from me. We walked up the front steps up to the stage shaking hands with the children... fist bumps started by me. They were laughing happy to meet us up close.

We thanked them for the wonderful show... we appreciated their work and the theme.

The Nobel Committee members smiling they enjoyed our personally mixing with the Children.

We crossed the plaza to the Oslo Radhus, city hall, for the award ceremony... bells ringing... ringing loudly across the open square as we walked. PJ and Rande now with us taking over as primaries.

Inside we were escorted to a large conference room. Our outer wear taken.

We waited for the Royal party... they entered... King Harald V and his wife Queen Sonja, beside them Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Mette-Marit.

We bowed and curtseyed.

The King extended his hand... he welcomed us. We shook hands with his family.

The King said we were an excellent choice... our guiding force making peace possible.

They said they were looking forward to our lecture.

The Prince and Princess with me...very pleased to meet us... we are so often in the news.

We moved to the rear of the main hall with the Committee members. Gil and Chelle with PJ and Rande would remain here to watch.

The audience standing as trumpeters on the balcony played a fanfare. We walked in pairs down the centre aisle to the stage.

All of us stood in front of our chairs up on the stage... Once we were in place the King and his family came down the aisle... the fanfare continued... the guests remained standing. A set of four chairs in the centre front for the Royals. King Harald moving slowly with his canes. When the King and his family sat the room all followed.

The Chairwoman of the Committee welcomed everyone and spoke about the process of peace throughout the world and in Thailand more specifically.

As her remarks ended she asked Cho and I to come forward to receive our diplomas and gold medals. The people in the audience applauded as she gave us the awards.

We stood still for the photographers... the applause continued... returning to our seats Cho closed our diplomas... he was to speak first so I collected all our prizes on my lap.

A musical interlude began, a pianist and a cellist performing... it was a light piece which I did not recognise. My lap encumbered I didn't try to look in the leather programme binder where the various events were listed.

Cho's hand resting on mine... warm... solid.

The Committee Chairwoman returned to the podium inviting us to give our Nobel lecture.

Cho moved to the podium...

"Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Distinguished Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Your Excellences, Distinguished Guests...

Not to be trite in any way... today was preceded by a bit of personal diplomacy... Fay and I negotiated on who would speak... we decided we would both speak, each for ten minutes."

Laughter. Cho smiling one of those killers smiles!

"From the beginning of our plan to try to end the war in Thailand's south we knew the entire project would come down to being fair. Both sides would have to bring themselves to the table recognising their opposite's had certain desires that needed to be met as they did.

Without that element of fairness nothing would bridge the divide between them.

We started the project to move both sides to a negotiating position using our personal contacts. Knowing members of the government and military we asked them to change the demands of past administrations which placed heavy burdens upon the insurgents for any start to talks. We said in all fairness a level playing field would be required. Conditions demanded by the government in the past must be withdrawn.

To the insurgents our people spoke to each of the groups on both sides of the border with Malaysia, they all had divergent and competing demands... we told them a unified voice was essential and encouraged them to talk amongst themselves to that end. Our intermediaries said the process would be fair for all the groups to have a voice if they participated.

A strong impetus to the beginning was a courageous move by Thai Army general A-Wut to back away from aggressive military action in certain areas. His decision was quickly seen by the insurgents... they matched his action by stopping their attacks in those same areas. A gradual lowering of military action across the southern provinces brought some quiet but not peace.

The government of Thailand led by the Prime Minister with the support of our honoured King Vajiralongkorn boldly decided to eliminate any pre-conditions to speaking to the insurgents.

It meant a level playing field for talks was there.

My wife and I offered a secure compound on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand as a site for their meeting. Our helicopters brought the insurgents to Narathiwat from hidden forest locations while the Army and Security Police swept the skies clear of their aircraft.

Acting as hosts we asked the negotiators to please consider the basics including some form of stable ceasefire then substantive talks on the issues.

The government and the Army were going to speak through one major voice... Jun, the Thai Interior Minister.

The men from the south responded by uniting their disparate thinking to one voice, they chose as leader Chakan, who is now the Speaker of the Southern Assembly. It would have been impossible for the Thai government to discuss peace in the face of multiple competing demands.

So two sides faced each other finding no evil in either... We encouraged a simple agenda of meetings on the prominent issues that could allow the talks to continue. It was agreed.

The next few days we did not intrude on them... acting a resource for them to ask questions and giving them ideas on approaches to the primary topics.

It was quite wonderful to see them all act in a fair and decent manner towards others who commanded elements of war-making on the other side.

Neither group took posturing stances which would have done damage to the process. They spoke reasonably, quietly and sincerely. It did dawn on them they could speak to each other without fear of rejection and as equals.

Some matters were by their nature problematical but by listening objectively to understand what parts were core needs they found ways to ease forward."

Cho went on to describe how they broke into smaller mixed groups to consider specific concerns, brought their ideas to the whole and then discussed them in their respective government and insurgent groupings.

Back and forth they went on working to reduce differences, compromising always trying to be fair to the opposite side to keep the process alive. Rancour left aside.

"The first meeting at Narathiwat was amazing for the scope of progress... it was plain both sides wanted peace. Acting as they had as decent fair men they succeeded in breaking through obstacles.

It was a moment of quiet victory for the people of southern Thailand. We did a toast to them thanking all for a meaningful start for what would be a difficult period of negotiation.

The best part being their willingness to come back and back and back to grind the issues into a real agreement that was good for all.

Thank you."

The Applause loud... LOUD... sustained... me included.

Cho came to me... I stood to put our awards on my chair... a kiss. Noises of delight from the audience for us.

I walked to the podium... Looking over the room...

"Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Distinguished Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests...

Cho and I accept this award in the name of those who did the hard work of negotiating the Narathiwat Peace Protocols. The southern Thailand men who had fought the government for more than a dozen years and the men from the government of Thailand who decided to be open to change... they came together to discuss, argue and finally agree to find peace... they both had to give way on some issues.

Our part was to get them talking by working in the background to get them at one place and sit. Talking came quickly once the barrier of unfamiliarity was broken.

The effect was immediate... they talked as equals. Communication was both intense and clear.

Minister Jun spoke in a heart-felt way about the people in the south being part of the national polity. Language would be needed for that. He did not want any individuals to be denied the full value of citizenship. So the Thai language needed to be taught in schools and elsewhere.

The southerners were moved by his obvious sincerity. The value of language was clear. They agreed it would be seriously considered.

It was an important moment.

Chakan, the prime spokesman for the southerners, made it clear in a similarly emotional way language had to go both ways, their regional dialects recognised equally with Thai in governmental offices and courts in the south... so no one was left outside those important processes.

Jun make it plain that was definitely on the table and it was ultimately included in the final agreement. So a multi-lingual south with Thai as the essential language was the end result.

Other important topics such as what form local autonomy would take and the equality of religions.

The insurgents arms a significant issue was dealt with in a two step process... dumping arms in secure, verifiable caches open to inspection by teams of neutral, uninvolved nations. Ireland and Canada were chosen. Those teams are working to today towards the final goal of total weapons destruction.

A regional assembly with devolved powers took shape in their talks. That assembly is working now!

The insurgents went to the people... asking for their vote. An amazing transition took place... democracy blossomed... Men who had been determined fighters like Mr. Channarong found their feet becoming leaders in the Assembly creating solutions by speaking, listening and compromising.

The cut and thrust of a democratic assembly has energised the regional representatives. On a visit we met the members, spoke to them one-on-one. The assembly is a lively enthusiastic place of ideas.

They had quickly understood the way forward was a coalition government which includes the two largest parties which are based in former insurgent loyalties and the Buddhist party. They were the three largest parties. The coalition having a clear majority moves legislation. Being inclusive was an important step.

The Moslem majority understood from the talks with the government they had to respect other religions if they expected to be respected in turn. Sectarianism has to be eliminated... everyone is to be equal in all aspects of life.

Accepting women in new roles is part of that changed thinking. Mrs. Mahini Succinno, the Buddhist Party leader, is an important member of the coalition and a senior cabinet minister. She is very much at the centre of policy making.

Speaking to members of the assembly was a re-affirming exercise... the people communicating is changing the face of the south... peace wrought modifications to thinking unexpected by the Narathiwat participants.

A Narathiwat participant Colonel Kraisee is an officer in the Thai Security Police. He was there to speak to security matters that might be involved in decisions chosen by the negotiators.

He suggested my father General Keren come to Narathiwat to speak to the two groups. He is the commanding general of the Thai Security Police who opposed the insurgents all those years of strife. He made the trip to tell them how important what they were doing was for all of Thailand but especially for the south.

He was welcomed, sitting down to discus issues about policing that could come from any agreement. The negotiators got first-hand the Security Police would be even-handed in all aspects of enforcing any decisions they arrived at. They would support the Southern Assembly in every way possible.

The actions of his Security Police officers had not been the same as the Thai Army who had often been heavy-handed... meting out punishment for battlefield losses in an indiscriminate manner. The insurgents valued General Keren as a leader and his force for fighting ordinary crime. The Security Police had respected their fighters when captured, treating them properly. The force is known to the former insurgents as an implacable and subtle foe.

In him they found how the Thai government would change to make a peace settlement succeed."

I did add remarks on how the local population's enthusiasm for the Protocols was loudly communicated to the insurgents, by word and deed, so those who might be recalcitrant understood the people wanted the safety and opportunities of peace. The sanctuary of the people could be withdrawn should they take up arms again... very damaging for the insurgents.

The hard men from the forest accepted their new roles and limits which are necessary in a democratic society. This is another decisive moment.

"Our personal intermediaries in the south took on the difficult and dangerous task of meeting with the different insurgent groups. They passed on our support for the peace process, how we could enable talks and give our name to the effort in Bangkok.

Cho's family has a long history in the south, businesses that employed many workers... Cho's personal reputation is so great the insurgents recognised there could be real possibilities if they took part.

Cho and I knew if representatives of both sides regardless of their wartime positions sat down they could find common ground to end the fighting. What we saw in the negotiators was a desire to solve a problem by communicating. They ultimately wanted the same conclusion. They stayed fixed to the goal of peace because it is so obviously a good.

Those men meeting at small place in southern Thailand found the humanity in themselves to speak and compromise... delivering peace to Thailand.

Those negotiators had both persistence and vision. My husband and I applaud them.

Thank you."

The applause almost deafening in that big room, it wasn't polite applause it was enthusiastic. Everyone now standing... The King stood with his family.

An amazing response to what we said.

I bowed to them hand on my heart.

Smiling at the podium hoping Cho would... my man beside me... as the audience continued to show their appreciation. A kiss! Loud cheers from the crowd of guests.

We moved to say thank you to the Chairwoman and the Committee members individually... the audience would not let go... We stood in front of our chairs the applause continuing.

I picked up our awards... The audience finally eased back so we all could sit.

The pianist and cellist joined by a woman vocalist. They performed another piece I couldn't identify. It shared a light leitmotiv with the first musical interlude... insistent... airy.

At the end King Harald and his family rose, they walked towards the stage... Cho and I stepped down to meet the King more than halfway.

The audience applauding again... loudly!

A smile on King Harald's face, "You both are wonderful speakers."

The King shaking Cho's hand... "No notes?"

"No notes, Your Majesty. We knew what we needed to say."

I shook the Queen's hand, a large smile, "Lady Harcourt, it was very fine to hear your lecture. Your admiration for the people in the process came through."

I thanked her.

The Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Mette-Marit smiles, hands shaken.

The Princess with my hand, "Lady Harcourt, we have seen the many things you do around the world... positive things. Wonderful."

I thanked her for the nice compliment.

The Royals shook hands with the Committee.

Another fanfare by the buglers above us... the guests were still standing... applauding. The King and his family exited down the centre aisle to the doors at the rear.

We waited until the King was out of the room then we and the Nobel Committee paired up again to follow the Royal family. The audience continued their applause until we were out of the room.

Gil and Chelle grinning... hugs. PJ's hand in mine, "Fay, you two looked spectacular."

A kiss for his cheek.

Rande and Cho shaking hands.

We returned to the conference room to put on our outer wear.

The Royal family had already departed.

Cars to go back to the Grand Hotel waited outside at the rear entrance. In a separate suite at the hotel a TV interview is setup.

We stopped in our suite for a quick coffee and a couple of cookies. Leaning back on the sofa, Gil and Chelle grinning from a big chair.

I gave them a `What' look.

Gil, "You two just move between all sorts of people so smoothly. Just the other day Cho played golf with a Prince of England and finest golfer ever as if it were just another day.

You host the Queen, receive honours and her accolades for a variety of your things as if it were an ordinary day.

Get awards from the President of the United States...

You speak in the House of Lords... receiving acclaim for your words.

You visit schools giving away thousands of £'s.

Then you fly in here... meet the King and make speeches..."

Cho laughed, "We could of course wear dungarees, mumble a lot and chew tobacco."

We all laughed at those choices.

We did finish our coffee then down the passage. The NRK1 TV folks were ready... we sat on a sofa after meeting the interviewer, he is a well-known and popular TV interviewer and personality.

Interview clips will run on Dagsrevyen, the nightly news program this evening. The whole interview on NRK1 runs Friday and on NRK2 tomorrow and the weekend.

They have two cameras on us, one on the interviewer.

The makeup lady smiling, "Beautiful skin, Lady Harcourt. Just a bit of powder for the lights."

Smiling I thanked her.

The interviewer was good, not rushing an answer, doing sensible follow-ups plus not asking silly questions. At this point it is all repetitious. How many times do we say the same things... over and over apparently. I guess we are well drilled now.

We did try to be light-hearted.

It was an hour... at least I got to hold Cho's hand for that long.

We were very sincerely thanked. It was as if he knew...

"Sorry I am sure you have discussed this a good deal lately... we appreciate your candour and sense of fun."

Handshakes and more thank you's.

Back in our suite it was almost dark... we changed for the banquet.

A white silk frock, three quarter length sleeves, a shallow scoop bodice close to my body, at the waist a wrap of the same silk two inches wide, the skirt part in soft pleats to near the floor. white stockings and silver heels.

The ruby set from Cho. He fastened the necklace, I put on the earrings, Cho closed the bracelet. I slipped on the ring. Mild red lips and nails. `Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes'

A small flat silver clutch for lipstick, mirror, a Cho-Fay handkerchief, my iPhone.

The event is black tie, Cho in a SHARP tuxedo, a Harcourt Racing yellow cummerbund. Yes!

PJ came into the sitting room.

"The Nobel Committee fellow is here."

He is escorted in, he bowed, "Lady Harcourt... Sir Cho... The torchlight procession is approaching."

Gil brought me the long white coat and gloves. I tied it closed tightly.

Gil's eyes were bright, "Its quite cold, a breeze!" Smiling, "Very cold!"

She turned up the collar.

I laughed, "I got it."

"You look wonderful!"

I squeezed her hand.

Chelle brought Cho his black wool coat and gloves. Beside me she helped him in. Grins from them.

We opened the central balcony doors and stepped to the railing. The balcony is above the main entrance of the hotel... on the first floor so we were not up very high.

The lights were very bright... it took a few moments to adjust. The plaza was filled with many many thousands of lit torches. The whole space seemed to be filled. Karl Johans Gate on both sides... alight with the crowds holding their torches up!

We waved to the crowds who responded by cheering. We stayed out for some time before a final wave.


Gil had coffees for us... very welcome. We got to sit for a short while. Gil held a mirror so I could fix my lipstick.

The Committee fellow is back... He's our guide to the Mirror Room for the banquet. PJ and Rande coming with us looking quite handsome in their tuxedos.

We used the stairs to descend then went deeper into the hotel. Just inside the Mirror Room doorway a fellow with a deep baritone voice...

"The Most Honourable Fay Martin, the Marchioness Harcourt and the Right Honourable Sir Cho."

The room noise stopped... everyone looked our way. Applause started then rose in volume... cresting very loudly.

Cho and I thanked them... waving... smiles.

Our escort handed us to someone to take us to the table we would share with the Royal Family and the Nobel Committee.

There is some milling about... Cho and I stayed to the side until things were a bit less chaotic.

The Nobel Committee chairwoman came t say hello and how things would work here.

I asked for chairs for PJ and Rande. She motioned to a fellow, spoke to him and chairs appeared.

I thanked her.

Cho, "When will you announce how we are using the monetary award?"

"Tomorrow morning at the exhibition. I am sure `Save the Children' will be very pleased."

Later I said to Cho, "We do hope Save the Children will be pleased to get a million dollars. Their young people did a fine show this morning."

I got squeezed and kissed.

The British and American ambassadors with their wives joined us. Bows and a curtseys... I extended my hands out to them. Introductions and handshakes.

They said our lectures were thoughtful, we showed our emotional connection to the talks and participants.

Cho thanked them.

The American ambassador asked about the southern assembly.

We told them it is a dynamic place... members working together for their constituents.

Me, "We had quite the day meeting them all at the Assembly in their new roles. We had met several when they were still insurgents.

They are pleased with how the assembly has been greeted by the people. A degree of self-governing none had ever imagined."

Smiles. The British ambassador's wife said they had seen the people in the streets celebrating... that was amazing.

Cho, "Even better when any possibly recalcitrant insurgents saw it up close."

They all were nodding.

The Royal Thai Ambassador with his wife came up. They bowed... handshakes. We did not know them... the ambassador's wife knows Phailin.

We spoke with them for a few minutes.

The ambassador's wife had seen Phailin several months ago in Bangkok. In a group Phailin told the story of the woman in Yangon... "She recounted your involvement... how your intervention saved her client. You very completely surprised Phailin turning up to save the poor woman and her family."

Smiling, "Phailin needed help to overcome intransigence by a senior prosecutor. I think the Myanmar Justice Minister was delighted I made the effort so he could more easily step in."

Cho and I knew that some one who heard Phailin's story spoke to a newspaper reporter who began asking questions. There had been several articles in Bangkok newspapers on the trial outcome and why.

Attempts were made to contact us for a statement... we sent them a no comment response... from our side there is no point to advancing the story.

The King and his family's arrival did galvanise people to go to their seats.

The King smiling... he moves quite well with his canes, a strong upper body I would guess.

We shook hands again. Queen Sonja with a grin and my hand, "We keeping shaking hands."

"Yes! I am sure you shake many hands... I certainly do."

We laughed.

My seat was beside the King, the Norwegian Prime Minister on my other side. Cho across the table between Queen Sonja and the President of the Storting, the Norwegian Parliament.

HRH The Crown Prince across the table beside his mother and HRH The Crown Princess next to her father-in-law, Members of the Committee filled the table.

Servers started to circulate with wine and a savoury course. As the server leaned in to pour the first wine I put my hand over the glass... he backed up. I asked for still water, he nodded.

King Harald smiling asked if I was abstemious?

"No, Sir. Tonight I do not wish it. I haven't eaten enough today."

I didn't say I had a trip to make later.

He nodded.

The man returned with a large bottle of water... I asked if he was our server... he nodded, "Yes Ladyship."

I said preferred no wine tonight... he poured the water into the first three glasses. I got it and thanked him.

The king inquired about my family background if I did not mind.

Smiling, I said I did not mind at all.

"My father's side of the family, the Martin's, came over with William, Duke of Normandy, from France in 1066. They have served the Crown since then very often in the military. A grandfather was killed in Burma fighting the Japanese.

My father was in the Royal Artillery then Army Intelligence, he moved to MI6 for the balance of his life.

My mother joined him at MI6, they were a team, many foreign postings.

I lost them when I was eighteen."

The King said that was young, he hoped I had not been very sad.

"I was a student at university so my life had a purpose which gave me motivation to go forward."

The King smiling and nodding. He asked about General Keren being my father.

"I was in Bangkok for work and accidently became involved in some trouble, General Keren was part of the ending of that. We liked each other, his wife is a very warm charming woman. We got to know each other well, they knew I was an `orphan' and asked me to become their daughter. It was an emotional upheaval for me but very welcome. I have a sister and brother, nieces and nephews which I never had before. A whole family."

King Harald smiling, "A wonderful gift for you."

Smiling I nodded.

I picked up my thread...

"My mother's side is Munro, an ancient Scots family from the Highlands. They also had a long military tradition. In the last hundred years... my great-grandfather led a battalion of Scots in the muck and blood of the First world War trenches in France. Although wounded twice he survived.

My mother's father in the Royal Tank Corps, he commanded a tank battalion in North Africa against the Italians then the Germans.

"My cousin is serving, he is a major in the Parachute Regiment."

That raised eyebrows, "Quite a tough group that."

Nodding, "Graeme served several combat tours in Afghanistan and in Iraq.

The families have sacrificed over centuries like so many others unfortunately.

I hope our son will not join the military but that will be his decision I would not interfere."

"It would very brave of him to try and courageous of you not to stand in his way."

I nodded, "He is two and half years old so there is time to consider."

He smiled when I asked after his life during World War Two.

"When the nazis came I was a boy, my mother took me to America, living in Washington, D.C. throughout the war. I went home the late summer of 1945."

"Was living in America a good memory... I was born in Washington while my parents worked at the British Embassy... I have fine memories."

"It was good... I was treated to many sights and events. Trips around America... such a large place it is. I was on the White House Portico when President Roosevelt was sworn in for his fourth term in office. That is quite the memory."

"It is odd how even people of my age think of the `War' meaning the Second World War. I think it especially true in Great Britain."

The King laughed ruefully, "It is true. Such a cataclysmic event. There is difficulty avoiding the effects even in today's world."

I agreed.

"Your children are twins?"

"Yes, fraternal. Charlie looks like his Popa, Chani looks like me."


I slid the iPhone out, pulled a few snaps up... King Harald smiling, "They are very beautiful."

I thanked him.

He flipped a few photos... he saw Chani's little Doric Temple. He held it up to me asking the obvious question.

"Chani did that at the Children's Museum of the Arts in New York one day in late summer. It is small Doric temple on the property of house we own in Paris."

The King shaking his head... "Lady Harcourt, she was two?"

" A few months older... It is not the only painting..."

I showed him the Thames Valley landscape.

"This wonderful... I like the temple a bit more because of her shading and choice of colours. Have they been taught to paint?"

"No they are naturals."

He looked for a long time at their birds, the black-capped chickadee of Charlie's amazed him.

"I know this little bird... I saw it in America during trips."

"Charlie saw it in Seattle this summer."

The Prime Minister asked if he could see the birds. I handed him my iPhone. I said there some before and after that one.

He flipped through a few snaps... he stopped at Chani's landscape.

Smiling, "Chani was a bit more than two when she did that."

"Lady Harcourt, you and Sir Cho seem to live a charmed life... your children an extension of that."

"Prime Minister, We have had some luck... at the bottom of our success is our willingness to work hard, recognise and seize opportunities and use our intelligence. The one over-riding essential is our love, a total commitment to each other and our children."

He smiled, "You are a formidable pair. Many people here watching from a distance enjoyed your taking over the media empire of the M********'s. They made being a conservative look dirty."

"They became totally corrupt in their pursuit of money and power... now they have less of both. Our colleagues in the buying of 21st Century Fox are not wild-eyed liberals just commonsensical business people, they want to make money but not the expense of their integrity."

"Your media in England are not often kind to the conservative party..." A smile.

I laughed, "The tories aren't kind to themselves. Their policies in government tilted toward enriching elites and many big business at the expense of small and mid –sized ones. Those smaller businesses collectively employ more workers and certainly pay more taxes.

They forced in tax cuts for those could actually afford to pay and reducing services for those who needed them.

Our British conservatives lost the plot on who does the most of the living and dying in Great Britain.

It isn't a universal... many conservative governments are successful because they pay attention to the basics for their citizens... not so the British conservatives.

Despite much talk those gigantic global business corporations rarely are good for any country because they demand so much from their government in tax reductions and incentives, friendly laws, relaxed environmental rules and other limitations, etc... they become a burden for the country."

"Lady Harcourt, on that last point I believe you have... as they say in America... `hit the nail on the head.' Your scenario for big business and government relations is apt and unfortunately accurate."

"I wish governments pushed back more. We currently have no business activity in Norway... The Company, based in London, did a successful water project near Narvik. Cho and I have controlled The Company for over three years."

"Yes, I know about that project. I was trained hydrology. Your company's work was excellent, the dams are doing as designed. I am glad to know you two are behind The Company."

"We are considering purchasing property for our R&R Scheme in Scandinavia."

I explained the `Scheme' to the Prime Minister... King Harald listening.

Food arriving curtailed talk for a while. The savouries had been quite good. The soup is a fish chowder called Bergensk Fiskesuppe... quite nice!

I looked over to Cho, he was speaking with Queen Sonja.

King Harald listened carefully as I described the R&R Scheme.

"Lady Harcourt, you obviously value your employees."

"Sir, we do. They are our bedrock! Our personal success is due to their work."

The main course is grilled local salmon. Tasty!

I mentioned Chani and Charlie are very fond of salmon.

"Sir, We do not eat meat from mammals or birds. They like eating hamburgers, vegetarian ones."

King Harald, a smile, said most meat... was off his diet... especially red meat.

I got health reasons.

He answered my questions about good skiing locations where we might buy housing for the R&R Scheme. He made a half dozen suggestions... Did he need to write them down?

A smile, "No, Sir. I have them..." Touching the side of my head.

"Ah... watching you and Sir Cho speak should have given that away. Marvellous you could do your lecture without notes."

"We have excellent memories which I suppose why Charlie and Chani are so well equipped, Your Majesty."

A laugh by the King.

Dessert is a plate of several popular Norwegian sweets... Krumkake, Almond cake, Julekake and Fattigman. King Harald identified each for me.

Coffee! Those tasty titbits went down very well!

King Harald leaned over, the dinner would end with the Royal family's departure. We could linger over liqueurs and coffee.

"Lady Harcourt, it has been a pleasant dinner with you as my companion. I have learned some very interesting bits of information. Thank you so much for being convivial."

"Sir, I have to in turn thank you for the same. We will have a look around Norway for possible investments. We do own a tunnel borer manufacturer in Stockholm... they have integrated quite well with the traffic and water projects division of The Company."

The Prime Minister heard that... he knew that Swedish company.

"Lady Harcourt, you are involved with many quality businesses. Congratulations for your business sense."

I told them about the Seattle tunnel to be finished in a matter of months. We would use the borers to channel water.

"The Iranian government is getting several built to cross-connect their water supply lakes and reservoirs in the Alborz Mountains."

He liked that!

"It is good to hear about such creativity from government."

King Harald and the Prime Minister were quite interested in the Solar-To-Go projects in Iran. The Prime Minister asked for more on Solar-To-Go . I explained it had been part of The Company we spun it off so it could be listed on the London Stock Exchange.

"Now with the investment from the stock sale we are doing some large scale building for manufacturing of new more efficient solar collectors... many orders of magnitude higher levels of generating energy. Bright sunlight is no longer required to generate vast levels of energy."

The Prime Minister asked he could send a few advisors to see what we are doing.

I gave him Gil's email on a slip of paper he offered... "She can arrange a visit."

He is pleased.

King Harald smiling, "You and Sir Cho are excellent examples of how business people can be honourable and still make a profit."

I thanked him.

King Harald made the move to leave... everyone stood to wish the Royal Family a good evening. I shook Queen Sonja's hand again... smiles. Prince Haakon and his wife Mette-Marit smiling. They said they were sorry not to have had more time to speak.

The Prince, "Perhaps we can have you back?"

I said Cho and I would like to see more of Norway and the rest of Scandinavia.

The very same came up beside me, Cho said he'd been to Oslo before many years ago. More handshakes.

Once the Royal family left we made our move. We said our thanks to the Committee shaking their hands again. I did a goodbye with the Prime Minister after bringing Cho close.

Back through the hotel up to the Nobel Suite.

I changed to black wool trousers, high-waisted, a black jumper with a black T-shirt under. Ankle boots. The red Hugo Boss moto-jacket, an black Apple Harcourt Racing cap, a black scarf and gloves.

A big hug and kiss with Cho. He is staying for the Nobel Peace Prize Exhibition tomorrow then home.

Gil did a goodbye with Chelle.

PJ and Tara with us.

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Next: Chapter 88

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