Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Oct 2, 2024



Email from Rufus and Cam... the design for the new solar collectors is final. The manufacturing equipment is already being built... the last changes will not slow that process. We will be making them by autumn in three places. Those buildings are finishing in January, the first manufacturing parts will arrive in February.

Chaloem in Bangkok is prepared, Jerome at Dartford and Roscoe in Los Angeles all have been involved in the design process with their deputies. Lamai's team of installation folks have visited the manufacturing plants to get an on-site view. We are going to enjoy this... making solar work in a major way.

The steel grid over the car park at the Seattle Traffic Control Centre is complete. It is ready for the new collectors to arrive then we will be cooking with the sun!!! The whole system powered by solar panels... it won't go off-line!!

Seattle has fallen in love with the traffic system... running it without carbon using power or water power is a huge advance. London will see the same... a gigantic promise we made to Mayor Khan and the city will come to pass!! A fist in the air!!!


Chelle with me in the Library after we sent off the museum crowd! Cars full of happy kids and chaperones. Kay, Malee and Tona! Kanda and Phailin! Something special... Montaigan going much to the Twins delight! Four Protectors along too.

Cho and the golfers gone. Artie going for lessons with the Pro. Sir Alan with an elastic wrap-around ankle brace giving it a try. Jian, Anong and Rona using the office... Conference App meeting with all the folks who are to come here next month. Before they started I put an idea in Jian's ear... "Have Anong take over running the clinics! You do the shelters. She can do the travelling around Thailand... there shouldn't be very much trouble... she can use our cars, planes and helicopters and take several of Jotral's security folks along. Have her talk with Savve from the Security Service about security in general so she knows the wider picture. Tell Anong to take the kids if she wants." A hug from Jian for that. "I'm sure she will be happy to take the clinics on by herself." A kiss.

Snail mail delivered... one in Chelle's hand... from Clarence House. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, a note thanking for Flix's Women After Armageddon: German Women in the Post-War Years'. Fay, I enjoyed the book enormously. She made the woman come alive in a vibrant and straightforward manner. Their trials and tribulations not glossed over... the hard life in Germany made more difficult for some.' Good I am glad Camilla read it and took the time to write a note.

I asked Chelle to scan the note and send it to Flix with a covering note to enjoy but not to share it widely. A thumbs up.

I worked until luncheon with Chelle. Lots of NewsGroup things. I had the Sharks looking at regional newspaper chains in America. They had four possibles so some decisions on which one. Planning on the offer we might make.

Mingo, the Dutch equipment company that makes the canal and other mechanical devices is being folded into The Company. After two years of running separately after we bought them it is time. Eric's email said Jari who has been managing the company will be named a DMD in The Company. Good. They have tripled in size doing work for The Company.

The Western Newspapers were continuing their rise, each newspaper posting gains in readership, webpage engagements and advertising revenue. The whole chain energised by us investing in them and Aston's leadership. Aston's note including an update on the new offices in Reno... the site preparation is done including the BNSF spur line. We will use it bring in building materials. Construction will start Jan 3. The October 31st 2020 opening looking good. I sent him an email of thanks and encouragement.

Chelle had the latest from Providence Journal on the fellow who'd had drugs problem... he will be released from the drug rehabilitation location the thirtieth of December. The Journal has an inside position for him in circulation to start him on his way back. Excellent!! I thanked Chelle for keeping her finger on that. A big smile.

Luncheon is Chelle and I with Jian, Anong and Rona. They had a really good meeting, everyone is very enthused about coming to London. Anong laughing about getting home then coming back. "Anong, talk with Rak... maybe you all return. You to London, Rak, Rak2 and Chana here. Golf for Rak, the babies with ours." A big grin on the lovely face, "Why not?" Fist bumps all around!

After luncheon we sat briefly in the Great Room to talk with Anong about her travelling inside Thailand. "Fay, I am happy to do it. Rak2 travels well... he and I will train Chana. Rak will not object to minding the babies for a day." A grin. "Also my aunt and Rak's parents will be happy to have little visitors every now then for a day or two." Fist bump!

Yone texted... add-ons for the Abernathy's background report... No issues and except for the robbery they are not known to the police. Morris, the father, a veteran with some service in Northern Ireland and Kuwait. The family has owned the farm back to the mid-Nineteenth Century. That means they are well rooted in their community. I texted back a thank you.

I dressed for a ride... Tara on Mahogany, Sunny on Gough and Tessa on Geo. Rebel clearly ready for a run!! We crossed the Oxford Road going east over our property heading southeast. A good gallop before we connected to the dirt track going south to Drayton St. Leonard. Another gallop before the village. We passed the Church of St Leonard and St Catherine, a quiet churchyard. We walked Church Lane for a quarter mile or so then we cut across some open ground aimed southwest to reach the High Street at its end. A canter over a couple hundred feet of grass to Old Barn Close. A left to the end... the Aston-Martin Heritage Trust Museum. Unusually for a very technically minded company the barn they occupy was built by monks of Dorchester Abbey in the Fifteenth Century.

The museum is not expecting us... we tied our horses at the back side of the museum on their lawn... we attracted notice immediately. A fellow in a brown houndstooth flat cap came out... "Can we help you?" I'd heard that often enough. I introduced myself... he bowed. "I'd like to speak to your director if possible."

Luckily he is in. Inside he met us beside a Bovis marked racing car amidst bright shiny cars of various models. Some sleek looking machines. We shook hands after he bowed. Sunny and Tara and Tessa were introduced. "I know we are intruding but I wanted to give you a donation. Can we sit somewhere?" He motioned to a group of chairs around a table in front of large wall mounted screen. It was off thankfully.

There are visitors in a tour group moving about.

We sat... I pulled out a cheque from a jacket pocket... I slid it over to him. He looked down... eyes up to mine. "Your Ladyship, this is marvellous. Do you have a link to us? Do you own an Aston-Martin?" "No to both. You are a non-profit in southern Oxfordshire which we like to support." Smiling, "My husband and I are not car people. I did not own a car until I married..." A big grin, "... now we own hundreds. No Aston-Martins that I have heard of... you never know." He is smiling, "You have given us a splendid gift. Thank you very much." "You are welcome. Perhaps you can use it for some pie-in-the-sky project?" "We will consider a few. There are some items on our wish list." "Good." "M'Lady, can I share the knowledge of this gift with our members?" "Of course, it is not meant to be a secret. If you have a donation list we are fine with your including us." "M'Lady, we will gladly do that. A hundred thousand £'s is quite the windfall for us." "Enjoy yourselves." I motioned around, "I like the wood in this old barn... the monks built it well." "The Old Barn has been home for fifteen years. It seems to fit nicely with our cars. Modernity and the very old." We shook hands outside their side door. He wished us a fine day. Looks like we made his day `fine.'

Remounted we walked over the Dorchester Road to the north then along it going west turning into a narrow paved road. We stopped at the Four Seasons Garage. Several fellows outside smoking looking at us... one knocked his knuckles on a window... making a come out gesture. A middle-aged man came out. He gave us a look... I knew he is going to say... "Yes, I know you do not work these. No need... they are all in superb condition." A smile. "I came by to see if you do painting but I see you do." My hand motioning to a car sitting obviously freshly painted, the paper masking still in place. "Yes Ma'am. We do all your car might need in the way of work." "Can I have a card for our transportation manager?" "Surely." He reached into a pocket for a small wallet.. business cards. I took the card and thanked him. "Ma'am, can I ask where you are located?" "We are about four miles that way..." Pointing over my right shoulder, "... Harcourt House."

One of the smokers choked on his inhale. His pal laughing gave his back a couple of thumps. I could hear my ladies laughing. "Sorry I did not introduce myself... I am Lady Harcourt." "Your Ladyship, you do surprise. I can say you are the first to have arrived here on a horse." I laughed stroking Rebel's neck, "This is my preferred mode of travel." "He is handsome." I thanked him. I said we'd push on, he would likely hear from our manager soon. He said he be honoured to work for us.

We waved going back to the Dorchester Road, alongside it then around the big solar panel farm to Mount Farm's entry. Tara looking down at the aged concrete we are crossing... her eyes to mine... "Yes, a World War II runway. Mount Farm Aerodrome was used by the U.S. Army Air Force as a base for photographic reconnaissance flights. This is the last of the runways. There are some other remaining paved areas the farm is using."

We went north around Berinsfield to cross over the A4074 then a gallop to the Oxford Road and over to our land. Rebel is released... we roared by Kate's house flying north through our property... leaving our companions behind. At the slope top we slowed... Rebel is thanked and rubbed. The others came up quickly. A walk down... waves to Freddie and Diana on the track. Freddie called out I moved us that way.

"Fay, I need to talk to you and Cho about Aroon and Notre Noir... do you have time?" "Cho is likely back from the golf course I will get him to call you." Okay.

Monty and Pat took our horses. Pat grinning... a fist bump. It is so nice to see his face happy all the time. His demons deep in remission!

I stopped in the Garage to give the business card to Prasert, "You said we might need some painting done?" "Yes, M'Lady." Looking at the card, "Not very far. Good. Thank you." A fist bump.

Cho and the golfers with all the museum crowd in the Great Room... drinks! Cho said why not now when I told him about Freddie? I said call.

I dropped my hat on a chair in the office. Cho kissed me. "He's on his way."

Looking out the windows rain coming.

Cho, "The Oxford East Pro said Artie is a natural golfer, a smooth easy swing. He gave him a few tips to work on. He is impressed with our nephew!" A kiss, "I'm glad. It is a sport I can admire for the skills needed and because there is you against the natural beauty of the course." Cho grinning, "But you can't be tempted...?" "No, I will stick to my no balls or sticks philosophy." We had a good laugh.

Fin at the door, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... Freddie." Cho thanked him. We shook Freddie's hand, Cho pointing to a chair.

"I've been assessing all the young ones. Aroon and Notre Noir... both are quickly leaving their gawky youth behind. They are moving well, striding out, responding to command. Aroon the more precocious of the two, Notre Noir accelerates well, they have big engines. I want to increase their work rate... not more than they can handle but a higher tempo." Cho smiling, "By all means. You decide how far to push. We want aim them for two year old races in the second half of summer. Aroon definitely at Saratoga in July." Freddie, a grin, "I think you are looking at two very talented colts. Their pedigrees hint at it... seeing them on the track says a big Yes!" Fist bumps!

"Secret Royal is a very mature yearling. We are not working him very hard, trips to the track every day, running behind a rider on a lead... not a strenuous workout. He runs quite smoothly, not as gawky like most yearlings." Cho grinning, "A prodigy?" Freddie said yes, "He has the breeding!" Fist bumps!

Cho asked Freddie to bring Monaco up to speed. He would. Our thanks.

I went up to change. The brown and cream check cigarette trousers, cream t-shirt and a brown sleeveless cardigan, brown loafers, gold bits and `Joy'

Drinks. I got a Campari and two quite happy kids. The museum was wonderful. They have a good section on early Europeans, not real big, very nice. Hands clapping... they want to go back. They looked at each other... together, "Mama, can we give them money too?" "I will talk to Popa... no reason we can't do that." More clapping and thank yous!!

Later in my guy's arms he agreed to give the Ashmolean Museum money. "How about a family visit since you said Gil signed us all up?" "Good... I will get Gil make a time so the directors are there." A kiss.

Time to say goodbye to Montaigan. Everyone joining in... Dad, Thoi, Craig, Rak, Somsak, Reg, Eric and Graeme shaking his hands. Cheek kisses for our ladies. He did fist bumps with all the babies... Chani and Charlie walking him to the Entryway. The car waiting... we four walked him out... hugs, kisses and handshakes for us. A last fist bump for Charlie and Chani... their loud `Bye Grandpere Montai...' ringing out. He is such a fine fellow... happy to be part of our life. Another serendipitous meeting which has enriched our lives... the Twins really liked him as a grandparent... he is obviously pleased... moved by their love.

Inside I sat with Graeme... he thanked us for the time with Montaigan. "He's an experienced thinker on military ethics and how to run a battlefield." "Do you have his email and telephone number?" "Yes! I will keep in touch." I told Graeme about Montaigan's battlefield story... whirl of it all... all the power at his fingers tips. Graeme's head nodding, "Fay, it is exhilarating and frightening. Ordering people to do things which might end in their death is a humbling and fearsome responsibility for any commander... It needs to be done but no who has done it comes out unchanged. What you have to do is put it in perspective." "And you?" A grin, "I'm no genius... I've dealt with it. I risked my life which is an odd sensation afterwards because during action you do not think about it. I did my duty and I am good with it." I had a hand, "I'm glad. I don't sent people into combat... being responsible for several hundreds of thousands of people's welfare is a burden Cho and I share. There will be more." Graeme grinning, "Any stock I can buy and make a killing on?" I laughed, "No! The acquisitions in train are privately held companies. You are interested in making a killing?" "Well no but more money is always nice... I do not have a head for business... investments... you know." "If you have capital to invest we can hook you up Sud's people at the Cho Family Banks investment arm. They are awesome. During the 2008 downturn they made money consistently. The Chanthira Foundation uses them, they have helped to bring the foundation assets up to over ninety billion £'s." Big eyes. "Please get me in touch." "Done! We are doing Okay..." A huge toothy grin, "... About one hundred and thirty five billion £'s as of the first of December." Graeme laughed, "Okay... seems enough don't you think?" "Well you know us English aristocracy we do not like to talk about money." Again my plummy accent! We had a good laugh. Graeme smiling when I told the story of the introduction at the Grace Hopper Celebration and my Midas touch joke. Graeme looking cute... "It was a joke?" Laughter. "Cho and I have kidded that maybe in retrospect I was wrong." More laughter!

Dad and I walking in the Garden, macs, scarves and gloves on. "Montaigan is going to ask you for a flight to Bangkok in a few months. He will stay with us. I am going to introduce him to Somchair... I believe they are of like minds about many things... I think they would get along." I squeezed the arm I have linked to mine. "He is a lovely fellow." I turned to face him, "The Twins know about his son... they want to be the grandchildren that never appeared. Something for his last years." Dad smiling, "I promised myself I would never underestimate Chani and Charlie... this act of kindness is remarkable... it comes from your love." A thought zapped up in my mind... I will ask Montaigan if he wanted the fuss of having a dog... a Jaidee puppy. I have seen him rub and play with Jaidee. He tosses a mean tennis ball! Dad laughed when I expressed my idea, "I think having a companion on his daily beach walk could be very positive." That had been part of my thought... a call to make this evening. We headed back inside... I am hungry. That made Dad laugh some more.

Carter at the doors.

Cheese savouries as the beginning then a Bouillabaisse... spicy but not too far. Baked Dover Sole with Béarnaise Sauce, a buttery Italian green bean casserole under a lightly browned breadcrumb crust, mushroom risotto. Small rolls, crisp outside, downy soft insides. Our butter. Small bowls of olives.

Carter with a Bordeaux, dry with fruity and honey hints. Quite nice!

Charlie next to me is demolishing his crust... a nice effort... he got the goodies inside and crust to savour! Everybody doing the same! I loved seeing the family or any guest enjoy their dinner. A couple of the babies needed a bit of help... most doing fine. Artie and Sam eating like Europeans!! I wonder how long that will last.

Dessert... Spoom with a white chocolate Bombe Glacée on the side. The younger children got in it bowls rather than the tall glasses... so they could easily get it all!! Suki grinning... she remembers this dessert!

Afters in the Great Room. Tona and I by the fire... Anurak in my arms. Big dark eyes like his uncle's. A big grin on that cute face... I found an opening in his jumper and shirt.... a wiggly finger on some tummy made him giggle and squirm at bit. Tona watching me torture her child... urging me on. Laughter!

Somsak sat beside me... his son enjoying my wandering fingers. He saw his dad... arms out... I passed Anurak over. Chani climbed up to sit next to me. She tickled Anurak's little legs... he is giggling!!

Charlie called his sister over for a puzzle. They and some others went to work on another big one. Tha said it is the front of the house. Ah... lots of windows, and stone... a bit harder... maybe!

Tona nudged me... Somsak had Anurak up on his shoulders heading to Gramps... two little arms holding his dad's head, a wild happy face. Gramps' arms open wide... a small fellow passed over. Tona and I laughing as her son is gripping Dad.

Sunny beside me... "Fay, its getting harder to go to Seattle. I'm in such a good place here." I nudged her, "You'll find out for yourself there are many good places... you will fit in those places. Be cool like when you are up on Prince." A smile. "I can do that." "I know! I've seen it. You were cool meeting Queen Elizabeth." "That is quite the memory. So unusual to even consider it occurring. You and Cho have made a lot of special things happen for me." "Yes... your own hard work has done the rest." "Oh... I have an `appointment' to see Ash at his law firm when I'm in Seattle." "Good. Talk to real lawyers... get a feel for it. They just won a big case. We told Ash to spend our money if he came across a worthy case that needed help. A mother was killed by cops in her own home... it's a sordid story... Ash won ten million dollars for her family. They get it all." "Oh Fay you two are so generous! Nothing erases the pain... they will have a chance to go forward. The city gets to pay a penalty for having some lousy cops!" "That was our point with Ash... if someone needs a bit of help... Do It! Go after those who abuse... cheat... steal... whatever. I think he rather enjoyed doing it. We found out the result when he called to tell us his wife had their third child... a girl, Cassandra Fay." "Fay?" "Ash said it is for me which I feel is an honour." Sunny leaned over to kiss my cheek, "You see everyone knows how kind you are." I laughed, "Except for some tories in the House of Lords." We laughed.

The puzzle ended with a big whoop by the team. It didn't take any longer than the last big one. I called the puzzlers over... Sunny opened the Orpington Chicken... white chocolate squares... these had caramel inside. Smiles... a hit! Little faces moving with chewing motions. Charlie in my lap, his candy gone replaced by a big smile. He got a kiss.

Time for babies to go up. In the Nursery all settled down. I gave a kiss to each and every little cheek.

In between Kay and Somsak, their families going to Cowley House in the morning... all packed! "Cho looked at the weather... it is going to mostly clear, a little bit chilly... not very windy for five days or more." Kay, "Your people at Cowley House were very nice last year." Somsak agreeing. "Well... have fun." I nudged Kay with a grin, "Take the black scanties with you." Kay, "I've the white ones now to tempt him!" We laughed. Somsak laughed too, "Your having on tiny black things worked better than nudity?" Kay grinned and shrugged. It is all Somsak needed... a big laugh. Fist bumps all around!

The guys went into play poker one more time. Us ladies talked... they enjoyed being here... Christmas and all the trimmings the house offered. I did say they would have to go back to their usual day routine at some point. Laughing, "Us too! Which means travel and me going to the Lords. We have busy schedule throughout 2019."

I followed Jaidee into our suite after many hugs and kisses in the passage. In bed with a small pile of NewsGroup reports... a warm puppy against me.

The NewsGroup overall is profitable... our expenses are high in some areas, rebuilding costs in the neglected newspapers. The long established newspapers are all markedly improving. In Seattle and Los Angeles the two The Day newspapers are in the black paying us back. Both newspapers continue to expand their leads in circulation and advertising revenue over their older overwhelmed rivals. It is good reading all these reports. I enjoyed rubbing Jaidee getting good news!

Now a new regional newspaper chain in our sights... Taylor Newspapers... they are in the American south stretching from Virginia's Shenandoah Valley to New Mexico. Francis is on it. It came on the radar when we began planning another mulch sleeve factory. This new factory we will own entirely. We buy the timber land to feed the sleeve factory ourselves. It is to be built in south central Mississippi, the land is cheap compared other areas. Many experienced local loggers to hire as the state has long been been known in America as a good forestry products producer. A number of land acquisitions are being done, permits for construction have been applied for along with water use and waste disposal. A railroad track will be useful, major motorway access, etc... The Sharks know what we need... they'll find a suitable small city. Because the plant will be extensively automated it will not not need a huge work force.

I moved the papers to the floor, one arm on Jaidee slipping into sleep. I hardly woke when Cho moved Jaidee... a kiss like a dream... out again.

Another marvellous ride! I'm going to miss this... I always do. I've a bit of time to go. Today's side trip to the Harcourt Racing Museum was a happy thing. Seeing the roof on... all that glass! The sides going up. When its done I want to see the first sunny day reflected in it. Gillespie's smiling face saying the obvious... we are rocking along!

Breakfast... Cho! A big hug and kiss! Carter smiling as he poured Cho's coffee... me a refill. Cho smiling when I told him about the museum... another kiss... my late-night reading brought out a big smile. "So does it grip you?" I laughed, "The idea of adding to the huge size of the NewsGroup makes me wonder but the Taylor Newspapers is profitable at most of its newspapers... those that aren't we can turn around." Cho kissed me, "I love a woman who is sure of herself!!!"

The Breakfast Room filling up with hungry campers. Smiles and healthy appetites.

The whole crowd did goodbyes for Graeme, he's going up to London. We all sent him off after hugs and kisses. A mob waving the blue classic MG down the drive.

Today is going to be interesting for some... the Twins, Sam, Artie, Suki, MFA, Anne and Caroline to the Natural History Museum with Tha and Madee.

MFA... I squatted beside her... "Aunt Fay, I love Christmas here!" She threw her arms around me. "Then you have to come back every year for as long as you want." "Yippee!" A kiss on her cheek.

Chani looking very cute, her black coat, gloves, scarf and something new... a black rolled brim cloche hat with a red poppy on the ribbon. A big smile too. A kiss for me.

They loaded up in an AW139. We waved them away... first stop Cowley House then onto the museum. They'd have Tona with Chana, Tha and Madee plus Protectors as their companions. The Twins and Caroline coming back afterwards.

The other adults going straight to Cowley House... after that they were on their own. Clough had all the Tube passes, London Eye and museum entry cards... other attractions. Cars when they need them.

Many hugs on the forecourt. We waved to them rising in the AW139's. Their bags on the way by van.

Cho and I in the Office... the silence behind us... big grins. Cho looked at his watch... "We've about thirty five minutes. Mac and Guy are on their way."

Gil's head appeared... "Penn says the Los Angeles flight is an hour out." We thanked her... "There's more..." A grin, "... Dalton contacted Chalgrove they have departed Leeds East... about fifty minutes out."

I stretched and leaned back like I am a lady of leisure... a good chuckle from Cho. "Did you see your daughter emulating you? Very cute." "Delphine is responsible for the hat and the poppy." Cho laughing more, "They are fun children. Marvellous how they think."

Yone texted... did we have a few minutes? Yes come on.

Laurel's face at the door showing Yone in. He had a grin, "Fay... after your visit I called a fellow I know at Scotland Yard... he's very good with stolen goods... He'd like to be included." Cho looking like `what?' Grinning I told him my idea... The light came on!

Yone still with that grin, "His idea is to go to several online places where weapons are sold or traded and inquire who might have for sale several firearms which are not exactly on the Abernathy's list but similar. Say the buyer' is near Oxford... close but not too much. The area is known for having wealthy collectors with many interests. If there are bites' say we are trying to fill a collection. If things go further we say we have several of the items on the list and want to complete the range of weapons. And so on. Spinning it out. Setup a meeting... a public place we can control with undercover folks... The Scotland Yard fellow suggested a tea cart in a layby where cars and people coming and going won't be unusual but is very public. He has a list of possibles." Cho smiling, "Fay you are a natural conspirator." Yone laughing saying he agreed. I thanked them both for the reference. Cho said it can't hurt to give it a go. Yes! Okay we are off. Fist bump with Yone. He'll co-ordinate with the fellow at Scotland Yard... they very much want to scoop up the whole gang.

I changed for our guests... the modern Munro mini-skirt outfit, black brogues.

Out front for Mac and his grandson Guy. A hug for Mac, an introductory handshake for Guy. Inside Cho and I behind them at the Great Room doors... open! Mac laughing, "You do go the full way!" Guy is speechless!

No Twins! We told them they'd be back this evening for dinner. The Natural History Museum! Mac, "Oh, they should get the royal welcome there." Cho smiling, "True... they have become well known there." Me, "They have a bunch of their friends with them this time."

Mac and Guy put up their glass ornaments. Guy thanked us for this and his coming out. Cho said they would go over Oxford East after luncheon.

We sat for a short while, I asked how Guy's Christmas had been. He did very well... a nice smile. "M'Lady, Grandad gave me a new golf bag! A beauty!" Cho, "Good, you can give it a try." Guy is up for that!

Gil let us know both flights were on the ground at Chalgrove. We told Mac Dalton flew Hélène and the family down. Dalton, his son and grandson are going to get some helicopter flight training.

At the front to welcome our guests. Hug for Ken while Cho did Pam... Cho scooped up Abbey. She's giggling. A kiss for Pam. Lori, Shira and Letti. Hugs for them all. Shira's tummy VERY big now!! This the last trip for her! Eight weeks to go.

Hélène a big hug. Dalton smiling. Their son and his family welcomed and introduced to Cho.

Inside Laurel got their outer wear... the doors closed, Conrad and Kendal ready ...open!

Mac and Guy smiling saying hellos and Happy New Years. Guy new to them all... handshakes.

They all loved the room. I had Pam and Lori's hands... smiles! Cho still had Abbey... he put her down so she could go to the tree. Abbey standing there her head way back to see it all. "Mom, it is big." Pam grinning kneeling beside Abbey. "Yes Aunt Fay and Uncle Cho always have the biggest tree." I am on her other side... "Do you want to put on your family ornament?" Big blue eyes towards me... nodding. Carter had them on a table close by... I picked it up... "See your daddy's name, your mom's and yours..." Pam grinning... Ken behind us... He picked up Abbey... Pam carried the glass ball... the three hung it on a branch. Everybody clapping for them.

Hélène and her family put on their two glass balls... one for each part.

Lori and Shira did theirs, Letti had her own. Smiles as they were hung on the tree. More clapping.

The golfers off. Dalton going back to Chalgrove with his son and grandson.

Us ladies catching up. One big surprise not shared by Lori and Shira until now is the name... Loria. Simple to say which made us all laugh.

Pam holding Abbey's hand looking at our latest knickknacks... wonder and happiness for us. They had all seen press coverage of Oslo. I gave them our impressions of the events and how much I liked meeting King Harald. Pam watching Abbey rub Jaidee... I said the Twins will give her lessons on how to rub a chocolate Labrador. We all laughed. Their little Jaidee girl is little no more... Sylvie is a big beautiful Choco girl... devoted to Abbey. I said next year bring her along. Pam is up for that.

Hélène, "Fay we watched your two speeches... oops... lectures." Laughter. "You both were marvellous... while you spoke it was dead quiet then the applause like a thunderclap! They kept it up." "Yes... they were very nice...it made it hard to sit down." Lori said they saw the video on Fox... "The end of yours... the crowd going a bit wild then Cho joined you... you kissed.... that pushed the audience over-the-top!!" Smiling, "It was a good moment... before the banquet following tradition we went out onto the suite balcony to say hello and thank all the torch bearers who had walked up... it was very cold. The crowd was loud!" Hélène, "The BBC said the torch crowd was the largest they had ever seen... the whole park and the side streets." "It seemed like a lot to us but we had no frame of reference." A laugh, "When we came to the banquet room doors a fellow with a deep baritone voice announced our titles and names... the whole crowd stopped dead... funny to us... you know we aren't into much ceremony." Pam, "Well you might not be into ceremony but you are getting plenty of it. You in the House of Lords doing that introduction thing... you were radiant!" Hélène, Lori and Shira all agreed. Letti asked why, "Fay, I thought you were already in the House of Lords?" "It was because I was `promoted' as an American friend described my first elevation last year. When you change rank you have to do the introduction for that new position. It is a body with many old ways and naturally is slow to change. Being elevated to a higher rank is very rare these days."

Hélène smiling, "I watched a BBC News report on your year... Let's see... you got an award from the King in Thailand which is seldom given out, the American Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction... also infrequently awarded. You got the Order of the Thistle then you were made a Marchioness, lastly the Nobel Peace Prize... That is enough for anyone for a lifetime but was a single year... AND you are what thirty one?" I nodded, "I am glad someone finally thought of that. We were wondering if it would be said. It must be all downhill from here." Laughter!


At luncheon I watched Abbey eat... it took her a while to get going she is so interested in the table Christmas decorations... magic! She is still learning how to use her utensils fully... feeding herself quite well.

Pam asked about the Twins... Smiling I said sit back and brace yourselves... "They much bigger than average... they are as large three and half year olds. Chani is thirty nine and three quarters inches and thirty eight pounds, Charlie is forty two inches and forty pounds." Pam staring... Hélène almost choked on her sip of water... I shook my head, "There's no stopping them. They were tested again a few weeks ago by child psychologists... they are reading and writing at least to level eight... Cho and I think much higher. They are fluent in English, French and Thai... they have started on German with some Italian." Heads shaking.

We moved back to the Great Room... I pointed to the two horses paintings they gave us and the Ginger plant pastel... "They did those together... Chani did the pastel plant." Gobsmacked! I led them around to the babies other works... they looked at Charlie's birds. Pam, "Fay, I know those two we have them in our garden!" "Charlie saw them in Seattle and did the drawings here." I turned them... jaws dropping! "These three were started about three and a half months ago... done about eleven weeks ago. Chani's is the view out from the north end of the house across the Thames Valley. They have considerable talent... they got started doing calligraphy... when you go to Cowley House look in my Lady's Room... an example of their work hanging off a bookshelf for more than eleven months... they shared creating it." I asked Carter for tea. A smile and bow.

We sat on the settees nearest the fire... Abbey back to rubbing Jaidee. Pam smiling, "She loves to rub our Sylvie." They laughed to hear all the babies rubbing Jaidee and Tasa. "Tasa's mom who is Ting's mother is laughing that Tasa will be spoiled by the time she's back in Korat." Laughter.

"Did you all bring swimming costumes?" All yeses. "We swim at all hours." I looked to Pam... a big grin... I knew she brought riding clothes!! We'll go out shortly.

Gil had a few things for me... Newsgroup and other companies.

Upstairs to change... something new... a Spanish equestrian hat in dark green khaki to match my jackets. The hat I had been using is the U.S. Army campaign style... it never sat on my head well... this is perfect. One in light khaki also.

Something else new... for when it is warmer... two waistcoats, light khaki and grey. Close to my torso, an asymmetrical front, the collar dark khaki on one and black on the other, small lapels in the main colour, the top button over my left breast then angling down to the right four more buttons to my waist. Slash pockets outlined in the the dark khaki or black. I liked these, trim and cute. Going to make me look even more long legged. I had ordered the same for Sunny, she is going to dazzle in them.

The dusky pink jodhpurs, light khaki shirt, light khaki tie and dark green khaki jacket. A chestnut belt and the glowing chestnut tall boots. Chestnut gloves! The new helmet! Terrific colour combinations. In the mirror it looked very good!

Pam came to my Dressing Room... "Fay, that is an amazing look. The colours are good for you." I thanked Pam, saying I thought so too.

Going down Pam said she'd been riding in Discovery Park to get ready for this. Fist bump!

We waved to the others... compliments for our clothes.

Max for Pam, Rebel making noises. Tessa on Geo, Ken on Gough. We rode north passing our neighbours farms... Pam getting part of my guided tour. We rode through the village to the church. Some folks out to say hello to. A quiet day... we listened to the birds as we walked. We turned for home on the dirt track. Rebel ready to roll. We picked up speed on the berm then I asked and Rebel accelerated!! On the path near the river we were flying. Tessa and Geo behind us... the closest. Pam the trailer. Dan Senior waved I returned it. We eased down at the Flats. We walked up the slope around Sunny's bits. Pam smiling over to me from Max's back. A wild fun ride from Sandford. Rebel making happy noises! Tessa and Ken grinning. Enjoyment for us all!

Pam and I walked into the Great Room. The other ladies talking. I got more compliments for my clothes. Lori said I looked like a cavalry soldier.

Chelle, "Fay, Rande says they are loading up to return." I thanked her. "Okay ladies some of the men will be here soon." Laughs.

In a short while we got golfers. They'd enjoyed themselves!!

The men sat with us for a bit before we went up to change.

My outfit is royal blue full leg trousers from Mirabelle, a bright yellow wool turtleneck on top. Dark brown ankle boots. Some gold bits.

Drinks. I asked Guy how he did. An 80 from the regulation tees. "M'Lady, I felt comfortable on the course." "Wonderful. You should come out and play more." He said he would enjoy that. I pointed to Cho who responded with `It can be arranged.'

Looking at him, "Guy, don't you have a courtesy title?" "I do, I am Earl of Loyne from Grandad." "So no M'Lady's please." A smile, "I did not want to presume." I squeezed his arm. "Fay... Okay?" A big smile, "Yes Fay." "If you want to be formal... Miss Martin." A smiling nod.

I could see Mac in my peripheral vision grinning.

I turned to Mac, "How do feel about Labour talking about an age limit for the House?" "I think it is a way to get more folks moving in. They have mooted `eighty' as their preferred limit. That gives me almost ten years. One could argue for grandfathering us in but I doubt it would go." I said I would send on to him my new thinking about Lords reform. "I told Keir I would give it to him." I pointed out that we needed to deter those who want to move all hereditary lords out. I did a brief outline... Mac thought it workable although radical with the rise and fall element. Mac, "Some will be against on the principle of the Lords does not need it but those can easily be squashed." Fist bump.

Chelle smiling with her iPhone up... Mine had already binged in a message from Chani... they were on the way home. Chelle laughing Chani beat out Tha.

The Twins came running to us from the helicopter grid. Hugs. Caroline waving as Stanton carried her to a car in her travel seat... we waved back. Off to Culham Manor. That crowd would be over for dinner tomorrow.

Excited babies... they had a brilliant day. The museum people very nice and helpful.

In the Great Room some introductions needed and general amazement seeing the babies. Even forewarned a year's growth flabbergasted Hélène! Ken shaking his head as Pam hugged with the Twins. Lori, Shira and Letti all had a case of the jaw droppings... the babies surprising people is the norm. It is easier for Mac, he had seen them at Cowley House a few times.

Shira's tummy viewed with interest... Chani asked if it was a boy or girl... Loria... she liked the name.

The babies meeting Abbey in her new upright, talking and mobile version. They took her to Jaidee for an advanced tutorial on puppy rubbing. They know she has Sylvie to practice on.

New arrivals from New York... Bill and Tillie, Kent, Karen, Toby and Tonya. Our top Fox team. We gave hugs on the Forecourt... getting everyone in out of the cold. They were in front of us at the Great Room doors... they were WOW'd. A huge greeting from the other guests!

Taittinger's for the grownups. Shirley Temples by Fin brought thank yous to him. He bowed to Chani with a smile. She stuck out her fist... BUMP! Laughter.

I proposed a toast for Mac... "He is to join the Order of the Thistle! Congratulations!" We cheered and drank! Mac thanked us. He said to me I had helped make it possible getting mine... "Her Majesty is opening up about awards since you and Cho have so admirably justified her choice to advance you both." A hug!

Karen smiling sipping her champagne, "Fay, this room is out of this world!" I said we do go over the top a bit.

We talked about TV news... Karen, "I watched your answer to Kenny's question in Oslo several times... you and Cho know how to speak to the press supremely well. I saw the heads of the other reporters... looking at each other in disbelief." "It was a great question for us to make a point... we like keeping the accelerator pedal down."

"I'm sure you have other amazing projects coming up... Kent is a believer for sure!" Laughing, "We pay him extra for that." Karen joined in.

Kent looking over... he joined us pointing to the closed flat red box... "Goodies?" I opened it for them... they leaned close to read the elaborate script. Kent, "So what happens next year?" Shaking my head, "Nothing I hope. Her Majesty's visits have become a pre-Christmas gift giving extravaganza we'd prefer stopped. Its nice to get gifts... we have enough. I am glad she spread it around this year. The new Peers are a good group." "Have you spoken to any?" "No. I did send a congratulatory note to the one I have met... Fiona Camran, who was made the Viscountess of Strathaven. She is also a member of the Order of the Thistle which is where we met. She was very nice. She replied it was a wonderful thing and said I had helped pave the way for her and the others with my amazing first year as a Peer. Others have said similar things... funny Cho and I are just doing what we want... it does dovetail nicely on occasion." A big grin on my face... they laughed.

I squeezed Tillie's hand when she thanked us for having these corporate meetings here. "We have the space and it gets you out of New York for a bit." "And we thank you!" A big smile!

I asked about their children and grandkids... all were doing splendidly, the littlest ones coming to visit next month.

Dalton and the boys arrived in time for a drink. They loved the helicopters. Hélène with an indulgent smile. Boys and toys!

Sunny came in... a long legged gorgeous young woman turning heads. It is easy to see Guy is impressed. Introductions for some... Mac smiling introducing Guy. Sunny recognising her impact... a beautiful smile.

Sunny is asked about her next equestrian event... Gloucester in April. Her going up to Brasenose in autumn surprising Dalton... he's an Oriel College alumni. He asked `Law?' Sunny said yes. Dalton, "Well you've chosen the right college." Sunny said with equestrian competitions it may take a few years to gain her law degree.

Carter at the doors...

Dinner is a reprise of the English-Scots-Welsh buffet! The Twins were in favour. Cho too! Chani and Charlie got to choose what they wanted, Tha and I did plates, They wanted ginger ales! Popa parked them in their seats.

I snagged a veggie banger, a pile of mash with onion gravy... Some hot mustard for my banger! I skipped the legumes for a salmon cake and a big spoonful of Rumbledethumps and two morning rolls with butter.

Pam cutup Abbey's veggie banger... no problem with the mash or her beans. A big grin on Abbey's cute face.

We talked all sorts. Dalton's enthusiasm for flying obvious. He and Cho chatting about it. Cho being nice I knew he is not interested in going back to it. Thankfully.

Mac and I talking about the water boards... "Well if you have Wellington on your side then the tories have to be worried. He's spoken about his discontent with their leadership for some time. I don't know if he would jump ship... he might get fed up with them finally." "That is what Argyle said. Is there anything elsewhere in the tories policy sphere to satisfy him?" Mac thought not. Their leadership has disgusted him.

Golf... Cho's 57 today at Oxford East brought out smiles. He tied his recent new record! Just a shrug from Cho. A blown kiss from me.

Guy said he is amazed! He'd read some about Cho's game in a golf magazine so he knew it is incredible... even so... up close... More golf in the morning!

Afters in the Game Room we wanted everybody to see the Twins two shows and Sunny wanted to see the Introduction' again so we started with that. Mac got to see his guest' spot in the video... Hélène said he walked quite well. Mac smiled and shrugged. Our Americans being `news' people had seen it... this is better because they got mine and Mac's commentary. Argyle's smile explained when linked to my speaking later. Since Sunny wanted to shove me out I had Gil run her and Maeve's video. Sunny grinning over the praise for the graphics! The babies shows went over big! Praise is heaped upon them. They made sure Chelle, Sunny and Tha joined in to receive it!

Back in the Great Room more espresso and Amaretto... also more questions about the babies. Tha got out a smaller sized puzzle... it is Jaidee in the Bangkok garden... handsome boy! Abbey sat to watch the babies work, they invited her to help. Hélène and Dalton's grandchildren doing a puzzle of the New York City skyline. Kent and Karen's kids Tonya and Toby working a separate puzzle of the garden at Old Topanga Ranch. A complete opposite of the lush tropic one where Jaidee sat.

The men decided to play poker... Guy is to learn to play properly. All us ladies talked around the fire. Once the puzzlers had done ours came to abuse Jaidee with Abbey. Tonya and Toby went into the Library with Hélène's grandkids... Carter2 queued up some old Looney-Tunes cartoons for them.

The morning is a deeper cold with some dampness in it. Gregory said snow... later. The sky looked like it... leaden grey, dense! Pamela, Roland and Plotline weren't concerned as we walked down the lane.

My friends at the lock waved hello. They said life is good.

A fast romp through Lower Radley on towards the Sandford lock in a full gallop. Lyle there waving from the far end. Mr. Hardy's head out his door... he's coming to the house to start something new with Jerrold and his colleagues.

Plotline is the first to make noise seeing the gate... we laughed and asked our horses... a speedy run to the Flats. Going up as Freddie came down on Max ahead of Notre Noir and Aroon who had Monty and Marsha up. Training for them... create a rhythm for them. They'll be racing in the summer. Something new for Monty! Gregory says he has an solid seat on a horse.

The Breakfast Room had Dalton, his son and grandson... going to Chalgrove for more helicopter training. They were to get some time in the Bell JetRanger trainer! A biggie!

They headed out with my `Have fun!' I heard Cho talking with them in the passage. Cho beside me... kisses became part of my breakfast!

The Twins came in... their usual style... roaring! Abbey behind them, Tha helping her down the stairs. I helped get them in seats, delivered food. Pam came in as Abbey loaded her fork with eggs. A huge smile! Pam thanked Tha. Karen and hers and Hélène's grandkids next with their mom.

Golfers followed. Mac, Guy, Ken, Kent, Bill stoked up for a round then lunch at the club. We have our late afternoon meeting upcoming!

The ladies and the kids not golfing or flying are going into Oxford with Gil and Chelle. The Twins going to Day Care taking Abbey with them. Me to the Library to work.

I asked for coffee to get me started.

Emails... Bruce the manager of the Winged Flight production at Ban Wat Bang Fai. The plant is two weeks from completion. The staff is training, the materials have arrived... he could go straight to production... I responded with a `Go!'

Other news from Ban Wat Bang Fai... Tone informing us all three French companies plant construction is progressing on-time. The plastic container one will be working first, the car parts starting up second, the SSD drive company has the most sophisticated equipment and needs, a much longer build-out. She wrote all three have executives on-site daily. They have, like Noreen's company, found local housing and at our suggestion hired a car service rather than take the risk of driving in Bangkok's notorious traffic. They are from a left-hand drive country making it more of an issue.

Janine emailed... she is to be in London tomorrow... meeting? I responded suggesting she come out with Reg and Eric's crowd for New Year's Eve. I got a big Yes' back. Mine back is to get her to co-ordinate with them. Okay!'

Gregor at MAN said they were pleased to renew The Company's deal! He said our relationship has been very beneficial. I thanked him and we are also quite happy with the connection. Our companies worked well together. Also very profitable! Gregor remarking how pleased their customers were with the cameras and software. "Fay, your people doing the instructing of new operators are very thorough and everything very clear. I sat in on one session... a woman trainer dealt with questions easily and answered so all could get what she meant. Even the most obvious question responded to as if it as important as the next." I told him we tried to hire people who we could immerse in our technology without becoming so techie so as not to be useful teachers. He replied we had succeeded. A very nice conversation!

Sipping coffee when my iPhone rang... Gil wanting to pass on a call from Gunther in Berlin. Okay. I picked up then Gil dropped off. "Marquise, we have had new development regarding Elke's family. The father went berserk... he badly beat up the mother when she tried to stop him beating the two daughters. The mother will be Okay, cuts, bruises and a broken left arm... not a bad break. She is in a cast and is at the Ludwigkirchstrasse shelter with the sisters. They were slapped and punched... the mother got the worst of it. Seems she finally broke with the brute. He thought the younger daughters were seeing Elke. The father is in gaol. The police want him charged with as many offences as possible to get him off the street for years." "That sounds good for the women. Will they be able to go back to their flat?" "Yes. We took them in until the police found and arrested the father. He did not help his cause by trying to attack a woman police officer. He had no better luck than he had with our Gretchen... he got got knocked flat on his back." I had to laugh... Gunther did too. "Marquise, he beats on those who are not able to take him on. About Elke... I suggested she stay in the shelter until there is some disposition of her father's case. She agreed." Sensible. We talked a bit about Security Service happenings in Berlin... everything moving along well. The computer centre at Tegel is working so all our local links go through there now. Everything at the Bogensee is up and running. "Marquise, the construction people are working very hard tearing down the old decayed buildings and readying the land for what comes next." Good!

Gunther said they provided a car for Flix, Wade and Cicely for a few trips then out to the airport. Gunther, "I have a copy of her book... I will get started on it soon." "It is very well done, readable and filled with real feeling." I liked Gunther's English is good enough for him to try reading Flix's book rather than waiting for the German translation. I thanked Gunther for the update. At my request he would say hello to Elke for me and ask if they had any special needs we can fulfil.

Mason's email is lovely! He had four small hotels in London purchased for the R&R Scheme! Marylebone, Kensington, Camden and Southwark. Just over two hundred rooms all told. Andi is going to each today and tomorrow. They are all close to Tube stations, nice looking neighbourhoods... shopping and restaurants. Andi replied to Mason's email including me... she would send on her appraisal straightaway.

From Raphaela, CC'ing Hailey... The two English locations for Mirabelle manufacturing are being worked on right now. Clearing out anything we don't want and the cleaning crews going in. Then we'll see what else has to be done inside. I knew Thomas has his folks at both locations doing a security install plus an appraisal of other `security' pieces. The Manchester site had good working fire systems and all the HVAC is tip-top! The London East End building will require work to get the fire suppressing sprinklers ready including extending it into areas not covered. Everything else is good. I'd spoken to Raphaela... she's coming over after New Year's. We'll tour the sites together.

Olaf from Weyerhaeuser sent an email overnight... the mulch sleeve plant in Washington State... the project is six weeks ahead of schedule... the building interior is nearly complete, the last of machinery going in the first week of January, storage for the catalyst materials is finished so they will start receiving them. I replied we will be in Seattle in March so we will visit.

Andi called before she read my email... "Fay, we have new locations finalised. New Orleans, Washington, D.C., two in New York, Edinburgh, four here in London and three in Paris!" "That's marvelous! I heard from Mason about the ones here. You are visiting?" "Yes today and tomorrow." "Where in New Orleans?" "In the French Quarter naturally." A laugh! "Good! Miami?" "We haven't found any really good places yet. The estate agent is working hard on it... looking in and around the South Beach neighbourhood hasn't given us a result." "Please keep them at it." "I will. Rikki is doing some location scanning herself." I thanked Andi for her work... she thanked me for her bonus. "You are quite welcome."

More work then food! The babies back from Day Care... hugs and kisses. I had Abbey in my arms sitting the Great Room waiting for Carter...

Abbey liked meeting the other kids... she played with clay... she made a cup.... "Aunt Fay I mashed it... fun to make... I gave the clay back." "You could make another." "I will make one at home." Fist bump.

Chani and Charlie didn't make anything... they helped the children to do their things. Kisses!

Carter... All the kids joined in for soup and sandwiches in the Breakfast Room. Cookies and fruitcake!

I setup the Game Room TV for a show... the Twins wanted to see Pinocchio. About ninety minutes. Off and running. Carter2 said he will look in on them. I thanked him.

I did some more work in Library... I am up-to-date.

Walking out... Carter... "M'Lady the golfers are on the way, the Oxford trip just leaving from there now. Pinocchio is nearly over." I thanked him.

I met the golfers...a kiss from the Pro. They had a good day. Our lady guests and the older children returned. An enjoyable outing... there is a lot to see in the city. Souvenirs purchased and snaps taken.

Time for business. The Library. Carter2 has a large screen setup and two iPads connected to the Conference App facing the table where Mac, Hélène, Lori and Shira, Ken, Bill, Cho and I are sitting. Kent behind Bill. Letti behind Lori like Gil and Chelle behind us. We have Francis and Ali with Wesley in one window, Pedro with his sunny pool as the background in another and Daria in her living room. Our Fox Entertainment boss Abbey in another window from Los Angeles. She is sipping her morning coffee at her desk in Studio City. Greetings all around. Wesley is admired. Pedro's granddaughter in his lap, a pink two piece bathing costume on plus a cute grin... a hand waving. Daria looking quite comfortable in an armchair.

Cho and I were congratulated for our recent awards. We thanked them saying everyone is being very nice to us. Daria said we are good copy for all our media. Laughter when I told them we would try to make more news.

Francis led off with the various tasks to satisfy the corporate by-laws. That took a bit of time. Then some news from us... Cho is leaving the position of Co-CEO, he will remain the Chairman of the Board. I am the sole CEO! The comments are positive... lots of Smiles. Mac looking over to me saying I had a lot on my shoulders. I shrugged them. Laughter. It will be announced tomorrow in New York via our usual press release subsequent to our annual board meeting.

That is followed by a review of the stock position... very good as it happens for both the class-B and the common stock shares. Both at historic highs!! Likely to rise further given the company's continuing successes.

The business is making money in all departments. The TV news side has the highest advertising rates in the industry with companies clamouring to advertise on our network news shows.

The entertainment division also commanding the highest rates. Nice to have competition for advertising time.

Fox Sports signing new contracts with the NFL, NBA, MLB, PGA, the English Premier League, NWSL, MSL... they have the highest advertising rates in the history of sports programming!!

The news division and Sports receiving many awards... the DuPont-Columbia Award got Kent many kudos from us. Kent said the staff was particularly pleased to be recognised and thanked the Board for supporting them.

The entertainment side is the leader for viewers of all ages... excellent shows with solid stories. They grabbed the audiences... keeping them coming back for more.

Several of the big annual awards shows now on Fox. The Oscars, Emmy's, Golden Globes, multiple sport award events... more likely to come. Our thanks to Abbey for continuing the run of quality shows. She gave us a briefing on what is to come in summer and fall of 2019.

All of these good things highlighted by the huge number of Emmy Awards they have received each year since our takeover. As contrasted with no Emmys under the M*********'s ownership! Peabody and Polk awards each year since the takeover. Our news people are awesome!

Daria looked good, she was active in the discussions. I watched her laughing at something Cho said... she is obviously feeling good which is important. Francis and Ali say she comes to theirs three or four days a week to be with them and Wesley. They all love `Grannie.' Daria signed out when we finished... a big smile and wave!

Pedro's granddaughter bouncing but not making noise happy to be with him... on his lap seeing other people. When Pedro signed out at the end she waved to us all... we waved to her.

Abbey smiling saying it is good to see the `big bosses' now and then... to much laughter.

Francis and Ali smiling to us... I said I'd call them later. A thumbs up.

We headed to the Great Room... drinks. We had some time before dinner. The men got their scotches after sherry or whatever, Campari and soda for me. We are talking all sorts about the meeting.

The kids were in the Garden with Jaidee and the big toys. Karen, Pam and Hélène's daughter-in-law are with the babies outside as were Tha and Delphine.

On a settee opposite... Lori, Shira lowered herself slowly beside her wife. Hélène next to me we shifted so Tillie could sit. Nothing startling in the meeting to talk about... we talked American politics. The republicans were still on the run from everything... everywhere. Three quarters of the state governments were completely in Democrat hands. Those that aren't being targeted by Democrats. This is changing the flow of government power. Laws being repealed that republicans had fought for decades to enact... gerrymandered voting districts being re-done, restricted voting rights overturned, reduced spending for education starving school districts reversed, police powers republicans enhanced being pulled back, tougher environmental limits. Greater health and safety inspections in all industries. Abortion limits removed. Congressional redistricting happening all over. Past abuses of power by the states and localities being redressed. Issues like unfettered abortion rights reaffirmed by the Supreme Court which broadly modified the Roe v. Wade decision... plus enhanced protection for clinics like no go' areas around them. It ruled the rights' of the anti-abortion protesters are not abridged by such limits. Some states immediately set wide margins for clinic safety. The court also ruled that there can be no restrictions on the mother's right to end her pregnancy based on duration of her pregnancy. So no state could block the individual's decision-making. In another ruling a putative father had no rights in the process... the mother had total control. Welcome decisions!

At each level of government taxes which had been due are now being collected. Hillary has presented balanced budgets to the country after Congress passed bills to raise taxes on wealthy individuals, restrict the use of many tax-dodging loopholes and an assortment of capital-gains tricks for tax avoidance. Corporate taxes raised across the board. States can now rebuild their road and bridge infrastructure because they have tax dollars from the rich and corporations the republicans would not go after. States with income taxes altering them to be fairer to those without many means, shifting the burden to those who can pay. Washington State moving to a state income tax to replace high sales taxes that hit the poor exactly the same as the wealthy. Why should someone of limited means pay the same amount of tax as me if I buy a pair of shoes? The imbalance stinks!

Citizens who have the ability to pay should share more. Too many of the wealthiest people sit on their money or `invest' to make more. While investing puts money into circulation the way they do it almost none reaches to where it could be of real benefit for the country or the ordinary people. We will not wait to die to share our wealth. Our children have the tools to be successful in their own right even with a fraction of our wealth.

Hélène motioning to the newly returned Dalton and sons... he had left the conservative party like herself over tax cuts for the wealthy and other policies that injured people.

"They cut services for ordinary people, slashed the NHS budget... " She turned to me, "... which is why you and Cho donating that money to the NHS trusts was so important. A signal to everyone." Our American guests looking like `what money' so I explained. Shaking heads hearing the five hundred million £'s was handed over in such a public way to stir the people to pay attention to the trusts.

Tillie leaned forward to look at me, "Fay, you do amaze! You and Cho do things for the public good in all sorts of ways... no wonder the Queen likes you two." I laughed, "Her Majesty gets we pay attention to many things and do not shirk from going forward where others might not go. She knows we do use our money for good. Other wealthy people like the M*********'s were never favourites because of their blatant lust for money and power... their bigotry was widely known. We turned the tables on them because they went too far. Her Majesty approved of wholeheartedly of what we did to the Sun and London Times." Hélène laughed, "She approves of you!" I shrugged.

Pam, "What about the second Seattle tunnel? You started that... gave them some money. No one asked for you to do anything." "Actually the city had to be convinced the project was needed. We own a Stockholm based company that makes those huge boring devices... we offered one to Seattle to dig a tunnel to relieve the crush at the last exit before the Highway 99 toll tunnel they had built to replace the big ugly downtown viaduct. The borer has completed the tunnel and the insides are being finished off now. It is an comparatively easy tunnel to build so the process has been quite fast. It was to be a toll tunnel like the Highway 99 one... We will payoff the debt so there will be no toll." "Serious?" "We as you said we started it so why not finish it." Pam did a fist bump with me. Shaking heads all around.

Snow is falling... not very dense. Our group talk ended with the rush of the little people from the Garden. Macs, hats and gloves pulled off... Lucas and Stanton valiantly managing to keep things together for the owners.

Hugs and kisses applied when outer clothes are off. Jaidee got a hug too. Everybody happy and a bit wound up.

The Culham crowd arrived. Introductions. Cute to see Abbey and Caroline hug. They liven us up a bit more.

Talk about babies is inevitable. A matter a few weeks left for Andrea and Catherine.

All the babies rubbing Jaidee and Tasa... I said I suppose we should to see if all the rubbing is making bald spots on those brown bodies. Laughter.

Carter helped to slow things down further by announcing dinner.

During dinner Mac said he and Guy were going back to Scotland where the rest of the family is. They'd had a fine Christmas. He would return for the Lords reconvening.

Dalton, his son and grandson thrilled with their time at Chalgrove. Helicopters are exciting to learn. Hélène maintaining her reserve about the whole thing. If Dalton wanted to go vertical she would be fine. Her only comment quite telling `I'm glad your life insurance is up to date.' That caused laughter... Dalton could only shrug. Their son's head shaking... knowing his mother well.

Karen thanked us for the time in Oxford, they'd seen the major colleges. To Sunny, "Brasenose looks quite wonderful, we hope you enjoy being there." Sunny thanked her saying she had high hopes.

Sunny's equestrian events were discussed. Her rising trajectory is praised. Going for the Olympics got a big thumbs up from Ken. He had been an alternate in the U.S. team's eight man crew... `Many years ago!' Laughter

Our pregnant ladies asked about their time to go. Shira smiling. "Yes like all seven month or so mothers I will be very glad for Loria to appear!!" Laughter and commiseration.

Afters in the Great Room. The men went in to play poker. I went to the Library to make some calls to America. I sat after looking at the snow falling... seemed more of it. Sticking to the ground.

Daria glad I called. "Fay I am doing well. My doctor changed one of my medications... the new one is working much better. Seeing Wesley several times a week is a wonderful tonic. Francis and Ali are gems to put up with me." I laughed, "This is a secret... don't tell I told you... they love your being there!" "I hope so! Wesley is quite cute and so very happy. I fell asleep in a chair with him the other day. Ali kneeling beside us smiling waking me... Wesley did not wake. She carried him to bed. Francis offered me a coffee... we laughed." "You are really giving it a go!" "I want to be strong enough to be able to babysit for them so they can have a night out." "Our security people can help with that... be a backup if needed for you." Daria said she would talk with Ali and Francis about it. Before we said goodbyes I sent her a few snaps of the Twins. Their size shocked her. "Fay I never had any of my own but they look really big for two and half year olds." "They are more like pushing at three plus." I sent our love over the ether.

I dialled Francis on the Conference App... he and Ali laughed about Daria dozing off with Wesley. "It was rather sweet to see... Wesley sound asleep through it all." Ali, "Fay, we do not have much family and no official grandparents for Wesley... Daria is perfect."

I thanked them for joining in the corporate conference. Francis, "Fay, 21st Century Fox is now an outstanding company... highly profitable, well run and fast becoming the world's singular icon of quality electronic journalism." "We do hope it continues to rise. We are near the point where our entire investment is covered." "Fay that is amazing... it speaks to how much the people inside really needed new leadership to find the way upward. The old Fox was stagnant." "Yes with messaging from the Sixteenth Century." Francis and Ali laughed. Ali, "Fay, your BBC interview was awesome... I don't know what they wanted but you gave them a blockbuster." They laughed loudly hearing about my silky leg motion. "Len Copley was put back... he recovered... I kept the initiative." Ali thought it deliciously sneaking! "Fay your outfit... amazing." "When Copley showed up I was still in riding clothes... coming down to the Great Room in the red outfit was my first move!" Francis, "You do have the ability to make an entrance. Your `scripting' a thing like that in your head is terrific." "Also a lot of fun!" Laughter. I waved goodbye to Wesley and his parental units.

The babies and other kids in the Library... `Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' playing. The Twins first viewing. Several of the women went in to watch. Pam with Abbey, Hélène's daughter-in-law with her daughter... neither pair had seen it. White snow outside and Snow White inside...

Shira tired out had gone up, Letti too. Hélène, Tillie, Lori and I sipping Amaretto and espresso. They enjoyed coming here for the corporate meeting... relaxing and away from their normal haunts.

After a while Carter2 came up... a smiling bow.. "M'Lady, the men have settled in. There is about fifteen or twenty minutes of the movie remaining." We laughed. I thanked Carter2. The smile still there.

We hung out until the movie crowd came in from the Library... the Twins leading... hugs for them. They liked the movie, Abbey too! So did Hélène's granddaughter. Approval is general.

Bedtime for the Twins and Abbey. Tha hadn't seen the movie either... she delighted in the colours and graphics. I said we should get `Fantasia' so she could see the art at the next higher level.

Kisses for the babies... Cho came in, he leaned over each bed saying goodnight.

In the passage arms around me... a kiss. "Your timing is perfect." "I had Fin keep an eye open for me. I backed out of the hand at that moment."

I walked him down to say goodnight to the men.

In bed I had the book I wanted to get back to reading... Behemoth' by Franz Neumann. The granddaddy of all books about the Third Reich's oddball governing mechanisms and institutions. What makes it so good is Neumann wrote it before the war started in the mid-to-late 1930's, he did update it into the early 1940's. It was a warning that went unheeded. I read it at Exeter for a paper and debate about nazi organisations and their impact. I argued against the idea that if hitler and the nazis had governed properly by co-ordinating their actions, not sought a wider war with Soviet Russia and had not pursued The Final Solution' they would have won the war. I said they had no choice in their path because their entire myth was built on lebensraum, destroying Jews and others who were un-German and the führerprinzip.' They had to do things exactly as they did or they wouldn't have been nazis.' I won the debate!

Raul Hilberg was a big fan of Neumann's work... his own magisterial `The Destruction of the European Jews' expanded on Neumann and broke new ground in so many different areas. Hilberg's book has been the foundation of Holocaust research since it was published in 1961... every subsequent author owes him a debt. He is in every bibliography or should be.

I picked up my iPad... I fired up our library book database to look in our different house libraries... I ordered both books for several houses. Alibris.com has them listed... enough copies offered to cover what I wanted in hardback from booksellers right here in the UK. I had the entire order come here for simplicity sake... they would be mailed or carried to their final destinations.

Back to reading... Jaidee snoozing in his bed...

I turned the lights down... that got Jaidee's attention... I issued an invitation. My right hand stroking his warm body until I conked out.

Cho barely woke me moving Jaidee... a warm husband replaced a warm puppy... I'm good!

Going downstairs... folks leaving today. We have the Glass' arriving... to see us and meet Cormac before the New Year's celebration crowd arrived.

Walking down with Jaidee... he's engrossed in the snow... only an inch or two in the end... apparently it quit around midnight.

Roland with Tessa, Plotline with Tara waiting behind Pamela. Noises from them as I got thank yous for the two scones delivered. A knee up. Down the lane to the Flats... cold... no wind. We rode my usual circuit... hellos to my friends and a blazing run from Sandford. Our horses loved it. Happy sounds as we handed them off to Monty and Andy.

Breakfast done quickly... upstairs to change. I said goodbyes to everyone... hugs and kisses then out to the AW139 on the landing grid. Min and Almira flying us. A quick trip and my thanks. They'll be waiting. The streets were clear in the city. Rae's car deposited me, Gil, PJ and Alba at The Company front door... card swipe... Lady Harcourt!

I did many hellos going in and up to Reg's floor. I dropped into a chair in Reg's space... he looked up from something... a grin. "Slumming?" Looking around at his usual disordered office I said "Yes!" A big laugh. He got a hug. I went up to see Achmed and Emory in the water division offices.

We sat to discuss water projects with a short exchange about India. They will do a review of the offering... "Your Ladyship, we know the presentation was well done but we will review it." Smiling, "You are fine. It is a decision based in politics and something else we won't say anything about... but we know it. I'm more interested in the other projects."

I got a thorough briefing on the Madagascar and Indonesian work... they are well advanced. Our Madagascar team a bit behind the schedule... waiting for the government to finish some of their part of the infrastructure build-out. Indonesia... first phase on Sumatra on schedule... all roads done, the first dams built. Second phase.... sluice gates being installed. Our people would go from one island to the next working themselves around to the locations throughout the archipelago. The Indonesians staying ahead on the road and dam work.

Emory, "We have a team in Jakarta training the water departments staff on the software... they should be ready when the first part of the project on Sumatra rolls out."

Brazil has started to build the dams... there are many many months before we need to do anything there.

Achmed is going to do a tour of completed projects taking Janine with him to speak to the various governments and water management staff about how it is going from their perspective. New Zealand, Australia, New Guinea, Thailand, the Congo, Angola, Norway, New York, Virginia and Seattle or more properly eastern King County.

Janine will be in charge in Brazil when we are on-site. She is learning Portuguese in the Brazilian style. This is a long involved assignment... not a hospitable climate so we have to do a lot to make it safe for our folks. Good housing and quality food. Plus R&R time locations. Several Atlantic coast resorts have been chosen, they are near Bahia.

Cho-Fay Air is setting up a base at Belem International Airport to move people and materials into the interior. A close-in base at Manaus, an important domestic air traffic airport for the Amazon region, for our jets and helicopters. A secondary forward base at Santarem a small airport to the east. We have purchased helicopters to do heavy lifting, they are completely overhauled Sikorsky CH-53E's with updated avionics and engines. The three new engines are more powerful than the U.S. military version, capable of lifting nearly forty thousand pounds of cargo. Longer range also. We need them since Brazil's military does not have enough heavy lift to share. It is an add-on to the our deal with the Brazilian government's water department who are not happy with the army reneging on the deal. Cho-Fay Air hired a mix of men and women discharged after their time of service also retired from U.S. Navy and Marines, pilots and maintenance people familiar with the aircraft to get this group started. Their base is Opa-Locka Airport in Miami, some families are re-located already. We want to be able to rotate them to Brazil for operational periods then back to their base. Six CH-53's in two groups of three. We are buying a heavy-lifting aircraft to move big loads for us.

Janine joined us. A big hug for her. Us four talked water projects for more than an hour.

Eric came to say hello to Janine. His crowd coming out for New Year's. Janine is joining us... She will fix her pickup with Eric. Gil confirmed with Carter a new guest.

I said goodbyes for now. Walking with Gil, PJ and Alba to the second Notting Hill building to see Antoine. He's doing well, happy to be home in London. "Fay, the city government is quite helpful so we are off and running at speed." The fleet of vehicles is building up, the work premises are receiving tools and parts. A few dozen miles of cable already delivered. The staff hired to this point are getting training and preparing equipment. Those that need housing are settling into our three housing units. More are being hired each day. All's well so far. Ralls and Wayne coming over in a few months to lead their Seattle people who are settled in place. The Seattle folk have prepared a training regime. Some are here now working with the UK newbies. They will move the new hires through it... classroom, audio/visual, hands-on and up the pole drill." We laughed about the latter.

"Are you going to Seattle for the tunnel opening?" Smiling, "Yes our whole crowd is going. We have a small surprise for the city... Cho and I are going to pay the balance owing on the tunnel. We have sent them a vague hint... no work on installing the toll collecting scanners... it is agreed to have no tolls to start like the Highway 99 tunnel when it opened... so we are sand-bagging the city government. The electric signage is up and programmed without messages about tolls in the display. No automatic toll readers for the windscreen barcode badges are being purchased." Antoine laughing, "The city transport people don't always take the piss very well. They're a bit stiff unlike some other city departments we had to deal with." "Well if we make a public announcement they'll just have to deal with it. The plan is to do it at the opening ceremony." "Good luck... I will there be watching." Fist bump!

We walked across Notting Hill to Mirabelle. Garnett surprised to see me. A hug. I spoke to customers for a few minutes. The staff looking quite smart in their Mirabelle pins! They loved them. One seemed a bit down... Mary... turns out Mary is leaving because she is to start at LSE in the new term. I congratulated her. Upstairs she said these nine months had been very happy... selling wonderful clothes and making friends with the women here and at other Mirabelle stores. "I want to thank you for allowing me to have the `M' pin even though I am leaving." Smiling, "It is yours because you are one of us and fortuitously your initial." A grin, "Yes! I can wear it all the time reminding me of my time here."

She is to study capital markets and the movement of money. "I have many credits towards my degree. I hope a year will do it." "When you get close to completing your degree contact Gil... she'll be able to connect you to our City Investment Bank. I would think your new skills might be of use there. We also have other investment banks in New York and Bangkok plus the Cho Family Banks headquarters is in Bangkok. You could end up back with us." "M'Lady, if they are as welcoming and happy places as this I know I would be pleased to be part of them." "Good! Enjoy LSE and think about us." A hug. Gil handed her a card.

I did my goodbyes. On to Cowley House with a stop. All our guests were gone, more coming this afternoon.

Rae knew to stop on Catherine Place at the Wilfred Street end. I stepped out with my companions... Mason climbed out of his car. We shook hands. "I've the keys, M'Lady."

We walked into the entryway... good looking floors, the passages were pale green walls with dark green doorcases looking terrific with the blond walnut flooring. We did a tour of most of the building. The ground floor is to be Claire's offices... space for her and her new assistant Freddi plus interview rooms, a conference room and kitchen. Two offices to spare for something. I am sure I can fill them somehow.

Upstairs flats for them both with six more for other employees based in London. Nice sized two bedroom flats for them, the upper floors were one bedroom flats all ensuite... privacy for the folks. There is a knock on the street door... Claire and Freddi. Hug for Claire. Introductions for Freddi she started to curtsey... I took her hand. Freddi introduced her son, Manfred... Manny' I am informed. He is twelve. Freddi gave him a look' he bowed. Hands shaken all around. Mason gave them a tour of the ground floor and the first floor where their flats are.

I did some email while they wandered.

Leaning against the doorcase to what would be Claire's office... she moved next to me... "A bit more space for you." Claire laughed, "Fay, you have a way with understatement." "Well it is very British of me." Laughter.

Freddi behind Claire, "M'Lady, this is quite wonderful location. We're very close to the Palace. Manny do you like your room?" A smile, "Yes... lots of space." "You will be able to wander down to see Palace events pretty easily. Our main residence in the city is about half a mile to the east. Graham's people will be by to brief you on the security bits and pieces. I tested the internet, it is live with WiFi throughout. They'll get your devices on that and give you any passwords."

Mason, "I have sets of keys for you both. When other people are given flats we will support them." I turned to Claire, "So you know the other residents will be a mix of folks from our various businesses."

This Catherine Street address is in-between Victoria and St. James's Park Tube stations, restaurants and shopping close by. A nice neighbourhood, lots going on.

Lunch at Cowley house... I was at the door to greet Oz. Hands shaken... a smile with a warm handshake from Eloise. PJ and Eloise hugging. We sat in the North Drawing Room... sherry for me, scotch for Oz. "Fay, the PM told me he was going to move a bill for us to get your drones." "Now you have to find some pilots who want to transition." "Well we have one... the fellow who is a pilot... he's the one who went to Lordsburg, is sold on the technology." I laughed, "If you can spare him... you should send him back to Lordsburg for advanced training... he could be a trainer and liaison to our people. Once we have a signed contract your people can fly on Cho-Fay Air flights from Luton to America. Probably not many go direct to El Paso but our scheduler can keep you appraised of what is available." A thumbs up from Oz.

Clough at the door... We went in... a delicious lunch and a good wine. I could see our guests enjoying. PJ smiling over to me. I am glad he decided to accept my offer to join us.

Afterwards I asked Oz about the big `spook' meeting we hosted. He laughed, "You and Cho were the highlight. You opened some eyes. The North Korea business came as quite a shock to the French and Germans and me too. Morrison seemed to take it all in stride. Williams' little explanatory briefing piqued some further interest. After you left several people pumped Keren for information... what they got was a précis of your successful gambits beyond what they had just heard. I told them about the assassin your folks just scooped up. They heard we linked his weapon to four killings and he is going to Paris to stand trial then to Brussels and Madrid. I don't know if anyone followed up with you... three of his associates are in custody. They were a murder for hire group... he is the leader."

I said we had been told some. "Two women right?" "Yes. We caught them and the French picked up a fellow trying to board a flight at Charles DeGaulle." "They had a raft of fake documents?" "Quite a few for each. We connected his associates to his rifle by DNA on the ammo Thames Valley Police found in that barn, one of their semi-auto handguns was used in a shooting in the Docklands last year where they tried to kill another QC prosecuting drugs crimes. We never caught any one for that. The witnesses all thought it could be a woman. So now we have more to work with to solve that crime. We and our continental colleagues are seeking to tie them to other crimes here and on the continent beyond the murders we now know they did. I am sending a commendation certificate to your team at Harcourt House for their work." I thanked Oz for that. "Its always nice to be praised. Our people train at such high level... We are opening a new combat course at Lordsburg... Some of our Protectors and a few from Harcourt House are going there soon... they'll test themselves against the most advanced simulator available. Should be fun for them." Oz laughed, "It could be said you have a funny sense of fun." I laughed loudly, "Some of ours have been in combat with various militaries and under fire working for us... so a simulation is likely a welcome diversion." Oz laughed.

I motioned to PJ, Eloise looking attentive, "PJ and Tara with another Protector who is not on the detail now stopped a major home invasion at our Phuket beach house a couple of years ago. A lot of shooting." I gave them a précis of the attack. Gil's head shaking, "Fay, you should tell all." I gave her the evil' stare... I could see Oz looking at me. I told them the third Protector, Tai, was wounded I took her gun and shot a fellow trying to get behind PJ and Tara. A grin on Oz's face, "Not for the first time either. We learned about another incident when we were asked to look at you last year... in the period before the Queen ennobled you." He could feel' my look, he shrugged, "Just part of the job. I already knew Keren had been shot but the details were sketchy. The story released to the press was full of holes. Morrison's folks were tasked to get more information because you were supposed to have been with him." "Some things I want not to have any publicity. Firing guns and wounding people is not what I want to be known for. I met the cousin of one of the Bangkok attackers, he is a member of the Southern Thailand Assembly. The cousin said the fellow I wounded fully recovered and was now studying to be an Iman and a Qur'an lawyer. His group leaders lied to him and his accomplice to get them to make the attack... he's no longer political. He came to terms with it and moved on." "A good outcome. You should be happy." "I am glad he is fully recovered. I had dealt with the issue... my Dad and me or them... the them's go to the wall." "Excellent! We have psychologists on call to help any of our people in difficult positions where they have to use deadly force. It is not easy and there is no magic answer." "Those situations... I would rather not have to do anything again. The simulator in Lordsburg will rise our people's skill level further which is needed now more than ever because of Chani and Charlie. They are going out in the word on their own." Oz said he had seen snaps of them in a magazine his wife had. "They look like trouble for a bodyguard." PJ laughed saying they can be... "They are very curious... Difficult but they are smart so they can be spoken to nearly the same as an adult." Oz nodding.

Oz, Eloise and his bodyguards at the door... goodbyes... Oz moving to his car... a sweet goodbye by PJ and Eloise....


The crowd at the door to welcome me. The babies hugged, a kiss from Cho. Chelle did the same for Gil.

Mac and Guy staying over for one more round of golf. Bill and Tillie with Kent, Karen and their kids to Cowley House. Ken, Pam and Abbey going to Seattle. Lori, Shira and Letti going to Paris for a stay at Quai de Bethune. Dalton flying his family home. We doled out lots of hugs and kisses for the departing ones.

Cho with Mac and Guy heading to Oxford East.

Yone texted... Did we have a moment? I replied to come up. I was in the Library with Gil and Chelle working. Laurel delivered a coffee tray with our thanks.

Fin brought Yone in... I thanked him. I pointed to a chair, Yone sat, "Fay, we have something going on with the stolen guns. We advertised on three online antique weapon sales or trade sites the desire to fill in a collection. We listed a group of weapons we were interested in obtaining which included some close but not exactly the same as the stolen items. Our post had nibbles then a bite offering four weapons which very likely have come from the Abernathy's. The `seller' said he knew they were not exactly what we are looking for but...? So we said we would like a look and could be a buyer depending condition, price, etc... The price will be interesting to hear. They must have some idea of the value or why go to a village in Oxfordshire to steal guns. The no provenance will of course lower the price. There is a meeting setup for tomorrow late morning at the tea cart in the layby off the M40/A40 junction southeast of Wheatley. Chief Inspector Thomas Jones from the Metropolitan Police has a team joining us."

"They are really going to make it a joint operation?"

"Jones knows all about the Security Service so we have credibility. We have assorted vehicles, a plumber's panel truck, a delivery van. One car from Jones is an American left-hand drive Corvette... flashy but not too far upscale... showing we are collectors." Jones and I will act as the buyers. Jones will have one of his inside the tea cart from dawn onward keeping an eye out for what is happening around the location and to identify the sellers' vehicle. They will keep us up to date. The `sellers' are to bring the four weapons in question so we can have a look. It is to be a cash only sale... we have mocked up a briefcase to look as if it is filled with bills." Yone going on then stopped, "We have not said anything to the Abernathy's. Jones people and ours are the only ones in the know completely. A group of Thames Valley people are to be hidden nearby to collect anything we catch. Jones thinks these crooks are a London group... he will have two teams in the city on call to go to locations we might learn about." I thanked Yone. I could see he's interested in a bit of field work. Okay as long as he's safe. He nodded.

I worked for a few hours with Gil and Chelle then I went into the Garden to be with the Twins and Jaidee. Chani and Charlie used all the play hardware, Jaidee joined them on the merry-go-`round. He seems to like it. Coming in...the golfers back. They had fun like Chani and Charlie.

Drinks... I told the men about Yone's bit of fun. Mac got a laugh from it. "Creative! I hope they get them!" We did too!

Carla did a lovely dinner that ended in a dessert plate for everybody with a of selection of baked sweet bits... typical English treats from the past... Flies Cemetery, Shrewsbury cake, a small Manchester tart and a Gypsy tart. Sweet and tasty, a bit unusual. Guy smiling as his grandad told us about his first Gypsy tart at boarding school dinner... he was ten. One of my housekeepers at the Froyle house made Flies Cemetery which I liked. It was a treat from her growing up.

The men played poker, we watched Fantasia. The babies loved it! The magic and music!! The dancing, the animals being human? Afterwards upstairs I sat with the Twins on Chani's bed... I used a new word... Anthropomorphism. They loved that!! They both repeated it several times... burning it in!! Fist bumps!!!!

In the morning... Yone and his team leaving as I walked up from my ride. I shook hands and encouraged them to be safe.

After breakfast we said goodbye to Mac and Guy. Guy thanked us for inviting him and Cho especially for the golf. I'd see Mac in a few weeks when the House of Lords reconvened.

Reg, Rona and MFA on the way with Eric, Malee and Anne. Janine with Michael and Karla coming right behind them.

I sat to work more. I got about forty five minutes of work when Fin stepped into the Library... "M'Lady, Sir Cho said there are guests coming up the drive." I thanked him and asked Gil and Chelle to clean up for me. I got a strange look from Chelle when I asked her to contact Daniel Massey about his Monte Cristo Line HO train layout. Could we visit when we are in Seattle? "He is well known in model railroading circles, his layout is famous." A grin and `Okay!'

At the front we greeted our new arrivals. Hugs for the returning two families! I went towards Janine when she stepped out the car with Michael and Karla. Hugs for them all after Karla and Michael did a curtsey and a bow... Janine staring. Michael, "This is the first time we have seen Her Ladyship since she was made a Marchioness." I thanked them for honouring me. Karla grinning when I said once is more than enough.

I had Janine's hand. "Welcome, come in." "Fay... its huge!" Laughing, "It is big enough."

Out of the cold in the Entryway bigger hugs for MFA and Anne... Mom's and dads too! The babies are happy to be back so soon.

I had Michael, Karla and Janine up front by the doors... Rona, Reg, Eric and Malee smiling... sort of pushing them forward... Michael's eyes were like What's up?' Stanton and Kendall opened the doors. The usual amazement noises. Charlie and Chani came up for introductions after loud Happy New Year's. Then hugs for MFA and Anne.

Michael and Karla still amazed by the room... they hung their glass ball at Charlie and Chani's urging. Janine looking quite surprised when Chani led her to the tree... Charlie held out her ball. Janine thanking the Twins for being included.

We sat for a bit... I'm between Karla and Michael... they are discreetly scouting Karla's family for an egg donor. I congratulated them. They hoped to arrange a springtime birth in a year.

Luncheon in the Breakfast Room... a cream of broccoli soup and crab quiche. Tasty!! Many Christmas cookies did not survive this meal! The numbers are dwindling.

The kids went into the Garden to play. All bundled up. Tha supervising. I put on a mac and followed with Janine and Karla. Rona and Malee came out... they got we had it under control so they could hang back. Carter2 and Lucas brought out chairs and blankets for them.

The guys went to play golf. Bundled up also!

The young crowd threw balls for Jaidee, zoomed on the slides, swung and did spins on the merry-go-`round. Us adults supervised the big toys. Loads of noise and fun for them. We called time after an hour. The removal of outer gear took some time then into the Breakfast Room for cookies and hot chocolate. I loved seeing little pearly white teeth munch a cookie. They were very giggly happy.

The youngsters went up to the Nursery taking Jaidee. Us adult ladies sat to talk in the Great Room. Various bits... some shelter news, Janine going to Brazil and very soon around the world, clothes from Malee, software things from Karla.

Gil came in her iPhone up... motioning to it mouthing Yone.' I walked with her towards the Garden doors. Yone... excited, "Fay, we got them!" I congratulated him. "The plan executed as designed. We drove up and parked... they were at a table a bit off to the side... the next table had Ramsay and Hassan sipping their tea, one table over were two of Jones' folks, our panel truck the nearest vehicle had Theresa and Marshall inside. The delivery van had three of Jones' crowd. Jones and I walked up to them... we identified ourselves as the interested parties... I partially opened briefcase to show our bonafides... they did a quick look as I riffed the one good pile of twenty £ notes. They did a look round and opened a cardboard box... four antique pistols nestled in excelsior... exactly as the papers from the Abernathy's described right down to the tassels hanging from the butts. We talked a bit... they spoke like public school boys... posh as the Abernathy's daughter described. Jones got to examine each weapon looking for all the other tell-tales we knew about. While he did that I said I was also a money man... did they ever come across antique coins? One man nodded... `You interested in golden guineas?' I said definitely. He would contact me the same way about them. A collection had been taken in a robbery the month before in Kensington. Jones suggested that line of approach if the possibility came up.

Jones handed the last pistol back and said we wanted them. Our sellers' pleased then Jones dropped the hammer... a signal from him had all of our people come up... one tried to bolt but Hassan took him down immediately... pinned to the dirt... a laughing Scotland Yard fellow handed his cuffs to Hassan. The other resigned to his fate... sat still. One of Jones' called for the wagon to come up... several Thames Valley cars had been hidden a half mile away arrived quickly. We talked to the fellow who didn't run... Jones said his face is familiar, "You're Chilcott-Oakes right?" The crook nodded. So you know the score.' More nodding. Jones asked him for the names of the others involved." Yone laughed, "Fay, no honour among thieves... he coughed up the names right away and where they were with the other stolen goods... including the `Golden Guineas and the remainder Abernathy's guns.' Jones didn't promise him anything other than the fact of his helping would be relayed to the CPS.

Jones' two teams from Scotland Yard scooped up their accomplices from a small warehouse east of Wembley Stadium in Neasden. No drama... they gave up straightaway. The loot from multiple robberies is stored there... sorting it out will be done immediately. It does look like the Abernathy's will get all theirs back. The talkative crook said they hadn't sold any of it yet... today was to be the first sale." I thanked Yone and congratulated him. He said it was fun to drive the Corvette even for a short time... `Such power! A real chick magnet!' We laughed.

Gil got the whole thing from me... a big grin. "So Yone's pumped?" "Oh indeed he is. The Abernathy's are sure to be pleased and surprised." Fist bump.

The golfers back. I took Cho into the Office to tell him Yone's news. He loved it. I parked in his lap... "I'm going to ride to Long Wittenham the day after tomorrow... I'll tell the Abernathy's and see the Pendon folks." A kiss. I added a few bits... Our Paris crowd... Ring and Marthe were heading back to New York, Jackson and Tris to Los Angeles. Flix, Wade and Cicely leaving Berlin... " I looked at my iPhone, "... they're in the air... they will stop at Le Bourget to pick up Lorie, Shira and Letti." Everyone had a great time, many thanks for our generosity and hospitality. Me, "They had fun in Berlin, Flix did some business with Literatura Verlag... all good." Montaigan still at Quai de Bethune until after New Year's. He is partying with old friends tonight.

We joined everyone in the Great Room... dinner is casual with the caveat that it will be cold tonight for our outdoor festivities. A change of clothes for us... after dinner we will have the laser light show and Charles' multi-media display... the babies are old enough... afterwards they go up to bed. The adults will be in the Great Room to countdown to the New Year... Taittinger's will flow!!

Me tonight...Black wool trousers ankle length with a button close on the ankle, wide leg, high waist. Black tights under my trousers, black wool socks in my black Doc Martens half-boots. A black wool turtleneck jumper. Silver bits and `Joy' Red lips and nails. Later a black pea coat, scarf and heavy gloves.

Chani just had her nails redone in red! Black wool trousers, a black flannel shirt over a red Polo shirt, woolly black socks in brown suede desert boots. Charlie in black wool trousers, very popular tonight, a white wool turtleneck and a black, grey and white tweed jacket. Cho joined us in my Dressing Room... the same as Charlie! A plan!

Tha dressed in wool, flannel and heavy cotton!

We sashayed into the Great Room! Loud hellos, hugs and kisses. Everybody dressed warmly like us. Sunny came in after us, black wool and flannel!

Drinks before dinner.

I had Michael beside me. "I think Belarus will be back to us for their railway upgrade. The political scene is so very changed but their need hasn't. Keep your ears open." Michael, "Fay, should I send out feelers?" "Not yet. They have an election coming. Let them get past that first. They may surprise us asking again." Michael nodded.


Dinner is a Marandi and Rupinder Indian/Pakistani buffet. Cho had Charlie, I had Chani we let them choose what they wanted. Tha did their plates while Cho and I parked them in their seats. I got them mango juices. I filled a plate and parked beside Rona with Sunny, Jian, Reg across from me. Janine on my other side.

We talked all sorts.

Janine is thrilled and concerned about being the boss of the Brazil project. I nudged her, "You aren't being tossed into the deep end... there's plenty of help. The Brazilians have a very good engineering group... they know the issues, the surveys have been done, its mapped out to the centimetre. You are there to co-ordinate and make some decisions." Another nudge, "A key component of leading is not to be bogged down in details... that's why you have a staff and the Brazilians are there to build the dams... that is not your job." Janine smiled, "I'm concerned but as you say there are a lot of folks around. It will not get me down." Fist bump! Reg gave Janine a thumbs up!

I went back for more Dal and Pakoras. I brought Chani some rice pudding at her request.

The Culham crowd joined us for afters and for the show. Caroline, MFA, Anne, Chani and Charlie tackling a big puzzle... a snap of the Forest Palace from the lawn. The sun making the handsome building glow.

Tasa and Jaidee watching the babies. Ploy and Kha enjoying all our English holiday doings.

Carter2... everything is ready on the Forecourt. Okay! We're waiting on the puzzle being finished. Watching the little ones buzzing around it... getting close. Charlie had a piece on his palm... he offered it to Caroline... she stuck it in! Cheers!

I cracked open the chicken... they are chewing as we began the bundling up. Kids done... now us.

Out on the Forecourt... seeing our breath in big clouds. Glad of the warm clothes. The babies cute in knit hats and big scarves... small faces peeking out! The staff coming out. We had a big mix of inside and outside staffers. Smiles, a happy looking crowd.

Charles smiling, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... I'm ready." The big screen on the north side of the Forecourt... speakers in an arc in front of it. Cho gave him the go...

I had Cho's hand... Chani and Charlie in front of us holding hands. I motioned Janine close, her arm in mine. Our guests in family groups.

Charles' show had still snaps, video mixed with a bouncy sound track. The tree going up, the Great Room decorations being added. The Crew coming for the `official' lighting of the tree... our friends smiles. All the things we did over the next few days...

The Queen's visit... much more this year... snaps of me beside Her Majesty at the red box! Cho bending over the Her Majesty's hand after she told him he is a Privy Councillor. Prince Phillip, Prince Charles and Camilla. Snaps of the Dining Room set for the Queen. The Queen's tour of the stables.

Len Copley arriving, me in my red outfit! A few snaps of the interview!

Our departure for Oslo. The Nobel awards on the sideboard.

The bankers and all the fun we had. Visits to the Stables. Gina, Dari, Mari, Tina and Edda dressed to ride with me.

The Family going to the helicopters for the Lords Introduction ceremony.

Chou and Millie arriving, Tom, Rox and TJ at the doors. Argyle and Family with Max.

Thomas and Audrey, Alex and Marshay. He captured the ladies' face full of wonder at the house. Harry and Meg's arrival and walking in from the AW139. Trips to the golf course. Dinner snaps. Marshay dressed for riding. Golfers going out.

Meghan and Harry leaving.

The golfers and family on their way.

Alycha's arrival. Snaps of Sunny, Charlotte, Declan and Marsha at the horse trailer before they left for the London International Horse Show.

Jackson and Tris arrival with Ring and Marthe. He caught the two pairs announcing their engagements! Marthe going out with me to ride.

The first Open House. The Bishop! Snaps of my outfit. The crowd in many snaps... I looked over to Charles as there are many of the `girls' and their legs showing. Sunny looking very sexy... a few positive comments from this crowd.

Charles caught an amazing shot of the petite blonde caterer just after accidently' spilling the tea on the nasty boy... his wet' clothes.

Mr. Cowley as Father Christmas. Little Aiden not happy!! Chani speaking to Father Christmas then Charlie, their friends too. Little Aisling so cute looking at Father Christmas. MFA grinning with Father Christmas. Caroline looking happy. Anne looking serious. Her mom and dad hugging her. Caroline, MFA and Anne did a cheer watching themselves! That made their families laugh.

Montaigan's appearance... smiling doing fist bumps with the Twins. Dad and Phailin, Kanda and Thoi, Somsak, Tona and Suki! Kay, Artie and Sam with Greg. I laughed... I'd wondered if he was captured or not.

A few snaps from the Wargame Room... men huddled over the game map. No Greg?

Many snaps and video of the babies running around the Garden with Jaidee and Tasa who looked very cute in her red coat. Tennis balls soaring, babies flying on the swing, spinning on the merry-go-round and zooming on the slides. Shots of the dogs on the merry-go-round with kids!

The second Open House... all sorts of pictures like the first. Our neighbours. Doc in the hussar outfit. Charlie and Chani watching the movie `Them' with the three village boys. Sir Alan arriving.

Shots from Christmas dinner in the two Staff Lounges. Happy faces, more than a few paper crowns on heads. Monty's mum with a huge smile. Our giving Christmas presents out in the Outside Staff Lounge and the next day inside.

Our Christmas dinner... my frock! Sunny, Kay, Phailin and me standing together showing off some splendid thighs. The sexy Kanda! Cho and Charlie in their white tuxedo jackets... perfectly matched! The colourful cummerbunds on all the men.

The tray for Father Christmas' visit but not the parents putting out the gifts.

The morning gift openings... piles of Christmas paper... Jaidee jumping in some. Happy people all around the room! All the family showing their gifts! Montaigan, Sir Alan and Mr. Hardy, they were all smiles.

Various snaps of all the babies going up to bed on various days.

The 21st Century Fox folks arriving. A snap of us around the Library table during our meeting.

The Glass' meeting Cormac. A few comments for Ronnie in the crowd of Stables folks behind us... laughter!

So much he caught on film!!

It is a wonderful show! Charles did quite the package!

We cheered and applauded at the end!

The laser light show dazzled the babies... they loved the colours and shapes it drew. Something new this year... part of it projected onto the house as before... also onto the big screen this time! Like two shows. This is Carter2's little surprise... we congratulated and thanked him.

Big applause for both of our `entertainers!' They smiled and bowed.

Charles let us know he had emailed groups of snaps to our guests. "M'Lady, Gil and Chelle helped me with email addresses."

Inside... hot chocolates all around. A few Irish Coffees too! We sat for a bit talking... The babies went up... showered with goodnights. I kissed our babies. They thanked us for the show! Anne and MFA very happy to have seen the show. I helped tuck in Caroline who is spending the night with her buddies. She thanked us for the show... seeing herself on the screen having fun is great!

In the Great Room the adults waited for the midnight hour... the big clock bonging out the New Year. Kisses and hugs shared by all. Taittinger's and Shirley Temples raised in a toast.

We did goodnights for the Culham folks... kisses and hugs liberally spread around. We drifted off to bed...

Naked on my back with a husband... mine... on top! A handsome face with a big grin... he leaned down to kiss me. On my side a warm body against me... sleep.

Pamela making it clear she had enjoyed the speedy run from Sanford! Plotline and Roland equally so! Very noisy! What a crew!

The morning Oxford Mail has a story about the little nazi fellow who talked those credulous young men into bombing the Oxford Synagogue... he goes on trial in three days. He's facing terrorism charges... lots of possible gaol time. His confederates all received custodial sentences which they are already serving. They will also testify against him... he lied to them all. A weasely con man just like his idol... hitler. PJ and Angie have been called as witnesses. The CPS said their part would be brief.

The Breakfast Room filling up... We sang Happy Birthday to MFA. She's giggly getting hugs from her friends. A chocolate cupcake with three candles...a big smiley face as she blew them out. Cheers! There is a secret gift from from us waiting at hers. The Twins had two for her to open now... a puzzle made from a snap of their house and another from a family picture of the three of them. She got a plush little girl bear with two outfits from Anne. A set of water-based bright coloured markers and a wipe-off writing board from Caroline. MFA thanking everybody with hugs.

We waved Reg, Rona and MFA, Eric, Malee and Anne down the drive. Karla and Michael with Janine going too. Janine had a few more days in London with Achmed and Emory. She and Achmed would begin their world tour shortly.

Ting and Jian picked up Caroline. Andrea and Catherine a bit wiped out by all the Christmas activity. Just weeks from their due days.

The Glass's are in-bound. Ronnie and Cormac with us to greet them... they moved into the Great Room to be part of the `reveal!'

Cho and I in the Office... talking racing in 2019. I am going to fewer races so to have more time for the Lords and Mirabelle, the NewsGroup and all the rest of the businesses where I am the CEO. Cho, "Decide on the races you do not want to miss then work around them." "Will do." A kiss.

Laurel at the door, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... the guests are coming up the drive." We thanked her.

Out front... John stepped out of the car when Lucas opened the door... he helped Julianne. Jack popped out the other side. Handshakes and a hug for Julianne.

Coats off... At the Great Room doors... Stanton and Laurel smiling opened it up... a big `Happy New Year' exploded out.

They loved the room... their second time. The Twins were a surprise. I could see Julianne's face... amazed is an understatement.

Ronnie getting hugs and kisses. Cormac close... I watched John stick out his hand, "Cormac?" Our fellow smiling said `Yes!' A firm handshake... Julianne taking Cormac's hand, "It is wonderful to meet you. Will you give us a tour of EFT?" "Yes ma'am. I will be pleased for you to see it.' Jack and Cormac... a good shake, smiles. Jack, "I hope you know you're getting a wildcat!" Ronnie is about to swing at him... laughter! "A very pretty wildcat that is." He got an weak arm punch... deserved. We are all laughing.

Chani and Charlie took them to the tree, holding up their family glass ornament to hang. Julianne put it up close to Ronnie's which is near Ring and Marthe's. She asked seeing Ring's name. I told her about them also the Jackson and Tris news. They knew about Jackson's house and Tris is his girlfriend. AND they were close. They are pleased for Jackson... they've gotten to know him... his being around their place and at Santa Anita full time except when going to races.

I sat with Julianne to talk for a bit before luncheon. "Fay, we are doing very well. John has three horses they will be racing frequently at Santa Anita and Del Mar... Alyandar won four times in his two year old season. We have high hopes for his third year. Alybesha is booked through to autumn. He's popular and successful as a stallion." I nudged her motioning to Ronnie holding Cormac's hand as they talked with her father and Brother with Cho, she gave me a smile... "Yes I do miss Ronnie being around the house... we facetime almost every day and text and email during the day." "Ronnie is going to be travelling some with our racers... here in England and France. You could hop a Cho-Fay Air flight from Santa Monica... no charge. I'm sure the guys can feed themselves for a few days." Julianne laughed, "They can... it is a wonderful offer. Thank you!"

Gil leaned over with her iPhone... "Its MFA!" Smiling I took the phone, "Hey kid!" "Aunt Fay thank you very much!! I love him! He's just the best!" "He's taller than you." "He is wonderful! Going in my room he was sitting there with your card in his hands. Please thank Uncle Cho, Chani and Charlie for me!" "Of course. Have fun with him." "Oh I will! Thank you!" "You are very welcome!"

I handed Gil the phone. Laughing, "As you heard she loves it!"

I told Julianne what it is all about. "We got a five foot tall pink and white plush rabbit for MFA, she's the daughter of very close friends. Her dad hid it until she was in the car to come here then he put it in her room with a card from us four. After that he got in the car." Julianne thought it marvellous and sneaky cute. Fist bump.


The Breakfast Room... Soup and a buffet of sandwich fixings. The Twins started on their soup while we got sandwiches built for them. Cookies at the end. The Twins did damage to cookies.

A visit to the Stables. Wellies, macs, gloves! A few scarves shared out.

First stop to see Secret Sea and Secret Royal! Secret Sea is glad to see them. Nickering as John and Jack rubbed her. I handed some mints to Julianne... Yes! Her foal is growing up very handsome... looking more like his great grandfather! As yearling he is the image of his four times great grandsire. The Glass's are thrilled. John's eyes lighting up when Cho says we will mate Secret Sea with Glaa next.

Asda and Hathai are admired... the Glass' have seen them before... John said `they are so beautiful it is like seeing them all over again.' Jack shaking his head, "You folks have some incredible horses." IrishRainbow is well known to them for his victories in California. Glaa! They all stroked the Big Fast Man. Cho told them that Glaa has all our mares at Rabam in foal and which winners they had already produced with Asda. Heads shaking.

Rebel and Mahogany... Pamela and Roland, little Penelope growing up... a real beauty! Gough's unusual colouring, Geo's sparkling personality. Max, Desiree, Natasha, Lu, Con and all the others.

Sunny in Seattle... I introduced them to the very handsome Prince Sergey and the pearly white Zephyr. The glossy black Plotline too.

Notre Noir and Aroon coming up from the track... Aroon a full brother to Glaa and Hansa... They said he is a very handsome fellow. Notre Noir the scion of Rebel and Mahogany. Freddie said they are precocious, happy on a track. Aroon seems to work much harder on dirt rather than grass. We could see John thinking American racing better watch out... another Glaa!! Cho told them Aroon is pointed to Saratoga. `Toga' from our son!

Chani and Charlie did introductions for Iris. They showed off their grooming skills... the little step ladder got Julianne to clap. "That's wonderful!"

Drinks. Ronnie and Cormac with us. The Glass' were going to EFT tomorrow morning. We are going to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford at the same time.

Dover sole in a Meunière Sauce... Cho grinning. Broccoli and Caerphilly cheese casserole at each place covered in buttery toasted bread crumbs. Mushroom risotto. Lovely light crust rolls... soft inside.

Carter opened bottles of Domaine Leroy d'Auvenay Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru! Excellent dry white from Cote de Beaune. Sniffing... tasting... peach, apricot, green apple come to mind... naturally a bit of flint from the soil and smoke in the background and citrus notes at the end. Very good! Cho raised his glass to Carter.

Dessert is a chocolate cake with white icing, pale blue rosettes around on top in concentric horseshoe shapes, the aligned openings have a yellow path to a marzipan horse in the centre. Very pretty. There is vanilla ice cream on the side. The Twins loved it!!

Afters started in the Game Room... the babies two productions were shown. Rave approval! The men taking over the room to play poker a la Cho. Ladies and I near the Great Room fire... the Twins working on Jaidee.

We talked all sorts... the coming racing year... Jackson and Tris' wedding... Ronnie is quizzed about any marriage plans, nothing definite. Ronnie wanted to make a trip to California with Cormac... maybe the honeymoon from Julianne? Big rolled eyes from Ronnie sitting beside her mom.

The babies saying goodnights. Tha waiting upstairs... Cho came out to carry Charlie, Chani with me. Night clothes, hugs and kisses!!

I sat in bed to read for a bit... Behemoth. I invited Jaidee up... a warm puppy and an interesting book. I drifted off with the light turned down low... Cho came in... Jaidee had moved to his bed already so I had company right away... some kissing... sleep.

Marigold smiling, "Good Morning, M'Lady. A whole new year ahead of us." I said good morning, "What kind of trouble can you get into this year?" A laugh, "I'm not planning any M'Lady... you never know." We laughed.

Walking down the lane Jaidee being good to do his abrupt stops away from me. I finished my coffee, handed over the scones. Andy gave me a knee up... Tara on Plotline and Tessa on Roland like so many times before... each time a delight!

We headed straight to Long Wittenham. We walked into the Abernathy's farm yard. Morris working hay and manure in a pile with a big fork. The older son nearby... they weren't quite so fidgety today... we got smiles. Morris looked at us then turned his fork over into the ground. I asked if he could gather the family I had news. One son off doing an errand, Cas and Hedda came out. "After your incident we decided to see if anything could be done to help recover your property. Our Security Service and Scotland Yard did a sting two days ago. They caught the entire gang and recovered a large amount of stolen property. All your weapons have been identified and are safe. They will be returned in due course. The trials of the men will affect that." Smiles, clapping and thank yous. Handshakes. Morris asked how it was done. I gave them a precis of the events. Hedda, "Your Ladyship, that was very clever. Your people are wonderful." They got the sting at a layby tea cart was the Scotland Yard's inspector idea and it was indeed terrific.

We said goodbyes and moved through to the new property. The Pendon Museum director and two staff drove up. I asked them to meet me here for a proposal. I slid down to shake hands. "I know it is early... thank you for coming." The director said they planned a news conference in two days to announce our gift. He'd seen the Oxford Mail story... they didn't know where it came from. I said it is Okay with us.

I had them stand facing east... the sun rising through mixed clouds... my back to the property I opened my arms... "These ten acres we own and will donate it to your museum to build a purpose-built much larger museum." They were shocked like the other day! Excited!

"The land will be yours... and you have financial means to build..." They laughed! The director said thanks to us they did. "So think about it... speak to some architects about what might be the best shape... think big!" They laughed more. The director told me they will bring their museum community together to discuss how to proceed. Me, "We will also donate solar panels so ask your architect to consider a roof to accommodate them... the panels will reduce your electric bill considerably and provide emergency power when needed." "M'Lady, you are doing so much... we do appreciate your generosity." "With much more space inside your creativity can build more beauty so we can come down to enjoy it all." Smiling faces. "Our security will protect the building. We may do the same for the Abernathy's next door." "Oh they were robbed! Terrible for it to happen here." "Thanks to some to some folks efforts they will get it all back." "That is a wonderful result for them." I said they are happy as we are for them. I needed to get on... I said goodbyes.

We walked back into the Abernathy's farm yard... Morris looking over from the barn door... I walked us close. "I wanted to remind you to consider our security protecting your property. We are going to protect the Pendon Museum next door." Huge eyes! "We offered the ten acres to them to build a brand new building." "M'Lady, that is wonderful. Next door will be nice. The land isn't very good soil... costly to try to farm it." "On the security... call the house number and ask for Yone. He will be able to give you specifics." Morris thanked me. We waved. Off northward to home. Back on Harcourt House land I asked for speed. Pamela happy to oblige! We roared over the grass! A terrific run to the slope... a walk down to the Flats.

When were on the Flats a feeling of real happiness... a morning ride on a superb horse... excellent companions who enjoyed it like me. Hugs for everyone!

Carter pouring my coffee as I loaded a plate. He has a big smile too. I asked... "M'Lady, the staff has done excellent work through the holidays... we have a few more important points to come. I am pleased." High praise! Fist bump.

Delphine walked in... hugs. She enjoyed her time with family. They had seen her on the TV news, in magazines and newspapers with the babies and us... very proud. The neighbours astounded watching a young woman they knew from a baby on TV with a family that is known world-wide. The neighbour with fashion model daughter `quelle surpris' to see Delphine on the TV beside me holding Chani's hand. "I told my parents how amazing Chani and Charlie are... how I am using all my education with them... and how they ae expanding my knowledge... teaching me many things." Their family had a nice Christmas... many cousins and aunts and uncles around. "I was able to see many friends from my younger days... a few babies to meet and finding out about how their lives are changing. They were quite shocked to have seen me in different places online, in magazines and TV. Everyone was amazed by my many changes this Christmas." "It sounds like you enjoyed yourself... good... we are glad you went." A big smile.

A Cho-Fay Air AW139 picked her up two hours ago from a car park off the Pont Alphonse Juin. Delphine thanked us for luxury of that. A cheek kiss. "My parents said to thank you for getting me home." I smiled, "Tell them they are welcome to visit when we are here." Delphine thanked me, "I will mentioned it."

She filled a plate with food, coffee from Carter2, a toast rack delivered, eating with me.

Charlie came running in...a big grin. Hug! Cho and Chani together. Both did big hugs and kisses with Delphine. Gil and Chelle, Tha. Delphine got a big welcome. Everyone eating as I sipped my second cup of coffee... smiles all around!

The Glass' coming in. They were going to EFT while we go to Oxford.

Chani in a grey wool frock to mid-calf, white knee socks and black Mary Janes. Charlie in tweeds and wool like his Popa... black trousers, white shirt, wool charcoal tie and a light grey tweed jacket. They are very handsome. I'm in a black wool long sleeve frock to mid-calf, a round collar with Cho's gift of the silver rope' with a single loop around my neck. Black stockings and red St. Laurent heels. Red lips and nails. Silver bits, Joy'

Several cars taking us north into Oxford. We worked our way around to Beaumont Street going east. A Thames Valley WPC directing traffic so we could get out. Through the big gate... across the courtyard... up the steps... the Director and senior staff waiting. Bows, curtseys and hands shaken. Inside our outer clothes taken. We are led forward, a left turn into Greek and Roman Sculpture... through Cyprus to European Prehistory...

Museum attendants had it temporarily empty of visitors... the Twins grinning as Gil handed Charlie a cheque. The babies stepped to the Director. Chani, "We have come to give you a donation. Charlie and I like the museum... we are interested in pre-historic man." Charlie moved closer to the Director extending the cheque in his left hand... the Director thanked them... his head jerked up to us when he read the cheque amount... we are smiling. "Thank you Lord Harcourt and Lady Chanthira. Your gift will be well used to advance the museum's goals." He bowed to them. They shook his hand. He turned to give the cheque to his deputy... surprised noises from the staff. We shook his hand. "Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... Many many thanks for the donation. We have not ever gotten such a large amount like this." Cho, "Charlie and Chani like museums. Early man is currently a major interest. Neanderthals and in particular Denisovans." More head shaking.

The Twins were shaking hands with the staff... we could hear thank yous. Then a fist bump tutorial... lots of smiles.

We shook hands with the staff... they are still amazed we are giving the museum Fifty Million £'s.

The Deputy in charge of the Prehistory area said the babies asked for more... "We will do our best for them." Smiling, "They are very interested right now. The Denisovans and Neanderthals have their attention." "Yes Lady Chanthira said that. Truly amazing for two and half year olds." Cho said they are quite extraordinary.

We looked around the European Pre-history area... quite remarkable things our ancestors got up to. The term caveman cannot be used in a derisory manner as more and more comes out about their lives. Many and varied tools, amazing artwork, interesting jewellery, funerary rites... they led very complex human lives. We should be celebrating our connection to them rather than deriding their supposed backwardness.

We thanked the staff for the short tour. We unwound ourselves to the cars after more thank yous and hand shaking at the main doorway.

The Twins in their car seats giggly happy to have done this and surprised the museum staff with the amount. They are like me in that.

Carter said our guests are still at EFT. We changed clothes. Chani and Charlie into riding clothes for their daily with visit Iris. Cho to the Office to work and me in the Library for the same.

With the Glass' return everyone together for luncheon.

The Glass' love EFT. The horses so calm, obviously contented. It is a place of quiet living. George delighted them with his herd of sheep. Watching them, moving them. Jack, "Cormac told us the owner of the sheep comes over to check on them... Cormac said he is supremely happy. He did his shearing with them last year. They all got to help and learn. Sounds like everyone is happy."

All the horses appeared to be cheerful, enjoying retirement or being retrained to be a riding horse for pleasure or eventing. They heard about Polonaise's success with Lizzie. Cormac told them there is a similar place beginning at Harcourt Farm in Kentucky. Cormac is making a trip there to help get it going.

The cemetery had just opened... a twenty nine year old bay, known as Teddy, had died of old age... sad for the staff... a bit of reality about their mission. He had been a racer then sold on... saved from the knacker by a couple who kept him safe until they were too old to care for him properly. He came to us for his last years, our first here at our Stables then moved to EFT when it opened. A nice quiet fellow well liked by staff.

Cho took them for a tour of the estate, electric carts.

I worked on several things then walked up to the Nursery when Tha texted. She met me in the passage... "Fay, Chani is playing the piano..." I looked and made a hearing gesture, "... she has a headset plugged in." Okay. I stuck my head in... Charlie leaning over some paper with calligraphy pens... Chani's fingers moving on the keyboard... she is reading the music in front of her. Chopin's Prelude in A major, op.28 no. 7 on the stand, laying beside it is Prelude in E minor, op.28, no.4. "We bought all of Chopin's Preludes when Chani expressed her enjoyment of them. Delphine played several before Christmas... a few days ago Chani sat to look at them and a sheet of explanations for the music symbology and the keyboard layout." Tha's arms open wide, "Today..."

Charlie said he is going to try too when Chani is done. A kiss for him. I could see he is using the calligraphy pens to write in Thai. A note to Gramps and Gamma thanking them for their Christmas presents.

Chani stopped and turned around, a smile. She eased the headphones off, "Mama, I want to practice then play for you and Popa." A kiss for her, "Let us know when you are ready."

Delphine smiling walking down the passage beside me, "Fay, Chani sat with me when I printed the music symbols for them before Christmas... she very intently kept her eyes on my playing. Chani and Charlie played on the keyboard making chords in the past. The keyboard being a small size makes it easier for them. Now they want to be more serious. I came back from Lyon to find they have moved forward on their own."

A hug and kiss for her cheek.

Going downstairs... whatever next?

Drinks... Cho with me by the big windows to the Terrace looking at the Garden. He grinned when I told him about the new `thing.' "There is no stopping them." I said Tha and Delphine know they can spend money on anything... so the only limits are those the Twins place on themselves... right now it appears there are none. Me, "I suggested they try a trip to the Recording Studio... seeing and watching some musicians might interest them." A kiss. We hugged tightly.

The babies came down... working on Jaidee. Chani making a joke by using her fingers on Jaidee as if he was a piano keyboard. A good one... we all laughed.

After dinner we relaxed in the Great Room... The Glass' are flying to London with us tomorrow... they go to Cowley house for a few days... we go to Buckingham Palace for Cho's official investiture to the Privy Council.

I got in my morning ride... Jack got up to go with me... he enjoyed himself on Geo. She's a goer! Jack admired the countryside, the Thames Valley handsome even in its winter outfit. The river, the locks... Jack really enjoyed this little tour. "Fay, would I be able to come back for a few days? Riding around... seeing the countryside." "Of course. I offered your mother the chance to come over to spend time with Ronnie, going to races together. You need to get to Santa Monica... our Cho-Fay Air will carry you to Luton. We will get you here from there. We don't have to be here for you to come." "Thank you!" He paused, "Would it be an imposition to bring a friend?" A big grin on my face, "No. Someone special?" He nodded. "By all means... Talk with Gil... she can get you all the contacts you need to make it happen. Your special someone can be your riding companion. Ronnie your guide." A fist bump!

When the two AW139's landed at Wandsworth we said good bye to the Glass family for a few days. Hugs and kisses. Ronnie and Cormac coming up in the morning for two days with her family... sightseeing in the city.

Allyn driving... we turned into the south gate at the palace. After we are identified we are pointed to go across the Forecourt... then passing into the Quadrangle to a parking space. We are escorted inside to the rear of the Bow Room beside a doorway. The room is busy... we were escorted through the crowd. Faces looking our way... a few fingers pointed towards us.

The Lord Chancellor joined us. Lady Chanthira and Lord Harcourt introduced. He said it is `Honours' day. That explains the many people.

The Lord Chancellor explained what will happen and gave Cho a card with the text he will recite. "Her Majesty has asked for you all to be inside. A bit unusual... Her Majesty said you are a close family and everyone should take part." He said it will be in a few minutes.

The others in the large room are away from us... we could see them looking our way. They are all well dressed with a few `wild' hats on the ladies customary for a New Year's Honours Ceremony. They will receive their awards and meet the press afterwards so they wanted to make an impression.

Tara and Rande will wait here for us.

The Lord Chancellor is back... we entered the White Drawing Room. Her Majesty smiling extending her hands for Charlie and Chani. They did their bow and curtsey and got to squeeze the Queen's hands. She shook my hand after my curtsey and Cho after he bowed. We three stepped back and to the side holding hands as Cho knelt on the stool placed in front of the Queen... Her Majesty offered her hand to Cho's open palm... He barely touched her hand with his lips... he recited the words of the oath... it is long... Cho read from the card. He stood and bowed. Her Majesty motioned us over. Cho got my arm around his waist... the babies holding hands.

A big smile on Her Majesty's face, "I read about your trip to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford yesterday..." She leaned towards the babies, "... I understand you like to give money to museums." Chani, "Yes Ma'am. We want them to have more exhibits especially on pre-historic man." Charlie, "Then other people can learn all about our ancestors." A huge smile on the Queen's face, "Well being generous brings many rewards. I am pleased you have that in you." To us, "You are making these museums safe long into the future." She thanked us.

Charlie said we had done it at the train museum too. Her Majesty delighted to hear about the Pendon Museum and what we had done. "Marvellous. Did anyone faint seeing the amount?" We all laughed saying no... Cho, "Ma'am, they were properly gobsmacked." Laughter.

Her Majesty had to get on to do the Honours Ceremony. She thanked us again for being such generous and amazing people.

The Lord Chancellor smiling accompanying us back into the Bow Room. "Her Majesty is genuinely pleased you are so generous. We all wish there were more families like yours." Cho thanked him.

We had an escort through the waiting throng some of whom waved and called out hellos... we waved... back out to our car. Prasert had the door open... we settled the Twins in their car seats and drove to Cowley House. A brief stay... to my Lady's Room. The Twins with me. Arlette had things for me to look at and sign several. I signed some cards she had ready for birthdays and such. Sage left some more Lords things for me to read. Chani took them for me.

The Glass' were all out sightseeing. They will fly out from Chalgrove in a few days. Our family are all out in the city somewhere. Dad is at Thames House visiting Oz. They are going to Craven Cottage this afternoon to watch a Fulham tie with West Ham, an east-west London Derby!

I went to Cho's study for a moment... back in my Lady's Room there is some drama. Charlie reached up to get the little Chinese cat as Lorenzo came in to leave some packets on the desk for Arlette... the door opening startled him on his tip-toes, he dropped it. It hit the wooden arm of a chair then dropped to the carpet... a leg broken. Charlie in tears... I held my guy. Lorenzo retrieved the two pieces... "M'Lady, the break is clean... I can repair it." "Please do." I thanked him. Lorenzo left us. Chani holding her brother's hand... my arms around him. "It is Okay. Things get broken." I explained the origin of the cat... Charlie is more sorry, more tears. I squeezed him, "It is a token of a memory that is very nice... the cat just reminds me but the memory never goes away." We moved to a settee. "It is better you ask an adult to reach for you." He nodded. A kiss, "I am not mad at you." Charlie hugged me. Chani smiling.

A knock, Lorenzo back holding the cat... it looked like new. He put it in Charlie's hands. "M'Lady the break was very clean I used some cyanoacrylate adhesive we have in the work room. It bonds rapidly and is very strong, perfect for china."

Charlie thanked Lorenzo. The break is invisible on the front. We moved to the shelf Charlie handed the cat to me. I put it back where it had been... good as new.

Popa called time on us... I sent the Twins to Popa. I thanked Lorenzo for his quick thinking... smoothing over the problem. "M'Lady, I broke a few things when I was young so I know the sensation Charlie had." I thanked him again.

We landed on the house grid. At the door with Carter, Carter2 and Audra. Sunny! Mass hugs for her.

Upstairs to change... a knock on my Dressing Room door. Charlie. "Mama, what kind of gift can I get for Lorenzo? To say thank you." "Well I don't know what he likes... Oh I do. He likes shortbread." "Can I send him some of Dee's shortbread?" "Yes you can. Fix up a nice box for it to go in and we will have it delivered to him... Maybe a card?" He is clapping, a kiss. "Thank you Mama that is perfect!" A happy boy!

I walked down to the Kitchen... they are working on luncheon. Carla grinning when I asked for a couple of minutes... a new baker for shortbread, scones and miscellaneous other things? "M'Lady, we go through a lot of both. Your aunt is amazing the way she churns out shortbread." "I would like to give her a break. A young woman who works for the caterers is a baker. She talked with Aunt Dee... she made a batch of shortbread... I taste tested it... so did Aunt Dee... she has the knack. I would like you and Carter2 to speak with her. See if she would like full-time work. If so let's get her in here baking." Carla's smile very big, "M'Lady, does Carter2 have her contact information?" "He will very shortly." Fist bump.

I found Carter... he buzzed his nephew. We three sat to talk. I handed Carter2 a card Gil made for me with Barbara's contact details. "M'Lady, I will co-ordinate with Carla and connect with Barbara. She's the one who sent the shortbread?" "Yes. It is very good, she earned my aunt's approval. I have many years experience eating my aunt's shortbread... Barbara's is as good!" Carter smiling, "M'Lady, that is high praise." "Okay... try to sign her up." Fist bump for Carter2.

In the Library after eating lunch. An email from the MP in Alness... my Old Soldier's friend in Invergordon will get his Military Medal in a Holyrood Palace ceremony with other honourees. A Military Medal for gallantry in Northwest France 1944, long delayed because the MOD said his commander's recommendation had been misfiled in other communications. They had gone deep into the archives to search for anything around the time in all the unit's paperwork. If they had not been alerted it would never have been found. It will be presented in Edinburgh at Holyrood Palace when two soldiers from the Afghanistan fighting are decorated, their decorations also delayed but no where nearly as long. The MP thanked me for bringing it to his attention... he wrote that he had served in the Falklands... His email said `Even if on death's doorstep sacrifice needs to be recognised.' I replied agreeing and thanking him for his service. I said I am very pleased his efforts had been capped with success.

A note to Gil to contact the Old Soldier in Alness... let him know about the medal and ceremony. I asked her to mention we would help them both with any family go to Edinburgh.

Note to Chelle to let our western U.S. newspaper publishers know the mulch-ready newspaper sleeve production by Vanishing Sleeves at Longview, Washington will begin April 1. They need to consider their stocks of sleeves. She will need to repeat it in March for our east coast newspapers before the Lumberton, North Carolina plant opens.

Sunny came in to talk... her first day back at Abbey Hill. `Fay, I talked to the one boy I liked about his friend's remarks at the Open House... he got very angry hearing what I said. He's going to speak to the fellow. We will see." "Its good he didn't try to temporise or defend. Angry is a fine reaction." Fist bump. "The Seattle visit was wonderful, weird and enlightening... My friends are changing as I have... we still blend together... differently but almost like we've not been separated for some things.

One girlfriend, someone with whom I had been close, told me some personal news she hoped I'd be Okay with... she had started a relationship with another girl... a love match... at least they felt so. I think she was worried about my reaction... it was easy I hugged and kissed her. I said finding love isn't easy... she is lucky. Her parents are divorced, she's with her mother who when told wasn't upset... supportive in fact. At a party I got to meet her girlfriend... a few years older at U-Dub and a runner like her. I saw happiness." Fist bump. "A few other girls had steady boyfriends... they asked me about English boys..." A smile, "... my saying I had not spent a lot of time hanging with boys... too focused on my thing got me some head shaking. I can't blame them they don't know anything about riding... none has ever been on a horse." I smiled, "In two years you've made quite the transition." Sunny's smile marvellous, "Fay, even if I do become a lawyer and work many cases... horses are going to be a permanent part of my life. I rode Guy and Chess every day I was in Seattle. Dad dropped me in the morning on his way to his office... Mum picked me up before lunch. Dean started to offer to feed me." We laughed. I smiled at the Mum.' Sunny looking then she got it. "Well I eat like a proper English girl now. Mom kidded me about it. Sam and Artie tried it... they're hooked. Bits and pieces filtering in. My Seattle friends noticed a few also. My clothes are quite different... I have my long-legged style which got me you look like a model' comments.

I was invited to a friend's big eighteenth birthday party at a hotel downtown... the theme was A Summer's Day' because her name is Summer." "That's why you borrowed the Chanel outfit?" Giggling, "Yes! It WOW'D the crowd... the boys were dripping off me the whole night. The bright yellow... PERFECT for the theme!" I liked that outfit. Chanel! An off the shoulder long sleeve top, soft knit bright yellow with creamy white narrow vertical stripes, the neckline, cuffs and bottom in the creamy white, cut-off to show some tummy! The matching tube skirt to lower calf, the waist band in the same cream with the classic Chanel patch pockets on the hip bone. Very sexy without showing off much flesh... hints! I got a kick from Sunny borrowing my outfits... sending knock-out punches. Sunny, "I pulled my hair over to the left, added gold chains around my neck and cream heels. Dad wasn't sure I should go like that... Mum laughed saying I am devastating. The car picked me up and stopped to get another girlfriend. She was blown away by my clothes. Going into the ballroom... it was sort of like what you told me about the Nobel Prize dinner... I wasn't announced' but the people in my view all seemed to stop." I laughed, "Small wonder!" A cute grin, "Well my ego loved it." We laughed out loud! "I gave my gift to the birthday girl... she leaned close with a smile, Stay away from Frankie' her boyfriend. We giggled. I sat with a mix of girls and guys... I danced with boys... older ones. The birthday friend's dad is a hunk... I danced with him. He thanked me. He said his wife had been watching... it wouldn't do her any harm. He wasn't lascivious but I saw he was interested. I wasn't shocked just intrigued he would be so open. I moved around sitting to talk with folks and another dance or two then I sat beside his wife. A good-looking blonde named Sonja. She looked at me... I repeated to her what he said... a sad look... close to tears. She spoke softly... she thanked me... I know he cheats on me.' The birthday girl is a senior going to Stanford in the autumn. I stuck my oar in... I said she ought to get out then. I got a smile and `I am!' there was steel in her voice then." Fist bump! "I would say he's going to be paying a very great deal in the divorce. The lady was amazed I am going up to Oxford in the autumn. She knows how old I am. We chatted for a while. She had ridden as a teen so she got my love of it. My career to date thoroughly surprised her. You being my aunt totally gobsmacking!! That I live and train here absolutely floored her... She thought I'd transferred to a private school for why she hadn't seen anything of me." Another fist bump! "My being with you and Cho... it took a few moments for her to get over that. Fay, I hadn't ever spoken much with her... I like her. She is still beautiful with a terrific shape... her husband is an ass to look elsewhere." Smiling, "Who knows what is going on in their lives... the cheating is wrong... if he wants to move on he should just do so." "I said she ought to go into modelling... I know there are pluses and minuses to it as work but she has the looks. As a mature woman there are more possibilities than ever and she would be less likely to be manipulated." I told Sunny to keep in touch with Sonja... "Maybe we can do something for her." A hug! "Fay, that would be awesome. The birthday girl is smart, she wants to be a physician specialising in women's health." "Let's hope it works out for them. So boys aren't really off your menu?" "No but I want several things for me that I will not compromise on. Boys are well down my list." Sunny stopped... "Now I know what I can do... I want to participate in the Olympic Games. I think it is possible. I want to go to Brasenose and get a first class degree, on to law school and go forward." "Ash?" "Oh Fay he left me with a buzz! Like the possibility for having an impact." "It depends on the cases... recognising when it is the time to act is important." "Ash said you and Cho gave him a mandate to go to help those who are being abusing by some government or company or person... you two are remarkable!" "We have the resources... using them for good is what we are about." "Well being a public interest attorney sounds the most interesting... environmental causes and defending people who the system has failed... that's where its at for me." "You have an idea to aim for... so do!" A hug! "I will go for it!" "Leave Sonja's name and address with Gil." "Will do." A cheek kiss before she bounded out waving.

Fin at the door... PJ came in with Angie... PJ, "Fay, the trial never got started. The little weasel changed his plea to guilty just beforehand. He's to be sentenced later. The QC spoke to us... She said the deal is a twenty five year tariff, he can apply for parole after eighteen. The QC seemed quite pleased. The nazi had been convinced by his barrister the Crown would ask for a `whole life' tariff if he is convicted. The QC told us she would have done so... the terrorism laws meant she could get it. Getting people to throw bombs for you is way up there on terror scale." I thanked them. "I hope eighteen years changes his mind but I doubt it. He's likely to find other prisoners of like ideas." They shrugged. A hug and a cheek kiss with my thanks.

Gil at the door with Fin, "Fay, the Rawlins aircraft is on the ground at Chalgrove. Alex's is about thirty minutes out." I thanked her and asked Fin to tell Cho. He bowed and went off. The bowing' is a Carter thing... its just a head bob but still... Carter sees it as proper... I'm working on him. He does have Laurel bowing' rather than a curtsey... another brick from the wall. Ha!

An email from Andi on the new R&R hotels in London. They are in fine shape little work needs to be done. She spoke to the staff at each location they all wanted to stay. They seem thrilled by our buying the hotel and the possibilities for them to move to other locations and benefit in other ways from our ownership. Andi said she has complete details of each house and loads of snaps to put up on the R&R webpage. We will be able to make the hotels available right away. She is working with Penn on a trip to the other new hotels. Wonderful! `Full speed ahead' reply from me!

Cho and I with Carter, Carter2 and Audra out front as Lucas and Stanton opened the car doors. Nick stepped out he said hello... He reached to help Liza out. Matthew out the other side, he helped his sisters out. Liza staring at the house... eyes wide. We did handshakes and hugs. Liza, "Fay, it is a beautiful house." I thanked her.

Seth's family behind them got the same greeting. Seth smiling, "Fay, this is a fine looking ranch house." We laughed. Cho said we have the architectural plans so they could build one like it at their place. Heads shaking... laughing.

They were introduced to our staff like all our guests with the `They will be glad to help you with anything.'

I had Liza and Loren with me arm-in-arm going in.

Conrad is inside taking their outer wear... their crowd at the Great Room doors... Laurel and Kendal opened them... I caught a few gasps beside me and a lot of loud Happy New Year's streaming out. Chani and Charlie coming up... the younger Rawlins got hugs and fist bumps. The older ones smiling as our babies did more fist bumps! Laughter. Gil and Chelle, Tha and Delphine were remembered by the family. I got the Twins to take the younger Rawlins to the tree.

I turned to the adults, "Alex is close to landing at Chalgrove." Liza's eyes lit up!! Nick squeezing her hand. Seth and Loren smiling... they wanted to meet him. This had been discussed beforehand by both families. Nick and Liza knew we'd offered a helicopter ride to the ranch from Denver if Alex could free the time... he hadn't made it yet. I did a head motion to their kids. Nick nodding... they rounded them up for a quick talk.

Cho and I out front again. Tom rolled up to the doors, Lucas opened the car door. Alex stepped out... a big smile. "Some spread you have." We laughed, I introduced Cho. "Sir, your exploits on a golf course are known widely enough known even for a New York City dweller like me to have heard." No... he didn't play but a producer he often works with is an avid golfer who has tried to get him to try it. "He's mentioned you more than a few times because he was at the golf tournament in Los Angeles you played." Cho laughing said he ought to send a bottle of scotch for the promotional work. We laughed.

Me, "Okay... Nick and Liza are talking with the family inside. You will be barraged by children... ours included. As I said when you decided to come... it will be emotional." Alex, "I know. Liza and Nick have been working on both families. So I have hopes of a good time."

Conrad took his coat and gloves... we walked him to the Great Room doors. Alex looking at Laurel and Kendal... a bit apprehensively... Cho grinning nodded... the doors swung open the crowd inside exploded in Happy New Year's!! Liza's arms open... Alex slid in. The Rawlins crowd surrounded them. Alex shook hands first with Nick then introductions for Seth and Loren. Handshakes with the younger Rawlins men. He knelt down for introductions to all the young nieces. Nearly exhausted by that he got to met Chani and Charlie. Fist bumps!

We got Alex over to see Gil who he met at the theatre in New York, introductions for Chelle, Tha and Delphine.

A glass of Taittinger's put in his hand... everyone similarly ready... Fin made Shirley Temples by the gallon... Cho, "To a happy visit and the warmth of family around us." Cheers from me, the babies and the Rawlins Mob.

Charlie and Chani got the tree decoration business started. The newcomers are all pleased to have a family glass ball for each, all their names! One for Alex, a big smile.

Those exercises done with we sat. Alex surrounded by the young Rawlins' set and our babies. Cho, Nick and Seth talking. Loren and Liza big grins sitting by me.

Liza thanked me for arranging all this. "This house... I don't know what to say. I've been in the White House... coming in here seems more grand." "Well Christmas does change this room a good deal... When all the holiday gear is cleared away the room is big but very comfortable." I motioned towards Jaidee who had done his greetings now back by the fire, "... Jaidee always gets first dibs on that spot." They laughed.

Chani came to sit beside me, Charlie with Popa.

The Rawlins' enjoyed the flight in the 767... so much room, comfortable beds and the food excellent. Yobi and Lil were terrific. "There was a large crowd to watch our takeoff at North Platte... it seemed so quick to get into the air." Smiling, "We shocked a few landing and taking off ourselves. It's a big aircraft for a small airport. They are equipped with a modifications so such small airports are not a problem."

Loren, "Fay, how do you and Cho keep all the threads in hand?" We have Gil, Chelle with us and Sanjara in Bangkok. I have Sage for House of Lords and political things and Arlette for personal business based in London at Cowley House. Most importantly the people we choose to operate the various businesses are all highly qualified, self-starters and thinkers. We do not believe in micro-managing... we find those best qualified,' tell them how we manage and what we want, then turn them loose. We have made a few errors keeping people in their positions after we did a takeover. We try give individuals the opportunity to work our way... if not we act to correct those decisions quickly... no sitting on our hands. It is not fun to let someone go... it is in the interest of whichever business to move ahead." Smiling, "We do give someone a chance to change but no sentimentality is attached to that. We make the hard decisions and go forward." I shrugged, "Cho and I are a good team." Liza laughed, "Fay, that is an understatement." Fist bump!

Sunny came in from practice... very nicely cleaned up. The black high-waisted jeans part of her Christmas from us and a grey silk long sleeve top tucked in on one side, her Gaspeite green jewellery to match the belt. Black heeled boots. Terrific! Walking in she grabbed attention. I winked to her which brought a smile. Introductions... the Rawlins' are impressed... it is obvious.

After a kiss for me Sunny went to talk with the Rawlins kids and ours joined in.

Loren asked about Sunny... the ladies amazed by her last two years successes. Loren said she looks like a horsewoman. "Olympics?" from Liza. I said Sunny has aimed herself that way with stops beforehand. "Sunny has already competed with the U.S. Equestrian Team." They are surprised since she is fifteen.

Fin re-upped Shirley Temple glasses, Laurel had the Taittinger's. The ladies appreciated the re-fill. Loren said the champagne is wonderful. "It is a French company who is one of our racing sponsors... Taittinger's! We think they are the best." Liza, "I'm not very familiar with wine... this is very nice."

"Our sponsors have all renewed their deals with us. Several new ones for this year... Ralph Lauren, Asprey's and Hermès are joining us." They knew the first and last... "Asprey's is an English retailer of high end personal products... leather, jewellery, silverware, home products, timepieces and lots more. They are going to sponsor us and advertise with Ralph Lauren on English tracks especially the UK Triple Crown series.

I have engaged them to make jewellery as gifts for some of our staff people. The Mirabelle store staffs have a very nice blue script M' to wear. The Chanthira Foundation shelter staff received a royal blue cloisonné bow with respect' and `caring' on the bow hanging ends. They do make lovely things."

I asked if they remembered my cap during our visit... Liza, "Apple?" "Yes... they are also a sponsor, Levi's and Starbucks. So our horses and people get to receive a lot of labelled clothing. Another sponsor are personal friends, `Kentucky Heat' warming under-garments. Perfect for riding. Do you want to ride?" They both did. "We have a stock of clothes so you could come out for a ride with me..." They were nodding. "I ride around the estate and the neighbouring countryside..." I laughed, "... I'm somewhat known for that." I said my first ride of the day is at dawn then again in the afternoon... more when possible. "Sorry we don't have any western saddles... is it a problem?" They both said no. "We have a mix of saddle horses.. from calm and easy-going to a bit of fire! You can decide."

Kendal bowed... he handed me a note... from Carter2... he says the blonde caterer has agreed to join our Kitchen staff. She lives in Abingdon with her parents... she may take one of the Quad rooms. Gil sat opposite me... I borrowed a pen to write `Thank you' on Carter2's note. Kendal bowed taking my response.

Gil smiling holding out out a another note. Lorenzo writing to thank me for Charlie's gift. Gil's smile broader, holding another envelope... it is addressed to Lord Harcourt' from Lorenzo. We smiled. Gil went to Charlie who is with the Rawlins kids and Chani. Sunny coming our way. I watched him open the envelope... he read it... turning to me... We did an air' fist bump! A terrific smile!! The matter-of-fact way Charlie took the envelope, opened it and read it amazed our guests. Liza and Loren with `mother' looks hearing the story. They knew how wonderful for Charlie the simple act of Lorenzo had been.

Sunny a smile... she knew about the little china cat incident.

Chelle leaned over the back of the settee.. "Fay, a call from Desmond... they have a story running in the morning that says a cousin of the lying MP who resigned arranged for him to be on the National Security Strategy Committee. The cousin is a tory MP high up in the party ranks, he sits for a riding near to Guildford. He wanted inside information on the Committee's work. The cousin had the lying fool MP do the false nuclear leak story to undermine Labour's work on the subs and other Defence projects." "Did he say who are his sources?" "He didn't but it wasn't a long conversation. He did say they laid out the entire story in the piece." I thanked her.

Loren and Liza looking my way. I smiled and shrugged. "I do sometimes have free time." They laughed.

Loren, "When you invited us I tried to read more about you both on the internet. There came a point where many contradictory things were said I gave up. Most all of it is very complimentary! The internet can be very frustrating." "Well we don't pay much attention ourselves but our lawyers do. We do not want to be litigious... false statements do get a website or author a letter or phone call. Once we call them out things usually get fixed. Wikipedia is an example... there some obvious falsehoods in an article involving me... they fixed or deleted those parts when they received a call from our New York attorneys. We have had a few successes in courts so people have gotten the message." Another shrug, "It is overall a whack-a-mole exercise." Laughter.

Loren asked Sunny about the Olympics... "I am on the U.S. Equestrian Team so unless something happens I will go to Tokyo."

Carter at the doors...

I started to get up to go in... Loren looking like what? I said when Carter comes inside the door that way... our meal is ready. Liza smiling, "I saw it at a dinner party in Washington."

We trooped in... an Asian buffet! I guess Carla figured our Middle-Western American guests wouldn't be exposed to much Asian cooking. Quite correct... they are surprised and interested. I saw them taking in the wonderful aromas...

Cho explained the ground rules... mentioning Ellie's beautiful cards.

The Twins' seats in place and there are a couple for the smaller Rawlins children. Cho and I with the Twins so they could choose what they wanted. I did plates with Tha, Cho and Delphine parked the babies in their seats. Delphine did Japanese bottled Ramone strawberry sodas for them. Chani and Charlie recommended those to the Rawlins youngsters.

I helped our guests... Ellie's cards making decisions easier. Chopsticks are optional. I saw Alex grab a pair... grinning. "Chinatown is a favourite place to go for food." Thumbs up to him.

I got Chef Thanh's fish cakes, Thai fried rice with shrimp and Thai spring rolls. I sat with Liza on one side with her oldest daughter Corrina beside her. Nick and Lisbeth their other girl opposite with Gil and Sunny. Loren on my other with her daughter Amelia.

We talked horses, riding, working and racing types. Nick smiling finding out Liza and Loren are up for riding.

They all were interested in seeing Glaa. Lisbeth asked what his name meant. "It means `Brave.' He proved it the first time I saw him race in Bangkok. He was a young two year old... trailing the leaders in behind three horses who were tightly bunched... they spread some in the turn. Glaa didn't have a way through until one drifted toward the rail and Glaa courageously dashed into the gap. He burst through then ran away from all the others to win by six lengths. It was astounding to watch him accelerate for the first time... the others did not have a chance once he was through." They loved the story. "Watching Glaa race in America... sometimes it was almost supernatural to see him turn on his jets at the top of the stretch... moving into a new gear his rivals did not have. In the Triple Crown races Glaa's times are not the fastest... he is close but could not quite equal Secretariat's awesome performances from over forty five years ago. In Glaa's next to last race... one of the longest of his career he easily erased a record that stood from 1956. Glaa raced here at Ascot in front of Her Majesty twice. Each time he won in a particularly spectacular fashion. The last he set a new speed record and won by thirty lengths." Heads shaking. Nick smiling.

The Asian food really found a sweet spot for the Rawlins'... they were going back for more tastes. I looked down the table to Alex... he had the Rawlins' boys and Seth nearby. He is eating with chopsticks... very professionally too!! A true New Yorker! The boys are giving chopsticks a try... getting hints from Uncle Alex.

For dessert I got Charlie a bowl of Chef Thanh's Sweet Sticky Coconut Rice Chè and a sesame ball. I decided on Honeycomb Cake and a few `Pig Ear' Biscuits, both Vietnamese desserts.

I saw the desserts being gobbled up. Loren grinning getting a fork full of Honeycomb Cake in her mouth. Liza, "Fay, these are all delicious!" They got that all the Vietnamese dishes and desserts came from Chef Thanh's cookbook. How I came into possession of it made them smile. My translating the recipes had heads shaking. I added the Chef's cookbook is going to be translated and published by two of our publishing companies.

Afters started in the Game Room... both C&C Productions plus Maeve and Sunny's animated story are shown. Our guests continued to be astonished by the Twins and Sunny's gifts. Sunny asked Chelle to run my Introduction ceremony. My eyes rolling! There I am walking into the House... the robe and collar with Mac and Gerald... the BBC fellow's voice over it all. I had Chani next to me... "Mama, it is fun to see you and Uncle Mac." I squeezed her hand. "We get to see you, Charlie and Popa in the Family seats." A fist bump.

Amelia asked what the gold chain was for and why didn't the two men have one. "It is for the Order of the Thistle which is an order of chivalry for Scotland. My mother's family are Scots. Her Majesty made me a member in November. The man behind me is the Marquess of Rannoch which is in Scotland, he is to be given the Order of the Thistle this year. He is a close friend and business partner. He and his grandson were here recently to play golf with Cho and for a business meeting. The other Lord is the Marquess of Denmead, he is not a Scot so cannot receive the Thistle."

More afters in the Great Room. I am beside Charlie's Bonsai with Nick... I could see a grin... I did a `What?' "Fay, in the Capitol Hill conference room I watched you take over... you did it easily. I saw a woman who knew her mind and was capable of coherent and cogent speech. AND there was fire... that surprised everyone." The grin larger, "Except my senatorial colleague who had already seen you in action no one else had a clue. We spoke later... he made it plain you were not going away and you needed to be taken into account. I think some of my brethren were worried about being roasted on Fox News." A big laugh, "Now they have to contend with hundreds of newspapers!!" More laughing. "It is likely to get worse..." Nick looked... "We are looking at several more newspaper buys including some chains in the middle west and the south." Nick's head shaking, "Any in my neck of the woods?" Smiling, "Nothing is settled. We are still looking."

"You have had a meteoric rise... in business and politics. There are many Americans amazed and wondering about you. You and Cho don't do media events' to promote yourselves or go to big public parties or hob-nob with celebrities... you just go out and do things... only afterwards does it get reported." I laughed, "It comes from our natural desire to avoid publicity unless what we are doing directly benefits a project of ours. In that sense we happily manipulate the media." Nick laughed. "We went to the start-up of the Seattle traffic control system and we are going to the tunnel opening in Seattle. Others we make a point of attending are the openings of a Chanthira Foundation Shelter... we want the locals to know so they can help those in need find us. Possibly attract volunteers and donations. The shelters are a good which we want to work for their communities. In San Francisco we were told the city was firmly behind our shelter but we found out the immediate neighbours were not. They held up the opening for several months worrying about the problem' children moving in. Ku, our foundation leader for North America, visited a community meeting bringing in on a live video connection individuals from cities where shelters were operating... those individual's glowing remarks broke the logjam. Now the neighbours sing our praises... there have been zero problems to affect them, our security is well known and very effective, they have done somethings in support of the neighbours. The neighbours see our guests helping in neighbourhood projects. Going to nearby schools, working in local businesses... all very positive. They have been invited into the shelter for music and drama evenings. They can't get enough of our people."

Smiling, "Chani comes along to Mirabelle store openings. We will have thirty three stores by the end of the year. Chani loves all the colours in our clothes... a rainbow of bright shades. She's quite the promoter... she has done some TV with me. Chani and Charlie were with us at the golf tournament awards ceremony, they are `old Pros' in the winners circle of the major race courses in three countries."

Nick's head shaking. "There seems no limit to what you two can do." "That can be said of Chani and Charlie. You are standing next to a project of Charlie's..." Nick looked at the bonsai... he got the story. I asked Chelle to join us, she shared the snap from Paris. Nick, "How does a two year old have the conceptual skills to make something like this?" A smile, "Because they are only two and half years old on the outside." He laughed.

"Charlie and Chani are currently hooked on studying pre-historic man... a step forward so to speak from their interest in dinosaurs. We visited the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford the other day as a family, they had been there with friends before our visit. They gave a donation to the museum asking for more displays on Early Europeans." Chelle playing' at being Gil said I should tell all... I shrugged, "We gave them fifty million £'s to help the museum and the Twins request." Nick laughing out loud, "That's a good way to get attention." Chelle looking at me motioning me on... I stuck my tongue out saying she can do it... I wanted more afters.'

Kendall delivered espresso and Amaretto. Nick came by after Chelle grassed me up... he got a refill of Remy Martin cognac... giving me glances. `Grassed?" "Its a common term over here for ratting someone out. A snake in the..." Ah! "So you aren't proud to have done an amazing thing for the Natural History Museum?" "Yes we are very happy Chani and Charlie want to make donations... We are simply not a self-promoters. It was in all the press here. None of our donations have been secret. They were announced by the recipients. No problem for us. No splashy media events. Her Majesty mentioned it when she visited..." Nick, "I get it! I saw your Nobel lecture... specifically naming individuals involved in the process was quite a decent thing to do. They all got to see another reward for their efforts." "Yes we got the gilt... they got to feel part of it."

I moved us to the south in Thailand. "You should see how those folks in from the jungles have taken to being parliamentarians... the coalition government is based on political parties of two former Muslim insurgent groups and the Buddhist Party... not natural allies but they sensed the need for a stable ruling group and put aside differences for the benefit of the whole people they are now responsible for governing. The give and take came like second nature to them." "From what I have read you and Cho were the sole reason any peace process was begun. Nothing was happening before you got it going." Smiling, "That is why it worked... we got both sides to see there would be no change in the cycle of violence until they gave some ground to make a start then compromised further to make it work." "That is precisely what the Nobel Committee decided... you earned that one!" I shrugged. We laughed.

"Our neighbours were shocked you sent such a large aircraft to carry us. The crowd watching us leave was over several thousand which for western Nebraska is huge..." "I hope there's no problem in this for you. There is no legislation in front of the Congress we have any financial link to... regards the helicopter bill... we have purchased helicopter companies around America which are now operating under our rules that are more stringent than the bill contains. So its passage will not affect us." Nick's head shaking, "There are no issues. You have not lobbied for anything where you stand to gain. In fact the only lobbying you have done was to ask for more regulation rather than less. Not to worry."

"So how is Reilly? I liked him." A big smile, "He liked you. We spoke after your departure... he was shocked to be speaking to you just as if you were some ordinary person." "Well with a few exceptions I am pretty ordinary." "No way! I have not had a conversation with an English Marchioness before or anyone close." "Would you like to see a room of Lords?" He looked puzzled. "You could come with me to the House of Lords... sit in the family seats behind the Bar. Watch the proceedings. Meet a few Earls, Viscounts, Barons and the odd Duke or Marquess. Then have lunch with some at Cowley House." A considering look... "When?" "In three days. You are going to Cowley House to stay so it would fit in nicely." "Okay... Yes. I'd like to meet some other legislators." "Good I'll have it laid on."

It is bedtime for the Twins... Cho and I carried them up. Changed into night clothes and settled in. I leaned over Charlie to kiss him. "Mama, we are glad the Rawlins came they are fun." Kiss done, "Good. We like them all so enjoy the time." Chani's eyes heavy... a quick kiss.

Espresso and Amaretto by the fire with Loren and Liza, the men not far away talking.

The Rawlins children getting to stay up a bit longer than usual sitting close to us.

"Miss Martin, you are famous... how does it make things different for you?" Matthew, the oldest, doing the asking. Siblings and cousins around us on the settees. "Matthew, it means I do have a few people with me all the time for protection... so I cannot just go and do things on the spur of the moment as I might have had done in the past." Corrina asked if I minded that... "No and yes. Our Protectors are very skilled at their job. I try to be mindful of their work. It makes Cho happy I am safe. He also has Protectors as do Chani and Charlie. It is part of the price we pay for being who we are. Yes it would be nice not to worry.. being prepared is what we have chosen to do." Matthew motioning towards Laurel and Fin... "Are they?" "No. While we are here inside we do not need our primary Protectors. This house is very well protected by other security staff and some special equipment."

Samuel pointed across the room to the open red box. "I read that... there isn't lot written down but it makes you someone special?" "Yes. What is important it is Her Majesty's prerogative... her right by Royal power! She can as Our Queen to do things like that, her name and the Crown stands behind it. Her Majesty has been very generous to Cho and I. It changed us also Chani and Charlie. Chani is now officially addressed as The Most Honourable Lady Chanthira to show she is the daughter of a Marchioness. Charlie will inherit my titles... until then he has what is called a courtesy title... so he is Earl Harcourt of Oxford and addressed as Lord Harcourt. It is an ancient system with many strange twists. Confusing even for people here." They laughed.

Sunny did her goodnights. Everyone sending theirs to her.

We said goodnights as the young Rawlins' headed up to bed... the parents escorting them up for this first night.

I got a kiss from Cho. Alex sat with us. "So how's it going?" A big smile on the `Adonis' face, "I like them and they all seem good with having an uncle and brother-in-law." Fist bump!

He is smiling, "I heard prerogative' I was wondering then you did a very nice explanation for them. I could see they got it." Grinning I said we have to do that for the Twins... but less and less. Alex's head shaking, "I talked with Charlie after we watched the Voyage to the New World.' I am stunned to have a conversation about Charlie Chaplin with a two and half year old just as I might any adult. He said Chaplin was great dancer and asked me what I thought as a professional dancer." He grinned, "I quoted W.C. Fields on Charlie Chaplin: "He's the best ballet dancer that ever lived." We laughed. "I could see Charlie got my point." Fist bump!

"Beware they like to start speaking in one of their other languages just to fiddle with someone's brain." "Really?" Cho smiling, "In December of 2017 we had two child psychologists come here to test them... they surprised those fellows immediately... they had to use a second type of test... more advanced... then found themselves looking at results which were at the top level of that test." Me, "Charlie, answered in French to a question asked in English... the psychologist asked why he used French... Charlie said something which psychologist had no idea at all what he'd said. Charlie said he did it because he likes French but he said it in Thai." Alex's head spinning, "They were?" "Eighteen months."

We walked him back to their artwork to point out they had done them by memory... more head shaking. "So are they geniuses?" I shrugged, "Possibly. It makes for a wonderful time having them around us. They are smart, independent. Did you see them with their chopsticks? They were almost as dexterous as yourself. I watched." "So where do they go from here?" A smile, "I have a running joke with the Speaker of the House of Lords about their going up to Brasenose College at Oxford this autumn with Sunny." Alex laughed. The parents back... they asked if Uncle Alex would go up to say goodnight. A big smile... off he went with Fin to show him which rooms.

The Rawlins parental units came over to us by the artwork. They marvelled again like Alex at the work. Nick pointed to the bonsai saying Charlie made the pot. They moved to have a look.

Back by the fire... Nick asked about Sunny going to Brasenose... I said she will be sixteen... clearly ready for a new academic challenge. "Sixteen?" from Loren. "Sunny is very talented in many ways... the equestrian side has come as a big surprise to her family. Part of our Family are coming back here tomorrow from a stay in London so you can meet them... we will feed them luncheon and send them off to their homes." Knowing us and having met Sunny they are intrigued to see the rest of us.

Cho's fingers in Jaidee's hair. He gave our guests the method of breakfast here.

Me, "I will be out at dawn for a ride then breakfast. We will need a few hours to keep up with our work. The Twins have their own schedule which they will I am sure invite yours to join in. We want you all to visit the horses. By mid-morning I will be ready so..." motioning to Liza and Loren, "... we can go out for a ride. Afternoon visiting will be easier. All the mucking out will be done. Horses will be moving around... going to the Training Track and exercise rides. We have wellies for every size foot."

There will be golf tomorrow I am told.

Going up I asked Alex about the play we attended... he smiled saying it is going strong. High demand for tickets and the cast enjoying themselves which meant they would stay around for a longer run. Thumbs up! A big smile from him.

Goodnights on the Landing.

Walking down the grassy lane to get a horse. Jaidee forging ahead... makes a change. He and Thames off right away.

Roland saw me and did a low whinny. Pamela nickered. Plotline making noise too! Scones handed off, a knee up and we are off. A crisp morning... a light crunch of the frosted grass under the horses hooves... the air sharp on our cheeks... the sun rising in a clear-edged sky... you could believe in paradise!

At the lock the men were cheery... smiles! Over the dark Thames going east on the river path.

A red tent on the edge of a clump of trees away from the river... a nylon lean-to beside it... a Coleman Fuel stove working on a tea kettle perched above it. I walked us close... two heads popped out of the tent at my call. A slender young couple climbed out when I asked them to come out. "Good Morning... I am Lady Harcourt. We know you are here because you crossed our boundary wall last evening..." They looked at each other, "... this is Harcourt House land." That surprised them. "After our security did some surveillance you were not disturbed. This is just a visit to say we would appreciate your saying why you are here. Is this just a camping trip though the wrong time of the year for that or is there some other reason?" They introduced themselves, a couple not married, both twenty, out of work and no home... pushed out by their landlord for lack of the rent money. I asked what their work is... he, Nathan, worked in a greengrocer's until it closed. She, Shayna, was laid off after cutbacks at a school, she's a baker. She sews and knits.

Looking at them for a moment... "Do you want work?" They did! Emphatically so. I smiled at their vehemence. Nathan said they had been looking for work in Abingdon with no luck so far.

Smiling, "We may have something for you. Would you be interested?" They were! Okay!

"Follow the Thames Path northward... " My arm motioning, "... You will reach a boatyard... a bit over three miles along. Ask for Dennis, he will have instructions. They will row you over the river where someone will meet you. Our under-butler Carter will speak with you. After that you can decide what to do." Their faces have smiles now. "Perhaps I will see you later. Goodbye. Oh... no hurry... have your tea and breakfast first."

A wave and we are off. We worked up to a strong canter... under the railroad bridge... passing a quiet Carmichael house... looking eastward to our house through the trees... the early sun hitting the windows... sparking light flashes!

At the boatyard Dennis just driving in... one of his shift bosses already here. The crew will be cleaning and examining some hulls of the paddle boats getting ready for repairing, sealing and painting.

I slipped down to put my arm through Dennis' turning us toward the water. I told him to expect two visitors and who they are. "Please call the Security Office when they arrive... I will tell Yone what is up. Then please row them across to one of his fellows." "M'Lady, one of the nicest things I know about your is your kindness. I realise you can be tough... I've seen it but it isn't you... this is you." I thanked him for the thought I might not be the `Wicked Witch.' That brought laughter.

I got a knee up, we waved. We changed to ride the dirt track north from Lower Radley... woods and ploughed level ground on both sides... on to the lock. Lyle smiling. A bow, "Your Ladyship, Lindsay got the letter from your children... she was overwhelmed by that... their thanks so nicely put." "Good I am glad. Charlie and Chani enjoyed reading the Denisovan paper." "Ma'am, they are really two and a half?" "Yes, working on being twenty two." Lyle laughed. We waved.

We headed by Mr. Hardy's... his face at the door, "We are having fun playing smaller scale games." I said I might come down later. A wave.

Our horses got the drift when the south gate came into view... noises. We walked through and asked for speed. A trot into a canter then a full blown gallop to the Flats. Loud approving noises from women and horses!!

I stopped in the Security Office. Yone at his desk grinning when I told him what I had done. "No problem. When we get Dennis' call someone will walk down. Then what?" "I going to speak with Carter now. We will see..." Fist bump.

Carter going up, we went upstairs together. We talked as I got my breakfast, he poured the coffee. Fin right there with toast. Carter >> BENT << a rule to sit and have a cup of coffee with me. I suggested Carter2 speak with the two wanderers. "M'Lady, that's a fine idea. He's a good interviewer." I applauded that mentally as it is our assessment!

Carter stood up... bowed and took his empty cup and saucer. I'm smiling inside.

Nick and Seth came in...'Good mornings' as they scanned the food. They filled plates, Carter poured their coffee and a second for me. Fin delivered toast... I nudged the strawberry preserves their way. They were smiling. Seth, "It smells good." They ate with enjoyment.

I had the Oxford Mail from the newspaper pile... the front said Lady Harcourt's Ten Mil £'s - How to Spend It?' The article pointed readers to the Oxfordshire County Library system holding more public meetings and they should participate. "Help shape your library of the future!' The story had been picked up by the nationals' so getting more coverage... the Sun had it inside in suburban news. The Times also the Daily Mail and Guardian did a short bit each. Nick asked for a look. "It is a newspaper we own." His head shaking, "How many times have you two done this?" He passed the paper to Seth. "For museums... a few times around here, in New York also in Germany and France... not that many but we are going to do more. The Oxfordshire County Library System..." My hand motioning to the newspaper, "... Local schools... over two dozen schools this Christmas time... we made five or ten thousand £ donations plus letters of credit to the Oxford Computer Store for miscellaneous computer equipment. Various non-profit groups near to us here and in New York City. Some scholarships at schools in America... more to come. Twenty million £'s to groups in Russia who are helping political prisoners returning from custody after putin's demise... the government there is doing nothing. We also gave money to each of the local NHS Trusts around the Kingdom." They are both looking at me. Nick, "Money for trusts?" I explained what the trusts are and how the money was apportioned. Seth, "How much did you give them?" "Five hundred million £'s" The brothers looked stunned. Nick's head shaking, "Fay, you two are remarkably generous." "We have the means... I wish others of our sort of wealth would do more... most do nothing. They hoard their fortunes... worrying about the slightest fall in their value... contributing zero to their countries and societies."

Seth, "Fay, this story says you often don't give advance notice... you sort of swoop in... make your donation and leave... no reporters or anything. The recipients announce you have given them money after the fact." Nick asked if the NHS trusts knew money was being sent to them? "No! We did not give advance notice... once the checks were in the mail we sent out a press release which we were happy to see made it into every newscast and front page. We wanted to support the trusts and bring attention to them." Laughing, "It is a bit of fun for us. Most all know we are coming. Sometimes like at the Natural History Museum they knew we were coming for a reason... they'd seen other donations to museums so they knew we would give them a sizable donation... we did but it was a bit more than they might have possibly guessed." Nick pointing to the number on the page for Seth... He knew already. Seth, "It says here you gave them two hundred and fifty million £'s??" "It was the Twins idea... we wrote the cheque. They handed it to the director." Nick grinning, "So you like surprising people?" Grinning broadly, "On occasion... Cho asked me to do a build up so no heart-attacks. I don't always... I'm trying to do it consistently." They laughed.

I picked up the SUN... The article on the lying MP! Their source was the lying MP himself and a staffer at the conservative party HQ who had been in meetings when the ploy was discussed and implemented. It was a calculated move to hurt Labour over the old nuclear subs and other issues... it backfired when the lying MP blew the gaff by allowing himself to be recorded telling the Daily Mail correspondent the lie. The MP's uncle, an old tory party stalwart, arranged through his influence for the lying MP to be placed on the National Security Strategy Committee to glean information to use against Labour. Some party leaders had objections at the time... it went ahead nonetheless. The SUN really laid it out in the true and ugly terms it is... an unpleasant reality of corrupt politicians at work. As if the tories needed another black eye? In a brief editorial comment Desmond said these sort of sleazy tactics dishonour Parliament and our democratic system. The tories need to clean house like the republicans in America are doing.

I folded the paper and handed it to Nick my finger on Desmond's comment. Nick with a smile, "Well Desmond should get a cigar." He handed it on to Seth who after reading the comment asked what is all about.

"The National Security Strategy Committee I'm on received a report on our retired nuclear subs... their existence is another tory scandal which I shamelessly exploited to stop a defence bill in the Commons and it ultimately caused the fall of the tory government and the general election. The actual report said one sub had metal fatigue but not anywhere near the reactor which the lying MP twisted into his lie..." I made a wave rolling gesture. Nick's grin quite large, "So you helped bring down the government using their own stupidity?" I nodded with a cute smile. The brothers burst out laughing. "My intention from the start was to stop `brexit' but a frontal assault the tories could have fended off... I chose to use the Defence Bill as an end run around to get to my objective... a general election!" I put my hand on Nick's, "Please don't share this... few people know the background. I prefer it stay that way. I want to keep my tactics a secret." Both did the zipper of the lips motion. I added that a few people knew... like Prince Harry and likely his father. Nick asked what they have said. "I told Prince Harry myself... I helped to turn out the government like that... he loved it. He asked to be able to tell his father which I agreed to. Whether he did or not I have not asked. Nor has anything been said."

The Twins and the Rawlins younger crowd descended upon us... Cho following with Delphine. We got the kids settled... their mom's arrived. Alex came in to big `good mornings.' After breakfast all the young set with Uncle Alex is going to Archie's to see the animals, then they are to stop at the Abingdon Lock where Rudyard is going to explain how it works then Culham Manor to meet everyone, get a tour of the Elizabethan house and grounds and have a cookie break. An afternoon visit to our Stables.

Cho took Nick and Seth to Oxford East. They will be back for lunch.

Loren and Liza coming with me for a ride in two hours. Audra got them fitted with riding clothes from top to bottom.

I stepped into the Wargame Room... the three men all stood up... inside smile... I asked them to go ahead. Mr. Hardy and Jerrold going head to head in `Rise and Decline of the Third Reich.' Grand strategic scale of the war in Europe. It looked like Mr. Hardy, a German again, is going to overrun France... Jerrold at school would be here later to see the attacks take place.

Greg's Street Without Joy' being played by Carl and Spencer. They are off-duty. Carl as the French is defending a hill redoubt. I watched Carl use his mortars to bombard a large patch of elephant grass after one of his outposts spotted' the grass waving as it would when people pass through. Spencer's folks took heavy casualties because they had not seen the hidden outpost.

Several other games laid out without players... all the school's new terms have begun so attendance was required! Our teachers were rationing their time so their families got a fair share of attention.

I said `enjoy.' They waved.

Gil and Chelle with me in the Library. I am reviewing the new Cho-Fay Air acquisitions... the Sikorsky heavy lift helicopters and a big transport jet. Also a new big jet from Boeing dubbed the 767-CF. Advanced avionics, new defensive systems and updated engines. It has better STOL abilities and longer range. It is to be our primary jet for family travel. Boeing thinking about putting this version up for Air Force One. Its faster and more manoeuvrable than a 747 plus the STOL features. They can configure the interior however the U.S. Air Force wants to suit the President. For us the interior is many cabins that are ensuite, a bigger sleeping area for the crew both flight deck and cabin staff. The biggest change is a compartment for the Protectors... separate areas for the men and women. Each Protector has a private sleeping space, there are enclosed shower stalls and toilets.

The Sikorskys will be used at job sites around the world. They would be a vitally important part of the work in Brazil once we begin putting in place the dam gate and control mechanisms. The maintenance teams already working on the aircraft, flight operations taking place, testing the lift ability... working with each other to become a `unit.'

To get the helicopters to a jobsite we purchased a retired C-5b Galaxy transport from U.S. Air Force reserve stocks. To avoid one issue which held back the aircraft we had new Pratt and Whitney engines installed. They have greater thrust allowing for a higher gross take-off weight. Our configuration is as capable as the current Air Force C-5m standard.

We will also use it to move big metal sluice gate parts and gearing systems to job sites around the planet.

We can get three CH-53's inside which is our `team' size and all the accessories plus personnel so we can lift an entire team in one go.

It is painted white with a yellow Hibiscus Brilliant on the tail like all the our aircraft. The picture we were sent... it is a huge thing dressed in white... the hibiscus on the tail is taller than me. As with the CH-53's we hired ex-U.S. service people to fly and maintain the big aircraft. It is to be based at Opa-Locka. Team member families on the move to the Miami area.

I feel good about using Florida... Charlie Crist's leadership is sweeping away years of corrupt and bigoted republican governing. He's turning the state into a progressive model for the rest of the South. Businesses are investing there after years of decline which hurt the state's economy. The tourist business is booming... a twenty nine percent rise in the numbers, nearly full accommodations, busy restaurants and crowded beaches. More construction of hotels, motels, etc... Florida is booming.

Part of the new helicopters and big transport cost is being charged to Brazil because their army says it can not fulfil contractual promises made. Their water resources ministry is very upset with the military. They are asking for part of their new costs to be applied to the army's budget. That is a fight we are not part of since the ministry by necessity agreed to the contract add-ons.

NewsGroup generated most of my work today. Chelle taking notes from me, she'll have more to do.

I walked down to the Stables with Loren and Liza. They looked good in the English' riding clothes including ties which made them laugh. They're long time riders so Max and Gough saddled for them. I've got Mahogany's reins... a knee up for them then me. Tessa on Geo, Ken on Rascal. Introductions done. We walked down to the Flats... turning to go north. A good run to Sandford... we walked through the village... A many Hello Your Ladyship's and Hello Lady Harcourt's' from folks out and about. We made a stop at the Talking Shop for liquorice. The manager smiling saying it is nice to see Your Ladyship.' Tessa and Ken grinning knowing me. We walked back to the dirt track... Mrs. Lone going in her door waved calling out Hello M'Lady.'

On the berm I asked Mahogany, she is ready... off. These horses are better matched. Rebel is too much for them. Geo running hard pulled ahead crossing the Fraser's farm. At the boundary we slowed to a walk. I gave them a tour of Sunny's bits and the tracks then we headed up to Stables. Monty and Anthony got there'd been some walking.

Up the lane our arms linked. "I hope it was good." They enjoyed themselves. The countryside is wonderful.

In the Great Room we sat relaxing. Liza looking towards me... "Fay, the village people seem to like you... there is an air of deference..." "Over here we have a long tradition of deference to aristocracy. I don't encourage them. We have done things for the neighbourhood and as the biggest landowner, over nine thousand acres now, we provide a huge economic engine. Employment, purchasing... there is also a large impact from the knock-on effects. So some would be natural... the titles make it institutional. One of things about about being ennobled... I miss people using my name rather than the title." Loren said she would find it difficult not to be Loren Rawlins.

"We did not seek out favours from Her Majesty. In fact last year her first time here Prince Charles said they were going outside their normal way... Her Majesty did not inform the government... she came here a did what she did then the government found out. I think it was partly she wanted to do something after so many years of not and the rumour was Her Majesty did not like the Prime Minster Theresa May so by-passed her entirely." They laughed. "May was a very light version of thatcher... ugly in mind but without the same venomous attitude. The will to destroy things lacking in her." I shrugged. "I imagined at some point later in my life I might have received a life peerage... there was no thought of what has come." Loren, "Life peerage?" "It is a person being made a peer as either a baron or baroness which ends at death. I was made an hereditary peer... so as long as my family line exists the titles are passed on through the male side. Charlie's having a courtesy title and Chani being Lady Chanthira are quite ordinary for children of the aristocracy. We have asked the staff not to use those until we say to. We want them to be as normal as is possible knowing full well that is difficult. Surprising they understood what a `title' is after meeting Prince William and Kate's children. George is a prince and Charlotte is a princess. So last year when I was ennobled they understood their new titles."

Chelle handed me a printed-out note from Morgan... they found a hotel in South Beach, on Ocean Drive, The Central Hotel, one hundred and twenty five rooms and suites. At the bottom of the note Morgan said Andi knows all about it. Sumate and Petra were also informed. Smiling I thanked her.

Carter came in. He waited I turned to him, he bowed, "M'Lady, Carter2 has has finished interviewing the two young people." I pardoned myself.

In Carter's Butler's Pantry I sat with both Carters. Carter2 smiling, "M'Lady, they are nice young people. Polite, they speak well. Nathan worked for nearly four years since he was sixteen and left school at the same greengrocer business then the owner died. The family liquidated the business, the whole staff was made redundant. He knows his vegetables and fruit... he's never grown any. He calculates quickly in his head. Shayna is a baker. The school where she had worked laid her off when they had cutbacks. I drew out she has made many different types of bread, rolls and sweet things. Her sewing... she had examples. Their clothes are expertly repaired. They both have scarves and jumpers she knitted. Nicely done." Smiling, "You liked them?" "Yes, M'Lady! They have had a run of bad luck."

Carter motioned to his nephew... Carter2, "M'Lady, I offered them some breakfast... something told me I should... they ate readily, no gulping. I sensed they needed to eat." "When I met them they had water on for tea. I did not ask anything of them." "M'Lady, my immediate impression was they hadn't eaten very well recently." "How long since they lost their jobs?" Carter2 said five months. "When were they evicted?" "M'Lady, they said almost two months." "Where are they now?" "M'Lady, they sitting by the fire in the Staff Lounge with tea and a plate of Christmas cookies." I had to smile hearing that. Carter2 had a big grin. Fist bump.

I turned to Carter, "Shayna could fit in easily... you've spoken about having a separate baker for the Outside Staff Lounge." "Yes M'Lady, it would make things work down here for Sue and Maxine... their attending to the main house needs only." Thinking out loud, "How can Nathan fit in?" I leaned back, "What about the Garden Centre since he is used to dealing with the public?" Carter2 smiling, "M'Lady, that is a good thought. I will call Dave now." He stood, pardoned himself, bowed and went out. I smiled to Carter, "He acts quickly." A laugh, "M'Lady, it is quite easy to be proud of him. He is managing the outside businesses very well. Not overbearing, letting the managers do their work, paying attention to the details, good at encouraging people." "So you want to keep him around?" A big grin on my face! Carter smiling broadly, "M'Lady, He also finds time to learn the wine... he asks good questions. His fine memory serves him well." "That's a yes?" We laughed... I leaned over the desk... a fist bump!

Carter2 back. "M'Lady, Dave says send him over if Nathan agrees. Dave will find out what he knows and his attitude... he will go from there." "Good. They are only twenty... you checked their identification?" Carter2 nodded, "Yes, M'Lady. Neither has a driving permit." "Then its likely they won't have any serious negative items for a background check to find. Please ask them to come in." Carter2 bowed and went off.

Two chairs brought in by Stanton after my going out to get them nearly scandalised Carter.

Carter and I standing as the young pair came in with Carter2. Nathan bowed, Shayna tried a curtsey... a bit unsteady. Smiling I motioned them to the chairs.

Carter doing the talking... He said we have a place for a baker for the Outside Staff Lounge. The position means a lot of bread making with sweet breakfast items. He offered it to Shayna with the condition she has to pass a background check. She could start with the check pending. A big smile. She thanked him and me... she wants to accept. Good!

Carter turning to Nathan, "We do not sell any vegetables... we do have a retail garden centre with a place for you Nathan if you want to change how you deal with plants." Nathan, "M'Lady... Sir... I am a good worker and learn quickly. I'm willing to try something new." Carter said the same background check limit applied. He said reports on them will not take long... a day or so.

He told them the pay and benefits for the different positions... they were visibly shocked... Shayna had tears. Carter2 handed her a snow white handkerchief... A thank you. "Carter2 will show you around down here, you will take your meals in the Staff Lounge." They looked at each other... Carter smiling, "Room and board is part of your employment benefits package." There are rooms for you... not for a couple at this time though so you would be separate for sleeping." They looked at each other... they said that was fine and perhaps after a time... when things have settled... they could find a place for themselves. Carter nodded. Shayna used the handkerchief again. Nathan's arm around her.

"Carter2 will take you to your new places and do introductions. Your managers will explain the work and get you going." More thanks for our kindness. I shook their hands. Carter2 took them in hand.

I inquired about a bicycle for Nathan to go to the Garden Centre... Carter said they have several.

Carter smiling, "M'Lady, you have acquired two new puppies for Sir Cho to tease you over." We laughed. "I do not mind if things work out." Fist bump.

I re-joined the ladies. A brief explanation... smiles. "Many people have no idea how large the estate is... we do have signage up on our boundaries. They didn't know some of our Security had looked them over quite close up, first using a drone then several officers went close after dark. We let them have a night's sleep before approaching them." "Fay, weren't your folks afraid they might lose them?" "A sensor camera device was placed near their tent so if they walked away from the spot we would know which direction and pick them up." Their heads shaking, Liza, "Amazing what you get up to." Smiling I shrugged.

We went up to change. I offered heavy wool socks for the wellies.

When the men returned, the crowd of children came up the drive in several cars behind them... Chani and Charlie doing their usual greeting with Carter. The Rawlins' young ones did fist bumps too at Lady Chanthira's urging. Much laughter.

We gathered in the Great Room. Alex asked how long the tree stayed up. "A bit longer this year... we have more guests coming extending Christmas. The two President's Clinton for an overnight then friends from New York who have young children." "Hillary?" "Yes. She and Bill have been coming each January for an overnight... last year like this year before the big NATO meeting in Brussels. Their first when she had not yet been inaugurated. We've stayed at the White House a few times." "You do get around." "We are involved in many things... it sort of follows on from that."

Carter came in, "M'Lady, your family is arriving from London." I thanked him. Cho and the babies with me out front. We applied hugs and kisses in extra large doses.

Inside they got to meet the Rawlins. Lots of smiles. It took a bit to do the introductions.

I got Dad and Nick together. "Nick..." I squeezed Dad's arm, a nudge which brought a grin to Dad's face, "... my father General Keren, Commander in Chief of the Thai Security Police... the equivalent to the FBI or MI5." "Dad, Nick is the Minority Leader in the House of Representatives." Hands shaking! Please call me Keren' and Nick.' Dad being cute... "Ah... you are a republican?" Nick gave me a look which made us all laugh. A sort of resigned look, "Yes... I am one of those." Dad, "Do not be put off. I appreciate how you must be different from any of your colleagues. Fay's choice of house guests would not extend to the less reputable of American politicians. Which in my roundabout way says you must be one of the good guys." I laughed. "More John Wayne ism's?" They laughed too. Dad, "I do not get the opportunity frequently. Phailin would send me packing." Laughter!

Thoi I introduced as an attorney and former Thai Justice Minister. Nick smiling shaking his hand with a slight `look' my way. Nick, "So you must have worked with Keren over the years?" "Oh yes!" A pat on Dad's back... "... I've known this fellow for over forty years. I held other positions before moving to the Justice Ministry. Crime is a demanding business everywhere."

Nick explained the family ranch to them... he and Seth running the operation... more work for Seth these days. "We have had a fine run of very productive years."

Thoi asked about global warming... Nick said the summers are a bit hotter and longer... so far they have not had any water problems... "That would indeed cause us big trouble. The land is wide open with little shade... we do plan deep root trees for wind breaks... we are continually adding more to help with erosion and to create denser barriers. The climate changes mean we watch the herds more carefully. We have a good crew of wranglers, smart, hard-working." Dad asked about where Nick found such men. "We do not have a big turnover... many long time employees... often it is word of mouth... men seeking our sort of life. We do not depend on the Marlboro Man... the life itself is a draw."

Dad, "Father to son?" Nick, "We do have some of that. We have family housing as well as several bunkhouses. Good accommodations and good food."

Craig joined us. Uncle Craig found out Nick and Seth played with Cho. "Quite the humbling experience, isn't it?" Nick agreed, "It seems impossible Cho can hit those shots on every hole. He came close to two holes-in-ones on Par threes and did get two eagles today." Dad grinning, "We have all gotten used to being thrashed regularly although it is one of those pleasant experiences to watch someone playing the sport at the highest level."

Uncle Craig told them Cho broke the course record the first time he played the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Course... "A 60! It overwhelmed the members." Craig asked if Nick knew about the Concord Classic tournament almost two years ago? He didn't. Craig gave him a precis... I added Cho is a member of the Bel Air Club and holds the course record with a 56. Nick's head spinning.

He got let off more of that by me bringing Somsak close.

My arm around Somsak so Nick could get a few moments. Somsak as the Deputy head of Mission for the Royal Thai Embassy surprised him. I got another `look.' They chatted a few minutes... Nick learned Somsak spends time dealing with the Thai military relationship to the Pentagon. Thailand makes a limited range of weapons so they are dependent on outside suppliers.

Carter at the doors...

Luncheon, in the Dining Room, is a soup and sandwich makings buffet. Cream of mushroom or potato leek soup, some roast beef and ham for those who want that, six types of sliced cheeses, our delicious white and brown bread, tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise, several kinds of mustard... hot or not, pickles and olives. Walker's Ready Salted or Cheese and Onion crisps with dips. I delivered soup and Tha and Delphine built sandwiches for the Twins as Cho parked them in their seats.

A lively happy meal. Lots of chatter around the big table. There is heavy destruction of Christmas cookies which are fast becoming extinct.

We sat briefly to talk. Loren and Liza talking cooking with Phailin, Kanda and Dee. Seth, Nick, Thoi, Dad, Craig, Somsak and Cho talking golf. The kids together... going in the Game Room. Alex and I chatting about his past Broadway shows.

Sunny rushed home from Abbey School to say goodbyes.

Then the big family exodus! Loads of goodbyes! Tonnes of hugs and kisses. Craig, Dee and Doc heading north on a Gulfstream. Dee happily received the news of Barbara being hired for our Kitchen. "Fay, she will be good. I am glad to have a break... thank you for thinking of that for me." A big hug and kiss! Many thanks for all her work. Uncle Craig thanked me too! Doc got a big hug and kiss.... I'd see her next month for the Phuket trip.

Dad and Phailin with Thoi and Kanda with Rak, Anong, Rak2 and Chana all on the long flight to Bangkok. They knew we'd be around Bangkok in a month. Sunny big hugs for her grandparents.

Somsak, Tona, Suki and Anurak on a Gulfstream to Dulles. Somsak asked about the Hay-Adams? I told him we do own it. He is looking for a close in place for some events. He will check out the hotel. I said I will have Gil give them a call. A grin! Fist bump.

The last kisses applied on the Forecourt. Us five waving them away.

Email from Morgan to Gil... she just closed on an R&R hotel in San Francisco... the Kensington Park Hotel. It was my suggestion. A lovely hotel, close to Union Square, easy to get to so many tourist sites! An older style... no chrome. A pleasant walk to Chinatown and North Beach, a bit more to Fisherman's Wharf! One block to the cable cars and two blocks to Market Street. She has also informed Andi and Leslie and Sumate. I had Gil reply with `Good Work' and a thank you.

Nick and I by the big doors to the Terrace... the Garden a bit damp... very green and beautiful. "Fay your family is really plugged into government in Thailand." Smiling, "That formed one pillar of support for the southern Thai peace process. The other was our global reach with Fox News." Nick giving me a huh' face. "Under the aegis of reporting on local topics two of our correspondents spoke to insurgents on both sides of the border. Through them we were able to convince the insurgent leaders to sit down with the government. There was also some help from the Malaysians... some interfering too. Our people did some clandestine meetings passing on advice and exchanging information all the while doing straight reporting on non-related stories. None of this has been widely mentioned so Fox News will not get a reputation' we do not want for our people in the field working." "Not mentioned at all that I have seen. A very behind the scenes effort." "Cho and I felt it was a needed quiet' method. Our reporters took considerable risks. Dad knew, he did what he could for them in Thailand... over the border our fellow was mostly on his own. At some point we are going to let them write about it for their own gain... books, articles, etc..." "You do work for the long haul." "It is the same in our businesses... we look for profit in five... ten or more years not the next quarter." Nick, "I want to be that way in Congress but many colleagues seek to make a quick impact forgetting the old adage... you can't turn a super tanker in a mud puddle.' The U.S. government is the biggest ship in the ocean." We laughed.

The Stables visit. Time to get wellies on those little folks and everyone else. They all got to meet Gregory and his office full of cats. Much fewer now as they are weaned so they are being adopted. Cute little fuzz balls. Pat and Diana took two boys who will be spayed in two months or so by Dr. Crawford2. He would do most of the rest also. No charge. The cat exchange scheme brought laughs. And a maybe they should do it with their neighbours.

We loaded up with treats. They got to meet all the horses and staff. I took Nick into Glaa's paddock. My Big Fast Man came running! A hug for him. Nick loved stroking this world famous fellow. He passed a mint over. The kids on the fence, Tha, Delphine, Liza, Loren and Seth behind them all enjoying Glaa chewing his treat. He came over to be petted by the youngsters.

Nick said Reilly would love this. I said give him some time off so he could go to Kentucky. Glaa and IrishRainbow will be back there in two months. He can see the whole farm... maybe a stop at Churchill Downs? Nick smiling, "He would enjoy that."

IrishRainbow rubbing his nose on Matthew's shirt front after getting a treat from him. Laughter. Easy to see Matthew liked that.

I said these are working horses like theirs... just different work. The Rawlins kids got that.

Dr. Crawford2 in his office. A tour and explanations about the equipment for the younger Rawlins.

We walked down to the Tracks when Cho said Aroon and Notre Noir are working. The babies looking through the fence as the gorgeous chestnut boy is ROLLING' on the inner dirt track. Freddie joined us... introductions. Freddie gave them the background on both horses... Notre Noir went by very quickly heading for the turn... the moms had seen Mahogany run, Rebel had been introduced a short while ago. Cho said both would race in the summer... Notre Noir here and France, Aroon in Saratoga... Charlie doing a fist bump with Popa and an arms up Toga!' We all laughed. Cho, "Charlie and Chani go racing with us... no betting for them. Laughs and giggles.

Drinks. Shirley Temples made by the pitcher by Fin. Campari and soda for me. Loren asked about the beautiful red colour. She tried a sip after I mentioned it is tart. She liked it. It made her think of grapefruit... I told Seth he'd have to find a bottle. Laughing he said Nick would be enlisted to do that in D.C. since it is unlikely to be easy to find in Nebraska.

Sitting with Nick... "Since you are sharing a few confidences... We have a semi-secret plan going in Western Nebraska... ranchers like us and feed-lot owners are working to create a sort of co-op to market our beef. Now the big four producers take our animals and we get a limited return. I don't mean they are cheating us... not at all but those of us who are trying to be sustainable, raising grass fed only animals, want to have more control and keep more money in western Nebraska. Banding together we hope to create a meatpacking plant near North Platte that we `own.' Our high quality Nebraska beef should stand out. We have a lot to do... one important part is to get volume buyers on board. Such as McDonalds or Walmart and the like. That would be the success-making edge for us." Nick grinned, "It is not your cup of tea..." We laughed. "Many new workers from other places who will need a good deal of infrastructure which does not exist now. It would mean a lot of change for the North Platte area socially as well as economically. That is something we have to address right up front." "You are right about the latter. Get the local people on board and make sure everyone in your group is scrupulously honest about those sure to happen effects. Good luck to you." A thumbs up from Nick.

"Tomorrow... " He looked up, "... Would you want to leave a bit later... stay to see Hillary?" A smile, "I wouldn't mind." He motioned towards the family around the room, "... they would want to. She and I have met multiple times on Congressional business. Liza met her at a White House event." "Good. She needled me about hosting a `Republican' so she'll have to take a hit." We laughed.

I took Gil aside to request something. A smile, a nod as she lifted her iPhone.

Nick asked about Thoi and Kanda... "They are my aunt and Uncle... no direct link except love which wins over biology for us." A big smile, "That is something I like about you. You aren't hide bound... you both are open to new things. There is no way you can be the way you are without that." I thanked him, a smile, "Thoi had Dad's job a ways back then the Justice Ministry. He has a law firm but he is not very active there. Kanda is very senior in the Red Cross Society in Thailand. She is on the Board of Directors of the Chanthira Foundation. We are close."

I leaned back... "Would you be interested in another interview? Not that I am your agent... nor will you get paid." Nick is smiling as I told him about Marthe... Interestingly Nick read one of her articles in the New Yorker. He liked the piece well enough to remember her name. It was a retrospective piece on Tammany Hall and how it compares to more recent political shenanigans. "Fay, she writes well with some depth. I would be willing to discuss it with her. I assume from her background it would be a more political piece than Vogue's." "I would guess that too. Her recent work has been about political ethics and probity in government. We can help with arrangements... we can put her in a suite at the Hay-Adams for the interview... get her on an aircraft of ours to Nebraska if that becomes part of it." "Hay-Adams... pricy spot." I smiled, "We own it." His head swivelled. "You two can be such dark horses." "We bought because it is a profitable house and for a base in the city since Upperville is hardly in town. Speaking of Upperville have you seen eventing competitions like Sunny does?" He hadn't. "If you are in town at the end of July we host the Upperville Trials... a three day event... Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country. Sunny has won both years. Our third go `round this summer." "I'll have to check the calendar closer to the time... its about horses so that always get my attention." "We host a big group of friends in Louisville for the Kentucky Derby the first week of May... you'd be welcome to come watch with us. Prichit is the odds on favourite right now. He's a speed demon setting many records last season as a two year old!" "Family?" "Your crowd in Louisville... no problem. We have room. Our group of friends is eclectic... horse people and not."

"So what about my being a Republican..." "You are a throwback to when it meant something rather than like the... trump's... McConnell's... Nunes' who are all corrupt blundering fools. My age doesn't go as far back as my knowledge does about Joseph mccarthy... he was evil low-brow fool... people were afraid of him which he used. So many cowards. His sycophants were slimy ass-kissers." Nick nodding in agreement. "Do you know the lawyer who shamed mccarthy on television was in a movie later?" He didn't know that or remember the fellow's name. "Joseph Welch." Nick doing a finger point at me. "He played the judge in the murder trial in Anatomy of a Murder.' Jimmy Stewart starred. Welch did a superb job. Welch went after mccarthy and the sleazy corrupt roy cohn right on live television. He shamed them! In front of the whole country! A stunning reverse for the mccarthy. That plus Edward R. Murrow's blistering See It Now' broadcasts that ended the red scare tactics that damaged our democracy. Unlike them you don't posture for effect... no babbling about making America great again... surely one of the stupidest lines ever. Being a conservative has been dragged down when in fact governments around the world have been successful, leading a prosperous people following a conservative ideology." His head shaking. "You can see our media doesn't do ad hominem attacks on republicans. The ones who are dirty get a deserved kick just as any Democrat doing the same things will receive. I have met some truly committed tories who are fine people trying their best for Great Britain... then there are the weak and cowardly tories like former Prime Ministers Cameron and May... the same as the republicans I just mentioned. I campaigned for our local MP here in Oxfordshire last March, he's a tory but opposed to brexit and worked against the worst excesses of Cameron and May. He was re-elected." Nick grinning, "You actually worked for him?" "Yes. Several large meetings and did door-belling with him. It got him some national press notice which you know never hurts." A big grin by me. A laugh from Nick. "We want good people in government... ideology does count but there are nuances."

"Gun control? Your media is pushing." "No prying guns from cold dead hands... just trying to stop more pointless deaths. Do you own a semi-automatic rifle?" "No! We've no use for that. Our long guns are bolt action hunting rifles or shotguns. We don't take life without a supreme purpose. All our people know how we feel. No traps or poison for predators, they are blunt and dangerous tools used by cowardly lazy people... we use our wranglers and dogs to protect our herds, mostly Alsatians, big and strong." "I remember seeing a few at yours. We have Belgian Malinois herding sheep in Wiltshire. They are very smart also big, strong and fast... intimidating for predators... two footed and four." Nick grinning, "Coyotes are very wary of us, our dogs see to that... we rarely see bears, mountain lions or wolves... our folks are out with the herds all the time... we have more cowboys working for us than the next two spreads combined. Men who want the life come to us because we treat them well and work in a somewhat old-fashioned way. Reilly is a perfect example... he's got a good head on those shoulders... he could be doing something else... he's where he wants to be." "I would say you are lucky to have him." "Yes! As a foreman he's terrific, his crew is tight, work hard... they know what to do. The Old West has meaning for them... its in their bones." "Then you are in the right place too." A big smile, "Despite the suits I prefer Levis and boots... Part of my being in the Congress is to protect the life we have." "Do you feel the Democrats threaten that?" "No. In fact I have had more issues with fellow republicans... often through just plain stupidity." We laughed.

Alex joined us. "I have been given a fairly thorough review of the Neanderthal and Denisovan peoples by your son." Smiling, "It is the current biggest interest besides learning languages, doing equations, drawing and playing music." Alex, "I've seen all their art... it is amazing stuff. The pencil and ink one of Jaidee... I was holding it looking down at Jaidee sleeping... it is like a black and white photograph. So finely done." "They are very good... no training... completely natural." Alex said, "Charlie said something to Tha in a language I don't know." "Likely Thai. We use Thai as a sort of secret means of communicating since most folks will not have a clue. Did he explain? "Yes! He said sorry he was not being rude. That floored me. Its is the first time a child has ever apologised to me about anything. If he tried French I could cope." Nick said "Fay, they are amazing. Me... I am without a fluent second language... I can blunder along in Spanish if pressed." Laughter.

Several of the nieces and nephews came to claim Alex. Smiling as he is led away.

"Looks like your youngsters like their uncle." "It does... we are happy to see. Many thanks for getting him out of New York for a week." Fist bump.

"So Fay what else is on your radar? I get the buying of newspapers..." I looked at Nick, "We are into one project which is confidential... you I am sure have seen things you don't talk about... like the co-op and a few national secrets." He nodded. "In a few days I am flying to St. Petersburg to speak members of the Russian Army coup... the leaders. We want them to move Russia like Belarus into the path of full democracy and are willing to help. I have met with one general now retired who is quite close with the group I am to meet. I will tell them we will support such a move by speaking to the governments of the west, to western business people and to the people of Russia. It sounds a bit vague... it won't be. I will travel around Russia to speak and go on TV to say how democracy benefits a country.

Hillary and Keir Starmer are fully aware of this as is Merkel in Germany and Macron in France. Once I have the meeting I will brief them all. Chancellor Merkel and President Macron, Hillary and Keir Starmer have made some positive noises." "I heard Hillary say something about Russia being welcome to the family of democratic nations if there were reforms. Ambiguous." "We asked her and the other leaders to make noises so the Russian generals would get the drift." "That's quite the project. Is there a chance for success?" "Yes we believe so. General Milanovski thinks the same. He's doing the arrangements. We found him via another friend, a retired French general who spends his Christmases with us now. Chani and Charlie have adopted him as their `Grandpere.' This is personal diplomacy on our part. Speaking as private individuals we cannot promise anything except our willingness to work towards the goal of democracy."

I leaned forward, "Afterwards I am flying to Minsk to meet with Alexei Navalny's top deputy. My intention is to inform them of our initiative and what the Russian generals have to say." "Well I do hope you succeed." "It is part of a bigger plan we have been developing slowly..." Nick's eyes on mine, "... This part is very underground to avoid any early knowledge of our intent... We want total nuclear disarmament! If Russia comes into the sphere of democratic nations the rationale for such weapons should be reduced... if we can bring in China... who really can't afford to spend money on nuclear weapons with all their problems... then pressure on India and Pakistan will... we hope... be too much to resist... the world could be made safer for everyone." Me grinning, "A little something to keep busy with amongst the other bits we usually get up to." Nick leaning back, astonished, head shaking, "North Korea's weapons?" "There are things happening there... a risk doesn't exist from them." Nick looking hard at me. "It isn't my place to say much... North Korea's ability to successfully launch a nuclear tipped missile... suffice to say they cannot." More head shaking. I added he will likely get a briefing from the White House at some point soon.

"I've never heard of anyone... not part of a government or international institution, going off doing such things. You do have the world-wide profile to get attention." "That is part of the approach... we also have a reputation for doing what we say we will."

Carter at the doors...

A more conventional dinner... grilled North Pacific halibut with a lemon butter sauce, whipped garlic potatoes, asparagus with Hollandaise. Some of Maxine's marvellous little rolls, our butter. Carla's folks did loads of pickled carrots and cauliflower in the autumn so we had plenty to share... the Rawlins' liked them. Alex across from me smiling at the source of the recipe. He likes to eat at a Mid-Town Manhattan restaurant that is Iranian. I said `lavash.' Alex grinned, a thumbs up. Liza next to me asked. "It is Iranian flatbread, a dietary staple!" She nodded. I said to Alex he should take me one day so I can practice my Farsi. "Seriously?" "I gave a speech to a girls school in Tehran last year... I shocked the whole school speaking in Farsi. They teach English at every grade level so they were expecting me to speak English. They had not a clue about my being able to speak Farsi... except one girl who was the source of the invitation. I met her at a restaurant where the Iranian Energy Minister took me. Allysiah knew because I spoke Farsi to her... she didn't tell the school people. " Loren laughing, "More surprises?" "Yes... good ones."

Battenberg cake and vanilla ice cream at the end. A small elongated arrowhead shaped waffle cake drizzled with chocolate stabbed into the cake! This went over big with all! The Twins remembered it was served to Her Majesty! They told everybody! Seth on my other side smiling, "It is nice to share something with the Queen." Laughter!

Carter poured Lustau Solera los Arcos Dry Amontillado for those who wanted it. I said the Royal guests were served the same sherry. Loren across the table tipped her glass to me.

Afters... another big puzzle so many puzzlers could be part of it.

Sunny slid beside me. "Fay, the nasty boy came up to me with the nice one today. He apologised for what he said and the hand motion. He said he should have known better to do that to any girl. He will never to do it again. I thanked him for the apology. He motored off. The nice boy asked if I was Okay with it... I told him yes and thanked him for having a tough conversation with his friend." Fist bump! "Are you Okay?" "Yes. I wanted him to acknowledge it was a shit thing to do and not just to me because I had on a sexy outfit. He has a younger sister... he would go nuts if it happened to her." "You made it better for others. Excellent!" A hug and a kiss for her cheek.

"So anything else happen in Seattle?" "Jilly and the boy who bullied her are a couple. Jilly is happy." "That is quite the turnaround. Did you get to speak to them much?" "More with Jilly, Keith has come a long way. His parents have split... he's with his mum. She is a big fan of Jilly for being strong and going forward. They have a terrific relationship I got to see. There was a small party at Jilly's... just the close friends." "Do they know about Brasenose?" "A few do. I haven't broadcast it. Jilly is very excited for me and terribly jealous." Sunny grinning. "Have you seen that in your local friends?" `Yes but like Jilly they are really thrilled for me. Also sad I will be gone from Abbey School. Kate and Anne are graduating too so Maeve and Torri will have holes their school group. I have been working on expanding our crowd starting last term and I will do more this term so Maeve and Torri won't be alone. " A cheek kiss for being such a good friend.

Gil in my view... giving me a thumbs up. Good! Sunny doing a `huh' look. I leaned close, "Hillary was asked if she had any objections to meeting the Rawlins crowd tomorrow. The thumbs up means she doesn't." A nod from Sunny.

Chelle leaning over holding her iPad to me... emails!! A developing story reported by the New York Daily News and Fox jointly... large amounts of money fed into the biggest and nastiest American anti-abortion group from Russian sources. One of putin's little projects to upset America's way of life. Now that money could get people in trouble with the law... both the federal and state governments picked up on the story and are investigating. Goodness knows where that will take them on a deep dive into the group's finances. Our people saying the amounts exceed twenty million dollars. A good story!! Royce and Kent's folks doing the business!!! Their emails saying they are still working the story... more to come from their investigation as well as reporting on what the different government agencies dig up. I like seeing corrupt groups who are anti-democratic besides their other biases exposed for being scoundrels they are.

I thanked Chelle... she is grinning one word... Karma! Fist bump. Sunny beside me laughing.

I got up to wander... stopping to speak to everybody...

Alex and Nick with me at the billiard table. Stanton uncovered it. "I get the winner?" Alex said fine. I tightened the rack... Alex likes to play... he broke... the one fell in. Alex dropped a few before being blocked. Nick took over, he knocked a few in. Alex managed to clear the low balls and drop the eight. They watched as I screwed my stick together... looks between them. I helped to do the rack... Alex broke the fourteen rolled in. He knocked in three more then was stymied. I ran the table. The eight fell, I stood there with a sweet smile. Stares. "Two of three?" Alex agreed.

We racked the balls and I broke... two fell, two high ones so I picked the low balls. More `looks' from the men. I worked around the table banging in ball after ball. The eight resting on a rail ten inches from a corner pocket... I had no angle so I knocked the twelve into the eight... it rolled along the rail and dropped. I sat on a settee... the smile again. The men looking... Nick, "Anything you don't do well?" "Yes but I'm not going to tell." They laughed.

Alex, "Fay , have you ever done much dancing? You move like a dancer around the table." "Cho and I love to dance. Our first date was going to a ballroom in Bangkok to dance the night away...literally. I found out Cho owned `The Ballroom.' He gave big bonuses to the orchestra for staying to play. Many of the crowd kept dancing too." Laughter! "We have been out to Raffles Club in London a few times. We had Terrance, the Second Baron Bayeux, a Tory peer and Melody, his wife, over for an evening of dinner and dancing at Cowley House. They are both over seventy but move very smoothly. We plan to ask more for another night." I motioned to Nick, "You will meet him." He nodded.

My hand out to Alex, "Something you might enjoy... there is a club in Bangkok... the Ice Rink.' Cho built it to look like an Olympic ice rink with tiers of tables instead of bleachers, an ice' like translucent floor illuminated from below with coloured lights, a huge mirror ball. The DJ booth is up by the ceiling looking down. Lots of neon and an awesome sound system." Alex grinning, "I still love to go for a night of it at clubs... just dancing... I'm not much of a drinker." Nick smiling... he can do a few ballroom steps and make a fool of himself trying dance to rock and roll. "Well maybe we get you all out to Bangkok at some time. The Twins like to dance, they had fun at the Ice Rink. They danced at Cowley House with us and our guests. Cho and I danced at the White House after a dinner. Me in a gown, Cho in white tie. A Marine Band playing dance music." Nick, "As I remember you and Cho made quite the splash at the inaugural balls." "We did dance at the ones we went to. We were in Hillary's party so we did not stay long at any of them. Some news programs featured us..." A shrug.

Back with everyone before the kids went up... Nick told his family they were staying a bit later tomorrow so they could meet President Clinton. Both President's Clinton. They were jazzed. He also said to Seth not to play billiards with me for money. Seth grinning, "So you wiped them up?" I nodded. Alex did a done and dusted motion. Seth laughing.

Bedtime for the younger set. Chani sent a big yawn my way as we headed upstairs. Snuggled in, Raggedy Anne in one of her new outfits held close... kiss. "Goodnight Mama." A kiss. I wished her a good sleep. Cho and I switched. Charlie stuck up his free arm... the other around Blu... a sleepy face... a kiss.

Cho and I in the passage... a kiss and comment... those cute dinosaurs are still on their beds but Blu and Raggedy Anne are tops!!

All adults in the Great Room... The Rawlins thanked us for the chance to meet Hillary.

Seth beside me, "Fay, Hillary would not ordinarily be my type except it is obvious she gives a damn about Americans. The health care bill alone would have me give her my vote. We could not afford a really good plan for our folks... now they are well covered." "Good. She does work hard and is sensible. I look at all the problems she has tackled... working through some tough issues. I am glad we have her rather than that emotionally crippled nazi loving cowardly trump." Seth laughed, "A very funny description also fitting... there are no reasons to give your vote to him. He's a loser in every meaning of that word."

Me smiling, "He used to go the 21 Club in New York, a few blocks from what had been trump Tower. We were there once... we had a table and one beside it for our Protectors. He showed up... he had a hissy fit because his' table was being used. He really lost it finding out it was Cho and I. There was no way the manager would displace us for him, in fact we only found out later he'd been there. He took off after what the manager described as some boorish behaviour." Seth's head shaking. "We own the club now and he is barred." Seth laughed loudly, "Good. Such a small man." Fist bump. Seth asked about what had been trump Tower.' "We bought it last year via a buyout of several of his mortgages, under the loan terms he negotiated with the original lending bank we could demand immediate full payment under certain conditions... he could not pay. We got several buildings and the Doral Golf Club in Florida at the same time then some other golf courses later. All at a discount... almost like a fire sale." Seth laughed. "He is a miserable businessman with no clue how to operate the companies he owns. Naturally they go bankrupt hurting a lot of people he owes money to and many of his employees." Seth, "I've read about his lack of business skill despite his bluster. What does make Nick so mad is trump holds no actual republican values... he just lies about everything for his own benefit." "Lying seems to be his only talent even so he is horrible at it but until we took over Fox News he got away with most of it." I nudged him, "One the things I like about your brother is his complete honesty. Also he doesn't spare his party the needed criticism... direct and truthful." "We got that from our parents... living where we do you have to face reality if you don't it will bite you." Fist bump! Seth grinning. "I'm glad Nick met you. It is a broadening experience knowing you. Your family is just flat amazing." I thanked Seth. "We do get up to a lot of things always keeping an eye on ways to make life better for those around us. The Twins are getting that. They already have an appreciation for the use of money for good." Seth with a smile, "Well they know how to make museums happy." We laughed.

Liza and Loren asked if they could go out with me in the morning. Smiling I did remind them I rode at dawn. Loren smiling towards Liza, they squeezed hands, "We are commonly up at that hour, even earlier every day during round-up." Nick and Seth nodding about that. Alex's head shaking...Liza smiling saying Alex always hated farm work to which he readily agreed. Okay! I said I do coffee and hot scones in the kitchen while Jaidee gets his breakfast. Smiles... they will be there.

Going up I asked Gil to send a bottle of Campari to Loren. A smile and `Okay.'

Cho's turn to get the cold water for the post-coitus cool-down time period! I did a quick wash. We snuggled, sipping. Cho's eyebrows up... I nodded. We made a space between us... our bodies not touching after an hour of very pleasant and successful exchanging of signatures. A kiss. Cho looked to Jaidee... our movements got his attention... Cho smiled and nodded... it is enough... zoom! Our Choco Boy is parked. The rubbing began. Not that he lacked for any... the Rawlins young set all got to rub him by the fire during a tutorial from the Twins.

We talked and rubbed. I told Cho about Shayna and Nathan... They impressed Carter2 as decent young people down on their luck. How he `sensed' he should offer breakfast to them. Their discipline not to wolf it down... showing some class. Cho kissed me, "I am glad we seem to find deserving and worthwhile people to befriend."

A call... Francis' ringtone... Cho picked up and put him on speaker. "Hey... the Lake Roland property is a done deal!" Cho, "Excellent. The timing is good." We told the owners should they ever decide to sell we would like to buy it! Francis said he will make a quick trip down to have a look and speak to the staff. We wanted them all to stay if possible. He would get the Security Service to work. Four months until the Preakness! Plenty of time.

We spoke briefly about all the property needing to be purchased, the Chanthira Foundation shelters, Mirabelle and the R&R Scheme. "Fay... Cho... I want to bring Morgan in on more of that if you have no objections." Cho, "None! Share more of the work with her. More time for Wesley!"

Speaking of... Wesley is tip top! Ali came on... Daria had been there earlier. They had gone out for a walk while Daria sat with Wesley. They had a nice walk in the snow. Things are very good for them. I said we missed them at Christmas. Francis, "We had a good holiday season... having Daria here so often made it happy for us all." Me, "Next year Wesley can sit on Father Christmas' knee!" Yea! They want to see that.

We said goodnights.

We kept rubbing Choco Boy all through that now time for lights out. Jaidee moved himself to bed after a few kisses. Sleep.

I did Jaidee's crunchies. The coffee dripping down as I started on scones. Loren and Liza arrived... Loren took over the coffees. Liza with me. Loaded we walked down the lane munching our hot scones. Jaidee running on when Thames barked. We finished ours after the scones for Andy and Monty were passed over. They also got the cups.

Gaby on Roland, Tara on Plotline, Rascal for Liza, Natasha for Loren. Pamela's head nodding... knee up and we walked down to the Flats. Dry. cold, light breezes... Kentucky Heat garments underneath all of our clothes.

Over the railroad tracks a full on gallop to the lock. My friends smiling saying hellos to Loren and Liza. We walked over.

I pointed to the Masjid and told them its story. A short ride to where our young newbies had camped... there is some flattened grass but no other sign they'd been here. This confirmed my thought and Carter2's opinion... they are nice young people. They also know a bit about camping. Liza and Loren smiling when I said why we stopped. "Fay, you do pay attention to details." "Liza, It pays you back." They agreed.

We stayed on the Thames Path asking our horses for a canter... passing under the tracks before the Carmichael's... I pointed to Lock Island, I told them what had been there a hundred years ago and we might do something over there. I am being a running tour guide of what they can see. Farm land, across the river, our boat house. We walked past the boatyard towards Lower Radley then a right up the road to the dirt track riding under the beautiful trees in their winter garb. Past the fields and up through the woods... a good gallop.

I stayed in my tour guide mode.

The yurts delighted them... the look! Laughter when I told them I always think of Hobbits. Laughter. They got a look at the Industrial Estate from the side of the Recording Studio then over to the lock.

Lyle waved from the far end. As walked we through Sandford I told them about Lyle's daughter bringing the Denisovan report for the Twins. They thought it was terrific of her. Us too!

Mr. Hardy in London...

Our regular horses started making noises when they saw the gate, Natasha and Rascal were getting idea somethings coming. I told the Rawlins ladies what happens now... they are up for it. We got them moving... trot to a canter then galloping along the river. Lovely! I looked over my shoulder to Liza, a big smile... Loren beyond the same! I asked Pamela for more... she responded, Roland keeping pace. Wonderful! We crossed the property line then slowed on the Flats. We all had rosy red cheeks!

Still early... the first horses coming down now. Fist bump for Freddie as we passed each other. Yvonne smiling saying good morning... she's just returned from France.

Monty, Diana and Andy took our horses. Hug for Pamela. Walking up, Liza and Loren said they could see why I went out to ride early... beautiful! Indeed! Smiling, "It sets me up for the day!"

We got our food, toast and coffee delivered. We were eating when the men came in... another round of golf before departure. I wouldn't have pegged the Rawlins men as golfers... I heard there is a course not far from their ranch. A change of pace for them... plus still being outdoors that they love. Both said a chance for another amazing round of Cho's play.

A crowd of youngsters came in. The moms got kids situated. Delphine and Tha followed the mob. I said sit we will do the youngest. The boys and the older girls got their food. Milk or hot chocolate. Everyone fed.

I went downstairs... Yone smiling when I asked... "Fay, they are so young, each has had only one job. No criminal records. One piece to go but its unlikely to make any difference because its about owning property. They pass."

Carter2 with a proper restrained grin, "M'Lady, they did some work yesterday. Sue said Shayna KNOWS how to do bread... she's made a half dozen loaves for the Outside Staff Lounge plus some sweet buns." "Good! Did Yone speak to you?" "Yes, M'Lady. We have a small pile of papers ready for them to sign their lives away to Harcourt House." We laughed. "I have iPhones prepared for them." I said that will likely surprise them. Fist bump.

Upstairs I asked Gil to talk to Dave at the Garden Centre about Nathan's first day.

I changed to the Modern Munro mini-skirt outfit with the brogues. On the landing... Liza and Loren said they had everyone packed. Thanking me for the help Audra's staff provided. Lunch with us, meet Hillary then away to Cowley House.

I took several hours for work, Gil had NewsGroup things and Chelle had a few things from Ali plus her own for 21st Century Fox.

Gil smiling as she related Dave's first impressions of Nathan... eager and quick to learn, well spoken. `Well spoken' that fits them both. They left school at sixteen... so wherever they were educated someone did a good job! Then their families... who I did have an interest in... where are they when the youngsters needed help. Gil is on that!

Macs on... Alex and I walking in the Garden. We made it out to the Orwell Rose. Alex liked this. A rose from a bush the man planted himself... now here. "Fay, I remember reading Orwell in high school... he left me with little hope for humanity. Growing up gave me more perspective... he was right in some ways but I saw there were possibilities. Leaving Nebraska made a huge difference for me." "Leaving your family?" "The mother and father part... YES! Liza and I always got along, my other siblings are older and if Liza is correct they have remained rather narrow-minded." "I'm an only' so I don't have that. My parents were away so much. I stayed at a family home in Hampshire going to school at a public school nearby. Public in the English sense... private to Americans. I was the reverse of many other young people's lives where they were the ones who went away to boarding school." "I get from the way you speak they are dead?" "Yes... thirteen years now... both died during my first year at college." Alex's head shaking. "You met Aunt Dee... our families were estranged when my parents died... it was repaired two and a half years ago. Cho and I went to Scotland to see her. I was quite the shock for her and Craig... I had been Phillip but Fay was on their doorstep. Worse I was Fay Martin something of a well-known face they had read about in magazine and newspapers or saw on TV. It was after Glaa won the Triple Crown and we took over 21st Century Fox." I laughed, "Dee had a glossy magazine with my face on the cover so they knew my name but no clue of our connections." Alex laughing, "You must have shocked her... you were a shock at the theatre. One of the backers was at the rehearsal... he asked who you were... I told him, his jaw dropped to his chest!" We laughed. "A local school headteacher said to me on a visit... I wouldn't use the term celebrity to describe you... that implies to me an attention seeking person... you don't seem like that.' I thanked her for my non-celebrity status." More laughter. Liza joined us. Alex told her about being shocked at my appearing at the theatre. Liza, "I can understand that! I was in a tizzy for a bit finding out you and your family were coming for visit. I asked Nick why he invited you without telling me. He said he had made the offer so you could see how some of America lived and maybe understand our conservative nature. He was surprised you took him up on the offer." Laughing, "I had that impression speaking to him. You coped very well with our visit." "First thing I did to make things easier was to decide what to feed you. Fortunately Nick got you did not eat meat or birds. After that we were fine." "Your cooking was terrific. The Twins loved the whole visit... they wanted you to come here." Smiling, "You can see we are very happy to be here. The children are missing a few school days. The school principals were themselves very shocked to know where we were going. They are making allowances for the missed days. I suppose the kids will get loads of questions about you and your family." "Should we do a crib sheet for them so they get it right?" They laughed. Liza's head shaking, "I think they will remember this trip for a long time." "Maybe until next year?" "Serious?" "Of course. Chani and Charlie will enjoy it and we can whup-up on the men folk... at the billiard table and Cho on the golf course." Alex said both are certainly likely. I said Alex needed to be here for sure! "We have a year to get it prepared so don't worry on it."

I mentioned to Alex we want to go forward with the idea of a benefit show in New York. "Not to raise money but lift the profile of the need for shelters. We have five shelters in the city now... more to come. The census a week ago showed we are at ninety one percent of capacity." Alex, "I would be happy to help. Any thoughts on what you might want to see?" I thanked him, "We have no experience in anything like it so input from you and your colleagues will be vital." "I will talk to some friends about producing... you could get a sense of what they think would attract an audience." "Thank you, we are out of our depth on this." "My friends will get ideas, seek out a venue and ask for contributions slash sponsors. When there is a skeleton of an idea to work with we can then ask friends, artistic colleagues to take part." Laughing, "No arm twisting." He laughed, "No... I don't think it will be necessary. Those of us who are gay have experienced the negatives... if we can help some young people have an easier time we will." Alex said he will make a start when he's back in the city. Fist bump! I said plan for a few of our guests contributing... either as part of the show or behind the scenes and as presenters. Alex said that would be terrific. Liza grinning squeezing Alex's arm.

Chelle got my attention... a few more work things. We took a settee by the windows in the Great Room. I made some decisions, signed a few documents...

The first stage of Hillary's arrival... Lore's car rolled to a stop, Fin opened the door for her. Yone with me and Carter waiting. She is smiling coming to shake hands. "Your Ladyship, three years running!" "How did it go in London?" "Busy. I got tea at the palace... a nice break." After me she shook hands with Yone. He mentioned there is a new toy... "It also arrived today." Lore looking intrigued. I waved them off to the Security Office after she shook Carter's hand.

Luncheon for us in the Breakfast Room. Carla's wonderful creamy mushroom soup and grilled vegetable sandwiches. Crisps and a tasty chive cheese dip alongside.

All the Rawlins' said they have had fun here. I said they could come back next year. They looked to their mom's who nodded. Cheers! Ours too!

Lore joined us for lunch. She is introduced around. Smiling at meeting Nick's family... she had already met Nick at the White House.

During lunch Gil told them where in London Cowley House is located. She outlined what would be waiting for them... Tube cards, passes to all sorts of attractions... museums, the London Eye, Tower of London, etc... Hints on how to get around and numbers to call for cars or assistance.

Heading to the Great Room... Liza beside me. "Thank you so much for these days. Quite the change from the wintertime ranch." I said they are welcome. Smiling, "London can be overwhelming with everything there. There is a lot within walking distance from Cowley House. Westminster Abbey, the Parliament buildings, the London Eye, a plethora of museums, St. James's Park and Trafalgar Square. Buckingham Palace is a bit of a hike on foot. Shopping... go to Harrods's if only to see it. Fortnum and Mason for tasty things! Clough can arrange cars for those trips. Also since you are flying on our aircraft you don't have to worry about baggage limits. I don't know if Nick told you... I'm stealing him for a few hours in two days to have him visit the House of Lords. I'm coming up for the day as the House is reconvening." "He said something in passing." "I'm hosting some members to luncheon, Nick will be part of that." "Good for him. He mostly sees the same people all the time in Washington."

Gil, "Cho, Seth and Nick are on the way." Okay.

We met them out front. A hug and kiss for my guy. Liza and Loren the same. Our men felt very welcome after that!

The men went up to change.

All our guests eager for this! Everyone in the Great Room... doors closed. Kendall at the Entryway, Conrad and Laurel at the Great Room doors.

Cho and I with Carter, Carter2, Audra and Yone at the doors. Lore with us. The two lead cars went to the right on the forecourt so Hillary's car could cross the Forecourt towards us... Fin and Lucas waiting. Fin opened the door... Bill out, he waved and helped Hillary out. Handshakes and hugs. We kissed cheeks. Smiles walking in...

Lucas at the car with the aides. The Secret Service took care of themselves... they are collected by Yone and Lore.

Inside Kendall got everyone's outer wear.

At the doors... Hillary smiling broadly... doors open... she laughed, "Spectacular!" Bill had a big smile, "Magical... as we expected."

Chani and Charlie up front saying "Happy New Year!" The Clintons were unready for the Twins' size. Bill seemed especially surprised. Fist bumps!!

Looking at Chani and Charlie speaking to the Clinton's... they are growing up quickly... I don't want them to not enjoy being little ones. They are dressed like... almost teens... Tha and Delphine are adamant they make the clothing choices themselves... We have embarked on a course of letting them decide... so be it.

Sunny is introduced... Hillary, showing her being prepared, complimented Sunny on the equestrian triumphs. Sunny smiling thanked Hillary.

Then Nick in front of his family... Hillary stepped to him her hand out. "Nick, hello. Odd two Americans in government should meet in an English country house." Nick, a big smile, "Good to see you, Madame President." Nick introduced his extended family. Hillary shaking hands, Bill right behind following doing the same.

Hillary took extra time with their children. Bill got caught up a mass of fist bumps... laughing.

Alex got Hillary's attention. She said she liked going to Broadway when she could.

Hillary remembered Gil. She introduced Chelle. I was there to re-introduce Tha and introduce Delphine.

All that done we sat. Hillary asked Liza and Loren how they liked the house. Smiling they said this room was truly out-of-this-world. It had been a marvellous few days, the children really enjoying the trip. Liza said they were on the way up to London for a few days. Nick thanked Hillary for meeting them all. "My pleasure... you have beautiful children." Liza and Loren thanked her. They talked for a few minutes... Hillary and Nick had a moment for conversation about a bill in committee in the House of Representatives.

Goodbyes are done with Hillary and Bill.

Cars out front... handshakes, hugs and kisses for them all. I encouraged them to enjoy themselves! To Alex, Nick, Liza, Seth and Loren... "If you need anything Clough, our butler, is prepared to assist you." Nick I would see in a few days.

The cars rolled off... Cho, Chani, Charlie and I waved them away.

Comment welcome: Abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

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