Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 5, 2020


"Look at what we have here, General Ascularis. Three PRIME specimens." Midas saw Jupiter fight the bonds. It had been a while since he had fed, and he had very little strength. Midas saw it, and laughed. "I'm afraid that I've calculated how long a 'feeding' will satisfy you Jupiter, and we're a few hours beyond that. In short, if you don't feed soon, you will die."

Ascularis chuckled. "And that would be SUCH a shame, since our plans DO include you.. Living.... ever after with Dr. Gordon." Both Artemus and Jim were awake now, and struggling in the carefully worked bondage. They moaned through the gags. No way even to send signals to each other, with Jupiter sandwiched in between them, and Ascularis and Midas standing above them.

"The three of you were quite unconscious when the explosion happened. The entire light house, destroyed. All of the clones.. probably destroyed. Loveless? Who knows? He's lived through worse than this, but who knows. He's not with us. Jupiter, at least for now, you are the last remaining clone, and West, Gordon, I think you'll find that you are quite helpless."

Jim fought HARD against his bodage. It was useless. And Ascularis was standing over him, pounding a fist into his other, opened hand. "I'd LOVE to have you make an escape attempt West. It would make this trip worthwhile." He chortled under his breath.

Midas continued. "The train has been programmed to a remote site in the mountains. We will be taking several side routes to get there. Once we're there, it will be difficult for anyone to find us. Indeed, I would venture, it would be impossible. " He paused, and smiled. "Gentlemen, you're welcomed to your new lives , as sex slaves."

He bent down and took the gags off of each of them. After he caught his breath, West gasped out. "You'll never get away with this." "Actually, I will Mr. West. And in fact, the way the dice may roll, YOU could, in fact, be the only one who winds up as a sex slave."

"I'm not understanding, " Jim answered. Artemus, however, had seen where the plan was going. He kept quiet. He looked at Jupiter, because he realized, his fate was in Jupiter's hands.

"Jupiter, you have an opportunity here. Should you accept the offer I am about to make, you will live. And you will have Dr. Gordon as your own sex slave. I am not interested in him, and neither is General Ascularis. If you agree to live as his Master, I will allow you to feed. If you do not, then you will die, and I have no further need for Dr. Gordon. We will dispose of him at the next turn."

"NOOOOOOO" yelled Jim, which provoked Ascularis to laugh. "Relax Mr. West. Your life is guaranteed. Albeit differently. "Mr. West, " Midas continued. "You will remain as my sex slave. General Ascularis has no interest in you sexually, but the thought of having you available for a sound thrashing every now and then, is intriguing to him. So whatever happens between Dr. Gordon and Jupiter, your fate is sealed.

Again, Jim thought about the combination of the two of them. Midas he could handle. Not Ascularis. At least not physically. In combination, he had met his match.

"What about Artie and I? What of us?" "What OF you, West? " Midas grinned with a wicked smile. "He has been chosen by another. You will, unquestionably, get to see each other, and at times, for our amusement, we may let the two of you, or the three of you, engage with each other. But that remains to be seen. General?"

Ascularis moved over, and untied Jupiter. He was so weak that Ascularis repelled his punch like he were avoiding a gnat. Then he took up a position behind Gordon, and pulled a sharp dagger out of his vest. He put it to Gordon's throat.

"It is up to you Jupiter. Do you wish to feed, or do you wish to die? With Dr. Gordon?"

Artie tried to make a joke. "Well, I guess there IS a whetstone on this contraption. " He looked at Jim and then at Jupiter. "J squared. What an interesting situation."

Then Artie felt Jupiter opening his zipper. He felt Jupiter's mouth close around his cock, and he felt the clone's tongue get to work.

"OOOOOH.. He moaned. Midas moved over to the still bound Jim. "I'll be saving yours for later, West, in the event Jupiter needs to feed again before we reach our destination. As I am no longer interested in your semen, Jupiter will have ample opportunity to feed on each of you. And I will regulate it, so that he is strong, but not stronger than Ascularis. " He chuckled. "As I would say, you've been fucked, you are fucked, and you WILL BE fucked Mr. West."

Just as he finished, Artie let out a yell, and they could see Jupiter swallowing down the semen. His color, his demeanor, all changed. With one charge of semen, he might be able to put up a fight, but not with Ascularis. He licked his lips.

"I claim Artemus Gordon as mine. " Midas clapped his hands. "EXCELLENT. This will prove to be a MOST wonderful living situation. And we are less than 3 hours away. Jupiter, should you wish to take your new slave for some fun, you are welcome to it. " He turned to Jim. "And now it is my turn with you. General Ascularis will be guiding us home. " First though, Ascularis yanked Jim off the floor. Again, Jim struggled, but he found himself in one of Ascularis' choke holds, a type of hold he knew all too well.

"I would rather you were awake, but if you are asleep, well..." Ascularis dragged Jim off to a bed. He restrained his wrists. Jim could see that they had installed a mirror on the ceiling of the car. "Yes, Mr. West. I want you to SEE what I'm doing to you."

"I can't believe it's come to this Midas. You may have killed your buddy, so that you could have me." Midas laughed. "West, Loveless is indestructible. I'm sure that at some point, he will find us. We will wait for that moment. But for you, the moment... is now..." He began opening Jim's shirt. When he was finished, he ran a hand over Jim's torso, and then began the nipple work.

"Your hair is sprouting back West. A shave will be in order. I think Ascularis would be happy to do that." He laughed, as his mouth closed around Jim's left nipple. Jim closed his eyes. He tried to imagine Artie doing it, but he failed. He thought of Midas. And how his own cock was growing.

"Now, we can't have you explode on us, West. That may be Jupiter's dinner. " Midas slipped down and removed Jim's pants. "No friction for that cock of yours. Just... a finger for your sweet, sweet ass." He slipped one inside Jim, and Jim muttered "OH FUCK," because what Midas might have missed in cock size, he made up in his long fingers. He felt his captor probe him, as he pushed in a second finger, thrusting back and forth.

"Every night West. Every single night. And perhaps every day. You will learn what it's like, to be used solely for sexual purposes. " He grabbed Jim's ankles. Jim thought that, perhaps, he could grip Midas' head between his ankles, and choke him, but the man had thought that through. Jim's ankles were bound with a rope that stretched far enough to make his ass available for fucking, but gave not enough to bring them together. And now, with his ass available, Midas took it.

"It has been WAY too long since I had that ass, West. We shall be making up for lost time." As Midas fucked him, Jim began to push onto his cock. Indeed, it had been a while since Midas had fucked him. He was good at it. Not as good as Artie, but it was a good, hearty fuck. A final push, and Jim felt Midas explode in him. He smiled.

"I ought to have saved that stuff for Jupiter. Then again, can't keep him too full." He smiled, and ran his finger up and down Jim's cock. "I bet you'd love to shoot right now, you hot bottom bitch, wouldn't you?" Jim groaned at the phrase, but it was accurate. "Yes. Yes I would." Midas began to laugh. "You're not going to anymore. Not unless you say Please Sir. And for now... ha ha ha. I think Jupiter will take care of you, later. Right now, he's taking care of your friend. " Midas smiled, and reached into a pocket of his pants. "I invented these, and didn't try them. Maybe now is the time." He placed two small patches, with a ridged finish , onto Jim's nipples. "That'll keep you excited, my friend. And with your cock out there in the air... You'll be ready to 'make dinner' as it were. ' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" he laughed as he left the room.

Ascularis had led Jupiter and Artemus to another section of the train. Then he left. Jupiter ripped the ropes off Artie, and ordered. "GET ON YOUR BACK, BITCH" Artie looked at him . Jupiter had never spoke to him like that. 'I SAID GET ON YOUR BACK BITCH' Artie feared that he would get violent, so he did what he was told. The look Jupiter gave him, let him know: he meant business. Jupiter was NOT an accomplished lover, but he did have a pile driver cock. And he used it. Artie bucked, and struggled, and moaned, but Jupiter was not letting him up. Artie also knew that there wasn't going to be a chance to rest, after Jupiter climaxed, because the clones didn't. He went from hurting, to feeling pleasure, to hurting again. Then he was just numb.

Jupiter pulled out. He smiled at Artie. "Welcome to your new life, Artie. MY slave. Something I wanted for a long, LONG time. "

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Ascularis announced from the engine. "TEN MINUTES TO ARRIVAL" The train began to slow down. Jupiter bound Artie, and tossed him over his shoulder, while Midas went in, and administered a sleeping drug to Jim. He wanted him tied, so Ascularis could carry him to the new house.

As the train pulled up, in front of the big house, Jim was sound asleep from the drug. Artie saw it, but had no idea where they were. As Ascularis carried Jim into the house, Jupiter carried Artie. The last one in was Midas, and he laughed as he slammed the big door behind him.

Ascularis put Jim in a chair and smacked him awake. "EASY General. Don't kill him." Ascularis laughed. "I can't wait till I begin his physical training. Jim looked around "What the hell? Where are we? " Midas laughed. "Your new home, West. Your new home. For now, though, think of yourself 'in the kitchen' because you're about to feed someone. Jupiter..." Bound, Jim could do nothing as Jupiter slid down his pants, and got to work on his already stimulated cock. Midas hadn't let him cum when he fucked him, and that ridged mataerial on his nipples, was driving him crazy. He climaxed fast, and big. So big that Jupiter felt like he COULD take Ascularis. He turned around, and he saw, Ascularis had his dagger pointed to Artie's neck.

"Calm down Jupiter. Don't forget. You're a slave here too. One with a beta slave, but a slave nonetheless."

Midas smiled. "Training starts tomorrow. General , if you would show Artie and Jupiter to their quarters, I'll take Mr. West to mine. He may have cum, but his ass is still tight.

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We'll move ahead a year later. Loveless DID in fact escape the explosion of the lighthouse, but to this day, he hasn't been able to find where Midas and Ascularis went.

Midas calculated Jupiter's feeding schedule more carefully, and learned that he had to be fed every five hours to be kept healthy, but not too strong. With four healthy men around to provide "food," this was not a problem.

If you had made your way up the mountain, you would have found an estate. A LARGE one. Perhaps a Spanish fortification from years gone by, now occupied by new owners? Four men, two of whom seemed to be shirtless and at work during the day, moving rocks, clearing fields, and otherwise doing heavy duty manual labor. There was a third man as well: he had a shaved head, and seemed to work completely naked. Every few hours, one of the shirtless men and the nude one would disappear , always at the instruction of the naked one. The second shirtless man, with a better physique, and a fuller head of hair, would disappear too.

Occasionally, there would be what they referred to as "entertainment" in the basement of the main building. The biggest, tallest man, and the handsome one would wrestle, or box. The bigger man always won. After he would defeat West, he would deposit him in the bedroom he "shared" with Midas, where Midas would fuck him without mercy. Every now and then, they would let Artemus and West have an evening together. If either of them came, without calling for Jupiter to collect the sample, there would be punishment.

Neither Gordon, nor West, was ever heard from again.

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