Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 25, 2020


Drs Loveless and Midas were sitting at a table , reviewing the data from the most recent milkings. "Interesting. The rates of success for both of them are about the same. We had a 5% fertilization rate for West, and 4.7 for Gordon. Of those, approximately 3% survived cloning, and are developing. The earlier results show that we'll lose about half of those, so.... perfect success rate would be 1.5%.

"Interesting" Dr. Midas added. "So, if you started with 1 million cells, ultimately you'll get 750 positives. IF everything goes right.

"Exactly. " Loveless continued. Not all of those will work out, so let's estimate 400 successful clones to be raised.

"That's an interesting number, Loveless, because if it's right, then we won't need to milk them that often. You want a cadre of what, 100,000 men?"

"Yes, that's the goal."

"Then we'd need 250 milkings. We could be finished in a year."

"Then you'll let us go?" West was tied to a chair, not far from where they were working. He didn't struggle. He knew it was useless. Jupiter was off, probably fucking Arty, and the other three goons were in plain sight.

Midas laughed "Oh, don't get your hopes up Mr. West. If you knew the number of scientists who would be interested in having your seed. And besides..." He got up, walked over to where Jim was tied, and began running his thumbs on West's shirt, back and forth on his nipples, as he pressed his knee into Jim's crotch.

"I have first dibs on you when this is over. And it looks to me that Loveless' creation Jupiter, has developed a fondness for your lover.

Indeed, that had been the case. While Jim and Midas were having their exchange, Jupiter was in their cell, with Arty on his stomach. He was pounding him, with no sign of finishing. Arty had been taking it for about fifteen minutes.

"SHIT. C'mon Jupiter. It's not fun anymore, it's hurting." "It's not fun for YOU, slave. For me, I've never felt anything as soft, and sweet as your ass."

Loveless came by. "Ahem. Jupiter. Enough for now. We have to make sure that Gordon can perform in the next experiments.

"Yes Master. I will await your next permission to have him."

Loveless looked at Gordon. "Get dressed. You're going to join your friend in the laboratory. We have a new experiment planned."

As Loveless went away, Gordon began dressing. He saw a pile of cuff links and had an idea. As he dressed, he called out "Hey, Jupiter. Jim always helped me get these through my cuffs. Can you give me a hand?" Jupiter smirked. He thought Gordon should be naked all the time, but he didn't make the decisions. "What do you need?" Gordon handed him a link. 'if you could just push this one through the holes here. It's tight. Sort of like my ass was before you took it." Jupiter laughed at that and bent down. He didn't see the handful of cufflinks that Gordon had in his other hand, so he wasn't ready when Arty raked them across his left eye.

"AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH" screamed the brute, moving his hands to his eyes.

"You fucking BASTARD. You'll pay for that." Jupiter's voice carried, and the rest of the soldiers came running. Jim heard it too and struggled to get out of the chair. No luck. He heard glass breaking, and he snickered.

"I hope he gets away." Arty was better at camouflage, and forest work, than Jim was, so he might have a chance where Jim didn't.

"He's gone. He broke a window and slide out, Master." Augustus came in, leading the wounded Jupiter.

"FOOL. Get him to the recovery lab. We'll get those eyes repaired. "

He turned to West. "You think he'll get away? Hardly a chance. Hardly a chance."

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Ten minutes later, Loveless was on the roof of the train, with a bare chested and bound West, and the three unharmed soldiers.

"DR GORDON. I know you're within hearing distance, since you'd never leave without at least trying to rescue your friend. Then you can see what is about to happen. " Each of the soldiers had a paddle in their hand. "YOU START." He told one of them. Caesar grinned and SLAMMED the paddle into West's crotch.

Jim tried to hold his equilibrium, but he couldn't . He bent over from the pain, and screamed. "Hermes. GAG him." The soldier produced a bandana and forced it into West's mouth, and tied it there. When Jim had recovered, and was standing again , Augustus held his paddle up. SLAM. Another one to West's crotch. This time, his yell was louder, even stifled by the gag.

"Start increasing the frequency. And bring out the flogger." What followed was a situation where one of the soldiers used the paddle, another the whip on Jim's back, and the third held him still. Jim had been flogged before, but never at this level, and with the paddle going as well. And even though he KNEW they were not going to let him fall off the top of the train, the fear of doing so was a factor. He began to sweat. His screams, muffled, were carrying over the landscape.

"OK, OK. I surrender. Stop hurting him." Gordon came out of a small corner of the trees, his hands raised. Watching Jim get flogged had gotten him excited, but the combination with paddling, and Jim's screams were too much. He had a fantasy of tyingJim up, and rubbing a paddle up and down his balls, but this was too much.


The two soldiers jumped down and went to Arty, binding him. "DO NOT HARM HIM. THAT MAY COME LATER." Loveless smiled. "If he refuses to do what he's asked to do."

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Gordon's attempted escape necessitated a change in the experiments Midas and Loveless had planned. They were delayed, because while Loveless did have a healing balm which reduced the pain in Jim's genitals, it would take a few hours to fully work. So, too, there was work to be done on Jupiter's eyes. Again, Loveless had a rehabilitating potion he had developed after he had been tear gassed, one too many times. While that was going on, Midas prepared two new potions of his stimulating fluid.

"both of you, drop your pants. I don't think you'll want to argue at this point." Indeed, after Jim's thorough beating, his mind was not ready for a fight. Meekly, he pulled down the tight pants he was wearing, and presented his ass.

"I'm saving you West. GORDON. Don't cause more trouble." Arty sighed, and did what he was told. "Rest assured there will be punishment for you after the next set of experiments, Gordon. For now, though, " and he smiled. "I have a little punishment for you of my own." He pushed West to a table and bent over, gave him the injection. "Now, like a good doctor, it's time for a rectal exam." Arty wasn't tied down, so in theory he could have done something to prevent Midas from shoving his finger up Jim's ass, but he dared not do that. And Jim's moans were getting him excited.

With a smile on his face, Midas inserted a second finger. "It's stimulating indeed, just like this. But, if I curl them, and lengthen them again..." Jim's moans got louder. His erection grew, and because of the beating he had received, the erection was painful. Arty, watching helplessly, unconsciously moved his hands to his crotch.

"Ha ha ha. It's VERY clear you find it stimulating when your friend is FUCKED by another man, Gordon. Perhaps the soldiers will take turns tonight."

"NO. PLEASE. Don't do that Midas, please. Do anything else, but getting fucked by one of them is hard enough. ALL FOUR?"

Midas smiled. "We have other games to play Dr. Gordon. As you will find out."

He had them both pull their pants back up. They were shirtless, as he led them back to the laboratory.

Loveless was ready . "AH. Today we have a very simple experiment. But an effective one. " He circled the two of them, now bound with their wrists behind their back.

"Dr. Midas has explained how you perform oral sex to me. Who is the active partner, as you call it?" There was silence, and then Loveless reached for the paddle.

"IT'S ME. IT"S ME. Jim blows me," Gordon spat out. Loveless shook his head. "That is exactly what we thought. " He turned to Caesar. "GET HIS PANTS DOWN AGAIN." When Caesar pulled them down, Arty's erection was on full display. "WEST. ON YOUR KNEES. WITH YOUR MOUTH AROUND DR GORDON'S COCK."

Truth to be told, Jim had wanted to suck Arty for a while, but doing it this way, was... almost enough to kill that desire. But not enough. Hungrily, he took Arty's cock in his mouth. Now, it was Arty's turn to moan.

"Slower West, slower. I want him primed like a well. SLOWER. DR GORDON; GET YOUR HANDS ON HIS NIPPLES."

Dr. Midas walked into the lab. "May I?" Loveless smiled. "Not quite yet, Dr. Midas. But I think tonight, perhaps you should have West in your quarters." He saw the smile on Midas' face.

Meanwhile, Arty had begun to buck. Jim had brought him right to the edge. Hermes, at a signal from Loveless, pulled West back. He pinned Gordon's arms, while Loveless attached the miliking device. "I think a little charge will make this even more interesting, Gordon." He laughed as he pushed a button. Gordon was so close to the edge, that it didn't take long. He bucked and he screamed, as jizz began flowing into the machine - much more of it than he had produced before.

Loveless was elated.

"AH. So what we are finding is that some pain can be MOST effective in production. Now, Mr. West, it's your turn." Gordon thought that this meant he was supposed to blow Jim, and moved to kneel down. The soldiers pulled him back.

"NOT SO FAST DR GORDON. We have another experiment in mind. " He turned to Jim, who had been moved to the restraining table, and placed in wrist bonds.

"Mr. West, how did your beating go this morning?" Jim tried to sit up so he could spit at Loveless. The restraints held him back. "Not my favorite way to spend the day." Loveless smiled. "I was observing you, and when you saw the paddle, your genitals jumped. " "I don't know what you're talking about." Loveless laughed. "you will." He had Jim's pants pulled down, and he, too , had a raging hard on. "Such a shame. The experiment will be over in far less time than I would like. But that's science for you." Loveless handed a paddle to Augustus, who began slowly, very slowly rubbing it over West's balls. Artemus watched, transfixed. He was drained, but that stimulator, well..

"Was that a wimper, Mr. West? Did I hear a small sound of pleasure? Jim was indeed making small groans of pleasure. The soldier knew how to operate that paddle, and every nerve in his lower body was screaming for release. He was so involved in that stimulation, he didn't even know when Loveless attached the suction tube to his cock.

"Augustus, increase the intensity just slightly." A smile from the soldier, and the strikes were faster, and just a bit stronger. "You bastards... West groaned through his teeth. YOU FUCKING BASTARDS...." His hips bucked once, and then, his juices started flowing. Loveless was laughing, but West's pumping didn't stop. The suction made it even harder to resist, and the cum flowed.

EXCELLENT. KUDOS TO ALL INVOLVED. DR. MIDAS. We need you now. The harvesting has taken place. I believe you have a special punishment for Dr. Gordon's escape attempt. " He looked down at Jim. "And you wanted Mr. West this evening for your own, experiments?"

"I will not lie, Dr. Loveless. I want West for my own pleasure."

"He is yours, Sir. Loveless cackled.

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Gordon's punishment was a variation of the "iron maiden," using a technique cattlemen used to castrate their bulls. The soldiers brought Gordon to the cell car, and stripped him . Then they tied him, face up, and spread out, to the bed. After that, Midas came in with a very small looking device.

"I learned of a torture technique, Gordon, where one would sew a woman's privates together with rawhide. She would not be able to urinate, and would die a slow death. And of course, we know how a wet piece of rawhide, tied to a bull's penis, will eventually cause it to atrophy, when it dries. This, Gordon, is a variation." He put the tool on Gordon's penis, right in the middle of his shaft. "Now, a second shot of the stimulator ..." He adminstered the injection.

"And finally, let me turn this on. Every half hour, your penis will receive a slight electrical stimulation. And the channel of the device will shrink 1/8 of an inch, with every stimulation." He smiled. "You will enjoy it at first, but by the middle of the early morning, Dr. Gordon, trust me... You will be in agony. I have seen it work. Oh, yes, and if you try to escape again, we will use it on West, while you watch. At double the strength. Good night, Dr. Gordon. I must leave. I have a date with a very attractive man."

Arty thrashed on the bed, but again, no luck. After a half hour, he did feel the first pulse and he did feel his cock swell. After about six of them , however, the tube had shrunk enough to start causing pain. After ten, it was excruciating, and there was no one there to hear him except Jupiter, who had recovered, and was laughing at the door.

Midas had gone to his own car of the train, where the other soldiers had taken West. They had dressed him first, in finery. Midas had had a dinner prepared, with wine, white linen, good silver. He took a few minutes to change to appropriate clothing, and then sat down next to West, smiling.

"I have wanted to have you in this position for years, Jim, after you had escaped from me. " "Your china doll, Midas?" Dr Midas smiled, and rubbed his hand over Jim's leg. "Not an endearment I would use for you, Jim, but a good one. Please try the soup. I understand that tomato is one of your favorites."

It had been a while since he had eaten, and Jim WAS hungry. He tasted the soup, which was excellent. He began to eat.

"Jim, are you committed to Artemus? Are you ready to spend your life with him?"

That question gave Jim an idea... If he could seduce Midas, pehaps..."

"I had no idea I favored men, Dr. Midas. Arty came looking for me. He made the first move, and... I enjoyed it. I still do. He's my first. " Midas smiled "Then perhaps you will consider other suitors." Jim smiled back. "One never knows." He felt Midas' hand move to his cock. "Yes, one does. " Midas grinned more broadly, and his eyes sparkled. "Please finish your dinner. You will spend the night here, as my guest."

After dinner, Midas backed Jim against the wall. He kissed him, shoving his tongue into Jim's mouth the same way Arty did. The soldiers outside made it impossible to start a fight, and Jim wasn't sure he wanted to. Midas' hands were experienced, and he was waking up what few nerves Jim had that weren't stimulated.

"I saw your work on Dr. Gordon this afternoon. Please repeat it now.." He pushed Jim to his knees, and opened his pants. Again, Jim thought very hard about biting down. But he couldn't. He enjoyed the feel of a cock in his mouth, and he thought of Arty, trapped and suffering. He tried to suck Midas to the point where he came, but he felt Midas hand, gently but firmly pulling his head back. He looked up at Midas' smile.

"No, no Jim. I had my fingers in you today, and now... I will have you again." Jim whispered "yes sir," and began undressing. He didn't finish. Midas pushed him to the bed, face down. He buried his tongue in Jim's ass, something Arty was not fond of doing, and Jim moaned.

"OH FUCK. OH FUCK. " He felt Midas' thumb beginning to work his hole, and then the cock he had felt once before, began to penetrate him. Midas whispered "I've taken a shot of the stimulator myself Jim. I'll be fucking you all night. "

Midas pushed, and a load of jizz filled Jim's ass.

"To bed my sweet. To bed. " Midas finished undressing Jim, and took him into bed, holding him the same way Arty did .

Over the course of the night, Midas deposited five loads into West. By 4 a.m., Arty had made a deal with Jupiter. The soldier removed the device, and then fucked Arty for a good half hour. The stress on Arty's penis kept him from cumming. And he began to think: this one seems to have feelings for me. If I could seduce him...."

Next: Chapter 7

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