Joey and Sean

By Joey

Published on Jul 10, 2001


Hi, Im Joey, and im a 15 year old who lives on the edge of a small town in Iowa. A few months ago, I admitted to myself that I liked the company of boys more than girls, and that I felt more comfortable with them too. So I'm gay, I guess.

Puberty came late for me. I didn't see any hair under my arm pits until a few wisps appeared between seventh and eighth grade. I started croaking as my voice changed almost daily. I anxiously awaited the arrival of my pubic hair. Some of the boys were pretty far along, as I could tell from the after gym showers in Junior High. One Italian kid was even shaving on a pretty regular basis.

But no pubies for me until spring of 8th grade. I didn't get a lot of them at first, but there were definitely some around the base of my cock. Thank God. I was at least normal, and was real glad of that when we moved, and my parents joined the country club in a town close to us. I joined the swim team for the club, which allowed me to meet some guys who would go to the same high school as me. I didn't need to worry about shaving my privates as some of the older guys on the team did. I didn't have enough pubic hair around the sides to worry about. I am probably years away from even having to shave anything on my face.

School has never really been a challenge for me. I was in a 'Gifted Program" in grade school, and was given as many 'honors' courses as they had freshman year. I don't want it to seem like i am bragging. Quite the contrary. I know that my IQ is pretty high, and that makes me embarrassed sometimes. I can see the point of the math problem when everybody else has puzzled expressions on their faces. I can memorize poems for English homework with no problem. But to be called on first to recite the poem, and do it without stammering around makes me stand out in class, rather than fit in, like i so want to do. I can really identify with the un-circumcised boy in the showers after gym class. (At least around the Midwest). He is different from everybody else, and really can't help it. So I have tried to hide my intelligence. It is easier and less embarrassing that way; I hope it makes me fit in more.

I am also a jock. As a birthday present last year, I got a weight set for the basement. After a couple of months, I was finally able to bench press more than my IQ, and my skinny boy body started to take on a more muscular, masculine shape. My boundless energy kept me busy from confronting my sexuality through the football season of my freshman year of high school. Sure, I enjoyed the after practice showers and the playful grab-assing of my teammates, but the inborn repression, and rampant homophobia of this small Iowa school kept me from ever even thinking about having sex with another boy for quite a while. It didn't keep my eyes from surreptitiously wandering, though, and comparing my own 'endowment' to others on my team. At night, home alone in my bedroom, I would fantasize about sex in general. Mostly with girls, but big penises crept into these fantasies too.

I went out for wrestling after football season ended. My coach almost made me. I was way to short for basketball anyway, and I had to do something in the winter besides study and jack off. After three months of football, I thought I was in pretty good shape, but the freshman wrestling coach proved me wrong. Running up and down stairs, endless pushups and sit-ups exhausted me as I had never been before. After a couple of days I looked forward to showering the sweat and pain away under the hot spray of the shower room's jets. I also could scope out the other guys on the team. Some of the varsity were really hairy. On their chests and backs too. Others had even less than I did, and I could understand their embarrassment about taking a shower after practice. I began to have dreams about some of the boys on the team. In the mornings, I would find a wet spot on the sheets and sticky stuff on my body.

I was like a sponge at practice. I picked up moves quickly enough to wrestle as the designated 126# freshman. On a rare weekend last winter when we did not have a meet or a tournament, I invited a friend from the team, Sean, over to my house for a sleep over. We had hit it off from football, and I was kinda glad when we were put in the same group at practice. We didn't have practice until eleven o'clock Saturday, so we stayed up late in our family room watching some stuff on cable. Changing into Gym shorts as we got ready for bed, I asked Sean if he wanted to watch one of my dad's porno movies. As any normal boy would, he said, "Sure". I had unfolded the couch into a sleeper bed, and turned on the movie, with the volume down low. Porno music is a dead give away for my parents to hear.

Well, guess what happened? Both our gym shorts grew tents, right before our eyes. I don't remember whose idea it was, but soon both of our gym trunks were around our knees, and our boy penises in hand. Sean seemed intent on watching the movie, and I pretended to be too. But I did glance out of the corner of my eye to see his erect penis enfolded in his fist. He was a little less hairy than I was down there, and his penis was about as long as mine, and maybe not as thick. But he seemed to be an expert at jacking himself off. His right hand moved with a practiced ease up and down his shaft, and did a little wristing every once in a while with the head.

We both came about the same time, with quiet moans of pleasure. Afterward I daubed up my spent semen with some kleenex kept in a box on the end table. I passed him the box, and he thanked me. We commented about how hot the movie was and how cute the babe was, and how juicy her pussy was. I said I hope my cock grows to be as big as that guy's. Sean agreed with me too. We slid our gym shorts back up to their proper place. I re-hid the porno movie, curled up on the other couch, said goodnight and drifted off into a dream filled sleep. We woke up late, showered and had breakfast. His mom came to pick us up for practice, and nothing more was said, or happened.

I did pretty well in wrestling, going 10 & 6 for the season. My losses were to guys with more experience than me, not more strength or heart. My first win came a couple of matches into the season. I made a cool move and got my opponent into a hold called a ball and chain. He was on the mat, and I had hold of his arm between his legs. In order to turn him over, you have to get the leg to bend so you can scoot with him into a stack. That puts his shoulder blades on the mat and his butt in the air, with your body under the small of his back. Well, I had a hard time getting him turned, with him fighting back and forth. I could feel him getting hard with my wrist rubbing against this very private place. When the ref finally blew the whistle, and I got my arm raised; my opponent has something else of his raised, even through his jock and singlet!

Track season was pretty easy, and as my birthday approached, my parents wanted to know what I wanted. I said a computer and internet access. I no longer wanted to share the one my parents used for law cases and tracking grades. Sure enough, on my birthday in April, I got a shiny new custom made one. Now I could surf the net for boys with unusual cravings like mine, although I assured my parents that it was for reports and information gathering, to keep my straight 'A' average, and get me into a good college.

I had wrestled with Sean, but we never had any more sleep overs, until last Friday. I'm so desperately horny, I carefully laid a plan. If nothing more, I would be able to jack off while watching a buddy do the same! Sean would be dropped off by his mother late Friday afternoon. We would swim, play video games, have pizza, and just hang out, before we slept out under the stars in a two man tent I had set up beyond the pool.

Part of my plan was to forget totell him to bring a swimming suit. As my waist was bigger than his, my speedos would fall right off his hips if I lent him an extra pair. I would swim naked too just so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Part two of my plan was to practice some wrestling moves naked. Part three of my plan was to tell Sean that I always slept naked, even camping. I would turn our casual conversation to sex, as natural for 15 year olds as could be. If all this didn't get him horny, nothing would. Even if he was straighter then George W. Bush, he would have to be a eunuch not to at least get 'excited' with all the stimulation I would be providing.

His mom was to drop him off around four. At 3:30, all of my preparations were ready, and I had a quick jack off, so I wouldn't get too 'excited' right away. My parents were still working when he got to my house, and I knew we would have at least an hour or two before they came home from work, so they could change and go out for the evening to our country club. Sure enough, just after I finished wiping the cum from my body, the front doorbell rang. It was Sean, carrying a bag of groceries for 'snacks' and his rolled up sleeping bag. He looked a little bigger since school let out last month. He still had that cute smile, and his hair was shorter and a little lighter, but still a lovely brown. He was wearing the gym shorts we used at school, a wrestling tournament "T" shirt he picked up somewhere, and scuffed Nikes. We carried his stuff back to the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge. I invited him to the patio, and asked him if he was all ready for a swim. He said "Shit, I forgot my suit."

Just like my plan, I told him not to worry. If he didn't mind skinny dipping, I didn't either. Nobody was within a half a mile of our house, so nobody would see anything. I had seen him naked about a hundred times at wrestling practice, so I wasn't bothered by it (at least that was what I told him). With no further prodding, he said "That's cool", shucked his "T" shirt, kicked off his shoes and pulled down his gym trunks, almost in one fluid motion. He was bare-balling like me, and his flaccid penis hit the light of day. I didn't take too close a look at it, as I had seen it from a distance many, many times. I stripped in record time too, went to the deep end of the pool, protected my manhood with one hand, and jumped into the water. I surfaced in time to see Sean join me. We swam laps for about 15 minutes. Then swam to the side for a breather.

Elbow to elbow on the spit gutter, we kicked our legs idly, and got caught up on all the doings at the school. Neither of us had had a very exciting summer, and it was starting to get boring. We started horsing around putting upper body moves on each other and worked our way to the shallow end where we could stand up. I would out-fox him, get him in a half nelson and dunk his head underwater. Then he would try for a double leg, and dunk me. Needless to say, all of this incidental contact had an effect (not completely undesired on my part) on both of us.

Unfortunately, it was getting close to the time when my parents were due home, so we got out of the water. I commented about there being nothing like a stimulating workout before dinner, alluding to his half hard penis. I picked up his gym trunks and my speedos, and took them pool side and dunked them in the water, and squeezed the water excess out. "What did u do that for?", "There the only shorts I brought," Sean sounded kinda gruff. I told him our suits had better be wet or my rents would know we were skinny dipping. That seemed to satisfy him.

Sure enough, my rents came home right on schedule. I reintroduced them to Sean, and dad whipped out a $20 to pay for the pizza. It was a big treat getting it delivered, because the pizza places charge extra to deliver it so far out. They left the kitchen to change for their dinner out, and I called to order the pizza. We chatted again about football and wrestling, and our hopes for the upcoming season. It was pretty cool just sitting there alone with Sean in our kitchen with the view of the pool, the back yard and the creek in the distance.

Pretty soon, my parents came down, kissed me goodbye, (much to the embarrassment of yours truly), telling me to have a good time, and left for the country club. We were alone now till probably 11:00 or so, when they came home. I went to the fridge, and began rummaging around in the bottom. I casually asked Sean if he wanted a beer. (I had put 2 cans in there earlier this afternoon from the fridge behind the bar in the basement, where dad keeps it). He said sure, he wasn't much of a drinker, but his dad always drank it with pizza. I told him mine did too, just as the doorbell rang. Some college age guy from the Pizza Place had our order. I gave him the $20, and told him to keep the change. I felt like a big tipper, with a 25% tip. I couldn't help but notice how the guy looked at me standing there in just my speedos, with my 6 pack abs and no shirt or socks.

After the pizza guy left, I went back to the kitchen and asked Sean if he wanted to eat out by the pool. "Sure" he said, grabbed our beers, and followed me out onto the patio. We sat the stuff down on the table, and once Sean's hands were free, he stripped off his damp shorts, and draped them over the back of a chair, to dry. "I hate wearing a wet suit" he said. My mind was on food at this point, and was not thinking about anything else. That's one thing that wrestling does for you. With all of the cutting of weight that you have to do, it gives you a new appreciation for food, especially when its around meal time. We gobbled down our pizza in record time, eating about half of the fiesta size cheese and pepperoni special.

Reaching across the table, and hefting his beer can, I asked him if he wanted another, since it seemed about half full. I had only been sipping on mine, and still had the majority of it left. He said he was good for now too. I sat down again. He said, "Hey, you still got your suit on." In my haste to feed my face, I had forgotten to ingratiate my guest by following his lead. Again, I quickly stripped it off and let it lay in a damp pile on the deck.

You had enough pizza?, I asked.

"Yes, it was pretty good. DiGiaccamo's always does a better job than Tonys does in town. Its my favorite."

"Kewl", I opined. "What are you up for now? We could play nintendo, watch a video, see another of my dad's porno movies, swim, wrestle or ... just hang."

"Im pretty full for wrestling. How bout just swimming some of it off for now?"

"Kewl with me!"

So we did a couple of laps, had a splashing contest, and then got into an argument about who was the faster swimmer. The only way we could settle it, of course, was to have a race. Shallow to deep. Two laps. Freestyle. We didn't dive into the pool like most races, because we had nothing to protect our sensitive reproductive organs against the initial dive, and the ensuing pain. No stakes were placed as to the prize for winning. Sean may have been the stronger per pound of the two of us, but I could do better racing turns, so I beat him by about 2 yards. Then he said lets do the same thing only with the back stroke. I agreed. It is not my best, since I tore my shoulder in 6th grade pee wee football. Anyway, Sean beat me by about a stroke, and I still don't know if it is because he actually is a faster back stroker than me, or because of the distraction posed by his semi erect penis breaking the water like a dorsal fin on a fish. Anyway I lost. We decided not to go for a tie breaker, as the sun and water had taken its toll on us, after a long day.

We decided to get out for a bit, and get his stuff situated down at the tent while it was still light. I grabbed the groceries and our unfinished beers. He grabbed his sleeping bag, and we headed down the gentle slope to where I had set up the two man tent my father had purchased several years ago, and never used. Earlier that afternoon, I had gotten it out of the attic over the garage, read the directions and assembled it all by myself, with the opening facing the creek and away from the house. I then put two of the rubber foam mattresses from the pool and a couple of blankets, so we wouldn't be bothered fumbling around in the dark. A little battery operated reading light would provide enough light if we needed it. Sean had brought some chips and fruit. Our dietary habits were formed by wrestling. I left them in the bag, and Sean dropped his sleeping bag on the grass in front of the tent.

He then laid down bare assed on the grass and used his sleeping bag for a pillow. "This is really nice. Its so peaceful and quiet. We don't get this in town."

I laid down on the grass a couple of feet away from him and looked out over the creek to the fields of corn on the other side. "Yea, it is kinda nice sometimes. Its lonely a lot out here too." He glanced over at me. I was naked like him, and laid down on the grass, but I was bridging my hands behind my neck to see the view, because I didn't have a pillow like him.

"Here," he said, "Use some of this." He scooted his butt over to the edge of the pillowed sleeping bag, and I scootched right over to the other edge. We were about six inches apart, and getting kinda mellow from the beer. "Yea, its real pretty sometimes. Very relaxing".

So, Joey, How's your sex life," Sean said after a couple of minutes of silence. "Still got the hots for Sally Mitchell?" Sally was considered one hot babe for a freshman. She was asked to the prom last spring by one of the Junior wrestlers.

"Yep, I guess. How bout you. Jennifer Abrams still trip your trigger?"

Sean reached down and grabbed himself. You mean this trigger? He laughed. Not too much anymore. She's a real bitch sometimes. All I got is good old Mary Five Fingers any more." He sighed sadly.

"What do you mean?", I said not quite sure I had heard him right. The crickets had started to make some background noise. The guys on the teams I had been on always talked about balling some chick, never about self gratification like this.

"You know, JACKING OFF, you dummy. Don't tell me y never heard of it before, especially since the last time I was over here last winter."

"Oh," I could feel my ears turning red, "That's what you mean". I was kinda shocked about the casual way he brought the subject.

"Yea, good old jacking off" I think I've spent half my waking hours this summer pounding it. I get horny real bad, sometimes. I looked over at him, and he was casually stroking his soft cock. "Aren't you horny now? Christ, I am. It seems like all I gotta do is have one though about sex, and I get so horned up that I gotta jack off.."

"Yea, Kinda." I stammered. This wasn't going to my carefully laid plans of seduction. I never thought that it may be going to his closely laid plan of seduction."

"Kinda my ass. Look at you. Your boner is almost as big as mine and you ain't been helping it along any." Sure enough, my dick had betrayed me, and I was at about a quarter mast. Since we were sitting so close to each other, it was an easy task for Sean to reach over the void and grab my penis, and "helping it along" with his right hand.

Next: Chapter 2

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