Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Jan 26, 2011


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Thank you to all those that have sent emails of encouragement. I apologize for the length of time it has taken to get this chapter out. I hope to be able to have more new chapters out more often.

Josh and Brad Chapter 11

It's been a couple days since the fight. Michael, Tommy and the rest of the group had talked to Josh and Michael's parents and given them the note from Mr. Hack.

Their parents took the news really well. They knew something was up with Josh and were just happy to finally know what it was.

The letter that Mr. Hack had asked Michael to give to his parents explained what had happened and offered a suggestion for the next few months until school was over. He had suggested that both Josh and Brad be home schooled until the end of the year. This would give the boys safety from retaliation at school and give Josh the time he needed to come to terms with what he had done.

Altho Josh was better since the shower incident with Brad, he would still have nightmares and become very upset if Brad left his sight for more then a minute. He was getting better but it was slow going.

Michael, Jennie and the rest of the group of boys were still going to school. There was little response from the other students. Maybe some whispers here and there and gossip about Josh's relationship with Brad. But not much else.

Steve and the others involved in the assault were all expelled from school and were facing criminal charges. Steve's parents, of course, were arguing that Steve was provoked by Brad and Michael and that he and his friends were only defending themselves against the attach from Josh. Their arguments went relatively unnoticed by anyone since this was the second son of theirs that was charged with a hate crime and violence towards other students.

The group was on their way back to settling into a routine at school. Sometimes students or teachers would question them on how Josh and Brad were doing, but that was it. They stuck together just the same. The didn't want to become targets by any other closed minded individuals that might have something to try and prove.

For their part, Josh and Brad had not gone any further then that one shower incident. When it came to their relationship, Josh was still the one Brad looked too. Brad was still very unsure of himself and Josh could see that in his eyes. Josh did not push Brad. He let him find his own way. It wasn't like they ignored what happened. Josh just wanted Brad to take his time and make sure he was doing things because he wanted to and not because Josh wanted him too. And it wasn't a bad thing. Josh liked how Brad was finding his way with their intimacy.

For example, Brad really enjoyed making out with Josh. Josh would be sitting in one of the recliners or on the couch and Brad would sit on his lap facing him and they would start making out.

Josh would rub his hands up and down Brad's back under his shirt and feel the younger boys smooth, warm skin. He loved how Brad would get goose bumps as he lightly rubbed up and down Brads spine with the tips of his fingers. He found that there was this one spot about mid way down Brad's back where, if he rubbed just so, Brad would slightly moan and kiss Josh deeper and harder.

Brad loved to kiss Josh's neck. Every time he would kiss Josh's neck just below his ear, he could feel Josh take in a deep breath. This would cause Josh to touch that certain spot on Brad's back that he loved so much. He would moan every time Josh would touch him there and that would cause him to suck harder on Josh's neck.

This cycle would continue until the boys were sent to there room by Josh's parents or Michael. It would be in a joking manner so the boys wouldn't feel embarrassed about showing each other affection.

Josh's parents talked to him and Brad regarding their relationship. They wanted the boys to know that they were accepting and did not want them to feel they had to hide things from the adults.

This conversation also included how the parents felt about the boys being intimate. Altho, you wouldn't have been able to tell who was more nervous or embarrassed about the conversation. The boys or the parents. But never the less, the issue was addressed.

"Boys" Josh's dad had said. " We know that you are going to want to do things together. As parents we want you to know were we stand. Josh, you are over 18 but Brad you are still only 16. We would prefer that you boys don't go to far, if you haven't already, until Brad is of age. However, we know what it's like to be teenagers ourselves. Believe it or not, we were once ourselves." he said with a giggle. " We ask that you be safe and careful. Make sure it's what you both want. Only you can decide when the time is right."

"Dad, I appreciate your advice and concern. We have not and will not do anything unless we are both ready for it. I'm glad you and mom understand and support us. Honest, we have not done anything more then major petting and stuff. We are not yet ready to have sex yet." Josh said with one of the most serous looks on his face.

"Ahhhhhhh, la, la, la," Josh's dad said, covering his ears and making a funny face. "OK, OK, there are some things we really don't needed to know."

The brought a round of laughter from the four of them. It was nice to know that parents were just as grossed out hearing about there kids sex lives, as kids are hearing about their parents.

"Josh honey" His mother started, "You too Brad. We love you boys very much and just want you know know that we are here for you as we always have. You do not need to be ashamed of who you are and we want you to be comfortable showing you love for each other here."

"Now, Brad have you spoken to your parents about this?" She asked.

"No mam, they have not been home in a few weeks. Dad has business with the US Ambassadors overseas. They are not due back for several weeks." Brad explained.

"Don't you think that you should call them and let them know what happened at school?" She asked the boy.

"Actually, since your family has always taken care of me, I feel that should be alright for now." Brad said. " I will need to talk to them about me and Josh, but I prefer to do that in person."

"Well on that I agree. I don't anticipate any troubles with your parents. But I do think that the talk should we in person and we will be with you if you would like." she offered.

"I would like that very much. They are not in my life as much as they should be or how I have always wished they would be. But I think they will be accepting of me. At least I hope they are." Brad said with a slight tremble that Josh picked up on. Josh simply put his are around Brad and with that one gesture, Brad's worry and fear were gone in an instant.

"Don't you worry dear." She said. "We will be there with you and I think they will be just as accepting as we are. But whatever happens, you are part of our family and always will be."

Brad loved the warm smiles coming from both of Josh's parents. They have always treated Brad with the love and affection they showed their own boys. That was one of the things he loved most about staying over here so much.

After the talk with Josh's parents, the boys went upstairs to Josh's room. Since the fight, this has been where Josh feels the most at ease. It's not that he feels safe for himself. But he feels that Brad is safest here. It's what they have started calling theirSAFE ZONE.

Inside the room, Josh is OK being in the bathroom with out Brad as long as he knows that Brad is still in the bedroom. Same thing for when Brad is in the bathroom, Josh is fine as long as he stays in the bedroom.

Mr. Hack had suggested that Josh maybe see a psychologist to talk through what happened. Josh has not been ready for that yet. It has only been a few days and right now he is taking it slow. All he wants to do is be with Brad. That has been the biggest help so far, to him.

There are times when Josh feels like he should be stronger. Sure when it comes to their relationship Josh is obviously the stronger one. The one that leads the way. The one that Brad looks to for direction. He is confident and strong.

But when it comes to outside influence and stress, Brad is the stronger of the two. He takes care of Josh when he has nightmares or what they have come to callepisodes. Brad will hold Josh until he calms down. He talks Josh through his episode, which is usually triggered by some feeling that Josh is losing or already lost Brad. This will happen if Josh wakes up and doesn't know where Brad is. Or if one of them forgets about the safe zone and Josh starts yelling Brad's name until Brad comes in and settles him down. Josh gets upset with himself for not being able to control it. It just happens.

"That was the weirdest conversation I have ever had with my parents" Josh said with a slight grin on his face. "It was great, but really weird."

"Ha Ha, ya I know. I think they felt the same way" Brad said with a wide smile on his face.

The boys liked these moments. The times where they could just laugh and smile like nothing had happened. They were coming more often and they would feel happy longer each time. They new it was going to take time for Josh to be like he was. But he was already doing better.

"Hey, how about a back rub?" Brad asked Josh.

"Mmmm, that sounds nice" Josh said while leaning over and giving Brad a kiss.

"OK, um, why don't you get undressed and lay down on the bed." Brad said in that voice that let Josh know he was being shy and unsure of himself again.

Brad gave him a big smile and kissed him again for good measure. He knew it was hard for Brad to initiate any type of intimacy He wanted Brad to feel comfortable with asking him anything when it came to their intimacy.

Josh then stood up, pulled off his t-shirt, socks and jeans. He laid down on his bed on his stomach in just his boxers. He placed his head on his crossed arms and looked back over at Brad who had gotten up to get the hand lotion that was on Josh's dresser.

As Brad was walking over to the bed Josh said "Fair is fair, you have to be in your boxers too."

Brad stopped and blushed a little and smiled. He was glad Josh had suggested it. He wasn't sure if he could have brought himself to get undressed on his own without the suggestion. He quickly pulled off his shirt and jeans. He was already barefoot.

Josh was laying in the middle of the bed. Brad straddled over Josh's body and sat on his butt. He put some lotion in his hands and placed his hands on Josh' back.

"YOW" screamed Josh jumping slightly also causing Brad to jump a bit. "Babe, that stuff is cold"

"Sorry" Brad said with a blush and a smile. "I will try and warm it up a bit first."

So Brad put more lotion in his hands and rubbed them together a bit to warm up the lotion and then once again placed his hands on Josh's back. "Better?"

"Mmmm, ya much." Josh sighed.

Brad started at the base of Josh's spine and ran his hands up to Josh's neck. He then looped his hands down Josh's sides back to his starting point. He did this over and over and then intermittently changed his tack tick.

After rubbing Josh's back for a bit, he started running his hands lower and lower until he was sliding his hands under the waistband of Josh's boxers. He was running his hands over the top of Josh's butt. He felt the heat coming off of the other boys tightly muscled butt cheeks. The more he did this the more turned on he was getting and he began to tremble a little with excitement and nervousness.

Josh had been moaning and sighing softly as Brad continued his back rub. It was becoming obvious to Josh that this was becoming more then a simple back rub. He knew Brad wanted to rub lower but was still to shy to say anything. He let Brad continue his patter for a few minutes more before suddenly stopping Brad.

"Here, babe, get up a sec." Josh said startling Brad out of his trace of looking at Josh's butt.


"Lift up for a sec babe" Josh said again trying not to giggle.

"Oh OK." Brad said a little confused.

When Brad lifted off of Josh's butt, Josh lifted his pelvis and pulled down his boxers and kicked them off. He then adjusted his now growing cock and resumed his position laying down.

"Could you rub my butt and inside my legs for me please?" Josh said closing his eyes.

"Um, sure." Brad said. Trying to hide his excitement. He knew what Josh was doing. He was letting Brad find his own way. Like he always did. Josh would always give Brad the opportunity to do what he wanted, but the choice he would leave to Brad.

Brad loved this about Josh. Josh knew how hard it was for Brad to start something intimate with him. But once started, Brad would usually find his own way to something they would both enjoy.

Brad shifted his position so he was sitting to the side of Josh so he could rub Josh's legs and butt. He was still nervous so he started with Josh's legs. He put more lotion on, remembering to warm it up before placing it on the other boys skin. He then placed his hands on the back of one of Josh's legs.

He started to lightly rub the older boys leg up and down. The more he did this the higher on the back of Josh's leg he would go, until he was just under Josh's butt cheek. The higher he got the hotter Josh's body felt.

His hands were still trembling but he did not stop. Every so often he could hear Josh quietly moan or sigh. He loved that sound. The sound pleasure coming from the guy he loved. He loved feeling Josh's body, he always did. But it meant more to him to know that Josh was enjoying it too.

On one of Brad's passes at the top of his leg, Josh spread his legs apart. Giving Brad more access to the inside of his legs. He wanted Brad to do whatever he wanted. He didn't say anything, he wanted Brad to only do what he felt comfortable doing.

Brad was hypnotized by the sight of Josh's naked body. He finally started to rub up and down Josh's butt. He would start on the inside of his leg and follow it all the way up to his butt then up over his butt to his lower back and then down the other cheek, in between his legs again and back down the other leg.

At some point, Brad couldn't tell when he started doing it, but he was rubbing up and down Josh's butt crack. From the top all the way down over his hole, down that small part between his hole and the back of his nut sac and back up again.

Ever so often he would apply more lotion and continue the motion. He noticed every time he slid his fingers over Josh's hole, the boy would make noises. Sometimes low, almost not heard at all. Sometimes much louder with a great sigh of pleasure.

Brad, by now, was hard to the point he almost hurt. He decided he should probably take off his boxer briefs. He hadn't when Josh took off his boxers. He wasn't sure why he hadn't but was sure he wanted too now.

Josh felt the bed shake with Brad's movement. He knew what Brad was doing. He figured sooner or later Brad would want to be naked too. He didn't open his eyes. He was feeling absolutely wonderful and he didn't want to change anything. Brad was taking them somewhere. Josh wasn't sure where that was, but he was happy to be along for the ride. If they did nothing else. Josh would still be very happy.

Once Brad had removed his underwear, he positioned himself between Josh's legs. He was kinda squatting on his knees with his legs outside both Josh's legs and had his butt on the bed between them.

Brad now ran both hands on each leg up over Josh's butt then brought them down together through Josh's crack over his hole like before. He loved how Josh was responding to his touch. He couldn't believe that he was the cause of Josh's pleasure. Every noise that came out of Josh just made him hotter and hotter.

All of a sudden brad decided to run his hands all the way up Josh's back to his neck. By doing this, he had extended his full body forward and slightly over extended himself. Doing this caused his dick to slide up Josh's butt crack and over his hole.

Both boys sucked in a deep breath and moaned in pleasure. Brad just froze there. He had rested his chest on Josh's back. His dick was nestled firmly in Josh's crack. Tho this was not his intent, Brad had found that he loved the sensation of his dick snuggled warmly between Josh's butt cheeks.

Josh for his part could not believe how wonderful it felt to have Brad's dick slide over his hole. He hadn't expected it and it was a surprise to say the least. But definitely a happy surprises.

Josh noticed that Brad had stopped moving. He still had his hands on Josh's upper back and was laying on Josh's back. Josh pushed his butt up ever so gently and felt Brad instinctivly push forward. At the same time Brad took a huge breath and breathed out an "OH".

Two things Josh noticed. 1. He really liked having Brad's dick slide up and down his crack over his hole again and again. And 2. More importantly, he liked what it was doing to Brad. He could tell the younger boy was enjoying it so much he didn't know what to do. Brad just continued to lay there wedged into Josh's hot, muscular butt cheeks.

Josh continued to slowly push back against Brad. The lotion made the boys slide together just perfectly. Not only did he push back against Brad, but he also would squeeze the muscles in his butt so his butt cheeks would squeeze Brads sensitive dick.

If he turned his head slightly and looked out of the corner of his eye Josh could just see that Brad's eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open. He loved that look on Brad's face. He could tell that Brad was lost in the feelings he was enjoying. He may not have even know that he was pushing back at Josh. It may have just been an instinctive reaction to the feeling.

Josh just laid his head back down and continued his movements. He too was really enjoying this. Every time Brad's dick would slid over his hole, Josh could feel a surge of intense sexually feeling go up his dick. Of course, it didn't hurt that each time Josh pushed back and forth, he was rubbing his hard dick against the bed. He could tell if he kept this up, he wouldn't last long.

"Josh...Josh...I" Brad tried to speak.

"Mmmm, Babe that feels really good" Josh breathed.

"Josh...I....I...Oh man" Brad was breathing out. Trying to let Josh know he was about to cum.

"It's OK babe, I know how good it feels" Josh himself breathed out. "It feels really good for me too. I'm not going to last babe. Just let it go baby"

"I.....I....OH GOSH" Brad stuttered out as he pushed hard against Josh's butt.

"Ughhh" Was all Josh could get out before he felt Brad shoot all in between his butt cheeks. He was pushing back against Brad and shooting all over the bed. He, once again, could not believe how powerful his orgasm was. These feelings he was discovering with Brad just seemed to get more and more intense each time. He was trying to catch his breath as he realized that Brad had started to hug him close from the onset of his own orgasm.

Josh could feel the love just radiate off of Brad as Brad lay there trying to regain himself enough to talk. He was happy to just lay there and feel that way forever. He could feel the size of the load that Brad had shot between them. He knew they would have to get up soon and get cleaned up.

"Hey little man, you OK?" Josh quietly asked Brad.

"Mmmm, ya" was all Brad could muster for a response. He also was surprised at the power of his orgasm. Since he had been experimenting with Josh, he has found that his orgasms keep getting more powerful.

"Feel Good?" Josh asked.

"Ya AMAZING!" Brad said a huge smile on his face.

"Come on, lets hop in the shower" Josh said smiling just as wide.

Brad climbed off of Josh and the Bed and Josh got up realizing that they would have to change the comforter on the bed after his rather large wet mess. He looked up smiling at Brad and then it happened. SMASH BANG SMASH.....


Next: Chapter 12

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