Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Mar 25, 2011


This story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story may contain descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Josh and Brad Chapter 13

Hey guys, sorry it has been so long since I have written. I know this chapter is short but I will try and get new chapters out faster and with more detail. Thanks for the great emails from all of you.

Steve was sitting at the school field. It was after school hours and he was just remembering how much he loved to play football. But more than that, he missed helping the other less athletic students with their Gym class.

That's what he wanted to be. He wanted to go to college to learn to be a couch. He was really good in sports and stuff and he really enjoyed helping out the other students. He always thought he would make a good teacher.

"Guess that's over" He thought. "I really screwed that up.

After what Steve did at school, there was no way he would ever be able to get into college. Not to be a teacher anyway.

It was so stupid. He should not have attacked Brad like that.

He used to help Brad out in Gym class. He really did like the guy.

If it was not for his Brother's issues it may never had happened. But if Steve where to be honest with himself, it was his own fault. He let his brother's hatred of people who are different, persuade how he lives his life.

He had been so upset about how his brother acted and he was ashamed of what his brother had done to that Trevor kid that he had totally cut himself off from everyone and the other kids, like Brad he used to help.

Then to listen to the other team member badmouth Trevor and people like him for causing all his problems. He was reacting to his emotions. But HE was the one that was wrong. He deserved what he got.

He should never have attacked Brad. He was just so upset and had outlet for his feelings.

"Hey Steve" a small voice said from behind Steve.

When Steve turned around, he never expected to see Brad standing there. He could not help himself his eyes began to water.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were helping Josh" Steve said.

"He's inside talking to the office about coming back to school." Explained Brad. "Him doing this without me is part of his therapy."

"So why are you talking to me?" Steve asked.

"I just saw you sitting over here and was wondering why you where here. I know you're not supposed to be on school grounds." He said.

"Are you going to rat me out" Steve said looking down. There was no malice in his voice, only sadness.

"No, I just wanted to come over and ask you why?"

"I'm sorry about what I did. I wouldn't blame you if you never forgive me for what I did to you and Josh."

"I can see that. For one you haven't decided to beat my brains in so I have to ask, what happened to you. You used to be a really great guy."

"I don't have an explanation for you. I was really angry and heard you talking to Michael about you and Josh and started to think about Trevor and......"

"Your brother"


"You know this is not the end of your life. You are still young. We can get you through this."

Steve just looked at Brad kind of confused. Tears where streaming down his face as he asked "what do you mean WE?"

"Well, there was a time when you were there to help me in Gym. I think it's time I helped you."

"But why would you do that? After all I have done to you. What will Josh say? How can you help me?" Steve was talking a crying so fast now that Brad had to listen carefully to make sure he understood what the other boy was saying.

"Steve, one of the things that Josh's doctor told us was that he need to learn to forgive himself for what he did and what he almost did. He also needed to learn how to forgive you."

"I don't deserve to be forgiven."

"The time will come when you will have to learn to forgive yourself. One of my conditions of helping you will be that you need to talk to someone."

"You still haven't really explained why you are doing this."

"Steve, the attack did not surprise me. The fact that it was you DID surprise me. Regardless of what you brother did or how you were raised by your parents, I have known you and seen what good you can do."

"I don't know if anyone will listen to you. I screwed my life up pretty bad."

"Steve, that's what being a kid is all about. If you have learned how wrong it was to do what you did and the cost of your actions, that's an amazing life lesson. I believe that you will be better for what you are going through now. I believe that you will be a better person for going through this. I don't think you should suffer for the rest of your life for this one mistake, especially seeing how young you are."

"But will anyone listen to you? I mean, how can you really help me?"

"I can try, and I think I know a couple people that can help me too."

For the first time Steve had stopped quietly crying and looked up into Brad's eyes. Brad wasn't sure if the other boy was going to hug him or hit him. Thankfully it was a hug.

When the boys separated, Steve looked at Brad with a small smirk on his face "so is the rumor true?"

"What rumor?"

"Some friends of mine told me that Josh could have killed me, is that true?"

Brad kind of looked down, not sure how he should respond.

"Ya, I thought so. Sometimes I wish he did, but part of me is glad he didn't"

"He was just really upset. Had he taken your life, I don't think there would have been any saving him." Brad said.

Steve again had a sullen look on his face and spoke in a low town "I am really sorry for everything."

"I know you are. Let's just try and focus on the future OK?"

"OK, and I promise to get someone to talk too. But I better be going before I get caught here. Thanks for everything Brad."

"Steve, just promise me that you will always help those who need it. And you will NEVER be the cause of someone's pain again."

"You have my word." Steve said as he turned to go.

Brad watched Steve walk across the field and disappear into the tree line on the other side. As he turned around, he wondered if he really could help Steve. He meant it when he said he would try, but after all, he WAS only 16 and the courts would make the decision. As Brad turned around he could see Josh standing at the fence leading off the field. His first thought was, how was he going to explain this to Josh. He felt embarrassed and kind of like he was cheating on Josh in a way. Brad was looking right at Josh while he walked over to him. He could see Josh's face but was not able to tell what he was feeling.

"Hey" Brad said as he got closer to Josh. "How did it go." "Good, I explained everything to the office staff like my doctor told me to. What to expect, my progress and my coming back to school was an important step." Josh said.

Brad started to explain why he was talking to Steve but Josh stopped him. With a smile on his face Josh said "hey babe, no worries. If I know you, you just told him you were going to help him out of the mess he made for himself.

Brad just stared at Josh with a blank look on his face. Not quite sure what he should say. "It's OK baby." Josh said. "I know you well enough to know your heart is so big that only you would try and help the guy that tried to kick your ass." "He made a mistake Josh. He shouldn't have to be punished forever for that. He isn't his brother. I really believe that. Please don't be mad." Brad said. Josh put his arms around Brad and held him close."When I first saw you talking to him I did get mad. My only thought was that he was going to hurt you again. But by the time I got to the gate I could see that you had everything under control. I'm not mad at you, I am proud of you for being able to forgive so quickly. I just don't know if I can forgive that fast." "You will. He's not at bad guy. He just did something stupid that's all." Josh took Brad's hand and walked him to the car. As they walked Josh slid his hand behind Josh's back and pulled him close. "I love you, you know?" "I love you to babe."Brad said. As the boys got to the car, Josh leans in and gives Brad a short gentile kiss. And then helps him into the car. As he walks around to the driver's side he gives a silent thanks to the powers that be for bringing Brad into his life.

Next: Chapter 14

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