Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Nov 6, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

I want to thank Tsctv for all his support.

Josh and Brad Chapter 2

As has happened over the years, the boys have gone on with there lives. School, friends, and all the daily activities in a young man's life have all gone on without anyone suspecting Josh's secret. Lately he has begun to think it was time to start letting people know who he truly was. He just wasn't sure how to go about it.

That is until one particular day that changed everything.

It was a cold January evening and Josh was home alone. His parents were away at his aunts house. She had just had her first baby and wanted her sister to be there with her. And where his mom went, so did his dad. There was never any doubt in anyone's mind how much in love Josh's parents were.

His father once told him, "when you are in love with someone to be away from them is unthinkable." Now other then work and a few instances where there was no choice, his parents were always together.

Sometimes Josh thought his was the luckiest family in the world. They always weathered any storm that came into their lives. That was one of the things that gave Josh strength when making his decision to tell his parents he was gay. He truly believed that no matter what, his parents would love him.

On this night he was home relaxing, just watching TV in the dark family room contemplating how he wanted to talk to his parents when there was a knock on the door.

It was still early in the evening so he wasn't surprised to find Brad at the door. "Hey my little man why are you knocking?" Josh asked. Brad had practically been family. Josh couldn't remembered when Brad had ever knocked.

With a little smile creeping across his face from Josh's statement, he loved it when Josh called him " HIS LITTLE MAN" Brad said " Hey Josh sorry I was kinda in my own world and wasn't thinking clearly when I got to the door."

As unbelievable as that sounds, Brad had been spacy lately. Not quite in the conversation. He has even walked into other people and sometime into the walls at school simply because he was in his own world.

"No worries, come on in out of the cold" Josh offered.

"Thanks Man" Brad said

"Micheal isn't here. He is at some after school club." Josh said.

"That's OK. I'll just hang with you until he gets home if you don't mind" Brad asked.

"Na man, your always welcome in this house" Josh said, silently thanking the powers that be for making sure the boy stayed awhile. He would do anything to spend any little time with Brad.

Getting back to the family room Josh took his seat back on the couch. Brad sat right next to him. Not that this was odd or anything, but the room was large with plenty of furniture to sit on throughout the room with a good view of the TV. So when Brad sat on the couch right next to Josh, he noticed.

Brad seemed to be a little shy tonight. And a little antsy or nervous. He kept sitting back and then forward over his knees again. Josh felt he had to say something. He wanted to find out what was on Brad's mind but more then that, he wanted to finely come clean to Brad.

"Hey Brad" Josh asked, sounding a lot less sure of himself then he hoped for. "You know I like you right?"

"Ya Josh I know, I like you too" Brad said looking over at Josh with a serous look on his face.

Josh felt himself starting to flush and sweat as his nerves start to rise. " I mean I REALLY like you." he said trying to keep eye contact with Brad. He had put it out there and wanted to know the second Brad showed any sign of rejection.

Brad seemed to relax as a small smile spread across his face. " And I mean I REALLY like you too" he said. "Tell me what it is you like so much"

"Well, I like your eyes. You have beautiful eyes, that I get lost in whenever I look into them. Your hair and how soft it is." Josh said as he slow ran his fingers through Brads hair just above the boys ear. " I love you smile." he said as he slowly ran the back of his fingers down Brad's cheek. He slowly started leaning forward without even realizing it. " I love how your lips feel" he said as he slowly ran a finger over Brad's lower lip.

Just as he pulled his finger away from the lip he leaned forward and lightly kissed Brad. He felt Brad tens up. He started to get scared and worried. Had he screwed up? Had he miss understood what Brad had said? He was still kissing Brad, ever so lightly, yet his fear started to rise more every second.

Just as he started to pull away, he felt brad relax. Brad's hands started to rub up his back. Josh started to cup Brad's face in his hands. The kiss was no longer light. The began to kiss more passionately.

Brad's hands were now under Josh's loos fitting shirt as Josh's hands were sliding behind Brad's head to run his finger through the hair on the back of Brad's head and lightly rub his neck.

Without breaking the kiss, Brad pushed Josh back in his seat on the couch and slung his leg over Josh's lap so he was sitting on Josh's lap facing him. They continued to make out while slowly exploring each other.

When they finely needed to break the kiss to breath, Brad's lips went to Josh's neck where he began to suck on the older boy. He sucked harder and chewed lightly on the boys neck. Josh new there would be evidence of what he and Brad were doing but he didn't care. He was so happy that Brad was giving him his first hickey. He was so proud to have evidence of there love for each other so evident on his body. If for no other reason then to prove this was not a dream.

Josh pushed back on Brad so that he could get back to the other boys lips. When Brad sat up Josh was able to see the other boy's face highlighted by the TV picture. He could see in Brad's eyes. He saw relief, happiness and joy. Within seconds they were kissing again.

They continued like this for some time. They finely stopped there make out session when they heard the clock in the hall telling them that it was six o'clock. They had been making out and feeling all over each other for over an hour and a half.

"I have to go meet my uncle for dinner." Brad said, kinda disappointed. "But I want to come back later tonight if that's OK." with a serous look on his face. " I know how I feel about you Josh and I think I know how you feel about me. But I still want to talk about things. Is that OK?"

"Of course its OK. I know I kinda got carried away. I was just really excited and couldn't stop" Josh said sort of embarrassed. " I would like you to come back so we can talk. I'm sure there are things we both want to tell each other. Why don't you stay the night here and ride to school with me and Micheal."

"That sounds like a good idea. I should be back around 8 o'clock." Brad said with a smile once again on his face.

Josh walked Brad to the door and before he left Brad wrapped his arms around Josh and kissed him again. Josh also wrapped his arms around Brad and pulled him into a great hug. They finally broke apart so that Brad could go before he was late. Josh waited on the front porch for Brad to pull out of the driveway before he turned around to go back inside and close the door.

Josh decided he would go take a shower and pick up his room a little before Brad got back. His room was never messy, but hey, if a gay was spending the night, he wanted to make sure everything was as perfect as he could make it.

Josh took the stairs two at a time as his mind was thinking of Brad and their kiss. He didn't hear the low playing music until he was in front of his brothers bedroom door. As he looked in his heart fell. Sitting at his desk doing homework was Micheal.

Next: Chapter 3

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