Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Dec 4, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Michael for his part that night went to Jeannie's house to spend the night. When he got there he greeted Jennie with a short kiss and they went into the den to watch a movie. Michael couldn't eve tell you what the movie was. He was thinking about Josh and Brad. He had know how the two of them felt about each other but he was worried. He know their friends would only support the two boys but he wasn't sure how others would react.

Both boys were pretty popular at school. Most people had thought Brad was guy for some time now. Just based on what the new of the boy and how he seemed not as interested in some things like the other guys were. But the group of friends that hung out together always seemed just a little better with Brad. It was never an issue. It wasn't even a thought.

Michael had been best friends with Brad forever. As their group of friends grew he had been asked by the other, like Tommy who was a close friend as well, if Brad might be gay. Michael remembers saying to Tommy something like " I don't know and don't care. He's my friend and that's all I see."

Thinking back on it that was all Michael could ever remember thinking about Brad. They were friends. They hung out, played video games, went hiking and camping, took drivers ed together, went to movies and stayed over each others houses. Pretty much the same things he did with all his other friends.

To Michael, Brad was just....Brad. That's all there was too it. If he had to, he would defend both Josh and Brad regardless of the situation. He truly believed it was the same with all the guys. Brad wasn't just Michael's friend that Tommy and the others tolerated. He was their friend too. That's just the way it is.

"Michael?" came a whisper.

"Michael?" once again.

"EARTH TO MICHAEL, COME IN MICHAEL" said Jeannie much louder.

"Huh..what?" he said.

"You were like a million miles away, whats wrong?" asked Jeannie.

Jeannie had been the one girl that had penetrated the group of boys. She seemed to gravitate towards Michael at school and before even she knew it she was part of the group. She hadn't intended for it to happen that way. She just knew she really liked Micheal and wanted to get to know him more. He was a strong, independent teen that stood firmly for what he believed in and for those he cared about.

"I'm sorry Jeannie." he said. "I'm a little distracted tonight."

"I can see that" she said "Josh or Brad?"she asked.


"Come on Michael. There are only two things that would have your full attention this much. Its either Josh or Brad?" she said with a serous but caring looking on her face.

"Wait, what's wrong? Who's hurt?" she now started to get a little antsy. It hadn't downed on her until she heard her self say it. Michael was only this deep in thought when something was wrong with one of his brothers. And based on the look on his face right now she knew something was up.

"'s nothing really." he was trying to keep the promise to Josh by not saying anything.

"Oh SHIT its bad" she said sitting up straighter with definite worry in her voice now.

"Jeannie really, everything is OK. I've just got some stuff on my mind that's all." he tried.

"Michael.....look, I have know you for awhile now. If you don't want to tell me that's OK. I know you well enough to know I can't beat it out of you. But please know this, if there is something wrong, I would like to help. I care a lot about Josh and Brad. Nobody gets you this way except those two. If something is wrong, I would like to help. If they are in danger.....well, I just hope you would trust me to help you work it out." Jeannie said.

Michael was looking into her eyes. He had know the first time they met that he really like Jeannie. She was as strong and independent as he was. And just as stubborn from time to time.

It's funny, with all his other friends, all guys, he can remember when they became part of the group. What it was like before they were there. But with Jeannie, he couldn't remember a time when she wasn't there.

The friends had all gone through the normal growing pains of life. Family or friends dieing, losses of girlfriends when they all started dating. Parents splitting up, old friends moving away. The normal issues everyone has to deal with. But through each of the guys life "traumas" Jeannie was always there to add just that little bit more that the other guys just couldn't give. That was a big part of who she was. That was one of the things that the group liked most.

Jeannie wasn't the first girl to approach the group but she was the only one that became a part of it. Most of the others wanted something. One of the guys, some sort of status by being part of the group, or some form of bragging rights. They never lasted.

Jeannie just started by saying hello at lunch each day. That turned into her joining Michael and the others for lunch. From the moment she sat down it was different.

There were no looks from the others of disapprove they had seen with the other girls.

There wasn't any typical comments about her or the fact that she was flirting with Michael.

To be honest she was more interested in what the group did as a whole. How they met, why they were so tight. What each of the groups interest were. What the did outside of school.

Mostly she listened. She didn't try to control the conversation or continuously try and circle back to her every chance she got.

If something was funny she laughed.

If something was upsetting the group, she listened offered a small smile or touch to show she was there if she was needed but she never pushed.

When Tommy's grandmother died he was devastated. The guys were all there to help any way they could but Jeannie just knew things they didn't seem to know.

Michael remembers they were all sitting at lunch when Tommy sat down. He had his lunch but wasn't eating. He was very quiet and looked sick. Michael had asked him if he was OK and Tommy tried to be......well he tried to be a guy saying "ya I'm OK, it's just that my grandma died over the weekend and I think I'm just tired."

They all knew how important his grandmother was to him. They, of course said the typical "I'm sorry" and tried to let him know they were there if he needed. But there was a different approach from Jennie.

"Tommy I have to get something heavy from my locker can you help me?" she had asked him.

Looking a little confused as to why he was asked instead of any of the other guys he said "sure"

It was just about the end of lunch when everyone started to wonder where they were. Michael volunteered to go see what was up.

On his way to Jeannie's locker he had to pass a small alcove by the stairs. As he was passing he could her low crying. He poked his head around the corner and and found Jeannie with her back against the wall holding Tommy with his head in her shoulder while he cried softly.

Michael then understood. Jeannie had realized what the rest of them didn't. Tommy was more upset then they thought. He didn't want his friends or anyone else see him cry. Jeannie made up the excuse about needing his help just to get him away from everyone so he could let it out.

Jeannie looked over at Michael and he could see the tears in her eyes.

He just walked up behind them, put his arms around both of them and place his head on Tommy's back. He could feel the other boys convolutions from crying. Michael could also feel the tears start to form in his eyes. He felt so sad for Tommy and thankful that Jeannie was there to pickup on what the others didn't notice in their friend.

Tommy didn't even lift his head at the Michael's touch. He only felt the sadness from his loss and thankful that Jeannie had taken him from the group at just the right moment. He hadn't thought it would be this hard to hide his feelings.

The three stayed together until the bell rang for lunch to end. Jeannie took Tommy by the hand and started to lead him down the hall. Michael just quietly followed. Tommy was more or less oblivious to were they were going and Michael really hadn't noticed until they entered Ms. D. Carol's office. She was Jeannie's guidance counselors. But more important, she was Jeannie's aunt.

With a quick look Ms. Carol simply nodded to Jeannie and left the room closing the door. Jeannie took Tommy over to the couch in the corner, with Michael following. They all sat for the rest of the period until Tommy was feeling better.

By the time the following period was over, Ms. Carol returned with Tommy's mother right behind her.

"Tommy, I think it would be OK for you to take the rest of the day off. I called your mother to come pick you up." she said.

Tommy still in his emotional state just stood up, walked to his mom and started to cry all over again. Both Jeannie and Michael had been crying as well for their friend.

Tommy's mother thanked Ms. Carol and left with Tommy. He didn't say a word. He simply allowed his mother to lead him out of the school.

Ms. Carol looked over at the two students still in her office. "Will you two be alright to finish out the day?"

Jeannie looked over at Michael then back at her aunt. "Ya, we are fine. Tommy is the one hurting. We were just trying to help."

"That was a very special thing you two did for Tommy. It's hard being a teenaged boy trying to hide your emotions. Tommy's mother told me he and his grandmother were very close." she said.

"It was Jeannie" Michael said.

Ms. Carol look at Michael puzzled.

"It was Jeannie. She was the only one that notice how hurt he really was. I just happened across them at the end of lunch." he said somewhat ashamed of himself for not noticing his friend was in pain.

"Michael, Jeannie may have notice something was up, but you stood by your friend when you figured it out. You could have just turned around and walked away and left Jeannie to handle it. Which I have no doubt she would have done just fine. But you didn't. You stayed with your friend to try and make him feel better. You had nothing to gain for what you did. That shows me you care a great deal for your friends. I'm sure when Tommy feels better, he will let you know what it meant to him." she said to Michael with a small smile. "Now you two, back to class please.

Yup that's how it was. Jeannie was just always there. She never tried to hit on any of the guys, even Michael. She was one of them. That all there was too it.

And now Michael was faced with either braking a promise to his brother or hurting the one person that seemed to be the center of their friends. Because when it came right down to it, Jeannie was the one that always seemed to be the glue that the group needed to keep from letting petty differences or any other little adversities to come between them.

Michael took a deep breath looked Jeannie in the eye and said "OK, yes something is up. But I promised I wouldn't say anything to ANYONE. And now I wish I had said anyone but you. I really think I want to talk about this with you."

They were both quiet for a few minutes until Jeannie looked over at Michael "Um, what if I guessed what it was. Then really it would be like I already knew so you wouldn't have broken your promise and you could let me know whats bothering you."

"Jeannie come on that's so childish. Besides what are the chances your going to guess EXACTLY what this is?" he said.

"First of all childish is keeping something to yourself that could hurt you or the ones you love because of a promise." she said with a stern look.

Michael kinda looked ashamed for what he said and put his head down thinking that she may just be right about that.

"Second, what if I were to guess something caught Josh and Brad making out and really need to talk to someone about it?" she said.

Michael's head snapped up looking her directly in the eye. Mouth open, with no doubt a look of shock on his face. "WHAT!!"

Next: Chapter 6

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