Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Dec 5, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Josh and Brad Chapter 6

Michael was trying to keep the anger out of his voice "how could you know that?"

With a look of patience on her face Jeannie said " Earlier I was going to stop by to see if you were going to come over. I pulled in front of your house and was walking up the front steps when I saw inside the window. Brad and Josh were, um well, they were......close. I knew you couldn't have been home long so I decided to just come home so you could talk to them."

Once again Michael was surprised to find out Jeannie knew more then she let on. She was trying to give him the time he needed to come to terms with his brother and best friend. She wanted him to know she would be there to talk to when he was ready.

"Sometimes you just amaze me." he said. "Sorry for getting upset. I just didn't expect that."

"I know. It's OK. Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

"Ya, actually I do."

"I'm not upset about it. Just the opposite. I'm really happy they finally decided to be honest with each other. I'm just worried about other people. Don't get me wrong, the guys will be fine with it. But what about the other kids?" he said no longer able to hide the concern for his brothers.

"Well, they are strong. They have us and the other guys. We can't start worrying until there is something to worry about. All we can do is be there when they need us. As long as we do that and don't be concerned about what other people say, we will show them how much we love them." she said.

"Your right. But man this has taken a lot out of me. Do you mind if we just go to bed?" he asked finally aware of how tired he truly was.

"Course not. Would you like to sleep with me or in the spare room?" she asked. There was no "tone" in her voice. She wasn't trying to be mean or funny or annoying. She simply wanted to know what it was that would make him feel the most comfortable right now.

"Actually, if you don't mind, I would like to just sleep with you. I think I could use the comfort of having you next to me." he said.

"Now that's a really good idea." she said.

Once in her room Michael stripped to his boxers and Jeannie had slipped on a pair of shorts and tank top to sleep in. They slipped into Jeannie's bed and were asleep faster then they thought. They had slept together before. This was nothing new. It was never discussed, they were never nervous or shy. They just seemed to be totally comfortable with each other.

The next day as Jeannie and Michael pulled up to the school they saw Josh and Brad walking from Josh's car. The boys waited for them to park and catch up.

"Hey bro, mornin' Brad" Michael said.

"Hey guys." said Jeannie.

"Michael, Jeannie, how are you two this morning?" asked Josh.

"Not bad, slept really good last night." said Michael.

"Um, Michael if you have a sec, can I talk to you, alone, before class starts?" asked Brad looking a little nervous and shy.

"Course, Jeannie I will see you at lunch. Later Josh." he said.

Josh, looking at Brad with a questioning look. "Ya, later bro. Brad?"

"Ya, I'll see you later really it's not a problem." Brad said to Josh.

They had not discussed Josh's talk with Michael or the fact that Brad wanted to talk to Michael. But Josh could tell it was something Brad really wanted and even seemed like he had to do. Josh nodded at Brad and smiled at Jeannie as they began to walk together towards the school.

"What's up Brad?" asked Michael

"Well there is something I want to talk to you about......but I...well it's....." Brad was trying but couldn't seem to spit it out.

Michael could see the fear and concern on his friends face. "Hey bud, lets go sit over her." as he lead Brad to a short three foot wall that they both sat on.

Once they were both sitting down Michael notice that Brad couldn't even look at him. He remember his promise to Josh again. But he was sure Brad was trying to tell him about the two of them. He felt it would be OK if he helped his friend out.

"Look Brad, I want you to know something. You are like a second brother to me. I love you as much as I love Josh. I know you have something very important to tell me. I want you to know, no matter what it is, I will never stop loving you." he said.

Brad looked up into Michael's eyes. He could see the love behind Michael's eyes. He knew that Michael knew. He didn't know how. But there it was written all over his face.

"Michael why do I have the feeling you know what I want to say?" he asked.

Michael smiled "Maybe because you know I know pretty much everything about you. Even if you don't know I know it."

" see there's this thing with Josh." Brad started.

"Brad, I know."

" see, he....I....well.....shit this is hard" Brad tried again.

Michael moved as close to Brad as he could. Lowered his voice to a whisper and looked Brad right in the eye. "I know already"


"I know"

"But...." Brad said starting to tear up again. He really hatted that that kept happening.

"Brad look at me." Michael said. "You have been in love with Josh for years. He has been in love with you at least as long. I've know this. I got home before you left last night.

Michael could see Brad's body tense up and the fear come across his face. He had to talk fast before Brad completely lost it.

"Hey dude, no don't sweat it. Like I told Josh last night, the guys and I have suspected for some time. It does NOT matter. They are all your friends. And I am your best friend. Josh is my brother. I couldn't be happier." Michael quickly got out.

"So you don't hate me?"

"Of course not. I love you dude. I'm glad you and Josh finally realize what we all see already. That you two care very much for each other. We didn't want to push you guys. We wanted you to figure it out on your own. Michael said quickly.

"Michael I .....I....I don't know what to say"

"Don't say anything. Just know that if and when you need us, your friends....all your friends, will be there." He said.

"Thanks dude." Brad said with a smile

The two boys got up and started heading for there first class. Things were going well. Brad and Josh were happy. Michael and Jeannie were beginning to think things were looking OK.

Little did either of the pairs know that they weren't the only ones in on the secret. While Brad and Michael were talking on the wall, the were being overheard by a very not nice individual. Very soon there friendship would be tested. Brad and Josh were going to come up against a hate they never knew before.

As the two boys were walking towards the school Michael stopped. Brad had take two or three steps before he realized that Michael was not beside him. As he turned back he saw Michael standing looking around. A look of worry on his face.

"Michael? Whats up?" Brad asked trying to figure his friend out.

"Huh, oh sorry it's nothing I guess." Michael offered trying to look at easy even though he didn't feel that way. Not at all.

"You sure? You seem to be distracted." Brad said.

"Na, Man it's nothing. I thought I heard someone. Must have been my imagination." Michael said with a smile. "Come-on dude, lets go before we're late."

As Michael said good by to Brad at his first class doorway, he saw Tommy heading in his direction. They had Algebra first class together. He quickly caught up to Tommy and grabbed his arm.

"Dude we need to ditch." he said to Tommy barely able to keep the panic out of his voice.

Tommy for his part was confused. He was not aware of the previous nights news. All he knew was one of his closest friends had a death grip on his arm and was telling him they had to ditch class. Tommy, not normally up for doing anything that would drop his GPA, could tell whatever this was it was bad enough to warrant Michael suggesting he would have to ditch a class. Without question, he allowed his friend to drag him down the hall.

Once Michael had Tommy in the boys bathroom and he had checked to see if they were both alone, Michael let Tommy in on what was going on.

"Tommy I will explain everything in a few minutes, but for now I am activating EDP 1. Please I need you to help me." he said quickly.

Tommy could tell by Michael's body language and the look on his face that this was not drill or a joke.

Tommy looked panicked but nodded his head and pulled out his cell. While he was doing this Michael, too, pulled out his phone, searched for a contact and hit the button to dial his cell as he walked over to the window to get better cell service.

Tommy, for his part, pulled up his contact lists. He checked off the prearranged names in his friends list. Charlie, Danny, Brian, Robby, Michael and Jeannie. Once they were all all checked off he typed the message he thought would never be sent for real......

911...EDPB...1... ACTIVATED...911...NOT A DRILL!!!!!

He hit send just as Michael was hanging up with his call.

"Is this for real?" he asked Michael already knowing Michael would never pull this as a prank.

"Yes" Michael said. He was no longer panicked. He was calm, short and direct. "Now I will tell you what is going on. Doing that, I am going to break a promise that's not even 24 hrs old. But I have no choice."

Michael was calm as he told Tommy what had happened from the time he got home and found Josh and Brad making out, to the conversation he had with Jeannie just hours after, too his talk with Brad 30 minutes ago.

Bringing Tommy up to speed took no more than a few minutes. Michael then proceeded to explain to Tommy why he had activated EDP 1. The plan was never really expected to be used by anyone. What Michael told Tommy next was all he needed to hear to know that what they were doing was right. He gave a silent prayer for their success and thanks for being foolish boys a few years ago.

"Tommy after Brad and I talked this morning we were walking into the school and I heard someone say ""I'm going to kill that fagot"". Michael reported.

Something had clicked in Michael. He was no longer scared, nervous or panicked. He had something to do that needed to be done. Someone, maybe a couple someone's were in danger. He was NOT going to let something happen to anyone he cared about the way it did to Trevor. He and the others had sworn that their freshmen year.

"Did you see who said it?" Tommy asked beginning to sound and act like Michael. He too was remembering the promise he made after the incident with Trevor.

"No. There were too many kids around. I was walking with Brad. When I heard it I stopped and started looking around, but I couldn't see anyone looking at us or around us. I can't even be shore it was directed at us. But it's just to coincidental. If I am wrong I will apologize to everyone.

"Michael, there will be no need. If you are wrong then its nothing more than a drill. If you are right.....well then maybe just maybe we can stop something from happening. I take it you got a hold of him? Tommy was saying.

"Ya, I told him everything. He said to keep him informed and let him know if we need anything.

"OK, then we have work to do. First period is almost over lets get moving. I will go talk to Mr. Johnson and explain why we were not in Algebra. Tommy said.

"I have first escort. I'll head to Brad's class and wait outside. I should make it just before the class ends. Remember not a word at lunch but keep your ears and eyes open."

Not needing the reminder, but knowing Michael was just worried, even if he didn't want to feel it right now, Tommy nodded and they boys left the bathroom heading in different directions.

"Please let this work out right." Michael said to himself as he headed to Brad's class. As he walked he started to remember Trevor. He wanted to stay hard and emotionless right now but he couldn't help feeling what he felt that day.

"That's NOT happening again......NOT AGAIN DAMIT!!!"

Next: Chapter 7

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