Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Dec 10, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Josh and Brad Chapter 7

The memory was to powerful. Michael just let it happen. He needed it to come and go so he could concentrate on what needed to be done.

He Remembered his first year in high school. He and his friends were all so excited to be high school students and a little nervous.

About the third month of school there was a fight in the lunch room. This senior jock was picking on this freshman. The kid seemed so small compared to the jock. He was teasing the kid for being a fag.

He wouldn't leave the poor kid alone. The kid, his name Michael found out later was Trevor, was just trying to find a place to sit and eat his lunch.

The Jock was harassing the poor kid nonstop. He had the attention of the entire lunch room. Trevor was trying to avoid the guy. Every time he changed directions, the jock would block his escape by standing in front of him taunting him.

Trevor had taken so much that he had began to cry. None of the other kids were doing anything to help him. There were no teacher around. The jock just kept on him. At one point one of the jocks team mates went up behind Trevor and pushed him forward.

Trevor lost his balance and fell forward. He through his arms forward trying to break his fall when he fell right into the jock. He instinctively wrapped his arms around the jock to arrest his fall. His face ended up coming into contact with the jocks crotch.

At this point the jock completely lost all control of himself. He was so angry that Trevor had the nervous to touch him. He started yelling profanity at Trevor and started punching him. He wouldn't stop.

When Trevor was beaten so much that he could no longer attempt to deflect the punches he fell to the floor. The jock then started to kick him harder and hard. He wouldn't let up. He just kept kicking and punching and spitting on Trevor.

Nobody tried to stop him. Everyone just watched.

The blood started flowing form Trevor's nose and mouth and still the jock wouldn't stop. He was in a rage that he no longer had any control over. His hate and discuss just pored out on Trevor.

By the time a teachers got to them and pulled the jock off of Trevor the boy was unconscious. The ambulance was called and they took Trevor to the hospital. The police came and arrested the jock. His name was something like Joe Deppy or something like that. Michael couldn't clearly remember.

Then next day there was an assembly and the entire school was informed that Trevor had died from internal bleeding. The damage was so bad that by the time he got to the hospital, the bleeding could not be controlled. He died before the hospital staff could get him into surgery to stop the bleeding.

The Jock was arrested and went before the court for murder and was tried as an adult. His parents tried to get the judge to see that it was Trevor's behavior that drove the Jock to his actions. But the Prosecutor brought in student after student that testified that they had never seen Trevor take any action towards the Jock. In fact, no one had ever even seen Trevor try and talk to him.

Some of the football players testified that Joe Deppy had made many comments that he had caught Trevor kissing another boy while at the movies. Since then he had talked non stop about how he was going to make the boys life hell. That maybe, if he was lucky he could get Trevor to quit school or even better get him to kill himself for being a fag.

Joe Deppy was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and murder. He was sent to prison for life. The prosecutor wanted the death penalty but the jury felt that making him suffer from the age of 18 till he died in a super-max prison would be more of a punishment then ending it all too quickly.

For months after the incident, Michael and his friends had felt major guilt. Why didn't they do anything. They were scared so what? Why didn't they get a teacher? Or call the cops? Or yell, scream help, or stop, or, or anything. They couldn't let it go.

Shortly after that, just as things were starting to settle down in school again the group had started to think Brad may be gay. They started to worry that someone outside of the group would start to think the same thing and something might happen.

As the days and weeks went by they began to worry about Josh too. Granted he was a little older, but do to a sickness when he was younger he had to stay back a year. He was older but only a grade above the others in the group. All though Josh hang out with the other outside of school, in school he had other classes and a different luck period. They didn't see a lot of him. What if someone thought about hurting him too?

Charlie had been the one with the idea. He came to lunch one day all excited. He had seen this movie with a bunch of punk skateboarders. Ones brother had been killed accidentally. They all teamed up and when they were following the murderer they had switched off at cretin places to make it look normal. But the whole time the primary target was never left alone.

Charlie thought why couldn't they do that for Brad and Josh. Granted they all had different classes all over the school but if they practised and worked it all out, one of them could be with either boy in between each class and before and after school.

At first it sound more like a kids idea of playing like Army guys. But the more they talked about it and practiced they found that it was a good idea. If they worked out all the details it could work. Besides what would it hurt to try. Right now they weren't doing anything. And something was better than nothing.

So over the weekend the all got together and listed out what classes they had and where they were in the school. Then the mapped out where Josh and Brads classes were. This was not easy to do. Since the boys were all close, they had to do this when Josh and Brad weren't around. They didn't want them to know that the group thought they were gay. And they didn't know how stupid it would sound to someone else. But their hearts were in the right place and they felt what they were doing, even if they never used it, was a good thing.

Within two weeks they were ready to try out their plan. They were very close to getting it down pat. With some practices and drills they were getting really good. They spent the rest of the year, less then a month at this point, running drills. By summer the boys were getting really good at their plan.

Over the summer they decided to continue practicing. They were in school about 6-7 hours a day, but what about the rest of the day. They needed to have alternative plans. It was Brian that noticed that after all this time they had missed a very important issue. They had planned all this time with the idea that they would know at the begging of the day. But what happened if they needed to activate there plan after school had started.

This took some thought but the answer was sitting with each of them. When Danny's mother called him on his cell Brain got this huge grin on his face. "I got it" he said.

Brian had thought, what if they used the text method on their cell phones. With any cell phone you can test 1 person or multiple people all at once. They could activate a plan with a text. They would also need to title each plan they had so everyone knew which plan they would be going with. They came up with plan titles for each plan the would be sent by text.....

EDPB 1- Emergency Defense Plan Brad 1 Deploy from 1st period on.

Each activation would be followed by a number to advise the team to start the plan at that period of the day. The "B" would be for Brad and "J" would be for Josh. For example if the activation was EDPJ 3, the team would know Josh needed protection starting at 3rd period. Each member would know which was the closest at that time of day. The object was that, the one getting protected would not be left alone.

Before the summer was over they had all gotten their schedules and worked together to determine the best defense plan. But it took Jeannie's joining for them to actually make the whole thing a bit more official.

Jeannie, was of course brought into the plan. Not only did it assist in the coverage of each of the guys but she brought up the point that teachers would need to be brought into the loop. The right teachers would understand when one of them were late to class. They would also need to inform the main office that they felt a student was in danger. The other had never thought of that. Jeannie talked it over with her aunt and it was decided that if a plan was ever activated, Jeannie would let her aunt know what was up and her aunt would notify the appropriate teachers.

They still couldn't believe they had managed to keep all this a secret from both Brad and Josh. But again, they didn't want to panic the boys and they hadn't come out yet. They group was only going off of the feeling that one probable both of them were gay. Regardless, the plan was a good idea and they were going to stick with it. No matter how childlike it seemed.

Michael remembered how Ms Carol had been surprised at how much planning had been put into this by a group of teenagers. She of, course knew the boys as on of the school's counselors. But the caring, sacrifice and love behind the plan was obvious to those who looked with their hearts.

She had told them that, should they ever feel a student, any student was in danger the were to report it to a teacher immediately. But she also said she understood what they were trying to do. If it came down to it, they were doing nothing more than walking from one class to another with a friend and there could be no fault found in that.

Michael had reached Brad's classroom. He was a few minutes early. Standing outside the door he heard the loud speaker come on in the classroom. This was new. There were announcements each morning and sometimes between classes, but almost never during a class. Not even this close to the end of the class.

Michael heard Principle Dempsy's voice speak " Good morning students and teachers. I do apologize for the interruption. I just wanted to advise the teachers of every class. EDPB 1 has been initiated. Once again, that is EDPB 1 has been initiated. Should any teacher feel the need please contact the office. Thank you one and all for your patients regarding this interruption."

Michael was stunned. He had no idea that Ms. Carol had taken them so seriously. The office had created a plan or adopted their plan. Michael had heard one of the students in Brad's class ask the teacher what a EDPB was. The teacher didn't even miss a beat, they simply said oh that has to do with employee personal time and the fact that we are very close to having to get our requests in quickly. This seemed to be enough for students as they quickly lost interest. Michael was impressed that the teacher didn't even give a hint that he was not telling truth.

At that point the bell rang and Brad's class was letting out. Michael met Brad as he exited the door.

Brad smiled at him as the walked down the hall together. Brad gave no indication that this was anything out of the ordinary. They had practiced this so often that it was not unusual for one of the group to walk with Brad from a class. A year ago Brad had asked what was up. The group just played it off as a type of game. Since then neither Josh or Brad had ever asked why someone was walking with them. They just seemed glad to be with their friends.

As they were walking from the classroom Michael caught a glimpse of color out of the corner of his eye. He didn't even turn to look, he just wrapped his arm around Brad's shoulder and tugged at him like he was playing a game with his friend. Brad just smiled and leaned into his friend. He didn't even appear to suspect anything.

Once his arm was around Brad, Michael took the chance to look around as they laughed and walked. He didn't notice anything that stood out to him. He saw a couple girls in cheerleader outfits and there palm-palms. A football player here and there in there team jackets. A couple freshmen that appeared to be lost going to their next class. He didn't know if the maneuver he played on Brad buy pulling him in close had deterred someone from doing something, but he knew and felt that something was coming. Now things seemed OK, but he was sure something would have happened had he not made it obvious that he was paying attention to Brad. Michael, still very serous about the whole thing was sure this was not over. He felt this was the start of something that would get out of hand very fast if they were not very careful. Right now he wanted to get Brad to his class and text the group that Brad had been delivered safely and for the next team member to prepare to take over.

They were about 10 feet from Brad's next class when it happened. Again, Michael saw a flash of color and turned toward the flash. As he was turning, for some reason he started pushing Brad to the floor, Brad was falling and Michael on top of him as a football player attached them from Michael's right.


Next: Chapter 8

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