Josh and Me

By Eric S

Published on Sep 28, 1999


*Ok for the usual disclaimer I am not gonna tell you to read or not to read this story. This story is fictional (as much as I would like it to be real it is not...yet.) If you are underage then I guess you should go but then that would mean that I would have to go also. I doubt you will though, so please tell me what you think of it. *

Josh and Me

It was a usual day at school (real boring), but I was excited because P.E. was coming up next period and I would get a chance to see Josh. Josh is the cutest kid that I have ever met. He is about 5'4 blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a gorgeous smile that you could die for. He has a locker next to mine so when he dresses out I can see him in his underwear, which is a very nice sight.

The year had been hotter than most years; especially in Pensacola where it is like a million degrees year round. Anyway, the day had been hotter than normal so a bunch of my other friends that were in the class didn't dress out; Josh was the only one I knew who dressed out. Me and him ended up running with each other on the track.

The school had cut the periods because there was a pep rally later in the day, and they needed time for it. After we finished, running I didn't feel like getting into a game of basketball so I just sat with the rest of my friends. When the whistle blew to find dress back in I noticed that Josh was limping and I asked him what was wrong and he said they he twisted his ankle. By the time he had gotten his locker open and got his book bag from the coaches office everyone else was outside waiting for the bell to ring.

Since no one was left I said to him, "Let me see your ankle." I never told him, but I really cared about him and when he felt bad so did I.

"Nah dude, it is ok."

"Foot now," I responded.

When he realized that I was not going to give up he reluctantly lifted his foot up and showed me his ankle.

I examined his ankle, and when I was satisfied that it was ok I let him know.

"Ok, I guess it is fine," I said holding his ankle, "I just wanted to make sure."

"That's cool. Thanks for caring," he said. We stared at each other for couple of seconds before he took his foot back.

"Hey no problem. He we better hurry the bell is about to ring."

We quickly finished getting dressed and left the locker room. As we were walking back to the main building, we stopped where we normally talked and hung out with the rest of our friends, and he asked me, "Hey you wanna go hang out at the mall tonight. There is a new movie opening today. We could go see that. I mean if you want to."

"Sure," I replied in a subtle way, but in my mind, I was jumping up and down in happiness.


Maybe I should tell you a little about what I look like. My name is Eric, I am about 5'6 blonde hair, blue eyes, and I weigh about 160. I'm not skinny but not fat I am just right. We planned to meet at the food court around six so I plenty of time to go home, take a shower, get ready, and talk to one of my best friends on the internet.

I looked down at the clock and saw that it was only 4:30. I had plenty of time to talk to Jon. Jon is such a cool person to talk to. I can tell him about anything, which I really like. It helps get out feelings that build up during the day. So I got on-line and was glad to see that he was there cause I wanted to tell him about me going to the movies with Josh. He knows how much I like Josh.

"Hey Jon. How's it going," I quickly typed.

"Hey E, pretty good. And how is E today?"

"I am super. I am got some exciting news today."

"Oh yeah? What would that be?"

"I am going to the movies with Josh tonight. I am so excited. I am like bouncing off the walls."

"Really!? Cool! Man I told you it could happen."

"Come on Jon, it is only a movie. He isn't even gay he has a girlfriend."

"So he could have one so no one suspects him."

"Yeah whatever. Hehe. Anyway, what is new in your love life?"

"Unlike some people not everyone has one."

"I don't have a love least not yet."

"Yeah, yeah. What time are you meeting him?"

"Umm...shit in an hour. I need to go I want to get there early."

"Ok loverboy go on you can give me details tonight when you get home."

"Ok maybe it depends. Nothing is gonna happen anyway, so don't get your hopes up."

"My hopes are always up."

"Hehe ok bye"

"Ok c-ya, Eric."

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth again. I made sure that my hair was good, and I shaved what little hair I had on my face. I wanted to look good although I knew nothing was gonna happen. At about 5:20 I left for the mall. Man I hated being 15, I couldn't drive by myself yet but that would all change in a month.

As I got to the mall I waited in the place we were supposed to meet. Josh showed up around 5:30 wearing a pair of jeans and a nice blue polo shirt. I just stared at him for a minute, taking in all his beauty. He came over to where I was siting and snapped me out of my stare.

"Hey man, you all right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm cool."

"Well, the movie starts at 6:30. We might want to go buy our tickets now in case it might sell out."

"Yeah, good idea."

When we got to the ticket booth we saw a sign that said the movie we wanted to see was sold out.

"Damnit man, hehe I guess we can go see another movie."

We both decided on going to go see Star Wars, which wasn't so bad I happened to like the movie I had already seen it 3 times. That movie started at 6:10. When I saw him pull out his wallet I stopped him.

"Nah, the movie is on me."

"No, you don't have too."

"No, I want to."

"Fine but I will pay you back some how."

"Ok, but I am paying for the tickets."

I bought two tickets and the lady just looked at me funny for a second. I just brushed it off like it was nothing. We went to the concession stands and I bought a large popcorn and two large drinks. Again, Josh tried to reach for his wallet, but I stopped him again. He said again that he would just have to repay me.

We took a couple of seats in the back of the theater and waited for the movie to start. We sat there for maybe 5 minutes in silence. When I was about to say something to him the previews started, so I just decided not to say anything. During the movie, we would both occasionally reach for popcorn at the same time, and our hands would touch ever so briefly, and it felt like electricity was running up my arm; it felt so wonderful.

When the credits started we got up and left. We went to the food court and went over to sabarro's, and I bought both of us a slice of pizza and a drink. The mall wasn't too crowded, but like any other Saturday night there were still a lot of people there. Josh and I found a table, sat down, and started eating in silence. I broke the silence by asking him, "So, how did you like the movie?"

"It was good. I would have liked it better if we would have been able to see Southpark."

"Yeah I want to see that, too."

"Maybe we should do this again, but this time go and see Southpark."

I remembered to myself that his nickname at school was Southpark.

"Sure Southpark, anything you want."

"Hey that is my nickname at school. You can call me Josh outside of school if you want."

"Ok," I gave him a smile and we finished eating our food. When we went to go make our phone

calls to our parents he asked me, "Hey, would you like to stay at my house tonight?"

Was I in Heaven? Was the man of my dreams asking me to stay over at his house? I must be dreaming...

"Well, if you don't want I..."

"N-no it's not that I was just thinking something. Sure I will," I tried to say with the least amount of enthusiasm I could. I didn't want him to suspect anything. So we arranged it with both our parents, and we were waiting out front for his parents to come and pick us up.

We were one of the last people out front waiting. There was no one anywhere remotely close to us. Josh started getting distant for some reason I didn't know why. I went over to where he was sitting and crouched down beside him and asked him, "Hey, man, you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, I am fine."

"Ok. You were just starting to worry me a little."

"Really? I made you worry?"

"Yeah, you did," I said kinda lovingly.

We just looked into each others eyes for a couple minutes until one of us noticed headlights coming this way, so we both got up and walked to the car. I nodded to his dad and introduced myself. He nodded and told us to buckle up.

For some reason, Josh decided to sit in the back with me instead of sitting up front. I guess he noticed me with a puzzled look on my face and asked me what was up.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking again."


We sat in silence again for another couple minutes until his dad broke the silence by asking, "So, how was the movie?"

"It was good dad. We want to go the movies again soon so we can go see Southpark."

"Sounds good to me," his dad said. I noticed he had a smile on his face. I wasn't quite sure why though. I brushed it off as nothing and went back to thinking about Josh. Josh was being so serious tonight it was strange. I was wondering what was up with him. After about another ten minutes we arrived at his house.

As soon as we walked in I heard some woman scream Josh's name and I immeditaly knew it was his stepmom. I had never met the woman, but from what Josh told me about her, I hated her with a passion.

"Josh didn't I tell you to finish your chores before you left! You are grounded for two weeks, and you can forget about you friend staying..."

"Listen here bitch! I told you not to try me again! My friend is staying tonight, and maybe if I feel like it I might finish my chores later! But until then leave me the FUCK alone," and with that, he ran off to his room. Meanwhile, I just stood there dumbfounded. His dad came right next to me and kinda nudged me in my side and said, "Maybe you should go talk to him. I will make sure no one bugs you."

I nodded and left to Josh's room.

I tried turning the door handle, but it was locked. I knocked quietly on the door and I heard him say, "leave me alone."

"Please Josh, open the door, its Eric."


"Please Josh."

I was about to ask again when I heard the lock undo. I slowly opened the door and I saw Josh sitting on his bed crying. I started walking to him when he said, "please lock the door again."

"Sure," I said and locked the door. I then walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"You alright?"

Sniff "I don't know anymore."

"Well, I am here for you, you know?"

"Thanks Eric, that means a lot to me," and with that he gave me a big hug."

It kinda caught me off guard and I fell off the bed with him right behind landing on me. I landed with an oof He got up and looked panicked.

"Um...Eric, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry.

"Hey, Josh, its ok. Really. Just calm down for a minute."

He just sat there for a few minutes. I noticed he looked pretty fatigued.

"Josh, maybe you should get some sleep."

"Nah, I'm fine," he said yawning, "Ok, maybe I am a little tired."

"Right now get ready for bed and get some sleep."

He then stood up and took his shirt off. I just stared at his beautiful chest. When I caught myself staring I quickly regained my composure and turned around so he could finish. He then stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed.

"I guess I am going to go to your guest room to sleep," I said turning towards the door.

Just then he grabbed my arm and I turned around to look at him.

"No, please stay with me tonight," he begged me.

"Alright I'll stay here, but where am I going to sleep." He then lifted up the blanket he was under indicating that it was with him where I was going to sleep. He gave me a smile and moved over some. He had a big bed so I knew it wouldn't be a space problem.

"Are you sure, Josh? I mean I don't want to..." and with that he sat up on the bed and his lips met with mine. We stayed together like that for what seemed like an eternity. After a few minutes, he slowly sat back down on the bed.

"Wow," was all I could muster up. I quietly stripped down to my boxers, took of my shirt, and slid into bed with him. I wrapped my arm around him and I said softly, "I love you, Josh."

"I love you too, Eric," and with that we both drifted off to sleep.

To be continued....

I will continue this if I get enough email requesting that it be continued. Please email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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