Joshs Summer Job

By Sean Josh

Published on Mar 25, 2023


This is an explicit fictional account of homoerotic behavior. If you are offended by such material or access to it is banned in your community read no further!

The characters and situations portrayed are purely fictional and therefor(e) have no fear of catching or passing on STDs. If you are sexually active, play safe and use protection.

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Josh's Summer Job 12

A sharp pop and crack heralded the last tree's fall. They'd spent the afternoon on a sizable piece of property falling three giant oaks. The entire process had seemed daunting to Danny and Billy. Josh had walked them through it with sure and certain steps. Now they were sodden and sore after a long day of hard work under the summer sun.

"Could sure use one of those beers we had at lunch." Danny said sitting on the tailgate of the truck.

"There're drinks in that cooler." Billy said nodding toward the old metal Coleman lodged in the back corner of the bed.

Josh was standing on the curb concluding business with the trucker that had just loaded the twenty foot sections they'd cut from the trunks of the oak trees. The transaction was taking longer than expected. Billy was watching closely, but couldn't hear a word at this distance. The trucker was thirty something. He was in a sleeveless shirt that displayed bulging pipes and a hairy chest. Josh laughed and lifted the front of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face. The trucker took the opportunity to inspect Josh's body. He reached out and gave Josh torso a friendly slap gauging the boy's solid frame before slowly removing his hand. Josh shook his head no and looked away from the man and toward the pickup. Billy swore that he saw him roll his eyes before turning back to finish conducting business. The trucker grimaced before reaching in his pocket and pealing off a number of bills which he handed Josh.

"Something he wanted?" Billy said as Josh joined them on the tailgate.

"You don't miss much do ya?"

"It's kinda hard to miss, once you're on to it."


"Oh yeah, that guy you talked with in the office of the funeral parlor and that professor in the restaurant, the way they looked at you, I could almost see them drooling."

Josh hung his head and chuckled.

"What? If I'm pryin' tell me to butt out."

"The funeral director was interested in you."

"Me, that's kinda creepy isn't it?"

"I don't think he wants to paint you blue and have you lie real still." Josh laughed.

"Ya never know." Danny said making his presence known.

"Suppose its time to fess up huh?" Josh sighed.

"So you're a rent boy." Danny shrugged, "a damn hot one."

Billy looked between them.

"That was far less painful than I thought it would be."

"Rent boy?"

"He gets paid for it Billy."

"Sure he does, I mean he's workin' isn't he."

Josh laughed, long, hard, and honestly. Billy's naiveté was so refreshing, so liberating, it opened a gate in Josh that released his imprisoned child. Tears streaked his face as he slowly regained his demeanor, and he gathered Billy into a deep hug.

"I get paid for sex."

Billy was thunder struck. The idea took a moment to sink in. His mind rushed over everything he'd seen in the past two days, sorting it through this new matrix.

"Did my mom..." Josh eyes closed, he knew it was coming. The answer burned his soul in ways he'd never felt guilt before. Partially because of the truth it revealed about himself. Even more so because he knew it would hurt Billy.

"Yes, but it wasn't a contract."

"What the fuck does that mean." Billy growled and hit Josh with a sharp swift punch to the face.

Josh rolled from the tailgate to his knees. He was panting slowly mastering himself. Billy stood over him seething. His fists balled into knots, his eyes blazed with fury.

"She didn't hire me for that. That just happened, and after it did she gave me some extra in the check. I didn't ask for it, and I didn't hit on her because I was after her cash."

Josh slowly lifted his head to reveal his swollen cheek and bleeding nose.

"I know you're angry. I understand but it wasn't like you think. If I could take it back I would. It's my fault. I can't always control it."

Danny didn't know what to do. He understood what Billy felt. His Mom and Dad had divorced over a matter of infidelity, but Billy's mom was single, his dad had been dead for years.

"You can't control it!" Billy spat. "You controlled it all, you seduced her, then got me..."

Billy kicked Josh viciously in the gut. Josh saw it coming and did nothing to defend himself. He doubled up and vomited. Danny grabbed Billy as he tried to kick Josh again.

"That's enough." Danny yelled. "Aren't you listening? It's not like they arranged it."

Billy tore himself free of Danny's grasp. Danny had turned him so he stood between his best friend and Josh. Billy stormed away.

"You okay." He asked Josh.

Josh nodded still unable to speak.

Danny set out after Billy. Billy ignored his calls. He pushed on hoping Danny would leave him alone, let him have the space he needed, the time he needed to sort out the storm raging in his head.

"William Jeffery Johnson," Danny yelled, invoking Ms. Johnson's favorite means to gain her son's attention.

"What the fuck Danny." Billy said rushing his best friend and throwing him to the ground.

"Ya gonna kick my ass too." Danny said as Billy grabbed him by his shirt and raised a clenched fist.

Billy realized what he was doing and released Danny. He fell to his knees and began beating the ground. Danny grabbed him and pulled him into a desperately strong hug.

"Nobody did anything wrong." Danny whispered as Billy struggled in his grasp.

"It was my mom."

"She's only human."

"She's my mom!"

"And she'd been alone since you were seven."

"With him!"

"And we haven't been dreamin' about doin' the same thing? You're Mom's only human, she saw the same things we did, reacted the same way."

Billy stopped struggling.

"Didn't I say it like two weeks ago. He's so hot I'd pay him."

"No," Billy said slowly mastering his rage. "I did."

"And it cost you what, fifteen bucks,"

"And I had to borrow five bucks from you," Billy said somewhere between tears and laughter.

"Sounds like a deal to me."

"Not if you figure in the years of counseling," Billy laughed through his tears.

They sat back on the lawn together, Danny still encircling Billy in his arms.

"You can let me go now." Billy assured him.

"Why would I want to?"

"You're such a fag."

"And you're..."

"Lucky to have a friend like you."

"I'd say you're very lucky."

"Very lucky?"

"That one major league stud didn't raise a hand to defend himself."

"Oh my God."

They rushed back to the truck. Josh's bloody shirt lay on the tailgate. A bloodstained note was on the dash along with two envelopes and the keys.

Leave the truck at school. Your pay's on the dash.

I'm sorry I caused this problem. The extra is your tip.


The envelopes bore their names. Danny's held a hundred and fifty, Billy's had an twenty extra. Billy began crying anew as he stared at the twenty.

"He can't have gone far, well find him."

Billy just shook his head.


"The extra is your tip." Billy repeated. "It's for the pizza."

Next: Chapter 13

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