Joshs Summer Job

By Sean Josh

Published on Apr 13, 2023


This is an explicit fictional account of homoerotic behavior. If you are offended by such material or access to it is banned in your community read no further!

The characters and situations portrayed are purely fictional and therefor(e) have no fear of catching or passing on STDs. If you are sexually active, play safe and use protection.

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Josh's Summer Job 15

Billy continued to poor over the two documents hoping something would give him a clue where Josh might have gone. Josh's Mom called again right after lunch. Her concern was becoming genuine and heightened Billy's feelings of guilt and worry.

He cruised the streets and checked to find Josh's truck still parked in the back lot of the High School. He picked up Danny from work and they continued to search.

As the sun set they parked down town. Billy was so upset his stomach was sour.

"It's my fault. I hurt him. He didn't even try to protect himself."

Danny didn't know what to say.

"If he's hurt, or sick, or harmed himself..."

"C'mon ya hardly dented him." Danny kidded trying to change the mood.

"I was supposed to be his friend."

Jamie was deeply engrossed in the book he was reading. The doorbell rang a third time before he heard it. Josh sat on the stoop, head in hands. His naked torso stripped by his punishment. Jamie ushered him in. Under the incandescent lights he looked even worse. His skin was blotchy and his eyes red rimmed and bloodshot. There were bruises scattered across his torso and arms. The worst of which, a large black and purple patch, spread over the left side of his ribs and trailing down into his abs.

"Where the fuck have you been? Everbody's lookin' for you."

Josh's legs grew weak and he caught himself on the kitchen table and eased his way into a chair.

"Are you drunk?"

"No. I'm tired and hungry."

"Did a little shopping today, whatcha up for?"

"I have cash we could order something."

Josh looked like he'd been run over. A torrent of questions plagued Jamie, but seeing Josh hadn't answered the first query, he wasn't going to push.

"How `bout some eggs?"

Josh nodded and grinned weakly. The effort reminded Jamie of the sun peeking through a cloudy sky. He gathered ingredients from the fridge, and made small talk as he pared and peeled vegetables. Josh set his elbow on the table and his chin in his hand. His golden lashes shimmered under the kitchen's lights. The blue of his eyes was just visible under his drooping lids. As Jamie rose to retrieve the skillet he realized Josh was asleep.

It was unsettling, seeing him asleep with his eyes open. He was difficult to rouse, and needed help navigating his way to the den.

"I'm going to call your Mom, what's the number?"

"No. I'll call her when I wake up," Josh assured him as he snuggled on the couch.

It was nearly eight when Billy walked into Mario's. The room looked different than it had at lunch. Perhaps it was the lighting. The clientele was more diverse. The tables were covered in linen. The wait staff was predominantly male. There was a maitre d' at the door. Billy asked for the owner.

"I'm sure I can help you." The maitre d' offered.

"This is a private matter. Could you please tell Mario that Josh's friend Bill Johnson needs to speak with him."

Hanna hustled past with tray of dirty dishes.

"Hanna!" Billy shouted. Half the room turned to look. The maitre d' set a hand on Billy's shoulder. Hanna saw him and paused at the kitchen door.

"Is there a problem?" Mario said appearing at the door that led into the bar.

"I've got it under control Sir."

"Wait," Mario said seeing the boy. "Bill yes, with Josh at lunch."

"Yes sir."

"It's okay Fred."

The maitre d' returned to his post. Hanna smiled as Mario set an arm around the boy's shoulder and led him into the bar room. The bar was a long mahogany affair, with a matching bar back that began just past the doorway and ran up the wall some twenty five feet. In near perfect symmetry a second door opened in the wall just beyond the far end. Mario steered them toward that door, moving casually, and greeting the occasional customer. The far door entered a hall that connected the kitchen with the bar room and the dining rooms.

He pushed through the kitchen doors. A man in white linens and a chef's hat looked up from his orders. Mario smiled and waved him back to work before escorting Billy into a small office. There was no desk, just a small dinner table and chairs. Bulletin boards covered two walls. The third had three file cabinets atop which were a broad stack of cubby holes.

Even before they'd settled a waiter popped in to deposit two glasses, bread and a bottle of wine.

"You look worried Bill." Mario said pouring a glass and offering it to him.

"Is it okay to talk here Sir," Bill said eyeing the open door.

"Everyone is too busy to bother with us. Are you hungry?"

Billy's stomach growled in reply.

Mario leaned out the door, "Gino, due especial pronto."

"I didn't come to bother you, its just, well Josh, I'm afraid, I..."

"He is a complex individual, no?"

Billy hung his head, he wasn't sure he could discuss this with a stranger.

"Very sexy."


"You and he have shared the mystery eh? And now something is wrong."

"It is. I lost my temper."

"You had a fight."

"I hurt him."

Mario paused and sipped his wine. Billy followed suite. The deep red liquid was piquant for his tastes, but as the flavor lingered, it mellowed and left a number of subtle after tastes. Mario smiled.

"You are a complex individual too, eh? Like the wine, it is fiery and sharp to begin, but given a moment it becomes far more than it seems."

"He was with my mom."

"She is a beautiful woman, and no longer married."

"You know my mother?"

"Yes, and I know Joshua."

"I saw them and he saw me."

"But not your mother?"

"No, not Mom, she doesn't know."

"And if I know Joshua, he came to you, to speak with you, to be honest with you."

"Yeah it was strange, but he was really concerned, really worried. Even apologetic."

A quick knock announced dinner's arrival.

"Especial d' Mason, Veal Imperial," the chef said setting down two plates.

Billy wasn't sure what he was eating, all he knew it was wonderful. As they ate he explained the details of what had happened. Mario listened, at times asking a pointed or insightful question.

"And you've been looking for him, worried for him."

"Yes Sir. I'm ashamed of what I did."

Mario sighed and smiled. He patted Billy's hand.

"He did nothing to defend himself, did he?"

"No Sir, and I think I hurt him bad."

"Hurt his heart, or his body?"

"Both I'm afraid."

"Perhaps, he's never brought friends to my restaurant. He brings clients, sometimes a date, our staff is very discrete."

Billy didn't understand.

"I told you he needed friends, friends his age. You see that smile, the one that melts your heart and makes your body ache to be near him."

He marveled at the man's insight.

"He has a rare gift. He sees, feels the people who need him, who are lonely, wanting. He reacts to them, understands them, without ever knowing, he gives them what they need."

"I'm afraid for him."

Mario nodded.

"You say he's been gone a whole day."

"Since yesterday afternoon, around four."

"And he did not take his truck?"

"Do you know where he is?"

"I have an idea. It is not a pleasant one."

"Can you tell me?"

"No, you cannot go there."

"Sir, please!"

"No, I will see to it." He handed Billy a card. "You call at once if he returns."

Billy wrote his cell number on a paper napkin and handed it to Mario.

"He's stronger than you know. He'll be okay." Mario said leading him out.

Jamie watched Josh sleep for over an hour. All the while wrestling with the question of whether he should call. Josh became restless. He tossed and turned, crying out, shivering, breaking out in a cold sweat. Jamie retrieved an afghan and cuddled with him; the heat of Josh's body, the smell of him, enflamed Jamie's libido. He became erect, what was meant as comfort was quickly becoming sexual. Jamie cautioned himself, but the big stud seemed to welcome the attention, moving subtly, groaning. Jamie reached around to find Josh very erect. Josh spoke.

"You okay?" Jamie wondered.

"I've been bad.

Jamie hugged him from behind. His hardness grinding into Josh's tender ass.

"I'm sorry Billy." Josh said, body aquiver as he pushed back against the hardness he felt.

Jamie pressed in to meet the sensation. They slowly found a rhythm. Denim to denim swathed body grinding beneath the blanket.

The phone rang startling Jamie. He slipped off the couch onto the floor and groped across the coffee table after the phone.

"Yeah, Billy. Hi. Yes, he's here."

Next: Chapter 16

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