Joy's Fantasy

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Feb 14, 2008


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Joy's Fantasy

Part Seven

By Chris

Then came the grand opening and Scarlett made Joy work late at the office that Friday night. When Joy came in the door, she found a note on the door telling her to go straight up to the bedroom and put on the dress laid out for her. She was then to call Scarlett on her cell phone. Joy went up to the bedroom but not before smelling the rich aroma of food coming from the kitchen. Joy found that Scarlett had laid out the dress that she had worn to her first session at the studio. This made Joy almost cry out with joy from her excitement. She stripped off her clothes and she jumped into the shower to get the grime of the workday off her body. She then dried and fixed up her hair and put on a bit of her favorite perfume. She made her call to Scarlett who told her to put the scarf over her eyes and wait patiently which turned out to be impossible for Joy. She was so excited and nervous that she couldn't sit still. And being blindfolded, the time seemed to just drag as every minute seemed like an hour. Finally Joy heard the stairs squeak and she knew that Scarlett had finally come to get her. Joy could hear Scarlett enter the room and she felt her kiss her lightly on the lips. Then Scarlett took her by the hand and led her out of the room. Slowly they made their way down the steps and through the kitchen. Joy heard the door to the basement open and she was being led down the stairs. She found that she was going in a circle as she descended down the stairs. . They walked a few feet and Scarlett stopped her. She felt Scarlett go behind her and she felt Scarlett's breath on her ear as she said "Are you ready slut?"

"Yes Mistress." Joy said in a voice much calmer that she felt. She was practically shaking from her excitement.

Scarlett then pulled the knot free and she let the scarf fall from Joy's eyes. Joy blinked to focus her eyes and she saw a table in the middle of the room and there were lighted candles and the table had their dinner laid out and both wine glasses were full. The rest of the room was dark so Joy really couldn't get a feel for what it looked like.

"First we eat and then we play." Scarlett whispered to her as she turned Joy around and kissed her passionately. Joy wrapped her arms around Scarlett and returned the kiss just as passionately. They kissed and kissed until Scarlett told her that they had better eat before the food got cold. She had paid a lot of money to have the food cooked and delivered and she didn't want it to get cold on them. Joy smiled at Scarlett and she gave her one last kiss and then she let Scarlett hold her chair for her as she sat down. Joy then got a good look at Scarlett and found that she was dressed in a dark blue blouse and a pair of tight blue jeans. She was also wearing the boots that Joy had peed on to begin their first weekend of games.

"This is so romantic; I didn't think you had it in you." Joy teased Scarlett.

"Oh I got lots in me you don't know about yet." Scarlett countered.

Joy picked up her wine glass and she held it out to Scarlett who picked up her glass, "Here to us spending the rest of our lives finding out the things that we don't know about each other." Joy said as she clinked glasses with Scarlett and they both took a sip. Joy had a smile that went across her face and she could see the happiness that radiated from Scarlett's face. As the talked, Joy tried to look around the room but she couldn't make anything out clearly. There were only a couple of candles lit and that provided them with just enough light to eat by. They talked about the room and all the fun that they were going to have here. Joy was almost too excited to eat but as they talked she began to relax more and was able to fill the hunger that was in her belly. It was the hunger that radiated from lower down on her body that would have to wait a little longer to be satisfied.

After dinner, Scarlett put the scarf back around Joy's eyes and she led her over to the couch. She helped Joy to sit down and Joy knew that as soon as her butt hit the cushions that this was a new couch that Scarlett had brought in. Joy sat back and she heard Scarlett cleaning off the table and carrying the dishes back upstairs. Joy sat patiently and she wished that Scarlett would hurry up as she was dying to see just what Scarlett had done with the basement. Finally she felt Scarlett sit beside of her and a cold glass was pressed into her hand. Joy put it to her lips and she tasted the wine that Scarlett had poured for her. Scarlett then took the wine glass from Joy's hand and then she leaned in and kissed Joy who wrapped her arms around Scarlett and she held her tight as they kissed with their lips and their tongues. Scarlett then got up and she took Joy's hand helping her up. Joy was led from the couch and they walked a few steps and then Scarlett put her hands to the back of Joy's head and she untied the scarf.

"Are you ready to see our room?" She asked.

"I'm dying to see the room, quit teasing me." Joy told her.

"But I love teasing you dear." Scarlett told her as she held the scarf in place.

"I know you do and you're so fucking good at it too." Joy said laughing.

"Why thank you my lady." Scarlett said and then she swept the scarf away.

Joy blinked her eyes a couple of times and the room came into focus. The only problem was that they weren't in their play room. They were in the small section that contained Scarlett's little workshop. Joy let out a moan of frustration that made Scarlett smile as she was teasing her again. There was a large drafting board on the corner of the room and there were an area for Scarlett to put models of her creations together.

"What do you think?" Scarlett ask obviously proud of her little room.

"I think it wonderful and I know that you will that be able to devise a number of ways to torture me in this room." Joy told her and she saw that it was a lovely room.

"I think so too. This is the first time that I have had a little place of my own like this. I think I this will be perfect for me." Scarlett said obviously proud of the little room.

"It's perfect." Joy said as she went to Scarlett and kissed her.

"Thanks and thanks for letting me have this area." Scarlett said holding Joy tightly.

"Hey, this is your house too now. We're in this together." Joy told her as she looked Scarlett squarely in the eyes.

"I know, now let's see the best part." Scarlett said as she took Joy by the hand and led her through a door and Joy now found herself in the bathroom. There was a large shower that would fit at least four people. Joy opened the shower door and she got a little surprise. Instead of finding a shower nozzle and a place to put the shampoos, she found that there were two shower nozzles, one on each side and there was also a couple of chains hanging from the ceiling and some eye bolts in the walls. She then knew that this wasn't just a shower room but an addition to the playroom. Joy looked back at Scarlett and arched her eyebrows as she was impressed with Scarlett's ingenuity. Joy went next to the large bathtub and found no restraints there but did see that it had spa jets so that they could have a relaxing bath after a session. There was also a toilet and sink as every bathroom would have. Scarlett then took her hand and let Joy over to the other door in the bathroom. Joy took in a deep breath as she was finally going to see their playroom. They got to the door and then Scarlett stopped short of opening it.

"Maybe we should wait until tomorrow to see the room. We've had enough excitement for one night." Scarlett said after she had paused to think for a moment.

Joy took Scarlett's hand and she quickly twisted it behind Scarlett's back. She didn't push it up to hard and she saw that Scarlett wasn't trying to resist her. "Open that goddamn door or I'll break your arm." Joy said in frustration.

"Oh I've got a slut with a backbone, I like that." Scarlett said.

"Yes you do Mistress and this slut is about to die to see this room that you're going to use to do lots of mean and wonderful things to me." Joy said as she released Scarlett's hand and she kissed her.

"I guess that I've stretched this out about as long as I can." Scarlett said as she opened the door and she stood back to let Joy enter. The room was well lit and there were ropes and chains hanging from all over the ceiling and along the walls there were lots of whips and crops. Joy walked on into the room and she saw that the table that they had just ate had a way to pull parts of it away and there were rings along the side that ropes could be tied to. To one end of the room was the couch that they had sat on earlier and a couple of chairs that to each end. Joy saw that these two chairs could be used to restrain someone and that someone would be her.

"If I was you, I'd be stripping right now or I'll be forced to cut that dress off of you for real." Joy heard Her Mistress say from behind of her. She spun quickly around to see Her Mistress slowly walking toward her with a large pair of scissors, that she was opening and then snapping shut. Joy also noticed that Scarlett had shed her top and jeans and she was now in her purple corset which she obvious had been wearing underneath her clothes.

Joy had her dress cut off of her once before and she wasn't going to let it happen again. So she pulled her dress up and pulled it over her head, throwing it down. She put her hand behind her back as she slipped off her shoes and she unhooked her bra. She just had gotten it off when Her Mistress got to her. She was down to just her panties and she stood very still as Her Mistress put the scissors at her right hip and she snipped the side.

Joy could feel her pussy getting wet as Her Mistress went to the other side and she gave a quick snip and the sides of the panties fell loose. Joy opened her legs but the panties stayed in place. Joy looked down as Her Mistress did and she could see that her juices had stuck to the crotch of her panties thus holding them in place.

"I see we are a wee bit wet, just as I expected my slut to be." Her Mistress said as she reached down and she jerked the remnants of the panties from between Joy's legs. Joy was slightly embarrassed but she also knew the fact that she was already wet please Her Mistress.

"Get your fucking ass over here slut!" Her Mistress ordered as she grabbed Joy's elbow and pulled her over to where there were two ropes hanging from a pulley that was attached to the ceiling. Joy could see that the ropes were then attached to a motor on the wall. Her Mistress got two cuffs and she attached them to the ropes and she then took two cuffs and placed them around Joy's ankles. Her Mistress attached the cuffs around her ankles to two other ropes that were attached to pulleys in the ceiling. Joy began to wonder just how Her Mistress was going to restrain her and she became even more curious when Her Mistress got a wide belt and she hooked it around Joy's waist. She attached a rope that was hooked to a pulley that was half way between the other pulleys. Joy was just getting a clue as to what was about to happen when she heard a motor hum and her arms were being pulled backwards causing her to fall. She let out a scream as she fell but then the rope attached to her waist tighten up and that prevented her from falling. Then Joy felt her feet being pulled out from under her and she let out another scream as she lost touch with the floor. Joy had to will herself to not thrash around as she knew that Her Mistress would not let her fall to the floor. All the same she felt the fear rise within her as she rose up and her body leveled out about four to five feet off the floor. Her feet and arms were then pulled out wide so that she ended up suspended spread eagle in the air. Her Mistress came over and smiled down at her.

"How do you like this?" Her Mistress asked as she placed her hand on Joy's chest giving her some reassurance that she was safe.

"Interesting, my Mistress." Joy said as she began to calm down and she started to lose her fear of falling.

Her Mistress moved her hand from the center of Joy's chest to her right breast and she squeezed and caressed it causing Joy to let out a little moan. Then she moved it to her left breast and did the same. Joy was getting into the gentle caresses when Her Mistress pinched her right nipple hard and as she did this, she bought the crop that she was holding in her right hand that Joy didn't see before up and she smacked Joy's ass. Joy yelped from both and she knew that Her Mistress had decided to get on with it. Her Mistress kept playing with Joy's breasts as she brought the crop up from under Joy' body and she began to hit Joy's ass and back with it. Joy cried and twisted in the air as Her Mistress whipped her and when Her Mistress let her hand slide down to Joy's pussy and she began to caress her lips. Joy was moaning from both pleasure and pain. The caresses to her pussy and clit felt so damn good but the crop hitting her back and ass hurt. Her Mistress was bringing the crop up hard and each lick stung like hell. But then she would curl her fingers into Joy's pussy and she started to fuck her. Joy cried out and she opened her legs up wider to let her Mistress finger fuck her better. After a few minutes of this, Joy didn't know what to do. Her back and ass was beginning to really hurt but then the fingering that Her Mistress was doing to her pussy felt so damn good. Joy was about to go crazy when Her Mistress suddenly pulled her fingers from Joy's pussy and she stopped hitting her back and ass with the crop. She left Joy hanging there for a few minutes as she walked to side of the room where Joy's couldn't see her.

When Her Mistress returned, she came over and stood between Joy's legs and she still had the crop in her hand but she also had a devious smile on her face and Joy knew that Her Mistress had something new planned for her. She continued to smile as she hit a button on a remote that she was holding and Joy felt her body slowly being lowered. She went down about a foot or so and she saw Her Mistress step forward. She was looking up at Her Mistress's face trying to figure out what she was up to and all she could figure was that this gave Her Mistress a better angle to crop the front of her body. It was then that Joy felt something firm at the entrance of her pussy. She lifted her head and she saw that Her Mistress had put on the strap-on and she was holding her fake cock at the entrance of Joy's pussy. Her Mistress smiled down at her as she slowly pushed forward. Joy felt her pussy lips opening and she could feel the cock entering her pussy. It slowly filled her up and she let out a moan. Her shoulders and hips were hurting not to mention her back and ass but the cock more than made up for that. The cock slowly sank into her body until Joy felt Her Mistress's hips were pressing against her. Her Mistress stood still and she let Joy get use to being so full. As Joy got use to the cock and she was ready to be fucked she tried to move her body.

"So you ready to be fucked good slut?" Her Mistress asked.

"Oh hell yes Mistress, I need it." Joy cried out.

"You need it enough to take a good cropping on those perky little breasts of yours?" Her Mistress asked as she ran the tip of the crop across Joy's nipples.

"Beat me, whip me, do anything you want to me Mistress, just fuck me good!" Joy cried out and then she felt the crop land hard on the side of her right breast and she felt Her Mistress pulling the cock back and slid it back into her.

Joy cried out from the pain and then she moaned as the cock came back into her pussy filling it up. Her Mistress pulled the cock back and as she pushed forward, she gave two licks across Joy's left breast. Joy moaned and cried out again as the crop hitting her breasts stung like hell. Her Mistress started to fuck her pussy and on each stroke, Joy got two licks across her breasts. Joy cried and moaned as Her Mistress fucked her pussy and smacked her breasts with the crop. Both were just adding to her arousal and she knew that she wouldn't last long. The fucking felt so good and she needed to cum in the worst way. Her Mistress picked up the speed of her fucking drawing Joy closer to an orgasm. Then Joy felt Her Mistress's fingers on her clit and she cried out. Her body was now swaying in the air and that put more stress on her shoulders and hips so she quickly coming to the limits of her endurance in more way than one. Her Mistress rubbed her clit harder and beat her breasts faster and harder until she couldn't take it anymore. Joy felt her clit spas out and she came hard. The pain was intense as well as the pleasure and she blacked out for a moment.

When she woke up, she found that Her Mistress was lowering her to the table that she had placed under her. Her Mistress left her arms and legs ties up but the stress was off of them now. Her Mistress unhooked the belt around her waist and then she climbed up upon the table. Joy knew what she wanted and she had her tongue ready when Her Mistress lowered her pussy to it. Joy could see all the moisture gathered on Her Mistress's pussy lips and she felt that familiar sense of love that she got when she saw how excited that she made Her Mistress. Joy lifted her head up and she began to lick those sweet juices from those lips. Joy slowly moved her tongue around the lips going from side to side and then from top to bottom. She just ran her tongue over ever crevice. Then she felt Her Mistress lower her pussy down on her head and she got the hint. Joy pushed her tongue between the lips and she pushed it into Her Mistress's pussy. She tasted the fresh juices and she drank them down as she fucked Her Mistress with her tongue. Joy tried to pull her hands in but the ropes held fast. She so wanted to use her fingers to part those lips but she couldn't. So she moved her tongue within Her Mistress's pussy and then up to her clit. The nub was hard and ready to be licked. Joy sucked it into her mouth and she used the tip of her tongue to tease it. She heard Her Mistress let out a deep moan and Joy felt Her Mistress's girlcum flood her mouth. She licked and sucked it up as Her Mistress came. When she had enough, Her Mistress lifted her pussy from Joy's mouth and Joy saw her looking down at her with lust filled eyes and she knew that Her Mistress needed more. Joy wanted to pull Her Mistress's pussy back to her mouth but she was already in the process of getting off of her. She bent down and when she stood up, Her Mistress was holding up the strap-on with the fake cock coated with her own girlcum. Her Mistress moved over to Joy's hips and Joy lifted them to help Her Mistress put the harness on her. Since she was still tied up, Her Mistress had to undo all the buckles so it took her a bit longer to get it on but she did.

""Fuck me hard you fucking slut!" Her Mistress ordered her as she climbed back up on the table.

"Yes Mistress!" Joy replied as Her Mistress straddle her hips. Joy couldn't help her but then Her Mistress didn't need much help as she grasp the cock in her right hand and held it still as she lowered her pussy to it. Joy watched as the head of the cock parted Her Mistress's pussy lips and disappeared inside of her. Joy used her stomach, back and thigh muscles to push her hips up and she drove the cock a few inches inside of Her Mistress drawing a deep moan from her. Her Mistress then dropped her hips down and she forced the cock all the way inside of her and she forced Joy's hips back down and her sore ass hit the table causing Joy to moan from the pain. Her Mistress lifted her hips back up several inches and as she came back down, Joy forced her hips upwards. The cock quickly disappeared inside of Her Mistress and Joy's ass hit the hard table once again. They soon got into a nice rhythm as Her Mistress rode Joy's fake cock.

"You liking this fucking your fucking slut is giving you." Joy grunted out as she pushed her hips upwards.

"Oh hell yes!' Her Mistress cried out.

Joy worked harder to give Her Mistress what she wanted and needed and she was soon soaked in sweat. She was again thankful that she kept herself in shape and she did her yoga regularly as she would never be able to do this otherwise. Her Mistress leaned forward and she grasped Joy's sore breasts in her hands and she squeezed then hard causing Joy to moan. The base of the cock was rubbing on her clit and Joy was getting close to an orgasm as she felt the pain on her breasts from Her Mistress's hands and the pain on her ass as it landed hard on the hard table at every downward thrust of Her Mistress's hips. Joy could see the sweat dripping off of Her Mistress's body and the look of pure pleasure on her face. Her Mistress was grunting hard as she was as Joy fucked her. Joy went as long as she could but she was wearing down and her orgasm was getting close when she saw Her Mistress let out a loud grunt and Joy saw her body shaking. Joy knew that Her Mistress was cumming and she came with her.

Joy was exhausted at this point. She had given all she had inside of her and her orgasm sucked the last of her energy. She felt Her Mistress fall down on her and she heard her panting as they both just lay there not moving a muscle. Joy felt Her Mistress kiss her as she drifted off into a light sleep.

Sometime later she felt the cuffs being removed from her wrists and then ankles. She started to curl up on the table and go back to sleep when she heard Scarlett whisper into her ear, "Don't go to sleep yet baby, I got the tub filled with warm water and lots of scented bubbles that I know you love."

"You're my angel." Joy said and she opened her eyes and she saw Scarlett's sweet smiling face looking down at her.

"I know and you had better not ever forget it." Scarlett said laughing heartily.

"I won't I promise."Joy said crossing her heart.

"You silly fool." Scarlett said as she helped Joy up and then she walked her to the bathroom.

Joy smelled the lavender scented bubbles before she saw the tub and then she saw all the lighted candles that surrounded the tub. "You pulled out all the stops tonight didn't you?" Joy said as she turned and she pulled Scarlett to her and she kissed her.

"I figured that if I wanted to keep you wanting me I had to do something nice every once in a while." Scarlett told her.

"I will always want you baby, even if you didn't do this but I have to admit, I do like it when your romantic side rears up and shows itself no matter how much you would like to hide the fact that you're just as much a romantic as I am." Joy told her and then she kissed her before Scarlett could say something.

Then as the kiss ended, Joy took Scarlett's hand and she led her over to the tub. She let Scarlett get in first and sit down. Joy then got in and she sat in front of Scarlett with her back to Scarlett's front. Joy lay back and she felt Scarlett's arms wrap about her in a tight embrace. Scarlett let go of her for only a moment to turn on the water jets and Joy let out a contented sigh as the warm water began to swirl around her.

"Can we stay here all night?' Joy asked Scarlett as she turned her head and gave Scarlett a kiss on the cheek.

"If you want, the tub has a warmer attached to the water jets to keep the water nice and warm. So we're here until we're both so wrinkle that we look like ninety year old women.

"Oh god, you would have to say that, now I'll have that picture in my mind all night long." Joy said with a laugh and Scarlett laughed with her. Joy then settled back down in the water and she let the warm water work the kinks out of her muscles that had developed from the way that Scarlett had her hanging from the ceiling. While they didn't spend the whole night in the bath, they did spend several hours there. They would talk for a while about their new playroom and then they would grow silent that was only interrupted by the kissing that they would do from. It was only when they both woke up with a start that they realized that it was time to finish bathing and go to bed. So they washed each other's hair and then each other's bodies before they rinsed off in the shower wanting to break in both the shower and tub on the same night.

The next morning, they were back in the play room as Joy wanted Her Mistress to try all the different ropes and pulley combinations that there was. Her Mistress tried a few on her but she left most for later. Joy was slightly disappointed but once Scarlett had her restrained and was whipping her she was quiet content and very happy. This was the first time that they had played without Joy starting it out by doing something to Scarlett first. They didn't play any Monday or Tuesday but when Joy came home from work, she found Scarlett down in her little workroom working on some new contraption. Joy looked from the doorway not wanting to disturb Scarlett's work but the more she watched the hornier she got. She resisted it for as long as she could, then she stepped back and she quickly stripped out of her clothes. She then quietly went into the room and she stood behind Scarlett and she whispered into her ear, "Mistress, I need to be whipped so damn bad." Joy saw a little smile come over Her Mistress's face and she was promptly escorted out to the playroom for a nice session that ended with them both having the orgasms that they needed. So that was the way that they began to have their little playtimes. When one of them was in the mood which turned out to be several times a week, they would just take the other by the hand and lead them to the playroom. That was all that needed to be said. Joy had thought that she would always need to do something to Scarlett to start their games but once they had their playroom, things changed for her. It was there and was so convent to use. There wasn't a need to wait for the weekend and make a production out of it but that didn't mean that she stopped doing mean things to Scarlett completely. She still had that little mean streak in her and on occasions that meanness had to be satisfied. When she did that, she met Her Mistress at the door naked and in a fetal position. Only now before Joy could say anything Her Mistress would ask, "Okay, what did you piss on this Time?" The first time that Her Mistress asked Joy this, Joy let out a laugh which got her a slap on her ass so she learned to hold in her laughter and just smile as she told Her Mistress what she had done and thus why she deserved to be punished.

As the months passed, Joy began to slowly learn more about Scarlett as she opened up more and more. She also learned that the time that Scarlett was the most receptive to her questions was after they had a session in the playroom and they were in their bed talking. Sometimes Scarlett would start to talk after Joy had asked a simple quest and at other times Scarlett would start to talk on her own. Joy learned how Scarlett had been passed from one foster home to another without ever having a real home for herself. Joy felt so sad for her but Scarlett said that it made her stronger and independent. But Joy could see that while this was true, she could also see that Scarlett yearned for a real home.

Scarlett continued to work at Miss Lauren's site as she helped Miss Lauren pick out the new models and she did some of the videoing that Anita use to do. Scarlett enjoyed working there but now she had her own little workshop to do her designing and that is where she made her money and where she spent more and more of her time. She would design her restraint devices and Rusty would build them. Then she would sell them to lesbian couples that she knew would put them to good use. Joy was surprised just how much money that could be made building and selling the restraining devices. People would pay good money for these things that as they knew were solidly build and safe to use. She had been doing this for years now and she was shipping her devices all over the world and it was all done by word of mouth. The best part of this little business for Joy was that she got to try out the new devices before they ever went for sale. And if Joy decided that she didn't like it or it wasn't comfortable then it was back to the drawing board for Scarlett until she got it to the point that Joy decided that it was ready for sale. So without really trying, Joy became a partner in Scarlett's little business.

And Joy continued with her friendship with Anita and she talked to her several times a week. And she would sometimes go down to the studio and watched Anita do her thing as Scarlett did the videoing. It was fun to watch another model get whipped or spanked and she always came home horny as hell. So Scarlett loved having her come to the studio as that meant that they would have a long session in the playroom followed by several orgasms by each of them. Joy had told Anita about hers and Scarlett's playroom as it was being built. It took her about a month to actually invite Anita over to see it as she wanted to keep it all to herself and Scarlett. But eventually she got to the point that she wanted to show off her playroom to Anita. So one day when Scarlett was working in her little workroom, Anita stopped by. Joy was so excited and she wanted Scarlett to share this moment with her but she just said that Anita was her friend and she should have that honor. Joy wanted to protest but then she realized that all of Scarlett's attention was on her latest project and the fact that Anita was coming over meant the Joy wouldn't be bothering her for a while and she could work in peace, so Joy just went over and gave Scarlett a kiss on the cheek and then shut the door behind her.

"So what do you think?" Joy asked excitedly after she had shown Anita all the ways that Scarlett had developed to restrain her and whip or crop her.

"I love it. I would give my eyeteeth to have something like this for Lauren and me." Anita said as she looked around the room.

"I'm sure that Scarlett would draw you up something to fit yours and Lauren's house if you ask. I know there is a lot of unused space that she could do something with. You know if you could get her to come here and see it with you then she would want one for herself." Joy told her as they went over to the couch and sat down where they could sip their beer.

"You know better than that. Lauren is so stubborn about anyone from the site knowing about our relationship. It is just so silly but she is adamant about that so I play along." Anita said with a sigh.

"I know I wish I could do something to help you to get her to understand that we all would still respect her authority in the studio even if we know that you two are an item which we all do." Joy told her as she took a sip of her beer.

They talk on for a while about the room forgetting about Lauren for a while since there wasn't anything they could do about her and her phobia of letting people know that she loved Anita who was her mistress at home. They talked for an hour or two when Joy was talking about how the site and this room was a fantasy come true. Joy kept on talking but soon she realized that she had lost Anita somewhere along the way as Anita was sitting still with this far off look on her face. Joy stopped talking and the sound of silence began to bring Anita back.

"What did you say?" Anita asked and Joy saw that there was a flicker of excitement in her friend's eyes.

"When?" Joy asked as she had talked for a while before she realized that Anita had zoned her out like Scarlett did when she was thinking about something.

"What did you say about your fantasy?" Anita asked urgently.

Joy had to think a second before she remember just what she had said, "I said that the site and modeling and then having Scarlett build this room has been a fantasy come true for me."

"I've got an idea; you got a calendar around her." Anita asked.

"Sure I got one up in the kitchen." Joy said.

"Then go get it girl and hurry." Anita said as she grabbed Joy by the arm and practically dragged her to her feet. Joy wasn't sure what had gotten into Anita but she knew that it was important so she rushed upstairs and got the calendar.

"Here," Joy said as she handed it to Anita who took it and turned it over to the following month. She then got her purse and pulled out a stick of lipstick and she drew a heart around the second Saturday of that month.

"I need to ask a favor of you and Scarlett." Anita told her and Joy saw that Anita's face was lit up with excitement.

"Anything you want, we will do." Joy replied knowing that Anita wouldn't ask for anything unless it was important.

"No, you both have to agree with this or it won't work." Anita said as she looked at the door to Scarlett's workroom. Joy got up and she got Scarlett to leave what she was doing to come with her to where Anita was now standing in the center of the playroom.

"I got a favor to ask of you two." Anita told them.

"Anything you need, we'll do." Scarlett said as Joy stood next to her nodding her head in agreement.

"Actually it is more for Lauren than me." Anita told them.

"That same goes for her too, you're both our friends." Joy replied for both her and Scarlett.

"Lauren has always had a fantasy and I have never been sure as to how to make it come true or if I should but seeing this room and thinking about how close we are all, I think this is the perfect way to make it come true." Anita said with a soft smile.

"Just what is this fantasy and just how will we play a part in it?" Scarlett asked somewhat cautiously.

"I can't tell you, I want you both to just play along with me and trust me that it will work out." Anita told them and Joy could feel Scarlett tense up a little and she knew that Scarlett was about to say no but Joy felt like she knew Anita better than Scarlett even though Scarlett had known her longer.

"We'll do it for you and for Lauren." Joy said before Scarlett could say anything and she got a "What are you doing?" stare from Scarlett but Scarlett kept her mouth shut.

"Thank you both so much! This will be the best anniversary that Lauren and I have ever had." Anita said as she came to Scarlett first and gave her a tight hug and Joy could see that Scarlett was giving in. She knew that Scarlett loved Anita just as much as she did and trusted her when it was all said and done. Anita then hugged Joy and she made her escape before Scarlett could press her for more details.

"Do you know what she is up to?" Scarlett asked Joy after Anita had run up the stairs and they heard the front door closing.

"No, other than this is obviously their anniversary and we are helping to fulfill one of Lauren's fantasies." Joy said as she started to sneak away before Scarlett pressed her for more details but Anita didn't live with Scarlett and Scarlett wasn't her Mistress so Joy didn't get too far away before she felt Scarlett grab her and she quickly stripped of her clothes and she secured to two ropes hanging from the ceiling.

"You're going to stay there until you tell me what you know." Her Mistress said in her most threatening Mistress voice.

"But I can't tell you what I don't know Mistress." Joy told her Mistress.

"Then I guess you'll be hanging there for a very long time." Her Mistress said as she went back into her workroom, shutting the door behind of her. She made Joy hang there for about an hour before she came out of her room naked and carrying her crop. Joy felt her pussy getting wet and they both had a fun evening of Her Mistress trying to crop the information out of Joy that they both knew she didn't know. But it was fun to play like Her Mistress was trying to force an confession from her and the orgasms that they gave each other afterwards were just as fun.

As the next few weeks passed, Joy tried to get more information about what Anita had planned for Miss Lauren and what their part in the whole thing would be but Anita wouldn't say anything. She just kept saying that it was something that Miss Lauren had wanted to do for as long as she had known her. Anita said that she had often thought of ways to make it come true but she never found the right people that she knew she could trust and more importantly, that Lauren could trust. Then she said that she had the right people there all the time, she just didn't realize it. This information really didn't help Joy at all and Scarlett couldn't make heads or tails out of it either. Scarlett kept telling Joy that she had a bad feeling about it all but Joy told her that she felt the opposite. She just knew that it was going to turn out just as Anita wanted and most importantly, how Miss Lauren wanted it to turn out.

The night finally arrived and Anita called telling Joy to meet them at the door but that she and Scarlett weren't to say a word until she got things started. Joy agreed and when she told Scarlett this, Scarlett wanted to stop the whole thing but Joy assured her that things would turn out okay. Then she kissed her lightly on the cheek. A little while later, Anita arrived and when Joy opened the door, she saw that Anita had put a scarf around Miss Lauren's eyes. Anita had a pair of jeans and a blouse on but underneath the blouse, Joy could see that Anita was wearing a red colored corset. Joy knew then that what she had suspected all along was about to come to life. Anita put her finger to her lips as she guided Miss Lauren inside. As Anita took Miss Lauren toward the playroom door, Joy could hear her whisper to Miss Lauren that this would be a night she never forgot. She could almost see the excitement rise in Miss Lauren's body and also in her own body. Once they were in the playroom, Anita had Joy and Scarlett sit down on the couch and she placed Miss Lauren in front of them about five feet away. Anita then sat down in the chair that was to the right of the couch so she had a side view of Miss Lauren.

"Is my little slave ready to receive her punishment for being such a naughty little girl?" Anita asked and Joy thought it was cute that Anita was referring to Miss Lauren as being younger than her when Miss Lauren was actually about ten years older than Anita.

"Yes Mistress." Miss Lauren said excitedly.

"Well then I guess you had better get naked but do it slowly and leave the scarf on for now." Anita told her.

"Yes Mistress," Miss Lauren said and Joy could hear the nervousness and excitement in her voice. She had heard those same things in her own voice when she and Scarlett were about to begin their games. Joy looked over at Scarlett who she saw was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable and Joy put her hand on top of Scarlett's hand and she squeezed it trying to get Scarlett to keep her mouth shut.

Miss Lauren reached behind her back and she unzipped her long silk dress. Then she took the shoulder strap and she peeled it down her arm. Joy watched as Miss Lauren's strapless black bra came into view. Miss Lauren went to the other shoulder and pulled that strap down and her sheer bra was revealed. Joy could make out the dark nipples and she saw that they were already hard as a rock. Miss Lauren held the dress so that she could slowly let the dress fall from her body. Joy had never seen Miss Lauren in anything other than baggy clothes and she was more than a little surprised at how lean and pretty her body really was. The dress got to Miss Lauren's hip and then it went on down revealing a small pair of sheer black panties. Joy quickly noticed that there were no pubic hairs around Miss Lauren's pussy. The scene was playing out to be very erotic and Joy saw that Scarlett was shifting around and she knew that even with Scarlett's reservations, she was getting aroused all the same. Miss Lauren finally let the dress drop and she stepped out of it. She then put her hand to her back and she unhooked her bra. She slowly brought it forward and Joy couldn't help but to lean forward when she saw Miss Lauren's breasts. They were a B cup that had no sag to them at all and the dark nipples stood out proudly. Miss Lauren dropped the bra and she hooked her thumbs into the sides of her panties. She slowly pushed the panties down and Joy waited impatiently for Miss Lauren to show her pussy and when she did, Joy almost let out a gasp as the outer lips covered the inner lips and she was completely bare. Joy figured that Miss Lauren had to wax her pubic area to get it that clear of hair. Miss Lauren pushed her panties on down and she bent over to get them past her knees and Joy so wanted to be behind her right then. When Miss Lauren stepped out of her panties and she stood there naked, Joy saw that Miss Lauren could easily be a model. She had a beautiful body that Joy would never have dreamed she would have. She had seen Miss Lauren only when she was in the studio and she was barking orders and being in charge. But now she had let her hair down and she was free to be who she really was. Joy looked over at Scarlett who was staring at Miss Lauren just as much as she was and Joy almost wanted to hit her for staring at another woman but then she would have to smack herself at the same time as she was doing the same thing. Joy wasn't jealous of Miss Lauren as she knew that Scarlett appreciated a beautiful woman's body like she did.

"Turn around slowly and let us see that beautiful body of yours." Anita told her and Joy heard Miss Lauren gasp as she realized that there were more people in the room than her and Anita.

"Yes Mistress," Miss Lauren said as she slowly turned around and Joy saw that Miss Lauren's backside looked just as nice as her front.

"I think it is time for you to get the first of many spankings tonight. You may remove the scarf now and then come over to me." Anita told her.

"Yes Mistress." Miss Lauren said as she reached up and untied the scarf. She brought it down and blinked. It was then she saw that she was standing naked in front of Joy and Scarlett, two of the people who worked for her or in Joy's case had worked for her.

"Mistress, please not in front of them." Miss Lauren said as Joy saw that she was blushing from head to toe but Joy also noticed that Miss Lauren made no attempt to cover her body or run out of the room, both of which she could have easily have done.

"Not only are they going to watch tonight, I'm may even let them spank you." Anita told her.

"Please Mistress don't let them do anything to me or make me do naughty things to them, please don't let that happen, I beg you. I'll be a good little girl from now on, I promise." Miss Lauren pleaded to her Mistress. Joy had played this game a number of times with Scarlett and she knew that Miss Lauren had just told Anita what she wanted to be forced to do. Joy was a little surprised by this turn of events but she saw that Scarlett was even more surprised. She also saw that Scarlett had finally relaxed as she realized that the night was going to go fine and that Anita really did know what she was doing. Joy found that she and Miss Lauren were more alike that she would have ever dreamed. They liked to be in charge of things but there was times when they needed for someone else to be in charge of them and make them do things that they wanted to do all along.

"It's much too late to plead now my little girl, you've already been bad and now you must be punished. So get that ass over here and lay across my lap." Anita ordered her.

Miss Lauren glanced over at Joy and Scarlett and she was blushing profusely, then she turned sharply to her right and she positioned herself to the left side of Anita. "Please Mistress, don't make me do this. Please make Joy and Scarlett to leave the room first." She pleaded with Anita and Joy could see the tears well up in Miss Lauren's eyes. Joy almost felt sorry for her but even though the tears were real, the last thing Miss Lauren wanted was for Joy and Scarlett to leave.

"I've about had enough of your pleading and begging. Now get up over my lap or I will add the strap to your spankings tonight." Anita told her harshly.

"Oh please not the strap, you know I hate that thing, it hurts so much. Get Joy and Scarlett to leave and I'll do whatever you want." Miss Lauren told Anita as dropped to her knees and she hugged Anita's legs as she sobbed.

Joy thought that all this pleading and begging was interesting and obvious was a part of Miss Lauren's and Anita's games. Joy had never done much begging not to be punished, she was usually more than ready for it when she and Scarlett played but she could see how both Anita and Miss Lauren loved to play this out.

"I've had enough of your silly games young lady. Get up and go get my strap from my bag and you had better hurry. I'm way past tired of you trying to get out of what you so richly deserve. Now jump to it!" Anita screamed at Miss Lauren who immediate jumped up and she ran to where Anita had left her bag. Miss Lauren opened the bag and she began to pull things out and Joy was amazed at all the toys that Anita had put in there. Miss Lauren quickly got to the strap and she laid it aside but she continued to put all of Anita's toys out. There were several different straps and a couple of leather paddles and even a thick belt. Once the bag was empty, Miss Lauren grabbed the strap that Anita was talking about and she ran it back to Anita. Joy watched as Miss Lauren's breasts jiggled as she ran and she felt her pussy was getting wet.

"Give it to Joy; she will be the first one to be using it on you when the time comes for it." Anita told her.

Miss Lauren's face turned beet red but this time she didn't try to beg her way out of the whipping, she just came over and she placed the strap carefully on Joy's lap. Miss Lauren started to go back to Anita but Anita stopped her.

"Let Joy and Scarlett get a good look at you young lady." Anita told her.

"Yes Mistress," Miss Lauren said as she spread out her feet so that Joy and Scarlett could get a good look at her pussy.

"Open up your pussy and show our friends just how wet you are as I know you are." Anita ordered her.

Joy looked up into Miss Lauren's face and she could almost feel her humiliation as Miss Lauren reached down and she pulled her pussy lips apart. Joy could see the rich pinkness that lay inside of those lips and she could also see just how wet Miss Lauren was.

"Ask out friends to check and see for themselves just how much a dirty little girl you are." Anita ordered her.

"Please put your fingers on and in my pussy. I want you to see just what a dirty nasty little girl I really am." Miss Lauren told Scarlett and Joy as she pulled her lips farther apart and she pushed her hips forward.

Joy looked over at Scarlett to see what she was going to do as this was going past what she thought they would be doing tonight. She figured that they were here just to watch and she didn't have a clue that they would actually be participating. Joy found that Scarlett was looking at her and they both seemed to be asking each other if they wanted to do this. They looked at each other for a brief moment then Scarlett reached over with her right hand and she took Joy's left hands in hers. Joy then watched as Scarlett moved her left hand to Miss Lauren's pussy and she ran her fingers up and down her pussy.

"Damn Anita, you're right, your little girl is soaking wet. You got to check this out Joy, feel of this little girl's pussy." Scarlett said as she started to play their game with them.

Joy reached out as Scarlett took her fingers away and Joy saw the juices on her fingers. Joy was more than a little nervous feeling of Miss Lauren's pussy like this but that didn't stop her. She placed her fingers against Miss Lauren's pussy and she felt how wet and hot she was. Then she decided to up the game just a hair. She folded all her fingers down except her middle one which she placed at the entrance to Miss Lauren's pussy and she slowly slid it up inside of her. "Fuck she is a tight one too. I bet it is hard to get more than one finger up this pussy." Joy said as she looked up at Miss Lauren and she saw that her face turn even redder so Joy began to move her finger in and out of her and she got a little moan.

"Oh she is a tight one, that is for sure and quiet tasty too. Try it and see." Anita told Joy and she took her finger from Miss Lauren's pussy and put it to her mouth.

"Oh she does have a tasty pussy; I bet you enjoy eating her out." Joy told Anita acting as if Miss Lauren wasn't right in front of her and it wasn't her that they were talking about.

"I do but the problem is that she is so naughty all the time that I have to spend most of my time punishing her and not pleasuring her. If she was a better little girl she would get more pussy eating and less spankings." Anita said.

"Oh I know just how that is, my slut is the same way. It seems that I am always whipping her when I really just want to love on her." Scarlett said and Joy wasn't sure she like being brought into this but she kept her mouth shut as this was Miss Lauren's night.

"It is a never ending process isn't it but I think we have put off my little's girl spanking for long enough. So get your ass across my lap young lady." Anita told Anita as she padded her lap.

"Yes Mistress," Miss Lauren said as she went back over to Anita and this time she went ahead and lay across Anita's lap.

"Ask our friends to get up and come over so that they can see how a good girl takes her spankings." Anita told Miss Lauren.

"Scarlett and Joy, I want you to please come over here and watch my Mistress spank me." Miss Lauren said and Joy could see that having to ask that embarrassed Miss Lauren but she could see that it also excited her too.

Joy got up and she went with Scarlett and they started to go behind of Anita but Anita motioned with her head to stand on each side of Lauren's head so that she could see their feet and thus know that they was watching her get spanked. With the way that Anita had Miss Lauren positioned, they both still got a good view of the spanking.

"Well?" Anita said to Miss Lauren.

"You you please begin my spanking Mistress?" Miss Lauren asked.

"Yes I will since you asked so nicely." Anita told her as she caressed Miss Lauren's ass cheeks with her right hand.

Anita then raised her hand up and she brought it down on Miss Lauren's right ass cheek. Joy heard Miss Lauren yelp and she watched as a hand print appeared on that cheek. Anita caressed her ass a second before she smacked the left ass cheek. Anita would caress Miss Lauren for a second and then she would spank her again. She went this way for a few spanks before she began to really start to spank Miss Lauren. She was using medium spanks that Miss Lauren could definitely feel but they weren't real hard. This was just the first of many spankings that Miss Lauren would get tonight so she started her off slow. But that didn't stop Miss Lauren from wiggling around and crying out from the spanks. The spanking ended much too soon for Joy as she could feel her pussy getting wet and she so wanted to jump Scarlett's bones and get it on with her right then and there.

Anita eased Miss Lauren off of her lap and she said to Miss Lauren, "You know what you're supposed to say and do now."

Miss Lauren looked over and Joy and Scarlett before she turned her head back to Anita. "Thank you for spanking me Mistress and I know that I deserve much more tonight and I want to show you my gratitude for taking the time to punish me when I so desperately need it." Miss Lauren said and she crawled on her knees over to Anita. She reached up and she pulled Anita's panties down her thighs and then down her calves. She pulled them from Anita's ankles and then she put the crotch of Anita's panties to her nose and she inhaled deeply. She placed the panties by Anita's feet and she pushed Anita's knees apart. Miss Lauren then kissed her way up Anita's thighs until she got to Anita's pussy. Anita slipped her ass to the edge of the seat and Joy watched as Miss Lauren used her tongue and mouth on Anita's pussy. Joy could tell that Miss Lauren was very skilled with this and Joy could feel her pussy getting real wet. Joy heard Anita starting to moan and she watched as Anita reached down and she held Miss Lauren's head to her pussy making her lick her until she came hard.

"Damn you are good with that tongue of yours." Anita told Miss Lauren as she pushed her away.

Joy looked down at Miss Lauren and she could see how bad she needed to cum and she felt a little sorry for her as at this point as if this was she and Scarlett, Scarlett would be at her pussy right now.

"I guess you have earned a small orgasm before your next spanking, you may please yourself." Anita told Miss Lauren as if she was something once she was done with her, she could just cast her aside.

Joy wanted to say something to Anita but then she saw Miss Lauren spread her legs out wide in front of Anita and she began to stroke her pussy. This again was obviously the way their played their games and they both got off on doing this way so Joy just stood there and she enjoyed the show. Miss Lauren used her finger of her left hand to spread her pussy lips apart and she used the fingers of her right hand to stroke her clit and to fuck her pussy. Joy glanced over at Anita and she saw that she was playing with her pussy and she had pulled the cups down on her corset and she was pulling and twisting her nipples. Joy so wanted to strip off her clothes and she could tell that Scarlett was getting very aroused too. It wasn't long before they were both moaning and Joy was witnessing two orgasms at once. Joy was tempted to excuse herself and go to the bathroom but she wasn't sure that she could keep herself quiet while she was in there.

"I think we could all use a beer, go get us all one my little girl." Anita said to Miss Lauren.

"Yes Mistress," Miss Lauren said as she jumped up and she ran toward the stairs.

"So what do you think of this so far?" Anita asked.

"Well to tell you the truth, I thought that you were going to blow it with Lauren but I guess you knew more about what she wanted than I thought you did." Scarlett admitted.

"Well I wasn't absolutely sure but I thought that she would go with it. She has talked more and more about doing something like this lately so I figured that it was a safe bet but using you two was the thing I was most worried about. I just knew that I could trust you to not push anything and let Lauren decide what she wants you two to do." Anita told them

"You know you can always trust us." Joy said as she and Scarlett went back to sit on the couch.

"I know." Anita said and then they heard Miss Lauren at the top of the steps.

Joy turned her head toward the stairs and she saw Miss Lauren's feet but they were coming down the steps weird. Joy was trying to figure out just what Miss Lauren was doing when the reason for the weird way Miss Lauren was walking. She had a tray with three bottles of beer and the forth beer bottle was placed between her legs up against her pussy. Joy felt a shiver go up her spine as she could imagine just how the very cold beer bottle felt up against her hot pussy. Miss Lauren made it down the stairs and she waddled over to where she and Scarlett were sitting. Joy took her beer but she couldn't help but to stare at the beer that Miss Lauren was holding between her legs. Scarlett took her beer and Miss Lauren went to Anita and as Anita took the bottle from between Miss Lauren legs, she opened her legs and Joy could see the dark red area around Miss Lauren pussy.

"Thank you my little girl, you warmed up my beer to just the right temperature." Anita told Miss Lauren.

"You're welcome mistress." Miss Lauren said as she sat down in Anita's lap. As they talked, Anita would play with Miss Lauren's breasts, and she would pinch on the nipples. Miss Lauren would squirm as she did this. Miss Lauren was left out of the conversant but that isn't to say that she wasn't the subject of the conversation. Anita talked about the ways she liked most to spank Miss Lauren and Joy could see how embarrassed that Miss Lauren got as they discussed how she was spanked.

"I think it is time for Joy and Scarlett to spank that ass of yours don't you?" Anita said to Miss Lauren.

"Please can't you do it instead?" Miss Lauren pleaded.

"We've already gone through this now haven't we? Now get up and let's get started." Anita ordered her as she smacked Miss Lauren on her bottom as Miss Lauren got up off of her lap.

"Yes Mistress," Miss Lauren said as she rubbed the area that Anita had just hit.

"Come on over here, I saw something that I think would work just perfect for you." Anita said as she pushed Miss Lauren to the back left corner of the room. Anita had her stop at a bench just made of spanking and other things. There was a single padded board in the center and then a padded board to each side of the center one. There were two straps attached to the ends of both side boards so that the person could be restrained.

"May we use this?" Anita asked Scarlett.

"Sure, my slut loves this thing and I think your little girl will love it too." Scarlett told Anita and Joy felt her face turning red as she really did love to be placed on this device.

"Well get up there young lady." Anita order and Miss Lauren gave a last look at her Mistress before she climbed up on the device. Joy and Scarlett help Anita to close the straps around Miss Lauren's upper calves and her forearms. This made Miss Lauren have to lean forward and it pushed her ass up high in the air. Once Miss Lauren was strapped down, Joy moved to her rear and she saw Miss Lauren's ass on display. Her butt cheeks were opened up and she got a great view of Miss Lauren's pussy and asshole.

"Decide who you want to strap you first." Anita told Miss Lauren.

"Joy would you please strap me hard." Miss Lauren told her and Joy was hoping that Scarlett would be the first one to go as she wasn't sure she knew just what was expected of her. Joy looked up and she saw that Anita and Scarlett was looking at her and she realized that she was suppose to answer Miss Lauren's request.

"I would love to." Joy replied as Anita gave her the strap.

Joy stood to the right of Miss Lauren and she took the strap in her hand. She had never spanked anyone before in her life and she really had no clue as to how hard to swing. So she lifted the strap and she made a light swing. She felt the end of the strap make contact with Miss Lauren's ass and the sound echoed around the room. She heard Miss Lauren grunt and there was a light red mark going across Miss Lauren's ass.

"Thank you Joy but you know that I have been a very bad girl." Miss Lauren told her.

Joy took the obvious hint and when she swung the next time, she did so with much greater force. This time the strap landed hard on Miss Lauren's ass and she got a yelp from her. Joy kind of liked being on this end of a spanking, not as much as she liked getting one, but this was fun too. Joy took her time and she moved the strap up and down Miss Lauren's ass and she heard Miss Lauren moan and groan and she could see that there was a tear or two falling from her face. Joy swung the strap over again and she watched as Miss Lauren's ass turn a deep red.

"I think we need to let Scarlett take over now don't we my little girl." Anita said as Joy took her last swing causing Miss Lauren to grunt loudly.

"Yes Mistress, I think that would be lovely." Miss Lauren said.

"But let me check your ass out first." Anita said as she came up behind Miss Lauren and she placed a hand on each cheek. Joy watched as Anita caressed Miss Lauren's ass cheeks and she could see that Miss Lauren was very wet. Joy wasn't very surprised when Anita leaned forward and she began to kiss those very red cheeks. This was something that Scarlett did to her as they played. Anita moved her mouth from Miss Lauren's cheeks to the crack of the ass. She then kissed her way down and Joy had to stifle a lustful moan as Anita kissed and teased Miss Lauren's asshole. She didn't notice at first that Anita's fingers had found Miss Lauren's pussy and she was stroking it. Joy found that she was dying to reach down and stroke her own pussy or get Scarlett to do it for her. Soon Miss Lauren was moaning and groaning and then when Anita moved her fingers to Miss Lauren's clit, Joy heard Miss Lauren let out a loud groan and she could see her body begin to shake as she had an orgasm. Then as soon as Anita got Miss Lauren to start her orgasm, she took her mouth from Miss Lauren's asshole and she took the strap from Joy and she gave it to Scarlett who seemed to know what she was wanting. As she pulled her hand back and she began to strap Miss Lauren's ass with hard fast licks. This seemed to have driven Miss Lauren into a series of orgasm as she seemed to be having one orgasm after another. Joy knew she was going to have to get Scarlett to try this on her one day soon, very soon. Scarlett strapped her long and hard and Joy saw Miss Lauren's ass turn a even deeper red. Miss Lauren was moaning and crying out as Scarlett continued to strap her hard and then she went down to Miss Lauren's thighs and she strapped them until they were just as deep as red as her ass was. It was only then that Scarlett put the strap down and Anita went to Miss Lauren and she kissed her sore ass cheeks and thighs.

"I think that it is time to thank Joy and Scarlett for their troubles, don't you my little naughty girl." Anita told Miss Lauren.

"Yes Mistress it is." Miss Lauren said as Joy looked over at Scarlett who was looking back at her. They were both being dragged deeper and deeper into this fantasy of Miss Lauren's and Joy wasn't sure what to do so she just followed Scarlett's lead.

They all worked to loosen the restraints that held Miss Lauren down and they helped her off the device. Miss Lauren then took each of them by the elbow and she guided them over to the couch. She then let go of their elbows and she turned to Joy and Joy felt her heart jump as Miss Lauren started to unbutton her blouse. Joy bit her lower lip as she let Miss Lauren take her blouse off and then her bra. Joy felt the cool air hit her nipples making them even harder. Miss Lauren then dropped down to her knees and she first removed Joy's shoes and then she started to work on her jeans. Joy looked down as Miss Lauren began to peel down her jeans and she stepped out of them. Joy blushed as she knew they everyone could see how soaked her panties were. Miss Lauren then put her hands to Joy's hips and she began to pull those panties down. The crotch of her panties stuck to her pussy lips and Miss Lauren had to give them a tug to get them to come on down. When they were at her feet, Joy stepped out of them and she was naked. Joy was so aroused that she knew everyone would smell her aroma. She was wondering just what Miss Lauren was going to do and she watched as Miss Lauren turned and she began to take Scarlett's shoes off. When she had Scarlett's jeans down past Scarlett's hips, Joy saw that Scarlett was just as wet as she was. They had both been turned on by what they had been watching and doing that night. Soon she had Scarlett just as naked as she was and she was turning them so that they could sit on the couch. She then pulled their hips down until their asses were at the edge of the couch. She opened their legs and she had Joy put her left leg over Scarlett's leg and she had their pussies where she could get to them.

Miss Lauren then moved between Joy's legs and Joy felt Scarlett take her hand. Joy looked over at Scarlett and she saw that she was giving her a reassuring smile. Scarlett then leaned over and started to kiss her as Joy felt Miss Lauren kiss her clit. Joy didn't want to moan but she couldn't help herself. She knew she should feel bad about having Miss Lauren kissing her pussy but she was so aroused and in need of pleasure that she needed the release. And with Scarlett kissing her, it seemed to make it all right. Joy then felt Scarlett fingers at her left breast and she was caressing it with her fingertips. Then as Joy felt Miss Lauren's tongue begin to go up and down her slit she heard a loud slap of leather hitting skin and she felt Miss Lauren's face being driven into her pussy. She and Scarlett stopped kissing and they looked down at Miss Lauren. They saw that Anita had gotten a large leather strap and she had begun to spank Miss Lauren.

"You had better make them both cum hard girl or I will get my cane out and strip your ass good." Anita told Miss Lauren as the leather strap came down hard down of Miss Lauren's ass.

"Yes Mistress," Came Miss Lauren muffled reply.

Joy then felt Miss Lauren go at her pussy harder. Her tongue worked deep into her pussy and she seemed to know just where to lick. Scarlett went back to kissing her and teasing her nipples. Miss Lauren's ass was getting whipped hard and Joy knew that it had to be hurting her after the spanking and strapping that she had already gotten but all the same, Joy didn't want Miss Lauren to bring her to orgasm too quickly. Joy felt Miss Lauren pull her pussy lips apart and her tongue snaked it way deep into her pussy. Joy let out a moan and she pulled Scarlett to her kissing her hard as she pushed her hips upwards so that Miss Lauren could eat her out. Joy moaned and groaned from both Miss Lauren working on her pussy and Scarlett working on her tits. Then hearing Miss Lauren's ass getting spanked with that leather paddle made her so aroused and she was needing to cum so fucking bad. When she got to the point that she was having trouble breathing, Scarlett stopped kissing her and she moved her mouth to Joy's breasts and she started to suck and bite her nipples. This caused Joy to reach her breaking point. Miss Lauren's mouth had found her clit and she was licking and sucking on it. Joy felt he clit get so sensitive and she was crying out in pain and pleasure as she felt her body shake and her mind go to that special place where she could only feel the pleasure she was receiving. Then her orgasm gather speed and she wrapped her legs around Miss Lauren's head holding her in place as she cried out her joy as she came hard. Miss Lauren kept licking her pussy and clit until Joy had a second and third orgasm and then Joy released her head and she felt Miss Lauren's mouth leave her pussy. Joy had to just lay there for a moment not hearing a thing or knowing what was going on around her, she was in her own little world.

When she started to get her senses back, she heard the leather paddle hitting Miss Lauren's ass and she heard Scarlett let out a moan. Joy opened her eyes and she saw that Anita had switched sides and hands but she was still swinging the paddle hard and it was making firm contact with Miss Lauren's ass. Joy looked over at Scarlett and she could see that Scarlett was enjoying the licking that Miss Lauren was giving her. Joy leaned over and she took Scarlett's face in her hands and she kissed her hard. Scarlett wrapped her arms around Joy pulling her in close. Joy opened her mouth and she drew Scarlett's tongue into her mouth. Joy sucked on it and she moved her hand down to Scarlett's breasts and she started into caress them. Scarlett moaned and Joy worked to please her lover and the sound of Miss Lauren's ass getting strapped was music to her ears. Joy pulled and pinched Joy's nipples and then she moved her mouth down to them and she kissed each nipple before she sucked them into her mouth. Joy glanced down and she saw that Miss Lauren was crying but she kept up her licking of Scarlett's pussy. Joy knew that Miss Lauren had gone way past what she could have taken but she obviously loved it. Joy felt Scarlett begin to stiffen and she knew that she was close to cumming. Joy sucked harder on Scarlett's nipples and she began to bite down hard on them. That seemed to do the trick as Scarlett let out a loud cry and she came hard. Joy held her tightly as she went through the throes of her orgasm.

It was then that the paddling stopped and Joy heard Miss Lauren cry out, "Oh fuck my ass hurts." And she let out a big sob. Joy felt so sorry for her and she wanted to go to her but Scarlett was still holding her tightly as she started to come down from her orgasm. Joy looked over at Anita to see what she was doing and she saw her putting on a strap-on with a large dildo. Miss Lauren had slipped down to the floor with her face in her hands and she was crying and her ass was high in the air. Anita got the strap-on firmly in place and she came up behind of Miss Lauren. She got down to her knees and she placed the head of the cock to Miss Lauren pussy and she thrust her hips forward burying the cock deep into Miss Lauren's pussy in one stroke.

"Fuck me Mistress, Fuck me hard. I need it so god damn bad!" Miss Lauren cried out.

Scarlett had mostly recovered by this time and she released Joy and they both sat up to watch as Anita drove the large cock deep into Miss Lauren's pussy. Anita had her hands on Miss Lauren's hips and she was pulling back on them as she drove forward. Miss Lauren was crying out at every stroke and Joy could tell that Miss Lauren was getting into the fucking no matter how much her ass had to hurt when Anita banged into it. Scarlett took Joy's hand and she pulled her forward. Joy wasn't sure what Scarlett wanted her to do until Scarlett got to one side of Miss Lauren and she was on the other. Scarlett reached down and she started to caress Miss Lauren's left breast. Joy smiled at Scarlett as she reached down and she began to caress the right one. They both began to pull and pinch on Miss Lauren's hard nipples. This seemed to drive Miss Lauren into another world as she was now moaning constantly. It was like one moan led into another one. Joy wanted Miss Lauren to have a wonderful orgasm so she moved her mouth down under Miss Lauren and she start to suck on Miss Lauren's right nipple. Soon she felt Scarlett's head bump into her head and she made room for her so that she could suck on the left nipple. Miss Lauren grunted loudly and Joy bit down on Miss Lauren's nipple as she knew that she was cumming. Anita started to fuck Miss Lauren harder and harder until Miss Lauren couldn't cum anymore and she fell forward.

She curled up on the floor and after Anita got the strap-on off she came over and sat by Miss Lauren and she caressed and stroked her back and then her face. Joy could see the love that Anita had for Miss Lauren. Even though it had seemed that Anita had abused Miss Lauren like no one should be abused, she was actually giving Miss Lauren what she really desired. Joy could understand that and respect it. As they sat there, Anita told Joy to go get her purse for her. When she got the purse, Anita dug around until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a little box and she opened it up. Joy gasped when she saw the most beautiful diamond ring. Anita then opened her legs and she placed the ring just inside of her pussy. Joy looked over at Scarlett and she began to think about their own relationship and she saw that Scarlett was deep into her own thoughts.

"Baby, your Mistress needs a little attention." Anita told Miss Lauren as she gently shook her.

"Yes Mistress," Miss Lauren said as she turned over onto her belly and she moved between Anita's legs.

Joy held her breath as Miss Lauren began to lick. She watched closely and after a few licks, she saw Miss Lauren stop for a moment. Miss Lauren looked up at Anita with confusion on her face and Anita was able to keep a straight face. Miss Lauren then used her fingers to open up Anita's pussy lips and she heard her gasp. Miss Lauren then lowered her mouth down to Anita's pussy and she pushed her tongue in deep and she scooped out the ring.

Miss Lauren jumped up and she said excitedly, "Mistress is this...?"

"Yes my little girl, it's an engagement ring, I want you to be mine forever."

Anita said and Miss Lauren squealed out loudly as jumped forward hugging Anita and causing Anita to fall back onto the floor.

"Yes, yes, yes." Miss Lauren said as she smothered Anita with kisses.

Joy started to cry as she watched the two lovers kiss and tell each other how much they loved each other.

"I think it's time to leave them alone." Joy whispered to Scarlett who nodded her head and they started to get up.

"No don't leave, please." Miss Lauren said as she saw them starting to walk out of the room. "You both made this happen tonight, I want you to stay with us." She went on to say.

Joy looked over at Scarlett to see what she wanted to do and she saw her trying to decide what the best thing to do was. Joy then made the decision for them. She lay down beside of Anita and Miss Lauren and she opened up her legs. She then held up her hands to Scarlett who smiled down at her and then she got down on her knees and she lay down on top of Joy. As they kissed, Joy could hear lots of kissing going on beside of them. Joy wrapped her arms around of Scarlett and she pulled her down tightly against her. They both opened their mouths and their tongues dance within the mouths. They kissed and caressed each other until it got to the point that they needed more. Scarlett gave her a last kiss and then she got up on her hands and knees and she turned around. Joy glanced over at Anita and Miss Lauren and she saw that they were already in the sixty-nine position which explained all the moaning that was coming from them. Joy opened her legs for Scarlett and she reached up and she brought Scarlett's pussy to her mouth. Joy was so hungry to please Scarlett that she started to lick right away. She licked up her girlcum that was left over from Miss Lauren bringing her to climax earlier. Joy licked hard and deep and she felt Scarlett's tongue going deep into her. This was so nice and Joy wanted to stay all night like this just licking Scarlett's pussy and making her cum. Joy then heard lots of moaning and groaning coming from beside of her and she knew that both Anita and Miss Lauren were cumming. This seemed to increase Joy's arousal and she got a fresh batch of juices from Scarlett and she knew that the sounds from Anita and Miss Lauren were getting to her too. Joy sucked Scarlett's clit into her mouth and she teased it as Scarlett teased her clit. Soon they were moth moaning as they came hard and Joy tried her best to suck up Scarlett's girlcum as she herself was producing her own share of it.

"I think that is the perfect way to end this evening." Anita said as they all four lay there resting from their climaxes.

"Yes it was." Joy said as she sat up and she pulled Scarlett against her and she kissed her.

"Was your fantasy as good as you wanted it to be?" Scarlett asked Miss Lauren.

"Oh yes, even though I could have killed Anita when I saw that she had chosen you two to be the ones." Miss Lauren said as she gave a dirty look over at Anita who smiled.

"How do you feel about it now?" Joy asked wondering just how Miss Lauren felt about it.

"I think that you two were the perfect people to do this with. I know that I can trust you. I mean, you two are my best friends in the world." Miss Lauren said as she crawled over to Joy and gave her and hug and then to Scarlett and gave her a hug too.

"Well we feel the same way about you dear."Joy told her.

"I guess I did pull it off after all didn't I." Anita said proudly.

"Don't get too big a head there Mistress." Miss Lauren said as she went back over to Anita and gave her a kiss.

It was then that Joy got a good look at Miss Lauren's ass and she saw that it was a deep red with more than a few bruises on it. "Does that hurt?" Joy asked as she pointed to Miss Lauren's ass.

"Oh hell yes, we only go this far about once a month. The rest of the time she goes easier on me but there are times like tonight when I want her to really spank me so that I will feel it for days. You are the same way aren't you? There are times when you want Scarlett to really whip you hard." Miss Lauren said.

"Oh yes there is. I know what you mean only I have never let her go that far but after tonight I might want her to do it." Joy said.

"Let us know so we can come over, I owe you a few licks." Miss Lauren said with a smile.

"Yes you do." Joy said with a laugh.

Joy then got up and got them some cold beer and they talked for a while and Joy noticed that Miss Lauren was constantly looking at the ring that was now around her finger. Joy could not help but see how much Miss Lauren loved Anita and how that love was returned. She didn't notice that Scarlett was looking at her carefully and was seeing how Joy was envying that ring. They talked for a couple of hours before Anita and Miss Lauren gathered up their things and they made their exit with lots of hugs and kisses and with Miss Lauren asking if they could do this again sometime. Joy looked to Scarlett who said that they were welcome anytime. This made Miss Lauren very happy and she gave them both a last kiss before they headed out to their car.

"Can I ask you something?" Scarlett asked as they lay in their bed after they had shower and then made love again.

"Sure anything you want." Joy said and she knew from the tone of Scarlett's voice that it was something serious.

"Did you like it when Lauren ate you out?" Scarlett asked. This was the first time that Joy had ever heard any doubt coming from Scarlett, so she knew that she had to answer the question carefully but honestly.

"Yes I did, she was very good but that doesn't mean that I would want her to do it all the time. And when you kissed me, it made it better. It was like it was just us and I didn't think about who was between my legs. Did you like her eating you out?" Joy asked as she wanted an answer to the same question.

Scarlett smile before she answered, "I would say the same thing as you did. It was nice but you being there made it alright. It isn't something that I would want to do without you or something that I wouldn't want to have happen again anytime soon." Scarlett answered her.

Joy smile and she waited for the next question and she could about guess what it would be.

"Would you ever want to do it with Anita; I know you two are close friends?" Scarlett asked and Joy saw that Scarlett was almost scared as to what Joy would say.

Joy tried not to smile as this gave Joy the opening that she was waiting for a long time. It just took Scarlett getting a little jealous for her to get to the point that Joy could say what she wanted to say. "Your right, Anita are very good friends and if there wasn't for someone else I might go for her and try to take her away from Miss Lauren."

"Who would that be?" Scarlett asked and Joy almost laughed at how clueless Scarlett was at this moment.

"You silly, as soon as I saw you in person and got to talk to you, I fell hard for you. You're the person that I want to spend the rest of my days with but there is something that I need to tell you." Joy said as she sat up and Scarlett sat up.

"What's that?" Scarlett asked in a nervous voice.

"I want it all. I don't want to just be your lover and slut and you be my mistress. I want a ring around my finger that tells me that you will love me forever like Anita gave to Miss Lauren tonight. I want to have a child one day with you and that we raise it together. We can adopt or go to a sperm bank or whatever but I want a child to raise. I want us to go someplace and have a commitment ceremony. I want you to vow to love me forever and I do the same with you. I have to have this and I want it to be with you. Can you do that for me, are you ready for that?" Joy asked and now she was the one that was scared of what Scarlett's answer would be.

Scarlett made her wait for only a moment before she took Joy's face into her hands and she pulled her in close and kissed her. When the kiss ended, she said, "I can do that. I want to do that for you, with you. But give me some time to get it all sorted out in my mind but I promise it will be worth the wait. I will rock your world baby." Scarlett told her as her eyes never left Joy's eyes.

"Oh god, I knew you were worth the effort." Joy said as she began to cry and she felt Scarlett take her into her arms. Joy cried as she felt Scarlett kissing her face and caressing her body.

"Don't ever let go of me." Joy told Scarlett as the tears fell from her face.

"I won't baby, I'll never let go." Scarlett said as she eased her down in the bed and they lay there with Joy crying and Scarlett holding her. Joy lifted her head to kiss Scarlett and she saw that she was crying too and that made her the happiest girl in the world. Joy kissed the tears from Scarlett's eyes and she kissed her lips. They kissed and kissed before they finally settled down and fell asleep.

The next morning, Joy went with Scarlett to the studio as she had to help Miss Lauren and Anita do a shoot with a new model. When they got there Anita and Miss Lauren were in her office looking over some pictures of the last shoot that they had done.

"Morning Miss Lauren, Anita." Joy said as she entered the office with Scarlett.

"I believe that you have earned the right to just call me Lauren. I mean after last night it would be stupid to continue with the Miss stuff, except when we are shooting." Lauren said.

"I would be happy to." Joy said as she came around and she gave Lauren a hug and she noticed the soft pillow that Lauren was sitting on. "Ass a little sore this morning?" Joy couldn't help to ask.

"Watch it; I still owe you a few." Lauren said and they all laughed as Lauren turned the table on her.

"I'm keeping quite the rest of the day." Joy said with a laugh.

"Like that is even remotely possible." Scarlett added and Joy knew that she was outnumbered.

"I think I would keep quite if I was you or you won't get any tonight." Joy said as she cut her eyes to Scarlett and dared her to say anything else.

"That wouldn't be a great loss." Scarlett said as she came back at Joy and Anita and Lauren just sat there wondering if they were about to witness a big fight.

"Yea right, then will just have to see just how long you can go without my pussy." Joy said as she walked quickly to Scarlett as if she was going to deck her if she said anything more. Then she wrapped her arms around Scarlett and gave her a big kiss. "Now you want to answer that last question of mine?"

"I can go about..." Scarlett said as she hesitated a second before finishing with, "about five minutes without having you."

"Good answer." Joy said as she kissed her again. Joy the let Scarlett go and she turned to Anita and Lauren and said, "I got her just where I want her, got her trained well." They laughed and then they laughed bigger when Joy found herself bent over Scarlett leg and was being lightly spanked.

"Who has who trained well?" Scarlett asked in her mistress voice.

"You got me trained well Mistress." Joy said laughing and she got a last hard swat before Scarlett let her up and then she kissed her.

"Well now that little drama is over with, maybe we can get back to work." Lauren said as she brought them all back to reality.

"Slave driver," Anita said as she gave Lauren a big kiss then she went out of the door to set up the room that they would be using that day. Joy went with her so that they could talk and let Scarlett and Lauren do their work.

It wasn't long after that, the model called and her flight was canceled and she couldn't get out of Chicago where she was visiting friends. They all sat around deciding what to do since everything was set up and ready for a shoot.

"I know, let's bring Joy back for a shoot." Anita said.

"Oh no, I'm not dressed for a shoot and my hair is a mess." Joy said as she put her hands up to protest.

"No problem, I'll fix your hair and will bring you in naked so you won't need any clothes." Anita said as she took Joy's hand and she began to pull Joy out of the room. "Go find a corset to wear." She called to Scarlett as they left the room going to the dressing room.

Joy tried to talk Anita out of doing this but there was no stopping Anita once she got something into her head so Joy finally gave up and she let Anita do her hair and she felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach that she had always felt when she did a shoot.

When she walked into the room, she felt her heart beating a mile a minute and she saw that Scarlett had put on the same corset that she wore on her first shoot. Joy then realized that it was the same room, set up in the same way. She then looked back at Scarlett and she knew why she loved that lady so god damn much.

The End!

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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