Just Dont Think Im Not

By moc.oohay@yeknoMazziPrelliK

Published on Oct 24, 2000


Okay, this will be ther first story that I'll post one Nifty. Depending on the feedback, I don't know if I'll post another.

Don't read if your legal. That means you have to be 18 or whoever old the law where you are says you have to be.

Just Don't Think I'm Not Chapter Four: Thar She Blows

I woke up with the sun. Trying to figure out where I had ended up, I saw Josh still sleeping next to me. Time to leave, I thought. But why? Why should I have left then? Just stay until school, it can be that long. I walked around the house, which was quite larger now that I had the chance to see it in the early morning light. There was nothing in particular that I was looking for, well, a bathroom would be nice to find. Opening doors to another bedroom and a linen closet, I finally found the bathroom. It was big also, not the toilet, that was made for a normal sized person, but the shower could fit three and had four showerheads. Nothing like that omni directional hot shower to wake you up in the morning.

After using the bathroom, I went back into Josh's room to check the time, 6:45 and get some clothes out of my bag for today - orange parachute pants and a white wife-beater (isn't that a great name for a shirt?). The shower was hot when I turned it on, no wait for the water to become hot. I let my mind go wild as I washed, do I still want to be with him? Well, yeah, of course, but what if he gets weird, too weird? Mel will route for me and I'm sure Sean will be happy. Jack's been under the radar though, so I can't ask him for advice. I washed the soap off of my body and turned of the shower. The bathroom was filled with fog, thick as thick as motor oil.

Feeling around on the wall I found the switch for the fan and grabbed a towel. I dried off and put my watch on, it was 7:00, Josh should be up soon. I pulled on the rest of my clothes and walked into Josh's room. He was up, Josh was, and dressing, I walked in on him naked drying off from a shower. I saw the closet opened next to him, which led into a bathroom; I could have showered in there.

"I'm sorry." I covered my eyes and walked back out the door. Sure, he was beautiful and I would love to see him naked, but it just wasn't my place to waltz in on him.

"It's okay," Josh called out to me, "I have clothes on now."

I walked back into his room, Josh had on a pair of boxers now. The muscles in his back flexed as he picked up his pants and pulled on leg through. He wasn't a gym rat, but he had enough muscle to show when his body was working. Five feet and eight inches tall, brown eyes with brown hair with a great tan, his only white was underneath those boxers.

"You like staring, don't you Zach?" Josh said to me.

"Yeah, well, like there's anything better to look at." I gazed around the room at the paintings, which didn't catch very much of my interests. "But I guess you don't like attention, so I'll just look at this picture here."

My eyes brought me over to a painting of a sailboat in the middle of a stormy sea. This painting did catch my interest, I love the water. It's a shame I don't live closer to the ocean, I would be out on the water everyday. Looking even closer, I could see the person sailing the ship, the guy lines, the crest of each wave. This person loves the ocean just like me. I wonder who painted this. The signature read G. Dae.

"Who's G. Dae?" I asked Josh, who was now watching me gaze at the painting.

"That's my grandfather, Gregory Dae." Josh told me, "He loved the water, he was a sailor, worked on a sub in World War II.

"Wow," I stood back from the painting to let it sink in. "He really loves the ocean, doesn't he?"

"Just him, no one else likes the water as much as he does. Can you tell it just from looking at the painting?"

"Yeah, I can. Look at the crests of the waves, not just the big ones but also the little ones, see how they're detailed too. Isn't that beautiful?" I must meet this man, he could tell me stories, teach me how to sail.

"I never really saw that, Zach. What are you, a connoisseur of fine art?"

"No, just someone who loves the ocean too. Is you grandfather still alive?"

"No, he died a while ago. Five years ago, in 1995."

"I'm sorry, he was probably a great guy."

"Yeah he was. He taught me a lot of things, survival stuff, how to fish and sail, we even worked on his boat together. But we never finished it . . ." Josh's eyes were glazed over, with that dreamy look, remember something; his grandfather, no doubt.

"Do you still have the boat?" I asked him, he looked at me sideways, trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"Umm, yeah, I think we still have it in storage. Why?"

"Just wondering." We can talk about this later, I am getting too ambitious. "Let's go eat breakfast."

We went down into the kitchen, I squeezed some orange juice, made toast and cracked some eggs to whip up two omelets a la Zach.

It was 8:00 when we were ready for school. I took Josh in my wheels, save some gas money, right? We got to school in two minutes. English flew by, we were reading a book, Catcher in the Rye. Mr. Humphrey in Science was still reviewing with us what we were supposed to learn last year. Then P.E., we started on wrestling. Three periods seemed to go by in a half an hour.

Jack showed up at lunch.

"Zach!" He yelled across the room to me.

Jack had changed over the summer, he was still short, 5' 4", had brown hair and blue eyes, but he looked more likable. Not like the social orphan I thought he was last year, he didn't look like he needed anyone's opinions anymore. When he came to me last year, he was desperate to find someone else who was gay in our school. He was a high-strung kid who always wanted to know who, what, where and when. Now, he was cute; little brother cute. And that's what Jack was to me, like a little brother.

"Hey Jack, what's up?" I walked over to him.

"Not much . . . damn!" He pinched my ass, "You've just gotten cuter over the summer."

"Careful there, it bites."

"So, what did ya do over the summer? Parties? Trips? Any new boys?"

"Went rock climbing around Mt. Shasta, river rafting on the Columbian River. Not many parties, three or four. Went to Washington to see some cousins. One boy, he's cool . . . but that'll take all of lunch to talk about. What about you? Boys? Trips? Parties?"

"Went to Westminster and Santa Fe. Tons of parties. One boy."

"Who is he?"


Such a tease, I thought, "Ummm . . . Max!"

Jack's mouth flopped open in that "I can't believe you said that" look. "Ewww! No, you are so gross!"

"I know him, right?"

"Duh! Everybody knows him."

Well, last year we went through the same thing, but "he" turned out to be Mark McGrath. "He's not a celebrity, is he?"

"Ummm . . . maybe."

"Carson Daly?"

"No!! Ewww, do you even know my type."

Duh, probably what's-his-name. "It's Justin Timberlake."

"Oh my god! How'd you guess? Isn't he fine!"

"No, he's a whiney little twerp. I really do hate the boy bands, Jack. I wasn't fucking with you the first time I told you that."

"Ow! Touchy, touchy." His voice thrust into an ultra-pitched squeak.

He needs to get his vocal chords removed. "So how's queendom doing?"

"I'm not a queen!"

"You're just Toto, I know."

"You're so mean."

"So sue me."

"Let's talk about that boy you have. What's his name? What city does he live in? Where'd you meet?"

I told jack about Josh, about what happened that first night and him coming back in the bathroom. Then I told him about last night and who I was scared of him becoming an axe wielding serial killer. Jack said it was probably a good idea that I was scared of him. He thought it was pretty cool that I broke his nuts. He said that I'd better keep an eye on him though, he had talked to Mel and he was ready to kick his ass. Damn, I had forgot about Mel, but, I hadn't seen her or Josh. Shit, I'd better find one of them before something happens.

"He jack," I asked, "Where were you when you talked to Mel?"

"We were in front of the walls." Jack told me.

The walls are where hand ball games take place. Or fights. It is covered with graffiti and spray paint art over a long since faded brick wall. There was a crowd gathered before me when I turned the corner. There were 50 or so people in a circle around to people that I could make out; so, I pushed through. In the middle were Mel and Josh.

"Com'on Mel," Josh pleaded, "I don't want to fight." Mel stood three feet in front of Josh with her fists clenched so tight that her knuckles were white.

"Go Mel!! Kick his ass!!" Sean's voice resonated through the crowd. "Show him not to fuck with our friends."

I saw Sean a few people down from me. Our eyes met, I saw the amusement in his eyes. This wasn't just about friends kicking someone's ass for hurting their other friend. Sean was taking pleasure in the thought that Josh was going to get hurt. Mel had sucker-punched Josh in the gut and dropped him with a swift kick to the back of his knee. As Josh tried to get up, she held him by his hair and slammed his face down on the cement with a nauseating thud. I could see the blood trickling down on the pavement, she probably broke his nose. But Mel wasn't done she picked Josh up and place him in a nelson for Sean to give him the final punch. Shit! They're really going to go through with this! I stepped into the middle of the circle of people and grabbed Sean's poised fist. Sean whirled around as if to hit me too.

"Sean! Mel! Stop it!" I roared in his face.

"Zech," Mel looked at me.

I grabbed Josh away from them. Some of the crowd went with him. "Who the hell are we going to blame this on?! No one even knows Josh yet! Or do you want me to tell them you two did this?"

"We thought you wanted this!" Sean said to me. "I wanted something done, but I didn't want you to beat the living shit out of him."

"I'm sorry." Mel said slowly, thinking of something else to say.

"Whatever Mel." I turned to Josh and pushed him towards the office. His head was tilted back and his fingers were as tight as a vice on his nose.

"Did you tell them to that?" Josh asked me once we were away from Sean and Mel.

"No, I swear I didn't." I told him.

"Sure, dude, then why did they say that you told them to?"

"I don't know. Because I told them, what happened earlier and they want revenge. They do that sometimes."

I looked over at him and he had stopped holding his nose, a thin trickle of blood was dripping down on his shirt. His shirt, which used to be white, but was now red. So much for that shirt, I guess.

"Thanks for saving me." Josh looked back over at me. His face was blood and he was still smiling, blood stained teeth.

"No problem. I'll straighten them out. I can't believe they did that though." Fucking "A"!! Stupid Mel! What the hell was going through he mind. Did she actually think that I wanted her to knock the shit out of Josh? I told her that I was still into him.

"Don't worry about it. It hurts, but it's done. They were trying to protect you . . . fucking assholes." He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes to see me agreeing with him. What gave them the authority to do that?

The nurse looked over Josh and I told her that he had been fooling around with a skateboard and fell on his face. She bought it, there were little bits of gravel under the skin near his elbows from when Mel he dragged him a little trying to pick him up. I am going to have Mel's head for this! Josh only had a few scratches on his hands. She showed him to his bathroom for him to clean off his face. We took a pass from the nurse and went into Creative Writing. He wrote an essay about what had happened.

We hopped in the car first thing after school.

"My folks are going to come home today." Josh said over the radio.

"Really?" It's Wednesday, "What time?"

"After 8:00."

"Do you want me to stick around?"

"Sure, if you want."


We settled down and watched T.V. Meet the parents?

-------------------------- Okay, that's it for now. You can email me KillerPizzaMonkey@yahoo.com can visit my website http://th380y.net

Next: Chapter 4

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