Just Together


Published on Sep 1, 2002


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality or sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories ------------------

Chapter XIX

=-=-=-=-=-= Jonah =-=-=-=-=-=

*** [ Sat, Nov 17, 2001 ]

"You got everything?" Michael asked me as he zipped up his bag.

"I think so," I said and threw my bag over my shoulder.

"I think this is the longest road trip I've ever been on."

"Seriously? Even with your folks?"

"Yea. We either went camping upstate, or down to the beach in Virginia. Any place else I've been I've flown or taken the train."

"Sometime, when we both have a couple weeks free, we're gonna take a long road trip across the country."

"'Thelma and Louise?'" Michael said.

"Uh, no. I was thinking more like Jack and Neil."

"As long as we don't have to sleep with a bunch of girls, I'm okay with it."

"I think we can skip that part. You want to drive first?"

"Yea. You know, I'm gonna have to get my license one of these days."

"Michael. We're here," I said and shook him gently.

He groaned and stretched. "Hey," Michael said with a sleepy grin and looked around. "Where's here?"

"Right here is a parking garage. We're early enough to have dinner first."

"Good. Are we close?"

"Yep. We'll have dinner at Blind Faith and then walk to the theater."

"Okay," he said and we got out of the car. I pulled the cargo cover over our bags and locked up before we headed out into the cool Chicago night. We had a nice vegetarian meal and then headed over to the theater around seven -- the show started at eight.

"You want to try to find him now, or wait until after the show?" Michael asked me after I bought our tickets.

"Um, let's try to find him now," I said and led the way to the Green Room.

"Who are you? You can't be back here," a kid said to me as I started down the back hallway to the Green Room.

"I am. Who are you?" I shot back and continued. Yea, right. Like some 15 year old kid is guarding a high school theatre production. Anyway, it shut him up. Michael snickered and gave me a shove.

We walked into the Green Room. The only kids in there were crew members.

"Does anyone know if Jonny Mathias is here yet?" I asked.

"Dressing room," some girl said and pointed to the guys' dressing room.

I walked in the door and yelled. "Mathias!" He was stepping into his pants at the time and fell over when he jumped. Everyone laughed.

"OH MY GOD! You made it!" Jonny screamed and yanked up his pants as he scrambled to his feet and ran over to us. He attacked me in a hug, and then Michael. "Oh my god! You bastard. You did this just to mess with me, didn't you?"

"Nope. Thank Michael. He got an early flight," I said.

"It's your first show," Michael shrugged.

"Thanks," Jonny smiled and gave Michael another hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Easy, Mathias. You'll have to take a cold shower," some guy teased.

"Won't be because of you, Chris," Jonny shot back. "So let me introduce you guys. Everyone, this is Jonah and Michael, my big brothers from New York." He then proceeded to point out each guy, ending with Adam.

"Hey, dudes. Nice to finally meet you. Jonny talks about you all the time," Adam said as he shook our hands.

"I do not."

"Yea, you do," a few guys who were close answered.

He blushed.

"Oh. I ran into Nick yesterday. He said hi," I said.



"Cool. I didn't think he'd even remember me."

"Anything planned after the show?" I asked.

"Um, yea. There's a cast party, but I can just skip it."

"Dude..." Adam protested.

"No. Don't skip it. Go to your party. We'll be here all week."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely. Well, we'll let you get ready. Break a leg," I said and gave him another hug.


Michael did the same and we headed back to the lobby. I took a minute to call to let someone know we were in town and would be there tonight. The house was open now, so we found our seats and sat down.

"We made his night," Michael smiled.

"Yep. Thanks," I said and gave him a kiss.

"You're welcome. This theater is also for the university, too, right?"

"Yea. The musicals always get this space. The spring plays are usually in one of the smaller theaters on campus."

"So what are we going to do while we're here -- other than Thanksgiving and taking the kids to see 'NSYNC?"

"Whatever you want. Show you around the city. Relax."

"What about where you grew up? I want to see that."

"We can do that. Uncle Jeff bought Gpa & Gma's house, so that won't be a problem. The neighborhood is here, or over at Uncle Joe's."

"You grew up in this neighborhood?"

"Yep. About a half-mile or so away."

"What about before your parents died?"

"In Brookfield. It's kinda center and west. There's a great zoo there, if you want to do that sometime."

"Maybe. I don't really care to see animals in cages."

"Most of the exhibits have natural habitat type cages. No bars."

"Okay. Maybe. What did your parents do for a living?"

"High School teachers. Dad taught English. Mom taught art."

"I should have guessed," Michael smirked.


"You're creative and you read all the time. Of course your parents would be an English teacher and an art teacher."

"I guess. Dad used to read to me all the time. Not kiddy books, either. Things like 'Gulliver's Travels' and 'Alice in Wonderland'."

"You could probably read by first grade, couldn't you?"

"Kindergarten, actually. It was horrible. I was reading passages out of Stoker's 'Dracula' when the rest of the class was learning their ABCs."

"You were reading 'Dracula'?"

"A bedtime story. I'd read a paragraph or so, and then Dad would read one."

"You didn't have nightmares?"

"No. I never was scared of monsters or of the dark. I was scared of ghosts, though, and our attic. It was an older house that creaked and groaned all the time. Raccoons had gotten into the attic. I'd be lying in bed and hear something running across the ceiling, and then the screeching when they would fight. Dad would go up with a BB gun and they'd scatter. There was also one that got caught in the wall and died. It stunk so bad. So I guess it wasn't the seen that I was afraid of, just the unseen."

"You must have been a pretentious little brat," Michael teased.

"Probably. I'm told that I was just independent. If I wanted to do something I'd just go do it. If Joey or Tommy didn't want to do it, then I did it anyway. They'd usually follow what I did eventually."

"So you spent a lot of time at your Uncle Joe's?"

"Yea. Aunt Mary babysat us. She took a couple years off work when Joey and Jill were born, and then later with Jay. Personally, I think Jay was a bit of a surprise."

"Why's that?"

"Well. Joey's 20. Jill's 19. Jay is 10."

"Sounds like a surprise to me."

The overture started playing, so we stopped talking and waited for the curtain to open.

"Pretty good for a high school production," Michael said as the house lights were coming up. "What do you think?"

"It was good. The guy who plays Tony is cute. I'm surprised Jonny hasn't mentioned him."

We made our way to the lobby and congratulated Jonny on a good job. He was all smiles and giddy. We congratulated Adam as well and then headed to the house.

We pulled into the driveway at a little after eleven. Aunt Mary's car was gone, so she was probably on third this month. I tossed Michael his bag and we went inside. Jay was asleep on the sofa with the SciFi version of "Dune" playing on the TV.

We dropped our bags in the basement, cleaned up and went upstairs. I pushed Jay over to lean on the arm of the sofa so Michael and I could sit down. A few minutes later, Jay moved back over and laid down with his head on my lap. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it a little as we watched the movie. A loud scene came on and Jay jerked awake. He rolled back and looked up at me.

"Hey, Jonah," he said sleepily.

I looked down and gave a soft scream like I was scared.

"Very funny," Jay yawned. "When did you get here?"

"Just a little while ago."

Michael looked over and smiled at him. "Hi, Jay."

"Hey. Are you Michael?"

"The one and only."

"You look different than I thought."

"Okay... How did you expect me to look?" Michael asked with a grin.

Jay shrugged. "I don't know. You just looked different on 'Dawson's Creek.'"

"That was over a year ago."

The door opened and Joey walked in.

"Hey, man. I thought you weren't going to be here until tomorrow night?" Joey said.

"Michael got an early flight so we could go see Jonny's performance."

"Hey, man. Good to see you, again," Joey said to Michael. "I'm starved. You guys want to order a pizza or something?"

The door opened again and Jonny and Adam walked in. Joey looked at his watch.

"Cuttin' it kinda close, aren't you?"

"I've got two whole minutes before one o'clock," Jonny smiled.

"So pizza?" Joey asked me again.

"Yea. A pizza would be great. I'm starving," Jonny said.

"Me, too," Adam agreed.

"I guess so," I shrugged.

"Good. You can buy," Joey smiled.

"I'll split it," I countered.

"Close enough," Joey said and picked up the phone to order a couple pizzas.

"Cast party over already?" I asked.

"Mostly. Just about everyone has a 1AM curfew," Jonny answered.

"I thought your curfew was midnight," I said.

"Normally. We got it extended for performance nights so we could actually go to the cast parties."

"You staying the night, Adam?" I asked.


"Thanks again for coming to see the show. Did you really like it?" Jonny asked and dropped down beside us.

"Yep. It's the best high school production of 'West Side Story' I've ever seen," I said.

"Have you seen any others?"

"Not from the audience."


"So why haven't you mentioned the guy who plays Tony? He's really cute," Michael teased.

Adam started snickering and Jonny shot him a dirty look.

"That's Brandon. He's straight."

"Are you sure?"

"He's got a girlfriend. He's also a Junior."

"You still drool over him," Adam teased.

"So? He's hot. I'm allowed to drool," Jonny huffed.

"Ha! You finally admitted it," Adam laughed.

"Yea. When are you gonna admit that you want me?" Jonny countered.

"Dude. You're confusing your dreams with reality, again."

"Well, you know, it was one of those nightmares that seem really realistic."

"Moving on," I interrupted.

"Yea. You're both freaks," Jay announced.

"If being unlike you makes me a freak, then I'm proud to be a freak," Jonny said.

"Me, too," Adam added.

"Moving on," I repeated.

"Okay. I'm gonna go clean up," Jonny said and ran upstairs.

The pizzas arrived a short while later.

"Beer is in the downstairs 'fridge," Joey directed.

"I guess I'm getting it. You want one?" I asked Michael.


"Get me one, too," Joey said.

"And me," Jonny said.

"Nice try."

"Come on. You've let me drink before."

"Small amounts on special occasions."

"Well. This is a special occasion. Adam and I can even split one," Jonny continued.

I looked at Joey. He shrugged. "I don't have a problem as long as someone keeps quiet about it," he said and looked at Jay.

"What? I'm not a narc.," Jay protested.

"Since when?" Joey challenged.

"Since I'm gonna get a small glass," Jay smiled.

"Not a chance. Sorry guys; no beer for you. Thank Jay," Joey said to Jonny and Adam.

"Come on, Jay. Don't be a twat," Jonny said.

"Yea, dude. Be cool," Adam added.

"What's in it for me?" Jay said smugly.

"How about...I won't kick your butt the next time you deserve it," Jonny said and gave him a serious look.

"Dad let's me have sips of his beer," Jay tried.

"That's Dad. He can do that."

"Maybe we should just send Jay to bed without any pizza," I suggested.

"What? No way," Jay protested.

"Then stop being difficult," I said and went to get the beer. I grabbed four Sam Adams OctoberFest and headed back up. Jay smiled when I got down two regular glasses, and a small juice glass. I split one between Jonny and Adam and set the glasses in front of them. I then set the empty juice glass in front of Jay and handed Joey his bottle and Michael his before sitting down.

Jay gave me a confused look.

"What?" I asked.

"It's empty."

"You're right. You said you'd keep your mouth shut if you got a small glass. I gave you a small glass. You didn't say there had to be beer in it," I said and tried not to smile.

Everyone busted out laughing.

"You suck, Jonah," Jay pouted.

"What? I gave you EXACTLY what you asked for," I shrugged. "Maybe next time you won't be such a brat."

"I'm gonna outsmart you someday," Jay grumbled and went to get a Coke out of the 'fridge.

"You're welcome to try," I smiled.

We dug into the pizza. Adam took a drink of his beer and made a face.

"Something wrong with the beer, Adam?" Joey smiled.

"Um, I don't think so. I'm just not used to it."

"This is better than the stuff my dad drinks," Jonny said.

"My folks don't like beer. They only drink wine," Adam said.

"You have to drink beer with pizza. You'll have plenty of wine on Thanksgiving," Joey said.

"Everyone drinks wine for Thanksgiving?" Adam asked.

"Here," I answered.

"I don't get to, yet," Jay interrupted.

"When you turn thirteen, just like the rest of us," Joey commented.

"Your family is joining us?" I asked Adam.


"This place is gonna be packed. Adam's family. Jonny's family. Uncle Jeff's clan. Uncle James' clan. Aunt Ruth and the kids. Grandma Washington. Gma," Joey explained.

"Your dad is coming?" I asked Jonny.

"I don't know. Mom said he was if he wanted to eat."

"And what if he makes a scene?"

"He won't if he doesn't get drunk. Too many people around."

"Okay," I said hesitantly. "I hope he's gonna be sitting at his own table -- or at least nowhere near me."

"If he wouldn't sit next to a fag who is his son, I don't think he'd sit by a fag who isn't," Jonny smirked.

"Good. So Uncle James is coming? Did Aunt Anna threaten him?"

"I don't know. They're getting into town tomorrow night. He's been calling a lot more often since 9-11," Joey explained.

"Where do they live?" Michael asked.

"Virginia," I answered. "Where are they staying?"

"With Uncle Jeff."

"That's gonna be a full house. So are you gonna come to see 'NSYNC with us, Jay?" I asked.

"I don't know. Jonny hasn't promised not to tell anyone if I go," Jay said and gave Jonny a dirty look.

"Maybe I will. Maybe I won't," Jonny smiled.

"If you want to go, then go. You've got two big brothers now who will kick the butt of anyone who makes fun of you for it. Except us, of course," Joey smiled.

"I don't need you to fight my battles. I can hold my own."

"So are you going or not?" I repeated.

"I guess. At least there'll be lots of girls there," Jay sighed, and then grinned.

Everyone laughed.

"What are you laughing for? I'm not gay. I like girls," Jay protested.

"You'd be scared to death if you actually got a girl," Jonny teased.

"I know what to do with a girl," Jay said with a suave grin -- well, as suave as a ten year old could be.

"You'd better not know too much," Joey threatened.

"Well, what I know I know from you," Jay shot back.

"And just what is that?" I asked.

Jay looked at Joey as a slow grin filled his face. "You take them to your bedroom and make them moan," he said and then ran before Joey could catch him.

"I really need to get my own place," Joey sighed after he'd chased Jay out of the kitchen.

"Why don't you?" Michael asked.

"Free rent, of course," Joey replied.

"Of course."

"Buy a house and get roommates, coz. It's the way to go," I said.

"Some of us weren't lucky enough to have Gpa buy us an apartment," Joey shot back.

"I still had to pay rent and have roommates."

"And who'd give a mortgage to a part-time employed university student?"

"I'm sure your folks would help if you asked. Maybe even buy it and sell it back to you."

"They're already paying for school. I don't want to ask them for more."

"Oh, come on. You want to be a lawyer. I'm sure you can come up with some good arguments in your favor. Besides, the idea is that you pay for it. They just pay the down payment and have the mortgage in their name," I said.

"Yea. Then I'd get my own room," Jonny added.

"You can just feel the love from this kid, can't you," Joey teased.

"I want my own room back, too," Jay yelled from the doorway, and then ran when Joey took a few steps towards him.

"Go to bed," Joey yelled after Jay.

"Worst he can say is 'no,'" I said.

"No. The worst he can say is 'yes, but you have to come work in the office to pay off the down payment,'" Joey countered.

"What could you possibly do in a shrink's office?" I asked.

"I'm sure he'd find something, or have me working with Uncle Jeff."

"Working with Uncle Jeff isn't that bad."

"For you. I can't do that woodworking shit, and you know what a perfectionist he is."

"Yea. It's not like he'd have you carving, though. You could handle the stripping or finishing."

"And be in a respirator all day? No thanks."

"So, basically, you're just lazy," I smirked.


"What does your Uncle Jeff do?" Michael asked.

"Antique furniture restoration and reproductions," Joey answered.

"Sounds like it could be interesting."

"Nope," Joey said.

"We've been around it forever," I explained. "It's been in the family forever."

"Great-great-grandfather Joseph started it when he came over from Italy. Great-grandfather Joseph inherited it and passed it down to Gpa. Dad was supposed to get it, but wasn't interested. Uncle Jeff was, so it's his now," Joey said.

"Lots of history and traditions on the Mars side," I added.

"Mars doesn't sound like an Italian name," Michael said.

"It's not. The name was Mari, but, so the story goes, great-great-grandfather Joseph's handwriting wasn't very good and the people at immigration mistook the 'i' as an 's'. Seeing the prejudice and Italian ghettos here, he just let it stay that way," I explained.

"Ah, okay. So the 'JM' thing goes way back?"

"Another one of the traditions," I said.

"First son gets the father's name and all names start with 'J'. It gets confusing sometimes. I'm gonna have to find some different names that start with 'J' for my kids."

"Juan. Julio. Johan," I tried to name a few.

"Juanita. Joar," Joey tried as well.


"Scandinavian name."

"Okay. I'm drawing a blank on any others that haven't been used."

"Yea. Me, too. I'll have to find a book of names or something. I've got plenty of time."

"So where's Jill? She not in town yet?" I asked.

"Nope. The princess won't be joining us for Thanksgiving. She's spending it with friends in Vail," Joey said sarcastically.

"Do I sense some animosity towards your sister?" Michael smiled.

"The princess? No animosity. Just standard sibling rivalry. She's daddy's little girl. Anything she wants, she gets."

"She gets anything she wants 'cause she has a 4.0 and is interested in psychiatry," I said.

"Yea, yea, yea. She's a suck-up," Joey muttered.

"You ready for bed?" Michael asked me.

"Yea." We said goodnight and headed down to the basement.

We cleaned up, stripped and got in bed. It was kinda cool downstairs, but there were a couple quilts on the bed. We snuggled up and would have been asleep in minutes...

"You didn't think I'd just let you go to sleep, did you?" Jonny teased as he came downstairs.

"We were hoping," Michael said.

"Can we talk another time? We're really tired. We only got a few hours sleep last night and then drove all day," I said.

"Yea, okay. See ya in the morning. Night," Jonny sighed and trudged back upstairs.

*** [ Sunday, Nov 18, 2001 ]

Morning came sleepy and quiet. No Jay jumping on the bed. No Jonny wanting to talk. Just Michael gently rubbing my belly. Nice.

"Morning," I said softly.

Michael smiled. "Morning. It's so quiet here."

"I know. It's kinda freakin' me out. I expected one of the kids to wake us."

"Must still be asleep. It's only ten."

"Jay is up. When it's not a school day he's up at the crack of dawn."

"Now that you mention being up," Michael smiled as he wrapped his hand around my erection.

"It's been too long," I sighed.

"My thoughts, exactly," Michael said and rolled on top of me as we kissed.

I slid my hands down his sides to his butt and pulled him tight against me as we continued to kiss. Then...

"Jonah! Michael! Time to get up!" Jay screamed as he ran down the stairs.

"Go upstairs!" I yell as I pulled out of the kiss.

"Why? What are you..." Jay stopped as he got within sight. "You guys were having sex," he said, wide eyed.

"We were about to until you came running down. Go away," I said.

"Um...okay," Jay mumbled and backed up the stairs.

Michael looked at me and laughed. "Now he knows what to do with a man, too."

"Just what I've always wanted to do: give my ten-year-old cousin a lesson in gay love," I groaned and rolled Michael off me.

"Not in the mood anymore?" He asked.


"I'll live. Is there a way to lock the door from down here for tonight?"

"Unfortunately, no. We'll just have to make it a rule not to come down until after knocking and being invited."

"I don't think it'll be a problem with Jay anymore," Michael snickered.

"I wouldn't be so sure. He'll probably try to catch us now just so he can make a scene."

"A drama queen, huh?"

"Just loves the attention."

We did the morning bathroom stuff and then headed upstairs. Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the Trib.

"Morning," I said and worked on getting us some coffee.

"Hi," Michael smiled.

"You're the partner Michael and not just another roommate, right?" Aunt Mary smiled.

"I'd better be."

"Yea. This is my man Michael. This is Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary. This is the only time you'll ever see Aunt Mary," I smiled.

"Are you going away?" Michael asked.

"I'm on third shift this month. Jonah was probably trying to be funny," Aunt Mary smiled.

"It's true. The past two times I've been here you've been on third..."

"I don't know is on third," Uncle Joe interrupted. Michael smiled, but Aunt Mary and I ignored him.

"I only see you in the morning when you get home, and, maybe, before you head to work," I defended. "Speaking of which, why were you working last night?"

"We're short staffed. Everyone is working an extra day a week."

"Will you have Thanksgiving off?"

"In theory, I'll have that evening off."

"Morning," Jonny mumbled as he shuffled in and got himself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning. How'd the show go last night?" Uncle Joe asked.

"Good," Jonny grunted and dropped down in a chair before nursing his coffee.

"Did Adam go home already?" Aunt Mary asked.

"No. He's still asleep."

"Up late?" Uncle Joe asked.


"Don't you have strike today?" Aunt Mary asked.

"Yea. At noon. That's why I'm up so early."

"Look what I found," Michael smiled as he walked into the living room with his arms full of old photo albums.

"Joey! You're a dead man!" I yelled.

"He begged. I'm just being polite," Joey smirked and dropped down in a chair.

"Why start now?"

"Don't make me get out of this chair and kick your ass," Joey mock threatened.

"Hmm. I don't think you could. The last time we got into a fight we were pretty evenly matched, if you remember," I smirked.

"You were still hurting."

"So were you."

"Chill you two before I pass out from all the testosterone in here," Michael joked and flipped open the first album. Baby pictures.

I ignored Joey and leaned against Michael to look at everything as well.

"This is you, right?" Michael smiled.

"Yea. So I'm told."

"I'll forgo the cute butt jokes. Just know that I could make them," he grinned.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically.

"Wow. You look just like your dad. This is your dad, right?" Michael said and pointed to a picture of my dad holding my hands as I tried walking.

"Yea. That's him," I said softly. I was over them dying. Really. It's just old memories and thoughts of what never was.

"Where's your mom? I haven't seen her yet?"

"She's taking the pictures. She was always taking pictures of everything, but hated having her picture taken. There're a few of her in here."

"They used to call you JJ?" Michael smiled, referring to a picture that was labeled "JJ's first birthday."

"Yea. Jonah Junior. I became Jonah when Dad died."

"That's not quite true," Joey said.

"I think I remember my life better than you," I said.

"Then you're repressing some things. You went by JJ for at least a year after they died -- while you were in your angry period. We didn't start calling you Jonah until you started getting over it," Joey explained.

"His angry period?" Michael asked.

"Yea. I told you I was a bit pissed off at the world after they died," I said.

"More than a bit. He got kicked out of school for fighting so much. Ann wouldn't let him near Tommy for a while 'cause they'd both get into fights and Jonah would kick his ass."

"So what finally settled you down?" Michael asked me.

"I just didn't have it in me anymore," I said and shot Joey a look to keep quiet. He didn't listen.

"And he didn't have it in him anymore because he took on the playground bully and almost killed him."

"Can't you take a hint and shut up?" I asked Joey sarcastically.

"You almost killed him?" Michael asked.

"I was eight. He was eleven. I don't even remember what the fight was about or much about it. All I remember is a teacher pulling me off him and them taking him away in an ambulance. It really scared me 'cause everyone was saying that I'd killed him. They were kinda glad, though, 'cause he was the playground bully. Gpa made me visit him in the hospital. It turned out that he had appendicitis and the fight caused it to burst. So if I almost killed him it was because of other circumstances. It still scared me, though."

Fortunately, they both let it drop. We flipped through the years in minutes. Photos always capture the happy moments; the moments you want to remember.

"Who's the baby you're holding?"

"That's Jason," I said softly. "My little brother."

Michael gave me a sad look and a kiss on the cheek.

"He was in the car, too," I continued. It was all that needed to be said.

Michael turned the page and chuckled. "That's me, Joey and Tommy." We were mid-air and making faces. "I think it was taken at Mt. Baldy in Michigan City. We'd go there all the time in the summer. The water is too cold to swim in for more than a few minutes at a time, but the huge sand hill was more than enough fun. We'd have contests for who could jump and land the furthest down the hill. By the end of the summer I was as dark as Joey was in the winter. Of course he was darker as well, and teased me that I couldn't even get close. Tommy always got red and was sunburned all the time."

"You used to get so upset that I was darker," Joey laughed.

"Yea. You said it was because you were well done, and Tommy and I were rare and should be thrown back in the oven," I chuckled.

"Yea. Mom told me that one," Joey smiled and turned off the TV, coming over to sit on the other side of Michael to look at the pictures as well.

Michael flipped the page to reveal an 8x10 photo.

"The men of Mars," Joey smiled.

"All the Mars men. It was taken just before great-great uncle Jerome died," I explained and pointed out the ancient man in the wheelchair.

"I think I was six when it was taken," Joey said.

"Okay. I recognize you two and your fathers. Who are the others?"

Joey and I explained who each person was as best we could. Neither of us could name all of them. I'd hardly seen any of them since that picture was taken. Uncle Joe walked through and stopped to fill us in on who the other people were.

"Everyone lives in Chicago?" Michael asked.

"Nope. Most don't. They've spread out all over the country," I answered.

"It's amazing how people drift apart," Uncle Joe sighed as he looked at the picture. "We haven't had a gathering like that since."

"Well. Don't whine about it. Do something," I teased.

"Get your own line," Uncle Joe shot back and went to the kitchen just as Jonny was walking in from outside.

"Hey. What are you looking at?" Jonny asked as he dropped down on my lap.

"Get off me, boy," I groaned and pushed him off.

"Love you, too, dorkus. You're looking at baby pictures. I've never seen your baby pictures. Turn back so I can see his butt," Jonny smiled and tried to turn back the pages.

"Chill," Michael said and pushed his hand away. "You can go back after we're done."

"Yea, okay," Jonny sighed. "Hey, that's me," he said and pointed to a picture of him and Jason playing in the sandbox that used to be in his back yard.

"Yep. You were an ugly little brat," I teased.

"Yea, but look at me now," Jonny smiled.

"Do I have to?" Michael shot back.

"I remember that sandbox. I kinda remember Jason, but not that well."

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked.

"Nope. Why? Am I bugging you?"

"You talk too much."

"Sorry," he pouted.

"Don't be sorry. Just be quiet," Joey smiled.

"Et tu?"

"Someone's been reading 'Julius Caesar'."

"Last year. I guess I'll go do something by myself," Jonny sighed and headed upstairs.

"Something by himself?" Michael smiled and motioned like he was jacking-off.


We decided to head over to Uncle Jeff's after dinner so Michael could see where I grew up. He hadn't done anything different to the house, as I knew he wouldn't. He was very big on traditions and family.

"Oh, I should probably warn you that Jadyn and Jennifer loved you on DC. Eleven year old twin girls," I said.

"Do they know about you?"

"I don't know. I've never hidden it, but I've never had a boyfriend around them."

"Well, let's break some hearts," he smiled as we climbed the front steps. "This is a beautiful house."

"Yea. I love this house. Craftsman style. All the original woodwork is still there, too. Wait until you see the inside," I said and rang the doorbell. Aunt Tina answered.

"Jonah! Come in. Come in. Great to see you," Aunt Tina gushed and attacked me with a hug. I like Aunt Tina. She's very touchy-feely and friendly. She's the kind of person who touches your arm when she talks to you, and hugs just about everyone.

"Hey, Aunt Tina. Good to see you, too. This is Michael, my man," I introduced.

She gave him an appraising look, and then smiled and pull him into a hug. "Welcome to the family."

"Uh, thanks," Michael smiled, a bit overwhelmed.

"Okay. Now come in. Come in. Have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Relax. I'm fine," I smiled.

"No thanks," Michael said.

"Oh my god! It IS him!" Jaydn and Jennifer screamed and ran up to Michael.

"Now leave Michael alone and act like ladies," Aunt Tina admonished.

"We really liked you in 'Dawson's Creek'. Why'd you break up with Jen?" Jaydn asked.

"It's a TV show. I didn't break up with anyone. I wasn't even dating Michelle," Michael explained.

"Yea, but you can tell them what you want your character to do. Why'd you stop doing it?" Jennifer asked.

"I didn't have any control over what the character did. I just did what I was told to do."

"Jonah!" Jeffrey, the four year old, screamed as he ran down the stairs.

"Hey, kid," I said and knelt down to catch him in a hug. "Wow. You're getting so big. You'll probably be as tall as me the next time I see you," I teased.

"Taller!" He squealed. "Come see my room. It useta be yours."

"You took my room?!" I declared.

"Yep," he smiled.

"But where will I sleep?"

"In New Yooorrk. Duuhh," he said with child logic and made a face.

"He's learned sarcasm," Aunt Tina grimaced. "Duuhhh," she teased back at him.

"Momma! You can't say that," Jeffrey complained. "Only me."

"Duuhh," She teased again. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Four going on fourteen, huh?" I said.


"Jeffrey. This is my best friend, Michael," I introduced.

"Hi. My best friend is Toby. He's in my school," Jeffrey said.

"Jonah. Found some of your stuff in the basement that we figured you'd probably want," Uncle Jeff said as he walked into the room carrying a couple milk crates. He set them down and gave me a hug.

"Hey, Uncle Jeff. I'd forgotten all about those," I said about the milk crates full of records. Most of them were punk rock. All vinyl. Probably collectors items now. "Oh, this is Michael."

"Hello, sir," Michael said and shook Uncle Jeff's hand. Uncle Jeff is a big guy -- 6'-4" and about 220lbs. He was one of those guys who judged you by your handshake. I'm guessing that Michael passed.

"Good to meet you, Michael," Uncle Jeff said. "How's the acting business?"

"Pretty good. I've been keeping busy."

"Glad to hear it. You guys want a drink?"

"No thanks. We're fine," I said. "I just wanted to show Michael around where I grew up."

"You know where everything is. Take your tour and then we'll have a drink and talk," Uncle Jeff said.

"Okay," I said.

"My room!" Jeffrey said and pulled me to follow him.

"'I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay'," Michael sang softly as we headed upstairs.

"Don't let him hear you," I warned.

"He looks like he could be a lumberjack. Would he be offended?"

"No. We'll be watching Monty Python all night. He loves them. It's more fun to watch him cackling and rolling at the show than watching the show."

"See!" Jeffrey declared as he threw open his door. The room looked the same, except for the stuff in it.

"Yep. I see. Just how I left it."

"Nuh uh. Look up," he said and turned off the light. There were glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling.

"Wow. Those are cool," I said.

"Yea, really. I wish we had those," Michael said.

"You haveta get your own. Those are mine," Jeffrey said seriously as he turned the light back on.

"Did you put those up?" I asked.

"Momma and Daddy did. They could probably get some for you, too."

"Maybe. How do you measure up?" I asked him.

"Come look!" He yelled and ran out of the room.

"Measure up?" Michael asked.

"Yep. You've gotta see this. Every year for all the kids marked on a door frame," I said and led the way to the hall closet. Jeffrey already had the door open and was standing against the jamb.

"Measure me."

I held my hand on his head and marked where it hit on the jamb. "Okay."

"See? This is me last birthday," Jeffrey said and pointed to his mark.

"Wow. You've grown a whole bunch."

"Yep," he smiled proudly.

"See here; this is your dad's mark when he was four. You're taller than he was."

"Yea, but he's a lot bigger now," he said seriously.

"You will be, too."

"That's a piece of history," Michael smiled.

"Yep. I'm on there, too."

"How big are you now?" Jeffrey asked.

"Way more than my last mark," I said and measured the distance between now and my last mark when I was ten.

"Daddy is taller."

"Yep. He's also fatter," I said loudly.

"I heard that!" Uncle Jeff yelled.

Jeffrey giggled.

"Let's go downstairs," I said and led the way. We went into the parlor that still had Gma's Steinway studio grand. I'd love to have it if I had the room. They did offer. I propped the lid open on the short peg and sat down.

"This was Gma's piano. It's great," I said to Michael as I opened the keyboard cover. I started playing. Just a simple Bach prelude. It felt unused. Yea, you can feel if an instruments been used or not. The sound feels warmer and not as stiff on a regularly used instrument.

"That's the first time that's been played since Dad's funeral," Uncle Jeff said as he appeared in the doorway.

"I can tell. It feels lonely," I said.

"I told you you're more than welcome to have it."

"If I had room for it I'd take it in a heartbeat. Maybe someday."

"I'll be here. Neither of the girls are interested in learning. Actually they're not interested in anything except their friends and boys."

"Can't get them interested in woodworking?"

"Sitting in the chair after it's complete is about as close as I can get them," he shrugged. "Jeffrey just likes watching the lathe. He thinks it 'cool, Daddy'."

"Well, it is."

"Okay. Play one more piece and then let's have a drink."

"Okay," I said and paused to think of what to play.

"Do the Gershwin one. The preludes," Michael said.

I did. It was so much easier to play on a nice piano than a keyboard -- even if it did have weighted keys. Practicing on something difficult to play made me sound even better on this, though my dynamics were a little off.

"Never could do that, and Mom tried her best to teach me," Uncle Jeff sighed.

"Yea, but I can't hand carve a claw and ball foot," I shrugged.

"Just takes practice."

"Same here. So let's go get that drink you keep trying to push on us. What wacky drink have you just discovered now?" I said.

"Sambuca," he smiled.

"Okay. What is it?"

"It's a licorice cordial."


He just smiled and headed to the kitchen.

I closed up the piano and we followed. The kitchen was partially torn up.

"Remodeling the kitchen?" I asked.

"Yep. The 50's are over."

"So are the 20's, but you're not about to remodel the house."

"Kitchens are different. I can't cook in an ugly kitchen," he said as he got down some small cordial glasses.

"I assume you're building all the cabinets yourself."

"Yep. Oak to match the rest of the house."

"Craftsman style?"

"Built to match. Here you go," he said and handed us our glasses and sat down at the table with us.

"Smells good," Michael said as he examined it.

"Tastes good, too," Uncle Jeff.

"Here goes," Michael said and took the whole small glass as a shot before we could stop him. He swallowed and started coughing. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed between coughs. Jeffrey, who had crawled up on Uncle Jeff's lap, slapped his hand over his mouth.

"First time you've had a cordial?" Uncle Jeff smiled.

"Last, too," Michael coughed.

"You're not supposed to drink it like that. You just put a small amount on your tongue and let the flavor and essence radiate. Like savoring it," I explained as I got him a glass a water.

"Now you tell me. Woh! Thanks," Michael said and took a glass of water.

"Jonah did the same thing the first time he had a cordial," Uncle Jeff teased.

"Yea, and I've heard the stories about your first experience with Grappa," I countered.

"Potent stuff," Michael sighed. "Not something you'd drink all night."

"More of a desert drink," I said.

"I still place all the blame on your father for the Grappa incident," Uncle Jeff said.

"Fill me in," Michael said, still recovering.

"I was 16. Mom and Dad were in Europe on business, so John and I decided to have a party. I think Jonah, JJ, was just a few months old. Jonah, my brother, was only more than happy to take a break from being domestic for a night. Well, we picked the lock and got into the liquor cabinet only to find that Dad was smarter than we gave him credit for and had removed everything except a bottle of Grappa. John and I had never had it, but Jonah had. He just said it was great stuff for doing shots. Right," he laughed. "There was only one bottle so we waited until the girls got there before we touched it. So I think there were six guys and our girlfriends, or hopeful girlfriends, at the time. Jonah gave some bullshit story that..."

"You said a bad word, Daddy," Jeffrey said.

"It's okay for Daddy, just not for little boys. Anyway, Jonah gave this bogus story about how ladies always drank Grappa mixed, but men drank it straight. He mixed the girls their drinks -- and I don't think he actually put anything more than juice and soda in them -- and then poured the guys all big shots of the stuff. We all raised our glasses and then drank the whole shot -- which was probably a triple-shot because we used highball glasses. I thought I was gonna die," he started laughing. "We were all trying so hard to be cool and not gag that we were turning red. I couldn't take it and projectile vomited all over my date. Jonah was on the floor he was laughing so hard."

We all laughed.

"John held his in, though. I think that probably caused the brain damage that made him what he is today."

"I thought he was supposed to have been dropped on his head as a child," I smiled.

"That's Joe's explanation. I think it was the Grappa."

"What's wrong with John?" Michael asked.

"He's the wacky antisocial hermit who lives in Oregon. I told you about him."

"Oh. Okay."

"Yep. That's him. A few months after that he went backpacking through the Orient, knocked a girl up, got married, had another kid, and then left them and moved back home. He's a bas..." Uncle Jeff stopped and looked at Jeffrey. "He doesn't value his family."

"Have you ever met his wife or kids?" Michael asked.

"Just at Gpa's funeral," I answered.

"There was a huge fight about John abandoning them when he got back. We were all on his case about it. One day he just split. Mom and Dad helped support Mia and the kids as much as they could until she got remarried. Mia is a good woman."

"So they came for the funeral?"

"They were here. That's when we found out that Mom and Dad had supported her for about five years after John left. It was a bit odd. These kids were meeting their grandfather for the first time at his funeral. It's sad things had to be that way."

"They're 20 and 19. I don't think they qualify as kids anymore," I said.

"As far as I'm concerned, you're still a kid," Uncle Jeff said.

"Where do they live?"

"In Taiwan."

"Great. If we ever travel there we'll have a place to stay and someone to show us around," Michael said.

"I doubt it. We've only met once, and I kinda had other things on my mind. I only talked with them a few minutes. I think they were also a bit overwhelmed with this whole side of their family that they'd never met," I said.

"Jeffrey. Time for bed," Aunt Tina said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Momma! Not now!" Jeffrey complained.

"Bedtime," Uncle Jeff said. "Now go and I'll be up in a few minutes to tuck you in."


"You're not gonna miss anything. I'll see you in a few days on Thanksgiving. Okay?" I said.

"You're gonna be there?"

"Yep. Now give me a hug and go to bed," I said and pushed away from the table so he could.

He ran over, gave me a tight hug, and then said, "You'd better be there. Night. Night, Michael." Aunt Tina took his hand and led him out.

"What time is Uncle James supposed to get in?" I asked.

"Any minute now. Hopefully Jeffrey will be asleep, or he'll get so wound up he'll be up all night."

No sooner had he finished saying that, the doorbell rang.

"It's gonna be a long night," Uncle Jeff sighed and got up to get the door. We followed. The house got loud at that point -- greetings all around and Uncle James and Aunt Anna's four kids, combined with Jaydn and Jennifer, and Jeffrey running down the stairs to see what was happening.

"He's gonna try to crush your hand. Be prepared," I whispered to Michael as he reached out to shake hands with Uncle James.

"Nice to meet you, Michael," Uncle James said in his Marine voice.

"You're among civilians. No need for the Marine voice here," I said.

"Still a smart-ass, I see."

"Absolutely. It's genetic," I smiled.

"That it is. Now give me a hand unloading the van, unless you're afraid you might break a nail or something."

"No, but I might break my foot off in your ass. That's an appropriate Marine saying, right?" I shot back.

He laughed loudly. "Not too bad. Come on," he said and slapped me on the back.

"Hey James," Uncle Jeff said.


"He's still more masculine than you'll ever be," Uncle Jeff teased.

"It's true," Aunt Anna teased as well.

"Come on, sissy boy. Let's unload your van," I smiled and headed outside.

"I thought he was going to crush my hand," Michael whispered as we headed out.

"Told ya. You squeezed back as hard as you could?"

"Yea, but I don't think he even felt it."

"He just has a really strong grip. Lots of exercise," I said loudly and made a jacking-off motion that Uncle James could see as he followed.

"Why are you giving an Air Force salute?" Uncle James asked.

"That's a new one."

"Pretty good, huh? Do you know what the Navy salute is?"

"I'm kinda afraid to ask, but what?"

He made a motion with his hand in front of his mouth like a blow-job, and then burst out laughing.

"Cute. You got that action down pretty well."

"Ha, ha," he groaned.

*** [ Monday, Nov 19 ]

"Come on! We're gonna be late," Jonny whined as I walked upstairs.

"The show doesn't start for almost four hours, and Scott's gang and Adam and Matt aren't here yet," I dismissed.

"I wish they'd hurry up."

"Can you distract him, Jay? Please?" I said and sat down. Michael was still getting ready.

"Like how? Strip?" Jay teased.

"I've already seen it, and you've got nothing that's very distracting," Jonny shot back.

"Yea... Well... That's good 'cause I wouldn't want you to be excited around me anyway. I already have to listen to you jack-off at night," Jay countered and messed up Jonny's hair.

"Hey! Butt-wipe!" Jonny yelled and smoothed his hair back down. "All MEN jack-off. You're still a little kid, so you don't understand."

"Oh yea, I can't wait to be older so I can have sex with a sock," Jay smirked.

"Get used to it, 'cause a sock is as close as you'll ever get," Jonny countered.

"But then what will you use?" Jay teased.

"You asked for it," Jonny said and took off after Jay, catching him as he tried to run up the stairs. After fighting a bit, Jonny got hold of Jay's underwear and gave him a good, strong wedgie, and then let him go.

"You suck!" Jay screamed and continued upstairs to pull his underwear out of his butt. Michael walked in and dropped down beside me.

Jonny sat down with a satisfied smirk. "I feel better now."

"Now you know what it's like to have a little brother," Joey said.

"I was never as annoying as Jay can be sometimes."

"Someone has to believe that," I smiled.

"Whatever. He's okay most of the time."

"I'll get you back. When you least expect it..." Jay sneered at Jonny as he went to answer the door.

"Or not," Jonny continued.

"Matt's here. We can go now," Jay yelled.

"No. We're still waiting for Adam and Scott," I said.

"Not anymore," Adam said as he walked into the room.

"Thank god," Jonny sighed and went to put on his coat. "What took you so long, Dude-man?"

"Dude. I'm gonna be in a stadium full of girls," Adam said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And not a single one will be screaming for you," Jonny teased.

"Not until after I get them home," Adam said suavely.

"Yea, right, dorkus. Let's go," Jonny said and pushed Adam towards the door.

"Stop. We're still waiting for Scott."

"God. What's his problem? Doesn't he know how to be on time?" Jonny complained.

"You need to relax, or I'll leave you home," I threatened.

"I'm just anxious to see them. I haven't seen them since this summer."

"If you don't chill out it'll be even longer," I said and answered my cell.

"It's Scott. I'm lost."

"Okay. Where are you at?"


"Thank you. That was so helpful," I said sarcastically. "Where are you lost? Give me a major intersection."

"Oh. Yea. Um... Harlem Avenue, just off 90."

"You missed the 94 split."


"You took 90 over, but you need to take 94 here. Wait. Just take Harlem north a couple miles and then right on Oakton. That'll bring you right into Skokie. Follow the other directions from there."

"Okay. We'll be there as soon as we can," Scott said and hung up.

"So?" Jonny asked.

"Fifteen minutes or so," I answered.

"I'm gonna wait outside. What kinda car does he have?" Jonny sighed.

"I think he said he had a truck. I don't know what kind."

He gave me an irritated look and went outside, pushing Adam ahead of him.

"Feel like we're babysitting?" Michael asked me with a grin.

"We are. Fortunately, I got us these," I said and handed Michael a pair of ear plugs.

"Thanks. Should we put them in now, or wait until the concert starts?"

"Now is really tempting. Maybe we can just hang out back stage, or make out in the dressing room while they're on stage."

"We can get through one concert. We'll just have to listen to good music before and after."

"The guys singing and dancing doesn't bother me as much as the thought of a couple thousand screaming little girls."

"I'm so glad you two are taking them and not me," Joey smiled.

"I'm sure they are, too," Michael said with a grin and headed out.

"Was that a slam?" Joey asked me.

"Yes, coz. I believe it was. Later," I said headed out as well. We waited on the front porch. Ten minutes or so later, a dark green pick-up truck pulled up to the sidewalk. It was the really old kind -- probably 1950's -- that had been restored to mint condition. Scott and Brian got out right away.

"Hey. Sorry we're late," Scott apologized as he walked up to the porch.

"That's okay," Jonny said and smiled broadly at both of them. Michael and I both laughed at his change of heart.

"Hey. Aren't you missing someone?" I asked.

"Becky couldn't come," Brian said.

"Okay. Let's hit the road." I gave them basic directions and told them to follow us. They got back in Scott's truck. I unlocked my car and everyone else got in.

"Rule time," Michael said.

"Fine," Jonny sighed.

"Everyone stays together. If you get lost, we'll never find you," Michael said.

"And at least try to listen when we tell you something. We'll be backstage for a while before the show, so you need to stay out of the way and be aware of what's going on around you. Understood?" I said.

"Understood," the four groaned.

"Good. Once we're down watching the show you can scream and act as crazy as you want. Just stay together."

"Got it. Can we go now?" Jonny prodded.

"Do they always treat you like you're five years old?" Adam asked.

"Only when they're trying to annoy me," Jonny said with a forced smile.

"You remember how to get there?" I asked Michael with a grin.

"I've never been here before. How'm I supposed to know?"

"Remember when I said I'd tell you when you were funny?" Jonny asked me.


"You'll notice that I still haven't said anything."

Jay and Matt burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing.

"At least Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dumber think you're funny," I smirked as I pulled out of the driveway.

"Hey! Doofus!" Jay yelled.

"Yes, Tweedle-Dumb?" I smiled.

Matt started laughing harder.

"What are you laughing at? That makes you Tweedle-Dumber! HA!" Jay said.

"Yea, well, that makes you Tweedle-Farter," Matt shot back.

"That's so stupid," Jay said. "I think you should be Tweedle-Dumber-than-Dumber."

The banter and name calling of ten year olds continued as we drove to the stadium.

"See what I have to put up with," Jonny sighed as he leaned forward between the seats.

"You didn't think it was all good being a big brother, did you?" I laughed.

"I'm still waiting for the good to start. You never said Scott was so cute, or his friend."

"I said he was okay," I shrugged.

"You're totally cracked," he sighed and sat back.

Michael put in a Dead Kennedy's CD and cranked it so we couldn't hear Jay and Matt playing. It almost worked.

Finally, after yelling at them to shut up for the hundredth time, Jonny had enough and turned around, grabbing Jay and Matt over the back seat and holding them in a kinda headlock with his hands over their mouths.

"Thanks, dude. I was about to do that, myself," Adam said.

We arrived at the stadium a minute later. I pulled around to the loading area gate and easily passed the security checkpoint. We parked next to the tour busses and got out.

"Good thinking, even if it was a little late," I said to Jonny.

"I'm new at this."

"You die!" Jay yelled and jumped on Jonny's back. I don't know what he was thinking. Jay hasn't hit his growth spurt yet and is all of 80lbs. fully clothed and wet.

Adam stood back and laughed.

Jonny easily flipped Jay around and off him, only to be attacked by Matt in the same manner. Before Jay could attack again, I grabbed him.

"Time to settle down."

"But... Did you see what he did to us? I could've suffocated." Jay protested.

"And the world would have been a more peaceful place."

"Why are you sticking up for him? You're MY cousin."

"I'm not sticking up for him. If you want to attack him when we get home and get your butt kicked: go ahead. Right now you're gonna pretend to be my angelic cousin Jay."

"Yea, but... We were just playin' and he..."

"Shut you up. I would have done the same thing. Joey would have done the same thing. And you know your folks wouldn't have allowed it to even get started."

"Yea. Whatever. I'll play the angel for your friends," Jay said sarcastically.

"Thank you, but playing the angel is for you."

"Why for me?"

"'Cause if you don't, I'M gonna kick your butt when we get home, and tell your folks you were a pain in the ass."

"You're as bad as Joey," Jay pouted.

"But he's much sexier," Michael smirked.

"Ooo! Gross!" Jay screamed and covered his ears.

I shot Michael a grin.

"Are you gonna stop now?" Jonny asked Matt, whom he had immobilized, holding his arms around him like a straight jacket.

"We'll get him later," Jay said to Matt.

"Okay. I'll let you go for now," Matt said.

Jonny laughed and pushed him away as Scott pulled up beside us.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"You are a fuckin' maniac on the road," Scott said.

"This is the big city. You can't drive like you're on a country road, unless you want a bunch of people pissed off at you."

"I know, but no one would let me in. You just plowed into traffic."

"That's what you have to do," I shrugged. "New York is the same way."

"I think it's kinda fun -- as long as I didn't have to drive in it every day," Brian said.

We walked over to the door and were stopped by a stadium security guard. He was, maybe, eighteen.

"You're not allowed in this door," the guard said.

"Check your list for Jonah Mars."

"I don't have one. No one gets in without a security tag."

"We don't have them because we haven't picked them up yet. The guard at the gate obviously had our names on his list or we wouldn't have gotten this far," I explained.

"Just give me a break, alright? If I let you in without a tag, I get fired. So please go around to the main entrance."

"Our tags won't be at the main entrance because Lance told us to pick them up here."

"Right. And Justin told me to tell you to go around to the front like everyone else," the guy said sarcastically.

"If I didn't know you're just being sarcastic, that could be true," Michael laughed.

"Can you call Lance or Justin and ask them?" Jonny asked.

"No, I can't call them. I haven't even seen them. Now walk around to the front or I'm gonna have to call more security and have you physically removed."

"Good idea. Call someone who has the security list. We'll wait," I said.

"Lonnie!" Jonny yelled, seeing him through the open door. "Lonnie!"

"Stop that!" The guard said.

Lonnie came over to the door to see what the problem was.

"And here I thought we'd lost you guys in New York," Lonnie smirked as he recognized us.

"Almost. Do you have our passes? Apparently we can't get past here unless we have them, but can't get them because they are inside."

"No. I think Lance still has them. Come on. They're okay. Let them in," Lonnie said.

"HA!" Jay laughed at the guard.

"Stop it!" I said and pulled him away. "Sorry. I know you're just doing your job," I said to the guard and went in.

Lonnie led us through a maze of activity until we arrived at the traveling game room. Lance and Josh were there, stuffing their faces.

"You made it," Lance muffled with a full mouth of food and set down his plate before hugging me, Michael and Jonny. Josh just waved and continued eating.

"This is Jay, my cousin, and Matt, his friend," I introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Jay," Lance said and held out his hand.

Jay looked at him in stunned silence and wide eyed. Matt was the same. I stifled a laugh and gave Jay a nudge.

"Hi," Jay said shyly and shook Lance's hand.

"Wow. You got him to be quiet. Can you come home with me, Lance?" Jonny laughed.

Lance just smiled and shook Matt's hand.

"This is my friend Adam," Jonny introduced.

"Hey, dude," Adam said a shook Lance's hand.

I heard a yell and turned around in time to be almost knocked over by Justin.

"Hey guys," Justin said happily as he hugged me, and then let go and picked Michael up in a hug. When he got to Jonny, Jonny was prepared and picked him up in a hug.

"I can't believe you guys actually showed up. I thought for sure you'd find some excuse to miss the show," Justin continued.

"I'm hurt. We said we'd be here," I said.

"And Jonny wouldn't let us even think about backing out," Michael added.

"You're right," Jonny said.

"You guys are gonna be in front of me so I can watch you cringe and squirm," Justin said with a self satisfied smirk.

"We brought ear plugs. I'm not worried," I countered.

"Trust me, they don't help all that much."

"Hi. You must be Scott, right?" Lance said.

"Um, yea. Hey," Scott said shyly.

"Oh. Sorry. You have to speak up, man. This is Scott, our new roommate, and Brian, his friend," I said.

"Hello, sir," Brian said.

Lance looked around and then shrugged. "Me?"

"I don't know who told you that these guys were respectable, but you were misinformed," I said.

"Um, just respecting my elders," Brian tried to recover, looking a little sheepish. Chris, who had walked in with Justin and Joey, started laughing.

"Who's the old man now?!" Chris laughed.

"Shut up, Grandpa," Lance said to Chris. "You'll have to forgive his outbursts. Senility is hitting him pretty hard. Some days he's okay, but today is one of his bad days. Just smile and nod if he starts talking to you, but don't encourage him," he then said to Scott and Brian.

"Burn," Joey smiled. "Scoop's on a roll today."

Lance just shrugged and smiled. "Okay, well, let us stuff our faces and then we can talk. Go ahead and walk around if you like."

"You have our tags so we don't get escorted out?" I asked.

"Oh, yea," Lance said and got them out of his duffel bag.

We never did get the chance to sit down and talk. As soon as they were done eating they had to get ready for their meet and greet, and then get ready for the show. We started to walk around, but there was a lot of activity and I didn't want the kids to get in the way or get hurt. The game room was the safe place and the foosball table was the chosen distraction. Someone finally came to get us a few minutes before the opening act went on and led us to our seats in the very front row. Even without the groups playing, the ambient noise level was loud and the girls would scream every time some tech went onto the stage for something before they realized it was a false alarm. Michael and I put our ear plugs in right away, as did Scott. Brian didn't care and the kids didn't want them.

The opening act was some typical and boring pop singer. Yawn. The guys finally started their part of the show after a long forever.

A slower song started. The guys were just singing and came down stage to be closer to the audience. Michael looked around, gave me a big grin, and then moved in front of me and started to undo his pants.

"What are you doing?" I mouthed.

Michael just smiled and pulled down the back of his pants -- mooning Justin, who was in front of us. Justin was looking elsewhere and didn't see it at first. I put my arms around Michael and pointed at his bare ass. I watched Justin's face as he scanned passed us and then shot back. His voice cracked and he stifled a laugh as he quickly moved away from us. Michael pulled his pants back up and gave me a mischievous grin before turning and watching the show again. Joey was now in front of us and gave us a questioning look. We both shrugged.

The show was great if you fell into their perfectly targeted market. I didn't. The screaming girls were also giving me a headache. The show finally ended and we wasted no time in getting out of the stadium of screaming and swooning girls.

"Justin is gonna kill you," I teased Michael as we walked back to the dressing rooms.

"It was worth it."

"What did you do?" Jonny asked.

"I mooned him."

Adam and Brian busted up laughing. Scott just smiled. Jay and Matt were babbling together and didn't even hear.

"During the show?" Jonny asked.

"Yep," Michael said proudly.

"What if someone saw you?"

"Someone did. Justin. Didn't you see him choke?"

"He's gonna kill you," Jonny agreed.

We got to the dressing room. Lonnie was standing guard. He knocked on the door, waited a few seconds and pushed it open. It was dark inside. Lonnie pushed us in and pulled the door shut. The lights came on to reveal five hairy full moons.

"I told you they were a bunch of assholes," I laughed.

"Someone needs to learn how to wash," Michael laughed and waved his hand in front of his face.

The guys pulled up their pants and laughed as Justin came over.

"That wasn't anywhere near as bad as the shock of seeing your flabby white ass," Justin laughed and gave Michael a shove.

"White: yes. Flabby: not," Michael said.

"I can vouch for that," I said.

"It's not as nice as this ass," Justin said and wiggled his butt -- now clothed.

"What can I say? I guess some people are a natural bottom," Michael smiled.

Laughs all around.

"Fuck you," Justin groaned. "Fuck you all. Oops. Sorry," he said as he noticed Jay and Matt in the room.

"Don't fuckin' worry about it," Jay grinned. I shot him a look and he just grinned and shrugged.

"Hey. What were those bouncy stilt things you used in the show? They were really cool," I said.

"They're called Powerskips. Yea, they're pretty fun," Josh answered.

"I've never seen them before. Who makes them? Where do you get them?"

"Some German company. I'll ask and let you know," Lance said.

"You can try them, if you want, after we get cleaned up and do the post-show meet and greet," Justin offered.

"You have a pre and post show meet and greet?" I asked.

"Some places. The post-show one is just ten people. More exclusive," Lance explained.

"How hard are the Powerskips to use?" Michael asked.

"Lance can do it," Joey teased.

"And they can hold Joey's weight," Lance countered.

A production assistant poked his head in the door. "Five minutes, guys."

"Make it ten," Chris said.

"We've got ten. Do I hear 15?" Joey called.

"15," Josh said and raised his hand.

"I'll give you eight. Ready or not, you'll have ten thrilled little girls and boys in the game room. Don't make me have security drag you there in your underwear," the assistant smiled and shut the door.

"Alright. Where do you want us to disappear to while you do your thing?" I asked.

"Just go on up to the game room. It'll give you something to do while you're waiting," Lance said.

"Okay. How do we get there from here?"

"Left out the door. Take the first set of stairs up. It's right there," Josh answered.

"Alright. We'll let you get changed," Michael said and ushered the kids out. I followed.

We easily found the game room. It was much easier finding it from their dressing room than from the loading dock. Jay and Matt ran straight to the foosball table. Jonny picked up a basketball and threw it at me. I caught it and threw it at the hoop across the room. Swish. Surprised the hell out of me.

"Way to go, Jonah. I thought you said you sucked," Jonny said.

I shrugged. "If I would have been trying I never would have even hit the backboard."

"Shall we make fools of ourselves?" Michael asked as he grabbed the ball and threw it at the hoop, only hitting the rim.

"Three on three?" Adam asked.

"Free for all," Jonny smiled and ran to grab the ball. He did a lay-up and made the basket. "One for me."

What we played was not regulation by any means. If you could grab the ball and sink it through the basket, it was good. Jonny had the ball and was trying to keep if from us, though he was bumping into Scott more than was necessary. He stopped moving and Michael grabbed the ball, only to lose it to Adam, who made an easy basket. Jonny stood there and I turned to see what he was staring at. The meet and greet kids had been brought in. Most were young girls, but there were two boys. One was probably ten. The other was who I figured Jonny was looking at. The guy looked to be his age, with short, spiky blonde hair, and looked a little Slavic.

"Don't stare," I teased and gave Jonny a small shove.

"What? Oh. Do you see that guy?" Jonny said in a wide-eyed whisper.

"The one you're drooling over?"

"I'm not drooling. Damn," he sighed.

"Are we still playing?" Adam asked as he came up to us, dribbling the ball.

"Nope," Jonny said and grabbed the ball. He came as close as he could to slamming it, making sure the guy was watching him. He was. He let Brian grab the ball and came back over to me, Michael and Adam.

"Show off," Michael teased.

"Should I go talk to him now, or wait until he meets the guys? Do you think he's gay? Oh man, I gotta meet him," Jonny whispered and threw quick glances at the guy.

The object of Jonny's attention seemed a bit shy. He had his hands shoved deep in his baggy jeans and mostly looked at the ground, glancing up every so often.

"Go talk to him now. He'll be escorted out after the meet and greet. You won't get the chance," Michael said and gave Jonny a small shove.

Jonny looked back at us nervously.

"Go for it, dude," Adam prodded.

Jonny took a deep breath and walked over. Michael and I joined Jay and Matt at the foosball table --- it was close enough to hear what was being said. Scott and Brian continued playing basketball.

"Hi. I'm Jonny," Jonny said as he got to the guy.

The guy was a little startled. "Um, hey. Pasha. I mean...um...my name's Pasha," he stuttered.

"Pasha. That's a cool name. It's like Russian or something. Right?"

"Yea. My folks are from there."

"You live in Chicago now?"

"Yea. We've got an apartment on Lake Shore Drive."

"Man. That must be nice."

"It's alright. My folks work a lot," Pasha shrugged.

"So...um, did you enjoy the show?"

Pasha smiled and looked up. "Yea. It was great."

"I thought so too. It's the first time I've seen them in concert."

"I saw them last time they were here. I think this one was ever better. I got better seats, at least. Won a contest."


"How are you here? You know them?"

"Yea. See the two older guys at the foosball table?"


"That's Jonah and Michael. Kinda like my big brothers. They're, like, really good friends with Lance and Justin."

"Cool. So have you met them?"

"Yea. They were staying with Jonah and Michael in New York when I stayed there over the summer."

"You got to live with them? That's so cool," Pasha grinned.

"Yea. It was fun. Lance is really romantic and stuff with his boyfriend, and Justin is all goofy most of the time," Jonny smiled.

"As if you can talk," Justin said as he walked up to them and gave Jonny a shove. "What are you doing hitting on our fans?" He teased.

Jonny shot him a nasty look. Pasha blushed and looked down.

"See what I mean. Dorkus Maximus," Jonny said.

"Watch it, kid. I'll have Lonnie take you outside and rough you up," Justin mock threatened. "So I know this dork," Justin said, referring to Jonny. "Who are you?" He asked Pasha.

"Pasha," he said softly and half-glanced at Justin.

"Nice to meet you, Pasha. The show sucked, didn't it?"

"No. It was really cool," Pasha protested quickly and looked up.

"Okay. Just checking," Justin smiled. "You want an autograph? Jonny's phone number?"

"Um, yea."


"An autograph, please."

"Okay. What would you like me to sign?"

"Um, the back of my t-shirt, if that's okay."

"Sure," Justin smiled and took the marker and t-shirt. "Lean over, kid, so I have something to write on," Justin said to Jonny and pushed his shoulders down. He scribbled his name near his photo on the t-shirt and handed it back to Pasha. "Sure you don't want Jonny's number?"

Pasha blushed and looked down.

"What's your number, Jonny?" Justin asked and grabbed Pasha's hand. Jonny told him and Justin wrote it on the back of Pasha's hand. Pasha seemed too startled to put up any sort of protest. "And what's your number, Pasha?" Justin asked and grabbed Jonny's hand. Pasha just looked at him dumbly. "Come on. What's your phone number?" Pasha told him and wrote it on Jonny's hand. "Have fun," Justin grinned after he was done and walked off to the other fans.

"I warned you," Jonny tried to joke. "You, um, wanna meet the rest of the guys?"


"Come on," Jonny said and led the way over to the larger group.

"That was cool of Justin," Adam said quietly.

"That was cute. Think they'll call each other?" Michael said to me.

"I think Jonny'll call him. Pasha seems a bit too shy to make the first move."

"It's the shy ones you have to watch," Michael said.

"Jonny'll be heart-broken if he's not gay."

"I don't think that'll be a concern. Look at the way he's subtly trying to check Jonny out," Michael said and pointed over to Pasha taking quick glances at Jonny.

"Why aren't you over there trying to get some phone numbers?" I asked Adam.

"Dude. They're all, like, 12."

After about twenty minutes, the meet and greet kids were rounded up and escorted out -- except for Pasha, who was allowed to stay after Jonny whispered to Lance.

"So how was the show? Not too bad?" Lance smiled as he walked up to us.

"Not at all. It was a good performance. It's just the style of music that doesn't appeal to me," I said.

"And the screaming girls," Michael added.

"You had ear plugs, right?"

"Didn't seem to make much difference."

"Trust me, it did," Lance laughed.

"Oh, and what is up with the bad-boy look? The boy-band has entered puberty?" I teased.

"Ask Justin," Lance said.

"You guys up for a night on the town?" Joey said as he walked up to us.

"Absolutely. We'll have to drop the kids off, though."

"How about this. We'll play on the Powerskips for a while, and then you can take the kids home. We'll clean up and meet you someplace," Lance said.

"Sounds good. Where do you want to meet?" I said.

"We can just pick you up," Justin said as he joined us.

"Okay. Dance club or blues bar, though..."

"Dance club," Joey and Justin said.

"Blues bar," Lance, Josh and Chris said.

"As I was saying, I don't know of anything that will be open very late on a Monday night."

"Let's just get something to eat, then," Joey said.

"And this is Jonah and Michael, and my best friend Adam. This is Pasha, guys," Jonny said as he walked up with Pasha.

"Nice to meet you, Pasha," I said and shook his hand.

"Hey, man," Michael said and did the same.

"Hey," Adam said with a nod.

"What are we doing now?" Jonny asked.

"Play on the Powerskips," Justin answered.

"And then we're taking you home," I said.

"You going out?" Jonny asked.

"Yep," Michael answered.

"Why can't I come? I've gone out with you guys before," Jonny protested.

"'Cause you can't get in to where we're going. You're underage," I said.

"Fine," Jonny sighed.

"Here you go, guys," a stagehand said and rolled in a road box. "You've got a half-hour."

"We'll have to use them here," Lance said and walked over to the road box. He pulled a pair of the Powerskips out for everyone -- they had extras as back-ups. Josh, Chris and Joey headed for the showers. Scott and Brian stopped their competition to see what was up. Justin showed us how to put the Powerskips on and put on a pair, himself.

"How the hell do you stand up?" I asked once mine were on.

"Roll over on your knees and use the table or something," Justin said and demonstrated.

I stood up and stumbled around a bit before I caught my balance. They felt weird. I walked back and forth across the game room to get used to them, before trying some of the bouncy jumpy stuff. They were great fun.

"Now let's play basketball," Michael smiled and bounced under the basket, the bottom of the net brushing the top of his head.

"Tried it. Too easy to fall. I wouldn't recommend it," Justin said as he bounced really high.

"These are cool," Jay yelled and bounded across the area like he was born with them. Matt was right behind him.

"We gotta get some of these," Matt laughed and bounced around -- though he and Jay didn't have the weight to make them bounce much.

"It'd be hilarious to go walking downtown in these," Jonny said as he bounded by.

"Dude. Play soccer with them. You'd be across the field in a few leaps," Adam said and tried kicking the basketball and almost fell over.

Pasha was quiet, but had a grin on his face as he bounced around the area. Scott was cautiously bouncing around a little, and Brian was trying to bounce to the ceiling.

"We need to lock up the box now," the stagehand reappeared and said.

Groans all around. Getting back on the ground was harder than standing up. I ended up leaning on the foosball table to get down without cracking my knees or falling. The Powerskips were loaded up and the stage box rolled away.

"Alright. We're gonna head home now. See you in an hour?" I said.

"Around then. Can you give Lonnie directions?" Lance said.

"Yep. Now how do we get out of here?"

"I'll show you out," Lonnie said from the other side of the room.

"Okay. Later guys."

"You're coming out with us, right?" Lance said to Scott.

"Um, yea. We'll be there."


"Bye. Thanks for letting us play on the bouncy things. They were cool," Jay said.

"Yea. Thanks. The show was cool, too," Matt added.

"Thanks. See you later if you come inside," Jonny said and gave Lance a hug, and then Justin. He whispered something in Justin's ear.

"No problem," Justin smiled as they parted.

"Thanks, dudes. Next time someone says you're dorks, I won't agree," Adam smiled.

"Except for Justin," Jonny smiled and gave Justin a small shove. Justin shoved him back.

"Thanks for letting me stay. I really enjoyed the show," Pasha said and shook Lance's hand.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you had fun."

"Can you scream?" Justin asked Pasha.


"Can you scream?"

"Um, yea. Why?"

"Let me hear you."

"Um, why?"

"'Cause you're so quiet. I want to see if you can," Justin whispered loudly.

Pasha just blushed.

"Leave the kid alone, Justin," Lance admonished.

"Yea, okay. I'm glad you enjoyed the show. Later, kid," Justin smiled and gave him a pat on the back as they walked off.

"I told you he can be a dork," Jonny said.

"Are your parents waiting outside for you, Pasha?" I asked.

"No. I drove."

"Cool. You've got a car?" Jonny said.

"Yea. I got it for my birthday."

"Cool birthday present."

"Yea, I guess."

"You want a ride out to your car? I assume you're parked out in the back forty," I said.

"No, that's okay. I can walk."

"Then we'll walk with you. It's night and the parking lot is probably almost empty. You don't need to be out there by yourself," Michael said.

"I guess you can give me a ride, then. I don't want you to have to walk all the way out there and back," Pasha said.

Lonnie led us out and wrote down the directions I gave him. Jay and Matt sat in the far back again and we gave Pasha a ride out to his car. Scott and Brian followed. It was a new, dark blue VW Beetle.

"Thanks for the ride, and everything," Pasha said.

"Is it okay if I call you sometime? Maybe we can get together and do something," Jonny questioned.

"Um, yea. That'd be cool. You've got my number, right?"

"Right here," Jonny said and held up his hand.

"Okay. That's my personal number, so you can call...um...whenever. So...uh...talk to you later?"


"Okay. Bye," Pasha said and got out.

We waited until he started his car and then followed him out of the parking lot.

"Oh my god. Do you think he likes me?" Jonny said excitedly and leaned up between the seats.

"Stranger things have happened," I teased.

"Come on. I'm serious," he whined.

"I'd say he definitely likes you," Michael smiled.


"Dude. Even I could see he wanted to jump you," Adam laughed.

"Oh man. He's so beautiful. Did you see his eyes? Oh man. They're like this gray-blue color and really sexy. Oh man..." Jonny babbled on and sank back into the seat.

"Ya know, dude. This is so unfair," Adam complained.


"We were in a stadium full of girls. You got the number of a guy you think is hot and I got nothing but my hand," Adam laughed.

"Maybe Jonny will let you borrow his sock," Jay laughed.

"Shut up!" Jonny yelled and turned around to smack him a few times.

"Dude. Don't make fun of a guy's jack-off sock," Adam laughed.

"Ew. Not you, too!" Jay screamed. "Jonny's got a boyfriend. Jonny's got a boyfriend," Jay started teasing after a few minutes.

"Not yet," Jonny smiled and continued talking about how beautiful he thought Pasha was.

"You can stop talking about him. We were there. We saw him," Matt said.

"Yea, really. Get a grip, duuuuude. It's just a guy," Jay added with a laugh.

"Just wait until you find a girl stupid enough to be interested in you," Jonny countered.

"There are no girls that stupid," Matt laughed.

Jay punched him in the arm. "Not stupid enough to be interested in you, maybe, but enough to be interested in me."

Jonny laughed at Jay's attempted rebuttal. "Thanks for proving my point."

The bickering started. Michael sighed and put in a Sonic Youth CD -- cranking it. Not soon enough, we dropped Matt off at his house and continued home. Uncle Joe was up and sitting in front of the TV watching some old movie.

"The noise returns," he teased. "How was the show?"

"It was great, Dad," Jay said. "We got to play on these bouncy things. What were they called, Jonah?"

"Powerskips," I said and dropped down onto the sofa. Michael sat beside me.

"Yea, Powerskips. That's what I want for Christmas," Jay continued.

"Did you behave?"

Jay shot me a concerned look.

"Mostly," I said.

"And Jonny got a boyfriend," Jay said to quickly change the subject.

"I didn't get a boyfriend. I just met someone," Jonny said.

"What's his name?"


"What do you know about him?"

"I just met him tonight. I got his phone number."

"Okay. Just remember that if you have a date, I want to meet him and know more about him. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Why don't you go get ready for bed," Uncle Joe said to Jay.

"Fine," Jay sighed and went upstairs.

"Would it look too anxious if I called Pasha tonight?" Jonny asked.

"It's a bit late to be calling people," Uncle Joe said.

"He's got his own phone and said I could call whenever."

"Alright. No more than a half-hour."

Jonny smiled and ran to the kitchen.

"So much for being concerned about seeming anxious," I laughed.

"Oh man, I'm gonna have to listen to him talk about Pasha all night long," Adam sighed and headed upstairs.

"You seem to have brought some stragglers," Uncle Joe said, indicating Scott and Brian.

"Sorry. This is Scott and Brian. I forget that no one knows you yet, so you need to speak up."

"Nice to meet you," Uncle Joe said and leaned forward to shake their hands. "Are you staying the night?"

"Yea. We'll try to find someplace on the way back," Scott answered.

"What? No, you're staying here."


"No. You're staying here. I'm not going to send you out looking for a hotel at whatever ungodly hour in the morning. There's plenty of room here for the night. End of discussion."

"Um, okay. Thanks."

"Good. Now how were the kids, really?" Uncle Joe asked.

"Kids. They were loud and obnoxious in the car, but behaved at the stadium," I answered.

"And this Pasha kid?"

"He was polite and quiet," I said.

"We're pretty sure he's gay and attracted to Jonny," Michael added.

"I got the impression he's got wealthy parents who don't spend much time with him."


"He lives on Lake Shore Drive and drives a brand new Beetle. He mentioned a couple times that his parents work a lot. He was a cute kid, but didn't seem very confident. He was very shy."

"Alright. I assume you're heading out again?"

"Yea. We're gonna go as soon as the 'NSYNC guys get here."

"Okay. So what exactly are Powerskips and how much are they going to set me back?"

"You don't have to get them for him."

"Of course. We'll see how much he begs for them."

"I don't know how much they are. Lance is going to let me know where they got them. I'll forward you the information," I said.

"So what are they?"

"They're like a cross between stilts and a trampoline," Michael answered.

"You strap them to your legs kinda like those drywall stilts. The foot is much smaller, though, and springy. They are pretty fun," I smiled.

"Can an adult use them?" Uncle Joe smiled.

"Aren't you afraid you might break a hip or something?" I teased.

"That hurts. I'm not THAT old," Uncle Joe groaned.

"I think a half-century qualifies as old," I continued with a grin.

"I'm not there yet, and I'll still be around to rub it in your face when you hit 50."

"Sure you will. Anyway, you'll probably have to get a pair for yourself, or fight Jay for them."

"I'm still bigger than he is -- for a few more years, anyway," Uncle Joe chuckled.

"Do you know of a blues club with food that's open late on a Monday night?" I asked Uncle Joe.

"You could do Kingston Mines down on Halsted."

"Perfect. Thanks."

=-=-=-=-=-= Jonny =-=-=-=-=-=

Um, maybe it is too late to call. I don't want to wake him up. No. He's gotta still be up 'cause he just got home. Deep breath. Okay. Just pick up the phone and dial. God, I'm shaking.


"Um, Pasha?" I asked.


"This is Jonny. From the show tonight. I was the one..."

Pasha laughed. "I remember who you are. It was only a little while ago."

God, he's got a cute laugh. "Oh, yea. So, um, what are you doing?" I'm so eloquent, aren't I?

"Getting ready for bed, and talking to you."

"Me too," I grinned. "Can you talk or do you have to go to bed?"

"I can talk."

"Okay. Good."


"So..." Pasha said.

"Sorry. Um, so you really liked the show?"

"Yea, of course. They're great. How did you like your first time seeing them?"

"I've seen them perform before, just not at one of their shows."

"You got a private show?"

"No. I was in the audience at MTV when Lance came out this summer."

"That must've been really weird."

"I guess. The audience got really quiet. I'd only met Justin before it happened."

"It's cool you get to hang out with famous people."

"Yea. I met a bunch this summer when I stayed with Jonah and Michael. I don't usually hang out with anyone famous."

"You still got to meet them, though."

"Yea... I really like your car. It's pretty cool."

"I guess."

"You don't like it?"

"Yea, I do. My folks just got it for me so I won't bother them when I need to go somewhere."

"You don't get along with your folks?"

"I guess. I'm just someone who lives in their apartment and gets in the way of business," Pasha said softly.

"I understand how you feel."

"Your folks the same?"

"Um, kinda," I said and thought for a second if I should tell him or not. "My dad kicked me out and disowned me. My mom is okay, but she won't stand up to him."

"He kicked you out? Why?"

Here it goes. "'Cause he can't deal with having a gay son," I said after taking a deep breath.

Pasha got quiet for a few seconds. "I don't know what to say. That really sucks that he can't deal."

"So my being gay doesn't bother you?"

"Um, no. I kinda guessed."

"Um, okay."

"Did you come out? Is that why your dad kicked you out, or did he catch you with someone?"

"I came out. He didn't catch me with anyone. I haven't had a boyfriend, yet. Another best friend who lives in England and I came out at the same time. His dad was really cool about it."

"Really? You don't have a boyfriend?"

"Why do you say it like that? It's not like there are lots of guys our age who are out."

"Um, no. I meant that you're really cute...um, I mean..." Pasha stammered.

"Thanks," I smiled. "I think you're beautiful."

Pasha got quiet again. "Um, I gotta go to bed. I'm really tired."

"Uh, okay. I didn't offend you or anything, did I?"

"No! I mean, um, no, I'm not offended. I'm just tired."

"Okay. I gotta get off the phone anyway. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't know."

"You wanna get together and do something?"

"Um, maybe. Can you call me in the morning?"

"Sure. Well...goodnight."

"Goodnight," Pasha said and hung up the phone.

I'm totally confused. I hung up the phone and started for my bedroom.

"So?" Jonah asked as I walked thought the living room. The 'NSYNC guys were there and probably getting ready to go out.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"Don't know what?"

"Can we talk about it later? In private?"

"Alright. 'Night."

"'Night, guys," I said and went upstairs. I cleaned up in the bathroom and went to my room. Adam was sitting in front of my iMac playing solitaire.

"How'd it go?" Adam asked.

"I don't know," I sighed again and dropped down on my bed.

"What do you mean you don't know? Dude, he was hot for you. What happened?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's still in the closet. He knows I'm gay now, but he didn't say anything about himself. He said he thought I was really cute, though," I smiled, and then frowned. "But then I told him I thought he was beautiful. I think it made him uncomfortable or something."

"Maybe you're his first boyfriend?"

"I'm not his boyfriend."

"Just wait," Adam smiled.

"Whatever, dorkus. I asked him if he wanted to do something tomorrow. He said to call him tomorrow and ask."

"He wants you to call him again. What's the problem?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's not gay."

"Dude, he's gay."

"You don't know that for sure."

"Well, he was checking you out."

"No he wasn't."

"Yea he was."


"When you were introducing the 'NSYNC guys to him."

"Maybe he was just pretending 'cause I knew them and he wanted an in."

"No way. He was checking you out."

"How would you know if a guy is checking out another guy?"

"Michael said so."

"Maybe. Anyway, if he is gay, I don't think he's comfortable with it yet."

"Maybe. You'll fix that," Adam grinned and wagged his eye brows.

"Dorkus," I laughed.

"You were drooling," Adam teased.

"Who wouldn't? Anyway, I'm really surprised at how you acted around the 'NSYNC guys."

"Why? What'd I do?"

"You didn't get all quiet or intimidated or anything."

"Dude, you talk about them all the time. I practically feel like I know them. Well, at least Lance and Justin."

"I don't talk about them all the time."

"Whatever. I'm zonked. You ready for bed?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I teased.

"You'd be scared shitless if I actually meant it the way you want," Adam teased back.

"Yea. Seeing you naked would be pretty scary."

"Will you guys shut up so I can sleep?" Jay groaned from the top bunk.

"Don't you want to be awake to see Adam naked?" I teased.

"Yea, Jay. Don't you want to see my butt?" Adam laughed.

"You guys are gross," Jay huffed and pulled the pillow over his head.

"I guess it's only Matt's butt he likes," I laughed.

"Shut up!" Jay growled and pulled the pillow tighter.

"He's getting cranky. We'd better stop before he starts crying," I said.

=-=-=-=-=-= Jonah =-=-=-=-=-=

"So, Scott... You've survived over a month living with those two," Justin smiled after we'd placed our order. "What's your secret?"

"Well, Michael's been gone most of it, so it's just been Jonah..."

"That's it! Michael's the wildcard," Justin exclaimed.

"Unlike you, of course," Michael smiled.

"No. He's the diva. Remember?" I said.

"Oh, that's right."

"Bite me," Justin smiled.

"Oh. I asked Lance and he said to ask you. What's up with the bad boy look?" I asked Justin.

"You forgot the part about the boy-band entering puberty," Lance smiled.

I gestured credit to Lance.

"Let's just say that Management freaked when they saw he'd cut his 'beautiful curls,'" Josh said.


"I didn't look all cuddly anymore. So...they changed the image. Suits me fine," Justin shrugged.

"Then why didn't you change the music as well?" Michael asked.

"It is. It's not as sugary as it used to be," Joey said.

Michael and I gave them a exaggerated look of horror.

"Yea, yea, yea. Fuck you, too," Justin smiled.

"Maybe you should shave your head completely. Go for that Michael Stipe look," Michael joked to Justin.

"Or at least shave," I added.

"Hey. It's nice not to have to shave every day," Justin countered.

"No. It was nice when it wasn't required that we have scruff," Lance said.

"You're all just jealous you can't grow any real facial hair like real men can," Chris joked and put his arm around Joey's shoulder.

"Some of us are more evolved," Justin smirked. "Anyway, I did have it buzzed all the way. It grows fast."

"You're required to have scruff?" Michael asked.

"Not really. Just highly encouraged," Josh answered.

"So how are you and Danny doing?" I leaned over and quietly asked Lance, who was sitting next to me.

He shrugged. "I don't know. We're kinda taking a break, and he's going to therapy."

"You broke up?"

"Maybe. I don't know. I'm not even sure what I want to happen."


"So Scott seems nice -- even though he doesn't say much. Is that all the time, or just around us?" Lance said, changing the subject.

"Pretty much all the time. He's a watcher."

"But not a doer?"

"No. He does do, he just looks before he leaps -- unless he got roped in," I smiled and turned to Scott. "Hey, Scott. Why don't you tell the story of your infamous weekend?"

"No. Do you have to tell everyone?"

"Just until it stops embarrassing you. It's a good story."

"Maybe next time."

"Okay," I sighed.

"So, Michael...did you get to see Sandra Bullock naked?" Chris smiled.

"You two have been really quiet all night. I expect it from Scott, but Brian?" I teased as we walked into the house just as the grandfather clock struck three.

"Huh? Oh, I'm just tired. I'm so glad we don't have to drive back tonight," Scott said.

"Okay. I admit it. I was intimidated," Brian confessed.

"Even after you experienced how goofy they are?" Michael asked.


"Well, at least you didn't ask for an autograph," Michael continued.

"Why with them? You weren't intimidated when you met Nick Carter," I asked.

"Yea, but he was just one person and out in the real world. This was the whole group in their environment. I don't know. I just felt intimidated."

"Where are we sleeping?" Scott asked.

"The sofa flips out. I'll get you some blankets," I said and ran upstairs to pull some out of the linen closet. The bed was pulled out by the time I got back. I threw the blankets to them. Michael had already gone downstairs.

"What about the bathroom?"

"Um, better use the one downstairs so you don't wake anyone up. Follow me." I led the way downstairs. Michael was already in the shower.

Scott sighed. "Is there another one?"

"Just go do your business," I sighed. I don't understand what his problem is. He'll, finally, use the bathroom while I'm in the shower, but is now acting all modest about Michael.

"I gotta take a dump."

That answers it. "There's another bathroom upstairs. Second door on the left."

"Thanks," Scott said and headed up.

I poked my head in the shower. "I'm gonna go pull a Jonny and see what happened with Pasha. I'll be back soon."

"Okay. Love you," Michael said and gave me a quick, and very wet, kiss.

"Hmmm. Try to stay awake. We've got some unfinished business," I said seductively.

"I'll try."

I gave him another quick kiss and tweaked his nipple before heading upstairs. I quietly walked into Jonny and Jay's bedroom and turned on the desk lamp. Adam was in the bed with Jonny, lying head to toe. I've never really understood why people do that. It's not like you won't touch the person that way -- even all the sex parts are still lined up. All it means is that you get kicked in the head and have feet in your face all night.

Jonny was on the inside. I pushed Adam's legs in a little, sat on the edge of the bed and started shaking Jonny's shoulder.

"Jonny. Jonny. Wake up. Jonny," I said softly.

"What?" He groaned.

"Wake up."

"Why? Jonah?"

"Yep. So? What did you want to talk about?"



"Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

"Probably, but I thought you liked late night talks where one person is almost asleep," I smiled.

"Ha, ha. I get you before you've gone to sleep. Tomorrow. Night," he mumbled and went back to sleep.

Satisfied, I headed back downstairs. Brian was already in bed and Scott was just about to turn off the light.

"Weren't you just downstairs?" Scott asked.

"And then upstairs. I wanted to check in on Jonny."

"Oh. Okay. Night."

"Night," I said and headed to the basement.

"That didn't take long," Michael said.

"Nope. He was asleep. I just had to wake him up and then let him go back to sleep."


"Fair play. Let me take a quick shower." After I was squeaky clean, I turned off the light and planned to jump on Michael. I was half-way to the bed when I noticed Jonny sitting on the bed. I kinda stopped mid-air and looked at him.

"You woke me up, dorkus. I couldn't get back to sleep after I started thinking about it again," Jonny explained.

"You do realize you're interrupting something, right?"

"I kinda figured when you ran out of the bathroom naked and almost jumped on me," he smiled.

"Yea, okay. So what's up?"

"Nevermind. Michael talked with me about it. I'll let you have fun, now," he snickered and got up.

"I'll give you the dirt. Don't look so hurt that he came to me," Michael smiled.

"I'm not. Go upstairs kid and close the door," I said to Jonny.

"I'm going. I'm going. Night," he said and disappeared up the stairs.

"So?" I asked as I straddled Michael's legs.

"It's nothing. He's confused because Pasha didn't declare his undying love right away."

"What did he say?"

"Just that he told Pasha he was gay, but Pasha didn't say he was. Pasha said he thinks Jonny is cute, but got quiet when Jonny told him he was beautiful. He wants him to call tomorrow before deciding to do something."

"I don't see any problem. What'd you tell him?"

"Just that. There's no problem yet. Call him tomorrow and see what happens. Pasha may not have accepted his sexuality, and doesn't seem to be very confident, anyway. Just talking to Jonny could be really exciting and frightening to him."

"You're getting good," I smiled as I ground into him.

*** [ Tues, Nov 20 ]

I stumbled upstairs around 11AM, leaving Michael to sleep a little longer. I got some coffee and then went to the living room. Jonny was sitting on the sofa-bed quietly talking with Scott. Brian seemed to still be asleep.

"Morning," I said.

"Hey," Jonny smiled.

"Morning," Scott said.

"What's up? You replacing me with Scott, too?" I teased Jonny.

"Nah. We're just talking. I'll wake you up tomorrow if it'll make you feel better."

"No. That's okay."

"Jonny was telling me about last summer," Scott explained. "I think it's really cool that you took him in."

"He's my little brother," I shrugged and mussed up Jonny's hair. "Speaking of little brothers, what happened with Jack?"

"He hasn't said anything to the 'rents, yet. He's pissed off at me, though, 'cause I wouldn't bring him to the show last night."

"Why would he want to go? Be around more gay guys?"

"Is he a 'phobe?" Jonny asked.

"Big time," I answered.

"I'll talk with him about that. He'll get over it. Anyway, he wanted to come because he likes 'NSYNC. It would also have been the first big concert he would have gone to. That there were thousands of girls there didn't hurt, either," Scott smiled.

"Yea, but it was a good show in spite of the girls," Jonny smiled.

"Totally unrelated, why do you and Adam sleep head to toe when you sleep in the same bed?" I asked.

"'Cause we're just sleeping in the same bed 'cause there isn't anyplace else. We're not sleeping together, like, sleeping together."

"Yea, I got that. But why head to toe? All the parts are still lined up if you wanted to do something. If you slept the other way at least you wouldn't have feet in your face all night."

"I don't know. I hadn't thought about it that way," Jonny shrugged.

"Okay. Just wondering. I've never understood that."

"You've never done it?"

"Nope. Even when sleeping with a girl."

"You've slept with a girl?" Scott asked, a bit surprised.

"Sleep. Share the same bed. Don't be gross," I smiled. "When Michelle stays with us she usually ends up in my bed because of lack of available bed space, or freaky roommates that made her uncomfortable."

"You've had a lot of bad roommates."

"No. Not really. Matt was just attracted to Michelle and hit on her once. She just felt uncomfortable after that around him. He didn't get freaky. He left on his own accord after he graduated. Danny is the only roommate I've kicked out."

"Are you ever going to tell me why you kicked him out?" Jonny asked.


"I didn't think so."

"So did you tell Jonny about your infamous weekend?" I teased Scott.

"You won't let it go, will you?"

"Not until you stop blushing at it, or until a better story comes along."

"What story? What weekend?" Jonny asked.

"They were teasing me when we went to Toronto because I'm not an exhibitionist, and I'm better hung than any of them," Scott said and gave me a pointed look.

"They got on me about being modest about being naked when I was there, too. I'm over it now," Jonny said. "So you're really bigger than everyone?"

"Not by as much as he likes to think he is. He's just used to little straight boys like Brian as a comparison," I smiled.

"Bite me," Brian mumbled into his pillow.

"That won't leave much left," Scott teased, only to be kicked off the bed.

"Damn donkey boy," Brian grumbled as he stretched.

"'Hung like planet Pluto, hard to see with the naked eye,'" Jonny kinda sang.

"That a song?" I asked.

"Yea. The Bloodhound Gang. It's really funny."

"You're just like Han Solo," Brian said to Jonny.

"'Always stroking my own Wookie,'" Jonny completed with a grin. "So what were you doing in Toronto?"

"We visited Randy and did the QAF extras stuff. I told you about that," I said.

"Oh yea. Forgot. Have you seen it yet?"

"Nope," I answered.

"I have. It's great," Brian yawned.

"Lots of sex scenes?" Jonny smiled.

"Not enough. It's only like every other episode or so that there's a good lesbian scene."

"Lesbians? Gross!" Jonny smirked.

"I don't know," Brian shrugged. "They're fun to watch."

"Yea, I've heard, but why? They wouldn't want anything to do with you."

"It's just sexy seeing two girls get it on. I don't know why. It just is," Brian explained.

"That's just weird. So what are we doing today?" Jonny asked.

"I thought you were going to do something with Pasha."

"Maybe. I haven't called him yet. I just want to know what my other options are in case he doesn't want to do anything."

"I was going to take Michael into town. Just bum around the city. You guys are welcome to join us if you don't have to get back right away," I said to Scott and Brian.

"Doing what?" Scott asked.

"Probably do the Sears tower. Check out the displays and galleries along Michigan Avenue. Walk along the lakefront if the wind isn't too bad. Nothing in particular."

"I guess so, as long as we can leave by five so we can get back at a decent hour," Scott said.

"Then leave by three. If you leave at five you'll get caught in the evening rush, or wait until seven."

=-=-=-=-=-= Jonny =-=-=-=-=-=

"I'm gonna go call Pasha. Don't leave until I know what's going on. Okay?" I said to Jonah.

"Who said you were invited?" Jonah teased.

"I did," I smiled and went to use the kitchen phone.

"Hello?" Pasha answered.

"Hey, Pasha. It's Jonny."

"Oh, hey, um...can you call back later? I, um, I can't really talk right now."

"Uh, okay. Did you want to do something today? I need to know now 'cause everyone is heading out and if you don't want to do anything, then I'll go with them."

"I'm sorry. I can't right now. Um, maybe this weekend?"

"Yea, okay. Um, well, I guess I'll call you Friday or something."

"Okay. Sorry. Thanks for calling. Bye," Pasha said quickly and softly before hanging up.

=-=-=-=-=-= Jonah =-=-=-=-=-=

"So?" I asked Jonny as he dropped down onto the bed while I was getting dressed.

"I'm going with you guys."

"What did he say?"

"Just that he couldn't do anything today and couldn't talk right now, but would probably want to do something this weekend," Jonny explained.


"Does that sound weird? I mean, do you think he really likes me and really is just busy, or is he just trying to be polite or something."

"I don't know. If he was just trying to be polite I don't know why he'd keep asking you to call him. If he is still closeted then it may be as Michael said. It'll probably take some time, if anything happens at all."

Jonny sighed. "Why can't everyone just accept it? It's so stupid that it needs to be this hard."

"I know, but that's the way it is. Even if he was out and proud, that doesn't mean he'd be confident about rushing into a relationship with you," I shrugged.

"I'm not trying to rush into a relationship. I'm just trying to get to know him," Jonny said.

"What do you like about him?" Michael asked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Are you kidding? He's beautiful."

"So? So are you. So are a lot of guys. What do you like about him?"

"I don't know yet. That's why I want to get together so we can get to know each other. I know what you're trying to say. You're trying to say that it's just lust and that just because he's beautiful doesn't mean he's a nice person. I know that. Maybe it is just lust right now, but I want it to be more. You've gotta at least try. Right?" Jonny said.

"Yep. Just putting it into perspective for you," Michael smiled and mussed Jonny's hair.

"You should try going to Horizons to meet some more gay guys your age," I offered.

"What's that?"

"One of glbt community centers in town. It's not too bad. They have a couple different gay youth programs. They're down on Montana. Maybe we'll go by it today so you know where it's at."

"I don't know. Isn't it just a place to get free condoms and for people to whine about how hard it was to come out?" Jonny asked.

"That goes on, too. There's more than that, though. You'll never know until you try it. If you hate it, then don't go back."

"Yea, okay. Is it okay if Adam comes with us, too? I mean, if he wants to."


"Okay. I'm gonna go wake him up and then take a shower," Jonny said and ran upstairs.

"You don't think he'll ever get together with Pasha, do you?" Michael asked me after Jonny left.

"I think they may eventually have a date or two, but I can't really see them together, no."

"How much of that is really, and how much is wanting to protect him?" Michael smiled.

"All of it is really. I think he should date if he wants to. I just think that Jonny is significantly more gregarious than Pasha. It's probably going to be a point of contention."

"Okay. I can understand that. Did Scott and Brian leave already?"

"Nope. They're gonna join us."

*** [ Wed, Nov 21 ]

Joey, Michael and I got suckered into taking all the kids to the Museum of Science & Industry for the day. All of them: Jay, Julia, Jimmy, Justine, Jana, Jadyn, Jennifer and Jeffrey. My family is weird. Once you get all of us together, the "J" thing is just weird. Jonny and Adam came as well, but went off on their own once we got there. The museum was fun, as always, but we were exhausted when we got home around four. We had a quick dinner and then helped with the cooking preparations for tomorrow. It was eleven when we finally headed for bed.

"So what should I expect tomorrow?" Michael asked me as we were getting ready for bed.

"What do you mean?"


"You mean what's it like?"

"Yea. Dress clothes? Praying before dinner? Special traditions?"

"Dress clothes, yes. Praying before dinner, yea, just out of tradition. More of a 'thanks for everyone here' prayer than a 'thanks for god' prayer. I don't think there're any special traditions. Just lots of food and drink. This is about the only time that the Italian still shows up."

"In the food?"

"Mostly. Kinda traditional with turkey, but lots of other things, too, as you saw. We always have some good Italian wine with dinner, and Campari as an aperitif."


"Never had it?"

"Nope. What is it?"

"You'll have to experience it. It's a bitter. You have to cut it with something. I usually choose Sprite, but soda water is the standard around here. Anyway, you'll probably be twenty pounds heavier and drunk by the end of the day."

"Makes my family's turkey and stuffing with the grandparents sound boring."

"It's a good time, and with all the people coming, I doubt it will be boring," I said.

"Is it always a big thing where everyone gets together?"

"Yea. Everyone switches off. Last year it was at Uncle Jeff's house. This year it's here. Next year will go back to Uncle Jeff's. When Gpa was alive it was also over there every third year."

"We should start a tradition like that back home."

"Yea, except most of our close friends aren't close."

"Oh well. Maybe someday," Michael yawned. "You know, your family is very patriarchal."

"Yea, I know. The men of Mars," I shrugged. "I don't know if it was always that way, but Gma and Gpa had five boys. Kinda continues any patriarchal tendencies."

"What about your Gpa's brothers or sisters?"

"He has, or had, three brothers and two sisters. Only one of the sisters, Aunt Jane, is alive, as far as I know. She lives in Arizona. I've only met her once or twice that I remember. Gma had two sisters. Both of them are dead now."

"What about your mom's family?"

"She was an only child. Grandma and Grandpa Engelman died when I was 15."

"At the same time?"

"No. Grandpa died of complications with kidney failure. Grandma went downhill fast after he died. It wasn't more than six months later that she died. I think it was a stroke or something. They were both older when they had my mom, so they were pretty old by then. Grandpa was in the hospital for a while, but Grandma just died suddenly. Much better that way."

"Than dragging it out?"

"Yep. It makes it more of a shock, but it's better than watching someone slowly waste away. I'm not really looking forward to seeing Gma tomorrow."

"Do you think she'll recognize you?"

"I doubt it. If she recognizes me at all, she probably think I'm my dad."

"Were you close to your mom's parents?"

"Not really. Kinda with Grandma, but not with Grandpa. He was a mean old bastard and as tight with a penny as the Dutch have the reputation for being. Grandma was nice, but still kinda distant. They weren't very happy that Mom became an art teacher. They wanted her to be a doctor and make lots of money," I explained.

"Wow. That's completely different from the Mars side."

"Not as much as you would think. You already heard what happened with Uncle John. It also caused a big stink, so I understand, when Uncle Joe said he wanted to become a psychiatrist instead of taking over the family biz. Gpa was not a happy camper about that at all. They eventually got over it, but Gpa would still tease him every once in a while about working with 'crazies' instead of doing honest work."

"There weren't any problems when he started dating Aunt Mary?"

"Not that I've ever heard about. I can't remember Gma or Gpa ever making comments on who anyone loved, only that they loved someone. If they were happy, then that was good enough."

"Good way to be."

"Yep," I yawned. "Ready for sleep?"

"Yea. Night. Love you," Michael said and kissed me.

"Love you," I said and held him in my arms as I drifted off.

*** [ Thanksgiving Day, Thurs, Nov 22 ]

"Get up, guys," I heard Jonny mumble.

I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was 8AM. Jonny was standing there nursing a cup of coffee and looked like he just woke up.

"Chaos upstairs?" I asked as I sat up and shook Michael's shoulder.

"Yea. It's getting started. Everyone's up except for Aunt Mary. She went right to bed as soon as she got home. Uncle Joe said you needed to get up. I think you're gonna have to go get your grandma."

"I just noticed, you're calling them Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe now."

"Yea, whatever. I got tired of being called 'Mr. Mathias'. Everyone is supposed to be here around eleven so you'd better get moving," Jonny said and went upstairs.

I woke Michael and we took a shower before heading upstairs. It smelled wonderful.

"It smells great up here," I said.

"Morning, guys. I need you to go with Joey to pick up Gma and Grandma Washington," Uncle Joe said as he was rolling out a pie crust.

"Is Joey even up yet?" I asked.

"He'd better be. There're hot rolls in the basket," he said and pointed it out.

"Thanks," I said and took the cup of coffee Michael offered me in exchange for a roll.

"These are great," Michael said after he'd taken a bite.

"Thanks. They're not bad. I think I let the dough rise too long," Uncle Joey said.

"Still tastes good to me," Michael shrugged.

"They're supposed to be lighter. Don't sweat it. It's just me being picky," Uncle Joy smiled.

"Mornin'," Joey mumbled as he walked in and went straight to the coffee.

"Hurry it up, boy. You know your grandma will chastise you if you're late," Uncle Joe said to Joey.

"No she won't. I'm her favorite," Joey countered and grabbed a roll.

"She tells all her grandkids that."

"Yea, whatever. You let these rise too long," Joey said after he'd taken a bite.

"I know. If I'd had some more help in here I could have gotten to them sooner," Uncle Joe said and gave us all a look.

"Well, time to get going," I smiled before draining my cup and putting it in the sink.

We took Uncle Joe's minivan and went to pick up Grandma Washington, Aunt Mary's mother, first. She lived in a fairly nice retirement home. It was one of those places that basically had efficiency apartments all tied together with a 24 hour staff for meals, medical and anything else. Grandma Washington was a feisty old lady who always said what was on her mind.

"About time you boys got here. Don't you know I'm getting older by the second," Grandma Washington said as she answered her door. She could still get around by herself, but wasn't very quick.

"Hi, Grandma. We got caught in traffic," Joey said and gave her the customary kiss on the cheek that she expected.

"Then you should have left sooner. Hello, Jonah. I haven't seen you in ages," she smiled and waited for her kiss.

"Hello, ma'am," I said and gave her her kiss. "How have you been?"

"Getting older, but still breathing. Who's this?" She said and pointed to Michael.

"This is Michael, my boyfriend," I said. "Michael, this is Rose Washington. Aunt Mary's mother."

Grandma Washington scrutinized him for a few seconds. "You need a haircut, boy. You look like a lady -- or is that back in style again?"

"Grandma," Joey chastised.

"I'm old. I can say things like that. People just dismiss it as senility. Nice to meet you, Michael," she nodded.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am. And if I had short hair you'd just think I looked like a dork," Michael smiled.

"Who says I don't already?" She said seriously, and then smiled. "I'm just messin' with your head, boy. Now help me with my coat and let's go."

When we got to the nursing home Michael and I went inside to get Gma while Joey stayed in the minivan with Grandma Washington. I did the paperwork to check her out, and then went to get her shawl from her room before going to get her from the recreation room. She was sitting in her wheelchair at the piano playing a Shostakovich sonata. She was still pretty good. I waited until she finished the movement before interrupting.

"Hello, Gma," I said.

She turned to look at me and was confused for a few seconds before she spoke.

"You're late for your lesson, Jonah."

"Sorry. It's Thanksgiving. Are you ready to go to Joe and Mary's?"

"In a minute. First I want you to play the piece you've been working on," she said and rolled back from the piano.

"And then we'll go, okay?"

"Yes, yes. Stop stalling. Play," she pointed.

She didn't specify, so I tried to think of something quick that I could play well, but wasn't so easy that she'd think I was slacking and make me play another piece while I grabbed the bench and sat down. I decided on Bart—k's "Bagatelle No. 2" and played it fairly well.

"Not bad. Your dynamics are a off, though. I guess it'll have to do for now. Where's your father? Isn't he home from the shop yet?"

"No. He's still working. This is Michael, my boyfriend, Gma," I said.

"Hi," Michael smiled.

"Hello, son. Do your parents know where you're at?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay. Let's go," I said helped her with her shawl. I wheeled her out to the minivan. Michael walked back with me and gave me a look like he wasn't quite sure how to deal with her, either. We got her out to the minivan and she fussed a bit as we lifted her into her seat. It's not easy to pick up an adult, no matter how light.

"Hello, Rose. It's so nice to see you," Gma said.

"Hello, Nora," Rose smiled. "How have you been?"

"Horribly busy. Joseph hasn't been home in ages. At the shop all the time. I tell you what, the next time I see him I'm going to lock him in our room for a couple days," Gma said.

Rose looked confused for a few seconds, and then realized that Gma's mind was somewhere in the past.

"Let's go," I said to Joey and slumped down in the seat. Both grandmothers, as if by instinct, told me to sit up straight. I did so and then tuned out their confusing conversation as we headed back.

As soon as we got back, and after trying to explain to Gma why we were at Joe's house and not her house, we got to work setting up all the tables. Jonny and Jay had already put all the leaves in the main dining room table and were busy setting it. Joey, Michael and I brought the banquet tables and chairs in from the garage. The pushed-together table stretched through the dining room and well into the living room -- just barely enough room for the 31 people. The kids worked on setting it while we helped in the kitchen and set out food on the buffet. Adam's family arrived at eleven on the dot, with the large group from Uncle Jeff's house soon following. Ruth, Aunt Mary's sister, and her two kids showed up just before noon, and just after Ann, Tony and Tommy arrived. The house was packed. Aunt Mary came down just after noon.

"You want a Campari?" I asked Michael.

"Um, I don't know. Let me try yours first."

I mixed myself a drink with some Sprite and tasted it before handing it over to Michael. He cautiously took a small sip.


"Yea. It's different. Good aperitif, though."

He took another sip. "Okay. I'll drink it. Thanks."

I mixed another drink for myself and we went to find a place to sit. Nothing happening and no seats available. I grabbed some bread and cheese and we ended up sitting on the stairs above Jonny and Adam.

"What are you drinking?" Jonny asked.

"Campari and Sprite."

"Is it good?"

I handed him my glass to try it. He took a gulp and then made a face and handed it back.

"Nasty," he grimaced.

"It's an acquired taste. You should try it with just soda water. Now that is nasty," I shrugged.

"What's it taste like?" Adam asked.

"Nasty," Jonny repeated. "You don't want any. Trust me."

"Do you like black licorice?" I asked.

"Yea. Why?" Adam asked.

"Uncle Jeff brought some Sambuca. Try that."

"But don't do it like a shot. In fact, you should probably mix it with soda," Michael warned.

"I don't know if my 'rents will let me," Adam stated.

"Just ask them," Jonny said.

"Okay," Adam said and they both took off for permission.

"Quite a crowd," Michael commented as he leaned back on the stairs and took a sip of his drink.

"Yep. The biggest I can remember."

"I totally don't know what to say to your Gma."

"I know. Neither do I."

"How different is she now than before her strokes?"

"I don't know. I mean, she's kinda the same, but not really. She was coherent before. Very sharp and active. It's amazing that she can still play piano as well as she does. It's like that part of her brain wasn't affected. It's difficult to talk with her now. I'm never sure who she thinks I am, or what I should respond."

"She's pretty talkative, though. I remember when my great-grandma was in the nursing home. All she did was mumble and cry."

"She does that sometimes, too. It's still early in the day. When she gets tired she gets less coherent."

"Okay, but she's not far gone as what I'd expected from how you described her."

I shrugged. "Compared to what she was... She can't walk now. Doesn't know who people are half the time. Doesn't know where she's at. Has fits. Is almost skin and bone. She's not living now. Just alive."

"Hey. Can you mix us some of those licorice drinks?" Jonny asked as they reappeared. "His 'rents said it was okay."

"Just have Uncle Jeff do it. He drinks it more often and knows what the proportions should be," I said.

"Which one is he again?"

"The lumberjack," Michael smiled.

"Oh. Okay," Jonny said and left.

"The lumberjack," I teased and gave Michael a nudge.

"Obviously it worked. He knew who I was talking about. I'm gonna grab some more bread. You want anything?"

"Yea. Some bruschetta if it's out yet. If not, then some more rolls and cheese are fine. Thanks."

"Be right back."

"This is really good. You should drink this instead of that nasty stuff," Jonny said as he and Adam reappeared with their glasses.

"Maybe later. It's too sweet for me before dinner."

"They should make soda this flavor," Adam said and took a big drink.

"Where'd Michael go?" Jonny asked.

"To get some more bread."

"Oh, yea. Those rolls are so good. Uncle Joe is a better cook than my mom. I've already had a couple of those."

"They're even better when he bakes them in time," I smiled.


"Nothing. They're supposed to be lighter. He let them rise too long."

"Too long? I though it gets more airy the longer it rises?" Adam asked.

"Up to a certain point, then it collapses. Hey, did you ever hear from Zeke?" I asked Jonny.

"No. I forgot all about him. Do you have Josh's email so I can email him to find out what happened?"

"I don't have it. Lance probably does, though. You can ask him for it."


"Dinner is going to start in about 15 minutes," Michael announced as he walked in.

"Jonah. Give me a hand with the wine," Joey said as he appeared and then headed for the basement.

"Okay," I said and followed him.

"There's a case of 1997 Brunello di Montalcino that Dad wants brought up," Joey said and pointed to a case as he pulled bottles of Kris 2000 Pinot Grigio out of the basement refrigerator.

"Damn. He's really upping the ante for Uncle Jeff next year."

"Yea. It'll be interesting to see Uncle Jeff's reaction," Joey smiled.

We carried everything upstairs and opened a few bottles, placing them along the tables as everyone was sitting down. Uncle Joe sat at the head of the table, and Gma was at the foot in the living room because her wheelchair took up so much room. Tommy and Adam sat on either side of Jonny towards the middle of the table near Michael and I. Ann and Tony sat at the far end near Gma.

Aunt Mary said a few words of thanks, and then the chaos began. The food was wonderful, and the Brunello di Montalcino was damn fine. Everyone was talking at once and usually holding several conversations at once. I was having a great time and everything was going great. Then Tony said something that totally pissed Gma off. We only realized this when she started pointing her butter knife at him and talking pretty loudly.

"...and it shouldn't make a difference. Do you hear me young man? He's your son and you should treat him as such. By god, if you were my son I'd bend you over my knee so fast your head would spin," Gma threatened.

It was totally inappropriate, but I couldn't help laughing. Maybe it was too much wine, but the thought of Gma spanking Tony for being a bigot was too much for me not to laugh. A couple other people started snickering as well, so I didn't feel too bad about it.

Tony seemed to weigh which would be more embarrassing: walking out in the middle of dinner, or just taking it and apologizing to Gma. He made his choice and stood up to leave. Ann pulled at him to sit back down.

"Don't you think you can just walk away from me, young man. I know about your type. You act like a big man, but you're just a frightened little boy. A man would take care of his family. Family is much more important than your prejudices. Do you understand me?" Gma continued.

Tony just looked at her.

"Well? I asked you a question. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am," Tony sulked.

"Good. Now see that you do something about it. Okay. Show's over. I need some more wine," Gma said and dropped the whole matter.

Ann poured Gma another glass of wine and everyone went back to what they were talking about before.

"Your grandma is so cool. Did you see how she practically made my dad piss his pants?" Jonny snickered softly to me.

"She's getting soft. In her better years she would have thrown him out afterwards," I said.


"Spunky old woman. Would she have thrown him out?" Michael asked me.

"She has before. When he came over to explain that Jonny wouldn't be taking any more piano lessons from her because he didn't want him around a fag -- namely, me -- she totally went off on him, almost physically threw him out of the house and then played some heavy Beethoven for a couple hours until she cooled down. She was pissed," I explained.

"You go, girl," Michael said softly and looked at Gma. She was eating and drinking like nothing had happened.

The rest of the dinner was without incident, at least from Tony. There were some drinks spilled from the kids. Uncle Jeff and Uncle Joe arguing the finer points of wine and whose selection from which year was better. Uncle John trying to convince Eric, Adam's father, that the Marines would be a good life for Adam. Jonny and Adam getting a bit giggly from the wine. Michael and I hopping in and out of conversations and Michael continually being asked about DC from my cousins.

"Look. I've done other things since then. It's just a TV show. I haven't even been on it in over a year. I don't know what is going to happen next. I don't watch it. I didn't even watch it when I was on it. I still talk to a few people who are still working on it, but we talk about our lives, not the show. I don't know anything about it. Okay?" Michael finally said. It shut them up -- or at least stopped the questions about DC.

Jay, unfortunately, made it known that we'd taken him to see 'NSYNC on Monday night. Oh boy. Jadyn, Jennifer, Julia and Justine had a fit that I hadn't taken them as well. Not having enough tickets wasn't an acceptable excuse. I was not their favorite cousin, and I wasn't too happy with Jay. I gave him a look to let him know I was going to pound him later. He just cringed and mouthed that he was sorry.

Michael and I decided to take a walk after dinner. Jonny, of course, decided to go with us, which meant Adam joined. Since only girls and old folks were left, Jay insisted on going, as well as Jimmy, Uncle John's 11yr old son. Somehow, we evaded Jeffrey coming too.

"I think wine is my favorite drink now. I don't feel sick or anything," Jonny bubbled as we walked.

"Really, dude. That was good stuff. I still can't believe my 'rents let me drink."

"I wouldn't count on it being a regular thing," I said.

"I know," Jonny and Adam said at the same time, and then busted up in giggles.

"You guys are even more stupid than usual," Jay said.

"And yet we're still not as stupid as you," Jonny laughed and he and Adam high-fived.

"I think we'll need to walk all the way back to New York to walk off that meal," Michael smiled.

"There are better ways to burn calories," I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"God. You guys are such fags," Jimmy groaned.

"Yea, of course. Where the hell have you been? You've known that I'm gay for years," I said.

"Yea, I guess, but I never saw you being gay before."

"Yea you have. I'm gay all the time."

"You know what I mean. I haven't seen you being faggy before."

"Okay. Well, get over it," I shrugged.

"I'm a fag, too, and if you don't like it I'll kick your ass," Jonny said real mean, and then broke into giggles again.

"I'm the straight man," Adam added.

"You set 'em up, I'll knock 'em down," Jonny laughed.

"Just ignore them and they'll stop being weird. If you start talking about it they'll never shut up about being gay," Jay said to Jimmy.

I did the next best thing and ignored the kids. I felt good. Stuffed with good food. Good drink. My man by my side. My family all around me. Life is good.

Comments welcome and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

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Next: Chapter 20

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