Just Together


Published on Dec 19, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality or sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories ------------------

Chapter XXXIV

*** [ 5/17/03, Saturday ]

"Hey Joey," I answered by mobile.

"Hey man. What's up?" Joey asked.

"Just getting ready for the closing party. 'Equus' closes tonight and we're having a bunch of people up. What's up with you now that you've graduated?"

"That you were too busy to attend," he teased.

"You should have given me more than a couple day's notice. I do have something resembling a life."

"Yea, I know. I don't care. The house was full enough. Here's how you can pay me back, though."

"I don't like the sound of that and I didn't know I owed you anything," I said.

"I got into grad school. NYU Law."

"Hey, that's great. Congrats. Oh, wait. Let me guess. You want to live here."

"Yes and no. You still have that apartment Gpa bought you, right?"

"Yea, I still have it, but it's leased, and they just renewed their lease for another year a couple weeks ago."

"Shit. Well, could I stay with you 'till I find a place then?"

"Uh, sure. I'll have to ask Michael, but I'm sure he'll be fine with it. You'll need to store your furniture somewhere. That room is finally furnished. We've got some storage here if you don't mind carrying it up stairs."

"I'm fine with that. I only have a bed and dresser to bring. Maybe a sofa if I can find one cheap."

"Why so late asking? You always do that: wait until the last minute to inform or ask me anything."

"I just got the acceptance letter today. I'm scrambling to get everything in order."

"What do the 'rents say about moving out?"

"Somewhere between 'about time' and 'you'd better visit more than Jonah does'," he laughed.

"Sounds about right. So when did you plan on moving in?"

"Beginning of August, if that's okay. I want to try to find a job that I can keep once the school year starts, and learn my way around," he said.

"No problem. Rent is $500 plus utilities. I'll waive the deposit for you."

"Rent? You're going to charge me rent? We're family! Come on, man. Gpa bought you a place. The least you can do is not charge me rent," Joey complained.

"Gpa bought the old apartment, but made me pay the mortgage and I had to have roommates to do that. If you think you can find anything better than what you'll have here for $500 then go for it. I can guarantee you that you won't. You'll need to find roommates when you get your own place unless you've suddenly become independently wealthy."

"No. That's just you. Damn, man. $500 a month?"

"Go take a look at apartment prices in Manhattan. You can get a closet on a crap street for $800. Five-hundred a month is damn cheap for anything, and obscenely cheap for your own bedroom in a nice apartment in a decent neighborhood. I could easily get $1500 for that room."

"How much does Scott pay? He still live there?"

"Yea, he does. He still pays $500, which is what I needed when we were at the last place. He's a good roommate and we don't want to lose him. He also helped a lot with the remodeling."

"Yea, okay," he sighed. "This is going to be more expensive than I thought."

"Probably. You've had a free ride so far, living at home."

"Yea, I know. I was hoping to stretch it out a little longer."

"You should have learned by now that no amount of stretching is going to make it longer," I smirked.

"Ha ha. You should have learned by now that you're not funny."

"Yea, but like you, that doesn't seem to stop me. So anything else?" I asked as the oven timer went off.

"Not that you can help with. I'll let you get back to your cooking. Let me know if Michael has a problem as soon as possible."

"Will do, though I should wait 'till the last possible moment, like you would. Later," I said and hung up. I pulled the first batch of spanikopita out of the oven. This was my first time making it and it looked and smelled good. Once they cooled I'd find out if they tasted as good.

Michael came in pushing several boxes of beer and wine precariously stacked on a 4-wheel cart.

"Something smells good," Michael said.

"The spanikopita. That all of it?"

"Yea. How's the focaccia doing?"

"Still rising. It's probably ready to go. I've got one more batch of spanikopita and then the oven will be free," I said as I put the next pan in the oven.

"Great. Can you start the topping?"


"You know, I was thinking that we should have oatmeal cookies as well, given all the horses in this show," Michael smirked as he started loading beer into the 'fridge.

"Not just a bag of oats?"

"I considered it, but too messy. I can just go buy some if we have time. I know we don't have the supplies to make any."

"The show started 20 minutes ago. I don't think we'll have time."

"Oh well," Michael shrugged.

About a half-hour after the show ended, we had fifty or so people in our place between actors, crew, designers, board members and significant others. It was the largest group we'd had in our apartment so far.

With more than half of them being actors, it was quite loud and included the roof terrace. Several people had other shows opening soon and talked them up. Chad was leaving tomorrow night for a film and then straight to Wilmington to start filming a series when that was done. It was a nice evening and didn't clear out until 4AM.

It seemed that the building would be fairly empty for the summer. Scott and Shawn were going to Toronto for a couple weeks at the end of the month, which prompted Aaron to decide a couple weeks in New York would be fun. Charlie was off to Milan for some modeling thing before going back to LA. Justin was out on tour. Ian, as always, was in and out, and Chad was filming.

*** [ 6/7/03, Saturday ]

"Don't you think it'd be cool to have a pinball machine?" I asked Michael after I checked my email.

"Uh, yea, sure. I assume you're asking for a reason?" Michael said and sat down with his refilled cup of coffee.

"Yep. Found one on craigslist for $100."

"Does it work?"

"No, but I'm sure I can fix it."

"Okay. Let's get it."

"Great. We'll go now before someone else buys it," I said and called the seller. He had a garage up near La Guardia and would be there until 2pm. I said we'd be there as soon as possible.

We took The Beast and hit the road, stopping at an ATM for cash on the way. Traffic was still pretty calm on a Saturday morning and we made it there in a half-hour. The place was a garage of a vending company. Otis, the seller, was probably in his late 60s and ready to retire. He'd taken the game back on a trade from a private owner in Queens and knew it could be repaired, but just didn't feel like messing with it. At this point in his life, he explained, he just wanted to play the games and collect the money. The game, itself, looked pretty good and turned on, but came up with an error on its check. It wasn't an informative error -- just random lights on the score displays. Even if I couldn't fix it, it was only $100 and some time lost. We loaded it into The Beast and brought it home.

"In our place, or do you want to work on it down here?" Michael asked as we got it onto the dock.

"It's gonna make a mess, but it would be easier in our place."

"Yea. How about in the storage room off the loft? We don't have anything in there yet, so you'll have plenty of room to make a mess."

"Yea, but we'll have to carry it up the stairs."

"Yea... Um... Ian's still in town, isn't he?" Michael asked.

"I never know. He's all over the place."

"Well, if he's not home to help us we can grab...Matt," Michael said and pointed to Matt, who appeared to be giving a tour to some woman.

"Hey, guys. Just giving a tour. This is Luciana," Matt said and turned to Luciana. "This is Jonah and Michael. They own the place."

"Nice to meet you both. Matt has told me much about you and the theater," Luciana said.

"Oh? What has he said?" Michael smirked.

"Not to interrupt your tour, Matt, but could you give us a hand carrying this thing upstairs," I interrupted before the banter could start.

"You've got an elevator. Pinball machine?"

"Yea. I need to fix it. We need help carrying up to the living room loft."

"Um..." Matt started and looked to Luciana.

"No. It's fine. Give them a hand."

"As the lady says. Elvira?" Matt asked.

"And the Party Monsters," I added.

"Uh, yea, okay. Just seems like an odd choice."

"It's got five balls," Michael smirked.

"Of course."

"Is it fixed yet?" Michael asked as he walked into the storage room and handed me a beer.

"No, but I think I found the problem -- or one problem. The power supply board is bad. These two capacitors are dead," I said and pointed them out.

"Can you get new ones and replace them?"

"Yea. No problem. Something else may be wrong as well, but I won't know until the power supply is fixed."

"It'd be great if that was all it was. Those capacitor things are cheap, right?"

"Yea. I think so. Probably no more than a couple dollars."

"Good. I found a revamp kit for it and ordered it. It's got new rubber for the bumpers, lamps, springs and stuff like that."

"Perfect. Maybe I'll have this working before you leave for 'Jailbait'."

"If we had the parts I'm sure you'd have it working tonight," Michael teased.

"If those capacitors are the only problem, then you're right."

"Of course I'm right. You got this place built in a year. You obviously have obsessive-compulsive tendencies."

"Possibly. You did order the parts for overnight shipping, right?"

"Absolutely. You'll have to find the capacitors on your own, though."

"I can probably get those Monday before rehearsal. Speaking of: can you sit in a couple times this week and give me your impressions?" I asked.

"Sure. Anything in particular?"

"No. Just in general. Anything that's working well or not working well. Actor tips, etc."

"Matt's not much help?"

"He's too close to see things clearly, and he gets so frustrated that he doesn't explain things clearly until we talk afterwards. During rehearsal he mostly scribbles furious notes, sighs and grinds his teeth. It's pretty funny, actually."

"Strange. So he not director material, huh?"

"Hmmm. With adult professional actors, maybe. I think it's the film/theatre difference as well. If it's perfect once on film, then you move on to the next scene. If it's perfect once on stage, it may not be the next time, or someone else on stage may have thrown it off. The field of view is always a wide shot with theatre. As much as he loves the theatre, when it comes to creation I think his heart is in film."

"I can understand that. Just like yours is in theatre. You really don't like film work because you don't get it the way you do theatre," Michael said.

"I don't like film work because it's boring as hell. It's a lot of hurry-up-and-wait followed by a few minutes of work, and then more hurry-up-and-wait."

"See? You don't get it. I think you might be okay as the director because you'd always have something to think about and you'd be in charge."

"Maybe. It's still a bit too chopped up for me. I don't know how you can go back and forth."

Michael shrugged. "I don't know. I just do. Unless I'm on stage all the time it's about the same for me either way. There are fewer distractions with theatre -- at least ones you can see."

*** [ 6/14/03, Sunday ]

"Why didn't you call me?" Michael asked as he walked into the storage room while I was playing pinball.

"I just got it all back together and was testing it. Some of the switches could probably be re-gapped, but if it plays fine I won't bother until I need to. Pretty cool, huh?" I said.

"Thank you, boys," Michael said along with the game.

Michael played the next game and then we moved it out to the living room loft to play a couple more games each. We'd have to wait until we had help to bring it down the stairs to the main level.

"Twelfth Night" opened on the 20th and would run Sunday, Monday, Tuesday after the first weekend. While it wasn't a complete train wreck and had its moments, it was very uneven. I declared to the board that if Matt makes another suggestion like that I will hang him by his toes from the grid and make him watch a tape of the show for 24 hours straight. There were no objections -- even from Matt.

Scott got back from Toronto a couple days later, though Shawn wouldn't be joining him until the middle of August. Obviously this made for a mopey Scott who drowned his sorrows in many games of Elvira. Michael left at the end of the month to work on "Jailbait".

*** [ 8/1/03, Friday ]

"This is Jonah," I answered my cell without looking who it was. I was folding laundry.

"Hey man, it's Joey. Open up the gate. We're stopped outside it and blocking traffic."

"Yea, okay. Just a sec," I said and hung up as I walked over to the control panel. I opened the gate and waited for them to come through before closing it and going down to meet them. The small U-Haul was backed at an odd angle to the dock and whoever was driving it was painfully trying to straighten it up. Turns out it was Joey. Uncle Joe, Aunt Mary and Jay were getting out of their mini-van, parked in a car spot. I waited on the dock. Joey finally got it reasonably straight and got out. Jonny got out of the other side.

"Drive much?" I teased Joey as he walked up.

"Do I look like a truck driver? I had to turn around in this tiny lot. Man, that drive sucked."

"Really. You should have rented a truck made this century with a CD player instead of just a radio," Jonny said as he walked up and gave me a quick hug. "Hey, Jonah"


"It was the only one they had left," Joey said.

"You didn't bring your car?" I asked.

"I wanted to, but..."

"But he discovered how expensive insurance and parking are," Uncle Joe laughed as they appeared from behind the moving van.

"It's insane what parking in the city costs. I thought it was bad at home," Joey continued.

"How long is everyone else staying? Are you staying the night?" I asked.

"We're heading back on Sunday. I take it Joey didn't tell you," Aunt Mary said and gave Joey a look.

"Of course not. Well, I guess Joey's sleeping on the sofa until you go back."

"Where's Michael?" Jonny asked.

"Filming. He won't be back until the end of the month. Then we go to Venice for the film festival," I said.

"Is anyone here?"

"Scott's at work, but he's in town. Ian's probably here."

"I gotta go to the bathroom," Jay complained.

"Probably others, too. Let's go upstairs. Be quiet going through the dock. There's a performance going on," I said and lead the way. After we got upstairs the bathrooms were busy. I gave Joey a key to the elevator, apartment and security codes.

"Paranoid much? Two keys and two codes?" Joey complained.

"One key for elevator, one for the apartment. One code gets you into the building and the other is for the alarm in here. It's not a lot. You should already have realized that there are certain requirements for living here," I said.

"Do I need to sign a NDA now?" He smirked.

"No. Just keep your mouth shut about what happens here and use discretion on who you bring back. Oh, and don't give your code out to anyone for any reason. I can easily assign temporary codes as needed."

"Someone is just learning responsibility," Aunt Mary teased Joey and looked around. "You've changed a lot in here, Jonah, since we were here last."

"Yea. Finally got everything done and some more furniture. It doesn't look quite so bare."

"Let's go unload my stuff."

"Not until after the performance."

"When's that?"


"That late? Will everything be safe out there?"

"You have a lock on it, right?"

"No, but it's in a gated area."

"It'll probably be safe, but you should put a lock on it if you decide to unload in the morning. I've got one you can use."


"What's for dinner?" Jonny asked as he got out of the bathroom.

"We'll go out or order something. Suggestions?" I said.

"Pizza!" Jay called out.

"Doesn't matter to me. Just so we don't have to drive," Uncle Joe said.

"No pizza. I'm burned out of pizza. How about sushi?"

"Sushi?" Jonny asked. "Gross."

"Have you ever even had sushi?"

"No. Not going to, either. I prefer my food cooked, thank you."

"I think sushi sounds good. Can you get it delivered?" Uncle Joe asked.

"Yea, of course. Taro Sushi is just up the street and they deliver."

"Since when do you like sushi? We never had sushi when I've been here over the summer," Jonny said.

"Because I didn't know there was a cheap sushi place near here. It's not like there's a Yo Sushi here."

"A what?" Uncle Joe asked.

"Yo Sushi. It's almost like fast food sushi, but still good and relatively cheap. There are a ton of them in London," I explained.

"Sounds interesting."

"It is. Anyway, Matt turned me on to Taro Sushi when we were working on 'Twelfth Night'."

"As long as it's not too expensive, or you're paying, it sounds good to me," Joey said.

"As if you'd pay for it, anyway," Aunt Mary teased him.

"I'd say...about a hundred for six people. Good?" I asked.

"Order away," Uncle Joe said.

"No. I don't want sushi," Jonny complained.

"You're overruled," I smiled.

"Can I at least see a menu so I don't get anything to gross?"

"Nope. You'll just have to see what they send." I grabbed the phone and called in the order. I just specified that it was dinner for six that included two kids and let the chef decide. "A hundred-ten and it'll be here in about an hour. What does everyone want to drink? I've got beer, wine, juice, coffee and water."

"You don't have any pop?" Jay asked.

"No, but you can get a soda downstairs or ask Jonny to take you down to the grocery."

"Can I have some money?" Jay asked Uncle Joe.

"I've got it. I need to learn where the grocery is, anyway," Joey said.

"Good. I didn't feel like walking down there," Jonny said.

"You're gonna show me where it's at," Joey said to Jonny.

"Just go out the back and walk down the road for two blocks. It's right there," Jonny said.

"It's south on Flatbush," I added. "You'll have to go out the front way because you can't operate the gate from the street without a remote."

"You have to take the stairs," Jonny smirked. "You can't get out the front entrance from the elevator on the first floor."

"Get used to it," I said to Joey at the face he made. "The elevator is only for carrying things up and down, not every time you come and go."

"Let's go, Jay," Joey sighed and left.

"Just so you know, we won't be upset if you kick him out in a month," Aunt Mary said.

Uncle Joe just chuckled and got himself a beer.

"You want wine, I assume?" I asked Aunt Mary.

"Yes, thank you."

"I think he'll try to get out as soon as the can, and then realize how good he had it here," I said as I went to get a bottle of wine out of the pantry.

"So you miss me this summer?" Jonny asked as I walked back with the wine.

"Miss who?" I teased.

"You know you did. You've probably been bored to death this summer since you've got everything done and your show is already running."

"Nope. Believe it or not, I did have a life before you. I've kept busy and it's a nice change to only have the drama in the theater."

"Ha ha. What's happened this summer? Just working?"

"What have you been doing? Working?"

"Yea, but that's 'cause I need money. You've got plenty with Michael working all the time."

"For now. I do have a career, too. Anyway, anything in particular you want to do while in town -- other than finally get rid of Joey, of course?"

"We could catch your show downstairs tomorrow night," Aunt Mary said.

"Actually, that's not mine. Mine only runs Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. You could still watch the one that's playing, but it's probably not something you'd want Jay to watch, or at least not something he'd understand or enjoy."

"Lots of sex?" Jonny asked, hopefully.

"Nope. Just adult situations and lots of talk."

"I don't have to use chop-sticks, do I?" Jonny asked as I set out the containers of sushi.

"No. Use a fork if you want."

"They sure don't give you much guacamole."

"They don't give any. That's wasabi."

"What's it taste like?"

"Try it, but..."

"Me first!" Jay declared and grabbed a fork full, shoveling it into his mouth. That only lasted as long as it took to swallow it. He immediately started coughing and grabbed his soda, but couldn't get anything in for the coughing.

"...just a little bit," I continued and laughed at Jay. "If you're gonna get sick, go do it in the toilet."

"What is it? Like hot pepper or something?" Jonny asked.

"Basically, it's Japanese horseradish," Uncle Joe explained while chuckling. "Try to take a drink," he said to Jay.

Jonny took a tiny bit on his fork and tasted it. "Weird. It's not hot, really, but it is. It's not like peppers or anything."

"Nope. It's good with just a little bit on your rolls."

Aunt Mary took Jay over to the sink to cough and force down some soda. It took a while before he was settled.

"What is all this?" Jonny asked.

"No idea. It's whatever the chef decided to make. Just try one of everything. There's nothing that's really hot," I said.

After the drama, the food disappeared quickly. Uncle Joe and I were the only ones to use any of the wasabi.

The relative quiet of the summer ended in a bustle of activity and noise for the weekend -- much of the noise coming from Elvira and Jay. They left on Sunday morning and Joey moved all his stuff into the upstairs guest room.

On August 14, the power went out in the whole area. The generators kicked right in and, other than air conditioning and ovens, everything was normal -- though the performance was cancelled that night. The few buildings with generators seemed to glow brightly with everything around us in darkness. People were out on the streets and it was a nice night with people from the neighborhood coming to the coffee house like it was a lighthouse, and then sitting out in the park across the street.

Shawn got in that day just before the power went out and complained about how bad traffic was with all the people in the streets and no stop lights. Ian was the only other tenant in town and he only noticed the power out when the air conditioning wouldn't come on that night. He'd been working on a script and writing all day.

*** [ 8/22/03, Friday ]

"Hello?" Chad called out as he walked into my place with a couple people.

"Come on in," I said and took my shot, sinking the 8-ball and winning the game against Shawn.

"Finally some new blood so I have a chance of winning a game," Shawn sighed and took a drink of his beer before removing his shirt.

"Hey, man. Aren't you supposed to be filming?" I asked Chad.

"Just up for the weekend. This is Beth, Hilarie and Jamie," Chad introduced and we did the whole handshake and introduction thing all around.

"Beer is in the 'fridge. Help yourselves. Who wants to take on Shawn?" I asked. "The game is strip pool."

"Someone who sucks, please," Shawn smiled.

Everyone in Chad's group pointed to Jamie.

"Oh, fuck you. I'm not that bad," Jamie complained.

"I've kicked your ass," Beth said.

"So have I," Hilarie added.

"Many times," Chad said casually as he opened his beer.

"So?" Shawn asked.

"Fine, but I break first," Jamie sighed.

"So where are Michael and Scott?" Chad asked me.

"Michael's filming and Scott's working tonight."

"Ah. Hence the reason you're both without your men," Chad smirked.

"Yea, but you're here so at least I'll be getting some tonight," I shot back.

Catcalls from the OTH crowd.

"Something you want to tell us, Chad?" Hilarie teased.

"We've only kissed before, so get over it. Admittedly, it was a good kiss," Chad smirked, letting the crowd wonder.

"You thought that was a good kiss? I've had much better," I said, letting the fact that he'd sucked my dick go unsaid.

"For a guy," Chad added.

"Am I the only straight man here?" Jamie asked.

"That remains to be seen," Beth smiled.

"I've ridden Chad," Shawn said casually.

"Oh, really?" Hilarie said.

"Don't get too excited. It was for 'Equus' that we did here. It got cut before opening because someone," Chad said and gestured to Shawn, "couldn't hide his excitement."

"Just the full nudity in that scene. I still rode you," Shawn teased.

"I cut it for other reasons, but that was one of them," I said.

"What's 'Equus'?" Jamie asked after he broke. Nothing went in.

"A play you should read," Chad said.

"That show is freaky," Beth said.

"I've seen the movie. I think 'freaky' is not even close," Hilarie said.

"It was fun," Chad said. "Even if I didn't get the role I wanted."

I gestured he was number one.

"You made a better horse," Shawn said and sunk a second ball.

"So you're saying Chad is a good ride?" Hilarie teased.

"You can ride me and let me know," Chad smiled.

"I'm sure glad no one in this room needs to get laid," I laughed and got myself another beer.

"Speak for yourself. I'm getting some tonight," Shawn said. "And I'm sure glad that I won't be the first one naked," he teased as he put in another ball.

"I never agreed to that," Jamie protested.

"That's the game you agreed to play," Chad said.

"You should probably just strip now and save time," Hilarie teased.

Jamie just gave a sarcastic laugh and flipped her off.

"Looks like I'm missing a party," Scott said as he walked in around 2AM. I was still fully clothed, but Shawn and Jamie were naked, Chad was down to just his underwear and the girls were down to panties and bras.

"Yep, but your man is ready for you," I said.

Shawn smiled and shrugged.

"You always say you'll never play strip pool with Jonah again, and yet you always do."

"I've been practicing. I figured I'd have some chance. I did sweep Jamie and Chad before he wimped out."

"I didn't wimp out. I just figured the ladies needed less clothing," Chad protested.

"And when he lost I took over," I said. "Care to try your luck?"

"Sure. I'm still sober."

"Quick! Someone get Scott a beer," I said.

"I break first."

"Go ahead," I said and racked.

Scott broke, and then proceeded to run the table. Everyone was cheering him on, but he missed on the eight. With all of his balls off the table it was fairly easy for me to run it and win the game.

"Take something off and rack 'em," I smirked.

Scott pulled off his socks and racked. I broke and then ran the table. Scott took off his shirt and racked. I put five balls in on the break. Unfortunately, one of those was the cue. Scott smirked as he pulled the cue out of the pocket, and then ran the table.

"You're goin' down, man," Chad teased as I pulled off my shirt. The girls catcalled.

"Easy ladies."

"Why didn't I get any catcalls?" Scott complained.

"You're too skinny," Hilarie teased.

"We've been waiting all night for Jonah to lose," Beth said.

"Woo hoo," Shawn said and gave Scott a quick kiss.

"Thanks," Scott said and rolled his eyes.

Scott broke and, once again, ran the table but missed on the eight.

"So predictable. You do that every time," I teased and then ran the table.

Scott removed his shorts, leaving him in his boxer-briefs.

"Come on, Scott. You're our only chance for revenge," Jamie said.

"Revenge? You lost fair and square to Shawn. Why do you have any reason to have revenge on me?" I asked.

"Because you've won against everyone else," Chad answered.

"You're all so vengeful," I teased and then broke. Nothing went in and I scratched. "You skewed the rack," I accused.

"Prove it," Scott smirked and put in four balls before missing the shot and leaving the cue buried behind his ball and the eight.

"You suck," I said.

Scott just smiled and took a drink of his beer.

"Come on, master. How are you going to get out of that?" Chad taunted.

"Four in the corner," I said.

"Impossible. You'd have to..." Shawn started.

"He's gonna try to massŽ it," Scott interrupted. "Ballsy."

"Do you see any other shot?"

"No. It's worth trying. If you make it you deserve to win this game."

I chalked up and took the shot. Miracle of miracles, I made it, and then scratched.

"You were robbed. Nice shot, though," Scott said as he took the cue and then ran the table.

I removed my shorts and then racked.

"This is it. Down to the final game," Chad said.

"No pressure," Scott mumbled and broke. He followed that with three shots and then scratched on the fourth.

"You just lost," Jamie said.

"Not yet. He's got a booby-trap," Scott said and pointed out the eight sitting on the edge of a corner pocket with my eleven touching it. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to touch it without putting the eight in.

"Have I told you that you suck?" I asked.

"Maybe once or twice."

I ran all but the eleven and left the cue in a crap place. Unable to hit anything, I scratched it. Scott picked up and ran the rest of his balls, but couldn't hit the eight in without hitting my ball first, or scratching. He opted to table scratch.

"Yes, I know I suck. Your turn," Scott smirked.

"That's not fair, is it? He has to try the shot," Chad said.

"House rules," Shawn laughed.

I growled and set the cue so I could bank the eleven away from the eight. With some hard english, I hit the eleven, sending it into the opposite pocket. The touch was enough to send the eight in, unfortunately.

Everyone cheered as I took off my boxers and tossed them on the table.

"I hope you're all happy. Now it's time for Chad and the ladies to play Scott," I said and got myself another beer.

"Actually, it's kinda late. I think I'll go to bed," Hilarie said.

"Yea, definitely," Beth agreed.

"You're gonna miss the chance of seeing Scott naked," I said.

"He beat you. No one else stands a chance."

"It was luck," Scott said. "If he didn't have the booby-trap, who knows who would have won."

"I think we'll be going to bed, anyway," Shawn said from his position behind Scott, holding him tightly.

"Stop it," Scott said softly of Shawn's affections and I noticed Scott's bulge get a little heavier.

"Let's go back to my place," Shawn said.

"Go on, before Shawn jumps you right here," I teased.

"Yea. What he said," Shawn agreed and kissed the back of Scott's neck.

"Go! I don't want to see it," Jamie said.

"We're going," Scott said and handed Chad his cue before casually covering himself and quickly moving towards the door with Shawn firmly pressed to his back. I had no doubt that Shawn was erect.

"Have fun," I said.

"What now? I'm not tired," Chad said.

"I am. Give me your keys so I can go to bed," Hilarie said.

"I'll join you," Beth agreed as Chad tossed Hilarie his keys.

"Didn't you say you had a hot tub here?" Jamie asked as the girls left.

"It's too hot out," I said.

"It's also after three in the morning. I think it's probably cooled down by now. Let's do it," Chad said.

"Yea, okay. Let me grab some towels."

"I'll go turn it on," Chad said and left with Jamie.

I grabbed three towels and went up to the roof. The hot tub was warming up and the night air was a comfortable 72¡F. Jamie was sitting in a chaise lounge and Chad was at the railing looking out into the night. I put the towels on the table and sat down on another chaise.

"You'd never guess this was New York from this view," Chad said softly.

"Yea. It's a killer place," Jamie said and joined Chad at the railing.

"You should have seen it when we had the blackout. Very cool," I said.

I heard some movement from one of the "sex alcoves" and guessed that it was probably Scott and Shawn. We couldn't see them from where we were, but they could be heard. I got up and turned on the stereo to mask their sound.

"Thanks," I heard Scott whisper.

"No problem. Go back to what you were doing," I whispered back.

"All darkness?" Jamie asked.


"During the blackout?"

"Oh, right. Pretty much. It was darkness with random points of lights for buildings that had generators. It was like going back a hundred years or so."

"So what's next on the directing slot?" Chad turned and asked.

"I don't know," I said and felt the water in the hot tub. It wasn't hot, but warm enough to get in. "I'm looking at some original scripts." I stepped under the shower and blasted myself with cold water for a few seconds and then got into the hot tub.

"Is it ready?" Chad asked.

"Close enough."

Chad removed his boxer-briefs and showered off before climbing in. Jamie went next and screamed at the cold water.

"Fuck! It's ice cold."

"You won't notice it after you've been in the hot water."

"I'm probably just going to be doing design work for a couple months and managing this place. It's been busier than I expected," I continued the answer to Chad's question.

"That's good, though."

"Definitely, but it takes more time. It could easily be a full-time job if I wanted it to be."

"Do you?" Chad asked.

"As long as I have time to direct and design as well. I don't want to be just a theater manager."

"You won't be. You're also the Super of this building," Chad smirked.

I splashed him. "I don't want to be that just that, either."

"And a carpenter. And a pool shark. And..." Chad continued.

"You seem to do everything and I think Chad's in love with you," Jamie said to me.

"He's too late and too damn straight," I smirked.

"Sad but true," Chad sighed dramatically.

"Neither of you are interested in anyone in your cast? The ladies you brought with you are both attractive and not dizzy-girly," I said.

"You're really gay," Chad laughed. "'...not dizzy-girly.'"

"What? You know what I'm saying."

"There's nothing wrong with a dizzy girl -- at least in bed," Jamie said.

"Yea, it's cool. There's a hot tub up here," Joey slurred and stumbled onto the terrace with some girl.

"You're not alone," I called out since Joey obviously wasn't thinking clearly right now.

"Wha? Oh, shit. Sorry man. You gonna be much longer?" Joey said. The girl with him drunkenly giggled and pawed at his chest.

"Uh, no. Why don't you use one of the alcoves? NOT the first one. We'll be gone in a few minutes."

"Yea man, that's cool. Come on, baby," Joey said and guided his date around the side to one of the alcoves.

"Let's go -- unless you want to hear the mating of the North American Drunkard," I said and climbed out. I was plenty warm from the water and rinsed off in the cold shower before grabbing a towel.

Chad and Jamie soon followed and we went back to the apartment.

"Who was that?" Chad asked.

"My cousin Joey. He got into NYU Law for grad school and is staying here until he finds a place of his own."

"Your cousin? Is he adopted or were you adopted?" Jamie asked.

"Um, neither of us were adopted. He's just my cousin. Why? Because he's straight?" I smirked.

"No. Because he's black."

"Depends on when you ask him. He's a half-breed the rest of the time."

"Does he drink a lot?"

"No. He's alright most of the time. This is his first time away from home, though. It's fun to tease him about being a big boy now and having to do things for himself. He whines too much about how much things cost now that he has to pay for everything himself."

"Not everything if he's living here."

"I'm charging him rent. Same as Scott. He about shit a brick when I told him and started talking about family and so forth. His mom thinks I'll kick him out by the end of the month."

"Will you?"

"No. I'll give it until the end of next month before I start pushing him towards the door. His classes start next week and that'll give him enough time to find roommates. He may even take my advice, but I doubt it."

"What'd you tell him to do?" Jamie asked as he pulled on his clothes.

"To buy a place outside of Manhattan with a couple bedrooms and have roommates help pay the mortgage. I know his folks would help with the down-payment and interest rates are low right now."

"Sounds smart. Why do you think he'll ignore it?"

"Because he wants to live in Manhattan where all the action is. He won't be able to afford to buy a place there. He calls me spoiled all the time, but he's the one who's had the easy ride. He's never had to pay for anything on his own."

"Why'd you tell him not to use the first alcove?"

"Scott and Shawn were using it."

"Oh," Jamie said.

"The hot tub worked. I'm sleepy now. See you tomorrow?" Chad said.

"I'll be here. Night, guys," I said and let them out.

I cleaned up and went to bed.

Chad's 22nd birthday was on Sunday, so everyone went out bar hopping on Saturday night -- which was the original purpose for coming up to NYC. It seemed to be a good bonding experience for the new cast. Nothing like seeing each other drunk and stupid. I stayed mostly sober and made sure everyone got back okay. It wasn't as much fun for me.

They left Sunday afternoon with horrible hangovers.

Michael got back from filming at the end of the month. We left the next day for Venice for the premier of "The Dreamers". It was quite good and very messed up. The scene where he kissed Eva with the blood grossed me out.

Almost predictably, we saw Pierre Boulanger there for the opening of his film. He introduced us to Omar Sharif and several other people before we escaped.

Since we were on this side of the world, I'd emailed Harry that we'd be near. He immediately invited us to stay a couple days in London if we were stopping there. We took him up on the offer.

*** [ 9/4/03 ]

"I'm Jonah Mars," I said to the guy in a suit holding a sign with my name on it at the exit for the Gatwick Express at Victoria Station.

"Very good, sirs. May I take your bags?"

"No thanks. We can carry them," Michael said.

"As you wish. Please follow me."

We followed the guy through the station and out to a waiting limo. Another guy in a suit was standing outside it and put our bags in the trunk while the first guy opened the door for us. Harry was inside lounged back away from the door.

"Hey, man," I said and shook his hand as I moved to take a seat. "Good to see you again."

"Welcome to London," Harry smiled. "Hello, Michael."

"Hey, man. Nice ride," Michael said as he shook Harry's hand and then settled down beside me.

"It works," Harry shrugged. "How was Venice?"

"Very nice," I said.

"Except that I had to treat Jonah as a friend in public," Michael said.

"Yea, except that part."

"We do what we have to do," Harry said. "So here's what I was thinking. Since we're closer now we'll stop by Buckingham Palace, take a quick tour and have dinner with my grandmother and brother. Tomorrow morning we'll go to Highgrove and you'll likely meet my father. I'm having a gathering in the evening -- totally informal and all friends. Saturday morning you'll have a car to take you to the airport in time for your flight back to the States. Sound good?"

"All except the dinner with your grandmother," Michael said. "We didn't bring suits or anything. We'll look like bums."

"It's an informal family dinner. You don't think we have pomp and circumstance for every meal, do you?" Harry laughed.

"I have no idea. This is so not my world."

"No worries. My grandmother is a bit formal, but you won't be expected to bow or anything. Um, do you have anything nicer than what you're wearing?"

"I've got a button-down and slacks. Michael only brought 'I'm a cool movie star' clothes," I teased.

"Gotta play the part," Michael shrugged.

"I'm sure I can find something for you to wear for dinner. It's not formal, but I didn't take into consideration that our definitions of informal are different."

"Is the 'informal' gathering at Highgrove the same?" I asked.

"No. That is likely more of what you consider informal. Mind you, everyone there will be of similar backgrounds to my own. I don't think you should feel out of place. Rich will be there. I'm sure you remember him from the spring."

"I remember. So what have you been up to? Finals go well?" I asked.

"Yes, finals went well. I got 2 A-Levels in Geography and Art. I'm taking some time off right now. I go to Australia next month. Maybe Africa after that. Just a year or so before joining the Royal Military Academy. It'll be nice to get out and explore the world on my own a bit," Harry said. "How about your lives? Any other strange people showing up to play billiards?"

"I've been away filming more than anything. I hardly ever get to play strip pool with the fun people," Michael pouted melodramatically.

"Too bad for you," I teased. "Chad was up a couple weeks ago with cast members from a new TV series he's in. They didn't last long -- though the ladies stopped at their panties."

"You got women to play?" Harry asked, awed.

"They were there and played. I think they were the first women that have played that with us," I said.

"No. Cam played at New Year's," Michael said. "But she stopped at her panties as well."

"Oh, that's right. We're so gay," I laughed.

"Anyone I would know?" Harry asked.

"Cameron Diaz," Michael said.

"Seriously? You played strip billiards with Cameron Diaz? That's bloody brilliant," Harry said excitedly. "How do you know her?"

"She's dating Justin. That's public knowledge now, isn't it?" I asked Michael.

"Um, yea, I think so."

"How does she look?" Harry asked.

"Did nothing for me, but I'm sure you would have stood at attention and saluted," I smirked.

"Definitely. Any plans to have her there again?"

"No plans. She's still dating Justin, though, as far as I know."

"You'll just have to come to this year's New Year's party," Michael said.

"I may take you up on that."

"Are we having a big one again this year?" I asked Michael.

"Who knows. I think it's someone else's turn to worry about everything. You didn't relax the whole night."

"Yea, I did. I just didn't get as drunk as everyone else. Maybe we'll see who's in town and just go out."

"You should have the party so I can play strip billiards with Cameron Diaz," Harry smiled.

"I don't think we could arrange that. Justin would have a fit if he knew," Michael said.

"Besides, the women there with Chad were younger and just as attractive," I added. "We never know who will show up."

"Myself a case in point," Harry said. "Direct any more crazy shows?"

"No. Just 'Twelfth Night' that I was working on when you were there. Nothing since then. That just closed mid-August. I don't know what I'm going to be working on next. Mostly it's just been managing the theater and trying to keep it busy."

"How do we address your relatives?" Michael asked. "I assume they don't go by Liz, Chuck and Willy."

Harry busted up laughing. "That would be bloody brilliant! Please do that."

"And cause an international incident?"

"Nothing that dramatic would happen. They would just get a sour look and think you quite American. Please do it."

"We're not typical American's, thank you very much," I said. "We prefer to blend in when traveling. I've even had a Parisian ask me for directions in Paris," I said.

"Now that's blending," Harry laughed.

"Yea. He wasn't too happy when he realized I was American. I did let him look at our map, though."

"I'm sure he was horribly embarrassed. Oh, here we are," Harry said as the car pulled up to the gates of Buckingham Palace.

"So really, what do we call your relatives?" Michael asked again.

"If you want to be proper about it, you call my grandmother 'Your Majesty' and you call my father 'Your Royal Highness' -- or just call him Charles. You can just call Wills 'Wills'. He's not as concerned with formal titles in informal settings. There's no need to be intimidated. Just treat them like you've treated me."

"Maybe your brother, but the thought of climbing into a hot tub with your grandmother..." Michael said and shuddered.

Harry laughed again.

"Not to mention having a beer and playing strip pool with her or your father," I added.

Harry was turning red he was laughing so hard.

"Do you think we'll be arrested to making him laugh to death?" Michael asked me.

"Probably sent to the Tower."

"Stop. Stop," Harry laughed.

"Wills, on the other hand," I said. "I would be okay with beating him at strip pool."

"That'll never happen. He never relaxes that much."

The car stopped at a side door and the car door was soon opened.

"Okay. Let's go inside. I'll show you to your rooms for the evening and let you get freshened up before we wander around. Dinner is at nineteen, so we'll have plenty of time to run through."

"Are you sure? Maybe at a full run," I said looking up at the palace.

"Right. Well, we won't see every room. Just the highlights. I did once run through from top to bottom touching every door. It took almost an hour, but that's because some of the doors are harder to get to."

"Different world," Michael said, looking at the grandeur of the entry hall.

"Yes, of course. Remember that most of this is from a different time as well. Everything is at least a hundred years old here. The original house was built in 1703. It didn't become the official royal palace until 1837. This is the private family wing we're coming up to," Harry said as we stopped at a well guarded doorway.

"Your Royal Highness," one of the guards greeted.

"Captain Wells. This is Jonah Mars and Michael Pitt. You have their security badges?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Do your thing," Harry said and turn to us. "Sorry about this. They have to search you."

We both just shrugged and two other guards patted us down very thoroughly.

"Hey. Careful there or you're gonna have to buy me dinner," Michael joked as his frisker had his hand in Michael's crotch.

Harry laughed, but the guards gave no reaction. Once they were satisfied we got our badges and were let into the private wing.

"Don't feel so special," Harry joked. "He does that to everyone not of the royal family."

"Guess you don't bring friends here very often if it's such a hassle," I said.

"It's not a hassle for me and my friends are used to it. It's just one of those things."

"Imagine how tight security would be if the royal family were more than figureheads," Michael said.

"No, thank you. I wouldn't want to have lived in those times. It's bad enough now."

"Oh, is someone taking our bags to our room?" I asked.

"Yes. They'll probably be there before we will. The servant passages and elevators are more direct. We're taking the leisurely route. So where did you stay in Venice?" Harry asked as guided us to our room.

"Foscari Palace," I said.

"And now Buckingham Palace," Michael smirked.

"Don't know where that one is at."

"It's on the Grand Canal near the Rialto Bridge."

"Right. I know where that is. Good views there."

"Yea. Even better if they would have had a full balcony we could sit out on -- not that we were in the hotel very often," I said.

"There aren't any good private balconies here, but we could go onto the roof. The view is pretty good."

"Do you brings friends here very often?" Michael asked.

"No. Too much trouble and too formal. We usually go to Highgrove. I just figured you'd enjoy seeing the palace and I wanted to see if I could ruffle Jonah's feathers," Harry smiled.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Just how you got me with Shawn Ashmore and Matt Damon. Scott told me you were unruffleable. I figured my grandmother would do it."

"I've seen him ruffled," Michael said.

"Oh? When was this?" I asked.

"When Robert De Niro came to see 'Jack Shine'."

"That was startled, not ruffled, and you weren't there, anyway," I shot back.

"Alex said your eyes got huge."

"I was startled. It was my first production and Robert De Niro came to the opening. I wasn't expecting it."

"I would have been startled, too," Harry agreed. "Well, perhaps not. If I ever did anything like that it would be attended by all the A-list celebrities just because I did it. At least in the UK."

"You should do it, but make it absolute crap. See if they fawn over it or flush it," I said.

"It would be funny, but not worth the hassle. 'As a figurehead I have certain public responsibilities,'" he mocked in a pompous tone, "and doing a personal production of 'The Madness of Prince Harry' would result in years of problems. If I don't smile correctly at a public function it gets talked about in the tabloids for months."

"Poor Prince Harry," I teased.

"Piss off," Harry groaned and gave me a little shove. "Anyway, enough of that. Here is your room. There is a bathroom en suite," he said and opened a nicely carved door to a large bedroom with sitting area. The furniture was almost contemporary and totally out of place in the ornately decorated room.

"Do we have time for a quick shower?" Michael asked.

"Yes, of course. What size trousers do you wear? I'll try to find something that'll fit while you're in the shower."

"30/34, usually," Michael said.

"Don't suppose you know the metric version of that?" Harry smirked. "You'll have a belt anyway. I'll be back in a half-hour. Will that be enough time?"

"Should be. Thanks, Harry," I said.

"No worries. Cheers," he said and left, closing the door behind him.

"We're staying a Buckingham Palace," Michael said to me.

"Yes, I know," I said and looked into the bathroom.

"I was thinking he'd have a shag shack in the city and we'd just go out on the town."

"Well, you have to admit that Buckingham Palace does make an impressive shag shack," I teased and started getting undressed. Our bags were sitting on the bed.

"You don't think he's still a virgin, do you?"

"I don't know. He was as far as his friends were concerned in May. With everything he has to worry about it's a distinct possibility."

"This room is ugly. I expected something...more old fashioned. More classic looking. It looks like 1950s bland."

"I doubt we got a room for heads of state. Stop gawking and get undressed."

"Okay," he shrugged. "You realize we're gonna shag in here tonight, right?"

"Oh, absolutely. Couldn't turn down the chance to say we've had sex in Buckingham Palace," I smiled.

"You know what would be really cool?" Michael grinned.

"Doing it in the throne room on the throne?"

"Oh. Yea, I guess that would be cool, too. I was thinking on that balcony you always see them on."

"Sure. We'd never get caught there," I teased.

"Hey. It's up to you to figure out how. I just said it would be cool."

A knock came at the door.

"I think these should fit well enough, Michael," Harry said as he walked in with a pair of gray slacks and a white button-down shirt.

"Thanks," Michael said and took them, making sure Harry saw his T-shirt.

He did, and raised an eye brow.

"What? It's 'God Save the Queen'," Michael smirked.

"While I haven't discussed it with her, I don't think my grandmother was a big Sex Pistols fan."

"It'll be covered. I brought it on purpose. I didn't think we were going to meet her."

"You could probably borrow it if you wanted," I offered.

"While I appreciate the offer, I'm capable of creating my own mayhem, thank you."

Michael shrugged and got dressed. The clothes were a little large, but not comically so. The comic addition was that we were both wearing our work boots instead of dress shoes. Harry noticed and just rolled his eyes.

"Shall we commence the tour?"

"Lead the way."

The tour was relatively quick, but tiring. I joked that they should get a bunch of Segways to get around the Palace. Harry agreed and then told a story of he and Wills getting in trouble for roller blading through the halls.

Dinner that evening was good, but odd and slightly uncomfortable. The queen was polite and friendly, but there wasn't a lot of common ground and we mostly talked about the theatre. Wills seemed coldly suspicious of us, but not nasty. Michael and I were both glad when it was over.

After dinner we continued our tour at a slow pace in the private areas. The library was nice, though the book therein were beyond dull. The music room was set up for at least 50 people. I'd expected something old and expensive such as a Bšsendorfer or Steinway, but the piano in the room was a newer Yamaha studio grand. Nevertheless I played Gershwin's Prelude #3, Michael's favorite, and ended up having to play a couple more songs when the queen came to see who was making all the racket.

"Can't take you anywhere," Michael teased as we went back to our room to get changed to go out.

"Me?! You were the one who wanted me to play something. I was fine just walking through."

Harry just snickered. "So has meeting my grandmother ruffled your feathers?"

"I don't know. I'm not intimidated. It's just like meeting someone else's grandmother, but this one could have you shot," I said.

They both laughed.

"Gun totin' grandma," Michael laughed.

After getting changed into clothes more appropriate for clubbing, we went to some club with a long line -- that we didn't have to stand in, of course -- and a doorman who probably wouldn't have let me or Michael in if we'd come on our own. It wasn't the type of club we would have chosen, anyway.

Everyone there was either important, or thought themselves important. The music was crappy disco-esque house and way too loud. We met several of Harry's friends, but couldn't have any sort of conversation with the music so loud. A few short screamed conversations were all.

Not soon enough, we got out of there and went over to someone's large flat -- though I'm not sure who's it was as several people came with us and everyone made themselves at home. The atmosphere there was much better than the club, though the music was only slightly better British pop, and we were actually able to talk with some people before the absinthe was brought out. Then things got a little blurry for everyone.

We stumbled out around 3AM and were in bed by 4AM. We didn't get to sleep until 5PM. It was a long day.

"You awake?" Michael asked and I felt him straddle my legs.

"I am now," I yawned.

"Good," he smiled and started rolling a condom down my morning erection.


"Yea. Fucking Fantastic. You up for it?"

"I'm obviously 'up' for it, but I need to stretch a little before I can lean forward. It's easier to do at night."

"Well, we'll start doggie style so you can stretch," he grinned and rolled over onto his hands and knees, wagging his ass.

"Oh my," I heard someone gasp.

Michael and I both turned to see Harry standing a couple feet from the door with his mouth hanging open in shock. We both busted up laughing and Michael fell back onto my cock and to the side, twisting my erection in an unnatural position.

"Ow. Ow. Ow," I complained and moved to get out of him. Michael just laughed harder.

"Join us or leave," I said to Harry once I'd extricated myself.

"What? Oh, um... Right," he stuttered and practically ran from the room.

The mood broken, we quickly finished -- still laughing -- and took a shower. It was almost 1PM when we found Harry again. He turned beet red when he saw us and apologized for walking in. We laughed it off.

After a late lunch we went to Highgrove. It was a long drive and we all mostly drifted in and out of consciousness.

Charles wasn't there when we arrived and I wasn't disappointed about it. The manor was huge and and on vast lands -- quite the contrast to Buckingham's location. We took a nice, lazy, horseback tour of the grounds and then had dinner with slightly more friendly Wills. We had time for a nap after dinner and before people started arriving for the "informal gathering".

"Harry tells me you haven't mentioned our mother," Wills casually said to me during the party -- there were more than ten people -- while Michael was being told how great rugby was and how American football was by Harry and a few other guys. The fact that Michael didn't like American football didn't seem to make a difference.

"Why would I?" I asked.

"Just that you're queer. Many queers seem to have an obsession with my mother."

"Yea, well, I'm not a very good queer. I don't have any obsession with your mother. I don't like Madonna. I don't have sex with everyone I can. I must have some obviously gay trait since they haven't revoked my membership yet."

Wills smiled. "Perhaps sleeping with Michael is your obviously gay trait."

"Yes, that's probably it. Anyway, to fully answer your question, your mother and her life and death are your business and your family's business. Not mine. Same thing with my parents. If we're talking about parents, then I'll share, but otherwise it wouldn't even occur to me that you'd be interested. Of course, I realize that you come from a background that was obsessed with parentage and blood lines, but that's not my background," I said.

"Interesting attitude. What of your parents? What do they do?"

"At this point, probably just decompose if there's anything still left."

"Excuse me?" Wills said, slightly startled.

"They died when I was eight. I was raised by my grandparents after that. My grandfather died a couple years ago and my grandmother had a stroke before that and is currently in a nursing home. I still have lots of family in aunts, uncles and cousins. The family business is antique furniture restoration and reproductions, though only one uncle currently runs that."

"Ah. So you weren't interested in the family business?"

"No. Unlike you and Harry, I have a choice. I did my stint there growing up, but theatre is my career choice. I still have the skills, for the most part, but I can't carve worth a damn."

"No worries. I won't ask you to carve anything," he laughed. "I find it interesting that you're as unintimidated by royalty or celebrity as you are, given your background."

I laughed. "Yea, everyone thinks I'm weird. I don't know why I've never been intimidated by celebrity. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I don't want to be famous and I pay attention enough to know that fame has nothing to do with intelligence."

"Quite true. Quite true. I'm intrigued, though, why you seem to surround yourself with so many of those people you say you want nothing from."

"It's not with any plan. It's just friendships and the business I'm in. I'm very direct and casual. Some people are put off by that and some are drawn to it. I think the later is probably the case with your brother. I was somewhat surprised that he called the next day and came over, but he seems like a nice guy and fun without being insane or annoying."

"If you insist," he smirked.

"Well, he's not my little brother, so..."

"Yes, of course. I take it you have a younger brother, then?"

"Not officially, but pretty much. A little brother by choice instead of birth. He's 17 now and gets into more trouble than Harry does -- at least what Harry does that makes it to the papers," I said.

"A hooligan?"

"No," I laughed. "Nothing like that. He just get himself into situations and everything is a little drama -- usually related to some guy he's seeing or wants to see."

"Queer as well?"

"Yep. I've known him since birth and it's a long and sordid story, but he came back into my life after he came out and his father disowned him. He's a good kid and very gregarious."

"Here," Harry said and tossed me a pair of shorts and a rugby shirt. "Get changed. We're going to play."

"No thanks. I don't know how to play and I've been drinking," I said.

"Everyone has been drinking. You're playing."

"Um, I don't have the right shoes," I tried.

"Completely doesn't matter. We're playing in bare feet. Come on. Don't be a ponce," Harry taunted.

"Ah, I see how it is. You want revenge for losing so badly at strip pool."

"Of course," he smirked.

"So is this going to be strip rugby? The team that loses the point has to take something off?"

"You're in England now. Don't be silly," he rolled his eyes. "Now get changed. You too, Wills."

"You're going to lose," Wills smirked and walked off to change.

"Guess we're playing rugby," Michael said as he joined me in going back to our room to change.

"Yep. Should be interesting. How much have the others been drinking?"

"More than you, but they're British and drink beer like water. I just know we're going to be sore tomorrow."


The rugby game was...a mess of groping, grunting, slamming, falling drunken mess -- and quite fun. Michael was on Wills' team and I was on Harry's. Neither team managed to score a point after an hour, so we slammed another two beers each and then played until Wills' team managed to score.

Testosterone exercised, the ladies went back inside while the men went to a communal shower before joining them. Wills was hairier than Harry.

The remainder of the evening was spent lounging about until everyone left around 3AM. Michael and I didn't have the energy to shag at Highgrove that night and I think it was the total exhaustion that allowed us city boys to sleep in the extremely quiet country house.

*** [ 9/6/03, Saturday ]

Harry woke us the next morning while he was sleepwalking at 8AM. After a quick shower and breakfast, Michael and I gave our thanks, said our good-byes and got in the limo that would take us directly to Gatwick. We slept the whole way there.

"It's so good to be home again," Michael sighed as we walked in.

"Yep," I said and took our luggage to the laundry room.

"Does Scott have evening classes this semester?" Michael called out.

"I don't know. Why?"

"No reason. Just figured he'd be here."

"It's Saturday afternoon."

"Is it? Damn. All this flying around... He's probably with Shawn, anyway."

"No. Shawn is away for some audition and meetings."

"I thought he was still here?"

"No. He left on the first," I said and joined Michael in the kitchen.

"You've got messages," he said and handed me my mobile. It didn't work in Europe so I didn't bring it.

"Great," I said and listened to them while Michael caught up on his.

The third message was from Uncle Joe, telling me that Gma died that morning. The eighth was also from him letting me know when the funeral was. It was today. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I was sad, but also happy for her. I'd prepared myself for her death long ago this just seemed like her torture was finally over.

"Bad news?" Michael asked me.

"Gma died. The funeral was today."

"Shit. Sorry. When did she die?"

"Um, I think it said the 2nd. I wasn't paying attention to the time-stamp."

"Are you okay?"

"Yea. This death I was prepared for. I wish I could have been at the funeral, but..."

"Why didn't they just call me? You could have flown back in time."

"I don't think they have your European mobile number. Just your US one."

"Right. We need to get phones that work everywhere so something like this doesn't happen again."

"Yea. That'd probably be smart with as much time as we seem to spend in Europe," I said and dialed Uncle Joe's house. No one was home and I got the answering machine. I left a message saying I'd been out of the country and just got back and to call me.

"So. What do you want to do the rest of the day?"

"Be lazy," I said. "Let's just order a pizza and lounge in front of the TV."

"I was hoping you'd say that," he said with a smile and a concerned look. "I love you."

"And I love you," I returned and gave him a kiss.

*** [ 9/10/03 ]

"This is Jonah," I answered my office phone.

"Hey, Jonah. You've got a guy named Kolya Polenov down here to see you," Ryan announced.

"Send him up," I said and went to meet him at the top of the stairs. "Hey, man. Long time no see."

"Yes. I've been busy and you don't have any more work for me," Kolya smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"Come have a seat and tell me what's been happening," I said and guided him into the office common area. He sat down on a sofa and I grabbed my coffee off my desk before joining him.

"Lots of things have been happening with me. How have you and Michael been doing? The theater is successful?" Kolya asked.

"Yea, we're doing okay. Michael's working all the time and I'm keeping busy with this place. It feels good to be doing theatre again," I said. "Have you done anything else with the theater on campus?"

"Not yet. I will be doing another sculpture in November. I was back in St. Petersburg all summer. It is difficult to go back. I think I prefer New York now."

"Yea. It's always hard to go back home. How was your summer with family?"

"Difficult. My parents were killed in a fire in May."

"Damn. I'm sorry. What happened? What about your little brother?"

"The fire was on a job site. Niko was safe at home with our grandmother. She is very old."

"That's good. I take it everything is on the way to being okay since you're back here?"

"No. Not yet. I needed to return or I would lose my place and not be able to return. I am looking for a way to bring Niko here with me and gain citizenship. Our grandmother is old and won't move, but I want Niko here," Kolya said.

"It's going to be difficult to go to school full-time and raise a child."

"I know, but I am not going to give up my education and he would have a better life here. Maybe. I am here to ask you a question," he asked hesitantly.

"And..." I prompted.

"Would it be of interest of you to adopt Niko? You are a good person and have a steady home and career. Niko is a good boy and would not be trouble. If you adopt him he could have a good life and still be close that I could be his brother," Kolya rambled out.

"I'm not going to adopt you, too," I joked, though was feeling a bit overwhelmed by being asked to adopt a kid.

"Of course not. Just Niko. I know it is a lot to ask."

"Yea, it is. I understand, though. I just hadn't thought of being a parent so soon. I'll have to think it over and talk with Michael about it."

"Of course. Decision must not be made right away. So you know, it will be easy to do. Our grandmother is now Niko's legal guardian and I have discussed this with her. She thinks it is for the best as well. She will do what must be done and we will help with adoption expenses."

I sat there for a minute thinking things over. "You really want me to adopt your little brother? This would be permanent, you understand. If I chose to adopt him I would raise him as my own son."

"Yes. It is good that way. I will still be able to see him as my brother and tell him of his family in Russia, no?"

"Yes, of course. I wouldn't deny him his history or family. I'm only saying that any decisions I make regarding his upbringing would be mine -- not subject to the approval of you and your grandmother," I said.

"Ah. Yes, of course. I would expect nothing less. Understand that being family we may still have something to say, but the final choice would be yours."

"Yes, I know how family works," I smirked. "You don't have any other family in Russia that can take him?"

"I have an uncle in Moscow, but he is a drunk and unable to take care of his own children. No other family is close."

"How old is Niko?"

"He just turned three on July 4th."

I laughed. "Born on the fourth of July."

"Yes. Is very funny."

"Does he speak any English?"

"I teach him when I am home and he has videos and toys to learn, but my grandmother does not speak English, so he does not get much practice speaking it. He understands very well. My parents spoke a little English."

"He's still young enough to learn English before starting school, I think."

"Yes. He is very smart. Also is very healthy. No sickness or other problem like that."

"If I do decide to go further with this I'd want to meet him first. Make sure that we can get along and all that."

"Of course. You will have to go to St. Petersburg. I will go with you, if that is what you decide."

"Good. So why me?"

"Because you are only one I know who is mature enough and has security in life to do it. No one my age, of course. I know some older students, but also not a good fit. Some want to wait for own child. Since you are gay and cannot have child, it is a good thing for you. Maybe sooner than you thought to adopt, but better for all. Niko is not some poverty baby in orphanage with alcoholic parents and emotional issues," Kolya explained.

"He doesn't have any issues with your parents dying?"

"Yes, some, but not much. He still has family so it has been easier. It will take some adjustment for everyone, I am sure."

"Okay. Let me think about it and talk with Michael."

"Thank you," he sighed.

"So on to other things. You seeing anyone?" I smiled.

"No. Not right now. I have been too busy since I got back. You know of someone for me?" He smiled.

"Nope. Sorry. Scott's still dating his guy," I teased.

"Not funny," he laughed. "Chris is size queen bastard slut. I hope Scott's current boyfriend is not the same."

"Not that I know of, and he'd be okay with Scott's size if he was a size queen."

"Yes. I heard of Scott's size when I was with Chris. What were you and Michael doing in Europe? I tried to reach you last week and they said you were in Europe."

"Michael had a film opening at the Venice Film Festival and then we hung out in the UK for a couple days. Michael and I had sex in Buckingham Palace. Prince Harry walked in on us. It was hilarious," I laughed.

"How did that happen?"

"We were occupied when he knocked so he came in to wake us and got an eye full."

"No. I mean how did it happen that you were there?"

"Oh. Right. Harry came to see 'Equus' when it was playing here and with all the security and stuff they hung out in my place before and after the show. He invited us to stay with him if we were ever in London. So...we did."

"Very nice. Is he gay and looking for a sexy Russian boyfriend?" Kolya smiled.

"Why? Do you know a sexy Russian guy?" I teased. He just gave me a look.

"Nope. I'm pretty sure he's straight. If you're really looking you could try Ryan down at the coffee shop. He's looking, last I heard."

"The one I talked to to come up here?"


"Not my type. He is too thin. I prefer my man with some meat on his bones. Not fat, but big and muscular."

"Oh well. Why don't you come up and have dinner? Michael's here and probably making dinner right now."

Kolya looked at his watch. "That would be good, but I have class at six and should go soon. You will think about Niko and talk with Michael about him?"

"Yea. Tonight. When do you absolutely need to know?"

"There is no deadline, but soon as possible is best. It will take many months for everything to be complete if you decide to adopt him," Kolya said as he stood up and grabbed his bag.

"I'm sure. Do you still have the same mobile number?"

"Yes. Is the same. Thank you for considering it. I need to go now."

"Okay," I said and gave him a hug. "Don't be a stranger. Stop by some time when you can stay and have dinner and talk."

"I will. Goodbye," he said and headed out.

I grabbed my PowerBook, locked up the office and went upstairs.

"Hey. Guess what?" I asked Michael and gave him a quick kiss as he made dinner.

"You found another show to direct?"

"No. Not yet," I said and sat down at the counter. "Kolya stopped by."

"What did he have to say? Why didn't he come upstairs?"

"He didn't have long to stay and had to get to class. Anyway, he wants me to have his baby," I smiled.

"Huh?" Michael stopped and looked at me.

I laughed. "Not really. He asked me to adopt his three year old brother. His parents were killed in May and only his grandmother is still there taking care of him."

"Shit. What'd you say?"

"I said I'd have to think about it and talk with you."

"I know we were talking about eventually adopting when we were in our 30s or something, but..."

"Yea, I know. I'm torn between wanting to wait and wanting to take the perfect opportunity to easily adopt a healthy kid. We're fairly secure now, but I don't know if we're ready to give up that freedom."

"Damn. It's so weird. I know we're about the age most straight couples would be having kids, but it still feels like I'm just a kid, myself."

"I agree."

"It would be cool to have a son, though... And we could take him anywhere we went. I mean, you said he was three, so it's not like he's still in diapers or crying all night," Michael thought aloud.

"It would be a big commitment."

"I know. And like this building wasn't? I know. I know. It's completely different, but it's still a major commitment. Why'd he ask you?"

"Basically because I'm close, financially secure, and he wants Niko to grow up in the US."

"And he thinks you'd be able to adopt him? A single gay male?"

"He doesn't think it'll be a problem, and I'm not single," I said and gave him a look.

He rolled his eyes. "You know what I meant. You aren't married. We can't get married yet. How would we handle that? What would I be?"

"His mommy, of course," I teased.

"'Daddy, why does Mommy have a pee-pee'," Michael teased in a baby voice.

"'Cause your momma's got balls," I laughed.

"Yup. What about legally? Like what if something happened to you? We have those kind of arrangements with the building, but I don't know how you'd do that with a kid."

"It must be possible. There are gay parents out there who do it."

"Do you really want to do it?"

"Yes and no, or rather, yes, but I don't know if we're ready."

"I don't think anyone is ever 'ready' to have their first kid. Could we meet him before we decide anything?"

"Absolutely. We'll have to go to St. Petersburg, though."

"Cool. I've always wanted to visit Russia. Kolya will come with us, right?"


"Then I say we sleep on it and if it still seems like a good idea tomorrow we schedule a time to go meet the kid."


"We schedule a time to go meet Niko."

"It would have to wait until you get back from filming."

"Oh, right. We could do it the last week of October. If we decide you could order tickets right away."

*** [ 9/13/03 ]

We had Kolya over for dinner to tell him we'd like to pursue the adoption further. After looking around at information online we weren't about to get our hopes up. Adoption, at least through an agency, seemed like a long and painful process.

"So what do we do now?" I asked Kolya after he calmed down.

"You will need to file papers with the USA government that says you want to adopt a foreign child. They do a background check and interviews to certify you are fit to be a parent," he explained.

"If only they did that for everyone."

"No. I would not want the government to control reproduction. Anyway, once you are approved then it is very simple."

"And you think the approval is going to be easy given that I'm a gay man?"

"More difficult will be that you are not 25 years yet. I have told all this to a lawyer who specializes in adoptions and was told that as long as your background check and interviews go well, exceptions can be made. I have retained his services and he will help you get approval. It is already paid for," Kolya said as he dug a folder out of his bag and handed it to me. "That has contact information for lawyer and paperwork for information you will need to have when you meet him for first time."

"You really think we have a shot?" Michael asked him. "I mean, from the stuff we've been reading online..."

"I only know what I have learned from lawyers. I was told it was possible and that this being a private adoption would make it easier. All is depending on your approval and interviews."

"That's a big depending."

"If your background check is clean and interviews and references are good, then the lawyer says he can get you approved."

"If you say so."

"Who do you think we should use as references?" Michael asked me.

"I'm not sure. I would be afraid that some people we'd use would see like name dropping or using celebrity."

"No point in having it if we can't use it," Michael countered. "As long as it doesn't put off the interviewer. Who are you thinking?"

"Well, I'd think Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary would be good. They've known me forever and he a shrink. Maybe some people from the board as far as work references. Probably Gus or Matt since they've known me the longest."

"What about Michelle? We should have as many women as possible."

"Yea, we can ask Michelle. Finding women is going to be a problem since we aren't around any regularly except when working."

"Yea... What about Cam? No. She hasn't really spent much time around us. Guess that would eliminate Queen Lizzy, huh?" Michael smirked.

"Yea, pretty much. I wouldn't ask her anyway. That would really seem like using celebrity."

"A drag queen?" Kolya asked. Michael and I almost passed out laughing.

On Monday Michael left to film "West Memphis Three" and I went to meet with the lawyer. I was there for three hours giving all possible justifications for my existence and filling out forms. If people had to do this to have children the natural way humans would have died out long ago. Perhaps it was a way to see if you were truly serious about becoming a parent.

When I got home Ian grabbed me to show off his new pinball machine: Harley Davidson Pinball 2nd Edition. It seems we'd started something when we bought Elvira. We played several games on Ian's new machine, and though it was a good game, Elvira was more fun.

The following Monday I got a surprise visit from Child Services for my first government interview. By luck or lawyer, Rosaria, the case worker, was a lesbian mother. After giving her a tour of the theater and the apartment we sat at the kitchen table and talked for a couple hours. I think I made a good impression.

She scheduled the second interview for the 29th and asked that Michael be there. It took some work, but he was able to fly back for the day, and then fly back that evening.

Joey finally moved out at the beginning of October. He didn't take my advice and found two roommates to share a larger studio in Greenwich Village. It would have been an okay studio for one or two people, but three people in there would be tight. The entire apartment would fit in my bedroom and it cost him $600. He thought the location was worth the extra cost. The high ceilings were the only saving grace, as far as I was concerned, and I helped build three bed lofts to take advantage of the height.

There were several more surprise visits from Rosaria and I heard from everyone I'd used as a reference that she'd talked with them. I was surprised to receive my approval to adopt on the 22nd. Rosaria even admitted that it was unusual. Michael got back the next morning and we left for St. Petersburg that afternoon.

Comments welcomed and encouraged. jmstories@gmail.com. Please put the story title in the subject line or my spam filter will eat it. I usually reply when the next chapter comes out. Yes, I know I'm slow.

Next: Chapter 35

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