Justin and Chris Forever

By moc.loa@87ioBetiN

Published on May 19, 1999


I had received some great advice for this story. I was told that it went to fast that I was leaving out some important detail, so I redid some of it. Please read again.

This story is complete fiction (wish it wasn't, but it is), so I am not implying anything about Justin Timberlake or any other members of the Nsync. I hope you all enjoy this story! This story is completely a FANTASY! This story is copyright, please to do not distribute or distort it in any way with my permission. Thank you for your cooperation. Please send any comment to NiteBoi78@aol.com.

Chapter One

First, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Chris and I am 20. I am 5'8 with blonde hair and a slim, muscular body. I also have green eyes. I am going to college to become a lawyer. My father owns his own textile company and my mother is a corporate lawyer. So which I have a great deal of money.

I was sitting in my room listening to the radio. The DJ came on and announced that they were giving away a free ticket to the Nsync concert. The DJ said whoever is the 10th caller with the correct answer to the question will win. The question is; Which Nsync member is the "I Love Lucy" freak? The number to the radio station is (312) 248-9900. I went to my phone and dial the phone number and it was busy. I tried it again and still busy. Finally it rang.

"Hello, you are the 10th caller," said the DJ.

"I am I really," I said in disbelief.

The DJ asked, "Do you know the answer?"

I said, "Lance is the one who loves I Love Lucy."

"That is correct," said the DJ.

"Oh my God," I said.

"We will be sending your ticket in the mail. Thanks for listening to us," said the DJ.

I went downstairs to tell my parents that I won the ticket. They were happy for me. Two weeks later I received the ticket in the mail. I was so happy. The concert was in two weeks. I decide to go to the mall and pick out some clothes for me to wear at the concert. I jumped into my Landrover and headed towards the mall. I went into the Gap and bought a pair of cargo pants and some new shoes. Then I went to Finish Line and bought a Nike shirt. I then hoped into my car and headed home.

Finally it was the day before the concert. I decided to take the day off from school. I told my professors that I was leaving and I made up all the work before I left. My flight left at 4pm and it was only 12pm. I decided to see a couple of my friends before I left. Since I was going to be gone for two weeks. I went to my friend's house and just chilled for awhile. It was 2:30pm and I had the driver pull the limo up and I was off to the airport. I arrived in plenty of time and I boarded the first class section. I mostly slept on the plane.

I got off the plane and I went to Hertz Rental Car and rented a Mercedes Benz and I went to the Carlton Ritz Hotel and reserved a suite for the two weeks that I was planning on staying. I decide to catch a nap before the concert. The concert was at 7pm so I will get up and five so I can get ready for the concert. The phone ran and it was my wake up call. I got up and picked up the clothes that I was going to wear and went into the bathroom. I took a long shower, and then I shaved and got dressed.

It was 5:45 and I headed to the stadium. I go there at 6:15pm and I went to my first row seat. Of course girls surrounded me, but that was okay with me. I sat there until the concert started. The concert started and they did "I Want You Back" first. They all were cute in there own ways, but there was something about Justin. Maybe it was his curly blonde hair and that killer smile.

While I was there sitting in the first row at the concert, I notice that Justin was staring at me, but I didn't think about it. I thought he was just staring at one of the girls next to me. The next song that they did was "Here We Go". It was so cool. Then they took a rest. When they got back they sang "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You". During this song I could have sworn Justin was looking directly at me, but I dismissed that notion. They ended the concert with "Giddy Up". The concert was over and I decided to wait awhile until the crowd had left. I thought it would be easier to leave then.

As I started to leave I heard someone said, "hey you."

I turned around and notice that Justin was standing right behind me.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Yes I'm talking to you," Justin commented. I couldn't believe that Justin Timberlake was talking to me. No one is ever going to believe me.

"What can I do for you?" I exclaimed.

Justin said, "I noticed you in the audience and was wondering if you want to go out me and the other members to a club.

I said, "Sure."

I walk with Justin to the backstage where the other members were waiting for us. As we were walking he ask me what my name was and other things about me. Justin introduced me to the other members.

They all shook my hand and said, "Hello."

JC asked, "What club do you guys want to go?"

I suggested, "How about Club Indigo! I went there last year when I was here on vacation."

Everyone thought that it was a good idea. So we all got into the limo and headed out.

When we got to the club, the guy at the door let us right in. We went to a table in the corner where we all started to talk. Justin was setting on the right of me and Lance sat to the left of me. Chris, Joey, and JC sat across from us. Chris and Joey went to the bar to get us some drinks. When they got back, we started to talk about the concert and their upcoming tour.

We all decide to get out onto the dance floor. So we all got up and started to dance. Within fifteen minutes of the song the DJ changed the song to "Tearin' Up My Heart ", because he knew Nsync were here. The boys started to dance to their music. All time they were dancing Justin kept looking at me with that gorgeous smile of his. After the song was over we sat down at our table.

Justin mentioned, "Why don't we go back to our hotel and talk."

We all got up and left the club. When we arrive to the hotel, we went to the fourth floor. This floor was reserved for them. Each of the boys had their own room.

"Why don't we go into my room," exclaimed Justin.

So we went into his room and started talking.

"What do you do Chris," asked Lance.

"Well I go to college right now. I will be getting my degree in a couple of months," I said.

"You are so young to be graduating," commented JC.

I said, "I took an extra loads during my three years, plus a lot of summer school classes."

JC said, "that's cool!"

Joey commented, "What are you studying?"

I said, "I'm studying to become a lawyer, but I want to become in actor after I finish college."

Justin thought it was cool. Chris and Joey decide to get some sleep so they left to go to their rooms. Half-hour later Lance left. Finally fifteen minutes later JC went to his room.

Justin and I continued to talk.

"Where do you live," I asked.

Justin commented, "I live in Florida with my mom and my brother Jonathan."

"That is cool. I live in Ohio with my parents. I don't have any brothers or sisters, but I wished I did," I said.

We continued to talk for hours, then I fell asleep while Justin was talking with me. Justin picked me up and carried me to his bed. He pulled back the covers and tucked me in for the night. He then grabbed a blanket and fell asleep on the couch.

At 7am Justin was awaking by the knocking at the door. He got up to answer the door and it was Lance.

Lance said, "Good morning."

"What time is it?" Justin screamed.

Lance said, "It is 7am. I just came down to see if you want to join us for breakfast."

Lance came into the room and notice that I was sleeping in Justin's bed.

"What the hell is going on Justin," demanded Lance.

"We were talking and he fell asleep, I put him in my bed and I slept on the couch," said Justin.

Lance said, "Why don't you wake him up and ask him to join us for breakfast?"

Justin said, "We will be down in 20 minutes."

Lance left the room and Justin went over to wake me up.

"Christopher, time to get up," said Justin.

I said sleepily, "where am I, who are you?"

Justin said, "It's me, Justin and you are in my room. You fell asleep yesterday, so I let you stay night here."

"Now I remember. I am sorry for putting you through all of this," I said.

"Don't worry about it, I like taking care of people," said Justin.

"You are so sweet," I said.

Justin said, "Thanks. Do you want to join me and the others for breakfast?"

I said, "No thanks. I want to go back to my hotel and sleep some more."

Justin looked so sad when I said no, but I think he will understand.

Justin asked, "Can I call you later so we can hang out again?"

I said, "Sure, I would like that."

I told Justin my room number and the hotel I was staying at. I left Justin's room and headed back.

Chapter Two

As I was driving back to the hotel, I was thinking to myself about Justin. Was he gay? Do I have feelings for him? Does he have feelings for me? I pondered these thoughts until I reached the hotel. I went to my room and went to sleep. Around 11:00am I was awoken by the phone.

I picked up the phone and said "He-llo." It was Justin.

"Do you want to go with me to our photo session," asked Justin.

I said, "No. I have to do something, but I can see you after your session."

"I will see you at five at you hotel room," said Justin sadly.

We both said bye and hung up the phone. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I went to my closet and pick out something to wear. I pick out a pair of corduroys and a Nike shirt. Then ten minutes later I stepped into my Landrover and headed towards the mall. I went inside the mall and went to Finish Line and bought a North Carolina jersey and pants. I went back to the hotel and took a nap before Justin comes over.

Finally the phone rang.

"Hello," I said.

The man at the desk said, "There is a Mr. Timberlake here to see you."

I commented, "Send him right up."

"Bye sir," said the man at the desk.

Justin knocked on the door and I opened the door and he entered the room.

"So, what do you want to do," asked Justin.

"How about we play some basketball. I saw a park with a court down the block from here," I said.

Justin said, "Let's go."

I said, "You can't go dressed like that."

"What's wrong with the way I am dressed," Justin said.

"It's okay, but come here. I have something for you," I voiced.

"What is it," asked Justin?

I said, "I have a present for you."

"What is this for," he said.

I said, "It is for everything you have done for me"

I handed Justin the present. He opened it and saw the North Carolina jersey and pants. He went into the bathroom and put on his new clothes. He came out and he gave me a hug.

I asked, "Do you like the presents I got you?"

"Yes I do very much," said Justin with a smile.

We headed to the basketball court. I thought of myself as a good ball player, but Justin was far better. We played for hours and we went to our hotel rooms to get some sleep.

I woke up and I gave Justin a called. It rang and rang. Finally Justin picked up.

"Hello," said Justin.

"Hey Justin, it is me Christopher," I said.

Justin said, "What's up!"

I commented, "I am calling to see if you guys want to do anything today."

Justin said, " We have to go to rehearsals today."

"Oh I see, maybe later we can do something," I said sadly.

Justin said anxiously, "You can always come with us."

I said, "Sure, if you want me to."

Justin said, "Of course I do. I will have the driver pick you up at the hotel in about an hour."

We hung up the phone and I decide to order some room service. I ate my breakfast and then I took a shower. It was 45 minutes later, so I went to the lobby to wait for the driver. I was sitting in the chair and a man came up to me.

"Are you Christopher," asked the man.

"Yes I am," I said.

"A Mister Timberlake asked me to pick you up," said the chauffeur.

I walk towards the limo and the driver opened the door for me. I went inside and saw Justin waiting for me.

"What are you doing here," I asked.

"I came to see you to the session," said Justin.

I said, "Oh."

As we were driving along I was looking out the window. I was thinking what am I suppose to do about my feelings. I don't want to jeopardize my relationship with the guys.

Justin asked, "What's the matter?"

I was too busy thinking that I didn't here Justin speaking to me. Then Justin went over and sat next to me in the limo. He shook my shoulder.

"What," I said.

Justin said, "I asked what's the matter."

I said, "I am sorry. I just have some things on my mind."

The driver pulled in front of the studio and we got out and went inside. We met up with the other guys and we said our hellos. Then they had to start their routines. I sat in the front row. An hour had past and my feelings for Justin became to overwhelm for me. I can't let this hurt my relationship with the guys. So I decided that I had to head back to Ohio quickly. I ran from the studio.

Justin shouted, "Christopher come back."

I did not turn around and I hailed a cab and went back to my hotel.

JC asked, "What's the matter with Christopher?"

"I don't know. He was acting a little strange on the way here," said Justin.

"Fatima, can I take a break so I can see what's the matter with Christopher," asked Justin.

Fatima said, "You guys have an hour break, but you have to practice an extra hour."

Lance said, "We will."

The guys all got into the limo and headed towards my hotel. On the way there they tried to figure out what was wrong with me.

"I think I know what is wrong with him," said Justin.

"What is it," said Joey.

Justin said, "I think he might be gay like me."

"Do you think that is what is bothering him. That he is gay and he doesn't want to ruined our friendship," asked Chris.

"When we get there let me talk to him alone," said Justin.

"Okay," said the others.

The limo pulled up in front of my hotel and Justin went in.


I started to pack my things up so I can get out here before they show up. I can't I believe that I got myself into this mess. As I was finish with the last of my packing, there was a knock at the door. I knew I should answer it, but I did. I open the door and it was Justin.

"Why are you here. Shouldn't you be rehearsing," I said with tears running down my face.

Justin said, "I came here to see you. When I saw you running out of the studio, I was worried about you. I love you."

"What did you say," I asked.

"I love you," said Justin.

"Are you gay," I asked.

Justin said, "Yes I am and I think I am falling in love with you."

"I am gay also and I have falling in love with you the first day I met you," I said with a smile.

Then Justin leaned in and gave me a slow and passionate kiss. We continued the kiss for a few minutes until I broke it.

I asked, "What do we do now?"

"Well, since you are all packed up. How about you stay with me in my hotel room. Then we can start a slow and romantic relationship," asked Justin.

"I would love that," I said with a tear in my eyes.

"What's the matter," inquired Justin.

I said, "I am just so happy for finding you. You have saved me one more time."

Justin said, "I am the lucky one for finding you. You love me for Justin the person and not Justin from Nsync."

I said, "I don't what you do for a living, you could be poor and I would still love you."

We took my luggage down and I paid for my room and we headed towards the limo. The driver got out and loaded my luggage into the limo and then he opened the door for us. Everyone just stared at us when we got in.

"What are you guys staring at," I asked.

"We were waiting to see if you were okay," said Lance.

I said, "I am the happiest person in the world."

"Why," inquired JC.

Justin said, "you remember what we talk about before we got here. Well it was true. Christopher is gay too and we decided to start dating."

"Really," said Joey.

Justin and I said, "Yes."

Everyone was happy for us and we told the guys that I was going to stay in the hotel with the rest of you. As we were travel back to the studio, Justin grabbed my hand and held it tightly. I looked at him and gave him a smile. He then leaned his head on my shoulders. The guys went back to the studio and finish up their job and we all went back to the hotel. When we got to the hotel, Justin went to the front desk and asked for a new room with two beds in it. We went to the elevator and went up to the 4th floor. Just grabbed my hand in the elevator and held it tightly.

I turned to him and mouthed, "I love you."

Justin just looked at me and smiled. We reached the floor and Justin showed me to our room.

JC shouted, "How about we go out for dinner?"

Everyone agreed.

JC said, "Let's me in 30 minutes."

Everyone went into their room to get ready. I started to unpack my clothes when Justin went behind me and put his arms around my waist.

Justin said in my ear, "I love you."

"I love you more," I said.

"Well, we have to get ready for dinner, so I am going to take my shower now," I said.

I went to my luggage and pulled out a pair of khakis, blue polo shirt, and shoes. I proceeded to the bathroom. I turned on the water and took a quick shower. I got out and I shaved and combed my hair. I left the bathroom and Justin went in and took his shower. Justin was already and we went down to JC's room.

We were the last ones there, but we didn't care.

"Look who is late now," said Chris.

"Justin yelled playfully, "Shut-up Chris."

"Where do you guys want to go to dinner," asked Lance.

Justin spoke up, "I am in the mood for Italian food."

Everyone nodded and we went in the limo and pick up my Mercedes and then we headed towards the restaurant. When we arrive, JC went to the waiter and asked for a secluded place. The waiter showed us to our table.

"What can I get you to drink," asked the waiter.

"I will have a bottle water," I said.

Joey and Chris said, "I will have a coke."

"I would like an orange juice," said lance.

Justin said, "I will have an Ice tea."

The waiter came back with our drinks and asked if we were ready to order.

Joey said, "I would like the shrimp cocktail and the Fetticini Alfredo."

Chris said, "I would like a salad with Blue Cheese dressing and the Lasagna."

"I would like a salad with low-cal Italian dressing."

"Is that all you want sir," asked the waiter.

"Yes it is," I said.

Justin asked, "Are you feeling all right?"

I said, "Yes. I am watching what I eat."

"You look great to me," Justin said in my ear.

JC said, "I would like the Chicken Parmesan,"

"I will have the salad with French dressing and I will split the spaghetti with Christopher," said Justin.

The waiter left with the order.

"Why did you do that Justin," I asked.

"Do what," asked Justin.

I said, "Order the spaghetti for both of us."

"Like I said before, you look great to me. I don't want you to get sick on me. I love you too much," said Justin with a tear in his eye.

"I am sorry. I will tried to eat a little more," I said.

We talked for awhile and the waiter came back with our food. The food was excellent. We talked about what they are doing soon. I took a small fork full of spaghetti and I fed it to Justin. Then Justin leaned into me and gave me a small kiss. The guys saw this and they block the view from the other people in the restaurant.

Lance said, "You need to be more careful Justin."

"Yes father," said Justin.

We all finish our dinner and we went back to our hotel. Everyone went straight to their room and I went into Justin's room. When we got in there and gave Justin the longest kiss ever. I went into the bathroom and got ready for bed. When I got out, Justin was sitting on his bed ready to sleep. I went over my bed and lay down.

"Justin," I said.

"What is it Christopher," asked Justin.

I said, "Will you sleep with me in my bed?"

Justin said lovingly, "It will be my honor."

Justin went to my bed and got in. He wrapped his arm around me and we fell asleep.

To Be Continue...

Please send any comments to NiteBoi78@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2: Justin and Chris Forever 3 4

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