Justin and Chris Forever

By moc.loa@87ioBetiN

Published on May 27, 1999


This story is complete fiction (wish it wasn't, but it is), so I am not implying anything about Justin Timberlake or any other members of the Nsync. I hope you all enjoy this story! This story is completely a FANTASY! This story is copyright, please to do not distribute or distort it in any way without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation. Please send any comment to NiteBoi78@aol.com.

Author's Note: Throughout the rest of this story I will be called Christopher and the Nsync member as Chris. I am sorry for taking so long with this installment, but I have been busy with school and work. I would like to thank Rob for is great advice.

Chapter Three


I went over to Justin to see what was wrong. He was crying so hard that I didn't understand why he started to cry for.

"What's the matter dear," I asked with concern.

"I just can't believe that we only have two more days together," said Justin with tears in his eyes.

I said, "Don't worried about that. I will find a way that we can spend some more time together."

Justin said, "I love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you. You mean everything to me."

I said, "I love you too. I should thank God for giving me you."

I leaned over and gave Justin a hug and a passionate kiss. I forgot that the other guys were here and they started to laugh except for Chris, who had an angry look in his eyes.

"I knew this was going to happen," said Chris.

Justin demanded, "What do you mean that this was going to happen?"

"That Christopher was going to hurt your feelings," said Chris.

"Shut up Chris," yelled JC and Justin in unison.

Chris added, "Well just don't come running to me if Christopher keeps hurting Justin's feelings. I am not going to take it."

Chris got up and went to his room. Joey ran after to talk with him. The rest of continued to talk about their up coming schedule.

"What are you guys up to after this week," I asked.

Lance commented, "Well we leave to go back to Orlando and do some studio work."

I said, "That sounds like fun."

"It is," replied JC and Lance.

JC and Lance decided that they should leave so Justin and I could be alone. I took Justin by the hand and we enter the living area and decided to watch some TV. I sat down and Justin laid his head in my lap and I ran my fingers through his hair. Justin fell asleep while watching TV. He looked so peaceful and angelic.


He was going through some papers when the phone rang. He went over to pick up the phone.

"Hello," said Lance.

"Hello Lance, this is Michael," said Michael.

Lance asked, "What do I have the pleasure of your phone call?"

"I am calling you to let you know that you guys don't have to come to the studio next week, but in two weeks. I decided to let you guys have an extra week for vacation since you guys worked so hard," said Michael.

"I will tell the guys about the change in the schedule," said Lance.

He hung up the phone and he called Joey and Chris the good news. Then he called JC and told him about the schedule change. Then he dialed Justin's room.


The phone started to ring and I got up quietly so I wouldn't disturb Justin.

"Hello," I said.

"Is Justin there," asked Lance

I said, "He is sleeping right now. Can I take a message?"

Lance said, "Just tell him I called."

"I sure will. Bye," I said.

I hung up the phone and went back to the living area. I leaned down and gave Justin a kiss on the lips.

"What was that for," asked Justin.

I said, "Because I wanted to and Lance just called."

Justin inquired, "What did he want?

"He wants you to call him," I said.

Justin called Lance. Lance told him the good news and Justin was very happy. When Justin was done talking with Lance, he came over I gave me the longest kiss ever.

"What did Lance want," I asked.

"He told me that we get an extra week of vacation," said Justin.

"Oh," I said sadly.

Justin asked, "What's the matter?"

"I will be leaving to go back to Ohio in two days," I said with tears in my eyes.

Justin said, "Why don't we go to Ohio with you for our vacation!"

"Would you do that for me," I asked.

"Of course I would," said Justin.


Finally they all agreed to come to my home in Ohio. I called my parents to let them know that I was coming home and I was bringing some friends home also. My parents were happy that I have a new boyfriend. They can't wait until they meet him. I also told them to send over the jet to pick us up. It was 11am and I told them to get ready because the jet will be at the airport at 1:30pm.

"Wow, you have your own private jet," asked Joey.

"Yes, we do," I said.

Lance asked, "What do your parents do for a living?"

"I will tell you about my family on the jet," I said.

I told everyone to get their things ready and meet in my room at 12:15pm. We sat on the couch while he was in my arm we just sat in silence. Then half -hour later the other guys came we took my rental car to the airport. We figure this will be the best way to get there so no one will recognize them. The jet was there waiting for us and we border into it.

"So what do your parents do for a living," asked Lance again.

"Well my father is the owner and CEO of his own textile company. My mother is a corporate lawyer," I commented.

Joey said, "That's cool."

It was around 5:30pm and we arrived at the airport. There was my limo waiting for us. We all got into the limo and Justin sat on my lap. He rested his head on my shoulder. Chris rolled his eyes at us and I gave him a dirty look. It only took fifteen minutes and we were at my house.

Chapter 4

"This is your house," asked JC.

"Yeah, it's nothing much," I said.

"This house is huge," said Lance.

I said, "I guess you were right."

The chauffeur rang the buzzer and the gates opened. He drove to the front door where we were greeted by the butler and maid. We got out of the limo and I gave them each a hug.

"Welcome home Master Christopher," said Niles and Winifred.

"Thank you," I said.

Winifred told me that my parents were waiting for me in the parlor. I told the butler to grab the bags and take them into the house. We went into the parlor and I ran to give my parents a hug and kiss.

"We missed you a lot son," said my parents.

"I missed you too," I said with a tear in my eye.

I said, "Mom-Dad, these are the members of Nsync, JC, Joey, Chris, Lance, and Justin. Gang these are my parents, Kathy and John."

They all said hi to each other. Justin was standing behind Lance trying to hide from my parents. He was afraid of meeting them.

"Where is Justin," my mother was asking.

"I am right over here," said Justin as he slowly move from behind of Justin.

My mother said, "Come here and have a seat."

"Niles," my father bellowed.

"You called sir," said Niles.

My father told, "Show these boys to their own room."

Niles said, "As you wish sir."

The butler showed the guys to their rooms while Justin and I stayed with my parents.

"Christopher, could you go to your room while we talk to Justin," asked my mother.

"I guess I could, but do I have to," I said.

My dad said, "Please do as your mother told you to do."

I went over to Justin to see if he will be fine and he said yes. As I went down the hall towards my room and heard a strange noise coming from JC's room. I knock on his door and he let me in.

"What's the matter," I asked.

"It is nothing," he said with tears running down his face.

I said, "You can tell me I will understand.

JC said, "Here it goes. Well I have known for a few years that I am bisexual. I don't have a problem with it, but the other guys might. They just found out that Justin is gay and I think it might be to much for them to know that I am bisexual."

"I don't think they will have a problem. They have accepted Justin sexuality and they also accepted me. I don't see why they won't accept you. You should tell them before they find out," I said to him.

"I will tell them after dinner. Oh wait a minute, there is just one more thing. I am jealous of what you have with Justin. I want the same thing, a guy that I can love and that will love me also," said JC.

"Don't worry you will find someone," I said.

"I guess you are right. Thank you for helping me out," said JC.

"You are welcome," I said.


"So Justin, do you love our son, asked my mother.

"Yes, I love you son with all my heart. I would do anything for him. I will be by his side through sick and in health, until death do us part," said Justin.

My mother started to cry and my father even had a tear in his eyes. All they ever want is for me to be happy and they know that Justin can do that. I came running down the stairs to see how Justin was doing. When I noticed that my parents were crying I knew something had happen.

"What happen," I demanded.

"It is nothing, just that Justin is perfect for you," said my mother.

I went over to Justin and I gave him a hug. Then Justin and I went upstairs so I can show him to his room (which was actually my room). We went into my room and he was amazed on how big it was. Justin really enjoyed the king-size waterbed. We started to kiss when there was a knock at the door. The butler came in and said it was time for dinner. Everyone assemble into the dining room. The maid really out did herself for dinner. She made everything from vegetable trays to salads to lobster. Everything was great and we finished up all the food. My parents excused themselves from the table because they had an appointment that they had to go to. We all said good bye to them. Joey started to get up...

"Wait Joey," said JC.

"What is it," asked Joey.

JC said, "Well I have been talking to Christopher and he has been a great help to what I have to say."

Lance asked, "Are you OK?"

JC said, "Here it goes. I have been keeping a secret from you guys. I-I-I-mm bisexual."

"Is that what was bothering you lately," asked Chris.

"Yes. I was afraid that you guys weren't going to accept it. Since Justin came out with his sexuality and if I came out with mine then it would have been too much for you to accept at one time. I am sorry that I couldn't trust you guys," said JC with tears in his eyes.

Joey said, "We still love you no matter what your sexuality is."

Everyone got up and gave him a hug. Then JC came up to me and gave me a hug and said Thank you.

"Who wants to go clubbing tonight," asked Lance.

"I do," said JC, Chris, and Joey.

"Do you two want to go," asked Chris.

"No, we want to stay home," said Justin.

Chris, JC, and Joey left to go to the club. Justin and I went to the entertainment room and started to watch some movies. While watching the movie Justin started to rub my thigh but I didn't make a response to it.

"Fine, if you don't want to be with me then I am going to bed," said Justin.

"I do want to be with you, I just have something on my mine," I said to ease his pain.

Justin Asked, "What is it?"

I said, "I was thinking about JC."

"What!" said Justin.

I said, "I was thinking about what he said to me earlier today while you were talking with my parents."

"What did he say to you," Justin asked.

"He told me that he was jealous of you because you have me. He also told me that he want a guy that he can love and that would love him back," I said.

"I feel so sorry for him, I wish that I could do something for him," said Justin.

I said, "I got it!"

"What is it," said Justin.

"I could hook him up with my best friend Doug. He has been my best friend for 10 years. He just lives 15 minutes from here. It will be perfect," I said.

"Are you should he could be trusted with our secret," asked Justin with concern.

"Yes he can. I assure you of that. He even told me that he thinks that JC is great looking," I commented.

"Why don't you give him call now," said Justin.

I went into the Parlor and dial Doug's phone number. It rang three times and he picked up.

"Hey Doug, this is Christopher," I said.

"Hello, How are you doing," asked Doug.

"I am doing great. I have a new boyfriend," I commented.

Doug asked, "What is his name?"

I said, "You can't tell anyone who I am going out with."

"OK I won't say anything," said Doug with excitement.

"I am going out with Justin Timberlake from Nsync," I said.

"You are such a liar," said Doug.

I said, "I am telling you the truth."

Justin took the phone from me and started to talk to Doug.

"Hello Doug, this is Justin," said Justin.

"Oh my God," Doug kept on saying.

Justin said, "Calm down!"

"I am sorry---it is just I can't believe that my best friend is going out with you. He is so lucky to have someone like you," said Doug.

"It was nice to talk with you, but Christopher has something to say to you. I will see ya later," said Justin.

"OK Doug, I have to ask you a question. Are you see anyone right now," I asked.

"No I am still single, of course, like always," said Doug with sadness in his voice.

"Well why don't you come over to my house tomorrow for dinner with me and Justin, and of course your blind date," I said.

Doug commented, "You know I don't like blind dates. They never work out. Where did you meet this guy?"

I said, " I have know him for some time now. He will be perfect for you."

"I will be there. What time do you want me there," asked Doug.

"Be here at six o'clock," I said.

"OK, I will see you tomorrow," said Doug.

I said, "Bye."

We both hung up the phone. Justin and I retired to the bedroom.

To Be Continue...

Author's Note: I am sorry there was not any sex in these chapters. I just wanted to introduce some new people. Please send me any comments or suggestion to NiteBoi78@aol.com Please include the title of the story in the subject heading.

Next: Chapter 3: Justin and Chris Forever 5 6

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