Justin and Chris Forever

By moc.loa@87ioBetiN

Published on Jun 9, 1999


This story is complete fiction (wish it wasn't, but it is), so I am not implying anything about Justin Timberlake or any other members of the Nsync. I hope you all enjoy this story! This story is completely a FANTASY! This story is copyright, please to do not distribute or distort it in any way without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation. Please send any comment to NiteBoi78@aol.com.

Author's Note: Throughout the rest of this story I will be called Christopher and the Nsync member as Chris. I am sorry for taking so long with this installment, but I have been busy with school and work. I also like to thank Doug for all their help.

Chapter Five

I woke up early. I look at the clock at it said 7am. I then turn to see him sleeping so peaceful, I thought to myself on how lucky I am to have him. I leaned over and gave him a kiss. He started to wake up.

"What time is it," asked Justin.

"It is after 7am," I said. "Go back to sleep and I will wake you up later. I am going to take a shower."

Justin said with a grin, "Just wake me up when you are finish so I can take one after you."

I went into the bathroom and I started to fill up the tub with hot water. I slid off my boxers and slowly got into the tub. While I was washing, I was thinking on how I could stay with Justin. I got out of the tub and it was 8:30am. I told Justin It was his turn to take a shower. I told him I would be downstairs. I went into the kitchen to start preparing breakfast. Then Justin came down.

"You know how to cook," asked Justin.

"Yes I do. I love to cook," I said.

"Why are you cooking for," asked Justin.

I told him, "I told the Niles and Winifred that they could have the day off."

I went into to the kitchen and started to get things ready. I went to the cabinet and got out the pans and utensils that I would need. Then I went into the pantry and got out the ingredients. First I made some blueberry pancakes. Then I made three varieties of omelets. Then I made some bacon and ham. Then I made homemade biscuits and gravy. Finally I made homemade orange juice and some coffee.

"Justin, can you set the table, while I wake up everyone," I asked.

I went upstairs to wake up everyone. I woke up Chris, then Joey, and Lance. I went to my parent's room and woke them up. I knock on the door.

"Who is it," asked my mother.

"It me your son," I said.

My father said, "Come in."

I walk into their room and told them breakfast was ready. The told me they would be down in 15 minutes. I went into JC's room and I tried to wake him up, but no answer. I open his door and went to his bed and I started to shake him.

"What time is it," asked JC.

"It is 10am and time for breakfast," I said.

JC got out his bed. He didn't realize that he was nude. I quickly turned around.

JC asked, "What's the matter with you?"

I said, "Well, you are naked."

JC started to blush. Then JC came over to me and we both leaned in and kissed each other. Then I started to rub my hand down his back to his ass. Then I open my mouth so he can let his tongue slide in. Then I broke the kiss.

"What am I doing? I love Justin," I said out loud.

I quickly ran out of the room and slammed the door. Then I went into my room and started to cry. Everyone retired to the dining room where all the food was set up.

"Where is Christopher," asked Justin.

"I don't know," said JC nervously.

"Niles--Winifred," my father bellowed.

Justin said, `They are not here. Christopher gave him the day off."

John said, "Thanks you for letting me know."

"I will go up to Christopher's room to see what's the matter," said Justin with concern in his voice.

Justin went upstairs to my room and knock on the door, but I didn't answer. Justin opened the door and saw me crying into my pillow. He walked up slowly to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I jumped up a little and saw that Justin was there. I went back crying in my pillow.

"What is the matter," asked Justin.

"NOTHING," I said.

"You know you can tell me," said Justin.

I said, "Here it goes. I went into JC's room to wake him up. When he got out of bed he was naked. Then he walked over to me and we both kissed each other. Then I ran out of his room. I am so sorry Justin. I never meant to hurt you."

"What! How can you do that to me? I thought you love me," said Justin with anger and pain.

"I am sorry. I love you with all my heart and soul," I said. "Please forgive me. I didn't me to hurt you. It was a mistake," I said.

Justin said angrily," How can I forgive you. You cheated on me."

Then JC came walking into the room.

"Get the hell out of here. How could you do that to me, I thought you were my friend," Justin yelled at him.

"Don't blame Christopher for this, it was all my fault," said JC.

Justin just sat there thinking about what had happen. He came to the conclusion that it was a mistake and they are sorry for it.

"I forgive you both. Do not let it happen again," said Justin.

Justin came over and gave JC a hug then he walked over and gave me a deep kiss.

"We better get back before all the food is gone," said Justin.

Justin and I went downstairs. When we got there they was some food left.

I said, "Thanks for saving us some food."

"You are welcome," said Lance.

"Everything was great son," said my mother.

"Yes it was," said everyone else.

My father said, "Your mother and I will be home late tonight. Make sure you stay out of trouble."

"I promise," I said.

My parents went to work. I started to clear the table and Justin started to help. The other guys went to the parlor.

"Why don't you take the other guys out and I can get setup for tonight," I said.

"Okay I will do that. Tell the other guys what we are doing so they can stay out later so they won't bother us," said Justin.

We finished the dishes and we headed for the parlor.

"What do you guys want to do," asked Justin.

"How about we go to the mall," said Chris.

"Of course you would say that," said Joey.

Chris yelled, "Shut up."

"Are you coming JC," asked Lance.

JC said, "Yes. Let me go up stairs to fix my hair."

JC went upstairs to fix his hair. While he was upstairs Justin filled in the guys what they are planning to do.

"Okay Christopher and I are going to fix JC up with this guy. So I need you three to go somewhere and not to be home before 9pm."

"How are you going to get JC back here," asked Joey.

Around 5:30pm I will mention that I am not feeling well and have JC take me back to the house," said Justin.

"Okay will do," said Lance.

JC came running down the stairs ready to go. They all left and I went to the phone and called Doug.

"Hello," said Doug.

"Hey Doug. How is it going," I asked.

Doug said, "Well I am a little nervous on meeting this guy. I don't know if I am going to like him or he is going to like me."

I said to comfort him, "Trust me you will love him. Why don't you come here now and help me set up?"

"Okay I will be there in fifteen minutes," said Doug.

"Remember to dress up," I said.

We hung up the phone and I started to prepare an Italian meal. I started to prepare my secret spaghetti sauce. I started to dice the tomatoes, when the doorbell rang. I open the door and it was Doug. I gave him a hug and a kiss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE Doug is 6"1, 190lbs, brown hair and eyes, and great looking.

"You look great," I said.

"Well you don't," said Doug while laughing.

I said, "Thanks!"

It was five o'clock and dinner was almost ready. I told Doug to set the table while I take a shower and dress.


The guys we walking around the mall. Justin spotted a jewelry store. He went and started looking at the merchandise. Justin saw a gold chain with an arrowhead charm on it. So he told the lady to wrap it up and he purchase it with his credit card. Justin was getting hungry so he headed to the food court. As he was walking through the food court he saw JC sitting alone at a table. Justin went over to Justin.

"What the matter JC," asked Justin.

"Oh nothing, just thinking," JC said.

"You can tell me, I am your friend," said Justin.

JC said, "I am just wondering if I am to find anyone to love."

Justin said, "Don't worry about it, you will find someone. You need to trust me."

"Thanks Curly," said JC.

"You are welcome," said Justin.

Justin looked at his watch and noticed it was 5:15pm and he knew he had to get JC to the house so Justin told JC that he wasn't feeling well. He told JC he wanted to go home. They found the other guys and told them about Justin. They told JC to take him home because they wanted to see a movie.


I just got out of the shower and started to dress for the dinner party. I looked at my watch and it was 5:45pm. Then I came down to see how Doug was doing. Just as I reached the Dining Room there was a knock at the door. It was Justin and JC.

"Hello, what are you guys doing back," I asked.

"Justin had a headache, so I took him home while the other guys are still out," said JC.

"Are you OK hun," I asked.

Justin said, "Yes I am felling better."

"Why don't you two go upstairs and take a shower and get ready for dinner. Please dress up because I have invited a friend of mine to dinner," I said.

Before they went upstairs, I whispered to Justin to fill in JC on what we are doing. Justin and JC went upstairs to get ready.

"Hey JC," said Justin.

"What do you want," asked JC.

"I have a confession to make. I don't have a headache. I just want you to come back with me because Christopher and I have set you up on a blind date. Christopher wanted to do something for you," said Justin.

JC commented, "You two are so wonderful. Thank you."

I went into the dining room to make sure everything was ready. Doug sat at the table nervous as ever. I told him that everything would be OK. Justin and JC entered the dining room and JC's eyes met with Doug's eyes instantly.

"Justin-JC this is my friend Doug," I said.

"Nice to meet you Doug," said Justin.

Doug extended his hand out, "Nice to meet you too."

When JC shook Doug's hand, he felt an electrical shock through his hand.

"Doug, this is your date JC," I said.

Doug whispered to me, "Thanks."

We all sat down to enjoy the wonderful dinner. Doug and JC hit it off right away. We talk about everything from their lives and Doug's life. After Dinner we all retired to the living room to watch some television.

It was getting late so I told Doug that he could spend the night at my house. I showed Doug to his room. JC went straight to bed. A half-hour later, Justin and I went to my room and went to sleep.

Chapter Six

It was three in the morning and I was awoken for some reason. I look over and saw Justin sleeping in his bed. I need to take a walk. I got up and put on some clothes and proceeded to leave the house. I was walking down the street towards the park. I came to the swing set. I sat down and thought about the last two weeks of my life.

I thought to myself: First I met my favorite music group. Then I met them and I fell in love with Justin and he fell in love with me. Then we started to date. Then Doug is going out with JC. My life couldn't get any better. It was getting late so I decided to go home and get some more sleep.

As I was walking and guy came from behind me and said, "This is a stick up, don't turn around."

"What do you want," I asked nervously.

"Give me your wallet," demanded the man.

I gave him the wallet and he also took my watch off my arm.

"I am going to leave now so don't turn around," said the man.

Then it happen -- BANG!

The bullet hit me in my back and I fell to the ground. A lady ran out of the house and went to my side. She checked my pulse and I was still alive.

She yelled out, "Help! Someone call 911."

The lady's husband came out and asked, "What?"

"This kid had been shot. Call 911," she said.

Her husband called the police and reported the accident. Within Minutes the ambulance came and was taken to the hospital. The lady came with me. I arrived at the hospital and immediately taken to the ER.

The nurse asked they lady want happen. She filled the nurse in on what she found out. Then the police came in and she told them.

"Does anyone know what his name is," asked Officer Brown.

The lady spoke up, "I believe his name is Christopher Sommer."

Officer Brown asked, " What is your name? How do you know that?"

"My name is Sue Eller. I found his wallet a few feet away from him. I think he was held up for his money," said Sue.

Sue gave the officer my wallet and he proceeded to call my parents. The officer dialed my phone number. The phone rang.

"Hello," said my mother.

"Is there a Mr. or Mrs. Sommer there," asked the officer.

"This is Mrs. Sommer. May I help you," inquired my mother.

The officer said, "I have some bad news. You son has been shot and he is at Memorial Hospital."

"Oh my God. What happened," asked my mom hysterically.

The officer said, "To my knowledge, he was being robbed and was shot. He is in critical condition, please come to hospital as soon as possible."

My mother hung up the phone and woke up my father. My mother went to wake up the guys and father woke up the maid and butler. They all rushed to the hospital. They arrived at the hospital in ten minutes.

"Where is my son, Christopher," demanded my mother.

The nurse said, "He is being operated on. The doctor will be out to talk with you."

They all sat in the waiting room. My parents were pacing. Justin sat in the corner crying.

"Why God Why? Please don't let him die," said Justin in between tears.

JC and Doug walked over to Justin. JC put his arms around Justin to comfort him.

"He will be all right," said JC.

Justin asked, "How do you know that?"

"He will not die. He will fight for this because he loves you," Doug said.

"Thanks guys for being such great friends," said Justin as he gave both of them a hug.

Four hours later the doctor finally came out.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sommer," asked the doctor.

"Yes," said my parents.

The doctor said, "I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that your son made it through the operation. The bad news is that the bullet had damaged a part of vertebrae. He may or may not be able to walk again."

"Oh my God," said my mother.

"It will be ok," said my father.

The doctor said, "he has been asking for you two and someone named Justin."

The doctor ushers my parents and Justin to my room. My parents just watch me resting in my bed. Justin stayed in the back.

"Mom--Dad, where am I? What happened to me? Why can't I feel my legs," I asked.

My mom said, "You have been shot. The bullet had damaged one of your vertebra. You might not be able to walk again."

"What," I yelled in disbelief.

I started to cry because I am cripple and that Justin probably left me. My parents left my room when Justin came up to my bed.

"What's the matter," Justin asked.

"I thought that you left me because of the accident," I said.

Justin said with love, "I love you with all my heart and soul. Remember through sickness and in health."

Justin leaned down and gave me a long and passionate kiss.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you," I said to Justin.

Justin said, "I am glad you did something. I am glad that you found me."

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said.

Chris entered the room and Justin gave him an evil glare. Chris came in asked Justin to leave and he sat in a chair next to my bed.

I asked, "What do you want?"

"I am sorry for the way I have been acting. If I were nicer to you then you wouldn't have left to go thinking. I was just looking out for him," Chris said with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry about it. I forgive you. Come here and give me a hug," I said.

Chris gave me the hug and we sat there talking for a while.


"I found out from the doctor that Christopher will be release in two weeks. I thought that we could put on a concert with Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys for him,' said Justin.

"I think that will be a great ideal," said Lance.

JC said, "I will call them up with the details tomorrow."

They all sat in the waiting room and they all fell asleep except for Lance. Lance went into my room. I was sleeping because of the medication they had given me. Lance sat down and he held my hand. Why was Lance holding my hand?

To be continue...

AUTHOR NOTE: Please make sure that you keep reading. There will be a mystery love in Christopher's life. Make sure you pay attention to all the clues. The winner with the correct guess will be awarded.

Next: Chapter 4: Justin and Chris Forever 7 8

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