Justin and Chris Forever

By moc.loa@87ioBetiN

Published on Jul 10, 1999


This story is complete fiction (wish it wasn't, but it is), so I am not implying anything about Justin Timberlake or any other members of the Nsync. I hope you all enjoy this story! This story is completely a FANTASY! This story is copyright, please to do not distribute or distort it in any way without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation. Please send any comment to NiteBoi78@aol.com.

Author's Note: Throughout the rest of this story I will be called Christopher and the Nsync member as Chris. I am sorry for taking so long with this installment, but I have been busy with school and work. I would like to thank Rob for is great advice.

Author's Note:

I have really been busy, so I have a co-author for my story now. He has written these two chapters for this segment. This is what he has to say...

Hi all I am a new writer to this series I am helping out NiteBoi78 because he is real busy. Yes he will be back to write chapters I am just a co-author. So I hope you like these next two chapters I wrote them all by myself and please email me at GBboy2001@aol.com and NiteBoi78@aol.com if you like or hate it I'd like to get some feedback to help me next time I try something like this. Well enjoy the story.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7

I woke up to find Lance still holding my hand and I wondered about it? "I guess it is nothing he is just being a good friend," I thought.

"Hey sleepy-head you had us scared especially Justin," Lance sincerely said. "I'm really glad your ok too I was just as worried."

Lance then did something that totally caught me off guard he hugged and KISSED me, but it was like a brother type thing, wasn't it?

Just then we heard the doorknob turning so Lance let go of me and got up to leave getting a look of suspicion from Justin.

"Hey Hun how you feeling?" Justin asked.

I honestly said, "I'm alright just a little stiff, I still can't feel my legs."

AUTHORS NOTE: I am now skipping ahead to the week after the hospital as to save you the reader pointless information and why I have skipped will become clear as this story progresses. And just so you know the boys did take an extra week off to be with Christopher.


Well it has been one week since my robbery, I am happy to say that my broken vertebrae was not as bad as they thought and I should be able to walk in a few months with a lot of physical therapy. I am so happy, but to recap on my week in the hospital it was just mostly Justin babying me and taking care of me and the guys would come and see me.

I never did get a chance to talk to Lance yet about what happened in the hospital room after I woke up, partly cause I was embarrassed, but mostly because Justin never left my side. Now I am at home sitting in my room. I sent Justin out clubbing with the guys after I convinced him I'd be all right.

It was late so I decided to watch a bit of television, but that really didn't work out as that I was so glad to be back in my own bed I fell right asleep.


"I'm really worried about Christopher I think I should go check on him," Justin said concerned.

Chris then said, "Come on Just Christopher is fine and anyway you have been at his side for this past week you need to give each other some space."

Justin just shot him a look of confusion and hurt.

Lance then interjected, "Justin he's right you just left him for the first time in like 8 days. I'll go check on him if it will make you feel better."

"Ok, but if something is wrong call me on my cell and I'll be right there," said Justin.

Lance stood at attention, "Yes Sir!"

All the guys laughed.

"You ass," Justin said jokingly.

Just as Lance was leaving he heard the DJ say that 'N Sync was in the house and Lance knew he had left at the right time cause he didn't feel like being mobbed by fans.

Lance caught a cab outside of the club and all the way to Christopher's house all he could think of was strange feelings he was having lately about men namely, Christopher.

"Could I be in Gay," Lance questioned himself? "Do I like Christopher like that, but that is crazy he is going out with my best friend."

Just then the cab rolled up to the gate and they were buzzed in and Lance used his key to get in (Christopher's parents gave all the boys keys so they would feel welcome.) and he went up to Christopher's room and knocked on the door.

Christopher immediately woke at the knock. "Come in," he said.

"Hey how you feeling," Lance asked.

"I'm ok just a little lonely you know I miss you guys and Justin when you're gone," Christopher said.

Lance then sat on the bed and was patting my leg through the covers, now I don't even think Lance was totally aware he was doing this.

"Um Lance can I ask you a question?" I asked nervously.

"Shoot," Lance said enthusiastically.

Just as I was about to ask Lance the question that had been heavy on my mid and I knew would change our relationship and mine with Justin and the group the worst possible thing in the world happened, Justin walked in.

"What's going on guys," Justin said.

Lance and I both jumped at the sound of his voice.

"I thought I told you to go out to the club and get out and have some fun," I said a bit angry.

"Well you know I hate to stay away from you too long babe," Justin said shuffling across the floor.

"I guess I'll leave you guys alone I need to go talk to JC and the guys about some things. I'll see you later Christopher," Lance said motioning Justin into the hall.

"I'll be right back babe don't go anywhere," Justin said.

"I don't think I could even if I wanted to," I said jokingly.

'I wonder what they are talking about I thought.'

Five minutes later Justin came back into the room and he sat on the bed.

I stared at him for a sec trying to find out what he and Lance were talking about. He saw me trying to read him and immediately changed the subject. I made a mental note to find out what they were talking about one way or another.

"So what do you want to do," Justin said nervously.

I didn't want him to be nervous so I changed my mood. "Well you know what I want to do, but the doctor said that I can't have too much physical exertion," I said laughing my ass off.

"Well why don't we watch a movie or something, Hey I know I'll go and get a good horror flick and we can have a slumber party, we can paint each others toe nails and do the others hair," Justin said in a high girlie voice.

All I could do was laugh while Justin left and went to the video store.

Chapter 8

I really had to piss bad so even though it took me like ten minutes to get out of the bed and onto my crutches, I had learned how to use them to walk even though I still can't move my legs all that much. As I was going back to my room I heard the guys talking now I am usually not a snoop, but I heard JC say "its all setup he'll never suspect." Well this peak my curiosity, but I knew I wouldn't have time to make it back to my room before being caught so I went back to wait for Justin.

I had not been in my room at least one minute before Justin came bounding in, 'I just made it,' I thought.

"So what'd you get," I asked a little out-of-breath

"Well let's see I got some classics like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer and some new ones like Scream 2 and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer," said Justin grinning.

"Now you know if I watch all that scary shit I will not be able to go to bed," I said.

"Well you can snuggle up with me if you want," Justin said grinning for ear-to-ear.

"Oh well then why don't we get started on that now," I said pulling him in for a kiss. We were kissing passionately I opened my mouth and let his tongue in we wrestled like this for 5 minutes and I knew where this would go, but I didn't care I started to put my hands under his shirt and feel him all over. I unbuttoned his shirt and was kissing and biting his nipples when there was a knock at the door.

"GO AWAY," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"It's me JC, and Doug," said JC.

"Hold on a sec JC," Justin said.

"Babe look you know we can't be doing this I even forgot for a sec I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself cause your just so cute and I want this too, but we got to wait until you get better. So I invited Doug and JC to watch the movies with us," he said buttoning his shirt. He went and opened the door and Doug and JC came in.

"Hope we didn't interrupt anything," JC said looking at me unsure.

"Nah JC actually I'm glad you did interrupt," I said realizing Justin was right.

Since I had such a big bed we all got in and Justin popped in the Scream. I was lying in Justin's arms and he was playing with my hair. I was totally in the movie and I had never seen it before so I was surprised to find out at the end that there were two killers. The guys got a laugh out of how excited I got by it. Out of the corner of my eye I would see Doug and JC kissing secretively, but by the time we were at the end of the movie they were making out right in front of us.

I cleared my throat and they turned 20 shades of red as they came up for air they obviously forgot where they were.

Justin put in I Know What You Did Last Summer and again I hadn't seen this movie, but I was not as excited as in Scream. I was more interested in Justin and I was playing a little game with him. I was rubbing him threw his jeans he was letting me do it so he must not have cared. Justin let out a little cry and Doug and JC jumped asking what was wrong he said he had a sharp pain, but I knew I had relieved him of some pain at least.

Justin whispered in my ear, "Thanks, I needed that."

About 20 minutes later the movie was over and JC and Doug were leaving, but I stopped Doug and asked if I could talk to him alone for a minute. JC and Justin then left my room.

"What's up Christopher," Doug asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Well I noticed you and JC are pretty hot and heavy," I said.

"You know I like him a lot and I'm thinking about making love with him," he said sincerely.

"Are you sure its love or is it lust," I asked concerned for his feelings.

"I know that I love him even though I have only known him a short time, but I don't know how he feels," Doug said honestly.

"I just hope you make the right decision," I said as he bent down to hug me.

Doug then left and Justin came back. I saw a concerned look on his face and I just gave him a reassuring nod, he then got into bed with me and we drifted off to sleep holding each other.


"Babe, can I ask you a question," asked Doug hesitantly.

"You can ask me anything," JC said. "Does this have anything to do with what you and Christopher were talking about."

"Yeah it does. OK here goes I want to make love to you not because I want to get off, but only cause I do love you, but I wanna know do you love me too," Doug said in one breath.

"I, I, I, I have been feeling the same way I just didn't know how to say it," JC said as he embraced Doug.

They started passionately kissing and Doug slipped off both of their shirts and before JC knew it they were both naked and feverishly kissing each other all over. Doug started going down towards JC's 8.5" erect cock and he took the tip and teased JC for a bit but JC was moaning so hard that Doug just decided to end his agony and deep-throated him right there. Doug was sucking for about 2 minutes before JC yelled, "ugh babe I'm CUMMING!" Doug gladly drank all 7 loads of JC's cum.

After his first blowjob JC was so tired, but wanted to give Doug the same pleasure. Doug saw how tired JC was and just said we can go to sleep babe I'm happy enough just laying here with you.

The next morning I woke up to here people running around and making a lot of noise I noticed Justin was gone so I put on my clothes and hopped on my crutches. I then took the elevator my dad had installed to the basement. When I got there all the guys were yelling and I was like "What are you guys doing,"

"We got a surprise for you," Joey said.

I never liked when someone with red hair said we have a surprise for you it scared me a bit I thought I'd end up with tattoos and different hair colors.

"Before we tell you lets go outside to the stage," JC said.

See my parents are very important people so we have had personal concerts before so we have a full stage in our backyard.

When we got out to the stage I had pretty much figured out the guys were going to do a concert for me to cheer me up. Niles and Winifred were outside setting g up some chairs for us and I wondered why there were so many when we got there the guys sat down with me, now I was confused.

"Don't you guys have to be up there to perform," I said confused.

"Earth to Christopher we are not performing, but some friends of ours are," Chris said.

Then the unmistakable music of "Baby One More Time" came on at out jumped Britney Spears dancing and singing her little heart out. After she was done with that song she said to me "Hey Christopher our little Justin here tells us you're a good friend of his so I came to sing to you personally just to cheer you up." Then she slowed down and started "Sometimes" by far she had to have the energy of a 5-year-old cause she never stopped dancing. Then she did my favorite song by far "Born To Make You Happy" only because it reminded me of Justin. The guys and me clapped and stood for her then she came down to sit with us.

Then another song I knew started then out popped the second hottest boy band in the world. The Backstreet Boys were doing "Everybody." I love that song and was clapping in yelling like a little girl. The guys saw this and were laughing at me. Justin looked a bit mad.

Then the BSB started to sing "Quit Playing Games With My Heart", "As Long As You Love Me," and their new single "I Want It That Way," during most of those songs I knew Nick Carter was making eye contact with me.

After they were done I hugged all of my new friends and my baby Justin. Then the group got up a did a special song just for me, "I Drive Myself Crazy."

After we were all done making introductions and all that the guys and Britney made their way into the house. Justin told me he had to tell me something.

"Look Christopher there is no easy way to say this, but the BSB and Britney don't no I'm gay so can we please keep it a secret," he said nervously.

"So you mean keep our relationship our love for each other a secret maybe we shouldn't have anything at all Justin," I yelled in tears.

"You know you don't mean that babe come on lets go inside," Justin sad trying to fight back tears.

"No I want to be here by myself why don't you go inside and talk to your friends," I said in my calm, yet he knew I was angry, voice.

He then went into the house and told his band-mates while I was mad and excused himself. Britney and the BSB were at a loss cause they didn't know what was going on. JC then told them that Justin and Christopher had a fight, but obviously he didn't tell them why the fight had happened. While everyone was talking Nick slipped out the back to go see how Christopher was. He walked up to see me bawling.

'I wonder what that bastard Justin did to him,' Nick thought.

"Are you okay," a voice said

Since I had tears in my eyes I only saw Blonde hair so I thought it was Justin. "Justin just leave me alone, I'm not going to talk to you until you tell everyone about..." I stopped then as I thought Justin's hair never lays down.

I looked up and it was Nick Carter staring directly into my eyes. There was a silence then he said, "are you okay." "Oh um I'm fine Justin and me just had a fight," I said wanting to tell him the real reason, but I didn't betray Justin like that.

"Well I know Justin can be a jerk sometimes," he said

"You got that right," I said actually cracking a smile.

Then he just like stared into my eyes and said, "you are so cute."

I sat there not believing what I had heard Nick Carter was flirting with me.

Well that's the end of Chapter 7-8 I hope you guys liked it. So here are the questions that will be answered in chapter 9-10. Is Nick Gay? What about Lance and Christopher? Will Justin and Christopher stay together after their fight? Email me at Gbboy2001@aol.com or email NiteBoi78@aol.com for questions or comments.

Next: Chapter 5: Justin and Chris Forever 9 10

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