Justin and Chris Forever

By moc.loa@87ioBetiN

Published on Aug 16, 1999


This story is complete fiction (wish it wasn't, but it is), so I am not implying anything about Justin Timberlake or any other members of the Nsync. I hope you all enjoy this story! This story is completely a FANTASY! This story is copyright, please to do not distribute or distort it in any way without my permission. Thank you for your cooperation. Please send any comment to Niteboi78@aol.com & GBboy2001@aol.com.

Author's Note: Throughout the rest of this story I will be called Christopher and the Nsync member as Chris. I am sorry for taking so long with this installment, but I have been busy with school and work. I would like to thank Rob for is great advice.

Author's Note: My co-author, Chris and myself wrote these two chapters. I also want to thank Doug, Chris, and everyone who has written to me about my story. I have a new Screen name, please make a note of it. I also want to send out a special thanks to JM, who has help with a great deal and also for the song he has written for this installment. Please read his story "Justin and Brian" and the second chapter "Just Beginning." If you read my story please send me an Email--Hearing from you keeps me going!!!!

ANNOUNCEMENT... I want to congratulate everyone who one an award in the second annual BSB-Nsync Awards. Congratulations to everyone. Maybe next time I can win an award (HaHa).

Previously from the last chapter...

He then went into the house and told his band-mates while I was mad and excused himself from the room. Britney and the BSB were at a loss cause they didn't know what was going on. JC then told them that Justin and Christopher had a fight, but obviously he didn't tell them why the fight had happened. While every one was talking Nick slipped out the back to go see how Christopher was. He walked up to see me bawling.

'I wonder what that bastard Justin did to him,' Nick thought.

"Are you okay," a voice said calmly.

Since I had tears in my eyes I only saw blonde hair so I thought it was Justin. "Justin just leave me alone, I'm not going to talk to you until you tell everyone about..." I stopped then as I thought Justin's hair never lays down.

I looked up and it was Nick Carter staring directly into my eyes. There was a silence then he said, "are you okay." "Oh um I'm fine Justin and me just had a fight," I said wanting to tell him the real reason, but I didn't betray Justin like that.

"Well I know Justin can be a jerk sometimes," he said

"You got that right," I said actually cracking a smile.

Then he just like stared into my eyes and said, "you are so cute."

I sat there not believing what I had heard Nick Carter was flirting with me.

Chapter 9

"What the hell do you think you are doing," I asked angrily. "You are gay-aren't you," asked Nick. I said even angrier, "What does that have to do with anything?" Nick responded, "I am gay and I think you are very attractive." "Thank you for the compliment, but I am currently involved with someone," I said sadly.

I started to cry and Nick noticed this and asked me what was wrong. Nick put his arm around my shoulder to comfort me. I just sat there and cried on his shoulder. I can't believe that Justin could be so cruel.

"What is the matter Christopher," asked Nick finally. I said, "The person who I am going out with haven't told his friends yet that he is gay and we are going out. I think he ashamed of me. What is wrong with me? Why is it that I can never find the right person." "Maybe he has a reason for not tell his friends, maybe he is a afraid we might not accept him," said Nick with care. "What do you mean 'we' would not accept him," I asked him carefully. Nick said, "I notice the way Justin looks at you and how you look at him. I am not blind. I am definitely not stupid. I always thought Justin was gay anyway. Don't worry I won't tell anyone until he does." "Thank you for understanding. I promise not to tell Justin that you hit on me either," I said.

I leaned over and gave Nick and small kiss on the cheek for thanking him. I think Nick will be a great friend. I have a comfort zone when I am with him. Then I started to think about how Justin had hurt me. I just cried on his shoulder again.


JC went upstairs to talk with Justin. "Justin, please let me in," JC said. Justin said, "Come in." JC mention, "I think it is time to tell the BSB and Britney about your sexuality and that you are dating Christopher. You really hurt his feelings. I bet he thinks that you are ashamed of him." Justin looked up with tears in his eyes, "I think you are right, but what if they don't accept it." "If they don't accept it, then they are not your real friends," said JC. "I guess you are right. Let's go downstairs," said Justin.

Justin and JC went downstairs to talk with the guys. Then went into the kitchen and everybody stopped talking and looked up. "Guys, I need to talk to you about something," said Justin with fear in his voice. "What is it hun," asked Britney. "I'm-m-m gay," said Justin as he looked down at the floor. Brian said, "About time you finally told us." "You mean you guys knew," asked Justin in disbelief. "Yes we knew. We saw how you always check out the guys," said AJ. "So you guys don't think I am sick," asked Justin. Brian answered, "Of course not, you see it will be hypocritical of me to hate you because I am gay too." "Well I guess it is my turn. I'm gay too and Doug here is my boyfriend," said JC as he kissed Doug.

Justin went to Brian and gave him a hug. Justin is so happy that he finally told them. He is also relieved that they don't hate him.

"Christopher is also my boyfriend," said Justin. AJ jumped in, "Duh! We see they way you are with him." "Where is Nick," Brian asked worriedly. "Why," Justin asked. Brian said, "You see Nick is also gay and I am afraid he might hit on your boyfriend." 'I have to find him," said Justin.


I asked Nick to help me in my wheelchair. We were talking about everything and everything. I was having so much fun hanging with Nick, but also miserable at the same time. My mind was with Nick, but my heart was with Justin. While we were talking I notice that everyone was coming back.

"Christopher, we need to talk," said Justin. "Keep the hell away from me. I don't want to ever see you again. Nick, Can you take me for a walk," I said. "You keep your hands away from him," Justin yelled at Nick. "Christopher is my friend and he wants me to take him for a walk," Nick yelled back.

As Nick started to move my wheelchair, I saw Justin down on his knees crying. I didn't care right now because he hurt me so much. Nick and I walk for a couple of hours. We talked about everything and anything. I was so comfortable talking with him. He reminds me of Doug. He always was interested in listening to me. He was so comforting. I started to space out thinking about Justin.

"Why did he hurt me so bad," I asked Nick.


Justin was up in his room thinking how he can make it up to me. He thought and thought and he came up with perfected idea. He got JC to help with him.

"JC, I need you help me with the music to this song that I just written for Christopher," asked Justin. JC said, "I do anything I can to help you get Christopher back."

They spent two hours creating the music for the lyrics to the song. Now all they need is for me to come back home. Justin told everyone what he is planning to do and they all decided to help.


"I think it is time we head back home," I said to Nick.

He agreed and we head towards the house. We were still talking and laughing. We arrived at the house and were greeted by Britney.

Britney said, "You guys need to go out back to the stage, Justin has a surprise for you." "I don't think I want to go out there," I said. Britney pleaded, "Please go out there. Justin is really sorry for what he had done."

Britney, Nick and I went outside to the stage. Everyone was out there and all came up and gave me a hug. Up on stage was at the Grand Piano. JC started to play as Justin came out to sing:

Heart & Soul

We've seen the brighter side of the sun We've walked a mile to find our love And though it seems that things will change My heart will be the same Sometimes our words don't connect But when the world is empty, our love is left So please don't let me cry my nights without you Don't let the pain I have be yours too


I know that you still feel the pain And I know that some things will change But there's something that you should know That I love you with my heart and soul

I've never swam a river that had no end Until I found the waters that led to you my friend Thinking about how your love is everlasting Just to have your heart is all I'm asking I know what we said isn't meant to be The pain we inflict won't last an eternity So please don't cry a lonely night without me Because I'm here to make you happy


I know that you still feel the pain And I know that some things will change But there's something that you should know That I love you with my heart and soul


There are people who can't see what I see in you But if I can't say I'm sorry, baby what can I do? Don't walk that line without me to hold your hand Cause I'm here to help you understand


I know that you still feel the pain And I know that some things will change But there's something that you should know That I love you with my heart and soul

I know that you still feel the pain And I know that some things will change But there's something that you should know That I love you with my heart and soul

We've seen the brighter side of the sun We've walked a mile to find our love And though it seems that things will change My heart will be the same

By the end of the song I was crying really hard. The Justin announce so everyone can hear and said:

"Christopher, I was a fool that I didn't tell my friends. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my heart, my soul, my everything. Please forgive me for being such a fool, " Justin said with care and love in his voice.

Justin came down from the stage and gave me the deepest and longest kiss. We kissed for what seem to be hours.

"I am sorry that I have overreacted," I said. "You are not the one to be sorry. I am. I promise that I will not hurt you again," said Justin.


"Bad news guys," said Lance. "What is it Lance," JC said. "Management need us back in Orlando do finish our video shoot. We also have to talk about photo shoots and our upcoming tour," said Lance in one breath. Everyone started to boo and Justin started to cry. "What the matter hun," I asked Justin. "I don't wanna leave you," Justin said in between tears. "Don't worry Justin I won't. I am coming with you. I need to get out of this house for awhile and I want to see Florida and also your family. And of course Doug will be coming with me to help me out when you are working, " I said to Justin. Justin looked into my eyes and gave me the most passionate kiss ever. I started to remove his shirt when the other guys started to cough to get our attention. "Sorry about that guys," I said. "When do you guys have to leave," I asked. "They want us down there as soon as possible," said Lance. "Why don't you guys all go packing. I will drop off Britney and BSB were they want to be and we can go down to Orlando. We can take the jet today," I said.

Everyone went to their room and packed up their close. I told my parents that I was going with them. They told me they loved me and to be careful. I couldn't believe that I packed 10 suitcases full and clothes and personal things. Doug went home to pack and tell his parents and he said he would be back in thirty minutes. I told Niles to call up the two limos, one for the BSB and Britney and the other for Nsync, Doug, and myself. Justin was sitting on my lap in the limo. He fell asleep. He was so cute. We all may small chat until we got to the airport. We all boarded the plane. While we were sitting there, I noticed that Nick was looking down. "Nick and you come in here with me," I said. Justin shot me a look and I mouth, "Trust me."

I took Nick into the office on the jet. "What's the matter Nick," I asked. "I am jealous of you and Justin. I want to have a man that can love me and I can love," said Nick. I asked, "What do you think of Lance?" "What do you mean," Nick asked. I commented, "Do you think he is cute?" "Are you tell me he is gay? I think he is cute," said Nick. I said, "Yes he is gay. Why don't you go out there and talk with him?" We talked for a few minutes and I opened the door. I told Nick to go sit down next to Lance and talk with him. I went back to Justin. I sat my cane down next to the wall and sat in Justin's lap. "What did you talk about with Nick," Justin asked. "When we were talking that day I met Nick, he told me he was gay and I was cute. But I told him I was taken by someone. I also found out that Lance is gay too,' I said. "What!!!!" Justin yelled. "Shhhh," I said. "I don't think wants you guys to know yet. I want those two to fall in love on their own," I added. Justin agreed.

We arrived at the airport with out any fans because they didn't know they would be here today and from a private jet. The BSB and Britney went to their homes. Lance, Chris, and Joey went to their homes. Justin, Doug, JC, and myself went to Justin's home. When we got there, I was placed in my wheelchair and Justin wheeled me up to the door. Justin opened the door and yelled for his mom. "Mom, are you home," yelled Justin. "Justin," his mom said while running to him and giving him a hug. "Why did you tell me you were coming here," asked him mom. "Well it was last minute because management need us to come," said Justin. Then Justin's mom gave JC and hug and kiss. "Hi Lynn," said JC. "Mom, this is Christopher in the wheelchair and Doug. These are friends," said Justin. "Hello Mrs..." I said. "None of that, call me Lynn," said Justin's mom. All of a sudden here come an energetic, blonde hair boy running down the stairs. "Justin," yelled the cute little boy. "How are you doing Jonathan," asked Justin. "Great since you are here. Wanna play with me," said Jonathan. "Maybe later after I talk with mom. This is Christopher and Doug," said Justin. Then Jonathan saw JC and ran to him and said, "Uncle Josh." Then Jonathan went to me and asked, "Why are you in this." I said, "I got hurt and I have to be in this for awhile."

JC and Doug went into the living room to chat. "Hey Jonathan, how about you sit in my lap and I will take you for a spin outside so Justin can talk to your mom," I said. "Yeah," said Jonathan as he ran and jumped into my lap. "Are you okay," said Lynn. "I am fine. I can't feel my legs since the accident," I said to ease her worries. I took Jonathan out for a ride. Justin and Lynn went into her office. "Mom, I have something to tell you. I am gay and Christopher is my boyfriend," said Justin as he looked at the floor. Lynn went up to her son and lifted his chin and said, "I have already knew you were gay. I am your mother I am I know everything. I love you no matter what. I can see that Christopher is perfect for you. He is caring, loving, supportive, and he makes you happy." "I love you mom," said Justin and he gave his mom a hug. "I love you too," said his mother.

I came back inside as Justin and Lynn came out of her office. Lynn came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Welcome to the family." Then she gave me a kiss and hug. Then Justin decided to tell Jonathan about me. "Hey Jonathan, I have something to tell you. Christopher is just not my friend, he is my boyfriend," said Justin. Jonathan said, "Yeah. That is cool." Jonathan ran upstairs to play.

Chapter 10

Author's Note: Hey guys this is the other Chris here to tell you about my chapter. Now it will bounce form one person's point of view to the next so try not to get too confused, but other than that here's Chapter 10 Enjoy!!!!

Christopher and I just looked each other in disbelief as to how Jonathan responded to my news. "Um I think I better go talk to him," Justin said calmly. "Yeah I think your right I think I need to go talk to your mom," said Christopher. I went to go talk to Lynn while Justin went to take care of his little brother.

Lynn and I walked into her office well I had to roll myself in there she offered to do it, but me being my proud self said I could do it myself. "So you have had quite an effect on my son," Lynn said staring at me. "Well you don't know how much Justin means to me I love him like no other," I said sincerely. Lynn said, "I'm just glad he finally found someone that helped him come to terms with who he really is." Lynn then hugged me and I told her about my accident.


I walked into Jonathan's room not knowing what to say I wondered if he actually knew what I meant. Jonathan was playing his video games as usual and was mad I stopped him. "Hey buddy can we talk a sec?" He nodded, "Yeah Justin what's up." I started, "Well you know who Christopher is well he is my boyfriend which means he is like mommy and daddy were." Jonathan then started crying and I wondered why, "Oh no Jon Whets wrong." Jonathan started sniffling, "are you and Christopher gonna get a divorce." "Ha ha no I just meant we love each other like a mommy and daddy do," I said relieved. He instantly perked up, "ok I'm glad I like him." I sat there with him and played Mortal Kombat 4.


Lynn and I talked for a little while I told her all the things about me and Justin meeting, the accident, and I told her about the special concert, but I left out the part about our fight. I also told her about JC and Doug, but of course she knew about JC deep down I thought she thought one day Justin and JC would get together, but she liked me all the same. "Well you guys must be hungry so I'll go in the kitchen and whip something up," Lynn said leaving the office.

I went into the living room with Doug and JC and of course I caught them making out and I cleared my throat a few times, but they didn't hear me so I just turned on MTV to watch videos. About 10 minutes later I think they had to come up for air and they noticed me. "Hey Chris how long you been there," JC said embarrassed. "Well I've been here long enough to know you guys can hold you breathe for 10 minutes," I said busting up laughing. This made JC turn 6 shades of red and Doug just had this look on his face so I knew something was up. "JC can you excuse us a sec," I said. "Sure I'll be upstairs with Justin and Jon bye babe," JC said giving Doug a peck on the cheek.

"Ok Doug what's wrong and don't tell me there's nothing wrong either cause I have known you way too long so spill it," I said stated waiting for an answer. "Well these last few days with JC have been great and I mean really great, but the love is not there like you and Justin have. Don't get me wrong that wouldn't be a problem only if JC didn't know he told me he loved me and I didn't say it back because I don't I was saved cause we were interrupted. We have made love but at the time I think I was confused and it was lust like you said not love. I mean I like him a lot, but love not him not yet," Doug said close to tears. I put my arm around his shoulder and told him it would be ok. "I mean just cause I don't love him instantly doesn't mean I won't grow to love him I just don't want to tell him and have him take it the wrong way. I like him way too much." As I was comforting Doug Lynn Yelled "Dinner" at the bottom of the stairs and you could tell by the way the stampede of feet were coming that they were all hungry. I helped Doug fix his face just as Justin walked in.

"Hungry Babe," Justin asked. "Yeah I'm starved come on Doug let's go eat," I said. When we got to the table of course both couples sat next to each and of course Jonathan sat next to Justin with Lynn at the head of the table. There was Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits, and honey. "Wow Lynn how are we gonna eat all this," I said surprised at the amount of food. "Believe me these boys will eat it all," she said smiling. About 20 minutes later All of us were done eating and she was right Justin, JC, and Doug were shoveling food in their mouths and sucking it down like Hoovers. For dessert we had Chocolate cake and then Lynn told Justin and JC that Lance called and the boys had a meeting with management. So they decided to go to bed and me and Doug decided to go to bed too. Doug and JC slept together and so did Justin and I. After Justin put me into bed he leant down and kissed me and I watched him as he stripped down to his boxers. Did my man have a nice body I let out a whistle and he just giggled. He lay next to me and kissed me goodnight.

I woke up the next morning as pain shot through my legs actual pain, but I was so surprised I screamed. Justin jumped up and saw Jonathan jumping on the bed and my legs. Jonathan hopped on the floor and apologized and Justin asked was I ok and I told him I felt Jonathan jumping on me. He jumped for joy and started screaming too when he saw me actually stand up. JC and Doug came in to see what was going on and they both said at the same time "Oh my god Christopher your standing." They both came in and hugged me and Lynn had the same expression and Justin was jumping up and down like a 5-year-old he hugged and kissed me. I told him he had to get ready for his interview he wanted to stay but I told him to go. He and JC left at 10 and Doug decided to go with them, but I declined. But I swore them to secrecy I wanted to surprise the guys. They reluctantly agreed.

After I called my parents and told them they were overjoyed I decided I was not gonna lounge around the house so I decided to call Nick since we exchanged numbers at the airport I called him up and asked him if we could go out for the day. He was all too happy so you can guess his amazement 20 mins later when he got to the house that I answered the door standing he almost passed out. "Oh my god Christopher you can walk," he hugged me like everyone else and then I told him how it all happened. After that we decided to go out to breakfast and I told Lynn where I was going and that I'd be back mid-afternoon she said ok and we went to Nick's Durango. We made small talk in the car and decided on stopping at an IHOP (International House of Pancakes). "Watch this," Nick said with an evil grin. "Excuse me can I have a secluded table for two," Nick asked the Hostess. She asked for his name not even looking up from her clipboard. "Carter, Nick Carter," Nick said as the hostess finally looked up and I swear to god she freaked and Nick calmed her by giving her an autograph before anyone noticed. Once we got to the table I asked Nick about him and Lance.

"Well Lance is nice and all and man is he cute and you could just get lost in those green eyes, but I don't think it would work the more we talked he seemed like a big brother or even worse another Kevin haha. Seriously though he's more of Brian's type I hope he doesn't feel rejected or anything, but I don't see any potential." Nick stated matter-of-factly. "Well I guess I can't blame you for not liking him what about Brian," I asked. Right then a look of hurt/anger/sadness just crossed his face. Just as I was about to ask him about it our waitress came up and took our orders. I got the pancakes, bacon, and a sprite to drink. Nick grumbled something about bacon, eggs, and orange juice. The woman was in her 40's so she didn't recognize Nick. Once she was out of earshot he started to speak again. "When I first came out it was to Brian he was my best friend in the whole world and I was so afraid of rejection, but then he told me he was gay too and we ended up having sex right then and there. That was our first mistake cause we tried our hand at a relationship, but all we did was fight constantly and we almost broke up the group. Even though the guys were cool with ''us' but we weren't. Brian cheated on me and then when I found out we broke up. I forgave him, and we are better friends than lovers anyway, but there is still the hurt that I was cheated on ya know." I just nodded my head in amazement at how strong Nick was to be so young. We ate our breakfast in silent until the check came. I grabbed for it, but Nick was faster, "unh unh my treat." I said fine and said I'd get lunch he was fine with that.

We decided to go to the mall. 'Florida has to have the biggest malls in the world,' I thought. "So where do you wanna start," Nick said pulling me out of my trance. "Let's go to the Buckle that is my store," I said excitedly. We went into the Buckle and I got 3 new pair of Tommy Jeans Black, Blue Jean, and a pair of Khaki ones. I also got a couple of button down shirts, 2 pairs of Tommy Shorts, 2 pairs of Fubu shorts, and 6 short sleeve shirts. By the time we left there I had 4 bags and spent 700 something dollars. "Why didn't you get anything Nick?" "I just had fun watching you spend the money I thought I was the only shop-a-holic, but you beat me out haha," Nick said smiling. We stopped by a FootLocker and Nick bought out the whole store he got 10 pairs of sneakers. "My damn boy what do you need with all them shoes," I said laughing. "Well you can never have too many shoes haha." We decided to leave after that but I did stop in Abercrombie and Fitch and bought Justin a Baby Blue A and F shirt. As we passed the escalator we decided to stop in the food court to eat lunch cause it was actually an early dinner cause it was already 4 pm. We went to Mickey D's I had a Quarter with Cheese and Fries and Sprite. Nick had a Big Mac, Fries, and Coke. When we were almost finished with lunch we got mobbed by thousands of girls and Nick was signing autographs for like ever. We got back to the Durango at 6 with all of our bags in tow.

"Sometimes I just wanna go out and not get mobbed, but its the price of fame," Nick sighed. "Hey I know you like being famous rather than being a nobody like me," I laughed at myself. "Your not a nobody Christopher your special," Nick said looking into my eyes after what seemed like forever I said "Um I think we should get back to Justin's." We drove back in silence. The whole time I was thinking about why was I looking back into Nick's eyes did I have feelings for him but I love Justin, don't I?

We finally Made it to Justin's at 7 and as soon as I walked in with my 6 bags and Nick by my side Justin screamed, "Where the fuck have you been, and why is he with you (pointing towards Nick)." "Wait a minute, I don't know who the hell you think you are yelling at like you my damn daddy, I ain't your child," I yelled right back at him. "Well I have a right to know when my boyfriend is at, but now I see you were on a little date that's why you didn't want to come to the meeting and shoot this morning," Justin hollered holding back tears. "First of all Nick and I are just friends, Second of all I didn't know I needed to check in with you sir, but you won't have that problem anymore fuck you Justin. Nick can I stay at your place for a while I suddenly can't stand it here anymore," I asked. "Um yeah sure," he said. By now Lynn, JC, Doug, Lance, Joey, Chris and Jonathan were watching. I started to leave as Justin grabbed me I said calmly, "Justin I suggest you take your arm off of me right now before I do something I know you'll regret." With that said he started to cry as I jerked away and I didn't even turn back cause I knew that I'd breakdown if I did. Nick and me pulled out the driveway as everyone comforted Justin. I then did something I knew I shouldn't have done when we got to Nick's house. I kissed him very passionately and we moved into the house kissing and groping. I knew it was wrong, but I had to get back at Justin. This was the way.


"Just like mommy and daddy I knew it you and Christopher are going to get a divorce," Jonathan ran up the stairs screaming and crying.

Well that's it tell us what you think. I know Chris needs to hear your comments and so do I these e-mails are what keep us going. Until next time you guys. Here are the million dollar questions...Is this it for Justin and Chris? Is there a Nick and Chris now? What about Brian and Lance? Is that a good connection? Email us and let us know. Niteboi78@aol.com & GBboy2001@aol.com.

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