Justin Saved Me

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Mar 24, 2001


Hey...it's me again, RBD, I've written a couple of stories before in the boybands section: "Dreams Can Come True" and "Searching for Lost Souls", so if you haven't read them, then please do because Chapter 2 of "SFLS" has a good sex scene. Speaking of sex there isn't any in this chapter, maybe in the next :)

Now here's the part that we all love: the disclaimer... wait, you mean you didn't come here to read the disclaimer? Well read it anyway. If you're not 18 (21 in some places) then why the hell are you here? If you find m/m sexual situations offense, then why are you here? And finally: I don't know any of the members of NSync, meaning that this is a WORK OF FICTION, and not meant to imply anthing about any member of NSync being gay.

E-mail me with your comments/question/whatever at reallybigdreamer@yahoo.com and don't by shy I love fan mail, even if it says you don't like the story, so write me, ok?

Justin Saved Me by RBD (Really Big Dreamer)

Chapter 1: A Chance Meeting

"Please...please don't do this..." the woman across the table from me pleaded as tears streamed down her face.

"Sorry, bitch, but you knew the deal," I replied, "you talk, you die...and yesterday you talked."

I slowly pulled the trigger of the gun in my right hand and the barrel flared, the woman across from me fell back against the counter and knocked over most of the dishes there and then fell to the floor.

"And...cut!" shouted the director, "thank you everybody, that's it for today, see everyone tomorrow!"

"Good job, Sarah," I told the girl as she picked herself up off of the floor, she was a new actress and really talented, but was shy and needed some encouragement.

"Thanks, Mike," she said with a smile.

I headed to my trailer and changed before I left, I yawned and thought about finally being able to sleep. I was slowly draining myself of all energy by filming at night and promoting a different movie, which was slated for release in a week, during the day.

I may have started out an actor, but I was also a multi-platinum recording artist. I hit it big two years ago when I costarred with Julia Roberts in a movie called `Turning the Tables Back', which was a huge hit. A song I sang during a scene in the movie earned me a song on the soundtrack and that led to a record deal with Maverick Records. My first CD came out a little over a year ago and went diamond (that's 10 million copies sold) in the U.S. and sold 21 million copies worldwide. I wanted to stay fresh in people's minds so I filmed another movie, the one slated for release in a week, and recorded my sophomore album, which is due for release in a month. I've done all that and I'm only twenty-three.

I looked at myself in the mirror, the fake blood was still splattered on me, I wiped it off my face with a nearby tissue and changed into a pair of khakis and an American Eagle shirt. I stood 5'10" with a slender build with had blonde hair and blue eyes. I hopped into my new Porsche and sped off.

I crawled into the bed of my New York loft at four in the morning and new I had to get up in four hours to get ready for the Rosie O'Donnell Show live at ten, but I pushed that out of my mind as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


"I hate that alarm clock," I mumbled to myself as I turned off the malevolent machine.

I pried myself from the bed and struggled into the shower. I changed into a pair of blue jeans and an AE shirt and headed downstairs. I climbed into my Porsche and drove off. The sole advantage of filming this movie was that it was being shot not too far outside New York, so I could stay in my own place instead of a hotel room and there are plenty of places to promote my up-and-coming movie in New York.

I got to the show at a little after nine and of course they picked out different clothes for me to wear and put makeup on me so I looked good for the cameras. I was the first guest on the shows so I had twenty minutes of airtime, minus the two three-minute commercial breaks in between.

Once that was over with I was going to head back home for another hour or two of sleep before I did TRL later the same day, but my cell phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Mike, it's me," said the voice on the other end of the line, "I'm in town to do a spot on the Late Show later on today, wanna get some lunch?"

I recognized the voice right away.

"Sure, Ryan," I replied to the `Cruel Intention' hunk, "meet me at Kung Chung's Chinese Palace in a half hour, is that alright?"

"I figured that's where you'd wanna go," he laughed.

"Hey, I love Chinese, the place is secluded from the prying eyes of fans and the press, and they do serve you fast," I answered.

"Alright, a half hour, see ya," he said before I hit the `end' button.

I pulled into the parking lot Kung Chung's about fifteen minutes later and was seated at my usual booth, the corner, to be out of the way.

"Mr. Michael, you return, good," said Kung Chung, the owner, as he walked over, "you are my best customer, what can I get you?"

"Please, I've asked you before to call me Mike, that way no one will notice me," I replied as I took off my sunglasses.

"Alright, Mr. Mike," he said, "what can I get you."

I wanted to laugh, his English was obviously not good and he wouldn't drop the Mr.' or Ms.' from whomever he addressed.

"Just a glass of Diet Coke for now, I'm waiting for friend," I said with a smile.

"Who is your friend? That way I have waiter escort him to your table," he asked with a grin.

"He's been here before, he knows where I sit so he won't need an escort, but thank you anyway," I smiled again, Kung always made me smile at his innocent kindness.

"Alright, Mr. Mike, I will get you your diet drink," he replied before he walked away.

I picked the menu up from the table and began to look over it, I knew what I was going to have, but I needed something to pass the time, but the reading was slowly putting me to sleep.

"Hey, Mike," Ryan said as he sat down, he had woken me from my slow drifting.

"Oh, hi Ryan," I said with a smile.

"Were you sleeping?" he asked.

"Yeah...I think I was about to..." I answered, he laughed.

"Well, what have you been doing?" he asked after a moment.

"Slowly killing myself," I said, "the movie we're filming now, Eternity's End' is a gangster story and it mostly takes place at night, so I film from sundown to three in the morning, drive home and get to sleep at four. Then during the day I promote my new film Hayseed' and I'm not getting any sleep."

"What's `Hayseed' about?" he asked.

"It's a comedy," I explained, "it takes place in New York..."

"You take parts of New York stories," Ryan interrupted as Kung walked over with my drink.

"What can I get you?" he asked.

We ordered and he left.

"Well I don't like the west coast that much, Ryan, I hate earthquakes...I'd rather deal with the sewer alligators here," I explained with a laugh, "anyway, in the movie I play the lead of a guy who grew up in Northern New York, but moved to New York City to get away from the slow country life. Then my cousin, who rather likes the country pace moves to New York to attend a university here. Well we never got along up north so when he moves here my character doesn't attempt to find him until the guy gets mugged then I take pity on him and he moves in with me and it becomes an `Odd Couple'-like situation."

"I see," he said, "oh, crap, I think that couple over there noticed us."

"Well, someone would have sooner or later..." I complained.

"Excuse...excuse me..." the young woman from the couple at the table came over.

"Yes?" Ryan asked.

"Are you Justin Timberlake from NSync?" she asked.

I begin to laugh, Ryan hated being confused with Justin.

"No," he said bluntly.

"Have you ever seen `Cruel Intentions'?" I asked.

"Oh my God you're..." she gasped.

"Yes..." Ryan said smugly, "I'm Ryan Phil..."

"Your Michael aren't you!?!" the woman cut off Ryan.

"Yes," I chuckled, but I felt sorry for Ryan.

"Can I have your autograph?" she dug out a piece of paper and a pen, "I'm so sorry for disturbing you, mister..." she said to Ryan.

"You know, Ryan was in `Cruel Intention'," I tried to stick up for Ryan.

"Uh-huh..." the woman trailed off as she walked away reading what I had wrote her.

"I'm sick of being confused with Justin Timberlake," Ryan complained, "I'm sure no one goes up to Justin and asks `are you Ryan Phillipe?'..." Ryan complained.

"Hey," I said, "I think that you're cuter than Justin..."

"Yeah..." Ryan said, "to bad you're gay....

"Excuse me?" I acted as if I was offended.

"He gets all the girls and he's probably is gay, I get the gays and I'm straight..." he chuckled, "oh good, here comes our food."

After lunch Ryan went to film the Late Show that would be aired later that night, but I had to do something to pass the time so I shopped for about an hour and then headed to MTV Studios and was escorted to the dressing room. Again clothes were picked out for me to wear and makeup people worked their magic, but then the time finally came...

"And here he is ladies and gentlemen, we all know him simply as Michael..." Carson said.

I walked out we talked for a few and then went to the number five video, when we came back he said we were going to commercial. During the commercial he told me the questions he was going to ask so I'd be prepared and then we came back, God I hate live TV. We talked and then went to video number four, he asked me if I wanted to stay for the rest of the show, I agreed.

We came back again and he said that we were going to play a game with the audience, but first we had to go to the TRL special edition video, NSync's remake of Janet Jackson's classic song `That's the Way Love Goes', but before the video started a man burst onto the stage.

"Hey, if they could vote for it we'd be number one, Carson," said the young beauty that I recognized right away.

Carson looked bewildered for a moment as the audience went wild.

"Everyone, a special, unannounced guest, Justin Timberlake from NSync is here and we'll see why after this..." he trailed off as the he pointed into the camera and the video began.

I was attracted to Justin and was nervous around him although I normally didn't get crushes, but he was sooooooo good looking...

"Hey man," Justin said as he shook my hand, "nice to meet you..."

"Yeah," I replied as we chatted for a second.

"We're back in five," said the cameraman.

Well after going through the rest of the countdown without any more surprise guests I said goodbye to Carson and headed back to the dressing room. As I pulled the tight sweater over my head there was a knock at the door.

"It's open," I said as I put the sweater on the nearby couch.

"Oh...your busy...I'll come back later..." Justin said as he poked his head around the corner.

"No, it's fine..." I said as I sat down and took off my shoes, "I don't have anything you haven't already seen."

"Yeah..." Justin chuckled nervously.

I stood up and loosened the belt around my waist and let my pants drop to reveal my silk boxers. I stepped out of my pants and put them on top of sweater on the couch where Justin was now sitting.

"Anything you want?" I asked. I found that I was undressing in front of him slightly arousing to me, but unfortunately he was making any indication of interest. I put on the jeans and AE shirt I had originally been wearing.

"Uh, yeah," I noticed Justin shift his pants. Was he trying to hide something?

"And that would be...?" I trailed off.

"Do you wanna get a drink tonight, I'm here alone for the next few days, and you know the town pretty well..." he explained, "besides you seem to be the guy that everyone wants to meet today. Your huge success in music and movies must make you an interesting person."

"I guess..." I said, "but I can't, I'm filming tonight, you wanna come to the set? It's gonna be long, boring, and tedious...no better way to get to know someone..."

"Uh...sure," he answered. I was surprised, why the hell would he wanna go to see me film a movie after an offer like that?

"Alright..." I said uneasily, "I'm heading out now, you wanna rise, I mean, ride with me?"

I slipped for a sec.

"Ok..." he answered as he shifted his pants again, I think he had a hardon.

"Have you eaten dinner? It might be a while before we get some on the set..." I said as I put on my designer shades and grabbed my keys.

"That's alright," he answered.

We got into my Porsche and sped off. After we were outside the city I really picked up some speed...I love that car.

"Great car," he yelled as we sped down the highway. I had the stereo to the max and the top down so I could barely hear him.

"Thanks," I yelled back, "it's a 2001 model. The 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet to be exact, I got it because I love manual shifts...but when I found out it was a 6-speed I knew I had to get it."

"You know a lot about cars..." he shouted as he watched my hand work the stick, of the car, that is.

"Not really," I laughed, "I only know things about the ones I own..."

"How much?"

"I got it about $83,000..." I said as I popped the CD out of the player, then the radio began to blare. Some song by some band I've never heard was finishing and `It's Gonna be Me' started, we both laughed hysterically as he grabbed the CD case and popped in one of my CDs.

"Hey, this is new," he said as he turned the volume down so we could talk.

"It's my new one, it comes out in a month..." I explained.

"What's it called?"

"I'm calling it `Change', that's the first track on the CD and it's gonna be the first single...so I just figured to go with it," I answered.

He rested his hand on the stick, I didn't notice it, but he pulled his hand back when I went to shift gears.

"Can you drive a standard?" I asked.

"No," he answered.

"Here," I said as I grabbed his hand and placed it back on the stick, "let me show you..."

I pressed the clutch and guided his hand and the stick into fourth gear as we slowed down on the exit ramp. It was an innocent intention, but I didn't notice I was still holding his hand to the stick for the next few minutes, when I went to move my hand he grabbed it and our fingers intertwined. We held hands the rest of the way to the set, whether or not I teaching him to change gears...

Send your e-mail to reallybigdreamer@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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