Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Jan 14, 2023


Both the boys' minds were racing the rest of the school day. Evan called Billy that night and said his parents had to go out of town on Friday, would Billy want to spend the night. Billy's parents were suspicious, but Billy said he had been having trouble getting back together with friends, and it would be a good opportunity to take his mind off things. Billy's parents knew Evan well from when the two boys were co-captains, and said fine, but they would call Evan's house at 11 oclock to make sure they were there. The next day was Friday, and Billy woke up early. He shaved the few faint blond whiskers above his lip and around his chin. Billy didn't usually fuss about getting dressed in the morning, he basically had two uniforms. When warm, like all the jocks at his school, we wore colorful loose basketball shorts and a T or polo shirt. If cold, Billy wore skinny jeans, t-shirt and hoodie sweatshirt. It was actually very warm for late fall, and Billy couldn't decide what to wear. He wondered later if he had been trying to look good for Evan. He decided on jeans with his favorite dark blue American Apparel retro briefs, got dressed, and went to school. The day dragged on and he only bumped into Evan once. He told Evan he could come over right after soccer practice since he'd brought a toothbrush and could take a towel from the locker room. The rest of school and soccer practice dragged on.

Billy had felt different in the locker room since getting back from jail. He paid much more attention to the other boys as they pulled down their pants and undies, cocks flopping out. He really looked closely when guys would bend over to take their pants off, or pull their jock or shorts on, or bend over to wash their feet in the shower. He wanted to look at their assholes, to see if his was totally out of the ordinary. He had never looked at his own butthole before getting out of jail, and had nothing to compare it to. He noticed all the different types of assholes. It was different than looking at boys' buttholes in punishment, cause those were usually hanging partway open and were nearly always red and swollen. His teammates had normal untouched teen jock bungholes. Some were just holes where it looked like the skin just tightly dove into the hole. Others had different colored skin around the asshole, either smooth or with pleats. Some weren't really holes at all, but were more slits. Even though Billy was confident from bending over and looking through his legs at the mirror in his bedroom that his asshole wasn't anything out of the ordinary, he still made sure to keep his ass towards the lockers when he bent over, and not to bend over in the shower where anyone could look between his buns.

Practice was tough, the coach was working them hard because they had made playoffs. Billy had lost some fitness while in jail, and was lucky the coach had let him back on the team for the end of the season, so he worked extra hard to impress him. Practice ended with the whole team running six laps around the field because the starting team had allowed two goals from the second team in scrimmage. After they were done, Billy jogged with the rest of the team back to the locker room. As they passed through the parking lot, he saw Evan standing by his car. He jogged over. "Hey man," Evan said. "Just grab your stuff, let's go."

"I better shower," Billy said, "I am sweating like a pig."

"Nah, do it at my house," Evan said. Billy went into the locker room just as his teammates and friends were peeling off their sticky nylon practice uniforms. Some were walking around just in their sweaty jocks, others were naked and heading for the showers. Billy shoved his school clothes into his backpack and grabbed a fresh towel from the cart. He left and jumped into Evan's car.

It wasn't a big town, and it took them less than five minutes to get to Evan's house, located in the same general direction as Billy's from the school. They parked and went inside. They stood in the kitchen and Evan got Billy some juice to drink. "Man, I've been waiting since punishment to be alone with you," Evan said. "We have so much to talk about." The boys talked about how they had felt leaving punishment, and going to gen pop, and then getting out of jail. All the changes and weird feelings. Evan finally said: "Man, it was the worst when you left punishment. I mean I was happy for you and all, but I didn't know what to do without you. The, uh, stuff we did was the only thing that kept me sane. When you left, it was just like I was all alone with those guards torturing me. I finally made my new cellie do the stuff we did, but I always pretended it was you. I dunno, it made me feel so gay, but I missed you so much. I guess it's just that place, it makes you do weird things."

Billy took this all in. "Dude," he said, "I know how you feel, don't go thinking you're gay. We're friends, and we helped eachother out. I missed you too when I left, and made my cellie do things too. I thought about you all the time when he'd get me off. Even when Conrad would get me off. But it was different with them, they just wanted me to do those things with them. It wasn't part of being buddies like it is with us. The only problem is, since I got out, all I think about is doing those things all the time. I mean how can you go from cumming six or ten times a day to none?"

Billy's dick was painfully hard in his tight jock pouch. All of a sudden he shivered as his wet uniform had caught a chill. Evan moved in and hugged him. The two boys broke the hug and looked at eachother as they had when they last saw eachother in punishment. Evan moved into Billy's lips and gave him a deep wet kiss. The two held eachother closely and could feel their big boners rubbing against eachother. Evan broke the hug and pulled Billy's clinging wet nylon uniform top over his head. He pulled the nylon shorts down and over Billy's socked feet as he kicked off his adidas soccer sandals. Billy stood in front of his best friend in only his jock and high socks. Evan ran his nose down Billy's chest as he sank to his knees. The boy smelled like a sweaty teenager mixed with grass and mud with a hint of the body spray he had used that morning. Evan mouthed the wet pouch of Billy's jock. The head of Billy's dick was now peeking out from the wide waistband of the athletic supporter over by his right hip bone. Evan reached over with his mouth and gave the exposed head a kiss and a few licks. He grabbed Billy's abs and slowly turned him around. The jock waistband gave the same effect as the waist chain had of framing Billy's perfect muscled yet soft and smooth buttocks by hiding the cleft and where the spine muscles disappear into the butt cleft.

Evan inhaled deeply with his nose just grazing the space between Billy's cheeks. The scent was musky and athletic, not nasty. He put a hand onto Billy's back and pushed him lightly to signal to bend over. Billy bent over, kind of embarrassed at the sweaty funky state of his ass. Whatever, Evan had had to take far worse out of there in punishment. Maybe Evan had become a little nasty himself. Evan parted the perfect peachy cheeks and looked at the hole. He still felt awful about that last fuck he had given Billy. He had no choice, right? Billy's ass was already messed up from all the wicked shit they did to him in there. But Evan knew it had been that last two hour dry fuck that had really done the worst. Billy's assring was now sort of a vertical oval. At least it was closed all the way, thought Evan, remembering how his own ass had taken at least a week in gen pop to close up. He stuck out his tongue and touched the puckered opening. It winked open, and Evan could look into his friend's anal canal.

Evan tenderly licked and ate out his friend's butt that he himself was responsible for hurting and deforming. He was happy that his tongue actually met some resistance, and it felt like Billy was able to flex his interior butt muscles a bit. Billy's jock had let some of his ballsac fall out of the little V where the straps come together and Evan gave this a little nibble. His chin rested comfortably on the bottom of the jock pouch while he put his hands around Billy's thighs to pull his face in tighter to his crack. Finally, he turned Billy around and lowered the jock letting Billy's dick free at last and making his balls, which had been tight up to his body, descend slowly in their sac to their normally low position. Evan licked up the bottom of Billy's dick, which was still tight against his stomach. He took the jock's big dick in his mouth and pushed forward, letting the whole thing slide down his throat to the max. Billy was in heaven of course. He had been jacking off like a mad man since his release and this was the first time he'd had human contact since. And it was with his best friend, former co-captain, equal.

Next: Chapter 30

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