Juvey Lockup

By charlie

Published on Feb 16, 2011


fiction by charlie comments welcome charles.whaley@comcast.net

juvey lockup-1

Todd Hart was scared. He sat handcuffed in the back of an unmarked state police car driving out of Indianapolis north on state highway 35. The passing countryside seemed foreign. He had never been outside Indianapolis in his life. The landscape was as empty as he felt inside. Gazing at the passing farmland and occasional house, he remembered the courtroom. His public defender lawyer only said "Your honor, despite the current charges, Mr. Hart does not have an extensive juvenile record and he is currently maintaining a B average in school. His school does not consider him to be a disciplinary problem."

Then the judge "Mr. Hart it seems that placing you on probation and giving you two hundred hours of community service were not enough to get your attention. Here you are again before me with serious charges. Mr. Hart I don't play. Don't expect mercy or to get a break. That was last time. Were it not for your good school record and grades, I would stick your butt in the Marion County Juvenile Center. Mr. Hart, you would not like it there. Also considering the non-violent nature of these offenses, instead I'm going to sentence you to one year of confinement in the Morgan Hill facility near Logansport. Unlike most of the Juvenile facilities in the state, Morgan Hill is operated by a private company and concentrates on education, especially trade education. They have had promising results with kids who will try to work with them and learn. Those that don't are moved back to the state system, which is a lot more like jail. I would advise you Mr. Hart to view this year as an opportunity. Learn the trades. It's good stuff to know. Also Mr. Hart, I hope this time I've gotten your attention."

They passed farm land and community stores. "Tommy's Quick Stop" proclaimed the gaudy red and blue sign in front of a gas station with fluorescent "BEER" signs flashing over the windows. Todd thought about the letter from his cousin, Marty. Marty had been in juvey more than once for breaking into cars and stealing various items. "Just keep your mouth shut" it had read. "Don't say nothing bad about anybody in there, not even the guards. Guys will try to get you into fights just so they can see a fight. They get bored. Make some friends, especially your cell mates, and stay with them. If you get the idea there's gonna be trouble.. a fight or something, leave. Don't get involved.Do whatever the guards say and don't give them no shit."

'Sounds great' thought Todd. They had left the small community, Walton, a couple of miles behind when the driver put on the left turn signal and slowed to turn onto a smaller county road. A small mountain rose ahead of them.

"That's Morgan Hill." The driver spoke his first words of the drive. "I guess you'll get to know it. The boys hike up there some."

They drove west, the ridge growing larger. It was early fall and a few splashes of yellow and red decorated the massive hill. The driver made a right turn and then a left onto a private drive which led to a guardhouse. The guard came out with a form and the driver gave him Todd's name. "Time in 3:50 pm" said the guard as he walked back to the guardhouse and raised the crossbar. They drove to the side of one of two large long buildings. Smaller structures were at the rear of the larger one's. The buildings were on lush lawns bordered by well trimmed shrubbery and flower beds. A group of boys were spreading mulch in one of the beds. They stopped their work and watched the proceedings as the car pulled up. Todd imagined they were sizing him up for a gang rape. A young man dressed in khaki jeans, a polo shirt, and white tennis shoes walked out to meet the car. He opened Todd's door after the driver unlocked it.

"Todd Hart, right?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, come on out Todd" he said with a smile. "Welcome to Morgan Hill. I'm Jerry, I'm on of the staff here and I'll show you around and be with you today through the check-in process until you are all squared away."

"OK." Todd replied.

The driver walked around and gave him some paperwork. Jerry looked over the material as the driver unlocked and removed the Todd's handcuffs. Jerry signed one of the forms and gave it back to the driver who promptly got back in the car and drove away.

" Come on Todd, let's go get the paperwork chicken-shit out of the way so I can show you the place."

Todd laughed. "Alright." They walked in through glass doors into a suite of offices. Everyone was dressed in casual clothing. Todd saw no one in uniforms or business suits. "Where are the guards?" Todd asked as they walked up a hallway.

"There aren't any. We don't have guards, we have staff. We don't have inmates, we have students. We aren't very interested in punishment here, we're more interested in education, especially a practical education that equips our students to function well in the real world."

They entered one of the offices. The next hour was filled with paperwork, an initial check-up from a nurse, a visit to the supply room where Todd's clothes were taken for storage and after the correct sizes were determined, he was issued several changes of khaki pants, t-shirts, towels, underwear and socks, two sweaters, new tennis shoes, a pair of flip-flops and a jacket. They took the clothes to Todd's new room. On the way they passed through a large area with card tables, couches, chairs, a large TV on one end which was now turned off.

"This is the rec or recreation room" said Jerry. We keep you fellows busy until your evening meal at 6:00, but after that it's your time to do with as you want until 9:00 when we do roll call and lock the rooms for the night. You can come in here and watch TV or play cards or other games or play basketball in the gym, read or study in the library, stay in your room,... whatever you want. See the office over there with the Yellow wall and 'Security' over the door? Well guess what.That's Security. If there's ever trouble, a fight or anything wrong, whether you're involved or not, get over there and let them know. See that camera there, and that one there?"

"Yes sir."

"We have cameras in all the public areas and hallways. They are monitored and recorded. There are no cameras in the bedrooms or in the showers." They entered a branching hallway with a large 'D' over double doors. Other hallways branching off the rec-room were marked 'A' 'B' and 'C'. "You're room is D-15. Remember that. At 9:00 you are supposed to be in your room. If you're not, we have to have you paged on the intercom and start looking for you and which slows down our work so be there by 9:00 alright?"


"You're rooming with three other boys. They're all good kids. We've had no problems with any of them." said Jerry as he opened the door to D-15. Walking into the room, Todd saw the room to be larger than he expected. There were four beds instead of bunk-beds. Two beds were against the wall on each side of the room leaving a walkway in the center. Between the beds were stand up lockers and small dressers for the clothes. At the back wall, chairs surrounded a table littered with books and papers. The back wall extended most of the way across, leaving a walkway on the left. Behind the wall was a toilet and two sinks with mirrors. Jerry explained that boys with facial hair were expected to shave in the mornings. He pulled on a mirror to reveal a small cabinet behind it with disposable razors and shave cream. Jerry walked back up front to a box mounted on the wall. "Doors to all the rooms are locked at 9:00 after we check and make sure everyone is where they belong. Lights are out at 9:30. They come back on when we wake you up at 6:00 the next morning. You can still reach us at anytime. This is an intercom to the security room. There is always someone there to answer. If there is ever any trouble, whether you are involved or not, you are expected to hit the button and let someone know what's happening. If you are sick and need to see the nurse, hit the button and call. If you just hit the button and can't reply, someone will be on the way to this room to check it out. Even if you just need to talk to someone, just tell the staff member, and someone will come down and take you out. OK?"

"Yes sir."

After storing Todd's clothes, they walked back down the corridor into the main area. Jerry showed him where the shower room was. "We have too many boys for all to shower at the same time, so we break it into two groups. Half shower in the morning, half at night. Right now D-wing showers in the morning before breakfast. We switch that around every couple of months, so then you'll be showering at night."

Walking on they passed the cafeteria, the nurse's station, and the gym. Across from the gym was the Library. "We've put a lot of resources into building up our library" they walked inside the door to take a look. Todd saw many stacks of books, many study tables, and a wall lined with computer terminals. "There is a restroom over there, so if you're studying here you don't have to walk all the way back to your room to take a leak."

Walking on down the main hall they heard music coming from one of the rooms. "This is our band room as it is. We don't have a marching band or anything, but we do have some instruments and we have local musicians come in and teach students who are interested." He opened the door. A group of about six boys were rehearsing a rock song that Todd thought sounded vaguely familiar. They had a drum kit, bass guitar, electric guitar, two keyboards, and a singer.

"Cool!" Todd exclaimed.

"See, it's not all bad here. As I said before, we're not concerned with punishment here. If you can actually have fun here, so much the better. A positive attitude will lead to positive results."

They continued out of that building, across a covered walkway into the other large building. "These are our classrooms." Jerry said as they passed many rooms appearing the same as normal high school classrooms, blackboards and desks. This is our computer lab. A larger room was filled with computer cubicles. They continued on down the hallway. "Here are some of our shop rooms. As you see by the sign over the door this one is a machine shop. This one is woodworking. This one is electronics." A few boys were in the shops working on projects.

They retraced their steps back through the building. "We often take a class to a real live job site, and show you the actual process. For instance, yesterday we took fifteen students into Logansport where a painting crew was starting a job. The boys saw all the steps needed to prepare and paint the place. The owner of the painting company explained the process and pointed out problems you have if you do it wrong."

Outside again, Jerry pointed to a smaller building behind the larger one's. "That's our garage. We teach auto-mechanics there and work on our vehicles. We teach automobile body work and painting in the next shop. That building over there houses our landscaping equipment. Landscaping is one of our subjects."

Finally they went back to the administrative section and went to an office with the sign 'Manager'. A plump older lady busy at her computer looked up, smiled and said "Go on in Jerry, he's expecting you." She flashed Todd a smile as they walked into the back room.

"Hi Evan, this is Todd Hart, Todd, the is Evan Davis, the manager here."

"Hi Todd!" said the older man, standing and reaching across his desk to shake Todd's hand. "Welcome to Morgan Hill."

"Thanks." said Todd.

"Have a seat, both of you. Todd, I've been looking over your records and I see no reason why you won't fit in well here. As you may have heard, Morgan Hill is operated by a private company, and we operate quite differently from the State Juvenile system. If you have to go to a facility in this state, you are very fortunate to be sent here. We don't take the real bad cases here. We don't accept boys who are violent or disruptive or boys with learning deficiencies or really bad grades.

I want to emphasize this point, Todd. Boys who give the staff or their fellow students problems are quickly moved out of here to a state facility. Besides the regular facilities, the state operates two boot-camps for the really bad cases. If there is a fight, believe me, we will find out who started it and they will be in big trouble. As they say, it's our way or the highway. Fortunately, we've had very few discipline problems, but we have had to send a few boys out of here.

Our courses are for learning skills that will help you the rest of your life. Besides traditional studies, we emphasize trade studies. Although you may not go into these fields, a practical knowledge of things like building construction, plumbing, electrical work, painting, automobile mechanics, etc. will help you no matter what line of work you follow. One day you will most likely own your own home and knowing some of these skills will save you time and money.

One subject that is not taught in our classrooms is comedy. For some reason, many students think that a classroom is an invitation for them to crack jokes or otherwise entertain the other students. Not here. You are expected to listen and learn. If you have a question, raise your hand, otherwise you do not speak or otherwise disrupt the class. If you do, you will be removed and find yourself back in the chair you are sitting in now and explaining your behavior to me.

Now about sex. We understand that boys your age are bags of raging hormones needing relief. We consider masturbation to be a normal, healthy, and necessary activity. No one is going to get in trouble here for jerking off but you should keep it to more private places, not in the rec-room or cafeteria or a classroom. If seeing other boys masturbate is a problem for you, try to look the other way. If that doesn't work, let us know and we will work something out.

We understand that with all these horny boys confined together for long periods, there are going to be sexual activity between some of them. As long as it's fully consensual, meaning that both boys want to do it, and as long as it doesn't bother other boys around them, we consider that to be your business, not ours. If you should need condoms, just ask the nurse.

Now that is completely different from any instance of forced or coerced sex. Forced sex of any kind is rape which of course is a very serious crime. Anyone forcing another student to perform any kind of sex act will be prosecuted and immediately removed to the state system. Coercing another student into sex through threats or in any other way will get you a ride out of here just as quick. In the six years we've operated here, we have only had to remove two students for sexual reasons. One boy did force another boy to do something. He was removed to one of the boot-camps and received an extra year on his time. Do you have any questions at this time about anything Todd?"

"No sir."

"Good, Todd I want you know that we sincerely want our students to succeed here. That's how we succeed. If you complete your year stay with us and apply yourself, you will most likely be farther along in your schoolwork and have a much better trade education than you would have in any standard school in the state. You are sixteen right?"

"Yes sir."

"We don't have a summer break from school, so you should leave here with a high school diploma, or at least be very close to graduation. Well that's about it for now. Any time you want to talk to me, my door is open, you don't need an appointment, just come on in, OK?"

"Yes sir."

"It's dinner time, so Jerry will take you to the cafeteria and get you some food." Mr. Davis said with a smile, rising to shake Todd's hand again. "Good luck Todd."

"Thank you sir."

As they walked to the cafeteria there were many boys all dressed like Todd walking in the same direction. Jerry said "Now tomorrow morning, at 8:00 instead of going to classes you will go back to administration to the counselors office. They will help you determine which trade classes will be best for you and work out the rest of your class schedule."


They entered the cafeteria and entered a long line wrapped around one side of the room. "We break the meals into two groups like the showers. Right now your groups eats on the hour. That's at 7:00 am, 12:00 noon, and 6:00 pm. Another group comes in thirty minutes later, so you have thirty minutes to eat and get out. Keep our place in line and I'll be right back."

"Alright." Todd saw Jerry walk up the line. The air was filled with smells of hot food. Todd saw boys of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Many looked to be his age or a little older, but many looked younger like they were thirteen or fourteen. He noticed that boys who had gotten their food had plates full of roast beef and vegetables. 'Good' he thought. The food sucked where he was locked up in Indianapolis. He saw Jerry stop in the line twice, talking to a boy each time. Then he walked across the room and talked to one of the boys at a table. Then he walked back to Todd.

"I found your roommates. We'll eat together and you can get to know them."


They got their food and walked over to the table where Jerry had gone before. There was a tall thin white boy who looked a little older than Todd, a Latin boy with sharp, rather attractive features who seemed to be about Todd's age, and a smaller light skinned black boy who looked younger. As they took the food off the trays, Jerry made the introductions. "Boys this is Todd. He will be rooming with you. Todd this is Pete" he gestured towards the white boy, "Enrico, everyone calls him Rico" he pointed to the Latino boy, "and Maxey" who was the black boy.

"Hey" said Todd, smiling and nodding to the boys.

"Hi" said Pete.

"Amigo" said Rico, reaching across the table to shake Todd's hand.

"Hiya Todday." said Maxey with a big grin.

Todd already liked these guys. "Where you from?" asked Pete.

"Indy" replied Todd. "You?"

"Gary" replied Pete.

As they talked Todd learned that Rico was from Evansville, and Maxey was from Fort Wayne. They continued with small talk. Pete was seventeen and only had two months left before he would be eighteen and his sentence would be over. Rico was sixteen and had eight months left at Morgan Hill. Maxey was fifteen and had six months left. Rico spoke English well, but with a Spanish accent. He told Todd that he grew up in Mexico and 'emigrated' to the U. S. when he was thirteen.

When Jerry finished his food, he said. "OK Todd, I'm going to go now. Anytime you want to talk to me about anything just hit the intercom in your room and say 'This is Todd Hart and I need to talk to Jerry' and I'll get the message. Any questions now?"

"No sir."

"OK, great. There's just one thing, you've got to come off that 'sir' shit, make's me feel old." The boys laughed. "I know you guys will help Todd get settled in so I'll see ya' later." Jerry crossed the room to the door, stopping to talk with boys on the way.

"He seems like a real nice guy." said Todd.

"Good man" said Rico.

"About all of the staff here are ok" said Pete. "None of them fuck with you. I was in juvey in Gary and those guards were assholes. Put you in cuffs every time you went anywhere. They don't do that here. What did you get locked-up for?"

"Well I was already on probation for selling pot, and a couple of my friends come over in this car and say 'Come on, we're going to ride around'. So I get in the back and Joey starts driving stupid, trying to make the car slide and stuff. I tell him that he better stop it or we're going to get stopped. That's when Stevie, the other boy tells me that Joey stole the car from his neighbor's driveway. Before I could say shit there was a cop behind us with his lights on. It didn't help that they found a quarter bag of weed on me too."

"My man!" said Pete.

"Good job." said Rico nodding his head up and down.

"If you're gonna fuck up, do it right" Maxey smiled at him.

"OK, what did you do?" Todd smiled back at him.

"Murder" replied Maxey, trying keep a straight face, but breaking back into an impish grin. The other boys laughed. "Several murders actually... no man, I was selling crack for my uncle. I was makin' some good money too. This one crazy bitch that I sold to got caught with a little crack and a pipe. She rated me out. They busted me with five dime bags and $900. They took all my money and locked my ass up.

"If you're gonna fuck up, do it right" Todd smiled back at Maxey.

"I got caught twice for stealin' cars, plus the second time they got me with a gun" offered Pete.

"Nice" said Todd. He looked at Rico.

"Well, they tried to say I broke into some houses and cars. Just because all the stuff at my house was the same as the things stolen, they jump to conclusions, you know" smiled Rico.

"Yea, they tried to say that weed was mine just because it was in my pocket" Todd laughed.

It was almost 6:30 and the room was getting empty as boys left before the next group entered. They took their plates and trays to the side where there was a slide taking the trays to a dishwashing area behind the wall.

"If you screw up, but not bad, like not being in your room on time or some shit, they give you time working in the kitchen or some other crapy job. So you will be washing dishes or something while everyone else eats" said Pete as they left the cafeteria and walked to rec-room. The TV was on at one end of the room. Several boys were watching. Others played cards. Two boys seemed to be locked in an intense chess match with three more boys watching. Todd liked chess. He would play here when he got a chance but now was more interested in these three boys. Pete led the way to a table with four chairs. Boys walked in and out of the four Hallways leading to the bedrooms. Most were coming out of 'A' and 'C' hallways, passing them as they moved to the cafeteria.

"A really cute younger boy with light red hair looked their way. His eyes met Todd's. He suddenly stopped. "You're new?"

"Yea" replied Todd.

Smiling, the boy said "Hey, I'm Freddie, welcome to Morgan Hell."

"Thanks, I'm Todd" he laughed.

"I'll talk to ya later, gotta get some food" he said walking off and waving.

They watched Freddie walk off, a little swish in his walk.

"There ya go" laughed Pete.

"Yea, that didn't take long." said Maxey.

"What?" said Todd.

"He likes to suck older boys" said Pete. "He was putting on a show sucking this boy off in the showers."

"They do that in there?"

"In the back yea. Did he show you the showers?"

"He just showed me where they are, we didn't go in."

"When you go in, there's a front part, with showers on both walls, and there's a back part with showers on both walls. If you don't want to see anybody jerkin off or anything use the front showers, if you do, use the back."

"Almost everybody goes to the back" said Maxey. "There's always some shit goin' on in there."

"Half the time there's somebody getting a blow job" said Rico.

"It's about as close as you can get to watchin' porn in here" said Pete. "When I first got locked up I said I was just going jerk off and not do any sex with any other boys. So i started jerkin' and jerkin' but I kept seeing these boys doing stuff, getting hand jobs or blow jobs, even fucking. After a week I was so horny I was talkin' boys into suckin' my dick." They all laughed.

"Yea, and I bet that the week after that you were showing them how to do it." Maxey taunted.

"Fuck you Maxine"

"You better get used to seeing boys jerk off." said Rico. "We're always jerkin' in the room."

They looked at Todd.

"I don't care. I'm not gonna let you do it more than I do" he said with a grin.

The other boys laughed.

"You'll have to work hard to keep up with Maxey" said Pete.

Maxey smiled and flexed the bicep in his right arm.

"If you want to get some headie from Freddie or whoever, you can use the room. We don't care. Do whatever you want. We do. Rico has a boyfriend who comes in there and blows him sometimes" Pete flashed a grin at Rico.

"Not my boyfriend! Just sucks my dick. So the boy who sucked you off on the hike, he is your boyfriend?"

"Yes" said Pete which drew more laughter. "He is my sweetheart. If you'll just let me stick my dick down your throat, you can be my sweetheart too."

Maxey cracked up.

"Down my throat? That little pee pee of yours wouldn't make it passed my lips."

"That's ok, you have sexy lips. I'll leave 'em nice and moist. Petey's magic lip cream."

Todd laughed.

"I'm so sorry to hurt your feelings Peteless, but I promised Tony that I would uh, help him study tonight."

"Study your belly button as you face-fuck him?"

"Yes, he said he needed some help with belly buttons" Rico said as he stood up. "I'll see you guys later." Rico walked across the room and into the 'B' hallway.

Todd noticed a big bulge in Rico's pants as he walked off. All of the sex talk must have gotten to him. Todd felt himself swell.

"I'm going back to the room" said Pete. " I've got to study up on automobile electronics. We've got a test tomorrow. Todd, do whatever you want. You can hang out here or go to the room whenever you want."

"You want to play some cards?" Maxey asked, looking at Todd.

"Sure, sounds good."

Pete left and the boys joined a game of Pitty Pat. It was a little confusing at first, but soon Todd saw it was a fun game. The room was filling up more now as the second group were entering from the cafeteria. They played a few minutes more when Maxey went out and won the game.

"You ok?" Maxey asked "What you want to do?"

"I don't know, what is there to do?" Todd noticed the boy Freddie walking by with another young friend. They were looking his way and sharing some private joke.

"Well there's some more games. They have Risk, Chess, Monopoly and some games like that. A lot of nights I do schoolwork and just hang in the library. I get some work done and if I'm horny there's usually some boys playing in the restroom."

"Boys suck dick in there too?"

"Yea" Maxey laughed. "I've got mine sucked some in there. Sometimes it's more just boys watching other boys jerk off while they jerk off. I don't know why but that's fun." He looked up at Todd.

"Yea it is. Some of my friends in Indy, we'd go over to this one kids place. He had all kinds of porn. We'd all jerk off together. It's more fun that way. So I guess I'll have to check out the restroom in the library."

Maxey laughed. "Something else you can do if your horny is just walk the halls. Boys who want to hook up will leave their door open. If you see a boy in there start staring at your dick and playing with himself, that's a signal that they want to do you, so all you got to do is walk in."

"This place is starting to sound fun."

"It's not all fun, but it's not all bad."

At a sound, Todd turned to see young Freddie and his friend sitting down at the table next to theirs. "Hey Todd, this is Jamie." Jamie had a very preppy look. Blond hair cut at an angle covering one eye.

"Hey" said Todd.

"So this is your first night here?" asked Freddie.


"Well, Jamie and I thought it would only be right if we took you back to our room and gave you a proper welcome." Freddie licked his lips very suggestively, causing Jamie to laugh.

"How old are you?"

"Almost fifteen! Old enough."

Todd had planed not to do anything that would get him labeled a 'gay boy' or 'punk', but it seemed like getting a blow job was pretty normal stuff here. He looked at Maxey with a wide grin.

Maxey just grinned back at him for a few seconds. Finally he said "I Know what I'd do."


"Fuck, I'd get my dick sucked."

"Yea, come on, let's have some fun." Freddie pleaded.

Todd's dick was straining against his jeans. "Ok, let's go."

"You can come too Maxey." said Jamie.

"Cool" Maxey replied.

They crossed the rec-room and entered the 'A' wing hallway, the younger boys leading the way. Walking side by side, Todd looked down to see Maxey's pants jutting out as well as his own.The younger boys whispered to each other and laughed as they moved along. They turned left into a cross hallway and then into a room on the right. Another young boy sat at the table in the back writing something in a notebook. He looked about thirteen. It occurred to Todd that they must room the younger boys together. Jamie closed the door when they were all inside.

"Have a seat right here." Said Freddie pointing to his bed.

Jamie sat on another bed. Maxey stood next to him and undid his belt and opened his pants.

"Got to straighten out the Python" smiled Maxey.

Freddie squeezed Todd's bulge slightly a couple of times and started undoing his belt and pants.

Maxey now had a nice sized boner standing straight up. Todd guessed that Maxey's dick was about six inches and fat. Todd's dick was also thick. Jamie took Maxey's stiff rod in his hand and started slowly stroking, staring at it, smiling.

Freddie pulled down Todd's jockeys. Todd's dick sprang up almost full hard. "Wow, nice one" he said as he stroked Todd's meat. "What is that, about seven?"

"Yea, a little over seven."

"Hey Jamie, look."

Todd looked over to see that Jamie already had Maxey's dick in his mouth, moving with a natural rhythmic motion up and down as Maxey swayed his hips, thrusting deep into the young boy's mouth. Jamie stopped long enough to say "Big dick, Todd!"

"Sure is" said Freddie. He then went down on it. Todd's dick exploded with pleasure. Freddie ran his tongue under the head and then moved rapidly up and down the shaft. Tod was feeling better and better.

Looking back, Todd saw that the kid in the back had abandoned his studies. His chair was turned around, his pants were down and he was furiously beating his meat as he watched the show.

Todd looked back at Maxey who was pushing his dick into Jamie's mouth faster now. There's was something hypnotic about watching the fat black dick push into and out of the white mouth.

"oh, fuck yea, suck it good" said Maxey.

Todd felt his dick swell more as Freddie increased his speed as he gently pulled on Todd's nuts.

"Mmmm mmmm mmmm" moaned Maxey as he continued to thrust into Jamie's mouth.

Todd was getting close. The feelings were delicious. Freddie lightly stroked his nuts as he teased the head with his tongue. Then he reached around Todd's butt with both hands and started squeezing his butt cheeks together as he rapidly sucked up and down again. That did it.

"Gonna cum." said Todd. Freddie didn't slow. Todd thought he was going to pass out as he achieved the best orgasm of his life. Finally coming back to earth, he was still pumping juice into Freddie's cute mouth. The amazing boy kept swallowing until Todd was finished.

"That tastes soooo good."

"Dude, that was the best blow job I ever had. Ever."

Freddie smiled proudly. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to do it for ya again and again."

"Guess so." Todd suddenly wanted to kiss him. He had never thought about kissing a boy before, but he liked this kid a lot. He didn't. He didn't want Maxey to see him being that gay, at least not yet. He looked in Freddie's eye's. 'I owe you a kiss' he thought.

Maxey moaned as he thrust his dick in and out of Jamie's mouth and then held it in there. Cum spurted out of Jamie's mouth as he turned his head to spit. Maxey was still shooting when Todd heard a moan and turned to see the kid behind them shooting blasts of cum out on the floor.

"Feelin' good buddy?" he asked the boy, smiling.

"Hell yea" the kid said, smiling back broadly.

"Nice." said Maxey. "Damned nice."

"Thanks" said Jamie "that was fun."

"Thanks" Todd said to Freddie looking deep into is eyes.

"Welcome to Morgan Hill."

Next: Chapter 2

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