Kai and the Ghost Boy

By Sebastian Fforde

Published on Dec 15, 2008


Kai and the Ghost Boy

Copyright 2008 Sebastian Fforde

(BB, fantasy, romance, anal)

This story is completely fiction. Well, most of it is, anyway. If you aren't interested in reading an erotic love story about a boy and a boy and a ghost, then you can stop right now. But if you ARE interested, then read on.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Chapter 3

Kai could not get Bryan out of his mind. He spent almost the entire week thinking about the mysterious boy who lived downstairs, didn't go to school and visited him through his window at night.

But it wasn't just Bryan who had caught Kai's eye. There was also a boy in his English class that Kai was starting to think was very cute. The boy's name was Erik.

Kai finally got the courage to sit with Erik in the cafeteria at lunch.

"Hey Erik," he said. "Mind if I sit here?"

"Hey Kai. Sure, sit down. So you just moved in. Where do you live?" Erik asked.

"We just moved into the second floor of a house on Tumbledown Street."

"Ooh, that's so cool!" Erik exclaimed.

"What's so cool about Tumbledown Street?" Kai asked.

"That's a really old, old part of town," Erik said. "A lot of the houses there are supposed to be haunted."

"I don't know if I'd believe that!" Kai laughed.

"Have you ever seen a ghost?" Erik asked.

"Never!" Kai replied. "I'll believe in ghosts when I see one."

"I've seen a ghost, and it was on Tumbledown Street," Erik announced breathlessly. "I was walking down Tumbledown to get to Burgess Avenue one night when I passed that yellow and black house on the corner. That one's supposed to be the most haunted of them all."

"I think I know which one you're talking about," Kai said. "It's right next door to my house. What did you see?"

"Well, the story is that a girl hung herself in the attic bedroom many years ago. I guess she was supposed to marry this guy, he was a Union general in the Civil War, and he got killed in battle so she hung herself."

"How do you know all this stuff?" Kai asked.

"Sort of a hobby of mine," Erik replied. "I'm really interested in the paranormal. Like I was saying, since then every owner of that house has kept that attic closed off from the rest of the house. They think that room is haunted. That night I saw the ghost of that girl in the attic window!"

"Are you sure you weren't imagining things?" Kai asked, still a bit skeptical.

"Tell me, Kai," Erik asked, "have you noticed anything unusual about your new house?"

"Well, there is one weird thing," Kai admitted. "It's this dog." Kai proceeded to tell the story of Mercurio, the dog that kept mysteriously reappearing in his room.

"See!" Erik exclaimed. "Now isn't that creepy?"

"Well, it is a little creepy," Kai admitted. "But I still have never seen a ghost. I asked the boy who lives downstairs if he ever noticed anything unusual about the house, and he said no. And he's been living there all his life!"

Kai and Erik talked about ghosts during the rest of the lunch period. It seemed to be all Erik wanted to talk about. Kai wished he could get the boy onto a less morbid subject. He wanted to become friends with Erik, but he was starting to get a little spooked by the boy's extensive repertoire of local ghost stories.

Kai was also trying to think of a good excuse to invite Erik over to his house. He definitely wanted to see more of the boy.

Kai opened his bedroom window so Bryan could climb in from the chestnut tree branch.

"If you're supposed to be so sick," Kai laughed, "how come you're always climbing up in that tree?"

"So I can come up and visit you," Bryan answered, smiling.

"I'm having a sandwich," Kai said. "Peanut butter and fluff. Do you want me to make you one, too?"

"That's okay, Kai. I'm not hungry."

Bryan sat down on the rug next to Mercurio. Kai turned to Bryan nervously.

"Bryan, you're my friend, right? I mean, I can trust you with a secret, right?"

"Of course you can, Kai. You're my best friend now. Actually," he added, a little sadly, "you're my only friend."

"Okay," Kai said, sitting on the bed. "Now promise me you won't freak out. What I'm about to tell you is a real big secret."

"Okay, I promise. What is it?"

Kai took a deep breath. "Well," he said, speaking the words very slowly and deliberately, "I think I might be gay." Then he exhaled loudly. "There, I said it."

"Okay," Bryan replied. "That's your big secret?"

"Yeah. You're still my friend, right?"

"Of course. So how did you figure out that you were gay? Or might be gay? Is there a boy you might be interested in?"

"Yeah," Kai said, not wanting to admit that it was Bryan that he was in love with. "I've even started having dreams about him!"

"Sexy dreams?"

"Yeah, real sexy dreams," Kai said. "I think I'm falling in love with him."

"It's tough when you start to realize you're falling in love with another boy," Bryan said. "I know how you feel."

"Really?" Kai was surprised.

"Yeah, I fell in love with a boy once. He was really sweet. Too bad I never had the courage to tell him how I felt."

"What happened?" Kai asked curiously.

"Well, I died."

"Oh, that's so sad!" Kai exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know," Bryan agreed.

Kai had mistakenly thought that Bryan had meant to say that it was the other boy that had died, not Bryan. If he had been listening more carefully, he might have questioned Bryan's outlandish statement. Besides, Kai would never have believed that he was actually talking to a dead boy anyway.

"So," Bryan said, changing the subject, "tell me about this boy you like. Is he one of your classmates?"

"Yeah," Kai blurted out. "His name is Erik. He's in my English class."

While it was true that Kai did have a little bit of a crush on Erik, he was still not ready to admit that it was Bryan he was truly in love with. He wasn't sure how Bryan would react if he confessed his real feelings so early in their friendship.

"What does he look like?" Bryan asked curiously.

"Well," Kai began, "he sort of looks like you a little bit. Brown hair, almost the same shade as yours but a little longer. His teeth are like super-white. I wish my teeth were as white as his."

"Your teeth look fine to me."

"Well, his teeth are really nice," Kai continued. "He's kinda tall, a few inches taller than me. Some freckles."

"Sounds cute. What do you know about him? You know, his interests?"

"Well, he's really interested in all this paranormal stuff – ghosts and haunted houses. He says a lot of the houses on this street are haunted, but I'm not really sure if I believe that," Kai laughed.

"Well, at least you know what he likes to talk about. You should go to the library and start reading about ghosts. Then you'll have something to talk to him about"

"That's a great idea, Bryan. I think I'm gonna do just that. Thanks!"

"I'm really glad you invited me over to your house for this little experiment," Erik said to Kai as they approached the front steps of Kai's house. "I'll bet your house is totally filled with all kinds of paranormal activity but you just haven't encountered any of it yet. Except for the thing with the dog, which is pretty damn creepy."

"Well, I did tell you the thing with the dog is really weird, but there has to be a logical explanation for that. But I still haven't seen anything really paranormal."

As they approached the steps leading to the second floor apartment, Kai noticed that the light was on in the first floor kitchen. He could hear Bryan talking loudly, presumably to his mother.

"I can't believe the stuff they put in these things!" Bryan was saying. "I'm gonna read the ingredients on this package of Twinkies."

Kai and Erik could overhear Bryan comically trying to pronounce some of the ingredients on the Twinkie package.

"That's Bryan," Kai said. "He lives downstairs and he said he's lived here all his life. Maybe later I'll introduce you and you can ask him if he's ever seen anything unusual in this house."

"Yeah, that'd be cool."

"Polysorbate 60, dextrin, calcium caseinate, sodium stearol lactylate." The boys could still hear Bryan as he continued to read the list of chemicals that made up the humble Twinkie.

Erik turned to Kai and smiled. "Your friend sounds a little bit odd."

"He is."

When they got to Kai's bedroom, Erik froze.

"Is that, uh, the dog?" Erik asked nervously, pointing at Mercurio, who had just woken up when the boys had entered the room. The dog ambled over and sniffed Erik's crotch.

"Yeah, that's the dog. His name is Mercurio."

"Already I'm getting a weird feeling from this dog - and this room too. I don't like it at all."

Erik took a small digital recorder out of his backpack. Then he turned it on, said `testing' a few times, and then played back the recording to check the sound quality.

"What I'm gonna do," Erik said, "is try to record some EVP's."

"What's an EVP?" Kai asked curiously, slowly moving closer to Erik.

"Electronic Voice Phenomena," Eric explained. "Voices recorded in an empty room. Your mom's out of the house, and we're going to set up the recorder and then leave the room for a while. Then we come back, listen to hear if we were able to record any unexplained voices. Then I'll take it back to my house and do a more thorough analysis on my computer."

Erik turned on the recorder and gently placed it on Kai's desk. "Okay, why don't we go downstairs and talk to your friend Bryan for a bit."

"Okay. I'm gonna bring Mercurio with us. If I leave him in the room he'll probably bark or whine and mess up the recording."

The boys took the dog and went down to the first floor to visit Bryan. They went to the front door and Kai rang the doorbell. There was no answer.

"I guess Bryan and his mom must have gone out," Kai shrugged. "Too bad - I really wanted you to meet him."

"Actually, that's better for our recording experiment," Erik said. "That means we can rule out voices from downstairs coming through the floorboards. That way we can be pretty sure that any voices we do pick up will not be from ordinary sources."

"What would you like to do now, Erik? Go for a walk, maybe?"

"Yeah, let's go for a walk down Tumbledown Street."

Kai looked at Erik shyly. Yes, Erik was handsome, indeed. Not quite as handsome as Bryan, but still handsome. When their eyes met, Kai felt a shiver run through his body like electricity. Then Erik looked deeper into Kai's eyes.

"Hey, I never noticed that before! Your eyes are totally mismatched! I've never seen anything like it!"

"I know," Kai shrugged, blushing. "Some sort of genetic anomaly, I think I'm a mutant or something."

"Kinda cool, though. Makes you unique."

As the boys walked down Tumbledown Street, Erik pointed out the various houses that were supposedly haunted. He told Kai each legend in great detail.

Kai listened to Erik's tales, feeling more and more uneasy about living on such a spooky street. He also kept glancing at Erik as they walked. They walked very close together, their arms swinging slightly at their sides. Occasionally, the two boys' arms accidentally touched. Only it wasn't accidental on Kai's part.

The more Kai looked at Erik and listened to the boy's chilling ghost stories, the more excited Kai felt. He was starting to get a little scared, and he secretly wished he could hold Erik's hand as they walked down the street.

Kai was feeling all mixed up inside. He knew his feeling for Bryan was more than just puppy love, yet he was also starting to develop a serious crush on Erik. Could it be possible that Kai was falling in love with two boys at the same time?

The boys eventually made their way back to Kai's house to check the recording. All they could hear was background noise and the occasional creak as the house settled.

Erik put the recorder in his backpack and told Kai he was going to head home to analyze the recording on his computer. Kai was a little sad to see his new friend leave.

Kai sat at his desk and began working on his homework. It wasn't long before he heard the now familiar sound of tapping at his window. He got up, opened the window and let Bryan in.

"Where were you an hour ago?" Kai asked, slightly annoyed. "Erik just came over and I wanted you to meet him."

"Oh, you know me," Bryan said mischievously, "I'm always in and out." There was something naughty about the way Bryan said the words `in and out'. The words gave Kai a little bit of a tingle in his groin.

"So did you do like I suggested? Talk to him about all that paranormal stuff that he's interested in?"

Kai told Bryan about Erik's attempt to record disembodied voices in the bedroom. Bryan listened with curiosity, but did not say much. When Kai paused, Bryan spoke up.

"So you really like him, don't you?" he asked.

"I dunno," Kai said. I've only known him for like a week. I just thought he was interesting at first, with all his talk of the ghost stuff, but the more I'm around him the more I feel kinda attracted to him. Like, he tells a ghost story, and even though I don't believe it, I still get a little scared. And when I get scared I want him to hold me so bad."

"Well, he is kind of cute," Bryan said with a sly smile.

"How do you know? You haven't met him yet, have you?"

"No, but I saw him leaving when I was coming back. I can see what you like about him."

"Yeah, but I have no way of knowing if he likes me the same way I like him," Kai said dejectedly.

"Kai, I want to give you some advice," Bryan said. "Don't make the mistake I did. If you really like him, let him know."

"But how?" Kai asked. "How do I know if he's gay or straight? I mean, if I tell him and he freaks out on me everything's gonna be a real mess."

"Let's figure this out together," Bryan said. "I kinda want to help you out here. You know, coach you and give you advice and stuff. Keep me updated on everything that happens with you and Erik and I'll figure out a way for you to make him fall in love with you."

"I hope we can figure out something that works. I don't wanna screw up and make a fool out of myself."

Kai and Bryan talked for a bit more, and then Bryan went back to his own bedroom via his usual entrance, out the window and down the chestnut tree. Kai finished his homework and went to sleep.

*** Kai was awoken by Bryan whispering in his ear.

"I know you want me, Kai. I've known it from the moment I first looked into those beautiful blue and brown eyes of yours."

"Huh? Oh, it's you Bryan."

"I had to see you tonight. And I know this is exactly what you want!"

Kai felt his friend's hand slip inside his boxers. Kai tingled with excitement as he felt his friend's hand exploring his smooth butt. He gasped a little bit when he felt Bryan's finger touch his hole.

Once Kai had fully awakened and realized what Bryan was doing, he turned his head from his pillow and looked at the other boy.

"You're jealous cuz I told you about Erik, aren't you?" Kai asked. "I mean, since I told you I had a crush on him and all."

"Hell yeah, I'm jealous," Bryan hissed, slowly slipping his finger into Kai's tight hole. "But that's not going to stop me from taking your virginity tonight!"

"This isn't real, is it?" Kai asked. "I'm dreaming again, aren't I?"

"Believe what you like," Bryan said urgently, pulling Kai's boxers down. "I'm still gonna do what I want with you. And you're gonna feel so good with me inside you that you're gonna squeal!"

Bryan started touching Kai's ass. Bryan was caressing his buttocks; Kai tried to wiggle against the strong hands, but they gripped him tightly.

Bryan was already completely naked. Kai squeezed the boy's cock gently.

"Yes. I want it," Kai said. Kai desperately hoped that he wasn't having another dream. He felt Bryan's fingers delicately touching his opening. Bryan sucked on his index and middle fingers for a moment, and then brushed over Kai's entrance, rubbing lightly. Kai pushed back against Bryan's fingers. One fingertip slowly entered him, withdrew and pushed back in more deeply, over and over until the entire finger was inside him.

Kai leaned forward and kissed Bryan's enticing mouth, and then he started kissing the boy's neck. Bryan's finger pulled out and slid back in, tantalizing him. Kai's prick was rock hard. Bryan's other hand was playing with Kai's nipples, pinching and twisting them gently.

Kai felt another finger joining the first. Kai was panting and moaning by the time a third finger began penetrating him. The fingers stroked over the sensitive little spot inside him and he cried out. He buried his face in the crook of Bryan's neck as the fingers thrust in and out of him slowly, twisted, and opened inside him. Bryan did this to him for what seemed like hours.

Bryan slowly removed his fingers. Bryan pushed Kai so that his legs were up, over Bryan's shoulders. Kai saw that Bryan was spreading more saliva over his erection. Then the slick hardness was nudging him. Bryan rested his hands on Kai's hips. Bryan pressed down firmly.

It hurt much more than he thought it would. Kai couldn't help letting out a little yelp of pain. Bryan instantly started to haul Kai up, off his cock; he resisted, clamping his thighs around the other boy's sides and pushing down again. "All right. All right. Don't fight me," Bryan said. The grasp slackened. "Slow down. Relax." Kai obeyed. He pushed down on Bryan's cock slightly, taking in a fraction more. The pain was easing and Bryan was alternately caressing Kai's balls and fisting his prick. Kai pulled up and pressed down once more.

Bryan was looking into Kai's face. A little trickle of sweat ran down the other boy's cheek. The intruding cock still burned inside of Kai, but it hardly hurt at all now. Bryan grasped Kai's hip and shifted him a little. Then, for the first time, pushed up into Kai.

A miniature shock of pleasure ran through Kai's body.

"Oh!" he moaned. "Bryan, that's so good!" Bryan thrust in again. Kai moaned again and rocked up and down more quickly. The hand on his erection sped up. Bryan leaned over Kai's head and put his hands on the headboard. Now he had more leverage for his movements.

Kai was in ecstasy - that incredible feeling inside, the little explosions, and the warm hand pulling on his cock, thumb rubbing over the leaking tip repeatedly, and the look on Bryan's face. The sensations flooded through Kai, spun out through him and then streamed back into his cock, his balls, his ass and exploded once more. He shot a load of hot white cum all over his belly.

Suddenly Bryan pulled his cock out.

"Turn around, Kai."

Kai did as he was told. Bryan pushed him face down on the bed, rolled onto him, and thrust in strongly. Here was the loss of control Kai had wanted. He was really being fucked hard now. Bryan was pulling out almost completely with each stroke and re-entering violently.

Bryan was right at Kai's ear, whispering all kinds of deliciously obscene things that made Kai blush. "You're so hot, so fucking hot. I just want to fuck you all night, take this tight ass, make you cum over and over again." Each phrase was punctuated by a surprisingly gentle kiss. Kai squeezed his anus deliberately around the invading member.

Bryan bit Kai's shoulder. One last, powerful thrust and Kai felt his lover shudder against him. A muffled shout into the back of his neck as Bryan held himself deep inside for a long moment. Bryan relaxed on top of him, kissing his neck and shoulder almost apologetically. Bryan slipped out. He turned Kai over and drew him into his arms. "I didn't mean to be so rough." "God, I loved it." He kissed the inviting mouth. "Loved it." Another kiss. "You didn't hurt me, if that's what you're worried about."

Kai woke up to sticky sheets once again. Then he noticed his anus was slightly sore. Could it be that this time the dream was for real? Then Kai sniffed his index finger. Hmmm, he must have been fingering himself while he was asleep! That explained the sore butthole. Rats! Another wet dream, he groaned. His dreams of Bryan were getting more and more vivid.

And then there was Erik. Kai couldn't wait to talk to Erik at lunch that day.

To Be Continued

Are you enjoying my story? I hope you are. If you like, you can check out my other stories on Nifty: Jonathan Casts a Spell in the High School section, Tanner's Talent in the Adult/Youth section, Where's Willy? in the Encounters section, Smelly Sneakers for Skyler in the Young Friends section and Skyler Gives a Foot Rub in the Adult/Youth section. If you want to get to know me a little better, feel free to email or chat with me, or check out my MySpace page, which is http://www.myspace.com/sebastianfforde. My Yahoo ID is sebastianfforde.

Next: Chapter 4

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