Karma's a Bitch

By Kyle Soderberg (Ujinmo)

Published on Sep 24, 2006


The usual disclaimer applies if you shouldn't read this then don't. For instance if your underage or not allowed this type of material where your from. First off I've been having a lot of fun writing this story and for the most part I've gotten great responses from the ladies (yes I said ladies they read this stuff to) and gentlemen that read it. So keep the comments coming. What has surprised me is that I've asked for any suggestions anyone might have for the characters and so far I haven't really gotten any. Its not that I don't have my own ideas its just I'm giving my readers an opportunity to be a part of it. After the last chapter a friend of mine asked me if I was angry when I wrote it and the answer is no, I was trying to put some real emotion into the characters. For some reason they seem less and less like they could be real people and that's something I do not want. I'm trying to make this tale seem like it could really happen and hope everyone else feels that way. Anyway enough of my rant lets get onto the story.


"Taz's rumble with disaster"

Sunday evening Taz returned to the dorms he took a look around the parking lot and realized that both Ross's and Kyle's cars were gone and he saw a big van just leave. When he got to his room he found his door open. He stepped inside expecting to be meeting his new roommate. Instead what he found was a woman in her late forties going through his things. She hadn't noticed him yet so he took in what was before him. There were boxes stacked up around the other bed. Most of the posters he had put up on his side of the room had been taken down and placed on his bed. His dresser drawers were half open and looked like they had been ransacked. The bed itself was pulled from the wall a bit and half of his things were removed from his half of the closet. Its no wonder he went off scaring the woman who went ash white.

T "What are you doing?! What are you doing in my room?! Am more importantly who they hell are you?!"

P "Oh my you scared me."

T "I don't care if I gave you a heart attack what do you think your doing trashing my room?"

P "I'm Peggy and this is my son Leslie's room. And as for your stuff I'm checking for drugs, I don't want my son exposed to that kind of thing."

T "If you're his mom then he should be here not you and you have no right going through my things I'm calling the cops!"

P "There is no need for that I am just trying to protect my Leslie. And when we walked in here earlier and saw how unclean your lifestyle is I had to check."

T "Unclean? How can you say that if anything I'm a neat freak I never leave a mess?"

P "I am not talking about how tidy you are I am talking about the satanic posters and disturbing items in here."

T "Oh my god lady you cant be serious! Get with the times it's called having a personality and for your information I'm not into Satan. Those posters are of bands I like, I am a musician and as long as I put them up on my side of the room you have no say in the matter."

At this she was at a loss there was nothing wrong with what he was saying but Peggy was a woman who never backed down. Unfortunately for her neither was Taz and even worse he was perfectly within his right to be upset. He pulled out his phone and called campus security. As he spoke into his phone she started to panic she didn't think he would really call the police.

T "Hello yes I need someone to come to my room right away there's some woman here claiming to be my roommates mother and she is tearing the room apart trashing my things." ********** No there is no one else here. ************* Yes thank you I'm in the freshmen dorm, second floor, room 204. ********** Ya ill still be here. Bye."

By this time Kyle had returned home from work, he walked up to Taz's door to see if he wanted to go out and do something since Ross wouldn't be home till after ten. As he approached the Taz's door he heard the tail end of the phone conversation.

K "Yo my man what's... whoa what happened to your room?"

T "This bitch tore it up. She says she is my roommates mom and said I'm already a bad influence on her son."

That's when Kyle noticed someone else in the room. When he looked at her he cocked his head in recognition. Her eyes went wide she knew this boy also.

K "Mrs. Kramer? What are you doing here?"

P "I remember you, you're the boy that caused that disturbance at my Leslie's graduation. Now I know I need to get my son out of here."

T "Boy lady you've got a lot of nerve to go there. If you anything about what really happened then you would know better then to say anything to him about it."

K "Don't worry she doesn't bother me. Everyone back home knows that the whole family is a bunch of stuck up snobs. They have too much money and think they are better then everyone else. Well if you're here where is Leslie or should I say Lesby."

T "Lesby?"

P "Don't you call my son that. Its not his fault he is so frail."

K "Frail? That's not what I would call it. What till you see him Taz then your know why we used to call him Lesby. If he wasn't such an arrogant prick he wouldn't still be called it."

Just then Leslie showed up with his dad toting bags from McDonalds. He was a little guy maybe 5'5" at best, toe head blonde and from what the guys could see really thin. Taz immediately knew what Kyle was talking about this boy looked more like a militant girl then a boy. Leslie took a look around the room then narrowed his eyes on his mom.

L "Dad take mom and go, Ill take care of this mess. Ill call you tomorrow."

P "Now Leslie lets not..."

L "I said go, NOW!"

Leslie's dad just patted him on the shoulder and grabbed Peggy by the arm dragging her out. Taz and Kyle stood there shocked not knowing what to make of Leslie's outburst or his fathers compliance.

By this time the campus police showed up. Taz let them know what had happened with Leslie filling in the gaps. They filed a report and told Leslie that if his mom wanted to come back to campus she would have to report in first before she could come to the dorms. After the cops left both guys just looked at Leslie with disdain on their faces making it obvious that they shouldn't believe anything he said. Leslie looked down at his hands fidgeting unable to look either one in the eyes.

L "I'm sorry about her I should have known she was up to something when she suggested we go get McDonalds. She would never eat that."

K "Why should we believe anything you say. I've known you for a long time and you are nothing but a stuck up, egotistical, elitist asshole. But, at the same time I know you're a fake."

L "And you're right I have been an asshole as well as many other unsavory things."

Both guys stood there stunned at the admission. Leslie didn't stop there he looked strait into Kyle's eyes determined to make his point.

L "I know it's going to take some time for you to believe me but I truly am sorry. There's a different side to me that I've never been able to show because of my mother. My whole life my mother has been in control. My dad died when I was just a baby and my mother seemed to just blow it off. She has family money and is set for life and I didn't get anything unless she deemed me worthy of it, so I've had to do anything and everything she wanted so I could stay on her good side. My only friend has been my step dad and one other guy. I cant believe he stood up to her and dragged her out of here, now I feel bad cause I know he is going to pay for it later."

Taz looked to Kyle hoping to gauge his reaction. But Kyle stood there with his arms crossed over his chest seeming annoyed. Kyle stared into Leslie's eyes searching for the lies he knew had to be there but couldn't find any. Taz couldn't take the silence that followed and spoke up needing to break some of the tension.

T "Well if you are so eager to please your mom why are you here instead of some fancy school, she didn't seem happy to have you here."

K "Ya you had perfect grades. From what I heard you were going to Harvard or Yale."

Leslie went over and sat on his bed. He still wasn't comfortable with his new situation even if it was for the better.

L "I don't have to worry about what my mother wants anymore. My real dads father passed away this summer and being his only grandson left everything to me. It's sad because Ill miss him I used to spend my summers with him. But now my mother has no say in what I do. I never wanted to be a lawyer like she wanted; I want to be a teacher. I heard you and a few other guys talk about going here so I checked it out and signed up. She only came with me because she doesn't want to lose me so she is acting like she supports my decision."

K "Tough break kid but I still don't trust you. Well Taz I'm going to go get cleaned up Ross will be home soon and we are going to dinner your welcome to join us."

T "Sure let me clean up this mess and ill be right over."

L "Um Kyle?"

K "What now?"

L "Can we talk tomorrow there's some stuff I really need to talk to you about. I came early because I was hoping to find you and talk to you before classes started. Its important."

K "Fine but don't get your hopes up I'm still not satisfied."

Kyle left to go clean up. Taz started to put things back in his closet but the anger from why he had to do it still bothered him.

L "So your name is Taz?"

T "No its Taylor. My friends call me Taz, you can call me Taylor. Ya know what, I'm really not in the mood to clean this up now, Ill do it when I get back."

Taz left leaving Leslie to his guilt over what happened. Leslie was so lonely he couldn't stand it he hoped that after his talk with Kyle things would get better. Before he began unpacking his own things he straitened up Taz's things and put his posters back up. He thought maybe the small gesture would gain him some points with the dark featured Adonis. No wait he couldn't start up those kinds of thoughts he couldn't risk being on the wrong side of things. Tomorrow, tomorrow will be a better day it had to be.

Well was this what anyone was expecting? I hope not. Want to keep everyone on their toes. Anyone care to guess what Leslie wants to talk to Kyle about? If I'm getting any better at this then it's going to be a surprise. As usual any comments are welcome at ujinmo@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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