Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Jun 25, 2017


Ken and I - Part 15

The next couple of days seemed to drag endlessly towards Saturday morning. My plans for Ken kept morphing between several scenarios that would trick him into letting Jamie in on our fun.

One idea involved Ken being blindfolded and tricking him into thinking that I was the one tugging and sucking on his cock when it would really be Jamie; at the moment he was ready to climax I would remove the blindfold and he'd be too far into it to let the shock of seeing his younger brother stop the inevitable. Another idea was to somehow orchestrate the two of them riding out to the boxcar where they would catch me naked and masturbating; they'd get so horny seeing me that it would inevitably lead to the three of us fooling around. A third idea was to have Jamie catch the two of us in the act and then the two of us would have to do whatever he wanted to buy his silence.

Of course each of the ideas was fraught with pitfalls: if Ken was too shocked by the blindfold scenario he'd be so pissed at both Jamie and I that I'd lose his friendship and ruin their brotherly relationship; in the second scenario I had no idea how I could get them to go on a bike ride together without me, and it seemed unlikely that the two of them would just magically be so turned on that they'd just join me. And the third scenario cast Jamie as a real douche for blackmailing us into doing stuff with him.

As smart I though I was, at 14 years of age my mind was not always capable of forming clear plans that were rooted in reality, especially when it concerned sex of any sort. Those fucking teen hormones always seemed to mess things up and in the end I couldn't come up with a reasonable plan that wasn't based on pure luck. I'd also pretty much gotten over the near-humiliation of ejaculating in my pants during math class; the desire for revenge had waned and without it, I felt a measure of guilt with each of my ideas. I would be risking everything. Don't get me wrong: the lust fueled part of my brain that seemed to control most of my waking day and sleeping night was still scheming how to put the three of us together in a situation of sexual fun , but without having to risk everything. Each night that I masturbated in bed, I'd play through one of the scenarios. Naturally while jerking myself to orgasmic bliss, each idea would play out successfully; as I covered my own stomach and chest in splash after splash of teen spunk, I would imagine Ken, Jamie and I ending up covered in each others hot teen cream.

I didn't sleep well Friday night; I was anticipating Saturday morning with Ken, and I wasn't really any closer to a definitive plan. I finally fell asleep well past midnight and was up early, at least what passed for early as a 14 year old boy. At 8:30 I was washed, dressed and sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal when my mom came in to make coffee. She hadn't expected me to be up and was surprised to see me there.

"Wow Martin, you're up! Is it noon already? Did I oversleep?", she smiled at me.

"Funny mom", I replied, "I was awake, so I figured I'd just get up."

"Is everything alright honey? You've been awfully quiet the last few days. Did you and Ken have a fight?"

"What? No. Geez, why would you think that?", I asked a little more angrily than I had intended. I was feeling a bit guilty at all the schemes I'd been thinking about to trick Ken, and my mom's question seemed to cause that guilt to bubble over into anger, although it was really directed at myself more so than her.

"You guys have just spent so much time together lately, but you haven't mentioned him at all. I guess I was pretty much expecting that either you would've slept there last night or he would've slept here. I was just worried, so please don't take that tone with me."

"Sorry mom", I replied, "I guess we've both just been busy with school stuff and whatever. I'm meeting Ken later this morning anyway so it's all good."

"Well that's good Martin, I think it's nice that the two of you have become such good friends. I know you were upset when Daryl moved, he was your best friend and I'm sure you must've been missing him."

Normally I would've found mom's observation embarrassing; I guess most boys my age find dealing with emotions to be difficult and messy, especially when they involve another boy. I had tried to keep my feelings of sadness about Daryl to myself, but I guess I hadn't been too successful in hiding it. And of course mom knew me too well not to have noticed.

To my surprise, I found myself answering her, "Yeah, I guess I did. I mean, I guess I still sort of do. I hate that he had to move away so far." To my further surprise I found that it felt good to admit it out loud.

"When did you talk to him last?" mom asked.

"A few weeks ago", I answered, adding somewhat quietly, "it's ... it's kind of hard when I talk to him on the phone."

"It makes you miss him all over again, doesn't it?"

Mom was right. Every time we talked on the phone it felt like we were saying good-bye all over again. Daryl had been my very best friend for such a long time. We'd done everything together, all the time. We had gone to school together, practically lived at each other's houses, even went on family trips together. I could feel myself becoming emotional at thinking about it, and I was afraid that I'd start to cry in front of mom. There was only so much emotion I could reveal to my mother, and crying was definitely out. If I cried now she' d know everything.

"You guys had talked about getting together during summer holidays after school was out, is that still something you want to do?"

"Yeah, I guess. It's just, well ... it'll be expensive for a flight and all that. I mean, I guess I could take a bus, but I don't even know how long that would take."

"I'm pretty sure that would take a couple of days, and there's no way you father or I would send you on a bus trip like that by yourself!" She could tell I was about to roll my eyes, as in I'm not a little kid, so she quickly added, "and don't roll your eyes at me, that has nothing to do with us not trusting you. Besides ... well, we were going to surprise you with this a little closer to the end of the school year, but ... we've already set aside money for a flight this summer."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I started smiling when mom added, "And we've spoken with Daryl's parents. They'd be happy to have you out there this summer for a few weeks. It sounds like Daryl's been missing you as well. He hasn't made a lot of new friends and spends most of his time in his room or moping around the house."

"Wow, really? I can't believe this. Oh man, thanks." I got up and went around the table to hug her. It took her by surprise as I had become stingy with my hugs over the last year.

"I didn't know Daryl was having trouble out there. He never said anything about that on the phone, he just made everything sound really good."

"Well, he's probably too embarrassed to admit it to you. I don't know about you teenage boys. You make everything so difficult. Why can't you just tell each other how you feel? You like each other and miss each other, that's perfectly normal. Really, how hard is that?" Mom clucked and made a face, turning to finish making her coffee.

I was glad she had turned away. I could feel my face burning red, knowing that she was right. I had tried to suppress how much I truly missed Daryl. If I'd been mature enough, I would've admitted that I loved Daryl and that the world I had known had been turned on its head when he moved. This flood of emotions thinking about Daryl was also making me feel guilty that I was somehow replacing him with Ken. I quickly turned from the table before mom could see the tears forming in my eyes. I suddenly needed air. And to think.

"I'm going out, back later." I croaked out and pretty much bolted for the door before mom had a chance to intervene and somehow make things worse.

It was still a couple of hours before I was supposed to meet Ken by the boxcar, but I jumped on my bike and headed out that way anyway. The boxcar was also a good spot to be on my own to think. I realized as I was peddling that tears had been running down my face; the wind rushing past my face made them feel cool on my cheeks. Reaching the trails to the boxcar, I stashed my bike in the bushes and wiped my eyes and cheeks with the back of my hands.

It was starting to get warm as I walked the trails; the sun was out and there was barely a cloud in the sky. I reached the boxcar; as usual it was deserted, but then again I would've been surprised to see anyone there at that time of the morning. I assumed the teens or whomever used it when we weren't around did so at night. I hoisted myself up and sat on the edge with my back against the sliding door.

As I sat there, my emotions, memories, and guilty fantasies swirled inside my head; it felt like my head was going to explode. I hadn't realized that time had passed, but the next thing I became aware of was that I'd been sitting there with my head on my knees, my arms wrapped around my legs. I also became aware that I'd been crying again. Looking up I saw Ken swing himself up onto the edge of the open doorway.

"Hey Martin", he started, grinning broadly, "how's it ...".

The smile faded as he looked at me, "Oh my god, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I could hear the genuine concern in his voice. I probably looked like hell; I could feel the dried tears on my cheeks and I was sure my eyes must've been redder than a bag full of cinnamon hearts.

"Martin, come on, talk to me", Ken pleaded, "shit, did someone die or something?"

"I'm okay ... it's just ...", I weakly replied, unable to get anything else out. I leaned forward onto my knees and wrapped my arms around Ken, burying my head against his shoulder and neck.

"You're scaring me Martin", Ken said as I felt his arms go around me, holding me as I began to sob.

I'm not sure how long we held each other like that, neither of us speaking. I had stopped crying and became aware of how good it felt to be this close to Ken. He felt solid and real, like something I could hang onto. His scent filled my nostrils; a mix of soap and shampoo from his morning shower, and a light odor of sweat from the growing heat of the day and our tight embrace. My pubescent teen brain seemed to shift gears, my emotional energy suddenly shifting from sadness to desire. At that moment I needed nothing else to exist outside of this moment with Ken.

Lifting my head from his shoulder I looked into his eyes, took my hands and held his head as I began to kiss him, grinding my lips against his, my tongue slipping into his mouth, desperately seeking his tongue in return. If I had shocked Ken with my sudden change in mood, he barely showed it as I felt his body respond to mine, his hands running down my back, down to my sides and up under my shirt. Pulling it up, he forced our mouths to separate as he lifted the front and hooked it behind my head. Leaning forward, his mouth found my left nipple and I could feel it harden as his tongue danced across the tip.

My cock had gone rock hard, and was uncomfortably trapped in my shorts. I pushed Ken back and down onto the floor of the boxcar, finding myself straddled across his legs in the process. I could see the outline of the head of his hard prick as it pushed tightly against his nylon gym shorts. It was obvious he wasn't wearing underwear as I reached down with my hand, rubbing it over his balls and up the shaft. I could feel his cock pulse with my movement and a wet spot appeared where his piss slit was tight against the nylon fabric.

"Fuuuck...", Ken moaned out loud, "Maaartin ...".

Before he could say anything else I laid down on top of him, grinding my crotch against his as my mouth once again covered his. I could feel the blood pounding in my heart and body, my world shrinking to this moment and place. I pulled up, my hands trembling with energy as I pushed his nylon shorts down enough to let his stiff cock spring out. I could see pearls of precum oozing from the head and running down the shaft. I knew Ken was clearly as horny as I was. I could feel his hands fumbling with the button and zipper of my shorts; I pushed his hands aside, desperate to release my own confined throbbing erection. As soon as my shorts were down far enough my cock sprang up, spraying strings of my own precum with each bounce.

I let myself fall back down onto Ken, our stiff throbbing pricks pressing against each other, both slick with our now mixing precum. The feeling of our heads rubbing together as we ground against each was overwhelming. We were kissing and grunting, caught up in the heat of our young teen passion. I knew my own release was imminent, as I could feel my balls and entire groin area begin to tighten, radiating waves of pleasure outward throughout my body. Ken's hands grasped my half bare ass, his fingers sliding along the beads of sweat between my cheeks. He was pulling me down hard against him and I knew from his desperate movements and ragged breath that he was as close as I was. One of his hands had slipped beneath my half pulled off shorts, and I could feel as one his fingers had slid down and against my rosebud. I had no idea whether Ken was doing it consciously or not , but his finger suddenly pushed down and partially into my ass.

All of this stimulation was overwhelming my senses; my eyes were shut and I was vaguely aware of groaning out loud as my focus became centered on the almost painful pulsing in my cock as rope after rope of my hot semen erupted from deep within me. I was intensely aware of every pulse, the feeling of my piss slit widening as it ejected every burst of my cum. I was coating Ken's lower body with my hot sticky jizz, while his own cock gushed its load of cream between us as well.

It felt as though every muscle in my body suddenly relaxed as the energy of my massive orgasm began to subside. I lay on top of Ken, panting from the exertion of our passionate entanglement. Ken was breathing as heavily as I, our chests rising and falling against each other, sweat dripping off our faces.

Slowly I rolled to the right, off Ken and onto the hard wooden floor of the boxcar. I realized how uncomfortable that must've been for him, given our intense grinding action. But Ken said nothing of it, likely having been oblivious to it while we had humped and covered each other in what felt like gallons of creamy jizz. My nostrils were filled with the odor of our sweat and the lightly bleachy smell of our cum, as it all began to dry in the heat of the day.

Neither of us seemed to speak in forever, and I had no idea how much time had passed. The whole event might've lasted hours or mere minutes, but we were both exhausted.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." Ken finally managed to breathe out, "What the fuck was that?"

"I guess I was a little horny", I quipped in response.

"A little? A little?" Ken repeated, "... fuck Martin, you were like a fucking wild animal!"

I laughed a little at Ken's description of me, "Yeah, but you were right there with me."

Ken grinned, "Well fuck, yeah, I mean ... fuck, you got me going so what the hell was I supposed to do?"

I looked over at Ken and then myself; our crotches and midsections were thoroughly coated with jizz. I pulled my shirt off all the way and used it to wipe Ken and then myself. I figured I could just tuck it into the waist of my shorts and tell mom that it was too hot on the way home.

We sat up, and Ken looked at me, "Seriously, what was that? One minute you looked miserable, like you'd been crying for days and the next minute ... well Jesus, you were like a fucking sex fiend attacking me."

I tried to laugh, but Ken's question had brought me full circle to where this had started. There were no more tears though. I didn't know if it was physically possible to run out of tears, but if it were, I was sure that I had.

"Ken, I ... it's just that ...", I began. Ken leaned over, pulled me towards him and we shared a tender kiss. Or I supposed it was tender, certainly in comparison to the way we'd practically eaten each others faces earlier. We continued to gently nuzzle each other, our mouths sliding against each other, not out of lust, but ... could this be love?

Momentarily I opened my eyes, not even realizing I had shut them while we were kissing. Peering from behind a tree not far across the small clearing in front of the boxcar was Ken's younger brother Jamie. Suddenly I was afraid; afraid that whatever happened next would destroy this perfect little world I had just created with Ken.

Next: Chapter 16: Ken and I 16

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