Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Sep 5, 2017


Ken and I - Part 26

I felt my unfinished thought hang there between us as our writhing bodies began to slow after we each had an explosive ejaculation of our young, velvety thick white nectar. Once again that day I think I'd been about to tell Ken that I loved him, but convinced myself that I just loved what we were doing. I'm not sure if Ken had something similar run through his mind. Had he thought that I was about to say that I loved him? Did he also convince himself that I was only speaking about the experience?

"Oh my god, yeah ... I loved that too", he said, trying to catch his breath with me still laying on top of him.

I was simultaneously relieved and disappointed by Ken's response. I had all these feelings building up inside of me, but I was afraid to share this with Ken. What if I was wrong? What if I was just confused? What did I really know about how love between two boys should feel? And besides, if love had been something that Ken had thought about during our time apart, then wouldn't this have been his chance to tell me? At fourteen, I still had a real problem distinguishing love from pure horny lust.

I had become quite comfortable with the very physical part of our friendship; I had no issues with touching his ass or having his cock in my mouth, in fact I wanted those things very much. But feelings, those were different; once we'd physically pleasured each other, it was done and we got on with the rest of our friendship. Sure, the memories of what we'd done and the anticipation of doing it again were wonderful, but they just fueled more physical pleasuring, usually while I was masturbating. Which seemed to be any moment not spent with Ken. But feelings. Love. Especially love. That was different. They were messy; and once they were out there, they lingered. You didn't just say you loved someone and then it was done.

This was something I'd observed among my school friends who were starting to date girls. I thought you said you loved me was a phrase that I'd seen knock the wind out of many of them. It seemed like it was this thing that was great while it lasted, but it's not like it was "done" even after you'd broken up with someone. Then it was something that drove jealous retribution. It seemed like it was something that was better kept to yourself. I was just scared that at some point I would blurt it out.

"Helloooo?" I heard Ken ask.

"Sorry, what?"

"I asked if you were going to go to sleep laying on top me", Ken laughed.

"I tried getting off, but I think we're glued together", I replied, and we both cracked up laughing as I slid back onto my side of his bed. Our cum slicked bellies glistened in the light of his bedside lamp.

Ken rolled to his to grab a t-shirt off the floor next to his bed; when he rolled onto his back we saw that he'd managed to wipe half of the cum onto his bed sheet. Ken sopped up the rest and handed me the shirt so that I could wipe myself down as well. I crumpled his shirt into a wet ball and tossed it towards his pile of dirty laundry.

"Oh great, you know it's gonna dry like that", Ken said.


"Sooo ... my mom's gonna try to straighten it out before she throws it into the washing machine. She'll think I've been using it for weeks."

I laughed hard, "It's not like it'll be the first time she's found a crusty mess in your room ... socks, pants, underwear, shirts, bed sheets ... she must already think that her sweet little boy is a filthy bastard who does nothing but masturbate all day long."

Ken laughed too, "She probably wears one of those bodysuits like they do when they handle nuclear waste."

"Well, between you and Jamie it probably feels like a nuclear cum dump in your rooms."

We started laughing harder and Ken said, "It's not like your room or stuff is any better."

"True, at least our moms have never said anything about it. I guess they just know it's something we do."



"Maybe let's stop talking about our moms? I know they must know, but ... it's kinda gross to think about, I'd rather just pretend I'm fooling my mother."

"Okay", I said, and then a moment later added, "maybe there's something else to talk about?"

"Like what?"

"Wellll ... you were telling me about you and Jamie before I ... before we ... ", I grinned, "was ... was that it? Or did you guys? I mean ... it's really cool."

Now that he'd told me about their first time in the tent, it seemed to be easier for him to tell me the rest. How the next morning they'd gone for a walk and talked about what had happened. Ken wanting to make sure that Jamie was okay with what they'd done; Jamie confirming that it was cool and felt good. Ken confessed that they did it again night after night while they were camping. They had also spent a few days staying with some family, where they had reluctantly held back from doing anything together, but had resumed their nightly routine as soon as they'd returned home.

Both of our cocks began to harden again as Ken told me everything.

"Did you guys ... have you ... y'know ... sucked each other?" I asked as I reached over and began to slowly run my hand over his cock and balls; his cock was slightly wet and sticky and although he'd wiped with the shirt, more cum had dribbled out afterwards.

Ken moaned lightly, "No ... not yet."

"Not yet", I teased, "which means you want to?"

Ken grinned, but blushed lightly, "Yes?"

I was rubbing him a bit harder now, his cock fully hard again, "Sooo ... what's the problem? Why haven't you?"

"I ...", Ken groaned as my hand swirled around the head, picking up some fresh precum that had started seeping from the tip, "I just thought maybe ... well, what if ... y'know, what if you?"

"If I what?" I asked, as I brought my head over and licked the head with the tip of my tongue.

"Oh god", Ken squirmed, "I was just thinking that ... you'd said something about maybe Jamie being with us ... what if you ... if you sucked him first? I don't even know if he'd want me to."

I spoke between licks, "Are you kidding? Of course he does."

"How do you knowwwww", Ken mumbled as he felt my mouth close around the hard slick head of his prick.

I slid my mouth down and back up the shaft a few times before responding, "Because he told me."

"He what?"

I sucked him for another minute and then told him much of what had already happened between Jamie and I, and what we'd talked about.

"Fuck ... so you've been messing around with him at the same time we've been?"

I couldn't tell if this upset him or not, "I'm sorry, I was going to tell you. Eventually. Once Jamie was ... well ... once he was messing around with us."

"So ... you've been planning this the whole time?"

"Yes ... and no", I started, "I have been thinking about it, trying to think of ways that ... but I hadn't exactly figured out a real plan."

"Y'know Martin? For real, you are one fucking horny bastard!" Ken grinned.

I was relieved that he wasn't mad at me; I had taken a risk at telling him about Jamie and I, but I figured that if I didn't tell him now, he'd find out anyway, and that would probably have been worse.


"I already knew."

"You knew? About Jamie and I? When?"

"Jamie told me during our trip. I guess you could say we started making plans of our own", he confessed.

"And I'm the dirty fucker?" I said in mock anger, adding , "Sooo, what's the plan?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait to find out", Ken said, his voice taking on a deeper, huskier tone, "but now, Martin?"


As he used his hand to push my head back down to his cock, Ken commanded, "Suck my fucking cock, I'm going to flood your mouth with my spunk and you're gonna fucking swallow it all!"

I shivered at the commanding tone Ken had taken with me; I still had no word to describe being submissive, but I knew it excited me, the same as it had when Jamie had taken some control from me at the boxcar. My mouth slid past the blood engorged head of his thick young prick and down the steely hard shaft. I was going to give Ken the best blowjob I could. I was already anticipating tasting his thick sweet boy cream.

And I couldn't help but think about what he and Jamie had planned for me.

Next: Chapter 27: Ken and I 27

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