Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Oct 19, 2017


Ken and I - Part 29

I was bored. With both Ken and Jamie gone this weekend I didn't feel I had anything to do. It made realize just how much they had become part of my life. And how few friends I actually had. Not that this was really news to me. Most of the guys I knew were school friends, but I had little contact with them outside of school.

I knew with the end of summer holidays approaching that mom would be getting on me about going shopping for some back to school clothes. I didn't necessarily like going to the mall by myself, but I was at an age where that was better than having to be dragged around with mother. With a little of dad's help, I was able to convince her that I was old enough to go and pick out some of my own things. She wasn't too thrilled, but gave in on the condition that I would have to return anything that she didn't approve.

I decided to ride the bus rather than take my bike. I figured that if I ended up buying a bunch of stuff that it would be easier to carry home that way. It was also hot out and I didn't want to smell all sweaty while I was shopping. Not that the bus wasn't hot, but I wouldn't be on it very long so I'd be less likely to get too funky.

I cruised through a few shops when I arrived, looking for the items that mom had decided I definitely needed: some new pants, a few t-shirts and at least one collared shirt for school pictures. The t-shirts were easy and I had several picked out fairly quickly, mostly because I tended to choose the same colors and style every time we went shopping, and also I didn't need to try them on. Mom would try her best to push me into buying more colorful selections, but I preferred faded colors so that I didn't stand out.

I picked out a couple of pairs of pants and headed to the change rooms. Once inside I stepped out of the shorts I was wearing. For a moment I looked at myself in the change room mirrors; it was mirrored on three sides, the kind with then angled mirrors so you could see yourself all around. I was having a pretty good day and so thought I didn't look too bad. The longer I looked the more I realized that blood had started rushing to my groin.

I grabbed the first pair of pants and started to pull them on; they were a little snug, and starting to bone up wasn't helping. I had barely managed to do up the button and zipper them up when a knock on the door startled me. It was one of the salesmen wanting to know if everything was working out.

I replied that I wasn't sure about the pants so he told me to come out so that he could have a look. I didn't particularly want to, but I often found I had trouble saying no to adults, especially if they weren't my parents, so I opened the door and stepped out. The salesman seemed young; I wasn't necessarily good at guessing ages but I supposed he might've been somewhere around twenty. I'd never really considered whether I was attracted to guys who were more than a few years older than me, but I thought he was pretty good looking. Checking him out wasn't helping with the snugness of the pants so I tried not to focus on him.

"Well the length seems to be okay, but what about the waist, how is that fitting? Lift up your shirt and turn so that I can see."

I did as asked; while I turned I could feel myself beginning to blush as I felt his eyes on me. I wasn't completely hard, but I as I looked down I knew that my bulge had to be obvious.

He smiled and nodded, "Mhmm, those look great on you, good fit across the seat, tight, but not too tight. They really show off your figure. Have you tried on the other pair?"

At this point my cheeks were on fire, and I tried my best to look anywhere but at him. I mumbled something that resembled thanks and no, and quickly stepped back in to the safety of the change room. In the mirror I saw that my entire face had flushed and I was beginning to sweat. I took a few deep breaths as I unzipped and stepped out of the pants. I noticed the beginnings of a wet spot on the front of my briefs. I seriously contemplated not trying on the other pair, but I wasn't sure what I'd tell the salesman if I didn't. With some reluctance I put on the other pair; they were looser than the first, although I still felt that if you looked closely you could see my bulge. Despite my nerves, I hadn't gone soft, although thankfully I hadn't completely boned either.

Once more I stepped out of the change room; he smiled as I came out and once more I started to blush. Without being asked this time I lifted my shirt so he could assess the fit of the waist. And whatever else he was assessing.

As I had thought myself, he pointed out that they were considerably looser than the other pair, "Hmm, yeah, they don't look to fit quite as well as the other ones."

I thought that would be the end of it, but rather than simply point it out, he stepped right up to me and grasped the fabric at the back, just below my waist and pulled it together. He was practically touching my ass and I thought I might actually pass out.

"See what a difference that makes?" he said, as he looked down and pointed his other hand towards my groin.

For a moment I didn't think he was going to let go and I swear that if he'd touched me I probably would've stiffened fully and shot my load. I nodded and mumbled again, this time something about taking the other pair. I'm not sure if he'd let go of the back of the pants or if I'd pulled myself away, but once in the change room and let out a deep breath. I quickly undid the pants and dropped them, noticing that the small wet spot from earlier had grown considerably. Part of me wanted to grab my cock and jack off right there, but I wasn't sure that the salesman had left. For once, the normal part of my brain overruled my hormonal teen instincts. I pulled on my shorts, grabbed the pants and stepped out. As I had thought, he was still there and sensing my confusion said that he'd ring in the pants that I had said I would take.

I wanted to pay and leave as quickly as I could to avoid further embarrassment; he tried to chat with me as he folded and packed the pants into a bag, and worked the cash register. I have no idea whether I replied with any semblance of manners or intelligence, but once he handed me the bag I said thanks and made my way to the exit. As I walked, I started smiling to myself and without realizing, laughed out loud thinking that the situation could've been much worse if my mom had been with me.

"Hey, do you always smile and laugh out loud when you're walking through the mall alone?"

I was startled out of my thoughts; I looked up and saw David in front of me.

"Uhm, what?"

"I said, do you always smile and laugh out loud when you're walking through the mall alone?"

"No, I was ... no", I didn't think I wanted to share what had happened with David since I didn't know him well enough to share my embarrassing shopping experience, "so ... hey David, what's up?"

"Nothing, just wandering the mall. Wanna go to the arcade?"

"Oh uhm ... sure, I guess", I stuttered, remembering my awkward encounter with David in the school bathroom.

"Great, let's go," David said and turned to head to the video arcade with me in tow, "so what've you been up to this summer?"

"Oh, not a whole lot, mostly just hanging out ... went to visit a friend for a couple of weeks." I said, briefly summarizing my trip, leaving out the more intimate details of my time with Daryl.

"Cool, that must've been fun. I spent most of the summer at my grandmother's. Helped her paint her house and fix a bunch of stuff. My grandpa died last year. Also did some work on this old VW van she's got in a shed in the back. It was theirs from the sixties. They were hippies or something I guess. Anyway, she said if I wanted to fix it up then I could have it. In a year I mean, when I get my license. I'm fifteen. Did you know that?"

"Oh, uhm, no ... I guess I thought we were the same age."

David had a unique style of speaking that was different from other people I knew. It wasn't so much conversational as it was a series of almost random, yet connected thoughts. I wondered if this had something to do with him being a bit of a loner, or whether it was the result of it.

"I started school a year late. My mother was sick so we lived with my grandparents. I still have my own room at their house. If my mom has to work weekends then I'll usually go stay there. She's a nurse so she works weird shifts. Sometimes she's gone all night."

"Oh ... uhm, ok", I said, not sure how to respond to what David was telling me.

We walked into the arcade, and purchased game tokens from the clerk. I knew I shouldn't be using the money mom had given me for clothes to play games, but I figured she wouldn't miss five dollars. We played a few games and it was clear that he probably spent a fair bit of time here. He was good, way better than I was; he had high scores on quite a few of the machines, which he would point out before we started.

"See that?" he said, pointing at the initials DAP, "that's me. David Anderson Pruitt. Do you have a middle name?"

"Anthony", I replied.

"Hey, cool, our middle names start with the same letter. My mom's name before she got married was Anderson. I wanna play this game", he said, popping his tokens into the slot.

As he played, I watched him. He looked about the same as he at school. He was taller than I was by a few inches, but probably weighed no more; his thin frame accentuating his height. He was wearing a faded t-shirt that clung to him; although he was skinny, his arms were well defined with muscle, and I wondered if his stomach was equally defined underneath the shirt. I'd never noticed that he played sports at school, other than what we all had to for PE class. His jeans were also faded; like his t-shirt on his upper body, they were tight on his legs and across his ass. I couldn't help but notice that it also appeared well defined, or at least I imagined it was. Why was I imagining his ass all of a sudden? Despite his somewhat plain appearance, I found myself attracted to him in some way. I was starting to sweat again. I repositioned myself so that I could get a better look at the front of his jeans. There was a pronounced bulge along the right side, making me think back to what I'd seen when he'd stood next to me at the school urinals. I was standing close enough to him to smell a mixture of soap and teen sweat on his body. I could feel my dick starting to swell in my shorts; I knew if I wanted to avoid an embarrassing situation I should stop staring at his crotch, but I found it difficult to look away. David appeared entirely engrossed in his game, as though nothing else existed; perhaps that focus explained why he played so well. I continued to stare.

"Hey ... hello? You want a turn?"

David's voice pierced through the horny fog that had enveloped my teen brain.

"Uhm, what?"

"Geez Martin, and people call me a space cadet", he laughed, "I said you should have a turn."

It hadn't occurred to me that David was aware of what other's said or thought of him. For a moment it made feel sad for him. And a little guilty for having thought some of those same things.

"Oh, uhm, I don't know David ... I don't think I'm very good at this one, you're the expert."

"C'mon, play. I'll show you what to do", he said, putting his own tokens into the machine and pulling me to the controls as he stepped back and to the side.

I began to play as David's voice guided me through the game. For a few minutes I seemed to do well, until I became conscious of how close he was standing behind me. I could feel the heat of his body as he leaned forward and pressed into to the left side of my body; his left hand was on the machine and his right seemed to hover next to my ass; I could feel his breath as he told me when to move and shoot. My dick started to swell again, and I quickly lost my lives, ending the game.

David laughed, "Oh man, what happened? You were doing so well. Wanna play again?"

I was sweating, "Uhm, no ... I should get going, I still need to get a shirt and then get home."

"Okay, well thanks for hanging out", David said pleasantly, seemingly unaware of my nerves and the effect he was having on me, "... see you around."

"Sure okay David, later", I replied, holding my bag so that my growing erection was hidden from view.

I practically bolted from the arcade, feeling slightly rude at departing so suddenly. David was turning out to be a pretty nice guy. The mall washrooms were next to the arcade and quickly decided that I needed to go just to cool off. There were a couple of guys at the urinals and I went into the first stall next to them and locked the door. I let out my breath and sat on the toilet. Why was David having such an effect on me?

I heard the flush of the urinals as the other guys finished and walked out. I figured since I was here, I might as well pee. I stood up and hung my shopping bag from the hook on the back of the stall door. I unzipped my shorts and pulled them down. I was still partly erect, and the wet patch on my briefs from earlier had grown; I must've been leaking while I'd been with David. My dick twitched at the thought and began to rise and push out the front of my briefs. Should I, I wondered? If I didn't, I wasn't sure that I'd be able to concentrate on finishing shopping. As I began to push down my briefs and pull out my stiffening prick, I heard the washroom door open and close, hearing someone else come in and step to the urinals.

My cheeks flushed, almost as though I'd been caught in the act, even though no one could see me. I let my shorts and briefs fall to the floor as I turned and sat back down. My cock was standing up and rigid, and I could see a small string of precum flowing from the head. I grasped myself and leaned back. As I did, I noticed that there was a gap between the side of the stall and the wall. Looking over I realized that I could see the person standing at the urinal. I almost gasped out loud as I saw that it was David. He had already opened his pants and pulled his dick through the fly. It was as big I had recalled from the school incident. I marveled at it's soft length and couldn't look away as his piss streamed from he large, almost oversized head.

I licked my lips and wondered how much of it I could fit into my mouth. I was barely aware of the urgency with which I was stroking my cock, smearing the leaking sticky precum all along the shaft. I had to stifle a moan as I watched David finish, shaking his dick and milking out the last few drops of pee before stuffing it back in his pants. He had barely stepped away from the urinal when I felt my impending orgasm. I bit my lip as I held my hand wrapped around the head of my prick, feeling it swell slightly and begin to spurt hot cream against my palm. I managed to avoid spraying it all over my shirt and into my shorts, but could feel it running down the length of my cock as I continued to block it with my hand. Some of it dripped off my balls into the toilet while the rest pooled into my patch of pubic hair. I shivered and bucked with every spurt, feeling like it was never going to end. I felt out of breath from the intensity and let out a deep breath as I heard the washroom door close.

I'm not sure how long I sat there before reaching for the toilet paper so that I could sop up the mess I'd made. It was a bitch cleaning it out my pubes, managing to get about half of it and deciding that I'd have to clean the rest later at home. My dick had finally softened enough so that I could pee. As I sat there, I wondered again why David was having such an effect on me. Was just because he had a big dick? Or was there more to it than that?

Next: Chapter 30: Ken and I 30

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