Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Nov 10, 2017


Ken and I - Part 30

I had looked forward to Monday; not because it was Monday, but because it meant Ken and Jamie would be back. Waking up with morning wood, especially during summer vacation, would normally mean a nice, slow stroke to creamy eruption. Unless of course the need to piss was more overwhelming than the need to cum. This morning I decided that rather than some solo hand action, I'd wait to hook up with Ken or Jamie, or hopefully both. I waited a few minutes to let my cock soften, or at least soften as much as it would at this point. I didn't exactly want to parade around the house with tented pyjamas in front of my mother. I got up and went to the bathroom before heading to the kitchen for breakfast.

"You look like you're in a good mood", my mother said.

I was in a good, anticipating what could happen today, "I guess so."

"What are you going to get up to today? Only one more week before you go back to school."

"Geez, don't remind me, it sucks that the summer is going to be over already. Are you trying to ruin my good mood?"

"Oh Martin", my mother said, "don't be so dramatic, you like school. And you'll get to see your friends."

Yeah, all my friends I thought. I wasn't really sure why my mother thought I had a ton of friends. It's not like I talked about a lot of kids from school; Daryl, and now Ken, were probably the only two I'd really talked about and had over. It's not that I was unpopular, and I did have friends at school, it was just that most of the time those friendships didn't seem to extend much beyond the school yard.

"Anyway, I guess I'll see what Ken is up to, maybe we'll ride our bikes or something."

"Well it's nice that you two boys have become such good friends. You're spending almost as much time with him as you used to with Daryl."

"Yeah, he's cool." I replied, digging in to my eggs, bacon and toast.

My mother went on, talking about school, school supplies and a bunch of other things to which I only half- listened. I'd started to learn how to tune her out just enough, but still know enough when she was asking me a question or said something that required a response from me. It sounds rude, but I was more interested in finishing breakfast so that I could get ready to go across the street. As I started thinking about Ken and Jamie again, I could feel my dick stiffen slightly in my pyjamas. Thank god we didn't have one of those stupid glass-top tables like a couple of guys from school that I knew. I needed to think about something else, otherwise I'd have a problem when I wanted to get up.

"Do we need to get you some new runners? The ones you've been wearing all summer are looking pretty beat up."

"I guess. Maybe I'll go get some this week." I said.

"Shoes? On your own?"

"Geez mom, I did fine getting pants and stuff, right? I think I can manage to get some runners."

"Well, I suppose that's true. When will you go then?"

"I don't know, some time this week I said. Okay?" I said, maybe a little louder than I'd intended.

"Well, well, look who's all grown up all of a sudden. But until you get a job and have money of your own, I think you'd better just remember who's paying for all of this."

"Sorry mom", I said, "I just ... well, I'm just not a little kid anymore, okay?"

"I know, don't remind me, I miss my little boy following me around all day." I needed to make my exit before mom got any more nostalgic. Pretty soon she'd have us looking at old baby photos and shit.

I felt it was finally safe to stand; I got up and told mom I was going to shower and get dressed. As I stripped to get ready for the shower, my erection starting coming back to remind me that I hadn't taken care of business yet.

I did my best to ignore this as I washed, being careful to not soap my dick too vigorously. I dressed in shorts and a tee-shirt, knowing that the approaching start of school also meant it was likely to start getting cooler. Which meant no more shorts and tees.

"Where are you off to?", mom asked as I was headed to the door.

"Going to see if Ken and Jamie want to go for a ride or something."

"Isn't it a bit early to be bothering them already? I swear their parents must think they've adopted another son."

"At least they don't interrogate me at every meal", I replied as I left, hoping mom would take it as a joke and not a criticism; although I could do without quite so many questions all the time.

I grabbed my bike and pedalled across the street into Ken and Jamie's backyard. I knocked, mostly out of some sense of courtesy; I had gotten used to going in without waiting for the door to be opened for me. I was surprised to find the door locked.

Ken's mom came to the door when I knocked again, "Oh hi Martin."

"Hi, are the guys home?"

"Yes, but they won't be going anywhere today. They've both got the flu and are sick in bed; I'd invite you in, but they're sleeping and honestly, I wouldn't want them making you sick as well."

"Oh", I said, hoping that I didn't sound too disappointed, "well, okay, I hope they feel better then."

"Alright, I'll let them know you stopped by when they wake up", she said closing the door.

I picked up my bike and walked to the front yard. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I didn't feel like going back home already. I don't know why, but somehow I would've felt silly or immature, even though it wasn't my fault they were sick and unable to come out. And maybe I didn't want mom to think that they were my only friends.

I started riding, with no particular destination in mind. After a few minutes I ended up in a part of the neighbourhood that I didn't know very well. I wasn't lost, I didn't know anyone that lived there and just didn't have much reason to be there. It was a poorer area; the houses small and not as well kept. I rode around the streets a few times, and then down one of the back lanes when someone stepped out nearly directly in front of me. I turned sharply to avoid hitting them and ended up hitting a fence and falling off. I laid there for a moment, taking mental stock of whether anything hurt.

"Oh man, are you okay?"

I looked up and was surprised to see David standing over me, "Oh uhm ... I think so." David reached down and held out his hand. I was still surprised to see him, but he must've misread the look on my face.

"It's my hand Martin, you take it and I help you up", he smiled and laughed a little.

"Right", I said and took his hand.

Despite his thin build, his grip and pull were powerful. I remembered from seeing him at the mall that his arms were well defined, and clearly he was quite strong. At least in comparison to me. I was just thin, and as David pulled me up, I felt like he was pulling up a little kid that weighed nothing.

"Thanks", I said, and started dusting myself off.

As I did, I realized that there was some blood on my knee, "Oh, I guess I did hurt myself a little." It didn't actually hurt; between a bit of blood and dirt, it looked worse than it felt.

"Well, come in then, you should wash that off. You don't want to get an infection. You probably wouldn't, it's just some dirt. I can give you a bandage when it's clean and dry."

I followed David into the yard out of which he'd just stepped. I wasn't sure why I followed him without question; I could've just as easily ridden home and cleaned up there. Maybe it was the way he talked; he'd more told me than asked to come in. Once again I felt like a little kid.

The yard was small, but seemed clean and kept. It made me notice that the house also seemed to be much better kept than the surrounding ones. I remembered what David had said about helping his grandmother, and I wondered if he was responsible for the way it looked. We walked in the backdoor and I needed to say something; to me it seemed like an awkward silence, but it was probably just because I still felt nervous in David's presence.

"So you live here, huh?" I asked, mentally slapping myself for asking such a stupid question; obviously he lived here, otherwise we wouldn't have gone in.

David didn't seem to notice that it had been a silly question, "Me and my mom. My sister used to live here. She's older. She got married and moved away a few years ago. The bathroom is this way."

I followed him; we walked into a small kitchen, and I could see just past the kitchen was a small dining area and living room. An open door off the living room showed a bed, and I wondered if that was David's room or his mom's.

David had turned to his right in the kitchen, where he led me into the bathroom. In proportion to the rest of the house it seem quite large. It had a large, old fashioned claw foot tub with a shower enclosure around it. It was the first time I'd seen such a tub in person; the only other times were in some old pictures that I'd seen at my grandparents.

David handed me a facecloth that he'd taken off a shelf that hung next to the sink, "Here, you can use this to clean that. I'll find a bandage."

I wet the cloth and gently patted at my knee. I know if my mom had been doing this, she would've scrubbed a bit harder to get all the dirt out. But I didn't want to have David think I was a wimp if he saw me wincing. After rinsing the cloth a couple of times I felt like I'd done an alright job. I looked and saw that David was standing next to me with a bandage in one hand. I also saw that he was holding something else in his other hand. I cringed, realizing it was a bottle of iodine.

"I'm sure it's fine, I'll just the bandage on", I said, hoping to head off any discussion of swabbing my scraped knee with the iodine. I knew it would sting.

"Sit on the edge of the tub and I'll put it on", David said, plainly ignoring what I'd just said.

I complied without further question; I really just wasn't sure how to deal with David. If this had been Ken, I'd probably already have told him to fuck off. Saying it to David seemed out of the question, but I couldn't figure out why. I sat, and he knelt in front of me.

I grit my teeth as he wet a cotton ball with the iodine, "It's okay if you cry. My grandmother uses this on me. I don't like it, but she swears it has to be done. She used to be a nurse. Did I tell you my mom is a nurse too? I'm sure I did."

There was no way I was going to cry in front of David. I did suck in my breath when the cotton ball with iodine touched my knee; it didn't hurt as much as I'd anticipated, and David had a surprisingly gentle touch. I'm sure any other teen boy would've rubbed or pressed hard, let alone have thought of doing more than rinsing it, if at all. David kept talking as he gently swabbed my knee and then applied a bandage.

As he stood up, he said, "Well, that should do it."

I barely heard him; standing in front of me I realized I was much pretty eye level with his crotch. He was wearing jeans; they were tight like the ones he'd been wearing at the mall and I could see the bulge where his dick was pressing against the fabric. It suddenly felt hot in the bathroom, and my dick once again reminded me that I hadn't jerked off that morning. I needed to make an exit before I had a full blown boner tenting my shorts.

"Come on, I'll show you my room." David said, turning away from me toss the cotton ball in the waste basket and returning the bottle of iodine to a small basket of other bottles and bandages.

"Oh, uhm ... I should probably go. And you must've been going somewhere too when I ... y'know, nearly ran into you with my bike. And now you're probably late." I rambled, hoping desperately that he'd remember that he had something else to do.

"Nah, it's cool. I wasn't going anywhere. I saw you ride by the house a couple of times and thought maybe you were lost or something. Never really seen you riding around here before. Not a lot of kids from our school live around here. We've always lived here. My dad left when I was a baby. I don't remember that. Obviously."

I wasn't sure what to say to that; was I supposed to say something about not being lost. I sure as hell didn't know what to say about his dad not being around. I had enough trouble relating to my own family at times.

"Oh, sorry", was the only thing that I could actually think of, and quickly focused on not being lost, hoping to change the subject, "and no, I wasn't lost, just y'know ... riding around."

Clearly I was more flustered by the moment than he was; if he felt any emotion about his dad, he didn't show it. But I guess if he never really knew him, then maybe that was normal. For whatever reason, it seemed normal behaviour for David, at least as far as I'd gotten to know him. And on the plus side, the awkward moment had softened my dick to the point that it wasn't going to be tenting my shorts.

Without waiting for further input from me, he turned to lead the way to his room. I was surprised when he opened another door in the bathroom; there was a narrow set of stair that went up. I guess that answered the question about whose bedroom was off the living room. But it seemed weird to me. What did David do if he wanted to come down, but his mom was using the bathroom? I certainly wouldn't want to have to walk through our bathroom while mom was using it.

I followed David, trying not to stare at his ass as he climbed the stairs. At the top was an attic space that had been renovated into a bedroom. It wasn't wide, as the house itself wasn't, but it did run nearly the full length of the house, resulting in a fairly large room. At this end, there was a dresser and a rack, on which hung various shirts and coats. There was a laundry basket and also a full length mirror. I could feel heat flush my cheeks as I wondered whether David watched himself in the mirror as I sometimes did when I masturbated in my room.

At the far end stood a bed and a nightstand, as well as a small set of shelves which held various books as well as a small stereo system and a collection of records. All in all, it was a pretty cool room, other than the having to enter and exit through the bathroom thing. I thought that hanging out in there must be pretty cool, as he had the whole second story of the house to himself.

"Do you like disco?"

"Uhm, what?"

"Disco. Do you like it? Lots of kids don't. Or anyway, they say don't. I guess they don't think it's cool or something. I like it. I bought a new record when I was at the mall. After you left the arcade. Do you want to hear it?"

David had started pulling it out of its sleeve before I had started to reply, "Oh uh, yeah, it's alright I guess. Sure." Truthfully, I did like it, but as David had pointed out, it wasn't considered cool. Most of the guys at school were into hard rock. The topic of whether I liked it or not had never really come up before; somehow with David it seemed okay to be honest about it.

David pointed at his bed, "Go ahead and sit down."

He'd turned on his stereo and put the album on the record player. The steady beat of disco began to fill the room; David turned and smiled at me. I could see that he clearly enjoyed it; he began to sway and move in rhythm to the music. I marvelled at David's boldness, dancing to disco in front of a boy from school. As I thought about it, it wasn't so much that David was bold, he simply didn't seem to need "approval" from his peers to be himself. The more time I spent with David, the more I started to like him. Sure, he came across as a bit quirky, at least in comparison to the other guys our age.

He sat next to me on the bed, "So? What do you think? Pretty good right? Do you dance?"

Once more I tried to process the way he spoke, and decided that it might be best to just answer his questions in the order he'd posed them.

"Yeah. I like it, it is pretty good. I don't really dance, can't quite get my feet to do what my brain is thinking", I joked, and for some reason, adding, "but ... you look like you can pretty well. Dance, I mean."

"Yeah? You think? Thanks", David said, continuing as he stood up, "come on, I'll show you how."

Now I really didn't know what to say. Had David really just asked me to dance? This took what I'd thought of as boldness to a whole new level. Boys didn't ask other boys to dance. Not to disco, not in their bedrooms. I think if this had been anyone else I would've likely said no fucking way to preserve whatever faade of 'manliness' I was able to project.

As was his style, David didn't really wait for a response. He simply reached down, grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Except this time he wasn't just pulling; for reasons that made no sense to me at the time, my body complied and I stood up. David seemed to have this hold on me, where I did what he asked or said. It never felt like he was forcing me to anything I didn't want to; it was more that his open approach to everything made me feel it was okay to do or say things that I'd normally keep hidden. And it was different from how I was with Ken or Jamie, or even with Daryl earlier that summer. I just couldn't put into words how it was different.

David was facing me, holding both my hands, trying to show and instill his sense of rhythm into me. I was trying valiantly to move my arms, hips and feet the way he was, but whenever I concentrated on one of three the other two fell out of synch.

"You're thinking too hard." David said, "Just feel the music and let your body move how it wants. Stop fighting it."

"Uhm ... I'm trying", I replied, "I just ... I'm hopeless."

"Here, let's try this", David said, turning me around and stepping in behind me.

David held my hands out to the side, making them move in synch with his, while pressed himself closer to me,

"Just feel the way I'm moving and let your feet go with your hips."

It was almost as though I was watching David and I from outside my body. Our hands and arms moved together, and I could see him swaying behind me. I was aware of his crotch being pressed up against me ass. His right hand left mine and he placed it on my hip. I could feel him using his hand to put some gentle pressure on me to make me move. I was beginning to sweat. From dancing. From both of us heating up his room. From his body pressed against mine.

This was an entirely new experience for me. I couldn't call it sexual, although it was definitely having an arousing effect on me. This was unlike my time with Ken. It wasn't until later that the words sensual or erotic came to mind.

I'm not sure how long we'd been dancing when David turned me back around to face him.

"I like you", David said, looking directly into my eyes.

"You ...?" I replied, not sure that I'd heard him correctly.

"I like you", David repeated, pulling me into him and leaning in to kiss me on the side of my neck.

"I ... uhm ... oh", was all I could get out.

I felt dizzy as David continued to nuzzle my neck, then kissing my cheek and finally letting his lips graze against mine. The music had stopped, but we were still swaying slowly with our bodies pressed tight together. My lips began to respond to David's. As we kissed I became aware of two things: my erection had returned with a vengeance, throbbing inside my shorts with every beat of my heart; and, David's erection was pressing hard against me. We were grinding as we swayed, and our kissing became more intense, almost frantic as our lips parted and our tongues fought their way into each other's mouths.

David's right hand cupped the back of my head, holding me as though I had any intention of pulling away. His other hand, that had been pressed into the small of my back, slid over my hip and then between us, rubbing my cock through the front of my shorts. I groaned into his mouth.

I was afraid that the intensity of the situation combined with my lack of a morning jerk would cause me to quickly blow my load into my briefs. David seemed to sense the orgasmic tension that was building in my body. He pulled his head away from mine and both of his hands went to my hips, grasping the hem of my shirt and pulling it up and off over my head. Much as I had tried to mimic David's movements while we were dancing, I pulled his shirt off. As his arms were up, I could see he had thick patch of hair in his pits, unlike mine which were still mostly bare. The musky scent of his pits excited me causing my dick to twitch; I knew my briefs were getting wet from the flowing precum.

David let his hands float over my chest and stomach; despite the heat building in the room, it gave me goose bumps and made my nipples erect. I let my hands roam across David's body; as I had expected, his build was slim but both his chest and stomach were very well-defined. I could feel the steely hardness of his nipples as my fingers ran across them.

David leaned in and we resumed kissing, letting our naked torsos press against each other. My hand slid down and rubbed across the front of David's pants; even behind his jeans its length and girth felt impressive. David pulled back and looked me in the eyes as he reached down to open my shorts; no words were spoken as I mimicked his move. As David's pants came down, his cock pushed his briefs out obscenely, to the point that the front of the waistband no longer laid on his stomach.

David's mouth and hands moved down my torso as he knelt in front of me. I could feel myself trembling as he slowly tugged at my briefs, pulling them down to free my rock hard erection. The knob of it was shiny and slick, and a string of precum was drooling from the tip. David looked up at me and smiled as his tongue slid forward and flicked across the tip. I groaned as his tongue ran around the head and his mouth slowly engulfed it. I was already on edge, but I could feel this was pushing me over the top. I tried to warn David, and mumbled something about cumming between my moaning. I don't know if David had heard me, but he didn't miss a beat as I shot rope after rope of my hot load.

David held me in his mouth for a long time before finally pulling off.

I was somewhat embarrassed at having cum so fast, as though it was my first time. In some ways it did feel like my first time, not because I had never done anything with David, but because of the feelings of sensuality that I hadn't experienced in this way before.

"Oh shit, I'm ... sorry I didn't mean to cum ... so fast", I said as my breathing slowed.

David stood and smiled, "It's cool, I'm glad you were so excited."

He leaned in to kiss me and I could taste the remnants of my jizz on his tongue.

"That was hot Martin. I really like you. I'm glad you were biking around my house."

"And that I crashed ...", I added, smiling back at him.

As I moved to kneel in front of David, he said "You know you don't have to. It's okay if you don't."

I looked at him but continued down. I couldn't think of anything that would stop me at this point; despite having orgasmed I was still horny and not just a little curious about how big his cock would actually be when fully erect. The cotton of his briefs were soaked were the head of his cock had been trapped. I lingered before sliding his briefs off, savouring the musky scent of his crotch. As his briefs came down, more and more of his shaft came into view; it was thick, but I practically gasped when it sprang free and I saw the head. As I had seen in the washroom at the mall, it was large, and appeared even larger at this close distance. I judged that its overall length must be close to, if not a full eight inches.

I ran my tongue around the edges of the head and let it flick across the tip. David moaned and thrust his hips slightly forward; despite what he had said about me not needing to do this, he clearly wanted it. I parted my lips and let the slide over the head to the point of the ridge that separated it from the shaft. It filled my mouth and for a few minutes I concentrated my efforts on just the head. David's hand rested on my head, and I could his hand push slightly every time I let slightly more of his cock into my mouth. I think I managed to get maybe half of it in without struggling for air; deep throating was not yet a skill I had mastered. My right hand held David's ass as I licked and sucked, while he slowly fucked my mouth.

I was beginning to taste more and more of his precum flowing. My left hand was holding his proportionally large balls, and I could feel them tighten. I sensed that David was getting close.

"Ohhh fuck Martin", David said.

And then a flood of hot cum shot into my mouth and down my throat. With David's cock already filling most of my mouth, much of his load leaked back out the sides and I could feel it running and dripping off my chin. His dick continued to lurch and gush thick teen spunk; it felt like he had erupted weeks of cum into my mouth. When it stopped I tried to swallow as much as I could of what was still in my mouth. His cock slipped out of my mouth as he took a step back.

I closed my eyes and remained on my knees, not trusting that my legs would lift me right now. When I opened them, I saw that David had knelt down in front of me. His tongue lapped at my chin, cleaning off what had spilled out of my mouth.

We kissed and then parted our heads.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time", David said.

I was looking at him, trying to find words to express how I felt, but couldn't seem to find them. For the first time I could see a look of doubt cross David's face.


Next: Chapter 31: Ken and I 31

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