Ken and I Series

By G Jones

Published on Dec 4, 2017


Ken and I - Part 31

Various thoughts and emotions crossed my mind. Part of me was feeling overwhelmed by the intimacy of what we had just shared, making me want to get dressed and run out. Another part of me was flattered at David's comment, that he'd been waiting for this for a long time.

"I ... I had no idea", I started, "... I mean, we've barely gotten to know each other."

David smiled, "You just haven't noticed me until recently. We've been in lots of classes together. I probably already know lots of things about you. I know you're smart. You don't have any brothers or sisters. You've been spending more time with Ken. You're not super talkative, you're not one of the 'cool kids, you're not mean to people."

I was stunned by David's assessment of me; even though some of his observations were blunt, I knew he was just saying things exactly as he saw them. And he wasn't wrong. His having taken notice of Ken and I was probably most surprising; I didn't think anyone at school would've been aware of that.

"How ... how do you know all of that?"

"I pay attention, I see things. I know people think I'm weird. It's ok. I like watching things; watching people. Like you and Ken. All of a sudden you guys were walking to and from school together. And I've seen you guys go biking."

I managed an "Oh", and wondered what else he'd observed. If he knew more, he didn't say it, for which I was grateful. It wasn't something that I was prepared to discuss with him. I started to feel a bit awkward; we were still kneeling, our shirts off and our softening dicks hanging out. Almost at the same time we stood to get dressed, although I was sure that David was doing it because it made sense to get dressed, not because he felt awkward. I had the impression that he wouldn't know what awkward felt like. I couldn't help but watch as David pulled up his briefs; even though I'd seen it soft before, it's impressive size still held my fascination.

"I uh ... I guess I should get going." I said, not sure what else to do with David at this point.

"Okay", David said, "But you'll come back sometime. We can listen to more music. And I'd like to be naked with you again. We could do more together."

It didn't seem to be a question for David as to whether I'd be back or not. And I knew he was right; I would be back. I was trying to reconcile how this would all play out with Ken; what would I tell him. Would I tell him? It was one thing to have done it with Daryl and told him about it; Daryl didn't live anywhere near so it wasn't like we'd all run across each other regularly. But Ken, David and I would see each other at school. Even Jamie was going to start attending our school. If I told Ken, would it be awkward between us? Would I have to tell David about Ken?

And I wasn't entirely sure what David had meant by doing more together; if he meant what I thought, it made me nervous. Despite my increasing curiosity about feeling a cock inside of me, I couldn't quite imagine that David's would fit, at least not in a pleasurable way.

"Yeah, uhm, okay", I said as I started to head for the stairs.

David followed me down and out into the yard and backlane, and watched as I mounted my bike.

"Try not to run into anything on the way home." David smiled and laughed.

I laughed too, thankful that it seemed to ease some of the tension I was feeling, "Okay. If I do, I'll call you and you can come and uhm ... fix me up."

I wasn't exactly sure why I'd said that, but David just smiled and nodded before heading back inside. I biked around for a while before heading home. I was still trying to process my experience with David.

It was early afternoon by the time I got home. I mumbled something in response to my mom's greeting and headed to my room. I flopped down on my bed, feeling worn out from the excitement of the morning. I must've fallen asleep; mom woke me and told me it was time for dinner.

"Are you okay?" mom asked as I sat at the table.

"I'm fine, I was just tired from biking I guess", I said.

"Where'd you go?"

"Nowhere really", I said, leaving out my stop at David's, ".... just rode around."

"Did Ken go with you?"

"No, Ken and Jamie are sick so they're stuck at home."

"What's wrong with them?" dad asked.

"Oh, they've got the flu or something, Ken's mom didn't want me to get sick too so I didn't see them."

"Well, that's probably a good idea."

"You know you're on your own tonight, right?"


"Your mom and I are going out tonight, remember? My boss and his wife are having a few people over for drinks. I'm sure we told you."

"Yeah, probably", I said.

"Does anything stick in that brain of yours?" mom teased.

"I guess not, just the stuff that interests me", I shot back.

I think I shocked my mom at the end of dinner when I offered to clean up while they got ready to go out.

"You're cleaning up without being asked?"

"Yes ... just don't expect me to do this all the time", I laughed.

"We wouldn't dream of you being this helpful all the time", my dad laughed as they left the kitchen to get ready.

As I cleared the table and ran water into the sink to wash the dishes, a thought crossed my mind. I wondered if there was something I could use to see what it would feel like to have a dick in my ass. Even though I was alone in the kitchen, I could feel myself blush. For some reason I felt especially dirty having this thought, and I could feel my heart rate rising. As I washed the dishes, I mentally ran through all sorts of objects in my mind. Some I ruled out quickly, such as the end of a wooden spoon or the handle of a brush; I thought they might be too hard. Naturally I thought about a banana, and almost laughed out loud, but then thought that it would probably get soft and messy. When I opened the fridge to put away the leftovers, I immediately saw what I thought would be good to use: a carrot. I could choose one that wasn't too thin or too thick; it would be stiff, but still have a little flexibility. I figured if I used some Vaseline as lube, I could make it work.

My dick started to stiffen at the thought, just as I heard mom and dad coming back to the kitchen. I quickly turned and stood at the sink, pressing myself in close so that the growing tent in my shorts wouldn't be seen.

"All right then", my mom announced, "we're going to go; the number is on the fridge in case you need to call us, okay?"

"Okay mom, I'm sure I'll be fine."

"We probably won't be home until late."

"Okay, I'll be fine."

"Lock the door when we leave. And don't open the door for strangers."

"Mom, okayyy ... I'm not a little kid."

"He'll be fine", my dad jumped in, saving me from further instructions on stranger-danger, "let's go."

My dick had softened, so I turned and followed them to the door, locking it after they left. I waited until I saw their car leave the driveway before returning to the kitchen. I quickly finished the rest of the dishes. I opened the fridge and pulled out the bag of carrots. My hands trembled slightly as I sorted through them, trying to find just the right one. Too big. Too small. I finally chose one that was around seven inches long; it's thickness was relatively even with only a slight tapering to the narrow end. I stared at it, and for a moment I thought I might chicken out. I took a deep breath, put the rest of them back in the fridge, and took it to my room.

Was I really going to do this? My dick was stiffening again, and I knew the answer was yes. I stepped into the bathroom and took a piss before I was too hard to do so. I found the Vaseline in a small basket on the shelf above the toilet. I walked back to my room, and then stopped at the linen closet to grab a small towel. There was also a small hand mirror which I took, thinking that I could prop it up at the end of my bed so that I could see what I was doing.

I closed my bedroom door and laid my collection of items on the bed. Standing in front of my mirror, I began to strip off my clothes. I felt pretty good about myself; only a few spots on my forehead and if I looked hard I could swear that there was a shadow of hair forming above my upper lip. As I dropped my shirt and shorts, I still thought I was a bit too thin, but there was also a bit of muscle definition. Not like David. Or Ken. By this point my briefs were fully tented out, and I could feel the blood throbbing in my stiff prick. I pulled my briefs off as well, letting my dick bob up and down in front of me.

As I got on my bed I was both excited and nervous; I sat with the towel between my legs and propped the hand mirror against my pillow, which in turn I had propped up against the head of my bed. I held the carrot and considered what I was doing. Would it really fit? I leaned back slightly so I could see my hole; it was tightly closed. I already knew a finger would fit, and I knew that other guys fucked each other so there was no reason it shouldn't fit. Still.

I opened the jar of Vaseline and scooped some out with my fingers. I smeared it on one end of the carrot and then decided that I should also rub some on my hole. As I did, my finger slipped in with ease and I couldn't help but moan out loud. For a moment I froze and then remembered that I was alone in the house. I let my finger slide in and out a few times before letting it slip right out. Once more I looked at the carrot, nearly half it's length now glistening with greasy lube. I gripped the un-lubricated end firmly and placed the other end against my hole. Taking a deep breath, I pushed, but my body's instinct was to tense and tighten against the intrusion. I took another breath and tried to relax, pushing a bit harder this time; a short bit penetrated my ass, but it hurt and so I pulled it back quickly.

I waited a moment and tried again; once more I penetrated my ass, and once more it hurt, but I was determined and so held it there. It wasn't until later that it occurred to me that I should've have started with the thinner end; the end I was using was probably as thick as three fingers. The slight throbbing of my sphincter had diminished and so I slowly pushed some more. Once more I stopped, waiting for the pulsing to cease. Slowly I worked more and more inside, and along the way I realized that if I let my ass push slightly against the penetrating carrot that it seemed to hurt less and slide in easier. I pulled the carrot back slightly and pushed it back in.

I was watching in the mirror, fascinated that it was actually going in and out. The hurting had subsided and morphed more into pleasure. I had been holding my breath, and now let it out. I also let out a loud moan as I worked it in and out. My cock, which had softened slightly at first, was now fully stiff. It was feeling better and better, and I wondered if this is what it would feel like if Ken or David fucked me. I continued to work the carrot in my ass, exploring which angles and motions felt best. At one point I must've started rubbing it across the same spot that Ken's finger had found. Precum was leaking from the swollen head of my dick; I was barely rubbing it, instead focused on working the carrot. I was moaning loudly: I knew my parents wouldn't be home for a long time yet, but I thought that even if they'd come home right now there was no way I'd be able to stop.

Waves of pleasure were coursing through my entire body as I fucked myself harder and harder with my makeshift orange cock. I watched it slide in and out, and I knew that I wouldn't last much longer. After a few more strokes I felt a deep pulsing inside of me and my ass seemed to clamp down hard on the carrot. As I was looking down, my cock erupted with volleys of my hot teen spunk. I was surprised to find that the first several shots hit my face; my prick continued to spew jizz and I became aware of how loudly I was groaning with each contraction. Slowly my ass loosened its grip on the carrot, and I let it slide out onto the small towel as I fell back out of breath.

My breathing finally returned to normal, and I sat up. I grabbed the mirror and held it more closely between my legs. I could see that my hole was still slightly open and pulsing. I panicked slightly, wondering if I'd damaged it somehow. I was relieved to find that as the pulsing subsided, it began to close again. I picked up the carrot and examined it, still somehow amazed that it had indeed fit. I picked up the towel with my other hand and wiped the cum off my face, chest and stomach.

I stood up and was about to pull on my briefs before leaving my room when I remembered again that I was alone. A smile spread on my face, and I felt a bit naughty walking to the kitchen in the nude. I pushed the used carrot to the very bottom of the kitchen garbage; the last thing I needed was to have my mom question why I'd thrown out a perfectly good carrot. I couldn't help but laugh out loud; it had definitely been a perfectly good carrot.

As I walked back towards my room, I could feel the greasy globs of Vaseline between my cheeks. I stopped in the bathroom and used several wadded sheets of toilet paper to clean myself as best I could. I returned to my room and got dressed in my pajamas. As I did, I started thinking about Ken. And David. I thought about Jamie and Daryl as well, but I knew that it would be Ken or David that would fuck me first. Then it occurred to me that David was larger than the carrot and that had already been plenty to start with. So it would have to be Ken. For some reason that seemed right to me.

The question was when I would tell him I wanted him to fuck me.

Next: Chapter 32: Ken and I 32

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